CURRICULUM RESOURCE FOR ENGLISH COMPOSITION, COURSE # 921015 ANCHOR (TEACHER) TEXT Write Like This by Kelly Gallagher (GRADES 9 OR 10; SEMESTER ELECTIVE) (Request a free, print copy from This English Composition courseresource with its aligned lessons and exemplars CCS ELA 6-12 Curriculum at can be used as a tool to increase student mastery of Ohio’s Learning Standards for Writing and prepare students for real-world writing. The course and this
[email protected]) resource are based upon Kelly Gallagher’s Write Like This, which serves as the STUDY GUIDE FOR TEXT Available HERE teacher’s text for the course. Teachers of the course should request a free print copy of this text at
[email protected]. The lessons are designed to target specificpurposes for writing. This resource is not prescriptive, but instead offers many ideas for teaching the course. OHIO’S LEARNING POWER STANDARDS RESOURCE FOCUS W.9-10.1, W.9-10.2, W.9-10.3, W.9-10.4, W.9-10.5, Student learning will center on preparing students to write in the real world. Using mentor texts as guides, W.9-10.6, W.9-10.7, W.9-10.10, L.9-10.1, L.9-10.2, students will produce writings for each of the following purposes: Express and Reflect, Inform and Explain, L.9-10.6 Evaluate and Judge, Inquire and Explore, Analyze and Interpret, & Take a Stand/Propose a Solution. COURSE ORIENTATION STUDENT ORIENTIATION EXPRESS AND REFLECT INFORM AND EXPLAIN Guiding Documents/Sites/Information Beginning & Ending Activities Write Like This Chapter Two Write Like This Chapter