Quote of the Day Work Success is no accident. It is hard www.thedailyafghanistan.com work, perseverance, learning, studying, Email:
[email protected] sacrifice and most of all, love of what you Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 are doing or learning to do. Add: In front of Habibia High School, Pele District 3, Kabul, Afghansitan Volume No. 4129 Wednesday March 20, 2019 Hoot 29, 1397 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/-Afs MoU Signed on $631m Hydropower Afghan Reconciliation Dam in Badakhshan to Promote Economic Prosperity: Khalilzad Pakistan and British Ambassadors to the United States (US) on Tuesday met with US Special Representative for Afghan Peace Process Zalmay Khalilzad in KABUL - A Memorandum of Understanding President Ghani Washington and discussed matters related to Afghan peace process. (MoU) was signed on Tuesday at the Presidential Palace on power supply to northeastern Badakh- Briefed on Planned shan province and construction of a hydroelectric dam there at a cost of $631 million. Security Operations A statement from the Presidential Palace received KABUL - President Ashraf Gha- by Pajhwok Afghan News said the MoU was ni and top security officials on signed between acting energy and water minister Tuesday held discussions on up- Mohammad Gul Khulami and Da Afghanistan coming counterinsurgency op- Breshna Sherkat (DABS) head Eng. Amanullah erations and the overall security Ghalib and representative of the Aga Khan Devel- situation in the country. opment Network (AKDN). National Security Advisor (NSA) It said the MoU was aimed at providing electricity Hamdullah Mohib, Interior Min- to Badakhshan residents, a project that would cost ister Masood Andrabi, Minister $631 million donated by AKDN.