The Turks in Europe (1919)
wmfni\ f/t 5 \ii'^/Mr<,'^/1''i i P 1 1, 1 f '' ' '^ li ^ ^1 THE TURKS IN EUROPE A 2 Qu'est ce que la Turqiiie ? La Turquie est le pays classique dea massacres. Son con- histoire se resume k ceci : pillages, meurtres, vols, cussions— sur toutes les echelles—revoltes, insurrections, repressions, guerres ^trangeres, guerres civiles, revolutions, contre-r^volutions, seditions, mutineries. ARsi:NE Perlant, Eternelle Turquie. " a is To murder a man is a crime ; to massacre nation a question." , Victor Hugo, 1876. THE TURKS IN EUROPE A SKETCH-STUDY BY W. E. D. ALLEN WITH A PREFACE BY BRIG.-GEN. H. CONYERS SURTEES, C.M.G., D.S.O. LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET 1919 f; All rights r«s«rved. DEDICATION To My Beloved Father— To you I dedicate this chronicle of men's savageness and meanness. To you, who brilliant so so faultless were so and simple ; your- tolerant of fault in others so self yet so ; gentle not kill a bird so kind that men that you could ; so that marvelled ; forbearing they thought you weak so that fool. ; generous they thought you You were so quick of comprehension, yet so patient of stupidity in others. You could always forgive, and always understand. Men wondered when you repaid vilest ingratitude with renewed kindness. You who so loved Music and Books and Art, and to roam in the wild places of the earth, and linger in its ancient cities, were for ever im- prisoned in an office. You began to work when to learn the best most boys begin ; you spent years of your life in drudgery, working often till mid- night.
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