S3204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 5, 2003 management intern for the Committee lier today by Senators SANTORUM and ers delivered are as vital now as they on Foreign Affairs Committee, be given SPECTER. were in 1960. floor privileges during the debate on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. Rogers’ accomplishments reach the Moscow Treaty. clerk will report the concurrent resolu- far beyond the boundaries of the neigh- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion by title. borhood. Ordained by the Pittsburgh objection, it is so ordered. The assistant legislative clerk read Presbytery in 1962, Mr. Rogers was ac- f as follows: tive in child and family advocacy on A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 16) all levels. In 1972, Mr. Rogers formed CORRECTED VERSION OF S. RES. honoring the life and work of Mr. Fred Family Communications, Inc. to 71 AS PASSED ON MARCH 4, 2003 McFeely Rogers. produce educational entertainment for Whereas a 3-judge panel of the Ninth Cir- There being no objection, the Senate children and families and resources for cuit Court of Appeals has ruled in Newdow v. proceeded to consider the concurrent teachers. Mr. Rogers most recently Congress that the words resolution. partnered with the Western Pennsyl- ‘‘under God’’ in the Pledge of Allegiance vio- Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I have vania Caring Foundation to establish late the Establishment Clause when recited sought recognition to pay tribute to the Caring Place for grieving children voluntarily by students in public schools; Mr. , the beloved host of in an effort to make sure that children Whereas the Ninth Circuit has voted not to who experienced a loss did not feel so have the full court, en banc, reconsider the the Public Broadcasting Service, PBS decision of the panel in Newdow; children’s program, Mister alone. Whereas this country was founded on reli- Rogers’ Neighborhood. During his career of service to chil- gious freedom by the Founding Fathers, For more than 30 years, America has dren, families, and communities, Mr. many of whom were deeply religious; been fortunate to have one of the most Rogers was the recipient of two George Whereas the First Amendment to the Con- caring and dedicated neighbors in Mr. Foster Peabody Awards, four Emmys, stitution embodies principles intended to Rogers. His soft-spoken and patient and two ‘‘Lifetime Achievement guarantee freedom of religion both through manner put viewers at ease and al- Awards’’ from the National Academy of the free exercise thereof and by prohibiting lowed Mr. Rogers to courageously ad- Television Arts and Sciences and the the Government establishing a religion; TV Critics Association. In July 2002, Whereas the Pledge of Allegiance was writ- dress adult topics such as death, di- ten by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, vorce, and anger. The neighborhood of Mr. Rogers was awarded the Presi- and first published in the September 8, 1892, make believe residents helped to illus- dential Medal of Freedom—the Na- issue of the Youth’s Companion; trate differences in people and teach tion’s highest civilian honor—for his Whereas Congress, in 1954, added the words children the importance of coopera- dedication to the well-being of children ‘‘under God’’ to the Pledge of Allegiance; tion. From King Friday and Queen and for a career that demonstrates the Whereas the Pledge of Allegiance has for Sara Saturday to Henrietta Pussycat importance of kindness, compassion, almost 50 years included references to the and Daniel Stripped Tiger, diversity, and learning. All of these awards added United States flag, the country, to our coun- to the 30 honorary degrees that Mr. try having been established as a union tolerance, and problem solving were not only taught, but celebrated. Rogers received throughout the years. ‘‘under God’’ and to this country being dedi- Mr. Rogers was no stranger to Cap- cated to securing ‘‘liberty and justice for Mr. Rogers is a role model for people all’’; and parents everywhere. His ability to itol Hill. After testifying before the Whereas Congress in 1954 believed it was communicate with children offered Senate in 1969, Mr. Rogers made an al- acting constitutionally when it revised the them a place, every morning, where most annual visit to Capitol Hill to ex- Pledge of Allegiance; they felt accepted and understood. Mr. press how deeply he believed in the im- Whereas the 107th Congress overwhelm- Rogers, dressed in his signature car- portance of education. I was honored to ingly passed a resolution disapproving of the digan sweater and tying his tennis have Mr. Rogers as a guest in my office panel decision of the Ninth Circuit in during his many visits to the Senate. Newdow, and overwhelmingly passed legisla- shoes, often sang the song ‘‘You Are Special’’ in which he said, ‘‘You are my While walking around the U.S. Capitol tion recodifying Federal law that establishes with him, my Senate colleagues and the Pledge of Allegiance in order to dem- friend. You are special to me. You are onstrate Congress’s opinion that voluntarily the only one like you. Like you, my their staff flocked to Mr. Rogers as if reciting the Pledge in public schools is con- friend, I like you.’’ I cannot think of a he were royalty, which he most cer- stitutional; more important lesson to teach chil- tainly was. Always kind enough to stop Whereas the Senate believes that the dren than the lesson of self-esteem. Mr. and say hello or pose for a picture, Mr. Pledge of Allegiance, as revised in 1954 and Rogers taught self-esteem, but he was Rogers truly epitomized the quin- as recodified in 2002, is a fully constitutional tessential teacher, father, friend, expression of patriotism; never limited in his lessons. Just as importantly, he helped his viewers ex- guide, and neighbor. Whereas the National Motto, patriotic Mr. Rogers’ ability to talk about the plore subjects they were curious about songs, United States legal tender, and things that really matter in childhood engravings on Federal buildings also refer to and develop their own sense of self and have made him an inspiration to two ‘‘God’’; and creativity through imagination, all the Whereas in accordance with decisions of generations of children already, and to while helping to teach self-discipline. countless generations to come. Our na- the United States Supreme Court, public Mr. Rogers was much more than sim- tion’s children are better today for school students are already protected from ply a great neighbor. Born in Latrobe, being compelled to recite the Pledge of Alle- having had the counsel and wisdom of PA, on March 20, 1928, Fred Rogers giance: Now, therefore, be it Pittsburgh’s own Mr. Rogers. All of us began his television career in New Resolved, That the Senate— were truly fortunate to have had the York City in 1951. With a music com- (1) strongly disapproves of a decision by a best neighbor in Mr. Rogers. panel of the Ninth Circuit in Newdow, and position degree from Rollins College, Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask the decision of the full court not to recon- Mr. Rogers served as an apprentice at unanimous consent that the resolution sider this case en banc; and NBC managing the musical selections (2) authorizes and instructs the Senate be agreed to, the preamble be agreed for some of the network’s earliest to, the motion to reconsider be laid Legal Counsel either to seek to intervene in shows. In 1953, after marrying college the case to defend the constitutionality of upon the table, and that any state- the words ‘‘under God’’ in the Pledge, or to sweetheart Sara Joanne Byrd, Mr. Rog- ments relating to the matter be print- file an amicus curiae brief in support of the ers returned to Pennsylvania to de- ed in the RECORD. continuing constitutionality of the words velop programming at WQED in Pitts- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘under God’’ in the Pledge. burgh. It was at WQED that Mr. Rog- objection, it is so ordered. f ers’ Neighborhood really flourished. The concurrent resolution (S. Con. After working as a puppeteer, Mr. Rog- Res. 16) was agreed to. HONORING MR. FRED MCFEELY ers had the opportunity to develop his The preamble was agreed to. ROGERS own 15 minute segment that eventually The concurrent resolution, with its Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask became the Mr. Rogers Neighborhood preamble, reads as follows: unanimous consent that the Senate that America knows and loves today. S. CON. RES. 16 proceed to the immediate consider- Over thirty years and almost 900 epi- Whereas Fred Rogers was born in Latrobe, ation of S. Con. Res. 16 submitted ear- sodes later, the messages that Mr. Rog- Pennsylvania, in 1928;

VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:26 Mar 06, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05MR6.135 S05PT1 March 5, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3205 Whereas Fred Rogers earned a degree in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without PROGRAM music composition, studied child develop- objection, it is so ordered. ment at the University of Pittsburgh, at- Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, for the tended Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, f information of all Senators, tomorrow and was ordained a Presbyterian minister; morning the Senate will be in a period Whereas Fred Rogers created ‘‘Mr. Rogers’ APPOINTMENTS for morning business until 10 a.m. Fol- Neighborhood’’ in 1966, and hosted the pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The lowing morning business, the Senate gram through the Public Broadcasting Serv- Chair, on behalf of the Vice President, will return to the Estrada nomination. ice (PBS) from 1968 through 2000; in accordance with 22 U.S.C. 1928a– At 10:30 a.m., the Senate will vote on Whereas ‘‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood’’ is 1928d, as amended, appoints the Sen- the motion to invoke cloture on this the longest-running program on PBS; Whereas ‘‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood’’ was ator from Oregon (Mr. SMITH) as Chair- important nomination. If cloture is not created and filmed in Fred Rogers’ home- man of the Senate Delegation to the invoked on the nomination, the Senate town of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; NATO Parliamentary Assembly during will then resume consideration of the Whereas Fred Rogers’ caring, genuine spir- the 108th Congress. Moscow Treaty. Additional amend- it reflects the values shared by the people of The Chair, on behalf of the Vice ments are expected to the resolution of southwestern Pennsylvania and by so many President, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 276h– ratification and, therefore, Senators neighborhoods throughout the country; 276k, as amended, appoints the Senator should anticipate votes throughout the Whereas ‘‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood’’ con- from Alabama (Mr. SESSIONS) as Chair- day. The Senate will complete action tinues to be a nurturing, educational pro- gram for children emphasizing the value of man of the Senate Delegation to the on the Moscow Treaty this week. every individual and helping children under- Mexico-U.S. Interparliamentary Group f stand how they fit into their families, com- conference during the 108th Congress. munities, and country; The Chair, on behalf of the President ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. Whereas Fred Rogers was appointed Chair- pro tempore, and upon the rec- TOMORROW man of the Forum on Mass Media and Child ommendation of the Majority Leader, Development of the White House Conference pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2761, as amended, Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, if on Youth in 1968; appoints the Senator from Mississippi there is no further business to come be- Whereas ‘‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood’’ won fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- 4 , ‘‘Lifetime Achievement’’ (Mr. COCHRAN) as Chairman of the Sen- Awards, and 2 George Foster Peabody ate Delegation to the British-American sent that the Senate stand in adjourn- Awards; Interparliamentary Group conference ment under the previous order. Whereas Fred Rogers won every major during the 108th Congress. There being no objection, the Senate, award in television for which he was eligible; at 7:14 p.m., adjourned until Thursday, Whereas Fred Rogers was inducted into the f March 6, 2003, at 9:30 a.m. Television Hall of Fame in 1999; ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, MARCH f Whereas President George W. Bush award- 6, 2003 ed Mr. Rogers the Presidential Medal of Honor in 2002; Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask NOMINATIONS Whereas Fred Rogers was also a prolific unanimous consent that when the Sen- Executive nominations received by songwriter and author; and ate completes its business today, it the Senate March 5, 2003: Whereas Fred Rogers was presented with stand in adjournment until 9:30 a.m., DEPARTMENT OF STATE over 40 honorary degrees from colleges and Thursday, March 6. I further ask unani- universities: Now, therefore, be it ROLAND W. BULLEN, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEMBER Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- mous consent that following the prayer OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MINISTER- resentatives concurring), That the Congress and the pledge, the morning hour be COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA recognizes and honors Mr. Fred McFeely deemed expired, the Journal of pro- TO THE CO-OPERATIVE REPUBLIC OF GUYANA. Rogers for— ceedings be approved to date, the time WAYNE E. NEILL, OF NEVADA, A CAREER MEMBER OF (1) dedicating his career to the educational THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF COUNSELOR, for the two leaders be reserved for their TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENI- and imaginative children’s program ‘‘Mr. use later in the day, and the Senate POTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO Rogers’ Neighborhood’’; begin a period for morning business THE REPUBLIC OF BENIN. (2) the accomplishments of this influential STEPHEN D. MULL, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEMBER until the hour of 10 a.m., with the time OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MINISTER- program and the emphasis it places on the COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND value of each individual within his or her equally divided between Senators PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA community; and HAGEL and DORGAN. I further ask unan- TO THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA. (3) the compassionate, moral example he imous consent that at 10 a.m., the Sen- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE set for millions of American children for ate return to executive session and re- DIANE M. STUART, OF UTAH, TO BE DIRECTOR OF THE over 30 years. sume consideration of the nomination VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. (NEW POSITION) SEC. 2. TRANSMISSION OF ENROLLED RESOLU- of Miguel Estrada to be a Circuit Court TION. Judge for the DC Circuit, and that the THE JUDICIARY The Secretary of the Senate shall transmit time until the hour of 10:30 a.m. be MICHAEL CHERTOFF, OF NEW JERSEY, TO BE UNITED an enrolled copy of this concurrent resolu- STATES CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT, VICE equally divided between the chairman MORTON I. GREENBERG, RETIRED. tion to Mrs. Joanne Rogers. and the ranking member of the Judici- RICHARD C. WESLEY, OF NEW YORK, TO BE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT, VICE f ary Committee or their designees; pro- PIERRE N. LEVAL, RETIRED. vided further, that at 10:30 a.m., the STEPHEN C. ROBINSON, OF NEW YORK, TO BE UNITED MEASURE INDEFINITELY STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT Senate proceed to the vote on the mo- OF NEW YORK, VICE JOHN S. MARTIN, JR., RETIRED. POSTPONED—S. CON. RES. 12 tion to invoke cloture on the Estrada P. KEVIN CASTEL, OF NEW YORK, TO BE UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask nomination. OF NEW YORK, VICE LAWRENCE M. MCKENNA, RETIRED. unanimous consent that S. Con. Res. 12 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without SAMUEL DER-YEGHIAYAN, OF ILLINOIS, TO BE UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT be indefinitely postponed. objection, it is so ordered. OF ILLINOIS, VICE MARVIN E. ASPEN, RETIRED.

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