© Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, represented by the Chief Executive Officer of Parks Canada, 2010. Cette publication est aussi disponible en français. Also available on the internet at www.parkscanada.gc.ca/pointpelee. ISBN 978-1-100-15756-6 Cat. No. R61-37/2010E-PDF For more information about the Park Management Plan or about Point Pelee National Park of Canada: Point Pelee National Park of Canada 407 Monarch Lane, RR1, Leamington, ON N8H 3V4 tel. : 519-322-2365 fax : 519-322-1277 email :
[email protected] www.parkscanada.gc.ca/pointpelee Front Cover Image Credits: Large Image: View of the marsh from Marsh Boardwalk tower, Parks Canada Inset Images - Left: Couple enjoying the beach, Parks Canada Middle: Birdwatching, Parks Canada Right: March Break Children’s Program, Parks Canada Point Pelee National Park of Canada Management Plan June 2010 Point Pelee National Park of Canada v Management Plan Foreword Point Pelee National Park of Canada vii Management Plan Point Pelee National Park of Canada ix Management Plan Executive Summary This management plan for Point Pelee Na- The management plan includes: tional Park provides renewed direction and • A vision statement; enables Parks Canada staff with a frame- work for decision-making. The framework • Five key strategies, which provide defines the roadmap for continued fulfill- strategic direction and set the course ment of the Parks Canada mandate and for the park over the next fifteen years; contributes to current Parks Canada Agen- • Three area management approaches, cy priorities in the face of present issues, which provide specific direction for challenges and opportunities influencing the Mainland – Western Shore, the the integrity of the ecosystems protected Mainland – Eastern Shore and Marsh, in the park, the relevance of the park’s and Middle Island; visitor experience opportunities and the • An updated park zoning plan; park’s ability to inspire a connection with Canadians and visitors to this irreplaceable • A summary of administration natural legacy.