Tradition and Modernity in 20th Century Chinese Poetry Rob Voigt Dan Jurafsky Center for East Asian Studies Linguistics Department Stanford University Stanford University
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract Julia Lin notes that the period following the May Fourth Movement through 1937 saw “the most ex- Scholars of Chinese literature note that citing and diverse experimentation in the history of China’s tumultuous literary history in the modern Chinese poetry” (Lin, 1973). Much of this 20th century centered around the uncomfort- experimentation was concerned with the question able tensions between tradition and modernity. In this corpus study, we develop and auto- of modernity versus tradition, wherein some poets matically extract three features to show that “adapt[ed] the reality of the modern spoken lan- the classical character of Chinese poetry de- guage to what they felt was the essence of the old creased across the century. We also find that classical Chinese forms” (Haft, 1989). Taiwan poets constitute a surprising excep- The founding of the People’s Republic of China tion to the trend, demonstrating an unusually in 1949 was a second major turning point in the strong connection to classical diction in their work as late as the ’50s and ’60s. century, when “the Communists in one cataclysmic sweep [...] ruthlessly altered the course of the arts” and poetry “became totally subservient to the dic- 1 Introduction tates of the party” (Lin, 1973). With the “physi- For virtually all of Chinese history through the fall cal removal of the old cultural leadership,” many of of the Qing Dynasty, poetry was largely written in whom fled to Taiwan, this period saw a substantial Classical Chinese and accessible to a small, edu- “vacuum in literature and the arts” (McDougall and cated fraction of the population.