The Park Slope Civic Council Civic News October 2007 Volume LXX, No
The Park Slope Civic Council Civic News October 2007 Volume LXX, No. 2 It’s a bare patch of land What Park Slope old-timers now, fronting some 145 feet might remember is that, well along Fourth Avenue and a over a decade ago, the De- similar amount east on Sackett partment of Environmental Street. If a vacant lot this size Protection (DEP), the city were located anywhere else agency digging the water on Fourth, it would likely be Coming soon tunnel, promised to turn the a construction site, another in site over to the community the march of undistinguished- Some Day once its work was done. That looking, yellow-brick, 12-story promise holds true according buildings rising high above its On This Site: to James Soroush of DEP’s brownstone neighbors. Community Outreach of- What newcomers to Park GreenSpace fice — but not tomorrow or Slope might not know is that the next day: the lot will lie this lot already has been a barren until the activation of major construction site, but the tunnel’s Brooklyn-Queens one on which the work did not section, now scheduled for top off 120 feet or so in the air. Rather, it bottomed out 558 November, 2009. feet below ground. Weeds, gravel, two ventilation pipes, and Still, just beneath the surface (so to speak), a team of artists, two horizontal metal doors — looking like something out of gardeners and activists remain poised, as they have been for “Alice in Wonderland” or “Lost” — are all that can be seen years, to transform shaft 22b’s lid into GreenSpace: a com- at ground level of shaft 22B, which sometime in the next few munity garden with bells and whistles, designed by one of years will connect several hundred thousand Brooklyn sinks New York City’s best-known environmental artists.
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