RAILWAYS MAY NOT CONFER LATEST SMART CHAPEAUX « Diirii Store ON fORTH CAROLINA LOW BATE MUSHROOM MAT BE MADE ng August Closes Daily at 5 J?EVERTzz (gg) GOES INTO EFFECT. BECOMING. Saturday, 6 F.M. "An hour rneans minutes a 1115 G Next to Corner Twelfth. , vwjgffiw sixty and dollar a In i Street, JJcrfolk and Western Traffic Manager Set of the Flumes Affords a Chance I Store closes at 5.Saturdays at 1. OUR HOl'R SALES SAVE YOU MONEY Will Not Answer His Subpoena tor Dispay oi |!L in Test Case. 9 individuality. BIO BARQAINS SPECIAL 'rOMORROW From 8 to 9 A.M. Only. | (fIpeolal IMspnteh to The Star. the summer is now In Truly, just MEN'S CO/ITS in blue and black For RALEIGH. N.X?., August 8..The state's Its glory, and surely never has there been serge alpac;i.the balance of Friday, Day Saturday j ight against the railways took a bad turn a time when jeally high-class models could » the broken size:s. $.2.50 to $7.50 goods/- 8 to o are the bicst values ever offered .which unquestionably by any t!oday, from the peacemaker's standpoint. be bought so reasonably. The backwajd only $1.50 1 ne new Xorth Carolina passenger rate season has kept so many of these beautiful store for high-grade outergarments. :e iw, which has been the cause of such creations carefully wrapped away In their 75 Thin Offic and about 100 Wash and wool legal developments during the lastinterestingboxes.prudent women choosing something Vests. 8 to 9 a.ir1. only at 25c. 3 Lots of . i ew weeks, went into effect one minute less expensive and more practical, or, fter midnight this morning on the appropriate to weather conditions.perhaps, I and Atlantic Coast Line railways,Southrn that instead of the shopworn finery we are $5,95 $114.95 $8.95 to the recent compromise acordlngaccustomed to find at a reduced price 1 for suits which al' sea- for £15 uits- Prince for suits which sold n with the state through Gov. Glenn.agreement this month, we may select from duringthe have been seling Chap rson-full pleat- up to $18.about 25 of The first ticket sold at the Southern ticket freshest of dainty chapeaux, and In some to as as ed . \with folds. them. up high | 0 ffiee here was bought at 2 o'clock this cases buy them at less than half of the UNRES cess and ;erved JKlhlCJb ma in- sac broken lot. of course. newest two-piecePrinterials, n Bullock of but you'll find, no eluding rlavy b'.ue , daintily trim- lorning by Deputy Sheriff W. O. original prices. doubt, something to serge.most desirable med with lace and em- Ilocky Mount, who returned home for 60 The woman who has delayed her Of Men's anc[ please you. styles. broidery. ents less than was required for him to Is certainly lucky. If she will onlypurchase Young Men's ome to Raleigh a few hours earlier on choose wisely.not an ea^y thing to do, by 3 Lots olf Skirts. f business. ofIcialany means, when a hat is in Question. By 3-piece Fancy Suits. Regular Tickets Used. wisely I mean becomingly, both to the wearer and her and I know that it i ne iKHtu was soiu parwy over uie seeds, a deal of The entire: stock of these 5 forward. and partly over the Atlantic ooumrnCoast requires quite good good; steps >(D) $8.95 $1.95 and will power to set aside determinationsomething $3. Jne, and was similar to those In use Silk for White and Tan or unbecoming, but perfectly ;e a for about 1.1 Walking £"1 Taffeta full '' the pink rebate slips were issued beoreby inappropriate Pick and choos what you y fraction the , Skirts. In Llnene Skirts less but will.pa^ Sk'rts, In blue, brown. black, pin lovely, for headwear exquisite, checks, plaicis and pleated with folds, and t hese two roads, July 1, the date when the much more suitable. fV. rrarmpnfc checks and stripes stripes! Sold for worth a great deal j.vw became effective. In styles the mushroom shajpe is decidedly former price of wii v ^ui I n^i'h sold for $*. fltf.50. more. Tomorrow is the day set by Gov. Glenn In the lead. Whether large or small, or modified, the mushroom hut a nd the corporation commission for the genuine Our meth< ds of clearance are v/hole-souled and iroposed conference with the freight traffic prevails, and we see nine outcertainlyof f(,r Black 1'affeta Silk Eton and of the five but it is every ten women wearing It.4n many ^(TD J nnnagers big systems, cases, It may be said, regardless of effect v which sold at s aiu niuaj uiai uirir jb puiut: uuum auvut determined.and successful. Pony Coals, $15.^ Is held. It had been that or of consequences depending upon the they're re r« mi r-* being reported are so t he all favored the viewpoint. This Is a pity, for there il T arreta mik i_oats; 52 railway people many variations of this form that the ^ ® and had expressed the intentionconfernee,of $10 for.Blfkinches were here it of women maj easily be suited. majorityThe The aiid Suits . . long; semi-fitted; $20. Friday. Today develops, beig almost total absence of the bandeau thl $10 $12.50 $8.25 that the Norfolk and Western yH « MB peoplehowver, makes more »re about the way that road has year the situation trying still, 60c for Li Waists., angry for the woman with the round fat $11.50 lingerie een singled out for the first operation. short, I fie $15 aiid $18.00 Suits . . $10.75 face, topped by a flat mushroom hat, set $1A9 for $3.50 Lingerie Waists. Traffic Manager Holds Back. straight down upon the head, is positively the same hat worn To make a test the Norfolk and grotesque, although by The aiid Suits . . ..j a person to whom It Is suited maj be the $20 $22.50 $14.50 ^Vestern freight traffic manager at Norfolk acme of style. We are so apt, I think, to = h ad been to before the blame the rather than our own subpoened appear The $25 aiid $28.00 Suits . . or $18.75 of>rnnrntinn hprp tndav so flfi to have taste Judgment when we flnu ourselves of lim here on the of the possessed something exceedingly day proposed The fashions as a are at rule, notunbecoming. ai . . The statement is now made conerence.that fa nit- it 1b thuir c v n trtrpra t In » nr hoino The $35 id $38.00 Suits $24.75 I O Women's TV/1 Correct Dress 1 j e will not be here, claiming that he cannot taken literally, tha,t Is our undoing; and ¥ T W7* I b e made to come, as the summons he seeing that there is never a style created in another state was not compulsory.reeivedwithout being adaptable to modiiications, Cheviots, \vorsteds, fine cassimen:s, every desired This outlook puts the freight rate there Is no reason why every woman may i 1 r i DON nAK^niL. I controversy in a bad shap,diBcrlmnationand not be gowned up to date as well as and desired moaei nna ! on eve the when It fabric Saks I hat too, the of day becomingly. fancy every repret Tomorrow's bargains ought 1 o make this one of the busiest vras generally supposed a peace-promoting The tall, slender woman with long feat |j onference would be held and pave the way ures may weax the mushroom hat proper season. erv out * sentation.and we can fit * Fridays of the entire Ev department closing all £or an amicable settlement. and look well in It.the wide, drooping, you. summer Col. A. B. Andrews; first vice president straight around the face brim and all. The $ goods. 1 tlie Southern ro;id. whose headquarters short, dumpy woman -whose face Is round *re in Raleigh, has not yet returned from and ft.t may wear with equally good effect 1Fancy Feathers, he New York conference of Southern tue same shape, but in a modified form. \*T Early Showing | officials. The statement today railwaythat She should choose that nearest a medium w ear* show of Fall Cor and Feathers % 1 he Southern had decided to fight further sized ; in fact, at first b-ance, Uiit Unmatchable in Boys Early ing [lies Fancy fare reduction is received model to an Bargains he passenger appears be actual turban. The in Black. White, Pink, Light iHue, Peacock Blue, Emer- » h ere with doubtful feelings by tUe govefnor brim, however, will be seen to slant for w a nd other state officials. and downward and will be open atoutwardthi interest line for a to look E aid and Brown, present ear, $ lower edge of the brim, instead of the up .An :ing parent through "» trn w** A 11 i? ID*.^ In Buslnen. j \ i, me ia liitr vaoc Ul mc iuiuuii. i\uw .ii 4.: r 50c, 75c, - ClLUlIU U,£»Wo¥ Slang let the short, fat woman find such a hat. c11 ctli lliilCb. J_ novv with so y y'rom Shipping Illustrated. quite small as to head sire, fill In under the )oubly interesting prices *ewest Trimmed Late Sunimer Hats for going away. Illustrations of the disadvantage of brim with folds of mallnes, set a narrow 1 g bandeau In the back, with tne * and In one's -overlng upset. stylish. local vernacular slang culivatlngmallnes, and chooxe a Jaunty trimming and! insruaee are sometimes brought sharply though perfectly plain, aa a. band of velvet $5,00, $7»5. | j' foljwb: thcrv frnntu nnH cut (n r»r» Kulr ^r/.co/,/l lation Sailor style, 25 pairs of Wool "Will send us a modern high and trim looking. Then, as far a; Blue Suits, in SB.98 for PEaited Wash JSkirts worth to $4. t^iat 32=58 for aircd Plan in Skirts wortfin % u nable phrases A neat, serviceable and most heel and knee, | Check, Striped i your letters. nnung on me .«i uiumu, becoming , pinned closely tc ha,t and hair, Is a smart finish at the were Sizes 6 to * to $5.80. ou say, for instance: 'Do not let Messrs. always to acceptable formerly $*50. 13. this kind of hat I this CAn 4 4- /-« T 4" f~\ C 1 | hand a lemon in this de&l. If they and, may say. typ< IU 1VJ i o s e J d Sa(. you of women. The lace chiffon JJ11LC. Ol/iCS 4 tf1 4 wort1Li a «4/ u wovjt