Nitration of Pyridine-2,6-Diamines Nitrierung Von Pyridin-2,6-Diamine Nitrification De Pyridine-2.6-Di Amines
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Europaisches Patentamt (19) European Patent Office Office europeenpeen des brevets EP0873 314B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Intel e C07D 213/61 of the grant of the patent: 10.11.1999 Bulletin 1999/45 (86) International application number: PCT/EP96/03841 (21) Application number: 96930999.6 (87) International publication number: (22) Date of filing: 02.09.1996 WO 97/11058 (27.03.1997 Gazette 1997/14) (54) NITRATION OF PYRIDINE-2,6-DIAMINES NITRIERUNG VON PYRIDIN-2,6-DIAMINE NITRIFICATION DE PYRIDINE-2.6-DI AMINES (84) Designated Contracting States: (56) References cited: AT BE CH DE DK ES Fl FR GB GR IE IT LI LU MC DE-A- 3 920 336 US-A-4 310 671 NL PT SE • JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY, (30) Priority: 19.09.1995 NL 1001238 vol. 32, no. 2, March 1995, PROVO US, pages 585-590, XP002003030 H. RITTER ET AL.: (43) Date of publication of application: "Synthesis and reactions of dinitrated amino 28.10.1998 Bulletin 1998/44 and diaminopyridines" cited in the application • JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY, (73) Proprietor: Akzo Nobel N.V. vol. 8, 1971, PROVO US, pages 841-843, 6824 BM Arnhem (NL) XP002003031 R.L. WILLIAMS ETAL: "The chemistry of aryltetraamines. II. The synthesis of (72) Inventor: SIKKEMA, Doetze, Jacob 2,3,5,6-tetraaminopyridine." cited in the NL-6861 AT Oosterbeek (NL) application (74) Representative: Schalkwijk, Pieter Cornells et al AKZO NOBEL N.V. Patent Department (Dept. CO) P.O. Box 9300 6800 SB Arnhem (NL) DO ^- CO CO Is- 00 Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice the Patent Office of the Notice of shall be filed in o to European opposition to European patent granted. opposition a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. a. 99(1) European Patent Convention). LU Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP0 873 314B1 2 Description at all obvious, given that the dinitration as such proceeds easily and the lowyield cannot be explained just like that [0001] The invention pertains to a process for prepar- either. ing nitrated pyridine-2,6-diamines in which a pyridine- [0009] Further background includes JP Hei- 2,6-diamine is contacted with a mixture of nitric acid and s 6-22001 9, from which it is known to nitrate 2-hydroxypy- sulphuric acid. By the term pyridine-2,6-diamines are ridine with a mixture of fuming nitric acid and concen- meant, 2,6-diaminopyridine (DAP) and derivative com- trated sulphuric acid or oleum, and US 4,560,800, from pounds with substitution in the pyridine ring of either or which it is known to prepare 3,5-dinitrobenzophenone both amino groups and/or carbon atom no. 4 (C-4). by nitrating benzophenone and a mixture of nitric acid [0002] The resulting 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyridine 10 and oleum. In H.H. Licht et al., Int. Annu. Conf. ICT (DADNP) is a suitable starting material for the manufac- (1993), 24th (Energetic Materials: Insensitivity and En- ture of monomers for rigid rod polymers such as de- vironmental Awareness), 6-1/6-8, DADNP is made by scribed in WO 94/25506 (reduction of the two nitro nitrating DAP with nitric acid and concentrated sulphuric groups produces the desired tetra-amine). DADNP can acid in a number of steps. also be used as an insensitive (safe) explosive and as 15 [001 0] The finding that nitration with oleum gives a su- a multifunctional organic reagent. prisingly higher yield, well in excess of 90%, may lead [0003] The nitration of DAP by having it react with a one to surmise, without wishing to be bound by this the- mixture of nitric acid and sulphuric acid is known from ory, that it was the exclusion of water which led to re- DE 39 20 336. The drawback to this process is that it duced degradation by hydrolysis of the nitration prod- gives a DADNP yield of not more than 50% of theory. 20 ucts which were easy to form as such. In this connection [0004] Another disclosure of the nitration of DAP by the invention also relates to the nitration reaction of py- reacting it with a mixture of sulphuric acid and nitric acid ridine-2,6-diamines in which a pyridine-2,6-diamine is is Williams et al., J. Heterocyclic Chem., 8, 841-843 contacted with a nitrating agent in the form of a mixture (1 971 ). Williams discloses the use of concentrated sul- of nitric acid and sulphuric acid, but where the presence phuric acid and a small amount of 90% nitric acid. Yield 25 of water is countered in a different fashion, e.g., by car- data other than for crude product are not given. rying out the reaction in an inherently anhydrous medi- [0005] Further background art is Ritter et al., J. Hete- um (i.e., a medium where the released water is trapped rocyclic Chem., 32, 585 (1995), which mentions the ni- by a compound which is more strongly hygroscopic than tration of DAP using nitric acid and indicates the occur- the nitration product formed during the reaction), e.g., rence of by-product formation. 30 in the presence of polyphosphoric acid, diphosphorus [0006] In view of the above it is desired to come up pentoxide, acetic anhydride, and the like. with a DAP nitration process which will produce a higher [0011] The process according to the present invention yield and so offer greater economic advantage as well is preferably carried out in oleum having a sulphur triox- as making for lower amounts of waste material. ide concentration of 20 to 65%. The sulphur trioxide per- [0007] The invention therefore has for its object to pro- 35 centage does not have any real effect on the results. vide an economic process by which pyridine diamines The use of 20%-oleum is preferred for practical reasons. can be nitrated with good yield of neat product, without According to the present invention, it is possible to use substantial by-products. To this end the invention con- oleum as commercially available. Alternatively, use may sists of a process of the known type mentioned in the be made of concentrated sulphuric acid with 20% or opening paragraph in which the sulphuric acid used is 40 65%-oleum added thereto to obtain the desired fuming fuming sulphuric acid. By fuming sulphuric acid is meant sulphuric acid concentration. Theoretically, it is possible according to the invention: over 100%-sulphuric acid to start from less concentrated sulphuric acid and to add (actually, a solution of sulphur trioxide in 100% sulphuric a larger quantity of sulphur trioxide, but in so far as free acid which is also known as oleum). sulphur trioxide can be handled at all, it is preferred not [0008] It should be noted that nitration with a mixture 45 to do so for practical reasons. The final concentration of of nitric acid (usually 100% nitric acid) and oleum as the (fuming) sulphuric acid exceeds 100% and is pref- such is known. However, it cannot be derived from the erably 104,5 to 114,5%. background information that this specific mixture is ca- [0012] Preferably, the nitric acid used in the process pable of solving the above-described problem. For in- according to the invention is concentrated (over 95%), stance, US 4,310,671 discloses the nitration of so more preferably still, 100% nitric acid is employed. 2,6-dichloropyridine in oleum. 2,6-dichloropyridine ni- When lower concentrations of nitric acid are used, it is tration and DAP nitration cannot be compared. This is preferred to employ oleum having a high sulphur trioxide clear, int. al., from the fact that with DAP it is a question content. The favourable effect of this is that on conclu- of dinitration, while 2,6-dichloro-pyridine is subject only sion of the nitration reaction the sulphuric acid is still vir- to a mono-nitration reaction. Moreover, the 2,6-dichlo- 55 tually free of water. The most favourable results are ropyridine nitration is achieved only with difficulty, so it achieved when the fuming sulphuric acid has a concen- is not surprising that, in general, a powerful nitrating tration of more than 104% (which corresponds to 20%- agent is selected. In the case of DAP this option is not oleum) and the nitric acid has a concentration of more 2 3 EP0 873 314B1 4 than 97%. The resulting slurry was filtered off and stirred into 1 I of [0013] It is preferred to use not more than 2,1 moles ice/water; the new precipitation was filtered off, washed of nitric acid per mole of DAP and to carry out the reac- three times with water, and dried for 30 hours at 50°C tion at a temperature of less than 30°C, preferably be- and 1 mbar to give a yield of 150,67 g of product, 82,5%. tween 15° and 25°C. If during treatment the nitrated 5 It should be noted that this yield of 82,5% in the synthe- product precipitates because the intensely acidic medi- sis indicates the presence of virtually all of the theoret- um is diluted with water, it is recommended to keep the ical amount of nitration product in the reaction mixture. contact time between the reaction product in solution This was confirmed with the aid of a comparable meth- and the water as brief as possible (preferably less than anol filtrate: the precipitation with methanol of a sample 5 seconds), and maintain a low temperature during said 10 of pure nitrated product (DADNP) in 1 00% sulphuric ac- contact (preferably less than 25°C).