Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017 DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-533-1-57


A. Meinel1, F. Lotte2, M. Tangermann1

1Brain State Decoding Lab, Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools, Dept. of Computer Science, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany, 2Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest / LaBRI, Talence, France E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: Robust methods for continuous brain state maximally different between classes. While the CSP decoding are of great interest for applications in the field algorithm proved very efficient and has become a gold of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). When capturing standard in BCI, it is sensitive to noise, non-stationarity brain activity by an electroencephalogram (EEG), the and limited data. To address these limitations, various Source Power Comodulation (SPoC) algorithm enables regularized variants of CSP have been proposed making to compute spatial filters for the decoding of a con- this algorithm effectively more robust [5], [6], [7]. Typ- tinuous variable. However, as high-dimensional EEG ically, these approaches inject prior knowledge into the data generally suffer from low signal-to-noise ratio, CSP objective function, e.g. in the form of regularization the method reveals instabilities for small data sets and terms. The regularization approaches try to guide the is prone to overfitting. We introduce a framework for optimization process towards good solutions, despite applying Tikhonov regularization to SPoC by restricting noise and non-stationarities. the solution space of filters. Our findings show that However, not all BCIs are based on classification meth- additional trace normalization of covariance matrices ods. Several brain signal decoding problems require is a necessary prerequisite to tune the sensitivity of regression techniques to estimate continuous rather than the resulting algorithm. In an offline analysis on data discrete mental states. For instance, BCIs can be used of N = 18 subjects, the introduced trace normalized to estimate continuous workload levels [8] or reaction and Tikhonov regularized SPoC variant (NTR-SPoC) time from oscillatory activity [9]. As for classifica- outperforms standard SPoC for the majority of individ- tion techniques, regression models can also significantly uals. With this proof-of-concept study, a generalizable benefit from the use of spatial filters. Thus, Dahne¨ et regularization framework for SPoC has been established al. proposed the Source Power Comodulation (SPoC) which allows for implementing different regularization algorithm, which can be seen as an extension of CSP to strategies in the future. regression problems [10]. Indeed, SPoC aims at finding spatial filters such that the power of the filtered EEG INTRODUCTION signals maximally covaries with a continuous target variable. Designing electroencephalography (EEG)-based Brain- Computer Interfaces (BCIs) require translating EEG Due to similar mathematical formulations, CSP and signals into messages or commands for an applica- SPoC share a number of pros and cons. Both algorithms tion, e.g. by converting EEG activity recorded during can deliver informative oscillatory signal features but imagined hand movements into cursor movements [1]. are prone to noise, non-stationarity and limited data. In most current BCIs for communication and control, However, while robust variants of CSP have been pro- this is typically achieved using and posed based on regularization approaches [5], there are classification algorithms [2]. During online use, EEG no such robust variants for SPoC. Hence, this leaves signals are then assigned to a discrete set of classes SPoC with sub-optimal performances when used on (e.g. left or right hand imagined movements). noisy data such as those encountered outside laboratories A widely used component for effective classification for practical BCI use. In this paper, we aim at addressing of EEG signals is spatial filtering [3]. Addressing this limitation. In particular, we present a novel method volume conduction effects, spatial filter methods esti- to apply Tikhonov regularization to the existing SPoC mate sources, whose signals are more different between algorithm. We show how this regularization approach classes than signals obtained at the sensor level. The combined with appropriate normalization can indeed most popular spatial filter algorithm to classify oscilla- outperform the basic SPoC approach. We also illustrate tory EEG activity is the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) the impact of various regularization parameters on the algorithm [3], [4]. It aims at finding filters such that resulting oscillatory components. the spatially filtered signals have a variance (and thus The reminder of this paper first presents in detail the a band power in narrow-band filtered signals) that is original SPoC algorithm and the regularized variant we Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017 DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-533-1-57 propose. Then it presents an evaluation of these two strategy [13], [14]. The penalty is expressed by a prior methods on real EEG data sets for motor performance that restricts the possible solution space. In this paper, prediction, before discussing the results. we assign a quadratic penalty term P (w) = w>1w = 2 kwk with 1 ∈ RNc×Nc stating the . As MATERIALS AND METHODS this penalty scales with the spatial filter , solutions 1) Source Power Comodulation (SPoC): Supervised with small weights are preferred. Overall, the penalty spatial filtering algorithms are widely used in EEG- term is added to the denominator with a regularization BCI applications. Those filters represent a linear trans- parameter α leading to the following maximization formation to project the multi-variate EEG data to a problem: lower dimensional subspace. This work focuses on the w>Σ w J (w) = z (3) Source Power Comodulation algorithm (SPoC; [10]) P w>[(1 − α)Σ + α1]w which optimizes a spatial filter by solving a linear avg regression problem. This formulation is known as Tikhonov regularization In the following, x(t) ∈ RNc describes the time course (TR, [15]) and has similarly been established for the of the multivariate bandpass-filtered EEG data acquired CSP algorithm [5]. Directly solving Eq. 3 refers to SPoC with Tikhonov regularization (TR-SPoC) in this paper. from Nc sensors. In accordance with the generative model of the EEG [11], a spatial filter w ∈ RNc de- In case of an extreme regularization expressed by α = 1, scribes the linear projection of the sensor space data x(t) the Rayleigh quotient in Eq. 3 collapses to the one of to a one-dimensional source component sˆ(t) = w>x(t). the Principal Component Analysis (PCA, [16]). The Rayleigh quotient in Eq. 2 and 3 relates two Translating x(t) into segments of Ne single epochs Nc×Ns sample covariance matrices. In order to control for their x(e) ∈ R with Ns sample points per epoch, then SPoC learns a spatial filter w such that the band- relative scaling, a normalization by the trace might be a 0 power Φ(e) = Var[ˆs(e)] of sˆ has maximal covariance suitable strategy [4], [17], e.g. Σ (e) = Σ(e)/tr(Σ(e)). with a given epoch-wise univariate target variable z(e). Trace normalization will be applied to Σ(e) and Σavg Formally, this translates to maximizing the objective entering Eq. 3, but not upon Σz as the z-weighting function shall be maintained. This version of the algorithm will be stated as normalized Tikhonov regularization > J1(w) = Cov[Φ(e), z(e)] = w Σzw (1) of SPoC (NTR-SPoC). Applying the same scheme of by defining a z-weighted averaged trace normalization to the standard SPoC algorithm (Eq. 2), will be referred to as trace-normalized SPoC Σz := hΣ(e) z(e)i based on the trial-wise spatial co- −1 > (TN-SPoC). variance Σ(e) = (Ns − 1) x(e) x(e). h.i defines the average across N epochs. Furthermore, a norm con- e 3) Data Set for Offline Evaluation: To evaluate straint on w is applied by setting J (w) = Var[ˆs(e)] = 2 the introduced regularization algorithms, data of 18 w>Σ w =! 1 Σ = hΣ(e)i avg , where avg describes the subjects performing a visuomotor hand force task was averaged covariance matrix. Overall, this translates to used. The paradigm allowed to derive a trial-wise motor the Rayleigh quotient of the original SPoCλ formula- performance metric [18], [9]. Each subject completed tion [10]: one session with 400 trials. Within each trial, a ”get- J w>Σ w J(w) = 1 = z (2) ready” interval preceded a ”motor execution” phase J w>Σ w 2 avg which was initiated by a clear go-cue. EEG signals Technically, maximizing J(w) can be solved as a were used to predict the trial-wise reaction time (RT) generalized eigenvalue problem and returns a set of the motor task based on the time interval [-800, (j) {w }j=1,..,Nc of Nc spatial filters with j indexing the -50] ms prior to the go-cue. EEG activity was acquired which is determined in descending order of the by multichannel EEG amplifiers (BrainAmp DC, Brain eigenvalues and thereby according to the covariance. Products) with a sampling rate of 1 kHz from 63 passive Spatial filters allow for a visual interpretation Ag/AgCl electrodes (EasyCap) placed according to the by estimating the corresponding activity pattern extended 10-20 system. After preprocessing and outlier a = Σavgw as highlighted by Haufe et al. [12]. rejection following the methods described in [9], we restricted our analysis to oscillatory features within the 2) Tikhonov Regularization: The SPoC objective alpha-band frequency range of [8, 13] Hz. The bandpass function directly builds upon sample covariance matrices was realized applying a zero-phase butterworth filter of Σz and Σavg as stated by Eq. 2. Their estimation is 6th order. The number of data points Ne remaining after very sensitive to noisy data, with small training data outlier removal varied across the 18 subjects, ranging sets and a high dimensionality aggravating the problem. from 142 to 352 trials. In summary, the following Finally, poorly estimated covariance matrices will not evaluation is based upon RT as a trial-wise continuous describe the intended neural processes well and thus target variable ztrue, which we aim to predict utilizing mislead the spatial filter optimization. To overcome this, the individual oscillatory bandpower features of the regularization by adding a penalty term P (w) to the ob- pre-go EEG activity. jective function’s denominator is a common mitigation Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017 DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-533-1-57

4) Evaluation Scheme: In an offline analysis, we evaluated the proposed algorithms NTR-SPoC and TR- SPoC w.r.t. the regularization parameter α by varying its value in the range {0; [10−8, 100]}. Overall, 40 discrete, logarithmically spaced evaluation points were chosen. At each α-value the following K = 10-fold chronological cross-validation (CV) scheme was applied: (j) First, the spatial filter set {w }j=1,..,Nc was gained on training data xtr and the first Nf = 4 highest ranked components selected. Second, a model with coefficients {βj}j=0,..,Nf was trained upon (j) the bandpower features Φj,tr = Var[wtr xtr]. Finally, those coefficients were used to predict the trial-wise Figure 1. Sensitivity analysis wrt. the regularization target variable zest(e) using the bandpower features strength for TR-SPoC and NTR-SPoC. (A) Averaged (j) Φj,te(e) = Var[wtr xte](e) of unseen test data xte: z-AUC performance is reported as grand average (GA)

Nf across all 18 subjects (solid line) and for five good X subjects (dashed line). (B) Standard deviations of the zest(e) = β0 + βjΦj,te(e) (4) j=1 corresponding averages are depicted. For comparison, the displayed performance at α = 0 corresponds to the z In order to compare the estimated est with the true non-regularized SPoC versions. motor performance ztrue, different metrics can be calculated [9]. For simplification, we focused on a single evaluation metric only. Per data set, the evaluation displayed in Fig. 1. For each α, the z-AUC is reported as was carried out by transferring the continuous labels a grand average (GA) across all 18 subjects (solid lines). z into a two-class scenario according to the 50th true For an individual subject, the impact of the regulariza- percentile of z . This enabled the utilization of the true tion may depend upon the initial performances obtained receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve which is with basic SPoC. Hence, we decided to separately report calculated upon the estimated target variable z given est the performance for five good subjects (dashed lines). the true two-class labels [19]. As ROC performance They were selected as the subjects with the best SPoC can be reduced to a scalar value by calculating the performance values z-AUC(SPoC) > 0.55. However, area under the ROC curve (AUC), we will name this as the absolute best subject with z-AUC(SPoC) = 0.77 metric z-AUC as it characterizes the separability of the represents a very strong (positive) outlier compared to estimated target variable z . est the full set of 18 subjects, it was not included into this group. (compare with Fig. 2) 5) Selection of Regularization Parameter: To esti- mate the future performance of the proposed algorithms, For TR-SPoC, an increased regularization strength pa- we compared two alternative selection strategies in order rameter does not affect performance within a wide −8 −3 to determine a suitable regularization parameter α for range of 10 < α < 10 . While even stronger opt −1 0 each subject. regularization with values of 10 < α < 10 sightly First, a leave-one-subject-out (LOSO) cross-validation improves the grand average performance, it comes at the was applied by determining the regularization parameter cost of a higher (see Fig. 1(B)). αopt based on the grand average z-AUC across Nsub −1 The situation looks different for NTR-SPoC as three subjects, calculated for the 40 evaluation points of α. major effects can be observed when increasing regu- Second, αopt was selected by a subject-wise nested larization strength controlled by α. Within the range K = 10-fold chronological CV. The inner CV served 10−8 < α < 10−6, the performance remains on a for estimating the individually optimal regularization stable level. Enlarging the regularization strength to −6 −2 parameter αopt among 10 logarithmically scaled values 10 < α < 10 , the performance increases (two ranging from α ∈ [10−6, 10−2]. In comparison with local maxima) with best average performance obtained the LOSO scheme, we chose fewer α values for at α = 1.4 · 10−5. Extreme regularization expressed by computational reasons. The value maximizing the α > 10−2 results in a drastic drop of performance. The z-AUC metric was selected and applied to the outer standard deviation of the reported performance means CV in order to train the respective spatial filtering constantly remain on a high level, indicating that the algorithm and the linear regression model. sensitivity wrt. the regularization parameter α varies strongly across subjects. In Fig. 1, the effect of trace normalization upon per- RESULTS formance can be evaluated for α = 0, which describes Sensitivity to Regularization Parameter: The sensitiv- the absence of any regularization. Thus, the performance ity of the introduced approaches TR-SPoC and NTR- reported for TR-SPoC at α = 0 corresponds to that of SPoC in terms of the regularization parameter α is standard SPoC, while α = 0 for NTR-SPoC directly Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017 DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-533-1-57

Figure 3. Effect of regularization parameter upon the Figure 2. Performance comparison of NTR-SPoC with performance and the spatial patterns for an exemplary standard SPoC, using both LOSO and individual nested subject VP9. (A) Performance of NTR-SPoC for choos- cross-validation. Each blue marker corresponds to one of ing α ∈ [10−8, 100]. (B) Corresponding activity patterns the 18 subjects. For both of the selection strategies, the along first four ranked components at the marked eval- first number reports the percentage of subjects for which uation points (a)-(i). NTR-SPoC outperforms SPoC. Percentage values given in brackets are restricted to those data points located outside the red shaded area. It encloses all subjects threshold of minimum meaningful performance at which do not reach a threshold criterion on z-AUC for z-AUCth = 0.59 (red shaded area). Details on how meaningful predictions. this threshold is determined have been reported in [9]. A two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test on the full data set yields for both selection strategies that NTR-SPoC maps to TN-SPoC. On the grand average evaluation, the achieves statistically significant higher performances performance of TN-SPoC is increased by 5 %, compared than SPoC. (The corresponding p-values obtained were −2 −3 to SPoC while the corresponding standard deviations of pLOSO = 2.2 · 10 and pNested = 1.4 · 10 .) both methods are on comparable levels. As these intermediate results show, that NTR-SPoC Effect of Regularization Upon Oscillatory Compo- effectively outperforms the non trace-normalized nents: For an exemplary subject, the effect of the reg- alternative TR-SPoC, we will restrict the evaluations in ularization strength in NTR-SPoC upon the underlying the next paragraphs to NTR-SPoC. first four ranked oscillatory components is depicted in Fig. 3. In (A) the z-AUC is reported for the different Individual Selection of Regularization Strength: In α values, in (B) the first four ranked patterns of the Fig. 2, the subject-wise performance comparison of marked evaluation point (a)-(i) are shown. As the sign NTR-SPoC to standard SPoC is reported for the two of a pattern a is arbitrary, they have been corrected to regularization parameter selection strategies LOSO and be consistent across the displayed patterns and scaled by subject-wise nested cross-validation. their norm. In Fig. 2, the circle-shaped markers report the Consistent with the results presented in Fig. 1, three individual performances obtained with LOSO. Building different α ranges can be identified for the selected upon the sensitivity analysis, for 15 out of 18 subject. The ranges can be characterized according to subjects the regularization parameter is selected as two aspects, the performance (A) and the underlying −6 αopt = 7.9 · 10 , for the remaining three subjects it spatial patterns (B). −5 was chosen as αopt = 2.4 · 10 . Those values are For very small regularization values, represented by in good accordance with the global maximum of the evaluation points (a) and (b), the performance as well as grand average performance reported in Fig. 1. The the spatial patterns are stable despite of increased α. In diamond-shaped markers correspond to the validation other words, NTR-SPoC is not sensitive for such small by individual nested cross-validation. To compare values of α. The gray shaded area in Fig. 3(A) encloses the two selection strategies, we make use of two the evaluation points (c)–(f). This range is sensitive different group . First, the overall ratio of to changes of α which is revealed by performance subjects for which NTR-SPoC outperforms SPoC is improvements as well as rank switches among the provided (72 % for LOSO and 83 % for nested CV). spatial patterns (e.g. rank #4 from (d) tracked by a In addition, the values in brackets consider only those solid red line to (f)) or even novel patterns that appear individual performances which manage to cross a among the top four ranks (e.g. rank #3 at position Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017 DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-533-1-57

(d)). In Fig. 3(B), novel patterns are marked by a CONCLUSION red circumference. Regularization beyond α > 10−2 ((g)–(i)) leads to a slight drop in performance. This is In summary, we have presented an approach to regu- accompanied by an increased number of components larize the existing SPoC algorithm using a Tikhonov among the first ranks, which display higher spatial regularization which favors spatial filter solutions with frequencies in their activation patterns. The latter small norms. Our findings show that by simply adding observation was made for most subjects and usually a penalty term to the original SPoC objective function, affected patterns of ranks 2–4. the filter solutions are insensitive to the regularization term and performance does not improve. We applied an additional trace normalization as a remedy and ob- DISCUSSION served, that it enhances the algorithm’s sensitivity for We introduced the concept of Tikhonov regularization the regularization. This enabled us to define a subject- for the SPoC algorithm. Its performance was evaluated specific operating range of the regularization and thus by applying a regression model upon the Nf = 4 top- improve the achievable performance for most subjects. ranked components. Nonetheless, this number was not This proof-of-concept study opens up future research optimized and thus leaves room for improvement. upon different regularization strategies and allows for As reported on the grand average of 18 subjects, the an in-depth characterization of data sets. pure Tikhonov regularization of SPoC (TR-SPoC) is not ACKNOWLEDGMENT detrimental for a low to medium amount of regulariza- tion. Under strong regularization the approach becomes This work was fully supported by BrainLinks- only slightly favorable in terms of performance. How- BrainTools Cluster of Excellence funded by the German ever, most strongly regularized TR-SPoC components Research Foundation (DFG), grant number EXC 1086. seemed to show less plausible patterns in the subjective For the data analysis, the authors acknowledge support opinion of the authors (data not shown here). Based on by the state of Baden-Wurttemberg¨ through bwHPC and even a full regularization parameter sweep, an operating the German Research Foundation (DFG) through grant range has neither been observed for a linear nor a no INST 39/963-1 FUGG. For some aspects of the data logarithmic spacing of α-values along different orders analysis, the BBCI Toolbox was utilized [20]. of magnitude as the Rayleigh coefficient of TR-SPoC stated in Eq. 3 is mostly insensitive to the added penalty REFERENCES term. We tackled this issue by incorporating the trace normal- [1] Millan´ J. d. 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