Hatcham Temple Grove Telegraph The Primary Phase of Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College Hatcham Temple Grove Tel: 020 7652 9510 email:
[email protected] Be Helpful, Website: www.haaf.org.uk Try Hard, Our Core Value for this Month: Love Achieve Greatness Friday 9th December 2016 Dear Parents and Carers, it was like something out of a West End theatre production. I am so proud to be the Head Teacher of HTG, to be able to work This week has been a whirlwind of Christmas festivities across with talented members of staff and moreover phenomenal Hatcham. On Monday I went to Southwark Cathedral to watch children. I became so the Federation Carol service. The performance by all the pupils emotionalDate: watching Friday 18th November 2016 from across the Federation was breath-taking. It was lovely to them. I particularly see some of the old HTG pupils not only in the Hatcham senior enjoyed watching their orchestra but also performing in the choir. I saw many familiar eyes light up when faces: Sanyu (year 11), Oisin (Year 8) Millie (Year 8) Isabel (Year they saw a family 8) Noah (year 7) and they are to name a few. On Wednesday I member in the attended the KS3 carol service at All Saints church and again the audience. It is amazing pupils at Haberdashers’ have done the school proud. Of course I how the ‘The Nativity story’ can be adapted. Key Stage 1 took us to Russia with theirs. I am sure you will join me in thanking your child’s class teacher, HLTA’s and not to forget our music engine (as I call her) Mrs Freeburn for all their hard work in making the performance such a special performance! Wow! Only 1 more week of school left, 3 more Friday’s left in was proud of our KS2 choir who performed in the service too.