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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63980-5 - Spain: its Greatness and Decay (1479–1788) Martin A. S. Hume Index More information 429 INDEX. Aben Humeya, 153, 154 tillage, 84 ; thriving state of, 85 \ Acuna, Antonio de, Bishop of Za- ruin of, 195, 247, 271, 297 mora, leads a revolt, 36, 40; en Aguila, Don Juan del, 189; in throned as Archbishop by the vades Ireland, 204 mob, 41; aids Padilla's widow, Aguilar, Count, 324, 339, 341 42; flees and is captured, ib. Aigues-Mortes, meeting of Charles I Administration under Ferdinand and Francis I at, 71 and Isabella, 22-24; division of Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaties of,in 1688, the Royal Council, 22; see Coun 288; in 1748, 384* 392 cils Alba, Duke of, sails against Algiers, Admiral, Grand, loses all import 73; defends Perpignan, 74, 103; ance, 13 besieges Metz, 92; at Miihlberg, Adrian of Utrecht, tutor to Charles 93; Neuburg intended for, ib. ; I, 32; coadjutor in the Spanish Charles' character of, 105, 106; regency, ib.; protests against sent to Spain, 109; his advice to foreign intruders, 33 ; appointed Philip, no; sent to Italy by regent, 35; attacks Segovia, 36; Philip, iai; represents Philip at is deposed, ib. ; his retirement Cateau-Cambr£sis, 123; leads the demanded, 39; sent to Valencia war-party, 124; marries Eliza to take the oath for Charles, 43 ; beth of France for Philip II, 126; reviews the armed trades of furious at the Fleming nobles, Valencia, ib.; elected Pope, 50; 144; hated in the Netherlands, at disaccord with Juan Manuel, 147; overbears Gomez and the ib.\ will not join the alliance peace-party, ib.; leaves Spain, against France, ib.
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