Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL036 Dachʼs Lodge Confidential Draft – 25/02/2015 – Version 1.0

High Level Site Assessment Proforma

Site Reference SHL036 Site Name Dachʼs Lodge, Church Crookham Parish Site Address Redfields Lane, Church Crookham

Capacity Assessment and Categorisation Site Size (ha) 1.2 Estimated Capacity 29 Comments on capacity Site appears to be largely wooded. Given location on the periphery of Church Crookham, development of this site on its own (i.e. not as part of STR007) would be likely to favour a lower density scheme. Housing Strategy Category(s) 2 (Dispersal Strategy) or 3 Land Supply Category B (Small sites adjoin existing urban areas) or E (Strategic (Strategic Urban Extension) as Urban Extension) as part of STR007 part of STR007

Key to Site Assessments: No overriding constraint to development of the site

Constraint requiring further detailed assessment

Major constraint undermining suitability of site

Site Assessment Assessment Criteria Assessment comments Coloured assessment Accessibility to • Bus Stop (Gally Hill Rd., no. 72 & 419/20) – 1,100m Employment and • Railway Station (Fleet) – 5,000m services • Employment (Redfields) – 100m • Public Open Space (Zebon Community Centre) – 1,300m • Health facility ( Surgery) – 2,000m • Primary School (Church Crookham Primary) – 1,700m • Secondary School (Court Moor School) - 3,000m • Supermarket (Waitrose, Fleet) - 3,900m

Infrastructure • Schools: There is a projected (2018) deficit for 3% for Infant/Primary schools in the Fleet area. This takes into provision account the planned 1FE expansion of Church Crookham Junior School. Therefore additional housing not already planned for will exacerbate the deficit. For secondary schools the projected (2018) surplus capacity in the Fleet area is 9%. • Retail: The most recent evidence found that there is no pressing need to increase convenience and comparison floorspace. However, some of Fleetʼs supermarkets are overtrading (inc. Waitrose) and there is a modest deficit in convenience floorspace. Therefore, additional housing, not already planned for will increase the need to expand retail floorspace (convenience and comparison) in Fleet.

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 1 Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL036 Dachʼs Lodge Confidential Draft – 25/02/2015 – Version 1.0

• Health: Richmond Surgery (Fleet) has been identified in a previous PCT Estates Plan as having potential for improvement. Any additional housing not already planned for will exacerbate any deficiencies at that surgery. • Transport (road): From the available evidence, there are no proposed road/junction improvements in close proximity to the site, although the proposed upgrade of the Reading Road (South)/Connaught Road junction in south Fleet is likely to benefit access from the site to central Fleet. In addition, the latest available HCC Transport Statement (project schedule) indicates that the junction between Crookham Road and Coxheath Road required improvement and this need could be exacerbated by development on this site. • Transport (other): Stagecoach has recently reorganised several bus routes in Hart, and this has significantly reduced the level of bus service for this site with the end of the routing of the 72 from Fleet to via Church Crookham and Ewshot. Redfields lane no longer has any regular bus service. • Green Infrastructure: The Hart Infrastructure Delivery Schedule highlights that Church Crookham has an existing deficit in Green Infrastructure, which will be exacerbated by the development of this site. Several projects within Church Crookham are listed in the schedule, which could help to address this deficit.

Current Use and Current use is as a private dwelling and woodland (Blakemore Copse). Relevant Planning History No planning history found.

Nature Conservation Site is within the 5km Thames Basin Heaths SPA Zone of Influence. There is a SINC at St. Nicholas School on the other side of Redfields Lane to the site. Given that this is within the School boundary, it is unlikely to be directly affected by development of the site.

Minerals Resources The Minerals and Waste Plan Policies Map indicates that there are no policy designations or safeguarding areas within or in close proximity to the site.

Landscape HCC Integrated LCA (2012): Landscape type: lowland mosaic heath associated Landscape Character Area: North East Hampshire Plantations and Heath

Hart District LCA 1997: Landscape type: Mixed pasture and woodland Landscape Character Area: Redlands Main features of the Redlands LCA: a mixed, fragmented character reflecting the underlying complex geology. The area is essentially rural, but with suburbanising influences. However, the well-wooded character reduces the visual instruction of these and of the overhead power lines that traverse the LCA to the south of the site.

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 2 Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL036 Dachʼs Lodge Confidential Draft – 25/02/2015 – Version 1.0

Summary assessment: The site itself is largely wooded and development could give rise to a negative impact on landscape character. However, with appropriate protection of the trees at the southern, western and eastern boundaries of the site, it may be possible to significantly reduce any landscape impact that development of the site might have.

Agricultural Land Agricultural land within the site has been assessed as Grade 4.

Heritage Assets Redfields House is a large locally-listed late C19th house set in a historic park setting situated about 100m to the south of the site. The site is occupied by St Nicholas private school. The House is well screened from the road by mature trees, which are subject to TPOs. However, any development of the site would need to ensure that the setting of the House and gardens were protected.

Water resources and There are no groundwater source protection zones or licensed water abstraction points in close proximity to the quality site.

Air Quality There are not believed to be any Air Quality Management Areas in close proximity to the site. On the basis of evidence seen, none of the surrounding land uses would be likely to cause any air quality issues for the site.

Flood risk The site is entirely within Flood Zone 3. The Draft Hart SFRA indicates that none of the sources of flooding (fluvial, surface water, groundwater and artificial sources) pose any risk at the site.

Location and scale of The site is predominately greenfield and is located adjacent to the existing settlement boundary of Church development Crookham and is not within a Strategic of Local Gap. It is currently wooded (Blackmore Copse), with what appears to be a single detached house at the western end of the site.

To the west and east of the site are open fields. To the north, is the new Blue Prior Business Park and to the south are another large detached house and a number of outbuildings (Willowcroft).

Un-neighbourly Uses No un-neighbourly uses are evident, although the level of noise and activity generated by the business park to the north would need to be considered. However, given that the park includes a recently built elderly persons care home, it is unlikely to be a noisy environment.

Availability The site is believed to be available, although there is no evidence from the landowner/promoter to support this Assessment assertion.

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 3 Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL036 Dachʼs Lodge Confidential Draft – 25/02/2015 – Version 1.0

Site Access The site is likely to be accessed from Redlands Lane by upgrading the existing private residential access.

Summary of There is no evidence of significant constraints to the development of this site. The key issues are the potential negative impact on Constraints landscape character, which may be possible to mitigate, and the generally poor accessibility to facilities and services (although accessibility to employment is good). There are also a number of infrastructure deficiencies that have been noted, although none of these appears to be insurmountable, and development at the site could provide additional developer contributions to help fund the required improvements.

Summary of This is a small site and could be developed on its own as a minor extension to Church Crookham. Alternatively, it could potentially Opportunities be developed comprehensively as part of Strategic Site STR007 (Land South of Church Crookham). A third opportunity could be to extend the current employment, adjacent to the north, into the site.

Focus of further The availability of the site needs to be confirmed with the landowner/site promoter. assessment, should The potential to address the infrastructure capacity deficits and the poor accessibility of services and facilities need to be the site be shortlisted investigated, including whether this would have any phasing implications for development at the site. by the Council

Site Assessment Name: PH Completed by Date: 4/2/2015

HDC Conclusion and Shortlist the site: Do not shortlist the site: recommendation HDC Comments:

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 4 ± SHLAA Site 036 - Constraints

Key SHLAA Site 036 Listed Buildings ! TPO - Individual SSSI SINC National Nature Reserve Local Nature Reserve Parish Boundaries Historic Parks and Gardens Conservation Areas Thames Basin Heaths SPA (5km zone of influence) Thames Basin Heaths SPA (400m exclusion zone) Thames Basin Heaths SPA Settlement Boundaries TPO - Groups Scheduled Ancient Monuments Strategic Gaps

1:12,500 0 62.5125 250 375 500

Meters Contains Ordnance Survey Data Crown copyright and database right 2015 ± SHLAA Site 036 - Flood Risk

Key SHLAA Site 036 Flood Zone 3 Flood Zone 2 Reservoir Flood Outlines Surface Water Flooding (1 in 30 year AEP) Surface Water Flooding (1 in 100 year AEP) Groundwater Flooding (Limited) Groundwater Flooding (Potential flooding to basements) Groundwater Flooding (Potential flooding at surface)

1:12,500 0 62.5125 250 375 500

Meters Contains Ordnance Survey Data Crown copyright and database right 2015