Countervailing Power, Vertical Integration, Investment JEL Classification: D44, D82, L41
Incomplete information bargaining with applications to mergers, investment, and vertical integration∗ Simon Loertschery Leslie M. Marxz August 14, 2021 Abstract We provide an incomplete information bargaining framework that captures the effects of differential bargaining power in markets with multiple buyers and multiple suppliers. The market is modeled as a mechanism that maximizes the expected weighted welfare of the firms, subject to the constraints of incentive compatibility, individual rationality, and no deficit. We show that, in this model, there is no basis for the presumption that vertical integration increases equally weighted social surplus, while it is possible that horizontal mergers that appropriately change bargaining weights increase social surplus. Moreover, efficient bargaining implies that in equilibrium noncontractible investments are efficient. Keywords: bargaining power, countervailing power, vertical integration, investment JEL Classification: D44, D82, L41 ∗We are grateful to three anonymous reviewers and two editors of this journal, Liran Einav and Syl- vain Chassang, whose comments and suggestions have helped us to improve the paper substantially. We also thank Matt Backus, Allan Collard-Wexler, Nitin Dua, Sean Ennis, Soheil Ghili, Brad Larsen, Robin Lee, Joao Montez, Rob Porter, Patrick Rey, George Rozanski, Glen Weyl, Matthijs Wildenbeest, Steve Williams, and seminar audiences at Bocconi University, Boston University, Columbia University, CREST/École Polytech- nique, Harvard University, MIT, New York University, University of East Anglia, University of Melbourne, Australiasian Microeconomic Theory Seminars, Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Confer- ence on Mechanism & Institution Design, Interactive Online IO Seminar, CEPR Virtual IO Seminar Series, 3rd BEET Workshop, 33rd Summer Conference on Industrial Organization: Advances in Competition Policy, 13th Annual Competition Law, Economics & Policy Conference in Pretoria, MACCI Workshop on Mergers and Antitrust, and 19th Annual IIOC for valuable discussions and comments.
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