City & District Council Comhairle Chathair Dhoire & Cheantar an tSratha Báin

Derry Cittie & Stribane Destrlck Cooncil

9th Mayor November2015 Councillor ElishaMcCallion

Dear Sir / Madam

It is with great pleasure that I, as Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, enthusiastically endorse Council’s commitment to securing status as a member of Phase VI (2014-2018) of the World Health Organisation’s European Healthy Cities Network.

Both Derry City and Strabane District Council, as the elected City Administration, and Derry Healthy Cities are committed to the overarching goals for this phase of designation in relation to Tackling Health Inequalities and Promoting City Leadership and Participatory Governance for Health.

I can confirm that we willdedicate the necessary resources, including the annual financial contributions for all of Phase VI (2014-2018), and willwork with local organisations to meet the goals and requirements set out for Phase VI.

We are keen to learn from other cities and are willingto actively participate in the

WHO European Network and Sub-Network meetings as and when required. I also give my personal commitment, as Mayor of Derry City and Strabane, to participate in meetings of Mayors.

As a public sector organisation, Derry City and Strabane District Council is accountable to the local community and to government for its actions and resources. Ongoing monitoring, evaluation and transparency are integral to our work. Council would, therefore, fully support the external monitoring and evaluation of the project by the World health Organisation.

I hope you will look favourably on our application for membership to Phase VIWho European Healthy Cities Network and look forward to the pending decision.

Yours sincerely,

Councillor Elisha McCallion

Mvrr —- Straoane Mayors Parlour Guthán/Telephone: +44 (0) 2871 253 253 CIo Mayor’s Office C/o Mayors Office Guildhall R-phost/E-mail: mayor-©derrycityandstrabanedistrict.corrl Council Offlces Council Offices Derry 98 Strand Road 47 Derry Road 8T48 6DQ II Derry City & Strabane District Council Derry Strabane BT48 7NN BT82 BDY £1 @dcsdcouncil