Royal Bank Newsletter
VOL.48, No. 3 HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL, MARCH 1967 Thingsto Remember THE HISTORYOF CANADAis in the longand continuing historicinterest pertaining to Canada;(2) to "con- processionof all the people who passed this way before serve"those objects, which means to maintainobjects us and left memoriesof themselvesand theirworks in goodcondition or restorethem as far as may be and the places they knew. Remembranceof them possible;(3) to conductresearch, much of which is beinggiven a frontseat at Canada’scentennial cele- basedon thestudy collections; (4)to educateby a wide brations. varietyof means:the publicationof scientificand Museums,preserved and restoredbuildings, tell the popularworks, exhibits, guided tours, and public lec- storyof menand womenpitted against the wilderness, tures,including films. withoutconveniences or comforts, and often with little hope thatconditions would improve. Their valiant Canada’smuseums livesare shownin theirhandicrafts and documented There are, roughly,four types of museumsin by letters,deeds, grants of landand old portraits, Canada:the NationalMuseum, provincial museums, thingswhich enchant the eye and inspirethe mind. localmuseums and specialmuseums. Thesethoughts are closeto the heartsof many In the NationalMuseum the principaldisplays are Canadians.Reports have been published of somefifty recreationsof the naturalsettings of l~ndiansand museumsbeing organized as centennialprojects, nine Eskimosand of Canada’swildlife. It hasexquisitely- of themmajor new buildings.’In addition,pioneer workedand well-designeddioramas
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