and Societies of Apostolic Life and Societies of Apostolic

Appointed Titular of Belcastro Archbishop Titular Appointed The Minister General OFM Minister General The Fr. José Rodríguez Carballo Fr.

OFM International News International OFM Fraternitas

and Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life Consecrated of Institutes for and Secretary of the Congregation VOLUME XLVI • EDITION 199 EDITION • XLVI VOLUME More information with photos the next edition of Fraternitas. of edition next the photos with information More Latin America and the Caribbean in Aparecida, Brazil (2007). Brazil in Aparecida, America and the Caribbean Latin XVI to participate in the V General Conference of the Episcopate of of Episcopate the of Conference General V the in participate to XVI Societies of Apostolic Life and participated in the Synods of Bishops of Synods the in participated and Life Apostolic of Societies Benedict by appointed was He 2012. and 2010, 2008, 2005, of oples and the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Life of Consecrated Institutes for and the oples Congregation (USG). He is a member of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Pe 2012, he was elected President of 2012, he the General Union of was President elected Superiors Order of Minor as 119th successor of St. Francis of Assisi and and Assisi of Francis St. of successor 119th as Minor Friars of Order 23, November On 2009. 4, June on years six another for re-elected the Order. On June 5, 2003, he was elected Minister General of the the of General Minister elected was he 2003, 5, June On Order. the During During the of session the nitory ! De of General June of 21, 1997, Br. Studies and Formation for General Secretary appointed was Jose On On May 16, 1997, he was elected nitor ! De General of the Order. appointed President of the Union Franciscan Provincial Ministers of of Ministers Provincial Franciscan Union the of President appointed Europe (UFME), a position he held until 1997. de Compostela elected him Minister Provincial and in 1993, he was was he 1993, in and Provincial Minister him elected Compostela de cretary for Formation and Studies, Commissary of Commissary Holy and and Land, Studies, cretary for Formation of Santiago In the Province 1992, Master. as a reappointed nitor nitor and at the Capitular Congress was appointed Provincial Se Rome and obtained a License in Sacred Scripture in 1981. in Scripture Sacred in License a obtained and Rome At the Provincial of 1983, he was elected Provincial De! cal Biblical Institute in in Institute Biblical cal ! Ponti the in enrolled he 1978, of October In 1979, he attended the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (Jerusalem), (Jerusalem), Franciscanum Biblicum Studium the attended he 1979, Theology. in Biblical a degree he obtained of in 1978, June where, he pursue his philosophical studies Then, (1971-1973). from 1976- From Ponteareas, From he Ponteareas, was assigned to the Fraternity of Santiago de and of at Compostela Studies Center the the Theological City, vent, where he took the Franciscan habit on July 31, 1970. Then, a Then, 1970. 31, on July habit Franciscan the he took where vent, 1971. 9, August on profession simple his made he later year Ponteareas. He did his novitiate year in the same Ponteareas Con fth year in the Seminary of Herbón (La (La Herbón of Seminary the in year fth ! the to second the and dies he Coruña); the attended sixth year in of Convent the Franciscan Spain, where he attended the !rst year of the second cycle of stu In 1964, he entered In the 1964, he Provin Minor Seminary entered of the Franciscan (Zamora), Campos de Castroverde in Compostela of Santiago of ce baptized in baptized the of parish church Santa Maria on 16, August 1953. José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, was born on August 11, 1953, 11, 1953, on was born August OFM, Carballo, Rodríguez José Friar was he Spain; Ourense, of and Province the of Lodoselo in OTHER NEWS from the theological and sociologi- their Spring meeting at the Porziun- cal point of view, noting how the two cola Retreat House in Baħar iċ-Ċagħ- aspects are inseparable as shown by aq, Malta. The ESC is formed by the the Scriptures and the Church’s social North American OFM Provinces, the doctrine. Irish OFM Province, the UK OFM Pro- vince, the Lithuanian OFM Province There is, in fact, a separation betwe- and the Maltese OFM Province. The Ecumenical Training Program in en prayer, justice, and everyday life. Minister of the Australian OFM Pro- Spiritual Direction 2013 – 2014 “Doing justice, “Br. Mike said, “is what vince was also invited to participate God expects from our lives as an au- at the meeting and was present. Du- The program will consist of three we- thentic expression of our lived out fai- ring this week the Provincials and the ekends and nine Saturdays over the th. To do this it is necessary to bring executive Secretary had the opportu- year. back the dimension of faith and God, nity to visit the Island on a day tour. The !rst part of the program focuses which humanizes society.” “Pope Fran- The next ESC meeting is scheduled on personal spiritual development for Autumn 2013 and will be held in and building skills which will be deve- San Diego, US, this time hosted by St. loped and deepened throughout the Barbara OFM Province. program. The second part includes lo- oking at spirituality within the Church and wider community. The third and Newly Elected Provincials !nal part of the program will concen- trate on the further development of Br. Michel Laloux, OFM the skills for spiritual direction. For Prov. Blessed Jean Duns Scot - more info, go to www.franciscans. France-Belgique cis,” he went on to remind us, “challen- Br. Maggiorino Stoppa, OFM ges us all to build ‘a poor Church for Prov. St. Bonaventura in Franciscan Directed Retreat the poor’, otherwise we run the risk of Piedmont - Italy forgetting that God, in whom we be- Wednesday August 28 - Thursday lieve and who is the One who hears Br. Juan C. Moya Ovejero, OFM September 5, 2013. The Program fo- the cries of su"ering of his people.” Prov. St. Joseph , Spouse of the cuses on a positive spiritual experien- B.V.M - Valencia-Spain ce in peaceful and beautiful surroun- Social justice is a constitutive dimen- WWW.OFM.ORG ! FRATERNITAS dings. There will be inspiring liturgies sion of the faith then and we Friars Mi- Br. Joaquín Zurera Ribó, OFM in the Franciscan Tradition to help nor are asked to live, there where we Prov. Our Lady of the Rule – you deepen your prayer with Spiri- are, the relationship between Gospel, Granada - Spain tual Directors to accompany you on Church, and Culture, in order to be a your journey. The Franciscan Directed men and women of dialogue and am- Br. Manuel Corullón F., OFM Retreat will begin with supper on We- bassadors of reconciliation Custody of the Holy Martyrs dnesday evening, August 28 and will Morocco end with Mass on Thursday morning, September 5, 2013. For more info, go Meeting of the English Speaking Con- Br. Felix Junco Jr., OFM to ference in Malta Cust. St. Anthony of Padua - Philippines

Session of Inter-Franciscan Missio- Br. José M. Sainz Jiménez, OFM nary Formation Prov. St Gregory Magno Castile-Spain From April 1-4, 2013, Br. Michael A. Perry, of the Order of Friars Minor, facilitated the Session of Inter-Franciscan Missionary Forma- Do you have information that tion at the “Notre-Dame des Nations” you would like to share with International Fraternity in Brussels. other regarding events in your province? Send them all to us to The theme of “Justice, Peace, and In- From the 8th to the 12th April 2013, our email: [email protected] tegrity of Creation at the Service of the English Speaking Conference the Mission” was studied in-depth (ESC) of the Order of Friars Minor had 2 FRATERNITAS ! WWW.OFM.ORG 3

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HERE T ORCE OD F G HE IN T and the sources of strives instead Accrocca to show that leonine origin. the sources that gradually came to light in the course of the thirteenth century established between them relationships that were not antithet ical but complementary. He believed to it be therefore necessary to switch integration. to contraposition from big tive specula discourse, but an encour agement not to let oneself be dragged complexity into of the the many aspects of contrib to it is an invitation violence; ute to the building of relationships that help us to grow on a daily basis according to the example and the in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. It is not enough to proclaim that we believe in God if we do not put disappropri ation in our way of living and acting everyday. La forza che ci habita habita ci che forza La Katia Méhauté, Le Marie Frédéric Richard Alain et Mickhaël This book of per certain fers spectives to ev erywho person has the desire to pursue this path. It has no ------ssi A Le fonti bi A. b i o g r a p h sources i c a l of Francis St. of sisi As the in 1200s and 1300s; both it is the most summary of the mature The The ers o" a volume ing of read the main RT A C I D ssisi).


N n Difesa dell’indulgenza della Porziuncola dell’indulgenza n Difesa U research pursued by the author, who pursued research by the author, in the last ten years has done a lot of asser main The topic. the on research tion from which moves the Accrocca approach is the need to overcome Sabatier, Paul optical. Sabatierian the be opposition fact,in rigid a worked tween the sources &cial” so-called“o Francis of Francis Felice Accrocca !che ogra di san Francesco d’ si (The Biographical Sources of St. Bartholi of Assisi, written from 1334-1335 in defense of defense in 1334-1335 from Bartholi written Assisi, of the Indulgence against its detractors. Hence, its title, Indulgence” “In of the Portiuncula Defense touch) iPod and iPad, on iPhone, for free (Available Franciscan eBooks Franciscan I OFM Noel Muscat, This is an English translation of the original Latin me dieval sources for the Portiuncula Indulgence, Pope which from requested (1182-1226) Assisi of Francis An the Maryof St. of chapel the for 1216 in III Honorius gels, known as the Portiuncula, near Assisi. The most “Trac the is documents these among source important tatus de Indulgentia Portiunculae” by Francis life life according to the spirit of Francis and Clare, and ers o" texts for liturgi and personal for and celebrations cal community prayer. It is additional an and spot” the “on guide a spiritual riskstake everyin to encouragement day life to live the Gospel according . two the witness of these to both Francis and Clare. Helmut Schle Helmut Clare. and Francis both gel takes up this invitation, leading the pilgrim in the footsteps addresses It Assisi. of saints of great two the the history and spiritual !cance signi of these places, gives impetus to a B ------NG I Ein spirituel . chapters, chapters, Albert Haase gives you the tools and kin dling to prepare some people be enthusiastic come and on !re about their relationship with God? In thir ty-three short Ever Ever wonder how ever, who visit as pil as visit who ever, grims, are invited to adventure spiritual a in the footsteps of Those Those who Assisi as visit a spot !nd tourist a beauti ful landscape and !cent magni sures. trea Those, how LGER RE, BECOM RE, I

PI R Guide for Spiritual Spiritual Guide for Ü A






email: [email protected] your your province published a book or an eBook? Send us all the information on Have Have you or some other friar in


ASS Helmut Schlegel burg 2013. burg (Assisi (Assisi for the Pilgrims. A Companion), Spiritual Verlag Echter, Würz ler Reisebegleiter ler Reisebegleiter ( this eminently practical book func spiritual retreat. tions like a personal, gestions and 'ection re questions, Feeling spiritually arid? Or are you on on you are Or arid? spiritually Feeling sug reading supplemental With !re? shares the secrets of the saints. saints. the of secrets the shares rector book glows with time-tested dom as wis an experienced spiritual di 'ame until you are set ablaze. This for the spark of God in your life -- and -- life your in God of spark the for then shows you how to fan it into Albert OFM Haase, FL Transformation. C Franciscan Books Franciscan SMALL NEWS JERUSALEM – On April 2-5, 2013, the The Franciscans and the Crusade. The From the General Curia 38th course in biblical theology took event is organized by the Aracoeli Cul- place at the Friary of St. Savior, entitled, tural Center in collaboration with the New SFO Assistant General The “Door of Always Open to Provinces of St. Bernardine of Siena, Us.” There will be re'ections on faith in the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul of Br. José Antônio light of the Apostolic Letter, Porta Fidei, the Order of Friars Minor, the School of Cruz Duarte, OFM, of Pope Benedict XVI. It is organized by Medieval and Franciscan Studies, the SFO Assistant Gen- the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Franciscan Institute of Spirituality at eral the Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Ar- the Antonianum Ponti!cal University, chaeology of the Antonianum Ponti!- and the contribution of the Friary of St. Born in Pedernei- cal University. Francis of Greccio. ras, São Paulo (Brazil), on May ROME – on April 15, 2013, a day of ASSISI - At the two locations of the 14, 1956, Br. Jose study took place on the subject of Museum of the Portiuncula and the entered the Order democracy, “unjust” law and consci- Gallery of Contemporary Art of the Pro of Friars Minor on Jan. 20, 1975. He entious objection. It was organized Civitate Christiana, there is a signi!cant made his solemn profession on Au- by the Faculty of Law at the exhibition devoted to the relationship gust 2, 1979 and ordained a priest on Antonianum Ponti!cal University in between Sacred Scripture and Art. The December 12, 1981. He completed collaboration with the Chair of Canon exhibition is entitled, “From the Word, his studies in Education at the Pon- Law and the Chair of Ecclesiastical Law, the Image. The Art of Reading the Bi- ti!cal Catholic University of Rio de of the Faculty of Law of the Roma Tre ble” and will continue from April 20 - Janeiro in 1988. In 1998, he obtained University and with the patronage of August 18, 2013. There will be an exhi- a post-graduate diploma in Religious Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris bition of graphic works by Rembrandt, Studies at the Catholic University Canonici Promovendo. Dürer, Chagall, Dali, Rouault, and ex- of San Paulo. From 1977 to 2012 he traordinary contemporary artists such dedicated himself to youth ministry; ROME – On April 24, 2013, another day as Sandro Chia and Mimmo Paladino, forming the young to higher edu- of study took place at the Antonianum as well as an educational exhibition on cation at the University of San Fran- Auditorium on Art, Spirituality, and the the evolution and meaning of the Sa- cisco, Bragança Paulista, San Paulo, Spreading of the Faith; it was organized cred Text. in di"erent courses of Ethics and by the Franciscan In- Bioethics. He accompanied the Sec- stitute of Spirituality at ular Institute of the Little Franciscan the Antonianum Pon- Family as Spiritual Assistant of the ti!cal University. southern cone of Latin America. He WWW.OFM.ORG ! FRATERNITAS was the Local Assistant to various GRECCIO - (Italy). SFO fraternities. From 1988 – 2012, From May 3-4, 2013, he ministered to the spiritual director the eleventh Con- of several Franciscan Congregations. gress of Greccio will be held at the Oasis of the Child Jesus Center. The theme is

Episcopal Ordination Election of the New Fraternitas Minister General Br. José R. Carballo, OFM OFM International News The election process for the new The Episcopal Ordination of editor: Fr. Joseph Magro OFM His Excellency Rev. Br. José Minister General will begin with will be on May 18, 2013, on a day of reflection and prayer on May 21. The morning of May eMail: [email protected] the Vigil of Pentecost at 18:00 tel: +39 0668491 339 in the Cathedral of Santiago 22, the brother electors (Defini- tors General, Presidents and de Compostela, Spain. He will be ordained by His Excellen- vice-Presidents of OFM Confer- cy Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, ences) will gather in prayer, fol- lowed by a process of election of www.!.com/ Secretary of the State of the Vatican. the new Minister General.