National Statistics Office, , 2003

Published by the National Statistics Office Lascaris Malta Tel.: (+356) 21 22 32 21/5 Fax:(+356) 21 24 98 41/ 21 24 84 83 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://www.nso.gov.mt

CIP Data

Census of Agriculture 2001. – Valletta: National Statistics Office, 2003 xxviii, 227p.

ISBN 99909-81-97-3

For further information, please contact:

Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Unit National Statistics Office Lascaris Valletta CMR 02 Malta Tel: (+356) 21 22 46 75 / 25 99 75 29

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Foreword xiii

Methodological report xv

Statistical signs xx

Commentary xxi

Geographical classification for the Republic of Malta (GCM) xxvi

Time series 1

Summary tables 9

Land use 21

Area under crop 81

Livestock 115

The agricultural labour force 127

Machinery and equipment 157

Miscellaneous 173

Typology of agricultural holdings 189

Annexe 203



1 Agricultural land: 1970-2001 3 2 Area under crops and fruit trees: 1970-2001 4 3 Number of greenhouses: 1972-2001 5 4 Classification of livestock: 1970-2001 6 5 Full-time farmers by region, age and sex: 1970-2001 7 6 Part-time farmers by region, age and sex: 1973-2001 8


7 Land declared by farmers by district and type 11 8 Agricultural land by district and type 11 9 Agricultural land by district and type of tenure 11 10 Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) by district and type 12 11 Land under vineyards and orchards rented and owned by district and locality 12 12 Agricultural land by district and size class 13 13 Land by size class 14 14 Number of holdings, UAA, average UAA/holding by size class of UAA 15 15 Greenhouses by type, area and region 16 16 Fodder by region 17 17 Vineyards by type, area and region 17 18 Area under field crop by region 17 19 Orchards by type, area and region 18 20 Total holders and employees engaged in agriculture 18 21 Full-time persons engaged in agriculture 19 22 Part-time persons engaged in agriculture 19 23 Area under drip irrigation and cloches 20 24 Wells/reservoirs by period of construction 20 25 Windmills by period of construction 20


26 Agricultural land by type and locality 23 27 Agricultural land area by district/locality and use 25 28 Agricultural land by district/locality and type 28 29 Agricultural land by district/locality and type of tenure 31 30 Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) by district/locality and land cover 34 31 Arable land, vineyards and orchards by type of tenure 37 32 Agricultural land by district/locality and size class 40 33 Agricultural land by district/locality and size class 42 34 Orchards by district/locality and size class 46 35 Orchards by district/locality and size class 48

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36 Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class 53 37 Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class 58 38 Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area classified by size class 66 39 Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area classified by size class 70 40 Percentage distribution of agricultural holdings and UAA by size class of UAA 80


41 Area under fodder by district 83 42 Area under vineyards by grape variety and size class 86 43 Area under field crop by type of crop and size class (ha) 94 44 Area under orchards by size class 108


45 Ovine and caprine population by category 117 46 Bovine population by category 118 47 Swine population by category 120 48 Equine population by category 122 49 Rabbit population 123 50 Chicken population by category 124 51 Duck population by category 125 52 Turkey population by category 126


53 Total agricultural employment by type and district 129 54 Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group 130 55 Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group 134 56 Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group 138 57 Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group 142 58 Part-time farmers and breeders by sex, age group and hours worked 146 59 Full-time/part-time unpaid family workers 148 60 Full-time/part-time paid family workers 149 61 Part-time unpaid non-family workers 150 62 Full-time/part-time employees 151 63 Full-time farmers by type of agricultural training 152 64 Part-time farmers by type of agricultural training 153 65 Contracted work provided by third parties 154 66 Casual family workers 154 67 Casual non-family workers 155


68 Machinery by type and district 159 69 Machinery by period of purchase 160

vi Page


70 Greenhouses by type 175 71 Area under drip irrigation and cloches 180 72 Wells/reservoirs by period of construction 183 73 Windmills by period of construction 186


74 Total number of holdings by economic size 192 75 Total SGM by economic size 196 76 Farmers by typology 200



1 Irrigated land 3 2 Dry land 3 3 Garigue land 3 4 Caprines 6 5 Bovines 6 6 Ovines 6 7 Rabbits 6


8 Agricultural land by district and size class 13 9 Greenhouses 16 10 Area under greenhouses 16 11 Area under orchards: Malta 18 12 Area under orchards: and Comino 18 13 Distribution of full-time persons engaged in agriculture by sex and region 19 14 Distribution of part-time persons engaged in agriculture by sex and region 19


15 Agriculture land by district and type 27 16 Percentage distribution of agricultural land by type: Malta 27 17 Percentage distribution of agricultural land by type: Gozo and Comino 27 18 Irrigated land and dry land by region 30 19 Irrigated land and dry land by district 30 20 Dry land by district and type of tenure 33 21 Irrigated land by district and type of tenure 33 22 Percentage shares of Utilised Agricultural Area 36 23 Percentage distribution of agricultural land by district and land use 36 24 Percentage distribution of arable land by district 39 25 Percentage distribution of vineyards by district 39 26 Percentage distribution of orchards by district 39 27 Distribution of total agricultural land by size class and district 41 28 Distribution of orchards by size class (ha) 52 29 Percentage distribution of orchards by size class (ha) 52 30 Percentage distribution of orchards by district 52 31 Percentage distribution of vineyards by size class (ha) 57 32 Distribution of vineyards by size class (ha) 57 33 Distribution of agricultural holdings by size class of UAA (ha) and district of holders’ residence 69

ix Page

34 Distribution of agricultural holdings by district of holders’ residence and size class of UAA (ha) 69 35 Distribution of total UAA by size class of UAA (ha) and district of holders’ residence 69 36 Distribution of total UAA by district of holders’ residence and size class of UAA (ha) 69 37 Percentage distribution of UAA by region and size class of UAA (ha) 78 38 Percentage distribution of agricultural holdings by region and size class of UAA (ha) 79 39 Percentage distribution of agricultural holdings and UAA (ha) in the Maltese Islands 80


40 Area under fodder (ha) by region and size class 85 41 Percentage distribution of area under fodder (ha) by district 85 42 Distribution of vineyards by district and size class (ha) 92 43 Distribution of vineyards by size class (ha) and grape variety 92 44 Distribution of vineyards by size class (ha) and region 93 45 Percentage distribution of vineyards (ha) by grape variety 93 46 Percentage distribution of red and white grape 93 47 Percentage distribution of field crops 106 48 Percentage distribution of area under field crop by size class (ha) and region 107 49 Selected field crops by size class (ha) of area thereunder and region 107 50 Percentage distribution of orchards by size class (ha) and region 112 51 Percentage distribution of orchards by type of fruit 112 52 Distribution of orchards by area (ha) and district 113 53 Distribution of orchards by district and type of fruit 113


54 Percentage distribution of sheep by district 117 55 Percentage distribution of sheep by type: Maltese Islands 117 56 Percentage distribution of goats by district 117 57 Percentage distribution of goats by type: Maltese Islands 117 58 Percentage distribution of cattle by district 118 59 Distribution of cattle by age: Maltese Islands 119 60 Distribution of cattle aged >2 years by type: Maltese Islands 119 61 Percentage distribution of pigs by district 120 62 Distribution of pigs by type and district 121 63 Equines and equine holdings by district 122 64 Distribution of equines by type: Maltese Islands 122 65 Percentage distribution of rabbits in agricultural holdings by district 123 66 Percentage distribution of agricultural holdings with rabbits by district 123

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67 Percentage distribution of chickens: Maltese Islands 124 68 Distribution of chickens by type and district 124 69 Percentage distribution of ducks by type: Maltese Islands 125 70 Distribution of ducks and holdings with ducks by district 125 71 Percentage distribution of turkeys by district 126 72 Percentage distribution of turkeys by type: Maltese Islands 126


73 Percentage distribution of total agricultural employment: Maltese Islands 129 74 Percentage distribution of agricultural employment by type and district 129 75 Percentage of full-time farmers by sex 132 76 Percentage distribution of full-time male farmers by region and age group 133 77 Percentage distribution of full-time female farmers by region and age group 133 78 Percentage distribution of part-time farmers by sex 136 79 Percentage distribution of part-time male farmers by age group and region 137 80 Percentage distribution of part-time female farmers by age group and region 137 81 Total hours and average hours worked by part-time farmers 146 82 Percentage distribution of part-time workers by sex in AWU 147 83 Distribution of full-time unpaid family workers by type and district 148 84 Percentage distribution of full-time unpaid family workers by district 148 85 Distribution of part-time unpaid family workers by type and district 148 86 Percentage distribution of part-time unpaid family workers by district 148 87 Distribution of full-time paid family workers by type and district 149 88 Percentage distribution of full-time paid family workers by district 149 89 Distribution of part-time paid family workers by type and district 149 90 Percentage distribution of part-time paid family workers by district 149 91 Percentage distribution of part-time unpaid non-family workers 150 92 Distribution of full-time and part-time non-family employees by district 151 93 Percentage distribution of full-time farmers by type of agricultural training and region 152 94 Percentage distribution of full-time farmers by district 152 95 Percentage distribution of full-time farmers by type of agricultural training: Maltese Islands 152 96 Percentage distribution of part-time farmers by type of agricultural training and region 153 97 Percentage distribution of part-time farmers by district 153 98 Percentage distribution of part-time farmers by type of agricultural training: Maltese Islands 153 99 Percentage distribution of full-time days worked by third parties by district 154 100 Number of casual workers by type: Maltese Islands 155 101 Percentage distribution of hours worked by casual family workers by region 155 102 Percentage distribution of hours worked by casual non-family workers by 155 region

xi Page


103 Percentage distribution tractors by district 159 104 Distribution of selected equipment by type and district 159 105 Percentage distribution of machinery for land cultivation by period of purchase and region 170 106 Percentage distribution tractors by period of purchase and region 170 107 Percentage distribution of irrigation pumps by period of purchase and region 170 108 Percentage distribution of machinery for land cultivation by district 171 109 Percentage distribution of tractors by district 171 110 Percentage distribution of irrigation pumps by district 171


111 Greenhouses by district 179 112 Percentage distribution of area under drip irrigation by district 182 113 Percentage distribution of area under cloches by district 182 114 Percentage distribution of wells/reservoirs by period of construction and region 185 115 Percentage distribution of wells/reservoirs by district 185 116 Percentage distribution of windmills by period of construction and region 188 117 Percentage distribution of windmills by district 188


118 Percentage distribution of holdings by economic size 194 119 Percentage distribution of holdings by general type of farming 195 120 Percentage distribution of the total SGM by economic size of holdings 198 121 Percentage distribution of the total SGM by general type of farming 199 122 Full-time farmers by age group and district 201 123 Percentage distribution of full-time farmers by age group and type of farming 201



Up to 1954, agricultural surveys used to be held every year under the provisions of the Agricultural Returns Ordinance 1935 as amended by Act XIX of 1949 and fell within the remit of the Department of Agriculture. With the enactment of the Statistics Act in 1955, the responsibility for the holding and administration of the Census of Agriculture was transferred to the Government Statistician. Accordingly, from 1955 onwards, this census was carried out every year by the Central Office of Statistics, now the National Statistics Office.

The last Census of Agriculture was held in 1982/83. Since then, there was a prolonged and regrettable break in the holding of the census. This volume, incorporating the results of the Census of Agriculture 2001, is the first publication of its kind to appear since the early 1980s.


The Census provides a point-in-time stocktaking of arable land, livestock, the agricultural work force, agricultural production and machinery. These topics are all covered in this publication which also provides two very useful additional sections. These are: Time Series , providing a thirty-year span of various aspects of agricultural statistics, and Summary Tables, providing concise overviews of various tables in the publication.

The Census of Agriculture 2001 is characterised by a series of fully- comprehensive tables, the significance of which is unstintingly borne out by graphical depictions. All in all, I am sure that it will prove a useful addition to the literature on the subject, as well as incorporating a snapshot of an industry which is an ancient and venerable one in our Islands. Having said that, it has also updated itself with the times, contributing significantly to the tourist industry and to the upholding of rurality in Malta and Gozo.

Alfred Camilleri Director General July 2003


Census of Agriculture – 2001 Methodological Report


The purpose of the Census is to collect detailed data on the agricultural sector for management and planning purposes. This will help establish policies for the sector. All definitions and classifications used are in compliance to EU legislation on agricultural statistics.


In 1999 the Agriculture Statistics Unit carried out a postal Survey and updated the farmers’ register. All administrative registers were used to re-establish the agricultural holdings register and these included market sales lists, fruit tree purchases, Farmers’ Registration Code (FRC) and records of commercial sales to agriculture related industries. A 12,127 register was established. All agricultural holdings in the register were observed. No thresholds were applied. The only data which was not collected was less than three fruit trees of the same species and ten or less vines on the holding, as these represented less than 0.001 ha. The data appearing in this publication is “As per holder’s declarations”.


All statistical data was collected in terms of the Malta Statistics Authority Act XXIV, 2000. This is a powerful legislation that penalizes non-respondents for failing to give information or respondents giving false declarations.


It was decided that the Census date with regards to land, animals and machinery would be the 30th September 2001. The production period covered the dates from the 1st October 2000 to the 30th September 2001.


The ASA Institute in Bonn were asked to provide technical assistance in the implementation of the Agricultural Census. A two-day mission was carried out between the 30th July and 1st August to establish the two questionnaires. The Ministry of Agriculture was consulted and their input was taken into account.


Publicity for the census operation was provided through the media and educational leaflets were sent out to all the holdings, informing them about the holding of the census and providing some general information. Fifteen days prior to the Census another specific leaflet was sent to the two different categories of holdings. The leaflets contained information about those taking part in the census, the objective, a timetable of the opening of schools, the documents that were to be provided to the interviewers at the census centres. Two sets of


leaflets were sent to the different categories of holdings. Paid television slots were also made and coverage was given in news bulletins.


The holdings were grouped into two categories. In the first category, holdings having less than 0.3 ha of agricultural ‘dry land’ and no means of irrigation were served with a postal questionnaire. The nature of these holdings was quite straightforward as such holdings with no irrigation, normally grow fodder, potatoes and onions. These holdings depended entirely on the rainy season. The rest of the holders having all other agricultural activities were interviewed personally at the Government primary schools. This decision was taken in order to improve the accuracy of the results.


Talks were held with the Ministry of Education in order to make available to the NSO a number of classrooms in Government primary schools in all the villages for interviewing purposes. Since the number of holdings differs from one village to the other, the school opening days were staggered over the three-week period of the census. Opening days at schools were determined by the number of holdings in different villages in order to have an even amount of interviewing time for every interviewer. On average, this was around 30 minutes per holder. Caretakers, provided by the Ministry of Education, were responsible for the opening and closing of schools during the Census.


The holdings were divided into thirteen districts, nine in Malta and four in Gozo and Comino. A supervisor and a number of enumerators were assigned to each district.


A call for applications was made within the National Statistics Office and the Ministry of Agriculture in order to fill in the number of posts needed to carry out the Census. Preference was given to applicants with previous experience. The posts of Supervisors were strictly filled in with personnel having experience in previous censuses.


In all, six briefing sessions were held, two for each group. A thorough explanation of the questionnaire and the census operation was provided to all enumerators. In addition to this, a set of instructions and guidelines were also made available to all enumerators and supervisors, in order to help them to assess the answers to their questions during the interviews. Benchmarks on production were also handed out to all enumerators. Besides the briefing sessions, supervisors were given specific briefing instructions, since their role in the census carried other responsibilities.


Between 1999 and 2001, the Agricultural Statistics Unit carried out a number of Surveys. These were the Land and Greenhouse Survey, The Viticulture Survey, Pig Survey and Cattle Survey. Official administrative records were made available to the National Statistics Office such as the potato export, the market sales and transactions and the official borehole licensing. All these records were linked and funnelled into the respective single holdings. The


‘Unit Snapshot’ of every holding was available to the enumerators and these in turn could check instantly the declarations made by the farmer. This proved to be an effective and powerful tool to get the most accurate results.


The census interviews were he held over a three-week period, starting from the 22nd October until the 11th November. All farmers were given an appointment to attend the enumeration locality at their own village. If the appointment was not kept, the farmers were given a copy of the timetable and were asked to attend one of the localities within their own district. On the reverse side of the notice, a standard list of expenses was listed so that it could be filled in before attending one of the centres. This option was given so as to cut on time spent at the centres. The option of filling in the ‘expenses questionnaire’ could also have been filled in during the census.


All enumerators and supervisors carried means of identification at the centres. This carried personal details together with a photo and was countersigned by the Director General of the NSO.


Six co-ordinators were detailed to inspect all supervisors and enumerators in their work. Checks for quality purposes were done on a daily basis throughout the census.


The census questionnaire was designed to have a detachable slip in which everyday the enumerated holdings were being monitored and the data entered into a computer system. Hence, full control of the response rate was being kept on a daily basis. Non- respondents were sent two reminders in which the Statistics Legislation was quoted for non co-operation. This helped to get a response rate at 92% of all registered holdings.


The closing date of the census was the 11th November 2001. Immediately, a follow-up was taken in hand. Non-respondents were given the opportunity to fill in the questionnaire at the Agricultural ‘Extension Services’ till the end of January 2002. This pushed up the response rate by a further 3 per cent to 95 per cent.



‘Dry land’ is land which depends on the AGRICULTURAL HOLDING rainy season but may be watered on a few occasions. Agricultural holding is a single unit which has a single management and which produces agricultural products. A holding IRRIGATED LAND (SAQWI) may have agricultural land in different localities and hence, all information related ‘Irrigated land’ is land which has a to it is taken at the holder’s residence. continuous supply of water all the year round, irrespective of whether it has a natural spring, served by second class UTILISED AGRICULTURAL AREA water, or water supplied by other sources.

Utilised agricultural area is all the land used by the holding for agricultural GARIGUE (MOXA OR XAGHRI) production, whether rented or family owned. This includes arable land, ‘Garigue land’ is land which cannot be orchards or vineyards. ploughed because of scarcity of soil and/or predominantly of a rocky nature.


‘Arable land’ is land which is worked SECTION 2 AREA UNDER CROP regularly, generally under a system of crop rotation such as potatoes, vegetables, Some crops which were grown on dry land fodder and fallow land. Land under but irrigated during the season, are greenhouses is not included in the tables classified under irrigated crops. which refer to agricultural area. Agricultural production is the total production whether or not, the area has been under crop rotation. FALLOW Area under vineyards were classified Fallow land is land which is included in the under three headings, namely the quality crop rotation system but not producing a wines, indigenous varieties and the table harvest and left to recover for the duration grapes. of the crop year. It is to be noted that wheat, barley and clover are mainly harvested dry and used ABANDONED LAND for fodder.

Abandoned land is land belonging to the holding but no longer used for agricultural SECONDARY SUCCESSIVE CROP purposes due to social, economic or other reasons. Crops following (or possibly preceding) the main crop and harvested during the 12 months covered by the census. The area TOMNA (1 TUMOLO) is given for each crop if there is more than one successive (or preceding) crop. The Is a unit of measure which is used by the area under the successive crop is not Maltese farmer and is equivalent to 0.112 double counted. ha.

xviii GREENHOUSES not considered feasible and practical to cove them during the census. Area under greenhouses is not included under utilized agricultural area and treated separately. SECTION 4 AGRICULTURAL LABOUR FORCE

SECTION 3 LIVESTOCK AND The statistical information which was ANIMALS collected referred to the holder, family members working on the holding and The data regarding headcount refer to the employees. Data was also collected to number of animals that were present on determine whether these were paid or the farm on the 30th September, 2001. The unpaid. Holders engaged on a ‘part time’ classifications of all animal categories basis, were asked to declare their effort in were collected strictly to Eurostat’s agriculture, in man hours. A holder classification. working on a ‘full time basis’ means that Note:- Households who own sheep and he works 1 AWU or more. The national goats, rabbits and poultry which are not on AWU is 1800 hours, worked out at 40 the farmer’s register and may not have hours per week less vacation leave commercial activity, may not have been entitlement less public holidays. i.e. 40 x captured during the census, as this was 52 = 2080 hours less 192 less 88.

xix Statistical signs

: data not available

0 value not zero but less than 0.5 of the unit which it refers to

( ) incomplete or estimated data


M2 square metre

M3 cubic metre t ton ha hectare

ESU Economic Size Unit 1ESU = 1200 Euros = Lm 486 (2001 average)

UAA Utilised Agricultural Area

MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

AWU Annual Work Unit (1800 hours)

SGM Standard Gross Margin


1. Totals might not tally due to rounding-up

2. All tables in relation to labour force include Government employees engaged in agricultural activity in Government Farms.

3. All tables in relation to crop area, machinery, drip irrigation and cloches, wells and windmills ++ refer to holders’ residence.

4. Tables 31 to 36 refer to holdings which may have one or more pieces of land in different areas, in one or more localities.

5. The data appearing in this publication is “As per holder’s declaration”.




In a span of 18 years, since the last Census of Agriculture carried out in 1982/83, the total land area declared by the holders declined by 11 per cent. A total of 10,148.6 ha of agricultural land was recorded in October 2001 as against 11,491.0 ha declared in the Agricultural Census in 1983. There was a significant shift in the type of agricultural land from ‘dry’ land to ‘irrigated’ land. Whilst, a 260 per cent increase, from 580.0 ha to 1,508.8 ha, was recorded in the ‘irrigated’ classification, which means a shift of 928.8 ha of ‘dry land’ to ‘irrigated land’ there was a loss of 1,342.4 ha of ‘dry’ land in these last 18 years. A total of 960 ha, representing 63.4 per cent of the ‘irrigated’ land is found in the Western and Northern districts with a predominance in the locality of St. Paul’s bay area, which accounts to 13.9 per cent of the total for the Maltese Islands. On average, 19.6 per cent of the total agricultural land area is owner occupied.

An average of 4.8 per cent of the agricultural area is unutilised or abandoned. While the island of Malta has 255.8 ha, Gozo has 236.3 ha of unutilised land area, representing 3.1 per cent and 12.1 per cent of the total agricultural land area, respectively.

Looking into more detail, the composition of the agricultural land area, this could be classified as having 9,656.5 ha of UAA, of which 1,268.4 ha (13.1 per cent) were ‘fallow’ during the census period. A high percentage of fallow land was recorded in , Siggiewi and Rabat, with 34.1, 21.1 and 18.1 per cent respectively.

The physical land area worked by the farmer was recorded at 8388.2 ha and this was broken down by 7,471.0 ha arable land, 490.1 ha was land under vines and 427.1 ha was land under orchards. Just over half of the total arable land area is found in the Western and Northern districts where these account for 51.3 per cent of the total arable land in the Maltese Islands. The island of Gozo accounts for 20.1 per cent of the total arable land. Both land under vineyards and land under orchards are predominantly found in these two districts where 406.1 ha and 309.5 ha of land respectively.

A significant feature of Maltese agriculture is the fragmentation of the land. Holdings with less than 1 ha of agricultural land account to 58.4 per cent of the total holders. Between them, they have a total of 5,927.1 ha or 58.4 per cent of the total agricultural land area. Holdings having between 1 and 5 ha of agricultural land represent 36.9 per cent or 3,742.4 ha. The remaining 479 ha, which represent 4.7 per cent of the total agricultural area have over 5 ha of land. With reference to fragmentation, orchards and vineyards follow the same characteristics with regards to the land area, where 346.8 ha out of 427.1 ha of orchards and 397.7 out of a total of 490.1 ha of vineyards are smaller than 1 ha of land.

The number of greenhouses shot up from 275 units to 1,027 units from 1983 to 2001 and this represented an increase of 353 per cent.

A total of 11,959 holdings were registered and 591 of the holdings do not have any land area. These 591 holdings are engaged in other agricultural activity such as herdsmen, pig breeders and poultry farms. A total of 5,022 holders (42 per cent), have 1,065 ha of land or 10.0 per cent of the total agricultural land. Another 3,321

xxi holders have between them 2,040.0 ha (20 per cent) with land ranging between 0.5 ha and 1 ha. The remaining 3,025 holders have 6,502.0 ha between them (64.1 per cent) with a land area averaging over 1 ha. On the other hand, 21.5 per cent of cattle and granivores are found on the sister island of Gozo.

Although ‘garigue’ land has no significance in the agricultural sector, since the last census, a drop of 55 ha was recorded by the farmer’s holdings.


A total of 4,464 ha under fodder were cultivated. Wheat and barley were the two major crops which accounted for 90 per cent of the total land area under fodder. 1157 holdings had more than half the land area under fodder.

Field crops accounted to 3,639 ha of land area, with potatoes being the major crop, covering an area of 1,154 ha. A total of 7,384 holdings grew this commodity with the majority of the holdings being found in the south eastern district. Beans, tomatoes and onions are the three important crops which follow the potatoes crop. These have a land area of 358 ha, 352 ha and 324 ha respectively. Sixty six per cent of the land area under crop is smaller than 0.448 ha.

Out of a total 481.7 ha of productive vineyards, 129.2 ha or 26.8 per cent are quality vine varieties, 209.5 ha or 43.5 per cent non-quality vines and 142.9 ha or 29.7 per cent are vineyards producing table grapes. The majority of the vineyards are found in the Western and Northern districts where an area of 384.1 ha of vines are found, accounting for 79.7 per cent of the total vineyards on the Maltese Islands.


According to the census data, 281 farms were engaged in cattle breeding with a total population of 18,417 heads. The dairy cow population stood at 8,332 heads on census day, and 30.0 per cent of them are found on the sister island of Gozo. A total of 5,148 cattle younger than one year old and 3,432 aged between one and two years old were recorded.

Pig production is the most important sector with 157 holdings having a total of 81,841 heads. The south eastern district together with the western district, account for 53.2 per cent of the total population and have a total of 43,556 heads.

A total of 10,376 sheep and 3,930 goats were recorded during Census day. It should be noted that small units and having no other agriculture activity may not have been captured for Census purposes.

There was a total of 847 farms and holdings with a population of 1.9 million heads in the poultry industry. Broiler production is the most important sector in the industry and a total of 1.2 million heads were recorded on census day. The poultry breeding is concentrated in the western district followed closely by the northern district and the island of Gozo. A total of 0.4 million layers were recorded.

The turkey and duck population is not as large as the broiler population and just under 5,000 and 1,460 heads respectively, were recorded during the census.

xxii Although, rabbit breeding has always been accepted as being a ‘backyard industry’ with many breeders practicing their activities outside the agricultural sector, a total of 55,254 heads were recorded on census day.


In the Maltese archipelago, there are 14,113 persons engaged in agricultural activities and these are made up of 1,524 full-time and 12,589 part-time workers. These include 68 persons actively engaged in Government employment. The female input in agriculture activities stands at 13.8 per cent of the total workforce and these amount to 1,951 workers.

In order to classify the different domains in the agricultural sector, the typology classification was used and based on the major activity within the sector. The standard classification used is the economic size of the holding, using the SGM factor to determine the main activity.

Full-time farmers engaged in crop production amount to 1,005 persons, 195 persons are engaged in the cattle/sheep/ goats sector, 241 persons working in the pig/poultry industry while the remaining 83 persons have mixed livestock and cropping. The full- time gainfully occupied persons in agriculture, represent 1.1 per cent of the total gainfully occupied population, which stood at 138,396 during the census period.

Full-time female employment is lower than the average of total employment in the sector. There were 119 female workers, representing 7.8 per cent of the total full time employment.

Persons working in the different age groups in the agricultural sector are evenly spread. There were 281 full-timers under the 35 year bracket, 388 workers were in the 35 to 44 year bracket, 543 workers were in the 45 to 54 year bracket and the remaining 312 workers were over 55 years of age. This is 18.4 per cent, 25.5 per cent, 35.6 per cent and 20.5 per cent respectively.

In the case of part-time workers, 12,589 are registered as being contributors to the sector. The female population is made up of 1,832 persons or 14.6 per cent of all part timers. It may be concluded that part-timers nearing or over retirement age, may be made up of hobby farming with 5,173 persons (41.1 per cent) engaged are over the 55 year bracket. Only 1,613 persons are below the 35 years of age bracket and these represent only 10.5 per cent of the total part time work force.

Although the part-timers outnumber the full-timers by eight to one, the contribution to the sector could only be gauged by the number of hours worked. In all, the part- timers worked 4.76 million hours and this is equivalent to 2,644 AWU, or full-time yearly equivalent, during the census period.

Most of the full-timers are family workers and do not receive a wage for their work. The breakdown of the 1,524 full-timers is as follows:- 1,278 are family unpaid persons, 113 family workers who receive a wage and 133 are non-family wage earners. There are also 184 persons engaged in part-time work and receive a wage.

The agricultural sector is mainly based on practical experience and this accounts to 11,135 farmers out of a total of 14,113. This represents 78.9 per cent. Only 535 persons (3.8 per cent) of the total workforce declared to have undergone ‘basic’ or

xxiii ‘full agricultural’ training. A total of 2,443 farmers did not declare their educational background in agriculture.

Contract workers, mainly involved in the sector during the harvest period, contributed marginally. Collectively, these worked 5,495,full time days. Casual workers also gave their input to the sector and in all they worked a total of 66 AWU.


With the land fragmentation being the characteristic of the agricultural land, the majority of agricultural holdings are served by small units such as rotary cultivators, which amount to 7,824units. Tractors which are normally used for the more intensive farming are not found with high engine power and 45.3 per cent of all tractors are below 10 hp.

There seems to be an accelerated investment in the agriculture development in the last seven years. Although the year of purchase was not declared in some instance in the different categories, there were 2,076 rotary cultivators out of a total of 7,824 which represents 26.5 per cent. Tractors were put in service in the last seven years, amounted to 761 and this represented 38.1 per cent. Total attachments showed a significant increase in the 1994-1999 year bracket and this represented 40.4 per cent of total attachments.

A significant increase of irrigation pumps was evident in post 1994 era with 2,790 being purchased. This represents 48.0 per cent of all pumps installed to irrigate the land. The most popular type of pump used is the smaller 1 – 5 hp category.

As expected, these pumps are found in the western and northern districts where irrigated agricultural land is more predominant than other districts. While rotary cultivators, tractors and attachments found in Gozo represent around 24 per cent of the total, irrigation pumps in Gozo represent 16.9 per cent of the total found in the Maltese Islands.


A total of 1,027 greenhouses, covering 511,677 square metres were registered in October 2001, of which, 81 per cent of all greenhouses are made up of metal/polythene material.

Out of a total 1508.8 ha of irrigated agricultural land, 1220.5 ha are served by ‘drip irrigation’. An area of 781.9 ha of ‘drip irrigation’ is found in the western and northern districts. Cloches are abundantly found in the locality of Mġarr, where 41.7 ha of crop under cloches are grown. The northern district where Mġarr is found has a total of 67.4 ha of cloches, representing 65.6 per cent on the island of Malta.

More than half of the reservoirs and wells were constructed before the 1975. A total of 2,623 units were undeclared as these were unable to determine the year of construction, most probably also belonging to the pre-1975 period.

Windmills, which were predominant earlier in the century, still grace the landscape and 301 of them are still being used and are mostly found in the western district.


The economic nature of the farm is based on two essential characteristics; the type of farming and the economic size of the holding. To meet these two criteria, the concept of Standard Gross Margin is used. For practical reasons, it was decided from the beginning to use a simplified version of the gross margins. The simplified SGM’s includes only those specific variable costs which can be readily allocated to each line of production. Individual SGM’s were checked and compiled to Eurostat methodology format.

5,068 holdings (46.1 per cent) out of a total of 10,988 have an output of less than 2 ESU per holding and a gross income of Lm2.2 million or 5.8 per cent of the total output. 2175 holdings (18 per cent) and 1044 holdings (9.8 per cent) have a combined output of Lm5.7 million or 14.4 per cent of the total output.

It is very interesting to highlight the fact that 13.7 per cent of the holdings produce 67.2 per cent of the total agricultural output. These holdings are in the bracket over Size Class VI, with an output exceeding Lm5,760. Also, 352 holdings (3.2 per cent) are involved in livestock/granivores Typology codes 5 and 7 and between them, these produce Lm7.1 million out of Lm39.5 million, which is equivalent to 18 per cent of the output.


Based on:

Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques (NUTS)


MT01206 (CITTA' PINTO) MT01214 MT01221 G|IRA MT02 GOZO AND COMINO MT01227 }AMRUN MT01241 MT026 GOZO AND COMINO MT01246 PEMBROKE MT01247 PIETA' MT02611 RABAT (GOZO) (CITTA' VICTORIA) MT01252 SAN {ILJAN MT02619 FONTANA MT01253 SAN {WANN MT02622 G}AJNSIELEM AND COMINO MT01258 MT02623 G}ARB MT01259 MT02625 G}ASRI MT01260 MT02630 KER~EM MT01261 TA' XBIEX MT02642 MT02643 MT02648 QALA MT013 SOUTH EASTERN DISTRICT MT02654 MT02656 MT01310 |EJTUN (CITTA' BELAND) MT02663 XAG}RA MT01315 BIR|EBBU{A MT02664 MT01320 MT02666 |EBBU{ (GOZO) MT01326 G}AXAQ MT01331 MT01335 NUTS Levels MT01336 NUTS 1 MT01340 NUTS 2 MT01349 NUTS 3 MT01351 SAFI NUTS 4 MT01367 |URRIEQ NUTS 5



Table 1. Agricultural land: 1970 - 2001

Ha Total land of which Number of Total agricultural Year declared by Garigue land holdings land area farmers Irrigated land Dry land

1970 / 71 10,599 15,134.896 13,203.232 624.848 12,578.384 1,931.664

1971 / 72 10,646 14,770.448 12,825.232 577.808 12,247.424 1,945.216

1972 / 73 10,837 14,474.208 12,656.672 620.144 12,036.528 1,817.536

1973 / 74 11,140 14,482.832 12,672.688 669.984 12,002.704 1,810.144

1974 / 75 11,300 14,368.928 12,563.824 683.088 11,880.736 1,805.104

1975 / 76 11,820 14,718.000 12,857.000 690.000 12,167.000 1,861.000

1976 / 77 12,040 14,854.000 13,006.000 715.000 12,291.000 1,848.000

1977 / 78 12,067 14,331.000 12,585.000 624.000 11,961.000 1,746.000

1978 / 79 12,070 13,969.000 12,353.000 604.000 11,749.000 1,616.000

1979 / 80 12,108 13,933.000 12,299.000 618.000 11,681.000 1,634.000

1980 / 81 11,781 13,232.000 11,617.000 586.000 11,031.000 1,615.000

1981 / 82 12,009 13,227.000 11,639.000 585.000 11,054.000 1,588.000

1982 / 83 12,173 13,017.000 11,491.000 580.000 10,911.000 1,526.000

2000 / 01 11,959 11,619.954 10,148.587 1,508.759 8,639.828 1,471.367

Chart 1. Irrigated land Chart 2. Dry land ha ha 1,600 14,000 1,400 12,000 1,200 10,000 1,000 8,000 800 6,000 600 4,000 400 2,000 200 0 0 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 2000/01 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 2000/01

ha Chart 3. Garigue land 2,500





0 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 2000/01

3 Table 2. Area under crop and fruit trees: 1970-2001 Ha Forage Vegetables Fruits

Year Total Wheat Barley Meslin Vetches Clover Other forage Total Bean Cabbage Cauliflower Melon Onion Potato Strawberry Tomato Other Total trees Citrus Other

1970 / 71 5,877.8 1,426.0 1,073.3 50.4 301.5 - 3,026.6 5,579.5 219.2 77.6 208.3 369.8 439.0 2,598.1 - 512.8 1,154.6 516.5 65.7 450.8

1971 / 72 4,815.1 319.8 957.2 45.2 378.6 - 3,114.4 5,474.1 270.6 76.2 200.0 336.2 403.2 2,512.7 - 523.5 1,151.7 528.2 69.3 458.9

1972 / 73 5,357.9 917.1 890.6 43.6 419.8 2,391.5 695.3 5,163.3 293.6 71.3 198.8 354.8 329.1 2,194.2 4.0 564.1 1,153.4 587.4 63.3 524.2

1973 / 74 5,678.1 964.0 1,018.5 27.2 427.1 2,374.8 866.4 5,579.8 271.3 78.7 207.2 359.4 575.5 2,414.0 4.6 599.1 1,070.0 608.2 80.6 527.5

1974 / 75 5,812.0 1,060.0 1,081.0 24.0 387.0 2,440.0 820.0 5,188.3 243.0 78.0 203.0 339.0 491.0 2,157.0 6.0 596.0 1,075.3 624.0 90.0 534.0

1975 / 76 5,680.0 1,118.0 1,043.0 41.0 354.0 2,312.0 812.0 5,694.0 295.0 90.0 202.0 406.0 516.0 2,355.0 6.0 628.0 1,196.0 636.0 86.0 550.0

4 1976 / 77 5,368.0 1,003.0 935.0 16.0 376.0 2,069.0 969.0 5,930.0 249.0 95.0 208.0 430.0 477.0 2,647.0 7.0 610.0 1,207.0 653.0 89.0 564.0

1977 / 78 5,423.0 1,063.0 898.0 22.0 352.0 2,109.0 979.0 5,727.0 257.0 85.0 227.0 407.0 470.0 2,524.0 8.0 549.0 1,200.0 653.0 81.0 572.0

1978 / 79 5,461.0 1,227.0 1,039.0 38.0 329.0 1,866.0 962.0 5,660.0 260.0 81.0 195.0 439.0 609.0 2,374.0 6.0 530.0 1,166.0 664.0 80.0 584.0

1979 / 80 5,377.0 1,248.0 1,118.0 46.0 284.0 1,817.0 864.0 5,857.0 248.0 89.0 190.0 414.0 557.0 2,533.0 8.0 551.0 1,267.0 631.0 87.0 544.0

1980 / 81 5,157.0 1,239.0 1,102.0 45.0 293.0 1,623.0 855.0 4,994.0 236.0 80.0 171.0 426.0 287.0 2,114.0 8.0 540.0 1,132.0 613.0 85.0 528.0

1981 / 82 5,563.0 1,804.0 1,006.0 66.0 282.0 1,547.0 858.0 5,092.0 257.0 75.0 163.0 551.0 474.0 1,850.0 9.0 513.0 1,200.0 575.0 85.0 490.0

1982 / 83 5,818.0 1,949.0 943.0 55.0 294.0 1,672.0 905.0 5,237.0 284.0 84.0 175.0 466.0 378.0 1,968.0 9.0 562.0 1,311.0 571.0 89.0 482.0

2000 / 01 4,464.4 3,572.2 426.0 - 52.1 363.2 50.9 3,639.0 358.3 86.7 195.3 327.1 324.0 1,153.5 19.4 351.7 822.9 446.1 83.6 362.5 Table 3. Number of greenhouses: 1972 - 2001

Grand Total Malta Gozo & Comino Maltese Islands Year Southern Northern South Number of Area Number of Area Western Northern Number of Area Harbour Harbour Eastern greenhouses Ha greenhouses Ha District District greenhouses Ha District District District

1972/73 297 12.164 257 11.694 23 90 14 68 62 40 0.470

1973/74 316 12.591 274 12.070 22 113 11 76 52 42 0.521

1974/75 313 17.342 275 16.558 9 121 12 77 56 38 0.784

1975/76 326 12.680 289 12.200 14 114 8 91 62 37 0.480

1976/77 314 14.235 281 13.775 14 118 9 82 58 33 0.460 5 1977/78 311 14.005 276 13.269 14 115 9 83 55 35 0.736

1978/79 287 13.537 261 13.082 28 102 5 72 54 26 0.455

1979/80 255 13.006 228 12.494 9 101 8 53 57 27 0.512

1980/81 257 14.318 238 13.879 10 95 7 64 62 19 0.439

1981/82 248 18.442 223 17.972 9 90 5 66 53 25 0.470

1982/83 275 20.520 245 19.976 10 109 9 68 49 30 0.544

2000/01 1,027 51.168 847 41.745 91 81 59 203 413 180 9.423 Table 4. Classification of livestock: 1970 - 2001

Year Equines Caprines Ovines Bovines Swine Poultry Rabbits

1970 / 71 3,837 15,747 7,530 9,590 23,397 679,044 50,685

1971 / 72 3,513 14,002 7,020 9,049 : 858,098 48,574

1972 / 73 3,232 12,964 7,047 9,586 : 767,041 47,717

1973 / 74 : 10,818 7,180 10,035 : 896,798 47,140

1974 / 75 2,815 10,523 8,049 11,195 : 819,953 53,212

1975 / 76 : 9,701 7,742 14,449 : 931,296 52,428

1976 / 77 2,454 8,756 6,367 15,004 : 1,027,685 44,649

1977 / 78 : 7,210 5,389 14,052 : 1,082,277 39,396

1978 / 79 2,179 6,455 5,109 13,701 : 1,154,497 38,214

1979 / 80 : 5,949 4,947 14,210 : 1,419,836 42,422

1980 / 81 1,752 5,105 4,474 11,385 16,525 1,113,293 42,265

1981 / 82 : 5,064 4,037 12,087 27,889 1,209,174 33,605

1982 / 83 1,761 4,869 4,719 12,794 53,366 1,081,470 42,072

2000 / 01 853 3,930 10,376 18,417 81,841 1,940,445 55,254

Chart 4. Caprines Chart 5. Bovines no. no. 18,000 20,000 16,000 18,000 14,000 16,000 12,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 6,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 2000/01 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 2000/01

Chart 6. Ovines Chart 7. Rabbits no. no. 12,000 60,000 10,000 50,000 8,000 40,000 6,000 30,000 4,000 20,000 2,000 10,000 0 0 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 2000/01 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 2000/01

6 Table 5. Full-time farmers by region, age and sex: 1970 - 2001

Age group Total YearRegion 19 & under 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 & over


1970/71 Maltese Islands 5,636 5,031 605 483 109 493 122 364 97 645 102 886 91 1,439 72 721 12 Malta 4,027 3,509 518 373 97 363 110 273 83 446 84 593 78 983 57 478 9 Gozo and Comino 1,609 1,522 87 110 12 130 12 91 14 199 18 293 13 456 15 243 3

1971/72 Maltese Islands 5,499 4,830 669 503 89 536 144 346 94 589 127 878 92 1,288 88 690 35 Malta 3,887 3,359 528 386 78 393 136 272 76 429 85 596 69 834 60 449 24 Gozo and Comino 1,612 1,471 141 117 11 143 8 74 18 160 42 282 23 454 28 241 11

1972/73 Maltese Islands 5,651 4,919 732 438 90 552 154 429 109 673 139 916 136 1,247 80 664 24 Malta 4,111 3,535 576 346 81 442 135 349 84 487 103 644 106 831 53 436 14 Gozo and Comino 1,540 1,384 156 92 9 110 19 80 25 186 36 272 30 416 27 228 10

1973/74 Maltese Islands 5,701 4,915 786 376 82 584 151 476 112 705 171 952 133 1,121 106 701 31 Malta 4,257 3,599 658 288 67 480 139 374 90 531 143 689 105 766 86 471 28 Gozo and Comino 1,444 1,316 128 88 15 104 12 102 22 174 28 263 28 355 20 230 3

1974/75 Maltese Islands 5,916 5,016 900 317 75 657 141 551 143 718 188 1,078 180 1,019 125 676 48 Malta 4,650 3,901 749 261 66 578 125 474 119 593 155 810 152 715 98 470 34 Gozo and Comino 1,266 1,115 151 56 9 79 16 77 24 125 33 268 28 304 27 206 14

1975/76 Maltese Islands 6,019 5,012 1,007 321 70 712 151 593 186 694 201 1,057 222 949 125 686 52 Malta 4,710 3,873 837 262 64 619 138 502 154 571 163 793 178 646 104 480 36 Gozo and Comino 1,309 1,139 170 59 6 93 13 91 32 123 38 264 44 303 21 206 16

1976/77 Maltese Islands 6,082 5,199 883 264 47 754 118 690 148 784 204 1,114 201 913 110 680 55 Malta 4,844 4,115 729 214 43 647 106 590 110 665 167 859 165 655 95 485 43 Gozo and Comino 1,238 1,084 154 50 4 107 12 100 38 119 37 255 36 258 15 195 12

1977/78 Maltese Islands 6,070 5,456 614 225 27 828 90 813 101 918 149 1,210 150 828 57 634 40 Malta 4,775 4,294 481 179 24 711 77 680 84 770 118 910 106 601 42 443 30 Gozo and Comino 1,295 1,162 133 46 3 117 13 133 17 148 31 300 44 227 15 191 10

1978/79 Maltese Islands 5,643 4,815 828 186 29 745 104 711 133 772 191 1,053 205 718 107 630 59 Malta 4,393 3,727 666 144 26 641 100 592 112 642 151 797 152 494 80 417 45 Gozo and Comino 1,250 1,088 162 42 3 104 4 119 21 130 40 256 53 224 27 213 14

1979/80 Maltese Islands 5,085 4,356 729 129 28 662 91 697 130 721 158 906 165 657 96 584 61 Malta 3,936 3,361 575 96 24 558 80 580 100 608 128 681 130 445 69 393 44 Gozo and Comino 1,149 995 154 33 4 104 11 117 30 113 30 225 35 212 27 191 17

1980/81 Maltese Islands 4,352 3,737 615 90 10 535 71 603 115 601 135 834 156 565 87 509 41 Malta 3,376 2,893 483 64 8 461 65 513 90 486 114 639 112 381 64 349 30 Gozo and Comino 976 844 132 26 2 74 6 90 25 115 21 195 44 184 23 160 11

1981/82 Maltese Islands 4,332 3,795 537 90 14 552 48 693 102 604 133 840 137 521 69 495 34 Malta 3,389 2,959 430 70 9 489 42 594 86 502 114 642 102 341 55 321 22 Gozo and Comino 943 836 107 20 5 63 6 99 16 102 19 198 35 180 14 174 12

1982/83 Maltese Islands 4,383 3,785 598 72 22 560 63 743 119 654 125 798 156 511 71 447 42 Malta 3,460 2,974 486 55 18 470 56 643 95 547 106 616 127 355 54 288 30 Gozo and Comino 923 811 112 17 4 90 7 100 24 107 19 182 29 156 17 159 12

2000/01 Maltese Islands 1,524 1,405 119 22 2 134 6 268 15 424 36 416 36 100 16 41 8 Malta 1,307 1,199 108 17 1 113 6 219 11 359 33 364 34 89 15 38 8 Gozo and Comino 217 206 11 5 1 21 0 49 4 65 3 52 2 11 1 3 0

7 Table 6. Part-time farmers by region, age and sex: 1973 - 2001

Age group Total Year Region19 & under 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 & over


1973/74 Maltese Islands 9,742 7,628 2,114 656 155 1,410 327 1,103 359 1,424 417 1,370 388 1,062 335 553 133

Malta 7,478 6,045 1,433 515 115 1,226 241 915 247 1,134 293 1,045 258 763 206 397 73

Gozo and Comino 2,264 1,583 681 141 40 184 86 188 112 290 124 325 130 299 129 156 60

1974/75 Maltese Islands 9,224 7,450 1,774 655 118 1,346 306 1,155 305 1,406 365 1,278 296 1,010 267 600 117

Malta 7,039 5,768 1,271 501 99 1,155 245 962 223 1,087 271 947 193 710 166 406 74

Gozo and Comino 2,185 1,682 503 154 19 191 61 193 82 319 94 331 103 300 101 194 43

1975/76 Maltese Islands 10,778 8670 2108 642 110 1,807 339 1,400 386 1,601 467 1,537 376 1,048 292 635 138

Malta 8,144 6623 1521 460 93 1,507 270 1,144 297 1,234 342 1,116 253 731 176 431 90

Gozo and Comino 2,634 2047 587 182 17 300 69 256 89 367 125 421 123 317 116 204 48

1976/77 Maltese Islands 10,839 8781 2058 561 85 1,798 348 1,545 397 1,667 416 1,527 393 1,009 276 674 143

Malta 8,355 6810 1545 417 75 1,554 293 1,289 316 1,302 323 1,115 278 678 176 455 84

Gozo and Comino 2,484 1971 513 144 10 244 55 256 81 365 93 412 115 331 100 219 59

1977/78 Maltese Islands 10,498 8450 2048 477 81 1,655 282 1,594 363 1,516 447 1,434 416 993 286 781 173

Malta 7,973 6543 1430 356 56 1,403 224 1,333 289 1,200 317 1,066 272 670 170 515 102

Gozo and Comino 2,525 1907 618 121 25 252 58 261 74 316 130 368 144 323 116 266 71

1978/79 Maltese Islands 10,432 8633 1799 405 63 1,646 255 1,747 337 1,616 396 1,471 355 974 249 774 144

Malta 8,030 6701 1329 305 58 1,374 212 1,471 269 1,267 293 1,108 242 651 172 525 83

Gozo and Comino 2,402 1932 470 100 5 272 43 276 68 349 103 363 113 323 77 249 61

1979/80 Maltese Islands 10,480 8598 1882 410 87 1,656 265 1,843 388 1,572 400 1,415 354 932 242 770 146

Malta 8,205 6739 1466 314 76 1,403 238 1,555 321 1,236 327 1,089 254 641 162 501 88

Gozo and Comino 2,275 1859 416 96 11 253 27 288 67 336 73 326 100 291 80 269 58

1980/81 Maltese Islands 10,915 9008 1907 328 71 1,663 259 1,977 358 1,598 432 1,495 375 1,063 252 884 160

Malta 8,562 7107 1455 268 60 1,429 230 1,708 302 1,285 339 1,144 273 720 161 553 90

Gozo and Comino 2,353 1901 452 60 11 234 29 269 56 313 93 351 102 343 91 331 70

1981/82 Maltese Islands 11,026 9119 1907 320 49 1,613 224 2,100 400 1,611 426 1,470 378 1,137 259 868 171

Malta 8,557 7147 1410 263 40 1,328 193 1,806 321 1,293 326 1,123 263 787 166 547 101

Gozo and Comino 2,469 1972 497 57 9 285 31 294 79 318 100 347 115 350 93 321 70

1982/83 Maltese Islands 10,853 9050 1803 250 39 1,546 209 2,203 363 1,517 357 1,507 391 1,074 265 953 179

Malta 8,309 6976 1333 197 36 1,287 177 1,854 304 1,202 280 1,121 276 722 169 593 91

Gozo and Comino 2,544 2074 470 53 3 259 32 349 59 315 77 386 115 352 96 360 88

2000/01 Maltese Islands 12,589 10,757 1,832 85 13 530 72 1,383 246 2,745 404 2,857 503 1,828 347 1,329 247

Malta 9,965 8,520 1,445 59 11 437 60 1,093 211 2,219 333 2,311 409 1,447 244 954 177

Gozo and Comino 2,624 2,237 387 26 2 93 12 290 35 526 71 546 94 381 103 375 70


Table 7. Land declared by farmers by district and type Ha of which Total land Total District declared by agricultural Utilised Unutilised Garigue land farmers land area agricultural agricultural area (UAA) area

Maltese Islands 11,619.954 10,148.587 9,656.545 492.042 1,471.367 Malta 9,393.504 8,200.211 7,944.421 255.791 1,193.293 Southern Harbour 532.067 490.769 475.711 15.058 41.298 Northern Harbour 332.150 296.318 281.243 15.075 35.832 South Eastern 2,123.347 1,854.491 1,796.847 57.644 268.856 Western 3,683.504 3,207.604 3,110.456 97.148 475.900 Northern 2,722.437 2,351.029 2,280.163 70.866 371.408 Gozo and Comino 2,226.450 1,948.376 1,712.125 236.251 278.074 Gozo and Comino 2,226.450 1,948.376 1,712.125 236.251 278.074

Table 8. Agricultural land by district and type Ha

Total land Total of which District declared by agricultural Garigue land farmers land area Irrigated land Dry land

Maltese Islands 11,619.954 10,148.587 1,508.759 8,639.828 1,471.367 Malta 9,393.504 8,200.211 1,373.883 6,826.328 1,193.293 Southern Harbour 532.067 490.770 161.334 329.435 41.298 Northern Harbour 332.150 296.318 73.325 222.993 35.832 South Eastern 2,123.347 1,854.491 182.246 1,672.245 268.856 Western 3,683.504 3,207.604 385.447 2,822.157 475.900 Northern 2,722.437 2,351.029 571.531 1,779.498 371.408 Gozo and Comino 2,226.450 1,948.376 134.876 1,813.500 278.074 Gozo and Comino 2,226.450 1,948.376 134.876 1,813.500 278.074

Table 9. Agricultural land by district and type of tenure Ha of which: Total Irrigated land Dry land District agricultural land area Owner Owner Rented Rented occupied occupied

Maltese Islands 10,148.587 395.264 1,113.496 1,589.168 7,050.680 Malta 8,200.211 341.385 1,032.498 1,149.966 5,676.362 Southern Harbour 490.770 51.176 110.158 56.959 272.476 Northern Harbour 296.318 22.599 50.726 60.997 161.996 South Eastern 1,854.491 57.643 124.603 320.718 1,351.527 Western 3,207.604 94.587 290.860 474.474 2,347.684 Northern 2,351.029 115.380 456.151 236.819 1,542.679 Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 53.879 80.998 439.202 1,374.318 Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 53.879 80.998 439.202 1,374.318

11 Table 10. Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) by district and type


of which Total Utilised District agricultural Land under Land under area (UAA) Arable area Fallow land vineyards orchards

Maltese Islands 9,656.545 7,470.994 490.101 427.081 1,268.369

Malta 7,944.421 5,969.506 450.499 359.137 1,165.280

Southern Harbour 475.711 401.963 4.147 12.361 57.241

Northern Harbour 281.243 229.591 5.368 12.803 33.560

South Eastern 1,796.847 1,506.071 34.855 24.425 231.496

Western 3,110.456 2,112.080 185.142 197.592 615.642

Northern 2,280.163 1,719.880 220.986 111.957 227.341

Gozo and Comino 1,712.125 1,501.488 39.603 67.944 103.090

Gozo and Comino 1,712.125 1,501.488 39.603 67.944 103.090

Table 11. Land under vineyards and orchards rented and owned by district and locality

Ha Arable land Land under vineyards Land under orchards

of which of which of which District Total area Total area Total area Owner Rented Owner Rented Owner Rented occupied area occupied area occupied area

Maltese Islands 7,470.994 1,314.100 6,156.894 490.101 81.169 408.933 427.081 96.548 330.234

Malta 5,969.506 1,009.762 4,959.743 450.499 68.276 382.223 359.137 76.569 282.349

Southern Harbour 401.963 84.226 317.737 4.147 1.857 2.290 12.361 3.554 8.806

Northern Harbour 229.511 55.531 173.980 5.368 1.190 4.178 12.803 6.549 6.254

South Eastern 1,506.071 290.350 1,215.721 34.855 12.628 22.227 24.425 5.457 18.969

Western 2,112.080 328.980 1,783.101 185.142 21.518 163.625 197.592 43.326 154.266

Northern 1,719.880 250.675 1,469.204 220.986 31.084 189.903 111.957 17.683 94.054

Gozo and Comino 1,501.488 304.337 1,197.151 39.603 12.893 26.710 67.944 19.979 47.885

Gozo and Comino 1,501.488 304.337 1,197.151 39.603 12.893 26.710 67.944 19.979 47.885

12 Table 12. Agricultural land by district and size class


District Total 0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over

Maltese Islands 10,148.587 3,401.552 2,525.512 2,241.585 1,500.849 291.644 187.446

Malta 8,200.211 2,487.899 2,116.631 1,909.562 1,311.901 256.460 117.758

Southern Harbour 490.770 143.631 139.721 111.010 90.407 6.000 -

Northern Harbour 296.318 85.217 73.182 88.293 44.026 5.600 -

South Eastern 1,854.491 585.940 537.240 434.067 232.321 51.035 13.888

Western 3,207.604 943.529 840.866 738.761 479.218 118.220 87.010

Northern 2,351.029 729.581 525.623 537.431 465.929 75.605 16.860

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 913.652 408.881 332.023 188.948 35.184 69.688

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 913.652 408.881 332.023 188.948 35.184 69.688

Chart 8. Agricultural land by district and size class area (ha)











0 0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over size class (ha)

Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino

13 Table 13. Land by size class


District Total 0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over

Maltese Islands 10,148.587 458.381 449.976 910.511 930.536 865.797 718.595 646.391 491.357 455.519 4,221.524

Malta 8,200.211 254.231 310.951 677.724 733.419 695.347 597.996 538.946 417.687 378.229 3,595.681

Southern Harbour 490.769 11.477 20.420 38.520 40.345 44.905 39.076 36.791 27.769 24.050 207.417

Northern Harbour 296.318 7.502 9.404 23.936 23.449 27.062 14.956 21.783 15.545 14.763 137.919

South Eastern 1,854.491 43.352 74.302 168.464 190.825 160.950 151.407 151.349 102.177 80.354 731.311 14 Western 3,207.604 102.066 120.494 246.947 268.724 281.674 239.012 193.426 172.024 160.029 1,423.209

Northern 2,351.029 89.835 86.331 199.858 210.076 180.756 153.546 135.598 100.172 99.033 1,095.825

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 204.150 139.026 232.786 197.117 170.451 120.599 107.445 73.670 77.290 625.843

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 204.150 139.026 232.786 197.117 170.451 120.599 107.445 73.670 77.290 625.843

Note: The measure of agricultural land used locally is the tomna, equivalent to 0.112 Ha. Accordingly the tables and charts in which this measure appears are being provided to facilitate analysis of the local context. Table 14. Number of holdings, UAA, average UAA/holding by size class of UAA


Region and district Total 0 >0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over* Maltese Islands Number of Holdings 11,959 943 5,596 2,547 1,752 959 144 18 UAA (ha) 9,656.266 - 1,403.142 1,793.245 2,404.217 2,804.488 930.910 320.264 Average UAA (ha)/holding 0.807 - 0.251 0.704 1.372 2.924 6.465 17.792

Malta Number of Holdings 9,265 636 4,176 2,013 1,459 846 125 10 UAA (ha) 7,953.786 - 1,066.587 1,423.218 2,000.896 2,478.730 806.575 177.779 Average UAA (ha)/holding 0.858 - 0.255 0.707 1.371 2.930 6.453 17.778

Southern Harbour Number of Holdings 951 81 489 188 123 62 8 - UAA (ha) 651.844 - 122.538 130.974 165.299 181.194 51.839 - Average UAA (ha)/holding 0.685 - 0.251 0.697 1.344 2.922 6.480 -

Northern Harbour Number of Holdings 750 131 349 138 88 38 6 - UAA (ha) 449.919 - 84.685 98.485 119.350 108.352 39.047 - Average UAA (ha)/holding 0.600 - 0.243 0.714 1.356 2.851 6.508 -

South Eastern Number of Holdings 2,427 126 1,254 552 350 128 14 3 UAA (ha) 1,676.912 - 323.976 388.892 473.831 365.752 86.448 38.012 Average UAA (ha)/holding 0.691 - 0.258 0.705 1.354 2.857 6.175 12.671

Western Number of Holdings 2,950 180 1,262 655 488 314 47 4 UAA (ha) 2,760.251 - 322.083 462.915 669.622 905.691 306.418 93.522 Average UAA (ha)/holding 0.936 - 0.255 0.707 1.372 2.884 6.520 23.381

Northern Number of Holdings 2,187 118 822 480 410 304 50 3 UAA (ha) 2,414.860 - 213.304 341.953 572.795 917.741 322.823 46.245 Average UAA (ha)/holding 1.104 - 0.259 0.712 1.397 3.019 6.456 15.415

Gozo and Comino Number of Holdings 2,694 307 1,420 534 293 113 19 8 UAA (ha) 1,702.480 - 336.555 370.027 403.321 325.758 124.335 142.485 Average UAA (ha)/holding 0.632 - 0.237 0.693 1.377 2.883 6.544 17.811

Gozo and Comino Number of Holdings 2,694 307 1,420 534 293 113 19 8 UAA (ha) 1,702.480 - 336.555 370.027 403.321 325.758 124.335 142.485 Average UAA (ha)/holding 0.632 0.000 0.237 0.693 1.377 2.883 6.544 17.811

*To respect confidentiality of the holdings size classes of 10 - <20 and >20 have been grouped Note: Number of holdings and UAA classified by holders' residence

15 Table 15. Greenhouses by type, area and region

of which Maltese Islands Malta Gozo and Comino Type of greenhouses Total area Total number Total value Lm Number Area sq m Value Lm Number Area sq m Value Lm sq m

Total 1,027 511,677 3,915,290 847 417,445 3,093,990 180 94,232 821,300

Wood / Glass 99 27,951 122,730 85 24,185 105,530 14 3,766 17,200

Wood / Polythene 26 28,394 14,000 26 28,394 14,000 - - -

Metal / Glass 70 17,750 373,950 37 10,754 285,150 33 6,996 88,800

Metal / Polythene 832 437,582 3,404,610 699 354,112 2,689,310 133 83,470 715,300

Chart 9. Greenhouses 2 Chart 10. Area under greenhouses m no. 400,000 16 800

350,000 700

300,000 600

250,000 500

200,000 400

300 150,000

200 100,000

100 50,000

0 0 Wood / Glass Wood / Polythene Metal / Glass Metal / Polythene Wood / Glass Wood / Polythene Metal / Glass Metal / Polythene

Malta Gozo and Comino Malta Gozo and Comino Table 16. Fodder by region Ha

Other Region Total Wheat Clover Barley Vetches fodder

Maltese Islands 4,464.393 3,572.208 363.220 425.997 52.102 50.866

Malta 3,448.941 3,064.970 230.094 93.674 30.505 29.698

Gozo and Comino 1,015.452 507.238 133.126 332.323 21.597 21.168

Table 17. Vineyards by type, area and region* Ha Region Vineyard Maltese Islands Malta Gozo and Comino

Total area 481.669 443.965 37.705

Vineyards for quality red wine 77.085 63.639 13.446

Vineyards for quality white wine 52.146 43.250 8.896

Vineyards for non-quality red wine 72.657 67.143 5.515

Vineyards for non-quality white wine 136.889 131.053 5.837

Vineyards for table grapes - red 46.712 45.159 1.553

Vineyards for table grapes - white 96.179 93.721 2.458

* Does not include new plantations

Table 18. Area under field crop by region

Ha Region Vegetable Maltese Islands Malta Gozo and Comino Total area 3,638.861 3,105.187 533.674 Onion 324.026 283.681 40.344 Eggplant 19.240 16.738 2.502 Green pepper 32.593 29.730 2.863 Bean 358.337 266.110 92.227 Kohlrabi 44.739 39.614 5.125 Lettuce 86.010 83.092 2.918 Cabbage 86.670 80.402 6.269 Carrot 62.860 60.821 2.039 Cauliflower 195.264 180.752 14.512 Potato 1,153.539 1,054.868 98.671 Marrow 224.030 211.637 12.393 Pumpkin 50.120 39.082 11.038 Tomato 351.732 268.035 83.697 Garlic 87.170 74.641 12.530 Melon winter 33.231 13.164 20.067 Melon summer 180.384 119.724 60.660 Melon water 113.526 68.699 44.827 Strawberry 19.426 18.756 0.670 Flowers and plants grown in the open 20.498 16.326 4.172 Other 195.464 179.314 16.150

17 Table 19. Orchards by type, area and region Ha Region Orchard Maltese Islands Malta Gozo and Comino

Total Area 446.095 372.380 73.715

Peaches 152.602 142.775 9.826

Other stone fruit 66.618 58.397 8.222

Oranges 46.364 28.441 17.923

Lemons 26.741 15.031 11.710

Other Citrus 10.464 5.357 5.107

Other fruit orchards 143.306 122.379 20.927

ha Chart 11. Area under orchards: Malta 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Peaches Other stone fruit Oranges Lemons Other Citrus Other fruit orchards

Chart 12. Area under orchards: Gozo and Comino ha






0 Peaches Other stone fruit Oranges Lemons Other Citrus Other fruit orchards

Table 20. Total holders and employees engaged in agriculture (includes inactive persons in these categories)

No of holders/employees Region Total Private Government

Maltese Islands 15,618 15,550 68

Malta 12,340 12,289 51

Gozo and Comino 3,278 3,261 17

18 Table 21. Full-time persons engaged in agriculture

Total Private Government Region Grand Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Maltese Islands 1,524 1,405 119 1,458 1,339 119 66 66 0

Malta 1,307 1,199 108 1,258 1,150 108 49 49 0

Gozo and Comino 217 206 11 200 189 11 17 17 0

Table 22. Part-time persons engaged in agriculture

Total Private Government Region Grand Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Maltese Islands 12,589 10,757 1,832 12,587 10,755 1,832 2 2 0 19

Malta 9,965 8,520 1,445 9,963 8,518 1,445 2 2 0

Gozo and Comino 2,624 2,237 387 2,624 2,237 387 0 0 0

Chart 13. Distribution of full-time persons engaged in Chart 14. Distribution of part-time persons engaged in agriculture by sex and region agriculture by sex and region sex sex

Female Gozo and Comino Female Gozo and Comino Malta Malta

Male Male

0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 number of persons number of persons Table 23. Area under drip irrigation and cloches


District Drip irrigation Cloches

Maltese Islands 1,220.523 102.792

Malta 1,056.524 95.003

Southern Harbour 110.296 8.385

Northern Harbour 52.895 4.478

South Eastern 111.429 2.997

Western 302.922 11.727

Northern 478.984 67.416

Gozo and Comino 163.998 7.789

Gozo and Comino 163.998 7.789

Table 24. Wells/reservoirs by period of construction

Region Total Undeclared 2001 - 1997 1996 - 1992 1991 - 1987 1986 - 1982 1981 - 1977 Pre 1977

Maltese Islands 9,069 2,623 251 524 394 321 263 4,693

Malta 8,017 2,412 219 458 345 172 232 4,179

Gozo and Comino 1,052 211 32 66 49 149 31 514

Table 25. Windmills by period of construction

Region Total 2001 - 1997 Pre 1977 Undeclared 1996 - 1992 1991 - 1987 1986 - 1982 1981 - 1977

Maltese Islands 301 103 1 1 - 3 2 191

Malta 270 93 1 1 - 2 1 172

Gozo and Comino 31 10 - - - 1 1 19


Table 26. Agricultural land by type and locality … Ha of which Total land Total Locality declared by agricultural Garigue Land farmers land area Irrigated Land Dry Land

Total 11,619.954 10,148.587 1,508.759 8,639.828 1,471.367

Attard 140.482 132.182 19.530 112.652 8.300 Balzan 3.725 3.725 0.450 3.275 - Birgu 1.911 1.124 - 1.124 0.787 Birkirkara 48.427 43.039 1.976 41.063 5.388 Birżebbuġa 328.731 273.319 8.980 264.339 55.412 Bormla 4.569 2.991 0.188 2.803 1.578 Dingli 366.286 287.220 53.672 233.548 79.066 Fgura 6.724 6.544 0.785 5.759 0.180 Floriana - - - - - Fontana 7.697 6.876 1.583 5.293 0.821 Gћajnsielem & Comino 129.015 120.484 9.544 110.940 8.531 Għarb 127.914 119.951 1.461 118.490 7.963 Gћargħur 100.499 87.588 2.820 84.768 12.911 Gћasri 127.218 112.531 5.503 107.028 14.687 Gћaxaq 122.159 104.237 5.849 98.388 17.922 Gudja 165.633 147.560 20.048 127.512 18.073 Gżira 0.786 0.112 0.112 - 0.674 Ħamrun 0.971 0.971 - 0.971 - Iklin 22.484 21.514 - 21.514 0.970 Isla - - - - - Kalkara 34.125 26.976 8.855 18.121 7.149 Kerċem 249.377 230.522 14.350 216.172 18.855 Kirkop 41.021 40.563 1.480 39.083 0.458 Lija 40.570 39.549 3.773 35.776 1.021 Luqa 101.820 88.039 6.243 81.796 13.781 Marsa 14.101 13.482 1.562 11.920 0.619 Marsascala 152.385 131.084 31.444 99.640 21.302 Marsaxlokk 206.799 189.123 25.527 163.596 17.676 Mdina 14.192 13.039 0.112 12.927 1.153 Mellieћa 562.929 457.971 182.793 275.179 104.957 Mġarr (Malta) 742.573 637.467 113.735 523.732 105.106 Mosta 368.894 321.846 36.351 285.495 47.048 Mqabba 68.705 62.454 1.894 60.560 6.251 Msida 10.359 8.831 0.590 8.241 1.528 Mtarfa 56.574 54.260 13.445 40.815 2.314 Munxar 87.364 81.608 0.159 81.449 5.756 Nadur 283.410 261.782 27.791 233.991 21.629 Naxxar 319.085 286.008 26.903 259.105 33.077 Paola 11.000 9.734 1.405 8.329 1.266 Pembroke 5.868 5.868 - 5.868 - Pieta' - - - - -

23 … Table 26. Agricultural land by type and locality Ha of which Total land Total Locality declared by agricultural Garigue Land farmers land area Irrigated Land Dry Land

Qala 80.296 68.187 2.039 66.148 12.109 Qormi 174.369 162.172 52.276 109.896 12.197 Qrendi 226.439 196.999 15.488 181.511 29.440 Rabat (Gozo) 172.193 163.515 10.749 152.766 8.678 Rabat (Malta) 1,702.110 1,412.060 179.570 1,232.490 290.050 Safi 132.535 112.134 9.087 103.047 20.402 San Ġiljan 13.560 10.147 1.517 8.630 3.413 San Ġwann 43.993 34.952 4.446 30.506 9.041 San Lawrenz 89.809 80.504 7.081 73.423 9.305 San Pawl il-Baћar 628.458 560.149 208.929 351.220 68.309 Sannat 259.935 144.088 1.401 142.687 115.848 Santa Luċija 20.169 19.351 0.112 19.239 0.818 Santa Venera 11.257 10.077 7.800 2.277 1.180 Siġġiewi 926.475 845.605 81.460 764.145 80.870 Sliema - - - - - Swieqi 19.414 17.677 4.608 13.069 1.738 Ta' Xbiex 3.146 2.472 - 2.472 0.674 Tarxien 34.819 34.594 3.315 31.279 0.225 Valletta - - - - - Xagћra 246.253 225.950 33.858 192.092 20.304 Xewkija 135.631 126.292 2.712 123.580 9.339 Xgħajra 16.262 15.223 5.905 9.318 1.039 Żabbar 286.567 272.712 132.964 139.748 13.855 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 230.337 206.086 16.646 189.440 24.251 Żebbuġ (Malta) 410.606 398.449 33.435 365.014 12.157 Żejtun 334.882 314.013 47.534 266.479 20.869 Żurrieq 344.058 283.005 14.915 268.090 61.053

24 Table 27. Agricultural land by district/locality and use … Ha of which Total land Total Utilised District/locality declared by agricultural Uncultivated Garigue land agricultural farmers land area land area (UAA)

Maltese Islands 11,619.954 10,148.587 9,656.545 492.042 1,471.367

Malta 9,393.504 8,200.211 7,944.421 255.791 1,193.293

Southern Harbour 532.067 490.769 475.711 15.058 41.298

Valletta - - - - - Birgu 1.911 1.124 0.787 0.337 0.787 Isla - - - - - Bormla 4.569 2.991 2.991 - 1.578 Żabbar 286.567 272.712 264.225 8.487 13.855 Fgura 6.724 6.544 5.827 0.717 0.180 Floriana - - - - - Kalkara 34.125 26.976 26.155 0.822 7.149 Luqa 101.820 88.039 85.945 2.094 13.781 Marsa 14.101 13.482 13.257 0.225 0.619 Paola 11.000 9.734 8.500 1.234 1.266 Santa Luċija 20.169 19.351 18.901 0.450 0.818 Tarxien 34.819 34.594 34.594 - 0.225 Xgħajra 16.262 15.223 14.531 0.692 1.039

Northern Harbour 332.150 296.318 281.243 15.075 35.832

Qormi 174.369 162.172 158.021 4.151 12.197 Birkirkara 48.427 43.039 40.951 2.089 5.388 Gżira 0.786 0.112 0.112 - 0.674 Ħamrun 0.971 0.971 0.971 - - Msida 10.359 8.831 8.219 0.612 1.528 Pembroke 5.868 5.868 2.384 3.484 - Pieta' - - - - - San Ġiljan 13.560 10.147 10.035 0.112 3.413 San Ġwann 43.993 34.952 32.260 2.692 9.041 Santa Venera 11.257 10.077 9.993 0.084 1.180 Sliema - - - - - Swieqi 19.414 17.677 15.937 1.740 1.738 Ta' Xbiex 3.146 2.472 2.360 0.112 0.674

South Eastern 2,123.347 1,854.491 1,796.847 57.644 268.856

Żejtun 334.882 314.013 308.667 5.345 20.869 Birżebbuġa 328.731 273.319 261.783 11.536 55.412 Gudja 165.633 147.560 143.223 4.338 18.073 Gћaxaq 122.159 104.237 100.960 3.277 17.922 Kirkop 41.021 40.563 39.755 0.808 0.458 Marsascala 152.385 131.084 123.274 7.810 21.302 Marsaxlokk 206.799 189.123 186.915 2.208 17.676 Mqabba 68.705 62.454 61.324 1.130 6.251 Qrendi 226.439 196.999 191.328 5.671 29.440 Safi 132.535 112.134 107.260 4.874 20.402 Żurrieq 344.058 283.005 272.359 10.646 61.053

25 … Table 27. Agricultural land by district/locality and use Ha of which Total land Total Utilised District/locality declared by agricultural Uncultivated Garigue land agricultural farmers land area land area (UAA)

Western 3,683.504 3,207.604 3,110.456 97.148 475.900

Mdina 14.192 13.039 12.815 0.224 1.153 Żebbuġ (Malta) 410.606 398.449 388.742 9.707 12.157 Siġġiewi 926.475 845.605 824.101 21.504 80.870 Attard 140.482 132.182 129.280 2.902 8.300 Balzan 3.725 3.725 2.925 0.800 - Dingli 366.286 287.220 269.484 17.736 79.066 Iklin 22.484 21.514 20.672 0.842 0.970 Lija 40.570 39.549 38.931 0.618 1.021 Rabat (Malta) 1,702.110 1,412.060 1,370.396 41.664 290.050 Mtarfa 56.574 54.260 53.108 1.152 2.314

Northern 2,722.437 2,351.029 2,280.163 70.866 371.408

Għargħur 100.499 87.588 80.124 7.464 12.911 Mellieħa 562.929 457.971 448.691 9.280 104.957 Mġarr (Malta) 742.573 637.467 614.420 23.047 105.106 Mosta 368.894 321.846 313.522 8.325 47.048 Naxxar 319.085 286.008 278.041 7.967 33.077 San Pawl il-Baħar 628.458 560.149 545.366 14.783 68.309

Gozo and Comino 2,226.450 1,948.376 1,712.125 236.251 278.074

Gozo and Comino 2,226.450 1,948.376 1,712.125 236.251 278.074

Rabat (Gozo) 172.193 163.515 155.677 7.839 8.678 Fontana 7.697 6.876 6.498 0.378 0.821 Għajnsielem & Comino 129.015 120.484 108.224 12.260 8.531 Għarb 127.914 119.951 112.422 7.529 7.963 Għasri 127.218 112.531 103.883 8.648 14.687 Kerċem 249.377 230.522 222.750 7.773 18.855 Munxar 87.364 81.608 79.745 1.864 5.756 Nadur 283.410 261.782 227.131 34.651 21.629 Qala 80.296 68.187 46.715 21.472 12.109 San Lawrenz 89.809 80.504 77.286 3.217 9.305 Sannat 259.935 144.088 94.282 49.806 115.848 Xagħra 246.253 225.950 204.508 21.442 20.304 Xewkija 135.631 126.292 119.209 7.083 9.339 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 230.337 206.086 153.795 52.291 24.251

26 Chart 15. Agricultural land by district and type

Gozo and Comino Northern Garigue land Western South Eastern Northern Harbour Southern Harbour Uncultivated agricultural area

Utilised agricultural area

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 ha

Chart 16. Percentage distribution of agricultural land by type: Malta

Garigue land 13%

Uncultivated agricultural area 3%

Utilised agricultural area 84%

Chart 17. Percentage distribution of agricultural land by type: Gozo and Comino

Garigue land 12%

Uncultivated agricultural area 11%

Utilised agricultural area 77%

27 Table 28. Agricultural land by district/locality and type … Ha of which Total land Total District/locality declared by agricultural Garigue land farmers land area Irrigated land Dry land

Maltese Islands 11,619.954 10,148.587 1,508.759 8,639.828 1,471.367

Malta 9,393.504 8,200.211 1,373.883 6,826.328 1,193.293

Southern Harbour 532.067 490.770 161.334 329.435 41.298

Valletta - - - - - Birgu 1.911 1.124 - 1.124 0.787 Isla - - - - - Bormla 4.569 2.991 0.188 2.803 1.578 Żabbar 286.567 272.712 132.964 139.748 13.855 Fgura 6.724 6.544 0.785 5.759 0.180 Floriana - - - - - Kalkara 34.125 26.976 8.855 18.121 7.149 Luqa 101.820 88.039 6.243 81.796 13.781 Marsa 14.101 13.482 1.562 11.920 0.619 Paola 11.000 9.734 1.405 8.329 1.266 Santa Luċija 20.169 19.351 0.112 19.239 0.818 Tarxien 34.818 34.594 3.315 31.279 0.225 Xgħajra 16.262 15.223 5.905 9.318 1.039

Northern Harbour 332.150 296.318 73.325 222.993 35.832

Qormi 174.369 162.172 52.276 109.896 12.197 Birkirkara 48.427 43.039 1.976 41.063 5.388 Gżira 0.786 0.112 0.112 - 0.674 Ħamrun 0.971 0.971 - 0.971 - Msida 10.359 8.831 0.590 8.241 1.528 Pembroke 5.868 5.868 - 5.868 - Pieta' - - - - - San Ġiljan 13.560 10.147 1.517 8.630 3.413 San Ġwann 43.993 34.952 4.446 30.506 9.041 Santa Venera 11.257 10.077 7.800 2.277 1.180 Sliema - - - - - Swieqi 19.414 17.677 4.608 13.069 1.738 Ta' Xbiex 3.146 2.472 - 2.472 0.674

South Eastern 2,123.347 1,854.491 182.246 1,672.245 268.856

Żejtun 334.882 314.013 47.534 266.479 20.869 Birżebbuġa 328.731 273.319 8.980 264.339 55.412 Gudja 165.633 147.560 20.048 127.512 18.073 Gћaxaq 122.159 104.237 5.849 98.388 17.922 Kirkop 41.021 40.563 1.480 39.083 0.458 Marsascala 152.385 131.084 31.444 99.640 21.302 Marsaxlokk 206.799 189.123 25.527 163.596 17.676 Mqabba 68.705 62.454 1.894 60.560 6.251 Qrendi 226.439 196.999 15.488 181.511 29.440 Safi 132.535 112.134 9.087 103.047 20.402 Żurrieq 344.058 283.005 14.915 268.090 61.053

28 … Table 28. Agricultural land by district/locality and type Ha of which Total land Total District/locality declared by agricultural Garigue land farmers land area Irrigated land Dry land

Western 3,683.504 3,207.604 385.447 2,822.157 475.900

Mdina 14.192 13.039 0.112 12.927 1.153 Żebbuġ (Malta) 410.606 398.449 33.435 365.014 12.157 Siġġiewi 926.475 845.605 81.460 764.145 80.870 Attard 140.482 132.182 19.530 112.652 8.300 Balzan 3.725 3.725 0.450 3.275 - Dingli 366.286 287.220 53.672 233.548 79.066 Iklin 22.484 21.514 - 21.514 0.970 Lija 40.570 39.549 3.773 35.776 1.021 Rabat (Malta) 1,702.110 1,412.060 179.570 1,232.490 290.050 Mtarfa 56.574 54.260 13.445 40.815 2.314

Northern 2,722.437 2,351.029 571.531 1,779.498 371.408

Għargħur 100.499 87.588 2.820 84.768 12.911 Mellieħa 562.929 457.971 182.793 275.179 104.957 Mġarr (Malta) 742.573 637.467 113.735 523.732 105.106 Mosta 368.894 321.846 36.351 285.495 47.048 Naxxar 319.085 286.008 26.903 259.105 33.077 San Pawl il-Baħar 628.458 560.149 208.929 351.220 68.309

Gozo and Comino 2,226.450 1,948.376 134.876 1,813.500 278.074

Gozo and Comino 2,226.450 1,948.376 134.876 1,813.500 278.074

Rabat (Gozo) 172.193 163.515 10.749 152.766 8.678 Fontana 7.697 6.876 1.583 5.293 0.821 Għajnsielem & Comino 129.015 120.484 9.544 110.940 8.531 Għarb 127.914 119.951 1.461 118.490 7.963 Għasri 127.218 112.531 5.503 107.028 14.687 Kerċem 249.377 230.522 14.350 216.172 18.855 Munxar 87.364 81.608 0.159 81.449 5.756 Nadur 283.410 261.782 27.791 233.991 21.629 Qala 80.296 68.187 2.039 66.148 12.109 San Lawrenz 89.809 80.504 7.081 73.423 9.305 Sannat 259.935 144.088 1.401 142.687 115.848 Xagħra 246.253 225.950 33.858 192.092 20.304 Xewkija 135.631 126.292 2.712 123.580 9.339 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 230.337 206.086 16.646 189.440 24.251

29 Chart 18. Irrigated land and dry land by region ha (000's) 9.0









0.0 Irrigated land area Dry land area Total agricultural land area land type

Malta Gozo and Comino

Chart 19. Irrigated land and dry land by district district

Gozo and Comino

Northern district

Western district

South eastern district

Northern harbour district

Southern harbour district

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 ha

Irrigated land area Dry land area Total agricultural land area

30 Table 29. Agricultural land by district/locality and type of tenure… Ha of which Total District/locality agricultural Irrigated land Dry land land area Owner-occupied Rented Owner-occupied Rented

Maltese Islands 10,148.587 395.264 1,113.496 1,589.168 7,050.680

Malta 8,200.211 341.385 1,032.498 1,149.966 5,676.362

Southern Harbour 490.770 51.176 110.158 56.959 272.476

Valletta - - - - - Birgu 1.124 - - - 1.124 Isla - - - - - Bormla 2.991 0.075 0.113 2.079 0.724 Żabbar 272.712 46.624 86.340 28.774 110.974 Fgura 6.544 0.673 0.112 0.056 5.703 Floriana - - - - - Kalkara 26.976 0.262 8.593 2.857 15.264 Luqa 88.039 0.449 5.794 8.318 73.478 Marsa 13.482 1.000 0.562 6.674 5.246 Paola 9.734 1.124 0.281 1.610 6.719 Santa Luċija 19.351 0.112 0.000 2.755 16.484 Tarxien 34.594 0.513 2.802 2.470 28.809 Xgħajra 15.223 0.344 5.561 1.366 7.952

Northern Harbour 296.318 22.599 50.726 60.997 161.996

Qormi 162.172 16.596 35.680 23.999 85.897 Birkirkara 43.039 0.380 1.596 13.312 27.751 Gżira 0.112 0.000 0.112 - - Ħamrun 0.971 - - 0.000 0.971 Msida 8.831 0.060 0.530 2.408 5.833 Pembroke 5.868 - - 1.264 4.604 Pieta' - - - - - San Ġiljan 10.147 0.843 0.674 4.871 3.759 San Ġwann 34.952 3.034 1.412 10.287 20.219 Santa Venera 10.077 0.562 7.238 1.085 1.192 Sliema - - - - - Swieqi 17.677 1.124 3.484 3.321 9.748 Ta' Xbiex 2.472 - - 0.450 2.022

South Eastern District 1,854.491 57.643 124.603 320.718 1,351.527

Żejtun 314.013 13.248 34.286 32.493 233.986 Birżebbuġa 273.319 5.272 3.708 46.771 217.568 Gudja 147.560 9.889 10.159 11.337 116.175 Gћaxaq 104.237 1.723 4.126 16.083 82.305 Kirkop 40.563 0.562 0.918 3.423 35.660 Marsascala 131.084 5.033 26.411 24.838 74.802 Marsaxlokk 189.123 11.234 14.293 18.673 144.923 Mqabba 62.454 0.225 1.669 19.671 40.889 Qrendi 196.999 5.284 10.204 57.468 124.043 Safi 112.134 0.337 8.750 21.752 81.295 Żurrieq 283.005 4.836 10.079 68.209 199.881

31 … Table 29. Agricultural land by district/locality and type of tenure Ha of which Total District/locality agricultural Irrigated land Dry land land area Owner-occupied Rented Owner-occupied Rented

Western 3,207.604 94.587 290.860 474.474 2,347.684

Mdina 13.039 0.000 0.112 0.094 12.833 Żebbuġ (Malta) 398.449 11.233 22.203 92.824 272.190 Siġġiewi 845.605 19.566 61.894 117.999 646.147 Attard 132.182 4.130 15.400 18.288 94.364 Balzan 3.725 0.000 0.450 1.705 1.570 Dingli 287.220 25.593 28.079 57.172 176.376 Iklin 21.514 - - 2.238 19.276 Lija 39.549 1.052 2.721 9.204 26.572 Rabat (Malta) 1,412.060 28.375 151.195 165.844 1,066.646 Mtarfa 54.260 4.639 8.806 9.106 31.709

Northern 2,351.029 115.380 456.151 236.819 1,542.679

Għargħur 87.588 1.467 1.353 23.222 61.546 Mellieħa 457.971 15.335 167.458 8.759 266.420 Mġarr (Malta) 637.467 32.720 81.015 74.536 449.196 Mosta 321.846 6.296 30.055 38.969 246.526 Naxxar 286.008 9.325 17.578 41.037 218.068 San Pawl il-Baħar 560.149 50.237 158.692 50.296 300.924

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 53.879 80.998 439.202 1,374.318

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 53.879 80.998 439.202 1,374.318 Rabat (Gozo) 163.515 4.117 6.632 24.870 127.896 Fontana 6.876 0.112 1.471 1.302 3.991 Għajnsielem & Comino 120.484 3.015 6.529 16.348 94.592 Għarb 119.951 1.124 0.337 31.133 87.357 Għasri 112.531 2.113 3.390 22.439 84.590 Kerċem 230.522 4.140 10.210 45.202 170.970 Munxar 81.608 0.000 0.159 15.325 66.124 Nadur 261.782 5.346 22.445 51.200 182.792 Qala 68.187 1.307 0.732 17.263 48.886 San Lawrenz 80.504 2.136 4.945 15.845 57.578 Sannat 144.088 0.614 0.787 59.229 83.458 Xagħra 225.950 18.492 15.366 40.727 151.364 Xewkija 126.292 1.460 1.252 27.386 96.194 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 206.086 9.903 6.743 70.935 118.526

32 Chart 20. Dry land by district and type of tenure district

Gozo and Comino



Rented South Eastern Owner occupied

Northern Harbour

Southern Harbour

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ha

Chart 21. Irrigated land by district and type of tenure district

Gozo and Comino



Rented Owner occupied South Eastern

Northern Harbour

Southern Harbour

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ha

33 Table 30. Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) by district/locality and land cover … Ha of which District/locality Total UAA Land under Land under Arable area Fallow land vineyards orchards*

Maltese Islands 9,656.545 7,470.994 490.101 427.081 1,268.369

Malta 7,944.421 5,969.506 450.499 359.137 1,165.280

Southern Harbour 475.711 401.963 4.147 12.361 57.241

Valletta - - - - - Birgu 0.787 0.450 - 0.168 0.169 Isla - - - - - Bormla 2.991 1.412 0.002 0.005 1.572 Żabbar 264.225 220.488 2.663 6.218 34.856 Fgura 5.827 5.729 0.024 0.074 - Floriana - - - - - Kalkara 26.155 21.169 0.286 1.364 3.336 Luqa 85.945 76.171 0.854 1.782 7.138 Marsa 13.257 12.894 0.001 0.362 - Paola 8.500 5.248 0.004 1.353 1.894 Santa Luċija 18.901 18.028 0.018 0.180 0.675 Tarxien 34.594 31.666 0.152 0.396 2.380 Xgħajra 14.531 8.708 0.143 0.458 5.221

Northern Harbour 281.243 229.511 5.368 12.803 33.560

Qormi 158.021 129.570 1.608 9.022 17.822 Birkirkara 40.951 32.756 0.743 1.832 5.620 Gżira 0.112 0.112 - - - Ħamrun 0.971 0.746 - - 0.225 Msida 8.219 6.748 0.004 0.020 1.447 Pembroke 2.384 1.765 0.113 0.225 0.281 Pieta' - - - - - San Ġiljan 10.035 6.884 0.025 0.274 2.853 San Ġwann 32.260 27.613 1.368 1.071 2.208 Santa Venera 9.993 6.392 1.483 0.192 1.927 Sliema - - - - - Swieqi 15.937 14.572 0.024 0.163 1.178 Ta' Xbiex 2.360 2.355 - 0.005 -

South Eastern 1,796.847 1,506.071 34.855 24.425 231.496

Żejtun 308.667 259.716 3.520 3.494 41.938 Birżebbuġa 261.783 213.380 3.251 4.713 40.439 Gudja 143.223 125.585 0.700 1.632 15.306 Gћaxaq 100.960 84.833 0.953 1.011 14.162 Kirkop 39.755 34.637 1.785 0.495 2.839 Marsascala 123.274 104.158 0.891 2.072 16.153 Marsaxlokk 186.915 146.321 13.270 1.643 25.682 Mqabba 61.324 48.994 0.292 1.340 10.698 Qrendi 191.328 156.779 3.383 2.053 29.113 Safi 107.260 92.876 1.760 1.419 11.204 Żurrieq 272.359 238.794 5.049 4.554 23.962

34 … Table 30. Utilised agricultural area (UAA) by region, district and land cover Ha of which District/locality Total UAA Land under Land under Arable area Fallow land vineyards orchards*

Western 3,110.456 2,112.080 185.142 197.592 615.642

Mdina 12.815 9.944 1.175 0.568 1.129 Żebbuġ (Malta) 388.742 297.808 7.939 12.226 70.770 Siġġiewi 824.101 575.832 25.943 48.811 173.516 Attard 129.280 90.243 21.312 2.794 14.931 Balzan 2.925 0.778 0.002 0.500 1.645 Dingli 269.484 139.511 13.060 25.030 91.883 Iklin 20.672 16.087 0.236 0.908 3.441 Lija 38.931 36.228 0.346 1.220 1.137 Rabat (Malta) 1,370.396 904.322 113.641 104.031 248.402 Mtarfa 53.108 41.327 1.489 1.504 8.788

Northern 2,280.163 1,719.880 220.986 111.957 227.341

Għargħur 80.124 72.401 1.017 1.864 4.843 Mellieħa 448.691 317.456 27.994 14.908 88.333 Mġarr (Malta) 614.420 403.091 103.906 59.749 47.674 Mosta 313.522 249.675 31.380 12.660 19.807 Naxxar 278.041 245.792 8.540 5.175 18.533 San Pawl il-Baħar 545.366 431.466 48.149 17.601 48.151

Gozo and Comino 1,712.125 1,501.488 39.603 67.944 103.090

Gozo and Comino 1,712.125 1,501.488 39.603 67.944 103.090

Rabat (Gozo) 155.677 140.606 5.818 4.153 5.100 Fontana 6.498 6.309 0.037 0.115 0.037 Għajnsielem & Comino 108.224 103.310 1.219 1.767 1.928 Għarb 112.422 105.849 0.405 0.637 5.532 Għasri 103.883 93.735 1.759 0.763 7.626 Kerċem 222.750 204.786 1.406 0.969 15.589 Munxar 79.745 77.671 0.173 0.067 1.834 Nadur 227.131 166.567 9.222 36.708 14.634 Qala 46.715 40.042 0.533 2.277 3.864 San Lawrenz 77.286 71.591 0.244 0.075 5.377 Sannat 94.282 89.748 0.899 1.134 2.502 Xagħra 204.508 160.827 11.478 12.023 20.180 Xewkija 119.209 109.611 1.961 3.373 4.264 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 153.795 130.838 4.449 3.883 14.625

* Does not include land under carob trees and prickly pears

35 Chart 22. Percentage shares of Utilised Agricultural Area

Orchards 4%

Vineyards 5%

Arable land 91%

Chart 23. Percentage distribution of agriculutral land by district and land use percent











0% Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino district

Arable land Vineyards Orchards Total utilised agricultural area

36 Table 31. Arable land, vineyards and orchards by type of tenure … Ha Arable land Land under vineyards Land under orchards*

District/locality of which of which of which Total area Owner- Rented Total area Owner- Rented Total area Owner- Rented occupied area occupied area occupied area

Maltese Islands 7,470.994 1,314.100 6,156.894 490.101 81.169 408.933 427.081 96.548 330.234

Malta 5,969.506 1,009.762 4,959.743 450.499 68.276 382.223 359.137 76.569 282.349

Southern Harbour 401.963 84.226 317.737 4.147 1.857 2.290 12.361 3.554 8.806

Valletta ------Birgu 0.450 - 0.450 - - - 0.168 - 0.168 Isla ------Bormla 1.412 1.364 0.048 0.002 - 0.002 0.005 0.005 - Żabbar 220.488 56.220 164.268 2.663 1.709 0.954 6.218 2.830 3.388 Fgura 5.729 0.729 5.000 0.024 - 0.024 0.074 - 0.074 Floriana ------Kalkara 21.169 3.007 18.162 0.286 - 0.286 1.364 - 1.364 Luqa 76.171 7.437 68.733 0.854 0.127 0.727 1.782 0.171 1.612 Marsa 12.894 7.674 5.220 0.001 - 0.001 0.362 - 0.362 Paola 5.248 1.904 3.344 0.004 0.004 - 1.353 0.111 1.242 Santa Luċija 18.028 2.217 15.811 0.018 0.009 0.009 0.180 0.023 0.157 Tarxien 31.666 2.562 29.105 0.152 0.007 0.144 0.396 0.021 0.375 Xgħajra 8.708 1.112 7.596 0.143 - 0.143 0.458 0.393 0.065

Northern Harbour 229.511 55.531 173.980 5.368 1.190 4.178 12.803 6.549 6.254

Qormi 129.570 26.165 103.405 1.608 0.737 0.871 9.022 4.516 4.506 Birkirkara 32.756 9.039 23.717 0.743 0.104 0.640 1.832 1.155 0.677 Gżira 0.112 - 0.112 ------Ħamrun 0.746 - 0.746 ------Msida 6.748 2.013 4.735 0.004 - 0.004 0.020 0.005 0.015 Pembroke 1.765 0.871 0.894 0.113 0.112 0.001 0.225 - 0.225 Pieta' ------San Ġiljan 6.884 2.754 4.130 0.025 0.002 0.023 0.274 0.191 0.083 San Ġwann 27.613 10.366 17.248 1.368 0.232 1.136 1.071 0.584 0.486 Santa Venera 6.392 1.405 4.987 1.483 0.002 1.481 0.192 0.019 0.173 Sliema ------Swieqi 14.572 2.470 12.102 0.024 0.002 0.022 0.163 0.080 0.083 Ta' Xbiex 2.355 0.450 1.905 - - - 0.005 - 0.005

South Eastern 1,506.071 290.350 1,215.721 34.855 12.628 22.227 24.425 5.457 18.969

Żejtun 259.716 37.299 222.417 3.520 0.188 3.332 3.494 0.374 3.120 Birżebbuġa 213.380 39.312 174.067 3.251 1.430 1.821 4.713 0.671 4.042 Gudja 125.585 16.099 109.486 0.700 0.105 0.596 1.632 0.283 1.349 Gћaxaq 84.833 13.334 71.499 0.953 0.368 0.585 1.011 0.483 0.528 Kirkop 34.637 3.591 31.046 1.785 0.005 1.780 0.495 0.062 0.433 Marsascala 104.158 22.196 81.962 0.891 0.600 0.291 2.072 0.304 1.768 Marsaxlokk 146.321 21.622 124.699 13.270 5.350 7.921 1.643 0.145 1.498 Mqabba 48.994 14.235 34.759 0.292 0.062 0.230 1.340 0.122 1.218 Qrendi 156.779 47.509 109.271 3.383 1.809 1.574 2.053 1.026 1.027 Safi 92.876 16.966 75.910 1.760 0.402 1.358 1.419 0.628 0.791 Żurrieq 238.794 58.189 180.605 5.049 2.310 2.740 4.554 1.359 3.195

37 … Table 31. Arable land, vineyards and orchards by type of tenure Ha Arable land Land under vineyards Land under orchards*

District/locality of which of which of which Total area Owner- Rented Total area Owner- Rented Total Area Owner- Rented occupied area occupied area occupied area

Western 2,112.080 328.980 1,783.101 185.142 21.518 163.625 197.592 43.326 154.266

Mdina 9.944 0.094 9.850 1.175 - 1.175 0.568 - 0.568 Żebbuġ (Malta) 297.808 67.894 229.914 7.939 2.020 5.919 12.226 6.570 5.656 Siġġiewi 575.832 89.225 486.607 25.943 4.268 21.675 48.811 16.374 32.437 Attard 90.243 14.670 75.573 21.312 0.494 20.818 2.794 1.332 1.462 Balzan 0.778 0.510 0.268 0.002 0.002 - 0.500 0.037 0.463 Dingli 139.511 43.422 96.088 13.060 3.421 9.640 25.030 8.343 16.687 Iklin 16.087 - 16.087 0.236 0.011 0.225 0.908 0.054 0.854 Lija 36.228 9.499 26.729 0.346 - 0.346 1.220 0.407 0.813 Rabat (Malta) 904.322 93.440 810.882 113.641 11.303 102.338 104.031 10.209 93.822 Mtarfa 41.327 10.225 31.102 1.489 - 1.489 1.504 - 1.504

Northern 1,719.880 250.675 1,469.204 220.986 31.084 189.903 111.957 17.683 94.054

Għargħur 72.401 20.193 52.208 1.017 0.410 0.607 1.864 1.025 0.839 Mellieħa 317.456 18.146 299.310 27.994 0.699 27.296 14.908 0.565 14.343 Mġarr (Malta) 403.091 74.749 328.342 103.906 13.121 90.785 59.749 7.839 51.688 Mosta 249.675 31.781 217.894 31.380 3.243 28.137 12.660 3.693 8.970 Naxxar 245.792 38.747 207.045 8.540 1.026 7.514 5.175 1.088 4.087 San Pawl il-Baħar 431.466 67.061 364.405 48.149 12.584 35.565 17.601 3.473 14.128

Gozo and Comino 1,501.488 304.337 1,197.151 39.603 12.893 26.710 67.944 19.979 47.885

Gozo and Comino 1,501.488 304.337 1,197.151 39.603 12.893 26.710 67.944 19.979 47.885

Rabat (Gozo) 140.606 25.311 115.295 5.818 0.381 5.437 4.153 0.403 3.750 Fontana 6.309 1.233 5.076 0.037 - 0.037 0.115 0.112 0.003 Għajnsielem & Comino 103.310 17.542 85.768 1.219 0.168 1.051 1.767 0.172 1.595 Għarb 105.849 27.361 78.488 0.405 0.074 0.331 0.637 0.125 0.512 Għasri 93.735 19.462 74.274 1.759 0.290 1.469 0.763 0.103 0.660 Kerċem 204.786 38.625 166.161 1.406 0.478 0.928 0.969 0.313 0.656 Munxar 77.671 14.133 63.538 0.173 0.112 0.061 0.067 0.001 0.066 Nadur 166.567 27.868 138.699 9.222 1.659 7.563 36.708 7.967 28.737 Qala 40.042 8.258 31.784 0.533 0.119 0.414 2.277 0.583 1.694 San Lawrenz 71.591 11.750 59.841 0.244 0.019 0.225 0.075 - 0.075 Sannat 89.748 13.014 76.734 0.899 - 0.899 1.134 0.687 0.447 Xagħra 160.827 35.656 125.170 11.478 5.532 5.946 12.023 5.210 6.813 Xewkija 109.611 22.631 86.980 1.961 1.161 0.800 3.373 2.788 0.585 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 130.838 41.493 89.344 4.449 2.900 1.549 3.883 1.515 2.292

* Does not include land under carob tree and prickly pear.

38 Chart 24. Percentage distribution of arable land by district

Gozo and Comino 20% Southern Harbour 5%

Northern Harbour 3%

Nothern 23% South Eastern 20%

Western 29%

Chart 25. Percentage distribution of vineyards by district

Gozo and Comino Southern Harbour 8% 1%

Northern Harbour 1%

South Eastern 7%

Nothern 45%

Western 38%

Chart 26. Percentage distribution of orchards by district

Gozo and Comino Southern Harbour 16% 3% Northern Harbour 3% South Eastern 6% Nothern 26%

Western 46%

39 Table 32. Agricultural land by district/locality and size class ... Ha Total District/locality agricultural 0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over land area

Maltese Islands 10,148.587 3,401.552 2,525.512 2,241.585 1,500.849 291.644 187.446

Malta 8,200.211 2,487.899 2,116.631 1,909.562 1,311.901 256.460 117.758

Southern Harbour 490.770 143.631 139.721 111.010 90.407 6.000 -

Valletta ------Birgu 1.124 0.450 0.674 - - - - Isla ------Bormla 2.991 0.188 1.286 1.517 - - - Żabbar 272.712 73.816 67.962 71.628 59.306 - - Fgura 6.544 3.025 2.471 1.048 - - - Floriana ------Kalkara 26.976 5.907 10.821 7.438 2.810 - - Luqa 88.039 38.633 36.172 6.581 6.653 - - Marsa 13.482 1.088 0.562 2.011 3.821 6.000 - Paola 9.734 2.515 2.578 4.641 - - - Santa Lu`ija 19.351 6.630 5.242 5.250 2.229 - - Tarxien 34.594 6.186 8.791 7.289 12.328 - - Xg]ajra 15.223 5.194 3.162 3.607 3.260 - -

Northern Harbour 296.318 85.217 73.182 88.293 44.026 5.600 -

Qormi 162.172 39.940 36.138 54.049 26.445 5.600 - Birkirkara 43.039 18.462 10.145 9.727 4.706 - - Gżira 0.112 0.112 - - - - - Ħamrun 0.971 0.075 0.896 - - - - Msida 8.831 4.625 0.864 1.094 2.248 - - Pembroke 5.868 1.264 - 1.232 3.372 - - Pieta' ------San Ġiljan 10.147 3.798 3.077 3.272 - - - San Ġwann 34.952 9.889 13.766 7.414 3.883 - - Santa Venera 10.077 4.248 2.753 3.076 - - - Sliema ------Swieqi 17.677 2.243 5.543 6.519 3.372 - - Ta' Xbiex 2.472 0.562 - 1.910 - - -

South Eastern 1,854.491 585.940 537.240 434.067 232.321 51.035 13.888

Żejtun 314.013 84.412 93.609 85.879 38.305 11.808 - Birżebbuġa 273.319 63.853 74.802 88.859 40.278 5.527 - Gudja 147.560 47.180 42.315 31.620 26.445 - - Gћaxaq 104.237 38.716 37.017 15.380 7.525 5.600 - Kirkop 40.563 23.864 8.776 7.923 - - - Marsascala 131.084 28.331 29.089 40.768 32.896 - - Marsaxlokk 189.123 37.041 43.733 46.082 34.167 28.100 - Mqabba 62.454 26.896 20.337 13.198 2.023 - - Qrendi 196.999 80.443 62.751 36.579 17.226 - - Safi 112.134 39.319 35.338 26.950 10.527 - - Żurrieq 283.005 115.885 89.474 40.829 22.929 - 13.888

40 … Table 32. Agricultural land by district/locality and size class Ha Total District/locality agricultural 0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over land area

Western 3,207.604 943.529 840.866 738.761 479.218 118.220 87.010

Mdina 13.039 6.022 3.817 3.200 - - - Żebbuġ (Malta) 398.449 131.824 115.596 101.309 44.543 5.177 - Siġġiewi 845.605 260.721 239.514 196.084 105.003 31.974 12.310 Attard 132.182 24.652 27.369 35.206 19.287 7.168 18.500 Balzan 3.725 1.256 1.349 1.120 - - - Dingli 287.220 100.083 74.904 50.581 51.180 10.472 - Iklin 21.514 3.530 4.296 10.879 2.809 - - Lija 39.549 8.668 7.955 6.003 16.924 - - Rabat (Malta) 1,412.060 391.759 355.630 318.826 232.468 57.177 56.200 Mtarfa 54.260 15.014 10.437 15.553 7.004 6.252 -

Northern 2,351.029 729.581 525.623 537.431 465.929 75.605 16.860

Għargħur 87.588 37.634 26.555 11.232 12.167 - - Mellieħa 457.971 197.378 95.851 73.494 66.325 8.064 16.860 Mġarr (Malta) 637.467 204.388 132.095 138.216 126.351 36.417 - Mosta 321.846 93.323 76.515 85.045 66.963 - - Naxxar 286.008 58.050 64.640 80.830 76.967 5.521 - San Pawl il-Baħar 560.149 138.809 129.967 148.614 117.156 25.603 -

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 913.652 408.881 332.023 188.948 35.184 69.688

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 913.652 408.881 332.023 188.948 35.184 69.688

Rabat (Gozo) 163.515 45.594 30.047 23.203 30.459 9.484 24.728 Fontana 6.876 4.703 2.173 - - - - Għajnsielem & Comino 120.484 48.153 28.205 22.930 15.372 5.824 - Għarb 119.951 57.986 27.570 24.159 10.236 - - Għasri 112.531 52.529 28.027 17.486 14.489 - - Kerċem 230.522 99.970 51.243 46.153 33.157 - - Munxar 81.608 30.007 19.320 14.561 17.720 - - Nadur 261.782 141.100 56.122 39.966 18.994 5.600 - Qala 68.187 38.693 11.551 10.999 6.944 - - San Lawrenz 80.504 37.831 18.123 11.877 4.833 7.840 - Sannat 144.088 46.730 18.984 19.449 13.965 - 44.960 Xagħra 225.950 128.142 48.946 41.200 7.662 - - Xewkija 126.292 67.700 22.203 22.860 7.093 6.436 - Żebbuġ (Gozo) 206.086 114.514 46.368 37.180 8.024 - -

Chart 27. Distribution of total agricultural land by size class and district land area (ha)

1000 Southern Harbour 800 Northern Harbour 600 South Eastern Western 400 Northern 200 Gozo and Comino 0 0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 and over size class (ha)

41 Table 33. Agricultural land by district/locality and size class … Ha

District/locality Total 0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336 0.336 - <0.448 Maltese Islands 10,148.587 458.381 449.976 910.511 930.536

Malta 8,200.211 254.231 310.951 677.724 733.419

Southern Harbour 490.769 11.477 20.420 38.520 40.345 Valletta - - - - - Birgu 1.124 - - - - Isla - - - - - Bormla 2.991 0.188 - - - Żabbar 272.712 4.548 9.840 19.711 20.618 Fgura 6.544 0.301 0.386 1.159 0.730 Floriana - - - - - Kalkara 26.976 0.392 0.910 1.365 1.877 Luqa 88.039 3.255 7.303 11.145 10.013 Marsa 13.482 0.190 0.169 - 0.729 Paola 9.734 0.168 0.205 1.749 0.393 Santa Luċija 19.351 1.351 0.607 0.506 2.267 Tarxien 34.594 0.421 0.487 1.311 2.623 Xgħajra 15.223 0.663 0.514 1.574 1.095

Northern Harbour 296.318 7.502 9.404 23.936 23.449 Qormi 162.172 3.305 5.069 11.921 10.065 Birkirkara 43.039 1.682 2.299 4.958 5.860 Gżira 0.112 0.112 - - - Ħamrun 0.971 0.075 - - - Msida 8.831 0.231 - 0.799 1.763 Pembroke 5.868 0.211 0.207 0.846 - Pieta' - - - - - San Ġiljan 10.147 0.100 0.301 1.290 0.757 San Ġwann 34.952 0.743 0.670 2.572 3.201 Santa Venera 10.077 0.706 0.131 1.044 1.467 Sliema - - - - - Swieqi 17.677 0.224 0.727 0.505 0.337 Ta' Xbiex 2.472 0.112 - - -

South Eastern 1,854.491 43.352 74.302 168.464 190.825 Żejtun 314.013 4.468 8.189 27.027 27.437 Birżebbuġa 273.319 3.240 6.797 17.950 24.408 Gudja 147.560 3.480 8.222 14.246 13.959 Gћaxaq 104.237 3.582 5.681 7.389 13.409 Kirkop 40.563 1.567 3.465 6.476 9.129 Marsascala 131.084 2.756 3.425 9.361 8.240 Marsaxlokk 189.123 1.546 2.884 10.939 12.094 Mqabba 62.454 1.990 4.228 7.841 7.741 Qrendi 196.999 7.020 11.788 23.405 25.569 Safi 112.134 2.656 4.108 10.051 15.228 Żurrieq 283.005 11.048 15.516 33.779 33.611

42 … Table 33. Agricultural land by district/locality and size class Ha

District/locality 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over 865.797 718.595 646.391 491.357 455.519 4,221.524 Maltese Islands

695.347 597.996 538.946 417.687 378.229 3,595.681 Malta

44.905 39.076 36.791 27.769 24.050 207.417 Southern Harbour ------Valletta 0.450 - 0.674 - - - Birgu ------Isla - 0.562 0.724 - - 1.517 Bormla 23.799 13.677 22.952 14.733 11.900 130.934 Żabbar 0.449 0.618 - 0.883 0.970 1.048 Fgura ------Floriana 1.363 5.243 2.180 1.574 1.824 10.248 Kalkara 11.147 14.799 4.808 6.575 5.760 13.234 Luqa - 0.562 - - - 11.832 Marsa 0.504 0.562 0.674 0.838 - 4.641 Paola 2.406 - 1.344 1.594 1.798 7.479 Santa Luċija 2.410 2.435 2.705 0.787 1.798 19.617 Tarxien 2.377 0.618 0.730 0.785 - 6.867 Xgħajra

27.062 14.956 21.783 15.545 14.763 137.919 Northern Harbour 12.103 9.144 11.449 6.510 6.512 86.094 Qormi 5.195 2.946 2.161 1.653 1.852 14.433 Birkirkara ------Gżira - - - - 0.896 - Ħamrun 1.832 - - 0.864 - 3.342 Msida - - - - - 4.604 Pembroke ------Pieta' 1.350 - 1.348 0.830 0.899 3.272 San Ġiljan 4.276 0.562 4.718 4.107 2.806 11.297 San Ġwann 1.406 0.618 0.730 - 0.899 3.076 Santa Venera ------Sliema 0.450 1.686 1.377 1.581 0.899 9.891 Swieqi 0.450 - - - - 1.910 Ta' Xbiex

160.950 151.407 151.349 102.177 80.354 731.311 South Eastern 29.548 20.435 25.654 21.409 13.853 135.992 Żejtun 16.183 23.619 22.474 16.520 7.464 134.664 Birżebbuġa 10.979 11.254 13.299 4.791 9.266 58.065 Gudja 12.903 10.558 8.884 3.988 9.338 28.505 Gћaxaq 3.734 5.171 1.376 0.824 0.899 7.923 Kirkop 7.650 8.672 6.228 6.387 4.701 73.664 Marsascala 13.286 10.577 14.636 8.331 6.482 108.349 Marsaxlokk 7.183 7.002 3.542 4.898 2.808 15.221 Mqabba 16.277 23.074 16.217 8.970 10.874 53.805 Qrendi 11.369 7.620 12.858 7.112 3.655 37.477 Safi 31.838 23.426 26.181 18.947 11.014 77.646 Żurrieq

43 … Table 33. Agricultural land by district/locality and size class Ha

District/locality Total 0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336 0.336 - <0.448 Western 3,207.604 102.066 120.494 246.947 268.724 Mdina 13.039 0.523 0.490 1.535 3.025 Żebbuġ (Malta) 398.449 8.046 16.227 33.381 37.141 Siġġiewi 845.605 21.723 32.173 74.708 80.388 Attard 132.182 1.932 2.271 8.058 6.966 Balzan 3.725 - - - 0.356 Dingli 287.220 18.197 17.746 26.275 22.841 Iklin 21.514 0.224 - 0.741 0.729 Lija 39.549 0.889 0.445 1.722 2.912 Rabat (Malta) 1,412.060 49.276 49.366 95.691 110.379 Mtarfa 54.260 1.257 1.778 4.837 3.987

Northern 2,351.029 89.835 86.331 199.858 210.076

Għargħur 87.588 2.821 3.581 11.046 12.431 Mellieħa 457.971 41.656 28.262 46.798 53.044 Mġarr (Malta) 637.467 23.478 26.583 60.903 60.328 Mosta 321.846 6.656 9.071 24.540 31.384 Naxxar 286.008 4.995 4.488 15.397 18.724 San Pawl il-Baħar 560.149 10.229 14.346 41.174 34.166

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 204.150 139.026 232.786 197.117

Gozo and Comino 1,948.376 204.150 139.026 232.786 197.117

Rabat (Gozo) 163.515 9.582 6.096 11.990 11.559 Fontana 6.876 1.002 0.983 0.954 0.846 Għajnsielem & Comino 120.484 7.924 6.539 14.074 12.402 Għarb 119.951 16.196 8.504 12.737 9.291 Għasri 112.531 9.726 10.715 13.089 9.471 Kerċem 230.522 19.165 12.138 24.515 26.968 Munxar 81.608 7.111 4.042 8.301 5.612 Nadur 261.782 33.955 20.822 37.102 28.417 Qala 68.187 11.605 6.961 8.067 8.900 San Lawrenz 80.504 10.431 4.285 8.601 9.540 Sannat 144.088 9.818 8.080 11.912 10.593 Xagħra 225.950 28.522 18.198 34.431 26.171 Xewkija 126.292 12.244 13.729 20.627 13.433 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 206.086 26.869 17.935 26.387 23.915

Note: The measure of agricultural land used locally is the tomna, equivalent to 0.112 Ha. Accordingly the tables and charts in which this measure appears are being provided to facilitate analysis of the local context.

44 … Table 33. Agricultural land by district/locality and size class Ha

District/locality 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over 281.674 239.012 193.426 172.024 160.029 1,423.209 Western 0.979 - 0.680 1.709 0.899 3.200 Mdina 52.395 38.284 23.420 20.225 18.301 151.029 Żebbuġ (Malta) 70.025 74.118 51.317 40.465 55.318 345.371 Siġġiewi 8.577 5.349 6.824 5.621 6.424 80.161 Attard 1.406 - - 0.843 - 1.120 Balzan 20.271 19.870 21.921 15.831 12.036 112.233 Dingli 2.379 - 2.125 1.628 - 13.688 Iklin 4.238 2.934 0.730 - 2.753 22.927 Lija 117.697 94.287 85.729 82.461 62.503 664.671 Rabat (Malta) 3.707 4.170 0.680 3.241 1.795 28.809 Mtarfa

180.756 153.546 135.598 100.172 99.033 1,095.825 Northern

10.866 6.020 6.221 5.576 5.627 23.399 Għargħur 32.711 27.334 27.573 13.068 22.784 164.743 Mellieħa 44.363 39.324 34.479 23.355 23.669 300.984 Mġarr (Malta) 25.294 23.289 19.185 12.856 17.563 152.008 Mosta 21.369 17.798 17.099 15.421 7.400 163.318 Naxxar 46.153 39.781 31.041 29.896 21.990 291.373 San Pawl il-Baħar

170.451 120.599 107.445 73.670 77.290 625.843 Gozo and Comino

170.451 120.599 107.445 73.670 77.290 625.843 Gozo and Comino

9.473 9.171 6.131 7.953 3.687 87.874 Rabat (Gozo) 1.967 1.124 - - - - Fontana 8.280 11.324 8.234 3.991 3.590 44.126 Għajnsielem & Comino 12.774 4.020 6.833 7.974 7.227 34.395 Għarb 11.598 6.922 10.314 3.238 5.483 31.975 Għasri 22.281 10.918 13.133 12.096 9.999 79.310 Kerċem 5.952 5.184 5.391 3.239 4.495 32.281 Munxar 23.893 20.430 13.203 10.269 9.131 64.560 Nadur 5.183 3.992 2.020 1.571 1.946 17.943 Qala 4.974 4.569 7.541 2.361 3.652 24.550 San Lawrenz 7.402 5.272 3.366 4.778 4.493 78.374 Sannat 23.921 14.279 12.441 7.348 11.778 48.862 Xagħra 8.715 11.492 5.622 3.145 0.896 36.389 Xewkija 24.038 11.902 13.216 5.707 10.913 45.204 Żebbuġ (Gozo)

45 Table 34. Orchards by district/locality and size class … Ha

District/locality Total 0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 & over

Maltese Islands 427.081 295.594 66.717 51.034 13.736

Malta 359.137 246.679 55.655 43.067 13.736

Southern Harbour 12.361 8.217 1.614 2.530 -

Valletta - - - - - Birgu 0.168 0.168 - - - Isla - - - - - Bormla 0.005 0.005 - - - Żabbar 6.218 3.254 1.614 1.350 - Fgura 0.074 0.074 - - - Floriana - - - - - Kalkara 1.364 1.364 - - - Luqa 1.782 1.782 - - - Marsa 0.362 0.362 - - - Paola 1.353 0.173 - 1.180 - Santa Luċija 0.180 0.180 - - - Tarxien 0.396 0.396 - - - Xgħajra 0.458 0.458 - - -

Northern Harbour 12.803 9.408 1.725 1.680 -

Qormi 9.022 5.617 1.725 1.680 - Birkirkara 1.832 1.832 - - - Gżira - - - - - Ħamrun - - - - - Msida 0.020 0.020 - - - Pembroke 0.225 0.225 - - - Pieta' - - - - - San Ġiljan 0.274 0.274 - - - San Ġwann 1.071 1.071 - - - Santa Venera 0.192 0.192 - - - Sliema - - - - - Swieqi 0.163 0.163 - - - Ta' Xbiex 0.005 0.005 - - -

South Eastern 24.425 23.444 0.981 - -

Żejtun 3.494 3.494 - - - Birżebbuġa 4.713 3.732 0.981 - - Gudja 1.632 1.632 - - - Gћaxaq 1.011 1.011 - - - Kirkop 0.495 0.495 - - - Marsascala 2.072 2.072 - - - Marsaxlokk 1.643 1.643 - - - Mqabba 1.340 1.340 - - - Qrendi 2.053 2.053 - - - Safi 1.419 1.419 - - - Żurrieq 4.554 4.554 - - -

46 … Table 34. Orchards by district/locality and size class Ha

District/locality Total 0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 & over

Western 197.592 130.982 36.250 21.120 9.240

Mdina 0.568 0.568 - - - Żebbuġ (Malta) 12.226 8.744 1.238 2.244 - Siġġiewi 48.811 27.374 12.258 2.347 6.832 Attard 2.794 2.794 - - - Balzan 0.500 0.500 - - - Dingli 25.030 17.542 5.057 2.431 - Iklin 0.908 0.908 - - - Lija 1.220 1.220 - - - Rabat (Malta) 104.031 70.333 17.192 14.098 2.408 Mtarfa 1.504 0.999 0.505 - -

Northern 111.957 74.629 15.085 17.737 4.496

Għargħur 1.864 1.854 - - - Mellieħa 14.908 13.170 0.562 1.176 - Mġarr (Malta) 59.749 33.800 9.380 12.073 4.496 Mosta 12.660 10.494 2.166 - - Naxxar 5.175 5.175 - - - San Pawl il-Baħar 17.601 10.136 2.977 4.488 -

Gozo and Comino 67.944 48.915 11.062 7.967 -

Gozo and Comino 67.944 48.915 11.062 7.967 -

Rabat (Gozo) 4.153 1.498 1.537 1.118 - Fontana 0.115 0.115 - - - Għajnsielem & Comino 1.767 1.094 0.673 - - Għarb 0.637 0.637 - - - Għasri 0.763 0.763 - - - Kerċem 0.969 0.969 - - - Munxar 0.067 0.067 - - - Nadur 36.708 24.485 7.283 4.940 - Qala 2.277 2.277 - - - San Lawrenz 0.075 0.075 - - - Sannat 1.134 0.520 0.614 - - Xagħra 12.023 11.068 0.955 - - Xewkija 3.373 1.464 - 1.909 - Żebbuġ (Gozo) 3.883 3.883 - - -

47 Table 35. Orchards by district/locality and size class … Ha

Total land area District/locality under orchards 0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336 0.336 - <0.448 Maltese Islands 427.081 121.905 39.420 66.012 49.255

Malta 359.137 99.798 32.501 56.298 43.146

Southern Harbour 12.361 4.518 1.363 1.661 0.674 Valletta - - - - - Birgu 0.168 - 0.168 - - Isla - - - - - Bormla 0.005 0.005 - - - Żabbar 6.218 2.142 0.663 0.449 - Fgura 0.074 0.074 - - - Floriana - - - - - Kalkara 1.364 0.372 0.168 0.487 0.337 Luqa 1.782 1.193 0.364 0.225 - Marsa 0.362 0.025 - - 0.337 Paola 1.353 0.173 - - - Santa Luċija 0.180 0.180 - - - Tarxien 0.396 0.171 - 0.225 - Xgħajra 0.458 0.183 - 0.275 -

Northern Harbour 12.803 4.646 2.121 1.124 1.067 Qormi 9.022 3.005 1.113 0.675 0.374 Birkirkara 1.832 0.599 0.672 0.224 0.337 Gżira - - - - - Ħamrun - - - - - Msida 0.020 0.020 - - - Pembroke 0.225 - - 0.225 - Pieta' - - - - - San Ġiljan 0.274 0.106 0.168 - - San Ġwann 1.071 0.547 0.168 - 0.356 Santa Venera 0.192 0.192 - - - Sliema - - - - - Swieqi 0.163 0.163 - - - Ta' Xbiex 0.005 0.005 - - -

South Eastern 24.425 13.839 2.648 3.730 2.777 Żejtun 3.494 2.322 0.835 - 0.337 Birżebbuġa 4.713 2.247 - 0.729 0.756 Gudja 1.632 1.407 - 0.225 - Gћaxaq 1.011 0.786 - 0.225 - Kirkop 0.495 0.327 0.168 - - Marsascala 2.072 0.874 0.423 0.775 - Marsaxlokk 1.643 0.977 0.407 0.259 - Mqabba 1.340 0.499 0.168 - 0.673 Qrendi 2.053 1.053 0.168 0.495 0.337 Safi 1.419 0.835 0.359 0.225 - Żurrieq 4.554 2.513 0.120 0.797 0.674

48 … Table 35. Orchards by district/locality and size class Ha

District/locality 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over 25.195 20.243 17.916 4.905 17.460 64.770 Maltese Islands

19.594 17.291 15.798 3.201 14.707 56.803 Malta

- - 0.674 - 0.940 2.530 Southern Harbour ------Valletta ------Birgu ------Isla ------Bormla - - 0.674 - 0.940 1.350 Żabbar ------Fgura ------Floriana ------Kalkara ------Luqa ------Marsa - - - - - 1.180 Paola ------Santa Luċija ------Tarxien ------Xgħajra

0.450 - - 0.787 0.938 1.680 Northern Harbour 0.450 - - 0.787 0.938 1.680 Qormi ------Birkirkara ------Gżira ------Ħamrun ------Msida ------Pembroke ------Pieta' ------San Ġiljan ------San Ġwann ------Santa Venera ------Sliema ------Swieqi ------Ta' Xbiex

0.450 - - - 0.981 - South Eastern ------Żejtun - - - - 0.981 - Birżebbuġa ------Gudja ------Gћaxaq ------Kirkop ------Marsascala ------Marsaxlokk ------Mqabba ------Qrendi ------Safi 0.450 - - - - - Żurrieq

49 … Table 35. Orchards by district/locality and size class Ha

Total land area District/locality under orchards 0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336 0.336 - <0.448 Western 197.592 51.286 17.439 30.213 22.955

Mdina 0.568 0.243 - 0.325 - Żebbuġ (Malta) 12.226 4.571 0.834 2.328 1.011 Siġġiewi 48.811 8.747 3.994 5.485 5.474 Attard 2.794 1.424 0.471 0.449 - Balzan 0.500 0.056 - - 0.444 Dingli 25.030 7.167 2.076 4.872 3.427 Iklin 0.908 0.250 - 0.322 0.336 Lija 1.220 0.771 - 0.449 - Rabat (Malta) 104.031 27.955 9.727 15.758 11.927 Mtarfa 1.504 0.102 0.336 0.225 0.336

Northern 111.957 25.510 8.930 19.570 15.673

Għargħur 1.864 0.707 0.532 0.268 0.337 Mellieħa 14.908 6.420 1.241 2.699 2.360 Mġarr (Malta) 59.749 7.170 4.972 10.633 7.877 Mosta 12.660 3.780 0.672 4.116 1.478 Naxxar 5.175 2.942 0.321 0.901 1.011 San Pawl il-Baħar 17.601 4.481 1.192 0.953 2.610

Gozo and Comino 67.944 22.106 6.920 9.714 6.109

Gozo and Comino 67.944 22.106 6.920 9.714 6.109

Rabat (Gozo) 4.153 1.044 0.170 0.284 - Fontana 0.115 0.115 - - - Għajnsielem & Comino 1.767 0.701 0.168 0.225 - Għarb 0.637 0.275 0.138 0.224 - Għasri 0.763 0.426 - - 0.337 Kerċem 0.969 0.689 0.280 - - Munxar 0.067 0.067 - - - Nadur 36.708 10.146 3.504 5.331 3.237 Qala 2.277 1.272 0.330 0.225 - San Lawrenz 0.075 0.075 - - - Sannat 1.134 0.249 0.271 - - Xagħra 12.023 4.352 1.723 2.684 1.861 Xewkija 3.373 0.846 0.168 - - Żebbuġ (Gozo) 3.883 1.850 0.168 0.741 0.674

Note: The measure of agricultural land used locally is the tomna, equivalent to 0.112 Ha. Accordingly the tables and charts in which this measure appears are being provided to facilitate analysis of the local context.

50 … Table 35. Orchards by district/locality and size class Ha

District/locality 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over 12.736 10.469 9.556 1.627 10.952 30.360 Western

------Mdina - 0.562 0.676 - - 2.244 Żebbuġ (Malta) 4.753 3.003 2.052 1.627 4.497 9.179 Siġġiewi 0.450 - - - - - Attard ------Balzan 0.505 1.743 - - 2.809 2.431 Dingli ------Iklin ------Lija 6.523 5.161 6.828 - 3.646 16.506 Rabat (Malta) 0.505 - - - - - Mtarfa

5.958 6.822 5.568 0.787 0.896 22.233 Northern

------Għargħur 0.450 0.562 - - - 1.176 Mellieħa 3.654 3.935 4.043 - 0.896 16.569 Mġarr (Malta) 0.448 0.641 1.525 - - - Mosta ------Naxxar 1.406 1.684 - 0.787 - 4.488 San Pawl il-Baħar

5.601 2.952 2.118 1.704 2.753 7.967 Gozo and Comino

5.601 2.952 2.118 1.704 2.753 7.967 Gozo and Comino

- - 0.695 0.842 - 1.118 Rabat (Gozo) ------Fontana - - 0.673 - - - Għajnsielem & Comino ------Għarb ------Għasri ------Kerċem ------Munxar 3.802 2.338 0.750 0.862 1.798 4.940 Nadur 0.450 - - - - - Qala ------San Lawrenz - 0.614 - - - - Sannat 0.449 - - - 0.955 - Xagħra 0.450 - - - - 1.909 Xewkija 0.450 - - - - - Żebbuġ (Gozo)

51 Chart 28. Distribution of orchards by size class (ha) land under orchards (ha)






0 0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 & over Total size class (ha)

Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino

Chart 29. Percentage distribution of orchards by size class (ha) 2 & over 1 - <2 3% 12%

0.5 - <1 16%

0 - <0.5 69%

Chart 30. Percentage distribution of orchards by district

Southern Harbour 3% Northern Harbour Gozo and Comino 3% 16% South Eastern 6%

Northern 26%

Western 46%

52 Table 36. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class … Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 - <0.5 - <1 0.5 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over

Maltese Islands Number of vines 1,606,792 1,008,911 231,261 127,397 99,223 50,000 90,000 Area under vines 490.101 322.683 74.999 38.976 26.631 8.312 18.500

Malta Number of vines 1,448,759 911,083 218,112 116,841 62,723 50,000 90,000 Area under vines 450.499 297.400 71.630 36.624 18.033 8.312 18.500

Southern Harbour Number of vines 16,926 9,126 - 7,800 - - - Area under vines 4.147 2.686 - 1.461 - - -

Valletta Number of vines ------Area under vines ------

Birgu Number of vines ------Area under vines ------

Isla Number of vines ------Area under vines ------

Bormla Number of vines 5 5 - - - - - Area under vines 0.002 0.002 - - - - -

Żabbar Number of vines 12,242 4,442 - 7,800 - - - Area under vines 2.663 1.202 - 1.461 - - -

Fgura Number of vines 96 96 - - - - - Area under vines 0.024 0.024 - - - - -

Floriana Number of vines ------Area under vines ------

Kalkara Number of vines 924 924 - - - - - Area under vines 0.286 0.286 - - - - -

Luqa Number of vines 2,629 2,629 - - - - - Area under vines 0.854 0.854 - - - - -

Marsa Number of vines 4 4 - - - - - Area under vines 0.001 0.001 - - - - -

Paola Number of vines 21 21 - - - - - Area under vines 0.004 0.004 - - - - -

Santa Luċija Number of vines 58 58 - - - - - Area under vines 0.018 0.018 - - - - -

Tarxien Number of vines 488 488 - - - - - Area under vines 0.152 0.152 - - - - -

Xgћajra Number of vines 459 459 - - - - - Area under vines 0.143 0.143 - - - - -

Northern Harbour Number of vines 22,347 11,847 3,000 7,500 - - - Area under vines 5.368 3.224 0.683 1.461 - - -

Qormi Number of vines 6,655 6,655 - - - - - Area under vines 1.608 1.608 - - - - -

Birkirkara Number of vines 2,498 2,498 - - - - - Area under vines 0.743 0.743 - - - - -

Gżira Number of vines ------Area under vines ------

53 … Table 36. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 - <0.5 - <1 0.5 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over Northern Harbour (contd.) Ħamrun Number of vines ------Area under vines ------

Msida Number of vines 13 13 - - - - - Area under vines 0.004 0.004 - - - - -

Pembroke Number of vines 366 366 - - - - - Area under vines 0.113 0.113 - - - - -

Pieta Number of vines ------Area under vines ------

San Ġiljan Number of vines 80 80 - - - - - Area under vines 0.025 0.025 - - - - -

San Ġwann Number of vines 5,089 2,089 3,000 - - - - Area under vines 1.368 0.685 0.683 - - - -

Santa Venera Number of vines 7,569 69 - 7,500 - - - Area under vines 1.483 0.022 - 1.461 - - -

Sliema Number of vines ------Area under vines ------

Swieqi Number of vines 77 77 - - - - - Area under vines 0.024 0.024 - - - - -

Ta' Xbiex Number of vines ------Area under vines ------

South Eastern Number of vines 145,834 57,888 14,896 9,500 13,550 50,000 - Area under vines 34.855 16.438 4.207 2.526 3.372 8.312 -

Żejtun Number of vines 10,541 6,241 1,300 3,000 - - - Area under vines 3.520 1.671 0.560 1.289 - - -

Birżebbuġa Number of vines 11,447 7,447 4,000 - - - - Area under vines 3.251 2.352 0.899 - - - -

Gudja Number of vines 2,876 2,876 - - - - - Area under vines 0.700 0.700 - - - - -

Gћaxaq Number of vines 3,980 3,980 - - - - - Area under vines 0.953 0.953 - - - - -

Kirkop Number of vines 5,932 3,028 2,904 - - - - Area under vines 1.785 0.886 0.899 - - - -

Marsascala Number of vines 2,994 1,044 1,950 - - - - Area under vines 0.891 0.329 0.562 - - - -

Marsaxlokk Number of vines 68,783 2,691 2,542 - 13,550 50,000 - Area under vines 13.270 0.799 0.787 - 3.372 8.312 -

Mqabba Number of vines 775 775 - - - - - Area under vines 0.292 0.292 - - - - -

Qrendi Number of vines 10,501 10,501 - - - - - Area under vines 3.383 3.383 - - - - -

Safi Number of vines 6,272 6,272 - - - - - Area under vines 1.760 1.760 - - - - -

Żurrieq Number of vines 21,733 13,033 2,200 6,500 - - - Area under vines 5.049 3.312 0.500 1.237 - - -

54 … Table 36. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 - <0.5 - <1 0.5 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over

Western Number of vines 599,307 410,838 67,669 30,800 - - 90,000 Area under vines 185.142 132.700 23.378 10.564 - - 18.500

Mdina Number of vines 3,579 3,579 - - - - - Area under vines 1.175 1.175 - - - - -

Żebbuġ (Malta) Number of vines 25,155 21,805 3,350 - - - - Area under vines 7.939 6.815 1.124 - - - -

Siġġiewi Number of vines 86,679 69,444 7,604 9,631 - - - Area under vines 25.943 21.039 2.656 2.248 - - -

Attard Number of vines 100,489 6,489 4,000 - - - 90,000 Area under vines 21.312 2.082 0.730 - - - 18.500

Balzan Number of vines 6 6 - - - - - Area under vines 0.002 0.002 - - - - -

Dingli Number of vines 41,030 36,150 4,880 - - - - Area under vines 13.060 11.430 1.630 - - - -

Iklin Number of vines 837 837 - - - - - Area under vines 0.236 0.236 - - - - -

Lija Number of vines 1,145 1,145 - - - - - Area under vines 0.346 0.346 - - - - -

Rabat (Malta) Number of vines 336,142 268,938 46,035 21,169 - - - Area under vines 113.641 88.810 16.515 8.316 - - -

Mtarfa Number of vines 4,245 2,445 1,800 - - - - Area under vines 1.489 0.766 0.723 - - - -

Northern Number of vines 664,345 421,384 132,547 61,241 49,173 - - Area under vines 220.986 142.351 43.362 20.612 14.661 - -

Gћargћur Number of vines 3,413 3,413 - - - - - Area under vines 1.017 1.017 - - - - -

Mellieћa Number of vines 87,210 78,201 9,009 - - - - Area under vines 27.994 25.128 2.866 - - - -

Mġarr (Malta) Number of vines 298,275 198,543 57,583 34,149 8,000 - - Area under vines 103.906 69.345 19.404 12.570 2.587 - -

Mosta Number of vines 94,025 59,061 21,224 6,867 6,873 - - Area under vines 31.380 20.001 6.723 2.528 2.128 - -

Naxxar Number of vines 27,354 19,036 8,318 - - - - Area under vines 8.540 5.850 2.690 - - - -

San Pawl il-Baћar Number of vines 154,068 63,130 36,413 20,225 34,300 - - Area under vines 48.149 21.010 11.679 5.514 9.946 - -

55 … Table 36. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 - <0.5 - <1 0.5 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over

Gozo and Comino Number of vines 158,033 97,828 13,149 10,556 36,500 - - Area under vines 39.603 25.284 3.369 2.352 8.598 - -

Gozo and Comino Number of vines 158,033 97,828 13,149 10,556 36,500 - - Area under vines 39.603 25.284 3.369 2.352 8.598 - -

Rabat (Gozo) Number of vines 24,085 6,085 - - 18,000 - - Area under vines 5.818 1.547 - - 4.271 - -

Fontana Number of vines 150 150 - - - - - Area under vines 0.037 0.037 - - - - -

Gћajnsielem and Comino Number of vines 5,004 5,004 - - - - - Area under vines 1.219 1.219 - - - - -

Gћarb Number of vines 1,372 1,372 - - - - - Area under vines 0.405 0.405 - - - - -

Gћasri Number of vines 7,584 7,584 - - - - - Area under vines 1.759 1.759 - - - - -

Kerċem Number of vines 5,508 5,508 - - - - - Area under vines 1.406 1.406 - - - - -

Munxar Number of vines 559 559 - - - - - Area under vines 0.173 0.173 - - - - -

Nadur Number of vines 32,384 25,719 3,409 3,256 - - - Area under vines 9.222 6.980 1.234 1.008 - - -

Qala Number of vines 2,182 2,182 - - - - - Area under vines 0.533 0.533 - - - - -

San Lawrenz Number of vines 875 875 - - - - - Area under vines 0.244 0.244 - - - - -

Sannat Number of vines 3,493 3,493 - - - - - Area under vines 0.899 0.899 - - - - -

Xagћra Number of vines 47,840 22,840 6,500 - 18,500 - - Area under vines 11.478 5.690 1.461 - 4.327 - -

Xewkija Number of vines 8,232 4,992 3,240 - - - - Area under vines 1.961 1.287 0.674 - - - -

Żebbuġ (Gozo) Number of vines 18,765 11,465 - 7,300 - - - Area under vines 4.449 3.105 - 1.344 - - -

56 Chart 31. Percentage distribution of vineyards by size class (ha)

2 & over 11% 1 - <2 8%

0.5 - <1 15%

0 - <0.5 66%

Chart 32. Distribution of vineyards by size class (ha) land under vineyards (ha)






0 0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 & over Total size class (ha)

Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino

57 Table 37. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class … Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336

Maltese Islands Number of vines 1,606,792 335,708 128,340 261,807 Area under vines 490.101 104.251 41.777 85.642

Malta Number of vines 1,448,759 269,460 116,533 249,382 Area under vines 450.499 87.415 38.687 81.993

Southern Harbour Number of vines 16,926 6,280 646 500 Area under vines 4.147 1.924 0.200 0.225

Valletta Number of vines - - - - Area under vines - - - -

Birgu Number of vines - - - - Area under vines - - - -

Isla Number of vines - - - - Area under vines - - - -

Bormla Number of vines 5 5 - - Area under vines 0.002 0.002 - -

Żabbar Number of vines 12,242 2,742 - - Area under vines 2.663 0.865 - -

Fgura Number of vines 96 96 - - Area under vines 0.024 0.024 - -

Floriana Number of vines - - - - Area under vines - - - -

Kalkara Number of vines 924 924 - - Area under vines 0.286 0.286 - -

Luqa Number of vines 2,629 1,483 646 500 Area under vines 0.854 0.429 0.200 0.225

Marsa Number of vines 4 4 - - Area under vines 0.001 0.001 - -

Paola Number of vines 21 21 - - Area under vines 0.004 0.004 - -

Santa Luċija Number of vines 58 58 - - Area under vines 0.018 0.018 - -

Tarxien Number of vines 488 488 - - Area under vines 0.152 0.152 - -

Xgћajra Number of vines 459 459 - - Area under vines 0.143 0.143 - -

Northern Harbour Number of vines 22,347 3,648 562 4,000 Area under vines 5.368 1.047 0.174 1.125

Qormi Number of vines 6,655 2,605 - 1,850 Area under vines 1.608 0.725 - 0.450

Birkirkara Number of vines 2,498 386 562 1,550 Area under vines 0.743 0.119 0.174 0.450

Gżira Number of vines - - - - Area under vines - - - -

58 … Table 37. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over

158,557 146,209 76,074 74,868 22,904 35,705 366,620 Maltese Islands 50.988 46.636 25.573 24.031 7.923 10.861 92.419

155,217 139,701 74,265 70,028 22,904 31,705 319,564 Malta 50.180 45.202 25.013 22.683 7.923 9.934 81.469

1,700 - - - - - 7,800 Southern Harbour 0.337 - - - - - 1.461

------Valletta ------

------Birgu ------

------Isla ------

------Bormla ------

1,700 - - - - - 7,800 Żabbar 0.337 - - - - - 1.461

------Fgura ------

------Floriana ------

------Kalkara ------

------Luqa ------

------Marsa ------

------Paola ------

------Santa Luċija ------

------Tarxien ------

------Xgћajra ------

3,637 - - 3,000 - - 7,500 Northern Harbour 0.878 - - 0.683 - - 1.461

2,200 ------Qormi 0.433 ------

------Birkirkara ------

------Gżira ------

59 … Table 37. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336

Northern Harbour (contd.) Ħamrun Number of vines - - - - Area under vines - - - -

Msida Number of vines 13 13 - - Area under vines 0.004 0.004 - -

Pembroke Number of vines 366 366 - - Area under vines 0.113 0.113 - -

Pieta Number of vines - - - - Area under vines - - - -

San Ġiljan Number of vines 80 80 - - Area under vines 0.025 0.025 - -

San Ġwann Number of vines 5,089 52 - 600 Area under vines 1.368 0.015 - 0.225

Santa Venera Number of vines 7,569 69 - - Area under vines 1.483 0.022 - -

Sliema Number of vines - - - - Area under vines - - - -

Swieqi Number of vines 77 77 - - Area under vines 0.024 0.024 - -

Ta' Xbiex Number of vines - - - - Area under vines - - - -

South Eastern Number of vines 145,834 29,249 10,056 7,494 Area under vines 34.855 9.105 2.838 2.080

Żejtun Number of vines 10,541 3,641 400 - Area under vines 3.520 1.088 0.133 -

Birżebbuġa Number of vines 11,447 6,097 446 904 Area under vines 3.251 1.989 0.138 0.225

Gudja Number of vines 2,876 1,576 - 1,300 Area under vines 0.700 0.475 - 0.225

Gћaxaq Number of vines 3,980 1,980 2,000 - Area under vines 0.953 0.617 0.336 -

Kirkop Number of vines 5,932 389 1,011 1,628 Area under vines 1.785 0.124 0.313 0.449

Marsascala Number of vines 2,994 344 - 700 Area under vines 0.892 0.105 - 0.225

Marsaxlokk Number of vines 68,783 1,360 1,331 - Area under vines 13.270 0.387 0.412 -

Mqabba Number of vines 775 475 300 - Area under vines 0.292 0.152 0.140 -

Qrendi Number of vines 10,501 6,298 1,968 2,235 Area under vines 3.383 1.980 0.672 0.731

60 … Table 37. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over

Northern Harbour (contd.) ------Ħamrun ------

------Msida ------

------Pembroke ------

------Pieta ------

------San Ġiljan ------

1,437 - - 3,000 - - - San Ġwann 0.445 - - 0.683 - - -

------7,500 Santa Venera ------1.461

------Sliema ------

------Swieqi ------

------Ta' Xbiex ------

4,389 8,900 3,250 - 2,542 6,904 73,050 South Eastern 1.067 1.848 1.122 - 0.787 1.798 14.210

- 2,200 1,300 - - - 3,000 Żejtun - 0.450 0.560 - - - 1.289

- - - - - 4,000 - Birżebbuġa - - - - - 0.899 -

------Gudja ------

------Gћaxaq ------

- - - - - 2,904 - Kirkop - - - - - 0.899 -

- - 1,950 - - - - Marsascala - - 0.562 - - - -

- - - - 2,542 - 63,550 Marsaxlokk - - - - 0.787 - 11.684

------Mqabba ------

------Qrendi ------

61 … Table 37. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336 South Eastern (contd.)

Safi Number of vines 6,272 2,256 900 727 Area under vines 1.760 0.693 0.168 0.225

Żurrieq Number of vines 21,733 4,833 1,700 - Area under vines 5.049 1.495 0.526 -

Western Number of vines 599,307 127,330 52,709 116,510 Area under vines 185.142 41.304 17.147 37.415

Mdina Number of vines 3,579 1,724 1,255 600 Area under vines 1.175 0.508 0.442 0.225

Żebbuġ (Malta) Number of vines 25,155 8,539 1,607 9,609 Area under vines 7.939 2.762 0.524 2.855

Siġġiewi Number of vines 86,679 22,727 12,460 16,125 Area under vines 25.943 7.028 3.715 4.903

Attard Number of vines 100,489 2,962 396 1,677 Area under vines 21.312 0.928 0.149 0.555

Balzan Number of vines 6 6 - - Area under vines 0.002 0.002 - -

Dingli Number of vines 41,030 12,190 1,816 15,112 Area under vines 13.060 3.894 0.627 4.548

Iklin Number of vines 837 113 724 - Area under vines 0.236 0.034 0.202 -

Lija Number of vines 1,145 1,145 - - Area under vines 0.346 0.346 - -

Rabat (Malta) Number of vines 336,142 76,895 33,035 73,387 Area under vines 113.641 25.504 11.021 24.329

Mtarfa Number of vines 4,245 1,029 1,416 - Area under vines 1.489 0.299 0.467 -

Northern Number of vines 664,345 102,953 52,560 120,878 Area under vines 220.986 34.034 18.328 41.148

Gћargћur Number of vines 3,413 1,857 556 1,000 Area under vines 1.017 0.564 0.172 0.281

Mellieћa Number of vines 87,210 29,433 8,528 18,488 Area under vines 27.995 9.408 3.030 5.997

Mġarr (Malta) Number of vines 298,275 42,141 23,840 65,319 Area under vines 103.906 14.495 8.406 22.661

Mosta Number of vines 94,025 10,693 7,433 17,602 Area under vines 31.380 3.457 2.522 6.198

Naxxar Number of vines 27,354 4,483 1,882 3,008 Area under vines 8.540 1.378 0.671 1.181

San Pawl il-Baћar Number of vines 154,068 14,346 10,321 15,461 Area under vines 48.149 4.733 3.527 4.830

62 … Table 37. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over South Eastern (contd.)

2,389 ------Safi 0.674 ------

2,000 6,700 - - - - 6,500 Żurrieq 0.393 1.398 - - - - 1.237

68,465 53,070 28,669 18,654 6,100 7,000 120,800 Western 21.993 17.369 9.568 6.227 2.358 2.697 29.064

------Mdina ------

2,050 - 3,350 - - - - Żebbuġ (Malta) 0.674 - 1.124 - - - -

11,078 8,688 1,870 - 4,100 - 9,631 Siġġiewi 3.145 2.754 0.579 - 1.571 - 2.248

- 1,454 - 4,000 - - 90,000 Attard - 0.450 - 0.730 - - 18.500

------Balzan ------

3,678 4,604 3,630 - - - - Dingli 1.011 1.856 1.124 - - - -

------Iklin ------

------Lija ------

51,659 38,324 19,819 12,854 2,000 7,000 21,169 Rabat (Malta) 17.163 12.309 6.741 4.774 0.787 2.697 8.316

- - - 1,800 - - - Mtarfa - - - 0.723 - - -

77,026 77,731 42,346 48,374 14,262 17,801 110,414 Northern 25.905 25.985 14.323 15.773 4.778 5.439 35.273

------Gћargћur ------

6,808 16,578 - 2,925 4,450 - - Mellieћa 2.190 5.010 - 0.730 1.630 - -

39,288 29,651 23,441 22,334 4,912 5,200 42,149 Mġarr (Malta) 13.443 10.865 7.991 7.469 1.574 1.845 15.157

15,033 8,300 8,230 6,100 - 6,894 13,740 Mosta 5.128 2.696 2.906 2.022 - 1.795 4.656

5,709 3,954 1,815 6,503 - - - Naxxar 1.720 0.900 0.562 2.128 - - -

10,188 19,248 8,860 10,512 4,900 5,707 54,525 San Pawl il-Baћar 3.424 6.514 2.864 3.424 1.574 1.799 15.460

63 … Table 37. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336

Gozo and Comino Number of vines 158,033 66,248 11,807 12,425 Area under vines 39.603 16.837 3.090 3.649

Gozo and Comino Number of vines 158,033 66,248 11,807 12,425 Area under vines 39.603 16.837 3.090 3.649

Rabat (Gozo) Number of vines 24,085 3,002 543 1,200 Area under vines 5.818 0.739 0.168 0.225

Fontana Number of vines 150 150 - - Area under vines 0.037 0.037 - -

Gћajnsielem and Comino Number of vines 5,004 4,304 700 - Area under vines 1.219 1.088 0.131 -

Gћarb Number of vines 1,372 1,372 - - Area under vines 0.405 0.405 - -

Gћasri Number of vines 7,584 3,084 500 1,800 Area under vines 1.759 0.727 0.132 0.450

Kerċem Number of vines 5,508 4,165 1,343 - Area under vines 1.406 1.089 0.317 -

Munxar Number of vines 559 559 - - Area under vines 0.173 0.173 - -

Nadur Number of vines 32,384 16,717 4,000 5,002 Area under vines 9.222 4.321 1.087 1.572

Qala Number of vines 2,182 2,182 - - Area under vines 0.533 0.533 - -

San Lawrenz Number of vines 875 275 600 - Area under vines 0.244 0.076 0.168 -

Sannat Number of vines 3,493 2,093 1,400 - Area under vines 0.899 0.563 0.336 -

Xagћra Number of vines 47,840 16,409 1,175 1,448 Area under vines 11.478 4.079 0.320 0.448

Xewkija Number of vines 8,232 3,122 1,146 724 Area under vines 1.961 0.763 0.300 0.224

Żebbuġ (Gozo) Number of vines 18,765 8,814 400 2,251 Area under vines 4.449 2.244 0.131 0.730

Note: The measure of agricultural land used locally is the tomna, equivalent to 0.112 Ha. Accordingly the tables and charts in which this measure appears are being provided to facilitate analysis of the local context.

64 … Table 37. Number of vines and area under vines, classified by size class Ha

District/locality 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over

3,340 6,508 1,809 4,840 - 4,000 47,056 Gozo and Comino 0.808 1.434 0.560 1.348 - 0.927 10.950

3,340 6,508 1,809 4,840 - 4,000 47,056 Gozo and Comino 0.808 1.434 0.560 1.348 - 0.927 10.950

1,340 - - - - - 18,000 Rabat (Gozo) 0.415 - - - - - 4.271

------Fontana ------

------Gћajnsielem and Comino ------

------Gћarb ------

- 2,200 - - - - - Gћasri - 0.450 - - - - -

------Kerċem ------

------Munxar ------

- - 1,809 1,600 - - 3,256 Nadur - - 0.560 0.674 - - 1.008

------Qala ------

------San Lawrenz ------

------Sannat ------

2,000 4,308 - - - 4,000 18,500 Xagћra 0.393 0.984 - - - 0.927 4.327

- - - 3,240 - - - Xewkija - - - 0.674 - - -

------7,300 Żebbuġ (Gozo) ------1.344

65 Table 38. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * … Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 >0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over

Maltese Islands No. of holdings 11,959 943 5,596 2,547 1,752 959 144 18 UAA (ha) 9,656.266 - 1,403.142 1,793.245 2,404.217 2,804.488 930.910 320.264

Malta No. of holdings 9,265 636 4,176 2,013 1,459 846 125 10 UAA (ha) 7,953.786 - 1,066.587 1,423.218 2,000.896 2,478.730 806.575 177.779

Southern Harbour No. of holdings 951 81 489 188 123 62 8 - UAA (ha) 651.844 - 122.538 130.974 165.299 181.194 51.839 -

Valletta No. of holdings 7 1 3 1 2 - - - UAA (ha) 4.097 - 0.831 0.672 2.594 - - -

Birgu No. of holdings 6 1 3 2 - - - - UAA (ha) 2.062 - 0.617 1.445 - - - -

Isla No. of holdings 2 - - 2 - - - - UAA (ha) 1.510 - - 1.510 - - - -

Bormla No. of holdings 8 1 4 1 1 1 - - UAA (ha) 5.633 - 0.812 0.589 1.217 3.015 - -

Żabbar No. of holdings 393 33 184 81 51 38 6 - UAA (ha) 325.172 - 48.332 58.540 69.928 111.845 36.527 -

Fgura No. of holdings 80 7 43 14 13 3 - - UAA (ha) 47.497 - 11.841 10.032 17.395 8.230 - -

Floriana No. of holdings 5 2 2 - 1 - - - UAA (ha) 2.341 - 0.543 - 1.798 - - -

Kalkara No. of holdings 31 2 17 6 6 - - - UAA (ha) 16.940 - 4.436 3.785 8.719 - - -

Luqa No. of holdings 234 10 142 50 22 10 - - UAA (ha) 123.159 - 33.645 34.100 30.109 25.305 - -

Marsa No. of holdings 28 12 9 3 1 1 2 - UAA (ha) 24.993 - 2.600 1.743 1.011 4.327 15.312 -

Paola No. of holdings 39 4 25 6 4 - - - UAA (ha) 14.492 - 5.978 3.710 4.804 - - -

Santa Luċija No. of holdings 17 1 8 6 1 1 - - UAA (ha) 10.051 - 2.273 4.078 1.124 2.576 - -

Tarxien No. of holdings 99 7 48 15 21 8 - - UAA (ha) 72.908 - 10.405 10.007 26.600 25.896 - -

Xgћajra No. of holdings 2 - 1 1 - - - - UAA (ha) 0.989 - 0.225 0.764 - - - -

Northern Harbour No. of holdings 750 131 349 138 88 38 6 - UAA (ha) 449.919 - 84.685 98.485 119.350 108.352 39.047 -

Qormi No. of holdings 294 42 123 62 42 23 2 - UAA (ha) 210.134 - 31.902 43.755 59.500 59.818 15.160 -

Birkirkara No. of holdings 157 12 100 28 14 3 - - UAA (ha) 67.767 - 21.898 19.576 17.821 8.472 - -

Gżira No. of holdings 6 1 3 2 - - - - UAA (ha) 1.888 - 0.289 1.599 - - - -

Ħamrun No. of holdings 26 7 12 5 1 1 - - UAA (ha) 12.907 - 3.668 3.959 1.010 4.270 - -

Msida No. of holdings 38 10 20 3 4 1 - - UAA (ha) 15.630 - 5.629 2.608 5.201 2.192 - -

Pembroke No. of holdings 3 1 1 1 - - - - UAA (ha) 0.924 - 0.149 0.775 - - - -

Pieta No. of holdings 14 6 4 3 - 1 - - UAA (ha) 6.278 - 1.015 2.005 - 3.258 - -

San Ġiljan No. of holdings 45 13 20 5 7 - - - UAA (ha) 16.446 - 4.275 3.551 8.620 - - -

San Ġwann No. of holdings 89 14 35 18 10 8 4 - UAA (ha) 85.636 - 8.862 12.456 12.888 27.543 23.887 -

66 … Table 38. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 >0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over

Northern Harbour (contd.) Santa Venera No. of holdings 39 11 20 4 3 1 - - UAA (ha) 15.552 - 4.903 3.205 4.645 2.799 - - Sliema No. of holdings 21 7 6 4 4 - - - UAA (ha) 8.502 - 0.689 2.701 5.112 - - - Swieqi No. of holdings 13 4 4 2 3 - - - UAA (ha) 7.169 - 1.070 1.546 4.553 - - - Ta' Xbiex No. of holdings 5 3 1 1 - - - - UAA (ha) 1.085 - 0.336 0.749 - - - -

South Eastern No. of holdings 2,427 126 1,254 552 350 128 14 3 UAA (ha) 1,676.912 - 323.976 388.892 473.831 365.752 86.448 38.012 Żejtun No. of holdings 446 16 214 111 70 27 6 2 UAA (ha) 373.599 - 56.081 79.610 98.391 79.083 36.310 24.124 Birżebbuġa No. of holdings 252 12 122 55 50 13 - - UAA (ha) 175.427 - 30.798 39.356 67.516 37.757 - - Gudja No. of holdings 180 6 107 31 22 13 1 - UAA (ha) 118.706 - 26.777 20.852 28.129 36.362 6.586 - Gћaxaq No. of holdings 199 12 102 45 23 16 1 - UAA (ha) 144.952 - 28.011 32.321 31.253 47.412 5.956 - Kirkop No. of holdings 127 4 78 24 18 3 - - UAA (ha) 70.582 - 20.214 16.712 25.211 8.445 - - Marsascala No. of holdings 83 8 31 21 13 8 2 - UAA (ha) 81.748 - 9.562 14.212 17.380 25.493 15.101 - Marsaxlokk No. of holdings 64 5 27 13 12 5 2 - UAA (ha) 60.710 - 7.204 8.359 17.425 15.794 11.928 - Mqabba No. of holdings 152 12 70 40 25 5 - - UAA (ha) 90.159 - 18.291 27.749 32.151 11.968 - - Qrendi No. of holdings 241 14 126 56 31 13 1 - UAA (ha) 153.851 - 32.137 40.099 44.149 32.426 5.040 - Safi No. of holdings 136 9 61 30 23 13 - - UAA (ha) 103.672 - 14.961 20.693 31.477 36.541 - - Żurrieq No. of holdings 547 28 316 126 63 12 1 1 UAA (ha) 303.507 - 79.942 88.930 80.749 34.471 5.527 13.888

Western No. of holdings 2,950 180 1,262 655 488 314 47 4 UAA (ha) 2,760.251 - 322.083 462.915 669.622 905.691 306.418 93.522 Mdina No. of holdings 10 - 3 4 2 1 - - UAA (ha) 10.927 - 0.683 2.833 2.586 4.825 - - Żebbuġ (Malta) No. of holdings 590 40 240 143 105 58 4 - UAA (ha) 505.738 - 63.176 100.895 143.778 172.251 25.638 - Siġġiewi No. of holdings 724 17 310 178 125 81 12 1 UAA (ha) 696.064 - 80.278 125.577 166.838 226.041 82.781 14.550 Attard No. of holdings 107 4 55 18 15 12 2 1 UAA (ha) 116.453 - 13.601 12.466 20.510 35.758 15.618 18.500 Balzan No. of holdings 23 2 15 5 1 - - - UAA (ha) 9.164 - 4.597 3.447 1.120 - - - Dingli No. of holdings 317 21 169 62 35 28 2 - UAA (ha) 222.084 - 37.975 44.286 45.532 82.040 12.251 - Iklin No. of holdings 10 - 7 - 2 1 - - UAA (ha) 9.535 - 1.891 - 3.604 4.040 - - Lija No. of holdings 49 2 19 13 7 8 - - UAA (ha) 46.807 - 5.107 9.465 10.156 22.079 - - Rabat (Malta) No. of holdings 1,113 93 441 231 195 124 27 2 UAA (ha) 1,136.727 - 113.695 163.102 273.614 355.714 170.130 60.472 Mtarfa No. of holdings 7 1 3 1 1 1 - - UAA (ha) 6.753 - 1.080 0.845 1.884 2.944 - -

67 … Table 38. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 >0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over

Northern No. of holdings 2,187 118 822 480 410 304 50 3 UAA (ha) 2,414.860 - 213.304 341.953 572.795 917.741 322.823 46.245

Gћargћur No. of holdings 144 7 64 39 21 13 - - UAA (ha) 107.697 - 17.393 27.647 26.285 36.372 - -

Mellieћa No. of holdings 491 13 247 121 72 33 4 1 UAA (ha) 386.938 - 58.066 86.408 97.062 101.062 25.713 18.629

Mġarr (Malta) No. of holdings 403 19 95 82 92 94 20 1 UAA (ha) 648.521 - 26.003 58.714 135.148 285.046 128.603 15.007

Mosta No. of holdings 612 33 254 122 108 82 13 - UAA (ha) 630.699 - 68.283 86.270 148.489 242.995 84.663 -

Naxxar No. of holdings 218 19 83 42 45 26 3 - UAA (ha) 215.139 - 22.171 29.925 62.354 77.561 23.128 -

San Pawl il-Baћar No. of holdings 319 27 79 74 72 56 10 1 UAA (ha) 425.866 - 21.390 52.989 103.457 174.705 60.716 12.609

Gozo and Comino No. of holdings 2,694 307 1,420 534 293 113 19 8 UAA (ha) 1,702.480 - 336.555 370.027 403.321 325.758 124.335 142.485

Gozo and Comino No. of holdings 2,694 307 1,420 534 293 113 19 8 UAA (ha) 1,702.480 - 336.555 370.027 403.321 325.758 124.335 142.485

Rabat (Gozo) No. of holdings 316 35 175 50 32 18 3 3 UAA (ha) 237.604 - 38.557 34.454 44.032 56.690 21.539 42.332

Fontana No. of holdings 26 4 13 7 1 - 1 - UAA (ha) 17.068 - 2.487 5.311 1.124 - 8.146 -

Gћajnsielem and Comino No. of holdings 122 13 71 22 10 5 - 1 UAA (ha) 71.284 - 15.761 16.182 12.608 13.966 - 12.767

Gћarb No. of holdings 115 5 48 25 24 12 1 - UAA (ha) 101.384 - 12.473 16.918 32.092 33.982 5.919 -

Gћasri No. of holdings 64 3 28 18 10 5 - - UAA (ha) 49.192 - 7.469 12.694 13.571 15.458 - -

Kerċem No. of holdings 205 22 67 46 43 22 4 1 UAA (ha) 236.676 - 18.254 32.842 61.014 60.522 27.028 37.017

Munxar No. of holdings 62 3 40 9 8 1 - 1 UAA (ha) 43.724 - 9.528 6.159 10.987 2.800 - 14.250

Nadur No. of holdings 462 46 271 88 40 15 2 - UAA (ha) 230.720 - 63.677 61.196 53.950 40.668 11.229 -

Qala No. of holdings 136 22 86 23 4 1 - - UAA (ha) 37.209 - 16.130 14.126 4.489 2.464 - -

San Lawrenz No. of holdings 74 5 35 17 8 7 2 - UAA (ha) 65.954 - 8.711 12.467 11.498 19.737 13.541 -

Sannat No. of holdings 143 24 82 23 9 2 1 2 UAA (ha) 94.318 - 18.486 15.596 11.539 7.059 5.519 36.119

Xagћra No. of holdings 455 40 248 100 53 12 2 - UAA (ha) 251.846 - 60.000 70.825 74.062 36.697 10.262 -

Xewkija No. of holdings 282 24 155 66 26 8 3 - UAA (ha) 163.692 - 40.491 44.555 35.741 21.753 21.152 -

Żebbuġ (Gozo) No. of holdings 232 61 101 40 25 5 - - UAA (ha) 101.810 - 24.532 26.702 36.614 13.962 - -

* Note: Holdings and Area are classified by locality of holders' residence.

68 Chart 33. Distribution of agricultural holdings by size class of UAA (ha) and district of holders' residence number of holdings Southern Harbour 1600 1400 Northern Harbour 1200 South Eastern

1000 Western 800 Northern 600 Gozo and Comino 400 200 0 0 >0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over size class (ha)

Chart 34. Distribution of agricultural holdings by district of holders' residence and size class of UAA (ha) number of holdings 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino district 0 >0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over

Chart 35. Distribution of total UAA by size class of UAA (ha) and district of holders' residence total utilised agricultural land Southern Harbour area (ha) Northern Harbour 1000 900 South Eastern 800 Western 700 600 Northern 500 Gozo and Comino 400 300 200 100 0 0 >0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over size class (ha)

Chart 36. Distribution of total UAA by district of holders' residence and size class of UAA (ha) total utilised agricultural land area (ha) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino district 0 >0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over

69 Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * … Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 >0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336

Maltese Islands Number of holdings 11,959 943 631 1,664 1,440 UAA (ha) 9,656.266 - 37.365 248.246 370.278

Malta Number of holdings 9,265 636 396 1,247 1,117 UAA (ha) 7,953.786 - 23.504 186.441 286.734

Southern Harbour Number of holdings 951 81 43 154 138 UAA (ha) 651.844 - 2.425 23.189 34.615

Valletta Number of holdings 7 1 1 - - UAA (ha) 4.097 - 0.043 - -

Birgu Number of holdings 6 1 - 1 2 UAA (ha) 2.062 - - 0.112 0.505

Isla Number of holdings 2 - - - - UAA (ha) 1.510 - - - -

Bormla Number of holdings 8 1 - 2 2 UAA (ha) 5.633 - - 0.305 0.507

Żabbar Number of holdings 393 33 15 52 51 UAA (ha) 325.172 - 0.903 7.755 12.940

Fgura Number of holdings 80 7 2 14 11 UAA (ha) 47.497 - 0.132 2.141 2.932

Floriana Number of holdings 5 2 - 1 - UAA (ha) 2.341 - - 0.169 -

Kalkara Number of holdings 31 2 1 5 5 UAA (ha) 16.940 - 0.086 0.854 1.197

Luqa Number of holdings 234 10 11 52 45 UAA (ha) 123.159 - 0.595 7.863 11.148

Marsa Number of holdings 28 12 1 1 2 UAA (ha) 24.993 - 0.078 0.205 0.484

Paola Number of holdings 39 4 5 6 6 UAA (ha) 14.492 - 0.269 1.010 1.511

Santa Luċija Number of holdings 17 1 - 2 2 UAA (ha) 10.051 - - 0.245 0.511

Tarxien Number of holdings 99 7 7 18 11 UAA (ha) 72.908 - 0.322 2.529 2.655

Xgћajra Number of holdings 2 - - - 1 UAA (ha) 0.989 - - - 0.225

70 … Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over

1,237 971 743 608 458 391 2,873 Maltese Islands 460.858 467.389 442.087 430.445 375.754 363.965 6,459.879

931 754 580 478 373 313 2,440 Malta 347.308 363.263 345.389 339.407 306.154 291.606 5,463.980

100 87 51 49 27 28 193 Southern Harbour 37.624 41.809 30.771 34.511 22.299 26.269 398.332

1 1 - 1 - - 2 Valletta 0.336 0.452 - 0.672 - - 2.594

- - 1 - 1 - - Birgu - - 0.658 - 0.787 - -

- 1 - - - 1 - Isla - 0.557 - - - 0.953 -

- - 1 - - - 2 Bormla - - 0.589 - - - 4.232

42 34 16 28 13 14 95 Żabbar 15.810 16.061 9.736 19.650 10.891 13.126 218.300

9 10 3 2 2 4 16 Fgura 3.451 4.703 1.750 1.441 1.631 3.692 25.625

1 - - - - - 1 Floriana 0.374 - - - - - 1.798

5 2 4 - - 1 6 Kalkara 1.849 0.993 2.287 - - 0.955 8.719

20 24 18 8 9 5 32 Luqa 7.561 11.679 11.010 5.754 7.346 4.790 55.414

4 2 1 1 - - 4 Marsa 1.383 0.957 0.562 0.674 - - 20.650

6 3 3 1 1 - 4 Paola 2.252 1.442 1.743 0.674 0.787 - 4.804

3 3 - 3 - 1 2 Santa Luċija 1.067 1.496 - 2.133 - 0.899 3.700

9 7 4 4 1 2 29 Tarxien 3.540 3.469 2.437 2.749 0.857 1.854 52.496

- - - 1 - - - Xgћajra - - - 0.764 - - -

71 … Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 >0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336

Northern Harbour Number of holdings 750 131 41 109 88 UAA (ha) 449.919 - 2.206 15.506 22.700

Qormi Number of holdings 294 42 12 36 30 UAA (ha) 210.134 - 0.751 5.175 7.953

Birkirkara Number of holdings 157 12 15 35 27 UAA (ha) 67.767 - 0.698 4.935 7.018

Gżira Number of holdings 6 1 1 2 - UAA (ha) 1.888 - 0.037 0.252 -

Ħamrun Number of holdings 26 7 - 1 5 UAA (ha) 12.907 - - 0.112 1.208

Msida Number of holdings 38 10 2 4 5 UAA (ha) 15.630 - 0.113 0.487 1.315

Pembroke Number of holdings 3 1 - 1 - UAA (ha) 0.924 - - 0.149 -

Pieta Number of holdings 14 6 - 3 - UAA (ha) 6.278 - - 0.620 -

San Ġiljan Number of holdings 45 13 3 6 6 UAA (ha) 16.446 - 0.204 0.806 1.413

San Ġwann Number of holdings 89 14 2 14 7 UAA (ha) 85.636 - 0.094 2.085 1.849

Santa Venera Number of holdings 39 11 2 5 5 UAA (ha) 15.552 - 0.012 0.659 1.157

Sliema Number of holdings 21 7 4 1 1 UAA (ha) 8.502 - 0.296 0.112 0.281

Swieqi Number of holdings 13 4 - 1 2 UAA (ha) 7.169 - - 0.114 0.506

Ta' Xbiex Number of holdings 5 3 - - - UAA (ha) 1.085 - - - -

South Eastern Number of holdings 2,427 126 112 364 346 UAA (ha) 1,676.912 - 7.053 54.779 88.839

Żejtun Number of holdings 446 16 17 54 72 UAA (ha) 373.599 - 1.036 7.960 18.094

Birżebbuġa Number of holdings 252 12 10 41 28 UAA (ha) 175.427 - 0.448 6.144 6.995

Gudja Number of holdings 180 6 5 40 28 UAA (ha) 118.706 - 0.306 6.045 6.982

72 … Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over

75 55 39 29 27 24 132 Northern Harbour 27.773 26.259 23.480 20.736 22.222 22.289 266.749

32 22 18 16 9 10 67 Qormi 12.075 10.539 10.956 11.472 7.461 9.275 134.478

15 11 11 4 6 4 17 Birkirkara 5.585 5.217 6.564 2.836 4.855 3.766 26.293

- - 1 - - 1 - Gżira - - 0.618 - - 0.981 -

5 1 1 1 1 2 2 Ħamrun 1.898 0.450 0.588 0.730 0.787 1.854 5.280

4 5 - - 2 1 5 Msida 1.396 2.318 - - 1.653 0.955 7.393

- - - 1 - - - Pembroke - - - 0.775 - - -

1 - 1 2 - - 1 Pieta 0.395 - 0.601 1.404 - - 3.258

4 2 2 - - 2 7 San Ġiljan 1.374 1.020 1.210 - - 1.799 8.620

6 10 4 3 5 2 22 San Ġwann 2.134 4.713 2.383 2.067 4.139 1.854 64.318

7 2 - - 1 2 4 Santa Venera 2.580 1.001 - - 0.894 1.805 7.444

- 1 1 - 2 - 4 Sliema - 0.551 0.560 - 1.590 - 5.112

- 1 - 1 1 - 3 Swieqi - 0.450 - 0.703 0.843 - 4.553

1 - - 1 - - - Ta' Xbiex 0.336 - - 0.749 - - -

293 218 164 128 102 79 495 South Eastern 109.554 105.502 97.853 91.461 84.428 73.399 964.043

43 42 34 20 26 17 105 Żejtun 16.173 20.317 20.441 14.301 21.639 15.729 237.908

31 19 16 13 11 8 63 Birżebbuġa 11.711 9.358 9.501 9.256 9.151 7.589 105.273

24 14 12 11 1 3 36 Gudja 8.818 6.743 7.152 7.968 0.843 2.773 71.077

73 … Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 >0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336 South Eastern (contd.)

Gћaxaq Number of holdings 199 12 7 32 19 UAA (ha) 144.952 - 0.428 4.771 4.957

Kirkop Number of holdings 127 4 10 20 20 UAA (ha) 70.582 - 0.699 3.188 5.096

Marsascala Number of holdings 83 8 2 3 10 UAA (ha) 81.748 - 0.150 0.449 2.518

Marsaxlokk Number of holdings 64 5 3 5 11 UAA (ha) 60.710 - 0.150 0.813 2.861

Mqabba Number of holdings 152 12 6 15 24 UAA (ha) 90.159 - 0.374 2.303 6.278

Qrendi Number of holdings 241 14 10 39 40 UAA (ha) 153.851 - 0.678 6.009 10.665

Safi Number of holdings 136 9 14 11 16 UAA (ha) 103.672 - 0.959 1.501 4.089

Żurrieq Number of holdings 547 28 28 104 78 UAA (ha) 303.507 - 1.825 15.596 20.306

Western Number of holdings 2,950 180 120 385 340 UAA (ha) 2,760.251 - 6.956 57.781 88.489

Mdina Number of holdings 10 - 1 - 1 UAA (ha) 10.927 - 0.084 - 0.225

Żebbuġ (Malta) Number of holdings 590 40 16 78 61 UAA (ha) 505.738 - 0.759 12.027 15.895

Siġġiewi Number of holdings 724 17 29 93 79 UAA (ha) 696.064 - 1.845 13.701 20.542

Attard Number of holdings 107 4 5 19 16 UAA (ha) 116.453 - 0.268 2.929 4.191

Balzan Number of holdings 23 2 2 2 3 UAA (ha) 9.164 - 0.118 0.261 0.695

Dingli Number of holdings 317 21 28 57 40 UAA (ha) 222.084 - 1.668 8.335 10.476

Iklin Number of holdings 10 - - 3 2 UAA (ha) 9.535 - - 0.439 0.634

Lija Number of holdings 49 2 1 6 4 UAA (ha) 46.807 - 0.003 0.799 0.982

Rabat (Malta) Number of holdings 1,113 93 38 126 134 UAA (ha) 1,136.727 - 2.210 19.122 34.849

Mtarfa Number of holdings 7 1 - 1 - UAA (ha) 6.753 - - 0.168 -

74 … Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over South Eastern (contd.)

28 23 9 13 8 8 40 Gћaxaq 10.535 11.028 5.346 9.253 6.531 7.482 84.621

21 12 8 3 3 5 21 Kirkop 8.059 5.812 4.882 2.134 2.467 4.589 33.656

10 10 6 7 2 2 23 Marsascala 3.658 4.813 3.597 4.926 1.714 1.949 57.974

4 4 8 4 1 - 19 Marsaxlokk 1.510 1.871 4.786 2.786 0.787 - 45.147

21 8 16 6 8 6 30 Mqabba 7.463 3.960 9.381 4.276 6.502 5.503 44.119

26 20 14 14 8 11 45 Qrendi 9.821 9.662 8.398 10.148 6.597 10.258 81.615

8 17 6 10 8 1 36 Safi 2.936 8.115 3.590 6.990 6.575 0.899 68.018

77 49 35 27 26 18 77 Żurrieq 28.871 23.823 20.779 19.423 21.622 16.628 134.635

272 231 198 147 116 108 853 Western 102.079 111.894 117.621 104.316 94.856 101.005 1,975.253

1 1 1 1 - 1 3 Mdina 0.374 0.515 0.652 0.672 - 0.994 7.411

57 48 40 39 17 27 167 Żebbuġ (Malta) 21.503 23.546 23.648 27.590 13.919 25.185 341.667

73 65 54 25 45 25 219 Siġġiewi 27.532 31.873 31.993 18.161 37.003 23.204 490.210

7 9 7 4 4 2 30 Attard 2.558 4.165 4.145 2.702 3.142 1.967 90.386

1 8 1 1 2 - 1 Balzan 0.356 3.673 0.643 0.674 1.624 - 1.120

30 18 22 16 8 12 65 Dingli 11.062 8.511 13.106 11.260 6.608 11.234 139.823

2 - - - - - 3 Iklin 0.818 - - - - - 7.644

5 3 5 4 - 4 15 Lija 1.973 1.350 2.852 2.898 - 3.715 32.235

96 77 68 57 39 37 348 Rabat (Malta) 35.903 37.349 40.583 40.359 31.715 34.706 859.930

- 2 - - 1 - 2 Mtarfa - 0.912 - - 0.845 - 4.828

75 … Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 >0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336 Northern Number of holdings 2,187 118 80 235 205 UAA (ha) 2,414.860 - 4.864 35.186 52.091

Gћargћur Number of holdings 144 7 7 14 16 UAA (ha) 107.697 - 0.345 2.262 4.035

Mellieћa Number of holdings 491 13 36 77 63 UAA (ha) 386.938 - 2.151 11.396 16.249

Mġarr (Malta) Number of holdings 403 19 5 30 19 UAA (ha) 648.521 - 0.233 4.579 4.952

Mosta Number of holdings 612 33 19 67 70 UAA (ha) 630.699 - 1.328 10.139 17.588

Naxxar Number of holdings 218 19 7 24 19 UAA (ha) 215.139 - 0.429 3.411 4.651

San Pawl il-Baћar Number of holdings 319 27 6 23 18 UAA (ha) 425.866 - 0.380 3.398 4.616

Gozo and Comino Number of holdings 2,694 307 235 417 323 UAA (ha) 1,702.480 - 13.861 61.805 83.544

Gozo and Comino Number of holdings 2,694 307 235 417 323 UAA (ha) 1,702.480 - 13.861 61.805 83.544

Rabat (Gozo) Number of holdings 316 35 33 56 40 UAA (ha) 237.604 - 1.787 8.083 10.214

Fontana Number of holdings 26 4 3 4 3 UAA (ha) 17.068 - 0.083 0.598 0.673

Gћajnsielem and Comino Number of holdings 122 13 15 21 14 UAA (ha) 71.284 - 1.058 2.963 3.329

Gћarb Number of holdings 115 5 6 12 13 UAA (ha) 101.384 - 0.100 1.744 3.456

Gћasri Number of holdings 64 3 5 6 5 UAA (ha) 49.192 - 0.301 1.016 1.332

Kerċem Number of holdings 205 22 9 16 12 UAA (ha) 236.676 - 0.592 2.377 3.177

Munxar Number of holdings 62 3 5 12 12 UAA (ha) 43.724 - 0.275 1.842 3.180

Nadur Number of holdings 462 46 50 73 65 UAA (ha) 230.720 - 3.036 11.015 16.895

Qala Number of holdings 136 22 20 35 16 UAA (ha) 37.209 - 1.185 5.187 4.056

76 … Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over 191 163 128 125 101 74 767 Northern 70.279 77.798 75.664 88.383 82.349 68.644 1,859.603

18 15 10 6 14 3 34 Gћargћur 6.648 7.163 6.071 4.233 11.381 2.902 62.657

49 37 35 24 22 25 110 Mellieћa 18.056 17.973 20.495 16.938 17.983 23.234 242.465

28 20 22 26 14 13 207 Mġarr (Malta) 10.212 9.702 13.315 18.490 11.326 11.908 563.804

62 47 35 34 21 21 203 Mosta 22.800 22.088 20.259 23.882 17.095 19.374 476.147

14 23 8 15 11 4 74 Naxxar 5.037 10.699 4.679 10.487 8.998 3.705 163.043

20 21 18 20 19 8 139 San Pawl il-Baћar 7.527 10.173 10.846 14.353 15.566 7.521 351.487

306 217 163 130 85 78 433 Gozo and Comino 113.550 104.127 96.698 91.039 69.600 72.359 995.898

306 217 163 130 85 78 433 Gozo and Comino 113.550 104.127 96.698 91.039 69.600 72.359 995.898

30 25 12 11 14 4 56 Rabat (Gozo) 11.173 11.904 7.042 7.805 11.226 3.778 164.593

3 1 - 2 3 1 2 Fontana 1.133 0.505 - 1.348 2.505 0.953 9.270

16 7 5 5 4 6 16 Gћajnsielem and Comino 6.035 3.406 2.972 3.420 3.312 5.448 39.341

9 9 11 9 1 3 37 Gћarb 3.522 4.155 6.527 6.310 0.880 2.697 71.993

8 5 5 6 5 1 15 Gћasri 2.984 2.342 3.066 4.175 3.973 0.974 29.029

21 14 12 13 9 7 70 Kerċem 7.832 6.888 7.199 9.085 7.390 6.556 185.581

9 4 3 1 1 2 10 Munxar 3.315 1.926 1.835 0.674 0.806 1.834 28.037

61 35 31 15 14 15 57 Nadur 22.716 16.757 18.299 10.600 11.519 14.037 105.847

13 7 14 1 1 2 5 Qala 4.766 3.497 8.167 0.702 0.841 1.855 6.953

77 … Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality Description Total 0 >0 - <0.112 0.112 - <0.224 0.224 - <0.336 Gozo and Comino (contd.)

San Lawrenz Number of holdings 74 5 6 8 8 UAA (ha) 65.954 - 0.427 1.262 2.065

Sannat Number of holdings 143 24 12 27 22 UAA (ha) 94.318 - 0.658 3.914 5.587

Xagћra Number of holdings 455 40 35 78 55 UAA (ha) 251.846 - 2.070 11.627 14.234

Xewkija Number of holdings 282 24 19 40 37 UAA (ha) 163.692 - 1.163 6.054 9.862

Żebbuġ (Gozo) Number of holdings 232 61 17 29 21 UAA (ha) 101.810 - 1.127 4.125 5.485

* Holdings and area are classified by locality of holders' residence. Note: The measure of agricultural land used locally is the tomna, equivalent to 0.112 Ha. Accordingly the tables and charts in which this measure appears are being provided to facilitate analysis of the local context.

Chart 37. Percentage distribution of UAA by region and size class of UAA (ha)

size class (ha)

1 & over

0.896 - <1

0.784 - <0.896

0.672 - <0.784

0.560 - <0.672

0.448 - <0.560

0.336 - <0.448

Gozo and Comino 0.224 - <0.336 Malta

0.112 - <0.224

>0 - <0.112


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% percent

78 … Table 39. Number of holdings and Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) classified by size class * Ha

District/locality 0.336 - <0.448 0.448 - <0.560 0.560 - <0.672 0.672 - <0.784 0.784 - <0.896 0.896 - <1 1 & over Gozo and Comino (contd.)

11 3 6 4 3 3 17 San Lawrenz 4.028 1.436 3.748 2.884 2.500 2.829 44.776

14 10 10 2 6 2 14 Sannat 5.128 4.741 5.879 1.424 4.956 1.795 60.236

51 46 19 32 14 18 67 Xagћra 18.798 22.186 11.419 22.484 11.340 16.667 121.021

40 29 19 22 8 7 37 Xewkija 14.771 13.799 10.956 15.261 6.653 6.527 78.646

20 22 16 7 2 7 30 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 7.349 10.585 9.589 4.867 1.699 6.409 50.576

Chart 38. Percentage distribution of agricultural holdings by region and size class of UAA (ha)

size class (ha)

1 & over

0.896 - <1

0.784 - <0.896

0.672 - <0.784

0.560 - <0.672

0.448 - <0.560

0.336 - <0.448

0.224 - <0.336 Gozo and Comino Malta 0.112 - <0.224

>0 - <0.112


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% percent

79 Table 40. Percentage distribution of agricultural holdings and UAA by size class of UAA


District Total 0 <0.5 >0 - <1 0.5 - <2 1 - <5 2 - <10 5 - 10 & over* Maltese Islands % of holdings 100.0 7.9 46.8 21.3 14.7 8.0 1.2 0.2 % of UAA 100.0 - 14.5 18.6 24.9 29.0 9.6 3.3

Malta % of holdings 77.6 5.4 35.0 16.9 12.1 7.0 1.1 0.0 % of UAA 82.5 - 11.1 14.7 20.6 25.7 8.3 1.9

Southern Harbour % of holdings 8.0 0.7 4.1 1.6 1.0 0.5 0.1 - % of UAA 6.8 - 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.9 0.5 -

Northern Harbour % of holdings 6.3 1.1 2.9 1.2 0.7 0.3 0.1 - % of UAA 4.7 - 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.1 0.4 -

South Eastern District % of holdings 20.3 1.1 10.5 4.6 2.9 1.1 0.1 0.0 % of UAA 17.4 - 3.4 4.0 4.9 3.8 0.9 0.4

Western % of holdings 24.7 1.5 10.6 5.5 4.1 2.6 0.4 0.0 % of UAA 28.6 - 3.3 4.8 6.9 9.4 3.2 1.0

Northern % of holdings 18.3 1.0 6.9 4.0 3.4 2.5 0.4 0.0 % of UAA 25.0 - 2.2 3.5 5.9 9.5 3.3 0.5

Gozo and Comino % of holdings 22.5 2.6 11.9 4.5 2.5 0.9 0.2 0.1 % of UAA 17.6 - 3.5 3.8 4.2 3.4 1.3 1.5

Gozo and Comino % of holdings 22.5 2.6 11.9 4.5 2.5 0.9 0.2 0.1 % of UAA 17.6 - 3.5 3.8 4.2 3.4 1.3 1.5

* To retain confidentiality, the holdings between size classes 10 - <20 and >20 ha have been grouped.

Chart 39. Percentage distribution of agricultural holdings and UAA (ha) in the Maltese Islands percent 50% 45% 40% % of holdings 35% % of UAA 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0 >0 - <0.5 0.5 - <1 1 - <2 2 - <5 5 - <10 10 & over*

size class of UAA (ha)


Table 41. Area under fodder by district … Ha

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0 - < 0.224 - < 0.112 0.336 - < 0.224 0.448 - < 0.336 1 - < 0.448 1 & over

Fodder Ha Total Area 4,464.393 51.068 227.148 323.645 323.148 1,228.273 2,311.112

Wheat Ha Total Area 3,572.208 15.161 118.657 201.643 222.904 969.506 2,044.337 Number of holdings 5,087 262 834 819 614 1,536 1,022

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 218.432 1.355 8.487 15.884 20.450 71.161 101.095 Number of holdings 369 23 59 63 57 111 56

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 215.416 0.997 5.739 11.043 14.517 54.104 129.015 Number of holdings 286 16 41 46 39 85 59

South Eastern Ha Total Area 768.583 3.422 30.797 48.394 60.114 241.144 384.712 Number of holdings 1,220 59 217 195 166 381 202

Western Ha Total Area 970.601 2.995 29.250 57.225 60.503 294.490 526.139 Number of holdings 1,404 46 205 235 167 466 285

Northern Ha Total Area 891.939 1.745 21.844 36.826 41.833 197.746 591.946 Number of holdings 1,065 35 151 151 116 310 302

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 507.238 4.647 22.539 32.272 25.487 110.862 311.431 Number of holdings 743 83 161 129 69 183 118

Clover Ha Total Area 363.220 13.127 50.460 60.659 43.312 117.338 78.326 Number of holdings 1,257 251 385 252 122 201 46

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 16.951 0.748 3.244 3.964 1.010 5.063 2.922 Number of holdings 69 14 26 16 3 8 2

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 9.898 0.452 1.274 2.426 1.759 2.604 1.383 Number of holdings 41 10 10 10 5 5 1

South Eastern Ha Total Area 55.300 2.807 11.053 11.152 8.201 14.865 7.222 Number of holdings 241 59 82 46 23 26 5

Western Ha Total Area 84.901 1.125 10.065 16.690 11.291 31.441 14.291 Number of holdings 262 20 76 69 32 55 10

Northern Ha Total Area 63.044 1.408 6.499 6.766 6.356 25.852 16.165 Number of holdings 174 25 48 29 18 44 10

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 133.126 6.587 18.325 19.661 14.697 37.513 36.343 Number of holdings 470 123 143 82 41 63 18

Barley Ha Total Area 425.997 11.044 37.622 42.461 45.190 121.995 167.685 Number of holdings 1,067 220 276 172 125 197 77

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 6.659 0.264 1.730 1.708 1.441 1.516 - Number of holdings 32 7 13 6 4 2 -

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 9.415 0.516 1.568 1.241 0.674 3.676 1.740 Number of holdings 39 11 13 5 2 7 1

83 … Table 41. Area under fodder by district Ha

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0 - < 0.224 - < 0.112 0.336 - < 0.224 0.448 - < 0.336 1 - < 0.448 1 & over

Barley (contd.) South Eastern Ha Total Area 42.053 1.239 3.479 2.082 2.481 13.330 19.442 Number of holdings 102 31 27 8 7 22 7

Western Ha Total Area 11.975 0.772 2.440 2.140 2.461 2.083 2.079 Number of holdings 55 16 18 9 7 4 1

Northern Ha Total Area 23.572 1.067 3.494 3.675 2.097 5.680 7.559 Number of holdings 77 19 25 15 6 10 2

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 332.323 7.186 24.911 31.616 36.036 95.710 136.865 Number of holdings 762 136 180 129 99 152 66

Vetches Ha Total Area 52.102 9.345 16.618 14.000 6.192 4.599 1.348 Number of holdings 414 200 130 57 18 8 1

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.410 0.334 0.616 0.787 0.673 - - Number of holdings 19 9 5 3 2 - -

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.490 0.232 0.280 0.304 0.674 - - Number of holdings 10 5 2 1 2 - -

South Eastern Ha Total Area 8.357 2.022 2.667 2.125 1.042 0.501 - Number of holdings 74 41 20 9 3 1 -

Western Ha Total Area 7.527 1.176 2.531 1.909 0.674 1.237 - Number of holdings 56 23 21 8 2 2 -

Northern Ha Total Area 10.722 1.196 3.229 3.635 2.101 0.562 - Number of holdings 72 24 26 15 6 1 -

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 21.597 4.386 7.296 5.240 1.028 2.299 1.348 Number of holdings 183 98 56 21 3 4 1

Other Fodder Ha Total Area 50.866 2.392 3.790 4.882 5.550 14.836 19.416 Number of holdings 142 42 31 21 15 22 11

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 3.902 0.056 - 0.243 0.737 1.012 1.854 Number of holdings 7 1 - 1 2 2 1

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 0.883 - 0.112 - - 0.771 - Number of holdings 2 - 1 - - 1 -

South Eastern Ha Total Area 4.436 0.148 0.000 0.273 1.536 1.237 1.242 Number of holdings 10 2 0 1 4 2 1

Western Ha Total Area 15.679 0.093 0.522 - 1.457 5.472 8.135 Number of holdings 24 2 4 - 4 9 5

Northern Ha Total Area 4.798 0.180 0.312 0.225 0.377 2.525 1.179 Number of holdings 12 4 2 1 1 3 1

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 21.168 1.915 2.844 4.141 1.443 3.819 7.006 Number of holdings 87 33 24 18 4 5 3

84 Chart 40. Area under fodder (ha) by region and size class

size class (ha)

1 & over

0.448 - < 1

0.336 - < 0.448

0.224 - < 0.336

0.112 - < 0.224

> 0 - < 0.112

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 area (ha)

Malta Gozo and Comino

Chart 41. Percentage distribution of area under fodder (ha) by district

Southern Harbour 6% Gozo and Comino Northern Harbour 23% 5%

South Eastern 20%

Northern 22%

Western 24%

85 Table 42. Area under vineyards by grape variety and size class* …

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Vineyards Ha Total Area 481.669 81.186 88.323

Vineyards for Quality Red Wine Ha Total Area 77.085 5.892 5.865 Number of holdings 306 171 44

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 11.270 0.148 - Number of holdings 10 4 -

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 5.588 0.102 0.156 Number of holdings 22 8 1

South Eastern Ha Total Area 3.876 0.421 0.224 Number of holdings 26 18 2

Western Ha Total Area 22.365 0.822 0.736 Number of holdings 49 24 6

Northern Ha Total Area 20.540 1.275 3.043 Number of holdings 88 29 22

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 13.446 3.124 1.706 Number of holdings 111 88 13

Vineyards for Quality White Wine Ha Total Area 52.146 4.923 5.672 Number of holdings 239 125 41

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 5.436 0.140 - Number of holdings 8 4 -

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.650 0.234 0.280 Number of holdings 19 9 2

South Eastern Ha Total Area 3.555 0.636 0.113 Number of holdings 18 14 1

Western Ha Total Area 14.544 0.665 1.275 Number of holdings 40 14 9

Northern Ha Total Area 17.065 0.929 2.716 Number of holdings 70 19 18

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 8.896 2.318 1.288 Number of holdings 84 65 11

* Does not include new plantations

86 809 5.1 998 8.5 Vineyards 80.057 99.948 54.116 78.039

.4 .1 .4 .7 GozoandComino 3.279 Northern 2.217 0.448 Western 7.630 SouthEastern 2.581 4.030 1.115 NorthernHarbour - 2.023 - 2.875 0.448 - 1.348 SouthernHarbour 4.298 4.327 - 1.603 0.506 - VineyardsforQualityWhiteWine 20.034 0.225 - GozoandComino 5.458 7.007 2.136 Northern 2.761 1.410 5.338 0.463 Western 14.885 8.035 1.018 9.173 SouthEastern 1.237 2.473 1.769 0.730 NorthernHarbour 1.180 0.899 1.804 3.658 SouthernHarbour 9.549 1.124 0.337 1.645 VineyardsforQualityRedWine 1.012 35.070 0.833 0.758 14.953 0.337 2.193 6.098 0.224 9.208 0.224 - < 0.336 7 8 7 1 7 8 17 8 13 2 15 15 37 5 15 11 26 17 37 2 1 2 2 3 4 - - 2 1 4 - - 1 7 2 - 1 - 2 8 3 2 1 3 4 1 1 3 2 5 2 1 2 7 2 3 1 8 1 … Table42.Areaundervineyardsbygrapevarietyandsizeclass

0.336 - < 0.448

0.448 - < 1 87

1 & over * District … Table 42. Area under vineyards by grape variety and size class*

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Vineyards for Non-Quality Red Wine Ha Total Area 72.657 16.091 16.448 Number of holdings 711 488 124

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 0.513 0.513 - Number of holdings 27 27 -

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.621 0.443 0.558 Number of holdings 24 18 4

South Eastern Ha Total Area 2.663 1.034 - Number of holdings 50 47 -

Western Ha Total Area 18.075 4.993 5.401 Number of holdings 224 158 42

Northern Ha Total Area 44.271 5.430 9.328 Number of holdings 263 125 70

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 5.515 3.679 1.161 Number of holdings 123 113 8

Vineyards for Non-Quality White Wine Ha Total Area 136.889 19.575 27.270 Number of holdings 983 566 206

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 0.690 0.522 0.168 Number of holdings 37 36 1

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.348 0.356 0.785 Number of holdings 33 23 6

South Eastern Ha Total Area 4.497 1.127 0.392 Number of holdings 62 55 3

Western Ha Total Area 45.707 7.837 11.433 Number of holdings 375 208 89

Northern Ha Total Area 77.811 5.443 13.170 Number of holdings 349 128 97

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 5.837 4.291 1.322 Number of holdings 127 116 10

* Does not include new plantations

88 283 911 914 901 VineyardsforNon-QualityRedWine 9.011 9.104 9.181 12.823 078 1.8 672 1.8 VineyardsforNon-QualityWhiteWine 13.581 36.752 18.984 20.728 .2 .5 GozoandComino - 0.450 Northern 7.887 Western - - SouthEastern 1.124 7.250 NorthernHarbour - 1.404 - 6.348 0.225 2.497 8.029 - - 3.780 0.336 0.505 0.284 .2 GozoandComino - - Northern 11.333 Western - - SouthEastern 2.248 26.850 NorthernHarbour - 9.902 - 11.300 0.224 7.011 9.715 - - 9.525 0.673 0.730 0.534 0.224 - < 0.336 3 1 2 5 - 12 2 18 7 33 6 15 15 26 52 0 3 3 9 - 43 18 32 20 40 10 40 61 54 86 - 1 1 - - - 1 - - 1 2 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - - 2 3 2 - SouthernHarbour ------SouthernHarbour ------… Table42.Areaundervineyardsbygrapevarietyandsizeclass

0.336 - < 0.448

0.448 - < 1 89

1 & over * District … Table 42. Area under vineyards by grape variety and size class*

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Vineyards for Table Grapes - Red Ha Total Area 46.712 14.125 11.548 Number of holdings 860 715 89

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.098 0.762 0.336 Number of holdings 72 69 3

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.326 0.597 0.112 Number of holdings 56 53 1

South Eastern Ha Total Area 2.860 2.074 0.561 Number of holdings 195 190 4

Western Ha Total Area 15.236 4.394 4.327 Number of holdings 211 159 34

Northern Ha Total Area 24.640 5.531 5.764 Number of holdings 294 217 43

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 1.553 0.768 0.448 Number of holdings 32 27 4

Vineyards for Table Grapes - White Ha Total Area 96.179 20.580 21.522 Number of holdings 1,711 1,401 160

Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.340 1.228 0.112 Number of holdings 177 176 1

Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.467 0.836 0.224 Number of holdings 92 86 2

South Eastern Ha Total Area 8.068 3.560 2.036 Number of holdings 519 498 14

Western Ha Total Area 40.373 7.048 9.644 Number of holdings 449 312 72

Northern Ha Total Area 41.473 6.722 8.684 Number of holdings 425 288 64

Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 2.458 1.186 0.822 Number of holdings 49 41 7

* Does not include new plantations

90 935 1.3 174 231 VineyardsforTableGrapes-White 2.361 21.774 10.637 19.305

.5 .9 209 - Northern - Western 2.361 12.019 SouthEastern - 7.564 5.396 NorthernHarbour - 1.235 4.507 8.652 0.506 0.337 9.249 0.397 0.900 Northern 0.504 - Western - SouthEastern - 7.232 NorthernHarbour - 3.126 - 1.765 1.384 4.348 - - 2.005 VineyardsforTableGrapes-Red - 0.392 0.225 10.358 0.225 3.878 6.803 0.224 - < 0.336 6 1 2 - 2 22 12 15 13 36 2 38 38 - 30 11 80 5 18 - 17 11 28 - - 2 1 1 1 4 2 - - 6 - - 4 - - 8 1 1 1 - GozoandComino - 1 0.450 - - - - - SouthernHarbour - - - - GozoandComino ------1 0.337 - - - SouthernHarbour ------… Table42.Areaundervineyardsbygrapevarietyandsizeclass

0.336 - < 0.448

0.448 - < 1 91

1 & over * District Chart 42. Distribution of vineyards by district and size class (ha)

area (ha) 70 Southern Harbour

Northern Harbour 60 South Eastern

Western 50 Northern

Gozo and Comino 40




0 > 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224 0.224 - < 0.336 0.336 - < 0.448 0.448 - < 1 1 & over size class (ha)

Chart 43. Distribution of vineyards by size class (ha) and grape variety

size class (ha)

1 & over

0.448 - < 1

0.336 - < 0.448


0.224 - < 0.336 Red

0.112 - < 0.224

> 0 - < 0.112

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 area (ha)

92 Chart 44. Distribution of vineyards by size class (ha) and region

size class (ha)

1 & over

0.448 - < 1

0.336 - < 0.448 Gozo and Comino Island of Malta 0.224 - < 0.336

0.112 - < 0.224

> 0 - < 0.112

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 area (ha)

Chart 45. Percentage distribution of vineyards (ha) by grape variety

Vineyards for Table Grapes - White 20% Vineyards for Quality Red Wine 16% Vineyards for Table Grapes - Red 10% Vineyards for Quality White Wine 11%

Vineyards for Non-Quality White Wine Vineyards for Non-Quality 28% Red Wine 15%

Chart 46. Percentage distribution of red and white grape

Red 41%

White 59%

93 Table 43. Area under field crop by type of crop and size class (ha) …

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Type of crop Ha Total Area 3,638.861 858.274 713.414

Onion Ha Total Area 324.026 127.698 71.059 Number of Holdings 4,839 3,919 566 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 17.373 11.100 3.016 Number of Holdings 359 324 23 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 13.120 6.762 2.056 Number of Holdings 221 193 16 South Eastern Ha Total Area 45.232 26.387 9.229 Number of Holdings 915 809 75 Western Ha Total Area 142.536 32.264 33.718 Number of Holdings 1,339 862 268 Northern Ha Total Area 65.421 25.192 15.869 Number of Holdings 898 700 126 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 40.344 25.993 7.172 Number of Holdings 1,107 1,031 58

Eggplant Ha Total Area 19.240 7.049 6.467 Number of Holdings 294 220 55 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.186 0.513 0.336 Number of Holdings 19 15 3 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.392 0.608 0.784 Number of Holdings 26 19 7 South Eastern Ha Total Area 0.727 0.390 0.112 Number of Holdings 13 11 1 Western Ha Total Area 3.611 1.478 0.784 Number of Holdings 59 47 7 Northern Ha Total Area 9.822 3.210 3.584 Number of Holdings 133 94 30 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 2.502 0.850 0.867 Number of Holdings 44 34 7

Green pepper Ha Total Area 32.593 11.595 11.534 Number of Holdings 466 335 97 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.619 0.458 0.878 Number of Holdings 24 16 7 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.565 0.557 1.008 Number of Holdings 27 19 8 South Eastern Ha Total Area 1.789 0.892 0.672 Number of Holdings 28 21 6 Western Ha Total Area 11.411 4.784 3.369 Number of Holdings 171 133 28 Northern Ha Total Area 13.347 3.987 4.745 Number of Holdings 171 112 41 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 2.863 0.918 0.862 Number of Holdings 45 34 7

94 9.3 3.5 4.8 8.9 Typeofcrop 488.091 742.287 337.056 499.739 354 1.4 124 475 Western 4.775 31.274 16.941 23.564 309 2.3 697 854 Onion 8.594 46.977 26.639 43.059 .7 .1 GozoandComino - Northern - SouthEastern - - Western - - SouthernHarbour - - 0.410 0.956 1.380 Greenpepper - - 0.673 1.404 GozoandComino - - 3.235 0.898 Northern - 0.956 Western - - SouthEastern - 0.225 - 3.194 1.087 0.283 - - 0.337 5.314 1.044 Eggplant - 0.448 0.674 - 0.897 GozoandComino 0.675 1.009 1.087 Northern 0.225 1.686 2.786 2.392 8.423 1.011 2.245 5.176 2.373 9.075 .2 .0 .6 .2 SouthEastern 1.124 NorthernHarbour - SouthernHarbour - 1.462 2.472 2.501 0.560 0.337 4.529 0.673 1.493 2.025 0.224 - < 0.336 0 9 5 4 54 49 102 8 7 8 7 83 77 187 4 4 - - - - 4 14 2 9 - 23 1 2 1 4 7 16 3 10 15 10 40 0 7 3 1 3 7 20 - - - - 2 - 1 - 4 - - 3 - - - 4 - - - 1 2 - 1 1 - 3 2 2 - 4 3 1 - - 5 1 1 2 6 9 - NorthernHarbour ------NorthernHarbour - - - SouthernHarbour ------1 0.337 - - - - … Table43.Areaunderfieldcropbytypeofandsizeclass(ha)

0.336 - < 0.448

0.448 - < 1 95

1 & over District … Table 43. Area under field crop by type of crop and size class (ha)

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Bean Ha Total Area 358.337 129.446 95.741 Number of Holdings 4,875 3,698 788 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 21.965 8.920 5.031 Number of Holdings 343 291 43 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 12.799 5.900 4.429 Number of Holdings 225 179 37 South Eastern Ha Total Area 48.568 24.307 11.694 Number of Holdings 872 737 95 Western Ha Total Area 85.301 28.704 22.876 Number of Holdings 1,072 790 185 Northern Ha Total Area 97.477 24.387 25.440 Number of Holdings 1,030 687 210 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 92.227 37.228 26.271 Number of Holdings 1,333 1,014 218

Kohlrabi Ha Total Area 44.739 15.977 12.308 Number of Holdings 783 627 104 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 7.641 1.894 1.904 Number of Holdings 99 73 15 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 7.200 1.302 1.232 Number of Holdings 76 49 11 South Eastern Ha Total Area 3.409 1.743 0.672 Number of Holdings 93 84 6 Western Ha Total Area 8.851 3.984 2.632 Number of Holdings 165 136 23 Northern Ha Total Area 12.514 5.259 4.334 Number of Holdings 217 169 36 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 5.125 1.796 1.534 Number of Holdings 133 116 13

Lettuce Ha Total Area 86.010 10.493 13.729 Number of Holdings 573 335 112 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 5.058 0.562 0.448 Number of Holdings 31 21 4 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 16.301 0.528 1.064 Number of Holdings 61 26 8 South Eastern Ha Total Area 1.614 1.166 0.448 Number of Holdings 59 55 4 Western Ha Total Area 17.630 3.157 3.963 Number of Holdings 154 100 32 Northern Ha Total Area 42.490 4.260 7.280 Number of Holdings 238 111 60 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 2.918 0.821 0.526 Number of Holdings 30 22 4

96 648 616 614 - GozoandComino - Northern 7.439 6.144 Western 4.828 11.469 6.176 8.561 11.900 16.408 6.495 16.842 13.837 024 1.9 422 1.8 Lettuce 17.188 24.222 10.094 10.284 623 2.7 920 1.7 Bean 19.379 29.270 28.278 56.223 .2 .3 .3 GozoandComino - Northern - Western 1.000 SouthEastern - 1.234 - - NorthernHarbour - 0.336 0.450 SouthernHarbour - 0.674 0.225 0.337 1.124 - Kohlrabi 1.000 2.247 1.819 0.898 1.011 4.627 0.544 0.674 2.531 3.032 NorthernHarbour - 1.350 SouthEastern 1.232 7.795 SouthernHarbour 5.880 3.096 - - 1.348 1.348 6.891 1.011 1.122 1.123 .2 .3 .1 GozoandComino - Northern 7.970 1.010 Western 1.124 11.125 0.337 SouthernHarbour 3.148 6.183 NorthernHarbour 4.946 5.956 0.224 - 1.347 5.904 5.899 1.856 2.454 - 1.405 0.900 0.224 - < 0.336 4 3 5 10 54 83 242 0 2 - - - - 2 1 2 - 10 8 3 5 3 12 1 9 11 21 16 18 5 34 35 19 71 4 72 59 30 6 1 8 6 18 17 13 26 39 29 45 - 1 2 - - 1 - 1 1 1 3 - 4 2 2 - 6 1 - - 4 3 5 5 - 1 2 4 9 1 2 10 4 1 - 7 8 - 6 4 - SouthEastern ------… Table43.Areaunderfieldcropbytypeofandsizeclass(ha)

0.336 - < 0.448

0.448 - < 1 97

1 & over District … Table 43. Area under field crop by type of crop and size class (ha)

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Cabbage Ha Total Area 86.670 19.156 21.892 Number of Holdings 924 617 184 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 7.277 1.609 1.736 Number of Holdings 79 54 15 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 10.109 1.180 1.400 Number of Holdings 64 36 12 South Eastern Ha Total Area 4.445 1.749 1.234 Number of Holdings 85 69 11 Western Ha Total Area 28.684 6.228 6.682 Number of Holdings 276 180 54 Northern Ha Total Area 29.887 5.405 9.272 Number of Holdings 273 150 78 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 6.269 2.985 1.568 Number of Holdings 147 128 14

Carrot Ha Total Area 62.860 11.672 17.188 Number of Holdings 568 336 141 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.721 0.645 0.840 Number of Holdings 25 16 7 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.384 0.484 0.504 Number of Holdings 23 15 4 South Eastern Ha Total Area 0.837 0.669 0.168 Number of Holdings 26 25 1 Western Ha Total Area 26.743 5.093 7.913 Number of Holdings 237 136 63 Northern Ha Total Area 28.136 3.991 7.076 Number of Holdings 218 113 60 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 2.039 0.790 0.687 Number of Holdings 39 31 6

Cauliflower Ha Total Area 195.264 22.279 31.530 Number of Holdings 1,243 658 254 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 12.377 1.602 1.680 Number of Holdings 81 47 13 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 13.732 1.439 1.624 Number of Holdings 82 45 14 South Eastern Ha Total Area 10.188 2.200 2.091 Number of Holdings 115 80 17 Western Ha Total Area 80.120 9.218 12.693 Number of Holdings 481 245 101 Northern Ha Total Area 64.336 5.936 10.530 Number of Holdings 357 159 86 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 14.512 1.884 2.912 Number of Holdings 127 82 23

98 048 841 1.9 112 Northern 11.112 Western 13.238 17.899 23.961 8.421 6.120 10.438 14.890 418 1.9 362 766 Cabbage 7.626 13.672 10.196 14.128 453 1.9 636 3.7 Cauliflower 30.974 56.356 19.593 34.533 .3 .8 .7 .2 GozoandComino 1.124 5.278 SouthEastern - 1.684 NorthernHarbour 2.360 2.643 SouthernHarbour 3.140 1.630 4.441 0.674 2.134 1.684 2.580 1.010 2.184 2.811 .2 .3 GozoandComino - Northern 2.468 - Western 1.120 6.851 NorthernHarbour - 0.337 5.313 2.695 0.225 3.705 0.450 Carrot 3.588 5.055 GozoandComino - 3.599 0.721 13.850 Northern 2.344 0.225 0.448 Western 7.458 2.360 SouthEastern - 3.374 1.043 9.104 5.916 NorthernHarbour 1.348 SouthernHarbour 1.574 4.099 0.450 0.225 2.022 3.484 - 5.393 0.337 5.476 1.685 0.675 1.010 1.011 1.348 0.224 - < 0.336 4 8 11 23 101 58 149 5 2 3 9 9 - 33 43 2 5 25 18 4 2 45 65 3 11 12 2 8 1 2 1 13 10 8 3 11 22 2 26 16 2 22 7 10 40 12 6 6 24 25 24 30 62 1 9 2 5 7 7 5 9 - - - 1 1 1 - 2 1 - 1 1 3 1 1 6 1 - 1 5 3 3 4 6 - SouthEastern - - - - SouthernHarbour - 2 - - 1.236 ------… Table43.Areaunderfieldcropbytypeofandsizeclass(ha)

0.336 - < 0.448

0.448 - < 1 99

1 & over District … Table 43. Area under field crop by type of crop and size class (ha)

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Potato Ha Total Area 1,153.539 200.975 195.342 Number of Holdings 7,384 4,400 1,552 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 187.967 14.941 21.592 Number of Holdings 667 292 165 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 47.838 9.111 10.566 Number of Holdings 330 189 85 South Eastern Ha Total Area 365.507 42.165 47.656 Number of Holdings 1,647 816 379 Western Ha Total Area 240.926 46.161 53.036 Number of Holdings 1,717 966 423 Northern Ha Total Area 212.630 34.551 44.292 Number of Holdings 1,408 738 350 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 98.671 54.045 18.201 Number of Holdings 1,615 1,399 150

Marrow Ha Total Area 224.030 42.926 43.649 Number of Holdings 2,052 1,360 352 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 32.377 5.310 3.958 Number of Holdings 235 161 31 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 11.944 3.093 2.184 Number of Holdings 123 88 18 South Eastern Ha Total Area 22.973 7.703 3.905 Number of Holdings 345 284 31 Western Ha Total Area 64.592 13.594 15.370 Number of Holdings 619 393 125 Northern Ha Total Area 79.751 9.469 14.933 Number of Holdings 553 300 121 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 12.393 3.757 3.299 Number of Holdings 177 134 26

Pumpkin Ha Total Area 50.120 18.617 14.476 Number of Holdings 728 552 122 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.326 0.361 0.728 Number of Holdings 19 10 6 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.341 0.330 - Number of Holdings 12 9 - South Eastern Ha Total Area 1.808 0.574 0.672 Number of Holdings 29 22 6 Western Ha Total Area 9.546 3.759 2.999 Number of Holdings 137 102 25 Northern Ha Total Area 24.061 8.085 8.165 Number of Holdings 337 241 68 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 11.038 5.508 1.912 Number of Holdings 194 168 17

100 2.4 865 2157 2003 Potato 250.083 281.507 98.685 126.947 422 794 2.0 202 Northern 12.002 Western 3.148 21.101 12.793 7.994 6.119 14.252 13.568 024 2.6 644 2.7 Marrow 28.276 46.434 22.461 40.284 301 2.9 686 2.6 Northern 21.865 Western 25.399 56.856 SouthEastern 109.949 58.662 21.994 100.768 SouthernHarbour 81.288 24.505 33.071 32.882 42.579 33.164 32.088 12.075 15.492 .5 .8 SouthernHarbour - Pumpkin 1.124 0.787 GozoandComino - 4.498 - 1.686 3.763 0.450 SouthEastern 2.586 1.404 7.643 NorthernHarbour 1.012 2.984 SouthernHarbour 9.528 2.247 2.586 1.685 5.284 1.404 4.110 3.855 1.665 4.442 .2 .6 .2 GozoandComino 1.124 Northern - 1.369 Western - 1.124 - 0.656 2.415 1.125 0.337 4.272 1.796 .5 .0 238 312 GozoandComino 3.152 12.318 3.402 7.553 .8 .2 034 840 NorthernHarbour 8.430 10.324 3.827 5.580 0.224 - < 0.336 7 5 8 18 83 65 174 4 4 10 15 17 70 100 100 64 157 70 156 93 141 141 459 132 282 535 4 1 1 - 8 9 3 3 2 11 38 4 21 6 3 34 23 18 10 5 10 62 59 11 17 19 9 7 2 - 2 7 19 2 1 1 3 21 10 32 4 1 6 5 46 16 65 11 34 24 65 - 1 - 1 2 5 4 7 1 - 3 1 - 1 5 8 - SouthEastern - - NorthernHarbour - 1 - 0.562 - - - 3 1.011 - - - - … Table43.Areaunderfieldcropbytypeofandsizeclass(ha)

0.336 - < 0.448

0.448 - < 1 101

1 & over District … Table 43. Area under field crop by type of crop and size class (ha)

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Tomato Ha Total Area 351.732 61.745 58.707 Number of Holdings 2,932 1,925 468 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 26.807 2.131 3.843 Number of Holdings 142 70 31 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 8.132 2.034 2.052 Number of Holdings 101 72 16 South Eastern Ha Total Area 16.245 4.199 4.905 Number of Holdings 218 163 38 Western Ha Total Area 101.650 18.973 19.553 Number of Holdings 851 544 158 Northern Ha Total Area 115.201 14.917 18.711 Number of Holdings 782 427 148 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 83.697 19.492 9.643 Number of Holdings 838 649 77

Garlic Ha Total Area 87.170 62.290 14.210 Number of Holdings 2,764 2,609 122 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 5.391 4.038 0.224 Number of Holdings 181 178 2 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 3.898 2.884 0.784 Number of Holdings 140 132 7 South Eastern Ha Total Area 12.855 11.397 1.008 Number of Holdings 557 546 9 Western Ha Total Area 23.181 15.915 4.078 Number of Holdings 620 575 35 Northern Ha Total Area 29.316 16.550 7.429 Number of Holdings 634 553 63 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 12.530 11.507 0.687 Number of Holdings 632 625 6

Melon (Winter) Ha Total Area 33.231 6.164 8.960 Number of Holdings 269 144 71 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 0.640 0.051 0.589 Number of Holdings 6 2 4 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 0.663 0.046 0.392 Number of Holdings 6 2 3 South Eastern Ha Total Area 0.682 0.177 0.280 Number of Holdings 9 6 2 Western Ha Total Area 4.642 1.099 2.420 Number of Holdings 50 27 19 Northern Ha Total Area 6.537 0.701 1.168 Number of Holdings 38 14 9 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 20.067 4.090 4.111 Number of Holdings 160 93 34

102 966 1.8 592 798 Northern 7.968 Western 10.111 35.922 28.482 17.987 9.526 19.696 15.005 114 4.9 887 3.4 Tomato 38.146 98.827 43.194 51.114 .6 .4 .7 .5 SouthEastern 2.352 NorthernHarbour - 1.574 SouthernHarbour 7.056 1.350 1.348 4.775 1.348 1.867 4.112 1.348 4.891 .5 .2 .7 GozoandComino - Northern - Western - SouthEastern - 5.279 NorthernHarbour - 1.010 0.450 - 2.728 - 2.020 - Melon(Winter) 3.859 - - 1.638 - 0.673 Northern 6.739 - 0.225 SouthEastern - Western 1.000 0.225 NorthernHarbour - 4.748 1.237 - - 6.620 - 1.103 0.337 - 2.997 - 1.851 0.450 0.230 .2 .7 .3 .3 Garlic 2.130 GozoandComino 1.237 10.659 26.724 1.776 8.873 5.528 8.307 0.224 - < 0.336 2 2 7 23 170 126 220 0 1 1 8 12 20 6 8 9 - 9 8 - 16 - 12 2 14 28 3 13 4 5 2 2 8 2 6 6 43 5 63 50 26 24 52 28 35 86 65 2 - 3 3 4 4 8 6 - - - 2 - 1 - 6 - - - 7 - 3 1 1 - 1 - - - - 1 - - 8 2 1 - SouthernHarbour - - - - GozoandComino ------1 1 - 0.336 SouthernHarbour 1.130 ------… Table43.Areaunderfieldcropbytypeofandsizeclass(ha)

0.336 - < 0.448

0.448 - < 1 103

1 & over District … Table 43. Area under field crop by type of crop and size class (ha)

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Melon (Summer) Ha Total Area 180.384 24.932 33.017 Number of Holdings 1,117 564 268 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 6.129 0.653 0.869 Number of Holdings 34 14 7 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.426 0.301 0.672 Number of Holdings 18 9 5 South Eastern Ha Total Area 6.585 1.186 1.896 Number of Holdings 57 29 15 Western Ha Total Area 25.383 3.176 4.953 Number of Holdings 168 78 42 Northern Ha Total Area 79.201 4.163 9.448 Number of Holdings 301 97 75 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 60.660 15.453 15.179 Number of Holdings 539 337 124

Melon (Water) Ha Total Area 113.526 9.785 13.850 Number of Holdings 547 247 110 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.802 0.333 0.952 Number of Holdings 22 8 8 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.983 0.130 0.280 Number of Holdings 12 5 2 South Eastern Ha Total Area 4.017 0.873 1.008 Number of Holdings 38 23 8 Western Ha Total Area 13.372 1.820 3.091 Number of Holdings 93 43 25 Northern Ha Total Area 46.526 2.642 6.769 Number of Holdings 190 55 53 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 44.827 3.988 1.750 Number of Holdings 192 113 14

Strawberry Ha Total Area 19.426 5.326 6.982 Number of Holdings 198 114 58 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 0.207 0.207 - Number of Holdings 3 3 - Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.599 0.270 0.504 Number of Holdings 13 6 4 South Eastern Ha Total Area 0.683 0.235 0.448 Number of Holdings 10 6 4 Western Ha Total Area 1.594 0.754 0.840 Number of Holdings 24 17 7 Northern Ha Total Area 14.673 3.414 5.190 Number of Holdings 137 72 43 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 0.670 0.446 - Number of Holdings 11 10 -

104 710 1.0 177 2.1 Melon(Water) 26.919 31.737 14.105 17.130 055 1.8 559 2.0 Melon(Summer) 26.605 45.599 19.686 30.545

.2 GozoandComino - Northern - - NorthernHarbour - 0.760 - 1.684 - Strawberry 0.224 - 3.625 0.337 GozoandComino 0.760 17.595 Northern 8.200 0.488 Western 13.000 2.021 1.124 SouthEastern - 15.223 NorthernHarbour - 3.837 SouthernHarbour - 4.337 2.502 6.898 0.562 4.657 1.685 0.450 - 6.794 0.674 3.150 0.674 GozoandComino 4.820 0.900 0.337 Northern 20.679 0.449 Western 10.545 1.106 SouthEastern - 1.180 24.677 NorthernHarbour - 4.867 7.350 SouthernHarbour - 10.319 0.450 9.796 2.760 0.666 9.915 0.674 1.911 6.038 0.337 2.379 0.729 0.450 1.967 0.224 - < 0.336 3 7 7 18 79 57 131 6 5 1 - 1 5 - 12 16 1 7 1 22 6 25 5 11 19 20 20 5 20 3 30 54 14 14 1 18 - 41 43 13 14 1 75 30 8 43 2 42 26 10 - - - - - 1 1 - 2 - - 1 1 - 2 2 1 4 2 - 5 - 1 3 1 2 2 8 - Western - - SouthEastern - - - - SouthernHarbour ------… Table43.Areaunderfieldcropbytypeofandsizeclass(ha)

0.336 - < 0.448

0.448 - < 1 105

1 & over District … Table 43. Area under field crop by type of crop and size class (ha)

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224 Flowers & plants grown in the open Ha Total Area 20.498 1.599 1.518 Number of Holdings 101 61 11 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.909 0.131 0.336 Number of Holdings 11 5 2 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 4.800 0.409 0.323 Number of Holdings 20 11 2 South Eastern Ha Total Area 2.241 0.401 0.411 Number of Holdings 23 16 3 Western Ha Total Area 5.829 0.346 0.112 Number of Holdings 22 16 1 Northern Ha Total Area 1.547 0.075 0.224 Number of Holdings 11 7 2 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 4.172 0.237 0.112 Number of Holdings 14 6 1

Other Ha Total Area 195.464 68.550 41.255 Number of Holdings 2,985 2,447 333 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 18.729 4.603 2.216 Number of Holdings 204 178 18 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 17.523 4.563 3.950 Number of Holdings 193 139 32 South Eastern Ha Total Area 11.176 7.635 1.567 Number of Holdings 375 358 13 Western Ha Total Area 40.665 17.700 10.696 Number of Holdings 694 578 83 Northern Ha Total Area 91.221 24.751 19.376 Number of Holdings 1,059 773 160 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 16.150 9.297 3.451 Number of Holdings 460 421 27

Chart 47. Percentage distribution of field crops

Others 19%

Cauliflower 5% Marrow 6% Potato 32% Tomato 10%

Melon 9% Bean Onion 10% 9%

106 0.112 -<0.224 0.224 -<0.336 0.336 -<0.448 > 0-<0.112 size class(ha) 0.448 -<1 1 &over Chart 48.Percentagedistributionofareaunderfield 479 849 1.9 .3 Northern 8.439 15.497 8.429 14.729 469 1.4 509 2.5 Other 21.954 25.099 13.947 24.659 .2 .3 .0 Western 4.506 SouthEastern - - NorthernHarbour - SouthernHarbour - 0.590 0.337 3.507 Flowers&plantsgrownintheopen 4.506 0.673 0.337 0.528 0.337 8.833 - 0.502 0.224 1.794 0.769 2.248 .7 .3 .9 GozoandComino - Western - SouthEastern - 0.690 0.337 5.700 NorthernHarbour 3.148 1.469 SouthernHarbour 10.367 2.375 3.463 0.900 - 0.843 3.106 1.718 - 0.505 3.244 0.700 .2 .3 .6 GozoandComino - 3.260 0.338 0.225 0.224 - < 0.336 0 1 4 12 45 41 107 %5 0 5 0 5 0 5 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0 1 1 - 7 - 1 29 1 10 1 25 2 10 10 65 5 13 14 2 - - - - 1 2 5 1 1 1 13 1 2 - 2 5 1 3 9 - 4 2 1 - - 2 3 - 5 1 1 - Northern - 1 0.803 1 0.445 - - crop bysizeclass(ha)andregion … Table43.Areaunderfieldcropbytypeofandsizeclass(ha)

0.336 - < 0.448 percent Island ofMalta Gozo andComino

0.448 - < 1 107 0.112 -<0.224 0.224 -<0.336 0.336 -<0.448 > 0-<0.112 0.448 -<1 size class 1 &over

(ha) 1 & over class (ha)ofareathereunderandregion Chart 49.Selectedfieldcropsbysize 0 0 0 0 0 0 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 area (ha) District Other fieldcrops Potato Tomato Table 44. Area under orchards by size class …

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Orchards Ha Total Area 446.095 153.934 87.462

Peach Ha Total Area 152.602 35.244 26.408 Number of holdings 2,083 1,696 202 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.264 1.534 0.168 Number of holdings 112 109 1 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 3.085 1.511 0.635 Number of holdings 110 103 5 South Eastern Ha Total Area 3.601 2.559 1.042 Number of holdings 227 219 8 Western Ha Total Area 65.141 15.536 12.487 Number of holdings 768 583 98 Northern Ha Total Area 68.684 8.829 9.735 Number of holdings 567 406 73 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 9.826 5.275 2.341 Number of holdings 299 276 17

Other stone fruit Ha Total Area 66.618 32.265 16.074 Number of holdings 2,227 2,056 126 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.792 1.455 0.112 Number of holdings 142 140 1 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.195 1.587 0.608 Number of holdings 136 132 4 South Eastern Ha Total Area 3.377 2.199 0.619 Number of holdings 264 257 5 Western Ha Total Area 35.658 14.362 9.036 Number of holdings 806 708 71 Northern Ha Total Area 15.374 6.730 4.130 Number of holdings 469 423 33 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 8.222 5.932 1.570 Number of holdings 410 396 12

Orange Ha Total Area 46.364 15.752 10.446 Number of holdings 824 690 80 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.061 0.994 0.280 Number of holdings 48 44 2 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 2.876 1.664 0.382 Number of holdings 89 83 3 South Eastern Ha Total Area 2.446 1.316 0.513 Number of holdings 97 91 4 Western Ha Total Area 15.724 4.557 4.345 Number of holdings 249 196 35 Northern Ha Total Area 5.334 2.000 0.560 Number of holdings 112 100 5 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 17.923 5.221 4.366 Number of holdings 229 176 31

108 666 1.9 511 2.4 Peach 21.744 Orchards 45.413 35.111 72.928 17.399 36.065 16.696 50.293

.9 .2 .3 .8 GozoandComino 1.087 Northern - Western 1.904 SouthEastern - 3.034 NorthernHarbour - 1.342 - SouthernHarbour 1.023 - - 0.674 - 3.193 1.460 Orange 2.991 GozoandComino 0.562 - 0.758 0.337 3.458 0.336 Northern 4.938 1.120 - SouthEastern 0.280 - 0.450 0.494 Western 1.012 3.830 1.094 SouthernHarbour 0.225 - - - 6.947 8.408 - 0.270 - 2.443 Otherstonefruit - 2.132 GozoandComino - 2.301 1.858 8.491 - 0.559 1.274 Northern 17.060 Western 2.443 4.684 NorthernHarbour - 0.225 - 18.813 SouthernHarbour - 5.213 14.310 7.319 0.714 0.936 9.743 - 6.929 - 8.381 0.337 0.225 0.225 0.224 - < 0.336 3 3 5 1 1 5 - 3 2 4 13 1 8 13 2 11 33 - 2 10 14 9 3 7 30 22 22 21 12 28 28 55 34 50 68 - - 2 - - - 2 - 1 - 1 3 1 1 - 1 1 - 2 11 1 - - - 7 1 - - - 8 - 2 2 - 1 - - 1 4 - - 1 1 1 - NorthernHarbour ------SouthEastern ------

0.336 - < 0.448 … Table44.Areaunderorchardsbysizeclass

0.448 - < 1 109

1 & over District … Table 44. Area under orchards by size class

District Description Total 0 - < 0.112 0.112 - < 0.224

Lemon Ha Total Area 26.741 12.026 5.704 Number of holdings 774 708 42 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 1.121 0.560 - Number of holdings 49 47 - Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 0.674 0.437 0.237 Number of holdings 53 51 2 South Eastern Ha Total Area 1.341 0.500 0.224 Number of holdings 78 74 2 Western Ha Total Area 9.862 5.035 2.133 Number of holdings 284 260 15 Northern Ha Total Area 2.033 1.193 0.560 Number of holdings 112 106 5 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 11.710 4.300 2.550 Number of holdings 198 170 18

Other citrus Ha Total Area 10.464 4.790 1.133 Number of holdings 284 261 9 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 0.488 0.263 - Number of holdings 22 21 - Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 0.452 0.452 - Number of holdings 31 31 - South Eastern Ha Total Area 0.111 0.111 - Number of holdings 17 17 - Western Ha Total Area 3.803 2.105 0.573 Number of holdings 106 98 4 Northern Ha Total Area 0.503 0.503 - Number of holdings 29 29 - Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 5.107 1.356 0.560 Number of holdings 79 65 5

Other fruit Ha Total Area 143.306 53.858 27.698 Number of holdings 4,082 3,724 221 Southern Harbour Ha Total Area 13.013 5.291 2.530 Number of holdings 412 378 21 Northern Harbour Ha Total Area 9.076 3.938 1.064 Number of holdings 375 360 9 South Eastern Ha Total Area 18.249 8.643 2.647 Number of holdings 692 655 21 Western Ha Total Area 47.142 16.763 10.716 Number of holdings 1,114 977 85 Northern Ha Total Area 34.898 10.783 7.470 Number of holdings 897 807 58 Gozo and Comino Ha Total Area 20.927 8.438 3.271 Number of holdings 592 547 27

110 531 855 2.9 656 Otherfruit 16.526 21.298 8.585 15.341 .2 .3 SouthernHarbour - Lemon 2.020 - 1.628 0.336 2.358 0.225 3.006 .2 SouthernHarbour - Othercitrus - - Northern - GozoandComino 2.020 1.462 - Western - - SouthEastern - 1.180 1.450 0.225 0.674 0.448 1.629 - - 0.986 1.011 0.280 0.337 1.235 0.280 .7 .5 Western - 0.450 - 0.675 .2 .5 .1 GozoandComino - 1.012 1.450 0.729 .5 .0 .2 .4 GozoandComino 4.840 Northern 4.040 1.626 Western 2.099 7.899 SouthEastern 1.417 NorthernHarbour 2.130 0.400 7.533 2.401 2.555 SouthernHarbour 2.000 1.235 2.352 3.761 2.305 1.346 0.450 - 6.270 1.641 0.677 0.709 2.064 0.224 - < 0.336 2 7 3 2 3 7 12 0 1 3 4 3 2 3 12 12 1 7 13 11 10 10 34 27 25 65 - - 1 1 - - - 2 - 3 - - 2 - - 4 1 1 2 - 7 - 3 4 1 1 5 1 - 1 - 3 - 2 4 3 1 1 2 4 2 1 4 - 2 7 3 8 - NorthernHarbour ------SouthEastern - - NorthernHarbour ------Northern ------

0.336 - < 0.448 … Table44.Areaunderorchardsbysizeclass

0.448 - < 1 111

1 & over District Chart 50. Percentage distribution of orchards by size class (ha) and region

size class (ha)

1 & over

0.448 - < 1

Gozo and Comino

0.336 - < 0.448 Island of Malta

0.224 - < 0.336

0.112 - < 0.224

> 0 - < 0.112

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%


Chart 51. Percentage distribution of orchards by type of fruit

Other fruit 32%

Peach 35%

Other citrus 2%

Lemon 6%

Orange 10% Other stone fruit 15%

112 Chart 52. Distribution of orchards by area (ha) and district

area (ha) 70

> 0 - < 0.112 60 0.112 - < 0.224 0.224 - < 0.336

50 0.336 - < 0.448 0.448 - < 1 1 & over 40




0 Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino


Chart 53. Distribution of orchards by district and type of fruit area (ha) 80

70 Peach Other stone fruit

60 Orange Lemon Other citrus 50 Other fruit





0 Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino district



Table 45. Ovine and caprine population by category

No of heads No of heads Total Total Region and district sheep goats Rams Ewes Lambs Billy goat Goats Kids

Maltese Islands 10,376 486 8,013 1,877 3,930 276 2,987 667

Malta 6,761 366 5,225 1,170 2,997 234 2,274 489

Southern Harbour 369 25 309 35 548 57 373 118

Northern Harbour 656 55 452 149 536 41 372 123

South Eastern 1,619 81 1,303 235 960 46 739 175

Western 2,420 129 1,890 401 665 69 557 39

Northern 1,697 76 1,271 350 288 21 233 34

Gozo and Comino 3,615 120 2,788 707 933 42 713 178

Gozo and Comino 3,615 120 2,788 707 933 42 713 178

Chart 54. Percentage distribution of sheep Chart 55. Percentage distribution of sheep by by district type: Maltese Islands

Southern Gozo and Harbour Lambs Comino 4% 18% 35% Northern Harbour 6%

Rams South 5% Eastern 16% Northern Ewes 16% 77%

Western 23%

Chart 56. Percentage distribution of goats by Chart 57. Percentage distribution of goats by district type: Maltese Islands

Gozo and Comino 24% Kids Southern Harbour 17% Northern 14% 7%

Billy goats Northern 7% Western Harbour 17% 14% Goats 76%

South Eastern 24%

117 Table 46. Bovine population by category …

No of heads

Calves <1 year Between 1 and 2 years Number of District Total cattle cattle farms Females Females Males Females Males (heifers) (other)

Maltese Islands 281 18,417 2,447 2,701 1,276 366 1,820

Malta 225 12,637 1,757 2,010 762 281 1,223

Southern Harbour 31 1,682 170 240 103 36 143

Northern Harbour 50 2,512 295 490 141 75 370

South Eastern 78 5,160 701 757 303 125 465

Western 37 2,168 418 371 126 3 150

Northern 29 1,115 173 152 89 42 95

Gozo and Comino 56 5,780 690 691 514 85 597

Gozo and Comino 56 5,780 690 691 514 85 597

Chart 58. Percentage distribution of cattle by district

Gozo and Comino 31% Southern Harbour 9%

Northern Harbour Northern 14% 6%

Western 12%

South Eastern 28%

118 … Table 46. Bovine population by category

No of heads

> 2 years District Heifers Males Heifers Dairy cows Cows for beef (other)

189 264 881 8,332 141 Maltese Islands

89 153 435 5,853 74 Malta

6 8 122 838 16 Southern Harbour

15 10 7 1,108 1 Northern Harbour

42 123 153 2,452 39 South Eastern

15 2 142 941 - Western

11 10 11 514 18 Northern

100 111 446 2,479 67 Gozo and Comino

100 111 446 2,479 67 Gozo and Comino

Chart 59. Distribution of cattle by age: Maltese Islands

Calves <1 year 28%

>2 years 53%

1 - 2 years 19%

Chart 60. Distribution of cattle aged >2 years by type: Maltese Islands

Males 2% Heifers 12%

Cows 86%

119 Table 47. Swine population by category …

Number of heads

DistrictPig farms Total Piglets Young pigs Fattening pigs <20 Kgs 20 - 50 Kgs 51 - 79 Kgs 80 - 109 Kgs

Maltese Islands 157 81,841 22,961 13,035 26,456 10,521

Malta 144 77,317 21,997 12,246 25,406 9,538

Southern Harbour 17 6,451 1,784 1,189 2,473 207

Northern Harbour 20 14,327 4,215 3,020 4,322 1,451

South Eastern 42 20,786 6,705 2,849 7,094 2,087

Western 51 22,770 5,601 3,427 7,166 4,001

Northern 14 12,983 3,692 1,761 4,351 1,792

Gozo and Comino 13 4,524 964 789 1,050 983

Gozo and Comino 13 4,524 964 789 1,050 983

Chart 61. Percentage distribution of pigs by district

Gozo and Comino Southern Harbour 6% 8%

Northern Harbour 18% Northern 16%

South Eastern 25% Western 27%

120 … Table 47. Swine population by category

Number of heads

Fattening Sows in Gilts not yet Breeding District pigs Sows (other) Sows in draft farrow covered boars >110 Kgs

609 4,929 1,116 1,185 563 466 Maltese Islands

369 4,635 1,067 1,092 531 436 Malta

47 418 63 213 8 49 Southern Harbour

- 910 111 159 67 72 Northern Harbour

140 822 526 305 156 102 South Eastern

182 1,446 265 287 240 155 Western

- 1,039 102 128 60 58 Northern

240 294 49 93 32 30 Gozo and Comino

240 294 49 93 32 30 Gozo and Comino

Chart 62. Distribution of pigs by type and district

number of pigs 12,000






0 Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino district

Piglets < 20 kgs Young pigs 20 - 50 Kgs Fattening pigs > 50 Kgs Breeding stock

121 Table 48. Equine population by category

Number of heads Number of District Total holdings Foal Mare Stallion Donkey

Maltese Islands 507 853 267 181 369 36

Malta 437 728 243 154 300 31

Southern Harbour 60 93 29 19 37 8

Northern Harbour 56 103 32 35 34 2

South Eastern 171 249 88 34 114 13

Western 96 173 63 41 66 3

Northern 54 110 31 25 49 5

Gozo and Comino 70 125 24 27 69 5

Gozo and Comino 70 125 24 27 69 5

Chart 63. Equines and equine holdings by district

district Equines Gozo and Comino Holdings Northern


South Eastern

Northern Harbour

Southern Harbour

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 number of equines; holdings

Chart 64. Distribution of equines by type: Maltese Islands

Donkey 4%

Stallion Foal 44% 31%

Mare 21%

122 Table 49. Rabbit population

District Number of holdings Number of rabbits

Maltese Islands 1,042 55,254

Malta 656 44,039

Southern Harbour 85 3,309

Northern Harbour 70 4,567

South Eastern 214 19,760

Western 159 7,545

Northern 128 8,858

Gozo and Comino 386 11,215

Gozo and Comino 386 11,215

Chart 65. Percentage distribution of rabbits in agricultural holdings by district

Southern Harbour 6% Gozo and Comino Northern Harbour 20% 8%

Northern 16%

South Eastern 36% Western 14%

Chart 66. Percentage distribution of agricultural holdings with rabbits by district

Southern Harbour 8%

Northern Harbour Gozo and Comino 7% 37%

South Eastern 21%

Northern 12% Western 15%

123 Table 50. Chicken population by category

No. of heads Number of District holdings / Total farms Broilers Laying hens Other

Maltese Islands 847 1,940,445 1,184,157 375,188 381,100

Malta 577 1,534,960 912,430 301,497 321,033

Southern Harbour 68 253,344 43,994 51,851 157,499

Northern Harbour 65 190,730 106,018 65,909 18,803

South Eastern 178 156,130 103,413 27,332 25,385

Western 149 504,660 315,795 109,391 79,474

Northern 117 430,096 343,210 47,014 39,872

Gozo and Comino 270 405,485 271,727 73,691 60,067

Gozo and Comino 270 405,485 271,727 73,691 60,067

Chart 67. Percentage distribution of chicken: Maltese Islands

Laying hens 19%

Broilers Other 61% 20%

Chart 68. Distribution of chicken by type and district

'000 heads

400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino district

Broilers Laying hens Other

124 Table 51. Duck population by category

Number of heads Number of Total District holdings ducks Ducks Other, Laying ducks Drakes <3 months >3 months

Maltese Islands 94 1,460 261 377 267 555

Malta 75 1,231 206 333 226 466

Southern Harbour 13 367 10 105 111 141

Northern Harbour 17 251 87 36 35 93

South Eastern 23 364 46 136 20 162

Western 15 187 48 37 54 48

Northern 7 62 15 19 6 22

Gozo and Comino 19 229 55 44 41 89

Gozo and Comino 19 229 55 44 41 89

Chart 69. Percentage distribution of ducks by type: Maltese Islands

Other, > 3 months 38% Ducks < 3 months 18%

Drakes Laying ducks 18% 26%

Chart 70. Distribution of ducks and holdings with ducks by district ducks; holdings Holdings 400 Total ducks 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino district

125 Table 52. Turkey population by category

No of heads Number of Total District holdings / turkeys Turkey chicks Laying Turkey Other, farms <3 months turkey hens cocks >3 months

Maltese Islands 55 4,824 2,223 26 993 1,582

Malta 38 4,222 2,207 26 935 1,054

Southern Harbour 6 128 - 3 116 9

Northern Harbour 6 714 430 - 262 22

South Eastern 9 78 35 3 36 4

Western 12 3,268 1,742 8 511 1,007

Northern 5 34 - 12 10 12

Gozo and Comino 17 602 16 - 58 528

Gozo and Comino 17 602 16 - 58 528

Chart 71. Percentage distribution of turkeys by district

Northern 1%

Gozo and Comino 12%

Southern Harbour Western 3% 67%

Northern Harbour 15%

South Eastern 2%

Chart 72. Percentage distribution of turkeys by type: Maltese Islands

Other, > 3 months 33%

Turkey cocks 21%

Laying turkey hens 1%

Turkey chicks < 3 months 45%


Table 53. Total agricultural employment by type and district

Grand Full-time Part-time District total Total Males Females Total Males Females

Maltese Islands 14,113 1,524 1,405 119 12,589 10,757 1,832

Malta 11,272 1,307 1,199 108 9,965 8,520 1,445

Southern Harbour 1,133 137 124 13 996 884 112

Northern Harbour 854 144 136 8 710 628 82

South Eastern 3,075 169 161 8 2,906 2,542 364

Western 3,405 395 371 24 3,010 2,520 490

Northern 2,805 462 407 55 2,343 1,946 397

Gozo and Comino 2,841 217 206 11 2,624 2,237 387

Gozo and Comino 2,841 217 206 11 2,624 2,237 387

Chart 73. Percentage distribution of total agricultural employment: Maltese Islands

Full-time 11%

Part-time 89%

Chart 74. Percentage distribution of agricultural employment by type and district


Gozo and Comino

Northern Part-time Western Full-time South Eastern

Northern Harbour

Southern Harbour

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% percent

129 Table 54. Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group …

Grand Total < 35 35 - 44 District/locality Total Males Females Males Females Males Females

Maltese Islands 1,524 1,405 119 270 11 355 33 Malta 1,307 1,199 108 217 10 301 27

Southern Harbour 137 124 13 22 3 24 2

Valletta ------Birgu 2 2 - - - 1 - Isla ------Bormla ------Żabbar 67 63 4 13 2 14 - Fgura 8 7 1 2 - 1 - Floriana 1 1 - 1 - - - Kalkara 1 1 - - - - - Luqa 14 13 1 2 - 3 - Marsa 28 24 4 3 1 - 2 Paola ------Santa Luċija 1 1 - - - 1 - Tarxien 15 12 3 1 - 4 - Xgћajra ------

Northern Harbour 144 136 8 26 - 31 3

Qormi 78 74 4 9 - 23 1 Birkirkara 8 6 2 1 - 1 1 Gżira ------Ħamrun 6 6 - 1 - 2 - Msida 11 11 - 4 - 1 - Pembroke ------Pieta' 1 1 - - - - - San Ġiljan 5 5 - 1 - 2 - San Ġwann 25 23 2 7 - 1 1 Santa Venera 4 4 - - - 1 - Sliema ------Swieqi 6 6 - 3 - - - Ta' Xbiex ------

South Eastern 169 161 8 33 2 43 3

Żejtun 48 47 1 4 - 15 - Birżebbuġa 9 8 1 1 - 2 1 Gudja 3 3 - 1 - - - Gћaxaq 15 14 1 4 - 7 - Kirkop 4 4 - 1 - 1 - Marsascala 20 18 2 6 2 2 - Marsaxlokk 7 7 - 3 - - - Mqabba 16 16 - 2 - 7 - Qrendi 13 11 2 3 - 3 2 Safi 3 3 - 1 - 1 - Żurrieq 31 30 1 7 - 5 -

130 … Table 54. Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

45 - 54 55 - 64 > 64 District/locality Males Females Males Females Males Females

503 40 199 17 78 18 Maltese Islands 442 38 166 15 73 18 Malta

44 4 28 4 6 - Southern Harbour

------Valletta 1 - - - - - Birgu ------Isla ------Bormla 14 1 18 1 4 - Żabbar 2 1 2 - - - Fgura ------Floriana 1 - - - - - Kalkara 3 - 3 1 2 - Luqa 20 1 1 - - - Marsa ------Paola ------Santa Luċija 3 1 4 2 - - Tarxien ------Xgћajra

46 4 23 1 10 - Northern Harbour

24 2 13 1 5 - Qormi 2 1 2 - - - Birkirkara ------Gżira 2 - 1 - - - Ħamrun - - 4 - 2 - Msida ------Pembroke - - - - 1 - Pieta' 1 - - - 1 - San Ġiljan 11 1 3 - 1 - San Ġwann 3 - - - - - Santa Venera ------Sliema 3 - - - - - Swieqi ------Ta' Xbiex

55 2 25 - 5 1 South Eastern

20 1 7 - 1 - Żejtun 4 - 1 - - - Birżebbuġa 2 - - - - - Gudja 2 1 1 - - - Gћaxaq 2 - - - - - Kirkop 6 - 3 - 1 - Marsascala 1 - 2 - 1 - Marsaxlokk 3 - 4 - - - Mqabba 4 - 1 - - - Qrendi 1 - - - - - Safi 10 - 6 - 2 1 Żurrieq

131 … Table 54. Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

Grand Total < 35 35 - 44 District/locality Total Males Females Males Females Males Females

Western 395 371 24 47 2 91 3 Mdina 1 1 - - - 1 - Żebbuġ (Malta) 68 63 5 2 1 21 1 Siġiewi 52 49 3 6 - 16 - Attard 34 33 1 1 - 3 - Balzan ------Dingli 36 35 1 - - 11 - Iklin 1 1 - - - - - Lija 23 23 - 14 - 2 - Rabat (Malta) 180 166 14 24 1 37 2 Mtarfa ------Northern 462 407 55 89 3 112 16 Gћargћur 13 12 1 3 - 1 1 Mellieћa 62 58 4 10 - 18 3 Mġarr (Malta) 160 133 27 27 - 45 10 Mosta 90 81 9 15 2 22 2 Naxxar 30 30 - 13 - 12 - San Pawl il-Baћar 107 93 14 21 1 14 -

Gozo and Comino 217 206 11 53 1 54 6

Gozo and Comino 217 206 11 53 1 54 6 Rabat (Gozo) 34 33 1 12 - 11 1 Fontana 17 17 - 1 - 12 - Gћajnsielem and Comino 15 13 2 2 - 4 1 Gћarb 8 8 - 3 - - - Gћasri 4 4 - 1 - 1 - Kerċem 30 30 - 10 - 5 - Munxar 2 2 - - - 1 - Nadur 35 32 3 5 - 5 - Qala 1 1 - - - 1 - San Lawrenz 2 2 - - - - - Sannat 13 12 1 3 - 3 1 Xagћra 20 20 - 3 - 3 - Xewkija 29 26 3 11 1 6 2 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 7 6 1 2 - 2 1

Chart 75. Percentage of full-time farmers by sex

Females 8%

Males 92%

132 … Table 54. Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

45 - 54 55 - 64 > 64 District/locality Males Females Males Females Males Females

174 13 46 4 13 2 Western ------Mdina 29 2 8 - 3 1 Żebbuġ (Malta) 17 1 9 2 1 - Siġiewi 28 - 1 1 - - Attard ------Balzan 20 1 3 - 1 - Dingli 1 - - - - - Iklin 4 - 3 - - - Lija 75 9 22 1 8 1 Rabat (Malta) ------Mtarfa

123 15 44 6 39 15 Northern 3 - 3 - 2 - Gћargћur 15 1 7 - 8 - Mellieћa 37 8 13 3 11 6 Mġarr (Malta) 29 2 7 1 8 2 Mosta 4 - 1 - - - Naxxar 35 4 13 2 10 7 San Pawl il-Baћar

61 2 33 2 5 - Gozo and Comino

61 2 33 2 5 - Gozo and Comino 6 - 4 - - - Rabat (Gozo) 2 - 1 - 1 - Fontana 4 1 2 - 1 - Gћajnsielem and Comino 2 - 3 - - - Gћarb 1 - 1 - - - Gћasri 9 - 5 - 1 - Kerċem - - 1 - - - Munxar 12 1 8 2 2 - Nadur ------Qala 1 - 1 - - - San Lawrenz 5 - 1 - - - Sannat 9 - 5 - - - Xagћra 8 - 1 - - - Xewkija 2 - - - - - Żebbuġ (Gozo)

Chart 76. Percentage distribution of full-time Chart 77. Percentage distribution of full-time male farmers by region and age group female farmers by region and age group age group age group > 64 Gozo and Comino Gozo and Comino > 64 Malta Malta 55 - 64 55 - 64 45 - 54 45 - 54

35 - 44 35 - 44

< 35 < 35

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% percent percent

133 Table 55. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group …

Total < 35 35 - 44 District/locality Grand Total Males Females Males Females Males Females

Maltese Islands 12,589 10,757 1,832 1,153 163 2,094 376 Malta 9,965 8,520 1,445 912 139 1,678 320

Southern Harbour 996 884 112 100 9 137 17

Valletta 14 14 - 2 - 1 - Birgu 7 7 - - - 2 - Isla 2 2 - - - - - Bormla 8 8 - - - 1 - Żabbar 411 361 50 51 2 63 9 Fgura 82 74 8 11 1 7 - Floriana 4 3 1 1 - - - Kalkara 36 34 2 2 1 11 - Luqa 260 224 36 12 3 28 6 Marsa 25 23 2 3 - 8 - Paola 31 29 2 6 1 5 - Santa Luċija 16 16 - 1 - 3 - Tarxien 97 88 9 11 - 8 2 Xgћajra 3 1 2 - 1 - -

Northern Harbour 710 628 82 77 7 128 21

Qormi 266 242 24 35 2 51 7 Birkirkara 168 153 15 21 1 22 2 Gżira 6 5 1 1 - - 1 Ħamrun 27 22 5 2 - 3 2 Msida 32 27 5 2 1 9 3 Pembroke 2 2 - - - 2 - Pieta' 15 14 1 1 - 5 - San Ġiljan 30 25 5 2 1 3 1 San Ġwann 99 82 17 9 1 17 5 Santa Venera 37 31 6 3 1 11 - Sliema 14 13 1 - - 3 - Swieqi 12 10 2 - - 2 - Ta' Xbiex 2 2 - 1 - - -

South Eastern 2,906 2,542 364 238 30 466 68

Żejtun 548 500 48 62 3 73 9 Birżebbuġa 354 310 44 29 2 50 4 Gudja 219 200 19 19 1 48 3 Gћaxaq 222 197 25 15 5 41 3 Kirkop 160 126 34 13 1 20 5 Marsascala 79 71 8 11 2 18 2 Marsaxlokk 86 74 12 14 2 7 3 Mqabba 149 125 24 9 6 25 4 Qrendi 270 228 42 17 4 41 12 Safi 165 130 35 8 - 29 7 Żurrieq 654 581 73 41 4 114 16

134 … Table 55. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

45 - 54 55 - 64 > 64 District/locality Males Females Males Females Males Females

3,171 459 2,148 420 2,191 414 Maltese Islands 2,579 376 1,718 309 1,633 301 Malta

272 31 192 22 183 33 Southern Harbour

9 - - - 2 - Valletta 4 - 1 - - - Birgu 1 - 1 - - - Isla 2 - 5 - - - Bormla 104 11 69 4 74 24 Żabbar 28 2 21 5 7 - Fgura - 1 - - 2 - Floriana 6 - 6 - 9 1 Kalkara 66 12 63 8 55 7 Luqa 5 1 4 1 3 - Marsa 9 - 3 1 6 - Paola 7 - 1 - 4 - Santa Luċija 31 4 17 2 21 1 Tarxien - - 1 1 - - Xgћajra

182 22 125 19 116 13 Northern Harbour

72 6 38 4 46 5 Qormi 39 3 39 5 32 4 Birkirkara 3 - 1 - - - Gżira 3 1 8 1 6 1 Ħamrun 9 1 4 - 3 - Msida ------Pembroke 3 1 2 - 3 - Pieta' 8 1 5 1 7 1 San Ġiljan 27 6 17 3 12 2 San Ġwann 10 3 4 2 3 - Santa Venera 5 - 3 1 2 - Sliema 3 - 4 2 1 - Swieqi - - - - 1 - Ta' Xbiex

779 88 542 87 517 91 South Eastern

134 8 113 12 118 16 Żejtun 103 13 73 16 55 9 Birżebbuġa 63 2 31 7 39 6 Gudja 57 3 46 7 38 7 Gћaxaq 42 4 28 10 23 14 Kirkop 14 3 19 1 9 - Marsascala 24 2 20 5 9 - Marsaxlokk 41 5 21 2 29 7 Mqabba 65 6 50 4 55 16 Qrendi 55 19 18 4 20 5 Safi 181 23 123 19 122 11 Żurrieq

135 … Table 55. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

Total < 35 35 - 44 District/locality Grand Total Males Females Males Females Males Females

Western 3,010 2,520 490 264 52 535 121 Mdina 10 8 2 4 - - - Żebbuġ (Malta) 592 490 102 43 7 108 22 Siġiewi 729 632 97 57 6 139 17 Attard 111 103 8 5 3 26 3 Balzan 20 18 2 1 - 3 1 Dingli 314 265 49 29 5 51 15 Iklin 6 5 1 - - - 1 Lija 49 44 5 7 1 9 1 Rabat (Malta) 1,168 947 221 112 28 198 60 Mtarfa 11 8 3 6 2 1 1

Northern 2,343 1,946 397 233 41 412 93 Gћargћur 170 147 23 15 1 28 6 Mellieћa 554 461 93 54 9 87 19 Mġarr (Malta) 356 282 74 33 11 78 19 Mosta 713 597 116 74 12 125 27 Naxxar 248 217 31 32 3 43 10 San Pawl il-Baћar 302 242 60 25 5 51 12

Gozo and Comino 2,624 2,237 387 241 24 416 56

Gozo and Comino 2,624 2,237 387 241 24 416 56 Rabat (Gozo) 284 246 38 19 2 41 6 Fontana 19 15 4 - - 3 - Gћajnsielem and Comino 133 120 13 16 1 23 5 Gћarb 114 101 13 10 4 23 - Gћasri 63 53 10 7 - 10 2 Kerċem 200 168 32 26 5 33 6 Munxar 74 62 12 7 1 9 2 Nadur 449 384 65 35 3 77 9 Qala 139 123 16 10 - 17 1 San Lawrenz 83 70 13 8 - 12 2 Sannat 132 111 21 7 2 16 - Xagћra 444 382 62 42 1 73 6 Xewkija 306 258 48 39 4 56 11 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 184 144 40 15 1 23 6

Chart 78. Percentage distribution of part-time farmers by sex

Females 15%

Males 85%

136 … Table 55. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

45 - 54 55 - 64 > 64 District/locality Males Females Males Females Males Females

771 136 491 95 459 86 Western 2 - 1 2 1 - Mdina 137 23 109 31 93 19 Żebbuġ (Malta) 202 32 118 14 116 28 Siġiewi 38 - 19 - 15 2 Attard 5 1 4 - 5 - Balzan 101 12 36 6 48 11 Dingli 4 - 1 - - - Iklin 11 3 12 - 5 - Lija 270 65 191 42 176 26 Rabat (Malta) 1 - - - - - Mtarfa

575 99 368 86 358 78 Northern 42 5 39 5 23 6 Gћargћur 136 12 96 25 88 28 Mellieћa 68 20 45 11 58 13 Mġarr (Malta) 173 30 113 26 112 21 Mosta 74 7 30 6 38 5 Naxxar 82 25 45 13 39 5 San Pawl il-Baћar

592 83 430 111 558 113 Gozo and Comino

592 83 430 111 558 113 Gozo and Comino 78 8 45 15 63 7 Rabat (Gozo) 5 2 3 - 4 2 Fontana 31 4 23 1 27 2 Gћajnsielem and Comino 26 - 15 6 27 3 Gћarb 17 1 9 4 10 3 Gћasri 37 7 31 6 41 8 Kerċem 14 4 9 1 23 4 Munxar 96 11 78 22 98 20 Nadur 28 3 30 8 38 4 Qala 18 2 13 5 19 4 San Lawrenz 23 4 21 4 44 11 Sannat 116 10 70 19 81 26 Xagћra 61 14 47 7 55 12 Xewkija 42 13 36 13 28 7 Żebbuġ (Gozo)

Chart 79. Percentage distribution of part-time male Chart 80. Percentage distribution of part-time farmers by age group and region female farmers by age group and region age group age group

>64 >64

55 - 64 55 - 64

45 - 54 45 - 54

35 - 44 Gozo and Comino 35 - 44 Gozo and Comino Malta < 35 < 35 Malta

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% percent percent

137 Table 56. Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group ...

Grand Total < 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 District/locality Total Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

Maltese Islands 1,524 1,405 119 22 2 134 6 268 15 Malta 1,307 1,199 108 17 1 113 6 219 11

Southern Harbour 137 124 13 4 - 13 3 13 -

Valletta ------Birgu 2 2 - - - - - 1 - Isla ------Bormla ------Żabbar 67 63 4 4 - 8 2 6 - Fgura 8 7 1 - - 1 - 2 - Floriana 1 1 - - - 1 - - - Kalkara 1 1 ------Luqa 14 13 1 - - 1 - 1 - Marsa 28 24 4 - - 1 1 2 - Paola ------Santa Luċija 1 1 ------Tarxien 15 12 3 - - 1 - 1 - Xgћajra ------

Northern Harbour 144 136 8 7 - 11 - 24 1

Qormi 78 74 4 1 - 4 - 18 - Birkirkara 8 6 2 - - 1 - - - Gżira ------Ħamrun 6 6 - 1 - - - - - Msida 11 11 - 1 - 1 - 2 - Pembroke ------Pieta' 1 1 ------San Ġiljan 5 5 - - - - - 2 - San Ġwann 25 23 2 3 - 3 - 2 1 Santa Venera 4 4 ------Sliema ------Swieqi 6 6 - 1 - 2 - - - Ta' Xbiex ------

South Eastern 169 161 8 1 1 20 - 35 2

Żejtun 48 47 1 - - 3 - 6 - Birżebbuġa 9 8 1 - - 1 - 2 1 Gudja 3 3 - - - - - 1 - Gћaxaq 15 14 1 - - 1 - 8 - Kirkop 4 4 - - - 1 - - - Marsascala 20 18 2 1 1 2 - 4 1 Marsaxlokk 7 7 - - - 3 - - - Mqabba 16 16 - - - 2 - 4 - Qrendi 13 11 2 - - 3 - 2 - Safi 3 3 - - - - - 1 - Żurrieq 31 30 1 - - 4 - 7 -

138 … Table 56. Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 > 69 District/locality Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

424 36 416 36 100 16 41 8 Maltese Islands 359 33 364 34 89 15 38 8 Malta

26 4 53 5 11 1 4 - Southern Harbour

------Valletta 1 ------Birgu ------Isla ------Bormla 12 1 24 1 6 - 3 - Żabbar 2 - - 1 2 - - - Fgura ------Floriana 1 ------Kalkara 4 - 4 - 2 1 1 - Luqa 1 2 19 1 1 - - - Marsa ------Paola 1 ------Santa Luċija 4 1 6 2 - - - - Tarxien ------Xgћajra

37 3 42 4 11 - 4 - Northern Harbour

19 1 23 3 7 - 2 - Qormi 3 1 2 1 - - - - Birkirkara ------Gżira 4 - 1 - - - - - Ħamrun 1 - 4 - 1 - 1 - Msida ------Pembroke - - - - 1 - - - Pieta' 1 - 1 - 1 - - - San Ġiljan 5 1 8 - 1 - 1 - San Ġwann 3 - 1 - - - - - Santa Venera ------Sliema 1 - 2 - - - - - Swieqi ------Ta' Xbiex

45 2 46 2 10 - 4 1 South Eastern

20 - 16 1 1 - 1 - Żejtun 2 - 3 - - - - - Birżebbuġa - - 2 - - - - - Gudja 4 - - 1 1 - - - Gћaxaq 2 - 1 - - - - - Kirkop 3 - 5 - 3 - - - Marsascala 1 - - - 2 - 1 - Marsaxlokk 5 - 3 - 2 - - - Mqabba 4 2 2 - - - - - Qrendi 1 - 1 - - - - - Safi 3 - 13 - 1 - 2 1 Żurrieq

139 … Table 56. Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

Grand Total < 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 District/locality Total Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

Western 395 371 24 2 - 19 - 58 2

Mdina 1 1 - - - - - 1 - Żebbuġ (Malta) 68 63 5 - - 1 - 4 1 Siġiewi 52 49 3 - - 4 - 9 - Attard 34 33 1 - - - - 3 - Balzan ------Dingli 36 35 1 - - - - 1 - Iklin 1 1 ------Lija 23 23 - - - - - 15 - Rabat (Malta) 180 166 14 2 - 14 - 25 1 Mtarfa ------

Northern 462 407 55 3 - 50 3 89 6

Gћargћur 13 12 1 - - 3 - 1 1 Mellieћa 62 58 4 - - 4 - 15 2 Mġarr (Malta) 160 133 27 2 - 11 - 32 2 Mosta 90 81 9 1 - 10 2 13 1 Naxxar 30 30 - - - 8 - 15 - San Pawl il-Baћar 107 93 14 - - 14 1 13 -

Gozo and Comino 217 206 11 5 1 21 - 49 4

Gozo and Comino 217 206 11 5 1 21 - 49 4

Rabat (Gozo) 34 33 1 2 - 4 - 14 - Fontana 17 17 - - - 1 - - - Gћajnsielem and Comino 15 13 2 - - 2 - 2 1 Gћarb 8 8 - - - 1 - 2 - Gћasri 4 4 - - - 1 - - - Kerċem 30 30 - 1 - 5 - 6 - Munxar 2 2 - - - - - 1 - Nadur 35 32 3 2 - 2 - 3 - Qala 1 1 - - - - - 1 - San Lawrenz 2 2 ------Sannat 13 12 1 - - 3 - - 1 Xagћra 20 20 - - - 1 - 3 - Xewkija 29 26 3 - 1 1 - 13 1 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 7 6 1 - - - - 4 1

Note: Table 56 is being provided in addition to table 54 in order to provide scope for more in-depth analysis of the local agricultural labour force scene.

140 … Table 56. Full-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 > 69 District/locality Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

131 7 132 12 21 2 8 1 Western

------Mdina 31 1 23 2 2 1 2 - Żebbuġ (Malta) 18 1 13 1 4 1 1 - Siġiewi 6 - 23 1 1 - - - Attard ------Balzan 21 1 12 - - - 1 - Dingli 1 ------Iklin 3 - 4 - 1 - - - Lija 51 4 57 8 13 - 4 1 Rabat (Malta) ------Mtarfa

120 17 91 11 36 12 18 6 Northern

1 - 4 - 3 - - - Gћargћur 13 2 14 - 6 - 6 - Mellieћa 51 13 19 6 14 3 4 3 Mġarr (Malta) 28 2 19 1 5 2 5 1 Mosta 3 - 4 - - - - - Naxxar 24 - 31 4 8 7 3 2 San Pawl il-Baћar

65 3 52 2 11 1 3 - Gozo and Comino

65 3 52 2 11 1 3 - Gozo and Comino

6 1 5 - 2 - - - Rabat (Gozo) 12 - 3 - - - 1 - Fontana 5 1 3 - - - 1 - Gћajnsielem and Comino 1 - 2 - 2 - - - Gћarb 2 - 1 - - - - - Gћasri 8 - 7 - 3 - - - Kerċem - - - - 1 - - - Munxar 8 - 14 2 2 1 1 - Nadur ------Qala - - 2 - - - - - San Lawrenz 8 - 1 - - - - - Sannat 7 - 8 - 1 - - - Xagћra 7 1 5 - - - - - Xewkija 1 - 1 - - - - - Żebbuġ (Gozo)

141 Table 57. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group ...

Grand Total< 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 District/locality Total Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

Maltese Islands 12,589 10,757 1,832 85 13 530 72 1,383 246 Malta 9,965 8,520 1,445 59 11 437 60 1,093 211

Southern Harbour 996 884 112 9 3 50 2 89 9

Valletta 14 14 - - - 2 - - - Birgu 7 7 - - - - - 1 - Isla 2 2 ------Bormla 8 8 ------Żabbar 411 361 50 9 - 23 - 42 5 Fgura 82 74 8 - - 6 1 7 - Floriana 4 3 1 - - 1 - - - Kalkara 36 34 2 - - - - 9 1 Luqa 260 224 36 - 2 7 - 13 2 Marsa 25 23 2 - - 1 - 5 - Paola 31 29 2 - 1 4 - 3 - Santa Luċija 16 16 - - - 1 - - - Tarxien 97 88 9 - - 5 - 9 1 Xgћajra 3 1 2 - - - 1 - -

Northern Harbour 710 628 82 6 - 37 2 87 16

Qormi 266 242 24 4 - 16 - 30 6 Birkirkara 168 153 15 2 - 8 - 19 2 Gżira 6 5 1 - - - - 1 - Ħamrun 27 22 5 - - 1 - 2 2 Msida 32 27 5 - - 1 - 6 2 Pembroke 2 2 - - - - - 1 - Pieta' 15 14 1 - - - - 5 - San Ġiljan 30 25 5 - - - 1 4 - San Ġwann 99 82 17 - - 8 - 9 4 Santa Venera 37 31 6 - - 2 1 8 - Sliema 14 13 1 - - - - 1 - Swieqi 12 10 2 - - - - 1 - Ta' Xbiex 2 2 - - - 1 - - -

South Eastern 2,906 2,542 364 21 3 100 15 290 39

Żejtun 548 500 48 3 1 29 - 52 3 Birżebbuġa 354 310 44 1 - 11 1 40 2 Gudja 219 200 19 - - 4 1 29 2 Gћaxaq 222 197 25 3 1 7 3 15 2 Kirkop 160 126 34 1 - 5 1 14 3 Marsascala 79 71 8 2 - 6 2 10 1 Marsaxlokk 86 74 12 1 - 8 2 9 2 Mqabba 149 125 24 1 - 4 4 14 3 Qrendi 270 228 42 1 - 8 1 28 4 Safi 165 130 35 3 - - - 19 4 Żurrieq 654 581 73 5 1 18 - 60 13

142 … Table 57. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 > 69 District/locality Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2,745 404 2,857 503 1,828 347 1,329 247 Maltese Islands 2,219 333 2,311 409 1,447 244 954 177 Malta

228 31 240 29 164 21 104 17 Southern Harbour

5 - 5 - - - 2 - Valletta 4 - 2 - - - - - Birgu - - 1 - 1 - - - Isla 1 - 5 - 2 - - - Bormla 94 13 92 8 57 13 44 11 Żabbar 17 2 26 5 13 - 5 - Fgura - - - 1 2 - - - Floriana 4 - 10 - 5 - 6 1 Kalkara 62 13 58 11 55 4 29 4 Luqa 7 - 4 1 5 1 1 - Marsa 9 - 6 - 4 1 3 - Paola 5 - 6 - 1 - 3 - Santa Luċija 20 3 25 3 18 1 11 1 Tarxien - - - - 1 1 - - Xgћajra

161 17 165 27 114 15 58 5 Northern Harbour

74 5 59 6 34 6 25 1 Qormi 27 3 46 4 38 3 13 3 Birkirkara 2 1 2 - - - - - Gżira 4 1 5 1 6 1 4 - Ħamrun 9 2 5 1 5 - 1 - Msida 1 ------Pembroke 3 - 2 1 2 - 2 - Pieta' 3 1 9 2 4 - 5 1 San Ġiljan 23 2 21 8 14 3 7 - San Ġwann 9 2 7 1 5 2 - - Santa Venera 4 - 4 1 3 - 1 - Sliema 2 - 5 2 2 - - - Swieqi - - - - 1 - - - Ta' Xbiex

674 70 696 115 451 68 310 54 South Eastern

113 14 126 11 111 14 66 5 Żejtun 78 4 93 21 52 11 35 5 Birżebbuġa 65 3 46 3 30 6 26 4 Gudja 53 3 60 6 38 5 21 5 Gћaxaq 33 4 37 5 18 10 18 11 Kirkop 17 2 17 3 14 - 5 - Marsascala 19 1 19 7 17 - 1 - Marsaxlokk 33 4 37 5 23 5 13 3 Mqabba 52 13 66 8 41 8 32 8 Qrendi 39 5 41 20 19 2 9 4 Safi 172 17 154 26 88 7 84 9 Żurrieq

143 … Table 57. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

Grand Total < 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 Region and district Total Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

Western 3,010 2,520 490 8 2 125 26 365 81

Mdina 10 8 2 - - 2 - 2 - Żebbuġ (Malta) 592 490 102 - - 21 5 75 20 Siġiewi 729 632 97 1 - 18 1 105 12 Attard 111 103 8 - - 2 - 12 4 Balzan 20 18 2 1 - - - 1 - Dingli 314 265 49 - - 13 2 31 13 Iklin 6 5 1 ------Lija 49 44 5 - - 5 - 7 2 Rabat (Malta) 1,168 947 221 5 2 60 16 131 30 Mtarfa 11 8 3 1 - 4 2 1 -

Northern 2,343 1,946 397 15 3 125 15 262 66

Gћargћur 170 147 23 - - 2 - 24 5 Mellieћa 554 461 93 3 2 32 3 55 16 Mġarr (Malta) 356 282 74 3 - 19 1 38 19 Mosta 713 597 116 6 - 39 8 90 15 Naxxar 248 217 31 2 1 15 1 32 2 San Pawl il-Baћar 302 242 60 1 - 18 2 23 9

Gozo and Comino 2,624 2,237 387 26 2 93 12 290 35

Gozo and Comino 2,624 2,237 387 26 2 93 12 290 35

Rabat (Gozo) 284 246 38 1 - 10 - 20 5 Fontana 19 15 4 ------Gћajnsielem and Comino 133 120 13 3 - 6 1 16 2 Gћarb 114 101 13 - - 6 2 18 2 Gћasri 63 53 10 2 - 2 - 8 1 Kerċem 200 168 32 4 - 10 4 23 2 Munxar 74 62 12 - - 1 1 9 2 Nadur 449 384 65 1 - 14 2 48 5 Qala 139 123 16 - - 7 - 8 1 San Lawrenz 83 70 13 1 - 3 - 12 - Sannat 132 111 21 - - 3 1 10 1 Xagћra 444 382 62 6 - 11 - 60 5 Xewkija 306 258 48 7 2 13 - 38 5 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 184 144 40 1 - 7 1 20 4

Note: Table 57 is being provided in addition to table 55 in order to provide scope for more in-depth analysis of the local agricultural labour force scene.

144 … Table 57. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex and age group

40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 > 69 Region and district Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

640 114 715 144 386 68 281 55 Western

2 - 1 1 - 1 1 - Mdina 113 9 136 39 94 18 51 11 Żebbuġ (Malta) 157 21 190 29 90 14 71 20 Siġiewi 32 2 34 - 12 - 11 2 Attard 4 2 6 - 5 - 1 - Balzan 80 10 80 9 24 8 37 7 Dingli 3 1 1 - 1 - - - Iklin 13 2 10 1 7 - 2 - Lija 235 66 256 65 153 27 107 15 Rabat (Malta) 1 1 1 - - - - - Mtarfa

516 101 495 94 332 72 201 46 Northern

38 4 45 6 26 2 12 6 Gћargћur 109 13 128 19 77 30 57 10 Mellieћa 89 16 55 20 44 7 34 11 Mġarr (Malta) 143 35 151 23 112 23 56 12 Mosta 60 13 57 5 36 5 15 4 Naxxar 77 20 59 21 37 5 27 3 San Pawl il-Baћar

526 71 546 94 381 103 375 70 Gozo and Comino

526 71 546 94 381 103 375 70 Gozo and Comino

67 7 61 15 44 5 43 6 Rabat (Gozo) 4 2 6 - 3 2 2 - Fontana 25 6 35 1 18 3 17 - Gћajnsielem and Comino 20 - 23 3 13 3 21 3 Gћarb 10 1 17 2 6 5 8 1 Gћasri 46 7 27 11 34 4 24 4 Kerċem 10 2 16 3 14 1 12 3 Munxar 94 6 97 14 61 26 69 12 Nadur 23 2 33 6 22 4 30 3 Qala 12 4 16 3 14 3 12 3 San Lawrenz 18 2 26 5 27 7 27 5 Sannat 99 8 93 10 60 20 53 19 Xagћra 65 15 57 10 37 10 41 6 Xewkija 33 9 39 11 28 10 16 5 Żebbuġ (Gozo)

145 Table 58. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex, age group and hours worked ...

Grand Total < 35 District Description total Males Females Males Females

Maltese Islands Part-time 12,589 10,757 1,832 1,153 163 Hours worked per year 4,758,868 4,212,471 546,397 497,720 60,365 AWU equivalent 2,644 2,340 304 277 34

Malta Part-time 9,965 8,520 1,445 912 139 Hours worked per year 3,955,875 3,504,960 450,915 403,741 47,235 AWU equivalent 2,198 1,947 251 224 26

Southern Harbour Part-time 996 884 112 100 9 Hours worked per year 386,383 366,757 19,626 49,071 2,702 AWU equivalent 215 204 11 27 2

Northern Harbour Part-time 710 628 82 77 7 Hours worked per year 281,419 258,239 23,180 42,860 2,588 AWU equivalent 156 143 13 24 1

South Eastern Part-time 2,906 2,542 364 238 30 Hours worked per year 1,052,251 973,375 78,876 103,648 8,720 AWU equivalent 585 541 44 58 5

Western Part-time 3,010 2,520 490 264 52 Hours worked per year 1,279,324 1,113,292 166,032 118,698 15,003 AWU equivalent 711 618 92 66 8

Northern Part-time 2,343 1,946 397 233 41 Hours worked per year 956,498 793,297 163,201 89,464 18,222 AWU equivalent 531 441 91 50 10

Gozo and Comino Part-time 2,624 2,237 387 241 24 Hours worked per year 802,993 707,511 95,482 93,979 13,130 AWU equivalent 446 393 53 52 7

Gozo and Comino Part-time 2,624 2,237 387 241 24 Hours worked per year 802,993 707,511 95,482 93,979 13,130 AWU equivalent 446 393 53 52 7

Note: AWU = Annual Work Unit

Chart 81. Total hours and average hours worked by part-time farmers

average hours per part- total hours '000 timer 1400 450

1200 400 350 1000 300 800 250 600 200 150 400 100 200 50 0 0 Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino

Total hours Average hours /part timer

146 … Table 58. Part-time farmers and breeders by sex, age group and hours worked

35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 > 64 District Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2,094 376 3,171 459 2,148 420 2,191 414 Maltese Islands 835,542 138,399 1,196,082 133,306 843,872 119,322 839,255 95,005 464 77 664 74 469 66 466 53

1,678 320 2,579 376 1,718 309 1,633 301 Malta 716,736 123,561 1,003,901 113,755 690,898 87,432 689,684 78,932 398 69 558 63 384 49 383 44

137 17 272 31 192 22 183 33 Southern Harbour 69,017 4,479 107,184 6,274 71,029 3,922 70,456 2,249 38 2 60 3 39 2 39 1

128 21 182 22 125 19 116 13 Northern Harbour 57,048 6,205 74,171 6,001 40,170 4,099 43,990 4,287 32 3 41 3 22 2 24 2

466 68 779 88 542 87 517 91 South Eastern 180,305 21,178 280,711 13,816 223,283 16,248 185,428 18,914 100 12 156 8 124 9 103 11

535 121 771 136 491 95 459 86 Western 234,869 43,839 337,762 52,587 209,893 31,723 212,070 22,880 130 24 188 29 117 18 118 13

412 93 575 99 368 86 358 78 Northern 175,497 47,860 204,073 35,077 146,523 31,440 177,740 30,602 97 27 113 19 81 17 99 17

416 56 592 83 430 111 558 113 Gozo and Comino 118,806 14,838 192,181 19,551 152,974 31,890 149,571 16,073 66 8 107 11 85 18 83 9

416 56 592 83 430 111 558 113 Gozo and Comino 118,806 14,838 192,181 19,551 152,974 31,890 149,571 16,073 66 8 107 11 85 18 83 9

Chart 82. Percentage distribution of part-time workers by sex in AWU

Females 11%

Males 89%

147 Table 59. Full-time / part-time unpaid family workers

Full-time Part-time

District Holder/ Spouse of Holder/ Spouse of Total Other Total Other Manager holder Manager holder

Maltese Islands 1,278 1,135 36 107 12,295 9,377 907 2,011

Malta 1,120 995 32 93 9,729 7,420 743 1,566

Southern Harbour 106 94 3 9 978 780 50 148

Northern Harbour 108 91 4 13 685 548 41 96

South Eastern 159 143 3 13 2,849 2,107 205 537

Western 315 297 8 10 2,950 2,351 252 347

Northern 432 370 14 48 2,267 1,634 195 438

Gozo and Comino 158 140 4 14 2,566 1,957 164 445

Gozo and Comino 158 140 4 14 2,566 1,957 164 445

Chart 83. Distribution of full-time unpaid family Chart 84. Percentage distribution of full-time workers by type and district unpaid family workers by district


Other Southern Harbour Gozo and 8% Comino Northern 12% Harbour Spouse 8%

Holder/Manager South Eastern 12% Northern 35% 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 number Western 25% Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino

Chart 85. Distribution of part-time unpaid family Chart 86. Percentage distribution of part-time workers by type and district unpaid family workers by district


Southern Other Gozo and Harbour Comino 8% Northern 21% Harbour 6% Spouse

South Eastern 23% Holder/Manager Northern 18%

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 number Western 24% Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino

148 Table 60. Full-time / part-time paid family workers

Full-time Part-time District Total Manager Other Total Manager Other Maltese Islands 113 25 88 67 15 52

Malta 82 10 72 42 13 29

Southern Harbour 6 - 6 4 - 4

Northern Harbour 15 7 8 4 1 3

South Eastern 6 1 5 7 - 7

Western 44 2 42 21 12 9

Northern 11 - 11 6 - 6

Gozo and Comino 31 15 16 25 2 23

Gozo and Comino 31 15 16 25 2 23

Chart 87. Distribution of full-time paid family workers by Chart 88. Percentage distribution of full-time paid type and district family workers by district


Southern Harbour Other 5% Gozo and Northern Comino Harbour 27% 13%

Manager South Eastern 5%

0 1020304050 Northern Number 10%

Western 40% Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino

Chart 89. Distribution of part-time paid family workers Chart 90. Percentage distribution of part-time paid by type and district family workers by district


Southern Harbour Other 6% Northern Harbour 6% Gozo and Comino 38% Manager South Eastern 10%

0 5 10 15 20 25

number Western Northern 31% 9%

Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino

149 Table 61. Part-time unpaid non-family workers

Spouse of Manager but not District Total manager but not Other holder holder

Maltese Islands 43 10 4 29

Malta 40 10 4 26

Southern Harbour 5 - - 5

Northern Harbour 7 1 - 6

South Eastern 13 4 1 8

Western 10 3 2 5

Northern 5 2 1 2

Gozo and Comino 3 - - 3

Gozo and Comino 3 - - 3

Chart 91. Percentage distribution of part-time unpaid non-family workers

Manager but not holder 23%

Other 68% Spouse of manager but not holder 9%

150 Table 62. Full-time / part-time employees

Full-time Part-time District Total Manager Other Total Manager Other

Maltese Islands 133 10 123 184 9 175

Malta 105 10 95 154 7 147

Southern Harbour 25 1 24 9 1 8

Northern Harbour 21 3 18 14 1 13

South Eastern 4 - 4 37 3 34

Western 36 1 35 29 - 29

Northern 19 5 14 65 2 63

Gozo and Comino 28 - 28 30 2 28

Gozo and Comino 28 - 28 30 2 28

Chart 92. Distribution of full-time and part-time non-family employees by district


Gozo and Comino



Part-time South Eastern Full-time

Northern Harbour

Southern Harbour

0 10203040506070 number

151 Table 63. Full-time farmers by type of agricultural training

Practical Practical Practical Full Basic District Total Undeclared experience experience experience agricultural training (< 5 years) (5 - 10 years) (> 10 years) training

Maltese Islands 1,524 28 102 111 1,161 18 104

Malta 1,307 28 71 103 987 18 100

Southern Harbour 137 13 14 11 84 2 13

Northern Harbour 144 3 16 12 103 2 8

South Eastern 169 2 12 8 128 4 15

Western 395 2 6 26 297 9 55

Northern 462 8 23 46 375 1 9

Gozo and Comino 217 - 31 8 174 - 4

Gozo and Comino 217 - 31 8 174 - 4

Chart 93. Percentage distribution of full-time farmers by type of agricultural training and region

agricultural training

Full agricultural training

Basic training

Practical experience > 10 years

Practical experience 5 - 10 years

Gozo and Comino Practical experience < 5 years Malta Undeclared

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% percent

Chart 94. Percentage distribution of full-time farmers Chart 95. Percentage distribution of full-time farmers by district by type of agricultural training: Maltese Islands

Gozo and Comino Full agricultural 14% training Basic training 7% Southern 1% Undeclared Harbour 2% 9% Northern Practical 31% experience < 5 Northern years Harbour 7% 9% Practical experience 5 - South Eastern 10 years 11% Practical 7% Western experience > 26% 10 years 76%

152 Table 64. Part-time farmers by type of agricultural training

Practical Practical Practical Full Basic District Total Undeclared experience experience experience agricultural training (< 5 years) (5 - 10 years) (> 10 years) training

Maltese Islands 12,589 2,415 892 795 8,074 121 292

Malta 9,965 1,833 725 576 6,524 103 204

Southern Harbour 996 245 91 55 548 10 47

Northern Harbour 710 136 62 46 449 3 14

South Eastern 2,906 723 144 112 1,833 65 29

Western 3,010 503 253 181 1,995 18 60

Northern 2,343 226 175 182 1,699 7 54

Gozo and Comino 2,624 582 167 219 1,550 18 88

Gozo and Comino 2,624 582 167 219 1,550 18 88

Chart 96. Percentage distribution of part-time farmers by type of agricultural training and region agricultural training

Full agricultural training

Basic training

Practical experience > 10 years

Practical experience 5 - 10 years

Practical experience < 5 years


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% percent

Malta Gozo and Comino

Chart 97. Percentage distribution of part-time farmers Chart 98. Percentage distribution of part-time by district farmers by type of agricultural training: Maltese Islands

Gozo and Comino Basic training 21% Southern 1% Harbour Full agricultural 8% training Northern 2% 19% Northern Undeclared Harbour 19% 6% Practical experience > 10 years 65% Practical experience < 5 years South Eastern 7% Western 23% 23% Practical experience 5 - 10 years years 6%

153 Table 65. Contracted work provided by third parties

District Number of full-time days

Maltese Islands 5,495

Malta 4,685

Southern Harbour 464

Northern Harbour 417

South Eastern 1,092

Western 1,591

Northern 1,121

Gozo and Comino 811

Gozo and Comino 811

Chart 99. Percentage distribution of full-time days worked by third parties by district

Gozo and Comino 15% Southern Harbour 8%

Northern Northern Harbour 20% 8%

South Eastern 20%

Western 29%

Table 66. Casual family workers

Hours worked during Region Description Number of workers census period

Maltese Islands Unpaid 449 88,979 Paid 254 30,539

Unpaid 385 81,222 Malta Paid 216 26,061

Unpaid 64 7,757 Gozo and Comino Paid 38 4,478

154 Table 67. Casual non-family workers

Hours worked during Region Description Number of workers census period

Maltese Islands Unpaid 59 6,700 Paid 969 45,992

Unpaid 55 6,610 Malta Paid 929 40,326

Unpaid 4 90 Gozo and Comino Paid 40 5,666

Chart 100. Number of casual workers by type: Maltese Islands type

Non-Family Unpaid Family


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 number

Chart 101. Percentage distribution of hours worked by casual family workers by region type

Gozo and Comino Paid Malta


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% percent

Chart 102. Percentage distribution of hours worked by casual non-family workers by region type


Gozo and Comino Unpaid Malta

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% percent



Table 68. Machinery by type and district

Machinery for Other Irrigation Region and district land machinery and Tractors Attachments pumps cultivation equipment

Maltese Islands 7,825 9,424 1,996 2,655 5,785

Malta 5,878 8,352 1,503 2,074 4,806

Southern Harbour 534 707 108 184 510

Northern Harbour 429 643 70 89 404

South Eastern 1,535 1,439 226 359 874

Western 1,985 2,773 338 546 1,609

Northern 1,395 2,790 761 896 1,409

Gozo and Comino 1,947 1,072 493 581 979

Gozo and Comino 1,947 1,072 493 581 979

Chart 103. Percentage distribution of tractors by district

Southern Harbour 5% Northern Harbour 4% Gozo and Comino 25% South Eastern 11%

Western 17%

Northern 38%

Chart 104. Distribution of selected equipment by type and district


Gozo and Comino



South Eastern Irrigation pumps Northern Harbour Machinery for land cultivation Southern Harbour

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000


159 Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase …

1997 - 2001

District Total Undeclared

of which in 2001

Maltese Islands Machinery for land cultivation 7,825 316 1,092 86 Combined-harvesters 28 6 5 - Self propelled lifters 21 1 6 - Trucks 869 29 173 16 Vans 2,650 44 700 56 Motor sprayer 4,892 170 1,264 91 Rotary hoes 964 30 349 23

Tractors 1,996 87 450 43 of which Less 10 hp 905 52 176 16 10 - 26 hp 424 5 114 14 27 - 54 hp 337 16 68 8 55 - 82 hp 167 9 46 1 83 - 136 hp 163 5 46 4

Attachments 2,655 142 602 49 of which Forage harvester 263 20 89 4 Rotary cultivator (straw) 140 9 38 8 Baler 913 15 74 5 Manure spreader 61 5 11 - Potato lifter 130 11 40 2 Sprayer (pump) 835 50 251 21 Others 313 32 99 9

Irrigation Pumps 5,785 404 1,676 192 of which 1 - 5 hp 4,029 326 1,210 135 5 - 10 hp 1,309 60 367 52 Over 10 hp 447 18 99 5

Southern Harbour Machinery for land cultivation 534 32 100 14 Combined-harvesters 3 1 1 - Self propelled lifters 1 - - - Trucks 54 1 10 2 Vans 234 5 71 6 Motor sprayer 371 17 113 11 Rotary hoes 44 3 19 3

Tractors 108 15 21 1 of which Less 10 hp 37 9 8 - 10 - 26 hp 12 - 4 - 27 - 54 hp 26 2 2 - 55 - 82 hp 12 1 2 - 83 - 136 hp 21 3 5 1

160 … Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase

District pre 1977 1992 - 1996 1987 - 1991 1982 - 1986 1977 - 1981

Maltese Islands 1,453 1,840 1,019 1,160 945 Machinery for land cultivation 6 3 5 2 1 Combined-harvesters 5 6 - 2 1 Self propelled lifters 233 187 88 89 70 Trucks 694 684 199 181 148 Vans 1,478 869 472 378 261 Motor sprayer 265 146 94 52 28 Rotary hoes

451 355 203 234 216 Tractors of which 198 166 80 104 129 Less 10 hp 85 71 51 49 49 10 - 26 hp 88 61 35 45 24 27 - 54 hp 37 31 21 20 3 55 - 82 hp 43 26 16 16 11 83 - 136 hp

770 337 149 147 508 Attachments of which 61 38 25 18 12 Forage harvester 34 32 13 6 8 Rotary cultivator (straw) 338 50 28 31 377 Baler 22 14 3 2 4 Manure spreader 41 21 7 2 8 Potato lifter 193 133 55 67 86 Sprayer (pump) 81 49 18 21 13 Others

1,561 1,012 459 397 276 Irrigation Pumps of which 1,056 697 308 257 175 1 - 5 hp 347 216 115 120 84 5 - 10 hp 158 99 36 20 17 Over 10 hp

Southern Harbour 110 102 73 58 59 Machinery for land cultivation - - 1 - - Combined-harvesters 1 - - - - Self propelled lifters 15 14 4 3 7 Trucks 64 63 8 18 5 Vans 102 61 33 23 22 Motor sprayer 14 5 2 - 1 Rotary hoes

26 17 8 10 11 Tractors of which 6 5 1 3 5 Less 10 hp 2 2 1 2 1 10 - 26 hp 8 4 3 4 3 27 - 54 hp 4 3 1 - 1 55 - 82 hp 6 3 2 1 1 83 - 136 hp

161 … Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase

1997 - 2001

District Total Undeclared

of which in 2001

Attachments 184 22 54 8 of which Forage harvester 16 4 6 - Rotary cultivator (straw) 8 1 - - Baler 5 1 1 - Manure spreader 7 - 1 - Potato lifter 28 2 12 1 Sprayer (pump) 91 8 25 5 Others 29 6 9 2

Irrigation Pumps 510 17 142 21 of which 1 - 5 hp 323 15 99 15 5 - 10 hp 116 1 30 5 Over 10 hp 71 1 13 1

Northern Harbour Machinery for land cultivation 429 19 75 13 Combined-harvesters - - - - Self propelled lifters 1 - - - Trucks 68 - 16 6 Vans 205 2 59 4 Motor sprayer 326 11 127 5 Rotary hoes 43 2 15 -

Tractors 70 8 16 1 of which Less 10 hp 38 8 8 - 10 - 26 hp 17 - 5 - 27 - 54 hp 12 - 3 1 55 - 82 hp 2 - - - 83 - 136 hp 1 - - -

Attachments 89 12 31 2 of which Forage harvester 7 - 3 - Rotary cultivator (straw) 8 - 3 1 Baler 9 - 5 - Manure spreader 4 1 - - Potato lifter 5 2 - - Sprayer (pump) 41 4 15 1 Others 15 5 5 -

Irrigation Pumps 404 12 140 23 of which 1 - 5 hp 286 9 107 18 5 - 10 hp 97 3 31 5 Over 10 hp 21 - 2 -

162 … Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase

District pre 1977 1992 - 1996 1987 - 1991 1982 - 1986 1977 - 1981

50 19 11 9 19 Attachments of which 2 - 1 1 2 Forage harvester 1 1 1 1 3 Rotary cultivator (straw) 2 - - - 1 Baler 2 2 1 - 1 Manure spreader 10 4 - - - Potato lifter 26 11 6 6 9 Sprayer (pump) 7 1 2 1 3 Others

131 105 41 40 34 Irrigation Pumps of which 75 63 28 25 18 1 - 5 hp 28 21 10 13 13 5 - 10 hp 28 21 3 2 3 Over 10 hp

Northern Harbour 83 74 54 52 72 Machinery for land cultivation - - - - - Combined-harvesters - 1 - - - Self propelled lifters 20 11 7 10 4 Trucks 60 47 13 12 12 Vans 85 40 25 21 17 Motor sprayer 17 4 4 1 - Rotary hoes

12 12 6 9 7 Tractors of which 5 3 4 6 4 Less 10 hp 2 3 1 3 3 10 - 26 hp 4 4 1 - - 27 - 54 hp - 2 - - - 55 - 82 hp 1 - - - - 83 - 136 hp

19 8 6 2 11 Attachments of which 1 - 1 1 1 Forage harvester 1 2 - 1 1 Rotary cultivator (straw) 1 1 2 - - Baler 1 1 - - 1 Manure spreader 1 1 - - 1 Potato lifter 11 3 2 - 6 Sprayer (pump) 3 - 1 - 1 Others

108 55 32 27 30 Irrigation Pumps of which 79 35 20 20 16 1 - 5 hp 22 14 10 4 13 5 - 10 hp 7 6 2 3 1 Over 10 hp

163 … Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase

1997 - 2001

District Total Undeclared

of which in 2001

South Eastern Machinery for land cultivation 1,535 42 188 10 Combined-harvesters 3 - - - Self propelled lifters 5 - 1 - Trucks 122 3 25 1 Vans 342 6 106 9 Motor sprayer 835 27 220 15 Rotary hoes 132 8 39 -

Tractors 226 9 54 8 of which Less 10 hp 89 3 16 3 10 - 26 hp 26 - 11 2 27 - 54 hp 56 4 11 3 55 - 82 hp 22 1 9 - 83 - 136 hp 33 1 7 -

Attachments 359 28 106 9 of which Forage harvester 42 3 13 1 Rotary cultivator (straw) 20 3 7 2 Baler 33 2 9 1 Manure spreader 6 - 3 - Potato lifter 32 3 11 - Sprayer (pump) 178 16 42 5 Others 48 1 21 -

Irrigation Pumps 874 27 263 27 of which 1 - 5 hp 621 19 190 24 5 - 10 hp 174 4 53 2 Over 10 hp 79 4 20 1

Western Machinery for land cultivation 1,985 80 293 28 Combined-harvesters 3 - 1 - Self propelled lifters 1 - - - Trucks 177 5 35 - Vans 734 14 194 15 Motor sprayer 1,471 51 351 28 Rotary hoes 387 7 156 9

Tractors 338 18 94 11 of which Less 10 hp 115 12 22 3 10 - 26 hp 103 2 39 5 27 - 54 hp 62 2 15 2 55 - 82 hp 33 1 7 - 83 - 136 hp 25 1 11 1

164 … Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase

District pre 1977 1992 - 1996 1987 - 1991 1982 - 1986 1977 - 1981

South Eastern 229 613 147 157 159 Machinery for land cultivation - 1 - 1 1 Combined-harvesters - 2 - 1 1 Self propelled lifters 27 25 10 18 14 Trucks 99 84 19 19 9 Vans 233 167 69 77 42 Motor sprayer 36 20 21 8 - Rotary hoes

48 33 13 39 30 Tractors of which 22 16 4 14 14 Less 10 hp 6 3 2 2 2 10 - 26 hp 7 4 3 16 11 27 - 54 hp 5 1 2 4 - 55 - 82 hp 8 9 2 3 3 83 - 136 hp

91 51 20 28 35 Attachments of which 14 4 1 6 1 Forage harvester 3 3 2 1 1 Rotary cultivator (straw) 7 6 2 4 3 Baler 1 2 - - - Manure spreader 10 6 2 - - Potato lifter 44 27 12 12 25 Sprayer (pump) 12 3 1 5 5 Others

244 173 70 55 42 Irrigation Pumps of which 176 127 46 37 26 1 - 5 hp 45 32 16 13 11 5 - 10 hp 23 14 8 5 5 Over 10 hp

Western 447 396 228 289 252 Machinery for land cultivation 2 - - - - Combined-harvesters - 1 - - - Self propelled lifters 51 31 22 22 11 Trucks 183 186 65 55 37 Vans 436 274 153 124 82 Motor sprayer 105 62 22 19 16 Rotary hoes

79 57 33 32 25 Tractors of which 24 20 13 14 10 Less 10 hp 27 10 8 8 9 10 - 26 hp 16 16 7 6 - 27 - 54 hp 7 9 5 2 2 55 - 82 hp 5 2 - 2 4 83 - 136 hp

165 … Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase

1997 - 2001

District Total Undeclared

of which in 2001

Attachments 546 31 127 12 of which Forage harvester 40 6 16 - Rotary cultivator (straw) 27 2 7 2 Baler 183 4 12 2 Manure spreader 9 1 - - Potato lifter 27 - 11 1 Sprayer (pump) 164 7 49 3 Others 96 11 32 4

Irrigation Pumps 1,609 81 448 39 of which 1 - 5 hp 1,106 58 326 24 5 - 10 hp 367 19 95 13 Over 10 hp 136 4 27 2

Northern Machinery for land cultivation 1,395 78 221 14 Combined-harvesters 11 5 3 - Self propelled lifters 5 - 2 - Trucks 230 13 44 5 Vans 868 14 208 18 Motor sprayer 1,388 41 321 24 Rotary hoes 288 7 107 11

Tractors 761 12 170 18 of which Less 10 hp 459 9 95 8 10 - 26 hp 119 1 31 6 27 - 54 hp 95 2 20 2 55 - 82 hp 35 - 8 - 83 - 136 hp 53 - 16 2

Attachments 896 23 98 6 of which Forage harvester 69 1 17 1 Rotary cultivator (straw) 51 2 11 2 Baler 547 3 12 - Manure spreader 17 - 4 - Potato lifter 24 3 3 - Sprayer (pump) 123 12 38 1 Others 65 2 13 2

Irrigation Pumps 1,409 110 427 59 of which 1 - 5 hp 971 81 302 35 5 - 10 hp 352 22 104 24 Over 10 hp 86 7 21 -

166 … Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase

District pre 1977 1992 - 1996 1987 - 1991 1982 - 1986 1977 - 1981

228 77 20 35 28 Attachments of which 4 6 2 3 3 Forage harvester 8 5 2 1 2 Rotary cultivator (straw) 152 4 2 4 5 Baler 4 3 - - 1 Manure spreader 8 4 1 - 3 Potato lifter 27 38 11 19 13 Sprayer (pump) 25 17 2 8 1 Others

436 289 140 127 88 Irrigation Pumps of which 286 193 94 88 61 1 - 5 hp 102 64 30 34 23 5 - 10 hp 48 32 16 5 4 Over 10 hp

Northern 233 274 179 190 220 Machinery for land cultivation 2 - 1 - - Combined-harvesters 2 - - 1 - Self propelled lifters 57 51 21 18 26 Trucks 227 223 62 66 68 Vans 481 227 136 104 78 Motor sprayer 77 35 34 18 10 Rotary hoes

186 133 72 84 104 Tractors of which 107 86 34 48 80 Less 10 hp 22 16 23 13 13 10 - 26 hp 33 17 6 9 8 27 - 54 hp 11 7 3 6 - 55 - 82 hp 13 7 6 8 3 83 - 136 hp

255 83 37 20 380 Attachments of which 21 16 8 2 4 Forage harvester 15 15 6 1 1 Rotary cultivator (straw) 148 13 8 6 357 Baler 9 2 - 1 1 Manure spreader 6 6 2 1 3 Potato lifter 34 14 6 6 13 Sprayer (pump) 22 17 7 3 1 Others

392 250 96 85 49 Irrigation Pumps of which 288 174 59 36 31 1 - 5 hp 78 56 32 45 15 5 - 10 hp 26 20 5 4 3 Over 10 hp

167 … Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase

1997 - 2001

District Total Undeclared

of which in 2001

Gozo and Comino Machinery for land cultivation 1,947 65 215 7 Combined-harvesters 8 - - - Self propelled lifters 8 1 3 - Trucks 218 7 43 2 Vans 267 3 62 4 Motor sprayer 501 23 132 8 Rotary hoes 70 3 13 -

Tractors 493 25 95 4 of which Less 10 hp 167 11 27 2 10 - 26 hp 147 2 24 1 27 - 54 hp 86 6 17 - 55 - 82 hp 63 6 20 1 83 - 136 hp 30 - 7 -

Attachments 581 26 186 12 of which Forage harvester 89 6 34 2 Rotary cultivator (straw) 26 1 10 1 Baler 136 5 35 2 Manure spreader 18 3 3 - Potato lifter 14 1 3 - Sprayer (pump) 238 3 82 6 Others 60 7 19 1

Irrigation Pumps 979 157 256 23 of which 1 - 5 hp 722 144 186 19 5 - 10 hp 203 11 54 3 Over 10 hp 54 2 16 1

168 … Table 69. Machinery by period of purchase

District pre 1977 1992 - 1996 1987 - 1991 1982 - 1986 1977 - 1981

Gozo and Comino

351 381 338 414 183 Machinery for land cultivation 2 2 3 1 - Combined-harvesters 2 2 - - - Self propelled lifters 63 55 24 18 8 Trucks 61 81 32 11 17 Vans 141 100 56 29 20 Motor sprayer 16 20 11 6 1 Rotary hoes

100 103 71 60 39 Tractors of which 34 36 24 19 16 Less 10 hp 26 37 16 21 21 10 - 26 hp 20 16 15 10 2 27 - 54 hp 10 9 10 8 - 55 - 82 hp 10 5 6 2 - 83 - 136 hp

127 99 55 53 35 Attachments of which 19 12 12 5 1 Forage harvester 6 6 2 1 - Rotary cultivator (straw) 28 26 14 17 11 Baler 5 4 2 1 - Manure spreader 6 - 2 1 1 Potato lifter 51 40 18 24 20 Sprayer (pump) 12 11 5 4 2 Others

250 140 80 63 33 Irrigation Pumps of which 152 105 61 51 23 1 - 5 hp 72 29 17 11 9 5 - 10 hp 26 6 2 1 1 Over 10 hp

169 Chart 105. Percentage distribution of machinery for land cultivation by period of purchase and region period of purchase

pre 1977





0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% percent

Malta Gozo and Comino

Chart 106. Percentage distribution of tractors by period of purchase and region

period of purchase

pre 1977





0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% percent

Malta Gozo and Comino

Chart 107. Percentage distribution of irrigation pumps by period of purchase and region

period of purchase

pre 1977





0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% percent

Malta Gozo and Comino

170 Chart 108. Percentage distribution of machinery for land cultivation by district

Southern Harbour 7%

Gozo and Comino 25% Northern Harbour 5%

South Eastern 20%

Northern 18%

Western 25%

Chart 109. Percentage distribution of tractors by district

Southern Harbour 5% Northern Harbour 4% Gozo and Comino 25% South Eastern 11%

Western 17%

Northern 38%

Chart 110. Percentage distribution of irrigation pumps by district

Southern Harbour 9% Gozo and Comino 17% Northern Harbour 7%

South Eastern 15%

Northern 24%

Western 28%



Table 70. Greenhouses by type …

Wood/ Metal/ District/locality Description Total Wood/ glass Metal/ glass polythene polythene

2 Maltese Islands Area (m ) 511,677 27,951 28,394 17,750 437,582 Number 1,027 99 26 70 832

Malta Area (m2) 417,445 24,185 28,394 10,754 354,112 Number 847 85 26 37 699

Southern Harbour Area (m2) 24,243 3,925 1,068 2,399 16,851 Number 91 15 5 9 62

Valletta Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Birgu Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Isla Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Bormla Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Żabbar Area (m2) 18,473 3,745 800 1,243 12,685 Number 61 14 3 5 39

Fgura Area (m2) 1,236 - - - 1,236 Number 4 - - - 4

Floriana Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Kalkara Area (m2) 588 - 268 - 320 Number 5 - 2 - 3

Luqa Area (m2) 256 - - 256 - Number 1 - - 1 -

Marsa Area (m2) 1,302 180 - 900 222 Number 14 1 - 3 10

Paola Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Santa Luċija Area (m2) 1,680 - - - 1,680 Number 3 - - - 3

Tarxien Area (m2) 708 - - - 708 Number 3 - - - 3

Xgћajra Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

175 … Table 70. Greenhouses by type

Wood/ Metal/ District/locality Description Total Wood/ glass Metal/ glass polythene polythene

Northern Harbour Area (m2) 36,063 3,758 952 1,054 30,299 Number 81 13 4 5 59

Qormi Area (m2) 27,169 3,248 927 670 22,324 Number 55 11 3 3 38

Birkirkara Area (m2) 1,356 510 - - 846 Number 3 2 - - 1

Gżira Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Ħamrun Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Msida Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Pembroke Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Pieta Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

San Ġiljan Area (m2) 2,165 - - 384 1,781 Number 7 - - 2 5

San Ġwann Area (m2) 5,348 - - - 5,348 Number 15 - - - 15

Santa Venera Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Sliema Area (m2) 25 - 25 - - Number 1 - 1 - -

Swieqi Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Ta' Xbiex Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

South Eastern Area (m2) 20,687 2,574 104 - 18,009 Number 59 8 1 - 50

Żejtun Area (m2) 5,825 - - - 5,825 Number 13 - - - 13

Birżebbuġa Area (m2) 520 520 - - - Number 2 2 - - -

176 … Table 70. Greenhouses by type

Wood/ Metal/ District/locality Description Total Wood/ glass Metal/ glass polythene polythene

South Eastern (contd.) Gudja Area (m2) 356 - - - 356 Number 3 - - - 3

Gћaxaq Area (m2) 632 - - - 632 Number 6 - - - 6

Kirkop Area (m2) 3,573 260 - - 3,313 Number 6 1 - - 5

Marsascala Area (m2) 4,063 1,254 104 - 2,705 Number 10 3 1 - 6

Marsaxlokk Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Mqabba Area (m2) 562 - - - 562 Number 1 - - - 1

Qrendi Area (m2) 1,530 540 - - 990 Number 4 2 - - 2

Safi Area (m2) 55 - - - 55 Number 1 - - - 1

Żurrieq Area (m2) 3,571 - - - 3,571 Number 13 - - - 13

Western Area (m2) 117,401 13,420 26,152 3,777 74,052 Number 203 46 14 10 133

Mdina Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Żebbuġ (Malta) Area (m2) 10,673 270 - - 10,403 Number 16 1 - - 15

Siġġiewi Area (m2) 5,283 270 - 330 4,683 Number 15 1 - 1 13

Attard Area (m2) 28,469 1,049 22,557 - 4,863 Number 22 5 8 - 9

Balzan Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Dingli Area (m2) 13,741 4,293 1,127 1,062 7,259 Number 35 17 2 4 12

Iklin Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

177 … Table 70. Greenhouses by type

Wood/ Metal/ District/locality Description Total Wood/ glass Metal/ glass polythene polythene

Western (contd.) Lija Area (m2) 3,106 - - 910 2,196 Number 16 - - 1 15

Rabat (Malta) Area (m2) 56,129 7,538 2,468 1,475 44,648 Number 99 22 4 4 69

Mtarfa Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Northern Area (m2) 219,051 508 118 3,524 214,901 Number 413 3 2 13 395

Gћargћur Area (m2) 21,472 - 13 - 21,459 Number 11 - 1 - 10

Mellieћa Area (m2) 13,079 - - - 13,079 Number 19 - - - 19

Mġarr (Malta) Area (m2) 122,283 232 105 1,429 120,517 Number 246 1 1 4 240

Mosta Area (m2) 10,079 240 - 807 9,032 Number 25 1 - 4 20

Naxxar Area (m2) 16,082 - - - 16,082 Number 17 - - - 17

San Pawl il-Baћar Area (m2) 36,056 36 - 1,288 34,732 Number 95 1 - 5 89

Gozo and Comino Area (m2) 94,232 3,766 - 6,996 83,470 Number 180 14 - 33 133

Gozo and Comino Area (m2) 94,232 3,766 - 6,996 83,470 Number 180 14 - 33 133

Rabat (Gozo) Area (m2) 8,919 - - 1,393 7,526 Number 18 - - 7 11

Fontana Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Gћajnsielem and Comino Area (m2) 11,805 - - 259 11,546 Number 13 - - 3 10

Gћarb Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Gћasri Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

178 … Table 70. Greenhouses by type

Wood/ Metal/ District/locality Description Total Wood/ glass Metal/ glass polythene polythene

Gozo and Comino (contd.)

Kerċem Area (m2) 58,188 495 - 3,840 53,853 Number 92 2 - 3 87

Munxar Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Nadur Area (m2) 8,283 3,271 - 705 4,307 Number 32 12 - 15 5

Qala Area (m2) 250 - - 250 - Number 1 - - 1 -

San Lawrenz Area (m2) - - - - - Number - - - - -

Sannat Area (m2) 1,521 - - 55 1,466 Number 9 - - 1 8

Xagћra Area (m2) 2,898 - - - 2,898 Number 6 - - - 6

Xewkija Area (m2) 1,608 - - 494 1,114 Number 8 - - 3 5

Żebbuġ (Gozo) Area (m2) 760 - - - 760 Number 1 - - - 1

Chart 111. Greenhouses by district

area under ('000 m2) number

450 250


350 200

300 150 250

200 100 150

100 50 50

0 0 Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino district

Area under (refer to right axis) Number

179 Table 71. Area under drip irrigation and cloches …


District/locality Drip irrigation Cloches

Maltese Islands 1,220.523 102.792

Malta 1,056.524 95.003

Southern Harbour 110.296 8.385 Valletta - - Birgu 0.225 - Isla - - Bormla 0.056 - Żabbar 79.872 8.292 Fgura 8.125 - Floriana 0.560 - Kalkara 2.122 0.056 Luqa 2.414 0.037 Marsa 13.104 - Paola 0.674 - Santa Luċija 0.786 - Tarxien 2.358 - Xgћajra - -

Northern Harbour 52.895 4.478 Qormi 26.419 2.950 Birkirkara 5.003 0.431 Gżira - - Ħamrun 3.083 0.337 Msida 0.225 - Pembroke - - Pieta' - - San Ġiljan 2.996 0.056 San Ġwann 11.276 0.702 Santa Venera 2.043 - Sliema 1.011 0.002 Swieqi 0.840 - Ta' Xbiex - -

South Eastern 111.429 2.997 Żejtun 30.364 0.336 Birżebbuġa 4.008 - Gudja 8.243 2.400 Gћaxaq 5.748 - Kirkop 6.866 - Marsascala 8.870 - Marsaxlokk 5.330 - Mqabba 4.562 - Qrendi 13.943 - Safi 7.867 0.168 Żurrieq 15.628 0.093

180 … Table 71. Area under drip irrigation and cloches


District/locality Drip irrigation Cloches

Western 302.922 11.727 Mdina 0.281 - Żebbuġ (Malta) 52.571 0.440 Siġġiewi 58.316 2.352 Attard 29.796 0.234 Balzan - - Dingli 29.504 0.599 Iklin 1.124 - Lija 4.640 - Rabat (Malta) 126.399 8.102 Mtarfa 0.291 -

Northern 478.984 67.416 Gћargћur 7.119 0.112 Mellieћa 107.937 7.974 Mġarr (Malta) 171.515 41.682 Mosta 64.453 8.680 Naxxar 12.063 1.571 San Pawl il-Baћar 115.897 7.397

Gozo and Comino 163.998 7.789

Gozo and Comino 163.998 7.789 Rabat (Gozo) 24.379 2.245 Fontana - - Gћajnsielem and Comino 16.999 0.319 Gћarb 7.324 - Gћasri 6.049 - Kerċem 32.556 0.225 Munxar 2.073 - Nadur 21.057 1.299 Qala 1.255 0.037 San Lawrenz 10.001 - Sannat 5.169 - Xagћra 26.025 3.215 Xewkija 6.776 - Żebbuġ (Gozo) 4.335 0.449

181 Chart 112. Percentage distribution of area under drip irrigation by district

Gozo and Comino 13%

Southern Harbour 9%

Northern Harbour 4%

Northern 40%

South Eastern 9%

Western 25%

Chart 113. Percentage distribution of area under cloches by district

Gozo and Comino 8%

Southern Harbour 8%

Northern Harbour 4%

South Eastern 3%

Western 11% Northern 66%

182 Table 72. Wells/reservoirs by period of construction …

District/locality Total Undeclared 1997 - 2001 1992 - 1996 1987 - 1991 1982 - 1986 1977 - 1981 1977 pre

Maltese Islands 9,069 2,623 251 524 394 321 263 4,693

Malta 8,017 2,412 219 458 345 172 232 4,179

Southern Harbour 1,326 259 19 13 40 32 28 935 Valletta 4 - 1 - - - - 3 Birgu 3 1 - - - - - 2 Isla 1 ------1 Bormla 3 ------3 Żabbar 349 112 11 4 25 26 15 156 Fgura 63 21 1 - 7 - - 34 Floriana 2 ------2 Kalkara 34 23 - - - - - 11 Luqa 159 58 5 8 3 4 10 71 Marsa 14 3 1 - - - 1 9 Paola 12 5 - - 1 - - 6 Santa Luċija 612 7 - - 1 - - 604 Tarxien 68 29 - 1 3 2 1 32 Xgћajra 2 - - - - - 1 1

Northern Harbour 609 115 25 24 12 15 17 401 Qormi 238 60 13 3 2 6 9 145 Birkirkara 118 12 3 6 5 1 5 86 Gżira 4 - 1 - - - - 3 Ħamrun 33 8 2 - 1 2 - 20 Msida 15 2 - 1 - - - 12 Pembroke ------Pieta' 8 1 - - - - - 7 San Ġiljan 23 - 2 3 1 - 1 16 San Ġwann 97 4 4 8 3 5 2 71 Santa Venera 41 14 - 3 - 1 - 23 Sliema 11 1 - - - - - 10 Swieqi 19 12 - - - - - 7 Ta' Xbiex 2 1 - - - - - 1

South Eastern 1,677 524 58 55 64 36 76 864 Żejtun 334 91 12 8 17 10 20 176 Birżebbuġa 175 49 5 2 2 7 1 109 Gudja 132 38 1 4 5 1 8 75 Gћaxaq 177 47 7 5 15 1 8 94 Kirkop 67 13 2 2 1 4 1 44 Marsascala 87 26 2 1 5 1 6 46 Marsaxlokk 37 9 - 2 1 1 2 22 Mqabba 108 67 1 2 2 - 1 35 Qrendi 127 51 10 6 4 3 5 48 Safi 98 37 3 2 2 2 12 40 Żurrieq 335 96 15 21 10 6 12 175

183 … Table 72. Wells/reservoirs by period of construction

District/locality Total Undeclared 1997 - 2001 1992 - 1996 1987 - 1991 1982 - 1986 1977 - 1981 1977 pre

Western 2,521 1,024 46 67 77 44 51 1,212 Mdina 10 4 - - - - - 6 Żebbuġ (Malta) 707 378 13 6 13 3 5 289 Siġġiewi 725 216 13 28 21 11 14 422 Attard 59 31 4 3 3 - 1 17 Balzan 13 7 3 - - - - 3 Dingli 259 115 2 3 9 - 10 120 Iklin 6 5 1 - - - - - Lija 35 23 - 1 1 - 2 8 Rabat (Malta) 704 244 10 26 30 30 19 345 Mtarfa 3 1 - - - - - 2

Northern 1,884 490 71 299 152 45 60 767 Gћargћur 107 36 3 7 9 6 2 44 Mellieћa 548 121 10 12 12 8 15 370 Mġarr (Malta) 221 52 24 23 23 9 11 79 Mosta 683 170 16 226 95 9 22 145 Naxxar 156 52 9 18 5 9 5 58 San Pawl il-Baћar 169 59 9 13 8 4 5 71

Gozo and Comino 1,052 211 32 66 49 149 31 514

Gozo and Comino 1,052 211 32 66 49 149 31 514 Rabat (Gozo) 176 61 5 14 10 1 4 81 Fontana 7 - - 1 - 3 - 3 Gћajnsielem and Comino 46 15 - 4 1 1 2 23 Gћarb 78 10 9 4 9 41 - 5 Gћasri 46 7 - 3 1 21 - 14 Kerċem 105 9 1 9 11 45 - 30 Munxar 8 - - 3 - 5 - - Nadur 191 36 6 2 8 3 8 128 Qala 44 21 - 2 2 - 4 15 San Lawrenz 35 2 2 6 - 13 1 11 Sannat 24 4 1 - 1 1 1 16 Xagћra 130 16 4 7 2 5 7 89 Xewkija 74 23 3 10 2 10 3 23 Żebbuġ (Gozo) 88 7 1 1 2 - 1 76

184 Chart 114. Percentage distribution of wells/reservoirs by period of construction and region period of construction

pre 1977



Gozo and Comino

Malta 2001-1997


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% percent

Chart 115. Percentage distribution of wells/reservoirs by district

Gozo and Comino 12%

Southern Harbour 15%

Northern 21%

Northern Harbour 7%

South Eastern 18% Western 27%

185 Table 73. Windmills by period of construction …

District/locality Total Undeclared 1997 - 2001 1992 - 1996 1987 - 1991 1982 - 1986 1977 - 1981 pre 1977

Maltese Islands 301 103 1 1 - 3 2 191

Malta 270 93 1 1 - 2 1 172

Southern Harbour 2 2 ------Valletta ------Birgu ------Isla ------Bormla ------Żabbar 1 1 ------Fgura ------Floriana ------Kalkara ------Luqa ------Marsa 1 1 ------Paola ------Santa Luċija ------Tarxien ------Xgћajra ------

Northern Harbour 14 2 ----- 12 Qormi 9 1 ----- 8 Birkirkara 1 ------1 Gżira ------Ħamrun 1 ------1 Msida ------Pembroke ------Pieta' ------San Ġiljan ------San Ġwann 1 ------1 Santa Venera 1 ------1 Sliema ------Swieqi 1 1 ------Ta' Xbiex ------

South Eastern 26 10 ----1 15 Żejtun 7 4 ----- 3 Birżebbuġa 2 1 ----- 1 Gudja ------Gћaxaq ------Kirkop ------Marsascala 2 1 ----1 - Marsaxlokk 1 1 ------Mqabba 3 1 ----- 2 Qrendi 2 1 ----- 1 Safi 1 1 ------Żurrieq 8 ------8

186 … Table 73. Windmills by period of construction

District/locality Total Undeclared 1997 - 2001 1992 - 1996 1987 - 1991 1982 - 1986 1977 - 1981 pre 1977

Western 165 68 1 1 - 2 - 93 Mdina ------Żebbuġ (Malta) 3 ------3 Siġġiewi 7 - - - - 2 - 5 Attard 2 1 ----- 1 Balzan ------Dingli 58 22 ----- 36 Iklin ------Lija 1 ------1 Rabat (Malta) 93 45 1 1 - - - 46 Mtarfa 1 ------1

Northern 63 11 ----- 52 Gћargћur ------Mellieћa 47 5 ----- 42 Mġarr (Malta) 2 ------2 Mosta 5 1 ----- 4 Naxxar 1 1 ------San Pawl il-Baћar 8 4 ----- 4

Gozo and Comino 31 10 - - - 1 1 19

Gozo and Comino 31 10 - - - 1 1 19 Rabat (Gozo) 5 2 ----1 2 Fontana ------Ghajnsielem & Comino 2 1 ----- 1 Gharb ------Ghasri ------Kercem 1 ------1 Munxar ------Nadur 4 2 ----- 2 Qala 1 ------1 San Lawrenz ------Sannat ------Xaghra 14 2 - - - 1 - 11 Xewkija 4 3 ----- 1 Zebbug (Gozo) ------

187 Chart 116. Percentage distribution of windmills by period of construction and region

period of construction

Constructed > 25 years ago

Constructed 16 - 25 years ago

Constructed 6 - 15 years ago


Gozo and Comino Constructed ≤ 5 years


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% percent

Chart 117. Percentage distribution of windmills by district

Northern 21%

Gozo and Comino 10%

Southern Harbour 1%

Northern Harbour 5% Western 54%

South Eastern 9%


Typology of agricultural holding

The typology means a uniform classification of agricultural holdings by the economic size of the holding and by type of agricultural production. The economic size classes and type of production are based on Eurostat methodology. In our case no threshold was used.

The criteria used to establish the economic size of the holdings is the so called Standard Gross Margins (SGM). The SGM of a crop or livestock item is defined as the value of output from one hectare or from one animal less the cost of variable inputs to produce that output.

The economic size of the agricultural holding can be assessed by summing up all the output multiplied by the SGM values. This is derived from the declarations made by the farmers during the Census of Agriculture.

The economic size is expressed in ESU (European Size Unit). One ESU is equivalent to 1200 Euros Lm 486 (2001 average).

Size Classes Categories

I less than 2 ESU II from 2 to less than 4 ESU III from 4 to less than 6 ESU IV from 6 to less than 8 ESU V from 8 to less than 12 ESU VI from 12 to less than 16 ESU VII from 16 to less than 40 ESU VIII from 40 to less than 100 ESU IX from 100 to less than 250 ESU X from 250 ESU or more

The compilation of SGM does not take into account, labour costs, fuel and lubricants, maintenance and depreciation costs, contract work and rents.

191 Table 74. Total number of holdings by economic size …

Typology Total SGM Typology No. of Units code (Lm)

Total 38,404,576 11,959

141 Specialist root crops 740,360 640 143 Specialist field vegetables 15,940,299 4,288 1443 Various field crops combined 5,064,910 3,579 2023 Specialist flowers and ornamentals, outdoor and under glass combined 39,173 7 2031 General market garden cropping-outdoor 63,770 13 2032 General market garden cropping-under glass 225,166 24 2033 Specialist mushrooms 127,342 3 2034 Various market garden crops combined 12,425 2 311 Specialist quality wine 35,408 25 312 Specialist wine other than quality wine 3,104 57 3141 Specialist table grapes 20,386 43 3143 Mixed vineyards 103 1 3211 Special fresh fruit (other than citrus) 586,566 264 322 Specialist citrus fruit 221,825 88 323 Fruit and citrus fruit combined 162,136 63 33 Specialist olives 37,744 10 34 Various permanent crops combined 209,794 84 411 Specialist milk production 2,652,452 126 412 Specialist milk production with cattle rearing 230,471 9 422 Specialist cattle-mainly fattening 3,406 11 431 Cattle-dairying with rearing and fattening 58,921 4 441 Specialist sheep 284,969 108 442 Sheep and cattle combined 25,056 4 443 Specialist goats 2,935 3 444 Various grazing livestock-no dominant enterprise 57,398 18 5011 Specialist pig rearing 32,316 6 5012 Specialist pig fattening 1,796,511 82 5013 Pig rearing and fattening combined 738,429 37 5021 Specialist layers 2,027,102 49 5022 Specialist poultry-meat 838,238 55 5023 Layers and poultry-meat combined 270,338 9 5031 Pigs and poultry combined 17,659 1 5032 Pigs, poultry and other granivores combined 342,065 53 601 Market gardening and permanent crops combined 19,764 4 602 Field crops and market gardening combined 289,412 36 603 Field crops and vineyards combined 22,386 38 604 Field crops and permanent crops combined 2,444,834 592 605 Mixed cropping, mainly field crops 559,729 173

192 … Table 74. Total number of holdings by economic size

Economic size Typology code I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

6,039 2,175 1,044 598 603 361 767 308 59 5

471 68 37 20 15 14 15 - - - 141 1,401 1,063 513 293 318 186 393 105 15 1 143 2,383 580 233 112 96 59 95 21 - - 1443 - 1 1 - 1 3 1 - - - 2023 1 3 2 1 4 1 - 1 - - 2031 5 3 7 - - 1 4 4 - - 2032 ------1 1 1 - 2033 - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 2034 18 4 - 1 - 1 1 - - - 311 57 ------312 37 3 3 ------3141 1 ------3143 149 48 25 9 14 7 8 3 1 - 3211 44 16 8 4 9 1 4 2 - - 322 25 13 6 4 7 3 5 - - - 323 2 4 - - 2 1 1 - - - 33 34 17 11 10 5 2 4 1 - - 34 1 1 1 3 4 11 47 53 5 - 411 1 - - 1 - 1 4 - 2 - 412 10 1 ------422 - - - - - 1 2 1 - - 431 43 19 14 9 9 6 8 - - - 441 1 2 - - - - - 1 - - 442 2 - 1 ------443 6 4 1 2 2 - 3 - - - 444 - 1 - 1 1 2 1 - - - 5011 - 2 3 2 5 3 32 32 2 1 5012 - 1 2 1 3 3 13 13 1 - 5013 4 2 2 1 4 - 6 13 15 2 5021 1 1 4 8 7 5 15 10 4 - 5022 - 1 1 - - 1 1 3 2 - 5023 ------1 - - - 5031 25 6 5 2 5 1 5 2 2 - 5032 - 2 - - - 1 1 - - - 601 5 5 4 6 5 3 4 3 1 - 602 31 6 1 ------603 138 150 87 65 60 22 48 21 1 - 604 41 61 31 15 6 8 5 5 1 - 605

193 … Table 74. Total number of holdings by economic size

Typology Total SGM Typology No. of Units Code (Lm)

6061 Mixed cropping, mainly market gardening 6,891 4 6062 Mixed cropping, mainly permanent crops 147,993 42 721 Mixed livestock: granivores and dairying combined 227,262 5 722 Mixed livestock: granivores and grazing livestock other than dairying combined 80,948 38 723 Mixed livestock: granivores with various livestock 565,692 17 81 Field crops-grazing livestock combined 24,902 1 811 Field crops combined with dairying 64,701 2 812 Dairying combined with field crops 81,243 1 813 Field crops combined with grazing livestock other than dairying 231,827 69 814 Grazing livestock other than dairying combined with field crops 198,453 63 821 Field crops and granivores combined 534,735 115 822 Permanent crops and grazing livestock combined 20,989 9 823 Various mixed crops and livestock 14,036 13 9 Non-classifiable holdings 0 971

Chart 118. Percentage distribution of holdings by economic size

>= 12 ESU 14%


< 2 ESU 46%

2 - < 12 ESU 40%

194 … Table 74. Total number of holdings by economic size

Economic size Typology Code I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

2 1 - - 1 - - - - - 6061 6 8 8 6 7 1 6 - - - 6062 ------1 2 2 - 721 17 8 5 1 3 2 2 - - - 722 4 3 - 1 2 2 3 - 1 1 723 ------1 - - 81 ------2 - - 811 ------1 - 812 17 23 9 4 3 1 12 - - - 813 20 14 7 10 1 3 7 1 - - 814 53 25 9 5 3 5 6 7 2 - 821 3 3 2 - - - 1 - - - 822 9 2 1 - 1 - - - - - 823 971 ------9

Chart 119. Percentage distribution of holdings by general type of farming

Specialist granivores Mixed livestock holdings 3% 1% Mixed cropping Mixed crops-livestock 8% 2% Specialist grazing livestock 3%

Specialist permanent crops 6%

Specialist horticulture 0%

Specialist field crops 77%

195 Table 75. Total SGM by economic size …

Lm Economic Typology Number of Total SGM Typology size code Units (Lm) I

Total 11,959 38,404,576 2,208,951

141 Specialist root crops 640 740,360 150,698

143 Specialist field vegetables 4,288 15,940,299 830,125

1443 Various field crops combined 3,579 5,064,910 858,183

2023 Specialist flowers and ornamentals, outdoor and under glass combined 7 39,173 -

2031 General market garden cropping-outdoor 13 63,770 55

2032 General market garden cropping-under glass 24 225,166 1,856

2033 Specialist mushrooms 3 127,342 -

2034 Various market garden crops combined 2 12,425 -

311 Specialist quality wine 25 35,408 4,475

312 Specialist wine other than quality wine 57 3,104 3,104

3141 Specialist table grapes 43 20,386 9,606

3143 Mixed vineyards 1 103 103

3211 Special fresh fruit (other than citrus) 264 586,566 63,877

322 Specialist citrus fruit 88 221,825 15,739

323 Fruit and citrus fruit combined 63 162,136 13,112

33 Specialist olives 10 37,744 651

34 Various permanent crops combined 84 209,794 15,983

411 Specialist milk production 126 2,652,452 464

412 Specialist milk production with cattle rearing 9 230,471 519

422 Specialist cattle-mainly fattening 11 3,406 2,380

431 Cattle-dairying with rearing and fattening 4 58,921 -

441 Specialist sheep 108 284,969 21,837

442 Sheep and cattle combined 4 25,056 568

443 Specialist goats 3 2,935 376

444 Various grazing livestock-no dominant enterprise 18 57,398 2,695

5011 Specialist pig rearing 6 32,316 -

5012 Specialist pig fattening 82 1,796,511 -

5013 Pig rearing and fattening combined 37 738,429 -

5021 Specialist layers 49 2,027,102 2,218

5022 Specialist poultry-meat 55 838,238 98

5023 Layers and poultry-meat combined 9 270,338 -

5031 Pigs and poultry combined 1 17,659 -

5032 Pigs, poultry and other granivores combined 53 342,065 11,028

601 Market gardening and permanent crops combined 4 19,764 -

602 Field crops and market gardening combined 36 289,412 3,772

603 Field crops and vineyards combined 38 22,386 13,272

604 Field crops and permanent crops combined 592 2,444,834 83,088

196 … Table 75. Total SGM by economic size


Economic size Typology Code II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

3,029,600 2,483,234 2,022,961 2,841,941 2,427,151 9,253,039 8,775,226 4,222,693 1,139,778

97,295 91,116 68,094 70,354 97,459 165,343 - - - 141

1,483,238 1,220,158 990,474 1,489,814 1,253,688 4,713,564 2,829,429 896,472 233,337 143

793,048 552,159 378,199 453,743 398,175 1,096,017 535,387 - - 1443

1,816 2,747 - 4,122 19,924 10,565 - - - 2023

3,826 5,202 3,859 19,479 7,265 - 24,084 - - 2031

4,190 15,372 - - 7,320 65,675 130,754 - - 2032

- - - - - 17,354 35,960 74,028 - 2033

- - 3,246 - - 9,179 - - - 2034

5,218 - 3,573 - 6,864 15,277 - - - 311


3,389 7,391 ------3141


66,322 61,447 31,407 64,231 44,075 107,533 93,210 54,464 - 3211

21,701 19,335 14,006 41,109 6,844 47,495 55,596 - - 322

19,452 14,189 12,326 33,857 19,980 49,220 - - - 323

6,243 - - 11,256 5,883 13,710 - - - 33

23,946 26,704 34,170 22,454 12,719 41,913 31,906 - - 34

1,203 2,832 10,493 20,409 76,038 650,922 1,523,673 366,417 - 411

- - 3,046 - 7,283 40,892 - 178,732 - 412

1,026 ------422

- - - - 7,136 21,388 30,398 - - 431

28,154 32,816 30,221 44,313 40,873 86,755 - - - 441

2,550 - - - - - 21,938 - - 442

- 2,560 ------443

5,219 2,286 6,786 8,941 - 31,471 - - - 444

1,027 - 3,106 5,734 13,126 9,322 - - - 5011

2,865 7,195 6,052 24,549 20,259 434,002 955,608 137,496 208,486 5012

1,519 5,379 3,815 14,738 20,985 167,625 425,162 99,208 - 5013

2,197 4,413 3,610 17,811 - 79,445 392,728 1,193,541 331,138 5021

1,816 9,434 27,601 33,299 32,164 196,161 302,438 235,227 - 5022

1,863 2,043 - - 6,648 8,058 106,087 145,639 - 5023

- - - - - 17,659 - - - 5031

8,887 10,464 6,259 23,548 6,590 73,258 48,308 153,724 - 5032

2,146 - - - 7,489 10,129 - - - 601

7,660 9,060 20,911 25,458 21,724 40,326 83,762 76,739 - 602

6,906 2,207 ------603

209,501 205,092 221,502 287,375 144,462 560,478 627,762 105,573 - 604

197 … Table 75. Total SGM by economic size

Lm Economic Typology Number of Total SGM Typology size code Units (Lm) I

605 Mixed cropping, mainly field crops 173 559,729 28,365

6061 Mixed cropping, mainly market gardening 4 6,891 1,266

6062 Mixed cropping, mainly permanent crops 42 147,993 3,124

721 Mixed livestock: granivores and dairying combined 5 227,262 -

722 Mixed livestock: granivores and grazing livestock other than dairying combined 38 80,948 8,468

723 Mixed livestock: granivores with various livestock 17 565,692 2,623

81 Field crops-grazing livestock combined 1 24,902 -

811 Field crops combined with dairying 2 64,701 -

812 Dairying combined with field crops 1 81,243 -

813 Field crops combined with grazing livestock other than dairying 69 231,827 9,524

814 Grazing livestock other than dairying combined with field crops 63 198,453 11,312

821 Field crops and granivores combined 115 534,735 27,677

822 Permanent crops and grazing livestock combined 9 20,989 2,170

823 Various mixed crops and livestock 13 14,036 4,538

9 Non-classifiable holdings 971 0 -

Chart 120. Percentage distribution of the total SGM by economic size of holdings

< 2 ESU 6%

2 - < 12 ESU 27%

>= 12 ESU 67%

198 … Table 75. Total SGM by economic size


Economic size Typology Code II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

91,108 73,450 50,789 26,873 52,822 57,447 127,254 51,621 - 605

1,335 - - 4,290 - - - - - 6061

10,886 19,204 19,999 31,584 5,875 57,320 - - - 6062

- - - - - 17,618 61,964 147,679 - 721

11,887 12,803 3,631 13,427 14,201 16,531 - - - 722

4,318 - 2,947 9,318 12,278 46,422 - 120,969 366,817 723

------24,902 - - 81

------64,701 - - 811

------81,243 - 812

34,877 21,668 13,552 13,097 6,475 132,633 - - - 813

20,799 16,366 33,648 5,199 18,282 71,191 21,656 - - 814

34,036 21,093 15,639 16,742 32,247 62,820 220,559 103,922 - 821

3,619 4,879 - - - 10,322 - - - 822

2,512 2,169 - 4,817 - - - - - 823


Chart 121. Percentage distribution of the total SGM by general type of farming

Mixed livestock holdings 2% Mixed crops-livestock Mixed cropping 3% 9%

Specialist granivores 16%

Specialist grazing livestock Specialist field crops 9% 57%

Specialist permanent crops 3%

Specialist horticulture 1%

199 Table 76. Farmers by typology

Age group District Total < 35 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 > 64

Farmers 1,005 170 234 379 140 82 Southern Harbour 79 18 14 25 18 4 Northern Harbour 67 9 14 28 9 7 South Eastern 67 15 16 23 10 3 Western 314 34 70 162 35 13 Northern 388 70 103 115 48 52 Gozo and Comino 90 24 17 26 20 3

Cattle / Sheep / Goats 195 43 43 69 34 6 Southern Harbour 23 2 4 8 9 - Northern Harbour 34 10 5 12 5 2 South Eastern 42 11 8 17 5 1 Western 22 5 4 9 3 1 Northern 8 2 1 4 - 1 Gozo and Comino 66 13 21 19 12 1

Pig / Poultry 241 49 84 75 29 4 Southern Harbour 32 5 7 15 4 1 Northern Harbour 31 7 10 8 6 - South Eastern 43 8 13 15 6 1 Western 51 9 17 14 10 1 Northern 49 14 20 14 1 - Gozo and Comino 35 6 17 9 2 1

Mixed Livestock 34 7 10 9 7 1 Southern Harbour 3 - - 1 1 1 Northern Harbour 9 - 4 2 3 - South Eastern 8 1 5 1 1 - Western 1 - - - 1 - Northern ------Gozo and Comino 13 6 1 5 1 -

Mixed Cropping & Livestock 49 12 17 11 6 3 Southern Harbour 1 - 1 - - - Northern Harbour 3 - 1 - 1 1 South Eastern 11 1 5 1 3 1 Western 6 1 3 1 1 - Northern 15 5 3 5 1 1 Gozo and Comino 13 5 4 4 - -

200 Chart 122. Full-time farmers by age group and district number 180









0 <35 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 >64 age group

Southern Harbour Northern Harbour South Eastern Western Northern Gozo and Comino

Chart 123. Percentage distribution of full-time farmers by age group and type of farming

age group


55 - 64

45 - 54

35 - 44


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% percent

Specialised farmers Herbivores Granivores Mixed livestock Mixed cropping and livestock




NSO Reference | | | | | |


Dar Nru / Isem House No. / Name Triq Street Lokalita’ Locality Nru Pitkalija-FRC Market No. - FRC | | | | | Nru Ktieb Raba’ Land Book No. | | | | | | |

Kwestjonarju ~ensiment tal-Biedja 2001

Questionnaire Census of Agriculture 2001

It-tag]rif qieg]ed jintalab bis-setg]a tal-Att XXIV ta’ l-2000 li waqqaf l-AwtoritaÏ ta’ l-Istatistika ta’ Malta. Din l-informazzjoni tintu\a biss g]al skop ta’ [bir ta’ statistika w’anali\i. Hemm kontemplati penalitajiet amministrattivi g]al nuqqas ta’ koperazzjoni u dikjarazzjonijiet foloz.

Supply of data is compulsory under the Malta Statistics Authority Act XXIV 2000. Data will be used for statistical purposes only. Refusal or false declarations may incur penalties.

Persuna ta’ Riferenza Reference Person

Firma Nru Tel Nru Karta ta’ l-IdentitaÏ Signature Tel No. Id Card No.

National Statistics Office Agriculture and Fisheries Unit Lascaris, Valletta CMR 02, Malta Tel: +356 223221/5 Fax: +356 249841 [email protected], http://www.nso.gov.mt

1. Summary Column d filled with the required entries 3, number or Ha up to 3 decimal places. For 1.16 see “1.16 code list” table below Column e Section to go to if corresponding entry is filled or where to get corresponding value Detachable part All the values of Column d are to be copied in this part. If a value is 3 then enter one ‘1’. Do NOT leave blanks in this part, all empty fields should be entered as zeros ‘0’.

Local Measurements Tumolo Wejba Modd Ha 1 - - 0.112 2 - - 0.225 3 - - 0.337 4 1 - 0.450 5 - - 0.562 6 - - 0.674 7 - - 0.787 8 2 - 0.899 9 - - 1.012 10 - - 1.124 11 - - 1.232 12 3 - 1.348 13 - - 1.461 14 - - 1.574 15 - - 1.686 16 4 1 1.798

K S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.011 0.013 0.015 0.017 1 0.019 0.021 0.023 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.032 0.034 0.036 2 0.037 0.039 0.041 0.043 0.045 0.047 0.049 0.051 0.052 0.054 3 0.056 0.058 0.060 0.062 0.064 0.066 0.067 0.069 0.071 0.073 4 0.075 0.077 0.079 0.081 0.082 0.084 0.086 0.088 0.090 0.092 5 0.094 0.096 0.097 0.099 0.101 0.103 0.105 0.107 0.109 0.111

1.16 Code List Legal Status Description Code Private single holder One or more individuals, households, married couple, spouse 11 Unregistered Association 12 Type of private Registered Partnership 13 Partnership Other types of Partnership 14 Registered Association 15 Type of private Registered Cooperative 16 juridical persons Corporation of limited liability 17 Joint Stock Company 18 Government Department 19 Central Government Parastatal Company 20 Institution Other Government Institution 21 All other public corporations such as Church 22


LC URN Date 1. Summary WS INT SUP (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Ikkopja Copy mill- from

Mur Sezzjoni Kolonna Column - (d) - 3 Go to Section - (d) - Bidwi - raba’ agrikola Farmer - agricultural 1.01 land 101 1.01 Bidwi - serer 1.02 Farmer - greenhouses 102 1.02 Ra]]al - Baqar 1.03 Cattle breeder 130 1.03 Ra]]al - Nag]a[ u 1.04 Sheep and goats 130 1.04 mog]o\ breeder Ra]]al - Majjali 1.05 Pig breeder 130 1.05 Ra]]al - Tjur 1.06 Poultry breeder 130 1.06 Ra]]al - Na]al 1.07 Bee keeper 130 1.07

3 Il-Persuna li r`eviet l- The person who 1.08 avvi\ ta]dem full time received this notice 130 1.08 works full time Il-Persuna li r`eviet l- The person who 1.09 avvi\ ta]dem part time received this notice 130 1.09 works part time Il-Persuna li r`eviet l- The person who 1.10 avvi\ mhix attiva received this notice is 130 1.10 non active

Nru No Numru ta’ persuni li 1.11 ja]dmu full time (Inkludi l- Number of persons 130 1.11 persuna ta’ referenza mni\\la working full time (Include f’1.08) reference person in 1.08) Numru ta’ persuni li 1.12 ja]dmu part time (Inkludi l- Number of persons 130 1.12 persuna ta’ referenza mni\\la working part time (Include f'1.09) reference person in 1.09)

Ha 1.13 Total Raba’ Saqwi 1.13 Total Irrigated Land | 101.13 1.14 Total Raba’ Bag]li 1.14 Total Dry Land | 101.14 1.15 Total Raba’ Moxa 1.15 Total Garigue Land | 101.15

Code Stat Legali Ara lista ta’ kodi`I 1.16 Legal Status | fil-pa[na tal- 1.16 fa``ata See code list on

opposite page Enumeratur Enumerator Code Firma Signature

Data Supervisor Date 2001 DD MM Certification Signature Supervisor Supervisor Code Firma Signature

Skola/Kunsill Lokali School/Local Council Code LokalitaÏ Locality


101 Farmer - agricultural land Column a Vide local council table Column b Local council, make sure it is correct and is clear to be identified for coding Column c Area Name is the ‘nickname’ of a specified region of land and is to be entered if possible Column d No. of Parcels is the number of scattered pieces in the specified area and council Column e Owner Occupied land area in Ha to 3 decimal places Column f Rented land area in Ha to 3 decimal places Column g Total Land Area under title category in Ha to 3 decimal places

Note 1: Totals of Sections 101.13, 101.14 and 101.15 are to be entered in 1. Summary Sections 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15 respectively. Note 2: Totals of Sections 101.16, 101.17, 101.18 and 101.19 are to be included in Sections 101.13, 101.14 and 101.15 where applicable.



101 Bidwi - raba’ agrikola Farmer - agricultural land (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

101.13 Raba’ saqwi Irrigated Land Kunsill Lokali LokalitaÏ msej]a Numru ta’ Proprjeta tas-sid Mikrija Daqs Totali LC bi``iet Owner Occupied Rented Total Area Local Council Area Name No. of parcels Ha Ha Ha

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Ni\\el total f’Sezz 1.13 | Insert total in Sec 1.13

101.14 Raba’ bag]li Dry Land Kunsill Lokali LokalitaÏ msej]a Numru ta’ Proprjeta tas-sid Mikrija Daqs Totali LC bi``iet Owner Occupied Rented Total Area Local Council Area Name No. of parcels Ha Ha Ha

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Ni\\el total f’Sezz 1.14 | Insert total in Sec 1.14 101.15 Raba’ moxa Garigue Land Kunsill Lokali LokalitaÏ msej]a Numru ta’ Proprjeta tas-sid Mikrija Daqs Totali LC bi``iet Owner Occupied Rented Total Area Local Council Area Name No. of parcels Ha Ha Ha

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Ni\\el total f’Sezz 1.15 | Insert total in Sec 1.15


101 Farmer - agricultural land Column a Vide local council table Column b Local council, make sure it is correct and is clear to be identified for coding Column c Area Name is the ‘nickname’ of a specified region of land and is to be entered if possible Column d No. of Parcels is the number of scattered pieces in the specified area and council Column e Owner Occupied land area in Ha to 3 decimal places Column f Rented land area in Ha to 3 decimal places Column g Total Land Area under title category in Ha to 3 decimal places

Note 1: Totals of Sections 101.13, 101.14 and 101.15 are to be entered in 1. Summary Sections 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15 respectively. Note 2: Totals of Sections 101.16, 101.17, 101.18 and 101.19 are to be included in Sections 101.13, 101.14 and 101.15 where applicable.



101 Bidwi - raba’ agrikola .....Continued Farmer - agricultural land

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

101.16 Raba’ bid-dwieli Land under vineyards Kunsill Lokali LokalitaÏ msej]a Numru ta’ Proprjeta tas-sid Mikrija Daqs Totali LC dwieli Owner Occupied Rented Total Area Local Council Area Name No. of vines Ha Ha Ha

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Inkludi total f’Sezz 101.13, 101.14 jew 101.15 | skond fejn japplika Include total where applicable in Sec 101.13, 101.14 or 101.15 101.17 Raba’ bis-si[ar tal-frott Land under orchards Proprjeta tas-sid Mikrija Daqs Totali Numru ta’ si[ar Kunsill Lokali LokalitaÏ msej]a Owner Occupied Rented Total Area LC No. of trees Local Council Area Name Ha Ha Ha

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Inkludi total f’Sezz 101.13, 101.14 jew 101.15 | skond fejn japplika Include total where applicable in Sec 101.13, 101.14 or 101.15 101.18 Raba’ \dingat Uncultivated land Kunsill Lokali LokalitaÏ msej]a Numru ta’ Proprjeta tas-sid Mikrija Daqs Totali LC bi``iet Owner Occupied Rented Total Area Local Council Area Name No. of parcels Ha Ha Ha

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Inkludi total f’Sezz 101.13, 101.14 jew 101.15 | skond fejn japplika Include total where applicable in Sec 101.13, 101.14 or 101.15


101 Farmer - agricultural land Column a Vide local council table Column b Local council, make sure it is correct and is clear to be identified for coding Column c Area Name is the ‘nickname’ of a specified region of land and is to be entered if possible Column d No. of Parcels is the number of scattered pieces in the specified area and council Column e Owner Occupied land area in Ha to 3 decimal places Column f Rented land area in Ha to 3 decimal places Column g Total Land Area under title category in Ha to 3 decimal places

Note 1: Totals of Sections 101.13, 101.14 and 101.15 are to be entered in 1. Summary Sections 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15 respectively. Note 2: Totals of Sections 101.16, 101.17, 101.18 and 101.19 are to be included in Sections 101.13, 101.14 and 101.15 where applicable.

102 Farmer - greenhouses Column a Vide local council table Column b Local council, make sure it is correct and is clear to be identified for coding Column c Area Name is the ‘nickname’ of a specified region of land and is to be entered if possible Column d First Major crop cultivated under shelter Column e Second Major crop cultivated under shelter Column f Third Major crop cultivated under shelter Column g Number of Greenhouses scattered or altogether to form one greenhouse Column h Total greenhouse area in square metres to 2 decimal places



101 Bidwi - raba’ agrikola .....Continued Farmer - agricultural land

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

101.19 Raba’ mistrie] Set Aside land Kunsill Lokali LokalitaÏ msej]a Numru ta’ Proprjeta tas-sid Mikrija Daqs Totali LC bi``iet Owner Occupied Rented Total Area Local Council Area Name No. of parcels Ha Ha Ha

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Inkludi total f’Sezz 101.13, 101.14 jew | 101.15 skond fejn japplika Include total where applicable in Sec 101.13, 101.14 or 101.15 102 Bidwi - serer Farmer - greenhouses

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

102.1 Serer Greenhouses LC Kunsill Lokali LokalitaÏ msej]a Prodott 1 Prodott 2 Prodott 3 Numru Daqs m² Local Council Area Name Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 3 Number Area m²








| TINKLUDIX total f’Sezz 101.13, 101.14 jew 101.15 DO NOT INCLUDE total in Secs 101.13 ,101.14 or | 101.15


120 Output Column a If the crop is an Irrigated land main crop tick X Column b If the crop is a Dry land main crop tick X Column c Administrative code Column d Product or crop name, if product or crop is not in list enter in the spaces provided underneath Column e Enter values for columns (g) and (h) under irrigated land Column f Enter values for columns (g) and (h) under dry land Column g Area under product in hectares up to 3 decimal places Column h Output should be entered in Kg or in Litres, in case of eggs in hundreds


120 Produzzjoni Output

(e) (f) (e) (f) (c) (d) (c) (d) (a) (b) (g) (h) (g) (h) (a) (b) (g) (h) (g) (h)

120.1 U`u] tar-raba’ Field Crops

Saqwi Bag]li Saqwi Bag]li Irrigated Dry Irrigated Dry Land Land Irrigated Irrigated Dry Dry

Saqwi Prodott Saqwi Prodott Bag]li Code Bag]li Code Crop / Product Crop / Product Output Output Output Output Daqs ta]t Daqs ta]t Daqs ta]t Daqs ta]t Area under Area under Area under Area under Area Produzzjoni Produzzjoni Produzzjoni Produzzjoni Main crop Main crop Main crop Main crop

3 3 Ha Kg Ha Kg 3 3 Ha Kg Ha Kg Artichokes Karrotti 120.101 120.116 Artichokes | | Carrots | | Asparagus Pastard 120.102 120.117 Asparagus | | Cauliflours | | Basal a]dar Patata 120.103 120.118 Onions | | Potatoes | | Brokkli Pitravi 120.104 120.119 Broccoli | | Beetroots | | Brun[iel Pi\elli 120.105 120.120 Eggplant | | Peas | | B\ar a]dar Qaqo`` 120.106 120.121 Green Pepper | | Globe artichokes | | Fa\ola Qara’ bag]li 120.107 120.122 Beans | | Marrows | | Ful a]dar Qara’ ]amra 120.108 120.123 Green beans | | Pumpkins | | {idra Qara’ rotta 120.109 120.124 Kohlrabi | | Other pumpkins | | }ass a]mar Qara’ twil 120.110 120.125 Lettuce, red | | Long marrows | | }ass ikkabo``jat Spina`i 120.111 120.126 Lettuce | | Spinach | | }jar Tadam komuni 120.112 120.127 Cucumbers | | Tomatoes common | | Indivja Tadam |enguli 120.113 120.128 Endive | | Tomatoes other | | Kabo``i Tewm 120.114 120.129 Cabbages | | Garlic | | Kabo``i ]amra 120.115 120.1 Red cabbages | | | |

120.1 120.1 | | | |

120.1 120.1 | | | |

120.1 120.1 | | | |

120.2 Dwieli Vineyards Jissaqqew Bag]li Irrigated Dry

Prodott Prodott Code Code Crop / Product Crop / Product Produzzjoni Output Output Output

Daqs ta]t Daqs ta]t Litres Area under Area under Produzzjoni Produzzjoni

Ha Kg Ha Kg A]mar 120.201 G]eneb g]all-Inbid ta’ Red | | Prodotti tad-dwieli ma]duma fir-razzett - Litri kwalitaÏ Abjad Vine products produced on the Farm - in litres 120.202 Grapes for quality wine White | | A]mar Inbid ta’ kwalitaÏ 120.203 G]eneb g]all-Inbid li mhux 120.208 Red | | Quality wine ta’ kwalitaÏ Inbid li mhux ta’ kwalitaÏ Grapes for wine other than Abjad 120.204 120.209 quality wine White Wine other than quality | | wine A]mar 120.205 Prodotti tad-dwieli, G]eneb tal-mejda Red | | 120.210 m]allta Table Grapes Abjad Miscellaneous vine 120.206 White | | products 11

120 Output Column a If the crop is an Irrigated land main crop tick X Column b If the crop is a Dry land main crop tick X Column c Administrative code Column d Product or crop name, if product or crop is not in list enter in the spaces provided underneath Column e Enter values for columns (g) and (h) under irrigated land Column f Enter values for columns (g) and (h) under dry land Column g Area under product in hectares up to 3 decimal places Column h Output should be entered in Kg or in Litres, in case of eggs in hundreds


120 Produzzjoni ....Continued Output (e) (f) (e) (f)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (c) (d) (g) (h) (g) (h) (g) (h) (g) (h)

120.3 Frott Fruit

Jissaqqew Bag]li Saqwi Bag]li Land Irrigated Dry Irrigated Dry Irrigated Dry

Prodott Prodott Code Code Saqwi Bag]li Crop / Product Crop / Product Output Output Output Output Daqs ta]t Daqs ta]t Daqs ta]t Daqs ta]t Area under Area under Area under Area under Area Produzzjoni Produzzjoni Produzzjoni Produzzjoni Main crop Main crop

3 3 Ha Kg Ha Kg Ha Kg Ha Kg Bajtar Figs Lumi Lemons 120.301 | | 120.317 | | Bajtar tax-xewk Prickly pears Lumi`ell Sweet lime 120.302 | | 120.318 | | Bambinella Small pears Lumilarin[ Orange Lemons 120.303 | | 120.319 | | Berquq Apricots Mandolina Mandarins 120.304 | | 120.320 | | Bettie] tax-xitwa Melons Naspli Medlars 120.305 | | 120.321 | | Bettie] tas-sajf Melons Nu`iprisk Nectarines 120.306 | | 120.322 | | ~awsli White mulberries Pruna Prunes 120.307 | | 120.323 | | Dullieg] Water melons Rummien Pomegranates 120.308 | | 120.324 | | Frawli Strawberries Santa Ro\a Plums 120.309 | | 120.325 | | G]anbaqar Plums Settembrina Other plums 120.310 | | 120.326 | | Grapefruit Grapefruit Tin Figs 120.311 | | 120.327 | | }aw] Peaches Tuffie] Apples 120.312 | | 120.328 | | Lan[as Pears Tut Black Mulberries 120.313 | | 120.329 | | Larin[ Oranges |ebbu[ Olives 120.314 | | 120.330 | | Lew\ Almonds 120.315 | | 120.331 | |

120.332 | | 120.333 | |

120.334 | | 120.335 | |

120.4 Prodotti o]ra Other crops and products

Produzzjoni Produzzjoni Output Output Daqs ta]t Daqs ta]t Prodott under Area Prodott under Area Code Code Crop / Product Crop / Product

Main crop Main crop

Ha Ha Bales No Bales No Balal Nru Balal Nru }miel Nru }miel Nru

3 Stacks No 3 Stacks No

120.401 Qam] 120.4 Common wheat and spelt (forage) | | Silla 120.402 120.4 Clover | | Xg]ir 120.403 120.4 Barley | | Fjuri u pjanti ornamentali 120.404 mkabbra barra 120.4 Flowers and ornamental plants

grown in the open | |

120.5 Prodotti tal-annimali Animal products Prodott Produzzjoni Prodott Produzzjoni Code Code Crop / Product Output Crop / Product Output Bajd Nru Demel prodott fir-razzett, metri kubi 120.501 120.505 Eggs No Manure produced on the farm, cubic metres G]asel Kg 120.502 120.5 Honey Kg Nru 120.503 120.5 {bejniet No Cheeselets Kg 120.504 120.5



121 Livestock Column a Administrative code Column b Animal category Column c Head count as at 30th September 2001


121 Annimali ....Continued Livestock (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) 121.1 Baqar 121.5 Ti[ie[ Cattle Chickens Annimali Rjus Annimali Rjus Code Code Livestock Heads Livestock Heads G]o[[iela 121.101 R[iel males 121.501 Flieles ta]t it-3 xhur chick under 3 months g]all-qatla Ta]t is- Calves for 121.102 Nisa females 121.502 Ti[ie[ tal-bajd Laying hens sena slaughter 121.103 Under one Ra[unijiet R[iel males 121.503 Sriedak Cocks year old o]ra 121.104 Other Nisa females 121.504 Ti[ieg ie]or, >3 xhur other chicks over 3 months purposes

121.105 Bejn sena u r[iel males Total Total tnejn G]all-qatla (erie]) Li minnhom broilers 121.106 121.505 Between one Nisa For slaughter (heifers) of which broilers and two females Li minnhom bajd tal-fellus 121.107 years old o]rajn others 121.506 of which hatching eggs 121.108 r[iel males 121.6 Papri Ducks

G]all-qatla (erie]) Annimali Rjus 121.109 Code erie] For slaughter (heifers) Livestock Heads Sentejn u heifers 121.110 fuqhom o]rajn others 121.601 Papri ta]t it-3 xhur Ducklings under 3 months Two years 121.111 old and over }alib Dairy 121.602 Papri tal-bajd Laying ducks

121.112 Baqar ~anga Beef 121.603 Papru Drake Cows }alib u ~anga 121.113 121.604 Papri o]ra >3 xhur Other ducks, over 3 months Dairy & Beef 121.2 Majjali 121.7 Dundjani Pigs Turkeys Annimali Rjus Annimali Rjus Code Code Livestock Heads Livestock Heads 121.201 Q\ieqe\ ta]t Piglet under, 20 kgs 121.701 Fellus ta]t it-3 xhur Chicks under 3 months

121.202 Young Pigs, 20-50 kgs 121.702 Dundjana tal-bajd Laying turkey hens

121.203 51- 79 121.703 Dundjani Male Turkey Majjali tas-simna Dundjani o]ra >3 xhur 121.204 80-109 121.704 Fattening Pigs Other turkeys over 3 months Kilograms

121.205 >110 Kilos 121.8 Nag]a[ u mog]o\ 121.206 Mg]ammra in farrow Sheep and Goats Majjaliet Annimal Rjus 121.207 o]rajn others Code Sow Livestock Heads 121.208 g]at-tg]ammir in draft 121.801 Mtaten Rams

121.209 Gilt Gilt 121.802 >2

121.210 F]ula Breeding Boar 121.803 >1 <2 Years Sheep

121.804 Nag]a[ <1 |mien 121.3 |wiemel Horses 121.805 }rief Lambs Annimali Rjus Code 121.806 Bdabad Goats Livestock Heads

121.301 |iemel \g]ir Foal 121.807 >2 Years 121.302 Debba Mare 121.808 Goats >1 <2

121.303 Stallun Stallion 121.809 Mog]o\ <1 |mien 121.4 Fniek 121.810 Gidien Kids Rabbits Annimali Rjus Code Livestock Heads 121.401 Fenek Rabbit

121.402 Fenka Doe

121.403 Fniek <3 Xhur Rabbits <3 months 15

122 Livestock purchases and sales Column a Administrative code Column b Category of livestock Column c Purchases of livestock - no of heads Column d Purchases of livestock - Lm Column e Sales of livestock - no of heads Column f Sales of livestock - Lm Column g Farmhouse consumption – no of heads


122 Bejg] u xiri ta’ annimali (1 ta’ Ottubru, 2000 sa 30 ta’ Settembru, 2001) Livestock purchases and sales (1st October,2000 to 30th September, 2001)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Xiri Bejg] {]all-konsum fir-razzett Kategorija Purchases Sales Farmhouse Consumption Code Category Rjus Lm Rjus Lm Rjus Heads Lm Heads Lm Heads |wiemel 122.1 Horses Baqar 122.2 Cattle Nag]a[ 122.3 Sheep Mog]o\ 122.4 Goats Majjali 122.5 Pigs Tjur Jinkludi bajd g]all-fellus, u flieles 122.6 Poultry Includes eggs for hatching, and chicks Fniek 122.7 Rabbits Xehed Na]al 122.8 Bee hives Annimali o]ra 122.9 Other animals


130 Labour Column a Labour category. Multiple entries are possible for categories 130.1.1, 130.1.2, 130.1.7, and 130.1.8 and 130.2.1, 130.2.2, 130.2.7, and 130.2.8 Column b Administrative code Column c Take the education code from education list below Column d Male Column e Female Column f No of persons employed under respective category Column g Year of birth last 2 digits under respective category Column h No of hours worked in a year under respective category Column i If record is full time then value is 1 Column j If record is part time then value is 1

130.1.0 Column i Total of Column i 130.1.0 Column j Total of Column j 130.2.0 Column i Total of Column i 130.2.0 Column j Total of Column j

Insert totals of 130.1.0 Column i and 130.2.0 Column i in Sec 1.11 Insert totals of 130.1.0 Column j and 130.2.0 Column j in Sec 1.12

Education List 11 Practical experience (less than 5 years) 12 Practical experience (5 to 10 years) 13 Practical experience (more than 10 years) 14 Basic training 15 Full agricultural training


130 }addiema Labour

130.1 }addiema tal-familja Family workers

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

Sig]at ma]duma Nru ta’ Sena twelid Kategorija M F f’sena Code ]addiema Year of birth Category 3 3 Hours worked No of persons (YY) Full time Full Part time

Education per year Edukazzjoni

Sid/ Manager 130.1.1

Holder/ Manager 130.1.1

Sid/ mhux Manager 130.1.2 Unpaid Regular Holder/ Not Manager 130.1.2 Manager mhux is-sid 130.1.3 Manager not holder Mara/Ra[el tas-sid 130.1.4 Spouse of holder O]rajn 130.1.5 Regolari Other Ka\wali Ka\wali mhux im]allsa 130.1.6 Mhux im]allsa Casual Unpaid Casual

Manager 130.1.7

Manager 130.1.7 Paid 130.1.8 O]rajn Regular Regolari Other 130.1.8

Ka\wali Ka\wali m]allsa 130.1.9 M]allsa Casual Paid Casual

Total 130.1.0

130.2 }addiema mhux tal-familja Non-Family workers

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

Sig]at ma]duma Nru ta’ Sena twelid Kategorija M F f’sena Code ]addiema Year of birth Category 3 3 Hours worked No of persons (YY) Full time Full Part time

Education per year Edukazzjoni

Manager mhux is-sid 130.2.3 Manager not holder Mara/Ra[el tas-sid

Unpaid 130.2.4 Regular Spouse of holder O]rajn 130.2.5 Regolari Other Ka\wali Ka\wali mhux im]allsa 130.2.6 Mhux im]allsa Casual Unpaid Casual

Manager 130.2.7

Manager 130.2.7 Paid 130.2.8 O]rajn Regular Regolari Other 130.2.8

Ka\wali Ka\wali m]allsa 130.2.9 M]allsa Casual Paid Casual

Total 130.2.0

130.3 Informazzjoni o]ra fuq il-]addiema Other information on Labour Kategorija Tick Kategorija Tick Code Code Description 3 Description 3 Jekk il-bidwi huwa manager, B]ala xog]ol prin`ipali Jekk il-partner tal-bidwi ja]dem/ta]dem B]ala xog]ol prin`ipali g]andu xog]ol ie]or bi As his/her major job fil-farm, g]andu/a xog]ol ie]or bi qlieg] As his/her major job qlieg]? 130.31 130.32 If the holder’s spouse does farm work, If the holder is also manager, does he/she have any other gainful does he have any other B]ala xog]ol sussidjarju B]ala xog]ol sussidjarju activity gainful activity? As his/her subsidiary job As his/her subsidiary job {ranet / B]ala xog]ol prin`ipali Numru ta’ [ranet Jekk ]addiem tal-familja, Numru ekwivalenti ta’ [ranet ma]duma As his/her major job ma]duma full time

g]andu/a xog]ol ie]or bi full time mhux m]addma direttament mil- Days ekwivalenti ghall- qlieg]? intrapri\a (e\. ]addiema tal-kuntratturi) 130.33 130.34 perjodu If family worker does he/she Number of equivalent full time working Number of full time have any other gainful days by persons not employed directly by B]ala xog]ol sussidjarju working days during the activity? the holding (eg. Contractors’ employees) As his/her subsidiary job last 12 months


131 Buildings and structures Column a Administrative code Column b Type of Building or structure Columns c, d, e Buildings or structures owned by owner only, only these should be valued Column c Number or pieces of the type on the farm Column d Total capacity measured as noted in column b Column e Valuation in Lm Columns f, g Buildings or structures used by the owner including column c, and column d Column f Number or pieces of the type on the farm Column g Total capacity measured as noted in column b Column h Year of Construction of respective building or structure


131 Bini u strutturi (Fl -30 ta’ Settembru 2001) Buildings and structures (As on 30th September 2001) Proprjeta tas-sid Mikri mis sid Owner occupied Rented by owner Tip Sena mibni Code Valur Type Nru, B` Tesa’ Nru, B` Tesa’ Year of Construction Value No, Pc Capacity No, Pc Capacity Lm (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Stalla baqar, rjus 131.01 Cowshed, - head Stalla o]ra, rjus 131.02 Other stable, - head Maqjel, rjus 131.03 Pigsty, - head Gallinar, m² 131.04 Hen-house, m² Demel 131.05 Solid Dung Demel likwidu Ma]\en m³ 131.06 Liquid Dung Storage m³ Demel ie]or 131.07 Slurry Ma]\en g]all-fertilizzant u bexx m² 131.08 Store for artificial fertilizers and plant protective products, m² Milking parlour, rjus 131.09 Milking parlour, - head

131.10 m³ Ma]\en g]all-inbid Storage for wine 131.11 hl Ma]\en (materjali, spareparts) m² 131.12 Storage (materials, spareparts) m² Ma]\en (]axix, frott u patata) m² 131.13 Storage (vegetable, fruit, potato) m² Biex ja]\en l-g]alf m³ 131.14 Silo For storing fodder m³ Bir (kull tip) 131.15 Well (all kinds) Mit]na 131.16 Windmill Bini ie]or tar-razzett, m² 131.17 Other farm buildings, m² Fossa, m³ 131.18 Cesspit, m³


132 Machinery and Equipment Column a Administrative code Column b Type of machinery or equipment Column c, d Machinery or equipment owned by owner only, only these should be valued Column c Number or pieces of the type on the farm Column d Valuation in Lm Column e Machinery or equipment used by the owner including column c, and column d Number or pieces of the type on the farm Column f Year of Purchase of respective machinery or equipment

132 Drip irrigation and cloches Column a Administrative code Column b Drip irrigation or cloches Column c Area in Ha under type in column b


132 Makkinarju u tag]mir (Fl -30 ta’ Settembru 2001) Machinery and equipment (As on 30th September 2001) Proprjeta tas-sid U\at mis-sid Owned Used by owner Tip Sena mixtri Code Valur Type Nru, B` Nru, B` Year of Purchase Value No, Pc No, Pc Lm (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Makkinarju g]all-kultivazzjoni tal-art 132.01 Machinery for land cultivation Romblu 132.011 Rotary cultivator Sikka 132.012 Ploughshare

Inqas minn 8 kW (<10hp) 132.02 Less than 8 kW (<10hp) 08 - 20 kW (10 - 26 hp) 132.03 Tractors 08 - 20 kW (10 - 26 hp) 21 - 40 kW (27 - 54 hp) 132.04 21 - 40 kW (27 - 54 hp) 41 - 60 kW (55 - 82 hp) 132.05 41 - 60 kW (55 - 82 hp) 61 -100 kW (83 - 136 hp) 132.06

Tractors 61 -100 kW (83 - 136 hp) Xafra tal-]sad 132.021 Forage harvester Romblu tat-tiben 132.022 Rotary cultivator (straw) Baler 132.023 Baler Attachments Spreader tad-demel 132.024 Manure spreader Magna tal-patata 132.025 Potato lifter Pompa tal-Bexx 132.026 Sprayer (pump) O]rajn

132.027 Attachments Others Combined-harvesters 132.07 Combined-harvesters Lifters bil-mutur, hp 132.08 Lifters self propelled, hp Trakkijiet, hp 132.091 Trucks, hp Bowser, glalen 132.092 Bowser, gallons Vannijiet, hp 132.093 Vans, hp 1-5, hp 132.101 1-5, hp Pompa tal-ilma, hp 5-10, hp 132.102 Irrigation pump, hp 5-10, hp Over 10 hp 132.103 Over 10 hp Tag]mir tal-]alib (nru ta’ baqar ma]luba fl-istess ]in) 132.11 Milking equipment (no of cows milked simultaneously) Inkubatur (nru ta’ bajd f’1000) 132.12 Incubator (no of eggs 1000s) Mutur tal-bexx, hp 132.13 Motor sprayer, hp Mutur tal-]axix, hp 132.14 Rotary hoes, hp

133 Tisqija bil-pipe u tunnels Drip irrigation and cloches Tip Daqs Totali Code Type Area Ha (a) (b) (c) Tisqija bil-pipe 133.1 Drip irrigation | Tunnels 133.2 Cloches |