Design, Modelling and Optimisation of an Isolated Small Hydropower Plant Using Pumped Storage Hydropower and Control Techniques

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Design, Modelling and Optimisation of an Isolated Small Hydropower Plant Using Pumped Storage Hydropower and Control Techniques DESIGN, MODELLING AND OPTIMISATION OF AN ISOLATED SMALL HYDROPOWER PLANT USING PUMPED STORAGE HYDROPOWER AND CONTROL TECHNIQUES by SAMUEL AYANROHUNMU OLUSEGUN ILUPEJU A Research thesis submitted in fulfillment of the award of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. January, 2015 SUPERVISOR: DR FREDDIE INAMBAO ―Asthe candidate‘s Supervisor I agree/do not agree to the submission of this dissertation‖. The supervisor must sign all copies after deleting which is not applicable. Dr Freddie Inambao ……………………………………………………… ……………………………….. NAME OF SUPERVISOR AND SIGNATURE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE DECLARATION 1- PLAGIARISM I, Samuel Ayanrohunmu Olusegun Ilupeju, declare that: 1. The research reported in this dissertation, except where otherwise indicated, is my original research. 2. This dissertation has not been submitted for any degree or examination at any other university. 3. This dissertation does not contain other persons‟ data, pictures, graphs or other information, unless specifically acknowledged as being sourced from other persons. 4. This dissertation does not contain other persons' writing, unless specifically acknowledged as being sourced from other researchers. Where other written sources have been quoted, then: a. Their words have been re-written but the general information attributed to them has been referenced. b. Where their exact words have been used, then their writing has been placed in italics and inside quotation marks, and referenced. 5. This dissertation does not contain text, graphics or tables copied and pasted from the Internet, unless specifically acknowledged, and the source being detailed in the dissertation and in the References sections. Signed ……………………………………………………………… Samuel Ayanrohunmu Olusegun Ilupeju ii COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE DECLARATION 2 – PUBLICATIONS DETAILS OF THE CONTRIBUTION TO PUBLICATIONS that form part/or include research presented in this thesis (include publications in preparation, submitted, in press and published and give details of the contributions of each author to the experimental work and writing of each publication). Publication 1: S. A. O. Ilupeju and F. L. Inambao, "Hydropower potentials in Africa: Integration of stand-alone and mini grid to power system," 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 25th – 28th August 2014, HES-SO - Geneva – Switzerland. Publication 2: S. A. O. Ilupeju and F. L. Inambao, "Potentials of small hydro Power in South Africa: The current status and investment opportunities," 22nd Domestic Use of Energy Conference, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, March 31 – April 2, 2014. Published in IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/DUE.2014.6827769, pp. 167-172. Publication 3 S. A. O. Ilupeju and F. L Inambao, "Smart electricity distribution for sustainable development in Southern Africa sub-urban settlements," 11th International Conference on the Industrial & Commercial Use of Energy (ICUE), Cape Town, South Africa, August 18-20, 2014. Published in IEEE DOI: 10.1109/ICUE.2014.6904209 pp. 1-8. iii Publication 4: F. L. Inambao and S. A. O. Ilupeju, "A review of renewable energy in Africa: The relevance of small hydro-power," Proceedings of the 13th BIE Biennial Conference Gaborone, Botswana, 15th – 18th October, 2013. Publication 5: S. A. O. Ilupeju, F. L. Inambao, N. M. I. Mutombo and T. S. Ustun, "Sustainable Energy Generation From Pumped Hydropower", 23rd Domestic Use of Energy Conference, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, March 30 – April 1, 2015. Publication 6: S. A. O. Ilupeju, F. L. Inambao, L. Philogene and T. S. Ustun, " Hydropower Generation: A hybrid technology approach for optimum electricity supply in Africa, South African Journal of Science. (submitted and under review). Publication 7: S. A. O. Ilupeju, F. L. Inambao, "Prospects for small pumped storage hydropower in South Africa," Journal of Energy in Southern Africa (submitted and under review). iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I want to first of all appreciate God for His grace, goodness and mercy upon my life. This work is by His power. I hail you biggest Daddy. Completing the PhD was really a dream come through for my father, Barzillai Ayanbode O Ilupeju. He was the dreamer; I only by privilege brought it to pass. This research has taken me to places I never thought I would be. It has indeed broadened my knowledge and has opened my eyes to many things we see every day around us that could benefit humankind if properly explored and channelled. At the beginning, finding myself in a different environment geographically and academically brought fear, but was easily overcome by the grace of God. I am also grateful to my supervisor, Dr. Freddie Inambao, who stood by me all through the period of this work. His motivation to finish within or possibly less than set time I really appreciate. To me, you are more than a supervisor, but also a mentor and a father, liberal to the core. I am sincerely grateful to my wife, Yetunde, who was also studying at the same time toward her honours and master‘s degree. It was indeed a rough road, thanks be to the God of Heavens, we were able to overcome. Her graduation with Cum Laude in Statistics was a testimony that nothing is impossible with God and diligence. To our wonderful children, Moyosola, Ireoluwa and Anuoluwa, you are so wonderfully made. I celebrate you guys. I am always grateful to my mother, Dn Modupe Ilupeju, for her usual care, prayer and support; you are a wonderful pillar in my life. To my parents in-law, Chief and Mrs E B Fagbayi, what a great gift to have you in my life, the support I enjoyed from you cannot be quantified. The support of my siblings, Olumuyiwa, Olufunke and Olugbenga will forever be appreciated. To my brothers and sisters in-law, I love you, you are great people. Toyese, thank you for all midnight watch toward concluding this work. My dearest friends, there is no way I will write the story of my life without your names appearing on many pages. Emma, you are so wonderful a person, your support through thick and thin is appreciated. Yemi, your prayers for my family God has answered. Toyese, our sleepless nights in school have yielded greatly. Caleb, Andrew and Evans, meeting you is answered prayer, thank you. Thanks also go to my fellow Green Energy Solution (GES) research group members, collaborators, and friends. The Resident Pastor and Associate Pastors of Winners Chapel Durban, brethren, thank you for being there for me. v I am heartily thankful to the leadership of the University of KwaZulu-Natal for the privilege to study, the support, exposure, and a comfortable learning environment conducive to successful completion of this work. I appreciate the support and encouragement extended by the Centre for Engineering Postgraduate Studies (CEPS), for providing funds during my period of study. vi ABSTRACT Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH) has proved to be a reliable power generation technology, especially in cases of emergency peak power demand. It is best utilised in areas where the availability of water is a challenge because it allows water retention and reuse using the pump back mechanism instead of the water being discharged to continue its course. A pumped storage hydropower system consists of two reservoirs, one higher in elevation than the other lower, the turbine house (power station) and pumping plant between the two reservoirs. During off-peak periods, excess electricity which is cheap pumps water from the lower to the upper reservoir because power demand is low. The stored energy is released to run back into the lower reservoir through the turbines to generate electricity in peak demand period, converting the stored potential energy into electricity at a higher economic value. South Africa is among the highest emitters of carbon dioxide in the world, with more than 75% of primary energy requirement from fossil fuels. Specifically South Africa is ranked 12th in the world in terms of top emitters of carbon dioxide, exposing its citizens to risks associated with this emission [1]. Therefore there is an urgent need to protect lives by technically reducing release of the poisonous gases through reducing fossil fuel dependency. Renewable Energy (RE), which is abundant and sustainable, can be quickly implemented, offer many work opportunities and have a much lower impact on the environment. With over 8 000 potential small Hydropower sites identified in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal (KZN) Provinces, generation can improve. The system proposed is the design, optimisation and integration of a control system to a standalone micro hydropower hybrid. The conventional hydropower plant, which is a primary electricity source, allocates power to pump from the lower reservoir to the upper at off-peak periods when consumption and price of electricity is low at regulated flow. Various calculations were derived to compute the primary design parameters (flow, head and system efficiencies) with the other inputs. Matlab Simulink was engaged to describe the interaction between these variables and to vary parameters for optimum output, especially in reducing pumping mode power input for maximum pumped storage hydropower plant generation. Different categories of small hydropower plant sizes can be determined and analysed using this model which will give suitable results. Though the value of generation output from the PSH is small compared to input pump power it is able to compensate for peak load demand. The control system is introduced using Flowcode software to automate every technical process to ensure optimum system performance. vii The automation considers, time of the day, the volume of the upper reservoir and the available pumping power to efficiently manage the hydropower plant model. With the introduction of this generation technique, the results have shown that generation of more electricity at peak time when the price of selling the electricity is very high can be easily accomplished. The control effectively minimises electricity losses, breakdown of equipment, and ensures availability of resource at the exact time of demand.
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