TAX PAYERS Judgeupholds Zone Change
PAGE TEN-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., April 4. 1977 At the White House SNET delivering Photographer cites The weather Inside today Showers with chance of a few new directories Area news . .1-3-B Editorial . 4-a thundershowers this afternoon, highs job’s frustrations mid to upper 50s. Partly cloudy tonight, Classified .10-11-B Fam ily .......... id-a Delivery of about 53,100 new New England ’Telephone studies Wednesday, lows tonight in 30s. High C om ics.......... U-A Obituaries .,. 12-A It’s not easy taking pieturns at the has to raise the camera over her Manchester-Rockville telephone show that the bulk of calls to direc Wednesday in low 50s. National Dear Abby . U-A S p o rts.......... 8-9-B White House, Linda Wheeler told head to make pictures over a crowd directories has started to residences tory assistance come from a small weather forecast map on Page 10-B. Connecticut photographers Sunday. of other photographers. and businesses, according to percentage of telephone customers. , . .1 L f ijim ^ ' VOLiTCe^,! N0:-187 Ms. Wheeler, a photographer for Ms. Wheeler also told of covering Southern New England Telephone. ’The frequent users push up the cost PftiGE, FIF'l'KHNCKN'rs” nine years with the Washington Post, the recent “siege” of Washington, in Customers should begin using the of providing this service and that explained the frustration of which terrorist Hanaify Muslins took new phone book April 13. cost is shared by all Connecticut photographing the President and more than 100 hostages and seized The cover of the new phone book customers.
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