Board Approves New Construction CAMPUS LIFE
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-- -- -------~- ---~~~~--~~~--~~~~~---.., THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 38: ISSUE 40 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28,2003 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Board approves new construction CAMPUS LIFE Members By MEGHANNE DOWNES News Ediwr form RA After a one-year moratorium on eonstruetion, the Board of Trustens dedded during their task force fall nweting to approve two new buildings - the Jordan !!all of SeieJH~e and By ANDREW THAGARD t h e See Also News Writer (;uglielmino "Board re-elects Family Membors of the Campus A t h I n t i e s chairman" • Life Couneil passed a resolu Conter - and page 3 tion calling for tho formation rosume con of a task foreo to invest.igatn struction on polieins and procod urns tho security/police and post associated with resident offien building. assistant training Monday. Tlw sdnnee hall will be locat The resolution passed 12 ed on Juniper Hoad in front ol' to three aftor a short debatn the Holf's Sports Heereation Above, an architect's that focused on tbe nend for Center and the 201. 71B squaro rendition of the proposed such an investigation. Aftnr root building will include 40 tho voto, mnmbers quos undergraduate sdenee labora Jordan Hall of Science. At tioned tho procedures sur tories, throe lecture halls, two left~ the location of the new rounding tho vote. classrooms and 22 faculty security building and post "This is not a threatening ol'lkos. The groundhrnaking resolution," said .I ordan c~erernony for the building will office near the Stepan Center. Bongiovanni, a member of be Saturday morning and the the CLC. "!The Student projeet should be completed by • Senate isl simply asking us, sumnwr 2006. PHOTO BY based on massive studont TIM KACMAR opinion, to look into this. see TRUSTEES/page 4 This is our purpose." CLC membor and student senator Aaron Zielinski asked for a secret ballot voto - a request that Committoo Chairman and student body '60 Minutes' editor to speak on campus vice president .Jeremy Lao denied. The vote was taken using a roll-call system that some members objected to at Dame campus. "He's one of the great legends they're particularly interested its completion on the By SHEILA FLYNN University President Father of our time in television, and I in journalism or not, would get grounds that it was not pro News Writer Edward Malloy will introduce think it's terrific that he is actu a lot out of hearing about his tocol and that knowing the Wallace, anchor and eo-editor ally adding this event to his career and what it took to get members' positions on the Hnnownnd tnlcvision journal of CBS' "60 Minutes," said schedule while he's in South him to the elite place that he issue could taint the makeup ist Mike University spokesman Matt Bend," Storin said. lie said that now is in," Storin said. of the task force. Wallaee will Sturin. Wallace will then partic Wallace is in the area as part of Wallace, now in his 36th sea "It just doesn't smell partidpate in ipate in an interview with a benefit held by the Suicide son with "60 Minutes," has right," said Father Paul a 60-minute Hobert Schmuhl, professor of Prevention Council of St. Joseph received 20 Emmy Awards, Doyle, the rector of Dillon intorview and American studies and director County. Wallace, who has bat including a Lifetime II all. audience of Notre Dame's John W. tled depression, is scheduled to Achievement Emmy, which he The issue was brought question Gallivan Program in speak Tuesday at the Indiana won this year. He is known for before the CLC earlier this and-answer Journalism, Ethics & University South Bend campus his enterprise reporting and no year after several RAs either session Democracy. Audience members about his personal experiences holds-barred interviewing tech- Wednesday will be allowed to ask questions with the disease. on the Notre Wallace at the end of the session. "I think all students, whether see WALLACE/page 9 see CLC/ page 4 Elam Golden Knights fall, land with game ball avoids By AMANpA MICHAELS News Writer No defense eould touch 1st jail titne Sgt. Mike Elliot as he carried the football for over 4,000 yards in less than three minutes during By MEGHANNE DOWNES the opening of the Oct. 1 H game News Editor against USC. But before the record books are pulled out, it should be noted that these wern A l'ormc~r Notre Dame foot hall player eonvietnd of sexual not rushing yards; rather, thoy battery in September will not were falling yards. serve jail time but was plaend As part of tho pre-game spee on two years of probation and tade, Elliot. joinod by follow must com plote 200 hours of members of the (;old eomnHmity service. Demonstration section of' the St. Josoph County Superior U.S. Army Paraehuto Team dove .ludgo Holand Chamblee deliv into tho stadium from 12,500 orod Abram I·:lam's sentence feet, chutes llying, to safely deliver the game ball on the 50- J.'riday aftnr reviewing pleas AMANDA MICHAELSfThe Observer A member of the Gold Demonstration section of the U.S. Army Parachute Team begins his free see ELAM/page 4 fall towards Notre Dame Stadium during the game against USC on Oct. 18. see USAPT/page 9 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Tuesday, October 28, 2003 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THE PAST TWO FOOTBALL GAMES? Diversity doesn't matter If I'm lying on an operating table, I don't particularly care if the man (or woman) holding the scalpel is black, white, Eskimo or Aborigine. I want the most skilled surgeon available. Makes Anne Raih Daniel Tweedall Dan McSwain Jake Hamann Krista Seidl Marita Murphey sense, right? Not if you're for affir Junior Senior Junior Junior Senior Junior mative action. Pangborn Off-Campus O'Neill Off-Campus Walsh Welsh When policy makers created "I went to the "My old room- "I got my hopes "There was "They only "USC was affirmative action practices in the beach instead mate would kill up for the USC more than one showed the last painful, but at 1960s, they were of watching the me if I said game, but now I game?" 40 seconds of least we rallied , trying to rectify · Boston College anything know I don't the Boston in Boston. past racial injus tices. Over 200 Matt Bramanti game. because he's on have to worry game back years of slavery the team., about going to home, and I and nearly a cen News Writer a bowl game., wasn't tury of Jim Crow impressed. , segregation laws put blacks at serious economic, politi cal and social disadvantages. Affirmative action was intended to undo the ill effects of racism. Now, however, affirmative action has IN BRIEF become a crusade for racial diversity. The Supreme Court upheld this imple The Filipino-American mentation, despite the equal protec Student Organization of Notre tion clause of the Constitution. Dame presents Princess Scholars at Cornell University have Emraida Kiram of the written that "the result of a law is not Philippines. The Princess will relevant so long as there is no discrim give a lecture entitled "Being lnation in its application." a Muslim in Christian What they're saying, in other words, Philippines" today at 4:15 is that if a university has a race-neu p.m. in the Hesburgh Center tral admissions policy, and the class Auditorium. A reception will ends up being 95 percent white any follow the lecture. way, so be it. Now I know a lot of people are "What do we know about thinking: "Think of how boring the Democratization and how world would be if everyone was the well do we know it?" will be same." the topic of a lecture given by Here's the problem with that argu Michael Coppedge, Fellow of ment. "Diversity" is generally meas the Kellogg Institute and mem ured by race, but race is a very poor ber of the department of polit determinant of someone's character. I'm a white guy. Knowing that, what ical science. The lecture takes place today from 12:30 to 2 can you figure out about me? Do you know my preferences in friends, reli p.m. in room C-1 03 of the gion, movies, politics, music or ice Hesburgh Center. cream? Of course not. All white people Peg Wynn, vice president of human resources at Xilinx will aren't the same, just as all black peo TIM KACMARffhe Observer ple aren't the same, all Hispanics Students hold a sign at the Oct. 18 home football game against USC in support of speak on "Corporate Values aren't the same, and all Asians aren't freshman quarterback Brady Quinn. Quinn recently started his fourth football game at Xilinx" today from 7 p.m. to the same. for Notre Dame at the game against Boston College on Oct. 25. 8:30p.m. in 141 DeBartolo. Don't get me wrong; I acknowledge that there are plenty of very diverse The Suzanne Farrell Ballet organizations that have done a lot of performs Balanchine's chore good. The United Nations, with mem OFFBEAT ography today from 7:30 to 1 0 bers from 191 countries, has been a p.m. at the Morris Performing strong force for peace and security. Toronto man is rock prize. Officers captured it with Arts Center. Student rush tick The Catholic Church emerged from paper-scissors champ Krueger, sporting a wild a looped device and put it ets are available at the door the Middle East, it has thrived in ORONTO - The cav wig and wraparound back in its crate with three for $10.