Transport Outlook 2040
BASES Transport Outlook 2040 Development of passenger and freight transport in Switzerland Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE PUBLICATION DETAILS CONTENTS Publisher Foreword Federal Department of the Environment, Trans- Summary port, Energy and Communications DETEC Relevance of the Transport Outlook 2040 2 Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE The results at a glance 3 Commissioned by Key points in brief Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE Passenger transport 5 Swiss Federal Roads Authority FEDRO Freight transport 6 Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Sensitivity analyses and alternative scenarios 7 Federal Office of Transport FOT Reference scenario Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Passenger transport 8 Project management Freight transport 13 Andreas Justen, Nicole Mathys, ARE Sensitivity analyses External contractors Passenger transport 18 Roman Frick, Lutz Ickert, INFRAS, Bern Freight transport 19 Mark Sieber, Frank Bruns, Nadine Rieser, Alternative scenarios Ernst Basler + Partner, Zurich Passenger transport 20 Produced by Freight transport 22 Rudolf Menzi, Communications, ARE Appendix Text and design Methodology 24 Othmar Humm, Christine Sidler, Glossary 25 Faktor Journalisten AG Further information 26 Photos Marc Welti (page 1) Yves Maurer Weisbrod, Bern (title page, pages 12, 17, 26) Available from BBL, Verkauf Bundespublikationen, 3003 Bern Art. no. 812.104.e Available in electronic form from Also available in German, French and Italian August 2016 People are becoming increasingly mo- transport. If we manage to smooth out the peaks bile. The Transport Outlook 2040 leads of transport usage, we will be able to use the ex- to growth in traffic – on both the roads isting infrastructures more evenly, and save a and railways and for both passengers and great deal of money.
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