Taste of the Caribbean Goes Virtual Next Saturday Riverfront Plaza will not be awash in the host an online virtual festival starting at 7 watch the show on YouTube, Instagram, sounds of steel drums and the smell of jerk pm on Saturday, August 1. The virtual festi- Vimeo and Facebook. The website also has chicken this summer. The highly popular val will be a trip down memory lane information on obtaining discounts for the Taste of the Caribbean and Jerk Festival has through 14 years of festival performances evening from four restaurants: Dunn's River been canceled to further prevent the spread by top international musicians and promis- Restaurant, Fire n Spice Vegan Restaurant, of the COVID-19 virus. ing local talent. Jamske's Caribbean Restaurant and Lion's Instead, organizers of the festival will Go to TasteCT to find out how you can Den Vegetarian Restaurant.

The July 23 – 29, 2020 Hartford News FREE A View From Council Chambers VirtualNEWS Meeting BRIEFS on Part 2 of an interview with Upcoming School Year the WFP’s Josh Michtom Hartford Schools Superintendent Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez will present a BY ANNE GOSHDIGIAN preview of the upcoming school year during a Virtual Town Hall Meeting Party of two TONIGHT, July 23. Tune-in by going to Moving on from last week’s subject of www.hartfordschools.org/TownHall HPD, Chief Thody, and his opinions on from 5-5:30 pm for English and 5:45- policing, Michtom spoke of the most signif- 6:45 pm for Spanish. icant challenges he and Councilwoman Wildaliz Bermudez face as a minority party Black Lives Matter of two serving on a Democrat-controlled Mural to be Unveiled council. “Math, mostly! In all seriousness, the frustration I have, which I've discussed A new Black Lives Matter mural painted with Wildaliz, is that because the majority on the side of the old Swift Goldleaf fac- doesn't feel much--if any--electoral pressure, tory building will be unveiled today, July all of our efforts at transparency and public 23, at 5 pm. The Swift Factory is locat- information don't mean much. No argument ed at 60 Love Lane in Hartford’s North is good enough, it seems, to persuade them if End. The event is free and open to the the powers that be haven't given it the high public. Before the unveiling, communi- sign. And no vote they take is plainly bad or Pro Soccer Returns to Hartford! ty members are invited to help finish the embarrassing enough to keep them from tak- After a delay of four months due to the COVID- mural starting at 12 noon. ing it. But I guess that just means it is 19 pandemic, finally opened Wildaliz's and my job to engage enough vot- their home season at Dillon Stadium Monday Sidewalk Repair ers to hold the Democrats accountable come night with a 3-1 win over Loudoun United. Projects Announced election time. I honestly feel that Attendance at the game was limited to 25 per- Councilwoman Bermúdez and I have the cent of Dillon’s maximum capacity. All specta- Hartford Department of Public Works potential to appeal to a wide base of voters, tors had to wears masks and practice social dis- (DPW) has evaluated and prioritized but I also know that retail politics is hard. tancing. Above is Athletic’s Gabriel Torres sidewalks near schools, community There is no one newspaper that most of (green and blue jersey) stealing the ball away centers and other public facilities, and Hartford reads, or one single language in from Loudoun’s Jacob Greene. At right is identified those that posed the most which they read. It is very hard to reach and Athletic’s Danny Barrera pushing the ball past risk for pedestrians. All sidewalk work engage a lot of people, and I recognize that several Loudoun defenders. In a show of soli- will include ADA ramps and curb treat- we owe our seats to the state's Minority Party darity with the Black Lives Matter movement, ments that meet current Federal stan- Representation law. Still, if the WFP was all Hartford players wore BLM armbands and dards. Below is a list of the sidewalks able to pour a lot of resources into our race, players from both teams knelt during the scheduled for repairs: National Anthem. Hartford Athletic will play its or if Wildaliz and I really had the time to • Arnold Street between Hillside next game this Saturday, July 25, at 7 pm at spend six months or a year campaigning, I Ave & Zion Street think we could gain seats.” Dillon Stadium. (Hart photos) • Catherine Street between Ledger A skewed power structure? Street & Zion Street The Democratic Town Committee (DTC) Hartford...Once Upon a Time • Edgewood Street between Vine has long been recognized as a powerful force Street & Enfield Street in city politics, particularly regarding who receives their nominations for office which • Goshen Street between New many say always translates into a November Britain Avenue & Stanwood St. win for their slate. Is it a stranglehold that can • Holcomb Street between Granby never be beat? According to Councilman Street & Blue Hills Avenue Michtom, “I understand that in theory, the Democratic Town Committee has the poten- • Lyme Street between Burnham tial to be radically democratic--emphasis on Street & Branford Street the lowercase d--because anyone can register • Nepaug Street between New Democrat and go participate in meetings in Britain Avenue & Waterford St. their community and have an impact. Somehow, though, it doesn't work out that • Stanwood Street between way in practice. Honestly, I don't quite under- Montrose St. & Newington Ave. stand why that is: there's not very much • Vineland Terrace between Vine wealth or influence to be had by being on Street and Enfield Street City Council, so I don't see why anyone would covet the job enough to fall in line • Waterford Street between with party dictates. But that seems to be what Goshen Street & Newington Ave. the Democrats do. They defend programs Residents can submit sidewalk repair and policies that they know aren't popular Our old friend, the late Tony DeBonee, took this photo in May, 1978. The child at left is Tony’s requests to Hartford 311 through the with no regard for electoral consequences, daughter, Samantha. The woman at right is a Hartford legend, “Mom” Bazinet. The two are app or by calling (8601) 757-9311 for since, as you say, getting on the party line is shown in front of Bazinet’s thrift store on Buckingham Street in May, 1978. For decades, consideration. DPW will review all Mom’s Bazinet sold a wide variety of clothes and other items for rock-bottom prices. (Photo requests and determine future repairs. courtesy of the ’s Hartford Collection) Continued on page 7 2 The Hartford News July 23 – 29, 2020

Trinity Street Black Lives Matter Mural Creation July 24-26 BY DONNA SWARR Spearheaded by community activist Levey ing will take place Friday and Saturday. Kardulis and artist LaShawn Robinson, with support Five to ten volunteers from many organizations from the City of Hartford, the creation of a Black will assist the artists at designated times and social Lives Matter mural on Trinity Street will become a distancing will be maintained. These organizations reality. include: Hoopwaves; Kamora’s Cultural Corner; Sixteen professional artists have each created a Poetry Matters; Hamden Board of Education; Self- design for one letter from the words “Black Lives Suffice; Blue Hills Civic Association, Hartford Matter” to be painted on the street between the State Foundation for Public Giving; Posh Paint; Joy Capitol and the Soldiers and Sailors Arch on Trinity Monroe’s Art Studio; JuJu Camacho; Hartford President Trump, Street this weekend, July 24 - 26. Compass Peace Keepers, and Hartford’s Youth The following artists are volunteering their design Corps. Janice Castle has been the lead from the City Go Out Like a Star! and the creation of the artwork: LaShawn Robinson; of Hartford, which is providing the PPE, water, Back in the Vietnam Era, some worse so the congress will bail us Natalie Langliese; Anika Perez; Jarod Thompson; snacks, all paint supplies, staff, and the HFD medical Democrats suggested that we just out once again with fiat money, Linda Robinson; Kathleen Maldonado; Jasleni staff will be on-site. “Claim victory and leave.” Well, keeping the bread lines down to Brito; Che LaMore; Latoya Delaire; Jhiyear Please attend the Mural Reveal event which will be Nixon kind of did just that. just a few miles and the unemploy- Thompson; Kayla Chelu Farrell; Arie Delaire; Andre held on Sunday, July 26th from 1-3 p.m. Trinity As a lifelong conservative ment numbers just below depres- Rochester; Candace Donaldson; Anne Gogh; Deka; Street will be closed until early September so that the Republican, your reporter takes no sion levels. Claim victory! Flybomb; and Jason Farquharson. The outline will mural can be viewed. pleasure in the probable electoral North Korea, Iran, Iraq, be applied to the street Thursday evening and paint- disaster about to descend on the Afghanistan all stay out of the G.O.P. Donald Trump has never news for a couple of weeks been a true conservative Republi- because of the resurge of the pan- can and has turned the part into a demic and nobody notices NOT MY JOB defender of his excesses and Trump’s backsliding on his belli- tawdry behavior. His own utter- cose promises. Claim victory! Whose turn is it to take out the trash? ances will be used by the Despite the Trump administra- BY TOM SWARR Democratic Party to curtail tion’s work against environmental- Republican power for many years. ly-minded regulations, the air has After 30 months of painful negotiations to structure a return the property to the City for future economic Our only hope is “Claim victory gotten cleaner thanks to less peo- project to refurbish the Hartford incinerator, MIRA’s development. The state has emphasized environmental and leave,” allowing us to pick a ple driving and flying. Claim vic- request for $330 million of funding to move the project justice concerns, which would also argue against siting sensible, youthful standard bearer tory! forward was rejected by Governor Lamont. DEEP any new waste management operations on the MIRA who would contrast well with a We may have a rainy, cold fall Commissioner, Katie Dykes stated, “It’s time for new property. faltering Democratic re-tread. and early winter, cutting down the ideas.” In a letter issued July 14th, DEEP rejected An even bigger obstacle is section 22a-268 which Today, with a looming “Blue marches and demonstration. So we MIRA’s 2021 plan of operations that assumed the only mandates that MIRA may contract with private entities Wave” of historic proportions won’t need the storm troopers feasible option was shipping our waste to out-of-state provided the agreement “… shall contain such terms (especially in ), the doing a Portland all over the coun- landfills as a “false choice.” and conditions as will enable the authority to retain future of the Republican Party try. Claim victory! While MIRA conducted a board meeting to discuss overall supervision and control (my emphasis) of the reminds one of the fate of the Whig If one reads the book The the DEEP decision, Governor business, design, operating, man- Party in the 1850s. The Whigs kind Presidents by CSPAN, you will Lamont and Commissioner agement, transportation, market- of lost themselves and eventually find examples of presidents who Dykes held a press conference to ing, planning and research, and split over the race issue (i.e. slavery) were only elected for one term – promote Blue Earth Compost as development functions…” What and a lack of any sustained set of Teddy Roosevelt, for example – the kind of innovative solutions to private company would be willing basic issues. History may well and found a place in history. John managing our waste that CT to invest its capital, assume opera- repeat itself and, with Trump seem- Adams, John Quincy Adams, needs. The Commissioner spoke tional risk, and then surrender all ingly lusting after a civil war, one James Polk and Jimmy Carter are of partnering with municipalities, control of the business functions wonders what would replace the all looked at by history a bit more catalyzing markets, and tapping necessary to manage their risk? Grand Old Party if it implodes. favorably than they were when the entrepreneurial spirit of pri- This was a major stumbling block So, as revelations of various they were in office. Maybe the vate companies to leverage the in the negotiations to refurbish the Presidential misdeeds pile up, as dumpster fire that is now occupy- efforts of companies like Blue trash plant. Connecticut talks military heroes and veteran con- ing the White House will also look Earth, rather than investing in the about public-private partnerships, servatives jump ship, now is the better in retrospect. Claim victory! outdated Hartford incinerator. but also stated no state subsidy time for a broad stroke by the This reporter takes no pleasure in MIRA was directed to submit a (investment) was contemplated Trumpster. Maybe a slight dip in the potential of an eighty year old revised plan of operations by under PA 14-94. Sam King of the virus this October could be the president giving in constantly to the September 15th that considered “other innovative and Blue Earth made this key point at the press conference. October surprise! Claim victory! left wing of the party of JFK (by environmentally – positive measures that promote self- “We have the technologies. We just don’t have the A possible opening on the today’s standards, not his). So the sufficiency and predictable costs.” investment.” Supreme Court comes down while only hope for the Republican Party is I have a saying: If you approach an organization for If we reframe waste management as an economic the Senate is still red. Change the for Trump to steal a page from something that is in their title, you probably won’t be development opportunity and are willing to make the complexion of the court Lyndon Johnson’s book and, you getting it. Think of “Customer Service” or “Help investments, we can attract new businesses to convert and...claim victory! guessed it, “Claim victory and Desk”, just to name a couple. Why I am skeptical about our waste to new products, transportation fuels, and The economy can’t get much leave!” getting innovation from MIRA? PA 14-94, which cre- heat and power with reduced environmental impacts. ated MIRA also imposes significant barriers to the role While DEEP, MIRA, and the Governor sort out whose DEEP is proposing for MIRA. job it is to do what, the Hartford Solid Waste Task Force DEEP suggested MIRA consider measures such as (SWTF) is exploring the best available commercial unit-based pricing or source separation of food waste. technologies for materials and energy recovery as part However, section 22a-262(5)(c) of the CT General of its efforts to develop a zero-waste strategy for the Statutes forbids MIRA to conduct “activities related to City. The South Meadows was one of ten transforma- statewide recycling education and promotion or the tive projects identified in the City’s updated plan of establishment of statewide solid waste management or conservation and development. State decisions about policy.” the future of MIRA will have a significant impact. To Section 22a-262(5) limited the scope of MIRA to follow the work of the SWTF, contact Haylee Green- “development of new industries, technologies and Ortiz ([email protected]) to be added commercial enterprises “on property owned by the to the distribution list for meeting notifications. The authority…” (My emphasis). Mayor Bronin and the task force meets the second Thursday of the month at 4 Hartford City Council have been opposed to any solu- p.m.. tion that does not eliminate the MIRA facility and

THE HARTFORD NEWS Two city parks receive $500,000 grants At the July 21st State Bond Commission meeting, an agenda item was Publishers ...... Jon Harden Published by Southside Media passed that has allocated $500,000 for Colt Park and $500,000 for Pope ...... Lynne Lumsden 563 Franklin Ave., Hartford, CT 06114 Park under the Grants-in-Aid for Urban Development Projects. The funds Managing Editor ...... Andy Hart (860) 296-6128 FAX 866-875-3785 • E-Mail: [email protected] Advertising Manager...... Josephine Finocchiaro were requested to provide funding to the City of Hartford for the renovation Copy Editor/Staff Writer...... Anne Goshdigian The Hartford News is published weekly on Thursday by Gamut of ballfields and related facilities at the two parks. Thanks go to State Spanish Editor ...... Wilfredo Ayala Publishing, Inc. The publisher does not assume responsibility for errors, Senator John Fonfara, State Representative Julio Concepcion, and State omissions, and changes in advertising or editorial material. Advertising Contributing Writers...... Mike McGarry rates are available upon request. Deadlines: Advertisements, news Representative Minnie Gonzalez for working hard on this project. The grant ...... David Samuels releases and articles must be submitted by 5 pm on Monday for publi- to Colt Park was sought to fulfill the funding requirements for its Phase I cation on Thursday.Rights and Permissions: The entire contents of the ...... Donna Swarr Hartford News are copyright 2006 by Gamut Publishing, and no portion projects. Shown above is Ballfield Number 9 in Colt Park under construc- ...... Tom Swarr may be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without specific tion. The new field has been named in honor of Hartford native Johnny ...... Maricarmen Cajahuaringa written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved. Taylor. July 23 – 29, 2020 The Hartford News 3

An open letter to Mayor Luke Bronin and City Council Members We, the people of Hartford, are sick of not being listened to regarding the Hartford Police Department. Last week, a City Council meeting was held in which the Working Families Party members presented a resolu- tion requiring that Jason Thody be suspended from his duties as police chief until an outside investigation into his reckless driving and the sub- sequent cover-up was concluded. Numerous members of the Hartford community called in to express that they wish for Jason Thody to be relieved of his duties. The only two members of the City Council who took unto account the opinion of the general public were WFP members. The other council members dismissed the concerns expressed during public comment. Jason Thody drove recklessly for at least 10 minutes on May 31st, as evidenced by a call from a retired civil servant. He endangered every- one on the road and got into an accident as a result of his behavior. Then Bushnell Ballet Anyone else would not be able to get away with this West End resident Carolyn Paine behavior. But he has been allowed to continue his (left) recently gave an outdoor bal- duties as if nothing happened. At the very least, let class at Bushnell Park in . Her students [Police Chief] Jason Thody should be suspended (with for the evening were fellow dancers pay, as required) until an independent investigation Brian Syms, Jr. (above) and Alex into his actions has been conducted. Zarlengo. (Hart photos) there was an obvious cover-up of his actions. Was Jason Thody driving while intoxicated? Most likely; it fits his history of substance abuse and resultant violence. But his word was taken as fact that he was not intox- icated. Anyone else would not be able to get away with this behavior. But he has been allowed to continue his duties as if nothing happened. At the very least, Jason Thody should be suspended (with pay, as required) until an independent investigation into his actions has been Galleries at Real Art Ways Re-Open Today conducted. In reality, he should be dismissed from his position, as the Real Art Ways (RAW), 56 Arbor his complex layered paintings. He ries to explore the process of grief. public has requested repeatedly—a position which he was pretty much Street, Hartford, is scheduled to re- incorporates aspects of organic and Exploring a variety of media and given without a search for other candidates and without listening to the open their art galeries today after inorganic mark making and trans- techniques, Crowley’s work offers feedback of the public, who expressed doubt from the beginning about being shut down in March due to fers, creating ghostly images the multiple ways for the viewer to his fitness for the position. the COVID-19 pandemic. viewer could almost dive into. interpret life, bodies, and death. It is sad to see in today’s climate, where activists across the country Gallery hours are Thursday are calling for police accountability, that Jason Thody is facing little-to- through Saturday: 11am to 12 noon Space Around A Porcupine To maintain safety, RAW staff is no consequences for his recklessness and his subsequent lies. And for for Real Art Ways members only; The worlds created by Morgan taking the following precautions: the Mayor and the majority of the City Council to ignore these egregious and 12 noon to 3pm for the general Bulkeley in his sculptures and • RAW’s internal Covid-19 task acts is unconscionable. public. paintings are multifaceted and seri- force has been meeting weekly, It is all well and good to pose for photo opportunities with certain Visits can be arranged by appoint- ous, but far from solemn. His work covering all aspects of re-open- community activists who are convinced that Jason Thody has their best ment, Monday through Wednesday, tells stories, and one of the stories is ing. interests in mind. We all know this is pure rhetoric. How can a man who please email Neil Daigle Orians, about narrative itself. is actively dodging accountability for his own actions possibly be trust- [email protected]. • The gallery is paying attention, ed to hold the police department accountable? RAW is also planning to host out- Hail Eve, Full of Grief first and foremost, to the sci- Community members and activists will not stand by while this cor- door movie screenings Starting in and Earthly Delights ence. Sten H. Vermund, Dean ruption goes in under our very noses. Thody must be terminated! He has August. of the Yale School of Public proven himself unfit for this position. We will not stop rallying sur- RAW currently has five exhibits An installation by Alexis Crowley rounding this issue until the appropriate action is taken. by different artists, one new and utilizing mythologies and memo- Continued on page 6 Thody must go, and any city official who participates in and co-signs four that were on view when the lies and cover-ups must go too. The people will not be silent! shutdown started. CITY OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT

Joanna Iovino, Los Paisanos: Narratives NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Representing Citizens Opposed to Police States (COPS) of the Chinese Diaspora The first semi-annual installment of taxes on the Grand List of October 1, in Puntarenas, Costa Rica 2019, and the Supplemental Motor Vehicle List, were due and payable on $600,000 Aproved for North End Streetscape Immigration, assimilation, and cul- July 1, 2020. tures in flux, are timely and very Failure to pay any tax due July 1, 2020, on or before August 3, 2020, will State Representative Brandon L projects." human subjects. Dorcas Tang docu- cause the tax to become delinquent and subject to interest, from the due McGee Jr.has announced that the In 2014, Rep. McGee announced ments a community of the Chinese date, at the rate of 1 ½ % per full or partial month. Any delinquent tax is State Bond Commission has a plan entitled "Reimagine, diaspora living in Costa Rica. subject to a minimum interest charge of two dollars ($2.00). approved $600,000 in streetscape Revitalize, Reassert Main St," Photographs, found objects, and construction for a segment of North which called for investments of this audio tell a complex story of migra- Since failure to receive a bill does not invalidate the tax or, in the event of Main Street in Hartford, stretching magnitude that would finance the tion and cultural exchange. delinquency, respective penalties, taxpayers who do not receive a bill by from Earle Street and Boce Barlow improvement of sidewalks, build- the end of the first full week of January should request a duplicate from the Way to the Windsor town line. ing of shelters for commuters wait- Skinny Boy Lookin' Division of Assessment and Collections. "This allocation is the culmina- ing for the bus, affordable housing Like Deer in Headlights tion of a nearly 7-year push, span- construction and small business Payments may be mailed to the address on the bills. Payments may also ning three mayoral terms, commu- development along the corridor. Fresh out of college, Julian Johnson be made online at www.hartford.gov/tax or in the drop box located outside nity meeting after community meet- "I also want to thank my local was selected for a Real Art Award the Office of the Tax Collector, 550 Main Street, Room 106, Hartford, ing and public survey after survey," Neighborhood Revitalization Zone in 2019. His memoir-like exhibition Connecticut, Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and McGee said. "Thank you to the for their years of advocacy for the displays a keen eye and touching excluding holidays. Payments may also be made in person at the address Governor for recognizing the need residents of the North End," he con- vulnerability. above. Tax Office hours TBD for month of July and August 2020. to invest in small businesses and in tinued. "I'm grateful that these dol- Nancy Raich, CCMC making transportation, housing and lars will meet the communities of Time-Space Compression Tax Collector WiFi more accessible in a neighbor- North Hartford where they're need- Geoffrey Detrani uses drawing City of Hartford hood often overlooked for such ed most. Now, let's get to work." materials and acrylic paint to create 4 The Hartford News July 23 – 29, 2020 Sunset Sounds Concert Series Returns August 6 Connecticut Landmarks’ Sunset Sounds Concert Series will return this year with three live performances next month on the grounds of the Amos Bull House, 59 South Prospect Street (behind the Butler-McCook House) in Downtown Hartford. All concerts are free but pre-registration is required; please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sunset-sounds-concert-series-tickets- 113924918498. Or, watch the concerts from the comfort of your own home on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/butler.mccook/. Thursday, August 6, 6 - 8 pm Orice Jenkins: Millennial Soul Our series kicks-off with a mesmerizing performance by Orice Jenkins: Millennial Soul. Orice Jenkins is a vocalist, arranger, song- writer, and multi-instrumentalist. After three remarkably diverse proj- ects, his recent album, 'Centennial Cole', is a celebration of a great voice from the past, Nat 'King' Cole. His genre sits firmly on the outskirts of Jazz, adjacent to folk music, and stilled in Rhythm & Blues in what Jenkins has dubbed “Millennial Soul” to differentiate it from Classic Soul and Neo-Soul. He is known for infusing hip-hop into his covers of jazz standards like “Bye Bye Blackbird” and “Body & Soul,” as well as Friends of Zion Hill Cemetery Hold Clean-up and Tour arranging swinging treatments of songs by Drake and Rihanna. The sound of Millennial Soul is set apart by a distinct cast of musicians, On Sunday, June 28, the Friends of Zion Hill Cemetery held a clean-up of the burial ground and its adjacent ceme- many with roots in Jenkins’ hometown of Hartford. For more informa- teries. Following the clean-up a tour of the area, which is bounded by Zion, Ward, Affleck and Summit streets and tion, visit www.oricejenkins.com. (Rain Date: Friday, August 7) Allen Place in Hartford’s Frog Hollow neighborhood, was led by three local historians. Kerri Provost (above, right), founder and editor of the RealHartford blog, discussed the grave of Gershon Marx, the oldest person ever to be executed in Connecticut. Marx was convicted of murder and hung on May 18, 1905, at the age of 73. Mary Falvey, Executive Director of the Hartford Preservation Alliance, discussed the graves of Civil War veterans who are buried at Zion Hill, and Carey Shea, who organized the event with assistance from Mike Mendez and others, described the graves of two Tong Gang members, who were also convicted of murder. The event was supported by the Frog Hollow NRZ, SINA and the City of Hartford Department of Public Works. (Hart photo)

The Sunset Sounds Concert Series has been popular for well over a decade. (Hartford News file photo)

Thursday, August 13, 6 - 8 pm Jocelyn Pleasant & The Lost Tribe Feel the beat with Jocelyn Pleasant & The Lost Tribe, a drum-centered African Diasporic instrumental collective from Connecticut, formed in 2017 and led by multi-percussionist Jocelyn Pleasant. Their sound winds through many genres that are rooted in West African rhythms and sensibilities. For more information, find them on Facebook @thelosttribeCT. (Rain Date: Friday, August 14) Thursday, August 20, 6 - 8 pm Ed Fast & Congabop Experience the vibrant sounds of Ed Fast & Congabop. Ed Fast and Congabop are celebrated in Hartford for their soulful, sizzling perform- ances. As a Hartt School alum, percussionist Fast is right at home sitting- in with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra, touring with premier Broadway road shows, or gigging in backup bands at Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun accompanying the likes of Aretha Franklin and Paul Anka. Congabop features top artists in jazz, dance, and drumming com- ing together to create a unique and powerful force in Afro-Cuban Jazz, along with exceptional vocalists who apply their voice to unique “Rumbafied” versions of jazz standards, Broadway classics, and popu- lar music of The Beatles, Stevie Wonder, and more. For more informa- tion, visit www.congabop.com. (Rain Date: Friday, August 21)

All concerts are FREE and open to the community. The event is sup- ported in part by: the Richard P. Garmany Fund at Hartford Foundation for Public Giving; and the Evelyn W. Preston Memorial Trust Fund, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee. Registration is required as space is lim- ited. Please register your group (five or fewer adults per group) for one of the marked lawn areas to share at: sunset-sounds-2020.eventbrite.com. In order to protect the health of staff and visitors, masks must be worn by all individuals, age 6 and above, to and from the property entrance to their lawn space (and any time outside their group’s marked space). Children should remain with their adult(s) during the event. The Amos Bull House restroom will be accessible during the per- formance for attendees. All other indoor spaces at the Amos Bull House and Butler-McCook House & Garden, are temporarily closed to the public. July 23 – 29, 2020 The Hartford News 5 Hartford Decide$ Announces Winning Projects Hartford Decide$, Hartford’s 3rd Place: Bushnell and, equally important, also builds participatory budgeting initiative the capacity of multiple stakehold- now in its fourth year, announces Park Ice Rink ers with diverse interests to work the winning projects in this year’s Enhancements together for the greater good of the cycle. They are: ($5,000) community. This year’s winning • 1st Place: $25,000 for Keney projects will be implemented over This project was developed by Park Fitness Trail the next several months. Hartford high school students. Ten Participatory budgeting was • 2nd Place: $20,000 for Urban skating aids will be purchased to first developed in Brazil in 1989 Thinkscapes help new skaters or those with and in the ensuing years spread physical limitations learn how to through South America and then • 3rd Place: $5,000 for Bushnell skate. Two outdoor igloos will be Europe. In the past several years it Park Ice Rink Enhancements purchased to provide a comfort- has begun to be used in the United able place for skaters and family States, first in Chicago and New Hartford Decide$ is a demo- or friends to rest and warm up. York. In 2016, Hartford became cratic, community-driven partici- Last year 42,016 skaters used the the first city in Connecticut to use patory budgeting process in rink, and about 70% were the participatory budgeting Independence Day Decorations which Hartford residents decide Hartford residents. process. 2021 will mark the fifth On Friday, July 3, the Maple Avenue Revitalization Group (MARG) deco- how to spend a designated por- More details on the remaining anniversary of Hartford Decide$. rated Barry Square with dozens of American flags in honor of tion of the City’s capital budget five projects may be found at Cristina Chillogalli, Board Independence Day on July 4. Shown here are MARG Board member Bill on public improvements. www.hartforddecides.org. Chair of Hartford Decide$, said, Erikson, MARG President Hyacinth Yennie and Barry Square Community Hartford Decide$ engages com- Hartford Decide$ results in the “We were so pleased to have eight Service Officer (CSO) Dino Ahmetovic from the Hartford Police munity members in a process of implementation of valuable proj- Department. (Hart photo) identifying and developing proj- ects chosen by the community Continued on page 6 ect ideas and then voting to deter- mine which of the projects will be funded. This year the City of Hartford allocated $50,000 in capital funds for Hartford resi- dents 13 years of age and up to decide how to spend. There were a total of eight proj- ects on the ballot, all of them pro- posed and developed by Hartford residents from all over the City including a number of high school students. Two of the win- ning projects, the Keney Park Fitness Trail and the Bushnell Park Ice Rink Enhancements, were developed by the high school students in collaboration with community partners (the Keney Park Sustainability Project and the iQuilt Partnership, respectively). The third winning project, Urban Thinkscapes, was developed by an action team made up of Hartford residents in collaboration with Hartford Public Library. 1st Place: Keney Park Fitness Trail ($25,000) Installation of a 12-14 station fitness trail. Each station will offer a different activity or exercise such as rowing machine, elliptical cross trainer, butterfly, parallel bars, and others. 2nd Place: Urban Thinkscapes ($20,000) The focus for this project will be to install Playful Learning Spaces at two neighborhood branches of the Hartford Public Library. Play is the foundation for creativity, constructive problem solving, self-regulation, and learning as a whole. These installations will be based on proven play-based meth- ods, tailored to the needs and cul- ture of each neighborhood. Guided forms of play can help children to develop specific target- ed skills in areas such as math, lit- eracy, spatial awareness, and lan- guage. Since children only spend an estimated 20% of their waking hours in formal school environ- ments, creating these Playful Learning Spaces in neighborhood branches of the library will give children living in these neighbor- hoods access to playful learning opportunities during the remain- ing 80% of their time. These installations may be indoors or outdoors. 6 The Hartford News July 23 – 29, 2020 Hartford Decides Show Us the Money! Continued from page 5 Hartford residents worked togeth- Hartford Decide$ on their fourth Six years down the road, diamonds still great projects on the ballot in this er to make the participatory budg- year doing this incredible work,” aren’t Hartford’s best friend very challenging year. Even with eting process happen. Hartford said Council President Maly D. the limitations of the pandemic, Decide$ results in the completion Rosado. “I am so grateful to the COMMENTARY BY ANNE GOSHDIGIAN of some wonderful projects but students and community members On this week in 2014, a diverse media. We spoke out at every city also engages people from all who took the time to submit pro- NOTICE TO CREDITORS group of city activists took to the public event, wrote op-eds. Public walks of life and gives them a posals and vote on this year’s proj- ESTATE OF streets to protest the “done deal” opinion kept shifting to our side, direct voice in deciding how to ects. We look forward to seeing David Wayne Johnston, announced by then-Mayor Pedro and the city got nervous. spend a portion of the City’s capi- the winning ideas realized and AKA David W. Johnston Segarra that Hartford was going to The mayor’s plan changed sever- tal funds.” encourage more residents to get (20-00576) build a grand and glorious Minor al times after that; private invest- “I want to congratulate the three involved.” League baseball stadium to house ment would cover the cost, a public- The Hon. Foye A. Smith, Judge winning teams and thank all of the “We are so proud of our student the Rock Cats—a team that was private partnership would be of the Court of Probate, District residents who participated in winners," said School Super - defecting from their home field in formed. But the natives remained of Hartford Probate Court, by Hartford Decide$ this year,” said intendent Leslie Torres- New Britain because the facilities restless and we planned for a voter decree dated July 17, 2020, Mayor Luke Bronin. “These Rodriguez. "Through the Hartford there weren’t sumptuous enough for referendum. Segarra and compa- ordered that all claims must be thoughtful, community-driven proj- Decides process, they learned how team owner, the uber-wealthy Josh ny—along with Solomon—could presented to the fiduciary at the ects will improve our parks and pro- to examine community needs, Solomon. Were we protesting not allow that to happen (they knew address below. Failure to vide a new space for our youngest brainstorm project ideas, and promptly present any such because we were against baseball? they would lose), and that’s when residents to learn and play. We are develop those ideas into full pro- claim may result in the loss of grateful to everyone who makes posals that will benefit Hartford. Hell no! Our objection was to the Wooden reportedly concocted a rights to recover on such claim. plan to have city taxpayers fund foolproof plan. Voila! The Stadium Hartford Decide$ possible.” These student leaders have what at that time was proposed to be Authority was born in January Carmen Y. Zayas, “City Council has always val- demonstrated impressive skills a $60 million project, a cost that has 2015; a bogus quasi-public, quasi- Clerk ued the participatory budgeting that will prepare them for college process and I congratulate and life.” The fiduciary is: Nancy Sherman Johnston 13891 Chelmsford Drive #204 Gainesville, VA 20155

LIQUOR PERMIT Notice of Application This is to give notice that I, GJINOVEFA LUARI since more than doubled. A deal that private city commission with hand had been concocted in secret picked members (the usual sus- 61A GRAHAM RD between the team and Segarra— pects) that would bond the needed EAST HARTFORD, CT with able assistance from then-City millions and “own” the stadium— 06118-2129 Council president Shawn Wooden. not the city, which precluded the Following that July 21st march, I mandate for a referendum—and the Have filed an application placarded and a growing number of others taxpayers would still be on the 07/22/2020 with the Department were interviewed by TV and print of Consumer Protection for a Continued on page 7 RESTAURANT LIQUOR PERMIT for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the Real Art Ways Re-opens premises at Continued from page 3 • You will be required to wear a 5 CONSTITUTION PLZ face mask at all times during Health, has been leading ses- your visit. HARTFORD CT 06103-1822 sions on re-opening Connecticut art venues. Real Art Ways has • Check-in upon arrival at the The business will be owned by: participated in each session, front counter. P2B DOWNTOWN, LLC • Maintain a minimum physical touching on all aspects of re- Entertainment will consist of: No distance of 6 feet from people opening. Dr. Vermund has been Live Entertainment extremely helpful, focusing on not in your party. Objections must be filed by: 09-02-2020 GJINOVEFA LUARI

NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF Theresa M. Moran (Hartford) (20-00539) The Registrars of Voters Office The Hon. Foye A. Smith, Judge of the Court of Probate, District The City of Hartford Registrars of Voters will hold a registration of Hartford Probate Court, by session for persons wishing to become registered voters for the up- decree dated July 20, 2020, coming Presidential Preference, State/Municipal Primary that will be ordered that all claims must be held on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 from 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. presented to the fiduciary at the address below. Failure to The Date and Time for this Registration session will be as follows: promptly present any such Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. claim may result in the loss of rights to recover on such claim. Persons wishing to become registered voters in Hartford must appear in “Space Around A Porcupine” by Morgan Bulkeley is one of five exhibits now the Office of the Registrars of Voters, located in Room 002 on the Carmen Y. Zayas, on display at the recently re-opened Real Art Ways, 56 Arbor Street, Hartford. ground floor of the Municipal Building, 550 Main Street, Hartford, CT Clerk and provide either the last four digits of their social security number or what to do, and how to think • Maximum capacity in the gal- their Connecticut Driver’s License number at the time of registration. about it. leries and public spaces at one The fiduciary is: Michael Moran time will be 20 people. IMPORTANT NOTICE: • RAW has been in frequent con- c/o Mary Anne Charron *The deadline for mail-in applications of new voters must be received • Cleaning and safety protocols in Charter Oak Law Group, LLC, tact with colleagues - museums, and postmarked by Thursday, August 6, 2020. For unaffiliated voters, accordance with the CDC and Mary Anne A Charron, theaters, cinemas, and arts cen- the mail-in application must be received (not merely postmarked) by the state recommendations are in 34 Jerome Avenue #120, ters, nationally and locally, shar- Registrar of Voters by this deadline. ing best practices and informa- place. Bloomfield, CT 06002 tion. • Tables and chairs have been set *This is also the deadline for on-line voter registration for the August 11, Jeanine Mahares up in the main gallery that are 2020 Presidential Preference, State/Municipal Primary by11:59 p.m. If you plan on visiting RAW, c/o Mary Anne Charron please be advised of the following distanced. You are welcome to Charter Oak Law Group, LLC, In-person enrollment deadline for new voters and unaffiliated voters sit in the space. There is no time Mary Anne A Charron, precautions: enrolling in a party, may do so in person at the Registrar of Voters Office limit for your stay. 34 Jerome Avenue #120, • If you are not feeling well, stay from Friday, August 7, 2020 until 12:00 noon on August 10, 2020. home. Bloomfield, CT 06002 July 23 – 29, 2020 The Hartford News 7

Josh Michtom Interview Show Us The Money! side of the ledger; the debit side I think that when we set up systems Resources, Michtom said “I would- Continued from page 6 Continued from page 6 hovers between $3.5 and $4 million that encourage a competition for n't be averse to competitive hiring hook. Pure genius, and also the seed a pretty safe route to getting elected. a year. By the way, the State resources between neighborhoods of aides or, if council were full time, that grew to become one of the I don't know how that system can “bailout” money specifically can- that way, we leave ourselves open, having fewer, less political aides major contributing factors leaving be dismantled, but I am certainly not be used to pay on the stadium as a city, to exploitation from out- who had more clerical /civil service Hartford teetering on the abyss of interested in trying. Obviously, if bonds; that onus is on you, me, and side. I think we might also benefit roles.” bankruptcy, from which we’ve during charter reform we switched every city resident. And this year, from a hybrid system - some neigh- never fully recovered. By the way, to nonpartisan elections it might per that lopsided contract, the Yard borhood districts, and some at-large Virtual council whatever happened to Wooden? Oh have an effect. But the chances of Goats don’t have to pay the rent seats with a set-aside for minority yeah; now he’s in charge of the that are slim to none. Short of that, meetings because they’re not playing ball. parties. Obviously, as a member of State’s money. And the newly- there would have to be an insurrec- “Something is lost,” the council- However, “King” Solomon did a minority party, that would help appointed Acting Director of tion within the DTC or a massive man conceded. “People call in but secure one of those federal PPP me, but it's important to recognize Development Services and former push by a third party to take away then can’t make Zoom work. They payroll protection loans to the tune the structural advantages that Chair of the Stadium Authority I. council seats.” get frustrated and hang up. It’s a of one million dollars. Democrats have.” He’d like to see Charles Mathews was also active system that’s prone to bugs.” Is it a beautiful stadium? For sure! the city move to elected police behind the scenes in 2014, touting Charter revision Recognizing the limitations put in Sellout crowds? All the time! Fun for commissioners or another system the stadium-to-be as a promised place due to the pandemic, he said the family? You bet! But while the on the horizon of empowered, truly independent land for the hurting North End of that without the in-person open team owner with no skin in the game police oversight. “Another thing Hartford. Some speculate he was in “I definitely think we should public forum for meetings, as well gleefully rakes in several million we could do is make Council more the employ of Solomon at that time. decrease the mayor's power, and am as for public hearings and public every season, we have to pay out effective, by making it a full-time Fast-forward to July 2020. open to many ways to do that; comment, the lack of visible ges- those same millions. The presence of job”, said Michtom. “As it stands, There’s probably not enough red depriving him of broad appoint- tures, body language, and eye con- the stadium, opened in 2017, has the mayor has a whole full-time ink in the city to keep the Stadium ment powers is a good way”, tact leaves a lot to be desired. At the done nothing for Hartford’s econo- staff, while we balance our day jobs Authority’s ledgers up-to-date. We Michtom said in response to the beginning of the year, the current my except take a big fat bite out of it. and depend heavily on our council lose. We lose big time every year, to question of what issues resonate City Council changed the rules, and That’s supposed to change with the aides, who are not nearly as well- the tune of approximately $4.5 mil- strongly with him preparatory to the now disallows any verbal interac- advent of DoNo development. The paid or resourced as the mayor's lion due on those construction City Council taking on the long- tion with--or questions directed to-- question is, when will that happen? office. Making City Council full bonds. And the most egregiously awaited revision of the city charter speakers who address that body. Does the wealthy developer have his time would also open the job up to one-sided development deal in the later this year. “I also heard a lot of Michtom says he has no idea why funding in place—an estimated working class people who don't city’s history almost guarantees that folks interested in district elections that happened, but surmises that $300,000 million? Will the pandem- have the resources to do the extra the red ink will flow like wine for rather than at-large elections for they just want everything to go as ic change the timeline? Will he get part-time work that a part-time the life of the Yard Goats’ 26-year council during the election cam- quickly as possible. He noted that tired of waiting and seek to break the council demands.” Asked for his contract. There’s a near-meatless paign, so I want to look into that “Other cities have marathon coun- contract? And how about Solomon? thoughts on the patronage appoint- bone in that contract that allows seriously. I would hope we could be cil sessions”, and that “it would be What if baseball is still on hold next ment of council aides/assistants the Hartford a $225,000 annual cut of thoughtful about how we do that. great to have a full-time council season due to restrictions on gather- current charter allows, a process the naming rights and some revenue One thing I would love is if we allowing Hartford to do the same, ings? Will he also be looking for the that eliminates the need for the from the two city-owned parking drew districts that cut across the even if that means we’re there until exit? positions to be filled by application, areas used on game days. That and neighborhoods so that we wouldn't midnight. I also wish that the public The only thing that’s sure is we, resume, references, experience, rent from the team—our only have some distinctly Black districts would be allowed more time to the people, will continue to wait… education, and interview conducted sources of income—generates and other distinctly Latinx districts. speak.” and pay and pay and pay. by the city’s Department of Human about $800,00 a year for the credit


2-BR Apt. for Rent 22 Evergreen Avenue, Hartford CLASSIFIED ADS Legal Services For Rent: 2 bedroom unit, 3rd floors, com- This is a large 2-bedroom unit with hard- TKB BINgO pletely renovated ,with new stove, new frig, wood floors. This rents for $975 and 1 Vernon Ave, Rockville, new beautiful bathroom new wood floors includes heat and hot water. Close prox- By ZOOM behind Rockville Hospital. throughout parking for 1 car, quiet street, imity to shopping centers, restaurants and The Hartford News GALE LAW FIRM Mortson Street, on busline and close to on bus line. On-site laundry and street shopping. Section 8 welcome. Available parking. Section 8 welcomed. No pets. 563 Franklin Ave., Call now 860-522-8296 Early Bird Starts at A.S.A.P. $1000.00. Please call 646-286- Contract Christine at 860-985-8258. ------6442. Hartford, CT 12:15 pm; Regular Bingo Rooms for Rent East Hartford Wills - Probate Hartford South End Nice, clean rooms for rent, 311 Tolland Phone: 296-6128 Personal Injury Starts at 1 pm 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Appliances Street, East Hartford. $160/week, includes Bankruptcy included. Parking. Call John 860-805- all utilities. Call Robert, 860-308-5455. Call Debbie at 4111. Real Estate 860-490-1009 or For Rent ------Hartford, North End 107-F Hillcrest Avenue, Spacious COSTS Tray at 860-803-9368. Experienced Lawyers 3 bedrooms, 44 Edgewood St. Large rooms. 1Bedrooms $1025 includes heat, hot Stove, fridge, washer/dryer hookups in water, & cooking gas. On-site laundry & First Week: $15 John Q. Gale, LLC new panel or meter, or new service wiring kitchen. Very nice condition. Cold flat. $1,100 off-street parking. Section 8 Welcome. Call 860-985-8258. $10 for each 363 Main Street required for home inspection. No job too monthly plus one month security deposit. Hartford, CT 06106 small! Call 860-716-7903. Section 8 welcome. Call 860-983-5939. Apartamentos Para Alquiler: following week Apartamentos modernos localizados en www.jqglaw.com Apartments for Rent [email protected] Dump Runs Hartford. Studios, Uno, Dos, Tres y Electronis, major appliances, mattresses, Efficiency, 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms avaial- Cuatro cuartos dormitorios desponibles. Investor/Inversores box springs, furnaces and hot water able. Walking distance to shopping, on Estaciona miento didponible. ** heaters removed. All other items wel- bus line, off-street parking. Small pets Aceptamos Section 8**. Rates Starting at: 15% return on your money. Cash for Cars & Trucks come. Call Bill Jones at 860-286-0081. welcome. Section 8 Welcome. Rates Studio- $615; 1BR- $700; 2BR- $800; 15% de retorno de su dinero. We buy junk cars and trucks. We sell and Starting at: Studio- $615; 1BR- $700; 3BR- $900; 4BR-$1000. Para mas infor- Free free free free 2BR- $800; 3BR- $900; 4BR-$1000. Call Call 718-614-6752 for details. install used parts. Full body work. Used macion por favor llamar al 860-549-3000. cars and trucks for sale. Corona’s Auto Wrecked, Junk or Unwanted Vehicle 860-549-3000. Llame al 718-614-6752 Parts. 608 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. Removal. Fully licensed. Serving Greater 295-297 garden St. Hartford Church Space for Rent para más detalles. 860-296-2528. Hartford. For prompt, courteous service, call Existing church building, highly visible Large well maintained 3 bedroom 860-293-2442. Monday-Friday, 8am - 4pm. and on the bus line. The space provides a apartments, 1st & 2nd floor, quiet build- sanctuary, pastor’s office, administrative ing. Cold flat $900 monthly. 1 month FUNERALS aren’t cheap - but office, plenty of classroom/ministry SERVICES security 1 month rent. Section 8 planning for one is. FREE space, multiple bathrooms and off-street EMPLOYMENT Welcome. Call 860-882-3650. Airey Insurance group funeral planning guide. parking. This is an excellent space for a Call Derrick Shirley, Apartment for Rent growing congregation. For more details Part-Time Workers CALL 860-236-9996 call: Bill, 860-608-6998. 860-371-8969. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments on Arnold Handyman and part-time workers wanted. Auto • Home • Life • Renters • Motorcycle • Boat • Health • Disability • Street and Deerfield Avenue. Appliances Room for Rent Call 860-803-7260. included cold flat. Section 8 welcome. Commercial. Free instant quotes. 1141 Housing Service-Help Furnished room with utilities and kitchen Affordable rents. Call 860-752-9060. Employment New Britain Avenue, West Hartford For Owners and all tenants! If you are an privileges. $130 weekly. 860 560-8200. Sewers wanted. Hand or machine, experi- 06110. owner and have an apartment, house, room or Room For Rent ence needed. Call 860-803-7260. Thinking of getting Married? rental - or if you are a tenant looking for an Rooms for rent in Hartford’s West End. apartment, house, room or rental or a roo- Experienced Justice of the Peace available Utilities included. $140 weekly. Security mate, call me. I/we manage rentals, no cost to deposit. Call 860-888-6655. on weekends. Nice settings can be arranged. owners. Owners, call for contractor repairs - TO SELL / TO BUY Modest fee. Call Mike at 860-296-6128. some financing. Also call for other housing For Rent ADVERTISE in Lg Pest Control services. I-ME-Leasing (CT). 860-231-1111. Spacious 3 Bedroom apartments on the 2nd floor, West End. Cold Flat. 1 month security The Hartford Dealer Auction Cars Certified pest controller specializing in bed bugs, roaches, rodents, ants, fleas, and 1 month rent. Available NOW. Section 8 I’ll take you to a dealer-only auction, you racoons & squirrels. Funigador de welcome. Call 860-888-6655. pick out the car you like, I’ll buy it and sell REAL ESTATE News! cucaroaches, de ratones y chinchas. Call it to you with a modest mark-up. These are 22 Evergreen Avenue, Hartford for appointment 860-597-0942. great cars starting at $1,000! Auctions every This is a spacious 1-bedroom unit with week. Call Sal 860-713-8348. Free Medicare Check Up Apartments for Rent hardwood floors. This rents for $800 and Large studio & 1-BR. All include heat and For open enrollment. Better plans available includes heat and hot water. Close prox- AVON IS CALLINg... hot water, parking, stove & fridge, wash- Call: for 2020. Call Derrick Shirley. 860-371-8969. imity to shopping centers, restaurants and For a brochure with thousands of quality er & dryer in basement. Section 8 wel- on bus line. On-site laundry and street products, call Robert at 860-308-5455. Electric Stan LLC come. No pets, plenty of closet space. parking. Section 8 welcomed. No pets. 860-296-6128 We also have hair relaxers and coloring E-1 202245J. Licensed and insured. Install Call Imer at 917-681-5785 or Pablo at Contract Christine at 860-985-8258. kits for just $5.00/box. 860-983-9444. 8 The Hartford News July 23 – 29, 2020

El Departamento de Trabajo de Connecticut actualiza estadísticas y servicios El 16 de Julio, los notarios del Departamento de Trabajo de Connecticut, Kurt Westby y el diputado de la El tiempo de proceso de la aplicación era de seis sem- comisión, Danté Bartolomeo se comunicaron con los anas al principio de la pandemia, luego bajo una semana medios para publicar las cifras actualizadas de aplica- menos antes de la Compensación de Emergencia por ciones por desempleo que la agencia recibió, la Oficina Desempleo por la Pandemia y el programa de Beneficios de Estadísticas Laborales reveló el nuevo número de, Extendidos está ahora a 2-3 semanas, debido a la incor- junto con el seguimiento para incrementar el Centro de poración de esos nuevos programas. Antes de la pan- Contacto del Consumidor, el cual es financiado con fon- demia, el Departamento de Trabajo de CT podía proce- dos federales. El Centro de Contacto del Consumidor, sar aplicaciones en tres días. una iniciativa de cuatro millones de dólares financiada El Departamento de Trabajo de CT ha pagado un total con fondos federales, ya está operando. Este Centro de de $3.8B en beneficios por desempleo estatal y federal; Contacto cuenta con un Sistema de teléfono bilingüe que $1.35B en beneficios de desempleo estatal y $2.46B en ofrece la posibilidad de devolver el llamado a aquellos beneficios por desempleo federales. En detalle: que se encuentren en espera por más de cinco minutos. • $133M en Asistencia por Desempleo tras la También cuenta con una nueva página web que modern- Pandemia (PUA) – para quien no califica para iza cómo se es presentada la información de cinco pro- recibir beneficios de desempleo regulares, gramas de beneficios federales y estatales; una opción de chat instantáneo; y a Tina, una nueva asistente virtual bil- • $61M Compensación por Desempleo de ingüe, quien podrá contestar preguntas y ayudar a hacer Emergencia tras la Pandemia (PEUC) – para preguntas en línea. quienes hayan utilizado beneficios regulares de El Notario Westby dijo, “La pandemia sigue impactan- Desempleo (UI); do notoriamente los negocios, industria y a los traba- • $164K en otros beneficios estatales, $1.8M en otros jadores, y está resultando en una continua y extraordinar- beneficios federales; y ia alta cantidad de aplicaciones de desempleo, en tan solo cinco meses, hemos recibido el mismo número que en • $2.46B en Compensación Federal por Desempleo cinco años. El Centro de Contacto del Consumidor nos tras la Pandemia (FPUC) – los $600 de beneficio permite asistir a más residentes de diferentes maneras a adicional por semana termina el 25 de Julio del la hora de aplicar para los cinco programas de beneficios 2020. actualmente disponibles. El personal y plataformas adi- cionales demuestran un gran progreso para quien El actual Fondo Fiduciario es de 122 millones de demande sus servicios—pero no eliminará por completo dólares y al día de hoy, los oficiales del Departamento de el tiempo de espera y procesos para los residentes. Trabajo de Connecticut no han solicitado aún, pero están Quiero agradecer a nuestros socios federales por su asis- preparados para cuando sea necesario. tencia y apoyo.” Durante los últimos cinco meses, el Departamento de El diputado notario Bartolomeo dijo, “El Centro de Trabajo de Connecticut estima que ha recibido alrededor Contacto nos da una forma más moderna y comprensiva de 500 aplicaciones de desempleo de empleados para poder conectarnos directamente con los deman- estatales de tiempo completo actuales, quienes no califi- dantes, algo que se perdió cuando can para recibir beneficios por desempleo. Solicitado COVID 19 obligó a que cerráramos bajo ley estatal, la agencia ha reportado esto a los audi- 18 Centros de Trabajo Americanos. tores estatales y comenzado investigaciones en dichas No esperamos un fin inmediato a los aplicaciones. Hasta ahora, el Departamento de Trabajo tiempos de espera, pero el Centro de de Connecticut no ha encontrado evidencia de fraude de Contacto nos ha permitido atender parte de empleados estatales, tan solo que son víctimas más llamadas y manejar más casos de robo de identidad, actividad criminal perpetrada sin su por día. También nos da la oportu- consentimiento, o que no comprendieron las regula- nidad de hablar directamente con ciones sobre los beneficios por desempleo de los emplea- nuestros clientes, ayudarlos a dos de medio tiempo. resolver sus problemas y responder Los ataques criminales hacia el Departamento de sus preguntas.” Trabajo de CT y todos los Departamentos de Trabajo en Además de la nueva plataforma todo el país han aumentado en los meses recientes, cau- de comunicación, los fondos fed- sados por los nuevos programas de beneficios Federales. erales han permitido al El Departamento de Trabajo de Connecticut continúa Departamento de Trabajo de apoyando a nuestros socios federales, agencias estatales, Connecticut a sumar 60 nuevos complimiento de la ley, y agencias afiliadas para combat- agentes de atención al cliente al ir todas las incidencias de fraude, terminar con reclamos equipo. Mientras nuestra capac- fraudes, y proteger a t itación de personal generalmente dura tres o cuatro meses y tradi- cionalmente incluye experiencias en la clase y prácticas, con la intención de acelerar el número de agentes de servicio al consumidor disponibles, el Departamento de Trabajo de CT ha cambiado para que el personal pueda ejercer luego de solo un mes de capacitación, al juntarlos con un agente de servicio al cliente con vasta experiencia para que los guíe mejor. Los fondos Federales para el Centro de Contacto expirarán a fin de año. Desde el 13 de marzo de 2020, el Departamento de Trabajo de CT ha:

• Recibido 708,462 aplicaciones y Helping Hands for procesado 685,820 de ellas. Actualmente estamos trabajando en the 3rd District aplicaciones desde el 30 de junio de For the past several months State Representative 2020; y Minnie Gonzales (shown above with Ramon Arroyo) has been collecting, packing and deliver- • Reporta alrededor de reclamos ing food and household products to senior hous- enviados 300,000 semanales (com- ing complexes in her district to assist those who binando programas estatales y fed- had trouble going shopping due to the COVID-19 erales) shutdown.