
r r r Signalling Michael J. Berridge Module 1 Introduction 1 1

Module 1 Introduction

The aim of this website is to describe cell signalling within mitter, or ), which then alters the its biological context. There has been an explosion in the activity of target cells. The latter have receptors capable of characterization of signalling components and pathways. detecting the incoming and transferring the inform- The next major challenge is to understand how cells exploit ation to the appropriate internal cell signalling pathway to this large signalling toolkit to assemble the specific sig- bring about a change in cellular activity. nalling pathways they require to communicate with each other. The primary focus is the biology of cell signalling. through electrical The emerging information on cell signalling pathways is integrated and presented within the context of specific cell Communication through electrical signals is found mainly types and processes. The beauty of cell signalling is the in excitable systems, particularly in the heart and brain. It way different pathways are combined and adapted to con- is usually fast and requires the cells to be coupled together trol a diverse array of cellular processes in widely different through low-resistance pathways such as the gap junc- spatial and temporal domains. tions (Module 1: Figure cell communication). In addition The first half of the website characterizes the compon- to passing electrical charge, the pores in these gap junctions ents and properties of the major cell signalling pathways, are large enough for low-molecular-mass such with special emphasis on how they are switched on and as metabolites and second messengers to diffuse from one off. Attention is also focused on the spatial and temporal cell to another. aspects that determine how information is encoded and distributed to precise cellular locations. The second half of the website deals with the way these different signalling Communication through chemical pathways are employed to control the history of cells signals from their birth during the process of , Cells are enclosed within a lipophilic plasma membrane, their differentiation into specific cell types to carry out which represents a formidable barrier that has to be crossed different cell functions, and finally their death through by all incoming signals. Hydrophobic , such as processes such as . Cell signalling orchestrates the hormones, can simply diffuse across this cell- all these cellular processes. Many of the same signalling surface barrier to gain access to receptors located in systems that control development come into play again to either the or the nucleus. More elaborate mech- regulate a wide range of specific processes in adult cells, anisms are required for the water-soluble stimuli (e.g. hor- such as contraction, , , proliferation, mones, and growth factors) that cannot information processing in and sensory perception. cross the plasma membrane (Module 1: Figure cell com- These examples illustrate how cell signalling pathways are munication). The basic concept of a cell signalling path- adapted and co-ordinated to regulate many different cellu- way, therefore, concerns the mechanisms responsible for lar processes. This intimate relationship between cell sig- receiving this external information and relaying it through nalling and biology is providing valuable insights into the internal cell signalling pathways to activate the sensor and underlying genetic and phenotypic defects responsible for mechanisms that bring about a change in cellular many of the major diseases. responses (Module 1: Figure cell signalling mechanism). Cell signalling is a dynamic process in that there are ON Overview of cell signalling mechanisms mechanisms during which information flows down the sig- Cells in such as us constantly communicate with nalling pathway in response to external stimuli (the green each other. This cellular discourse occurs through both arrows in Module 1: Figure cell signalling mechanism), electrical and chemical signals (Module 1: Figure cell com- opposed by the OFF mechanisms that are responsible for munication). Communication through electrical signals is switching off the signalling system once external stimuli very fast and depends upon the presence of gap junctions are withdrawn (the red arrows in Module 1: Figure cell to allow information to pass directly from one cell to its signalling mechanism). Some of these basic principles of neighbour. Communication through chemical signals is by cell signalling are explored in this introductory module, far the major form of information transfer between cells. which will also briefly outline the contents of the other One cell releases a chemical (e.g. a neurotrans- modules.

Green text indicates links to content within this module; blue text ON mechanisms indicates links to content in other modules Most signalling pathways begin with the arrival of external Please cite as Berridge, M.J. (2012) Cell Signalling Biology; cell stimuli usually in the form of a chemical signal, which doi:10.1042/csb0001001 is received by receptors at the cell periphery that

C 2012 Portland Press Limited www.cellsignallingbiology.org Licensed copy. Copying is not permitted, except with prior permission and as allowed by law. r r r Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge Module 1 Introduction 1 2

Module 1: Figure cell communication


Stimulus (e.g. Hormone, , growth factor)


Cell signalling pathway Enucl Ecyto Ecyto

Cell communication through electrical and chemical signalling mechanisms. Cells that are connected through the low-resistance gap junctions (shown on the left) can communicate rapidly with each other by passing electrical current or through the diffusion of low-molecular-mass second messengers such as cyclic AMP and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3). In the case of chemical communication (shown on the right), one cell releases a stimulus, which diffuses to a target cell that has receptors to detect the stimulus and to relay information along various cell signalling pathways to activate effectors either in the nucleus (Enucl)orcytoplasm(Ecyto).

Module 1: Figure cell signalling mechanism





Signalling Messengers pathway

Sensors and effectors


Fertilization Learning and memory

Cell proliferation Membrane excitability

Cell differentiation Metabolism Secretion Contraction

The basic principle of a cell signalling pathway. Stimuli (e.g. hormones, neurotransmitters or growth factors) acting on cell-surface receptors relay information through intracellular signalling pathways that can have a number of components. They usually begin with the activation of transducers that use amplifiers to generate internal messengers that either act locally or can diffuse throughout the cell. These messengers then engage sensors that are coupled to the effectors that are responsible for activating cellular responses. The green and red arrows indicate that cell signalling is a dynamic process consisting of ON mechanisms (green arrows) during which information flows down the pathway, opposed by the OFF mechanisms (red arrows) that switch off the different steps of the signalling pathway. as molecular antennae embedded in the plasma membrane messengers. These messengers stimulate the sensors and ef- (Module 1: Figure cell signalling mechanism). These re- fectors responsible for activating cellular responses. These ceptors then function to transfer information to a vari- ON mechanisms responsible for transmitting information ety of transducers and amplifiers to produce intracellular into the cell are counteracted by the OFF mechanisms that

C 2012 Portland Press Limited www.cellsignallingbiology.org r r r Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge Module 1 Introduction 1 3

switch off this flow of information once stimuli are with- Glutamate drawn. A related OFF mechanism is desensitiz- 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) () ation, whereby receptors lose their sensitivity to external Kisspeptin stimuli. These cell signalling pathways utilize a variety of Noradrenaline information transfer mechanisms such as diffusion, dir- Melanocortin ect protein--proteininteractions or covalent modifications, Melatonin such as protein , acetylation and nitro- Tachykinins sylation. Neurokinin A The effectiveness of information transfer is greatly en- K hanced through the spatial and temporal aspects of cell signalling pathways. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) Each cell type has a unique repertoire of cell signalling Hormones and Local Hormones components that will be referred to here as the cellular signalsome. During the final stages of development, cells Activin express a particular phenotype, and this process of dif- ferentiation includes the expression of a distinctive set of signalling components (a cell-type-specific signalsome) re- II quired to control their particular functions. These signal- Adiponectin somes have a high degree of plasticity and are constantly Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) being remodelled to cope with changing demands. Abnor- Aldosterone mal remodelling of cellular signalsomes creates signalling Atrial-natriuretic factor (ANF) defects that have great significance for the onset of many diseases. Bradykinin Signalling pathways do not operate in isolation, and a Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) key element of cellular control mechanisms is the extensive Brain-type natriuretic (BNP) cross-talk between signalling pathways. Calcitonin These highly integrated signalling mechanisms act Calcitonin -related peptide through different effectors (e.g. muscle , secretory Cardiotrophin (CT-1) vesicles, transcription factors, channels and metabolic pathways) to control the activity of cellular processes such (CCK) as development, proliferation, neural signalling, stress re- Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) sponses and apoptosis. Colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1) Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) Cell stimuli Cortistatin (CST) Cells are sensitive to an enormous variety of stimuli. Many C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) of the stimuli are hormones that come in two main types. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] Classical hormones that are released from one group of cells and enter the circulation to act on another group of Endocannabinoids cells in a separate tissue. Then there are local hormones Anandamide that usually are not dispersed through the circulation but 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) they act within a local of cells in an autocrine β-Endorphin or paracrine manner. There are a small group of cell surface Endothelin stimuli that do not leave the cell of origin but remain in (EPO) the cell surface to activate receptors on neighbouring cells Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) through a juxtacrine mechanism. Most stimuli are chemical Ftl (FL) in nature, such as hormones, neurotransmitters and growth Galanin factors. However, cells can also detect other modalities such as a wide range of sensory stimuli. In the following list, which is somewhat arbitrary, these stimuli have been -like peptide 1 (GLP-1) placed in five main groups: neurotransmitters, hormones Glucagon and local hormones, growth factors, cell-surface stimuli Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and sensory stimuli. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor Neurotransmitters (GM-CSF) (GH) ATP Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) Guanylin γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) Hedgehog (Hh) Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP)

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Incretins Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) Inhibin Tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) (IFNs) Wnt -α (IFN-α) Growth factors Interferon-β (IFN-β) Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) growth factors Ang1 -1 (IL-1) Ang2 Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Ang3 Interleukin-3 (IL-3) Ang4 Interleukin-5 (IL-5) Epidermal growth factors (EGFs) Interleukin-6 (IL-6) (AR) Interleukin-10 (IL-10) (BTC) Interleukin-21 (IL-21) (EPR) Leptin Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) (HB-EGF) β-Lipotropin γ-Lipotropin Transforming growth factor-α (TGFα) Luteinizing hormone (LH) Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) (LPA) IGF-I α-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) IGF-II β-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (β-MSH) growth factors (FGFs) γ-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (γ-MSH) (HGF) chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) PDGF-A (NGF) PDGF-B (NPY) PDGF-C -3 (NT-3) PDGF-D Neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5) Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) (NO) VEGF-A Oestradiol VEGF-B Omega-3 VEGF-C Oncostatin (OSM) VEGF-D (PLGF) Oxytocin Oxyntomodulin (OXM) Cell surface stimuli Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) CD40L Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) CD86 Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Delta Parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related peptide (PTHrP) A Peptide YY (PYY) Ephrin B Pituitary -activating peptide (PACAP) FasL Platelet-activating factor (PAF) ICOS Prolactin (PRL) Jagged Protectin D1 MHC II-antigen complex Renin RANKL Resistin Resolvin E1 Sensory stimuli Resolvin E2 Light Resolvin D1 Oxygen Odorants (Sst) Sound -1- (S1P) Tastants factor (SCF) Touch Thrombin (TPO) -stimulating hormone (TSH) Stimuli can be released from cells in many different Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) ways (Module 1: Figure formation and action of cell stim- Thyroxine (T4) uli). A number of stimuli, particularly growth factors and

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, are carried in vesicles to the cell surface where The cytokines are a diverse group of stimuli that func- they appear as a membrane-anchored cell surface stimulus tion mainly in the control of and im- that can function as such or is a precursor that is cleaved mune responses, particularly during inflammation. There by such as the ADAM proteases to release the are over 40 members of the family that seem to function soluble stimulus through a process known as ectodomain through two main receptor types (Module 1: Figure cy- shedding. Many stimuli, such as the eicosanoids,nitricox- tokines). ide (NO), ATP and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P),are There are a number of such as atrial natriur- formed within the cytoplasm and leave the cell by diffus- etic peptide (ANP), brain-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), ing across the plasma membrane. In some cases, this exit C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) and guanylin that act from the cell is facilitated by special transporters such as through the particulate guanylyl cyclases (pGCs). the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters (Module 3: There are a number of stimuli capable of opening ion Figure ABC transporters). Many stimuli are synthesized as channels (Module 1: Figure stimuli for ion channels). In large precursors, such as pro-opiomelanocortin (POMP), this case, the carries out all the signalling func- which then undergo extensive, tissue-specific processing tions. as they are cleaved into a number of individual hormones Most of the stimuli described above arrive at the cell sur- or . face through a process of diffusion. In some cases, however, Many stimuli such as hormones as neurotransmitters stimuli can be presented to receptors by special molecules. are packaged in to vesicles where they are stored before AclassicexampleistheroleofMHCIIontheantigen- being released by . These stimuli then have dif- presenting cell that binds fragments of antigen that are ferent modes of action (juxtacrine, autocrine, paracrine and then presented to the T cell receptor (Module 9: Figure endocrine), which have been defined on the basis of how TCR signalling). Another example is the role of CD14 in far they travel to reach their cellular receptor targets. presenting lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to the Toll-like re- Once these cell stimuli reach their targets they use a ceptor (TLR) (Module 2: Figure Toll receptor signalling). diverse number of cell signalling pathways to control cel- lular activity (Module 2: Figure cell signalling pathways). Juxtacrine One way of describing this diversity is to consider the Direct cell-to-cell signalling achieved by a membrane- nature of the stimuli that feed into different cell signalling anchored stimulus in one cell acting on receptors located pathways. Some signalling mechanisms are used by many in a neighbouring cell (Module 1: Figure formation and different signalling pathways, whereas other pathways re- action of cell stimuli). The following are examples where spond to a specific set of stimuli. An example of the former information is transmitted between cells through such a is the cyclic AMP signalling pathway, which was the first direct mechanism: signalling pathway to be clearly defined (Module 1: Fig- • Notch signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure Notch sig- ure stimuli for cyclic AMP signalling). The major stim- nalling). uli for this signalling pathway fall into two main classes: • Eph receptor signalling (Module 1: Figure Eph receptor neurotransmitters and hormones. They all act by enga- signalling). ging -coupled receptors (GPCRs), which use • Classical cadherin signalling (Module 6: Figure classical heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins (G proteins) to ac- cadherin signalling). tivate the amplifier adenylyl cyclase that converts ATP into • Activation of the Fas receptor (FasR) by the Fas lig- the second messenger cyclic AMP (for further details see and (FasL) as occurs during activation of the extrinsic Module 2: Figure cyclic AMP signalling). Some of the stim- pathway of apoptosis (Module 11: Figure apoptosis). uli that activate this signalling pathway belong to a group of -derived stimuli known as the eicosanoids that in- Autocrine clude the , and This is a local signalling mechanism whereby the cell that (Module 1: Figure eicosanoids). The endocannabinoids are releases a stimulus has receptors capable of responding to another group of lipid stimuli such as anandamide and 2- that stimulus (Module 1: Figure formation and action of arachidonylglycerol (2-AG). cell stimuli). An example of such an autocrine response is The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP )/diacylglycerol 3 found in blood platelets that release eicosanoids that feed (DAG) signalling pathway is also used by a very large back to influence the progress of the platelet activation number of stimuli that are mainly neurotransmitters and sequence (Module 11: Figure platelet activation). hormones (Module 1: Figure stimuli for InsP3/DAG sig- nalling). These external stimuli bind to GPCRs, which are Paracrine coupled to G proteins to activate the amplifier phospholi- Paracrine refers to a local signalling process whereby one pase C (PLC). PLC hydrolyses an inositol lipid to generate cell releases a stimulus that diffuses away to act locally on the two second messengers, InsP and DAG (for further 3 cells in the immediate neighbourhood (Module 1: Figure details see Module 2: Figure InsP and DAG formation). 3 formation and action of cell stimuli). The following are This signalling pathway is also used by other groups of but a few of the many examples of paracrine signalling stimuli such as the growth and survival factors (Module processes: 1: Figure stimuli for -linked receptors)andsome of the Wnt stimuli that control development (Module 1: • Neurotransmitters transfer information from the syn- Figure stimuli for developmental signalling). aptic ending to the postsynaptic membrane during

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Module 1: Figure formation and action of cell stimuli

Membrane-anchored stimulus Ectodomain shedding ADAM Growth factors Cytokines

Eicosanoids; NO; ATP; S1P Stimuli Hormones Neuro- transmitters

Autocrine Juxtacrine Paracrine Endocrine

Formation and mode of action of cell stimuli. Cell stimuli are released from cells through different mechanisms: membrane-anchored stimuli are released by ectoderm shedding; stimuli formed in the cytoplasm pass out across the plasma membrane; stimuli packaged into vesicles are released by exocytosis. Such stimuli have four main modes of action. Membrane-anchored stimuli on the surface can activate receptors on neighbouring cells directly (juxtacrine). Stimuli that are released from the cell can feed back to activate receptors on the same cell (autocrine); they can diffuse to neighbouring cells (paracrine); or they enter the blood stream to act on cells further a field (endocrine).

neuronal information transfer (see Step 3 in Module 10: Endocrine Figure kinetics of ). During endocrine signalling, the stimulus released from • Acetylcholine (ACh) released from motor neurons trig- one cell enters the blood stream to be carried around gers excitation--contraction coupling in skeletal muscle the body to act on cells carrying the appropriate recept- (Module 7: Figure skeletal muscle E-C coupling). ors. There are numerous examples of how cellular activ- • Release of chemokines controls neutrophil ity is regulated through such endocrine control mechan- during inflammatory responses (Module 11: Figure in- isms: flammation) and the migration of haematopoietic stem • cells (HSCs) in the bone barrow (Module 8: Figure bone During the operation of the metabolic energy network, marrow). endocrine cells such as the insulin secreting β-cells and α • The H2O2 released from wounds during wound healing glucagon-secreting -cells release insulin and glucagon may function as a paracrine signal to attract leucocytes. respectively to alter the metabolic activity of liver and • Release of nitric oxide (NO) to control muscle cells (Module 7: Figure metabolic energy net- cells through the nitric oxide (NO)/cyclic GMP sig- work). • nalling pathway (Module 2: Figure NO and cyclic GMP During the control of food intake and body weight, signalling). various endocrine cells in the gut release gut hormones • Release of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P),which that alter the activity of the neural circuits that control is released from endothelial cells as part of the the feeding and satiety centres in the brain (Module 7: sphingomyelin signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure Figure control of food intake). sphingomyelin signalling) controls the activity of peri- cytes (Module 9: Figure signalling). Ectodomain shedding • Release of the growth factor platelet-derived growth Many cell stimuli such as growth factors and cytokines factor B (PDGF-B) from tip cells during angiogenesis are released from cells through a process of ectodomain acts locally to control the proliferation of pericytes shedding (Module 1: Figure formation and action of cell (Module 9: Figure angiogenesis signalling). stimuli). The precursor of the growth factor is inserted • ATP and acetylcholine (ACh) released from globus cells into the surface membrane and is then cleaved by pro- act locally to excite sensory nerve endings during O2 teases to release the extracellular region as shown for the sensing by the carotid body (Module 10: Figure carotid (EGF) stimuli (Module 1: Fig- body chemoreception). ure EGF stimuli and receptors). The different members of

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Module 1: Figure EGF stimuli and receptors


Epidermal growth factor stimuli


Heparin-binding domain

TK TK TK TK ADAM Pro-AR Pro-TGF domain Pro-EGF Pro-HB-EGF Pro-BTC X Pro-EPR ErbB-1 ErbB-2 ErbB-3 ErbB-4 (HER1 (HER2 (HER3) (HER4) EGFR) Neu)

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) family of stimuli and their receptors. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimuli precursors are located in the plasma membrane and are then cleaved by proteases, such as the ADAM proteases. The soluble growth factors then act on two of the main EGF receptor types. AR, amphiregulin; BTC, betacellulin; EPR, epiregulin; HB-EGF, heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor; TGFα, transforming growth factor-α.

the EGF family are transported to the plasma membrane the leukotrienes begins with the enzyme 5- where they are anchored through a transmembrane re- (5-LO) that converts AA into the hydroxyperoxide 5- gion. ADAM proteases such as ADAM-12 hydrolyse the hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HPETE). The activ- protein chain near the membrane to shed the extracellular ity of 5-LO depends upon a 5-lipoxygenase-activating region that is then free to diffuse away to act on the EGF protein (FLAP) that may function by presenting AA to receptors on neighbouring cells. 5-LO. The 5-HPETE is converted into A4 Ectodomain shedding can also be used to inactiv- (LTA4), which is the precursor for two . An LTC4 ate cell surface receptors by cleaving off the extracellu- hydrolase converts LTA4 into LTB4, whereas an LTC4 lar domains as occurs for the tumour necrosis factor α synthase converts LTA4 into LTC4. This synthetic step (TNFα) receptor. Mutations in the cleavage site of the depends upon the conjugation of LTA4 with glutathione TNF receptor that prevents its cleavage are the cause to form LTC4, which is thus referred to as a cysteinyl- of TNF-receptor-associated periodic febrile syndrome containing leukotriene, as are its derivatives LTD4 and (TRAPs). LTE 4. These eicosanoids are lipophilic and can thus diffuse Eicosanoids out from their cell of origin to act on neighbouring The eicosanoids are a group of stimuli that are derived cells. Also shown in Module 1: Figure eicosanoids are from the metabolism of (AA). AA is a the family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that fatty acid that is located on the sn − 2 position of many detect these eicosanoids. These receptors are connected . The enzyme A2 (PLA2), to either the cyclic AMP signalling pathway (Module 1: which is activated by Ca2 + and by the -activated Figure stimuli for cyclic AMP signalling) or the inos- (MAPK) signalling pathway, releases AA, itol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)/diacylglycerol (DAG) sig- which is then metabolized via two pathways to produce nalling pathway (Module 1: Figure stimuli for InsP3/DAG the (prostaglandins and thromboxanes) and signalling). the leukotrienes (Module 1: Figure eicosanoids). The first Inflammatory cells such as macrophages, mast cells and step in the formation of the prostanoids is the enzyme cyc- blood platelets produce large amounts of these eicosanoids looxygenase (COX) that converts AA into the unstable during an inflammatory response. In macrophages, there is cyclic endoperoxides prostaglandins PGG2 and PGH2. an increase in the expression of COX that results in an in- The latter is a precursor that is converted by various iso- crease in the release of mediators such as platelet-activating merases into the prostaglandins PGI2,PGD2,PGE2 and factor (PAF) and PGE2 (Module 11: Figure macrophage PGF2α, and A2 (TXA2). The formation of signalling). In blood platelets, PGI2 acting on its receptor

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Module 1: Figure stimuli for cyclic AMP signalling

NEUROTRANSMITTERS HORMONES Acetylcholine (Muscarinic) Glutamate Amylin 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) Adenine Lysophosphatidic (ADM) Melanocyte stimulating (ATP, ADP) acid (LPA) Calcitonin gene-related hormone ( -MSH; -MSH) Adenosine Sphingosine 1- peptide (CGRP) Neuropeptide Y Adrenaline phosphate (S-1-P) Corticotropin-releasing Opioids (Met-enk; Leu-enk; Adrenocorticotropic Melatonin factor (CRF) dynorphins; -endorphin) hormone (ACTH) Prostaglandins Dopamine Somatostatin Angiotensin Uridine triphosphate Noradrenaline Pituitary adenylyl cyclase Chemokines (UTP) Tetrahydrocannabinol activating peptide (PCAP) Glucagon Vasopressin -Aminobutyric acid (GABA) Vasoactive intestinal Glucagon-like Galanin peptide (VIP) peptide 1 (GLP-1 Histamine



Amplifier AC

Messenger Cyclic AMP

Cell stimuli that act through the cyclic AMP signalling pathway. A large number of neurotransmitters and hormones act through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to engage the cyclic AMP signalling pathway. The GPCR acts through a heterotrimeric G protein, which has α and βγ subunits, to stimulate the amplifier adenylyl cyclase (AC) to generate the second messenger cyclic AMP.

Module 1: Figure stimuli for InsP3/DAG signalling

NEUROTRANSMITTERS HORMONES Adenine nucleotides Melatonin Acetylcholine (Muscarinic) Neurokinin A (ATP, ADP) Neurotensin Dopamine Neurokinin B Angiotensin Oxytocin Noradrenaline Neuromedin B (NMB) Bradykinin Platelet-activating Galanin Neuromedin C (NMC) Chemokines factor (PAF) Glutamate Orexins (A and B) Cholecystokinin (CCK) Prostaglandins 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) Pituitary adenylyl Endothelins (ET-1;ET-2; Sphingosine 1- Gastrin-releasing cyclase activating ET-3) phosphate (S-1-P) peptide (GRP) peptide (PCAP) Histamine Thromboxanes Substance P Leukotrienes Uridine triphosphate Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) (UTP) Vasopressin



Amplifier PLC

2+ Messengers DAG InsP3 and Ca

Cell stimuli that act through the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)/diacylglycerol (DAG) signalling pathway. A large number of neurotransmitters and hormones act through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to engage the InsP3/DAG signalling pathway. The GPCRs that these different stimuli all feed into a family of heterotrimeric G proteins, which have α and βγ subunits that stimulate the amplifier (PLC) to generate the two second messengers, InsP3 and DAG.

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Module 1: Figure eicosanoids

Endoplasmic reticulum PLA2 lyso-Phospholipid Platelet-activating factor (PAF)




hydrolase synthase Isomerases LTA 4 LTC4



GS Gq Gq

Cyclic AMP InsP & DAG 3 InsP3 & DAG

Synthesis and mode of action of the eicosanoids. The eicosanoids are lipid-derived stimuli that are formed from arachidonic acid (AA), which is converted into the prostanoids (green pathway) and the leukotrienes (yellow pathway). The AA is produced by (PLA2), which attaches itself to the endoplasmic reticulum where it hydrolyses phospholipids to lysophospholipids with the release of AA. The AA is then metabolized via two separate pathways to produce the prostanoids and leukotrienes. The types of receptors and signalling pathways used by the eicosanoids are shown at the bottom.

activates cyclic AMP formation, which then inhibits plate- nalling pathway. Mast cells provide an example of how let activation (Module 11: Figure platelet activation). PLA2 functions to generate cell signalling stimuli (Module 11: Figure mast cell signalling). PLA2 may also function Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in osmosensing by responding to cell swelling to produce − Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) functions to cleave the sn 2es- lipid messengers that activate channels such as TRPV4. ter bond of phospholipids to release the fatty acid to leave behind a lysophospholipid (Module 1: Figure eicosanoids). Both of these products have a role in forming stimuli for Endocannabinoids cell signalling. If the lysophospholipid is derived from The active ingredient in the Cannabis plant is 9- with an alkyl linkage in the sn − 1 po- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which has marked psy- sition, it functions as a precursor for an acetyltransferase choactive properties. The brain contains the cannabin- that converts it into platelet-activating factor (PAF). The oid receptor CB1, which not only responds to THC free fatty acid that is released from the sn − 2 position is but also responds to the endogenous (en- often arachidonic acid (AA), which is a precursor for the docannabinoids). The two main endocannabinoids appear synthesis of the eicosanoids, such as the prostaglandins, to be anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), thromboxanes and leukotrienes. but other related molecules such as noladin ether, N- There is a large family of PLA2 enzymes that function arachidonoyldopamine and virodhamine have been iden- to provide these two signalling precursors. have tified. A feature of all of these endocannabinoids is that about 15 enzymes that differ with regard to their cellu- they contain an arachidonyl moiety. lar distribution and how they are activated. Some of the The signalling function of the endocannabinoids are car- enzymes are secreted (sPLA2). The cytosolic forms fall ried out by two receptors (CB1 and CB2), 2 + into two main groups: the Ca -sensitive (cPLA2)and which are typical G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) 2 + Ca -insensitive (iPLA2) groups. In the case of cPLA2, (Module 1: Table G protein-coupled receptors). Most of enzyme activity is activated by Ca2 + that acts through the CB1 receptors are located in the brain, but can occur Ca2+/-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), elsewhere. On the other hand, the CB2 receptors are found which phosphorylates Ser-515 causing the enzyme to mainly on immune cells. In the brain the endocannabinoid translocate to internal membranes such as the endoplasmic retrograde signalling mechanism is particularly import- reticulum. Full activation of the enzyme is also dependent ant (Module 10: Figure endocannabinoid retrograde sig- upon the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) sig- nalling).

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Module 1: Figure anandamide

AC Target cell Lipocalcin Lipocalcin ATP Eth Eth cAMP - CB1 Eth Eth G i/o Eth G i/o

Ca 2+ N-type and - P/Q-type + Eth Anandamide GIRK K+

NAPE PA TRPV1 2+ Ca PC NAPE P NAT P PLD Eth PE P Eth CB2 Anandamide transporter + Ch Anandamide P + Eth

Ca 2+ Arachidonic acid

Eth Ethanolamine FAAH

Anandamide formation and signalling function Anandamide formation begins with an N-acetyltransferase (NAT) removing an arachidonyl moiety from phosphatidylcholine (PC) and attaches it to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to form N-arachidonyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (NAPE), which is the anandamide precursor. A NAPE (NAPE PLD) hydrolyses this precursor to leave phosphatidic acid (PA) in the membrane and releasing anandamide. The anandamide diffuses across the membrane and attaches to lipocalcin, which carries it to its target cells where it acts by binding to the cannabinoid receptor 1 or 2 (CB1 or CB2). Anandamide is inactivated by entering cells through the anandamide transport and is hydrolysed to arachidonic acid and ethanolamine by fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH).

Dysregulation of the endocannabinoid signalling system to carry anandamide to neighbouring cells where it can occurs during obesity and may contribute to metabolic carry out its paracrine functions. abnormalities such as insulin resistance and the onset of The formation of anandamide is sensitive to Ca2 + , Type 2 . which acts by stimulating NAT. At its target cells, anandamide can act through a num- ber of receptors, both classical G-protein-linked receptors Anandamide (GPCRs) and receptor-operated channels such as TRPV1 Anandamide [N-arachidonylethanolamine (AEA)] is one and TRPV4. There are two cannabinoid receptors CB1 of the major endocannabinoids that functions in the and CB2. The CB1 receptor, which is coupled to the het- control of a number of important processes, includ- erotrimeric G-proteins Gi or Go, acts by dissociating the ing white fat cell insulin resistance (Module 12: Fig- G-protein complex to form Gαi or Gαo and the βγ dimer ure insulin resistance), and contributes to the process of that have different functions. The Gαi or Gαo act to in- Ca2+ and synaptic plasticity during learning and memory hibit adenylyl cyclase (AC) to reduce the activity of the in neurons (Module 10: Figure Ca2+-induced synaptic cyclic AMP signalling pathway, whereas βγ either inhibits + plasticity). Like many other endocannabinoids, anand- Ca2 channels, such as the N-, P/Q- and L-type chan- + amide contains an arachidonyl moiety that is derived nels, or it activates the GIRK K channels. Anandam- from phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the plasma membrane ide can also act directly on TRPV1 and TRPV4 channels + (Module 1: Figure anandamide). Anandamide forma- that introduce Ca2 into the cell. These various actions tion begins with an N-acetyltransferase (NAT) removing of anandamide in neurons seem to play a role in trigger- this arachidonyl moiety from phosphatidylcholine (PC) ing long-term depression (LTD).Itisofinterestthatlow and transferring it to the ethanolamine head group of levels of dietary omega-3 fatty acids, which provide the phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to form N-arachidonyl- arachidonic acid precursor for endocannabinoid forma- phosphatidylethanolamine (NAPE). This anandamide tion, causes a decrease in LTD and might be responsible precursor is then cleaved by a specific NAPE phospholi- for various neuropsychiatric diseases such as depression. pase D (PLD) to leave phosphatidic acid (PA) in the mem- The action of anandamide is terminated by a two-step brane and releasing anandamide. Since it is lipophilic, the process. First, it is brought back into cells by an anand- anandamide can easily cross the plasma membrane where amide transporter, which accelerates its transport across it appears to associate with lipocalcin that acts as a vehicle theplasmamembrane(Module 1: Figure anandamide).

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The next step is for the anandamide to be hydrolysed Angiopoietin growth factors by fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) located on inner There are four (Ang1--4) that function in membranes. controlling a variety of processes:

2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) • The primary function of the angiopoietins is to con- 2-Arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) is one of the trol angiogenesis. The maturation and stability of en- endocannabinoids that appears to be formed through two dothelial cells is controlled by pericytes that release mechanisms. First, it is produced during phosphoinositide (Ang1), which acts through TIE2 re- metabolism when PtdIns4,5-P2 is hydrolysed by ceptors (see step 7 in Module 9: Figure angiogenesis phospholipase C (PLC) to give InsP3 and DAG (Module signalling). Angiopoietin 2 (Ang2) released by prolif- 2: Figure InsP3/DAG recycling). These two second erating endothelial cells facilitates the loosening of cell messengers are then recycled back to the precursor lipid contacts by inhibiting the activation of the TIE2 recept- PtdIns4,5P2 through a series of steps. The DAG can be ors by Ang1 (see step 9 in Module 9: Figure angiogenesis converted into phosphatidic acid (PA) by DAG kinase or signalling). 2 + it can be hydrolysed by a Ca -sensitive DAG to • of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) to form 2-AG. the stem cell niche is provided by an interaction between The action of 2-AG is terminated by a monoacylglycerol Ang1 and its TIE2 receptor (Module 8: Figure HSC lipase (MAGL) (Module 2: Figure InsP3/DAG recycling). regulation).

Growth factors Epidermal growth factors (EGFs) There are a large number of growth factors that act by There are a number of EGF stimuli that have a shared stimulating the signalling mechanisms respons- function of activating EGF receptors (Module 1: Figure ible for inducing cell proliferation (Module 9: Figure cell EGF stimuli and receptors). The founder member of this cycle signalling mechanisms). As indicated below, many of family is EGF, but there are a number of related pro- these growth factors are grouped together into families: teins such as amphiregulin (AR), betacellulin (BTC), epi- regulin (EPR), heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor Angiopoietin growth factors (HB-EGF), (NRGs) and transforming growth factor-α (TGFα). These EGFs are also characterized by • Ang1 having an extracellular EGF motif that consists of six • Ang2 spatially conserved cysteine residues that form three in- • Ang3 tramolecular disulphide bonds. In addition, amphiregulin • Ang4 (AR) and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB- Epidermal growth factors (EGFs) EGF) have an N-terminal heparin-binding domain. All these EGF stimuli are made as precursors that are anchored • Amphiregulin (AR) to the plasma membrane through a transmembrane do- • Betacellulin (BTC) main. A process of ectodomain shedding is then respons- • Epiregulin (EPR) ible for releasing the extracellular region through the ac- • Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) tion of proteases such as the ADAM proteases.These EGF • Neuregulin stimuli act through the epidermal growth factor recept- • Transforming growth factor-α (TGFα) ors (EGFRs) by promoting both homo- and heterodimer- ization of the ErbB receptor subunits, which are typical Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) protein -linked receptors (PTKRs). • IGF-I • IGF-II Neuregulins (NRGs) The neuregulins (NRGs) are coded for by four that • Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) give rise to the neuregulin family that act through the EGF Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor family (Module 1: Figure EGF stimuli and recept- Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) ors). The neuregulin family are derived from four genes (NRG1, NRG2, NRG3 and NRG4). Most information is • PDGF-A available for NRG1, which exist in numerous splice forms • PDGF-B (Types I to VI). • PDGF-C Type I NRG1: this isoform is also known as hereg- • PDGF-D ulin, Neu differentiation factor (NDF) or acetylcholine receptor inducing activity (ARIA). The last name relates Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) to a role for NRG1 in activating ErbB receptors to drive • VEGF-A the expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors during • VEGF-B formation at neuromuscular junctions in skeletal • VEGF-C muscle. • VEGF-D Type II NRG1: this isoform is also known as glial • Placental growth factor (PLGF) growth factor-2 (GGF2). In the brain, neuregulin-1 may

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act through ErbB to control the expression of NMDA • IGFBP-4 inhibits IGF action in a variety of cell types receptors and PSD95 (Module 12: Figure schizophrenia). including bone cells. In the latter case, the IGFBP-4-- There are numerous reports linking the NRG1 gene to IGF complex functions as a reservoir of IGF that is re- schizophrenia. leased following proteolysis of IGFBP-4 by pregnancy- associated plasma protein (PAPP-A). Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) • IGFBP-5. This isoform is the most highly conserved The insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), which are pro- of the IGFBP family and is not normally found in the duced in a variety of cells such as the liver, brain and in circulation, but is located mainly in the bone matrix osteoblasts. In the case of the liver, the formation and re- where it can influence IGF activity. There are indica- lease of IGFs is stimulated by growth hormone (GH). tions that the binding of IGFBP-5 to the extracellular There are two IGFs: IGF-I and IGF-II. The IGFs are matrix (ECM) reduces its IGF affinity thus releasing particularly important for controlling early development. this growth factor. IGFBP-5 is also susceptible to hy- IGF-II is mainly responsible for placental growth of mul- drolysis by various proteases such as ADAM-9,which tiple foetal organs whereas IGF-I regulates growth of the would also help to release IGF. brain in both the foetus and adult. A remarkably feature Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) of this IGF control system is the way it can adjust growth There is a large family of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs). to the supply of nutrients. IGF-I has both neuroprotect- These FGFs are characterized by their ability to bind ive and myelinogenetic actions. IGF-II is one of the most heparin and heparan sulphate (HSPG) that abundant growth factors and is stored in bone where it function as cofactors for the effective activation of FGF regulates bone formation by the osteoblasts (Module 7: receptors. The diffusion of FGFs is limited through their Figure osteoblast function). IGF-I also has an important affinity for HSPG and are thus likely to act in a paracrine role in controlling protein synthesis during both physiolo- manner on cells close to their site of release. In humans gical cardiac hypertrophy and during the pathological hy- there are 22 FGF genes FGF 1--23 with FGF 15 missing pertrophy responsible for heart disease (Module 12: Figure because the gene in mouse was found to be an ortho- physiological and pathological hypertrophy). IGF-I also logue of human FGF19. The numbering system was in- function in muscle repair and regeneration by stimulat- troduced to clear up difficulties that arose from individual ing protein synthesis in satellite cells (Module 8: Figure FGFs having multiple names often reflecting different cel- satellite cell activation). lular origins.For example FGF1 has been called acidic The action of IGFs is tightly regulated by the FGF (aFGF), endothelial cell growth factor (ECGF), IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs), which are found in both retina-derived growth factor (RDGF), eye-derived growth the serum and in the bone matrix. factor-II (EDGF-II) and brain-derived growth factor-II (BDGF-II). Similarly, FGF2 has been called basic FGF IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) (bFGF), eye-derived growth factor-I (EDGF-I) and brain- IGF-binding proteins act by preventing IGF from bind- derived growth factor-I (BDGF-I). ing to its IGF receptors. For the most part, therefore, FGFs act through FGFR receptors (FGFR1--4), which they are of as negative regulators of the IGFs. are members of the protein tyrosine kinase-linked recept- However, there are indications that they may also help in ors (PTKRs) (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked cell activation by functioning as a local store of IGFs that receptors). The FGFs are particularly important in the can be released under appropriate conditions as occurs for control of development. Not only do they promote cell IGFBP-4 (see below). In many cases, the IGFBPs are dif- growth but they also regulate cell survival, migration and ferentially regulated during development suggesting that differentiation. During limb development, for example, the they may have specific functions in controlling different mesenchyme releases FGF10 to induce the formation of events during the developmental sequence. the ectoderm ridge, which then releases FGF8 to feed in- There are six IGFBPs (IGFBP1--6): formation back to the . A large number of these FGFs are expressed in the eye where they control lens • IGFBP-1. One of its functions is to control bone form- development and function. They also function in wound ation. healing and tissue repair and are important regulators of • IGFBP-2. It is secreted by osteoblasts to regulate the haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self renewal (Module 8: function of IGF in controlling bone development. Figure HSC regulation). IGFBP-2 functions in bone remodelling where it may play a unique role in facilitating the interaction between Heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPG) IGF-II and its receptor. When IGFBP-2 binds to IGF-II The heparan sulphate (HS) proteoglycans (HSPGs) play it undergoes a that enhances its an important role in cell signalling by binding growth affinity for the glycosaminoglycans in the bone extra- factors such as fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and cellular matrix (ECM) and thus positions IGF-II to act platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), which thus serves on its receptor. IGFBP-2 also modulates the action of to restrict their action to areas close to their sites of re- IGF-I in regulating brain development. IGF-I has both lease. An example of this is seen during angiogenesis where neuroprotective and myelinogenetic actions so it is of PDGF released from the tip cells functions locally to con- interest that the levels of IGFBP-2 are increased in vari- trol the proliferation of the pericytes (Module 9: Figure an- ous pathological conditions such as multiple scelerosis. giogenesis signalling). HSPG is a sulphated linear polymer

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containg repeating subunits of D-glucosamine and hexuronic acid. These polymers are found both in the The neurotrophins are a family of proteins that func- and on the surface of cells. tion in the to control processes such as The heparan sulphate proteoglycans syndecan-3 and neurogenesis, synaptic plasticity during learning, neuronal syndecan-4 are expressed in satellite cells. survival and differentiation. There are four main members: brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) factor (NGF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and neurotrophin- Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which is also known 4/5 (NT-4/5). These neurotrophins form homodimers that as scatter factor, belongs to the plasminogen family then act through two types of receptor, the Trk receptors and is a mesenchymal-derived heparin-binding growth or the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR). factor that acts through the hepatocyte growth factor re- BDNF functions in learning and memory by activating ceptor (HGFR), which is also known as the MET re- the protein synthesis necessary for the growth of spines ceptor. The closely related ligand macrophage-stimulating during Ca2+-induced synaptic plasticity (Module 10: Fig- protein (MSP) acts on the RON receptor, which resembles ure Ca2+-induced synaptic plasticity). the MET receptor. HGF is released as a 97 kDa precursor that is then cleaved by proteases such as urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) to give the active disulphide- hormones linked heterodimer. Each monomer has a hairpin loop such as leptin and adiponectin are hormones followed by four kringle domains, which are double- released from the white fat cells of adipose tissue as part of looped structures stabilized by disulphide bridges. HGF the regulatory network for the control of food intake and is released mainly from mesenchymal cells and acts in body weight (Module 7: Figure control of food intake). a paracrine manner on neighbouring epithelial cells to Other cells within adipose tissue release hormones such as induce invasive growth. Such invasive growth is a nor- resistin. mal part of processes that occur during embryonic de- velopment and tissue repair. For example, HGF controls the proliferation of satellite cells during repair of skeletal Leptin muscle (Step 2 in Module 8: Figure satellite cell function). Leptin, which is the product of the ob gene, is produced HGF also plays an important role in the control of male and released by white fat cells (Module 7: Figure and female gonodal function. In carrying out its normal and ). After its release it circulates in the plasma actions it can stimulate proliferation, disrupt intercellu- where its level reflects energy homoeostasis by increasing lar junctions, induce migration and protect cells against with overfeeding and declining with starvation. Leptin is apoptosis. This multitasking capacity of HGF to orches- a satiety signal that acts to decrease feeding through the trate the cellular processes required for tissue remodelling mechanisms that function to control food intake and body is potentially dangerous because it can have pathological weight (Module 7: Figure control of food intake). This role consequences when control over this HGF/MET pathway of reducing food intake is reduced in obesity apparently is taken over by tumour cells to drive metastasis. due to the development of ’leptin resistance’. Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) Leptin acts on two main types of leptin-sensitive neur- There are four platelet-derived growth factor genes that ons. First, it inhibits the orexigenic NPY/AgRP neurons code for the four isoforms (PDGF-A, PDGF-B, PDGF- located in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) (See Step 5 in Module C and PDGF-D). The biologically active form of PDGF 7: Figure control of food intake). Secondly, it activates the depends on these four different proteins combining to POMC/CART neurons that stimulate the satiety centre. form either homodimers (AA, BB, CC, DD) or het- In addition, it may also activate anorexigenic neurons loc- erodimers (AB) that are connected together by disulph- ated in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). ide bonds. These dimeric forms then function to activ- Leptin is a Type I (Module 1: Figure cy- ate the platelet-derived (PDGFR) tokines), which acts through the Ob receptor (Ob-R). by bringing together the two subunits (Module 1: Figure This Ob-R exists as six isoforms (Ob-Ra--f) that result PDGFR activation). from alternate splicing. The inhibition of food intake by The PDGFs function in the development of connective leptin is carried out by the Ob-Rb isoform, which has a tissue by stimulating the proliferation of smooth muscle long cytoplasmic domain that recruits components of the cells and the pericytes of blood vessels. As such, it plays an (JAK)/signal transducer and activator of tran- important role in angiogenesis where PDGF-B is released scription (STAT) signalling pathway. The activated STATs by the tip cell to stimulate the proliferation and migration then enter the nucleus where they activate transcription of of pericytes (Module 9: Figure angiogenesis signalling). genes such as the suppressor of cytokine signalling proteins PDGF also stimulates the proliferation of mesangial cells (SOCS) (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). In the (Module 7: Figure mesangial cell). hypothalamic neuronal targets of leptin, there is a marked up-regulation of SOCS-3. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) Leptin may reduce insulin secretion by stim- The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) fam- ulating the activity of phosphodiesterase PDE3B, ily, which has five members, functions in angiogenesis thereby reducing the level of cyclic AMP (Module 7: (Module 9: Figure angiogenesis). Figure β-cell signalling).

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Module 1: Figure ghrelin


1 NH G S S F L S P E H Q R 2 V O S E K R Q Q C O K 28 HCH K P COOH HCH P AKLQPR HCH HCH HCH HCH HCH H n-octanoyl group

Structure of human ghrelin. Human ghrelin is a 28-amino-acid peptide that has n-octanoic acid attached to Ser-3. Redrawn from Figure 3 in Kojima et al. (2005).

Adiponectin • D cells secrete somatostatin. Adiponectin, like leptin, is released from white fat cells • G cells secrete gastrin. (Module 7: Figure control of food intake). Unlike leptin, which circulates in the plasma at ng/ml levels, adiponectin The intestine also has endocrine cells: is present in μg/ml levels. It also differs from leptin in that • Enterochromaffin cells release 5-hydroxytryptamine its levels decrease in obesity but increases during weight (5-HT). loss. The precise function of adiponectin is unclear, but it appears to have a role in protecting cells against glucose in- The and pancreas also releases a tolerance and insulin resistance (Module 12: Figure insulin range of hormones that contribute to control of food in- resistance). take and body weight (Module 7: Figure control of food There are two adiponectin receptors (AdipoR1 and intake): AdipoR2). The AdipoR1 is found in skeletal muscle • The X/A-like cells of the stomach release the hormone whereas the type 2 receptor is expressed in liver. These ghrelin. AdipoRs appear to act by promoting the entry of ex- + • The duodenum release cholecystokinin (CCK). ternal Ca2 , which then acts through CaMKKβ to phos- • L-cells located in the intestine and colon release phorylate AMPK as part of the AMP signalling pathway glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and oxyntomodulin (Module 2: Figure AMPK control of metabolism). (OXM). Resistin • The peptide YY (PYY) is released fron the enteroendo- Resistin, which appears to be released from macrophages crine L cells. and stromal cells located in adipose tissue, has been implic- • The pancreatic islets of Langerhans release both insulin ated in insulin resistance and the development of diabetes and pancreatic polypeptide (PP). during obesity. Ghrelin Ghrelin is a 28-amino-acid peptide that is released mainly Gut hormones from the X/A-like cells in the stomach (Module 7: Fig- In addition to its function in digestion and nutrient absorp- ure stomach structure), but is also produced from other tion, the gastrointestinal tract is also an endocrine in regions of the gastrointestinal tract. An octanyl group is that it contains a large number of cells that synthesize and attached at Ser-3 (Module 1: Figure ghrelin) and this acyl- secrete gut hormones. The stomach has various endocrine ation is essential for ghrelin to interact with its growth- cells that contribute to the neural and endocrine functions hormone-secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Ghrelin has of the stomach: also been located in ghrelin-containing neurons in the • Enterochromaffin-like cells (ECLs) release histamine. brain. It mediates its action through the ghrelin receptor

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(GHS-R), which is a typical G protein-coupled receptor by intestinal L cells following feeding (Module 7: Figure (GPCR), that is coupled through Gq to activate the inositol L cell). OXM functions in the control of food intake and 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) signalling cassette. body weight by reducing food intake. Some of the actions Ghrelin is a multifunction hormone capable of stimu- of OXM resemble that of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). lating a variety of processes: It may act through the GLP-1 receptors (GLP-1R) that are expressed in the to reduce food intake. • Ghrelin that is released in anticipation of eating func- In addition, OXM may act locally like cholecystokinin tions in the control of food intake and body weight (CCK) to control stomach emptying. by activating the NPY/AgRP neurons that control the feeding centre (Module 7: Figure control of food intake). Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) • Ghrelin acts on pituitary somatotrophs to release Pancreatic polypeptide (PP), which is a member of the growth hormone (GH). PP-fold family of peptides that include peptide YY (PYY) • Ghrelin may act on the stomach to control acid secretion and neuropeptide Y (NPY), is produced and released from and gastric movement. cells located on the periphery of the islets of Langerhans (Module 7: Figure control of food intake). One of the High levels of ghrelin have been found in both anorexia primary actions of PP is to contribute to the control of nervosa and in Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). food intake and body weight. PP levels in the plasma are Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) highest in the evening, but decline to low levels in the early The precursor pre-proglucagon is synthesized and released morning. The levels increase following feeding and play a by intestinal L cells following feeding (Module 7: Fig- role in reducing food intake. ure L cell). This precursor is then processed by prohor- Peptides belonging to the PP-fold act through the PP- mone convertase 1 and 2 to different hormones depending fold receptors Y1-- Y 6, which are G protein-coupled re- on the tissue. In the pancreas, it is converted into gluca- ceptors (Module 1: Table G protein-coupled receptors). gon, whereas in the CNS and intestine it is processed to PP appears to act through the Y4 and Y5 receptors. form glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and oxyntomodulin Neuropeptide Y (NPY) (OXM). GLP-1 acts on the GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R) to Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a member of the pancreatic activate the cyclic AMP signalling pathway. The ability of polypeptide-fold (PP-fold) family that includes peptide GLP-1 to reduce food intake might be mediated through YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP). NPY func- GLP-1Rs located in the hypothalamus. tions in the control of food intake and body weight One of the main targets of GLP-1 is the insulin-secreting (Module 7: Figure control of food intake). It is a potent β-cell where it facilitates the glucose-induced release of orexigenic neuropeptide and its levels and release from insulin (Module 7: Figure β-cell signalling). the NPY/AgRP neurons increases after feeding. NPY is Circulating GLP-1 is inactivated by dipeptidyl pepti- also expressed in various hippocampal interneurons such dase 4 (DPP4). as the bis-stratified cell (Module 10: Figure hippocampal Cholecystokinin (CCK) interneurons). Cholycystokinin (CCK) is a major gut hormone that is Peptide YY (PYY) released into the circulation by enteroendocrine cells loc- Peptide YY (PYY), which is a member of the pan- ated primarily in the duodenum and also in the intestine creatic polypeptide-fold (PP-fold) family that includes (Module 7: Figure control of food intake). CCK is a highly neuropeptide Y (NPY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP), versatile stimulus, functioning either as a neurotransmitter is released from enteroendocrine L cells located in the in- or as a hormone: testine and colon (Module 7: Figure small intestine). The • CCK regulates fluid secretion by the exocrine pancreas PYY1--36, which is the peptide secreted by the L cells, is rap- (Module 7: Figure control of pancreatic secretion). idly converted into PYY3--36 by removal of the N-terminal • CCK functions as a to activate afferent Tyr-Pro residues by dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4). Pep- terminals of the vagus nerve to transmit satiety signals tides belonging to the PP-fold act through G protein- to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) (Module 7: coupled receptors Y1-- Y 6 (Module 1: Table G protein– Figure control of food intake). CCK has a major role in coupled receptors). PYY appears to act through the Y2 regulating the control of food intake and body weight. and Y5 receptors. • CCK activates smooth muscle contraction to control stomach emptying. Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) • CCK released within the CNS is thought to modulate Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) is a large polypeptide hor- dopaminergic activity. mone precursor that is cleaved to give a number of biolo- • CCK is expressed in various hippocampal interneurons gically active peptides that can function either as hormones such as the basket cells (Module 10: Figure hippocampal or as neurotransmitters. The following are some of the ma- interneurons). jor peptides that are derived from the selective processing of POMC: Oxyntomodulin (OXM) Oxyntomodulin (OXM) is produced from the common Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) precursor pre-proglucagon that is synthesized and released β-Endorphin

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β-Lipotropin Interleukin-1 (IL-1) γ-Lipotropin Interleukin-2 (IL-2) α-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) Interleukin-3 (IL-3) β-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (β-MSH) Interleukin-5 (IL-5) γ-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (γ-MSH) Interleukin-6 (IL-6) Interleukin-10 (IL-10) The hormones and transmitters derived from POMC Interleukin-21 (IL-21) have a number of functions: • Interferons (IFNs) • During melanogenesis, keratinocytes synthesize pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) that is processed to Interferon-α (IFN-α) form α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) Interferon-β (IFN-β) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),which Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) then stimulate the melanocytes (Module 7: Figure • Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs), haematopoietins melanogenesis). and neuropoietins • In the anterior pituitary, the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) gene is transcribed and is then cleaved to pro- Cardiotrophin (CT-1) duce the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) that is Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) released from the corticotrophs (Module 10: Figure cor- Colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1). Also known as ticotroph regulation). macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) • Neurons within the ARC, which are anorexigenic, ex- Erythropoietin (EPO) press POMC that is the precursor for α-melanocyte Ftl ligand (FL) stimulating hormone (α-MSH) that functions in the Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) control of food intake and body weight.Theα-MSH Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor then acts on the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) on (GM-CSF) the second-order neurons to activate the satiety centre Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) thus decreasing food intake and weight loss (see inset in Oncostatin (OSM) Module 7: Figure control of food intake). (SCF) Thrombopoietin (TPO) Mutations in the POMC gene in the region that encodes α-MSH, which is released from the POMC/CART neur- • Growth hormone (GH) ons in the hypothalamus during the control of food intake • Prolactin (PRL) and body weight (Step 7 in Module 7: Figure control of • Tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) food intake), is responsible for early-onset obesity. Interleukins Cytokines The interleukins are a heterogeneous group of cytokines The cytokines are a heterogeneous group of soluble (8--60 (approximately 35) that have many different functions. kDa) that function as stimuli that use various Most of the interleukins act through cytokine receptors cell signalling pathways to regulate many different cellular to activate the JAK/STAT signalling pathway (Module processes. The haematopoietic cytokines orchestrate the 1: Figure cytokines). However, there are exceptions in development of haematopoietic cells (Module 8: Figure that interleukin 1 (IL-1) acts through the Toll receptor haematopoietic cytokines). Cytokines are also important signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure Toll receptor sig- mediators of immune and inflammatory responses where nalling). they have both paracrine and autocrine functions. How- ever, some cytokines also function as hormones to control Interleukin-1 (IL-1) other systems such as the brain, where they have been im- Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is one of the inflammatory cytokines plicated in processes such as sleep, and in endocrine that are released in response to infection or cell injury by and reproductive organs. It has proved difficult to classify cells of the innate , such as the macrophages cytokines because of their wide structural and functional (Module 11: Figure inflammation). IL-1 that is stored in diversity. This difficulty is compounded by the fact that keratinocytes is released rapidly after wounding of the skin some cytokines can have different functions depending on and signals quickly to surrounding cells that the external their location. In addition to driving proliferation, they barrier is damaged. can also promote survival. They commit cells to a particu- IL-1 acts through the IL-1 receptor (IL-1R), which is lar pathway of differentiation; they induce maturation and part of a Toll-like receptor (TLR) superfamily. The IL- can continue to exert control over the activity of mature 1R belongs to the group of non-enzyme-containing re- cells. There is also considerable diversity with regard to ceptors that function by recruiting various signal trans- the structure and function of the cytokine receptors. ducing components (Module 1: Figure cytokines). The Most of the cytokines fall into the following groups: external domain contains three immunoglobulin-like do- mains, whereas the cytoplasmic domain has the Toll/IL-1R • Chemokines (TIR) domain that has three box motifs that are highly con- • Interleukins served in all of the receptors. It is these box motifs that are

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Module 1: Figure pro-opiomelanocortin

Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)








Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) is a large polypeptide hormone precursor that is cleaved into a number of biologically active peptides that can act as hormones or neurotransmitters.

responsible for recruiting the components of the Toll re- itor cells, but it also guides the subsequent differentiation ceptor signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure Toll receptor and maturation of the myeloid progenitor cells that form signalling). the eosinophils, neutrophils, megakaryocytes and blood platelets. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) The interleukin-3 receptor (IL-3R) is a heterotetramer Interleukin-2 (IL-2) has a somewhat specific function in composed of two IL-3α and two βc subunits (Module 1: controlling the activity of T cells. When T cells are activated Figure type I cytokine receptors). This βc is a promiscuous they release IL-2 that feeds back in an autocrine manner transducing subunit that is also used by IL-5 and GM-CSF. to provide a link between the earlier events initiated by Upon binding IL-3, this βc subunit recruits the transducer the T cell receptor (TCR) and the cell cycle components Jak2 to activate STAT5a and STAT5b (Module 2: Figure necessary to initiate DNA synthesis (Module 9: Figure T JAK/STAT heterogeneity). These STATs are transcription cell signalling map). factors that function in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway The IL-2 signalling pathway resembles that of many (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). other cytokines in that it is carried out by the JAK/STAT signalling pathway (Module 1: Figure cytokines). The interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) is a heterotrimer composed Interleukin-5 (IL-5) of IL-2α,IL-2β and γc-subunits. The γc is a common sub- Interleukin-5 (IL-5) is an example of an haematopoietic unit that is used by other receptors such as the heterodi- cytokine that functions to control haematopoiesis (Module meric IL-4 receptor (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine 8: Figure haematopoietic cytokines). Unlike many of the receptors). Upon binding IL-2, this heterotrimeric IL-2R other haematopoietic cytokines, it has little effect on the recruits the transducers Jak1 and Jak3 to activate the tran- proliferation of the stem cells and early progenitors, but scription factors STAT3, STAT5a and STAT5b (Module 2: it comes into effect later on to control the differentiation Figure JAK/STAT heterogeneity).These STATs are tran- and maturation of the eosinophils. scription factors that function in the JAK/STAT signalling The interleukin-5 receptor (IL-5R) is a heterotetramer pathway (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). composed of two IL-5α and two βc subunits (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors). This βc is a promiscuous Interleukin-3 (IL-3) transducing subunit that is also used by IL-3 and GM-CSF. Interleukin-3 (IL-3) is released from activated T cells and Upon binding IL-5, this βc subunit recruits the transducer is an example of a haematopoietic cytokine that functions Jak2 to activate STAT5a and STAT5b (Module 2: Figure to control haematopoiesis (Module 8: haematopoietic cy- JAK/STAT heterogeneity). These STATs are transcription tokines). It not only operates as a growth factor to con- factors that function in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway trol the proliferation of the stem cells and early progen- (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function).

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Interleukin-6 (IL-6) tyrosine kinase 2 (Tyk2) that function to activate STAT3 Interleukin-6 (IL-6) was originally identified as a B cell (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT heterogeneity)whichisa differentiation factor, but is now known to act on many that functions in the JAK/STAT sig- other cell types. It has also been implicated in chronic in- nalling pathway (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). flammation and . One of its primary actions is to function as a haematopoietic cytokine to control many as- Interleukin-21 (IL-21) pects of haematopoiesis (Module 8: Figure haematopoietic Interleukin-21 (IL-21) is a potent regulator of various im- cytokines). It not only operates as a growth factor to con- mune cells such as germinal centre B-cells, natural killer trol the proliferation of the stem cells and early progenitor (NK) cells and cytotoxic T-cells. The IL-21 receptor (IL- cells, but it also guides the subsequent differentiation and 21R), which resembles that of other type I cytokines such maturation of the myeloid progenitor cells that form the as IL-2R (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors), megakaryocytes and blood platelets. responds to IL-21 by activating the JAK/STAT signalling The interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) is the prototype pathway (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). It uses of an IL-6 subfamily of receptors that are character- Jak1 and Jak3 to induce the STAT3 homodimer to activate ized by sharing the transducing subunit 130 its target genes. The main function of IL-21 is to stim- (gp130) (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors). ulate proliferation as occurs during B-cell differentiation Other members of this subfamily include receptors for in the lymph node (Module 8: Figure B cell maturation IL-11, cardiotrophin (CT-1), ciliary neurotrophic factor signalling). (CNTF), leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and oncostatin (OSM). All of these receptors have two α-subunits that are Interferons (IFNs) specific for each cytokine and two transducing subunits, The interferons are cytokines that modulate immune re- which are either gp130 homodimers as in the case of IL- sponses and have a special role in dealing with viral in- 6R and IL-11R or are heterodimers with a gp130 subunit fections. There are three main IFNs. The type I IFNs, being paired with some other subunit such as the LIFR for interferon-α (IFN-α) and interferon-β (IFN-β), which the receptors that respond to LIF or CNTF. Upon binding have a relatively high antiviral potency, are released from the appropriate cytokine, these IL-6 subfamily of receptors endothelial cells and macrophages in responses to infection recruit the transducer Jak1 to activate STAT3 (Module 2: by viruses and . Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) is a type II Figure JAK/STAT heterogeneity) which is a transcription IFN. factor that functions in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway Interferon-α (IFN-α) (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). Type I interferon-α (IFN-α) and interferon-β (IFN-β) Mutations in gp130 are responsible for the onset of are produced by endothelial cells and macrophages in re- inflammatory hepatocellular adenomas (IHCAs). sponses to viral infections (Module 2: Figure viral recog- Activation of the IL-6R by IL-6 may contribute to nition). Once released they act in both an autocrine and schizophrenia by altering the phenotype of the inhibitory paracrine manner to stimulate their IFN receptors to activ- interneurons that drive brain rhythms (Module 12: Figure ate a battery of genes that help combat the infection. One schizophrenia). of the gene products is double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), which phosphorylates and inhibits Interleukin-10 (IL-10) the protein initiation factor eIF2 and the resulting decrease Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a type II cytokine that belongs in protein synthesis helps to reduce viral replication. IFN- to a subfamily containing IL-19, 1L-20, IL-22, IL-24, IL- α and IFN-β also activate the 2--5A synthetase, which 26, IL-28 and IL-29. Although members of this family are produces the oligoadenylate that switches on a latent ribo- related to each other by having a common genomic organ- nuclease that degrades double-stranded RNA (ssRNA). ization and similar receptors, they all have very different functions. IL-10 is a potent anti-inflammatory and anti- Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) immune factor that is released by T helper cells, various Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) consists of two peptide chains (143 regulatory T cells, dendritic cells, macrophages, mast cells amino acids) that have two N-linked glycosylations. It is and eosinophils. One of the main functions of IL-10 is to produced by helper T cells and NK cells that have been ac- reduce the expression of the MHCII complex and it also tivated by interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interleukin-12 (IL-12). reduces the maturation of dendritic cells. By reducing the It acts through the type II interferon-γ receptor (IFNγR), presentation of antigens, IL-10 reduces the release of IL-2, which is coupled to the JAK/STAT signalling pathway,to IL-4, IL-5 and interferon-γ (IFN- γ). It can also reduce influence many different responses such as an increased the formation of inflammatory mediators such as IL-1, expression of the class I MHC complex and an increase in IL-6 and TNF. Many of these actions to dampen down the activity of macrophages, neutrophils and NK cells. inflammatory and immune responses seem to depend on the ability of IL-10 to inhibit the activity of the nuclear Cardiotrophin (CT-1) factor κB(NF-κB) signalling pathway that is induced by Cardiotrophin (CT-1) was originally discovered in the various inflammatory mediators. heart, but is now known to function in many other cell The IL-10 receptor (IL-10R) consists of two IL-10R1 types. In the heart, it can activate proliferation and sur- subunits and two IL-10R2 subunits. Upon binding IL-10, vival. It can also have pathological consequences by con- these receptor subunits recruit the transducers Jak1 and tributing to myocyte hypertrophy and collagen synthesis

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that are part of the cardiac remodelling events that result In addition, it controls the subsequent differentiation and in heart disease. The cardiotrophin receptor (CT-1R) is a maturation of dendritic cells. member of the IL-6 subfamily of receptors that are char- The Ftl ligand (FL) acts on the FL receptor (FLR), which acterized by sharing the transducing subunit glycoprotein is a typical protein tyrosine-linked receptors (PTKRs) 130 (gp130) (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors). (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked receptors). The CT-1R has two CT-1Rα subunits and it uses LIFRβ and gp130 as transducing subunits. Upon binding CT-1, Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) the CT-1R recruits Jak1 to activate STAT3 (Module 2: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which is Figure JAK/STAT heterogeneity), which is a transcription also known as colony-stimulating factor-3 (CSF-3), is one factor that functions in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway of the haematopoietic cytokines that functions to con- (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). trol haematopoiesis (Module 8: Figure haematopoietic cy- tokines). One of its primary functions is to control the Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) differentiation and maturation of the neutrophils. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is expressed primarily The G-CSF receptor (G-CSFR) is composed of two in the nervous system where it functions as a neurotrophic identical subunits (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine re- factor. It is also a potent survival factor for both neur- ceptors). The extracellular region has a number of do- ons and astrocytes. CNTF has been tested as a therapeutic mains: a terminal immunoglobulin-like domain, a cytokine agent to control certain neurodegenerative disorders such receptor module and three fibronectin type-III-like do- as motor disease, but patients were found to suf- mains. Some of these domains are used to bind G-CSF to fer severe weight loss suggesting that CNTF may play a induce the conformational change in the intracellular box role in the control of food intake and body weight.CNTF motifs that recruit and activate Jak2. The latter then activ- has been implicated in neurogenesis where it may mediate ates STAT5a and STAT5b (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT the ability of dopamine to stimulate proliferation in both heterogeneity), which are transcription factors that func- the subventricular zone and the dentate gyrus. The CNTF tion in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway (Module 2: Fig- receptor (CNTFR) is a member of the IL-6 subfamily of ure JAK/STAT function). receptors that are characterized by sharing the transducing subunit (gp130) (Module 1: Figure type Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor I cytokine receptors). The CNTFR has two CNTFRα (GM-CSF) subunits and it uses LIFRβ and gp130 as transducing sub- Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor units. Upon binding CNTF, the CNTFR recruits Jak1 (GM-CSF) is one of the colony-stimulating factors to activate STAT3 (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT hetero- (CSFs) and is also known as CSF-2. GM-CSF was first geneity), which is a transcription factor that functions identified as one of the haematopoietic cytokines that in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure functions to control haematopoiesis (Module 8: Figure JAK/STAT function). haematopoietic cytokines). It not only operates as a growth factor to control the proliferation of the early Erythropoietin (EPO) progenitor cells but it also guides the subsequent differ- Erythropoietin (EPO) is an example of an haematopoietic entiation and maturation of the neutrophilic granulocytes cytokine that functions to control haematopoiesis (Module and macrophages. 8: Figure haematopoietic cytokines). EPO is synthesized The GM-CSF receptor (GM-CSFR) is a heterotetramer predominantly by the proximal kidney tubule cells and is composed of two GM-CSFα and two βc subunits (Module released into the circulation to control the differentiation 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors). This βc is a promiscu- and maturation of erythrocytes. ous transducing subunit that is also used by IL-3 and IL-5. The EPO receptor (EPOR) is composed of two identical Upon binding GM-CSF, this βc subunit recruits the trans- subunits (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors). ducer Jak2 to activate STAT5a and STAT5b (Module 2: The typical modules that make up the Figure JAK/STAT heterogeneity). These STATs are tran- extracellular domains co-operate with each other to bind a scription factors that function in the JAK/STAT signalling single EPO to induce the conformational changes pathway (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). in the intracellular box motifs that recruit and activate Jak2. The latter then activates STAT5a and STAT5b (Module 2: Growth hormone (GH) Figure JAK/STAT heterogeneity), which are transcription Growth hormone (GH) consists of a single protein chain factors that function in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway (approximately 190 amino acids), which is synthesized and (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). released by somatotrophs (Module 10: Figure somato- troph regulation). It acts to promote growth, but it can Ftl ligand (FL) also modulate various metabolic processes (protein, lipid FL is one of the haematopoietic cytokines that functions and carbohydrate). The action of GH can be either direct in the control of haematopoiesis (Module 8: Figure haema- (e.g. in fat cells where it induces triacylglycerol breakdown topoietic cytokines). It is an example of a membrane- and reduces their ability to take up ) or indirect, as anchored stimulus that functions through a juxtacrine occurs through its ability to stimulate liver cells to produce mechanism to control stem cells and progenitors cells. and release insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I)

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Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) 8: Figure HSC regulation) and continues to control the Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a multifunctional cy- formation of erythroid cells and mast cells (Module 8: Fig- tokine that was found first through its ability to suppress ure haematopoietic cytokines). SCF is also released from the proliferation of a myeloid leukaemic cell line. However, keratinocytes during the control of melanogenesis by the it was found subsequently to have many other functions: it melanocytes (Module 7: Figure melanogenesis). maintains embryonic stem cells in an undifferentiated state, SCF is the ligand for the c-KIT receptor (also known it facilitates the implantation of blastocysts, it functions in as CD117), which is one of the protein tyrosine-linked re- the autonomic nervous system, adipocytes, liver, osteo- ceptors (PTKRs) (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked clasts and it assists in the release of adrenocorticotropic receptors). hormone (ACTH) by the corticotrophs. Mutations in SCF or its receptor c-KIT cause The LIF receptor (LIFR) is a member of the IL-6 sub- piebaldism. Mutations in c-KIT are also found in many family of receptors that are characterized by sharing the gastrointestinal stromal tumours. transducing subunit glycoprotein 130 (gp130) (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors). The LIFR has two Thrombopoietin (TPO) LIFRα subunits and the transducing subunits LIFRβ Thrombopoietin (TPO) is produced predominantly by and gp130. Upon binding LIF, the LIFR recruits Jak1 hepatocytes but can also be released from kidney prox- to activate STAT3 (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT hetero- imal tubule cells, fibroblasts and endothelial cells. TPO is geneity), which is a transcription factor that functions an example an haematopoietic cytokine that functions to in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure control haematopoiesis (Module 8: Figure haematopoietic JAK/STAT function). cytokines). It operates very early to regulate the prolifera- During osteoclastogenesis, LIF acts like PTH to increase tion of the stem and progenitor cells. Later on it guides the the expression of RANKL by the supporting cells. subsequent differentiation and maturation of the megaka- ryocytes and blood platelets. Oncostatin (OSM) The TPO receptor (TPOR) is composed of two identical Oncostatin (OSM) is a cytostatic cytokine that inhibits cell subunits (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors). proliferation and may thus act as a tumour suppressor.It Each extracellular domain, which has typical cytokine re- was discovered through its ability to inhibit the growth ceptor modules, functions together to bind a single EPO of melanoma cells in culture. It is a 28 kDa glycoprotein molecule to induce a conformational change in the in- that is released from T cells and . There are tracellular box motifs that recruit and activate Jak2. The two OSM receptors that are members of the IL-6 sub- latter then activates STAT5a and STAT5b (Module 2: Fig- family of receptors that are characterized by sharing the ure JAK/STAT heterogeneity), which are transcription transducing subunit glycoprotein 130 (gp130) (Module 1: factors that function in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway Figure type I cytokine receptors). The OSMR has two (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). OSMRα subunits that then combine with two transdu- cing β subunits, one of these is gp130 and the other is either LIFR (Type I OSMR) or OSMRβ (Type II OSMR). Chemokines Upon binding OSM, these OSMRs recruit the Jak trans- The chemokines are low-molecular-mass proteins that ducers to activate STAT3 (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT have a variety of functions. There are approximately 50 heterogeneity), which is a transcription factor that func- chemokines that have been divided into four families: tions in the JAK/STAT signalling pathway (Module 2: Fig- CXC (α), CC (β), C (γ) and CX3C (δ)(Module 1: Figure ure JAK/STAT function). chemokines). These families are subdivided on the basis of the position of conserved cysteine residues located in the Prolactin (PRL) N-terminal region (see the models for each family). For Prolactin (PRL) is a small protein (19 amino acids), example, the CXC family has two cysteine residues (C) which has certain structural similarities to growth hor- separated by a single non-cysteine residue (X). mone (GH). It is released into the circulation from This nomenclature is used to refer to both the (L) the lactotrophs (Module10: Figure lactotroph regulation). and their receptors (R). Consequently, CXCL1 refers to PRL functions to stimulate lactation and can also influ- the first ligand of the CXC family and CXCR1 is the first ence maternal behaviour. However, it is made in other receptor of the same family. The same terminology applies locations and has many other functions. The prolactin re- to the other families. The CX3C (δ) family is unusual in ceptor, which is located primarily in mammary , liver that it has a single member CX3CL1 that is tethered to and , is a member of the JAK/STAT signalling path- membranes through its C-terminal region. It can act on its way (Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT heterogeneity). CX3CR1 either in this tethered form or as a freely diffus- ible molecule after it has been released from the membrane Stem cell factor (SCF) by proteases such as A Disintigrin or the ADAM Stem cell factor (SCF), which is also known as steel factor, family. is produced by many cell types (bone marrow stromal Chemokines first came to prominence as chemoattract- cells, endothelial cells, placental cells). SCF functions dur- ants during inflammation, but subsequently were found ing the early stages of haematopoiesis where it contrib- to have signalling functions in many other cellular pro- utes to maintain haematopoietic cell self renewal (Module cesses:

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• Chemokines establish gradients to attract various in- of reactions carried out by enzymes associated with either flammatory cells such as neutrophils (Module 11: Figure the or the smooth endoplasmic reticulum inflammation). (Module 1: Figure aldosterone and cortisol biosynthesis). • Chemokines play a role in haematopoiesis where they regulate the migration of cells in lymphoid organs, Aldosterone and cortisol biosynthesis bone marrow and thymus. For example, haematopoietic Aldosterone and cortisol are synthesized in the zona stem cell (HSC) migration is controlled by CXCL12 glomerulosa and the zona fasciculata/reticularis cells of [stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)] that acts through the the respectively (Module 7: Figure adrenal CXCR4 receptor (Step 1 in Module 8: Figure gland). Like other , they are synthesized in a bone marrow). series of steps carried out by a number of different en- • The chemokine CXCL12 controls preosteoclast chemo- zymes (Module 1: Figure aldosterone and cortisol biosyn- taxis (Module 8: Figure preosteoclast chemotaxis). thesis): • T cell chemotaxis is driven by a chemokine gradient • CYP11A1 is a side chain cleavage enzyme that initiates (Module 9: Figure T cell chemotaxis). the process by cleaving off the side chain of • Microglia use chemokines to develop neural inflam- to produce pregnenolone. matory responses (Module 7: Figure microglia interac- • 3β-HSD is a short-chain hydroxysteroid dehydro- tions). A chemokine signalling network contributes to genase that converts pregnenolone into progesterone. the neuronal-microglial interactions (Module 7: Figure The two synthetic pathways now diverge. neuronal chemokine function) that may contribute to • CYP21A is a steroid 21-hydroxylase that converts pro- neuropathic pain. gesterone into 11-deoxycorticosterone. • A relationship between chemokines and cancer has re- • CYP11B2 (11β-hydroxylase), which is highly expressed vealed that chemokines such as CXCL12 and its re- in the zona glomerulosa cells, is an aldosterone syn- ceptor CXCR4 may play a critical role in the onset thase that carries out the last three steps of converting of metastasis. In addition, the chemokine CCL19 may 11-deoxycorticosterone into corticosterone, 18-OH- function to attract leukaemic T-cells into the brain in corticosterone and finally aldosterone. patients with T cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. • CYP17 is a steroid 17α-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase • Retinal pigmented epithelial cells release the chemokines that converts progesterone into 17α-progesterone that eotaxin-1 (CCL11), eotaxin-2 (CCL24) and eotaxin- begins the synthetic sequence that results in the forma- 3 (CCL26) to activate the CCR3 receptors on the tion of cortisol. choroidal endothelial cells to stimulate angiogenesis. • CYP21A converts 17α-progesterone into 11- Abnormal activation of this signalling pathway may deoxycortisol. be responsible for the choroidal neovascularization re- • CYP11B1, which is strongly expressed in the zona fas- sponsible for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). ciculata/reticularis carries out the final step of cortisol • The chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 synthesis by converting 11-deoxycortisol into cortisol. (MCP-1) is released by white fat cells to attract mac- rophages to adipose tissue where they release TNFα Aldosterone that sets up an inflammatory response that contributes Aldosterone is mainly synthesized and released by the to insulin resistance (Module 12: Figure insulin resist- zona glomerulosa cells in the cortical region of the ad- ance). renal gland (Module 7: Figure adrenal gland). However, it • In the germinal centre the chemokines CXCL12 and can also be produced by other cells located in the nervous CXCL13 direct the migration of B-cells between the system, heart, kidney and blood vessels. This extra-adrenal dark and light zones during B-cell differentiation in the production of aldosterone may be particularly important lymph node (Module 8: Figure germinal centre). for tissue repair. The enzymes responsible for aldosterone and cortisol biosynthesis are located on the mitochondrion Steroids and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (Module 1: Figure al- Steroid hormones are hydrophobic stimuli responsible for dosterone and cortisol biosynthesis). One of the primary + regulating a number of physiological processes such as genomic actions of aldosterone is to regulate Na reab- (oestrogen and ), glucose meta- sorption by the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) (Module bolism and stress responses (cortisol) and salt balance 7: Figure kidney tubule function)andthecolon (Module (aldosterone). Steroids have two main modes of action, 7: Figure colon function). genomic and non-genomic (Module 1: Figure steroid stim- uli). The genomic action depends on the fact that the ster- Receptors oids are hydrophobic and thus can pass through the plasma In order to respond to the myriad cell stimuli outlined membrane to bind to intracellular receptors, which are in the previous section, cells have evolved an equally im- transcription factors capable of activating gene transcrip- pressive battery of cell-surface receptors. These receptors tion. The non-genomic action depends on steroids binding have two main functions: they have to detect incoming to cell-surface receptors that are then coupled to conven- stimuli and then transmit this information to the internal tional intracellular signalling pathways. transducers that initiate the signalling pathway (Module 1: Aldosterone and cortisol biosynthesis illustrates how Figure cell signalling mechanism). Receptors vary enorm- steroids are synthesized from cholesterol through a series ously in the way they carry out this transfer of information

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Module 1: Figure chemokines






Summary of the four chemokine families and their G protein-coupled receptors. The four chemokine families CXC (α), CC (β), C (γ)andCX3C(δ) are subdivided on the basis of conserved cysteine residues located in the N-terminal region (see the models for each family). For example, the ligands for the CXC family (CXCL) have two cysteine residues separated by a single amino acid (X). There are seven receptors CXCR1--7 for the CXCLs. A similar terminology applies to the other families. The CX3C (δ) family is unusual in that it has a single member CX3CL1 that is tethered to membranes through its C-terminal region. It can act on its CX3CR1 either in this tethered form or after it has been released from the membrane by proteases. This Figure is based on information contained in Box 1 from Rostene` et al. (2007).

Module 1: Figure steroid stimuli


Aldosterone Cortisol Progesterone Oestrogen Testosterone

Genomic action Nongenomic action

Transducers SHR Receptor, transducer PLC and Amplifiers AC PI 3-K messenger

Gene Cyclic DAG SHR Messengers PIP3 InsP3 Amplification transcription AMP Ca 2+

Steroid stimuli operate through genomic or non-genomic mechanisms. The genomic action depends upon steroids passing through the plasma membrane to engage specific receptors that are transcription factors that activate gene transcription. In the non-genomic action, the engages cell-surface receptors to activate conventional signalling pathways.

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Module 1: Figure aldosterone and cortisol biosynthesis

11-Deoxycorticosterone Corticosterone 18-OH-corticosterone C H OH CH3 C H 2 OH HO 2 C O C O C O 2HC HO HO Cholesterol O O O

CYP11A1 Isocaproic CYP21A acid CYP11B2 H C H 2 OH O C C O CH3 CH3 HO C O C O Aldosterone 3- -HSD O

HO O Progesterone C H 2 OH C O Pregnenolone HO OH CYP17 Cortisol O CH3 C H 2 OH C O C O OH OH Mitochondrial CYP21A CYP11B1 enzymes O O Smooth ER enzymes 17- -progesterone 11-deoxycortisol

Biosynthesis of mineralocorticoids and corticosteroids. The mineralocorticoid aldosterone and the corticosteroid cortisol are synthesized from cholesterol through a sequence of reactions driven by a battery of enzymes. The association of the enzymes with either the mitochondrion (green) or the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (blue) is shown in more detail for aldosterone synthesis in Module 7: Figure glomerulosa cell signalling. See the text for further details.

across the plasma membrane. The diverse receptor types same basic structural features (Module 1: Figure tyr- can be separated into two main groups depending on the osine kinase-linked receptors). The extracellular domain number of membrane-spanning regions they have to em- is responsible for binding the growth or survival factors, bed them into the membrane: whereas the cytosolic region contains the tyrosine kinase domain that is the transducer responsible for initiating the • Single membrane-spanning receptors process of . One of the characteristics Protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs) of these receptors is that they can transmit information /threonine kinase-linked receptors (S/TKRs) down a number of cell signalling pathways by assembling Particulate guanylyl cyclases (pGCs) a number of transducers and amplifiers. There are a num- Non-enzyme-containing receptors ber of variations on this basic structural organization as illustrated by the following examples of some of the main • Multi-membrane-spanning receptors PTKRs: G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) • Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) receptor Ion channel receptors • Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) There are a large number of single membrane-spanning • Colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSFR-1) proteins, which fall into two groups: • receptor (FGFR) • Hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR) • Type I transmembrane proteins, which are orientated • with an extracellular N-terminus and intracellular C- • Insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGFR) terminus. Most of the single-spanning receptors belong • Platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) to this group. • TIE receptors • Type II transmembrane proteins, which are orientated • Trk receptors with an extracellular C-terminus and intracellular N- • Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) terminus. Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) receptor Protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs) The anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) receptor belongs The protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs) are to the protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs) the classical example of single-membrane-spanning re- family (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked recept- ceptors that contain an enzymatic activity (Module 1: ors). ALK is expressed mainly in the central and peripheral Figure stimuli for enzyme-linked receptors). There are nervous system. Little is known about the stimulus re- about 20 subfamilies of these PTKRs, which have the sponsible for activating this receptor. However, it has

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Module 1: Figure stimuli for enzyme-linked receptors

GROWTH AND SURVIVAL FACTORS TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR SUPERFAMILY Angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) Insulin-like growth factor Brain-derived neurotrophic (IGF-1; IGF-2) factor (BDNF) Nerve growth factor (NGF) Activin Colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) Epidermal growth Neurotrophin-4/5 (NT4/5) Inhibin factor (EGF) Platelet-derived growth Nodal factor (PDGF) Myostatin (growth and differentiation Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) Stem cell factor (SCF) factor 8 (GDF8) Ftl ligand (Ftl) Vascular-endothelial growth Transforming growth factor Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) factor (VEGF) GF- GF- GF-

Tyrosine Serine/threonine kinase kinase PTKRs S/TKRs

Grb2 Transducer Ras TK TK Transducers SOS and amplifier

Amplifiers Raf PI 3-K PLC

2+ Messengers ERK1/2 PIP3 DAG InsP3+ Ca Smads

Growth and survival factors engage enzyme-linked receptors. These single-membrane-spanning receptors have an extracellular ligand-binding domain and an intracellular domain that contains either a tyrosine kinase (TK) or a serine/threonine kinase. The protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs), which usually function as dimers, assemble a complex of scaffolding proteins (green) and transducers (red) that relay information out to amplifiers that function in different signalling pathways. The serine/threonine kinase-linked receptors (S/TKRs) function as tetramers and have a much simpler signalling pathway in that the serine/threonine kinase functions as both the transducer and amplifier to generate the Smad messengers.

Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked receptors

Tyrosine kinase-linked receptors. There are 20 subfamilies of tyrosine kinase-linked receptors that resemble each other by having a single that embeds the receptors in the plasma membrane. The receptors normally function as dimers. The insulin receptor pre-exists as a dimer, whereas the others dimerize when they bind their external stimuli. The cytoplasmic portion has the tyrosine kinase that functions in signal transduction. During activation by external stimuli, the receptors dimerize and then phosphorylate each other to provide phosphorylated binding sites that draw in various signalling components (e.g. see Module 1: Figure PDGFR activation). Reproduced from Handbook of , Volume 1 (edited by R.A. Bradshaw and E.A. Dennis), Heldin, C.-H., Protein tyrosine kinase receptor signalling overview, pp. 391--396. Copyright (2003), with permission from Elsevier; see Heldin 2003.

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come to prominence as a major predisposition gene The first two Ig-like domains are separated by a stretch for childhood neuroblastomas. of acidic amino acids and a heparin-binding domain that interacts with heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs) Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) that also bind to the family of fibroblast growth factors The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which (FGFs). The HSPG facilitates the interaction between the is one of the protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors FGFs and their FGFRs to induce the dimeric receptor (PTKR) (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked recept- complexes necessary to recruit and engage different sig- ors), has four members (Module 1: Figure EGF stimuli nalling pathways. and receptors). There is a problem with regard to termin- ology in that they have been given different names and Hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR) some of these are shown on the Figure. In much of the There are two closely related hepatocyte growth factor re- literature, the ErbB terminology is now preferred and will ceptors (HGFRs), MET and RON. MET belongs to the be used in this case. All of these receptors have a sim- family of protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKR) ilar domain structure: they are single membrane-spanning (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked receptors). MET proteins with an N-terminal extracellular ligand-binding is the receptor that responds to hepatocyte growth domain and a C-terminal region that has a kinase domain factor (HGF) whereas RON responds to macrophage- and numerous tyrosine docking sites that participate in the stimulating protein (MSP). Most attention has been fo- process of signal transduction. The external ligand-binding cused on MET that is coded for by the p190 c-met proto- domain has two cysteine-rich regions. Despite these sim- oncogene. MET is a disulphide-linked heterodimer that ilarities, these receptors have different properties. For ex- originates from a single protein. A small part is cleaved off ample there are marked differences in the way they respond to form the α-subunit that is attached to the transmem- to the large family of epidermal growth factors (EGFs) brane β chain. (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked (Module 1: Figure EGF stimuli and receptors). ErbB1 is receptors). The extracellular region of this β chain has the most catholic in its tastes and responds to most of the a Sema domain, a cysteine-rich domain called the Met- ligands. There is no known ligand for ErbB2, which thus related sequence (MRS) and four immunoglobulin-like is an example of an orphan receptor. However, there is (Ig-like) structures (IPT domain). The intracellular part much interest in c-ErbB2 because it is one of the common has the catalytic tyrosine kinase domain and regulatory oncogenes found in breast cancer. ErbB3, which interacts domain, which has tyrosine residues at 1349 and 1356 that with the neuregulins NRG1 and NRG2, is unusual in that provide docking sites to recruit the components of sig- its kinase domain is non-functional. This does not mean nalling pathways. that ErbB3 is prevented from signalling because it does so The juxtamembrane region of the β chain has two by forming functional dimers by interacting with one of phosphorylation sites that function in receptor down- the other ErbB receptors as described later. ErbB4 binds regulation. Phosphorylation of Ser-985 inhibits the activity to a number of EGFs. of the whereas Tyr-1003 phos- The way in which these receptors function resembles phorylation is a binding site for the ligase Cbl that for many of the other PTKRs as exemplified for that functions in the Cbl down-regulation of cell sig- the platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) nalling components (Module 1: Figure receptor down-reg- (Module 1: Figure PDGFR activation). The various EGFs ulation). induce two chains to form both homo- and heterodimers. Both the MET and RON receptors play an important This dimerization then induces the receptor phosphoryla- role in the invasive growth of carcinomas. tion events that initiate the onset of cell signalling. The Cbl down-regulation of cell signalling components mechanism Insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGFR) (Module 1: Figure receptor down-regulation) is respons- There are two insulin-like growth factor receptors (IG- ible for the down-regulation of these ErbB receptors. FRs) that are capable of responding to insulin-like growth The EGF receptor family play an important role in factors (IGFs). The IGF type I receptor (IGF-IR) re- mammary gland development where ErbB1 controls out- sembles the insulin receptor both in its structure and mode growth of the ducts, whereas ErbB2 and ErbB3 regulate of activation (Module 2: Figure insulin receptor). Like alveolar morphogenesis and lactation. the insulin receptor, IGF-IR has a heterotetrameric α2β2 Members of the ErbB family of receptors are often amp- structure. The two IGFs (IGF-I and IGF-II) bind with lified or activated through mutations in various . equal affinities to the two extracellular α-subunits to in- duce the conformational change responsible for receptor Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) activation. The β-subunits, which are mostly intracellular, The fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) are typical have the tyrosine kinase domain and motifs that interact protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKR) (Module with components of the different signalling pathways ac- 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked receptors). There are four tivated by these receptors. FGFRs (FGFR1--4).The cytosolic region of the molecule The IGF type II receptor (IGF-IIR) is a single protein has a split tyrosine kinase domain. The extracellular do- that is embedded in the membrane through a transmem- main has three immunoglobulin-like (Ig-like) domains. brane region. The extracellular domain has fifteen cysteine- The affinity of the different FGFRs for the large FGF fam- based repeats. The primary function of the IGF-IIR, which ily is varied by splicing events in the third Ig-like domain. is strongly expressed during embryonic development, is to

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remove IGF-II and is thus a negative regulator of this IGF mic domain can convey information in the reverse direc- isoform. The IGF-IIR gene is maternally imprinted. tion. The Eph receptor/ephrin complex is a bidirectional signalling system and, through the forward and reverse Platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) signalling modes, information can be conveyed to both The platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) is interacting cells. a classical protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptor (PTKR) Craniofrontonasal syndrome (CFNS) is caused by a (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked receptors). There loss-of-function mutation of the gene that encodes ephrin- are two isoforms, α and β, which have different affin- B1. ities for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).Theex- The Eph receptors have an N-terminal ephrin-binding tracellular region has five immunoglobulin-like (Ig-like) domain followed by a cysteine-rich region and then two domains that function in ligand binding (domains I--III) fibronectin type III domains (Module 1: Figure Eph and receptor dimerization (domain IV) (Module 1: Figure receptor signalling). These ectodomains are connected PDGFR activation). The intracellular region has a split tyr- through a typical transmembrane domain to the cytoplas- osine kinase domain and numerous tyrosine residues that mic domains. There is a relatively long juxtamembrane are phosphorylated during receptor activation, which is segment that connects to the kinase domain. At the C- initiated when a dimeric PDGF molecule brings together terminal region there is a SAM domain that may participate two PDGFRs. Once dimerization occurs, a transphos- in receptor dimerization. Finally there is a PDZ domain- phorylation process begins whereby the kinase domain binding motif. on one chain phosphorylates numerous tyrosine residues When cells approach each other, the ephrin-A ligands on the neighbouring chain. These phosphorylated tyrosine bind to the EphA receptors and the ephrin-B ligands bind residues then provide docking sites for various signalling to the EphB receptors and the resulting interactions in- components to generate multiple output signals (Module duce dimerization as is typical of other PTKRs (Module 1: 1: Figure PDGFR activation): Figure stimuli for enzyme-linked receptors). In addition to • Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2) recruits dimers, the Eph receptor/ephrin complex can form higher- components of the extracellular-signal-regulated kinase order aggregates, and this clustering may be facilitated by (ERK) pathway (Module 2: Figure ERK signalling)that interactions between the fibronectin type III domains and promotes proliferation. the SAM domain. As the receptors are brought together, • The p85 subunit of Class I PtdIns 3-kinase recruits the transphosphorylation by the kinase domains results in the PtdIns 3-kinase signalling cassette (Module 2: Figure phosphorylation of multiple sites, which then provides the PtdIns 3-kinase signalling) that promotes survival and binding motifs to recruit a range of signalling transducers. protein synthesis. One of the main functions of Eph receptor signalling is • Phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ) induces both the inositol to modulate the dynamics of cell movement by altering 2+ both remodelling and cell adhesion. A number of the 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)/Ca signalling cassette and the diacylglycerol (DAG)/protein kinase C (PKC) sig- downstream signalling pathways are thus directed towards nalling cassette that contributes to cell proliferation the control of actin assembly. There are subtle differences (Module 2: Figure PLC structure and function). in the action of EphA and EphB receptors that appear to be adapted to control different cellular processes. Ephrin (Eph) receptor signalling One of the functions of EphA receptors in retinal gan- The ephrin (Eph) receptors constitute one of the glion neurons is to induce growth cone collapse by activat- largest family of protein tyrosine kinase-linked recept- ing the Rho signalling mechanism (Module 2: Figure Rho ors (PTKRs) (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked re- signalling). The activated EphA receptor binds to the Rho ceptors). These receptors function to transfer information guanine exchange factor (GEF) ephexin,which between cells that come into contact with each other and is responsible for stimulating Rho (Module 1: Figure Eph are particularly important for spatial patterning during a receptor signalling). The Rho·GTP then activates the Rho variety of developmental processes such as axonal guid- kinase (ROK) that stimulates the actin--myosin contrac- ance, cell morphogenesis and bone cell differentiation. The tions responsible for collapsing the growth cone. Aggreg- Eph receptor family is divided into ten A types (EphA1-- ating platelets communicate with each other through the EphA10) and six B types (EphB1--EphB6).The stimuli for bidirectional Eph signalling system (Step 11 in Module 11: these Eph receptors are the ephrins, which are expressed Figure platelet activation). on the surface of cells (Module 1: Figure Eph receptors). Most information is available for the forward sig- These ephrins are divided into A and B types determined nalling pathways initiated by the EphB receptors. While by their ability to bind to either the EphA or EphB recept- the EphA receptors are mainly linked to Rho activa- ors. There are six ephrin-A ligands (ephrin-A1--ephrin- tion, the EphB receptors are coupled to the Rho GEFs A6), which are attached to the membrane through a glyc- kalirin and intersectin that activate Rac (Module 2: Figure osylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor, and three trans- Rac signalling)andCdc42(Module 2: Figure Cdc42 sig- membrane ephrin-B ligands (ephrin-B1--ephrin-B3). The nalling) respectively. Cdc42 acts through Wiskott--Aldrich ephrin-B ligands, which have a cytoplasmic domain, are syndrome protein (WASP) and the actin-related protein unusual in that they have a dual function. Not only do complex (Arp2/3 complex) to regulate actin assembly they function as a ligand to activate the EphB receptors, (Module 1: Figure Eph receptor signalling). Kalirin, but also they function as a receptor in that the cytoplas- which is found in neuronal dendrites as part of the

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Module 1: Figure PDGFR activation



P 589 P Src PtdIns3,4,5P P 3 MAP kinase P 581 signalling pathway Ras Grb2 P 716 P ERK1/2 Raf SOS P 740 P p85 PI 3-K PtdIns 3-kinase P 751 P signalling pathway P 763 P P 771 P P P 775 P ERK1/2 PtdIns4,5P2 P P 778 P



































T T InsP3 P 1009 P P 1021 P PLC InsP3 /DAG signalling pathway

Activation of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR). The PDGFR is a typical protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptor. The PDGF dimer binds together two PDGFR monomers, which then phosphorylate each other on multiple tyrosine residues that then provide docking sites for components of a number of prominent signalling pathways. An animated version of this Figure is available.

Module 1: Figure Eph receptors

Ephrin-A Reverse signalling


Cell contact

EphA receptor Forward signalling

EphB receptor

Eph receptor/ephrin bidirectional signalling. The ephrins are cell-surface proteins that interact with Eph receptors on neighbouring cells to set up both forward and reverse signalling. These two signalling modes are described in more detail in Module 1: Figure Eph receptor signalling

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Module 1: Figure Eph receptor signalling

Reverse signalling PTP-BL

P Grb4 P Src P P


GPI Ephrin-A Ephrin-B

Globular ephrin- binding domain EphA EphB receptor receptor type III repeats

P P Src P P P P P P



e e P Cbl


s Cdc42

s Intersectin s



a Ephexin a







i Wasp i



K K P Abl Rho Arp2/3 Kalirin SAM ROK Rac PAK

GRIP Syn Growth Forward Growth cone Actin Dendritic Receptor assembly cone signalling collapse spine degradation morphology AMPAR collapse

Signal transduction by the Eph receptor/ephrin system. Activation of the Eph receptors depends upon their dimerization following their binding to the ephrin ligands. The ephrin-A ligands are attached to PtdIns in the membrane through a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. The ephrin-B ligands are transmembrane proteins that have a cytoplasmic domain capable of reverse signalling. For forward signalling by the Eph receptors, transphosphorylation by the kinase domains of tyrosine residues provide binding sites for various transducing elements, of which many function to control actin remodelling. postsynaptic density (PSD) signalling elements, acts Like other PTKRs, the Trk receptors act through a num- through Rac and the p21-activated kinase (PAK) to con- ber of cell signalling pathways (Module 1: Figure stimuli trol spine morphogenesis (Step 2 in Module 10: Figure for enzyme-linked receptors). postsynaptic density). Trk stands for tropomyosin-receptor kinase, which harks back to its original discovery of trk that is one of the TIE receptors oncogenic growth factor receptors.Thelatterisformedby The two angiopoietin receptors TIE1 and TIE2 respond the fusion of the first seven exons of tropomyosin to the to the angiopoietin growth factors (Ang1--4) that control transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of what is now angiogenesis. The TIE receptors are typical protein tyr- known to be the TrkA receptor. Trk has been identified in osine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs) (Module 1: Figure thyroid papillary carcinomas and in colon carcinoma. tyrosine kinase-linked receptors) that function to generate The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), which can also a number of cell signalling pathways (Module 1: Figure bind neurotrophins, can influence the binding affinity and stimuli for enzyme-linked receptors). specificity of the Trk receptors. In addition, p75NTR is coupled to separate signalling pathways that function to Trk receptors promote neuronal cell death. The Trk receptors, which mediate the action of the differ- ent neurotrophins (BDNF, NGF, NT-3 and NT-4/5), are Serine/threonine-kinase linked receptors (S/TKRs) typical protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs) The serine/threonine kinase-linked receptors (S/TKRs) (Module 1: Figure tyrosine kinase-linked receptors). There are typical single membrane-spanning receptors (Module are three Trk receptors: 1: Figure stimuli for enzyme-linked receptors). They have an extracellular domain that binds members of the trans- • TrkA responds to nerve growth factor (NGF) forming growth factor superfamily. The cytoplasmic do- • TrkB responds to brain-derived neurotrophic factor main has a serine/threonine protein kinase region that (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5) functions as both a transducer and amplifier in that it is ac- • TrkC responds to neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) tivated by the receptor to phosphorylate the Smads, thus

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producing many copies of these messengers (for further a trimeric receptor (Module 1: Figure cytokines), which is details see Module 2: Figure TGF-βR activation) a multifunctional receptor in that it recruits a number of transducers and amplifiers to relay information to different Particulate guanylyl cyclases (pGCs) signalling pathways: The particulate guanylyl cyclases (pGCs) are a family of seven single membrane-spanning receptors (pGC-A-- • Pro- 8 is converted into , which func- pGC-G). These receptors consist of an extracelllar do- tions as an initiator caspase in the extrinsic pathway main, a short transmembrane segment and an intracellular of apoptosis (Module 11: Figure apoptosis). The DR6 domain that contains the catalytic guanylyl cyclase (GC) receptor in neurons activates caspase-3 and caspase-6 region that converts GTP into cyclic GMP (Module 2: (Module 12: Figure amyloid cascade hypothesis) Figure NO and cyclic GMP signalling). The extracellular • The sphingomyelinase (SMase) enzymes are recruited domain binds a range of peptides such as atrial natriur- to the active receptor to initiate the sphingomyelin sig- etic factor (ANF), brain-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), nalling pathway by producing the second messenger C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) and guanylin. These (Module 2: Figure sphingomyelin signalling) peptides act through different pGC receptor types. For • The nuclear factor κB(NF-κB) signalling pathway is example, ANP and BNP act through pGC-A, whereas initiated by binding a complex of scaffolding proteins guanylin and uroguanylin, which are released within the and enzymes [e.g. inhibitory κB kinase (IKK)], which intestine, act on pGC-C to stimulate intestinal secretion constitute a transducing complex that activates the tran- (Module 7: Figure intestinal secretion). In the case of the scription factor NF-κB(Module 2: Figure NF-κB ac- adrenal zona glomerulosa cells, ANP increases the form- tivation) ation of cyclic GMP to control the release of aldosterone (Module 7: Figure glomerulosa cell signalling). For these Another group of inflammatory mediators such as receptors, the guanylyl cyclase region of the cytoplasmic interleukin-1 (IL-1) and the pathogen-associated molecu- domain functions both as a transducer and as an amplifier. larpatterns(PAMPs)act through the TLR/IL-1 receptor The remaining receptor isoforms pGC-B, -D, -E, -F superfamily. There is a large family of Toll-like recept- and -G are orphan receptors, as there are no known stim- ors (TLRs) that closely resemble the IL-1 receptor (IL- uli. pGC-E and pGC-F are expressed in photoreceptors 1R). These receptors relay information through the nuclear in the eye, where they function to produce cyclic GMP in factor κB(NF-κB) signalling pathway,theJNK signalling phototransduction (Step 11 in Module 10: Figure photo- pathway and the p38 signalling pathway. transduction). signalling is another example of a signalling Certain strains of Escherichia coli, which secrete the STa system based on membrane-spanning receptors that lack toxin, increase intestinal secretion and cause diarrhoea by enzyme activity. activating the cyclic GMP signalling pathway by stimulat- ing the particulate guanylyl cyclase C (pGC-C) receptor Toll-like receptors (TLRs) that is normally activated by guanylin (Module 7: Figure There are families of toll-like receptors (TLRs) that in- intestinal secretion). cludes the interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor (IL-1R). All of these receptors are integral membrane glycoproteins that Non-enzyme-containing receptors have an external ligand-binding domain and an internal There are a number of membrane-spanning receptors that cytoplasmic domain that lack enzyme activity. The IL- have cytoplasmic domains that lack enzyme activity. Dur- 1R and TLRs are included within this TLR/IL-1R family ing receptor activation, the role of signal transduction is by virtue of the fact that they display considerable ho- carried out by the cytoplasmic domains binding various mology with regard to their cytoplasmic domains. They transducers and amplifiers that relay information out to belong to the non-enzyme-containing receptors that func- the cell signalling pathways (Module 1: Figure cytokines). tion by recruiting various signal transducing components Such signalling mechanisms used are the large number of (Module 1: Figure cytokines). This cytoplasmic domain Type I and Type II cytokines and the various apoptotic has the Toll/IL-1R (TIR) domain that has three conserved and inflammatory mediators: boxes that are highly conserved in all of the receptors. The Cytokines: there are a large number of cytokines that main difference between them lies in the external domain. act through the cytokine receptors to recruit the Janus In the case of the IL-1R, the external domain contains (JAKs), which are tyrosine kinases that double three immunoglobulin-like domains. By contrast, this re- up as transducers and amplifiers. They phosphorylate the gion of the TLRs contains a number of leucine-rich repeat signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs), (LRR) motifs. It is this region of the molecule that is re- which are transcription factors that act as the messenger to sponsible for binding the pathogen-associated molecular carry information into the nucleus (for further information patterns (PAMPs), which are the breakdown products of see Module 2: Figure JAK/STAT function). pathogens. When the TLRs detect these PAMPs, they alert Apoptotic and inflammatory mediators: there are a cells to the existence of damaging pathogens (Module 11: number of inflammatory and apoptotic mediators that use Figure formation and action of PAMPs). Information from non-enzyme-containing receptors. One group act through the TLRs on the plasma membrane is relayed through the the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) family of receptors as Toll receptor signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure Toll exemplified by tumour necrosis factor (TNF) that acts on receptor signalling). The TLRs located on the endosomal

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Module 1: Figure cytokines

CYTOKINES APOPTOTIC AND INFLAMMATORY Type I Cytokines MEDIATORS (OSM) (CT-1) Prolactin Ciliary neurotrophic Erythropoietin (EPO) factor (CNTF) Amyloid precurosor Thrombopoietin (TPO) Granulocyte colony- protein fragment (N-APP) Thymic stromal stimulating (FasL) lymphopoietin factor (GCSF) Neurotrophins (BDNF, Growth hormone (GH) NGF, NT-3 & NT-4/5) Interleukins Type II Cytokines RANKL Interleukin-1 (IL-1) Leptin Interferons (IFN TRAIL Pathogen-associated Leukaemia inhibitory IFN IFN Tumour necrosis molecular patterns factor (LIF) Interleukin-10 (IL-10) factor (TNF) (PAMPs)


TRADD RIP Transducer Pro- TRAF TRAF and amplifier JAKs IKK SMase IKK

Caspase-3 Messengers STATs Caspase-6 Ceramide NF- B JNK P38 NF- B Caspase-8

Summary of cytokine signalling pathways. Cytokines and various apoptotic and inflammatory mediators act on non-enzyme-containing receptors that consist of variable numbers of subunits. Each monomer has a single transmembrane domain with an extracellular ligand-binding domain and an inner cytoplasmic domain that lacks enzyme activity but can associate with a number of transducing elements that generate different messengers. Further details of the organization of the type I cytokine receptors are shown in Module 1: Figure class I cytokine receptors. Details of the signal transduction mechanisms induced by TNFRs and TLR/IL-1Rs are shown in (Module 2: Figure NF-κB activation)and(Module 2: Figure Toll receptor signalling) respectively. membranes function in virus recognition and antiviral re- Fas sponses (Module 2: Figure virus recognition). The Fas receptor, which is also known as CD95, is a mem- ber of the superfamily of tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor (TNF-R) receptors (TNFα-Rs). Fas is a member of the death re- The superfamily of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) recept- ceptor family capable of triggering apoptosis through the ors (TNF-Rs) has many members (e.g. TNF-R itself, Fas, extrinsic pathway (Module 11: Figure TNFα apoptotic DR3-6, p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) and RANK. signalling). As a group, they are responsible for controlling many cel- Fas has cysteine-rich extracellular domains, while their lular processes such as apoptosis and various inflammatory cytosolic regions contain a death domain (DD). When Fas responses. They are fairly versatile receptors in that they engages the Fas ligand (FasL, also known as CD95L), they can relay information out through a number of signalling form trimers and are then able to activate the extrinsic pathways (Module 1: Figure cytokines). The TNF-R has pathway of apoptosis (Module 11: Figure apoptosis). two subunits, TNF-R1 and TNF-R2, which are usually co- Fas ligand (FasL) expressed in cells. Some members of this family are often The Fas ligand (FasL), which is also known as CD45L, is a referred to as death receptors because one of their actions is homotrimer made up of three type II transmembrane pro- to stimulate caspase-8 to induce apoptosis (Module 11: Fig- teins. When it binds to Fas located in another cell through ure TNFα apoptotic signalling). However, these receptors a juxtacrine mechanism, it causes Fas to trimerize and this can also contribute to inflammatory responses through induces apoptosis in the target cell (Module 11: Figure their ability to activate the nuclear factor κB(NF-κB) sig- TNFα apoptotic signalling). nalling pathway (Module 2: Figure NF-κB activation). The DR6 receptor responds to the N-terminal amyloid Cytokine receptors precursor protein (APP) fragment (N-APP) that functions There are a number of different receptor types that re- in both axonal pruning and neuronal apoptosis (see step 11 spond to the large number of cytokines.Byfarthemajority in Module 12: Figure amyloid cascade hypothesis). Altera- of the cytokines act through the Type I cytokine recept- tions in the activity of the DR6 activity has been implicated ors (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors), which in Alzheimer’s disease as part of the amyloid cascade hy- are typical non-enzyme-containing receptors (Module pothesis. 1: Figure cytokines). Their structural organization is

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characterized by extracellular ligand-binding domains and can signal in both directions. In the conventional outside-in cytoplasmic domains that lack enzyme activity but have a mode, external stimuli activate the integrin receptor, which variable number of Box motifs that associate with the Janus then engages various transducing elements to transmit sig- tyrosine kinases (Jaks) that relay information to the down- nals into the cell. In the inside-out mode, intracellular sig- stream Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducer and activator nals coming from other receptors, often growth factor re- of transcription (STAT) signalling pathway (Module 2: ceptors, induce a conformational change in the integrin Figure JAK/STAT function). When stimuli bind to the ex- receptors that greatly enhance their affinity for their ex- ternal binding sites, they induce a conformational change ternal ligands. An example of inside-out signalling is found that bring together the box motifs and their associated Jaks, in osteoclasts, where the colony-stimulating factor-1 re- which are then close enough for them to phosphorylate ceptor (CSF-1R) functions to sensitize the integrin recept- each other to initiate the signalling pathway. This transdu- ors (Module 8: Figure osteoclastogenesis). cing unit can have a variable number of participating sub- are composed of transmembrane α-andβ- units (Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors). The subunits that come together to form a functional heterodi- simplest cases are the homodimers, as exemplified by the mer (Module 1: Figure integrin receptor). There are 18 receptors for EPO, TPO and G-CSF.The receptor for IL-2 α-subunits and eight β-subunits that can combine to form has a more complex heterotrimeric arrangement composed 24 different heterodimers that have their own binding spe- of α-,β-andγc-subunits. The common γ-subunit (γc) cificities and characteristic expression patterns (Module 1: is also used by other receptors such as the heterodimeric Figure integrin heterodimeric complexes). The following IL-4 receptor. There are other cytokine receptors that have examples illustrate the expression of different combina- four subunits: there are α-subunits, which facilitate ligand tions in specific cell types: binding and are thus specific for particular cytokines, and there are more promiscuous transducing subunits (e.g. βc, • α2/β1 and αIIb/β3 are expressed in blood platelets gp130 and LIFR) that are shared by a number of recept- (Module 11: Figure platelet activation). The calcium and ors. The glycoprotein 130 (gp130) is a particularly good integrin-binding protein 1 (CIB1) appears to regulate example of such promiscuity because it is shared by the αIIb/β3 by binding to its cytoplasmic tail. IL-6 subfamily of receptors that respond to a number of • αv/β3 is expressed in osteoclasts and functions in bone cytokines (IL-6, IL-11, LIF, CNTF and CT-1). resorption (Module 7: Figure osteoclast function) Some of the other cytokines such as colony-stimulating • αL/β2, which is also known as function- factor 1 (CSF-1), Ftl ligand (FL) and stem cell factor (SCF) associated antigen-1 (LFA1), is expressed on lympho- respond through protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors cytes and contributes to the immunological synapse (PTKRs) (Module 1: Figure stimuli for enzyme-linked re- • α4/β7, which is also known as very late antigen 4 ceptors). Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and related cy- (VLA4), is expressed on tokines act on a trimeric receptor (Module 1: Figure cy- • α7/β1 is expressed in cardiac cells, where it functions tokines), which is more versatile in that it recruits a number in the link between the sarcolemma and the sarcomeres of transducers and amplifiers to relay information to dif- (Module 12: Figure cardiac contractile elements) ferent signalling pathways (Module 1: Figure cytokines). • α5/β1 responds to the cytoxin-associated gene A (CagA) ligand (CagL) on the end of the nano-syringe that is used p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) by Helicobacter pyloris to inject proteins into its host The p75 neuotrophin receptor (p75NTR), which is cap- cell (Module 12: Figure H pylori nano-syringe). CagA able of binding all of the neurotrophins, is a member of is thought to be a bacterial oncoprotein responsible for the tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNF-R) superfam- inducing stomach cancer. ily of non-enzyme-containing receptors (Module 1: Fig- ure cytokines). The extracellular domain has four neg- The integrins have large extracellular regions that inter- atively charged cysteine-rich repeats that bind to the act with specific sequences on the extracellular matrix pro- neurotrophins. The cytoplasmic domain has a death do- teins (cell--matrixinteractions) or specific cell-surface lig- main (DD) similar to that on other death receptors such ands (cell--cellinteractions). The intracellular cytoplasmic as the Fas receptor and the p55 TNF receptor (Module 11: domain is relatively short (40--70 amino acids) and lacks Figure TNFα apoptotic signalling). The presence of DD enzyme activity. There is considerable information on in- probably means that p75NTR stimulates apoptosis using tegrin structure and the dramatic conformational changes mechanisms similar to those employed by Fas or TNFα. that occur during the formation of adhesion complexes (Module 1: Figure integrin receptor structure). The struc- Integrin signalling ture of the αL subunit illustrates the large cytoplasmic The integrins are cell-surface receptors that function in head that consists of a series of domains beginning with cell adhesion either to the extracellular matrix (ECM) or an I domain followed by the β-propeller region and then to specific cell-surface ligands during cell--cellinteractions three domains that end in the transmembrane domain. One (Module 1: Figure integrin receptor). Integrins have two of the linkers between these three domains is known as main functions. Firstly, they provide a link between the genu (knee), because it is the region where the molecule internal and the ECM as occurs at focal adhe- bends over when it assumes the low-affinity state. Finally, sion complexes and podosomes. Secondly, they have a very there is a short cytoplasmic domain, which has a GFFKR important signalling function that is unusual because they hinge motif and the KK motif that binds to RAPL. The β2

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Module 1: Figure type I cytokine receptors

Immunoglobulin- TPOR like domain EPOR IL-2R IL-4R Cytokine receptor module

Fibronectin type III- like domain Jak2 Jak2 Jak2 Jak2 Jak1 Jak3 Jak1 Jak3 Membrane-spanning domain IL-2R c IL-4R c Box 1 motif Box 2 motif Box 3 motif IL-2R



Jak2 Jak2 Jak2 Jak2 Jak1 Jak1 Jak1 Jak1

c c gp130 gp130 gp130 LIFR

Class I cytokine receptors. Structural organization of type I cytokine receptors that are characterized by variable extracellular ligand-binding domains and cytoplasmic domains that lack enzyme activity but have a variable number of Box motifs that associate with the Janus tyrosine kinases (Jaks) that relay information to the downstream Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) signalling pathway. The box describes the nature of the receptor domains. Information for this figure was taken from the Handbook of Cell Signaling, Vol. 3 (edited by R.A. Bradshaw and E.A. Dennis), Pixley, F.J. and Stanley, E.R., Cytokines and cytokine receptors regulating cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation in hematopoiesis, pp. 615--623. Copyright (2003), with permission from Elsevier; see Pixley and Stanley (2003).

Module 1: Figure integrin receptor

EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX (ECM) CELL SURFACE STIMULI STIMULI Collagen Thrombospondin Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) Fibronectin Mucosal vascular addressin cell-adhesion molecule 1 (MADCAM-1) Neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) Vitronectin Vascular cell-adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) Cytotoxin-associated gene A ligand (CagL) on Helicobacter pylori

High affinity Low affinity Integrin Outside-in Inside-out receptor

Grb2 P P FAK FAK TK Ras SOS TK FAK TK Transducers GEFs P P Src

Amplifiers Raf PI 3-K PLC Tyrosine kinases Rho PIP DAG InsP Messengers ERK1/2 3 3 Rac Growth factors Cdc42 Ca 2+

Integrin receptor activation by extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell-surface stimuli. The integrin receptor is a heterodimer composed of an α-andaβ-subunit. In the absence of stimulation (low-affinity state), the extracellular domains are bent over, but extend out to a high-affinity state following outside-in or inside-out signalling. During the former, the large extracellular domain interacts with various components of either the extracellular matrix (ECM) or cell-surface ligands. Integrins have very short cytoplasmic domains that lack enzyme activity. During receptor activation, the cytoplasmic domain of the β-subunit interacts with transducers such as focal adhesion kinase (FAK), which has tyrosine kinase (TK) activity, enabling an to create binding sites to activate a number of transducing elements. During inside-out signalling, other receptors activate tyrosine kinases that phosphorylate FAK to induce a high-affinity state that then enables the integrin receptor to bind to other adhesion molecules.

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Module 1: Figure integrin heterodimeric complexes

E E-Cad Fg

Fn IIb 7 Lm Coll Lm ICAM Fn Coll VCAM Vn 3 Lm 4 2 3 Fn Vn M L 5 1 5

4 6 1 V 2 6 7 11 Vn D X Lm 8 10 9 8 Coll Coll Fn Fn Tn Lm

Coll: collagen ICAM: intercellular adhesion molecule E-Cad: E-cadherin Tn: tenascin Fn: fibronectin VCAM: vascular cell adhesion molecule Fg: fibrinogen Vn: vitronectin Lm: laminin

The integrin family of α-andβ-subunits. The double-headed arrows link together the 24 known α-β combinations. The red arrows illustrate the stimuli that activate these different heterodimeric complexes. This figure is based on Figure 3a from Brancaccio et al. 2006. begins with an I-like domain followed by a hybrid domain, More detailed information on the signalling and skeletal which is linked through a genu to four integrin epidermal functions of integrins is presented in the following sec- growth factor (I-EGF) repeats. The latter are connected to tions: a β-tail, which connects to the transmembrane region and • the cytoplasmic tail region. The latter has a hinge region Blood platelet aggregation (Steps 8--10 in Module 11: and a NPXF motif that binds to talin. Figure platelet activation) • External stimuli such as intercellular adhesion molecule Cardiac cell contractile and cytoskeletal elements (ICAM) in the case of the αL/β2 integrin in lymphocytes, (Module 12: Figure cardiac contractile elements) • bind to the I domain of the αL subunit through a reac- Osteoclast activation in bone resorption (Step 1 in tion that depends upon Mg2 + occupying the metal-ion- Module 7: Figure osteoclast function) • dependent adhesion site (MIDAS). The molecule then un- Focal adhesion complex formation (Module 6: Figure dergoes the large conformational changes that bring about integrin signalling) the changes in affinity. In order to transmit information into the cell, the rel- Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia is a bleeding disorder that β atively short cytoplasmic domains of the integrin recept- has been linked to mutations in the 3 integrin subunit. ors function as a signalling platform to assemble various transducing elements (Module 1: Figure integrin receptor). G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) An important component of the transducing mechanism The G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent a are kinases such as the integrin-linked kinase (ILK) and very large superfamily of receptors that are capable of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), which can relay informa- responding to an enormous number and variety of extra- tion down conventional signalling pathways such as the cellular stimuli (light, odorants, neurotransmitters, hor- mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling path- mones and proteases) (Module 1: Table G protein-coupled way, the PtdIns 3-kinase signalling pathway, the inositol receptors). As their name implies, they are coupled to 2+ 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)/Ca signalling cassette and the heterotrimeric G proteins that function as the trans- the signalling pathways activated by the monomeric G ducers to relay information to different signalling path- proteins (Rho, Rac and Cdc42) that are critical for remod- ways such as the cyclic AMP signalling pathway (Module elling the actin cytoskeleton. 1: Figure stimuli for cyclic AMP signalling)andthe

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Module 1: Figure integrin receptor structure

The structure and regulation of the αL/β2 integrin receptor of lymphocytes. a. The function of integrin receptors can be modulated through a change in either affinity or valency. Changes in conformation bring about different affinity states, whereas valency regulation depends upon their lateral mobility and clustering. b. Structural domains of the αL and β2 chains. See text for further details. Reproduced by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ld: Nature Reviews . Kinashi, T. (2005) Intracellular signalling controlling integrin activation in lymphocytes. 5:546--559. Copyright (2005); http://www.nature.com/nri; Kinashi 2005.

inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)/diacylglycerol (DAG) for protein kinase C (PKC) and protein kinase A (PKA). signalling pathway (Module 1: Figure stimuli for The CaR operates as a dimer, with the two subunits linked InsP3/DAG signalling). together by two disulfide bonds (Module 7: Figure PTH The GPCRs are characterized by having seven- secretion). In the parathyroid gland, the CaR dimers are membrane-spanning regions with the N-terminus facing located on caveolae where they appear to be linked to both the outside and the C-terminus lying in the cytoplasm. The and the scaffolding protein filamin. external ligands, which usually bind to a pocket formed In addition to responding to Ca2 + , CaR is also sensit- by the external regions of some of the transmembrane ive to a number of other that fall into three main domains, induce a conformational change in the receptor groups. The first group consists of related inorganic that is then transmitted through the membrane to activate (Mg2 + and Gd3 + ) or organic polycations (neomycin and the GTP-binding proteins (G proteins). These G proteins spermine) that act in much the same way as Ca2 + to dir- fall into two main groups: the heterotrimeric G proteins ectly activate the receptor. The other two groups function and the monomeric G proteins. It is the heterotrimeric indirectly as allosteric regulators that alter the affinity of G proteins that are the main transducers responsible for the receptor, either positively (calcimimetics) or negatively transferring information from the GPCRs to a number (calcilytics). of signalling pathways. This transduction process is dis- In the parathyroid gland, CaR functions as a ‘calcio- cussed in further detail in Module 2 (see Module 2: Figure stat’ in that it is very sensitive to small fluctuations in heterotrimeric G protein signalling). The receptor activ- the plasma level of Ca2 + . It has the potential of relay- ates the G proteins by functioning as a guanine nucleotide ing information to the parathyroid cell through differ- exchange factor (GEF) to induce the exchange of GDP ent signalling pathways. The main mechanism appears to 2+ for GTP (Module 2: Figure G protein binary switching). be through the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)/Ca When the G protein is bound to GTP it activates a variety signalling cassette. It may also act to inhibit the Ca2 + - of downstream effectors including adenylyl cyclase and inhibitable isoform of adenylyl cyclase (AC) (Module 2: phospholipase C. Table adenylyl cyclases) via a pertussis-insensitive G pro- tein (Gi). When expressed in other cell types, CaR has 2 + Ca -sensing receptor (CaR) also been found to activate the mitogen-activated protein The Ca2 + -sensing receptor (CaR) belongs to the family of kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway and phospholipase A2 G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) (Module 1: Table (PLA2). G protein-coupled receptors). The primary function of the Various diseases characterized by an alteration in Ca2 + CaR is to regulate parathyroid hormone (PTH) synthesis homoeostasis have been linked to inherited mutations in and release, but it is also expressed in many other cell the CaR: types, such as bone cells, neurons, intestine, kidney, skin, • pancreas and heart. It is a typical GPCR with the usual Familial hypocalciuretic hypercalcaemia (FHH) • seven transmembrane domains, a large extracellular N- Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) • terminal domain and a C-terminal domain of 216 amino Autosomal dominant hypocalcaemia (ADH) • acids, some of which have potential phosphorylation sites Type V Barrter’s disease

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Module 1: Figure stimuli for ion channels


Acetylcholine (Nicotinic) Mechanical ATP Temperature GABA Noxious chemicals ELECTRICAL SIGNALS Glutamate Glycine Membrane ( V) 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)

Receptor Ionotropic receptors Voltage-operated Transducer TRP channels + calcium channels + and + Amplifier +

_ + - Na Cl +

V Messengers Ca 2+ Ca 2+ V

Function of ion channels as receptors for cell stimuli. Ion channels are sensitive to a range of modalities and can thus be considered to be receptors. Unlike other receptors, they combine all of the components of the signalling pathway in a single protein. When they detect the incoming stimulus (receptor function), they undergo a conformational change (transducer function) to gate large quantities of ions (amplification function). With regard to messenger function, those receptors that gate Ca2 + contribute to Ca2 + signalling pathways. The gating of ions also changes (V) and this can have a messenger function by altering the activity of voltage-operated Ca2 + channels (VOCs).

Module 1: Figure stimuli for developmental signalling

Hedgehog Wnts (Shh) Indian hedgehog (Ihh) Wnt5A Wnt8 Desert hedgehog (Dhh) Wnt11

LRP5/6 Wnt Wnt PTC SMO Fz Fz

Dsh Dsh SU Transducers GSK3 DAAM1 KIF7 SUFU RHO RAC

Amplifiers TAK PLC

Messengers GLI1 -Catenin ROK p38 DAG InsP3

Stimuli that regulate development act through a number of cell signalling pathways. The Hedgehog proteins and Wnts are stimuli that control development. They both use a seven-membrane-spanning receptor that resembles the G protein-coupled receptor used by other signalling systems, but in this case the receptor has evolved to activate other signalling pathways. In the case of Hedgehog, the smoothened (SMO) receptor engages a transducing complex that activates the transcription factor GLI1. The signalling pathways for Wnts are carried out by (Fz) receptors that are coupled to different signalling pathways. Some of the Wnts activate the transcription factor β-catenin, whereas other Wnts bind to Fz receptors that relay information to other signalling pathways.

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Ion channel receptors and effectors (Module 1: Figure cell signalling mechanism). Ion channels play a crucial role in many aspects of cell These messengers can take many forms. The concept of an signalling. One of their most obvious roles is to func- internal messenger first emerged in the cyclic AMP sig- tion as receptors for a number of external stimuli (Module nalling pathway (Module 1: Figure stimuli for cyclic AMP 1: Figure stimuli for ion channels). These receptors are signalling) where the external stimulus was considered to multifunctional in that they detect the incoming stimu- be the first messenger, whereas the cyclic AMP formed dur- lus, they transduce the information into channel open- ing information transduction was referred to as the second ing and, by virtue of conducting large amounts of charge, messenger. However, the term ‘second messenger’ can be they markedly amplify the signal. Such amplification is confusing because there are examples where there are addi- the reason such channel receptors are such effective trans- tional messengers within a signalling pathway. Therefore, ducers of sensory information. to avoid confusion, the term ‘intracellular messenger’ will Module 3: Ion Channels describes the properties of these be used to refer to the agents that carry information within ion channel receptors and it also describes how some ion the cell. channels are important effectors for different intracellular Intracellular messengers can take many different messengers. Their sensitivity to cyclic nucleotides such as forms: cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP is a critical component of 1. Ca2 + is one of the major intracellular messengers that sensory transduction. transmits information for the Ca2+ signalling pathways 2+ Transducers and amplifiers (Module 2: Figure Ca modules). 2. Cyclic AMP that functions in the cyclic AMP signalling Transducers and amplifiers are considered together be- pathway (Module 2: Figure cyclic AMP signalling). cause their activities are intimately connected and some- 3. Ca2 + -mobilizing second messengers: times the two functions reside in the same molecule. The • transducers and amplifiers are connected to the receptors, Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) that functions as 2 + where they receive information coming in from the outside a messenger linking receptors to the Ca signalling and transform it into the internal messengers (Module 1: pathway (Module 2: Figure InsP3 and DAG forma- Figure cell signalling mechanism). There are many differ- tion). • ent mechanisms of information transduction. One of the Cyclic ADP- (cADPR) that releases 2 + classical mechanisms is found for the G protein-coupled Ca from internal stores (Module 2: Figure receptors (GPCRs) that use heterotrimeric G proteins to cADPR/NAADP function) • relay information to amplifiers such as adenylyl cyclase Nicotinic acid--adenine dinucleotide phosphate (Module 1: Figure stimuli for cyclic AMP signalling)or (NAADP) (Module 2: Figure cADPR/NAADP phospholipase C (PLC) (Module 1: Figure stimuli for function). InsP3/DAG signalling). The monomeric G proteins also 4. Lipid messengers: function as transducers for the tyrosine kinase-linked re- • Diacylglycerol (DAG) is a messenger in the phos- ceptors (Module 1: Figure stimuli for enzyme-linked re- phoinositide signalling pathway that links receptor ceptors). In this case, the tyrosine kinase associated with activation to protein kinase C and protein phos- the receptor functions together with G proteins such as phorylation (Module 2: Figure InsP3 and DAG Son-of-sevenless (SoS) to carry out the transduction event. formation). For receptors that have serine/threonine kinase activity, • PtdIns3,4,5P3 is the lipid messenger that functions in the enzyme functions as both a transducer and an amp- the PtdIns 3-kinase signalling pathway (Module 2: lifier. In the case of those receptors that lack enzymatic Figure PtdIns 3-kinase signalling). activity, the transducers and amplifiers are drawn on to • PtdIns4,5P2 is the lipid messenger that functions as a the receptor as occurs for the cytokine receptors (Module membrane messenger to activate many cellular pro- 1: Figure cytokines) and for the Hedgehog and Frizzled cesses (Module 2: Figure PtdIns4,5P2 signalling). receptors (Module 1: Figure stimuli for developmental sig- • Phosphatidic acid (PA) is a messenger for the phos- nalling). pholipase D signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure Finally, the ion channel receptors are an example where PLD signalling). a single protein combines the function of receptor, trans- • Ceramide functions in the sphingomyelin signalling ducer and amplifier (Module 1: Figure stimuli for ion chan- pathway (Module 2: Figure sphingomyelin sig- nels). nalling). These different transducers and amplifiers produce many different intracellular messengers that carry inform- 5. Protein kinase messengers. Certain protein kinases can ation to the internal sensors and effectors. The cell sig- carry information to different regions of the cell: nalling pathways responsible for producing these messen- • The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) sig- gers are described in more detail in Module 2: Cell Sig- nalling pathway generates active kinases such as nalling Pathways. extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) (Module 2: Figure ERK signalling) and c-Jun N- Intracellular messengers terminal kinase (JNK) (Module 2: Figure JNK sig- The role of intracellular messengers is to carry inform- nalling) that carry information into the cell and very ation generated at the cell surface to the internal sensors often into the nucleus.

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Module 1: Table G protein-coupled receptors G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their associated heterotrimeric G proteins and downstream signalling pathways. G protein-coupled receptor Heterotrimeric G protein Signalling pathway Acetylcholine (muscarinic) receptors M1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ M2 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase M3 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ M4 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase M5 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Angiotensin receptors AT1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ AT2 ? Decrease in MAPK signalling Adenosine receptors A1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase A2A Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase A2B Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase A3 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclise α1-Adrenoreceptors Gq/11 α1A Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ α1B Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ α1D Stimulate phospholipase Cβ α2-Adrenoreceptors α2A Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase α2B Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase α2C Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase α2C Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase β-Adrenoreceptors β1 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase β2 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase β3 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Bombesin receptors BB1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ BB2 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ BB3 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Bradykinin receptors B1 (BK1)Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ B2 (BK2)Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Calcitonin receptor CTR Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Calcitonin gene-related peptide CGRP1 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase CGRP2 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Amylin Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Adrenomedullin Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Cannabinoid receptors 2 + CB1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase, close Ca channels and open K + channels 2 + CB2 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase, close Ca channels and open K + channels Ca2 + -sensing receptor CaR Gq/11 and Gi Stimulate phospholipase Cβ and inhibit adenylyl cyclase Chemokine receptors (See Module 1: Figure chemokines) CCR1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase CCR2 Gq/11 and Gi Stimulate phospholipase Cβ and inhibit adenylyl cyclase CCR3 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase CCR4 CCR5 Gq/11 and Gi Stimulate phospholipase Cβ and inhibit adenylyl cyclase CCR6 Gq/11 and Gi Stimulate phospholipase Cβ and inhibit adenylyl cyclase CCR7 CCR8 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase CCR9 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase CCR10 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase CXCR1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase CXCR2 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase CXCR3 CXCR4 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase CXCR5 CXCR6 CXCR7 XCR1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase CX3CR1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase Cholecystokinin and gastrin receptors CCKA (responds to CCK) Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ CCKB (responds to gastrin) Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Corticotropin-releasing factor receptors CRF-R1 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase CRF-R2α Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase CRF-R2β Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase CRF-R2γ Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase

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Module 1 Table continued G protein-coupled receptor Heterotrimeric G protein Signalling pathway Dopamine receptors D1 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase D2 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase D3 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase D4 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase D5 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Gastrin receptor (see Cholecystokinin and gastrin) Endothelin receptors ETA Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ ETB Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) Group I mGluR1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ mGluR5 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Group II mGluR2 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase mGluR3 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclise Group III mGluR4 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase mGluR6 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase mGluR7 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase mGluR8 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclise GABA receptor GABAA and GABAB are receptor-operated channels (see Module 3: Table receptor-operated channel toolkit) GABAB GS Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Galanin receptors GalR1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase GalR2 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ + GalR3 Gi K channel modulation Ghrelin receptor (growth-hormone-secretagogue receptor) GHS-R Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor GnRHR Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor GHRH-R Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Kisspeptin receptor GPR54 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ (Module 10: Figure GnRH neuron) Histamine receptors H1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ H2 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase H3 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase H4 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclise 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptors 5-HT1A Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase 5-HT1B Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase 5-HT1C Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase 5-HT2A Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ 5-HT2B Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ 5-HT2C Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ 2 + 5-HT3-- A receptor-operated Ca channel (see Module 3: Table receptor-operated channel toolkit) 5-HT4 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Leukotriene receptors BLT1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ BLT2 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ BLT3 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ BLT4 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ (see Module 1: Figure eicosanoids for details of leukotriene formation) Neurotensin receptors NT1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ NT2 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors (see Module 2: Figure sphingomyelin signalling EDG-1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase EDG-3 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ EDG-5 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ EDG-6 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ EDG-8 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase Lysophosphatidic acid receptors EDG-2 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase EDG-4 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ EDG-7 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ

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Module 1 Table continued G protein-coupled receptor Heterotrimeric G protein Signalling pathway Melanocortin receptors MC1R (activated by α-MSH) Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase (see Module 7: Figure melanogenesis) MC2R (activated by ACTH) Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase MC3R Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase MC4R (activated by α-MSH) Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase (see Module 7: Figure control of food intake) MC5R Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase Melatonin receptors MT1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ MT2 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase MT3 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Olfactory receptors (ORs) Approximately 1000 OR genes have been Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase identified PP-fold peptides Y1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase Y2 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase Y3 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase Y4 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase Y5 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase Pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) (see Vasoactive intestinal peptide) Platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor PAFR Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ receptors EP1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ EP2 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase EP3 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ EP4 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase DP Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase FP Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ IP Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase TP Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ (see Module 1: Figure eicosanoids for details of prostanoid formation and action) Proteinase-activated receptors PAR1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ PAR2 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ (see Module 7: Figure melanogenesis) PAR3 ?? PAR4 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ P2 receptors P2Y1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ P2Y2 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ P2Y4 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ P2Y6 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ P2Y11 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ P2Y12 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase (P2×1--7 family members are ion channels; see Module 3: Table receptor-operated channel toolkit) Opioid receptors μ (β-endorphin) Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase + Gi/o Open K channels 2 + Go Close Ca channels δ (β-endorphin) Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase + Gi/o Open K channels 2 + Go Close Ca channels κ (Dynorphin) Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase + Gi/o Open K channels 2 + Go Close Ca channels Somatostatin receptors sst1 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase sst2A and sst2B Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase sst3 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase sst4 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclase sst5 Gi Inhibit adenylyl cyclise Tachykinin receptors NK1 (substance P) Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ NK2 (neurokinin A) Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ NK3 (neurokinin B) Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Taste receptors T1R1 + T1R3 (umami) Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ T1R2 + T1R3 (sweet) Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ T2Rs (bitter) Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor TSH-R Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase

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Module 1 Table continued G protein-coupled receptor Heterotrimeric G protein Signalling pathway Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) receptor TRH-R Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) VPAC1 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase VPAC2 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ PAC1 Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ Vasopressin and oxytocin receptors V1a Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ V1b Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ V2 Gs Stimulate adenylyl cyclase OT Gq/11 Stimulate phospholipase Cβ There are a large number of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which, as their name implies, are coupled to heterotrimeric G proteins that can act through a number of signalling pathways (Module 2: Figure heterotrimeric G protein signalling). Data for this table were taken from The Sigma--RBI Handbook of Receptor Classification and Signal Transduction edited by K.J. Watling (2001) Sigma--AldrichResearch Biochemicals Incorporated. 6. Transcription factors that are activated at the cell sur- The activation of these sensors and effectors completes face or within the cytoplasm function as messengers the flow of information down the cell signalling pathways carrying information into the nucleus: (green arrows in Module 1: Figure cell signalling mech- • Nuclear factor κB(NF-κB) carries information from anism). The operation of such sensors and effectors is de- the cell surface into the cell (Module 2: Figure NF-κB scribed in more detail in Module 4: Sensors and Effectors. activation). • The signal transducers and activators of transcrip- OFF mechanisms tion (STATs) transfer information from cell-surface Signalling pathways are composed of the ON mechan- receptors into the nucleus (Module 1: Figure cy- isms that generate a flow of information into the cell tokines). and the OFF mechanisms that switch off this internal • Smads transfer information from the transforming flow of information, enabling cells to recover from stim- growth factor β (TGF-β) receptor superfamily into ulation (Module 1: Figure cell signalling mechanism). the nucleus (Module 2: Figure Smad signalling). Module 5: OFF Mechanisms describes how the intracel- • β-Catenin functions as a messenger in the canon- lular messengers and their downstream effectors are in- ical Wnt pathway (Module 2: Figure Wnt canonical activated. The second messengers cyclic AMP and cyc- pathway). lic GMP are inactivated by phosphodiesterases. Inositol • GLI1 functions in the Hedgehog signalling pathway 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) metabolism is carried out by (Module 2: Figure Hedgehog signalling pathway). both inositol trisphosphatase and inositol . Diacylglycerol (DAG) metabolism also occurs through The function of all of these intracellular messengers is two enzyme systems, DAG kinase and DAG lipase. to transmit information to the sensors and effectors that In the case of Ca2 + signalling, recovery is carried out by are responsible for the final function of the cell signalling the Ca2+ pumps and exchangers that remove Ca2 + from pathways to activate a whole host of cellular processes. the cytoplasm. Many of these second messengers activate downstream effectors through , Sensors and effectors and these activation events are reversed by corresponding The intracellular messengers that are produced by the dif- protein phosphatases. ferent signalling pathways function to regulate cellular processes (Module 1: Figure cell signalling mechanism). Just as the cell has receptors to detect external stimuli, Information transfer mechanisms the cell contains internal sensors to detect these intracel- The function of the cell signalling pathways is to transmit lular messengers. Typical examples of such sensors are the information from the cell periphery to the internal effect- Ca2 + -binding proteins that detect increases in Ca2 + and ors, such as the contractile proteins, membrane vesicles, relay this information to different effectors to control pro- ion channels, metabolic pathways and cell cycle proteins cesses such as contraction and secretion. Some sensors are that are responsible for activating cellular responses. There also effectors. For example, there are enzymes that respond are a number of mechanisms whereby information is trans- to messengers such as cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP that not mitted through these pathways (Module 1: Figure signal only detect the messenger, but also carry out various ef- transmission mechanisms). fector functions. While some of these effectors might be re- latively simple, consisting of a single downstream effector Conformational-coupling mechanisms system, there are more complicated effectors made up of Information can be transferred from one signalling ele- multiple components such as those driving processes such ment to the next through a process of conformational as exocytosis, phagocytosis, actin remodelling and gene coupling. If the components, which are usually proteins, transcription. are already associated with each other, then this transfer

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Module 1: Figure signal transmission mechanisms

Stimulus Signal A B transmission

1. 2. Stimulus Stimulus A B * A B A B * Diffusion Conformational-coupling Conformational-coupling (diffusion-dependent (preformed complex) complex formation)

3. 4. A

Stimulus Stimulus A X B * A B B *

Posttranslational modification Protein degradation

Different modes of signal transmission. Cell signalling pathways depend upon different types of signal transmission mechanisms that transfer information from one component to the next. A stimulus arriving at component A is transferred to component B. There are four main signal transmission mechanisms, as described in the text. mechanism can be very fast (mechanism 1 in Module 1: ure signal transmission mechanisms). The basic mechan- Figure signal transmission mechanisms). A classical ex- ism is for a stimulus to activate component A, which ample of such a conformational-coupling mechanism oc- then acts on component B to bring about a conforma- curs during excitation--contraction coupling in skeletal tional change through some post-translational modifica- muscle, where the CaV1.1 L-type channel is pre-coupled to tion. These modifications, which function in signal trans- the (RYR1) (Module 3: Figure L-type mission, are often very specific in that they are directed channel/RYR1 complex). Another example is the associ- towards particular amino acids that can by altered in many ation of voltage-operated Ca2 + channels with the proteins different ways: responsible for exocytosis of synaptic vesicles (Module 4: • Figure Ca2+-induced membrane fusion). Protein glycosylation • Conformational coupling is also used when information Protein phosphorylation • is being transferred by diffusion of signalling elements. Protein oxidation + • Low-molecular-mass second messengers (e.g. Ca2 ,cyc- Protein acetylation • lic AMP, cyclic GMP and ) or Protein • proteins such as the phosphorylated extracellular-signal- Sumoylation • regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) or various activated tran- Ubiquitination scription factors that translocate from the cytoplasm into the nucleus carry information as they diffuse through the Protein glycosylation cell. In order to transmit this information, these diffus- A number of signalling proteins can be glycosylated ing elements use a conformation-coupling mechanism to through the attachment of a β-N-acetylglucosamine transmit information when they bind to downstream ele- (GlcNAc) residue. An O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) ments (mechanism 2 in Module 1: Figure signal transmis- uses UDP-GlcNAc, which is the end product of hex- sion mechanisms). osamine biosynthesis, to form the O-linked β-N- acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) post-translational modi- Post-translational modifications fication,whichisthenreversedbyaO-GlcNAcase. The Signalling systems use a variety of post-translational pro- UDP-GlcNAc may function as a nutrient sensor because tein modifications in order to transmit information along its levels fluctuate depending on the availability of meta- signalling pathways (mechanism 3 in Module 1: Fig- bolites such as glucose and free fatty acids (FFAs). The

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elevation of these metabolites during obesity may increase • Large tumour suppressor (Lats) the activity of OGT resulting in the glycosylation and • Leucine-zipper-interacting kinase (ZIPK) alteration of insulin receptor signalling components res- • LKB1 ulting in insulin resistance (Module 12: Figure insulin res- • Mammalian sterile-20-like kinase (MST) istance). • Membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs) • Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) Protein phosphorylation • Myotonic dystrophy kinase-related Cdc42-binding Protein kinases and phosphatases alter the activity of pro- kinase (MRCK) teins by either adding or removing phosphate groups re- • p21-activated kinase (PAK) spectively. Cells express an enormous number of protein • Protein kinase A (PKA) kinases responsible for phosphorylating signalling com- • Protein kinase B (PKB) ponents as a mechanism of signal transmission. In some • Protein kinase C (PKC) cases, there are a series of kinases that phosphorylate • Rho kinase (ROK) each other to set up a signalling cascade. A classical ex- • Polo-like kinases (Plks) ample is the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) • Ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure MAPK signalling). • WNK protein kinase The kinases are divided into two main groups defined by Non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases the amino acids that they phosphorylate. There are tyr- There are a large number of non-receptor protein tyrosine osine kinases and serine/threonine kinases. These kinases kinases with a diverse range of signalling functions. In come in many different forms and can either function as addition to having a tyrosine kinase domain, they contain part of cell-surface receptors or as non-receptor-linked protein interaction domains that enable them to interact kinases operating in different regions within the cell. These with both upstream and downstream signalling elements kinases can come into play right at the beginning of cer- (Module 1: Figure non-receptor tyrosine kinases). Some tain signalling pathways as occurs for the protein tyrosine of the kinases, which have more general functions, are kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs) and the serine/threonine described here, whereas others are described in relation kinase-linked receptors (S/TKRs) (Module 1: Figure stim- to signalling processes where they perform more specific uli for enzyme-linked receptors). functions: By far the majority of the signalling kinases are not linked to receptors, but operate within the cells as part of an • Src family internal signalling cascade. The Src family of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases, such as Src, Lck, Lyn, Fyn and Src Syk, are particularly important in initiating signalling Blk events in T cells (Module 9: Figure TCR signalling)and Fgr mast cells (Module 11: Figure FcεRI mast cell signalling). Hck The Tec tyrosine kinase family also plays an important role Fyn in the early transmission of information in lymphocytes. Lck Most signalling pathways use non-receptor ser- Lyn ine/threonine protein kinases at some point during the Yes processes of signal transmission. The following are ex- • tyrosine kinase (Syk) family amples of some of the major kinases that function by modifying protein properties through phosphorylation of Syk serine and/or threonine residues: ζ-Associated protein of 70 kDa (ZAP70) • Adaptor-associated kinase 1 (AAK1) • Tec tyrosine kinase family • AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) • β-Adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (βARK1) Tec • Casein kinase I (CKI) Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) • Calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase Inducible T cell kinase (Itk) (CASK) • C-terminal Src kinase (CSK) • CDK-activating kinase (CAK) • Fer • Checkpoint kinases • Abelson tyrosine kinase (Abl) family • C-terminal Src kinase (CSK) • Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs); see Cell cycle sig- Abl nalling Abl-related gene (arg) product (Arg) • Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-activating kinase (CAK) • Janus kinases (JAKs); see Janus kinase (JAK)/signal • Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK) transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) sig- • DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) nalling pathway • Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) • Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) • Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) • -rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2)

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Module 1: Figure non-receptor tyrosine kinases

416 Y Y 527 P P Src family SH3 SH2 Kinase Src

Syk SH2 SH2 Kinase Syk family SH2 SH2 Kinase ZAP-70

PH Btk SH3 SH2 Kinase Btk

CCD1 CCD2 CCD3 SH2 Kinase Fer



Domain structure of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases. These non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases are characterized by having a kinase domain together with a variable number of protein--protein interaction domains, which enable them to interact with upstream and downstream components of different signalling pathways. The presence of nuclear localization signals (NLS) and a nuclear export signal (NES) enables Abl to move between the cytoplasm and nucleus where it carries out its different signalling functions. Fer contains three coiled-coil domains (CCDs). See the text for further details. Phosphorylation of two residues onSrcis critical for its activation (Module 1: Figure Src activation).

Src 2. Various tyrosine kinases phosphorylate Tyr-416 located Src is the prototype of the Src protein tyrosine kinase fam- within the kinase domain, resulting in an increase in ily (Src, Blk, Fyn, Fgr, Hck, Lck, Lyn, Yes). These tyrosine enzyme activity. kinases function both as adaptors to assemble signalling 3. The activated tyrosine kinase domain can now phos- complexes and as a tyrosine kinase to phosphorylate com- phorylate various substrates such as Abl (Module 1: ponents of such signalling complexes. Their structure has Figure Abl signalling). domains responsible for this dual adaptor and enzymatic 4. The active conformation of the molecule also makes the function (Module 1: Figure non-receptor tyrosine kinases). SH2 and SH3 domains available to interact with a num- The kinases are attached to the membrane through the N- ber of target proteins to assemble signalling complexes. terminal region and this is then followed by an Src homo- 5. Src is inactivated by the C-terminal Src kinase (CSK) logy 3 (SH3) domain and then an Src homology 2 (SH2) that phosphorylates the C-terminal Tyr-527 to rein- domain. The kinase region is located in the C-terminal part state the inactive conformation (Module 1: Figure Src of the molecule where there are two tyrosine residues (Tyr- activation). 416 and Tyr-527) that are critical for regulating the activity of Src. The SH2 domain not only enables Src to inter- Src performs a wide range of functions: act with other signalling molecules, but also participates in an intramolecular interaction that regulates Src activ- • ity. The regulation of Src, which resembles that found in It activates the non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase Abl other members of the family, depends upon the following (Module 1: Figure Abl signalling) • processes (Module 1: Figure Src activation): It acts together with the proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) to promote formation of the osteoclast podo- some (Module 7: Figure osteoclast podosome) • It plays a role in relaying information from integrin re- 1. In the inactive conformation, the phosphorylated Tyr- ceptors to PtdIns 3-kinase at the focal adhesion complex 527 at the C-terminal end forms an intramolecular in- (Module 6: Figure integrin signalling) teraction with the SH2 domain. During activation, tyr- • During osteoclastogenesis, colony-stimulating factor-1 osine phosphatases remove this inhibitory phosphate (CSF-1) acts on the colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor and the molecule opens out. (CSF-1R) and recruits Src, which forms a complex with

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c-Cbl and PtdIns 3-kinase (PtdIns 3-K) (Module 8: Fig- Tyr-505 is phosphorylated by the C-terminal Src kinase ure osteoclast differentiation). Src also phosphorylates (CSK). the typical immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) on the γ (FcRγ)and Lyn DNAX-activating protein 12 (DAP12) adaptors, which Lyn functions in the activation of B cells, mast cells and co-ordinate activation of the Ca2 + signalling pathway blood platelets. In mast cells, Lyn acts to phosphorylate in the developing osteoclast. the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (IT- • It phosphorylates and activates the Tec tyrosine kinase AMs) on the FcεRI receptor to provide binding sites to family. recruit Syk (Module 11: Figure FcεRI mast cell signalling). Lyn also phosphorylates and activates Syk as part of the cascade of signals that lead to mast cell activation. Another C-terminal Src kinase (CSK) of its functions is to phosphorylate and activate the Tec C-terminal Src kinase (CSK) inactivates Src by phos- tyrosine kinase family. phorylating Tyr-527 at its C-terminal end (Module 1: Fig- In the case of blood platelets, Lyn binds to the colla- ure non-receptor tyrosine kinases). Once this residue is gen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) and phosphorylates phosphorylated, the C-terminal end containing the kinase ITAMs on the Fc receptor γ (FcRγ) chains to provide domain bends around so that this phosphorylated group binding sites for phospholipase Cγ2(PLCγ2) (Step 2 in interacts with the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain.Srcis Module 11: Figure platelet activation).Lynalsoplaysa inactive in the folded configuration (Module 1: Figure role in B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) activation (Module Src activation). CSK plays a similar role in inactivating 9: Figure B cell activation). Lck, which is one of the early T cell receptor transducers (Module 9: Figure TCR signalling) Syk Syk (spleen tyrosine kinase) is a non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase (Module 1: Figure non-receptor tyrosine Fyn kinases) that plays a role in signal transduction in mast cells In blood platelets, Fyn acts together with Lyn by binding and in B cells. In mast cells, phosphorylation of the im- to the collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) where munoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) they phosphorylate immunoreceptor tyrosine-based ac- on the FcεRI receptor by Lyn provides binding sites that tivation motifs (ITAMs) on the Fc receptor γ (FcRγ) recruit Syk, which is also phosphorylated and activated chains to provide binding sites for phospholipase C γ2 by Lyn Module 11: Figure FcεRI mast cell signalling). The (PLC γ2) (Step 2 in Module 11: Figure platelet activation). activated Syk then phosphorylates the scaffolding proteins Fyn also binds to the adaptor protein SLAM-associated linker for activation of T cells (LAT) and Src homology 2 protein (SAM), which mediates the action of the signalling domain-containing protein of 76 kDa (SLP-76) to provide lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) family of co- binding sites for other signalling components. Syk also stimulatory molecules. phosphorylates phospholipase Cγ1(PLCγ1) and Bruton’s In mast cells, Fyn is recruited to the FcεRI receptor tyrosine kinase (Btk), which interact with each other dur- where it phosphorylates Gab2 and Bruton’s tyrosine ing the activation of PLCγ1. Syk performs a similar func- kinase (Btk), which contribute to the activation of PtdIns tion in the activation of B cells (Module 2: Figure ROS 3-kinase, which then phosphorylates PtdIns4,5P2 to form effects on Ca2+ signalling) and during osteoclastogenesis the lipid messenger PtdIns3,4,5P3 (Module 11: Figure (Module 8: Figure osteoclast differentiation). FcεRI mast cell signalling). Another important action of Fyn is to regulate the func- ζ-Associated protein of 70 kDa (ZAP70) tion of the classical cadherins. Stability of the cadherin/β- The ζ-associated protein of 70 kDa (ZAP70) is a non- catenin/actin complex is controlled by phosphorylation of receptor protein tyrosine kinase that functions in T cell ac- Tyr-142 on β-catenin by Fyn and this regulates its inter- tivation (Module 1: Figure non-receptor tyrosine kinases). action with α-catenin and the actin cytoskeleton (Module It is one of the key components of the T cell receptor 6: Figure classical cadherin signalling). transducers that are drawn into the large signalling com- plex (Module 9: Figure TCR signalling). ZAP70 uses its Src homology 2 (SH2) domains to bind to that the immunore- Lck ceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) that are Lck is one of the main non-receptor protein tyrosine phosphorylated by Lck. Once in place, ZAP70 then phos- kinases expressed in T cells, where it plays an early role phorylates scaffolding components such as linker for activ- as one of the T cell receptor transducers (Module 9: Fig- ation of T cells (LAT) and SH2-domain-containing protein ure TCR signalling). As for Src (see Step 5 in Module 1: of 76 kDa (SLP-76), which are drawn into the growing Figure Src activation), Lck is inactive when the molecule central supramolecular activation cluster (c-SMAC) and is folded by an intramolecular interaction between the Src function as docking sites to communicate to the different homology 2 (SH2) domain and a phosphate group at the signalling cassettes. C-terminal end of the molecule. In the case of T cells, Lck is activated by the transmembrane tyrosine kinase CD45, Fer which dephosphorylates an inhibitory phosphate group Fer is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase that plays a role on Tyr-505. Conversely, the molecule is inactivated when in regulating the function of the classical cadherins

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Module 1: Figure Src activation




3 Target

H H Tyrosine H Pro

S S 2 protein S




H H P Tyrosine Target



S kinases S protein P 4

C-terminal e Kinase Target Kinase s

Src kinase a Pro

n protein


K 3 5 Target P protein

Abl P Abl

Activation of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Src. Src is the prototype of the family of Src tyrosine kinases that have a similar activation mechanism. 1. A C-terminal phosphotyrosine group is removed to open up the molecule. 2. Tyrosine kinases phosphorylate a residue within the kinase domain resulting in an increase in enzyme activity. 3. The activated kinase domain can phosphorylate various target proteins such as Abl. 4. The SH2 and SH3 domains can bind various target proteins. 5. C-terminal Src kinase (CSK) phosphorylates the C-terminal tyrosine residue to reinstate the inactive conformation.

(Module 6: Figure classical cadherin signalling). It has have the PXXP motif such as 3BP-1 (a Rac GTPase- the typical conserved kinase domain together with three activating protein), Abelson-interactor (Abi), ATM coiled-coil domains (CCD1--CCD3)and a Src homology (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), Cbl, DNA-dependent 2 (SH2) domain (Module 1: Figure non-receptor tyrosine protein kinase (DNAPK), NR2D subunit of the kinases). N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, scramblase-1 and Wiskott--Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) verpro- lin homologous (WAVE). Many of these binding partners are either substrates of the Abl kinase or they are up- Abl stream kinases that phosphorylate and activate Abl. Like The Abelson tyrosine kinase (Abl) takes its name from the SH3 domain, the SH2 domain of Abl interacts with the fact that the c-abl gene was first identified as part a number of signalling components, such as the Eph re- of the Abelson murine leukaemia virus and was sub- sequently found to be a component of the human BCR- ceptor (Module 1: Figure Eph receptor signalling), Cbl, ABL oncogene. The Abl component of the BCR-ABL Crk-associated substrate (Cas) and RNA polymerase II. oncogene is a multitasking signalling molecule capable The middle of the molecule contains three domains con- of operating in both the cytoplasm and nucleus to regu- taining high-mobility group (HMG)-like boxes (HLB1-- late diverse cellular processes, including actin remodelling, HLB3) that can bind to A/T-rich DNA regions (Module chemotaxis, , T cell receptor signalling, 1: Figure non-receptor tyrosine kinases). The C-terminal DNA repair and apoptosis. region contains binding sites for globular (G-) and fila- The ability of Abl to regulate multiple cellular pro- mentous (F-) actin. Interposed between these two sites cesses depends on its complex domain structure (Module is a C-terminal domain-interacting domain (CTD-ID) 1: Figure non-receptor tyrosine kinases). The N-terminal that is a binding site for the CTD of mammalian RNA region begins with an Src homology 3 (SH3) domain polymerase II. The region containing the HLB do- and an Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, which are fol- mains also have a number of proline-rich motifs that en- lowed by the kinase domain. Like other non-receptor able Abl to interact with SH3 domain-containing pro- protein tyrosine kinases, there is an internal autoinhib- teins such as Abelson-interactor (Abi), Crk, growth ition whereby the SH3 domain bends round to inter- factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2), Nck and pro- act with the kinase domain. The SH3 domain is used line/serine/threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 1 by Abl to interact with a plethora of proteins that (PSTPIP1).

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Abl can regulate a number of cellular processes, both is activated by various stressful stimuli (Step 5 in Module in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. It can move between 1: Figure Abl signalling). One of the actions of Abl is to in- these two compartments by virtue of having nuclear loc- crease the transcriptional activity of p53. The proline-rich alization signals (NLSs) and a nuclear export signal (NES) regions of Abl bind to p53 and may act either by stabil- (Module 1: Figure non-receptor tyrosine kinases). The sig- izing the interaction of p53 with DNA or by masking the nalling function of Abl is described in Module 1: Figure target sites that are ubiquitinated by MDM2. An- Abl signalling: other proposed action is for Abl to phosphorylate MDM2 to inhibit the ubiquitination of p53 (Step 6 in Module 1: 1. Abl located in the cytoplasm is activated by Src as- Figure Abl signalling). sociated with protein tyrosine kinase-linked recept- ors such as the platelet-derived growth factor re- Protein oxidation ceptor (PDGFR). Src phosphorylates Abl, relieving the The redox signalling pathway generates reactive oxygen autoinhibition and thus enabling the molecule to open species such as superoxide and that out to begin its signalling role in actin remodelling. Abl carry out their second messenger functions by oxidizing can bind to both G- and F-actin, but how this facilitates specific thiol groups on specific cysteine residues in target actin assembly is unclear. proteins (Module 2: Figure reversible and irreversible ROS 2. Abl can also be activated by integrin receptors, where it oxidations). can contribute to actin assembly by forming a complex with Abelson-interactor (Abi), Wiskott--Aldrich syn- Protein acetylation drome protein (WASP) verprolin homologous (WAVE) Protein acetylation plays a particularly important role and the actin-related protein 2/3 complex (Arp2/3 com- in chromatin remodelling and is associated with the ac- plex). Such complex formation is found at focal adhe- tivation of gene transcription. Histone acetyltransferases sion complexes (Module 6: Figure integrin signalling). (HATs) function to acetylate histone, which then opens up 3. In addition to its function in the cytoplasm, Abl also the chromatin, making it accessible to a whole variety of operates within the nucleus. Its nuclear function seems transcription factors and thus constitutes an ON mechan- to depend upon its interaction with the pocket pro- ism. Such a role for acetylation is evident during the activ- tein retinoblastoma susceptibility gene Rb (Module 1: ation of the myocyte enhancer factor-2 (MEF2) (Module Figure Abl signalling). 4: Figure MEF2 activation). The acetylation reaction is 4. The inhibitory effect of Rb on nuclear Abl is relieved reversed by deacetylases such as the histone deacetylases by the phosphorylation of Rb by the cyclin D/cyclin- (HDACs) and the . The activity of the transcrip- dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) complex, which is a com- tion factor PGC-1α, which functions as part of the AMPK ponent of the cell cycle signalling pathway (Module 9: signalling pathway, is controlled by acetylation through Figure cell cycle signalling mechanisms). SIRT1 and deacetylation by GCN5 (Module 2: Figure 5. Nuclear Abl can be activated by a number of stress- AMPK control of metabolism). ful stimuli, such as ionizing radiation acting through The protein CLOCK, which is a component of the ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) or by DNA dam- circadian clock, is an acetyltransferase that acetylates its age acting through DNA-dependent protein kinase partner BMAL1 to make the latter more susceptible to (DNAPK). the inhibition by CRY (see Step 4 in Module 6: 6. Abl inhibition of mouse double minute-2 (MDM2) pre- Figure circadian clock molecular mechanisms). vents the degradation of p53 by the ubiquitin ligase The movement of kinesin-1 along microtubules is en- mouse double minute-2 (MDM2) and this enhances hanced by the acetylation of the α-tubulin subunits. the transcription of the genes that induce apoptosis (Module 4: Figure p53 function). Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) 7. Abl can phosphorylate and activate RNA polymerase The histone acetyltransferases (HATs) function by acet- II, which contributes to gene expression (Module 1: ylating the histones resulting in chromatin remodelling to Figure Abl signalling). make it easier for transcription factors to act at promoter 8. Abl can phosphorylate and activate Rad52, which con- sites to initiate gene transcription. The following are typ- tributes to DNA repair. ical examples of such HATs: • p300 and its close relative CREB binding protein (CBP) Abl inhibition of mouse double minute-2 (MDM2) • Tip60 One function of Abl is to regulate the activity of the mouse double minute-2 (MDM2), which is a ubiquitin Histone deacetylases (HDACs) ligase that targets the transcription factor p53 for degrad- Histone deacetylases (HDACs), which fall into two ation (Module 4: Figure p53 function). A variety of cell groups (class I and II), are responsible for the - stresses activate p53, which is at the heart of a signalling etic changes that modify chromatin. In effect, they repress network that controls the cell cycle network, senescence gene transcription by deacetylating histones, resulting in and apoptosis (Module 9: Figure proliferation signalling condensation, which prevents transcription network). MDM2 plays a role in this network by virtue of factors gaining access to their promoter sites. The sirtuins its ability to destabilize p53 by targeting it for degradation. are an important family of HDACs. This constitutes an This MDM2 inhibitory action is alleviated by Abl, which OFF mechanism, as it is associated with the repression of

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Module 1: Figure Abl signalling


PDGFR Integrins

Src + 2 Src 1 Abl FAK P Abi1/2 P WAVE Abl Cas Crk + Arp2/3 Actin Cytosolic Abl Abl G-actin assembly

4 Ionizing Cyclin D Abl radiation 3 Nuclear CDK4 2

Abl M


ATM M p53 Apoptosis b DNA-PK R 5 6 X U P + P Rb P DNA P 7 damage P RNA pol II Gene Abl transcription

8 P Rad52 DNA repair

Abl signalling functions in the cytoplasm and nucleus. The non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase Abl is a multitasking signalling component that contributes to actin remodelling in the cytoplasm and also acts within the nucleus to regulate processes such as apoptosis, gene transcription and DNA repair. Details of the numbered events are described in the text.

gene transcription. An important event during the activ- 14-3-3 protein. An example of such a signalling mechan- ation of gene transcription is HDAC inactivation, which ism is evident during the activation of the myocyte en- depends upon its translocation out of the nucleus. This hancer factor-2 (MEF2) (Module 4: Figure MEF2 activa- export from the nucleus can be induced either by HDAC tion). Phosphorylation of HDAC4 and its removal from phosphorylation by protein kinases or by HDAC oxida- the nucleus is also a critical event for the cardiac histone tion through redox signalling pathways. deacetylase (HDAC) shuttle during the onset of cardiac HDAC activation functions in the control of many dif- hypertrophy (Module 12: Figure hypertrophy signalling ferent cellular processes: mechanisms). Inhibition of the HDACs, which will enhance histone acetylation and thus the chromatin modifications neces- HDAC oxidation sary for neuronal gene transcription (Module 10: Figure The export of HDAC from the nucleus can be induced neuronal gene transcription), has been shown to restore through protein oxidation by various messengers of the memory in a mouse neurodegeneration model. A cardiac redox signalling pathway. The HDACs have hyperreact- histone deacetylase (HDAC) shuttle plays an important ive cysteine residues that can be oxidized by reactive oxy- role in the onset of cardiac hypertrophy (Module 12: Fig- gen species (ROS) or by reactive species (RNS). ure hypertrophy signalling mechanisms). In the case of cortical neurons, reactions at HDAC is also part of the repressor complex that inhibits Cys-262 and Cys-274 inactivate HDAC2 by causing it to the transcription of Wnt genes (Module 2: Figure Wnt leave the nucleus. A redox-dependent pathway may also canonical pathway). function to export HDAC4 from the nucleus in cardiac HDAC3 associates with the cells. The two cysteine residues (Cys-667 and Cys-669) on co-repressor 1 (N-CoR1) to control the circadian clock HDAC4 are oxidized by reactive oxygen species (ROS) molecular mechanisms. to form an intramolecular disulphide bond and the result- ing conformational change results in the oxidized HDAC4 being exported from the nucleus. HDAC phosphorylation The export of HDAC from the nucleus can be Sirtuins induced by protein phosphorylation. For example, There are seven members of the family that have Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaMKIV) both NAD + -dependent deacetylase and ADP-ribosylase phosphorylates Ser-259 and Ser-498 of HDAC5, which activity. The function of sirtuins requires the coenzyme then translocates out of the nucleus in association with NAD + as a co-substrate and this provides a mechanism

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for linking their activity to the energy status of the cell (see plays an important role in development. In embryonic step 3 in Module 2: Figure AMPK control of metabolism). stem cells (ES), it interacts with cell-type-specific tran- Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) can deacylate a wide range of sub- scription factors such as Nanog, Sall1 and Sall4. It also strates (PGC-1α, p53, FOXO, NF-κB, myoD and his- interacts with the cardiac-specific transcription factor tones), which reflects its multiple roles. One of its import- Nkx2. Defects in WHSC1 appear to play a role in ant functions is to regulate p53 acetylation. It has also been Wolf--Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS). implicated in gene silencing, senescence, apoptosis and fat • The transcriptional co-repressor switch independent metabolism. In the case of brown fat cells, SIRT1 inhibits (SIN3), which functions in chromatin remodelling, as- the activity of PGC-1α by reversing the p300-dependent sembles a large core complex that can contain various acetylation reactions (Module 8: Figure brown fat cell dif- methyl transferases such as the histone H3-specific en- ferentiation). SIRT1 functions in the PER regulatory loop zyme ERG-associated protein with SET domain (ESET) of the circadian clock. Deleted in breast cancer 1 (DBC1) and the histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyl transferase functions as a negative regulator of SIRT1. (ALL-1). Sirtuin 3 (SIRT3) seems to regulate the expression of PGC-1α. Both SIRT1 and SIRT3 can be imported into the mitochondria where they may regulate mitochondrial Sumoylation metabolism. SIRT3 deacylates the acetyl-CoA synthetase Sumoylation is an example of a post-translation modi- 2 that converts acetate into acetyl-CoA, whereas SIRT4 fication mechanism whereby the function of a protein is ribosylates and inhibits the glutamate dehydrogenase that altered by the covalent attachment of a small ubiquitin- converts glutamate into α-ketoglutarate. related modifier (SUMO) (Module 1: Figure sumoylation). The addition of SUMO induces a change in the activity,sta- Protein methylation bility or location of its target proteins. The nature of these Protein function can be modified by methylation of ar- targets and the components responsible for the sumoyla- ginine or lysine residues by enzymes such as a family of tion reaction are summarized in Module 1: Table sumoyla- protein methyltransferases (PRMTs) and Smyd-2. tion toolkit. There are four human SUMO proteins: the Such methylation reactions are reversed by demethylases first three are widely expressed, whereas SUMO-4 is re- such as the histone lysine-specific demethylase (LSD1) that stricted to certain cell types (kidney, spleen and nymph removes the methyl group from p53. nodes). In most cases, a single SUMO molecule is added Methylation is used to regulate a number of different to the substrate proteins, but both SUMO-3 and SUMO-4 proteins and cellular processes: can form SUMO chains through the formation of SUMO- -SUMO isopeptide bonds. • Modifying the activity of the transcriptional regulator The sumoylation reaction occurs through the follow- peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) ing series of discrete steps as shown in Module 1: Figure coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), which controls the differen- sumoylation: tiation of brown fat cells (Module 8: Figure brown fat cell differentiation). 1. The immature SUMO proteins have a variable length • There is a role for p53 methylation in regulating gene (2--11 amino acids) C-terminal region that is attached to transcription. an invariant Gly-Gly motif. This SUMO precursor un- • Histone methylation of lysine and arginine residues in dergoes a maturation process that entails the proteolytic the N-terminal tail of histone H3 can markedly in- cleavage of the C-terminal extension to expose these fluence chromatin organization. When such methyla- two glycine residues. This cleavage is carried out by tion reactions occur within gene promoter regions, they the sentrin-specific proteases (SENPs) (Module 1: Table can activate or repress gene transcription depending on sumoylation toolkit).TheSUMOisnowinaformto their location. During replicative senescence, Suv39h1 enter the sumoylation reaction, which is a reversible methylates histones to enhance formation of hetero- protein modification that depends on the formation of chromatin that will silence DNA. An abbreviation sys- an isopeptide bond between the C-terminal glycine and tem has been developed to describe both the location the ε-amino group on a specific lysine residue in the and the nature of the methylation reaction. The nitro- substrate. gen groups of lysine and arginine can be modified by 2. The first step in the sumoylation reaction is the ac- one or more methyl groups. The lysine can be mono-, tivation of SUMO by the E1 activating enzyme AOS1- di- or trimethylated (me1, me2 and me3) whereas the UBA2 which uses the energy of ATP to form a thioester arginine can be mono- or di-methylated with the added bond between the C-terminal carboxy group of SUMO complication that this may be either symmetrical (me2s) and a Cys-173 residue on UBA2 (Module 1: Figure or asymmetrical (me2a). In the case of histone H3, sumoylation). the trimethylation of arginine at position 9 (H3K9me3) 3. The conjugation process begins with the transfer of represses transcription whereas di- and trimethylation SUMO from UBA2 to the E2 conjugating enzyme of Arg-4 (H3K4me2 and H3K4me3) promotes tran- UBC9. scription. 4. The final conjugation step, which is carried out by vari- The H3K36me3-specific histone methyltransferase ous SUMO E3 ligases such as the PIAS family and Wolf--Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1 (WHSC1) RanBP2 (Module 1: Table sumoylation toolkit), results

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Module 1: Figure sumoylation

Sumo -G-G AMP C C UBA2 UBA2 C 3 ATP UBC9 2 Activation

Maturation Sumo -G-G Sumo -G-G K-x-E C Substrate X-X-X-X.... UBC9 C-terminal residues SENP 1 5 4 Sumo -G-G E3 K-x-E Sumo -G-G-X-X-X-X.... ligase Conjugation Deconjugation Substrate

Nuclear protein translocation Axonal transport DNA replication and repair Ion channels Gene transcription Mitochondrial fission and fusion

Sumoylation Addition of the small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) to protein substrates alters their signalling functions to control many cellular processes.As described in the text, the sumoylation reaction can be divided into a series of discrete steps: maturation, activation, conjugation and deconjugation.

in the transfer of SUMO from UBC9 to its various • Sumoylation regulates synaptic function by controlling substrates. These substrates have consensus SUMO ac- the of kainate receptors. When the subunit ceptor sites such as KxE or KxExxpSP, where  is GluR6 is Sumoylated following receptor activation, it is an aliphatic branched amino acid and x is any amino internalized and degraded. acid (Module 1: Figure sumoylation). • The promyelocytic leukaemia (PML) protein is 5. The same SENPs that function in maturation are re- Sumoylated when it functions to assemble the PML sponsible for reversing sumoylation by removing the nuclear bodies (PML NBs). SUMO groups from the substrate proteins. • Translocation of the transcriptional co-repressor C-terminal binding protein (CtBP) from the cytoplasm Sumoylation of substrate proteins contribute to the con- into the nucleus is controlled by sumoylation. • trol of a number of cellular processes such as protein trans- The transcriptional activity of p53 may be repressed by location across the nucleus, gene transcription, DNA rep- a process of p53 sumoylation. lication and repair, mitochondrial fission and fusion, ion channels and the axonal transport of proteins. In carrying Ubiquitination out these functions, sumoylation can alter substrate pro- Ubiquitination is a protein modification mechanism that tein activity in different ways. The addition of a SUMO depends on the covalent addition of the highly conserved group can bring about a conformational change in the 76-residue polypeptide protein ubiquitin to specific tar- substrate or it can alter its interaction with other pro- get proteins (Module 1: Figure protein ubiquitination). teins. In addition, the SUMO group can provide additional This process of protein ubiquitination has two import- binding sites to interact with other downstream effector ant functions. First, it is used in a ubiquitin signalling proteins, which have a SUMO-interacting/binding motif system whereby the reversible ubiquitination of certain (SIM/SBM). The enzymes that function in the conjugation cell protein substrates, which are components of cell sig- process also have this SIM/SBM motif. The following ex- nalling pathways, functions to control a number of cellu- amples illustrate how sumoylation can regulate a variety lar responses (see top panel in Module 1: Figure protein of cell signalling components and cellular responses: ubiquitination). A set of activating, conjugating and lig- ase enzymes are responsible for adding ubiquitin to the • Sumoylation causes RanGAP1 to translocate from the substrate protein. In some cases, only a single ubiquitin cytoplasm to the nucleus by interacting with the nuc- is added (monoubiquitination) whereas in others there leoporin RanBP2, which also functions as a SUMO E3 are multiple additions (polyubiquitination) with ubiquitin ligase. molecules being added to each other to form a chain. This

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Module 1: Table sumoylation toolkit Sumoylation toolkit. Sumoylation components Comments Small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) SUMO-1 SUMO-2 Can form SUMO chains through formation of SUMO--SUMO isopeptide bonds. Closely resembles SUMO-3 (97% identity) SUMO-3 Closely resembles SUMO-2 and can also form SUMO chains SUMO-4 SUMO-specific isopeptidases Sentrin-specific proteases Function in the maturation and deconjugation reactions (Module 1: Figure sumoylation) SENP1 Translocates between the nucleus and cytoplasm SENP2 Found in the complexes SENP3 SENP5 Found in the nucleolus and cytoplasm SENP6 SENP7 Sumoylation-activating enzymes E1 activating enzyme AOS1-UBA2 Forms a thioester bond between SUMO and UBA2 (Step 2 in Module 1: Figure sumoylation) E2 conjugating enzyme UBC9 Transfers SUMO from UBA2 to UBC9 (Step 3 in Module 1: Figure sumoylation) E3 ligases There are a number of ligases that transfer SUMO from UBC9 to downstream substrates (Step 4inModule 1: Figure sumoylation) PIAS family Protein inhibitor of activated STAT (PIAS) family that contain the SP-RING motif PIAS1 PIAS3 PIASxα PIASxβ PIASxγ RanBP2 A nuclear pore protein MMS21 This SP-RING ligase (also known as NSE2) functions in DNA repair SUMO substrates Characterized by having KxE or KxExxpSP SUMO-acceptor sites RanGAP1 PML Sp100 IκBα p53 HSF1 Heat shock factor-1 SNIP1 Smad nucleus interaction protein-1 MEF2 post-translational modification alters the conformation of Ubiquitin signalling and cell signal transduction the target proteins to enable them to participate in vari- The reversible ubiquitination of various signalling com- ous signalling pathways to control cellular responses. The ponents contributes to the processing of information in cell signalling response is terminated by removal of the the following cell signalling pathways: ubiquitin groups by deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). The ubiquitin--proteasomesystem carries out the other • major function of protein ubiquitination. In this case, the In the tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) signalling path- addition of ubiquitin to protein substrates marks them way, ubiquitination contributes to the formation of a out for degradation by the (see lower panel in macromolecular cell signalling complex (Module 2: Fig- Module 1: Figure protein ubiquitination). Before the pro- ure NF-κB activation). • tein enters the proteasome, DUBs strip off the attached In the Toll receptor signalling pathway, the reversible ubiquitin that are then recycled for further rounds of pro- ubiquitination of TRAF6 functions to assemble a signal tein degradation. Such protein degradation can markedly transducing complex (Module 2: Figure Toll receptor influence cellular responses when the substrates are com- signalling). ponents of cell signalling pathways.

Ubiquitin signalling system Ubiquitin signalling and cell cycle regulation The ubiquitin signalling system is highly versatile in that There are many cell cycle stages when ubiquitination func- it controls the activity of a number of cellular responses tions to regulate either progression or cell cycle arrest at (see top panel in Module 1: Figure protein ubiquitination). specific checkpoints that are activated during DNA dam- This signalling system is based on the reversible ubiquitin- age.Theubiquitin--proteasome system functions during ation of protein substrates, which are components of cell the cyclin E control of G1 progression and DNA synthesis signalling pathways. The following examples illustrate the and during chromosome separation at anaphase (Module multiple functions of this signalling system: 9: Figure chromosome separation). These are examples where ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation has a sig- • ubiquitin signalling and gene transcription nalling function. By contrast, the following are examples • ubiquitin signalling and cell cycle regulation where the reversible ubiquitin signalling system functions • ubiquitin signalling and cell signal transduction in cell cycle control and particularly in checkpoint sig- • ubiquitin signalling and endocytosis nalling:

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Module 1: Figure protein ubiquitination

DUBs Cellular responses Substrate Ubiquitin Gene transcription (Foxo4, ) Cell cycle control Substrate Polyubiquitination Checkpoint regulation DNA repair Substrate Growth factor endocytosis Ubiquitin NF- B signalling ligases Monoubiquitination

Cellular responses Gene transcription (p53) GPCR down-regulation Cell cycle control Substrate Ubiquitin Substrate ligases Mitosis Cell signalling (Wnt and Proteasome Notch signalling)


Protein Ubiquitin degradation

Protein ubiquitination in cell signalling and protein degradation. Covalent modification of proteins by ubiquitin has two important functions. As shown in the top panel, reversible ubiquitination of protein substrates alters their conformation enabling them to carry out various signalling functions in the control of cellular responses. The bottom panel illustrateshow the ubiquitination of certain proteins marks them out for degradation by the proteasome. Before they enter the proteasome, deubiquitinases (DUBs) remove the ubiquitin, which is recycled back to be used again by the ligases. The way in which these ligases function to ubiquitinate proteins is shown in Module 1: Figure ubiquitin--proteasome system.

• The reversible ubiquitination of Cdc20 functions in Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) spindle-assembly checkpoint signalling (Module 9: Fig- The deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) function to re- ure spindle assembly checkpoint). move ubiquitin from ubiquitinated proteins that func- • A ubiquitin signalling system based on the Fanconi an- tion in a large number of cellular responses (Module 1: aemia/BRCA pathway functions in both DNA repair Figure protein ubiquitination). There are a large num- and cell cycle control (Module 9: Figure Fanconi an- ber of DUBs (approximately 100) that fall into five emia pathway). subfamilies:

Ubiquitin-specific proteases (Usps) There are 58 Usps: Ubiquitin signalling and endocytosis • Usp7, which is also known as herpesvirus-associated The ubiquitin signalling system plays a role in the processes ubiquitin-specific protease (HAUSP), is a p53-binding of endocytosis and is particularly important with regard protein that functions in p53 deubiquitination and to the process of down-regulating various receptors. degradation (Module 4: Figure p53 function). The Usp7/HAUSP deubiquinates both p53 and the ubi- • The Cbl down-regulation of signalling components quitin ligase mouse double minute-2 (MDM2). is evident during the endocytosis of protein tyrosine • Usp7/HAUSP reverses the FOXO4 monoubiquitina- kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs). For example, the tion that facilitates its entry into the nucleus (Module 4: epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the Met Figure FOXO control mechanisms). receptor, are down-regulated through the action of the • Usp28 functions to protect the transcription factor Myc adaptor protein Cbl, which binds to the activated re- from Myc degradation (Module 4: Figure Myc as a gene ceptor and initiates its degradation through a ubiquitin- activator). ation process (Module 1: Figure receptor down-regula- • Ubiquitin-specific protease 44 (Usp44) deubiquitinates tion). Cdc20 during spindle-assembly checkpoint signalling • The receptor down-regulation of G protein-coupled re- (Module 9: Figure spindle assembly checkpoint). ceptors (GPCRs) depends upon the reversible ubiquit- • Ubiquitin-specific protease Y (UBPY) and associated ination of arrestin (Module 1: Figure homologous de- molecule with the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of sensitization). STAM (AMSH) remove ubiquitin from cargo proteins

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during early endosome protein sorting and intraluminal ficient to mark the protein for degradation. Instead, vesicle formation (Module 4: Figure intraluminal endo- there are multiple rounds of ubiquitination (i.e. repeti- somal vesicle formation). tion of Steps 1--3) with each new Ub being added to the preceding molecule to form a multi-ubiquitin chain. Ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolases (UCHs) 4. The polyubiquitinated protein is recognized by the There are 4 UCHs proteasome and is degraded. Ovarian tumour-like proteases (OTUs) 5. The covalent attachment of ubiquitin to proteins is a re- There are 14 OTUs versible process. There are a family of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) that can remove ubiquitin before the Machado-Jacob-Disease proteases (MJDs) target protein enters the proteasome. There are 4 MJDs There are numerous examples of how the ubiquitin- JAMM-domain DUBs proteasome system is used in signal transmission: There are 14 DUBs that are metalloenzymes that contain JAMM domains. • Activation of the nuclear factor κB(NF-κB) signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure NF-κB activation). Four of these subfamilies (Usps, UCHs, OTUs, MJDs) • Levels of the transcription factor p53 are controlled are cysteine proteases that are characterized by a catalytic through p53 ubiquitination and degradation carried triad of cysteine, and asparagine residues. out by the oncogene mouse double minute-2 (MDM2) These DUBs have two main functions. First, there (Module 4: Figure p53 function). are the housekeeping DUBs that function in the • The mouse double minute-2 (MDM2) ubiguitin ligase ubiquitin--proteasomesystem to maintain the pool of ubi- functions in the receptor down-regulation of G protein- quitin by removing it from proteins just before they are coupled receptors (GPCRs) (Module 1: Figure homo- degraded by the proteasome (Module 1: Figure ubiquit- logous desensitization). in--proteasome system). Secondly, the DUBs have multiple • The ubiquitin--proteasome system functions at a num- roles to play in the operation of the ubiquitin signalling ber of steps during the cell cycle. The cyclin-dependent system (Module 1: Figure protein ubiquitination). kinase (CDK) inhibitor p27 is degraded by SCFSkp2 dur- ing the cyclinEcontrolofG progression and DNA Protein degradation 1 synthesis. This onset of DNA synthesis is also depend- Protein degradation is used as a mechanism to control ent on the degradation of the cyclin E/CDK2 complex transmission of information through certain signalling by SCFFbw7. Chromosome separation at anaphase is pathways. This degradation can occur through either the controlled by the degradation of Emi2 by the ubiquit- ubiquitin--proteasome system or through a variety of ination complex SCF (Module 9: Figure chromosome proteases. separation). • The process of chromosome separation at anaphase de- Ubiquitin--proteasomesystem pends on the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) that The ubiquitin--proteasome system represents a major ubiquitinates and thus degrades securin to release the mechanism for degrading most short-lived intracellular enzyme that is responsible for hydrolysing co- proteins and features significantly in a number of signalling hesin molecules (Module 9: Figure chromosome separ- pathways. It is based on the protein ubiquitin, which is a ation). highly conserved 76-residue polypeptide. One of its main • Operation of the spindle-assembly checkpoint sig- functions is to direct substrate proteins for destruction by nalling pathway depends on the ubiquitination and ac- the 26S proteasome. However, it has additional functions tivation of the Cdc20 protein (Module 9: Figure spindle in that it can regulate various cell processes such as mem- assembly checkpoint). brane trafficking. • In the Wnt signalling pathways, phosphorylated β- Its function in protein degradation depends on an or- catenin is ubiquitinated by the SCFβ-TrCP ubiquitin lig- derly sequence of reactions as outlined in Steps 1--5 in ase and is then degraded under resting conditions (Steps Module 1: Figure ubiquitin--proteasomesystem: 2and3inModule 2: Figure Wnt canonical pathway). 1. The first step is the adenylation of ubiquitin (Ub) by the • One of the mechanisms for the down-regulation of cell ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 to form an Ub--AMP signalling depends upon a process of signalsome de- intermediate that then interacts with an internal thiol gradation as exemplified by the Cbl down-regulation to form an E1--Ub thioester. of signalling components (Module 1: Figure receptor 2. The Ub attached to E1 is then transferred to one of the down-regulation). ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2) to form an E2--Ub • The ubiguitin ligase Nedd4-2 regulates the membrane thioester. expression of the epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC). 3. The ubiquitin is now in a form to be transferred to the • Inactivation of Notch signalling depends on the pro- protein substrate through a reaction that occurs in con- teasomal degradation of phosphorylated NICD after its junction with a ubiquitin/protein ligase E3. The link- ubiquitinylation by the nuclear ubiquitin ligase SEL-10 age is formed between the C-terminus of ubiquitin and (Step 9 in Module 2: Figure Notch signalling). lysine ε-amino groups of the substrate protein. Trans- • A number of ubiquitin ligases [Itch , Deltex , Mind fer of a single Ub to the substrate is usually not suf- bomb (Mib) and Neutralized (Neur)] participate in

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Module 1: Figure ubiquitin--proteasome system

Ub Ub Ub E1 Ub 5 Ub 1 DUBs

Proteasome E1 Ub Substrate Ub Protein Ub Ub degradation Ub 4

2 3 E2 E3

E2 Ub

E1 Substrate Ub; Ubiquitin E1; Ubiquitin-activating enzyme E2; Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E3; Ubiquitin-protein ligase DUBs; Deubiquitinating enzymes

Operation of the ubiquitin--proteasome system of protein degradation. The ubiquitin--proteasome system functions in the controlled degradation of proteins. Ubiquitin molecules are attached to the protein substrate to form a chain of ubiquitin molecules which is recognized by the proteasome and degraded. The enzymatic steps responsible for the ubiquitination process are described in the text. This figure was based on Figure 1 in Hochstrasser 2003. Reproduced from Handbook of Cell Signaling, Volume 1 (edited by R.A. Bradshaw and E.A. Dennis), Hochstrasser, M. (2003) The ubiquitin--proteasome system, pp. 347--350. Copyright (2003), with permission from Elsevier.

the modulation of Notch signalling (Module 2: Figure • SCFSkp2 degrades phosphorylated p27 as part of cyclin Notch modulation). E control of G1 progression and DNA synthesis. • The Smad ubiquitin-regulatory factor 1 (Smurf1) is a Ubiquitin ligases component of the Smad signalling toolkit (Module 2: The E3 ubiquitin ligases play a critical role in recognizing Table Smad signalling toolkit). Smurf1 also promotes protein substrates that are to be degraded by the protea- the ubiquitination and degradation of Rho during the some (Module 1: Figure ubiquitin--proteasome system). process of neutrophil chemotaxis (Module 11: Figure These ligases can function either as single entities or as part neutrophil chemotactic signalling). of a much larger multisubunit complex. Some of the E3 li- • The ubiquitin ligase Cbl functions in the Cbl down-reg- gases require phosphorylation of their substrates as occurs ulation of signalling components (Module 1: Figure re- for the SCF ubiquitin ligases. The latter is a large complex ceptor down-regulation). and its name reflects some of its components (Skp1, Cdc53 • Mind bomb (Mib), Neutralized (Neur), Itch (a Hect or Cullin, and F-box protein). The variable component in domain E3 ligase) and Deltex (a Ring finger E3 ligase) this complex is the F-box protein, which defines the sub- function in Notch signalling (Module 2: Figure Notch strate specificity of the different SCF complexes. In the modulation). cases where the function of a particular complex is known, • The Neuronal-expressed developmentally down- the SCF abbreviation is given a superscript to indicate its regulated gene 4-2 (Nedd4-2) ubiquitin ligase regulates + function such as SCFSkp2. There are a large number of ubi- the rate of membrane insertion of the epithelial Na quitin ligases functioning in cell signalling pathways: channel (ENaC). • When Cyclin E controls G1 progression and DNA • Mouse double minute-2 (MDM2) is an ubiquitin ligase synthesis, the cyclin E/CDK2 complex is degraded by Fbw7 that targets the transcription factor p53 for degrada- SCF . tion (Module 4: Figure p53 function). It also functions in the receptor down-regulation of G protein-coupled Proteases receptors (GPCRs) (Module 1: Figure homologous de- There are a number of proteases that have important sig- sensitization). nalling functions:

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Module 1: Table ADAM proteases Human ADAM protease toolkit. ADAM proteases Comments ADAM-1 Fertilinα: non-functional in humans ADAM-2 Fertilinβ: catalytically inactive. Functions in fertilization ADAM-3 Cyritestin: non-functional in humans ADAM-6 ADAM-7 ADAM-8 Functions in monocytes ADAM-9 Also known as Meltrin γ or MDC9. Functions in cell migration ADAM-10 Also known as Kuzbanian or MADM. Functions in neural and cardiac development ADAM-11 Also known as MDC ADAM-12 Also known as Meltrin α. Two splice forms: ADAM-12L remains membrane-anchored whereas ADAM-12S is released ADAM-15 Also known as Metargidin ADAM-17 Also known as TACE [Tumour-necrosis factor (TNF) α-converting enzyme]. Multiple functions including ectodomain shedding (see Module 1: Figure formation and action of cell stimuli) ADAM-18 Also known as tMDCIII ADAM-19 Also known as Meltrin β. Processes the neuroregulin precursor ADAM-20 ADAM-21 ADAM-22 Also known as MDC2 ADAM-23 Functions in neural development ADAM-28 Also known as MDC-Ls. Functions in immune surveillance ADAM-29 ADAM-30 ADAM-32 ADAM-33

• ADAM proteases Notch signalling pathway (see Step 3 in Module 2: Fig- • ure Notch signalling). ADAM-17 also functions to re- • Caspases lease TGF-α during the process of skin development. • Dipeptidyl peptidase type IV (DPP-IV) • ADAM-2 plays an early role in the process of • Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) sperm-induced oocyte activation. • Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) • ADAM-9 may function to hydrolyse IGFBP-5 to re- • Presenilins lease insulin-like growth factor (IGF) in bone. • α-Secretase • ADAM-12 may function in the ectoderm shedding of • β-Secretase epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs) (Module 1: • γ-Secretase complex Figure EGF stimuli and receptors). • Separase • ADAM proteases function to release the membrane- • Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) anchored CX3CL1 chemokine (Module 1: Figure ADAM proteases chemokines). Release of the soluble form of CX3CL1 The ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) family functions in neuronal-microglial interactions (Module are part of a large protease superfamily. In humans, 7: neuronal chemokine function). there are 23 ADAM genes (Module 1: Table ADAM pro- Calpains teases) that code for proteases that have diverse functions The calpains are Ca2 + -activated non-lysosomal proteases including cell migration, neural and muscle development, (CAPNs) that have been implicated in the control of cyto- immune surveillance and fertilization. Much attention has skeletal remodelling, cell cycle progression and apoptosis. been focused on their role in a variety of cell signalling They are cysteine proteases that have a catalytic site sim- functions. Some of the ADAMs have a specific role in the ilar to that found in the caspases, and . process of protein ectoderm shedding to release various There are approximately 15 mammalian calpains which cell stimuli such as growth factors and cytokines (Module are divided into typical calpains (nine members) and atyp- 1: Figure formation and function of cell stimuli). ical calpains (six members). The sensitivity to Ca2 + of The ADAM proteins, which are transported to the cell the typical CAPNs depends on EF-hand motifs located surface in vesicles, have a single transmembrane region in the C-terminal region. The atypical CAPNs lack these that anchors them in the plasma membrane. The large EF-hands and it is not clear how they respond to Ca2 + . extracellular domain begins with a metalloprotease do- Most cells constitutively express two calpains called μ- main that is followed by the disintegrin domain that can and m-calpain (calpain 1 and calpain 2). The former bind to integrin receptors. There also is a cysteine-rich is a heterodimer formed between CAPN1 and a smaller domain and an EGF-like domain. The cytoplasmic do- CAPN4 subunit and is sensitive to Ca2 + concentrations main has phosphorylation sites and proline-rich regions of about 50 μM. The μ-calpain, which is also a heterodimer capable of binding proteins containing SH3 domains.The formed by CAPN2 and CAPN4, requires higher levels of ADAM proteases function in a variety of cell signalling Ca2 + (about 200 μM) for its activation. Ten Ca2 + ions are processes: bound to the penta-EF-hand domains that are distributed throughout the molecule. • ADAM-17 and ADAM-10 initiate the proteolytic The intrinsically unstructured protein calpastatin is events that hydrolyse the Notch receptor during the a potent inhibitor of the calpains. Calpastatin acts at

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Module 1: Table MMPs and their inhibitors The matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family and their endogenous inhibitors. MMP and MMP inhibitors Comments MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES (MMPs) Collagenases Cleave collagens MMP1 Collagens (I, II, III, VII, VIII and X), L-selectin, proteoglycans, entactin, ovostatin, MMP-2 and MMP-9 MMP-8 (neutrophil collagenase) Collagens (I, II, III, V, VII, VIII and X), aggrecan and fibronectin MMP-13 Collagens (I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XIV), plasminogen, aggregan, fibrinogen and MMP-9 MMP-18 Gelatinases Cleave denatured collagens (gelatins), and certain chemokines MMP-2 (gelatinase A) Can activate MMP-1 and MMP-9 by cleaving off the prodomain MMP-9 (gelatinase B) Released by osteoclasts to hydrolyse the bone matrix (Module 7: Figure osteoclast function) Stromelysins Function to cleave collagen, fibronectin, laminin, gelatine and casein, and can activate various MMPs by removing the prodomain MMP-3 (stromelysin-1) Collagens (III, IV, V and IX), perlecan, , laminin, elastin, cytostatin, plasminogen, MMP-2, MMP-7, MMP-8 and MMP-13 MMP-10 (stromelysin-2) Collagens (III-V), aggrecan, elastin, MMP-1 and MMP-6 Matrilysins Differs from the other MMPs by the absence of the haemopexin domain MMP-7 (matrilysin-1) Cleaves ECM components E-cadherin and pro-α-defensin MMP-26 (matrilysin-2) Cleaves collagen IV, fibronectin and fibrinogen, and activates MMP-9 Membrane-type MMPs (MT-MMPs) MMPs with transmembrane domains MMP-14 (MT1-MMP) MMP-15 (MT2-MMP) MMP-16 (MT3-MMP) MMP-24 (MT5-MMP) MMPs with glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors MMP-17 (MT4-MMP) MMP-25 (MT6-MMP) Miscellaneous MMPs A heterogeneous group that are usually expressed in specific cells or during specific events MMP-11 MMP-12 (macrophage metalloelastase) Collagen IV, elastin, fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin, entactin and fibrin MMP-19 Collagen type I MMP-20 (enamelysin) MMP-21 MMP-22 MMP-23 MMP-28 (epilysin) MMP INHIBITORS Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPS) TIMP-1 TIMP-2 TIMP-3 TIMP-4 Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with A membrane-anchored inhibitor of MMPs Kazal motifs (RECK) Most of the information for this table was taken from Catania et al. (2006). very low doses and plays an important role in protect- Dipeptidyl peptidase type 4 (DPP-4) ing cells when calpains are over-activated when Ca2 + A protease that functions in the metabolism of various concentrations are abnormally high, as occurs dur- hormones such as growth hormone-releasing hormone ing glutamate-induced excitotoxic cell death of neur- (GHRH) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). ons or during ischaemia/repurfusion injury in cardiac cells. Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) Calpains are thought to function in cell signalling by The insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) is part of the amyloid cleaving various substrates, but these are still to be clearly cascade hypothesis. It is released from the microglia to β defined. Despite the lack of information on the physiolo- hydrolyse amyloids to reduce their deleterious effects gical role of calpains, they have been linked to several on neuronal survival (Module 12: Figure amyloid cascade human diseases. Mutations in calpain 3 have been linked hypothesis). to limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A. Mutations Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in the atypical calpain 10 have been linked to Type 2 The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a large fam- diabetes. ily of zinc-containing endopeptidases that cleave compon- ents of the extracellular matrix (ECM), growth factors (e.g. Caspases transforming growth factor β) and cell adhesion compon- Caspases are a family of cysteinyl aspartate-specific ents such as the cadherins and integrins, and they can re- proteases, which function in the caspase cascade respons- lease the apoptotic ligand Fas (Module 1: Table MMPs and ible for apoptosis (Module 11: Figure apoptosis). Caspases their inhibitors) . They play a particularly important role 3, 7 and 9 are potently inhibited by X-chromosome-linked in remodelling the ECM during tissue development such inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP). as angiogenesis.

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Module 1: Figure MMP structure

Matrilysins MMP-7, -26 S Prodomain Catalytic

Collagenases H MMP-1, -8, -13, -18 S Prodomain Catalytic Hemopexin MMP-3, -10 Stromelysins

Gelatinases H MMP-2, -9 S Prodomain Catalytic Fn Fn Fn Hemopexin

Membrane-type MMPs Transmembrane domain H MMP-14, -15, -16, -24 S Prodomain Catalytic Hemopexin

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor H MMP-17, -25 S Prodomain Catalytic Hemopexin PI

Domain structure of the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The different groups of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are described in Module 1: Table MMPs and their inhibitors, have a similar structural organization as described in the text. S, secretion sequence; Fn, fibronectin-like domain; PI, PtdIns.

These different proteases have a multidomain or- as growth factors, cadherins and integrins. This hydro- ganization that contains a number of similar domains lytic activity is inhibited by soluble tissue inhibitors of (Module 1: Figure MMP structure). The N-terminal region metalloproteinases (TIMPs) or by the membrane-bound begins with a secretion sequence (S) followed by a prodo- reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal mo- main, which is cleaved during the activation of the enzyme tifs (RECK). by plasmin or by other members of the MMP family. There The MMPs have been implicated in a large number of is a conserved catalytic domain that is connected through a disease states: hinge region (H) to a haemopexin-like domain, which con- sists of four twisted β-sheets to form a propeller structure MMP-2 and MMP-9 play a critical role in the late stages similar to that found in the serum protein haemopexin. of cancer cells, which secrete matrix proteinases that de- This haemopexin-like domain acts together with the hinge grade the extracellular matrix and thus greatly enhance region to recognize substrates and to unravel their struc- the metastatic potential by enabling tumour cells to in- ture so that they become accessible to the catalytic domain. vade other tissues. The matrilysins lack the hinge region and the haemopexin- Alterations in the expression of the MMPs and their inhib- like domain. The membrane-type MMPs have C-terminal itors are a major contributor to diabetic nephropathy. specialization such as a transmembrane domain (TMD) or MMPs have been implicated in the development of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol residue that anchors them rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. to the membrane. The gelatinases contain fibronectin do- mains located within the catalytic domain. Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are secreted as The tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) a proMMP, and the prodomain has to be cleaved before are specific inhibitors of the matrix metalloproteinases the enzyme can function. This cleavage is carried out by (MMPs) (Module 1: Table MMPs and their inhibitors). enzymes such as plasmin, by certain of soluble MMPs or by one of the membrane-type MMPs (shown in green in Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal Module 1: Figure MMP activation and function), which motifs (RECK) cleave off the prodomain. The activated MMPs degrade The reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal components of the extracellular matrix (ECM), as shown motifs (RECK) is a membrane-anchored inhibitor of some in the figure, but can also act on other substrates such of the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) such as MMP-2,

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Module 1: Figure MMP activation and function

Extracellular matrix




MMP Reck


Activation and function of the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are activated either by certain soluble MMPs or by one of the membrane-type MMPs (shown in green), which cleave off the prodomain (Pro). The activated MMPs degrade components of the extracellular matrix (ECM). This hydrolytic activity is inhibited by soluble tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) or by the membrane-bound reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs (RECK).

MMP-9 and MMP-14 (Module 1: Table MMPs and their DNA methyltransferase inhibitors) This family of enzymes catalyses the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) to cytosine Separase residues on DNA. Separation of chromosome at anaphase is controlled by separase, which is a caspase-related protease that cleaves DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) the cohesin molecules that hold together on The primary function of DNA methyltransferase 1 the mitotic spindle (Module 9: Figure chromosome separ- (DNMT1) is to maintain the DNA methylation patterns ation). established by the DNMT3 de novo methyltransferases. DNMT1 is the somatic isoform and there is an oocyte Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) isoform (DNMT1o), which is found in the cytoplasm of One of the functions of urokinase-type plasminogen ac- the oocyte and then translocates to the during tivator (uPA) is to hydrolyse the hepatocyte growth factor development.DNMT1 associates with the transcriptional (HGF) precursor. repressor methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) that functions in gene silencing (Module 4: Figure MeCP2 ac- DNA methylation tivation). Methylation of DNA is the basis of the epigenetic mech- tRNA aspartic acid methyl transferase 1 (TRDMT1) anism responsible for gene silencing. The methyl group is This RNA cytosine methyltransferase was originally usually attached to the N5 position on cytosine (C) that is thought to be a DNA methyltransferase and was known linked to a guanine (G) through a phosphodiester (p) that as DNA methyltransferase 2 (DNMT2). Subsequently, it forms the CpG dinucleotide complex. Such CpGs often was found to methylate the aspartic acid tRNA. occur as clusters where they are referred to as CpG islands. CpG dinucleotides are often located in the 5’ regulatory re- DNA methyltransferase 3 (DNMT3) gions of many genes where they function in gene silencing The DNA methyltransferase 3 (DNMT3) family consists once they have been methylated by DNA methyltrans- of three members: DNMT3a, DNMT3b and DNMT3L. ferases. DNMT3a and DNMT3b are responsible for setting up

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the DNA methylation patterns during development and 2. The change in the conformation of the active receptor are thus known as de novo DNA methyltransferases. DN- opens up sites that are phosphorylated by one of the G MTL was included in the family on the basis of its homo- protein receptor kinases (GRKs). logy with other DNA methyltransferases, but it lacks en- 3. Arrestin then binds to this phosphorylated receptor and zyme activity. However, it facilitates the de novo methyl- results in receptor desensitization in that the bound ar- transferases by enhancing their DNA binding and enzyme restin physically prevents the receptor from activating activities. further G proteins. In embryonic stem cells, DNMT 3a and DNMT 3b are 4. Before the arrestin can bind to the activated receptor silenced by the miR-290-295 cluster (Module 8: Figure ES it has to be phosphorylated and this is carried out by cell miRNAs). various kinases such as ERK1/2, which is a component of the ERK pathway, or casein kinase II (CSKII). Desensitization of cell signalling This process of receptor desensitization is rapid and it There are a number of diverse mechanisms for desens- can be reversed equally rapidly. However, if the stimulus is itizing cell signalling mechanisms. These can operate at particular strong or persistent, receptor down-regulation many levels along a signalling pathway, but most atten- occurs through a process of endocytosis as the receptors tion has focused on receptor desensitization and receptor enter clathrin-coated pits. down-regulation. Receptor down-regulation Receptor desensitization In contrast with receptor desensitization, which is often Receptor desensitization has been studied in some detail in fast and there is no reduction in the number of cell-surface the case of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs),which receptors, receptor down-regulation is usually a slower often desensitize rapidly following -induced activ- process that depends upon the removal of receptors from ation. The initial rapid formation of second messengers the cell surface by endocytosis. The activated receptors such as cyclic AMP can be reduced within minutes. After are concentrated into clathrin-coated pits, which are then removal of the agonist, the receptor can recover its former pinched off from the surface by the cytoplasmic GTPase sensitivity equally quickly. For short periods of agonist dynamin. stimulation, this rapid desensitization/resensitization se- Receptor down-regulation has been described for many quence occurs without a change in the number of sur- different receptor types. The sequence of events that oc- face receptors. There are two types of desensitization: curs for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is shown homologous desensitization and heterologous desensitiz- in Module 1: Figure homologous desensitization: ation. 5. The Steps 1--4 are described in the section on the re- Homologous desensitization versible process of receptor desensitization. Here we In homologous desensitization, only those receptors that deal with the process of receptor down-regulation are being activated undergo desensitization, which is car- that begins with a protein phosphatase removing the ried out by the combined actions of G protein receptor phosphate moiety from arrestin. kinases (GRKs) and a family of proteins called arrestins.A 6. The dephosphorylated arrestin is then ubiquitinated good example of this occurs during the formation of cyclic by the E3 ubiquitin ligase mouse double minute-2 GMP in phototransduction when is phos- (MDM2) that sets the stage for the onset of endo- phorylated by rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) (Step 2 in Module cytosis. 10: Figure phototransduction). In the case of β-adrenergic 7. The receptor complex enters the clathrin-coated pit by receptors, the phosphorylation of the activated receptor is arrestin binding to clathrin using adaptor protein-2 carried out by β-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (βARK1). (AP2) as an adaptor protein. The phosphorylated residues on the GPCRs provide bind- 8. The membrane and associated receptor complex are ing sites for accessory proteins called arrestins that in- internalized through a process driven by the GTPase hibit further receptor activity by preventing the receptor dynamin. from binding the heterotrimeric G proteins (Module 2: 9. The endocytic vesicle can then be directed to separate Figure heterotrimeric G protein signalling). The following pathways. In one pathway, it can enter a lysosomal sequence of events illustrates how this GRK-arrestin regu- degradation pathway resulting in receptor proteo- latory system operates in homologous receptor desensitiz- lysis. Alternatively, the arrestin can be deubiquitin- ation (Module 1: Figure homologous desensitization): ated and the arrestin is returned to the cytoloplasm. The receptor is also dephosphorylated. 1. When a G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) detects a 10. The receptor is then recycled back to the plasma mem- stimulus it undergoes a conformation change that en- brane and can once again participate in cell signalling. ables it to function as a GTP exchange factor (GEF) for heterotrimeric G proteins such that the GDP on Receptor down-regulation is not restricted to G the Gα subunit is exchanged for GTP. The active Gα-- protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), but also applies to GTP complex is then able to stimulate a number of the protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs).The signalling pathways (see Module 1: Table G protein– Cbl down-regulation of signalling components is an ex- coupled receptors). ample of how such PTKRs are down-regulated.

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Module 1: Figure homologous desensitization

Stimulus Receptor desensitization Receptor down-regulation GPCR

β β P α 1 P Arrestins P Arrestins P P P P



GDP U 7 5 U 2 GDP 3 GTP P GRK 6 α Arrestins GTP P ClathAP-2 MDM2 Arrestins P 4 P



U Signalling ERK1/2 CSK II U pathways 8 Arrestins


10 P U Internalization

Clath Recycling AP-2 P 9 Arrestins P




U Lysosomal degradation

Homologous desensitization and down-regulation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Homologous desensitization has two components. Receptor desensitization occurs soon after agonist stimulation through a sequence of reactions that are readily reversible (Steps 1--4 in hatched box on the left). If agonist stimulation persists, receptor down-regulation occurs when the receptors are internalized (Steps 5--8 in hatched box on the right). The receptors that enter the clathrin-coated pits are either recycled or degraded. See text for further details.

Heterologous desensitization • The GRK2 in lymphocytes functions to control the Heterologous desensitization occurs through a mechanism CCR5 receptor that responds to CCL4 and CCL5 that depends on the phosphorylation of G protein-coupled (Modules 1: Figure chemokines). receptors by various kinases that are activated by other sig- • Many brain areas express GRK2 that controls the sens- nalling pathways. A classic example is the ability of pro- itivity of the many G protein-coupled receptors that tein kinase A (PKA) to inactivate the β2 adrenoceptor by modulate neural activity. phosphorylating a single residue in the third cytoplasmic loop. This phosphorylation does not require the receptor to be activated, as occurs for homologous desensitization. GRK3, which has properties similar to GRK2, is ex- It thus provides a mechanism for cross-talk between dif- pressed in airway smooth muscle cells where it modulates ferent receptor systems. Activation of one receptor, which the activity of the acetylcholine-dependent contractions generates cyclic AMP and activates PKA, can thus phos- (Module 7: Figure bronchiole-arteriole contraction). phorylate and inactivate other receptor types. GRK4 is expressed mainly in the testis, but is also found in kidney tubules. Polymorphic variants of GRK4 result in constitutive activation and this causes a decrease in Na + G protein receptor kinases (GRKs) secretion and hypertension. The family of G protein receptor kinases (GRKs) func- GRK5, which is expressed widely, modulates the sens- tion in the homologous desensitization of G protein- itivity of acetylcholine receptors that controls the con- coupled receptors (Module 1: Figure homologous desens- traction of airway smooth muscle cells (Module 7: Figure itization). bronchiole-arteriole contraction). GRK6 is expressed widely. It is particularly evident in • GRK1 is also known as rhodopsin kinase and functions immune cells. Ablation of GRK6 or β-arrestin 2 can reduce in the inactivation of rhodopsin (see Step 2 in Module the chemotactic response of lymphocytes to CXCL12 that 10: Figure phototransduction). acts through CXCR4 receptors. • GRK2 is expressed widely in cells and normally resides GRK4--6 lack a βγ-binding domain, but can associate in the cytoplasm. During receptor activation, it interacts with the membrane through either PtdIns4,5P2-binding with the G protein βγ subunit that puts it in position to domains or through a palmitate lipid modification. phosphorylate receptors in a number of cell types: GRK7 is an iodopsin kinase. • GRK2 and β-arrestin 1 interact to control β-adrenergic Levels of GRK2 and GRK6 are low in lymphocytes responses in cardiac cells. from patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

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Mice that are heterozygous for GRK2, were found to components. The ubiquitin--proteasome system is one of be more sensitive to autosomal encephalomyelitis, which the major protein degradation pathways in cells (Module is a model for multiple sclerosis. 1: Figure ubiquitin--proteasome system). Cbl uses this Up-regulation of both GRK2 and GRK3 have been de- system to down-regulate a variety of signalling proteins. scribed in patients suffering from depression. One sugges- The best example of this process is the Cbl-dependent tion is that the increased levels of these two GRKs may down-regulation of protein tyrosine kinase-linked recept- result in desensitization of dopamine receptors. There also ors (PTKRs) such as the epidermal growth factor receptor is the suggestion that the abnormal expression of neuronal (EGFR), hepatocyte growth factor receptors (HGFRs), Ca2+ sensor-1 (NCS-1), which has been noted in the pre- colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R),neuro- frontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar trophin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) dosorders, may desensitize D2 dopamine receptors by act- (Module 1: Figure receptor down-regulation). However, ing through GRK2. this mechanism is not restricted to PTKRs, because Cbl can also down-regulate other receptors (e.g. FcεRI, α5 in- Arrestins tegrin subunit and components of the T cell receptor). Cbl Arrestins are multifunctional adaptor proteins that act to- is also able to down-regulate many other downstream sig- gether with the G protein receptor kinases (GRKs) to regu- nalling components, such as various non-receptor protein late the activity of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). tyrosine kinases (e.g. Src, Syk, Hck, Fgr, Lyn and c-Abl), There are four arrestin isoforms. Arrestin 1 and arrestin Bim, Sprouty 2 (SPRY2) and signal transducer and activ- 4 are found only in rods and cones where they regu- ator of transcription 5 (STAT 5). There are some substrates late the activity of rhodopsin. The other two isoforms, that are ubiquitinated by Cbl, but are not degraded, such β-arrestin 1 (arrestin 2) and β-arrestin 2 (arrestin 3), are as the p85 regulatory subunit of PtdIns 3-kinase, Vav, Crk- expressed more widely and function to regulate the activ- like (CrkL) and phospholipase Cγ1(PLCγ1). The descrip- ity of GPCRs. These two isoforms are fairly similar but tion of Cbl structure and regulation reveals the existence there also are examples were they act specifically on certain of numerous domains (Module 6: Figure Cbl structure) receptors. For example, β-arrestin 2 is specific for β2ad- that enable it to interact with proteins to carry out its role renoceptor whereas β-arrestin 1 is specific for proteinase- in terminating cell signalling. Its role in degradation oc- activated receptor 1 (PAR1). With regard to receptor de- curs through a series of steps as illustrated by its action on sensitization, β-arrestins have two main functions. First, PTKRs (Module 1: Figure receptor down-regulation): they function in homologous desensitization by associat- ing with active receptors to inhibit G protein activation (Steps 1--4 in Module 1: Figure homologous desensitiza- 1. The growth factor brings together two receptor sub- tion). Secondly, they function in receptor down-regulation units, and their tyrosine kinase regions phosphorylate by linking the receptor complex to AP2 and clathrin dur- each other to provide the phosphorylated binding sites ing the process of endocytosis (Steps 5--8in Module 1: Fig- that draw in various signalling components (for details ure homologous desensitization). The arrestins function as see Module 1: Figure PDGFR activation ). clathrin-associated sorting proteins (CLASPs) by binding 2. One of these components is the adaptor protein called to calthrin and AP2 to guide GPCRs into the coated pits growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2). ready for internalization (Module 4: Figure cargo sorting 3. The cytosolic Cbl attaches to the activated receptor, the signals). tyrosine kinase-binding (TKB) domain attaches to one In addition to this role in receptor desensitization, ar- of the phosphorylated residues (e.g. phosphorylated restins can also function as scaffolding/targeting protein Tyr-1045 on the EGFR), whereas the proline-rich re- to assemble a variety of signalling components. This sig- gion (Pro) attaches to growth factor receptor-bound nalling role is particularly evident in the way the GPCRs protein (Grb2) (Module 1: Figure receptor down-reg- can activate signalling pathways normally associated with ulation). protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors. For example, 4. Once Cbl is attached, it is activated by phosphoryla- the arrestins can assemble components of the different tion by a variety of tyrosine kinases and in particular by mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling path- non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases, such as Src, Hck, ways such as the ERK pathway and the JNK3 pathway. Fyn and Syk. These phosphorylation events enable Cbl The omega-3 fatty acid receptor GPR120 uses arrestin-2 to to activate its ubiquitin ligase activity that is located in inhibit various inflammatory responses (Module 2: Figure the RING finger domain, which is inhibited by Sprouty omega-3 fatty acids). 2 (Spry2). The phosphorylation of Spry2 causes its dis- β-Adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (βARK1) placement from the RING domain to the TKB domain. β-Adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (βARK1), which is also Phosphorylation of two tyrosine residues (Tyr-368 and known as GRK2, is one of the G protein receptor kinases Tyr-371) in the L region plays a critical role in switching (GRKs) that functions in receptor desensitization. on the ubiquitination activity of Cbl. 5. The displacement of Spry2 frees up the RING domain, Cbl down-regulation of signalling components which then binds to the E2 conjugating enzyme. One of the main functions of the adaptor protein Cbl is to 6. The E2/RING complex then ubiquitinates a variety of function as an E3 ubiquitin ligase with a particularly im- residues dispersed throughout the receptor and also on portant role in the down-regulation of many cell signalling Spry2.

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Module 1: Figure receptor down-regulation

Growth factor

1 7

Src 4 UB

Clath UB

2 AP-2 Tyr kinase Tyr Tyr kinase Tyr

Tyr kinase Tyr Clath

y r TKB TKB P P UB p Clath P P P P UB P S UB Grb2 P P P P 6 P

P P Endophilin UB Grb2 P Grb2 CIN85 kinase Tyr Pro RING Pro RING 6 TKB P UB P Spry2 P E2 2 P Pro P RING Grb2 3 E2 Cbl 5 TKB 8 Internalization Pro RING Spry2 E2 Lysosomal degradation

Cbl-dependent down-regulation of protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs). The down-regulation of protein tyrosine kinase-linked receptors (PTKRs), such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)and the Met receptor, is regulated by the adaptor protein Cbl, which binds to the activated receptor and initiates its degradation through a ubiquitination process that proceeds through Steps 1--8 as described in the text.

7. Once the receptor is ubiquitinated, it is directed to- components maximize the flow of information between wards coated pits through a process that is facilitated by signalling components. the adaptor Cbl-interacting protein of 85 kDa (CIN85). This spatial organization of signalling molecules can A proline-rich sequence located close to the C-terminus lead to highly localized signalling events, and these are binds to CIN85, which functions to target receptor referred to as the elementary events of signalling. They complexes to the clathrin-coated vesicles by binding to have been particularly well characterized for the Ca2 + sig- endophilin that associate with clathrin adaptor protein- nalling pathway because they can be visualized in real time. 2(AP2). Such localized elementary events can have a localized ac- 8. The clathrin-coated pits are taken in to form vesicles tion or they can be recruited to create more global signals. which fuse to form multivesicular bodies where the Such globalization phenomena are not necessarily restric- receptors are sorted for either recycling back to the ted to individual cells, but they can spread from cell to cell plasma membrane or sending to the for de- through gap junctions. Such intercellular communication struction. The Cbl-dependent ubiquitination determ- can co-ordinate the activity of cell communities. ines this decision by targeting the receptors for lyso- The temporal aspects of signalling concern the way in- somal degradation. formation is organized in the time domain. Many biolo- gical processes are rhythmical. Of particular importance are the cellular oscillators that set up oscillating intra- Spatial and temporal aspects of cell signalling cellular signals that can operate over an enormous range Cell signalling pathways are highly organized with re- of frequencies to drive many different cellular processes. gard to both space and time. With regard to the spatial Membrane oscillators set up rapid membrane potential os- aspects, the basic principle is that signalling components cillations that can drive neural processing of information are linked together through modular protein--proteindo- and pacemaker activity in contractile systems such as the mains, which are often held in close apposition using a heart and smooth muscle. Cytosolic oscillators (second to + variety of structural devices such as protein scaffolds, lipid minute range) set up oscillations in intracellular Ca2 to rafts and caveolae. These organized complexes of signalling control many cellular processes. An important feature of

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Module 1: Figure remodelling the signalsome

Elevated output signals Normal output signals Reduced output signals

Phenotypic remodelling Remodelled Normal Remodelled signalsome signalsome signalsome

Remodelled Remodelled signalsome Genotypic signalsome remodelling

Phenotypic and genotypic remodelling of the signalsome. The normal signalsome shown in yellow generates a characteristic output signal. This normal signalsome can undergo phenotypic remodelling through processes such as protein phosphorylation or through alterations in the expression levels of individual signalling components to produce signalsomes that generate either reduced or enhanced signals. Similar changes can also occur through genotypic remodelling where mutations in signalling components alter the nature of the output signals of the signalsome. such oscillations is the way information can be encoded An important feature of signalsomes is that they are and decoded depending on the frequency, amplitude or constantly being remodelled. Phenotypic and genotypic shape of the individual transients. At the other end of the remodelling of the signalsome can alter the nature of the temporal scale is the circadian clock,whichisatranscrip- output signal (Module 1: Figure remodelling the signal- tional oscillator that is responsible for driving the 24 h some). Such remodelling of cell signalling systems can have diurnal rhythm. both beneficial and pathological consequences. An import- The organization of signalling systems in both time and ant role for such remodelling is to maintain signalsome space is described in Module 6: Spatial and Temporal As- stability and also to adjust the properties of the signalsome pects of Signalling. to cope with changing demands on the cell. There is in- creasing evidence that signalling systems can regulate the transcription of their own signalling components. There Signalsome are examples of such phenotypic remodelling being either The genome contains a very large repertoire of signalling beneficial or pathological. components, from which each cell type assembles a unique The following modules deal with different aspects of set of components that will be referred to as a signalsome. these cell-specific signalsomes: During the process of differentiation at the end of devel- opment, each specialized cell selects out those components • Module 7: Cellular Processes describes how different that are particularly suited to provide the signalsome most signalsomes function to control specific mammalian cell appropriate to control its unique functions. Many cells ex- types (Module 7: Table cell inventory). The cell-specific press combinations of the different signalling pathways to signalsomes function to process information into a form provide the cell-specific signalsomes that are necessary to that activates different effectors to give changes in spe- regulate their particular functions. For example, skeletal cific cellular responses such as cell growth, contraction, muscle (Module 7: Figure skeletal muscle E-C coupling) secretion and metabolism. selects out one of the Ca2 + signalling modules (i.e. module • Module 8: Development describes the role of signalling 4inModule 2: Figure Ca2+ modules) to control contrac- pathways in controlling development during which dif- tion, the cyclic AMP signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure ferent cell types emerge. An important aspect of cell cyclic AMP signalling) to control glycogen breakdown and differentiation is the selection and expression of those the PtdIns 3-kinase signalling pathway (Module 2: Figure signalling components that are required to control adult PtdIns 3-kinase signalling) to control glycogen synthesis. cell functions.

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