. j . iiiiiip jf m w n m m W .T-fV- • SUNDAY HERALD. VOL. 2 . No. 8 2 . VVATERBURY, CONN., SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8 . 1 8 8 9 . PRICE FIVE CENTS. Lawyer H. J. Suiilll'i Kloqnrurr. f T lJ P V f 1 P A T? A P A IT A WOMAN S HORRIBLE DEATH. I M’GRATIl KICKED OUT.iaSf<foanJ McGratli attempting to force au The counsel for Mctlrath in these AllU a.MAUAnA A FAST MAXS CRIME eases was Bryan J. Smith. He has only Mr*. Xooiian 1‘erlKhcit in a Polire Cell by j ; entranoe aftCT closing Lours. McGratL r i r e . I FORMALLY TRIED AND FOUND GUILTY I w*it«d uutil John Clarbia, the bnr- appeared once in be­ A PACKING BOX IS RESCUED BY THE HE RUNS DOWN A FAMILY PARTY AV3 half of bis client. Mrs. Mary Noonan, the woman who teuder, came out and then assaulted WRONG PARTY. KILLS A C!T!2EN. .O F MALFEASANCE. Lira, preseiitins: a revolver at him. Tiie Thftt was on Mouday either intentionally or by accident set I at 10 a. m., when fire to her clothes while confined in a I offioer was loath to arrest him, but was In the Wholr Scrie* of **ralli» •luuipfnK** cell at the police station Thursday night.' A TCrntral Park Trasvtlr Tkal Xkow* A \>ry Hiirtily Knvor^d Record Tliurou|^i> : obliged to, and be paid 829 the next the motion to accept ly Airi*d l'nd«»r Oath.—Tlie Selectmen a Su<^e»Mion of Homxr«?^Frople die<l at the town hospital Friday night. KrrklMBDVu awl Xrclrrt M rart ! moruit:g to get away. The a bond and discharge The pen of Haggard in describing the ilerU re Hiiu No Om<*«r.—Liiws^r ' offioer tLougLt MoGratU bad not tbe kee|>er8 was en­ Who Uv« There Believe It.— withering of tbat wienl creation “She” of the X*w Vork Cll> r»ltr* Mnlth M'mxv^ Kl«(iu«*iit. i a single quality tbat would recommend tertain^ aud finally BrtMlle*» Kubbrr Suit. in the pillar of fire cunuot do justice (MBrrn. ! Lim as a lit person for tbe office, but grafted by Judge to it. I ratb^r the conttaay. (ieoi^e H. CJowell, Kiagar.% FAiiM, N. Y., Sept. 7. Mrs. Noonan lias been arrestetl so N ew York, Sept. 7.—Tlii* aft* moon denpite Mr Smith’s i Officer Dean e^aid be had seen him HERE IT GOES! many times, anil has create<i the same ' in Central Park, a t«am driT^n by little lately. The most he saw of him passionate aud ora­ disturbance so oflen th.it the otTicers t ..f v,. ir» w«.< was Gu the Mouday uigbt that Le tLrew torical protest. Look! Look! See looked upon her shrieks of jigony :is Looney, of >o. Itt We»t Sixty, : his motl-er out of doors. He related it? A bos; There it cries of “wolf.” and it w.is not until seventh street, a well-known boiHer, i tlie incident of that night as they were In tbe case of Phelan vs. Thompson before tbe District court yesterday is; it’s going over!” the screams became so terribly real dashfd into a carriage in whii h w. re Ig'Veuiu last Sunday's H ekald. He morning. Lawyer Smith failed to appear The people on the iuraetT Wm. H.Halstea.l,oftheOJK,rue tiat». tentifi'd as to the old lady's telling him for Phelan, and Judge Cowell requested that her s(.u had thrown her out and to i clerk (proVem.) Holohan to tell the de- shore, justabove the Hasten ins down the stairs and open- with his mother, sister ami cohmu. Both ing the corridor door, they were struck vehicles were shattered. luegrath s iK'Uig luside tbe bouse in his linquent counselor, tbat u|M)d motion' of" C aoadian Falls, shii t sleevrs. drunk, or recovering from any attorney be would I>e disl)arre<l beard the words a spi-ee. Ho told of the patltetic ]>lea«liug unless be attended to bis client’s cause shouted in a clear, ejes glaring through the smoke, and re -iin ju rie s whii-b he THE AUVAM’E. of the aged mother iu behalf of her sou forthwith. aud clinched Ins story by telliug of mc- strong voice, aud of course there was a fleeting the crimson of the flame, her shortly :*fterwjir*l. The other ••ompiiDts fill': *‘ll«*rul<r* |»r<‘|»iir«Ml. at aiiy gruth's being escorted home after leav­ tiliM*, (o prodiirr two or iiioi*« wit* ^ rush. £■''1™'“'’ ”'S” “ “'.iS'! ^?rS; I»' i. i. i\lio Mill tliHt Mm. | ing tu o keejH-rs There it was, a big square box, sailing biirs of the door, while from ' asleep iu tlie IfoiiorM tiu* iiuMlierof «*\> ; faster and faster on, ou to tbe very her feet up the fiery tongues lenp*“d ofie I $2 COO OOC VANISHES 'N SMCi<£ «‘oiiHtMl»l«? Jmiim'I* |. iiM'KiMtli. htatrd in H ekald s a n c ­ after «i,otl,er tw:.st\i)g a:iden.ckling ill ^ jlr r U rin s , a ! i>rink. The force of the current is ter- tlifir lliMl k«T Min had i;oh<* : tum by two men the matted hair, stood the uufortuuate itrookiw. !»..s;.r about 3 o’cloi-k vitli liiit 4’ouMin, lit^r ni4<*«* Mi*»h ll<»norH ‘ j rific, and the box shot out beyond the f.msle drunkard, a veritable p^lar of j „ k„ ok,,vn. S,.pt. 7 -.V .l:^.-ir..u> fite last Sunday ! f.ills several feet and then dowu, and M«K>rHl1i, t(» tiiHrrii'd. nM^K^ratli Iiuk f started at 1:53 p. in. tiv<l:iy in tlie-iirnr \% itIidrHM II tli«* htiit l>roii|;lit in Honora morning. He 1 was lost completely in the mist aud Alreiuly the clothiug ha.l di»:apivared , relinerv of the Dirk J: .M.v-r ............ Jii iiior’h iiHitu*. hiidirttheslight- foim whifb rises from the wafers b»h>w. from the breast aud the skiu .storche I wl,„_-e olant i-i loerited U-twet-n .N'ortli THE KEEI’EKS OS est doubt that be “ Is it lost? ” “ Who is iu it?” ‘‘Is it and diFCjIored, puffed up and cracked t Seueutii and Eighth jitreet.<. William^ iinios J. me- hiid l>eeii dnnkinc; then. I a man or womau?” before their very eyes, while the sicken- hurg, with a broml Irontaxe on the Ki.*t pinlh.'dio ciill-i Colonel Doherty s.iid be unilerstood iTHE n RETUEAT. j Evervoue WHS asking que.stious. ing otlor of burning huraau tiesh Houteil river. It was caii«tl by'an exp')>.>inD ui,..1 ai uiefi.., nnit-n,-., policemen .accompanied Mc- Following are the police records ofl ’ No one could answer them, iu a horrible cloud from betweeu the ; on the tiflh tioor of the Iriiildin^. wh>re Grath home. the two principals in .in unwarranted i It could not have been over two miii- bars. I three sugar refining mill.t were in fail Ai.i> <*flice al Mr. Dean said he did not think that | ‘ , ! ' !•”* r.V,7„ V”*' i vindictive att.-.ck, for■ revenue only,‘ utes, but it seemed an age In-fore the It was the work of a seeond to oj>eu the I operation. week l>ox appeared, but there it wa.s Iwbbing door aud dru'^ her out. She wiis thrjwn Martin Schmidt, a workni.m. w:i-i r «re- suref'lre of^^Uii^g:of one thing: that it was neither I »»- night to pro- Onioer Ityrnes ...iw! i statfs tl'o intentionally and that is up aud down aud to and fro like a cork to the rtH>ratid the officers attempted from the bitrnin!; hut d;n.-I.y vent the pub- ,luty in that district,'for if it b»^ 1 ready to publish a full and con- in the seethiug torrent for a moment, to tear the remainder of the clothing -‘n otlicer. He wu.<i lKulIy burned ui»>ul * i spicuous reti-action, if ever it is shown and theu it was caiisht by au eddy and lication of this ' the trio would have been ti'avelling up- from her IkkIv. KHstere.l aud burned : to have been in error; carrieil otit beyond the pot»I. It finally hauihs were the onlv result and a se^ireh ' , , i „ . ,u -i , papti, in iiOj Chief Ecan entered the door, smiling, tIaiikoK J. MrGralli, C'oiiKtaiile. floatetl off towards the American shon;. for water failed to bring any of that fluid I b„nuinc: fell .ind a numU..r of firU Jn longer a con-, at this moment, and was followed by Dutc. Crime. Found. Sentence. Iu another momeut au ec-centric current which would be so precious at that mo-, narrowly cscapetl. The remaining walu caught it auii it mshed ou toward the stable. His aiithoritv was last even-j Byrnes, who had just dofl'ed bis , , . , . i followeil in quick sucee.<sion ami at Jan. »>. ISSi. As.saali | NotCiuilij Canadian siiore, where two men could i„8 i.y ,i„ Fined «S Probabljt!ireeminnt >8pfis3Hlbeforc;3i5 m of the walls h;ul fallen. AU Ja,..».l»¥5. i aud cu>ts be seen appariiitlj’ waitiug to bring the the ttrtmert were extinguishfd auil by (ilanger of the tire spreatlin«; to 8. lectmen after trial on charges brought : while with the other be pulle<l a slip of Nulk^ mysterious box to shore.
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