Castle of the Herbretais




Castle of the Herbretais

The castle dates from the late 15th and early 16th century. It was built with the blue stone of Nozay and Marsac-sur-Don.

The guided tour of the castle’s exteriors and some parts of the commons will allow you to better understand its history from 1580 to today.

Guided tour for individuals and groups

Price : 1 € per person

Hervé De TROGOFF – The Herbretais – 44170 MARSAC-SUR-DON

+33 (0)6 80 41 01 80

Alignement de la Grée Galot ADRESSE



Alignement de la Grée Galot (so called Menhirs de Galot or alignement de l’Orme d’à-haut)

Only megalithic set of Loire-Atlantique, the site is composed of menhirs aligned on the border between the municipalities of Lusanger and Sion-les-Mines.

Of the 9 original blocks, 7 have been laid down over the centuries.

According to local legend, fantastic animals would roam the night near these menhirs …

D1 a level of the place L’Orme d’en-haut – 44590 LUSANGER

+33 (0)2 40 07 83 08 [email protected]

Open all year

Free access Tour Saint Clair




The Saint Clair Tower

Only the remains of a 13th century castle, the Tour Saint-clair is the testimony that was in its time one of the strongholds of the Marches of Brittany. In 1598, the Edict of condemned the castle, then fief of the leaguers, to the demolition. The almost complete destruction was not realized immediately, as the fortress had to serve as a prison for Protestants captured during the siege of Port Louis in Morbihan. This place will then serve as a stone quarry for the Dervalese population. Explanatory panels on site.

La Bas Château – 44590 DERVAL

+33 (0)2 40 07 70 11 [email protected]

Open all year

Free access

Self-guided tour

Audio guide tour: Saint-Julien-de-Vouvantes



SERVICES Discover Saint-Julien-de-Vouvantes: its church, its old houses, its wash house and its fountains by borrowing a free audio-guide at the Tourist Office Intercommunal or the town hall of Saint-Julien-de- Vouvantes!

Thanks to this circuit of 13 stations, the history of Saint-Julien-de-Vouvantes will have no more secret for you.

Download the circuit map : plaquette Saint Julien

(Only in french)

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

Audio guide tour : Heart of Châteaubriant



SERVICES Audio guides to visit the heart of the city in complete freedom!

The Tourist Office has equipped audio-guides and tablets to allow visitors to discover the city from the digital angle.

You will visit the heart of Ville Guided by voice, which will take you from the House of the Angel, to the Place de la Motte through the Church of St. Nicholas or the Market Hall. A visit in complete freedom where you just have to look up and walk while listening to the guide.

(Only in french)

Introduction Station 1 : Porte des Champs place Charles de Gaulle Station 2 : Porte St Michel rue du Château Station 3 : Croisement rue du Château et Grande rue Station 4 : N°21 Grande rue Station 5 : La dent creuse au n°23 Grande rue Station 6 : Hôtel de la Houssaye au n°29 Grande rue Station 7 : Maison à encorbellement au n°38 Grande rue Station 8 : Halles en bois Station 9 : Jardin des remparts rue Basse Station 10 : Le pont Saint Jean Station 11 : Le moulin de Couéré rue Pasteur Station 12 : Escalier à vis rue Basse Station 13 : Venelle à côté du passage Sophie Trébuchet Station 14 : Maison de l'Ange rue de Couéré Station 15 : Passage Sophie Trébuchet Station 16 : Eglise St Nicolas Station 17 : Verrière rue Joseh Hervouët Station 18 : Tour du Four Banal Station 19 : Place de la Motte Station 20 : Porte Neuve ou Porte Saint Nicolas Station 21 : Marché Couvert rue Aristide Briand Station 22 : Hôtels particuliers rue Aristide Briand Station 23 : Ancien hôtel des Postes et actuel Office de Tourisme

For a free listening, you can also download the tracks of the ride :

« Introduction »

« Station 1 »

« Station 2 »

« Station 3 »

« Station 4 »

« Station 5 »

« Station 6 »

« Station 7 »

« Station 8 »

« Station 9 »

« Station 10 »

« Station 11 »

« Station 12 »

« Station 13 »

« Station 14 »

« Station 15 »

« Station 16 »

« Station 17 »

« Station 18 »

« Station 19 »

« Station 20 »

« Station 21 »

« Station 22 »

« Station 23 » The Menhirs of Louëres




Listed as a historic monument since 1928, this Neolithic-style menhir now isolated, would have been part of an alignment. This presence, added to the discovery of a hammer ax, confirms the ancient settlement of Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux.

Possibility to park in the parking lot of the sports field and take the path behind the sports hall.

Opening: Free and free access every day.

Address: Menhir Street

Phone number : 02 40 28 47 13 – [email protected] –

Caratel’s castle ADRESSE



Caratel’s castle

Castle’s Caratel (ISMH), located , was built in 1650 in its current overall composition, that is to say half of the seventeenth century, time when prior building, probably from the sixteenth century, were profoundly modified.

Opening hours and prices : from the 1st to 24th July & from 1st to 24 th of September from 9 am to 12am & from 3.30 pm to 7pm others visits on request (see contact)

Price : 1€/person (+ leaflet = 2 €)

CONTACT : +33 (0)6 81 99 53 50

The Church of St John the Baptist in Béré




The Church of St John the Baptist in Béré

The oldest church in the department

Built in the 11th century, not far from the Brients‘ fortress and the Saint-Sauveur Monastery, it is a rather bare church but its Baroque altarpiece (17th century) and its listed statues give it all its charm, under the watchful eye of an “Eternal Father” originating from an old altarpiece and a Sainte Rita carved by Jean Fréour in 1950 in the beam of an old cider press.


Open every day, self-guided tour.

Guided tour on booking : 3€/person for groups.


Intercommunal Tourist Office Châteaubriant-Derval Tel +33 (0)2 40 28 20 90 [email protected]

The Resistance Museum ADRESSE



A place of memory

Since its opening in 2001, the Resistance Museum tells the story of the 27 shots of Châteaubriant. Installed in the old farm at the entrance of the site, said de la Sablière, a large collection is presented, enriched continuously by many gifts.

Nearly 500 original pieces are exhibited: letters, photographs, posters, press articles, clothing, weapons, parachute, radio, bicycle.

On two levels and through three exhibition spaces, the museum invites visitors to discover the Resistance in during the Second World War.

Today we are the heirs of this story.

The association of the Friends of the Resistance Museum of Châteaubriant, in charge of the animation of the site, leads many valorization actions.

Each year, she participates in the National Contest of Resistance and Deportation (CNRD), coordinated by the Ministry of National Education, carrying out a temporary exhibition.

From October 19, 2019 until October 10, 2020, the association presents the exhibition: “1940, enter Resistance? “. Consisting of twelve panels and some objects, it is presented on the floor of the museum for a year. The Museum thus perpetuates the history and the memory of the French Resistance.

Events all year round (complete program to be found on the museum’s website)

Practical information: opening, access and prices

Free entry and animation (s) All year round free visit, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm

In July and August, from Tuesday to Saturday from 2pm to 6pm

Guided tour every Friday morning during the school holidays (duration 1h, without registration, consult the dates on the website of the museum

Reception of the groups from Tuesday to Friday (only on reservation and outside the opening hours of the museum to the public)

Closed on Sundays, Mondays and holidays

Exceptional closure for the end of year celebrations (from December 20th to January 28th, 2020 included)

Information and reservations at the museum: +33 (0) 2 40 28 60 36 / [email protected]

Parking along the road (prohibited signs at the entrance of the protected historic site, except authorized vehicle)

The Quarry of the Fusillés



SERVICES A region which played an active part during the Second World War

An area involved during the war Here in this career 27 men were shot in retaliation for the execution of German Lieutenant-Colonel Karl Hotz in Nantes by three young Communist resistance fighters.

Photo Patrice MOREL

On the same day, 21 other hostages were shot, 16 in Nantes and 5 in Mont-Valérien in the Paris region.

A first collective execution in France that will outrage the whole world, as the voices of Churchill, Roosevelt, de Gaulle and Aragon immediately testify.

The Quarry of the Rifles pays tribute to these martyrs of the first hour. Antoine Rohal’s sculpture, which overlooks the listed historic site, expresses the solidarity and courage of “Those of Châteaubriant”.

Listed as Historic Monuments, its pedestal incorporates 185 alveoli containing earth harvested from the Resistance and Deportation sites of France and Europe.

The memorial course is completed by a series of 27 stelae, portraits of these dead men for France. Today we are the heirs of this story.

The Amicale Châteaubriant Voves Rusty Aincourt, created at the Liberation on September 30th, 1945, by the families of the shot ones and the former internees, work with the valorization and the transmission of this patrimony of national interest. Owner of the quarry and the museum, she organizes every year important popular commemorations in October, closest to the anniversary of October 22nd.

Practical information: opening, access and prices

Free entry and animation (s) Site open all year round

Free visit: memory trail and information panels

Guided tour only on reservation outside the opening hours of the museum

Information and reservations at the museum: +33 (0) 2 40 28 60 36 / [email protected]

Guided tour every Friday morning during the school holidays (duration 1h, without registration, consult the dates on the website of the museum:

Parking along the road (prohibited signs at the entrance of the protected historic site, except authorized vehicle)

Motor disability: partially accessible (accompaniment systematically recommended: slopes, level ruptures).

Quarry of the Fusillés, locality of Sablière 44110 CHATEAUBRIANT

The castle of la Motte Glain




The castle of la Motte Glain

The Château de la Motte Glain was built by Pierre de Rohan, Maréchal de Gié, from the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century on the site of the old fortress of the lords of Rougé, an advanced sentinel of the Marches of Brittany facing The neighboring Anjou.

Purchased in 1635 by Philippe Le Loup, Councilor of the Parliament of Brittany, the castle has been in the same family for more than 400 years.

With the help of our cultural partners (the State, DRAC, Regional Council , Departmental Council of Loire-Atlantique, VMF, Lelièvre Foundation) we have launched major renovation works:

2015: Renovation of the Tower of the Greniers to Dîme.

2016: Renovation of the entrance Châtelet and the round path.

2017: renovation of the dormer windows of the Greniers in Dîme, renovation of the interior apartments of the Châtelet.

The castle is open for visits from June 15th to September 15th every day from 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm (except Tuesdays), and during the Heritage Days.

The castle can be rented for receptions.

Guided tour price : 7,5 € per adult / 5 € per child

Groups: all year round by booking (6 € per adult / 4 € per child)


The Motte Glain Castle La Motte Glain 44670 La Chapelle-Glain France Tel. +33 (0)6 80 95 26 43

The Medieval City of Châteaubriant




A town with such a rich past

Châteaubriant was built bit by bit from the castle to the Church of Béré. At the foot of the medieval fortress lies the heart of the old town with its half-timbered houses, corbels, towers, wall-walks, narrow streets, alleys and its 18th century buildings, which will tell you about the history of this City that has retained the contours of a walled town at the foot of the stronghold belonging to the Brients. The Grande Rue, separated from its extension, Rue de Couëré, by the magnificent wooden Covered Market, was until 1865 the main road in this medieval city. The construction of the Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall) in 1850, the Eglise Saint-Nicolas (Church of Saint Nicholas) in 1875, the cutting through for the Rue de l’Hôtel de Ville (1850 – 1870) and the arrival of the Railway (1877) would transform the appearance of this town with such a rich past. GUIDED TOURS :

For individuals :

The Old Town Audio-guide and touch pad on request

For groups :

Guided-tour on booking : 3€/person until 50 people Group of a minimum of 15 people


Mobility impairment: Partially accessible. Accompaniment routinely recommended (slopes, uneven ground).


Intercommunal Tourist Office Châteaubriant Derval 29 Place Charles de Gaulle – BP 203 44146 Châteaubriant Cedex, France Tel. +33 (0)2 40 28 20 90 [email protected]

The castel of Châteaubriant




A medieval fortress and a Renaissance building, Châteaubriant Castle tells ten centuries of history.

In the Middle Ages, the Castle of Châteaubriant is in the heart of the Marches of Brittany. It constitutes a stronghold which defends the duchy against the kingdom of France. The keep, the ramparts, the seigneurial chapel and the lodgings of the medieval court still testify to the power of this fortress. In the 16th century, the barnyard became a place of residence open on gardens.

Useful information :

Châteaubriant castle brings together:

– free and open access gardens,

– a reception-shop and an introductory multimedia space in the house of the Duke of Aumale,

– a multimedia space presenting the architectural history of the site in 3D and many other content on the castle in the large medieval house,

– a room dedicated to temporary exhibitions in the guard room of the Renaissance lodge :

Exhibition from May 22 to October 3, 2021: “Loire-Atlantique, land of treasures”:

The Dobrée Museum is exhibiting for the second consecutive year at Châteaubriant all of its monetary treasures discovered in the department for a century and a half.

Free entry, reservation required – Tuesday to Sunday / 10:30 am – 6:00 pm

Prices :

Mandatory reservation

Free visits: free entry, within the limit of the imposed gauge

Guided tours: free for children under 14 / reduced € 2 / full price € 3

Discovery tours Discover the most representative objects and coins of their time: from Prehistory to the beginning of the 20th century. A fun and participatory visit, ideal for approaching the exhibition.

Mandatory reservation

Duration: 1 hour

Visits from Tuesday to Sunday, at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Book your visit on our ticket office

Opening time


Free and open access.

January to April: every day / 8 am-6pm

From May to September: every day / 8 am-8pm

October to December: every day / 8 am-6pm

The schedules can be adapted according to the programming of the castle.

Annual closures: January 1, November 1 and 11, December 24, 25 and 31.

Dogs on a leash are allowed in the park. The owners are requested to collect the droppings of their animals.

For security reasons, the park is closed in the event of a weather alert.

Boutique reception and interpretation spaces

The Duke of Aumale’s house, the 3D space and the golden room are accessible at the following times:

February, March, April: Wednesday to Sunday / 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

May, June, July, August, September: Tuesday to Sunday / 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.-6 p.m.

October: Wednesday to Sunday / 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

November, December: weekends / 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Closures: January, November 1 and 11, December 24, 25 and 31.

Discovery tours

From February to December, follow the heritage mediators for an in-depth discovery of the castle. These visits are made outdoors only.

The Castle: This visit offers you a panorama of its history and its architecture from the Middle Ages to today, enriched with the most recent archaeological discoveries. The ideal format for a first visit to Châteaubriant castle. Reservations required – duration 1h

Book your visit on our ticket office


February, March, April, October, November and December: Saturday and Sunday 2.30 p.m. and 4 p.m.

May, June, July, August and September: Tuesday to Sunday, 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.

During school holidays (zone B) (Restricted access link)

Family visits

The art of living in the Middle Ages: A visit to the grand logis is an opportunity to explore the life of the landlords through food and tableware, hygiene and fashion as well as the comfort of buildings. The visit is available in several fun and participatory activities: each family forms a team and each participant gets a role. The upholsterer looks for the use of the rooms, the butler sets the table and the vat room finds the ingredients for beauty and hygiene products.

Reservations required – duration 1h15

Book your visit on our ticket office

Calendar July and August: Tuesday to Sunday: 11 a.m., 2 p.m.

Other appointments

Throughout the year, the life of the castle is punctuated by major events, which are all opportunities to discover the castle differently: thematic tours, shows, activities …

Castle family box

Do you feel ready? Go! A family immersion to discover the Château de Châteaubriant in a different way. A playful, participatory and sensory card game allowing an autonomous discovery time of the old fortress.

Châteaubriant Castle

Grand Patrimoine de Loire-Atlantique Place du Général de Gaulle 44110 CHATEAUBRIANT, France Tel. +33 (0)2 40 28 20 20 Fax +33 (0)2 40 28 20 28 [email protected]