CLC Discusses Diversity Program for Residence Halls
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.-------------------------~-~~----------------· --~-- ---- --- Floridians Fleeing Floyd's Fury Singing Loudly 1/urricane Floyd forces Florida residents to Notre Dame band Umphrey's McGee graduates Tuesday et,acuate. threatening the region with 155 to the big time. Scene sits down and jams with mile-per-hour winds and heavy rains. keyboard player Joel Cummins. SEPTEMBER 14, page 9 page 12 1999 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXIII NO. 16 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU Symposium evaluates KATMANDU sweatshop labor '='I,,;'"'"'". '"'_............ ~-~~-·«'~.:~ c; Association to inform consumnrs and By MAGGY TINUCCI protect workers worldwide. Nt·w,Wrirt·r "They realiznd the very strong rnlationship universities had with ThP UnivPrsity's symposium on tlwir licensees would hnlp to bring S\VPatshops bPgan Monday night. factories to the table," said highlighting Notn• !lamP's IPadPrship Kansnbier. rolf' in tiH• national movPnwnt. Notre llanw. an FLA membnr. was "This is a uniqw• opportunity for tlw first university to adopt an inde thP Notn• DamP t·ommunity to takP a pendent moral code regarding rlosPr look at tlw swt•atshop issuP in swPatslwps. That eode, signed in an aradPmir SPiting," said Bill lloyn, Parly 1 1J97 as a contract bot ween UnivPrsity Counsf'l and task l'orrn Notre Dame and its business part rhair. · rwrs. bm:arno a model for other uni "Tiw dPhaiP and convnrsation in versities. this rlass will allow tlw task !'oren to As a way to improve the code's makP mnrP inl'ornwd. fPJli'PSPntativn nnl'orceability, thn task force solicited I'Pt'olllmPrulations to IUnivPrsity disl'ussion from priests, labor leaders pn•sidPntl Fatlwr ll·:dwardl Malloy.'" and human rights leaders. It then said lloy<'. hin~d an outsidP monitoring entity. Compris<'d of six IPcturns. tho sym "l'ricewaterhouseCoop!1rs was a posium, whirh ran lw laknn for t:lass first stPp to monitor the codn's com t'I'Pdit. will look at tlw complox pliance," lloyP said. issuPs facing thf' Univprsity's task They arn able to do both random l'orrn as it aims to PliminatP tlw usn audit inspections and specific visits of SWI'atshop labor in tlw rnanul'ac at tlw University's request. tun• of Notr<' llanw apparnl. "It gives us the freedom to d irnct Thn task l'on·p looks at tlw ethical. wlw.n and where to determine where moral and rPiigious issuns tl111 swoat the risk is the greatest, as well as shop qu<'stion raisns, 11spndally at a lwlping to improve thn enforcemnnt Catholic univi'J'sity such as Notre capability of our code," said Iloye. Da nw. Although Notrn Dame follows its ''1-:arh univ<'rsitv must advisP and own monitoring processes through idPntil'y its nwn ninral t·ndP. But is a l'ricewatnrhouseCoopers, a main rodP sul'liri<'nt'! I low can you opnra rPsponsibility of the FLA is to deeid!! Lionaliz<' your moral codP in tlw which factories s11rving its 121 mem husirwss world'!" ask<'d lloyn. bnr universities will bn monitornd. Thn Univl'l'sity's task forct• has "The companies suggest factories hP<'n !'harg<'d with answnring thnsn to bn monitored, hut it is up to the quPstions. FL/\ to deeide. Non-governmental Carol KaPS<' hiPr, N otrn llanw 's organizations, companies and uni g<'rwral rouns<'l and ro-rhair of thn vnrsitins hnlp to make this decision. 1;1./\ 's uniwrsity counsnl. has hnl'n a basml on risk and what their exptwi. SHANNON BENNETI(The Observer IPadPr in tlw swnatshop isstw sincn enc!! in those arnas has boon," I 1J1H,, wlwn tlw Clinton administra Kansnbier said. A 15.5 ton sculpture, entitled 'Katmandu,' pays homage to the tools and tion l'ormPd tlw Fair Labor machinery that helped build progress in the Midwest. A work of Michael see FACTORIES/page 4 Dunbar, it is placed on the corner of Juniper Road and Moose Krause Circle. CLC discusses diversity program for residence halls rently are enrolled in a at freshmen, Moss expeets By FINN PRESSLY one-credit psychology class the "fallout effect" from the Assisranr News Ediror that addresses many "isms" program to filter through of modern society: clas the halls to every student. !\ new diversity program sism, sexism and racism, Hall Presidents Council is headed for the residence among others. The last co-president Brian Higney halls this semester, accord throe weeks of thn class are said a round-table diseus ing to David Moss, assistant devoted to planning the sion on diversity in Kennan vice-president for Student logistics of "diversity expe Hall last year had a positive Affairs. riences" - evnning discus effect on the participants. "What we're coming to sions intended to begin a lie praised the nnw pro now is the culmination of a eontinuing diversity initia gram. year's planning," said tive in the residence halls. "I like the way you're get Moss, who addressed the "Wn don't want this ini ting students involvnd," Campus Life Council at the tial step to be the end of Bigney said. invitation of student body the conversation of diversi "For Kncman that work11d vieo-president Michael ty on campus," he said. great," Moss said, "IThnl Palumbo. "Our hope is ... next year, it program I will b11l tailornd At the core of the pro won't just be a freshman specil'ieally for each indi gram is a team of 29 stu program, There will be a vidual hall. Each hall has a dent "facilitators" who rep number of programs in the certain dorm atmosphere. resent all racial back hall dealing with diversity." "We will make, I think, a grounds on campus. Though the program cur These facilitators cur- rently is aimed specilkally see CLC/page 4 Bill Kirk, vice president for residence life, and fellow CLC members dis cuss a diversity program for residence halls at Monday's meeting. -- ~ ·~---,...----- page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Tuesday, September 14, 1999 INSIDE COLUMN QUOTES OF THE WEEK "Last year I just "You, as students, "If you go to prison "Modesty is came to get free andfuture business for the right reasons, integrating your Why ARE pens, but this year leaders, need an you are free, and hopes and I'm serious. " improved perception I'll be going back integrating what you -we here? ofthe labor again soon. want into your life." Jascint Vukelich movement." I have no idea what I'm doing next year. junior business major Father Roy Bourgeois Wendy Shalit I've seen the flyers. I've been to the career on career forum John Sweeney founder of the School of author fairs. I've spent hours contemplating my President of AFL-CIO The Americas Watch options and networking on the Internet. Yet, nothing seems right. While I was opening my mail the other day, a healthy dose of reality greeted me in the friendly Compiled from U-Wire reports form of my loan statement. OUTSIDE THE DOME It details just how far in debt I'll be when I get my little piece of paper in May, Wisconsin students protest tuition increase how long I have before this Colleen Gaughen debt is due and just how UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN "Tuition is the one issue that "According to Gov. Tommy much the payments will be. University of Wisconsin student affects everyone." Thompson, the budget is supposed to It was at this point that I Viewpoint leaders met Sunday to make final be done by October, so this may be proceeded to panic. editor plans for a Wednesday walkout in our last opportunity to influence What am I doing here? protest of tuition increases. Tshaka Barrows them," Barrows said. Why did I sweat blood to Outraged by the 9.6 percent tuition ASM representative Wednesday has also been des-ignat finance a liberal education increase from last year's rate. more ed as a student-action day all across that will leave me so deeply in debt- with no than 50 student organizations are the state by the United Council. an way out? Why do I struggle to make ends meet uniting to encourage student action. organization that lobbies on behalf of to study literature and history when I will prob Organizers are encouraging students believe that Chvala's efforts need to UW System students. As schools from ably never apply what I'm learning? to walk out of classes at 12:30 p.m. UW-La Crosse to UW-Milwaukee plan be backed by strong support from the It hit me when I was having coffee with a and gather on Library Mall. protest actions, UW-Madison organiz student body. friend of mine. She was unhappy in her major, "This walkout is to get the attention ers are calling for school-wide unity. Associated Students of Madison but stuck it out because she knew she would of the state Legislature," said Tshaka Chair Adam Klaus said the budget will In a show of broad-based support. get a high-salary job after graduation. She told Barrows, an ASM representative. leaders from student groups including affect tuition levels. If the Legislature me that if she had had a choice, she would "This is not an attack on the faculty the Alliance for Democracy, La were to increase funding for the or the university." have chosen a much more impractical field of University of Wisconsin System, the Colectiva Cultural de Aztlan, Black study. like mine. As state legislators struggle to Student Union, Civil Rights Defense UW System Board of Hegents could But she did have a choice. We all do. pound out a budget.