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Lawyer H. J. Suiilll'i Kloqnrurr. f T lJ P V f 1 P A T? A P A IT A WOMAN S HORRIBLE DEATH. I M’GRATIl KICKED OUT.iaSfry Hiirtily Knvor^d Record Tliurou|^i> : obliged to, and be paid 829 the next the motion to accept ly Airi*d l'nd«»r Oath.—Tlie Selectmen a Su<^e»Mion of Homxr«?^Frople dieer8 was en­ Who Uv« There Believe It.— withering of tbat wienl creation “She” of the X*w Vork Cll> r»ltr* Mnlth M'mxv^ Kl«(iu«*iit. i a single quality tbat would recommend tertain^ aud finally BrtMlle*» Kubbrr Suit. in the pillar of fire cunuot do justice (MBrrn. ! Lim as a lit person for tbe office, but grafted by Judge to it. I ratb^r the conttaay. (ieoi^e H. CJowell, Kiagar.% FAiiM, N. Y., Sept. 7. Mrs. Noonan lias been arrestetl so N ew York, Sept. 7.—Tlii* aft* moon denpite Mr Smith’s i Officer Dean e^aid be had seen him HERE IT GOES! many times, anil has createo. Itt We»t Sixty, : his motl-er out of doors. He related it? A bos; There it cries of “wolf.” and it w.is not until seventh street, a well-known boiHer, i tlie incident of that night as they were In tbe case of Phelan vs. Thompson before tbe District court yesterday is; it’s going over!” the screams became so terribly real dashfd into a carriage in whii h w. re Ig'Veuiu last Sunday's H ekald. He morning. Lawyer Smith failed to appear The people on the iuraetT Wm. H.Halstea.l,oftheOJK,rue tiat». tentifi'd as to the old lady's telling him for Phelan, and Judge Cowell requested that her s(.u had thrown her out and to i clerk (proVem.) Holohan to tell the de- shore, justabove the Hasten ins down the stairs and open- with his mother, sister ami cohmu. Both ing the corridor door, they were struck vehicles were shattered. luegrath s iK'Uig luside tbe bouse in his linquent counselor, tbat u|M)d motion ' of " C aoadian Falls, shii t sleevrs. drunk, or recovering from any attorney be would I>e disl)arrelea«liug unless be attended to bis client’s cause shouted in a clear, ejes glaring through the smoke, and re -iin ju rie s whii-b he THE AUVAM’E. of the aged mother iu behalf of her sou forthwith. aud clinched Ins story by telliug of mc- strong voice, aud of course there was a fleeting the crimson of the flame, her shortly :*fterwjir*l. The other ••ompiiDts fill': *‘ll«*rul ; faster and faster on, ou to tbe very her feet up the fiery tongues lenp*“d ofie I $2 COO OOC VANISHES 'N SMCi<£ «‘oiiHtMl»l«? Jmiim'I* |. iiM'KiMtli. htatrd in H ekald s a n c ­ after «i,otl,er tw:.st\i)g a:iden.ckling ill ^ jlr r U rin s , a ! i>rink. The force of the current is ter- tlifir lliMl k«T Min had i;oh<* : tum by two men the matted hair, stood the uufortuuate itrookiw. !»..s;.r about 3 o’cloi-k vitli liiit 4’ouMin, lit^r ni4<*«* Mi*»h ll<»norH ‘ j rific, and the box shot out beyond the f.msle drunkard, a veritable p^lar of j „ k„ ok,,vn. S,.pt. 7 -.V .l:^.-ir..u> fite last Sunday ! f.ills several feet and then dowu, and M«K>rHl1i, t(» tiiHrrii'd. nM^K^ratli Iiuk f started at 1:53 p. in. tivroii|;lit in Honora morning. He 1 was lost completely in the mist aud Alreiuly the clothiug ha.l di»:apivared , relinerv of the Dirk J: .M.v-r ...... Jii iiior’h iiHitu*. hiidirttheslight- foim whifb rises from the wafers b»h>w. from the breast aud the skiu .storche I wl,„_-e olant i-i loerited U-twet-n .N'ortli THE KEEI’EKS OS est doubt that be “ Is it lost? ” “ Who is iu it?” ‘‘Is it and diFCjIored, puffed up and cracked t Seueutii and Eighth jitreet.<. William^ iinios J. me- hiid l>eeii dnnkinc; then. I a man or womau?” before their very eyes, while the sicken- hurg, with a broml Irontaxe on the Ki.*t pinlh.'dio ciill-i Colonel Doherty s.iid be unilerstood iTHE n RETUEAT. j Evervoue WHS asking que.stious. ing otlor of burning huraau tiesh Houteil river. It was caii«tl by'an exp')>.>inD ui,..1 ai fi..,uie n,-.,nnit- policemen .accompanied Mc- Following are the police records ofl ’ No one could answer them, iu a horrible cloud from betweeu the ; on the tiflh tioor of the Iriiildin^. wh>re Grath home. the two principals in .in unwarranted i It could not have been over two miii- bars. I three sugar refining mill.t were in fail Ai.i> <*flice al Mr. Dean said he did not think that | ‘ , ! ' !•”* r.V,7„ V”*' i vindictive att.-.ck, for■ revenue only, ‘ utes, but it seemed an age In-fore the It was the work of a seeond to oj>eu the I operation. week l>ox appeared, but there it wa.s Iwbbing door aud dru'^ her out. She wiis thrjwn Martin Schmidt, a workni.m. w:i-i r «re- suref'lre ofof^^Uii^g: one thing: that it was neither I »»- night to pro- Onioer Ityrnes ...iw! i statfs tl'o intentionally and that is up aud down aud to and fro like a cork to the rtH>ratid the officers attempted from the bitrnin!; hut d;n.-I.y vent the pub- ,luty in that district,'for if it b»^ 1 ready to publish a full and con- in the seethiug torrent for a moment, to tear the remainder of the clothing -‘n otlicer. He wu.ul * i spicuous reti-action, if ever it is shown and theu it was caiisht by au eddy and lication of this ' the trio would have been ti'avelling up- from her IkkIv. KHstere.l aud burned : to have been in error; carrieil otit beyond the pot»I. It finally hauihs were the onlv result and a se^ireh ' , , i „ . ,u -i , papti, in iiOj Chief Ecan entered the door, smiling, tIaiikoK J. MrGralli, C'oiiKtaiile. floatetl off towards the American shon;. for water failed to bring any of that fluid I b„nuinc: fell .ind a numU..r of firU Jn longer a con-, at this moment, and was followed by Dutc. Crime. Found. Sentence. Iu another momeut au ec-centric current which would be so precious at that mo-, narrowly cscapetl. The remaining walu caught it auii it mshed ou toward the stable. His aiithoritv was last even-j Byrnes, who had just dofl'ed bis , , . , . . i followeil in quick sucee.. ISSi. As.saali | NotCiuilij Canadian siiore, where two men could i„8 i.y ,i„ Fined «S Probabljt!ireeminnt >8pfis3Hlbeforc;3i5 m of the walls h;ul fallen. AU Ja,..».l»¥5. i aud cu>ts be seen appariiitlj’ waitiug to bring the the ttrtmert were extinguishfd auil by (ilanger of the tire spreatlin«; to 8. lectmen after trial on charges brought : while with the other be pulle.ur by tbe Wiiterbury Svnu.w HEltAij> aud paper. . from his vest pocket, on which *But they were not tpiick enough, and |face of the iMxiy w.is a scorched, sizzling had pns.-^!. The burned buildings were was entered McGiiitb's rather pictur­ Jan. 81. IS«, I f GuiUy Costs other parties. it was passing oh dowu the stream, mass of leathern ilesh. valued at S500,000. They are fuliy in­ esque police recoi-d. He said be did not Emtn'zzle- wlieu three meu struck out iu a boat, TLe cbni^e was mnlfensance iu office. Kcb. IJ, I“85, IlK-Ilt Kolled Dr. North was summoned. H e saw sured. The loss of D;ek * Myeri uu remember seeing McGrath under the caught it and toweil it to land. at once that she hait no hope (or life in the eveniug Constable Rig-i iuflufuce of liquor during tbe past six Mar. 5 1S89, Al-Kiult Ciiiilly Fined $o sto:k will reach OOO.OtlO. T*i re were Enrly »iid costs It was a great iron-bonud ave, the aud did nothing but give her a hypo­ •200 men at work ou tlie bnihling w heu Fined $5 lid hinged aud padlocked. Was the .Mod U, serve ant alivc^ A crowd soou The unfortunate womau was removeil curr d in th^ eighth story of the l.tiild- July 16, lb>9. leiict«. for S15 collected, a swiall iron bar was procured Egan, Attorney E. A. Kuukel I "I? he :» fit and proper j>erson?” asked to tho Town house, appireutly s.me, ; ing and enabled the men* ou ihe ;l. urb aud, after a gooil deal of prying aud and screaming that “Egan »ltd it!” A i below to make ti etr escape, and Ollieers Jfooiian, Drnn aud Mr. Root. “1 should say tbat he was Uot,” was Ilryau J. Smith. .\ttonie,v at Ij»w. wr«'uchiug, the lid was lorn off. search of her cell revealeii a pile of j The policif rejv.rt s»‘Verai other per- Byrues were biimmoned, the the answer. Dale. Crime. found. Sentence. The box wua empty. bunii'd matches uuder the bunk, while i sous injnred as foUows; Fake No. 3. little constHl>l<> having to go clear to the The selectmen decided that thev had I Violatinc I the planks were tcorcheU ami blackened ' John K* Her, l.uriied about the arms, corner of Kiu^t Miiiu stn>et aud tbe Pliuik heard enough evidence and the oflicers June 10, IS84, I City Or'iianc i Guilty Suspended Graham’s barrel may have gone over when she ettcmpted iu vain to set it 1 David Ketchnm, hands s»-i rohvd. load to tiiKl the latter oflicjer. wt'i-e told they could retire. Attorney June lu, l(«l. <'ommon j Cuiity $5 Fine theFal's, but did Graham.' U-fire Wm. Foley, hands burned. Itoot then l«>gan his summing up, but a >Tnls.in(^ And Steve Bnxlie’s ruliber suit may As 7 o’clock striiek, First Selectman ...... "•’’.‘''V i Mav i« l^ss i Fotrerr NoUed Geo. Smaller, arm fn»etiire«l. also have pas-^ed over, but ]>eoplo here I>ohertv entered his office and ptoceeded “f*cr Chief Egan returneil with . ' ; i*rV- G'iilty liuiuiU HOT TIMES IN LABOR CIRCLES. Several firemeu were overct't. l.T toduHt*ofl hl8d.«k iu a vet-v- business I ollicer, “»> »• t<.nc« 0\cr ' believe that if it did, it wiu like the b<>&, smoke. likem»niier, while Eddie Hefdeu ch.se,l | lowetbtng that would be. Au?...... »lit, less,' ' F> •" yot empty. • M aster W orkman INiwtlerly I.ikeljr lu Ke- . irinv^ (ijiiliy rleve Some !>eathiue CrItlcUni. , | up his acA.mut I .n.ks and wearily rub- ‘’f ISbTt ' iDtoxic-iliuu ; Nollrd, *5 Th“ story that Brodie is ii>{>orte»l ns WILL THIS ITALIAN DIE The officer was sworn and gave the bing his eyes, placed the hooks away iu stiying that he feels all right and wi'l St Lons, Sept. 7.—The Chronicle j d» tails of the brutiil assault by McGrath i this evening says: “It is almost certain ; lie »iie» III.'* H ea.i « rn%itr.i at i h r ita n k the safe and with a show niglit, is siitli- couinieticed lter \Vorkiua:i, T. V. j street Cr..».ini:. lie also told of another scnipe of M e-' The Ite.I Kea^o.. for AI.h...1..iiI..b the iiu|K>rtant evi iit. thing, and leaves no doubt iu the mind Powderly and his associate mpuibers of j An Italian lH>y named Frank 1‘i.hird Oralh s live weeks ago He sai.l McGrath Kxtni svs»i..n l>e»lKn. came near lo-iin^ his hi-ad ye-terday af­ Attorney K.M.t, < f the Hi:u.4r.i)’s was in Ihookijn ou“an attaebuient .ind ; 7 \vi.;i« of everyone that his ciseisoulvnnother executive Ujard of the Knights of attempt at a short cut to fume. Simply Lihor on their visit to St Louis this ternoon on the Hank .street cro—ing of caui.sel, entered at this moment, was very drunk. He wtis walkltig!, the New En!:land railroad. .\s the aud after looking i« «>ut them ov. r to Col.uiel Dolu-i-ty. The mau s d u b w ith'him . He »ip^>d ..u i ^ as lelutftl, his fame for fool-hardy daring iu iiiiv .•Vmerieaii city. The S(pi:ibble over Thomas Furlong’s prosi^ative np- of a job and was loafing arouuil the latter i«mse.l them closely, and turned | the sidewalk and walls of the building, i ' ’* Vt? i au.hen- will have reached u. jioiut beyoud which .yard, jumped (.n a co;iI car of the timv- them over to Seh^-tman Nelson Morris. I and called for ix.lice. Tho | it is hard to go. IK>iutmeut to a ji. sition iu the U. S. ing train. When he reached the eros.s- who followed chiselV on the attoiney's j started to see wh«t was the matter, aiid.j the real reasuu why a iiegative seiTi't detective servic.' will ciune up for ing he leaped from hi' perch. In .loin? beci lining gsu 1lr«Mlie I'tKli'r A rre st. h(s ls. Mr. M..irisgtav,.ly adjusted i.is ! MeUrath ordered him to arrest a u.ai, ''««'** I'lvuiuiUK ksu- ndjudication b> f irt the board a:id local so his fiM.t got caught anil be wa- thrown hlM-etacles, aiiil, glancing ov'rthepaiH-rs, I wlio V.as standing nesr, saying that he . erally noistnl almut. The necessity of N iaoaha F alus, Out., Sept. 7.—Steve labor organiz itioiis are pri p ired to cross against the gate. The right «ide «.f hi' no.hied approvingly, and laid them ou was gi'ii'g to break his windows. ,' f ,>rmulating new rules of pn>ce«>d«ire for Brodie was arrested here wIkmi about .swords with I’owilerly for lu.t promptly head was crU'he.l in and hi* face was tlie ccilotiers di-sk. The (iliicer told him to arrest him him- ! **" bous** immediately after the iH^giu to take the 4 o’clock tr»iufor New York urging_ _ rresidi'ut Harrisou to app . . >int torn in a dri*:«lful c*.nditi('n. l*r. Uiilitu Anxious ey«‘s w<-re c st towards the i si If, as lie hnd the uii g of the ses-sion was iirought before to-d i.v, charged with nttvmpted suicidi' Furlong aud iil'O seize the opp<.rtuuity : attended him and it is teared that he ehetric (iliN'k over tiu* colonel’sd«*sk. i mail. He, ho^*t:»n, nim nj t' i ** *■ r i i i n by going over the falls this afternoon. to Sfcure from the iulminis'r.itio:i a will die. but the bund jiitiipe his mouth and get out of there, ! attention < f the I'^ly was also call- He was taken before I’i.lioe Magistrate recognition <.f the K uisht’s of T.al.or ----- u1.-,withuo«ppe«rance of thedougbtv o r he would ariest him. McGrath ■ Hill and the charge read to him. that would have (riven the organization I The Mei>«naiii-M.it re- but the p.rtv hoped against lioiie that the team, which he had att^iched. stand- ■ ‘ " ‘'‘k I.y reason of these Justice Hill said “ Ye.s.” _ —' I suited 111 a draw, aithuui:li Ma :.!erti be would show himself a man, aud itig in the htiwt. The muu who o«n>d' , ..... • • i Bnalie said: “Well, thcu, I did not THE STRIKERS HAVE NOT YIELDED. I d e uly h d the b..sV of it. I-, j . | ' - • to stiilid up and take his meilicine. A half go, over, aud I am off.” Lon.loi.-H lliiMKry k llan.N „re N..t st. t.ll tl;:ir iax bour pHsttcd, and the colonel thought ho (.1,.11,0,1,,, “ Hold ou,” siiid the imgistrate, “ I ’m Vet ICea.l\ I.. ( »|.itiilat.-. to tl.e “ sn . ak” o f llie m a'ager. lie l;av- bad bi-«‘ii given ample time, aud cjilhd i;ot into his leaiii, and dro\c up and . Hjp elections not through with you yet.” L osih.n, Sept. 7.-Tho strik<< eom-;’“K f "Ptj-e w.rk the boily to order. Theu he wrote a declaration and ask- down the street uutil hebe was ordere.1 which wilUie hel.l in Xoveinl|er aud the | ed^lV;;dirto it \u ^ e r liiuh.““ mitt'e issued a manifesto this eveiiii.g 1’’ ’^"’^*'*',“ “i’uself, Attorney Kiinkel was tho lir.st witness off. declaiing that the strikers will not uc- 'I'” ’ «'.r r. -ti: g and called, and was asked if the charges as Attorney I’oot said that said ci‘pt the terms of the dock companies. ! ^‘•^‘'rviug his force. .Ab-D .i.nM -h o ^ e i s<-t forth in the coui|.laint were true, in no way fitteil for theR office. He had tiiem.tiiein. Gei.eral(leneral .Mahone’sMahone’s candidacy for.... I “ Cutholic andI canutcanuot .sign — __ I go:«l pluck, ho»fV;T, iiud did -..me very vi/., that Constable McGrath had proven looked at the ipiestion fromrrfiiit nvAfi*eveiy side,istiln i 1 jr„vernorrw. of Virginia makes the situ.i- Tlie York F»lliire, : ck ver Work. biuiself unworthy of the <.flice in th.-it AUhouph not recojrnizing the man now , ii„n H,o:e <^1 great importance, and in He was placed under §.>(J0 bouds and Tiie large retail fur.iituro store of W. ! while intoxicated and under the in­ as a (^)nstablc of the town of W ater- other states there are matters of like let go. F. York was oiH;::e I for a few hours yes- ; Woii.lerfi.i Min.l Ki-M.irr. fluents of liquor he made forcii.le en- Iitny, fiom the fact that be bad Iwen , grjivity. These elections, it is under- A SHEPARD OF BLACK SHEEP. terday mnniing under a nkisapprel.cn- ! Miss I.ena I..iH-h, the renowned young Inince into certain j.remises, forcibly disquiilihed once, yet as there was some | sIixhI, were thoroughly discusfied :ind at siou of the court's order to sell f.ff the mind reailer. paid the H f.i:ai.i> oKce a ej<*ct«'«l the occupants, used vile anil qiie.vtion as to whether the removal was ; last an acreenient w*.s‘ re.iched tliat the Auioni; a C'riiwfl of ItiotouH >ecroeH. the stock. Tho court subseiinently ex-1 yesterd.ay nfternm.u iind »:»ve an pi-ofttnc langimg)., and turnetl over tbe lecal, Mct.ratb not httving Ijeen noticed meeting of Congress while they are go- Colored l‘reueher wa« Nuuil>ere(l. plained that the stock mi’st be sold iu ' exhibition of her reiiiark.-ible j.dwiTs. pr»|>erty in;o the keeping of irresp«msi- of the former bejiring. ing on might lie embarrassing to the Mt. Steki.ix<;, Ky., Sept. 7.—I«-»st its entin^ty and not piecemeal. It w ill. Several severe tests were airen tlie la.ly. ble Mid improper persons. “Now that be has received proper Republican party. Tlie Hltoriiey answered tJiat the night a party of SOO tirmeii negroes .os- be disposi-d of by auction Monday, the ' *!•« pwe.l and notificaiion.” said Mr. lloot, “I hope seniblctl in this city at five diflerent t imrges were true in the whole, and he he will be removed at once. In justice SHE IS JUST - SWEET SIXTEEN." «le*cril>ed tbe overljeariug binggant poinLs with the probable view of attack­ to the citizens and to Uie town be ought ing the county jail and resetting Tom iiiiuincr in which Mcf^rath appeared on MIm Anna Lyneh C'rlrltralrK That Event — to TM! stripped of his authority and re­ Gillashe, coloretl, who w.ns in jail on the ing llip premises, blustereil alMuit, stoppe00 Kxenntlonlat* I>l!ts|>|Hiint»l. crowded hoii.se at .(arqiies oper.'i house. or legiil prooes--, left after atteuiiiting to thing unless it should remove him to Mi.ss Anna Hansen Lynch of I’cori.-i, one of them being pastor of the colored (Special Dispttcli to the Sunil.ty Ilentld.) lie Ih uu Arllnl. iirtn bis k»<'i>er the town-house at once. 111., a niiiulier of light he.arted .young , church, whom be inslst«Kl Selectman Itoughton remarked that he BnliHiKl’oKT, Sept. 7.—Five hundred A very artistic represent.ation of tU- people asseinblrd at the home of her excursionists from towns alone the iu leaving iu was even now esides cauies and other * 7.—For eastern New boat for Coney Lsland, their train beinir Sn„w is the florist at W .S..utfi .Mnin. fid alioiit. o ^ i , , K r r York, fair, preceded ^ minutes bite, and they were forced nn.l he promises to cre:ite :t representa­ He ba<] the pleus- tively. ta return home. tion of lire nppamtiis and firemen worth iire of McC^i'Hth's It W.IS asked if notice of his remov.tl T:iylor Thompson of Nevv York, remi-; by light ruin; slight­ looking at this week. iSe sure :tn JAMES, driving tow.ards Naugatuck in the morn­ Sbir.diird-Unii.n ni its iMsne this evening ing and he was evidently fixeil for a "Oh. Where Art Thou ?” \ \ winds. F or Massa- s.iya: “ If tbe World’s fair ciin be se­ l>IMr#*r M rN iff 4'<>ntrlhiilr<». t«>stify of his own kuowhnlge of his Miss .Tessie Kearnan.a brunettelie.iiity ' «-liar»ct SI.'im’IlaH, pr»t in^o :i e sufficient. 8100,000 for it.” in the c-our^e of the argument to ex­ ovcty detail by others «.f the H ehaxji'k nct. Aliout midnight Caterer D.nvid got tioiiarv’ tnuiK-rature; «-mploye»-e aud Offiivr Noonan was^ The I oard then went into executive press himself more fully, though he w:ls in his work in his customary cootl style. full .-vs tbe moon at tbe time, he snia-lied rwoiii iu. The offii-er wiiK very decide*! ' finding ar.d after h-df an Others present were Miss Maude Ciui- ensterly winds. The rrenldent's Jl.ivements. The president has determined that he the show case, en.'ibling Otlicer .M.-Nilf in liis op iiion sis to Mcttrath’s fitness hour announwd their decision, which ningham. She wore a white lace dress; Sunk in Ihe Kitst iCIver. to contribute his usual donation to tile lor tbe oat Monday nisht. After attending tho eel- i lockup, South Broi’klyn of the SCHli street line. ebmtioii at j!.i!timore he will return to | ^ »«iJ tbat be was under the infiiieuce of W atekbttit, Sept. 7, 188^. Frausiski Halfj>euu.T. Be- dilia ' D uud, ‘liable Mt«M{ii.““Maude i on her 7iW o’clock trip to night, the White House to spend the evening. iv v- u . «.. • liqtioc •'most all of tl.e time. He said Mr Cha«. G. Boot, Attorney far SrxDAT Tuesday morning he will leave Wash-i W h e e u v ., W, >«., Sept. 7.—Chn^ Im> bad not ■mted him during the jw st. H erau>: Cunniiigham, Dot Lawler. Bir.be Hayes, | “ short distance frtim ner ington for Deer Park. ; ‘“Plier (.aatz an.l wife, '-"th “»er .J «i X montlis, utH- did he know of his . Dear Kir—You ar»’ hereby not;iie»l Katharine Kenny, Cherry Coughlin, ' slip at the foot of Whitehall ktrret, ran ; years old, while cr(»*sitig ihe Oh»> Kiver lining artcHtid, but he aaid d(«cidedly | tht.t tbe board of selectmen vote*l to Mina Ryan, Kittic Richards, Riwalie into aud huiik tho tug iMtat Richard Gar­ A Corner In FlorlUa i»n»nces. j railroad at M.iun.lHTille in tiieir c rriage rett, The ferryboat was not iujuretL tlist if lie bad not been arr. st< d, suH'aiu the chant* s as preferred against McGrath, Lilly McGrath, Mollie De- B o s to n , Sept. 7.—XI a meeting of the were struck by uu ejgiue und botu were It w«i o<4 l»>'C«UBe Ik> did uot m< rit i t JamtB «T. Mctirath, aid while we I..auue, Jessie Kearuan, Anna Han«en Mnt. Harrlsun $ch Lynch, Alice Luiingtou, Effie Mc- change this afternoon an orj^ization ! Piiii..\nEU‘iiiA. S ept. s.—Tli« n«si- W:»S formetl for the purpose o f self-pro- ! The Kuyal CuM.IUn CInk Kare.^ Im> doef>r” luJittl Oolouel_Dol-,erty. “ Iu-- 6th was entirely legal, bnt to avoid ai.y iSiHigan. , - Maude Shannahan, . Miss Effie dent having sent won! tbat be would «Bv fl|iii.iflu lies is not,not. He never otiirht jKiesibi'ity of doubt, voted neanimouslv Salt us, Mrs. J. Taylor Thomjisou, Mrs. lie unable to return to Philadelphia. tection in tlie orange IhmIo. Theorgjin-i T o 'o aro , Sept. 7.—Tlw Hoyal Cun»- tn liave Iwieii appointed,” auHwered the : to______revoke‘Uie____ said______McGrath’sappoiM appoii.t- Metloria Lynch. Mrs. Harrison left for Washington this imtion is to be known a.s the Boston | dian Yacht elub sail d the rsce for the Florida Grange Dealers AswMtiation. : Prince of W’ales ami Irfmsdowne caps ment as eoustabie of this to«u. aud A » w Athlrtir C'lub. afternoon. CHkser Moore «aid lie liad frequently have notified him to imwediately demist ~ A B~ton r i ^ " The f ^ r WM l,y the Ed McDonald and Tim Meara are ex- MW kim druuk dnnng tbe past six from furtt er aetirg in said capacity, un —J . P. N i ckxt has taken the agency pectinf to open their gymniuium tlie for the old-fashioned Pino and Balsam Boston. S^pt 7.-Tl.e dwelling of C. ^ •*** iMOMlha. He am*ted bi« on March 4, der penalty of prosecutiou. of jij, month and pmpose to organ*: Tolu chewing nTinr - H. l*alnier. No. 151 Huntington street, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Nngent retnmni •Itanljr tSber midtiigbt, for dmnkenuess It sweetens Ihe t '*? * rooms breath, cleanses the teeth awl Is highly was l>artly bnnitd last uigbt and a unm- last evening from the Mctropoiis. Mi4 M m K. He said tbat on tlie uigbt J. H. IXiHEBTi, ruMoeieotmaB, with doe* at a reasonable amount to ea- reeosumendeUror dyspensia. N vuejst's; berof valu’tblap^iutiugi were destroyed. whither they bad sojourned ibr » in r I he tw«rd • tumble racket in Fotr the Board. ■ able everybody to join. 85 South I L o u 85,000; fully iusurcd. d^ys. THE WATERHURY HERALD: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8.

; \vri>t, asphyiiuttHl lue iu » few moniouls without tt-aitiiiu Uowu » (wvhI 0 1 1 1 1 l»o tliHt 1 iMiil.l sro tv.o heaveus l\4l After 11>»*I told the Urtwr all 1 o»*ul«l U BASK ^^TKALKKS. Polinit lie AM. I to^>‘tlior like UKorvtll. 1 l>ist o,»asi'i»>u»' tkiuk >'f. be yawutvl a lilile. I tlHUi^lit, “H f s The Exchange. fur a little tim eauil all »«•»« lilikiik. aud KUvl. "Ye*. I aai a’waw iuterx'Mevt HDW THE CLUBS FOUGHT FOR THE KrsuUl*Kr«uUl« Ik*. llrMI iHa W Kvt ^OM=>iRFS0UR HOME F05^C£ MU* Ut<-«wlltH«in< If I lia.l not luviileiitly oaugUt a rv'viv- iu AiuerioVv and Kball U* all luy !wf. for PENNANT IN ISSI li. "Y»a »*unl Iu k» wiikum «.'• IIe;ul.|Uatleis.f.T tL. H EST nKA.M>3 . -ha: r t^;r-;.A\0 PELAN2 mg «liiffiif the |>oIuvmmt's l>re«tU, I I Hv»*d ilk ?H»i>tii\y eijjlit y«>«r» iii»y>ilf;'“ 1 theu sjv'ke *4 the svvuerr tlimniKli OF WblMKILS M;inu*.cHir. U IKZ: i- wanCE KUi‘h« ] woula u»t have K vu tv'>us*i*tevl ut all. »liiv‘li » e xveix> l«^^vrJ^' \V, TtkU Kv«l»«r s«mc»yvl l> msht a m««U tl »»k v»f IiU h > MrwjtB** l*r»8«»v» IWIwwH >i»»r M# t.» •*• III I ranr«>. , OLl> TF.rPEi:. ■ is interior iu his f;i'iier«l »|>j».>*n*iuv. i whiskey wiiiie « e wer«'eii theuM s*kK I lurk atMl IUmIwm lUr ll>» IVhhmhi «r ULKMITAliF. ■Si la the uver.ige Fivu'h soldier. 1'drsuk'v»;uo of it ou the way owr ' ltta» ( *1 Im t wiitl it ion 4»( lr«>> 'l i i ‘W M>e why Iri'lacd f«vN that >he| IIK L U : O F .NELSON*. Tt»o rv'iiKirkatJe r tbe X.-ilkH«at *,•4 ft»i tl»« I iiliti'*’. . h;» Kt<'vio«slv urimgv^l. Tliat ts Tlie fimt Clairrorail .M(X>KR .t S I N X O r r s .XXX. jex.-n-t’y the wsy 1 f>-lt. ('v'taiaiit u\>\T pmt.: on li><«v<'ii tH<> Wi'l :»>I> il t'* lu«4ou.'«u>t X«'» Wok ill A .\l» .MAYFLOWF.Fw r . .r. W Nvti i WV'also U'lisht si'wral sliiltalahs th4l I' iM^lr MiUuil wkl^^hvr % v .j» U«uetim s oilW the eri^iiial Home. f*ol. l'ttiU>h')|>ikM iuht CUkn*^> i»«> (»• iu' -rjlMx N^4i» U Abmit thru ---I'l ----» F' l-L MNf It.Ip ■ it-'. \»it!i tli-‘ n a- rlu>k^l. for llh'x arv t>y iw ni«\tits ' m.ide of MaoV thorn with a >»h»llkvr ravv-r«'eall'to miisl that *\>r Nimv aM»l hi- «tUt» Mur iMT U .. ’ 1' -a II ti u <■ ; prot'uU'raiu'e on the tv»i*. out i>f tl«' KKMAUR TU«>riU.K'i \ s|*Kr|\LVV f m - ]> Ilf of the t.K.n. Th,sU re U .iu a sl£ T r^ t,^ rr^ ^ ^ ^ Kho«\>vt $1 jinU r\.tium the h-'ad with jiie .t el istioity so as i:auicaiaHi in tti^* K>mutry tuiw t*vn n<'tl«>»s with «»!ily »>ae j>r\K ^ ok ]i !i -uy», tor tlnsr ok<~' iHi.t cx 'itnij: tiuish. In t>V» j jMil'U‘11, s,' to sjvak. This ewulxutnl ltK> «;»' «»« t>y I'Uieajjo «ill» a n-**- I luiiH.rtevl at:d P • . sti^.Ci.-ir-.. = Ill‘K - til.' Li/ with the |v>inibr U'win.^^e. siviiis to orJ\»f sr vieUirU-iati.l iVntoiViiiv, Ni'w York 1 I3SOWILLOWSTREET I Uiii l.ii:i,-k uti' ojV r tiie Iv 't faeslilies iu lr\>laud for i-aine in x>Mnd with a «>>'orv| sS vk't»ri« I llimrx f(uni 9 «. m , u> f m m. J. W. HODSON, Prop., Hi ; w i .hit tliiru." 'l>irU«\l .suvl e.iriU'st v\mtroversit*s over aihl >k'ft>ats aixt thr'other I'hilx tmil.<r s*>ut it<»'lf. liiit aKy»s in tlie follow iujr onU'r: l'lii)aiM|Uiii«. I •I of til.' ji=5i»l..ri. H seriv'iisly. the Kmor»M Isle si'eius t«> lie IVov «>K'*h'e, lixsion, IVtroit. KtilfaK St. j V I. • III" Ji- >1 I ^viM^n n a < » suvv\'«».(ul vmeliiian' j LAKESIDE. Change in M anagement! S • t. a I' - . .«» l with • th :i» for siiftiiy yeai-s jvist. aovvMrxliug to to «>.»» v»r theolulo. :• it i.i!i aii.l i>!ily Ivmdo- the .r.ithorilv of the tost i\‘;»d Irishiu'U i In l''S<> tlK> iiKWu-rsliii* of the was iirv aude.mx'isUv.^theoIeriSV. amoiiKtheui ehaiijrsJ l.y tlh> wiilidMwal JV>vi.l^i.>t > li.' Ills., u. K‘ ’ MENU, SUNDAY. FROM 3 TO 6 P M .1 i- |»r.iii.l '■ h i' j->K. itUeves v llev'etvtid Ja n W Ueparty. who ^xfalo-'x l tla> suMiluth«> of k*aus.-u »» a 111. tli'i!i;{li at 1 was f. ikussi'iitfer and who t ilktsl ' .iml « a^imst. n, Tlie av»N,m to Buckmgham Cafe i very ohiv; 1 -.llv of tlie Irish situation at J " a n««j,'ntvof ih,> olul«. Consomme Koval, UIli . Illviliilil:!. io till- U-'t Ifcik.d While t'ish. I.r.s..:.t.f.,:a;-a>lie.aidthat it must h n \ ‘ Xl>W IJKTTIJ'. TILVN EVFJt. III. li lll;lllll'>i:.l. I tlllllL, :* . • * ^ - 1 - •*» -.a - IV'trvm timun^ U :i thmuoiMlr. Roast Lamb, Mint Saiiee, I •< it s;n tills ill oiili-r NVES FIRST AKRF.sT lOertaiuI V vei V so >11 «u.l w ithout wTioiis Tlit* K\uliiii; this ^'a.’M'u's Itonst Xative l>iu-k, .It -h' 4 1* 1! «|U. tl:- .if IIk' <>ir «r ailrl(Jiia ehilv Iu I'aet, ihis ehil> h.i- puliveii- Fri«*a.ss«'»| C'hi.-ken,- t «!#■ ;ti;. .1. -1 ::i 111.' i*-in?itr^' as the tiiitsh for »>v»'ral iivtsoa-. t.y the ^rxNit English Piiim riidding. Itmnd,r Siiiu-**, liiit ti.itU a ii i ji i 't i ...... li-iu:iiiil sa'p.s nuiiT miliiouK of fiiiucs each year sjmrt it has ni.iiU> in the last si\ w.vts tlier«>- Lemon l*ie, \Vat<-ruielou, Xe\{ to tlie jv>li«\'!ii:ii!. t h ' Riilwsiy • .> J kP\::e:s. •«J‘4 *->«y !v«ii -(i v tli;it th*'|t >ii l>y iiukiUK the tails of the oojit.s of' the l i la ISSk its first y»\ir in the Uttcuo, it )>uar.l ot the old o.ni:itr>- intert'sts me. Tea, Colfee. <•< I ; ts.’.tiy -taml at tin- ln-.i.Inf luilit iry shorter as times g.'t harder and J tlie mmmhi in the pj;;hth |Ja«v, In ; i i . hIs« :il till-h> the elear, 1 it a>lvaiK\'Js» it K.| |.».i U-tt -r li\ a laij.'.' ]H i- n “s.>!iu!it and eld Riil- iaijirovtsl its |H>!4lion l.y th tw |H.ints, In It has f>i>t Ml iiiiu'thatmil thetffoe.iatiittr laiitail 1 > I ' t ' 1 4. 1 lwpMvf«4 liii- i- :i!l> till, lit iiiir tSSii it fell l«ok lo iIk> fmirth |Ja>-e, liut in utHi t k. liiittoiis and the e<..liar bnttim i''"'I' it nuiile a great rally, )Hi>)iiug the elulw » ■ : illx Ai ir.-.in p li'-.':ii<‘ii are almost iu u row. .1...... 1 1 ..1 . . ti.ot...... (I ja.. lio u tth e st.itious as wo iciss aloiij;. I W. H. R ()(;E R S c\:CO.. i Ir. 1:.!,,). i<u- 5»'eo«il (HWliiai, wla-re Iho el«t litid ! =>‘ After the eUvio of the month of May con­ I’-l- !i- ,11-1 as til.’ Mill I ' NPRKCEDEXTED ATI RAC'FlOX! I I W»>T ^.\IX <.TR»»T. wide, ivd, eotton lnm.sers than bv „,,v 1 tests iu I'vSS tlie cv>nt«'st*lay entirely l»> '•^ OVEU A MILUO.N KISTKIBITED ■ ’> 'I'lti rii-iii liii.il..... IMP ..tiler advi i>ai v l oan think of. ‘T h e; >-me aud lean a whole . m-ulatin,; lihra twivn i'hiva^', IVtroit, rhilitileh4ii.t and II l.iti|. Mnil v.hii-li 111- i' are not the kind of suldiers who su;. ry .m my iHvsj.m or .show me the s,vnery Xew York, the others not U'in;; in the rai’e ! t . ii.^t1» , >.i|i i.nt tli^ Si tii ucnglinj’ s tain. ,1 the remarkable Miprom ey v.f i‘", . 1«‘‘ . I*'int.vl- , . out the In-aiities , .. of our1 *** siH-ak. It was iu this vi'or that L a g e r - .if lii" wli'i M s.ist him. till- Kinix'ror. late.st and most su.vesstul smutty nov.J, the numlK-r of Ramos I. ImM l!: it till >■■ IM M'l sWiiril til 'I'he Freiieh ji ilieeman wears a navy»vv ***'' *'='"d' "f l.»lgnt young • to lie i»layi^l iu each series from sixteen to Better this sea^a tliaa ■l.oii .,1.1;. a iliiiiiliiy hainlli- b!useo:it that tils him in a ramblii g I ^■■’o"‘ nuthor. ' eighltvn. Tlie first wwk of the I'amioigu Lonis;unu State Cum|xiny. J u 't jili. I!. W jII nsi-.l til an I desnltory wav. He also wears liin u That is why 1 was i-.irriiNl j«st m y. sI,on->>,l the fhi.-.ns.vi ui the lead, with New Incopnnktefl by the ft»r Eilu H ottledtor t;iiuily ' <•! :’lv;ll1 .M.l, I tiimeil York a elo e see<>ue.'» uui U?* frAn<*hiM» in»de 4 p«rt of the pn-x-nt I'on^tUuti^u, m —AT— .i- w i III w liii-li li.- wimlii iii- ^iioniid the- iMirders, but the Keiniblic up at S^s.tland Yanis omt', andataiioth- the eKw.> of the nu.nih, howovcr, IVtroit or time, in gaxiug up flie Tlianu-s, I had i«s-»sl to the fn.ut, with Chi.-as^i :w- I^3■ by an uvprwhrluunc (topuliAr voie. (Mill tiiiie to ti.iii- thus all- , ,, oliaotie and tur- ITS mammoth /*ai.- li- 111 iiiiilMi'ilu 1..I i-ai'li ; that it is alnmst im|u thnmgl.. e:iU d (.’hoster. Several times I was«-;ir-! nia«ie the liest nxnml this month of any in six*;t,K SI v n tn t»HA wistis t.tt* Ill'll to the end of the road when I had tiK' M'.Hson, winning at> ot the •Jt frames it in vf' ftt* mohtA^* of' ".' s; I «iii Miy, two fraui.'s f. o. b. that is to intemk'il to stop on the wa,v and I would ' playiil. The New Yorks made a splendid MMttir, XrtC h». rally iu the UHiuth of June, wimiiii" 10 111 »I It t'" i. all of f,„.ty p,.„tg have Uist a gi>i' sole c iveriugof the Paris p.Jiee- Detroit, the hitter t.iking see.ndo;i ,s.> that he will In> able to got b i.-k iu h-ilf an hour. It one .should go t'hirapi think In July Detroit a ^ in wont Prompt P:iynient of Prizes. air of a b.ly who has bivu n w iitly to the fivnt, winning 'JO games and lining ¥ farther than thafhe would drown. »s <■llasti^^e 1. He earries, as 1 .say, a sli'n't l.ut I'k New York took a gn-at tunilile luiil ••IT# •/«»*/. *e« Mtp4rr%!t» th* ' swoid or iron stab knife which adds cloMsl the mi.iith iu fourth |M.sition, Chi- oil tA* .V>»xM/y tttnl y mi^AnmHul Robt. McGrath Hu'i r>^ the ; « r suine dignity to hisot'.enviseaiM»logct:e i^aj:ro an.i rhiladelphi.i pr»s-«>ding it. LoHijtiona Lottery # i»«e/1- timtn tiM*/ iOHtrrU tA* />r*tte- dtre apiM-arane ■. In the month of August then* was another tnf/M ' itntf ttrg , . Some w ill say that I am seveie to the gn'at ciiange in the staiiilin;; of the cliilw. It H-itA uiirMtMM onft in it.trtint' WINE ROOM. *tU jktrtitK, •' v f tnit/toris* tA* t'oHtjttnf U Where you tnu a'n:.;,. tii .1 iL. U-t 1 y ) I’fi'nuh p.ilice, but I reply, not so severe proveil a disa.strous jH-riixl fer IVtroit. which th»M trith of our ' / as he has l o-ii on iuh. \Vh»t right h:W team, by winning only ten Kanies and liwing

'I 'li’-i'' t i in tbe habit of ri.iins with your palms over ape divers ways of getting it there and scor- |/(J^ I J Aivti A llr-j A I -'IjI i. ' tliehandles. It brings the shoulders forward, THE .\UT OE KICKI.NG. ing |H>ints other than mere kicking. The __ ; contracts the chest, und would undoubtedly, g!ime is acored by (loints, mid there .-ire four UNION CLUB STABLES, «L'UC A icc m i v c f c COR ccr,MVPR<;i if in, have a bad effect on the lungs. FOOTBALL AS PLAYED BY THE AMERICAN differeui QVTs of getting these jioints. It 107 BANK STllEET. PETEK KELLY, ITopr. SvW£ A!SE CCUNEE-S POR EEo.NNtRS To lean forward,as rawrsdo, is l«d form on the liall h carried, kick'd or pa.s=/Al across Livery Feed and Stnble». C \ ’’HE B.CYCLE. the road. It is awkward, unhealthy and STUDENT. the goal une by a player of the opposing side, C'arria^ei* tu be and at all i oum. daugerou.«. Don't do it. I «nil touched to the ground, his side scores Ilttck» fur WedUinps and Fuiieral# a tpecra'ty. Another thing which should be ma-ktered I four points. If, when it is brought out into ^ew brick baro, fitted with all the iate»t iio| levexcenlf, wberebjr BoarJer* will frmive ib« utafl IXio Reeordi Show T hat I t Was Known of attention. Slic SIrtliod for tlir Korire and Tliat for early is the science of “coasting.” This con­ I the field, the repri-Si'ntativo kicker of his tlw l i p r r t —r»»»ltioti» to Ue Avoidt-d sists of paM kg the legs over the hamlle lutrs. Tery Well 3,000 Yean Ae«—Tlie Games side sui-ceeds in kicking it over the goal, F YOU want a good driving or work hor«<*, call on me at Smf^lW and "lettl*; her go.” Of course, when i-oast- of I’rerloiift Seasons in the i'ulteU &>tates. two moi-o points are secureil. If a goal is M d TIiom' to Ite CUoM-n—W om en «fe Co.siablen. Brewery street. New Huveu, Conn., as I Lave jusl arihed ! ing full ctiutrol of the brake should beretaiu- Tho Comlns Season. kicked from tho field by a drop kick—made I Bk-;«-l«-Tbc feafety Slacbiuc. ! ed. It is really umch safer to coast donn a by dropping the ball and kicking it as it rises with a cur luad. ICYCLES nre nt.t hill than it is t<> make the trip with the feet LL sports hare —five {mints are score like a cat. hilarating of out ty touch down’’ and adds one point to tbe Ar.VANTAGES AS AX EXKIICISE. d o o r s]Nirts, tbe score of tbe other side. The rulc-s of tbe In- tience a:^ a Utile 169 self confidence. Contrary to the very natural supjKKition, game of football, is tercollegkite as.soi-iation, like the Rugby R e a r Bank street. And, m o n m o r, the bicycle riding is not merely exercise for the a t baud. rules, allow tlie players to run with the btiU. dancers of bicycle i legs. In fact, nearly every muscle in the Universally poji- In fact running with Ihe bail is the prin- ridiiic have !>«-n | body is callwl into activity while nding, and ular though it is cljial method of getting it toward the enemy’s the iK-giniHT almost invariably feels tired in ■with the youth of goal now employed, and the game is becom­ TROUSERINGS. HORSES TROT. preatly exagjri-rat- ; • ed. CVunt up, if i the muscles about tto trunk, jiarticularly in ail ages and condi­ ing less anil less of a kicking game. So, gen­ I have thU Week 130 patterua of de- you can, the num- | tliosc at th<; sides of the abdomen, before he tions, the p n ie i.-J, erally, as scHin as tbe ball is once put in pUy airable Trouiierins>*« Exr<‘i'i<'Dce has taiickt ns that the trot­ does in the legs. by tradition and it is most of the time in the bauds of one or berof jieoplewLcin i , , ...... W^PRICES TO S riT EVERYBODY ! ^ ting qnalities of a Lor-e are n;nch ua- you k n o w ri.ie U -1 “ hill climbmg bioyck*s custom, pet-uliarly other of the contending athletes. As soon as cycl(« and make a ; have liecome co'nnum during tbe last year • college game. Timvesties of the game, a player gets tbe ball und starts to run n ith proTed by proper Siiotiug. list of the nuniUT | or two. They have some advantagi-s over known in football parlince as “si-rub games,” it the opjKisiiig players concentrate their en- ' of injuries they j the big w heels, but there are m any riil<-rs are enacted in almost every city, town and ergit-s on stoi>piiig him and getting possession F. F. Siag£ aM G. fieliiii, who jirefer the latter and will |>robably hamlet in the eastern part of the country, of the ball The goal keeper and half backs rc'viviM while riding. Then take u.n CUTTEES. vqual iiunit i-r of h irv-bai k riders and com- | stick to their itrcference. The safeties Uuvo l>ut fci^ptiflc football is exclusively a college do not venture far away from their goal, but |* r r th«- umnU-r ..f their mishajw with tUo.se I wheels of more nearly an equal size. institution. the eight other players devote their attention The Place to Go 1 the ionpor of tbe two. It euceof the lar^je wheels Is made up for by American students as a means of keeping the for firnt class and t-fficiett Mork iu tLia .Merchant Tailor until Mrn*« luini^ltii) paradciximl, but it ut the i a nmltiplyinj; ilevice in the hafc*tit‘s. i)f muscular end of their education abreast of S to re. hue. wLere the btisiurcs irf perfi riueil Ly Mun«‘ Ttnif* tru “. tu at mi'tet of the wrioiis | course niountiii" and dismounting from the the intellectual end, footlwU _is theiiopuhir ^»ecur to|>rof(*aisional or • low machiiu*s it; a com|xiratively simple m at­ favorite. As many as :i.‘»,000 p.ople have No. 83 BABESTBEET cartful aj;d ci nij etc Lt furriois is; at II : ridfrs. ' ter, but as much care should U* given to the turneil out at tbe I’olo grounds at Kew York Tbe nn?..*:* IS thul i**i old riilor apt to I |io^ition Oii is ucoi*ssary on the high wheels. in the sharpest kind of full weather to see *m«* can I- --. Ht* forgets that b<* is on a | WOMEN ox BICVCU:s. one of tho big football game.s. Tlie crowds as h<* Miiii' ovor the hTiioylh____ a»>piialt. ^ A comi)arativi‘ly rccent invention is the a t these games are getting bigger every year DISSOLUTION. W m . N evilles, aiid there can be no (lui-stion aljout the im- B-.J »h.Mi th' \to y e The cnparlnership lu rett>fore exl^inir nnder the I'>«rs in li..- Lu i' !:ot looking for if. and mcdinte fut'jre of the game. Football has firm fiHme of MeBold A (ioppilt was by f , .yj, ;.:;y > r.prc) an d . So, biff: over come to stay. inntuul con?4frit tlie day of J'lly The 3 JEFFREY ST. i will be cotidiicl* il :n fnlurt* by H^nry I.'-1; <-s. 1 ' < x|*-rienccd cyclist, on the Tbe gaiiio is no iwrvenu in the field of Menoid, v.ill att^rut to all bilb rectivuble a;iu • Laii l, w riild Lav,' be'ii natohing the siwrts. More than -J,(XK) years ago tbe Gret-ks i pHyabie tu by the old firm, a:. 1 .;h.r l.uvu avoided tlie ol)- and Romans played a crude game of football, I 'rhe busiiifst* wil! coadurtcd in a firsl-ola^i* EICHMONI) »tr-.:'■ '.1 !■ hav j lil;:;-,^if m such shape j and when tbe Uomaus went over to England • muntii'r. aud a chare of llic public palrouaj:e is* Ui liO*-; V-.::' it tii-it it w.'iiM. at th>.- wur.-t, they introduced the game to the Britons-. It suliciltd. RANGES. gradually worked its way into public favor liavc riv.ly n Lira up a U'i2 ". (JASOMNK .\M> t>II. I-?^. i - -lals T thosf nma1«r •>( hi> machine, thus thn)wing tho A WOMAN CYCLIST. ! the sido having tho liall stiHijis down, holds P. Theo Seiter, Prop. •^■ut^T.if pravity tK-foic instead of botii:^ to bo more and more common features of tho DEALER IN OiiStoyes&Befiipiatois Dorulal- In the east, notably iu Washington, ' tbe ball <-Ioso to the ground und jia-sses it be­ lie- hull, an 1 in -u -h cireumstaures a pehtiTa sixirt, and along in the earlier tbirtii-s of the Borton. New York aud vicinity, and ra!>- tween his k“gs to the (luarter back, who stands .«■ im-jiialily in Lis path Itlat would liardly present century the footUill observance of —AT— idly gaining favor in other localities. In ju>t behind him. That worthy attempts to Fresh and Cured Meats. tiavi jar.-^-ual sjieed w oull add to tlieprob- in England about ISCO, and the Foot Ball as­ *^:i nA!«K ^TltECT, by a liackbone connected with the real- wheel i w bo kicks it as far as he can. Then the old dl-ility of ~i'i i'tiis injury. sociation W.1S ftirmed. In its efforts to do rough and tumble scramble is renewed, and 109 BANK S t r e e t , Tin-|«iiMeipl.-of the Wcyclecan l»e illus- only, and leaviug; nm])le room for the skirts ! away with the rough features of the game, betwet'u tho s.nidle and the fi'ont whe.?l and I the games goi-s on until one siile or the other tr«tisl Very vaMly; Take a coin and roll it this organization hedged in tbe game with scores a goal or time is calleil. When a goal OFFICE over »Ji«-long as it ret.-iins ifs mo­ fork. The w heels are joined by a low reach, ] rules w hich made it a tamo sjwrt compared SOLE AGENT FOK THE EI>DY and the skirts are protected from the chain is maile the sides change goiils, the ball is m entum >t«\s upright. As it l»-gins with tho kicking, punching, tripping and placwl in the middle o* the field and the KEFRIGEEATOH. or other attachm ent which commiiiiii-ati-s Ktreet, - - W atebbcri, t l-w ni)Mdiv It tojiples and (inallv falls. pounding sort of game played by the boys of game is begun over again^ 1-29 BAXK C . th»* motive power from the ]>edals to the Rugby and other enthusiastic devotees of the That IS all there is to bicycle riding. -\s long This is a rough .v a wire or sheet iron guard. A old stylo game. So the players who pre­ can game of football, though there are a itself. If'It g.«-sovcrM.lewavsit is vour I "om an in riding one of thi-se bicycU-s dis- ferred the livelier game organized the Rugby <e long enough to adopted by the Intercollegiate association of conspectatcr docs A-ent fi>r Park Brt.S: Co . cn. tries to study M. E. KEELEY, out of place. Shoes should always l»e worn, out each iniiKirtant ganio before gi)ing oa in this lii)c will timl it to Ih tir ailvau- and the headgear should be cho^Mi with a the field, conjuring up every pos,-;ible move tage to call on tts. Also a flue a.ssort- 4» M4>»)1o\v S lrt-ft, \\‘iitmetimes calling his laent of W atclns, DiiiniLiuls, Clocks, Tell phone The large number of League bicycle tour­ 1 5 1 men together and with them playing out on naments which are being held this month in pa|n-r the i-oming struggle. Silver Waro, and Eoll piato of every Je- various ]'arts <.»f the United State's nn*i*cH'ial attention to the sjKut at means an off hand frt-e tiglit lietween “ twen­ Beimiriiig and Engraving a siieeuilty. FOR SALE. this time, and lioxt season will probably be V tiual. J ty-two Sulliv.ins,” as one lividing journal once put it. It is a <-r .Ittahiliig Gi-eat Skill in the f the extHtement of the hand to band enc-onn- Siiccpss<>ra to D. C. Calender. :TE1!MS E.\SY; FOK F11>T { L.\s.S ing 1 AND 3 EXCH.AXOE PLACE. 1 PP.OrEETY. LOANS AM> INSl l:- Ix-arning to I'lay wbi-t is a giK«l deal like runner sometinuai lead toapjiarent “slugging matches.’’ AXCE. AGENT FOPv FAli.MEKS’ li-arning t-) wrile sli-irthainl. .\liiiost any I.OAN -\ND TKl'.ST ((».. KAN.'<.V.S ( tie liy pra. ti^-e can li-ani to write one hun- Tlie footliall season at the various colleges A O0AMI\*i ACt lDKXT. 7 PER CENT. FIRST Mi UlTGAtiE. driHl woi'ils a minute, or p;ts'il»ly may get up iK-giiis very wkiu after tbe (.ijii-iiing of the V.r . ^ It It in tipping give SHORTHAND to one hmnlre-l and t'.vi'iity-tive. but iH-yond fall loi-m. The colleges all thm ugb thecoun- tb(* tiuT * a '‘•hHT'p turn ui th r < pi»osite that very lew writei-s go, although almost ^ y are now iH-ginning to reotx-ii their diHirs, ai'g iit TiioRorniiLV. rEP.soNAi.LYor LAWEENCE & GEAKNIS liiM'i'tJ n. I u. IT Uhs t««» far that 1 y " and within a couple ot wei-ks the fo«itbjill T III tiMii). EvfiKMpi* lit i>41--i rri>-[ at th«* m atter every shorthand writi-r claims that he can. Taterhilrv. Coiin. SlmU nts of nil fys^ nisheliieil. So in a hist It is easy to gi-t up to a i-ertain 1 “ men and the would lie footUill men will lie Tyi>i-«rit<-r.'< rirlid . riiiiiFs WiinUil. Itfirin iiMV. .XI voi'TH .MAIN '•TKKKT. irl> nr: 1 thJiiU** the why «»f it out b'»- i hard at work and will have U-gun to get I/ou'l wall, tialit-facliop ;;itaianifftl. IJimhI pay. fnr»‘ III *U’’‘ th ‘ w two nr thn*i* trials j«iiiit. but luyond that few can go. .Any M \n \» i AX1> invite all a^pirants for fa!l honors to t M aii Waterliiry Then x: T-» learii i' t** iiiount and whii-h only tiie rc;uly great whist player can MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS ni“t t. < ine I'f the greatt-st and most diilirult n c* jiarticiiiate in pracfitv games and show what RE-OPENED 4icai> .jn*. .,!ii. .-iy and gracefully. A ridt-r they can tlo. The most pr niising candidates It’iiS Bank S triiet. pr.i' i, until be can ;;i't on an-l off <1 i.lays is the grand i-oup of whii-h Desi hai)- 4 |k1(-s was such a master, and which is ex- are selei-ted to fill the exi>ting v.-ic:iiicics iu GraniTp and .Mnrblf-ninn'tm-nl' hi pnri s If per with^ '.it ;:iui*ii ln»ublr U-f.ir*- he v t‘iitiii-<-s on The I lace oriRajJillv run hr myftelf. 1 have jns; cent, less thiiii any other dealer ;n the Kfat;*. plaini-d in every g'«id whist biKjk. lint gen- the team, aiKl then Ix-gins that most ntvi-s- fitted up ahcw , v\herc the i>utjlic will liijd a c^Joice «iiv iiiueh tn*'pn-iit<--l stn»et-. I'll-- sitnple>T sary work, the practice of the team as a W U UI l5bV. Ma#.^.|rer. w«y «ir iii iiniin.; of iirs<- 1«-J f.ir th<- Ih*- eraUy si«aking the ti-st of a gijotl whi.st of player is m his jiower to llnessi-. C9l team. By the actual oiK-ning of tho sea.-on iniiwer. »adi>s. My ]iai-t- other's strong and weak jsiints, and the team I'ut on. iHi 1 li'-niouiil. st<-p und hop along L rr>i J is ready to jiull together harmoniously and '*!i<-i'nn:ilyssihle. It would of ■rnun.l 111 tii- upward turn. With a littlo anti fair treatoient extcndt d to all. Summer Garden, ■fin n ;;lo « id it. tin- will swing you into course have Uvn liad play to have dro]>ix-il H u g h Koei;nii, violin ; Jai&c!i T.ijlor, U m- Muidk- Till- m >unt just duh1k. 4. Twr-nl.V'five j-ard lino limit of kick •v rd au4 •» sloo and nnsut isfaetory. have h-arued the rule ‘-third hand high,"said The public will find it a very coiu- out. 5. Id goal. 0. Goal line. The iK-ct nxHiiit to learn will not lie diffi- after the hand was playeil: -‘I'niph; Don't ibri.'ihlp placc to »it down and rvtt after tbe Brst lias Im ii ttioroughly nias- you know that it is the rule to play third DIAGRAM OF COLLEGE FOOTBALI. CROI NII. Thomas Bland, enjoy a root drink. t«r<4. W alk tJie left side of tb>- machini-, baud high. Of course I knew what tho rule Strijipcd of its tochuicalities as far as i>o»- Nothing but the best r|n:ility of K<>od.-« «ritk hntli liands «n ttie l«rs. Without lin»k- was, but rules in whist are not like t««* laws sible, the game is playeil something after this will be served. Courieous tre:itmi'nt tnc cmi» tbe f««>t in front of the of the Meiles and I’ei-sians. I.<'arii them fashion: The ground is laid out in the f. Tbi-n swing first and then mix them up with <-oiiimoii of a iiarallelograin, as is sliown iu the above sense. Some {iciple claim that you are often OFFICE 17 PECENIX AVE. J. H. MURNAN, n c iit k'C ai'ound U-bind tbe backl«.-ne diagi-am of the flelil. The ticlil measures SJO 9(> Sooth Maki Streef. apt to diH-cive your partner, but you won't feet from end to end and KW f«-t across be­ if he knows what he is about. tween tbe outer side lines. T hereare various It would lie imiHissible in a short article to lines which cri«s the field, which are known SORE CORNS, v " give all the rules about tiUi-ssing, ami indi-ed as the five. ten. fifteen yard lines etc., ac­ I BUNIONS AND $ O m Y } El)D I^OTEL. it is not ne«-essary. Knee the jirincijile is cording tothi-irdistant Ond understood, it will appi}' itsi-lf to every (-ase. • A KIGHT rvR TUB BALL. of the field, .-ill uudcrstanding of them, I INGROW ING NAILS 228 .SOUTH JIAIN STREET. SupiKisc. for instance, that 5-ou have the k, however, is not iiecessai y to a general knowl­ niouRli llie game u niorfl or k-sa jilayol all kn. t* and ti S. and the player on your right edge of tbe game. A t each end of the field, over tbe country, its chief sint is in the east. j Of tl'o iii< st painfnl drseriptiou re- M. LA W LO R , PROP. leads originally the S S. Wo are. of mnirse, I moved witliout pain, (,r iiiccuvtnieuce midiray lietween tho sides, is au arrangem ent Tlie wi->terii ooUeses aiilay the 0 afterwanl you ' CiTN. B. —Hoi.«! cant rnn by the on each side take their stations. Tbe seven colleges are Icill teams of the country. Of , dofir. were not fagnaline for trumjis. The rule -rushers" oii each side form in parallel lines tbeup colleges Yale is eminently tho success­ Uhcrna Finw. about the trump signal is not to play n high cai^ beforea low cue, but to phiy a high card extending across the field, tbe "quarter back” ful xillege, in a football way, her team hav­ • . tbe }xdal t« ttie up«are Middle. .\iKose he held the a, liebind him, and the “fnll back” stations him­ Whether she will »usUin ber reputatioD thia The piiMlc are herehjr inform'.<1 that th*»|ir»-n ;i>es » flie tM I. IS known as tbe “ (leiial q. 10 and 1and slsould play tbe 8. As you ►"Prouounced by «11 "h o have triei! it the very occupied by ttie late WjllHft Pe k»r»*-. I» now roiv- self in front of the goal which he is to defend. year remains to bo seen. best. All order* promptly utteniled to. ducted by a nflenuin ur>i!er.*t*rtl.ii»lhp fcu«ir.r«s I.' Walk »ho wfll > tn\eto pifa-ea>l ratim*. • a» |iiaa» tbe left foot direi-t- be perfectly good (borriug truuipr.), and you goals kicks off the liall, and the scramble ant The !>Hme bijih i»tandani of qutuUjr will bt d::* would ]iass It, u n lM for some other re ^ iii A niuw m rut Xole*. .S M I T H A tO KA Jr, 40 Baldwin St. talned. thauharacterixeU tLe p:ace utder fviiber I r « ■ tke iwdal as n o ta ta up. ignvcing tbe tunuoil begins and continues for forty-flv« vou desired the lead. It is a common nde Mrs. Freil Marsden's income as royalties ntani};eiut&t. larowuig tbe rifibt leg over the minutes, the time of interruptions being de with a and q to play q tliird band, but a stu­ fn>m her late husband's plays amounts to OocMlcootlft anti ro rte o u a trc M ln c iit %aokkaw «f mariiiue. Tiiir the quick- ducced. A ton minute intermission is fol- dent of the game will readily perceive that («iOU a week. extrD«leci to ikll. • « mmi mf>». sraorfol this principle can bean>lied to a vast number lo>i*!d by another forty-five minute inning, SPECTACLES Ib ndai«£. Mt vr"^cbt. £raq>ing tbe baadie of utber caaes. Tom L ansi.nu. and the side which has then scored the most Mme. K erada Palmer is singing with great Of Eveiy Description. : success iu Spain. JOHN DONOVAN, • ■n «nUi van- |*tanr opvard. la that wa; points w ins the game. ikficllt cases carefllly fitted ► will be U»*w™ »n toward your It is DO longer a rumor. It has gron-n to In the football «mte«t of today, as evolved A new theatre is to be erected, for next D akd Ltan Kronnil lo ordrr. (k>lil Fn>ine> Proprietor. aboaUen will be tbrowD be a stem reality. Brooklyn will into the from the old Rugby game, actual kicking year's “Ptoion’’ ptay, at OberammerKau, ami Prbble Gi»»« » Sp«l»lt)r. A lull line ofCoBi- go mcn CU»*M kept on hand, omce In Ihe Waler Formerly Perkins Cafe. «r "oom b en" handle tiara Lieagae if it wins the Aascvdation chamiiioa- plays a very small }iart. The object of the which will cost (35,000, and tbe new costumes t«ir» Rubber btore^.« South Street,^aterboir, •4 praforable u> the ■traicfat for ship, Hr. Day or no H r. Da/. game, as of yore, is to get the ball over—or and scenery will involve a further outlay of Opposite XcTV England Baibckd Depcl. 8 * T ? * 5 2 " ^ . BocircBnMtaaoBi g t t « l^ t tock of—Uic enemy's but there «7j(ia ------^ ------FrSTGRANT. THE WATERBURY HERALD: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8.

SUNDAY HERALD ‘ »<>rk hi-rc. TLi* is Hartford’s table: HIS MEMORY A BLAXK. ASSAULTED HIS MOTHER. Cliii*f ...... $2,500 T h a t U tb r Ciiitr(f> Against Vouns Sui>«Tint<‘:i0.00. t moned to api>ear, she was not present. f c 'f ’ V' M: •: MXrbury, Officer Thomas testitied tliat he was with at loast 10,000 more i>eople, hesi- u i l d e r e . m. Audrew.<<, the ca11er iHvjnoniy. B heard the young lad calling his motlier These Organs are in fine comlition and warranted aut>e and recinit discovery was es- unnatunil names, and threateuing to -\11 sheet music, banjos, guitars, violiiw, etc., at half price ’!-• i - Tt i •ers. is in . The tii-st heard ishued to bring her to court. Ill the “Ashom 's Darling,” 105 Bank and 10 of him sinct' January 1, 1887, was u uieau time he relea.sed Lynch under a <>r»ud street. lH“rsoi;a1 letter in his owu handwriting l)oud of 825 on his owu reeogniz nee. 8 The case will come up Monday. . C. OSBORNE, and bigned by his own name, which was ‘ 11. M ;-.' P atti THE STOVE DANCED A BREAKDOWN. MASOXIC TEMPLE. 102 BAXK STREET. V received by Attorney Henry C. Baldwin, A Fart Worth Kiiotviii|;. A %>n M rrrj Sm ial <;a(li«-riii|; in Honor Long Island Sound is not the only • tli. LarJ*-!-t •if Mii'lia<-I Uili-y. of Naug.ituck, two weeks ago. Mr. ■Jaldwin Bnswensl that communication place where gmid oysters grow, as vast I S i Mr. John Riley of Xo. 49Sunth street, l»‘d» of the bivalves are found from held a I'.ni'tj' in his house Monday even­ ;«i>d is in hourly exiw'c-tatifm of another. siiiir* "liur-- Until Mr. Andrews is a;^aiu heard from North Carolina to tlie Gulf of St Law­ ing in honor of his brother Michael's rence, but chiefly in the Sinithern states. arriial in the country. Everything Mr. Bildwiu dt'cliiies to nmke known For fine Phot.iftraphs, ri.iit his wlierealnrnts any more detiuitely. Those sold by S. Ss'ow, are as giKxl the new and eieirant uroiinit K -lilXCV l.ill f >r went on as lut rrily os tbe occasion war- flr gallery of TIIE C K.\NE “The f’ict is,” said the counselor, “ I as ever and fresh every day. A large AKT CO., 57 Ea.«t .Mam ii.-^t til' • i-ity is ranli-d, until during a iiuadrille, a yom g stock of fish, clams, salt and piekled ureet. No stairs to climb. man, «hu wns nnhicky not to secure a I! hate to have the matter discusseil in the J . I). Crane, .Manager, for­ Ilf tli<- public prii;ts. I want to spare the feel goods always on hand at X. S. Ssow’s, partner, got mas::!^! on Mr. Uiley’s new 8C South Main St. merly of Crane Jl Johnstone. mi!!'ti.- il>v iiav -iiiumoni'il uii parlor stove. The stove collapstnl and * . . 1 *___ 1.....1___ t** _i 1 ■ , . 1 inIS line one Ilf of flu* the nicest little ladies in flio the •iik<- a li^ht against iie«viv(>d two broken limbs bt'sides other —The Trbmoxt house restaurant, is nminds in numerous parts of the Utxly. world, and who hns already' suffered lieadcpiarteni for all the delicacies of n » f: • *^1 «ill it d'lf Ml:, The aet^ident caused a break in tlie great anxiety. It is really a wonderful thesea.son, cooked to order at all hours. ti. t- Ititik Ilf him. and uii riiiiii-nt, but I’atriek Hogiin who was case of mental aberation, and I am not Courteous treatment to nil. A few 1<»b lli.-l.-vi-iiMmlly. in charge of the wet g.ioils department surjirised that you newspaiier men are table Imrders can be accommodated. eager tor the particulars.” V Iw.; ^M k. t'oi.i.i;v R< ned a rouml to all which made the First class lioard guaranteed. GolilGrowiiijUaratJ?. dark cloud brighten ii]) again, As related in tlie Hi:iui.i> of a week PIVOT TEETH *4 AND I I*. . -. -I it ;i..uld K- r.- ] Kaicing wiis again resumed, Mr. Riley ago, Andrews raised all the money he I.rltrr of Thanks. taking part himself to the ph usure of all, could on his own proiH>rty in Xauga'tuck 1 wi.sh through your p»per to thank A«(!iirance Co. for the prompt pay When Plates are wanteJ. at the evening ]>hhmn1 plea.'j»iitly notwithstand­ Xaugituck Xational bank, nud liy a i !• I ifl itlw I-]Minove any other in the city, bccauj'c The Be«t S^t of Teeth, W » rran t« (l...... 9 8 0 0 A OOOf) Set of Tet-th...... ^4 0 0 I \w9tting “ acros-^ Kiley that k«*ps the hot4*l?” which he ham county, Conn. He also borrowed Cement FiIIinir«. cents and npwurd^. Silver c»ntd .mil upward.'*. 82,000 rrom Mr. M aitb^ the Xe~wYla’ven promptness l f.lrdealm;. Plate? Repaired. 25 cents ttfi'i upwards. Fine Goli FJiinz^ 91 and upward*. •• " Ti. l..'«>.|«:iIMI'S with till- aiifwered with “ I ’m a swart little bit of ■ - .Mrs. IlmiMiET WuiTE, 3 Carmine street, a man.” capitalist, and taking Bristol and Sey­ Teeth cle«iRrd and Polished 75 cents. Teeth Extracte^l without p IS FAST BECOmXG THE HOME . 1 1 , 1 . j •. 4 1 f JoxES, Mouoan Co. winter with him, wns unable to endure «|^|.K i\,.- b lid .stand It fak. s lu favor street. the noxious air of the malarial Florida FAVORITE. (See Picture.) i!i • of \Vat4*r1»uiy. Tli*\ evergl des, and the insipted ou living at SterlingOpera House, ! s i l - ..I .-, »,tj, a,, nrg.Mit apii^al t o ' — La%vnder Toilet Water is home in Conn?«tieut. He could not en­ A lanre anil eleirant Stock of Pianos and Organs for !.«• . . Tiain S..,itn Main stn. t Twenty-fiv dure to return with her and be kno.vn BIRMIXGHAM, ^ale at low prices ami on easj terms. Tunii*? and re­ I and forty oeiit.s a l*ott!e. as an unsuccefsful si)cculator. This pairing a siK.*c:a.ty. All the late»‘t books and ausic in .Im"•Ii t » i»- j » i.ii \v»fr. MHilyiiii. St l. s, for sale only at Bnowx’s, 6S W.- f. ■■ WiirLiiigiiian" is iii.ire intci - illness was augmented. Being a reckless, Satiir $ ep t. 14, A u n t l(ri(lK**t. : South Main strei-t. in ••«'iiking till- glowl;-r" than : resolute m.iu, he dosed himself enor- J. M. Kellogg, _vl! Ii ■ .-Jsr-, and we i-aniestly adxi.si-! A WORKMAN NEARLY KILLED. uiou.slv with qiiiniue. He was aeus tomed to take the powder, as if it Iiad 102 So. Jllaiii St. till t'lC'l «•* wiiHi at siiiiiething, and A ‘•.lack” Sli|is at lCanitiil|ili i ('loivi-»' lieen .some dainty, a tablesi>oonful at a GO AND HEAR THE ■. I« »»»y ti iin hiK-li wii'kisl Wiit«-i's of >V« Itiiiltlhi);. anti J . Ii. St'iill.v Im i „ . ' time. He was nervous, irritable and ’•••••r. W.- ai l«i think that tin- i jiii'i'il. eccentric, it became c.-.mmoa talk E 3n3oy A OxijD orcsvooci O olT ee .'.•*■•11 L wliM rif.ii!-t*. to MK-h. . . a n Jeremiah------II. Scully,■....ri-., of Spring: tl'i't hisstreet. mind was unhinged. His Afri- REV. J. E. CROSS, I a harness maker liy tmde, but at present employes siifVered most from his un- —USE OUR— •i::t ‘ii-- •■.mil-.-1) I f o imi -‘•■nd- pniployed in laying the foundation for humor uud wtre driven like IlllistratrtI Trni|H-rancr Chalk Talk. I t! ;!-; sin !hi:;g else. ; the new mill at Randolph A Clowes’, | When Andrews was miss'd At tlir R:nk, tills .\(ternonn, nt 3 o'ciork. !;■ iiriy have b.>en a prohibi- met with an acfi-.lent ye.sterday morning • JKior blacks sh:>ok their CraiiDliiteil 8 o'GIocl[ Breakfaiii Gofee. ■ all lii.s lif<- ainl now in his last that almost caused "his instant death, heails knowinply and intimated that he He and Thomas I’rior were eng.iged in mode way with for revetjge, The finest, most delicious, and Cheapest Coft’ee in the market. - j»"ilr.;i,., is linking a bold att<-nijit : iiltii g an immense block of stone with ! "f uo evidence could be got It only cost 20 cents, if not suited, return it, and your money will be refunded. ■ i h.' foriiHTly ]>reaelnsl. | a “ jaek.” The “ jack” slipped as the the-supposed culprit.s. Hsm ilTrarelliOiigs SOLD ONLY BY stoiK-was raised a few feet, and. Hying He wouhi disap])ear in the most unac­ T.‘-inali- tlie lieail, about as lur^fe as a iiinn’s list, I wooils liesiile a inarsliy FLY NETS f KINDS 3FLEI^IABX..'F3 F lflA C S . aiiii it was iiii|io!,siliio to t*-Il whether •** ‘^*'‘“‘‘**lil‘^-'*»>i'lxei|)euts. ; i-t ii. '.i!h i-!xr:ijM- tin's, not one AT J. G. CUTLER’S. the Kkiill was liroki n or uot. He was ! >'>i his way to I'ahitka, Iv 'iily fi\,- CM11 U iiig sllliji-i-ti-il to atile to walk hniiie. j .si'venty miles distaut, to get a huudful | SPRING NOVELTIES. Mr. IVior had his liaiid severely! nails. I HOUSE SHI^F/rS y Mu (•riiKlied, but the injury is nothing I Audrews w;ib never known t.o Dr.(}.B,BFil8r. exti.emex w ill fi.nd an elegant \ .‘.v li:rl Itoe: AT J. G. CUTLER-.S. G asKonmont of fiirnifhin* tuoils of all kiml* wnoUK. ' drink alcolmlic beverag«>s or even to use for spun? wear, IncludinK all the Uie.«t nuteliiei. £“ = r a ^ a! a1 tli-- liH-k tobaeeo. a l b a :v y J* V •iij,] lici-ti a!i\< MoriHrty Not h f«»rM»yoY “ I have no information,'’ said Attor­ T.AF RC>B£3S f II'- .1 «.ll In' |I||I to till* <-\|H list' 7'u t.it KUfoi' of the SuH^hty iUrtthl. ney Itahlwin yester.I.-iy, ‘•refrardiug Mr. M. A . W ALLACE, .\iiilrews’ movi'nients, after lie was seen .\T J. G. CLTLFJl’S. ' a ■- iiia'run. \ wmniiii It having <-oiue to niy knowledge th;it D en tist, 116 South Main Street. iiiy iinnie is b -iiig ns<‘d in coniiectioii iu Wiglitiiiaii .V Christopher’s .store in ri; llii- emiM easily Ik‘ with the D^-iiiiKMatic nomination for the Jacksonville, on January 1, 1S86, e.xcept Grass&Carriage Mats ' viiiilJ 111 a tills Viirk. mayoralty. I ili-sire to state through j I*** I'"*’ ' himself...... ' ' written. H< .sa’. s„ Over Hill's Bakery, 133 Bank St-, ■ill- . 'V:‘i;‘iii cMiiiieii slimil.l tak j yoiir eoliiiiins that I am positively not; t'*”* >n the summer of 18Sfi, he found x r J. G. CUTLER’S. ATTENTION! t; 1 !*i;- III !‘- t lit it- !i*".t iiiei’tili;;. to lie regarded as a eandidiite. ‘ The hini-’drr*4 VitMlUed A ir. OiHile fre^h <>vrrv liay. ; •■•JiiT* •• eil-'-l i- a1 la.st liiiil.i-ji. and niand tli“ lui-g.-st iiie i.suro of time and when he was iu biisine.ss in Florida. Dur painlej-H is pntenretl ami is iijiecl by «s j the fiilli'st mend of attention from its From that lime to the daie »>f his re- only. We mnke the bn*r teeth am! warrant n per- ‘ N ew T o rk H iu ie TeaCo., !• J. Iri' l»i-ii i-lfi-ti-1 tile fpct fit at a l(»wer prire than any other fin*t-<*U:»« ineiinilM'iit. Tlie urgeney of private e- 115 Socth Main STr.F.ET, . viJiitii-.-.j-« i'^ ill |ilai-■ lit Ml . Kkli.v. busiiuwH should not Ik; uiloweit to inter- High .spirited and andiitioii->,smutting sttjreil to Iheir perft*ct beauty ami ust>fnlne!<& b? the Sheffieiii latent T(H>th Crown and Brid{;e work Wliere ydu can purchase 3 ponnil.H of \,i:> 'h it this wttlisi li-t the iMiard fere with the public tHieleiicy wliirh tlie! under tlieseiist> of fnilure, worried by u “far which \%e a»e sole iiceuseca.” fine tea for §1.(H). Our stnmlanl ■"•I d »II t'« busiiii"- aiitl settle tin- peojile < f Wati-iliiiiy have a right ix-i tiilbng ili«agreeiiient with his family, teas at 50 cents can’t be boat, anil peet from their mayor. In jiistiee to i pr«>strensation of ■••li-t!!<’nu r Snaih;. Then why not teresting themselves in my In'half, I ) providenee and resolved to red«>m his Harness and Trunk Store, feel if my duty to give timely notice | ri'piit itii'ii as a man of businrss liefore .-1*1! iiiiii. even at an iiieii'a-iNl salary. 14 Exclinnge Place. fiEEBJeAlliiuiyDilis NewTorKiClijiiaTeaGo., th »t my name is not to Ite considered iu ! making known his whereabonts to his 113 SOl'TII .MAIN STREET <'hii3 has male an able and this eoiiiiwtioii. I will t4ike occiisioii, i f‘*'ni-r fiienil.s? H ei4evotid himself to O v rr H iir» lU kf-ry. 1.1.1 B an k .St., .■fliet.>»it eJiiet. Me has Inimi a hard however, to express my sense of appre-1 • uilding oi>erat:ons iu the Golden state AT Waterbury, Coi n. Wia-Lei will giKnl oil'-. The oti'iee as ' ciitioii to those kin.l fiiends who have , -‘nd has sncee<>de>« great honor to esteem me money. He omh also lav claim to the iineollected i>eusiou of S20 a mouth W. R. Steele’s ASSOCIATIOS. Made to order In the cheapest and mo.«t tasteful . . * ‘ worthy of such jMiblio favor at the hands manner. Awanled three first pr'ie in l<«» an.l m the slut!-<•! Its St;'..'. j of the Demociatic party of Waterbury. wtiieh has been piling up for four ye.irs Ton will find a nice line of The Lartcit Dental &UblijhDieiit in the World. the following year l(*tT. Five rfrst prizes at th. \\ 1 m1--viT the Ixwrd dues let it kei'ji j assure them that their kinduess ai;d a half. floral exhibaion at Wslerlown. N. V : aim win­ DIXXEB, TEA and TOILET WARE. ner of arst prize for Ihe best trinimtd hi>i« car­ tite forcotten Hud he collected a c?nt of p<'Usion riage, July 4, Its* money, Mr. Rtldwiin would have been TIH- waul no wire puller lit work ' “ .tlie future I may be able to Ask to see those 11*2 piece Dinner Sets , .sliow M Ktill unprtK'iHtion. infoi meii of the fact. During the four for $9.(10. A 56 piece Tea Set for *4.00. DOMESTIC, B. S. BASMUSSEX, m lU* lii'J* n,ey w an.ant fta mailman Mho.«no - _ li.. j, and a half years of my.sterr a large unm- And those 10 piece Toilet Sets for f2.75. The Lii^htMf Fonnin*. Sii^leit and Bent Sew­ Pritchard's Block, Cor. Bank and Grand street*. »-tlI iiH to the ]|iiil8oti! 4a i, •rt.«s «1|J K.'e h..w It «mii»n-s with the : exenrsiou is lK«nd to be a v*’ understood uow,tbat Mr. MaHny, Haven, bus agrord to return the CALL ON ilnuk City. Take the eitii's of Xew Jijg rucccsr. The Irst fore the time of de- iu-euded retuni of th; stiirrar Hats at Wool prices from $1.25 to $.100. Don't select a tie from a small lot of last year's P iir Mu-slial ...... l.(>00 parime. | hiisbuid, ou the golden shore. stock; but come where yon can select from ISO It was the Ansonia Feo«l Mill Com different patterns. Call for the 10 cent bargain j SCl.OtXI a .woman named Mrs. Harry — D e x t e r ’s Aromantii- Tixitli Powder; Tliat’s what the j> o-, Hose. Balbrig^an Underwear at 35 ceiita. Bar-! IW'Miti's tlr of Jar.'e t *t ■ H»Uiy of «.iOainonth. not Fire Commissioner 1). J. Mahaney, gists. ^ __ ! SO EAST 5IAIX STREET. nnd Hinall bartpiinii in the city and o(it thi«* week, AT t'ali when yon want a bar<,^in in rt-ai eiitate. I A ll tliifc v.iH-k is done hen? by CHrt:F according to the latter who called la k , xi.,. k..**.., ,i i ^ ’ Will po t you. f« mA. ,te corr^lo,. , rionS CASEY RUNS IT. I - Bn4gei*.»rt tlio oost is as follow s: IttilxKT'a Ijtyniit To-TURE and see the new SMj*i«iut’ -\lanu...... !t<>H beef. Roast lamU Roast veal. Vege- Holohan E^q. left for \ lueUnd > . J. .■NnjKTiiit«‘ud<>iit...... 3lK> 90 BANK STREET. tables of all kinds. Pudding. Pies of “ ‘“S' I W i s is to enter Atomizer and Sprinkler. REAL ESTATE, LOAN ANU INSURANCt. 82,(XX) all kinds.- Grapes. Bananas. Apples. the feaered Heart ut that It conji!«t« of a rubber ball. comnref^ibJe by meane Watermelon, Mixed nuts. Dinni-r of in>n handlefl. Thin b^ll can be flilrd with infecting or vermin ti«stroj)io2{ mixtures, acd can Office 33 So. Main St., - lit it neai'ly as much as from 3 to 5 i>. m. Price 35 ceuts. Bol- —LndVs will tin 1 the largest as.sort- 8feJ* Cell and see sample of our \ms put to ?arioa« OM9. Xr>« 8a<(*i I** Jo our pivst'ut Chiefs s t e r 's H ortx. , ment of Boy’s Fancy C.»ps at Brows’s. !wjrk. Soinethicg entirely new. U. LEACH. 43 Sooth Main strett. Over Miller 3c Feck. THE VVATERBURY HERALD: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8.

A 1»A\GEK<»IS l)AM. ■ HOW TO ABOLISH POVERTY’'. TUG, YE WIRE PULLERS ■>r. Mrfilyiin tu S|Hiak That Nul^ert J. I GHMTEHS & CO., WE ARE GOING Tiir»diiy« i s BJT A VUD ONE AT EVERYBODY WANTS A NICE FAT OFFICE Dr. Edward McGlyun, the lecturer Wk \STEO who will a])|)ear at the Jacques oj>era THIS YEAR. house next Thursday is a remarkable TO L O SE M O N EY Hic«ilaM4 and il« Arliti- man. We have watclietl his reoeut career If Colonel Oohert)- will Run for the Rem ovaf Sale. Kaa««^ •larriri. An %|>|M-al lu quit** closely, and cannot help but Mayoralty, He Will Trip fi. War ox THE B.\LAXCE OF OUR (li« fWrMtc** AuHtorlll*-* !«• Ke- admire him for his broad human svm- llurM- ItoueblfHi, Sure.—A Everything in the ^ore to he clof^ed out at hilf rair II. Whole Huurli of Frizes. uric**. atiil Ut>nt»' UmJerweJir half prce. UibtHin* half price. La«Heji* and Gent>’ GJove^ . D ’o !: I 'iiiidnj: half price. I!<>«Ierr h»:f price. Millinery half Light, Stiff and Straw Hats, Seersucker and TTTHE D emocbats of the first, sfcond »»ce, Laoe» half ptJCf. Gents’ Shirt« half pr«ce WivsT»;i>, S>-pt. 7. Kuttous half price. C’orn«‘t9 half price Handker­ and fourth wari's held their pri­ chiefs Uiilf price. Stamped Lincu (ioods half ii i: I'liETTiEsr mary meetings Friday night, price. Flannel Coats and Vests. • It will pay you to attend this sale for the next »f \»at<*r ill and from the looks of things Miles F. days. the Xutiu''g Mate in Connolly is left. ■ In fact all the SUMMER GOODS wo luiye li ft in st, .^'iiiDsuid S:i.iW. f- oil an avcrngf, one- for varifiis po.sitiour, and those who in­ STR.\.W H.\TS at just half wliat tli«'y .are worth. loa HAXK STRKET, R .. *’ ^ fourth of A tuilc iu tend to light for a place, aie; Si'orsucker and Flannel Coats and Vests, $1.(X), ^ l.ij iuul 31..»; former prices, ^ niJtli. It iii ritif)it- First Selectman, Xelsou Morris, with MASONIC BLOCK, ^1.75, Si2.00 and SCI. 00. ;o, liy !• luulle^s no op]K)sitiou. Tlieri' w ill bt‘ lots of time to we.ir them yet, .in.l you saye just aliout half by visitor', Juriug the Setxmd Sehvtman, C. R. Webster, a buying them of jil'-ahiir.' KcatH)!), auil good fellow, and Charlie Thatcher, who the attnu'tioiiH thiTP seems to 1)0 the favorite, with John GEPLEEQEII’S >-'■ w*-ll r<-|>»y them fi r Ryan for an opi>oiieut. •ii- It io alho a tiue of tli4 uolile rider of CLOTHING R ichardson & Co., isi'.- i.-; 1' 1 aiilaok Colonel Doherty's tlioroughbrtHl Mor­ l<»~- .r K»liuoii city'll iH re- D r. E iiwaud M< G lvxx. CLEAXED, > \t-ry Mfi k, liol to KUT >i!i.ythiiig gan, James Coughlin, from the Fourth. Ren SiHlgewick may be the winner of liKsrjT ti.. iiutm-roiiK till'" ••al<'hiiig in tlu- patliy mid \rann heart w hich stops at Clolhiers and Hatters, «.iT iif lipii <»f aii oi-diiy it stands u uickle to a And REPAIRED. ing petty, narrow or revengeful about cent. .’’TSiT Ui.t ,!i thin rtaV. AT »1IUKT XOTK E. aim favor itShhuri'S witli the man, buthiK heart iiifull of honrsty, Itegarding other chaiicos, the mayor- 1 1 3 Bank Street, W aterhury, C oxn. slty is hotly pursued by Henry I. 1. 1 !►, «hii*h aliK)>aragii!glyof it.ncu r- monopiily. Well, is this such a i-evolu- As for other plaiv.s, the way things Tim U polilai Life lisorece Coipy, ftj***-!*' It tiuiik tliHt tiH its duty to tionary or unjust measui-e? .\s cautious liH)k and the way things are working, .ill. "t a’tf.-ttoii to the ilnm at its outlft. men as John Stuart' Mill and Heibert there are only four Kmking for the ik)- ff ATERBORY DYE ffOffiS OF NEW YORK, SpeiuH-r have «h‘1i the oncoming of sition of registrar of voters. Dennis J. T ’.' r*- IX, at thiK jMiiiit, a H>rt of n OFFICE Itt ItANK STREET. W.\TKRBIRY. lONV ii.i'ur: 1 ild some time ago that the the lield. Of coiim. be undei-stands the 34 GRAND STREET. The foiloMing claim« have been {Miii! in the \V«rrrhiiry Uitirici bv the METROPOLITAN LIFE 1K&<1'KANC'E i'O., v^tihiuthe pre^vnt month. tljr i.iigf i.i/.<- of till’ lake, IioIiIh liaiik a soil of a nation Iwlonged to the laxly «if business, and next year iK'ing state yc'ar there ought to lie no monkeying. 1,1V l>'-'ly of «at*T. That thlN ilaiii iH Ihe iieople, that is nature's ]>ix>vision Hriilfft't FilX4oratil. Sti PeniHerton iitreet. $4^). Jiio C. Liinny. Canal »trfet. $109. ill ai. iiiifcafi- treet. $135. Kirhard 31 H<»uth Leonanl. thing that 1 must say Ivfort* picking up l^ u e l CAmpion, 27 ftiilge Mrevt, $50. Willi.im IhiriiDi;. ^ircer. $V». .11^ »ih, IM-Iifvc, .|ii<*Btiou after a IIS such Jiiust bd regulateil in the in­ the other three candidatt*s. It is this: The Dull Season lair < '.•'UjiiiMti.iu of it. In fact \v<> terests of the commmi wealth, that it is In all the abiivc claims have been iMhl within forty-eijibt bour^ after delth. What has become of our prt*seiit deputy U now with n«. amUxtni InJiicemmts «re nr. rif'.riiicil, l>y a giKxl Riithority, thiil jii rfeetly open to a pi'ojile at any time offereJ purih»'»r» of ...... in wLott** tt<', has he furgotteu that there is such a MICHAEL RUSSEIX.» Snpt s. ma.l. whirh is lai'l out oil the top of Mr. Mee candidates are Don- minghiim, Wednesilay, September 11, noly from the stn^oud ward, a chip of A PARTIAL LIST OF CLAIMS PAID IN THIS CITY BY Imuhil tiaius. feSf* Repniriug and Engraving. X.>t long ago a pair of oxen, ami Gem o|H)ra hoiitM>, Naugutnck, the old block, who servtnl as deputy un­ whieli Wire passing over it, nearly Tliursilay the 12lh. der 1). J. t\isey—«lid thwe days work The People’s Industrial Insurance Company, and reiviveil J75—and now thinks ittiue t" grief, on aee unit of one of the W’ednesday evening the sjiort. pair l.ri-nkiiig through. Similar aeoi- Lyceum Tehnti'C niiiany Of Norwich, Conn. .(nn >ora FitzseraUt. W Pemberton ■*treet, 5 tiW . sucoes.s “ Tho Wife" is to 'I 'h . f . i e t s are amply sutliei.-nt to war­ who IS pulling might and main for it, is ('or»elni» Dowlini;. 'i\ Baltlwhi ittreet, $37.30. Kila RetiUinit. 7 Fle«rt lareet. our gonial fiiend “Deacon" Donahue, 95 BANK ST. Marv rf. aS St'ovill >treet. $4H.l», Patrick So. Leonar ♦tearcliing inve-iligatioii, into the jmsi'iif Uu (tibbs, wlioRo piotuix! the pn'Sl'ut assistant undrr our double ratrick llanrihnn. 10 Washington atreut, extra headeil friend rtud g.Knl fellow stat.'ofthe .lam, and then making all is given here is the lend­ Thet MC abovenir\f» »»how« cMif the advantage •»«« » wMi »•!of taking «a jr...,» »»» with i, a company that aire* Immediate benetlt^ Mieh repaii-h as may he n< eeHfary to “Gusty" Friiin. It looks bad for Jim­ policie'* contain a urovi»ion for a Uheral paid np ptdicv in the «v«>ntev«>nt t»rt»f lap»e. For full particaUra auptvappt' ing lady. XoTHms, ¥\ IIAM'tM'K, Su(>t. 14!> Bunk »tr^t, room- - 1.* \V;iterburjr. * - Conn. Agents wanted. iDiiiire Mufety and stiibility. mie, bi>ciiise he isworkingfor ••Gusty,” SchoolBooks, Very lre<|U‘‘iifly knots of “delmt<‘iii" Friday evening “My .\unt Bridget” who is himself a tandiilate and, I thiuk, may l>e foiiinl, eithi-r positively or con- will Ih‘ the attraction. will wrtjiinly swurt> the pris»>. Pads, Pencils, Inks, Etc. The W onderful I^eiia Loeb the mind The o her i»^itions on both city and jictiirully stating wliat the results llic largrKt slnck In tho cIIt. C»ll »nJ sn my w.i-jld U- iu case of the ilam's giving reader at tlieoiH'ra house to night. town ar«. the city sheriff and city audi­ prlCTit I Imvo nit lh»l VVeb*t«'» lUn.ly Ulolion- a«iy. The general opinion s«h‘1iis to tor, and by the ivsignation of Chief i»rif l.»r r)bixly. only Iweuly-Hvc «iil». Ke- ^ ■u .r ‘rL i‘b"CLX*e! Fil-st class boanl and room at S mith's int'iuber llic piucu. tw that it would only greatly swell Siiagg the position of chief euginwr is ivstaurant, (!2 Exst Main street, for left open. Mad riviT, and possilily injure a few per we»'k. Satisfa<’tion guiiriintet'il every WM. F. DILLON. of the niiiiiy Ixiildings lining its .laek MeDiiiiald, who has an un­ A Finr A<»«ortHient of Parlor Snit<« in all ihr Siylr*. time. sides IU the lioroiigli through whieh it broken ii'cord of twenty-three yeiu-s and eight mouths iu active service, is S'lid to r i Dirrerent stjrl««*r Bedroom Mts lo Heleci nrom. the H am i. •1"»«. This «e thiuk is giv-tly nnder- PIGS INSIDE THE PIG LIMITS UNDERTAKER, esliiiii.titig l)o;li the foree and the vol- want it. Rut after i ll Chief Snagc Kome«t ever staowu. It. l-'iiieil f«r ought to 1k‘ his owu sui'cessor. Shoi Id 'iiiif of «ater helil Imek l>y this pr.-sent 6 8 Ea*>t n a i n s t r e e t. \ tlill stock of rrtryt' Ing m thr Fuiniture anlr pr;cr». cour:#t>iu ir« « woulil inundate' the miiiii Htret*t for its ' leiigll', as well as several other man who owns the I ig double house op­ ami JohnnieO'Rrion is hot on the seen*. streets on it.-> l.anks, ami d i gr. atdnni- posite the Kingsbury pri>i«>rtv oil Xorth A great many say that “Seal Skin” ag.' to I I Opel ty and possibly j(-apordi/.e Main striM't: gracinl the city court room .liiiimie wants it,—probably he does— S. A. Kingman, 121 Bank street. ll\e~. yesterday morning again. It was the and Ins elianws are c insidennl lietter l y V a c a t i o n I:iinii iliute st<>ps ought, in view of Kiiuie old story, pigs, but this time far than Johnnie's. It is no crime to be a thi's. fuels to lie taken to ensure at (teorce H. will have to pay for his love g Mul fellow and (h w . lea-t pieM'iit satety, and ronii>ct<'iit en- for his jM'ls. Rut that brings me to the next p!a?e, ir Toil S h o i Die M a y , guie.'riiig skill employ, il, as soon as Thri'e weeks ago (teorge 11. wascnm- that of city auditor. Maurice CarmsiMe, til niiike it iilisoliitely safe for plaiuiHl of for violation of tlie city ordi- is luaking teiribl«> stridts for the old Wh»l pro»i!>ion Is maiir for jour family? yial> to OiiQie. naiiee de p’gs, i. <>. keopini; swine n ithiii mnn's pi uv, but Miiurice might as well tlie pig limits. Th'j neighliors said stay out of the mce—in case it is not And Monday, Sept. i, CanYoQSngportYonrself InOlil'JUe? ‘‘ILLED BY A HORSE CAR thev were unable to‘ stan.1 Ihe stench a dark horse mill th*> dark horse is Jiuiu^s J. I^aii, D e s i g n s whieh was wafted from ti.e r- ar of // Your property is Consumed By Fire? -oil! I I'.Mlilir siililll'> Awllll (nMUge's i>i'oiV‘i‘ty and settled down over who is a fine |M-nman, an accurate ac­ THE lleHtll. Wie district like a suit wat<»r brtvzo from countant and is everytliiiig but a mil­ llavo jou IniloinnltT fi.r the low? A SPECIALTY. I'leililie. the six-yi'ar-old son of (treat Itniok. He was adiuoiiislKsl by lionaire. If >«H ro rri w ith » K»llr«mil Arclilml. <'h;irli's Sniitli, toreuain at White .V the court to ivni ive his i«>t, which was The ofliiN' of ScliOi! Clerk is not run­ >ll|> lip oil M lUimnii IVfl, or itrr ili»liv siil.‘s at \o . *,( Itiirtoii CUT FLOWERS, an immense sow, and t^'ing a string to ning around le0 8 » f.ir any one to gobble G . R* B* G o.) Into by a ruiiiilni; hornr, slue*. «iis killed liy the w1kh<1s of ear the porcini b hind leg he playinl |)igs in up. _ IjoIs are liMiking for it. The prt>s- FINEST IN THE CITY. No I. i f the Waterhmy lloiae Itailroad chiver up Xoith Main stnnt, and landiHl ent inciimlH'iit Johnie Xeagle has faith­ ( ’ompnny. it in a pen outside the city limits. The fully jierronn«.d his dutu.s for several Will ojH>n the ball and moye by tie .rtfe Whit)' was tlienriver of the )iigs biiurding mistress on lincks Hill yeara and 1 niniiot stn* why they will not retlueing the price of wio Pars 1 mageii? Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. e;ir at the time of the iiecideiit. He i.s II you canmit Mll«farto.-iIjr answer these .VLL WORK W.\RK.INTFJ). saw that there was to be an incnase in retain him. Rut Jimmie Hviies ft\im ■inrstion*. call »ii wliat IS known us a relief man, and the porkei-s family and sent the grunter the Fourth si.vs he wants it. tnk.-s the plaees of the various drivers back. Here wmies a full sto p ,-h a n d s WM. J. SNOW. at inenl times. H .'w as th ru milking a •\ few morning's ago Harry Moses up a period. Hvne.sJ is a so

ig had walked back and then may tho l>esi man win. MEAT So. .%» South MainstrKI, Post omce Diillilln;, Riioni J, VTaterburT. aft.T he reHehed the top of the hill made a e called any day next week—then As Follows: «'oiiii>!iuy's works. Along the edge of cnnies tho tug-of-war. As I s.urt the slates are ma.le. The S(HM>nd will Of all patrons of lh« the ponii lie saw a half dozen little fel­ think that the swine did not iK'long to lows riiuniiig iironnd in n game of tag. ccrUinly lie a Democmtic ticket and the 1000 CHOICE They were on the sidewalk and no sus- .Mderidge, but .ildrirli said they did. winner. The First will he the Madden Waterbury Steam Lauhdry pielon of any danger enter<*d the driver's Si'eing that he was defying the'court ticket, the third .h llellmann, and the Judce Cowell iin]K>se.l a line of §10 with it, that the work in alway* tr«t rla*». X«> neeU lo mind, .lust as the ear was opposite Fourth a Connolly. Miles is out on his aend oat of *n«n to have Ane Lauadr; dooe. them, in front of the residenee of AUhtI ST.tty costs. Alderidse t«Hik an api^'al. mettle. Ruw.^ire! Ord«r9 called for and deiWerrd. Gvf, llest Porter-house Steak...... 20 cents. K. R, 1»AVIM A ( O.. SCaaal «trvct (i. Kinney, w ithout the slighte.vt w.-trn- —The “ Palatka” la-ata tli^^m all. A inc the hoys ran *ekeepini; U'MmIii to «old oui a% brake. It was too late. Little Fi-»>ildie A l.lltleFanill.v Affair That Jiiiic'row rll Eggs. You will find the quality of Shoulder Steak...... 6 cent* liow Figurea to nioee Ctie tmsineae at stumbled and fell in frontoftlie dash anil Win Settle everything the best, and prices the very Peaches, Bananas, Etc. lowest possible. Rump Pieces...... 8 to 10 cents T IN K H A M ’S. a fraelion of a second afterwards the The Howlty family of Itrulroad Hill ...... 10 cents Porter-house Flank...... THE nSEST IH THi MARKET. !To. m Soalli Male Stre«l. Wairtburr. Coon. grinding and lieaving of tlie car sicken­ and the ^iiiuoud family of Town Tlot THE BIG STRIKE OVER. Flank...... 4 to 6 cents ed the dozen liystandei-g. do not get ou very well together, if the Plate “Rib” ...... 3 ««nts Wiiii horror the driver jumped api't'araiK^e of the police court rixim The IMM-k Companlra Havt. Vlrldml lu lha ...12 1-2 cents from the ear and picked Leg M utton...... yesterdsy morning goea for anything, Strlkrni IkriuamlK. Leg Liuub...... 16 cents uptheliit'.c form which lay face down­ London, Sept 7.—The dock comi>aii- W . N . L A D D , YOU CAN BUY ward on the tittck. He tiirued the bo.iy for James tlie fifteen-ye«r-t>ld son of Hams...... 121-2 cents Mr*. IViwley was arre v t^ a t theinstanoe ies have agreeil to the demands of ihe Pork Rib«...... 10 cents over. The Kcalp wan almost Rtripjietl atrikers. but tlie rate of wag*>s to be paid off, and the limp hanging of one arm of Chas Stcmond for a.ssanlt ou his sis­ Frankfords...... 12 cents Grocer, ter-in-law .^uuie Bowh y. ire to contiuue as at present, the ad­ and the track of tlie wliwls over the Bologna...... 10 cents Sicnioud is a milk luAldler in comfort- vanced rate not to go into eff-ct itutil Pressed Ham ...... 15 cents 66 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Sflcars, FIovs. Tias a i l back hliow«Hl that the woint had liap- January 1. It is made d. altle circumstances and is marri(>d to Smoked Shoulders...... 9 cents one of the Rowley giris, and for the last the arrangement that all the strikers The driver wns aiinoat frenzied aii.l shall resume work on Monday. Messrs. *eir Please compare these prices, and called to the little feUow to give his three years hr l;»8 haoiise. aci'eptanct' of the company a terms. A iinmlier of hiborera, unployed at er is unable to support her properly prices aad don't forget the place. The And all kindn ot Staple Groceries and he sen.ls her to school and dressca — ro « — digging a cellHr near bv, ran out to as­ UMPIRES ARE TOUGH. c h e a p sist. Dennis llrislfrick and tt'e driver her nicely. Th« mother objects to her eariii d the child to Mr. Finney’s lawn. daughter living with her brother-in-law narcaii FallrU to Kill Manhall After The boys compniuons, his * brother and there h»ve Ihh;u many pitched All. LADIES' OIFOBD TIES. rge, ageil 8, Cla>t >n Merrills and battU^ betwe<»n the tw«». Cii ARI.OTTK. X. C., Sept 7. -T h e story QHTAltD & lERillArS. sand liis mother attHcktnl them lioro. this 'State, who was hit on the 13 East Main St. Doctors Ciistle and Xorth were sum­ with stones striking the child in the side. head with n liasie Ivilj l)j»t at a l»ll game in D.ulington, S. C.. Kst week by Cssman Dargan s son, dietl Monday, is FOR MISSES’ KID OXFORD TIES IN 129 Bank Street. wiinls, hut the little life had gone »mt, ermn^HH. Marshall is restinic well now mid there was iiothiiis to te done but Miv. R iwleythen appt.ali.'d to the court Cor South Mniii and Union Streets. HEEL AND SPRING HEEL. to return her child to her saying that and his physician honefully expects his till out the di'iith certitiiste. The IkvIv Waterbury, Conn. permanent recovery. of was removtnl to the In me *(f his pareuts she nt'etled her su}>iv>rt, Uit the sou-iii- 13 East Main Street, Lancntt aiMl riam t AmwtI and Undertaker Hurrall notiBisl. The law sjiid she was too young to work iu the A l.nrge numlix)l»ably take p'aee Mon- shop and was abus^ at home. Judge auil Indit's have a]rei«ly mai)e aurauge- For Cliildren’s Kid Oxford Ties in Cowell refcntHl the mother to Judge heel uni spriig lieel. Cut Flowers d.iy. nieuts to stteiid the Q lassapang Lake AI.WAVS ox IIAXIK riialen of the Prol»te Court and the Funeral work tn the room tMaiuifal e gives universal satisfiM'tiou as a ten-cent son-in-law to apjiear and show cause why e i . 13 E. MAIN ST., STormeU Alwaya the S>ett work ai lowcat pi ica*. stiH'ght cigar. .\sHr.iM, 105 Dauk and rendered by Hallam. with Uffendale as T l the child should not be returned to her !tr, I D M l n m . prompter. Several new ilauoes will be 10 Oraud streets. mother. iutrinluced. MANAGER RJ.FINN. Telephone call, l« - i M THE WATERBURY HERALD: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8.

spi'oii; dei>y tliis, however. They siiy ONE WAY TO TURN A JOKE. B E L IA R L K FIK.M.S. HEirPORTION. DEATH. tliut the agi'iit na« tliiit all fchoulii ^‘RAZORS IX DE AIR. Time Tables. ndjouni to Sht Ivey’s pyiiiuasium «uil Ali»oiiiu*> l-'tiuuy AIuu SliiK-e nf tbc SiNU»r Herald.] XTEW YOKK.XEW HAVEN * HAKT- HER MANY CRIMES thei-e. IN -LITTLE AFRICA, ’ HAS SOME HORSES. WAGONS AND FUKDKAII.KOAD. A ssosia, Sept. 7.—There was tjuite a **■ will give you a bargain. Call and TaMtoiis^r TpuIr^ Lrj*«r ViMtrrlmry littie Ltugh creKted at KelW’s livery st i- Look t'lem over. Money Loaned on A SluM'kiiie «»f TIiIiirk ill u C'miu 1 BUTCHERS' HATS BACKSLIDE. .% >»uliurli r For Nrw York, N**w ble ou the west side last Moudiiy U'ght Personal projwrtv. «t ws jr *. m.. S.fc;; A nd T licir <;rlorr>l lVIv tlin t wheu “ Hill” Shea, oue «if Ausuni.t's best «.0T p. n..; Mii.dav. >.r5 p. m. tlir IlHrlM-cilc fr»ln A far. CEO. E. SHERIDAN, For New llavrn 4ii(t on La;« Touii Two Thrive ou l»ruiik<-iiur»>. t-i|;hiiiis m»l known characters got a thorough dousing ^ The weKtfiu eud of the Grot-n was with a giirden htwe. 131 South Maiu Strtet, Divjstofi via NAiiffMtUcli Ji)urt;oa 4 k- ; :s. 4itil(lrfii TMk<*ii < Hi'f of. —Stiuat* l>iKtliiKuif»li«‘tl ICentileiit**. Vor Warrrtuwn «u(i %>■. ■» ' dotted with l>utchers oii liorselMu-k.wear- Ltist Suuday, t»ne t>f t>ur lix*al o’ergv- Oi>posite Grand St. l l . a a. I* ; 4.W. T.wip. m.. WEXTY YEARS i iiig white blouses, bine Knshts uuil (Si>rt:ial Corrr^l>.>Uill•m•e cf the Sunday UEiiAi.n.1 nien, for a change p n ached a sermi'.u f. Axsom.4, Sept. 7.—A halt a di zeu ForThon a»Con, 7 o m ri’*on. \V n»rid asil nmj ngo, !i pretty la r rt)wtles Ufojv ijoou Thurauay. Giad- eutithd, “ Wheu I was in piis«'U,” and •UitiooM— n.jT 4. tu ; Xie, #.36 j n. 'Jally the uuuiiter grew lary*'r, with del­ houses, a w«-ll, about llK)buoks. weiiehes gave a vivid description of tlie prisoner's F. M. BROiraON, ». lu. haired child. SUCCESSOR TO egates from other low us iu carriages, aud piekauiuuies, a hundred or si) lirst crime, his trial, committal to prison, Rrturii Tr»in4 Lravr: Two years ago, a auil abiiut a half hour later all wei-e piisou life and his sonow for his crimu Xfw York, .\0 I, t* «. I. *3 p *• razoin, a few Jewish peddlers, ami a McNEIL &, BRONSON, T.W, a. to.. 1 » . ^ ^ dashing wouuiti. aKseoibh'd, niiikiug that coruer » f the aud his ^ubse^lueut reform. 'The sermou BrhUe^ort. m . 4:51. 3Jii. * *“ p a . ' '' Two mouths »g,.,»g.>, Git-eu K.-em as though it was “white fight tv»ry night—that is a full deserijv being siuuetliiug of a novelty was re- DEALERS IN • 15 ». m 7 «» Sf ; * ».J». N ;SU p. Ml. (H«)ndaT. ■» !«»». m i . h * .1' washt’d. tiou of “Little Africa,” a suburb of IHirteil at hujith iu theAusonia St'htinel GRAIN, FLOUR. FEED, HAY. *3* takeu takou sii-k.MrU. pnio<*s.siou 1h<‘U began to move Wa4t«ffto»n, «.»>, T i5 ia .li ii. m J ;»». I C% this towu. aud was the subject of general su|er • STRAW AND SALT. ETC. 7 SOr. tu, V *’■ • To-day an iumnte of M'ith drums beutiu^ i*ikI trumi>ets l»r.iv- table talk. 71 SontL Main Street. 7JP. t:^K* 9 '* m- Among tlie liest kuowii and most d;«v.:iW>n. ».>. Torrlvstuo. 7.'SMiu«t« m I.4«, . the New Uuvt u hi'K- through the |>n!icipul th<»ronirhfaivs “ Bill” Shea is a gentleman of leisure i notorious i>f the iuhabitants are Henry 6.16 |». DI. .Sundar I m : TliOii.4-;v r. 7JT^ in* i.itat M freiii'gfr»>ui “ “*>1 the West End ball and is somewhat of a deep thinker, as ’ CAN'T BE BEAT! lU :7 K 7 s: p. im. ;k m./ 11 V gniUiiils wt*i*e reachH?, the fcceue of the Gibbs, Ins wife and three dmghtei-s. O. hliKI'At:i>. •*rn } : . well «s a practical joker. His favorite , U th« \erdict of thoM iftho have tLied out * . T UEMI 'TI£JM». «.»r r great and festive barl»ecue. I Heury is au employe of the lir.iss works places for i>o!:deriug over weighty sub- I'robiibly two weeks i Craekliug tiivs, aud clouds of »moke j»vts »Ld putting up jobs are ou cracker : FiiniiliPit Fiipplird.'or MtlU br the pUl*-. Piine ! ^ from now/to Ik? laid Ii*de'r«7tl7thr"substauU^^^^^ ''»“‘Hly au.l a ______Uii rels, soap...... box>... s...... and other rural furni- cream aud fruit juice onljr u»ed in manutactnre. I ' KAILKOAD. away iu a pauiH i s aud mutton, indi.-ate,l that; figlit. Popular as are these two eourccs ture, that form the sitting down acoom.»- A thcic: Hue ol ™nf«ilunery. Try » *1».« of our ! T n . l » , W .i „ b u r « sdpirrUmc mxIa thaler. W .G. BHUTAN. ^ . «... w ■ . K'kkI cheier was to be had iu that coruer of domes'ic entertainment iu “Little datious iu the various small sloit^s. Cor. Cole and £ast .Maiu »\*. Fur Frm..n early hour 'Africa,” “ Kier” G ibl« is the ackuowl-: Moudav night ke was di^cussiuir with :«»a. n . l.iNk.3 H» o. i «* Such IS the stoiy ol ni the morniug hail I een crowdetl with ,,lg»tl champion of that dusky district. “ ’ Maggie Do.plar, ageJ twenty-five. She ' l>ei>ple. Tins corner, sncrt'd to the mys- H isniteaiidd was removed a week ago vesteidav fri>in i tenons Messrs. Houimos A- Blitz, was the UlObt prou.. . 1 1 f 1 • . *1 ,1 gnardtMl liy improviseilcouuteis aud sev- emiiloved iu lij thehome of lurs.,ter-in-la«ou canal orJer. Hwrs. washii.g.. .vnrgo, tiunto Antique Fuittitiir**! Oak INiture ('ranies p n. htre<‘t. tiMMiter. Oil Finish »u*t All Cou>r» o! For BufTa)**, Detroit, I'kiraco ' while p*»rtly Hutolu'r Hayts fat on a! Isj\ o IVv*s family is next iu ratik.' **1^11’:“ utteutii.n i'alleil to the fine Railwa>'—lU p » . Ahno^t a yoar ago a iiiaii giving the jmnel, lik^^ itaiulriuu'-, sioing that a ll! Old I'^iac i» also cm|»ii»VtHl at \Va7lacv8. , artiele iu the Sentiu* 1, uUil atter read- ‘ Tei’mVrti*uuabwi?^^ Fur^'eMburgh, -Irrwt Cifjr. Pf Wa>htDiit«'U.w|t|i ihnwica Fiui:. ^ • u»iuf of liim l upiirti:»euis in the Iiail enough. Iu this mybtenous sjiot a -uid is the mau who was the sui ject of ing it throUi:li, lie ha)>(H‘i.e.l to ghiuoe i.KOKCit: «>. ItOOTlI. IH Abtmtt Aw. !»'.« y. ui. dai;y. long l»niwu baililing ninniug l)uck from host of canti*s winked away the a Xt*\v \\*rk | ainr's tWA> tMhui»u storv a ujn A ha|u>y thtui^ia struck Lnu. I C rturn Truino Lriav* — C’anHl hli(H*t, next t*» William D.irlingV eotKl Jellows they weiv. liuteher Mike sli«>rt tim^ a»o, wheu he atmo>t kilUxl n Ti e h*»>tK*r had srrv€^^ a teim in the ?* W a. m : XW. * »•' • b. lVi2Urc::ry Sient:: C^rpc: fReat^ 9.15 x m . . 3..IU. lji»p. m . N r .%1 m.; 3 )* » .# .p m .: N** A L«>< . . : :r.g Co. 1.40, 0 p m ; . p. n;.; U.iA ox.^( 'j U', li :: a b. rar(H t$ b«at«>n :>tiaui«il and tn. Cari>«-1> tuattr u\er. I’artfi»fd. ». !iMtV •. m !• *, « Ca/Mt!* aod S^t-Id p. m.; b nuiii. ►*.*• 11.* { .* tx (Vathrr B*nS ai u lUu rvco\;»T»t\ »».*'* 9. p. m. AU Kihc*> ul i'ardi-t Liutt>g» fuiui»htd. Ni%k Vork. ?* .M a. Bi. ^ »> r. l‘KKKY lOl Mill St. 7 «». 11.-A5 *. B* » > I' k rsr. ctabJe i.-.-i.l.' but the ivst ..t ‘he '‘=“‘ to piv^ .luiet sort of a felh.w, althou-h he has a '•lUU" nU'* d his h>ad toliv>k at him ■ liSlIl TO.fte a » ; 1 m II... - 1* V i ^ 1, TtT. i;I ^. f 11 veut a o,>ro!ier■■v-.v,..,*,.u s iiitpiest ou him,ului, aiiilSvliw court ric*u\l a wife U'ater. aud h;»ve a g o l laugli. wlieu he tlinu-i'l A. A 4 M : ...... a a’:other young uiau with a I’*'*'* Whatever he n.rticts vu l.is the full fv'rc - ot tl.e ii ch stream s*piar»‘ A C KKM»ALI.. « . •. I , inoUH kind, emploxed ou m tvei a^i. , i„„l lams. If to the U-er wuut*^V, better halV l.ow.vir. mav almost K' iu ! is faiv. >.oiik>ug him trt>m head t»i N. W. HREEIINAN i Go. M erii>ex. \vatki:i:i i:v * < t N- ,TT> « « te r« „ , ts . Tt T»uRUolloni;,.'‘^'" -^w heivhel.e.-am eoblM ou-,of the world I callevl for Hih Las a fo«>t. Ihs? Uvstltr Uavl rr'ad the »»i< c v ' X EcriciT KiYu: ia>Ai>. p w. »ior..r.. all hands |^emed ty l>f. ou „t H‘tc K>» ut.ilion. U f. »x-. Goal, Wood Hi CUmoal, Iu II Lt lug of tile I***-f atiil i J^iSi'pli Mi'iirtul-r aud f.imliy atui , .i » h c s t Lir\iiTir< a n d I'X T o " ' ' , w Hand pl«yt^l s.-v- Johu \\>tv«...... Wi l f itu'; cs-jui.Wt« H- ‘ , - t take x.y but buy u c.ike ^ BE=>T 'VuTt-i m iLe;i«e M .*rrFHary, it UM, »«. .u > m e K 'tv i f M t» M |fti{ ali\s;m \ 5I,«ra.loisMt.-Gnu'ler is t,„,.. f iu u e a m„„„i u 'i- '■'*■‘ ‘- - ''^ ■* '" * '‘*1*' O tv r :s Bauk rtiM t. V«U seal N»u'.;.iu«k ” l •»rrhui'V, l>*. ' , I l.K 5 *n*. •? . : p.’ow ' uluvRofthe butchers then took place. I i*iau, but It u»ce^»aty to ii Htvt A\SCN'4 S HORR Bi.E example «*ue cv. ning, riplit lucmhs njjo, a tJni luallv the };t\»uuds tille» ■ »\%riAMrid pUlU'»U»>Ut OU U;s wife a;id j U*%i* X<:« ; ! *7 - ‘ |i|n-tty, iieatiV dti-hsvd J'oUlig wouiau, lieile^ and lieau\.>. some sUi'jw tiavittg family a ilvai k>£ttuer thau is ecu* Tt»«-lUisWainl H jlK» •» «l»» V. v . n5TBr. SANDERSONr i-«ll.-.( at 1iiiihr« More uLil vaid that f Lr^tv I'romMt L » X»a »i . shutdown for tUe nmaiuiter the sisteut w»lU Little A(iic« et!»p«eth\ V. A. *in» C orner XvwtU M aiu Jic (irove Streets. I'lv n nek „f the AiM.thecaries 1 Leav« 7 «.t, ^ .. a*. T afteniwn. ,aaaasavN.us».i«etKv-h.*^. aud as a cv>us*«pHHnv, h,»^ au e\tej»W 'S" vf »|r x C!>Us fv>r aud »k-liver» onlers (v>r the very n . Hidl e.«mjjiy, hud st iil iier for a ham. , A v so m v . at Dutlm 7 i; :■ Kov*t-ball amnst^l the male {K>rii>.>u o{' |^iikv acviuaiutauct^. S*'pt^ 7, l\«rt«»r W. HiSU Ih-sI «piality ol m eats to a«y j'urt ol the oT. Mr. haslened tu wait ou her aud the audiemv. while tUtttvrs tvvap e«l Alu»»sl exety uijht tW youvg r »vv'- vkln' wa-s o***-*- r*'};anfc\i s ' »>»<»' i-f the '■<-ue. of the fo»>t walls iiv>«<.VN» tif tlw*W.T- leiuaK'luUaUt« ™ * R iu u » w uNvfusvi thisuus uieu ?l»s tv.wu. a niAvsl city. I'riois cvusisteutly teaswiable. *i *" up asBiust .\ir. wucox. Imll startUsl a hors** wli«Hfv a t'r\»Wvlof iieot'!** di'tric* »k»v Iv s»vu alvut t W d a tsa u i »h'UuJv»»»\v »n» the strxvN • For Mtfi.v.wn '*•* TrlepUottV. »- bu iK ur Iift--I wards she c.dleil again, and cougregat»>d ainl l>ttt f*>r iV arrival »‘ut iutt* lUe »u.tiu sjrv'* ts m s«au>U '»hile iu a»* CM»* M ■ » V » || kDi > K«ia sl«-hud l>t eu sent b ick t'-r s' me tu>vl « Hh' Ice Cream I Ice Cream! I | .-B» alnl other art l. les. .b.liu »*''en:« Wmcjr'HkhiN' arv m "*»*'>»'' tU*' (Haivvtuett lv> TiivtwKie «if» kcBiby ;»i»a»«tl:».•« ik«» »i.- I.n her tUi-tiui.-, aud .Mr. l..:uia ,\«. the day »W ImMx-rs'"I. ttl»* W rv>VvUUe»»wh\s*HU*t < •*''< '»»*U«tt» »»«U‘ v> U »» tW NKwr ii.w uNA k . I k . , . SUSP.,....UH, rau up to he hats gradually MU^-k tWir Ue,*.K after lav Uvti'tttsl,, da iC£ CRE4V iND SOCA A4Tt9 n'KAIXSlXW EXlW IIAVI V vi'" w'‘i“” " 'i I jth. ir jolty c >tluteuatHV« UttttHsltttttuUHr att-r tike VvHtux tl.e U»U }»vv a \vt\ 'X *v Xotkauit r<»v t'irwll -t At T.vV aB«t »iii» a. «».. -Mr. Wih-oiL had not < r.h-it-.! an\thiu»! ( tl»eir MoUse tails ttittttsrvxl iu is stH'ft. au\l attv'T all UathU a(x< tulU a«Nl v»tt;j>(^'ln^ts4v«' s>rw|>« ■» •»'iv»ts* aUtKii:--'. v’h > R. R A VIkwtvv Lt«w wl t'Mktv«llwa«r]i t a>>(*e. »u I still tlteir (s « *>< «> tfi. »L Via:V. ' ’• It I’Ul ti*. Kirl ««» goue. hats p utly slij^^^l l«».k*>u»Us tlK* IV * >;.ist«U>w. rtsai'^»h>\«Hr Otto litx'm, tILlXK AN>* NU , H.-nitonii.'.Mtm.N i M.N.ii' whoU aiu.',! .lam-ing |>aviUK>u was utilbxsl t>» i's s t w l aw> («\ tltv^* ui^^Utly tt|» iu :s E4ST VI \ STREET a. M . It.v. s H ;i‘. ‘Oi . 7'9»a •». uliM :1m- p H wiih. tl d track»Nl liei* to ‘ tli* utm.isl esLteui with |Mr\au)4> r “li vlis^U'UsI at Uh* u.s>tts»t>vtv Ui^ t«»«'lijiUt h» »!>»' v'i»»A -> wlh> y>*sf»' • v.{- .AT* WM \ ' %t «• t <* «4i <‘aiml ^tr• ^•t wh» r«- tli«* ham U'fing'* fiMT a11 he wus iuttu ' ...... *»!*lity »>*.-- tlK-tx'. wl« t. i e t»‘ k.wV.KK'k uis«*» Uitu with * tl»»'i... ' ‘ ’ « j'-« W . i> fouittl siiutu<‘ni^ , «»n tht' |>au, and 4 VAOt * OCC^ ‘♦C vSt !:.* ii. JH*. • , . disirirt fc. ««tsiv|ei)' tlt*t "'S'*'''*' V ’ r 11^ l-s* \ tli« i*«*adN t«» A-NTED * 'OCLOC^CALL tU* <«>w )v4ie.'«u«u s«'rviv'«''aiv H»U wlh' i> t«nt$«^l »;itl '^•••111^ sli«* wuN diMNkVt'tiNl. iti tW xivHwitv \ t tite w tit;r. \r t\v api<*-«r»>Hu t v\\u » ' tW )»ti*k« «Mit «*n ili^ atid Mr. l«2idd % I rit-tMl wT vu|M-raMl.'H4»*- »»iaMi;esv ■*x tv i>olil\' T^^'MX'tx»^. T.—Tlottui'teti'-. >»ill>.'riutetaleMt K, L ake> «»J t i e DU.HENKVGILL, i*> th«- tril l > th** «»f l\»u« «s'tSv'Ut^ l»\4\l a*"* It*'v\<**«l*K't uu«'V>'(^t^'<:al auxi tl»«' hv<»l '\> xyer" IS a)«(.a(x-ut-y iua«l<> «■ .MmI ^ 1 ;&»%•» 'I Ih-» ji> thr tirvt MMl thf to Watt rl«urx W jtd i c^>^ul»»»»v. br«>«u:l(t « ...... V» «-«lrt««'~t»»«'v''utlh Mihk-lt ksltltv' V»td '\'«»lel» a ll" for otRewl Uss." by the ;>»-»l friend to this e:ty fivuu X'e* Y,«k tin- —^ir«o S\.^UtU >r tie jdiM*.’. Uul It wa^.i m rUtd h*iusi-tn»m >*'rt iu WaNpr str«»'t. fv^riolwle tl»»> >j*u»e Y. M, C. A. U>\v tu |x*^*x\'r was \s'U't.'»l«»Urv, Ittiru ^ tliexxtvk Mr^K«L tiiat tiiiM . tirst <»f the wivk atxl l!»» tw»^>uil« ni«'U thiiu; I'eautit'itl h> U-ltoltC l>lu*;weli.witV of “'|S«hi\" I'liy :* , !!, wa.s \ t.s«k Kslgii'g at the ^e^>v^ll Ikw«^-. Ijk e «l-g«>v »»f im«U'-«^litr ait>l drttt.kx'uut'w i ir^lit a!h*tli«*r iniuati' 11a- t\«iaiuuit.v w»K»'vt;ir»',sl ,^ v lr..»i'iv>rt«il by one . 'f «mr e ‘>IC ^s. most bu'V iiKH, tin* straiij^^-'s ti«»»e wa» e \ sts it IH tiw» latVrpU\V a t^-.au s V iidd'-»i t « tii«* Ii'MI'h*. It WHS Ma;;^rir. (\<)kit<«l iu a ltutU'H>.s| aU m t th at li.- liatl frxxtu lUvx-xvi K.ills to till' |-la«v. \! lirM *4i« ti» U-I lit "I ui limit ^l, and hax.ng a<>>«iup'is(Hvl Ins U> (iunx";*>l >lniuk« uu* >s^ Imt lli’l .■ri:;ud her*-, lie jM>l»aKsl to retire »M>rly. iKHT. w|«..« iu "Littk^ .Vfii»'a" ti.e air j' Ih e ie w eie t»> er.iuii al eh.i»K»'^ 1^1 (iV Jh • ’-JHI'*Ulldih|f^, l»Ut j»nidu* Jttli»f eutl. tj\ e\p.aitxv| hiv^>«tt«ii|^^tt l>y -v-^x iu)! lliat prefel ixaI ;i»;a U'» liet »i|- h« r two iuiusvi.l an«i "S .^'r , ' W . I . ■* ;*(!' I* li iiit*»tl'* wrix"**!! thf «*th» r^. luetniiig to ti» tl»' Ktyrv**'' t» tin ^e In- k-hl Kt'K M>KI»'uh- takeu ill atnl dtauk prattling ^^uMr*l!. ueveitluU" th*y r.\ (Ui*^ IniM th« hii'^Uiiid )ki«( « stuarxl. ^wullt*•ril.g to tl»e eh'tk's > \l k. vt I I t u s »\s that It is . UA wi.ea is ln.lJy a ^uallaui'StnJ »<’ l»la.'kl*wu fi>r a c*ll at with v -u ,> '« x '; th^t liK r»-vijn«atioti The tacis of tln'.wis.'V niatvrair: that ph“;i.'*«‘.’ ait«i e\»-u tlte» oas«* iv th r» « u 1’i« Ii;mI no nii-atl^ <»l sup{»*t|i, was a»\>'5>tx\l svyu,' tit«>,. at>er aud la- “ llouy" li:k.l I. It I'eax-oii K.i.N :« r |'» r s Tlie eh-rk tum.nl the liglit of liis dia­ «>»»t «<■ »sMirt avtlw-rx' i' n\>t 'utK,'i« ut evi :i>»d tin 1*M|| .-liildH-tl WMil'l tall (III- U th«‘ ileia'*' t.» cv't'vix't. h'tt ^«w^^ to ,»ox> «'t i» «i. re uukuowiu and h:> wite au.l ci.ii.ir*'u Kii«»iild tin u«»!u It t«» jail, mond bre.ist piu full tui tlie j;ue^t aial r>>uiui»-ratixe |»»viitt»«. w\'Hf Cx'tm^'iUtl t.i apply to the > ;«e^ star- <1. in . w« n I til to net. Nt»ti«*** was H« r« lurtHsl a >!'>.« tin;.- -ik". mi.I wen el ti.at pluv 5»'r aid. au.l tluy rx\ M. M'ffi 1«« I .Hth«*r l*"i:.’a!i. |i.i"ti»r of th*- "I want to take the :t.ir»» xpi>'>s,' e \- H s OOC AOoLD \C” =^O^wC.\*~V plaiii>sl the gue't. t'iirxsl a |k«4ti<4i .1' K»»> nuirs>l.'*y tou. U r. th*' or W.-I'flikf \ "\V h —« h —wli—what!" staaitiH^rvtl M»«« iMIw KrtinrlMirwl. did h«'^*.«x l'im'»'h in In^ true T he a u tiio iit. ■> is'iix'lii.h d to rx mx'Xe the .-I rk. s.j-e\';A* *lvi%sr %».—.• s^- |.. .1- l*:»d a*" tl»*’ olil«*r otirs. H«' w;>' ;k«luitmi>lK>l by J u .l^ ' Muu>^-r the e'.itax' f >iuiiy to this pUev. as a “ \Vak.‘ tue up ill tim ‘ f«»r th* CJ:15 r*: ■ \ I'tiVMfinii V.t'» HUIliIUoiiitl to til*' lilRMtX.iU VM. S.-J»t. 7, -I 'll- SUetliU rv }!<‘li.>u»<\ l«it tia ' ju < ^ ' n^>-^x^^l tmlx matter >f uomy. IS« f.>r»‘ rvm.'Xta^ «ai. !rtf .«• -r •■--w. , tr in, aiv you ne.d>'' >vie I the geutie- r\r?t ; ir I .tt'^ JuU 1**. Ill til*- U i| lav MaLT!.'i* . of tl««‘ lgtlie «>4u|v «i-s it wa^ i ortilij: .«rd.‘r«xl, that the family U- brought hviv whk-ti a**c , i. ^ , I .B A ‘ • k* till!;' |M i’\ad*ii tli»* |»la«*f. “ M\ dejir'ir." r>‘pli-sl til*'clerk with c lu b o ftih ' «>4U!«tny, *,n* liaxtug gt«',-tt was lU'Ue. atid tLey ^ixi'i. the 'V«K>let“ . ' Y.ai ««l :;u l «x»- 4" I'rc f » ft I*. 11*;, A town ra*«* , tli»* woiu«*u i>rofiis»> |>.>liteii*‘'s and th^ air (“f oue o\»T the mtsliap whi<'h K-t'.-ll *. ii\>uii\';«i s.« p i^ until xou Ilni-'M-lv, • I*- f ,i i t . , M»U to a|»|»l\ to thf >« liH tni«‘ii. who knows a d thau Ills l">teii- tln‘ir tut-mU-rs, tJe^vrg*- i»r;u.'tu w,.iK- It th i' uiif.'rtuiiare f.uuilv. all. f whem .: i • • r . • r, “ I will givf y >u au alanu cloi'k atwl i'-it i !m t did atid th«‘ r Wo;iian >mt <>•« «>•»' of tlh' ix' vut r;il>i>)tiuj: e v are e» rt.-uuly ei.tit!<>l to sym |«tthe' ie aud fu.: I St t it for you, an<'iliti«‘n'. kiii.l 'i.l« rit!ou IU their tui'ioituu.s. ••au h-t yoiii-s<-lf tlir\>ugh tti.- frvMit win T e fo'lowiiii: w\ rx» iv.M,s| Sept. :t. rnia1i\ I'nday n v«* k ng ‘thftoxMi «n- t*u tlH> aftemi»»n in «pt«-vt;ou the »nub Uadii.>l rxveixtsl the tn a tiu iu t m<'t. d window ol tlie otfi"*' ther»*. \w i kuow. L i't funuslusi fix'ui «tKv-v of A, w.i* i ill. rii**\ found ■«tart«sl for I'lark'^ w>»»K t>> "iMle iu" out to or.minals lu U-u g Uvkisl I IeAif*-r. but he »s apt to ov. r- ral>l^t>. aii>l lia«l traw hnl t>«> far iut > tin- M, VV..»>>;er, s.-5K‘t*v>r *»i patetit-, liridgx'- 5>ort, l\« iu ,: up iu this |i(ut of the towu |:ai| «e « ^lUlrt tl ttr< ;ithiii|'t(i>- d» ith lad»*n air, ^l-f|i,l»‘ii>(r b:isyal«>ut tlie pla»-.> all day. exeuiug wlb-!l tln‘ “ l«ark»s| iu" at a Khxanl l\ liuHaid. liii.'g>'|v-rt. sv'rew sliMllld uot liive l»eii di-IK sed to give tit*- «oitiar III til* la'^t Hta^**> ol h*‘r Ml oiir Kiifst> who h i\.‘ t•>«^ateh ttie Ik‘1.‘ iu a walL It was tin- work *»t eu'tiuc ttiu-hiiie: llei.ry Hamuimul. itpwtileity luthe IIck.xlii: H.^wexer. ;t o'l-h^'k train w.ike tl» uw lv.ti with ati a«i iiivtaiit t.^■^;.slr>^- t0uiuiu(etlt<-fe«ret il sMikes us that tt w:u, .lu Rubber Goods- TIh to« 11 :«Utho! }tl«*v I* nioM d thl**** of 'laim cjiH'k and let thtm si‘l\>'s <‘iit < la>l<\ aisl Ite Xew II»xvi>. wn'j.eh; Arthur R HutN die l»>r t\>niiin^ outrugtw is pr«'\>«'X.':t»CREl i.LRtLi; %)»• . hlkll* II t--til* li- III.- at T>l*‘r »-it\. the »iiid‘>w.” ^TxaieUsI with his |iau«K iu |Ik‘ (^vuisij; JHT IS far Irx m U iug a cniuiua’. t'hiM Boar.-> tnid tin |»iit IU th»* hands «it th«‘ It w.'s non the gue>t’s turn t> tilt o r li«4h>w warx'; laiauviUe >1, lUx i- gaj*' r«-a.l\ f.sr tlh> ralJtil t.» run out. rxu. no matter what may have U rn the DOI BLE THICK R \U . tSr.t !►. h and stiire, aud whoh^-souhsl Mr. L»»el.e, . Sxm-tliiug iua>l<' a liftK' stir ou tin nig. New ^iilf.Mnl. wxhxI tiller; Fm ukliii Holiaud.Xew llriiaiu, tuicn>metcr gatige; eiii'e i f their d< s< rt;ou by a fafLer. I .itir l>«*»lun was n looking oil, liid ti.i‘ v.-rv N-st thiiic tie [ (try h-axx's whit'll lineal tlie ||«>ie atiu |.ar> ^ a . s o . n*«|«>’iMl*}«* s**r%aiit girl and was **m uM do under tl e cin-UUistai>e>‘s wlieu ; iiit>uieut afterwarxl-. tJer>q?'V ||atl«K »elx> Jaiutan. Ans«>nw. ekvtrix* gout:; W illiam A, l \ t t . (lU'iibtxiok. sf«am aud fi>n>d to s'eep IU a celi.i>si):utd for DOI RLE Ilili'K E.4LL ii \t\ M r.*Hi»*-ct diU* North Main he brokf forth into his heart i-st *'lla!' elas{>i>l «>xer a Imi t'4i l>lat'k and white th«‘ )(i'et>u<'dalioiis * I er:n.ica:s. We tiituity, who r»*p»p«l»*«l hi-r »s th«* h-IhHV 'fur. eiifiiue: Fr«^K-ric O. Ii.«rkwe;l, Ilart- suu-eiely lm>e tl.at we sbaU n. t spiiu MFA-S EXTRA HE.%VV E rB C C H UM cirt IIha * \t*r fiiijdoxiil. Ma^;n«‘ ^Ai.d this is a city .if inlial>i-: **l liaxv Uiiu" Ih> e\eliim*>l, Imt tin tiud It l.^xssaiy to call the att»nti< n i4 I •I«>ud4*nc\ to g»» uU»;it oiiisid- tantK," easiNsI the pinM as he tk tl;e'»».-\t m>.»ieut la> wa> aliu.nt kihvkol Trade Mark.-Ciwries K. Williams I BOOTS, ' Iteal B trpua r««r > A-r«-.al th-public to such I arrow tre*tn;etit of*I la tT alrrbam i. laid tiiially !«tt for liailfonl, alarm el.K-k un.hT his aria aud sta rtn l ^.-UM^lerisby alh>rriMe.>.lor whii-h'<l “the !>. or whi m we alwaxs have «ith ! hIh' ft'll into 4‘\il «i>iiipaiiy. f. r his un.-erluin j.*ui-uey luto th e L and ; t.» la rx ^ k ' tla- w»w>le atmost>Iivr«-. H,. pr>‘piu-Jti.itis. m x j o c > , of Xisl. reaiixe«l at oue«‘ tliat Ih> luul caught a IhuI* th<* world. .No s liu p .sin« rs ou l?r.tsM K ^ . We give eTrrr ri£.t |>}Msl it like a 1h4 inm. 1 v< RUBBER Boo n • He eallol to his t>>iu|ttuio(is Ixit tl»‘y Kairrr Italry All. A T» lO « f i g h t s * PAINTfcR L .^ wv k C..miuis.i..u.r Kelly was i„ , n f TMra* »lM It. aiHl lir>-ath« fh«- 4 liallf'MC** Itiit liv ix-ltix-nuiut k-av«>.. the sea. watobinir the TThite^-^inS yaclkis - 4*«»l !»«••*«* Mf*. ^ : . T . ' ^ K xvu H h- dog »«Hild mu folk ttee (viblir «t tarrv ttiAt I wa« citt ii»|v.cair4 in with the Rtstou's. WIh^u , , - ...... lop woul.l m>t fotktw him . ainl as tliey onM- «H*-t«tn»'i* oil i-are ■M*<‘a'io u s In- Iio^ie. , N«4a« can«tr iM-re aaU »ia vU to a wumi'^r rrlUNr purchasttl a r< si-rve M-at au.l w assiou. *'l think it must b« aeitgfa:f-al soiUnc oa I SHOEi«. •Oe. «UH»W III r« d. iir«-liiiiil*s5 iiiily b r the Arrixiiig ill tl«» l«ek x-:»r»l la' Imri.sl 1%3U hr C4»r lie»e t** run Burkr «f Nrw B?i|« sueh a toxt*!? n.ghl." within the in.'h»^ure. .Vs he wassaiiiiter- a:;<. a *ac\\ Auctt'^t lU am) that Ih* wa« ;?niac We have rapes tk»«* Sli> a . anti l»>fnnl«nfs tt oxer t» maJkr tb. k. moxitl his U tl into tl«' attie. wherx' 1m> **1 wish I otrned one f<-r yr>ur sa^*. X ■ •■•iii.T <>f all a4ltiiinii|; crowd ti e of'er tiresKlble g.imilis shoutisl out: “ t ’ollle aaJ «ril Aa**':*** Tha? t»* MlSSCi i>CHO»»L SUol>. II to i 111 will remaiu and take h i' >ummer xav-a- woutj take yxm sailini; everr nicht.'* ■»d «a> It-Joii'ilig his might. Kellv giv.- us some of your “ tutti frutir" mntberar^ *'4 Baikr. Ba! we ba%! tioii. •'That woulil be jusl ioveiv • • € ■« . Im iir tiiial'y siid h*- coiiM li^ht any t tiirt'ommissioiier was surpiiM*.!. .\paia IwR bT ma:I not Tx> Sark Xtv'aa, a;* he wa« liixii in thf i-ro««l. No» siii'h a state “Wnat kind of a vacht wnu.d Ti>a prefer CHILDRENS- SCH»X)L sn«?Ii*, tli.‘gamins shoiitisl it aud the crj' was Tlierx* is no iiiorx* ecxmoisiirtj ipm a.le to p ajr tor **5^tt» kx rs. ' Wo >»«*re a —* steam .varht or a sailing otef ' 111 till- pr<-s<'ii<->' of any ImhIv <>f taken up by several <>tli*T (^mill's and than lirusx'N. :mie»ht 'Caneatti re^l'»e^t ?«» hax^e aav- "I thiuis." stte murmuretl. as «se r'asced to l«4. 73 <>m«. Tijm*p .4tu. ri-aufc IS »et_x M|*t lo rrsult in so. >11 a t.ii-t reply came from tliu f.'rx-.it > — thiiMS tuUo he irie»! :o run a race ar<>und, "I think I wuulii prefer a u'.U* WE ARE RET.UUNT, BIXyTS \ \ D a l iioM- find It did n<.t taki- the Ki'lly who was iu the fi.-hl toaMUg the j HESS A SHV AND MOOEST VAN with two imve well ka*»wn .»! rwnner». b*il snack." |i«rt <>t a minute for Tom SHOES .IT WHOLESALE PRK E3t b*.l. tNmirais.sioi;er Kelly, however, fa.irdXf« auve*r*ce aMer a«tver tMoj u in the Shei;ot It.—Boston Courier. II ‘TiHisH. a tailor, a siualh-r man tlinii had seir.e.1 the sitiiati. u ami re^Iibsl Rr|H>rlrr I'rank suiilh «;<•<% I'ni^inrtl It... Eveninje Ser.tinri auU tho pubiie. St.- p aid, to ol1«.r to "iio” him hitU'elf rausr hr < Ihr L4»4lie%« Taliinc a .Ifeaa A«lvaMt«c*. that the remark was utit iuteud'.l for Tx» c»t wr;ie> a oew«pajH*r art)«-:e „ -v u j" e . «tt.i,B «.„n.uiK I.n.| iMisti. g, , ^ ^ids did m.t w^iut C»Mw^iv»o ier-ce »»f ifcr Si s»»r lUitam ) au«itowaa< he wa» afr«iU to nrm«:n here .\t a nntdiuir breakfast the convcrsatlo* RAHETTL any turned on loncevitT. l« K.»»T Xi.%l> « -t» irT of his famous tu tti fnitti ii-e cr*>am. Axs«ixt.x. Sept. T.—n.-|«orter Frank anU hack a? Malen^e*!*, Now thore is a I* 1 •.••le W1.S til.'mealest'J r r lulert st niaui-. of his famous _ tu tti fnitti ice cr.>am. Smith Iris just <-i,rx‘tum.sl fn«u.-. his xwu-,, ft han.U ofJ. ix, Delanev of •'In our faniilT," said the bride's mother, ff.'t.'.i liniin-«l|.t«-l», f.irevi rvoth. r f.’llow Messrs. T. an.l K. H. FlX‘n.-h. tiou at Mourxie. w hetx'hehas lxvus|vurfnt»h« Sol»R'>rc»a “we live to be x'eiy old. There was my fa­ III til.- «-r»>«dlii.d l .-en Miziiis She)>hard hriithers, oalle.1 at the H er.uj> ofKci' * . i*>g ***•'*"-'•* ’*e*‘k. Mr. Sm ith has not m»we. «i»tca race >'f »no mile t.« ni» :a «»e ther, a drugeist. nho did not d:c tiatii h« IDTDAL SAIPLE fiOOl up »lfh « view t.i thumpnif; his riltsaii.l ,l„v twoago ami exhibit«Hl a wisp «»f' f«‘liug well f.»r the jiu.'.t two wi-eks, »«-k»fr.>m artiein or luir lai e in i*« was over a hundred." ••And you never even hinted it to m«,’* 83 SOUJH MAIN STREET. ah d.m H. rriK-iuiuith. ir reitreMMi- ImV which was cut and stor^^^ away in ^*avillg U^ u iHnsoutnl tMi the h.imls with wwk fm» the «««ir f.T fr«m to ts.X)» said the newlT-made son-ln-Uvr, in • This plare ha* l'«rD tW cusb^T oxer tative Tlicx ih i< f.iiv ndj.mriUHl from the mow in 1S41. M.-u--luill Miller^ jm wild mercurj'. wm pu‘>Ii»h tl>i» ta J«jt n n t t»*ue, proachtui tone.—Judge. l».u t’aasi Jy’spl.^cetoKelley’salley Biid ol.l, w.«lthv, ••.xvutric farmer.if To lami. Tw'i w.vks ago be xisitetl Merwin's I remain'-our* tml.v T J. banltil, rrnoTatetl aztii itn e ra lly elrwi» 11> tw«-.l t.> h«ve It out. W iliam Mii.s.s., heliKHl to take in tlmt hav in hisl»oiut whetx- then- s.vm s to lie a verr ■ .Vs».'M.. Corn .sept » ______Intere«te«l l*eo^le. i np, and is imw io Crst class onlrr. Harxe* »,-,slasShephar.r. M>coud and Ih.vIhk-I. Ue still Ims two t.ms of it, gn atattractiou fviT him just at present.. ll.»t»«laa« F.x..r.-.II.V Fortane. .\dvertLseing a patent meilioine in the } «»“*»“>«» '•tich the pn |.r.«U Willi.iu I»jy ..u p rform.sl llie like H„d itisassw«vtaiidfr«'>htoHhiv_ ...... a.smuch They.mtig...... ^ ______la«lies at____ this jiopular . resiirt. . ^ , 1 Mt*.»-inn*rinr».ii.i..i. ,>,h»tinei'»IUh« Mr,, ..r? s F.' T«,H.r.r . m.m wviiliur wav iu wW'li the pri.prietiT of 1 t o tnaintaiu. L iiidit ofK<'<.»f<>rllomgan. reteK " • ■ ^- .-lley of tlie late - mowii:i;s of - the - iM.st • summer arx> a»vustonH'»l to make fW -v cil&hious . . . . , . . •'* .. -B>»tonU»».------j Kemp's Biitsani f.ir Cough, and Colit*' T he Q aality of tb e W iiw saB j LM|Bt..t The M.-ssrs. French have been enjoxiiig to W u-^1 whik sitting on tlii nvks. ‘JJfl Lli i *'* Uke ifc'Uie .'th.r tiret rate talkers, g vacatiou on his ittOO acre projiertx' On the evening that Fiaak sat on the Mn-. » i»»e^me'nt »•» nw ' 'l*^**fg^tsto jpve tli«»se who •••U for it I St. Lonia Lager am itrangio. Klie«.lHT>l luov.s) lo lie a lo tg disttiiioe auionir tlie tn*nt stn^m s aud lakes in iw ks an orang»* colored canton flaaiM*! i>er».w limoth.r»i»l hi» fnend Wm. tarry. m»i a .sample bottle fn>e, that tliev may try ! CkntlrmeD ai* invited loealL % l.ier aii.1 muiv iiu liii. d to d.xige th»u t ,e B.‘ikshire hills. cusliion sttiffwl with fc-athers was nse»l, it Wfore puicha-siog. TheL»rge Bi^tUii) « -W A iiairrM ' i>-r.ir. bit out froio the slioulder. Tue fight,1 . ------oui but irit waswas n«>l not bi^ enougti enougli Ufr for two two ana and H.* « pool foraii laree, S* « iwana l fofIhrinickeu an ”*k«. .^o.:Co. s*.re«.S«.r»«, are 30c and 8L0O. We certainly w.mid ’ «. *• mAKTHI, *TOp. m-aa awanleil to the nervy little taihirn ini u , ' Two cakes of Bras^els soap will do Frank is too jpdlant to crowd a Tounir ? ....------ft! ------.ww. advise a trial. It may save you from WQUam B. Xartia, fonntrli with ilcs . tix- third rx>uul. Shepherd auJ hia. mon; washing tLauthive of wiyotlier. , aly. Hence the midiaiv ^ oonsamptivn. ^ Ida, Hwtford.


tm w u ]o«UPd off tbe seat andtbeUnd. I HOW A WIFE WAS WON. wheel ran over it, mashing it as flat as a I BUiirS VISION. were for the rest of the night, and lop th e men of the future • revenue stamp. The Major grabbed it m>, down to sleep and forget our di.e tlieirfiitiire destiuies. liegiii T o R e n t . in Winnlnff a Widow. ! after the buggy. The next morning Burt Ferris, the wit of on the Enemy. our company, noticing the glum, silent now by biiyiug their clothing mit of first ! “He happened lo look up and saw the ' liamU*. We aro the muuufartiirer» of widof^s house on the bill and then tbe i Turner looking dageers at the inno>-ent EOBABLY the most ACK TURXER wat ' ‘‘^Jrchard,” s ^ d : “Jack, I had a vision lost the good Piiilailelpliiu matie clotliing. onibarrabtiin? x^urt* dreadful thought came to him that that fool - oolt, which was raised on the widow’s farm, ! story-teller of oar i , To buy of nsme»usas;iTiiig of THIRTY ship on record was' companv, a n d we you did," retumca oar that of a basliful would stop at her gate as sure as fate. Just j P E R CENT. I then his coat fell out and he snatched it up 1 alwavs loved to listen “what d’ye see!' Texas Major, wliich to h i s well-spun i * dreamed,” said Ferns. looking around Hirsh’s Ten Per Cent. Clothing Com- rulniinatcd in his aud scrambled into it, made a desperate j IT WII.I. 1-\1 VOI Tt» « ,»T spurt, grabbed the back part of the buggy, vams-equal in the ; «■<-'« Vstea- imny. The only clotliing lionse in the m a r r y in e a rich incredible to any old- ing, “that I was sitting on that old tree- young widow, who, and crawled in. He just got settled in the | state who niamifiicturt' tlieir clotliing. seat as the horse stopped at Annie's gate_ I t a r ’s reminiscence trunk yonder and pickingoff Bragg ssharp- is now one of the Poor KmoUett had time only lo quickly but- "before the uiast.” shooters over there. And. just a* I was 72 Rank street, oi>i>osite the i»o8t oflice. most ptipular mcm- going to dropa tall, lank Southerner, I no- Tim fio sli 99c Store Uif his coat up to his chin, draw tiie buggy- Some people are Look for the White Front. | bers of Kt. Louis so­ b o r n story-tellers, tii-od a dark, formidable object in the sky ciety. Tlie circum­ robe over his bare legs, and cram the other tliintrs beneath it. when Annie came out. and some, by dint of being lowered directly overthe rebel troops. Our factories are ItK-iitetl at 4:$ North ■ And soe tho wimliTfiil l^rgaiu.s stances were related She liau lieard tbe wheels grinding on the hard struggling, get “ • W hat's that!’ I asked, and a voice from Third street, and 306 Market street, . to me by a planter on Heaven answered: 'Put up your gun! Tliat they arc gravel drive and came to the window to see up to that enviable Phil:idel{ihin. Pti. the Brazos whose who it was. Seeing it was Smollett, she level; but Jock be- deadly thing descending yonder over Immeii- i ’’ton and corn-fields adjoin those I came______out to_ the___ gate______to see______what he______wanted. gan to reveal his penchant for the voluble Bragg's army is sufficient for them; it's ...... S of the Major and of the ex-widow in ques­ There she stood uilking to him, her dimpled : »o early in childood that he was adept in Jack Turner's thumb V " ELEG AN T j? tion arms resting on the gate-posts, and smiled ! “''t long before he reached his majority. | *In the ® generali laugh which followed you ...... S ••tt’e;;. !-.r,'' f^uid he, “she was reared here Turner's wild gesticulations, and Boston 99c Store, warmly up at him, wliile cold chills chased ' when th.> ------F A L L ------and was the Rwe.'iest and most popular girl , o.V., d„ivn his shirtless hack . be was really an indispensable necessity. when the merrimenmerriment snbsiJed he blurted in Texas She was kno«-n every when-, and from his head down to his bare feet beneath ' -^nd at no other time was he moresothan threateningly; “Jerris, if you love your S ...... 8 v:a« count?! in Ualveston■ and AusUn ai irom ms uonnwj nisuari leii oeneain , in wintnr niiart..r« at nan existence, vour friends and vour country, 8 OVERCOATS. 8 J. BUCKNER * CO., wr.; as in Ht. l»uis circles after she re­ the robe. 1 he sweat just boiled out ofium I 'InTs. ^ ever have another vision « and mixing with the dirt from Ills ma.shed ' '*r .mvexDense’" J?...... turned from M-hiKil and trom a tour of Eu­ hat made muddv streaks all down his face. 1 war-cloud seemed afar off to us some- - «.rhan, but rope. But she always seemed to like Texas • | how, laying around in the horizon, coming I more, perhaps, but EL RIO REY, tbs best, ilajur Smollett b<>gan to shy ‘‘Annie asked him to get out and come in ! up sometimes like dry weather showers, ! joined in such hearty merri- rj9 SOUTH 5LVIN ST., No; he didn't have time, he said. Still he tfoand her wiien they grew up and took ! only to elude us until we felt that we were ment that he touched his cancap and turned Sketch an«l Tirtare »f th« It^t Two-Tear> made no move to go. He didn't liku to ask ber to singing-school and other country actually “siwiling for a fight.” on his heel. Old lluiiuiiic Hume of tbe Year. frolics while she was here, ^ e was bash­ her to pick up the lines, for he could think Well, wo went back to Danville, feeling W.VTERL'URY, COXX. of no excuse to giv«“ f«r not doing it him­ In the few days’ stop at , before ful, and while we all know t e was in love reaching our winter quarters. Jack had that we were the victims of a practical joke with her and she with him, blamed if he self. Just then he looked down tbe road IT some strategic performance perpetrated and saw a bald-faced horse coming up, time to brush up the old yarns and even didn't let that cussed flat head Joe Broadus manufacture some pew ones if necessary. by some unknown party. with a man in a buggy. He knew it was But how easily it was explained when we cut h;m out and marry Annia Joe only -\nd we imagined he did, for during the TRY “ MURRAY HILL" lived two years, and in less than six mouths Ed Wilder, and he made a desperate effort,' struck DanviUe! And when unco made blushed like a red-hot s\ove. and told the monotonous melancholy which settled down »fter he died it was plain to all, except on us from about the middle of November Kmollett, that the widow was more in love widow bis errand. Annie said she'd l>e de­ lighted to go. But wouldn't he come in like a nightmare until we left Danville, With him than ever. there was no break in our routine like the Jav a Gofifee “They were l>otli wanting each other, and for a minute or two! No; he must hurry, as he had to go lo Colonel Greene’s. sound of Turner's musical voice. he too bashful to sh.v up to her. We all But t'.iero came a time when even Jack SOLD ONLY AT Itnew that with her chanrcsand i>eing alone “ *Oh, how fortunate!’ said Annie. ‘I grew disgusted with trying to kill theennui in the world with so much prop«‘rty was just going to Colonel Greene's myself of nothing lo do, and his hair-breadth es­ M. J. FOGG’S, 115 NortH Main. llAVi:* A KINK ‘■.So 1 said to my wife one day: ‘Maggie, poor Smollet could say to himself. Any | and found fault, aiid some of them began to a pheiiiinienon Ml the season, but he has been I'm g'Ung to bring that bashful fool, Smol­ other time he would have been in the discuss the matter as to whether there was aceonled hi.s unquestioned rank as leoaler by lett, and .\iiiiic together.’ She told me I seventh heaven of bliss at the way things rcaiiy any war or not. rea.siin of his recent victory in the Eclipse liad bi-ltcr let them alone, as 1 would most had turned out, but now he wished he was So thing.s wasgi-a on in the Danville slakes at Westchester, when ho did three- likely make a mess of the whole thing. 1 in the other direction. "I wouldn’t let that quarters until one day the whole regiment quarters of a mile in 1:14. Still more recent­ •:lowod that I did not sec how I could do addlepated Ed Wilder see me in this fix for was thrown into excitement by the receipt ly, at Morris park, he did the ^m e distance CRAYON iu 1:11, making a new record. Vorse than the Major himself was doiuc, two farms,’ he said. And then he grabbed of a dispatch from Liouisville. It was sup­ made of the <>iir Crayon- far !sitioii at the Orchard, and force throat latch to the breast, which is full but 90 BANK STREET, •• ‘Yes. I've seen so 1 ve lieard.’ he re- as fluently as If each had been his mother narrow, well iiu*liiieossible. tongue, and vow that ‘-if the Lord would jilicii. bl'ishing like a turkey gobbler. said ttie Major. Whoop! Hurrah! Here was a splendid and deep ribs closely coiipleil. and full flanks. Next to Mannfitctnrcrs’ Xationa] Bauk. just give him the opportunity he'd lick the His tiest and most striking point is his enor­ “ •-An.i.' 1 continued, careless like, ‘I've “ ‘Why, ain’t you the man that had the chance to thrust that miserable enemy whole Bragg army with his ramrod.” just bi><>n up to town, and John Ilobinson’s race after the hor.M; down at the creek just through and through, and the Ixiys in- mous qiuirters, which are as ma.ssive as those nowi’ asked the boy. You see, this was the way we were of a sti>er, and run away down full to the liie show IS coming, and every body and his tended to uiakc the best of the opportu- fooled. Ret)el General Bragg had IxHin at W. H. COLLINS. #rirl is ,r ';i.c 1 was over to Judge Wilder s, “ ‘No, sir. I'm not, and you'd better at- ■ nity. Crab Orchard, and wanting lo pass his gaskiu; bus ariits are very big and broad, and DE.VLER IX and I ai>e '.hat Kil has a spanking, span new lend to your own business.* it nearly j Willirg feel and nimble fingers busied troops through Danville in order to strike ULs legs are gooil, as aro his feet. Flue T**»«. <’olTe4»H mihI lir«*rrrie*», C'h«»i«*t» and a fast horse, and is going to take broke his heart to lose those new boots, but themselves maki!i^ preparations for to­ His worst point is his ankles, which are not l.ii|ii»rH mimI liiipitrtrii Louisville, knew tiiat he could not without KincheVs Golde.^ Weddin?. James E Pepper*# Annie to the show. He has lK?cn hanging il could not be helped. Then he said to morrow’s marcu. It seemed more liko trouble while we remained, iheix'. It was the best. His action is rather slovenly and around her a (rrcat deal every time he gets Aniiio. as she was getting in the buggy: getting ready for a picnic than any thing sluggish in liLs slow i>aces, but when extendeil Monnt Venion Rye. in Uairv<4 and Buttle^. the custom of the General to carry tele- l*«le Ale 4»ii llraiiKht 5 a chaU'.x?. Hy jings. 1 wish I was a young “ ’Pick up those lines, please. This fidgety | else, ^r^hic instruments with him wherever he Is very taking and his propelling power enor­ fnan. I I c’jt that popinjay out. Annie's too colt is forever switching them out of my ! Jack Turner put away his story-teiUng I went, and thinking of a ruse to quietly get mous. In short, he is like his brother Em­ 135 South Street, Op. G rakv. a wnman to marry such a sap-head as hands.’ She did so, and he pulled one ; Propensity willingly and let his volubiUty ! us ourof i)anv“ilie foV a season, he stooiied peror of Norfolk in style—enormous size, I>1 Wi; :er, thi';igh il she takes him we can't corner of the robe carefully down so she branch out in boa^sling of what to-morrow , ^oad and telegraphed to us, in Gon- bone and sulistaiioe joined to high quality. iilani ■ her much, as slie is so very lonely, could get in, and she setUed herself con- ■ wouid brin-forth, as it, of course, should | eral Thomas’ name, the aforesaid dispatch El Rio Rey wa^fiMUHl June It!, lSs7, at the OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. iin J me:; who seem to have any sense arc teniooly and said: , fairly smother in welU-arned laurels. | So, of course, when we obeyed orders it El Arroyo stud of Mr. Theo. Winters, in \SS.\GETirKKTSTOOR FROM EUROPE, too shy tx) ^[K-ak til her. Goewhillikins 1 if “ ‘What a lovely October afiemoon! We! completely, he left the wav completely clear for the John- California, and is a full brother to Duchess F by all the ilrst clai»:t Hues of strainers. Drafts I was only single I'd show them a thing or don't need the rt)be over us, do we?* She chuckled, “and put our loyal thumbs down j nies to pass without molestation. While we of Norfolk.Duke of Norfolk, King of Norfolk, at Iowc?«t rate^. e. 'Full huti on a new dress and a pair of new shoes oil so to siwak; then we'll bragovet \ ^vere plodding along toward <’rab Orchard Vera, Eiii|K-mr of Norfolk and The Czar. informatiou furui:el General and his men lay on tho Duchess of Norfolk was run in the east in ovi i ■ ; ,iy l!iat he wanted to borrow “ ‘Oh. you'll feel cool enough riding, and 1 | next morning by four o’clock we ! mountain atiove laughing in their sleeves to ISSJ auii showed an ability to race with the unnie fur the hands to pick wouldn’t have you catch cold for the world.’ 'vere all ready and in line of march. Oh, | see the victims of their strategy so obedi- best. King of Norfolk was a first class '.J- John Ryan,97 Bank St la t... h< til town and buy some. J Thiscare for her health pleased her, and | Rueh effervescence of loyal vim! AVe fair- ■ ent. year-old, but he trained off early. As to she contcnii'd herself by sticking one little I? grexv nervous with the excitement and Of course, nothing was easier, when the Emjieror of Norfolk, ho was probably one of fi»t out. There was a necktie on the end ehainped our bits in expectation; a jollier, wav was thus dear, than to i-ome down and the best race horses which appeai-eil in this of it. more eager set of blue coats never kept I march through Danville and go on their country during Ihb generation. The Czar “ ‘Why, Major, that's a necktie, isn’t it?' step on the classic grounds of “Ole Kain- way rejoicing, seeiiieil likely to follow in his footsteps, but Teieniiici) f i ie n l fioons. He said it was oin' he bought a few days be- tuck'' than our regiment as we left Dan­ Ever after that when any thing disap- after ginning the California Derby last fori* in town, and he guessed he'd left it in ville, sleepy Danville, tiehind us on that I pointed, or some plan prove abortive, we spring he dieil at Council Bluffs while on his M-VKKET PL.VCE. the buggy. winter’s morning before daybreak. I christened it “another Crab Orchard fight." way ea.st. Gentlemen will tiiiil at these parlors •That's very careless,’ said she, reach- Jack Turner fairly stood on his head in But Burt's vision had come to slay; and Norfolk, the sire of El Rio Rey, was a liay ing down for il'and trying to stuff It under '*>e ranks, figuratively speaking, so elated I hi Ume, when Turner's wounded pride had colt, bretliiug is cnnilncteil ijuietly, little hand going down there and he mado a oyer the long silent chasm and of put- over getting his‘‘thumb on the enemy.’’ imp. Glencoe. Nor­ aud first cliiss iu every respect. d-spnrate grab for it and clutched it in his , Orchard “rebs.” M .lXll.V L. C llO C K tB . folk was never beat­ and held it hard and fast. Then thev went . V® en on the turf. As Tlic best of cigars anti finest tompcr- on in silence, he still holding her hand and . ^ for a lot o’ frisky‘Yanks’ at midnight (iath'x Lartt I’icuic. 3-year-ohl he won aace drinks only arc sold. she wondering why he didn’t sav.something ■ ‘^ " ‘ghtdown there, said he “and some Whep Geprge Alfred Townsend lought a sweepstakes a t ni.-eto her as well as squeeze' her hand ® will go beyond this dark and bloodyhis country place on South Mountain, and St. Louis, beating John Partree, He was wondering what ho should do when ' built bis house upon it, he ruined a picnic- Tipperary and Away we went, never dreaming what a ing place which had been used by the peo­ he got to Colonel Givene’s. 8ho wondered others. Mr. Alex­ MANAOEK. why he had his coat buttoned up to his chin “fool's errand'’ wo wero in for, or that we ple of the surrounding country for many ander then sold him on such a warm day, while the perspiration should return on the morrow lo our quar­ years. Some farmers came to him in the for iH.-i.OOl, theixld was boiling out of him, and why his face ters akin to the proverbial fisherman, only summer o* 1SS.5 and asked permission to dollar being exact­ nELL:wAm!« * K ir p. was so dirty, and what smashed his hat, a great deal more disgusted. have a private and select picnic on those ed to win a bet XX MAKE THE when the ini-ditalions of both wero cut Night found us several miles from the grounds. The dislinguisbed journalist which he hail niaile short by one of tiie traccs coming off the Bupposed battle ground; but we pressed on readily gave permission, and the evening with the late H. C. lug as they went down a gulley. deltruiined as ever to tingle somebody's was named. Invitations were scut to about McGrath, that he BEST LAGER. ll' T HE TIAS IlllinX LNO fp. ‘“ OLordy!' exclaimed Smollett. ears before next day if possible. At about twenty-five persons, but when it became eleven o'clock at night we halted at Crab known that the affair was to occur, every would sell one cf NAUO. VALLEY BREWERY, him where they wore, and then 1 “ ‘What is the matter. Major?’ asked An- . i, - „ laborer, farm-hand and tough in the vicin­ I.iexingtoii's c o ils credit to a knot-hole and listened, for 1 knew nie, with a jerk that came near pulling the ' fel- f o r more money Waterbiiry, ------Conn. rolie off of them lows. age invited himself. Beer bottles, water­ that be had a hab'.t of talking lo himself. What did it mean; this stillness of the melons, whisky flasks and other devices than he paiil for Ilk' l>a*hTul p<'»plc, when bothered. •• 'Matteri Why, one of the traces has liCxington. In Mr. come off.’ midnight watches hanging over this emptif fur exhilarant pleasuKS were carried in •• 'Blame that young jay Uwyer,' tie said. pockets and baskets. There was a terrific W inters’ h a n d « “ ‘Well,’ said she, with a smila, ‘why Norfolk won th e SAMPLE BOOM ‘Wah tiis s'.ick tongue and no brains he time at that festival. It extended into the AN1> MUSICAL MEAI>Qt'ARTER9. ISint* h'‘ * tir»l in every thing. Got a new don't you get out and pul it on?’ Jersey Derby a t “ 'Because I've got.—I mean I haven’t small hours of night, and the grounds were CASEY Wl.NCllELU Patrons will itnil our t^tock uf . ba* Lk! WclU so have I. and his filler for a hog-wallow tho next morning Paterwin, N. J., linrs^' can't hold a candle to niine. By gosh! pot—1 mean—OLordy, Lordv, what shall I beating Tip|K-rary, Kentucky, Rigle ami ten LIQUORS. ALES. WINES AND CIGARS. der than for the shaded lawn of a retired and The Very 6e5t. Rallantine'^ Ale on Draught. I've a mind to- yes. 1 will go this afternoon retiring literateur. The following Sunday others in -i-W'*- He was then taken to Cali­ •• ‘Why. George,’ said she, tenderly, call G. Kt'DOLPU, Proprietor* •od ask her Ic eo to the show with me, and a local preacher scored * Gath” unmerci­ fornia, where, in tho spring of 1S8.'), he de- 14 Scovill Street. tiicD I .. «iie»k out and show Gus Wiley that ing him by Us name in a way that would fully from his pulpit, calling him a ••wine feateil I»li, two mile heats, in 3:4o'4, 3:42^4, I m n.'t s jch a donkey as he and his wife have made him get over all his troubles in a bibber, a drunkard and a teacher of 3:.'ii;'4. The same autumn he won three iiiilo th:nk me. even if I did let Jvhanalian revelry.” There was no heats, beating* LikIi in 5:273 j, .5:20,'j. In tbe J. Ji Me AULIFf’E, •bead of me ttie first time.' ter. dear) Do tell me,’ and she gnvo his newsp^aier publisLed at ‘•Gapland,” and opinion of many Norfolk was the best son of “ I a.most laughed out at this, ana went hand a little squeeze and looked up into his I “Gath” was unable to get even with the Lexington. XANUrACTUBIR AND BOTTLKK OF •ml toid Magcie how it was workinc. face. Khe saw his awful look and thought churchman. But ho allows no more select Marian, the dam of El Rio Rey, Emperor ALL KINDS OF MINERAL WATERS. ••Smollett had his new buggy and fast coll he was going to faint, so she got out her picnics on those grounds. of Norfolk, King of Norfolk, Duchess of Nor­ -----Agent For----- with______him. and tiapi>eni>d_ __ to be dresstNl______up,_ __sc smelling bottle and stuck it under his nose folk, The Czar, etc., was bred by Mr. Joseph BEADLESTOX & WOERZ, he had his man •‘ut the baskets in the wagon t« heave a mighty A Preacher Consresflman. Caim Sunpson in Illinois and taken to Cali­ AL.ei« m 4 p o m t c r m , !«. y . ’ and he started off toward .tnnie's country sigh. He got a full whiff just as he was Alfred U. Colquitt, of Georgia, is a lead­ fornia. She was a daughter of Malcolm SAMPLE ROOM bone. He drove along musing about hi« taking a deep breath and the shot;k made ing light of tbe Helhodist church. South. (who was long considered the best son of '■Ba Biink Street, Walerbiirjr, Goan perolexity until he i-ame lo a deep creek him lose his balance, as it knocked his head He looks so much like a typical Southern Bonnie Scotland), her dam being Maggie OWT which was a high bridge. As he got on back, and he went tumbling a flying somer­ clergyman that visitors to the Senate gal- Mitchell, by imp. Yorkshire: gramlam the ihi* bridge he gave a tremendous cough. sault backward out of the buggy. leries usually mistake him for s preacher. renowned mare Charmer, the best mare Oa. bnrror*' his new teeth went flying over “The pretty little widow screamed when He is a noted temperance orator, and a good of tbe day on the turf and a daughter of POOL nil SAIPLE1 0 1 . ihi- dashboard and do wn into I he clear water. she saw his bare feet and legs go flying •■A;**: Christian; but not a preacher. There is imp. Glencoe and Betsy Maione, by Stock­ was a pr«'tty fix. The show coming on past her bead and she covered her face ‘•THET iBES’T LOOKING FOB A LOT O’ FBISr] only one full-fledged clergyman in either holder. •nd no time to get another set of teeth with her hand lo hide her blushes—or TAXK3.” house of Congress, and that is Congress­ A portrait is given of Casey Winchell, 191 BANK STREET, made, and his new ones, that cost so much, laughter, Smollett never did know which. man John A. Anderson, of Kansas. He the jockey who rode El Rio Rey, both at lying down m the bottom of the creek. He But he was right side up in a moment and and outlandish place! Where were those looks more liko a prize fighter than a Westchester and at Morris park. roust them, a» that hateful young was leaning oeer the back of the buggy Johnnies, any way* preacher. But he is a good man. In the D. H. €A«E¥, Prop. Wilder was not like’.}- to let grass grow apologizing and trying to explain when That there had been some egregious mis- home mission work for years, he had no under his feet. Maggie and 1 drove up on our way to the | t'^e somewhere began to dawn an us political aspirations until some friend sug­ Une<|nalli><1—Bni.ssels soap. •■Kmolieti cl.mbtd out ot the buggy, post-ofil(%'. { plainly, for there was not a rebel soldier in gested to him the advisability of going to Hfiuliniiirtcrs for the fumons H0LLY> Isoked up and down the road to see that no ‘•Smollett said he'd rather been shot than ' vicinit.v, nor no aigna of recent camp Congress. The proposition weighed upon WOOD WHISKEY. onewaa.'■'ming and then looked overthe have me and my wfTe come up and catch we could ste his mind, received tha proper amount of bridge. Y*-s. ihi-re were tho teeth at the him in such a scrape, but he couldn’t help I A groan of disappointment and eiasper- spiritual guidance, and then he commenced A full line of thrf best LIQUORS and bk. the iittle tisnes swim- himself then, and so he called mo lo him and ated ambition ran overthe regiment, and to hustle for the nomination. It seems that CIG.\RS in stock. m ug alK'Ut tliem anrt rubbing tneir noset soon explained enough for me to see how | the soldiers began to indulge in some very he has ceme to stay, as he is exceedingly COLD LUNCH served daily. popular with his people, and has taken high 310: ]l4-3n» rank in the House. 28 SCOVILL STREET, Thn Tune Was Appropriate. Be«t of Lui'iorii, AlfS, Winef and Licer. C> olee *nd went down ard dived for hii and wo fixed him up by the time the women there wai no mistake about that, and it The reporter for the Associated Press did Brands of OiMrs. Full orchestra every Tucidsjr, Billiard Parlors. i.c-h He got I'aeui. ilttej them iu his returned, but wo had a tough time getting came Irom Thomas, too. Well, this was the not mean to perpetrate a joke. He merely Wediid^day and Saturday eveuing«. The finest pool and Billiard Tables in m - a:;d wa» coming out when he hoard a him in where Annie and JIacgie were. 'We place, surely; but who was able to go fur- wrote out and sent for cold type the actual evenme. Oriiaiupntal paintmsr. A i«peciaUy made of lard* the city are to be fonnd at r;:mbi !ig no:!-e down the road and a little all had supjier together, and as we laughed ther and clear up the mystery and answer occurrence There was a great procession and fre«co«. Rears'* a? Skroviil, street. 16.T BANK HTKEET. 'g burkii.g ^ike u-.ad. Smoi.ow's horse wai heartily over it we managed to worm the the dozens of irate and vexed questionst and President Cleveland was reviewing the Everything is first c!a.*« and gentlemen ti?- •• -rart.-d to go. whole story out of the Major. Hodrovethe Turner's face grew two shades blacker troops in New York City. The time was are guaranteed polite attention. • «■; « WI ,ia"ye.,odSmollett,flounder- widow home that night and took her to than the niffht, and elongated dreadfully. about three weeks before his marriage M ESSER &LaGLAIR, in r .• ’ t:.e water atia rushing up the the show when it came, and he was never “Tbe devil! ’ cxciaimed he. “This is war, with Miss Folsom. The reporter wrote: “As PROPRIETOES. HARVEY BIIOS., PKOP. liai.n 'W!, va. I sa\ ; St'p, you infernal afraid of Ed Wilder any more. It was now, i.sn't it? A dozen French duels sim­ Gilmore's band passed the reviewing stand l>r , y . " The horse (laid no attention, three years after their marriage before tho mered down ’till there isn't even the coffee they struck up the popular operatic »ir, b_: went off at a spanking ga'i Smollett stc;<-v got out, and he didn't care then.''— left amounts to more than this.” •FVir he's going to marry Yum-Yum, Yum- CHAS mCKINSOJf. E. A. I.OCM. :e.i 1* after him and tho littie dog came 'hica"o Times. ! ‘'I'd like to bayonet the dumbed idiot that Yum,’ and tiie President smiled as be boived Pres, and Treas. Sec’y. SAMPLE ROOM. ■ g after Smollett. The i-oli was a ; has fooled us. To my mind General Thomas to the leader.” Choice Ales, Wines, Liquors and Ci­ "i ;. and a.thouch SmoUott was in capi­ hadn't a thing to do with that dispatch. gars always in stock. A heartgr wel- A GOOD many fashionable church peop’ig T118 faterlmry fatcli Coiasan!, tal nil n:rg c.'>lu*.io tho .t kept jtist out ‘•O for a lodge ia some vast wi'.demess!” Some dod-gasted butternut has clipped in ?ome extended to all. •if b;s oi.. h. iLe Iiue> d:u.;c;ag under the ‘■Good suggestion. When I've paid what and given us this eoat's milk business.” have packed up their religion for the sum­ Factory, WATERBURY, Ct. mer months, as they have their furs, not M. .T. COLLINS, P b o p b ., -and ; jvvir Ma..ir unaMs lo rtarh I owe for a lodge in town perhaps 1 will’'— I But fuming, ot course, did no good; there Cor. Baxnhair imd Simon I 0 " tiie buccv. After airhHe bis i>! - fiaroer's Bazar. _ was nothing to do but remain where we needing it much at the watering piaeea. GEO. MEBBrrr. General Asent TT-

th e WATERBURY HERALD: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 8 Buffalo 15. Called 8th inning, darkness. DRY TOASTS BY "GAD! i;|H>li. i- » !• Tl.roiisl* Wi»<> rit.liliiB. A K..« «>n Tno IliirtfoKl S|H>rtk Mak«- a lautlrrons Snl««-«ir«iuiiiralion Ex- The sturllins announcement hae now rearh«fd un that the Et sli^h syndicate is lo spread ;t9 Corre>-i»ond<*nce of the Sunday H«ralU.) about ao uii^uspectiiii! i>eopIe and bow far rraitunf it wi.l he in us coi »equei.cr», none but tho5e wh« «r El«r« lirrr. re|>t the “ I'op.*’ Getting More Room. are in moderal*'cjrcunij»tai»ces can fully if»liz»*. They conttmplate de»tr»yin;: the beauty of our Birmis'gbam, Sept. 7.—Two young horuei» by brewin}? a great Furniture tiu»t. The result will be, of course, hi^h prices. We bave a!wsy« sports named Hiiskell and Williams, (Special Corresjiondence of the H erald.) been the enemv of bigh prices; our puoh, energy, and h'>iie»t busine»s principles have reduced the \ ‘rw Y-. K. s. pi. 7 .- The New Yorks prices of FnruUure iu thi^eonnly at least :)0 per cent, and w« point with pride and confidence to our U™oe.t U|. :in.l pive llie who oame on from Hartford lately to at­ UitisTOii Sep 7.—There is indignation A few dayii ntore and the extension on our store Tliirteeo Uattdred and Sixtv-Niue regular customers to bear u*»out in this statement. The people who PMtronl/e us are J0telli;'ent ai:d knt w exactly what theytire tuyiniraiid the price thev oogbc to pay. l« ll^ t« ‘anI a M-vcr»* P»tiug. tend the races and who i)ut up a‘. one among the political cohorts for miles Mir. t>e coiupieted. and all uor »keivesttudcounters of the local hotels, were huddenly miss­ be cleared of their preseiit »lock to make We don’t advertise to sell goods at half price btcau^e hore**!. intelligent crople, know it can’t he done. iiitdiM » tine fsuie tor tin* New 1 orks. about over an alleged unwaiTanted in­ room for a Grand Pall Opeuin;! of Dry and Fancy We don't try to thrive by humbu};ginf toe people; we believe in telling the trnth, Vcaiise it is by this h u « ^ w « v .T > - triia ai>a gave nian.v ing Wednesday . moi-Aing _ and ha%'e not GooO». Tlii» U wiiy « e have euch au iinmeniK* cut .*» eans we have laiUt up our immense bu»iuet><. An Ench»h STndicate can do nothing sfpiinst us bi- ' their terference in the sociul aad gustatory re­ in our price* this week. caoiHs we own our owti estabhshment. H e buy ytods for ra!>h, ihus ravicg all diricoutiti*, uni our bwieK <*n balU. Wlietiever lie iliii gel | been seen wuye. Ih e cause of facilities fur handlin{{ goods aie »uch that mx men can do the work of ten. tlie hall over tlie jilate. the New Yorks . gettiug out of towu was a slight mistake laxations of the Crocodile club. it a!l over the tiu<e it, to the be^t adrartnge of our |>itcUcer; Por liberty we treasure: cl a ^ j tliive lovely youiig girls who are clerks seekers and pickuicers. It lies in a nat­ We'll meet you with a cheeiful fare, B»nr or not, a.< you're inehnure.—Shakspeare Rfvmii. r 1 ural basin and the encirclin& hills make | Drtss Dools D w M . liar;*ti>. < r 0 « ' with whom the youiig fellows struck up .3 IH it quite romantic. Keutl the < itiitHir 1-1 0 ] I u speaking ao<|iiuiutnuce. Kxtraordinikry luduc«*uieuta ..4 The girls llually l>ecrtme fiighteueJ at Every since tlie organization cf the ttirliarOHiii tt> .4 3 i\ THE CONNECTICUT • If 3 0 tlioir • ‘ j>erKiKtanc^ ‘ and ■ got out... at the Crocodile club its annual guthermgs At lO rents, Faury Striped Brlllittiitinc. 4 2 0 Wiiititrj M . U u „ church intending to walk the rest of the i,ave l>een held there. Yenrs ago “Gad” At 1 5 rriita, l»oubl#- T ricot Clutli. — : way. At tlie Birmingham House, the Xortt>n i>etitionetl the lepiHluture to be A t "i'i ventH. CaMlimere ttllHlimleti INDEMNITY ASSOCIATION IS 10 K 4 21 ; bovs got out nnd starttd to walk buck to i Rot oflffi’om the town of Souttiingtou to At IH ceiitH, riu « Meltuii ClutliH, uenrest IMHANAIMI-IS. j inteivept thf-m. It whs dark on the the t«»wn of Bristol luid sticceedetl in his hliatliiica* A a R I H-TB. R r o. A. E. ; street and when the young men met efforts despite a lively opiiosition. | ,\t 3 * •■«-nt«. Frem-h ottoman «'l«th. OI Waterbury, Conn. “Gad" concluded to celehnite his vie- i At si .-.nts 40-h«U lilaok Henrietta II a 1. I 1 I 1 three young women they made n very Is doing three and fMtr times the business in 1889 that it placer 'natural mistake when they took them tory with a sheep roast at Compoance, Ciuiti. 1888. All the In-st forms of Life. Accident. Endowment and Tontine I’olicies .'it for their horse car acquaintances and ; to which he invited a number of friends, Keasonable rates. NO EXTIU FEES REQUIRED. H • 1 • I “ bnIdl'd up to them.” i including sevend members of the legis- M en’s Furnishings. Home Office Phtcnbc Avenue and Ea-st Main Street. It-. “Well girl'es,” remarked one, nnd“Ah j liiture who had worked in his V4»n ttiere," was the salute of tlie other, as I interests. After this dinner was! ,\t :tTtlie tx-^t riilauiie buxom I'fcent importation from the 1 ,sliij> and its dinnei's became famous. ' iiianuaile. Hi.-m. r„'n,»n t'miil'Ir ' I-'xei'ald Isle, with a ]viir of lungs like a | To-day it numbers on its roll of mem-1 At 14 «-»-iit». Heavy KukIIsIi lirac«-» u:'. V.V.rr's. wllrpil'.. o.nln'ir bfllows and an arm like a walking Ix'iiin, I liership prominent maniifacturei-s, m e r-1 At 91.*>£5, tieutu* (iluria Silk I'm- N ef M New k I.* it'u'Lirv... ., Fir>t1—.. u hile I I tlir.1 various d.-grees of pietures(nie liritiup, Sauthingt in, Plainville, Thom- OUK VN’HITE MUSLIN f^ A I U R O A O . 1. «* it„ . Ai. Wi« l »t H.ini*-. crowded stoiip of tlie lJiB.-t‘tt House hivd Pres Samuel Bloss, of liethleham; See’y., Is On Its Mettle This Week. Aftrruonn aiiil KveiiliiK. HUDSON RIVER. NEWBURGH. PQL’GH- S'pt. 7,—T«r.i more lo do with their hasy exit from KEEPSIE and WEST POINT. E. E. Newell, of iiristol, nnd Tr«!as., —AT THr— v.-i» i»-tu«-eii the Wa-hinpton tnon than diarance of the g y - One case of full size Marsvilles Piitltru Cant. .T, It. Savage, of Southington, Ueil Sjiriads at T5 cents; worth TIirn.'^DAY. SKVT. VS, IHHiK In the tii>t ganie jn.lice who wri'e aliirmetl liy Ihe cries. b n Thursilay last was the fliinual West End Grounds.'- ,t« 1<«4i tin-1« »d in the oiM'U-, gatiicring of its membei's and Com- peciai Tram?*. lirtai Reduction m had thniK^ their own way till THEY MADE A STAGE PARTY OF IT. p:)unce was, as usual, the sp<4. More Including a Ba«e Ball Game between Company] LOOK OUT FOR ADVANCED BLANKET SALE Koiind Trip 5*pfiial Traij. tin wbur.-n Voiiiie nnsiiirsN Men of than oiie huudieil were present, among G anil Ihe Ac ueTeam# for a handsome Prue; at»o . Kate U ave.s Iwt. hii.t Meakciied. Tin a 125 yards rac*-between liforge HarrinLMon »nd ! an.7.% C.OO A. IIU AiiMiniii «iet «ia~.jH‘fately fought iStHvial t'orresmindfncc of the Siintliiy Herald 1 Newell, J. R. Mitchell, Chas. Gooil- chn»«r of a ticket will Iwld a chance on a hnnd- Pltiinvill« •* 1.,.ni mHrt I. fijiiMi, Ix'th teaul^ playine Ansosia, Sept. 7.—The boardera at nough, Henry W. Gri.tl y, Johnnie M)me (told NVatch. KriMtol l.tiO •• • mliimitlv and (iumlN-rt did Walerhiiry 1 .rio 7.1.1 •• the Dnyton h(msc and■ those • in that Moore, George Mitchell, Irwiu Ingra­ Proiiiptinic >>>’ ^V. K. ItogerH, of Merhieti. roiiiperHiiC Val1. 1.40 7.r.o •• I^l<-v« ii iiiniiigi« wen-ii*-oe«- vicinity who were out early last Sunday ham and Miles Peck, idl of Bristol; H.ir. •• Music by Amphion Orch'sira- , {linil.'iJi"'*' H.:?0 •• M)f\ t<.«|*vnd' It. «iid tin- Senators »«*l’e morniiig, aie havnig a great lau.nh at the Patrick McKune, “li*!!)” Jlendersiin, ;,C»IT< Wihuot uiiT I Hp]«‘arance of a bus drawn up from Eugene Hallock of Thomaston. 5en;;er» will take the steamer Uretf* Ills <1n. pas<^hig the old head- ______. , (1 I. All of the other towns were (|narteX!> of Baron Mueben. *’l>an« K.inuner'* and • 4 II I t - 4 " I Suiith's stables and a crowd of voiuig Bill uf 947». « • " ' t < . I I • I! •> (I s f. 4 ’ men standing around it ti»ric intereM. affordin;; au uu- ain. from which place “ j.ick‘’ Iletterich Profecnting agent Chnrle» A. Colley tiQrpat'i^ed view of the b*‘«ntiful farm:« ^ndviof- ^ - M.,! « uid !•« « «'“■ j iiiiicli attention, as it M a usual Sunday yards on tl>e siopintf «boreH of the AmeruaJi ’ I morning Mene, lint when one after the brought a large crowd. New York Bargaiu Store, la.st Thurs*lay night presenteil (o the Khinv," !*ailme undvr the ;:reut Ciit.lilv^er br:*?!;** oth«-r of the yiiuns men inipatien'ly Four very fine Spring lambs, from tinance board for their approval his bill at Pouj?hkecpMo. and refurnin:: t«» -Vt-wburc at 1 It H F I>!ithrops in Bristol, were sent over, to-j J J Q j q 4 SO. M AIN S i. of S470, for one mouth’s services keep- ^ p.m., Mhere the (>teainer w lil remain t\«o hou.« <1 1 s r. I xvalki^l up to the corner and looked gether with an abundance of other solid ] m order to enable pa-‘?-enRfr’* lo cel dinner. vi»i; • I ,1 11-1 s i anxiously in all dirwtions, the on loiik- ing down the liipior demon. Duly two | ^Va^hth^t(m*!• heHd4ua*^er*i.the Tower of Virtory, food, delicacies. siMla. |M>p lieer and lire ! — (erected by ihe C. S. ttoTerninmt to mark the tTt and li»r crs saw that something was up. j signatures were affixetl to it, tlu so of j water. The dinner w:is the emmlof| noi-c uioourc Aldermen Munson and O’Rourke, the », ot where the Continental urmy v%;i» tli^h.imlvd. Pi-eseiitly a couple of young Indies anv of its predeces.ws, and the refresh- j * NAUCATUCK GIRL S MARRIAGE. and other point-* of intt*re«ttn thi:« hi<»t<>rit t-*ry. Al riM «H 11p. m. the siteamer will leave ^ioMhurftti tor I'wn.Mii I run. 7. TI h ' “ IMiil- inents of eiiual strength and purity. | I*. .1. iMielan. of Hrlilseimrt. and those of Aldennen Webster and tripdown the river to Wc^t Point, Id!**- the t iiipty vi hicle and a short consnl- The assembled CrociMliles and their in-, ‘ Takes a Fair itrUle, wild, thr home of N. P. WUli?'. St rm K:nc Break­ fi» iliii I o ■ti'«'<'ntii<'i.'«mr tiition. ^tal•tet^ l:ind. •f »1 itn t..-il;iy by tinii-ly the young men growinp more and more part in the way of eatin; and drinking, j aimther nipetiug of the lioard, wli> ro it Th«* boat will rcni tin at We^t I*o’nt unri; . I .i ': j • lVi-3ihiip. Tli<-\iNit<»i> iiiijiatient evfiy moment and tiiuilly he and everythin!: procecMled :is smoothly 15«liHiEl>OKT, Conn.. Sept. 7.—\ i s s m., Ihus^ivini; pi'vn'nirer'* ample riine mi wmoJi ^ ■ Ivnffiuj:' 1, lisl.l Iri In th<- start l‘l’.t wlio MtMiiiii to 1h! the leader orilered and merrily Tis a wedding feast, until Tessie Filzgeriild, formerly cf Nauga- will iu all probability bo treated in a viMt th** (io\ernn»ent bui!diui:9. Uid K<»rt Piitiiani. similar mnnut r. and the (iovernuit'nt ct-metery, where ■?* buf:t-f .1 V. 'A i i'< 111 placing thfir Ihe 1ms liack totheliarn and the crowd —Gnssinan, one of the Ilartfonl county ,,^ ,1 sister of Dr. Fitzgerald, was Mr. Collvy brought furty-seven cases manrotlhe ;;rea: >o^tcr’* and heroe;*ut:htt Ke » TiMfn!!*"'!' ii. h;-. tw ciitv tiist dis|>»*i scd. I’nisecntins .-isents appeared on the t pnhlie. | ?nafi d llll'i'l- IIUI'. 'Ml* scene in the shane of a New Hritain married lo attorney 1. J. I helan, of ‘•in goo.1 faith” last month, and the law The ?*pecial tram w ll Irare Fisbkil!-<>i.-n;iii!H>n at p. m.. for iibove stations Cl. id -IC gives him SIO for each case, whether Thi^‘ i xcnr'it>n !»• limited T«* ticktand in conviction follows or not. Of the cas« s | tuTK-'thi- i r-V'.’xirVr»iiiii of tii'r « --■>. r Tr brought, ten were nolUsl on payment of E. P. Vininu'. r M Pl.tT, A a nominal sum, eight were nolled with­ Tralllc M Sr. \Ve*t. I>,.. <»ri out any trial at all, seventten were found not guilty, and oLly twelve were found guilty and lined. DF’o r S «,lo. This is the second best month that At >’or:h Main . I.fuht t*.uu*py Top f*o -ratrd Stir l^ointtHl to the present lucrative olHce, rey at jiTS.tK). Baiauin**. his liest rec ird being S9H>. made in the month of St'ptember, ISt't’i. Thus far Till-yiiiiiig men were in dead earnest, : „f Si.iitliington. - .1. f li.-* hiip|Hirt Ih iiijj O'lJrieu «Iso of I ^ this...... year...... __he has regulated Ihe liipior hiiwevir. and wire so enragiul when, Howevir, the deputy and the t....- , , • * • K U 11 \tu m:ist«*r i)f cvre-1 tnitlii! to t!-;** tiiue of The scrttii SCHOOL OF O M W . <>t wr:«k« nitic :n !'k^JlT\hI;v\'sol«'f;i‘m^'tnnrJ^'^'"^ ’»^77 The maids of honor wm> M ss ! h.w has pmven -luite a boon to oiir rM . r*i» ir p,ki. th it t e, 1 M^Md togi t Miuau, ,„c manner, for Mim t-l»‘t!iehl, , j ,, , j this city, and Miss genial prJstvuting agent, andpiiby tlii>ni.- rii«* Iritlin" Kittie Hyde, of Eiwt Hampton, Conn. >, H'l Imiih* mn Bitov s ;''ejmly slierilf fur several terms, taw ' ELOPEMENT AT ASBURY Classes Now Forming. —Silk Hat. ‘K-|*:iin*r hv The bride was attinnl iu a gown of white \ K« 'ix 'r: \i^ «»f an«l w.'^- ' whst WHS ni>, and immediately caught cordeil silk,court traiue,white tulle front, T1h‘ H otter, r,8 S outh one of them by tiie throat, and wmild A l.(»vrly Wife Kiiii« OflT W ith the str-H-t. gr.riiisheil with white clematis, and lung Uathiiis l>ell»rt. Terms Moderate. soon have have had him in liristol, uiit- white veil looiH'd with tlowcrs. « H r NOLAN WANTS TO RUN HIM i-ide of his privincts, if other members Asurnv P akk, Sept. 7.—Tlie scaudal- 1 The bridesmaid wore a gown of white ADDUE.SS, S •« V\ I'f the club had not restmiiuHl him in mo’.-.gers of the Park have another sensa­ >; 4 « itiii riiMiiipioii or riif»iiiHKteH rt, ii irtl ^^urt'-pon 1«-nce of the Si'Shav IUrai.d ) . Mr. and Mrs. J. ,T. Phelan on Bouroiigh HENRY PINXUS, tial point of view, it apjiears as handsome young fellow, who has ei-cu- % i«« «««n f TlloM.^sTo^•, 7.—M atte. Hiiilcy, strtH“t. Among those pres»‘ut were Miss if the pnKsi'ciiting ngi nt was u Httle - Miss'V Doucherlv of 1ipied i the position * of jkiv ’‘Vr clerk at the Scovill House. hJ Ilf 'I hn, the chiinipion runner York and Ilf I..itehlield ci-uiity, has recently re -• over anxious to do his duly »lwn •'»“ Av„Je‘rbiirv Mi’sses R ri-ht Swee'nev, 1 V f • .» t 0 c O 1. sought to « ize the liq'iorsand beer d sevcriil clialhiiges to riin rices,! H cmb,the memlK-rs of which are so f .i't'v.crr Lv^ unceremouiously left the Park III iIh **.h itiniiii; llw Kl. pbiycrs line of which was issued in iM-half of prominent in tlie s«*v» ml co’iimtiuitifR • Jamt» »T. Al^artuy, , j mtifnl yonng wife of .liinies I '.iiiniinc that it wm> I«mi o n e ‘•Nolan” whosi-where ilHiuts are, a t ! ' , j the| s.Mml co.nmnuitus,^,^^ ; j | m e WaterVmry «aicr.iiir> IVmocrat. 'n .e happy ■■ ^ Phil-delphia. Merchant Tailor. TIh-> 1« f: llH- li<-ld and th<’ nin- pre». lit, Winsted. Champion Hanley .s i who ,»cre enjoj mg enjoyuig a tri,. to 1 Italti- DeHart and the woman were fre­ Gentlemen will tlnd at my slore afUlI hne of B |.it» aw ard'd tiH- came lo UrookUn lo Xauga quently together dnnngthe jmst season, r 1 bi'iai-l.%.Ooit. v. ry niueh di-cline.1 to lij iiig a piir.ici- j „niusingfeatures, however, , ’^Uirnir pant in .my ‘ fake match, Iv. ' j,, Hristiil. it is very difficult t„ , was present at the ^cldiuB. and his compiinion was iutro.luced as SuitinKSf Trouserings, Fan­ <'.•»* T * • •'■•rV. r:iaMi?»or liii'i *" V II > i> »■ «••• ’-iiniii. weaivtold, with the “Nolan who has; ! w Hv ' dONT THE BOYS POP’ his wife. They occupied u cottage on cy Vestings and Fail aln-ady w.in an unreiiiarkable reput^ion ^ j, ^^jly whis-. Fourth avenue. Overcoatings, asa “fak. runner. In last wej‘ks Her-I 4 ,,,^ A t’oniey .Tennings, who is ^ A L w tu r r for th«- IA< /■Alilmrvf tu SuKjnii Ihnil-I: his sister arrived in the I’:irk and went which will be made np In the m<»at »tvlh>h au<; b«a) ? - I «• 1 o <• • 4 • b manner po»»ibi-at lowest prices and, , in this, , ixsne,, on HUother Jiage, will -1 i„g to a “ lip,” nnd thst sevend othere 1. ‘A Youni{ Working (Jirl” writes iniPjng- A Tery stormy interview took <■1. «l*.. t <»nK cernuig him. If an infonuant is no in- j„»’,jri,tol m^re given the benefit -of his r^ply to “One of the Boys’’ and there » Z 'l ^ AT n.^i.nuour^ cornvt in his statements this “Noliin ’ one thine .nliout tli.nt reply to lie .^d- '»l»ch resulted in the latter sending a L. I. STORM, of Winsleil, IS ihe self siune “Olenson,’ mir«>d viz-—ctimmon sense. Touching : **”te to I>ellart at the station, informini; I* « w r. H i I.VJ I-; UANK HTRKKT. . 0 i It o nni uii (KioroiiK “ fakf*, nt<‘e i;ai n-rtiATi and i^ninn. Burke, of New Britain, iu Torringti Frftcklin ILuve, W xt* rb u rr. few weeks siiici AT • v u - v m s, Tlie Hkuai.ii, idsothowed him uj I , and will eoiitiniie to dll so until To Rent. ' f» t ■ ? tir«*s from the “fake” sirheines. iianiev ; sociei.y...... - ...... n nn fli« • . •« « 9 <1 o o u “ J has won his spurs in s.,uaiv contests iind, A BIG ESTATE DISTRIBUTED. !: i^vsiMivs .-omini:Jomina forward with manly cour- MMr. r.Trayne Trayne h.isInis deteUivesondetectives on the tracktr.ick NirKf.Y rurnilli«r« l»r«Hlnl lo C oiiiie.-tl- 'i .’i .y„,.|jincriK iii-.'" l>oys d o n 't W e...... a r true. l..... u a. n - ! a'^outs .'ire..... unknown. Dell.'irtI lH fla rt leftleil !»•lie- I quired. lciiu;re49 J'outh Eim <«{r«(et. liT fair means only, no matter what 1 1 A rul In.tltutloiis. hoo«t on their «wt' siceves'in ■ • order ... tiiat | hjnd h^n.:...... ai... lot ..f— of valu.ible. furniture and “ Nolan (Jleason” or that class of runneis auglT New Haven, Sept 7.—Bv the death I it should be seen; they show manly his p.iy for last month 3 services with P rr may say through Ih? new.sjiiijx'i-s or in of Mrs Ellen M. (Jifford. the Ia»t snr- couni?e every d.iy of their lives—they the railroads. Won. <”«‘nt the way of privnle clii'ap talk. ft-* • .... *•“ > viviiig heir of tiie lute Philip Man'tt, j know iliis work ami stick lo it. “Cheek ^ The » w llaniiMhlrr on a Sanil liar. __ 4M .6-J« llie who «iiue to this city from Boston iu i should never be taken :is inilictilive...... ‘ of f .»• ...... ’it .ST ,a*j: Nr.wpoirr, U. I., Sept. 7.—An effort « I.-- r>> i i .»:s NEWBi Bii, N. Y„ Sept. 7.—Thefa- 1KC4, an estate vabH“d at over §»!,000,000 ! true nianhool. was m.ide jesterilay to change the po­ « V* «1M hs .Vi m-ms skaters, J

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