April 9, 2015
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NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID GORHAM, ME PERMIT NO. 10 VOLUME 21 NUMBER 7 APRIL 9, 2015 SINCE 1995—A FREE, VOLUNTEER-RUN, BIWEEKLY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Search Process for 2,000+ Enjoy GBEGBE MarketplaceMarketplace New Police Chief JJEFF PPIKEIKE ROGER MMARCHAND Gorham Business Exchange Staff Writer MarketplaceMarketplace ChairChair After the retirement of Police Chief The annual Marketplace event Ron Shepherd the Town Council hosted by the Gorham Business requested that the Town Manager getget Exchange on March 28 turned out to an objective appraisal ofthe current be another huge success with 2,150 and future needs of the police depart-- people in attendance. More than 70 ment. Dacri & Associates, L.L.C. of businesses set up booths to interact Kennebunk, ME be chosen to do the with potential customers while many study. locallocal groupsgroups andand foodfood vendorsvendors keptkept Over a period of two weeks, Dacri attendees well entertained and wellwell Associates interviewed 42 Gorham staff, fed.fed. TheThe eventevent eveneven caughtcaught thethe attenatten-- residents and town officials in order toto tiontion ofof WMTV-ChannelWMTV-Channel 8—check8—check outout get an overview of the Gorham Police thethe newsnews clipclip atat www.youtube.com/www.youtube.com/ Department. They met with all mem-- watch?v=D7VZE-au47A. bers of the police department, the fire Performances included the Gorham chief, superintendent of schools, high Middle School Chorus, The Greater school principal, public works direc-- Portland School of Jukado, The Dance tor, threethree residents,residents, thethe directordirector ofof thethe Studio of Maine, and the Moody’s Cumberland County Dispatch Center, Collision Centers air bag deployment two membersmembers ofof thethe FamilyFamily CrisisCrisis as well as Flamin’ Raymin’ & Sizzlin’ PhotosPhotos courtesycourtesy ofof RogerRoger MarchandMarchand Center, and all the Town Councilors. Suzzin’, two high-powered DJs who Dogs.Dogs. TheThe 9/119/11 MemorialMemorial SprintSprint forfor GreaterGreater PortlandPortland SchoolSchool ofof Jukado,Jukado, The findings showed a mainly got about 50 kids dancing and rock-- kidskids cappedcapped offoff thethe day.day. KnightKnight PropertyProperty ServicesServices andand PitStopPitStop positive perception of the Police inging withwith hulahula hoops!hoops! TheThe eventevent alsoalso AttendeesAttendees alsoalso hadhad thethe chancechance toto Fuels.Fuels. VendorsVendors andand organizationsorganizations thatthat Department, although the police offi-- featuredfeatured specialspecial appearancesappearances byby ElsaElsa winwin cashcash prizesprizes totalingtotaling $250$250 graciousgracious-- helpedhelped withwith thethe eventevent hadhad thethe chancechance cers themselves highlighted issues with fromfrom thethe moviemovie Frozen,Frozen, andand Slugger,Slugger, lyly donateddonated byby B&TB&T Millworks,Millworks, CustomCustom toto winwin giftgift certificatescertificates donateddonated byby morale and leadership, while commu-- thethe teamteam mascotmascot ofof thethe PortlandPortland SeaSea CoachCoach && Limousine,Limousine, GorhamGorham House,House, nity members and town officials were CCONTINUEDONTINUED ONON PPAGEAGE 1414 predominately positive. As part of the study, traits of a new police chief were described, as were traits to be avoided, ThreeThree ArrestedArrested and new challenges that the new chief Sebago to the SeaSea TrailTrail would need to deal with. Windham to Westbrook SectionSection ReadyReady forfor inin HomeHome CONTINUED ON PPAGEAGE 44 Pedestrian Use This Summer InvasionInvasion Domestic Violence TANIA ZZUCKERMAN Windham,Windham, WestbrookWestbrook andand FalmouthFalmouth OnOn AprilApril 33 atat aboutabout Portland Regional Land Trust beforebefore endingending atat CascoCasco BayBay inin 11:3511:35 a.m.a.m. policepolice Reprimands in Portland.Portland. ItIt roughlyroughly followsfollows thethe pathpath receivedreceived aa callcall aboutabout You will no longer have to paddle ofof thethe PresumpscotPresumpscot RiverRiver asas itit windswinds anan armedarmed confrontaconfronta-- thethe 4.8-mile4.8-mile SouthSouth WindhamWindham toto itsits wayway thoughthough incrediblyincredibly beautifulbeautiful tiontion atat 551551 MainMain StreetStreet Police Department Westbrook segment of the Sebago andand historichistoric scenery.scenery. ItIt offersoffers yearyear inin Gorham.Gorham. TheThe propprop-- toto thethe SeaSea Trail.Trail. RailRail constructionconstruction roundround recreationalrecreational opportunitiesopportunities forfor ertyerty isis ownedowned byby NeilNeil AlAlanzoanzo PardyPardy SHERII FFABER on the Mountain Division Corridor bikers, walkers and runners, snow- Esposito of Raymond. Staff Writer on the Mountain Division Corridor bikers, walkers and runners, snow- Esposito of Raymond. fromfrom RouteRoute 202202 inin SouthSouth WindhamWindham shoersshoers andand skiers,skiers, swimmers,swimmers, and,and, OfficersOfficers respondedresponded toto thethe During the past five years, the toto BridgeBridge StreetStreet inin WestbrookWestbrook isis nownow ofof course,course, itit isis aa favoritefavorite dog-walkingdog-walking scenescene andand foundfound thethe sussus-- Gorham Police Department has issued complete, and the owners, MDOT,MDOT, venue,venue, too.too. MotorizedMotorized vehicles,vehicles, otherother pectspects hadhad fledfled inin aa 19961996 reprimands to two of their officers basedbased have authorized pedestrian use on thanthan snowmobiles,snowmobiles, areare prohibited.prohibited. JeepJeep Cherokee.Cherokee. OfficersOfficers on complaints of domestic violence. thethe inactiveinactive rail-bed.rail-bed. ThisThis spring,spring, thethe ForFor now,now, becausebecause thethe groundground covercover stoppedstopped thethe vehiclevehicle aa JoJosephseph IngerisanoIngerisano In 2012,2012, OfficerOfficer DeanDean HannonHannon waswas Presumpscot Regional Land Trust onon thethe inactiveinactive rail-bedrail-bed isis rockrock ballast,ballast, shortshort distancedistance fromfrom thethe issuedissued aa reprimandreprimand thatthat alsoalso prohibitedprohibited (PRLT),(PRLT), alongalong withwith membersmembers ofof thethe thisthis newnew sectionsection willwill bebe designateddesignated forfor scenescene andand threethree men,men, him from having any direct or indirect Sebago to the Sea Trail Coalition, will pedestrianpedestrian useuse onlyonly andand willwill notnot bebe allall 2020 yearsyears old,old, fromfrom contact with the woman who filed the installinstall signs,signs, makemake improvementsimprovements toto suitablesuitable forfor biking.biking. TheThe long-termlong-term goalgoal PortlandPortland werewere takentaken intointo complaint. The letter noted that any thethe bridgebridge overover MallisonMallison Falls,Falls, andand isis toto constructconstruct aa pavedpaved trailtrail alongsidealongside custody.custody. DanielDaniel Rice,Rice, contact between them might result in update maps. Once the work is com-- thethe rail-bedrail-bed inin thisthis corridor,corridor, makingmaking AlanzoAlanzo Pardy,Pardy, andand JosephJoseph plete, it will be officially opened for it suitable for multiple uses and to IngerisanoIngerisano werewere eacheach furtherfurther disciplinarydisciplinary action.action. plete, it will be officially opened for it suitable for multiple uses and to DanielDaniel RiceRice In AugustAugust ofof 2014,2014, MarkMark Sanborn,Sanborn, public use sometime in the summer helphelp ensureensure long-termlong-term publicpublic access.access. chargedcharged withwith armedarmed robrob-- who was then the School Resource of 2015. FundraisingFundraising forfor thisthis efforteffort isis stillstill bery,bery, burglaryburglary andand crimicrimi-- Officer, was placed on paid administra-- The 28 mile long Sebago to the underway.underway. TheThe PresumpscotPresumpscot RegionalRegional nalnal threateningthreatening withwith aa dangerousdangerous weapweap-- tivetive leaveleave afterafter hishis wifewife waswas grantedgranted aa Sea Trail begins at Sebago Lake in on.on. TheyThey werewere takentaken toto CumberlandCumberland temporarytemporary ProtectionProtection ofof AbuseAbuse Order.Order. Standish, and passes through Gorham, CCONTINUEDONTINUED ONON PPAGEAGE 44 CountyCounty Jail.Jail. He was also issued a letter of repri-- PhotosPhotos courtesycourtesy ofof CumberlandCumberland CountyCounty SheriffSheriff DepartmentDepartment mand. Jerry HintonHinton ofof thethe TideTide ViewView GroupGroup MAINE COAST KITCHEN DESIGN inside TimesTimes was hired to conduct the internal inves-- insidethethe RELOCATES TO GORHAM 1515 BlotterBlotter 1515 ClassifiedClassified 55 MunicipalMunicipal 66 SchoolSchool ON PAGE 3 CONTINUED ON PPAGEAGE 44 1515 CalendarCalendar 1313 CommunityCommunity 33 ProfileProfile 88 SportsSports NEWS FROM AUGUSTA BRINGING THE NEWS TO ALL OF GORHAM PO Box 401, 77 South Street Better Roads, Safer Bridges Vital Gorham, Maine 04038 Phone and Fax: (207) 839-8390 [email protected] www.gorhamtimes.com To Maine’s Economic Future The Gorham Times is a free volunteer-run community newspaper distributed every other Thursday to more than 100 pick-up sites REP. ANDREW MCLEAN In fact, that same report includes system, providing a crucial boost to our throughout Gorham. statistics that show that Maine’s num- economy. The bill would also leverage —— Each day, Mainers drive over crum- ber of “structurally deficient” bridges, an estimated $290 million in federal News [email protected] bling roads, bridges and dilapidated or bridges with deteriorated or dam-