East Sacramento Newssince 1991

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East Sacramento Newssince 1991 since 1991 East Sacramento News October 20, 2011 Community News in Your Hands www.valcomnews.com St. Francis High School going solar powered Marty Relles presents See page 22 ‘Janey Way Memories’ See page 17 COMMUNITY CALENDAR, PAGES 20-21 • KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR, PAGE 4 • FACES AND PLACES, PAGE 23 Inside This Edition 75 years of memories Clunie Center, McKinley Library to celebrate ...... See page 11 Midtown Sac’s tallest building See page 6 Where in East Sac is this? See page 23 East Sacramento News WWW.VALCOMNEWS.COM A little night music at Ettore’s E-mail stories & photos to: [email protected] Vol. XX • No. 20 Special to East Sacramento News East Sacramento News is published on the first and third Thursday of the month 2709 Riverside Blvd. and delivered by mail and home delivery in the area bounded by Business 80 on the Sacramento, west, the American River on the north and east and Highway 50 on the south. Looking for a lit- CA 95818 tle light entertainment Publisher ...................................................................... George Macko t: (916) 429-9901 General Manager ........................................................ Kathleen Egan f: (916) 429-9906 with friends and family Editor ................................................................................. Susan Laird on a mild October eve- Art Director......................................................................John Ochoa Cover photo by: ning in Sacramento? Junior Designer .............................................................. Ryan Vuong Courtesy Sales Manager ................................................................Patty Colmer Then look no further Advertising Executives .....................................................Linda Pohl Other photos: than Ettore’s European Marc Harris Desiléts, Melissa Andrews Lance Armstrong Bakery and Restaurant. Distribution/Subscriptions ...................................... George Macko Tom Paniagua According to owner and local restauranteur, Patrick Powers, there will be live music at the popular Sacramento lo- cale through Nov. 5. On Oct. 22, the Mill- ington String Quartet will perform contem- porary and “pop” (pop- ular) music. This lo- Photo courtesy, Ettore’s European Bakery and Restaurant cal group is versatile. SACRAMENTO SOUNDS. The Millington String Quartet will perform at Ettore’s in Many in the communi- Sacramento on Oct. 22. ty may know the quar- tet as a classical group, blues, old-time country local favorite, known their repertoire is wide and Cajun. The Trio is for a sound that is “a and eclectic – ranging comprised of accordi- little bit country” and from ragtime, blues and on, guitjo, mandolin, “a little bit jazz” com- jazz, opera favorites to upright bass and three- bined with a tad of pop and rock. Their in- part harmonies. The folk . fluences range from unique sound of this All concerts will be the Turtle Island and group contributes to a from 7:30 p.m. to 10 Hamption String quar- good-time gumbo that p.m. at the restaurant. tets to Motown com- will make a most mem- Ettore’s is located at posers and performers orable evening. 2376 Fair Oaks Blvd. in VIEW THIS PAPER ONLINE of the ’60s and ’70s. On Nov. 5, Marty Co- Sacramento. For more WWW.VALCOMNEWS.COM On Oct. 29, the Loose hen & the Sidekicks information, call (916) Acoustic Trio will per- will perform acoustic 482-0708 or visit www. form elements of folk, music. The group is a Ettores.com. 2 East Sacramento News • October 20, 2011 • www.valcomnews.com Valley Community Newspapers, Inc. Celebrate ‘Dia de los Muertos’ at the McKinley Library Special to East Sacramento News School age children have a unique opportunity to pre- pare for “Dia de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) at a spe- cial program at the McKin- ley Park Library on Oct. 25 and 27. Kids will mold sugar skulls, a traditional His- panic decoration for the holiday. The skulls will be molded on Tuesday, Oct. 25, dry a few days, and then they will be decorated on Thursday, Oct. 27. The programs will both be held at the library at 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The McKinley Park Li- brary is located at 601 Al- hambra Blvd. in Sacramen- to. For information, call (916) 264-2700 or visit www.saclibrary.org. Valley Community Newspapers, Inc. www.valcomnews.com • October 20, 2011 • East Sacramento News 3 Know your neighbor Taking community news to the nation’s capitol www.valcomnews.com Photo courtesy, Anne Kitt TAKING COMMUNITY NEWS to Washington, D.C. The grandchildren of East Sacramento residents Bernard and Anne Kit took copies of their community newspapers with them to the nation’s capitol building last summer. Left to right, Jack Parsh and Sophia Parsh of East Sacramento, and Emilio Kitt and Maya Kitt of the Pocket area. 4 East Sacramento News • October 20, 2011 • www.valcomnews.com Valley Community Newspapers, Inc. Lights, cameras, safety? Sac State increases security Do you have a story? Tell it to us. Special to East Sacramento News Sixteen new safety and Call Susan Laird at 916-429-9901 security cameras were in- In a continuing effort to stalled, in addition to a new make the campus as safe as one at Folsom Hall, joining possible for students, faculty, many others situated around staff and visitors, Sacramen- campus. to State officials launched a To improve the campus number of safety projects re- warning capabilities, officials cently. installed an audio broadcast The most visible is the in- system. Loudspeakers to stallation of new lights this warn the campus communi- summer. About 100 new fix- ty of immediate threats have tures were installed along been installed at 27 loca- pathways from the residence tions. halls to The WELL, accord- “These speakers can be in- ing to Plant Operations Di- dividually activated, activat- rector Linda Hafar. ed in zones or all together in “The WELL contractor in- the event of a campuswide stalled several of these fixtures emergency,” said Tony Lu- when it was built, so this proj- cas, public safety finance di- ect creates two nicely lit cor- rector. ridors for housing residents,” Each of these projects is she said. viewed as expanding the The old type of fixture used Sacramento State Police a high-pressure sodium lamp Department’s capacity, ac- and cast a pinkish glow. The cording to Lucas. Camer- new lamps are more energy as aid officers following up efficient and cast a white glow property crimes; and the that is more visible to the eye blue light phones and loud- and so is perceived as im- speakers improve commu- proved lighting, Hafar said. nication between the public Last year, university began and officers, acknowledging installing additional emer- that not everyone may have gency telephones and safety a cell phone with them or and security cameras around have signed up to the Uni- campus. Four phones were versity’s Emergency Notifi- installed at various locations, cation System. in addition to six new ones “The campus has been do- at Folsom Hall, new home of ing these various projects the School of Nursing. That over the past two to three brings the campus total to years in order to improve 130 phones, each of which the Police Department’s ca- has a blue light at the top to pabilities to respond to the make it easier to identify at campus’ safety needs,” Lucas night. said. Valley Community Newspapers, Inc. www.valcomnews.com • October 20, 2011 • East Sacramento News 5 Sutter Medical Center expansion features midtown Sacramento’s tallest building By LANCE ARMSTRONG East Sacramento News writer houses cardiac care servic- [email protected] es. But Sutter Memorial is considered an aging campus Just west of East Sacra- that does not meet today’s mento and across L Street needs from a health care from Sutter General Hos- consumer or medical tech- pital is an under construc- nology prospective. tion building that is draw- The new, 242-bed facili- ing much attention for its ty will provide the highest size alone. After all, the par- level of neonatal and pedi- tially completed structure is atric intensive care services, shaping up to be midtown pediatric cardiac care, pedi- Sacramento’s tallest build- atric neurosurgery servic- ing. es, pediatric cancer services Standing about 194 feet and high-risk and conven- tall, the 10-story, 395,241- tional maternity services. square-foot structure in its Another major aspect of completed state will be- opening the new facility is come known as the Ander- the fact that medical staff son Lucchetti Women’s and and hospital management Children’s Center and re- will no longer have to trav- place Sutter Memorial Hos- el back and forth between pital at 5151 F St. in East Sutter’s two Sacramento Sacramento. campuses. East Sacramento News photo, Lance Armstrong In addition to its func- Although it was once con- VIEW OF THINGS TO COME. The Anderson Lucchetti Women’s and Children’s Center, shown under construction, will replace tion as a maternity hospi- templated that the new Sut- East Sacramento’s Sutter Memorial Hospital. The top level of the 10-story structure will feature a life-saving helistop for tal, Sutter Memorial, which ter center would be locat- severely injured and sick patients. is often referred to as the ed on the Sutter Memorial “baby hospital,” presently campus, Gary Zavoral, pub- lic relations specialist for ter Medical Center campus of the design, the build and Sutter Health, Sacramen- project, which also includes the owner. A year ago, we to Sierra Region, said that the renovation of Sutter had a hole in the ground, so the selection of the Sutter General Hospital and the the progress has been unbe- General site seems to make construction of the Sutter lievable. And with no loss the most sense in a histori- Capitol Pavilion outpatient time injury on a site like cal perspective. center, which was complet- this, with all this metal and “This is where Sutter ed in August 2010.
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