ARTISTS3BOOKS: news end reviews NEWS 0 Visual Cataloguing & Mapping, including photographs, installations, and artists' books by Luciano Bartolini, Agnes Artists' Books: From the Traditional to the Avant-Garde will Denes, Jan Dibbets, Mary Fish, Hamish Fulton, Eldon Gar- be on display until 15 April at the Alexander Library, Rut- net, Michael Gibbs, Wanda Wammerbeck, Geoffrey Hen- gers University in New Brunswick,NJ. An accompanying ex- dricks, Sol LeWitt, Richard Long, Joan Lyons, Bern Porter, hibition catalog has been published and will cost $5.00 pre- Edward Ruscha, Michael Snow, Telfer Stokes, Athena Tacha paid. All orders should be directed to Ann Montanaro, and many others recently showed at the Visual Studies Work- Alexander Library, Rutgers, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. The shop Galleries in Rochester. The exhibition is available for exhibit explores the relationships between the traditional travel from VSW Galleries, 31 Prince St., Rochester,NY concept of the book and contemporary artists' visions of the 14607. book as personal object. The choice of setting for the show- a major university's research library-deliberately provokes 13 new book projects by David A. Hanson are being shown such exploration and challenge. at the Marcuse Pfeifer Gallery in City from 13 A symposium relating to the exhibit will be held on 3 April. March through 16 April at 825 Madison Avenue. There are Speakers will be Clive Phillpot (who wrote the introduction also from the books as well as the hand-made to the catalog), William Dane, Kathy Markel and Howard bindings for the one-of-a-kind books. Since the books refer Goldstein. to work done in the 19th century, using palladium, plati- The juried show was organized by Evelyn Apgar, Judith K. num, salt, Van Dyke and cynaotype, the bindings also re- Brodsky, Lynn F. Miller, Project Director, Ann Montanaro, flect the 19th century with carefully selected papers, silks Ferris Olin, and Ed Pason. and leathers. Each book has a specific theme and each book is unique although individual prints are available separately. Book Review, the Newsletter of the Center for Book Two of the books are From My Balcony, an homage to Arts, appeared with Volume 1, Number 1 in January 1982. Alfred Stieglitz, and Theatre of Neptune, Images in Acadia, The Review will be published five times a year, along with its containing 7 palladium prints taken in Nova Scotia and con- companion publication, the calendar of book arts events. ceived as a souvenir album of the first theatrical masque The first issue has an interview with Norman B. Colp, curator presented in the new world circa 1609. of exhibits for the Center for Book Arts, a review of the Li- brary Company of Philadelphia's exhibition, A Quarter of a The New Yorker of 25 January 1982 featured artists' Millennium, the catalog for which costs $25.00, a review books, books and books on art in "The Art World," a of the exhibition celebrating the 75th anniversary of the column written by Calvin Tomkins. Pierpont Morgan Library, reviews of other book shows, reviews of books on books, etc. Free to members of the * Hand-illuminated pages from The Case for the Burial of Center for Book Arts ($20, or $10 for students), 15 Bleecker Ancestors by book Zelevansky St., New York, NY 10012. were on view at Bookworks, 400 7th St., NW in Washing- ton, DC from 2 February - 6 March 1982. Kunstenaarsboeken: twaalf benaderingen, an artists' book exhibition at the Museum Waterland in Amsterdam from The Women's Graphic Center, 1717 N. Spring St., Los 3 February through 7 March. The catalog is designed in such Angeles, CA 90012 has received a $15,000 organizational a way that it becomes the poster as well as the clearly illus- grant from the Arts Council. Applications are ac- trated bilingual catalog written by Alex A. M. de Vries cepted through 15 July for the Women's Graphic Center Pub- Included are work by Juan J. Agius, Francois Bouillon, lication Project, which will assist women artists and writers in Axel Heibel, Diederick van Kleef, Federico Sanguinetti, production and publication of books, posters, postcards, and Ben Sleeuwenhoek, Ulises Carrion, Ad Gerritsen, J. H. announcements. Consultations in concept and development Kocman, Tom Ockerse, Geza Perneczky, and Pawel of work, book structures and commercial binding, design, Petasz. The range goes from expensive, unique books printing, and typography. For information write or phone to rubber stamp editions, and the books are clearly. .pho- Sue Maberry, (213) 222-2477. tographed.. The address is Weerwal5, purmerend, Amster- * Kalejdoskop has a new catalog of artists' books, some of dam, Holland. which are translated iilto English. Write to kalejdoskop, Da Costa Editions, 1977/1981 is a small brochure of Kontonummer 3906, S-296 00 Ahus, Sweden. available bookworks from Da Costa Editions, Da Costakade *The Book Variety Show,sponsored by Book Gatherings, is 115, 1053WS, Amsterdam, Netherlands. These are all asking that all works must be received by 10 April by hand limited edition bookworks. to Susan Share, 374 State St., , NY 11217 (212) Bookspace, Chicago's store for artists' books, is scheduled 852-3875 or to the Center for Books Arts, 15 Bleecker St., to re-open in early April, much to Chicagoans' delight. New York, NY 10012 (Please Call first on the day of delive- Closed since John Hogan left for New York, the store has ry. Or send books first class certified mail or by UPS to the been taken over by Miles DeCoster and Tom Broderick. Its address of Susm Share above. All works must be delivered in new location will be 703 S. Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60605 reusable packages with a Iist of works submitted to be inclu- (phone 312-663-4243). Books by Chicago artists will be ded inside. emphasized, but a selection of works by artists elsewhere will There will also be book performances and installation pie- also be carried. Do not forget,if you're in Chicago,that the ces, as well as a fashion show. The exhibition opens on 1 Museum of bookstore, 237 E. Ontario St., May at 6:30 p.m. at the Downtown Cultural Center, 111 Chicago, IL 60611 also sells some artists'publications. Wiloughby St., Brooklyn, NY 11210. Performances begin at 39 8:OO p.m. Performances will take place each Saturday in book about books in the near future. May at 8:00 p.m. The exhibit closes on Saturday, 29 May Edition Unika and Pischl are looking for book objects after that evening's performance. and artists' books on commission to sell in his gallery. If you are interested in having a show in West Germany, Book Gatherings is compiling an archive of artists' books. then write to Edition Unika, Julius Pischl, Romerstr. 65, If you would like to donate your books, please indicate 7000 Stuttgart 1, West Germany. this in writing if you enter the Book Variety Show. If others wish to donate books to this archive, write to Susan Share at 0 Franklin Furnace is presenting an installation of individual the address above. works by four West Germany artists until 10 April with Pid- der Auberger, Maggie Bauer, J$rgen Partenheimer and Michel 0 The Center for Book Arts has a list of exhibitions which Sauer participating with drawings and books. they are presenting either at the Center for Book Arts or at other institutions. Included are shows called Collaborations, The Other Publishers Catalogue, featuring the publications It's Academic, The Open Book, The Photographic Narrative, of Station Hill, Treacle Press, Printed Editions, Coach House and Painted:Over Pages. Write to the Center for Book Arts, Press, C. F. Peters, Spring Publications, Astro Artz, Fiction 15 Bleecker St., New York, NY 10012 for further infonna- Collective, Sun &Moon, New Wilderness Audiographics, and tion, attention of Norman B. Colp, Curator of Exhibits. Cherry Valley Editions for Winter 1981-82 is now available from Box 35, Barrytown, NY 12507. On 5 March in , a simulation of the future LexsSor book broadcasting system transmitted American Lamella Distribution has a book catalogue of Artists' artists' book pages in real time, by request, to guests at the Books which they distribute in Australia, as well as exhibi- 20th anniversary celebration of the International Presscentre tion catalogs, magazines, Australians, , etc. in the Hague, Holland. Dutch artists' books were requested to Write to Lamella Distribution, 15 Harris St., Paddington be sent in return for one hour at Logica Corporation. To NSW, Australia 202 1. read more about this important event, the latest issue of Problems with shipping artists' books! If you have agar, the avant garde art review, explains it, available at your submitted limited edition and one-of-a-kind books to local bookshop. If not, write to Stephen s'Soreff , 79 Mercer a gallery or institution for exhibition, you should make St., New York, NY 10012. clear to the gallery or institution how you wish the The8th New York Book Fair will be held 9 - 11 April at book to be sent back. There are many artists who have the Loeb Student Center, Washington Square S. & La Guar- written to UMBRELLA telling them of the trials and dia Place in New York City, where many bookworks will be travail in shipping the books back. Fourth Class Mail on display. Hours are Friday, 12 - 10; Saturday 12 - 8; and is not satisfactory for sending bookworks back to Sunday 12 - 6 p.m. artists! Book Rate does not allow for safeguarding the bookworks, nor is a signature required for delivery and Buckobjekte, the third chapter of artists' books, was pre- * the parcel is not insured. sented by Hubert Kretschmer at the University Library of "To those of us who work in the book format-especially the University of Heidelberg from 22 December through 22 where our books are one-of-a-kind and limited edition-we January 1982, feel no differently about our pieces than other printmakers

@ At NRA, 2 rue du jour, 75001 Paris, there is a show or painters or sculptors. " All works should be shipped back called Livres d'Art et D'Artistes IV, the fourth bookshow insured and with care, using UPS or another form of ship- at this space, which opened on 4 February and closes on 3 ment via a trustworthy carrier. April 1982. Write if you have views about this. At the Museum of Rouen, there is also a book show for 0 The Visual Studies Workshop Artist Book Gallery is which the catalog costs 50 francs (plus postage and hand- showing The Avant-Garde in Print: 20th Century Typogra- ling). phy and Design, a portfolio of 50 examples in facsimile of There is some indication that there was at the Centre typographical innovation by Dadaists, Futurists, and the Georges Pompidou on 24 February the second show of the Bauhaus through 8 May. Artists' Book, sponsored by Shakespeare and Company. Axel Heibel will be showing his paintings and new books, which he recently executed in Paris, at the Wilhelm-Lehm- 0 The Graduate School of Library Service of the University bruck Museum in Duisburg, West Germany. of Alabama is sponsoring a Book Arts Institute from 7 June Coracle Press organized a selection of English Books for the through 9 July. Each week of the course is devoted to one Frankfurter Kunstverein, artists' books, which are documen- of the book arts with sessions conducted by a series of guest ted in a small catalog, covering work of Moschatel Press, lecturers. The first week is typography, and the following White Lies Publications, Editions Brian Lane, Coracle Press, weeks are printing, marbling, papermaking, and binding. Chocolate News Books, Graeme Murray Gallery, Lisson Gal- Number of participants limited to 12. Tuition is $120 each lery, Anthony d'Offay and others. For more information, week, or $500 for entire institute. One graduate credit may write to Coracle Press, 233-235 Camberwell New Road, be earned for each week, or six credits for the course. Write London SE5, England. James Ramer, GSLS, Box 6242, University, AL 35486.

0 Julius Pischl has a gallery and publishing house in Stuttgart. Recently he had an exhibition of the book-object artist Elisabeth Grober. He will be publishing Axel Heibel's REVIEWS Stadtszenen by Harald Rumpf is an evocative documenta- tion of people in a city, a park, printed beautifully in a small It is apt to celebrate a publisher's 150th Jubilee with a review catalog with 13 photos. 6DM of some fine bookmaking which has given Charles T. Tuttle All of these books are available from Verlag Hubert Kretsch- Company a name for the best in innovative bookmaking, mer, Postfach 94 02 46 , 6000 FrankfurQMain 94, West using ancient raditions and new technologies. The books dis- Germany. cussed here are not new, but they have been reprinted many times: Zsla Vista, a visual poem, by Bern Porter, designed and prin- Japanese Screens in Miniature by Reiko Chiba was first ted by Harry Reese, is a beautiful book in a limited edition published in 1960 and is now in its twentieth printing. The of 49. The format, 4% x 9% lends itself to a true feeling of a little fabric covered box with traditional ivory-like tong page with floating letters floating in surprise on the pages- closings opens to a series of miniature screens which are hiding around the comer, sometimes full-face, either in gold masterpieces of the Momoyama period. These six reproduc- or in black. Bound by Sandra Reese, printed on Rives heavy- tions are self-standing, folded just as the originals, and weight, it is a bargain at $10 from Turkey Press, 6746 Sueno housed in a silk-like box to recommend their value and pre- Road, Isla Vista, Ca 93 117. ciousness. Obviously this book has been a bestseller for it is Wedgepress & Cheese started publishing in 1978, specializing now in its twentieth printing, costing only $19.50. in books. In addition, Leif Eriksson, founder, has the Painted Fans of Japan, showing 15 Noh Drama master- Swedish Archive of Artists' Books, which is available for con- pieces by Reiko Chiba, also reflects the finest in production sultation. The range of books is immense, and here are some bookmaking. In the form of a fan itself, the book is covered titles : with a silk-like fabric that reflects its subject matter. Each New Moves Adada: A Dad& Handbook by Leif Eriksson, fan is accompanied by period, title of play, type of play, and published in Lund at the Galerie S:t Petrie, with a piece of the character using the fan. In addition, the editor has seen astroturf glued on the outside, and the inside consisting of fit to add an appropriate haiku to enhance the enjoyment of blue, yellow and green pages with nothing printed on them. the typically Japanese scenes and subjects. At the end of the 25 kronen book is a bibliography for further study. The bibliography La Gran Comedia de Arte, by Leif Eriksson; has not been updated, although Tuttle has recently published Copyrighted Trade Marks by Leif Eriksson, which includes a new book on Fans in Fashion, a catalog for an exhibition, signatures of great and less great artists; which details French fans. At any rate, the making of this ISBN 91 85752 12 6, Condition/Sand Pit by Bill Olson and book-in fan shape, opening like a fan, miraculously capable Roland Spolander is the documentation of performances of being opened for a doublepage spread of the fan, and its near a sandpit by the artists; description for each fan illustrated, is still in print, in its The Poetry of Mickey Spillane: Nineteen Collected Poems 16th printing, and costs $15.50. by Bengt Adlers is the very first collection of poems in the The Making of a Japanese Print, Harunobu's "Heron Maid" 80s, not written but collected, i.e. used, words are reused; with an introduction by Reiko Chiba, is a lesson book, but one done in a beautiful way-the making of a print step by My Collected Stamps, by Leif Eriksson is a collection of step, developing the print in color after the blocks are cut. rubber stamps, printed in purple; The Waste Paper Act is published and dedicated to the The book is small in the palm, covered with Mingei- --paper, a delightful lesson indeed now in its 10th printing and available Institute of Art, the Disposal University, 1978, Balderup, for $6.95. All these books can be found at your local book- Sweden. 30 K. No imprinting on the pages. shop or write to Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc., P.O. Box 410, 1 % Disorder by Ver Molnar is an op art book, influenced Rutland, VT 05701. by a design on an ancient Egyptian statue in the Louvre. 37 K. Verlag and Distribution Hubert Kretschmer has sent some There is a handmade book covered with white felt with new titles: holes in it that seems like Swiss Cheese. And there are Ertappt by Susann Kretschmer is a photographic sequence many more. Leif Eriksson deserves applause for his con- of a woman caught in the act of '"isrobing" but only revea- certed effort to make artists' books alive and well known ling her neck and shoulder, in fact only her left shoulder. The in Sweden and abroad. Write for his catalog, send for his repetition and harking back to a full face portrait captivates books with an international postal money order, and if and allows the viewer to really become somewhat of a voyeur you are in Sweden, visit his archive. Wedgepress & Cheese, in each sequence. 18 DM (Ed. of 400, 37 photos) Leif vgg 11, 23700 Bjarred, Sweden. 52 ~un~e-~eutscheFotografen, an anthoiogy of young Ger- Talisman for 1982 by Gwen Widmer is a small book using man photographers, ed. by Harald Rumpf, shows an empha- coupled knives as stand-ins for individuals cited such as sis on documentation of society as it is, as well as the ab- Bill and Bea, or Harold and Betty, interspersed with map- stract, conceptual photographs which are everywhere like site plans with a letter of the alphabet on each. throughout the world, and a long look at landscape. This There is an anthropomorphic quality to the knives, so that book won the Kodak Photo Book Prize for 1981. 32DM. the coupling of names to the knives takes on a real meaning. Polaroids: Reihen Serien Sequenzen, the catalog of a show A book that will mean something to everyone. $3.00 at held in Summer 1981 in Munich, West Germany at the Ga- Artworks and other artists' bookstores. lerie Claudia Jaeckel-Gobel, is a stunning array of experimen with the camera in sequence by German photogra- Dick Higgins has produced twomore scores in 1982: phers. A must at 30DM. 41 Variations on a Nature Theme for Orchestra is an orches- which now are well printed and presented for a wider disse- tral work in 28 movements or variations, each lasting 45 mination in the new Nova Scotia Pamphlets series, no. I. Coil seconds, using a graphic notation, which is photographic, bound, the three works are easily pezused, magnificently using a system invented by the author. Large tabloid printed, and in 49 reproductions, giving the score, $16.00 essence of this important socially-conscious artist in 90 pages Sonata for Prepared Piano, in four movements, with gra- This is an artist who sees, who looks around and analyzes, phic notation, where the piano is prepared by using spoons who thinks consciously and socially and uses her artwork to between the two right hand strings, so that when the soft get out the message. This book, therefore, has content for pedal is depressed, the hammer strikes only the prepared all to read and view and analyze. $12.50 from the Press of strings. $1 0.00 the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Published by Printed Editions, the scores are distributed from P.O. Box 27, Barrytown, NY 12507 or from The Daniel Buren: Les Couleurs (Sculptures) -Les Formes (Pein- Other Publishers, Box 35, Barrytown, NY 12507. tures) 1975-77, a documentation with photographs by Daniel Buren with texts by Buren, Benjamin Buchloh, Jean-Francois The Lowbrow Art of Robert Williams, a compendium of more Lyotard and Jean-Hubert Martin, forming volume 12 of the than 15 years of work by Robert Williams, underground car- Nova Scotia Series, Source Materials of the Contemporary toonist, is published by the Rip Off Press in San Francisco, Arts, co-published with the Centre Georges Pompidou in Pa- CA. Williams is an illustrator, cartoonist and painter, whose ris. The book is available in both English and French edi- work goes from early ads and T-shirt images to psychedelic tions, has 81 pages, of which there are 43 color illustrations art and comic stories for ZAP and other comic books. There and 39 black and white. Buren's book will help to under- is a series of 16 color plates showing Williams' highly detailed stand what he is about, and how he has been received by the "Supercartoon" oil paintings. 96 pages of work by the critics as well. $19.50 from Press of the Nova Scotia College "Esthetician of the Preposterous," the paperback sells for of Art and Design. $10.95 from your local bookstore or from Rip Off Press, Cupid, You are a Killer, behind its glossy nailpolish and lip- P.O. Box 14158, San Francisco, CA 94114. stick-red cover, combines photographs by Patty Carroll with A Book Working is an anthology of six artists' books chosen selections from Ovid's The Art of Love to provide an ironic, in an open competition from a selection of almost 200 sub- occasionally bitter but always temptingly erotic view of love mitted manuscripts. Included in this volume are bookworks and lust. The photos, male and female nudes whose bodies by Jo Percival, Andy Patron, Miles DeCoster, Michael Du- are tinted by passionately rich, color light, are handsomely quette, Bruce Barber, and James Dunn. Each of their books reproduced from the original Polaroids in 4-color offset. has been produced as an individual artwork in the form of a Typography and layow are used to shape and color Ovid's publication, bound together in this anthology. words in their interaction with the photographs; words and Percival's Journeys of J.-The Pegmatite Dikes is a facsimile pictures here end up equal partners. Edition of 1000 avail- notebook which describes a comparison between human rela- able for $10.00 plus $.70 postage from Patty Carooll, Pick- tions and rock stratification, using diary excerpts, letters, ge- .rick Publishing, 919 W., Chicago, IL 60614. ological diagrams and quotes, and other means. -Barbara Tannenbaum Andy Patton's The Real Glasses I Wear is a come book, all Some Significant SelfPortraits by Karl Baden explores cur- reconstructed from popular cartoon strips, cut apart and re- rent photography by superimposing in comical fashion por- ordered with wiped out captions. traits of the artist, Karl Baden, on photographs of such greats Miles DeCoster's Sleight of Hand is a sequence of perceptu- as Diane Arbus, William Edgerton, Brassai, Ansel Adams, al riddles including hat tricks, card tricks, bag tricks, and egg Metzger, etc. The result is hilarious, like an in-joke, and you tricks. have to be aware of photography and its current practitio- Michael Duquette's Postal Works on Graph Paper CUPWis a ners who have made names for themselves to integrate what delightful history which follows the political life of Canada's Baden has done (adding his own portraits) to the original postal workers including strikes, management provocations, photographs. Printed in black and white in an edition of union meetings, etc. 200, this little book is a funny artist's book available for Bruce Barber's Audience Arrangements is a set of 14 dia- $5.00 from Printed Matter or from Karl Baden, 11 Allen grams on transparent paper, each one dealing with nature of St., Cambridge, MA 02140. audiences, crowds, and mass reactions and audience relation- ship to performer. The Browser's Opal L. Nations by Nations, illustrated by James Dunn's The Woman that No OneCould Really See is Paul Collins, has recently been published by Coach House a simple series of drawings which describe an evolution to- Press. Opal Nations has now over 30 books to his credit, wards a feminist consciousness. $18.95 paper from A Space, usually small literary press publications. Translated into 299 Queen St., West Suite 507, Toronto, Ont. Canada M5V five languages and well-known to international audiences as 1Z9. both performance artist and writer, Nations specializes in the absurd, the pataphysical, and one can see his humor by Martha Rosler, 3 Works: 1) The Restoration of High Culture even the chapter-headings: "Standing on a Lawn with a Lady in Chile; ZZ,'The Bowery in Two Inadequate Descriptive Twice my Size," "Spontaneous Human Combustion," "Ger- Sysreqs; and III, In, Around, and Afterthoughts (on Docu- trude Stein's Pudding," or "Have you ever Suffered from Cir- mentary Photography) brings together three of Rosler's re- cular Self-Conversation." Since Nations has always been cent works which have been shown in galleries and artists' language-centered, even as a performance and visual artist, spaces throughout the U.S. and Canada-and in Europe- but here we can appreciate an anthology of some of his best work, of this Britisher, who lived in Canada and now lives Sydney and Hobart during 1979-1980 present fantasies but in California, influenced by the Goon Show and old Jazz through the lens, the scenes become a reality and the intru- and Blues Greats. 208 pages, $8.50. sions of the real world are an illusion. The humor in the images questions the values of the society in which they are Contamination by John Miller is mostly text with illustra- made. tions by the artist, full of wise words and philosophies. Practical Dreams is one of the first self-published quality ar- Beautifully produced by the Print Center in Brooklyn, the tist's books published in Australia made possible through the book sells for $4.00 plus $1.00 postage and handling from assistance of the Tasmanian State Government and the Visual Cave Canem Books, 120 E. 4th St., 4B, New York, N'I Arts Board of the Australia Council. 55p., chronology, bio- 10003 or from Printed Matter. graphy and bibliography. $12.50 Book by Marshall Sanders in the smaller version (ed. of 50) is These can be ordered from Lamella Distribution, , 15 Harris on a plastic coil for a binding and as you turn the pages, rela- St., Paddington, NSW, Australia 2021. tionships of words and pictures tend to push the mind to the Clarsic Australia Film Stills 1900 to 1940 is a 12-card portfolio of jusr next step from book to tree, tree to paper, paper to picture, those classics which are not known to the overseas audience. 12 post- cards in a folio with plastic spine for $6.95. picture to hand, hand to eye, eye to watch, watch to money Photo-Discourse.Cn'tical Thought & Practice in Photography and money to door-each illustrated with a small drawing of has been published by the Sydney College of the Arts, being the item signified by the word. The larger version, Book, is the first major publication in Australia to deal with contem- in an edition of 10 and does the same thing on a page which porary photographic thought and practice in parallel. With is much like a wallet-sized book. For those interested in questionnaires sent around the country, a collective of ten visual poetry, relationship of words and images, these two men and women went about selecting and producing the ma- books or the one in whatever size are beautifully produced. terial gathered, including photographers, academics, graphic $8.00 smaller version, $10 larger from Artworks, 170 S. designers and others skilled in layout production. The collec- La Brea, Los Angeles, CA 90036. rive worked on a volunteer basis over six months, and the From Australia, we have: product shows the critical photographic work being done in Guidelines (at the Western Edge) by Tony Twigg, a book by Australia today. The book covers photography and politics, a Sydney-based artist who produced the book as an artist in sexism, racism, pornography, theory, &ticism and pub- residence at Praxis, an artists' space in Perth, Western Austra- lishing. The illustrations cover color, montage, infrared, post- lia. Produced on a Canon 400 photo-copier, using an image cards, photo-books, works in a series, performance and docu- taken from a choise of 3 5, the drawing is made, the drawing mentation. Another growing emphasis is the role of women being isolated (each of these statements is illustrated with a in photography, especially dealing with feminism. full page or more), and then the drawing is examined. The The book, therefore, is conceived as an alternative gallery drawing has four parts, a tonal range is established, exploited, space, offering works that have not been seen in the gallery then the drawing is restated, and on and on. What the artist system in Australia, but which represents a large section of has done is exploit the machine and use it to its maximum; political and experimental work being done at-the moment. the book then is a portable exploration of an artist's explora- A second volume is to be published late in 1982, to include tion of his drawing skills explored by a copy machine. Edi- work from overseas critics and photographers as well. Kurt tion of 100, $6.00 Australian from Tony Twigg, Book Brereton of the Sydney College of the Arts, P.O. Box 226, Works, 6 Campbell Ave., Paddington 2021, Australia. Glebe, N.S.W. 2037 Australia is in charge. $18.95 ($2 for overseas) from Photo-Discourse, P.O. Box 226, Glebe NSW, Missing Form: Concrete, Visual and Experimental Poems is Australia 203 7. a joint effort by many artists who have felt slighted by the Foto is the premiere folio, published by Alley Pie Publishing, compilers and editors of poetry anthoIogies in Australia, a visual showcase for the original, mysterious, and telling.- but who now present these "missing forms"slighted, dis- This first Foto no. 1 is the work of Elliot Schneider, in which missed, and repressed (by omission), which excludes those the theme of waiting is explored in the photographs, "Dogs works which were done in silkscreen or in cast iron, but in Cars." The images reveal a sure and honest style that cap- which relfects a majority tures rhe poetry of the ordinary. which reflects a majority of the work largely untapped in the Richness of the images is achieved by a unique process of Australian press, but which has a new lease of life with this quality lithography with stone tones on one of the finest little book published by the Collective Effort Press, P.O. Box stocks. The portfolio, presented in a distinctive custom-de- 2430V, GPO Melbourne, 3001, Australia. Names such as signed case, is 800 dollars before 31 March 1982. Schneider Alex Danko, Alan Riddell, Dennis Dugan and Ere May may studied at Pratt and with Alexey Brodovitch at the New not make any impression upon you, but here we have out- School. For more information, write to Alley Pie Publish- standing concrete poetry, mindblowing on the page, well ing, 122 E. 42nd St., New York, NY 10168. produced, with works including those of Mike Pam and Mimmo Cozzolino. A Twenty-Year Eighth Grade Reunion 1960-1980by Beverly From Lamella Distribution, we get two new books and a Feldmann, with line drawings and reminiscences of the "sharp guy,the pretty girl, the mean kid, etc." make us get postcard senes: the feeling of going back in time and viewing through a one- Marion Hardman's Practical Dreams is a collection of 45 full way window the people in that class 20 years later, a "trip color photographs some of which were exhibited in the Art down memory lane." Although this was Feldmann's reunion, Gallery of New South Wales in Perspecta 81. The pictures of bizarre window displays from Amsterdam, London, Paris, each one of us can put ourselves in her shoes. $6.00 from Nancy Lurie Gallery, 1632 N. La Salle, Chicago, IL 60614.