Copyrighted Material
Index Page numbers in italics refer to photos. acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), art, LEGO as, 7, 125. See also mosaics; 162–163 my own creation (MOC); scale adult fans of LEGO (AFOLs), 8, 13, modeling; vignette themes 23–32 Asanuma, Mariann, 247–249 collections of, 19–21, 42, 143 Ashton, Matthew, 203 (See also collecting) Askildsen, Tormod, 65–66, 178, 185 couples as, 86–87, 215–222 automatic binding bricks, 51 “Dark Ages” and, 7, 24, 147–149 Female Fans of LEGO, 76, 81, Baerwyrm (MOC), 135 85–87, 109 Barnes, John, 173 as growth industry, 65–66 Batman’s Buggy (LEGO set), 235 LEGO Group marketing and, 54, Becraft, Andrew, 108–110, 190 55–56, 82–87, 95–99, 177–187, Bellaire, Ohio, 122. See also Toy and 203 (See also LEGO Group) Plastic Brick Museum origin of term, 24–25 Belville challenge, 69, 69–78, 83 See also building; collecting; Bender, Charlotte Ann, 261–262 conventions; usergroups Bender, Jeffrey, 3–6, 223, 230, 230–232 Agents Volcano Base (LEGO Bender, Jonathan, 133, 223, 233 set), 238 Bender, Kate, 7, 9, 34, 37, 149–151, Airport ShuttleCOPYRIGHTED (LEGO set), 41 207–214, MATERIAL 215–222, 234–240 Alpha Team (LEGO Deep Sea birth of Charlotte Ann, 257–262 Mission), 73–74 building by, 191–192 alternate build events, 69–78 in Denmark, 153–159, 172, (ATL), 24 183–184, 187 Alvarez, Virginia, 82 LEGO building by, 95, 101–103, Ambeck-Madsen, Peter, 114 215, 215–222 Amoskeag Manufacturing Berard, Jamie, 85–86, 180–185, 190 Company, 182 Bertrand, Marc, 91 Aqua Raiders (LEGO set), 71 Bertrand, Rita, 91 Armstrong, Tommy, 136, 139, 143 Bertrand, Vic, Jr., 91 263 bbindex.inddindex.indd 226363 33/8/10/8/10 99:19:59:19:59 AAMM 264 Index Bertrand, Victor, 91 Brown, Conrad, 140 Beyer, Jan, 185 Brown, Dan, 2–3, 64, 133, 255 Billund, Denmark (corporate LEGO at BrickCon, 194–198, 205 Group headquarters), 154, at Brick Show, 137, 138 159–161.
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