Plath Profiles )3 !. ).4%2$)3#)0,).!29 */52.!, &/2 39,6)! 0,!4( 345$)%3 )4 )3 05",)3(%$ !..5!,,9 /. 4(% ).4%2.%4 !4 (440777)5.%$5^.7!$-).0,!4(
Plath Profles 6/,5-%s!545-. Plath Profles EDITOR-IN-CHIEF William K. Buckley MANAGING EDITOR Cathleen Allyn Conway PEER REVIEW Cathleen Allyn Conway Jessica R. McCort Jeanne Obbard Sarah Nichols Nick Smart EDITING AND DESIGN Cathleen Allyn Conway SOCIAL MEDIA Amanda Golden PLATH PROFILES )3 !.).4%2$)3#)0,).!29 */52.!, &/2 39,6)! 0,!4( 345$)%3 )4)305",)3(%$!..5!,,9/.4(%).4%2.%4!4 (440777)5.%$5^.7!$-).0,!4( PLATH PROFILES\)33. ¥ !54(/232%4!).4(%#/092)'(44/4(%)2).4%,,%#45!,#/.4%.4 &).$53/.&!#%"//+&!#%"//+#/-0,!4(02/&),%3 o PLATH PROFILES sVOLUME 9s 2016 Contents 6/,5-%s!545-. POETRY 03 In the Slivered Hospital Jennifer MacBain-Stephens 04 Self-Portrait as Hydrangea Shevaun Brannigan 05 Te Beeswax Candle Janna Erickson 06 Sumption: Sivvy’s Food Crystal Hope Hurdle 08 Blue Water Natalie Crick 09 Night Natalie Crick ARTICLES 18 Esther’s Uncanny Doubles: Te “big, smudgy-eyed Chinese woman” and the “bleached-blonde Negress” in Te Bell Jar Hiromi Yoshida 23 “Paula’s snowsuit was smeared wet and black with oil”: Sylvia Plath on Children’s Capacity for Love and War’s Infuence of Hate Julie Ooms 31 Mud Plus Struck Equals Muck: Filth andViolence in the Works of Sylvia Plath Julia McCord Chavez, Robert C. Hauhart 34 Shrunken Heads: Reading Plath Reading Eliot Sara Fetherolf 40 ‘Unintelligible syllables’: Noise in the poetry of Sylvia Plath Christine Walde 345$%.47/2+ 68 “Every Woman’s a Whore”: Misogyny and Hypocrisy in Sylvia Plath’s Oeuvre Mercy D. Sherman 68 A World Without Men: Matriarchal Landscapes in Sylvia Plath’s “Stings,” “Wintering,” “Purdah,” and “Letter in November” Constance Chan 68 Identity in Te Bell Jar and Te Perks of Being aWallfower: A Comparison Taylor McGonigle 68 Te signifcance of metaphor in ‘Daddy’ Elise Stanford 68 Exploring identity in Te Bell Jar and Te Catcher in the Rye Jess Ardley ART 55 Poems, Suitcases Kristina Zimbakova PLATH PROFILES sVOLUME 9s 2016 3 Editors’ note Tese fne and very original essays refect the ongoing interest in the work of Sylvia Plath around the world.