Thursday, March 9, 1978 Phalguna 18, 1899 (Saka) CONTENTS

-V . . No. 13 , Thursday, March 9, 1978/Phalguna 18, 1899 (Saka) . . C o l u m n s Oral Answers to Questions:

•Starred Questions Nos. 228 to 230 and 232 . . I—27

Re. Adjournment Motion : . . . 27—30

Shorj Notice Question No. 1 . . . 30—42

Written Answers to Questions:

Starred Questions. N os.22$, to 227, 2 3 1, 233 to 235,237 to 241,243 and 244...... 42—54

Unstarred Questions Nos. 2087 o 2111,2113 to 2145,2147 to 2153, 2 1$$ to2180,2182 to 2227, 2229 tv> 2281 and 2283 to 2286. . 54—251

Recognition to Congress Party (I) as a party in . . 252—255

Papers Laid on the Table. 256—258

Message from the President. . 258

Re. Report of the Inquiry Committee on Shri Jayaprakash

T ~ s S S t ® * " Business Advisory Committee. * ^ Thirteenth Report.

Passports (Amendment) Bill— lntr

Matters under Rule 377 . (i) Regularisation o f Telephone Operators by Delhi Telephone Authorities...... 284 (ii) Reported deforestation operation and indiscriminate felling 6f t r e e s ...... 235—288 (iii) Reported imve to shift Tractor factory from Pratapgarh . . 288—289 (iv) Reported shifting o f head office o f Hindustan Fertiliser Corpora­ tion from Calcutta...... 289—290

(v) Proposed strike by LIC Development officers. . . . 290— 292

♦The sign -I- marked above the name o f a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor o f the House by that Member. ( «)

C o l u m n s

Railway Budget, 1978-79— General Discussion, 2 9 2 - 294

Shri Tej Pratap Singh . . . 292 —298

Shri D. N. Tiwary . . • . 298—304

Shri C. M. Stephen . . 304— 3 1 5 *

Shri P. V. Periasamy . . . 3 15 —319

Shri Ram Kanwar Berwa . 319 —324

Dr. Laxminarayan Pandeva . . 324—333

Shri D. G. Gawai . . 333— 338

Shri M. Ram Gopal Reddy . . 338—339

Prof. P. G. Mavalankar .. . . , 339—345

Shri Y. P. Shastri. . . . 345—355

Shri Amar Roy Pradhan . . . 355—359

Shri Janardhana Poojary . . 359—363 Shri Ram Prakash Tripathi . . 363—367

Shri George M athew ___ . . 368—370 J *v. ^-77—— Shri Syed Kazim Ali Meerzd 372—379

Shri Ishwar Chaudhry 379—384

Shri P. A. Sangma . . . 384—387

Shri Chandradeo Prasad Verma . 387—391

Shri Shrikrishna Singh. . „ 391—394 R e. Motion for Adjournment—

Reported Statement by the Prime Minister on Merger of Sikkim. 3 7 '— 372 LOK SABHA DEBATES

i 2 LOK SABHA anxiety. Government have therefore decided that the primary objective of the next phase of development plan Thursday, March 9. 1978 /Phalguna 18, would be the removal of unemploy­ 1899 (Saka) ment and substantial under-emloy- ment, within approximately 10 years. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the The Planning Commission is drawing Clock up the next plan in which creation of employment opportunities in diffe­ rent sectors of the economy will be [M r. S pe a k e r in the Chair] one of the primary objectives.

ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: My ques­ tion is very specific. He should not Frustation among Job-Seekers have laid the statement on the Table of the House. I request you kindly •*28. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: Will to ask the Minister to reply to the the Minister of PARLIAMENTARY point. My question Is: — AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased to state: “Whether Government are aware of reports of wide spread frustration (a) whether Government are aware among the job-seekers because of of reports of widespread frustration their inability to secure employ­ among the job-seekers because of ment through the employment ex­ their inability to secure employment changes in spite of waiting for through the employment exchanges years’*, in spite of waiting for years; and The statement laid on the Table of (b) what is the outcome of the the House is a general statement. If employment generating schemes in­ the Minister fails to give correct in­ itiated by Government during recent formation to this House, it is really year*? a breach of privilege' He cannot give a bald answer which he has given THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ to the question. : TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI RAVINDRA VARM A): (a) So, I would like to put my question. and (b): A statement is laid on the There is an explosive situation in this Table of the House. country, especially, for the last one year or so. The frustration has not Statement only increased but that has also created an atmosphere of unrest in Government are seized of the the country among the unemployed seriousness of the unemployment situa. youths. They are waging a war not tion prevailing in the country. Despite only in the rural part but also in the the substantial employment oppor­ cities. From various replies th

That is why I am asking why has the Sir, a similar or an almost identical present Government of India failed to question was raised and answered provide concrete proposals to meet in this House last week on the this explosive situation. The state­ Employment Exchanges. I then made ment that is being given is that they it very clear that according to the will eradicate the unemployment pro­ present rules, there is nothing to blem within ten years. Mere empty compel every unemployed person to words will not bring anything. I register with the Employment Ex­ want to know what exactly is the changes. The present Employment scheme you have for the last one year Exchanges Act lays down that it is to absorb the unemployed and what necessary for the public sector under­ exactly is the situation that you have takings as well as non-agricu!?ural created in various States through the establishments in the private sector Employment Exchanges to guarantee employing twentyfive persons or more jobs. I am asking a specific question. to notify vacancies. These vacancies Will you now kindly answer that? are notified and regist£f¥d with the Employment Exchanges and persons SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA: Mr. who want to seek jobs register them­ selves with the Employment Exchan­ Speaker, Sir, perhaps, I have been cautioned by the hon. Member to give ges. Therefore this is a case of a refer­ a pointed reply. There is a presump­ ral service. And when the vacancies tion in this statement,—that there is are notified, then the Employment Ex­ a point in his question. I shall not changes pass on the names of persons cross swords with him on that. I who are qualified to the appointing shall try to look for the point. The authorities. Therefore, the wider question relates to Employment Ex­ question of generation of employment changes, what they have been able does not relate to the administration to do, and what they can do to deal of Employment Exchanges. But, as with the problem of finding employ­ for as the question of the feelings of ment. As far as this limited question frustration is concerned, it is quite is concerned...... well known that mounting unemploy­ ment does cause frustration, ‘niis Government has never said that un­ SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: How much employment can be eradicated in one frustration has it created? year. The entire exercise of the plan tis to orient our economy towards the SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA: If my generation of employment opportuni­ hon friend does not want to feel ties. further frustration, he should listen to the answer. Otherwise he will 'have double frustration. He is SHRI K LAKKAPPA: Mr. frustrated for the last one year. Speaker, Sir, I am not satisfied wlfli the answer that has been given by SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: Don’t the hon’ble Minister. The employ­ enter into a dialogue. You will ment exchanges in the country are please answer. full of corruption, nepotism and favouritism. Only kith and kin of SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA: Sir, those employed in public undertakings can I be sure that he will not start a or private undertakings are being dialogue and I can answer? The employed. This is the situation which position is that the Employment Ex­ is prevailing and you are not in a changes are not meant to 'jenerate position to take any action. Recently, opportunities for employment. They the Planning Commission has come are neither recruiting agencies nor out with a theory that we cannot give are they meant for the generation of job guarantee. Then, how will this •mployment opportunities. They frustration stop? Will you kindly constitute referral agencies. bring a Constitution Amendment 5 Oral Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 ( SAKA) Oral Answers 6

guaranteeing right to work to meet say that Government has not given 4he unemployment proEnWir in the any such undertaking or made any country? statement to this effect. The ques­ tion has been raised more than once, SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA: Sir, and it has been stated by the Prime this is a general question. It is not Minister that at present Government for the Labour Ministry in this con­ does not have any such Plan under text to deal with a question of con­ consideration. stitutional amendment of the kind the hon’ble Member has referred to. SHRI DHIRENDRANATH BASU: As far as the Government is concerned In view o f the Tense ~ situation it has made it clear that Its planning throughout the country arising from will be oriented towards the abolition unemployment problems whether and elimination of unemployment Government is considering payment within ten years. of unemployment allowance?

«f| g*»r ^ ; fTSvfr 1 MR. SPEAKER: He has already =ft*r jTT"fx it ir x ir r ?rrf answered this question, fte tiS? said ‘no’. T^r, qfrnrrjr % ft; ?rr^r it

farfyvr itrir’TrTf m m tpt srfTTST faqrct: *nr r^r n f t I *t jTT'T'TT ^TspTT f 3*TT S*T ir T f 5TTT T fTT t ft: rr*T?TPT- it m ?'T tfsptp- irc TT^rjr % % 3t t it *TTf =m t ifTT TToiriTTT- ^ ft?T T R q^ t^rfr httf 3% ^tft ^£\ xrf% “Hr f z i 2PTR % f"PT ?TTTTT fa^TT TfA TTJ>1TT 'T fa^T jTT ?T% cTT *T7TTT | ftr*ra qsrrpr H ^TT *TTTr*T ? sfk o o ^ ^ i f tTFR IT? '‘ft ^ ft: ITTjTTT HWFT ^TPT'TT ’TT^TT g ft: ^ *K+(T Tr sm*r ^ t?t % ft: ir^ft fw*T ft: r>^: % TT?ft farfrr 5JTWF4T T~f TT^rrfr faim w i =rt t r i m *r srfyr

SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA: No Planning Commission is drawing up 6uch proposals have come, and, there­ the next plan in which creation of fore, the question has not been con­ employment opportunities in different , sidered. But as far as the attitude of sectors of economy will be one of the the Government to the utilisation of primary objectives. May I know from funds from the Consolidated Fund of the hon. Minister what are those India for providing an unemployment plans? The second part of the ques­ allowance is concerned, the attitude of tion, that is, (b) is: what is the out­ the Government has been made clear. come of the employment generating But I would like to add a few more schemes initiated by Government sentences. The magnitude of the during recent years? May I know problem is well-known. Crores of from the hon. Minister, what is the people are unemployed in this answer for this question? country, and this fact is well known to the hon. friend opposite as well as SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA: His to the Government. Provision of an first question relates to the details of allowance of this kind would mean the plan and I have already answered expenditure of a colossal magnitude, that question. It is not possible lor and whether the social utility that can me to anticipate the plan. It is not be derived by spending the money on a part of the responsibility of the an allowance is greater than the Employment Exchanges to deal with advantage that can be derived by the plan. Now, on the second part investing that money for generating of the question that he has asked, I further employment is the question would say that if in recent years that Government has to consider; and adequate success had been chalked considering this question, the Prime up. we would not have been in the Minister has stated that it is more present situation. advantageous to use our limited resources for the generation of employment. *tr ?ftTT *rrf : *r *rrls. 61H Tt^T'TT, ^Tf WTPTVT ^ vwT % ^ I it ^ fan oztfFW | ? % KT'T'fnr * r ftt ^>t w r ^TPT ^ ^rpm rt fa + r £3t*t zrtprrg t p t v t SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA: The number of employment exchanges wTnnrrCt that we have today might not be ^t feSTT it Wn ^TT TPT^T^r adequate. The question of increasing the number as well as any other ? means that we can adopt to facilitate / SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA: I will registration will be considered by the Committe. . . . (Interruptions). request the hon. Member to wait till the Plan is published. MR. SPEAKER: Next question. SHRI K. MALLANNA: Sir, it has We have taken 20 minutes over this been stated in the Statement that the question. 9 Oral Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 ( SAXA) Oral Answers

f Deaths due to Forcible Sterilisation *nHR ?^T yTMIcT+'IH

•229. SHRI D. G. GAWAI: Will % ,i f < . ! f^T the Minister of HEALTH AND MfV^fl'T, fjt, <- FAMILY WELFARE be pleased' to Tfk^cT'fi % I I state; ( » j ) i Tfrf^Tf^rr f^rrif ?ttw (a) whether Government have re­ ceived the report of the committee o t % sftpr qfr^rr f^fT- set up to find out the cases of deaths onr it ^ T ^ ft % cRt% *Pt due to forcible sterilisation in the country; 5TT«rf^m ft »rf w V t 5*T 5 F t 4 ^ it 5T^ n T - (b) when the report was ■submitted « vt>1

(c) what follow-up action is pro­ ( t t ) H'««f<-7 ? n rrT i

(*r) Tfr^TT fa^Tspr wk 'rfwr vrvm ^TT Tnrtf^WcT TT/T % fan T n r e n u m ) : ( t ) # ( it) ^TT^iTT s n j 3TTTT f^^Tor wr qr ■’•g ferr im f i for jrq- fofsr/f^ra# tfU f^r^ft ?5TT^r ?ftr; far^TVT r«TFftq- f^rnfi

3 t t t ^ % 1. b r n f % t i'^ t TTT*T% it ^ ^iT ^T*T f?r M * s?rf^cT£ff n't#' f f , TT'TT ?TTT 5T^TT TrTT ^tjtpt % fVin =r?jhr *t7^tt it W‘T. % f"TTT ?Ti^»i i?McT fqif'TT TT t I <(W T T 5TWTT 2. STMMiiM if >i^T WTfffcT ^T ^^'if^rT\3 TFT &T5T it f^fnFT TT^-TT TJ TT^TT- e‘4 Pm I

f^?T ^ tt* n n[^ TfT^rr ( ? ) fd*-'i'fVifi3cT fqvi^ hihH | H '"A i H *4 * mm 'ft 15—7—77 (i ) yf'T^PT srar- ^ fto 3TT 2 80 1 5/ 2 6/irrfo <+-dt 'TzR 'f^ T t % TT^o W o /7 7-^rm T-II sTTT ^ fTwqr- ' T ^ W ' T f f Jflcft ? T ;^ a T qftrfa ^Tt «ft I f ^ T f ^ f ’arT >s fsTTFTcT I f ^ T T T % cTTT if *r*ft fT«3ff ^fr g ^ T T ^TW TfT ’Tftrf?T % SRT : — ( ii) mPi i h j RT- '5‘rdt % MIH^t (^ ) 2 5 1 97 5 W SrPTTcT it % ?K ^?T + M ^ft ^traul! ^T% rT^T f^wnxt ^t fw w cT i tTf'. «l I * ^ft f?f*TvT fgfftnrf t w ?rcr- (iii) (i) ?rk (ii) ^”0 % fi ytf<.d *><.*1 ir 'jfw iOatT f^lWTtTrT Oral Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Oral Answers i z

TT% onlVmi fkST^ft T «l I

*HT ST^f it TfT^TT f'lM M'l i m - Vt <1»MKIVq : 1974-75 it ^ TT ^TTPT *T oPT m I 85*Tt*Tff, 1 9 7 5— 7 6 it 219, 1976­ 7 7 it 914 ?ftT 1 9 7 7 - 7 8 it 121 *TH 3. ^fnfa % f'i,-'?.'-l '7*T f i | : ^ t ’trfr fernr5 t%^t «rnrm t t ^ ferT tut | fsr»r%: ?n3TUT WTT^fttT^T^ !T^?r^*TTT5nJTTT ^rm*rf?Tc\ «fr stre • &- i *h + tt w t ^ w i 1 +!M<4r^t ^ f t , ? T O 'JJT ?tWFl ^ t ft'fti tt fastr ^rhn i «tt fto 3fto »T^f : rTq-7-^-tfr % Ttrrr 5prrT % JT=Rff % ^ f^ T T % fair «it Tto jfto : *t ^TTRnr *i <^‘i < n i l o'jfv I <. ^T3 in % • 80 *TFT TJ «fr ?UT fa^T t ^TT9i T*t% + 1 ',JI *pft ? Hl'l'f)^ * F # JtjfwiJ % ?TPT * i f TT5T^ITPT'*T : ^cT<» jf^rl jiHt.iO 'in ^ it ?T£ (V.'i'l ?TPTt :*TPT;ft^T »T^T ?T 5TF?T ^ifsiVI

^r t O v i ^ * ^?,n S % *T>ff

Not to give lull information to the fkrrnTcT *T(ft ^ t ^ 1 vMfr | T R I House is a sin from my point of view. This is the people’s House and the miIHKI'd'<^ J 5T^t ^ fV>W sifdT people’s questions must be discussed H f e r n , m n , frr^rf, ^ r f f?nn w k and debated publicly. ftrzfT »ft 3TT f^TTT I SHRI RAGHAVALU MOHANA- RANGAM: I am thankful to you for *Ft XTTT ^ I

SHRI RAJ NARAIN: I speak «i r y ih rg : *rat n ^ | even, Kannad, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi and Banglii. I respect equally % ^ n frtott % 37 ?ttw ^q^ Q ?rfa^fr all the national languages of the *rsrr^5rr o w w t ^rr « n nation. But English is not the national ITT JT^ | | rTT f irr?RT ^T^TT g language of the nation. < I jmT ^rr 5 fT-?TT WT ^ ?T^T jHT

T 3Tt


^ t ^ ,tt in ix ^ h i CV artTi ^Ft srt^ 5T r ^ t 1 1 w t s ift «TTTT % JTtfbq q-' ir^ •M'-VK % f t ^ f t ST^r *t^t f 2TT ’•TRxT % H rU >11'rfi •TTTT | ^jffayq- T7f f% \JH+t f?r?rprT Jr wf 5fr f t |

q r *fr f a s t % *rr«r ^r't^T ^TR-ITT WtT ^ ^TT^^TT ? 15 v . Oral Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Oral Answers 16

«?> TT3I arTTO«T : WR^fhT »T^FT !rmnT utx ^ vrra it Trvftlhv *rr^r | ft> wrm*r ^ R 3f€t % *ptit T f w s f t tftr % ^ftwr ^»T TfT ^ I % 'pT^^vnr ar^ «*)«i % f^w *rra % 1 1 «<3.k art ^trfW *rda*frwaT *anrr «rr *

^>T WH * jT’T mhsi "Hi iIT rm | ftr^r tt^tt oJRx*rT qft *nff«TT % f%tr jft +H+K sfafa ’TfecT India’s Image Abroad *nft 4 t ^r% wTJfr iT rdrv fn r R -1 ^ % M\4 iH't'T irf'TlM f

%(a) whether Government have made any assessment of India's image in yf< 5m ^ : ?TE^tT JT^m ?^jir foreign countries, particularly in %TT 3TT 5Tff fr I fr ^ % jPT^TT T T ^ J r j neighbouring countries of India’s foreign policy after the assumption * T T T T # ^ !T t %T?ft % *rr«T of office by Government in March last f^ P R T % ^TT it f^TTT *TWP=T=T it 'TTKt year; ^ s rrr h m ^ r <-|q- grrp- f=r??T (b) if so, what are the details it^r ift ^tftt | 1 thereof; and

w f n * ?rr$ ••? %fn T ^ 't% (c^ what follow-up action has been taken in this regard? ^ r f v r q z fC T T '4T f% "frPTJT ^ f h r it srrjr ^ r f ^ ,

f**VT ( v r : •?*T f% f 1rzh 5ft^ JRTfq^JTc\ ^ft^r / it {*>) % (*t). faswi ir srp:a TTtR *rv*z f I # JlHH! ^IqII ^ srfacsr *>> 5TI:H ^ % fa'T-T it fa*a7 f% WT ^TTTt- M

iffaT ?T^TT % *TfTI iT ?TFt % ^T7, «ft WJ5T fWf!1T t iTTTt f^TT JTr^mf % TPTT faspTCrr 7S^T a t T*™ # snra q ita ft %®ff wrt m^n % ?> tp t v n ^"V I , ^rtft: 7 7 7 5RTT ^ ^ | I •JTHTT spt qr^T T7 *TH ^sft % m *i f *f ^ n r r T % ^ 1 ^ H'imT, "3*T% *fI*f W f r ZTT^trT it *TST *T^TST qr®T 3TR a4 t ZXWl ZrT? ^ % *a»nrf*rrft:fat*ftjRT7 amr ^ #f^a ^ saar tr?at Oral Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Oral Answers fsp3 fa*TRf, m«ff, STPTPTT a way, will the hon. Minister tell us whether he will organize orientation ilft %*r«n % tt »rm *r ?t ^t, courses regularly to these people, to ^fw?v fa^R % *TR?T I I keep them abreast of the develop­ cnr ?tr tst zz % fa

SHRi : sft fn f : 5* rt ^ | If there is any need for re-orienlation ftp »twT5r ^'tv \%- **3 fwH*F*T TT %, ^4f % ? SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: I am inclined to agree with the hon. Member. * 1 WJH f*$TTt *i3T tt r««H if mt cTT| ir fu lly answer it.

tt^t % th n5 T*rr^T SHRI ATAL BIHAR VAJPAYEE. T P T f ^ q -irf W - T U I The hon. Member has made a very good suggestion and I will give it *rfafa H «TTT q faT.rftvf t t % careful consideration. faw TT *RTR fa^R TT I I *R PROF. P. G. MAVALANKAR: I *TPT m x ir TfT I fa: S*T ^rfrnr faTTZ entirely agree with the hon. Minister ^ t sratsr T-X X% I, ^*T faUZ % ?rm that our image abroad has, by and large, gone up, and I congratulate the t * ‘-Si~ ^ 1 projecting India’s image, and our Missions have been asked to look after such persons. i. pi i «.))* yi lj*! srem : if virt ^ jjl I 5T^T TV* TTTTfTfr ~ £ 5)»H' ♦1*11 ^ I n'l I £ I M\ l £2 ir fPTT fa ^rrfenTT % * W7T? fflfTTt TTirW : *TSir«T fW H ^ zfTn T % jfr. , «If ^T^PT %^H T ft i ^ ? MR. SPEAKER: I have allowed a separate Calling Attention on that. Mt qCfT : JTKTer JTffer mi fit Tt ?TTTTT 9 H*T T ^ VZ £ % fasnr^: ^Mtpft ifr t i p r o ctt stttt sr^rr % xrrsr^ff Tr *p^-t fHf^HT 5PTH % STK ?7T it 5TTf TT 'dlfM'TI if f*TTT 3TT Tf-rMcr f j h^ubk ?ftr «rr qst^r 'nf^ft % fW ^ WT TT T^ ZToT ‘jfr ^5 ^TT it %faH Ilf ^9fr Tr «TRT | fa f> 7?TT % T*TTr T*T jn*T ^ -HM+ITt ft qT ^rr^ t urx ^t f t n^t i sift wtr t t t ^ t t t wzi «re % ^Tf'T'fhT *f<^t ofr *t '^»mi ^ib^t f f | i T«T ^ f TTfa^cTT'T nq ^ 5TT mf+WTK wV ^ ^TT% 3TT% % WTT sft w

WT *Tsft aft 3cTT*PT fa FT *WT ^ Soffit rTt TTT ^TPRhT JTSft 3ft IT?TT •nfrr^TR m^if % Tt qr km fa mr^r ttt w tr 3f

%*raTt? «rtr F ft * ttt % t t t ’’^tftt !TTT *n% 3TT% T f?T^, ^ T Hm m 5TT?T % ? t* if tfft «tt% str % *rst if tt| 1TT% % f"1 u fa*ft h i ^ h T? T T FT cTT? Tt 5R f f ft ? | sfir 1 f t cft^f *t?tt % ?frr 1 fa^ft T 5fr »tt tt t?t htt if FT tTTBPT TT 5RTT f T T^T | fa iTTTrT «TTT^T % ?TT»: ^TFTT ?ftT *TT>8 * Tt faJTTT - Tt ffP- *T ?TR 5TH T *TT«T if Tfs^TW wifV*-udl ^ fftft ^TTT faiPT ?RT ^ f l TT TT'TT ^faT JT^t TT Tt TTT^T % 3>TT T fa »Tf T S-.TT 5TT t t *ttt TTfTnrr ff fa ?if i IT^T^T HF^T ?TTT ^TFT % FT *TFt *JT^% Tt ?5TT3T?T ? HKH T TT i ir'HHT7P? jTR Tt ji* Vd JTi^t ^:r rv^rf^T TT% % f?TTT tqTT ^T «r?»fr i ?TT ^TTT^ ^T TT JT^flT'TT € f^ T T TT7T

sft «RtTI*T flPT^t : STEJTST t^ R ); TT 5 1 ^ | I ?Tfa^ JTf HIK^TT ?R't W T A *TTt m]\-in ^T lT4IfT«3 In • •TFT n ^ fa # *fat ft gf?T T*T TR *T fT s'TT T^T f a fa fft TT cTT T^T TT*ft f a TPrrr ?TT%iTr t t ttt fa^TTsrrrr t t TFIT af 'MI " i Mpi TT^T % cTmi < ^ T^T% f, fT mr^T ttt ?tV 5TTT T?% T ^T iT ?t t TTfaWM >RT ^ ^?r t*t n z m ? \ ^ t t «n i «TR ^T fTjft I % ftR f ® ?TR 5TT% % SHRI KRISHNA CHANDRA HAL- 'TFTTT? if ^jrfViMtT ?fT Tt 3"R 3 t [R DER: I would like to know from tt

SHRI VASANT SATHE: While con­ w w t t t ^ % ^5®^ £ i gratulating Shri Vajpayeeji on the good work that be is doing to continue TT^ fin^fhr *Rljf % M'MHi ft to maintain the image of our country t h t t w I qft st't t s r t t f i r ^ f t abroad and on receiving the invita­ ff«r i” tion to visit China. I would like to know from him remembering his first speeches about our land that is at (»l) WTT (7 ). Trarcfaq; apt % orsent in possesion of China, whether T O , fT^rTT *nr % TfWHHVl he would ensure that first proper 7 ^ 1 % v iu l<. T T fffTSffaT steps will be taken to ensure that in trying to restore the relationsship, we *i^tl I qft *jtt(* *i % f d ^ 5 W ST^^TTTT do not skip in any way or slip in any 7 T q T 7 f t T f T I I ’ THTT *TT7 ^ way in our interests. TTTfRfwrn «ftT wrrwr sttkt % * m m SHRI ATAL BIHAR I VAJPAYEE: 7 T farf»T^r W ^ t it W T TR -5 TT R f t TfCT ^1 promise to ensure that. *fKr = m w jt # irgnrTHt *t#tj JTTT f^TTT WT jt’t % ’etV 7H t t r r r % ;rq R t5rt t f t r i r i qrrf^qrf qfr *rrainT % ITTFfr WH5H-5T7R % f»JTT * 2 3 2 . sft smytor : V'M 3'THT ’TT3T ^TT T? ^ I «it far* ^ : «ft H*TR *n»JT>a : 5TtW WT fa ll! FH * TfK iT ST^T q:T T 5'jT % w i n % : Tfrfwrfr it qrR>t Tfr^fT-r vi

( t ) fqr % TT-STETR *Tjfr ^ S5TR ^PT *T ?TTir ftm'T SrfrlMff- VHll fjl 1 qft %TTT1^ I qi T im 'i I f) q*T t o k qfr fj? ir ?. r n aft ^Tir fgwf^i smfVR f i t t r t t f t ir qrtf sn=TR 5rr=T f ^ | ; ?ft % ^T57rff qn VTUTT nw+'< t t t »rf f. i »fr (»T) it «TP7T *TT+K qfr it 'T^frr qfr «iyw rr «rr f'l ^ q^vi>=T % f^rspfx qfr ?rrr w t it <4T4^nl): (qr) *t?OT ip l^ if % dM-liy M *t^ft qifipT jt r t| f qr fsR jrqrTT ?r F*nrl vjPt f i ^ f t qft *TT7 '(TR^T flT+K TT GTR t t \6m£ «\ it ' JfwrcTFTT it :ft% fa"?m jfi7 qft fft :— ?n% ft w r qfTf wptt M ?

“WRcfhr T«T qftXT7 % 4+1WT v ii WTFT ffffTTt ^rit^fr : 5TWT8T 77 m H f<5*ii t. I -Ae.t fTT rrfTTJT T ^ W h T % f*T5t?T ^TTOTT ^ t if qrr $ f*r T H t Tsfr % ^ f r f*T5T f«r?r mf^rq: ?ftr THRtffrqr 25 Oral Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Oral Answers 26


wffjT^r ft *T

«TT « m *T?*T qft*fr ’TPT % *TT*T sft flsr *ra«i fiwrd : sTEJrer *t*>t^ t sfr *fnrr t t 7 * t tt ^ t t ^tt WT *t^T Hfvlv-I ^rMiqTT fT Tt ^TFT t 1 ^ t> h vft t t ?TmT stt? tt 3TT JTT3T t T^T TR' | fjRTTT fa*RP»T ^ *rsjrr «tt stm ? ,* ( t f ^ r r w 3«t?M *-^1 1T fr^TT % 4i| 1 "J*T <4101 % wtr jnr^ *fr s*tt srr^n t't jjttt f^nrr TtTPT Pt.fl T i\H JTHlT TT TTrft TT% ^ 1 TT f a w £ ’TT TTH *T ^T ^ JTPfT Tt vTTWt ? SHRI JAGDISH PRASAD MATHUR: I do not want to put further question. sft fwjnrt ^T^rt : JT^TT’T '-(H; oTI% TT f^PT ^1*11 *1 IT*0 ir^o q**rrt : *t faT?T JTcfT TT t t ^HT^TT T *TP£T ^t»TT i ( F W T ift *T *Tf? STT^TT ^TFTfTT ^ fa: t ff^ T T T T 'TfT^TJT 1'B 5W f'TT^T TT ITTST W ^ T % jTT srq-RT f T To EJIPT it TT t t *11^1 ^Fft I $ — « l it T TT^TT TT vfr ETFT T'JT T T P m I # fTT SHRI B. RACHAIAH: May 1 know T T r ^ f ?tV ?Thm TT n^tgrf^iT whether it is a fact that an impression has been created in other countries, T t rrr^ r^;7ip 7- it f^TVT n^TWT it T T f including China, that the Scheduled sirnr =r^r t 'jt ttot f . t m t t Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the scrr^ T'fT ? minorities and the neo-Buddhists have been throttled under the Janata Gov­ ernment and, if so, what measures is * t wth ftr^TTt ?t*tt he going to take to arrest that impres­ frm w^r tt t^stt tt >rf t ^t t t sion? RTT'T "SP^T T9T AI*J’|T I SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: SHRI SAUGATA ROY; May I know There is no such impression. whether the Chinese delegation that has come on a goodwill mission to sft sfor srrm fimft : m xer India has come with a letter from the *r^trv ?r ^ t^ tt Chinese Foreign Minister inviting our Indian Foreign Minister to visit ^— ■^i^'iT s*

sft Wfa 3TTTT : Sf T>»fhT AN HON. MEMBER: Whether he will go with Mr. Subramaniam Swamy. % VT9TT qr ft ? m t ?TH T ? T^T f I swr *rarr ***?« * ftwT-qft t> £ fa ^ ist tftr $ j i wm srwfr % ITTTTOT % IT53 *?**?¥? TT *«nf TTTTm arr t^t | sst t MR. SPEAKER: I am examining the matter, I have told you. I will give t m tt vf wr^ fa^rd ?rfar^o> : ?rwm (Interruptions) *T£TCq 3T* T*ft *fr ?*T fTT^^T^d*frq ^jtt^: e t r t vnfr | ?n «p *11 *4 '75PTT jITST q I sr?* ^=T»TT :

SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: When there RE: MOTION FOR ADJOURNMENT is an adjournment m otion.... (Jnter- ruptions). Short Notice Question...... Reported Statement by the Prime (Interruptions). The Prime Minister Minister on merger of Sikkim of India is attacking the sovereignty of SHRI K. LAKKAPPA (Tumkur): I this country. have sent an adjournment motion on the statement made by the Prime sit ?T*T ^ ‘ stT'I'TIm Minister regarding annexing of Sik­ w m jfr f srcq Tt ;jt ^ tt kim. You kindly adjourn the House lor a discussion on the definite issue jf I 1Tr. 5TT7 sflf>-»T £ I ^*T

This is a very important issue. TT WTT H r"I 'T*f VI "J-T TT enr 1 MR. SPEAKER: I had received it at about 10.45 hours. It is under my SHRI K LAKKAPPA: The Prime examination. I will let you know the Minister of India is attacking the result tomorrow. Sovereignty of India. Our sovereignty is in danger. This is a very important (Interruptions) question; it cannot be postponed. (In­ SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: This is very terruptions). important. It should be taken up today. This is a very important issue. ffTR t t *®arm : q^r IT? (Interruptions) The responsible Prime Minister of India ought not to hive si Ii 'TTfiH faiTT jTHT ^ I made such a Statement. This is a very vfvr t*t t t 9T7 r m ? m r t f t important issue. (Interruptions) He has made such a statement. (Inter­ T%*T I VPTT T*T 'T'r ?. TT aTT vnr ruptions) . Against the sovereignty of TTJT TT PHT * T 7 TT tfr WZ TTfcTT this country, he has made such a * £ r ¥ t I q ^ 5 IT 5TIZ statement. I will request you to con­ sider my adjournment motion. 'frfr7T ^ th -i t t arTrr stt ->ii" fq>T MR. SPEAKER: I am considering. . •riq w f r ttt t £ i arr if s?r (Interruptions) TTT if 5"T TT stTW^TT TToTT jj I

SHRI SAUGATA ROY (Barrack- pore): You inform us what has been MR. SPEAKER: I am on my legs. 1 have received two notices. The -nat­ done. We gave notice before 10 O’clock in the proper form, in a ter is being examined be me. proper way. (Interruptions) (Interruption!}) 29 Oral Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Oral Answers

SHRI A. C. GEORGE (Mukanda- or procedure have you the authority puram): You are not hearing me. You to say that you are going to examine give your ruling alter hearing me. the Adjournnfent Motion? On Ad­ journment Motion, you have no cush MR. SPEAKER: I have not come to right. I want to have it clarified here a decision at all. and now. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) You can come and tell me in the chamber. ir*Tr STffr W IT I t *TNTT (Interruptions) ^T^TT j? I ®ll£ <♦4i •One b* one, I am dealing......

(Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: The Short Notice Question comes first Mr. Nawab Singh SHRI A. C. GEORGE: In the history Chauhan. of the Indian Parliament, this is the flrfit time that the Prime- Minlter ol the country is questioning the very national integrity of this country. It SHORT NOTICE QUESTION is something which we should discuss immediately. Never in the history of the country or even of the w orld.... y rvrm m vft, (Interruptions) fft »Tf 1TTW

nil ^ i. v t m r* WS2TCT jft, % 7T7 m i riYr *rsfr ^TT^r f’n •life* f>~HT I fa :

^ | ^ snw SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN it ®;TT77'. ^.lURTofr Wtt Tt (Badagara): I am on a goint of orc*er 1- 3 -7 8 rrf: ^ ?TT7*T *r> ^ : siwra sfr, w r ; j R f ft i 5 w t t (>?) tt, 'TT vzm "JW ^ g I VTT STIR TT jRT* ^TT ?ftT ftfV j i nr srrc $, t *

% it *ttt w r | ? ( ’T ) f^rr * JTcT 5?rffrT %

TT^T fT CP? ^ T P T ? fr'-i I ^ ?TTt iffe MR. SPEAKER: The arrangement of the business is: first of all. Questions fti^l ^ rft W r f 'J 'i i % ? then Short notice Question and thereafter come the other matters. THE MINISTER OF INFORMA­ TION AND BROADCASTING (SIIP.I SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: Adjournment L. K. ADVANI): (a) Shri R. C. Agar- Motion. wal, Engineering Assistant working at the Chhatarpur station of A.I.R., is MR SPEAKER: Adjourment Motion understood to have committed suicide comes after the Short Notice Question. on the night of 28-2-1978. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: On (b) and (c). On receipt of the inf nr- a point of order, arising out of your mation, an Addl. Chief Engineer ot observations. You just now mention­ A.I.R. and the Chief Vigilance Offi­ ed that you were examining the Ad­ cer of the Ministry of Information and journment Motion. Under what rule 3 1 Oral Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Oral Answers 32

Broadcasting were deputed to proceed tft wra fwi WWltft : «I5W to Chhatarpur to bold a preliminary enquiry into the matter. Full details t ^ttt, t$t »ntfft ttttt | tfK ol the incident and also whether the TTTTT T ...... Police has recovered any Tetter from the deceased person and. if so, the SHRI RAGAVALU MOHANARAN- contents thereof will be known only GAM: Sir, hereafter, if any Member after receipt of the enquiry report. raises a question in English, the answer should come only in English. tft : tfm T T If they ate not in a position to tole­ rate, why should we tolerate7 (Inter; t^tt fir *rf 9 for tftT ^tt ruptions). «TOT *ftft T T ^ T T T T*ff ITTtft ft I MR. SPEAKER: The direction given tfrt ®rj[ | fr trfuTKhrn mih’Hi in this House is, wherever the Minis­ T5PTT =fT^T | i stft TT? tf tft ter knows both the languages, if the

wretft ^ w 5? t t wr?JT f ^ r r question is put in English, the answer must be given in English; (Interrup­ Tt tft tfr tf?T ® i t t * r t f f r r tions)1 and when the question is1 3 * % TTf +l4«ll^t Tfft I put in Hindi, the Minister is required X ^ TJTT % TT? TRf^STT *?5PT to give an answer in Hindi. That is the direction given (Interruptions). Tt TT?Tt TT ft >ltft I ftft TT^ tf ^T tft tft^T ftff TTT TtT Tttft it *TT SlIRI K. GOPAL: Then why did the Hon. Minister answer in Hindi when TR I "3T% *£SpT fPTTfZT TT I put a question in English? The Hop. fe n ttt i tft ^rfuTTTt Health Minister must also answer in SRt jTiT TT^ T ftf" ®TTTT tftf TT f English. s t t fa s s tfr fa rra r ft i ?rrjt w tffart *rwtr fa? : ^ 5JT^T m fx m v % fa^rr I, wntf ^fJTr Oral Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Oral Answers 34

SHRI K. GOPAL: You gave a ruling 5«TT ^ I that if the Minister knows both the ^T5T *J!T% % *T^% WTT languages and if the question is in S 1 English, he should reply in English and if the question is in Hindi, he should MR. SPEAKER: No, no. reply in Hindi. The problem arises when Shri Raj Narain knows both the SHRI RAGAVALU MOHANARAN- languages, but he refuses to answer GAM: This is a point for clarification. to a question put in English in One day, when I asked you whether English. What is the position then? it is not required, on the floor of the House, that when a Member asks a Today, the Minister started his reply question in a particular language and in English, why was he forced to reply that particular language is known to in Hindi? (Interruptions). the Minister, he has to answer only in that language, you said on that day SHRI RAGAVALU MOHANARAN- that the Minister can give an answer GAM: If the Minister does hot know in any of the two languages, that is either English or Hindi, what would Hindi or English. But now you say be the position then? 1 . that he can reply only in Hindi. MR. SPEAKER: We would cbhjfeei: MR. SPEAKER: No, I did not say that at that time. V. . that: you are misunderstanding inc. PROF. P. G. MAVALANKAR: On a point of order, Sir. My point of order is simple and it arises from the 5*TTT JTTT # I sratid Hr ^ observations you made a little whilt 1 tft *rnr itusr # 1 ago on this question...(Interruptions). smtr? % *rt tfk % You know that there is the facility of simultaneous interpretation in both jjmfor tfr tfr fafawc faff 3t ? ft the languages, viz. English and Hindi. ^*rr ■

asked him to speak in Hindi. Your MR. SPEAKER: What is this, Mr. ruling came that he would continue Gopal? You are the Secretary of the in Hindi. If he has proflciecy in both Party. the languages, he must have the freedom to use any language. He SHRI RAGAVALU MOHANARAN- started in English, let him continue. GAM: Why should he be forced? Your ruling is only tor those Ministers, Otherwise, we will walk Out. who cannot speak in English, to speak in Hindi and for which translation is SHRI K. GOPAL: If he has started available. in Hindi, I can appreciate but he is forced. MR. SPEAKER: The matter is governed by the earlier ruling. Please THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI go on. ); May I say that I have said several times in the House that we do not want to force English 5ft, on anybody. But that does not I f a it mean.. .. | fa Sr ^rrt SHRI K. GOPAL: Or Hindi on any­ body.

( s m r r ) SHRI MORARJI DESAI: But that does not mean that we want to force ^TT 5TT •tW rR T ^rr ^ Hindi on anybody. But you cannot also force English on anybody...... M\<. TT'ft 3fT 7*[T ^ I (Interruptions) But that is what is A im ^ I 3TTX P;H sought to be done. Will you please hear what I am saying? Constitution­ ally, Ministers who can speak in both t • • • the languages, can speak in both the languages. But if somebody can speak SHRI RAGAVALU MOHANARAN- only in English and not in Hindi, then GAM: There is no translation in he will reply to Hindi questions in English. English. He cannot help it. Another person does not know English. Then Vf\ *T0*T WTHft : f?p?t he will have to speak in Hindi...... trm | i ?rnr snr »mft3ft fr?r SHRI K. GOPAL: There we agree. m W fTFTT, 3T o ^if^T r f[T?T «r 37 Oral Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Oral Answers 38

SHRI VASANT SATHE: Please do *t^t srftiTTTt f^R% TT^RT»ft nqt change. Tt H’T^prrt T^t *t*tt jtftt ^ fa^ an T^ |M 5^T WRvt if i T N T t % t ^ t *r*rr d{ TTTn> «T^t TT% <^id there may be no obligation, I have con­ t srtr ^ f p t Tt srnft 11 ffk scientiously tried to follow the prac­ # «ft tice of replying to questions in English, irfwrfTifi ^ ^ in English and questions in Hindi, in q w i n d TTT t I f e f t if »ft Hindi. If I corrected myself to-day ^ ^T^TTt ^ W( % TT TT WIcH^I it was because it was pointed out that the question was in Hindi and, there­ TT ?ft «ft I ?PTT ^ T^t rfUftT of ore, I should reply in Hindi; I im­ »ft ^^ft 5>ft I TTT #a> mediately corrected myself, not ^f^T ^ fa ?^T because of any ruling but because this !s the practice that I have been trying % f^rr fr^ TT ^TTT to follow. It is not because of any fa^jT arnr ? ^ it? r^fr^r ^ t^ tt f i , compulsion. To any question that comes in English, I will reply in English. But this question was asked HRT HWTWt : TTH^fhT in Hindi, therefore, I am replying in ^ 1974 Tt ^T ^4*11 TT Hindi___(Interruptions) fa n ^ I if ^n-ii ^t T^TT -^lgJll fa

^ ir if ^r^TcT ’TTTTTT’T ^WV, ^ fatft tfr 5TTTT Tt Sfa-SFT gf I I JUfdiff f f fp ft; ^yiT^ Tt 'STffT fa % TrTX if T^T Ttfw fr Tft 11 n?: frfTz smnft, ^ ^t Tt ’j^rrr fafft JTft ir m w r «fk Ttf Tnkrft t t ^ T t ^T¥TfT fpfr, eft T? ar¥T Tt art^ft I i Tt ^PcTTITT ScTTJT ?tYt t t * Trfa tt £^ i t *tst o srnr t *t *r «ft w f t mrw«r ’thtt : »t#t ftT ti t»T I %f%^T ITT >T *r arr^ TT^t *t^ %, t art^1 t t t t^t 'Hi-f+iCt Tr fa faftrrf t Htz ?TTzr t I ^T W ^ «r*ft 5TT »f^t % < m m : t t ^ t % TT arPTTTTt TTT ?T^t fiT?I HTt | ? ^ftfa^TT, T afto »fto JT^TT, % f , Tfffa *WW f a f : ^TT^ *T?T T M^»IM TT% f I Tim OTTTtT , 3*T% f*s ® jt ^TtfeT ^t ^Tt «ft, ^fa^T 27 "T^t fat)I j TMT if t r wit 4 W W % TTTTt Tt Tq€t TT ^TOT WT I *fa^$ i^qi^t ^>t an^ft ^ 1 ^ f^FT Tt fa Wf Tt WKt

if fmnw tft Tt «fi 1 ^ t t arTTT ^if » «j^t tt *r ^nnr^r i 39 Oral Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Oral Answers 40

TtzT *nrr irtT t^vim f e n *nn i and unless there is accessibility to officers and there is machinery inbuilt w i * m in the whole system to allay the grie­ wnr^ | fa *nct % *n£t vances properly and expeditiously, things can take an ugly turn. Since VTT^r ^cTR I the day I heard about this, I imme­ diately called for all things and pro­ cedures and I have been insisting m u f^ r : # frf^T


^fa*T jT? rTT ^ ^Tt (Vile qft 'T^t qr *mnr qr ft T^t | qqT \*r ^

SHRI VAYALAR RAVI: This ques­ «ft hw fwn wwmt : qfaw qr tion of suicide of an officer is only the culmination of certain things happen­ qrjRr | fa qfrf f a i s t 5T^t f t 1 ing not only in this station but in the %fa5T ^ft ^TFTST'T faqT 'I Ml ^ entire organisation. There is discon­ srran: T 7 fa q r >nrr | f a q ^ ^TrT H ^ t ^ tentment among the junior officers. Because of so much of concentration fa Mn^n5i h faqT «rr srtr which is not a new thing, juniors are Ttvrrft % TTTW ^ t% qft I harassed. ^TqTT f e n qqT | I

Among the Contract Artists, there fW T : qrT^TPT are very good artists—even in painting, etc., which would completely come % ?rmTT t t ?rfjr^Tft qft under the Station Director. People q&f-g faqT q-qT | 35T7 ^ f a qT? may not go the extent to committing suicide. They are suffering. In this jfr »fr qrmr^t tfrqt ^ffir q? »nrr ^ R t background will you please look into =rff ffnt fa^r qfT fa ^ rr ?mra the matter of grievances of these offi­ | fsrfT% WTT’T rrq; s q f e T t «K M ^ m cers and make some machinery to had out the way immediately to stop or qr7?ft qft wtr q^ «m t ^rrr I w i . . . prevent any such occurrences in ( « q « 3 R ) . . . 302 qn' JTPT^TT ?ft q f future. 5t^«i fa frnrr if f ® ^?r SHRI L. K. ADVANI; I appreciate jh>r q>T hR^n^r fvqr ^iq the point that an incident of this kind only highlights something that is 3ft 5ftn f t 5RTT cfn’ qror | fa ^ n » deeply enrooted in the whole system ^qT

^TT ^ ftr^TU ^5 ^T tft ftPFFT# |, w r £ %(\x TO*T 3ft ^R" fvi

^ ^ star ^ i WRITTEN ANSWERS TO «ft $**? : w r QUESTIONS tftft ^T ^ « T f a *TcT®F Deman 4 of A1TUC for Payment .of Bonus for 1977 forar^ to snrsr % f^nu vt t ? e225. SHRI M. KALYANASUN- *rft ?r, tft *rrct fwnm tf DARAM; *

^ *5 tft s^facT*nr| «rfa*nrt Will the Minister of PARLIAMEN­ % ^ (1^ % ^TT^T H O TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be ^TfT ^ *t?to t ^fr 302 ^ * m re pleased to state: ^i% ^>r i m tft ^tt w ^ jx (a) whether he has received a TO*rr ^tft r o r ^t ^ft fi^TT letter from the General Secretary of *T^tft ? ST^TT^T % ^ ^TTT^TT AITUC urging Government to take urgent steps to ensure payment of ^f^TT ^ fa wrr^rt ^ ^ ftftft 8.33 per cent bonus for the accounting % ?rnr* w smPkrt ^t ^tpt % year commencing in 1977; and ftf

Blast at Sydney near Hilton Hotel * r A ^etg iert by Indiana in Vietnam .

•226. SHRI AHMED M- PATEL: •227. SHRI D. D. DESAI: Will the Ci .. *• Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be SHRI SHYAM SUNDAR pleased {o ’ state; GUPTA: (a) whether a large number of Will the Minister of EXTERNAL Indians' formerly in South Vietnam AFFAIRS be pleased to state: had returned to India after the uni­ >>

the 10th February, 1978 under the at under the auspices of heading “Harrowing plight of Indian Employers’ Association it has been labour in Oman” ; suggested to Government for change in entire concept of minimum wage, (b) if so, the reaction of Govern­ freezing the wage at the present leva! ment thereto; and non-consideration of bonus as (c) whether any team o* officials deferred wage; has been sent to Oman to study the working conditions of Indians there; (b) if so, the reaction thereto and and facts thereof; and

(d) if so, the observations of this (c) what steps are being taken to study team and the steps taken or protect the labourers and, workers proposed to be taken by the Govern­ alike from further exploitation by the ment in this regard? employers and capitalists?

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA); (a) Yes, (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) A Sir. background paper on Wages, Incomes, and Price Policy for the Fifth In­ (b) to (d). The Government of dustrial Relations Conference held in India sent a 2-Member Team to look New Delhi on 13-14 February, 1978, into the matter. The main purpose which seems to have been prepared in oI the Team’s visit was to enquire i:ito the context of the terms of reference the incident in Oman in which a large of the Study Group set up under ihe number of Indian workers were arres­ Chairmanship of Shri S. Bhoothalin- ted and nearly 200 of them were depor­ gam, suggests that D.A. might be abo­ ted to India. The Team also studied lished to coincide with economic poli­ the working conditions of Indian cies to stabilize price of bulk com­ labour in U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia modities which constitute the cost of besides their conditions in Oman. The living index. It has also been suggest­ Government is reviewing the situation ed that as an adjunct, if wage revision in the light of the assessments made is at all necessary, the neutralisation, by the team. percentages to meet the price rise must be decided by Government. While Pending final decision, the Govern­ suggesting abolition of the present ment of India have temporarily banned bonus scheme, the paper wants incen­ recruitment of Indian workers for tive payments’ scheme to be introduc­ Oman except those required for execu­ ed wherever feasible. tion of projects by Indian companies. (b) The Government have taken Fifth Industrial Relations Conference note of the contents of the paper. under auspices of Employers’ Association (c) The Government are always vigilant about the interests of wor­ •233. SHRI SUKHDEV PRASAD kers. VERM A: Withdrawal by Newspaper Owners SHRI SHARAD YADAV: from Wage Board

Will the Minister of PARLIAMEN­ *234. SHRI P. K. KODIYAN: TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be SHRI SAMAR MUKHERJEE: pleased to state: Will the Minister of PARLIAMEN­ (a) whether in t^e recently held TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be Fifth Industrial Relations Conference pleased to state: Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 48

(a) whether the newspaper owners Money Order Charges have withdrawn their representatives _ i d . from the Wage Boards for Working •237. SHRI BHAGAT RAM: to Will Journalists and1 Non-journalists em­ the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS ployees; ,n ' ' ’ ‘ be pleased to state: 1 (b) if so, Government’s reaction (a) whether Government are aware thereto; and that the increase in charges of send­ ing money orders below Rs. 100|- •' • o - (c) how do Government propose to during was an enor­ meet the situation arising out of the mous burden on weakest Gections of the population, labouring people who ^ non-cooperative attitude of the news­ paper owners towards wage revision send home remittances; and for journalists and other newspaper (b) what steps are being taken to employees? reduce this burden?

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS RAVINDRA VAKMA): (a) to (c). In (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKH- December, 1977, the Employers* repre­ DEO SAI): (a) The increased rate of sentatives on both the Wage Boards Money Order commission on Money wrote to the Government that they Orders below Rs. 100, introduced in were withdrawing from the Wage 1976 is marginal. Boards, as their Organisations desired them to do so. Discussions have been (b) Does not arise. held with the representatives of em­ ployers and employees, separately and Private Practice by Government jointly, to resolve the deadlock. The Doctors next round of these discussions is ex­ pected to take place shortly. •238. SHRI SHIV SAMPATI RAM: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to lay a statement showing: Offer of No-War Pact to Pakistan (a) the places in the country where Government doctors are allowed pri­ *235. SHRI MOHINDER SINGH vate practice; SAYIANWALA: Will the Minister oi EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to (b) the reasons for allowing them state: private practice; (c) whether it 13 not a fact that in (a) whether any offer of no-war case the government doctors are allow­ pact has been repeated to Pakistan ed private practice, they give more during his recent visit to that country; attention towards private persons than and towards those who go for treatment in Government-run hospitals and dis­ (b) if so, what is the response pensaries; and thereto? (d) whether it is proposed to put a ban on private practice by Govern­ ment doctors throughout the country? THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI ATAL BIHARI THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND VAJPAYEE): (a) No, Sir, FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI RAJ NARAIN): (a) to (d). The requisite (by E»oes not arise. information is being collected from 49 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers

the State Governments/Union Terri­ Micro-Wave Line between Shillong tory Administrations and the same will and Calcutta be laid on the Table of the House.

*240. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTER- Inter-State Migrant Labourers JEE: Will the Minister of COMMUNI­ CATIONS be pleased to state:

•239. SHRI SIVAJI PATNAIK: (a) whether Government propose to conduct a high-level investigation into SHRI MUKHTIAR SINGH the working of micro-wave line bet­ MALIK: ween Shillong and Calcutta which does not work 12 hours a day; Will the Minister of PARLIAMENT­ ARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR ue (b) if go, when and if not, the pleased to state; reasons therefor; and

(a) what steps have been taken to (c) the steps Government propose guarantee amenities like minimum to take to run the micro-wave line wages, shelters and legal protection to effectively? inter-state migrant labourers; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) whether the Government are MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS considering to ban the system of inter­ (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKH- state migrant labourers who are taken DEO SAI): (a) and (b)'. No, Sir. The by contractors to other States for microwave system between Calcutta ch'?ap labour; and and Shillong has been working satis­ factorily. (c) if not, the reasons therefor? (c) Does not arise.

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENT­ ARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI Birth and Death Rate RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) Reference is presumably to Dadan Labour who *241. SHRI HITENDRA DESAI: are usually recruited from Orissa for DR. LAXMINARAYAN work in construction projects located PANDEYA: outside the State (Orissa). The Com­ pact Committee appointed sometime Will the Minister of HEALTH AND ago to go into the question of Dadan FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to Labour of Orissa and to suggest lay a statement showing: measures for eliminating abuses of this system has recommended suitable (a) the birth and death rates legislation for such inter-state migrant for the last five years in each of the working. The matter is being ex­ States and Union Territories; and amined in consultation with the State (b) have Government fixed any Governments and other interests con­ target for the same? cerned.

(b) and (c). The current endeavour THB MINISTER OF HEALTH AND is to eliminate the abuses of the sys­ FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI RAJ tem by administrative and legislative NARAIN): (a) A detailed statement measures and not to abolish it ;is it showing the birth rates and death would adversely affect the employment rates estimated by the Registrar Gen­ and earnings of such workers. eral on the basis of the Sample Regis­ 51 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers & tration Scheme is placed on the Table. Medical Store Depot, Madras [Placed in Library. See No. LT-1754/ u.. 78]. The estimates are subject to •243. SHRI A. MURUGESAN: Will sampling and reporting errors. the Minister of HEALTH AND (b) No targets for birth and death FAMILY , WELFARE be pleased to rates are fixed for individual States lay a statement showing: and Union Territories. The national (a) the amount invested-during the demographic objective of the Family last five years for the operation of the Welfare Programme as laid down in pharmaceutical industry attached to the Fifth Five Year Plan was to I ring the Government Medical Store Depot, down the birth rate to the level of 30 Madras; per thousand of population by 1978-79. However, considering the recent trends (b) the programmes of production, in the performance of the Family Wel­ the nature of Stores planning to be fare Programme and the demographic produced, the actual quantity and trends, the Joint Conference of the value of output and the extent of slip­ Central Council of Health and Family pages in the programme with reasons Welfare at its meeting in January. therefor; and 1978, felt that the objective of reduc­ (c) particulars of any concrete plan ing the birth-rate to 30 per thousand to modernise the factory so as to con­ population by 1978-79 was unattainable. tribute purposefully to the needs at The Council, therefore, recommended the common man? adoption of the revised demographic objective of reduction in the birth-rate THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND to 30 per thousand population in FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI RAJ 1982-83. This is under consideration NARAIN): (a) The requisite informa­ of the Government. tion is given below:

Year Fixed Capital Invest- Recurring Invest­ ment ment

(Plant Machinery and (Materials and Man Buildings) power employed)

R f. Ri.

A* on 1-4-72 5*62,765 ...

1972-73 26,519 43*®3>5*7

1973-74 ■ 46,104 35.5a, 452

>974-75 • 30,439 37.39.830

1975-76 • 669 49.5i.95 6 1976-77 . .. 49,49,000

(b) The production programmes are actual demands with reference to drawn up a year in advance, based on machine capacity, man-power avails the forecast of demands likely to be bility of raw materials and electric received from the public hospitals, power. The factory manufactures subject to changes on the basis of common type of drug formulations 53 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 54 ' W 3 Aril* - e.g. tablets, powders, tinctures, oint- The actual quantity and value of the ments, liniments, syrups and bandages. output is as follows:—

Q UANTITY OF OUT-PUT W r~ : H______.

Year " - Litres K.Gs. Tablets Bandages Value of output

Rs. 'T: '973-73 • • . 3»i6»b75 51,416 7*72,66,560 33,03,084 44,41,5?2 70,906 4,37,03,200 •973-74 • • . 2,83,324 7,44,030 37,* 7, t f 9 1974-75 • • . 3>i8,237 59 ,7*8 3,00,62,050 *>,53.350 4°>£*,79 7 1975-76 • • • 2,60,359 72,221 1,98,10,200 19,16,060 54,74.348 1976-77 . . . 2,04,844 94 *6*8 4,37,38 ,ioo 14,81,840 50>97,738

The extent of slippages in the pro­ THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND gamines which is around 10 per cent FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI RAJ is mainly due to statutory imposition NARAIN): (a) to (d). The doctors of power-cut and delayed arrivals of working in Central Government In­ raw materials. stitutions/Hospitals are not allowed to do private practice. In so far as the (c) There is no plan to modernise doctors working under the State Gov­ the factory. ernment/Union Territory Administra­ tions are concerned, the requisite in­ formation is being collected and will Private Practice by Government be laid on the Table of the House Doctors shortly. •244. SHRI P. S. RAMALINGAM: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to iay Talks with Pakistan regarding Joint a statement showing: ~ Indo-Pakistan ventures

(a) the conditions under w hich 2087. SHRI OM PRAKASH TYAGI: Government Doctors are allowed pri­ Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AF­ vate practice; FAIRS be pleased to state:

(b) the steps taken to ensure that (a) whether during hie recent visit the Government Doctors abide by the to Pakistan any talks took place for conditions; having joint ventures to produce goods for West Asian countries; and (c) whether It is a fact that most doctors employed in Government Hos­ (b) if so, the details of the said pitals and Medical Colleges are mis­ talks? using the facilities available for dia­ gnosis and treatment in such hospitals and medical colleges for their private THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE gain; and MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) No, Sir. (d) if so, the number of such cases apprehended and afftion taken? (b) Does not arise. 55 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 56 :l -P­ P ass port Applications received in Goa 2_ ^ ^

2088. SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO: 31- 12-77 3T Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AF­ «ft 108751 FAIRS be pleased to state: > (a) the number of passport appli­ 3-q% vfen?w *rrart cations received so far from Goa from Tt w«*rr3rfr 31-1-78 January 1, 1977; S11 5TT- (b) the number of passports issued «rrf % mi^ jh % stt to the applicants out of those; TRST fjfatnv) Tt (c) number of applications reject­ ed, pending upto the end of December, ^TTPTT «ft 57360 1977; and (d) what steps have been taken to 4- 31- 12-77 Tt ^ increase the staff in that Passport ‘office? ^^Tcft Tt THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE TTT %TT 5TTH TTrTT MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 28.64 (SHRi S. KUNDU): (a) to (d). Infor­ mation is being collected and will be TTfTOtftO laid on the table of the House.

(^ ) *TW 5T^«T * 70,883 ’TTT | 1 6708 »rtrf *r « r r y u *ft 2 08 9 - fa ? : *TT ozr^iTT TT ^t njft I I STfafTTT *TTt Tt FTT T^*T f r 6398 n(TT it TTT TT32T gfasjnr ^ 3ft

( t ) »rf | i Tr jjO jt ^ u*k

1-1971 Tt 5nnmr ^t%>TTTJTT^T 2028 207 % STTSTT

Impounding Passports of Indians liv­ ing abroad j^l- ^t ^fr *fr *t*tt% f?> * ft ^ 1 WNTT | 2090. SHRI D. B. CHANDRE ^ 78-79 % ^kTT GOWDA: Will the Minister of EXTER­ NAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: fa m 3iht»tt i sr^ ?mr 3»r»Tlwnrf fft TfT tfY Wt ff (a) whether Government have im­ f?XT 5i7 I I pounded passports of Indian nationals living abroad for their involvement in smuggling activities during last one year; and JT3RTW % $T


(b) Does not arise. (^' )7 »TSfTTcT *» ^ WT5T ft fii% %*nf<*Ttf era- f«iw<, '3'cw

(^ ) ff*T% cf)'o 0 sftST 5W 2 091. : fzjT cn)vhVr f ffl- *rnr tft *rf ^ w )x fTTT f*F % f?w ; srk

(fr ) WT % STRTTqT? (>T) ^Rf^cTfrjfr^tsrr^jftsftT

f 5frT it *PTt?T *TRT % f^rrr £?fre>T fTTfrrr JTTT 3TT t| T5Tff f:T stfiTT ff^JT »TCT ^ ; STTT f^T | ?

(JJ ) eft % w r fTTW fTWTT RJCifW H 7TW *nft («?V I f r o ? f^r t t '[tt f^ *tptt HW) : (f>) ^c-Hf«lcT V rliH+T if fsrT TT «|q'j\fn'T> ^ft«TJ>T ^TT wVT C^fT^ frr^T «^TT*T5TTrWRtrrT»T5rt fTT t | I, ^T% =TT*T SPT^tT-I ^ f?TT sm z wws* arc) : (wr) aft 1 f I [y^inq r Twrnm 1 ^fw«? fTWT ffe/78] ( jj) ff*ft ^fr wrfacT fT ^ faTT + k ^ i{ cTvft 9T^ jiioV ^ (*l) ?TtT (>T). f^R1 8 cTT^fff TT 3T? -3% 'TfT^RT f?> faffW fT ff^TT »PTT | 1 5 TT flT^srf^fr 3*Tpt % fatr fiTtF|' ff^JTT ^n7! J ^ > T *TT ?T\T: 2 *Ttr rr^T^T w'T'fV f?t *rnr t^t f^rr ? i l?Tr& t f t JTfn Tt ^ | I ^'T ?*T^ff 5*t ^ f*nf ?TTcr S^hfWf tft snr^'tj-II *n? | [w «?r ’ *tt*t ysr fm £ ^ qrTfrWT I $fwtr ffgiTT €t°J SnltriH f>t iK *rhrf fft m i f!T% % 1755/78] 5 ^ ^ 2 59 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 60 ' f " b

vt *Pjrt ^ >Tt | *rk the order of 10.80 lakh tonnes and for 1978-79 it has been estimated at 14.20 if* 5r^nr f**rTT«frr $ i tmhrfav lakh tonnes. ««TW»>T * K % WT* ir TtffT STfrT 7 STT <^T ifr »r£ £ »t\t t * ’ftfo % (c) At the instance of the Govern­ ment of India, a Preliminary Feasibi­ w^nf^r* t r PTRt ii- $ gfauTtt lity Report on Jhamarkotra rock phos­ «TO 1978-79 Vt

(a) the prospects of rock phosphate iu Udaipur region of Rajasthan; Survey to find out uneducated unem­ ployed in Lakshadweep (b) the quantum of rock phosphate which is being imported at present; 2094. SHRI R K.'MHALGI: WiU the and Minister of PARLIAMENTARY AF­ FAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased to (c) the result of the examination state: regarding the use of rock phosphate conducted by the World Bank at the (a) whether Government have instance of Government of India? conducted any survey of the unedu­ cated unemployed in Union Territory THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of Lakshadweep, especially in Kala- MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES pani; (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) There are (b) if so, when and with what several occurrences of low to medium result; grade phosphorite in the Pre-Cam- brain rocks o f Udaipur District in (c) whether Government have Rajasthan. These deposits, with vary­ undertaken any measures since then ing degrees of the extent of reserves, for the employment of uneducated are Jhamarkotra, Maton, Karbari a-Ka persons in the said territory; and Gurha, Dhakan Kotra, Sisarma, Neemuchmata, Badgaon, Berwas and (d) if no such survey has been com­ Bhinder. pleted so far, the reasons therefor and when it shall be conducted in near Presently Jhamar Kotra and Maton future? -which are the major deposits are under exploitation. Other occurrences have THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ small reserves of low to medium grade TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR quality. (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) No survey ol the uneducated unemployed (b) 7>uring 1077-78 the quantum of in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep import of rock phosphate would be of has been conducted. -r 6 l Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers g .

(b) Does not arise. ‘^*VPT fT ” tft^T %

(c) Even though no survey has been T t tftT fc^PTT >PTT ^ ; conducted so far, employment is pro­ vided to local candidates whenever (

the Fifth Five Plan. The survey is ( t ) tft f t i being planned during the Sixth Five Year Plan. (

(c) the number of workers that (T) W I TT^TR % 4H«K f3f?r would be covered thereunder? % T R T nrsft, cTlfft^T *T5Ttft *’iT it

tpt Tt tfirnRT tt q^rr | ; THE MINISTER OF LABOUR AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI tfk RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) and (b). A copy of the notification issued by (^r) irfe ft, at ttt * rttt ?t *r the Government of India on 21st M^y, 5 1977 is laid on the Table of the House. if T t f fr^TT 1 5T«rm [Placed in Library. See No. LT-1756/ T7R TI | tffa ^TTEft SJrkT TTT 78], V (c) The number of subscribers as on 30th September, 1977 was 'jt.64 lakhs. ?FTm fltr * rrrw t tf t t o »mt (tft Tf*m «j»3r) : ( t ) tf tr ( ^ ) . 5'^W'T it *Tr*T % *trt irnit ■*i<4«^ifTt *rt^r ir T t g rf^r 209 6. sft : fUT T t w ft cTT T t f ^ T T ?Tft fatft | I T *T T T T T T f T P *ttr l^rr fr : st^r v m % tft z ^ v r srPRtr^iT % (T ) f*TT HTTTT TT mTH 13 v t f w ?f%cT ?rft f^Ft | i snrsff t t 1978 % TRTRpTT ft?TT 5TTt ^ I 63 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers

Registration of Doctors U.S. Assistance for Malaria Control Programme ,

2098. SHRIMATi PARVATHI KRI- 2100. SHRI MADHAVRAO SCIN- SHNAN; Will the Minister of DIA: WiU the Minister of HEALTH HEALTH AND FAMILY be pleased AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: to state:

(a) whether Government are con­ (a) whether the U.S. development sidering a proposal to replace the assistance to this country for supple­ system of one-time registration for menting the Malaria Control Prog­ doctors by periodic registration; and ramme, has been resumed by that country; and (b) if so, the details and objective thereof? (b) if so, the total assistance so far received?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAGDAMBI FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI .TAG- PRASAD YADAV): (a) Yes. DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) Not yet. (b) It is proposed to amend the (b) Does not arise. Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 to provide for periodic registration, or.ce every five years by the medical prac­ Representation by Mukhiya of Jogidih titioners. This will help the Medical Panchayat (Dhanbad) for a Post Council of India to know accurately Office the total number of practising medical practitioners in the country and the 2101. SHRI A. K. ROY. Will the places where they practise. Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (a) whether the representation Export of Non-Ferrous Metal items dated 12th January, 1978 by the Mukhiya of Jogidih Panchayat, P. S. Chandankeyari, Dhanbad for a Post 2099. SHRI C. K. JAFFER SHARIEF: Office, has been received; and Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state: (b) if so, the action taken by the Government to meet the dire neces­ sity of the people of this backward (a) whether India has entered into area and a part of Scheduled Caste a conversion deal with some foreig i Constituency? countries in regard to the export of non-ferrous metal items; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (b) if so, the details thereof? (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKHDEO SAI): (a) Yes, Sir. (b) The P.M.G. Patna has been re­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE quested to examine the proposal and MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES send a report on the justification of (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) No, L-ir. opening a Post Office at village Jogidih in accordance with the departmental (b) Does not arise. norms. • 65 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 66

Closure of Aluminium Corporation of Introducing S.T.D. between Jamnagar India ' and Bombay and Ahmedabad •

2102. SHRI ROBIN SEN: WiU the 2104. SHRI VINODBHAI B. SHETH: Minister of STEEL AND MINES be Will the Minister of COMMUNICA­ pleased to state: TIONS be pleased to state: (a) whether Government intends (a) whether Government are aware to start STD service between Jam­ of the fact that about one hundred nagar and Bombay and Jamnagar workers and their family members of and Ahmedabad in view of the trade Aluminium Corporation of India relations and the defence services Ltd., J. K. Nagar, Asansol died of situated in Jamnagar; and starvation due to closure of the above factory since last few years; and (b) if so, when?

(b) whether Government will ex. pedit« and take immediate steps to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN •tart the above factory, in view of THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ the abo've facts? TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKHDEO SAD: (a) Yes, Sir.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE _ (b) According to present expecta­ MINISTRY OF STEEL AND I.’ INES tions S.T.D . from Jamnagar to Ah­ (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) No, medabad is likely to be introduced in Sir. 1979. Jamnagar-Bombay S.T.D . is expected by 1983. (b) The question is under considera­ tion.

TtW fafV rm qfTO* (TTTT TWTTf Dispensaries and Hospitals in Ladakh ntr

2103. SHRIMATI PARVATI DEVI: 2105. aft WKR ?nw : Will the Minister of HEALTH AND wivm 'T fw r FAMILY WELFARE be plea9e.l to state: fft yrr :

(a) the number of dispensaries and (=F) WT ^ TT3JT hospitals with bed strength for in­ fVpT'c’TT 'TfT'7? 5TTTT fetr j^r door patients and other specialist available in Ladakh; and MM f?TJTT 3TTdT ^

(b) the measures taken to expand health service in Ladakh? ( Wd

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN ( i t ) ^THT (t ) *rtr THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL (*J) TT t-'flf'i ft ^ft ^ AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) to Cs held between the official delegations of India and Rfepal on'UiStters relat­ ing to trade, transit and other attend­ WrFOT «rfT*TT TrJTro *T*T^*T H ant subjects in Kathmandu from 26th ttw *hft («ft nara mw) : February to 2nd March 1978, agree­ ( t ) sft f t i crrrfa ^ sra^cT ftaT | fT ment has been reached on the follow­ ing: v t W fltr ^TfTTPsj tt^t % faf+ctfr sTwflT^nrr fft IVtft stttt % srT'TfiiT (a) Treaty of Trade;

x f^ v R ^t ^r^Tcr ftat | i (b) Treaty of Transit; and

( 5 ) mTcT HTTTT HRcft^T f^lTc^T (c) Agreement of cooperation on q ftv r ijrfsrftspr Tt ?t«nfud control of unauthorised trade N 1956 T T % T T 5 T K T W t | 3 T f T fTTT ^7T It is hoped that formal signing of ir irratTT P^Tt w h N f w T frr*r f % f r ^ T the documents at the Ministerial level will take place in the near future and sjT^trrfwr % Tftrejjpr fft vfi^nr t t t t the concerned detailed documents on fft sjT^rr Tt cmT ?* t s t t k % the above subjects will "Be laid on the TfsntfvpT Tt STc^ T T H - ^sft *T

(*T) JTPT^T *t * i q q i * l * t * l T f t U ^ r f>T7*r fprfsnr aftfa*r | I ?TmT|fT^HTTTTnT 5ftH '[TT|t fafart, fe^ft »? *nr|ft tft ftar '•I 11^*11 I

210 7. »ft : TOT WWta

lndo-Nepal Trade and Transit Treaty tto ?nrr «pt *rat *Tf 'Thm ^>t f^rr t ^ t f% : 2106. SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA: (T ) TOT f«i " i i t.ic'I fPTf^T ^ P T f^nTCT, H«3ft JTft, SHRI M. RAM GOPAL REDDY: f e ^ t it Hfft't % 4 \ i n t r n f t 15 f^T ^ t STC'ftj % fa ? *r*TJTT tft ?faT WU1 the Minister ol EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: *T*TF?T Tt 3TTcft f ;

(a) whether any discussions have (^ ) f*r fan Tr *rf t^nnr taken place recently to finalise a T*TTt f ? m f % W-T^T f ; w k new treaty on trade and transit bet­ ween India and Nepal; (n) f*R ir F^nft tftr STf *TPft (b) if so, full details thereof; and *T>Tjff *?t f*T *r«qT fTcPTt f T ^t % eft fT3% TW ft | fspf iTfft (c) whether any agreements have since been signed as a result thereof % *TS fffTR’ ft 15 f^T Tt OTfa' and if so, details thereof? f'lM ft f^TTTrT HpTT 3TRTT f ? *9 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers ir

(«fr Tartar (b). The question of the condition .tfrf the minorities in Bangladesh was one * «r f) : ( t ) (»r). fe^ft j w u m , of the important subjects discussed 3ft fa «rtenf»TT farrc n ftrf^ r % snft* during President Zia-ur-Rahman’fl if *FT1T |, 5TTT visit to India from 19th to 20th Dec­ ember, 1977. ^

(iii) iF^nft ?T«TT 3fa%T— 1057 Protection to Trade of Indian Compa­ nies in Arab Countries qfr? if ?T«rRt «rfirrf ^t *F3t- es 2109. DR. VASANT KUMAR PAN­ ?ttt ^T'TT Jtrr 'z\€ snrrfarcT DIT: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL ^rnrt ?rr^ff, ^rrofa'i, snfe s titt AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

fkotfT/T T r *TT rw ! Tt ?rfaTfacT Countries have blacklisted about nine ^TTfs rt *nnfqr % *rasi if T i t Indian firms for doing business with Israel; fwrniTT sr »n *i *i t t srn

facts/about the firms business links/ Mfidi ^ jftr ^r% jttt dealings with Israel and on the basis of *rf rrftr % information thus furnished a decision is taken regarding blacklisting and qro q?# ^ *nn banning in Arab countries. In cases where Indian firms are blacklisted TTf^T *FT TT^T on the basis of a misunderstanding \3 O or incorrect information they have STTVTT STTT 1 '^TRTT ^ t ^ to plead their own case before the ij ciffTT »TRTT ^ f I fa-T *ft *TOT Central Boycott Office of Israel in Damascus or one of its Regional Offi­ % T ff ’im ^ fa ^ T lf TTftT ces. Wherever possible the Govern­ f %ftr 3*4+1 T O R ?T*ft «I+IVI ^

(c) So long as the regulations of the Central Boycott Office of Israel con­ faint tinue to be enforced, it is upto Indian firms to decide whether they would like to lose the Arab market by having 2111. «ft Timnft ?rmft : w t dealings with Israel. It is difficult for fatn *T^t *Tfv ^TT% fTT % : the Government to give any special protection in this respect. So far no ( t ) 1977 *T5?ft WTZ ernment of India wherein an Indian firm has been blacklisted by the Cen­ xt\ T W3T *r5 ; tral Boycott Office of Israel in Dama­ scus for doing business with the Arab (»i) 31 1978 ?r: fer^- Republic of Egypt. ^ I4i

(n) FTvrft wI t ’fT-v<+i

2110. v ft STfT : fTTT *nri?n q ttw fa : f"*):(^) 1-1-1977 ^31-12-1977 *r frr^r, (^F) ^TT ferrfM T^TT JfPT STsff %tiT. ii-vjfYT'i.iii it fy^refhr ^rfafST % St fsR1 srfarT *rf 4V ?rnjtT nr % f^rr + ifn^i Wu i <* i fc n w r £ ; ^mrafsT^ ^ jit % jntim Jr xt\ 7 *nr * n ^ r i *r^n

(*sT) eft ^ 774 4 vi ^ SflT ^ ? ^r^Or^TT fFHW ffK OTFT 778 * u t ): ( ^ ) (sr). 73 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers

( ^ ) 31 ^^mt, 1978WTTTt*lT Tt tflT f fr*f fr*r mrta

% faire* Tt f?r ?t t o t 9 8 2 5 (sr) Mirer ??ftTH fam t sftpt?t «ft i TOt I^t'fit’T fHsfinTTtr 5TT JTTlfflH (»r) if ^ tt ^tst Tt Tt srrat t «rt? % fr^r fr*r m fta («ft tion Officer 5 T ^ f r STOW g w t * « i u ) : ( T ) sftT 2113. SHRI P. RAJAGOPAL NAI- UD: Will the Minister o f PARLIA­ (^) f’T’JW if aft* a % * fa r MENTARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR t i [tT'^ ^nr if t o t i be pleased to state: »T5XTT irsfo fto 1757/78J I (a) whether there is any provision in Industrial Disputes Act to compel the presence of workers and the Ma­ nagement before the Reconciliation Officer; and ~ Working of Central Research Insti­ (b) if not, whether Government will tute for Yoga and Vishwayatan amend the Act suitably? Yogashram

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENT­ 2115. SHRI HART VISHNU KAM- ARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR ATH: Will the Minister of HEALTH (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased and (b). Under the Industrial Dis­ to state: putes Act, 1947, wherever a strike notice is served by employees of a (a) whether the Administrator, Public Utility Service, conciliation by Central Research Institute for Yoga the Conciliation Officer of the appro­ and Vishwayatan Yogashram has sub­ priate Government is obligatory. This mitted reports monthly or otherwise, Act does not, at present, make attend­ on the working of those institutions: ance at conciliation compulsory; this matter is under the consideration of Government in the Context of the (b) if so, whether the said reports proposed Industrial Relations Law. will be laid on the Table;

ztftoto fafftinwf Wf HTWH (c) whether the findings contained in the reports call for further changes 2114. rnfa twMtut : TOT in the administrative personnel of the institutions; and ^ W T *T^t *<5 Tt fSTT T^T fT :

( t ) fVFtrw f^ ff % t^rnm (d) if so, the broad outlines of changes contemplated by Govern­ iil'ftl'i f^T^ftlTPT T ? df> STTTftlW ment? !75 ‘ Written Answers ^ MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Malaria, for the present it is proposed THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND to contain the disease. The main ob­ FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI 'JAG- jectives of the "Modified Plan are— DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) Yes, Sir. . to prevent deaths and reduce 4 1 period of sickness due to Malaria; (b) Such reports are not required to be laid on the Table of the House 2. to maintain Industrial and agri­ under the provisions of the relevant culture production by undertaking Act. intensive anti-malaria measured in the affected areas; and * (c) and (d). No, Sir. However, suitable administrative changes can be 3. to consolidate the achievements considered as and when necessary. attained so far. 4. The salient features of the Incidences of Malaria Modified Plan of Operations are given in the statement laid on the 2116. SHRI RAGAVELU MOHANA- Table of the House. [Placed in RANGAM; Will the Minister of Library. See No. LT-1758/78]. HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (d) No definite estimates of econo­ mic loss to the nation caused by (a) the incidence of malaria during sapping of vitality of citizens by the last two years as compared to ear­ malaria have been made. lier years;

(b) the number of deaths that oc­ As mentioned in reply to part (c) curred on account of malaria during above, the eradication of th*> disease last two years; is not possible at present. For con­ tainment of the disease, a Modified (c) the steps taken for making a Plan of Operations has already been breakthrough for the eradication of launched. A provision of Rs. 74 cro­ malaria; and res has been made during 1978-79 for that purpose. (d) the estimated economic loss to toation by sapping of vitality of citi­ zens by malaria and the estimated Extension of Postal and Telecommuni­ outlay required for an all out attack cation Services to Rural, Backward on the factors causing the disease? & Hilly Areas

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN 2117. SHRi NARENDRA SINH: Will THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS , FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- be pleased to state: DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) and (b). A statement containing thp re­ (a) the progress of extension of quired information is laid on the postal and telecommunications ser­ Table of the House. [Placed in Lib­ vices to rural and backward and hilly rary. See No. LT-1758/78], areas at the end of January, 1978: and (c) The Government of India have "tt launched a Modified Plan of Opera­ (b) whether Government have fix-1 tions for NMEP from 1st April, 1977. ed the target for the extension of such Though the ultimate objective of that services for the current financial year Plan continues to be eradication of and if so, details thereof? ' 77 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1886 (5AKA) Written Answers 78 - «• *

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN SUKHDEO SAI): (a).and (b). The THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA- information is given in the table be- TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD low:— ' v* — n.

Scheme* fur implcmenation in the niriil including backward, hilly Targets Aohievc- and mbat areas during 1977-78 mc-nsfiom » -o ri -r- '■ rl , 1-4*77 to . r ; ' 31-1 -78

i. Opening of post offices • • • - 3100 2030 2. Provision of postal counter facilities to villages through niobile 50,00c <>7,3k> 3. Ins taxation of letter boxes .... 1 ,00,00c 20*966

(TKLECOM) PCOs & Telegraph Offices Telephone Exchanges Target for Achieivr* >977-78 ments Target >f4,000 longdistance PCOs and 4,300 telegraph office* has been fixed for the 2 year period 1977-79—1033 PCOs and 1058 telegraph office*, have been opened during the period from 1-4-77 to 15-2-78 • . . • 655 231 fiom 1-4-1978 to 31-1-78.

KTfnft STC % f^nn' f m % f^nr ^ft ^ f^rr *nr ? <«| TOT TTTW | ? tft % ^trt T fw ^r

SWTH *IFT TT5BI Problems of People of Indian origin («*t ffr m t o ) : 1976-77 3 in Sri Lanka fTTTTTt % f*i<-rif%p9^i ^FTT^T t*i V9 iH*l 2119. SHRI K. T. KOSALRAM: T t W T £*TT | :— Will the Minister of EXTERAL AF­ FAIRS be pleased to state: ( t ) ?PTTW t>1 <.TT^rr% ^idi visit was made use of by the Home -Ministf r to meet -- representatives of i t * * ^ .5 f t people of Indian origin in Sri Lanka; $ ^fjRTvwi^girr «rk and :dP. • . o a a r a u 7 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 8o

(c) whether Government propose to (b) No, Sir. In very few cases send a delegation of Members ol Par­ due to induction, or fault, other tone liament to Sri Lanka to further im­ is also heard in the background, but prove the cordial relations existing such defects are attended to promptly. between our two countries? (c) Large systems have central Service observation unit to observe THE MINISTE£” OF STATE IN quality of service rendered^ All in­ THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL ternal exchange equipment and exter­ AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) Yes, nal plants are periodically routine tes­ Sir. The subject figured in various ted and faults cleared. informal discussions during the visit.

(b) Yes, Sir. Some representatives Verification of Passport Applications of the people of Indian origin in Sri Lanka called on the Home Minister at their request. 2121. SHRI SHAMBHUNATH CHA- TURVEDI: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to (c) No, Sir. The Government have state: no such proposal under consideration. (a) whether Government are aware of the difficulties encountered by the applicants particularly the lower mid­ Complaint of getting right Telephone dle class now seeking employment in number at Exchange foreign countries in securing verifica­ tions of their applications and getting their passports; and 2120. SHRI K. MALLANNA: Will the Minister of' COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (b) if so, what action is being taken to remove them and prevent malprac­ tices? . (a) whether Government are aware that the most common complaint made by the telephone owners is about the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN failure to get the right number, either THE MINISTRY OF EXTERAL AF­ it is difficult to dial the exchange num­ FAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) ber or the line get cut immediately Whenever such difficulties are oxpe- one has dialled the required number; rienced the applicants can apply with­ out verification certificates. It is not (b) whether one hears the ‘engag­ essential for verification to be secur­ ed’ tone along with the ring after dial­ ed on passport applications before the ing the number which causes conside­ passports are issued. The bulk of the rable confusion because it is difficult passports are, in fact, issued on appli­ to ascertain where the number dialled cations which do not contain verifica­ is engaged or the ring is for the per- tion certificates. _ son to be contacted; and (b) To provide facilities to those (c) if so, the details regarding the who cannot obtain verification certi­ steps Government propose to take in ficates, a sworn affidavit system, ope­ niis regard ? rating in some States, is being exten­ ded to all Regional Passport Offices. Under this system, the applicant can THE MINISTER OF STATE IN declare or affirm before a First Class THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNI­ Magistrate or Notary Public that the CATIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD particulars furnished by him in hi* SUKHDEO SAI): (a) No. Sir. passport application are correct. $ 1 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1889 (SAKA) Written Answers 82 «

t o Ji^fr i? iw iw s o * ^ wr flftarft

2122. ¥To HWt 3Trm«! * n w : ft*T^n*r ^ t r t s flr fFnw «rtr wm fJTT f t 4K«r«K r ^ K srw t (^) *rfe ^r ?ft *t*r * < f^ ffa ifhRT Jf tot st^ t % vrfc^Rft TF*T-*R VTW?7rr f ^ ^ cTOT f r o i if SFTTW tf*TcT 15 sffc TTW 3r ^ ^i^rfw ^ n far *rr | ?

f^Fcrft tFRTfar vt ^ ? ^FTTW iftr OTT H TTO ^Tsft («ft fifolT *J*IT) M«i : **TT f*TP*J cTZTT f ^ h T R , ^TT ^tVt q f w r ^ ^ tpt I TT^T q»i^r*T n 1956 ^^TT?T t I

(^) ^r % f^T-f^T %mi % ( * j) ^T^ftr^T ^ * 1 1 ^T tr^ ftr^T^T ^r^rlrqT


TT^r ^T ^TTTT 28-2-1978 1978-79 yl^t

^T*T?TRo ^TTPT ^f-nltVc! f^^rf- 'k^ hR^i Prrf Tt ^t^ tt f^TTf Tt #«?n

3 — — fl? K . . . 3 — — ^T^fTTcT . . . 4 — — 4 . 13 - - — 1 — — 1 . . 1 — — ^rtfir^rt . . — 2 * 4 .2 5 ^PJ wtr Pr^ftfR sW ^ — 1 *2. 10 WG FT?

* 5000 % r^'TR % JrRT

titto «nff to w -n m Population Growth' 2125. SHRl" R* KOLAN TflAIVELUr 2124. for* mrm : Will the Minister of HEALTH ANI> *T*I l fST

»ft %?fnr »r

qw w f^nr fair ^t r % m v t r »ft ^ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND sfaarr «mr| ^raT | ; ifiT FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) Yes, Sir. (»T) WT vm fvid H + <.«H (b) The recent trends in the Family tftnr ^fT *ft TTM 5TT*T?TT-q£ Welfare Programme and the short­ qT j TN' 'TTtTT^T ^ 5TRft I ? falls in the achievement were re­ viewed in depth at the Joint Confe­ rence of Central Councils of Health and Family Welfare in January, 1978. far^Ti ir r iH u * t t w *rsft («ft The Conference recommended that Ittfo 5 « r ) : (sp) ?flT(^r). TRTflt the birth-rate goal should be now fixed at 30 per thousand by 1982-83 3fTTt € T^T TIHMli ST^ft ?Tflt and to realise this it has made the following important recommenda­ v n ^

tft 3TTTT far STT^TT % SJTSTT (ii) The Government should in­ SRjft R+i^l ir s rrt^ % ^ tf volve all local bodies, market com­ mittees; voluntary organisations, Sf^PF^T ft'-Mui"t »nO ^ I ^ ^f^RTT public and private sector undertak­ ings and popular leadership at all 5^m 5TTr ?fk 5^r?t % sr^rm levels. ^ srf^n *r fa^r £ ^rt ft hi^'i ir (iii) The relevance of TOperational q n r w srrc)' i m r f ^ricft goals in terms of voluntary.sterili­ sation and other methods for ach­ £ ' ieving the revised demographic goal should be re-emphasised. (*?). ^ *ra*n ^ ,*rSi . (iv) The minimum, age at mar­ riage should be raised to 18 for girls I i 85 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers gg

and 21 for boys in order to improve at selected Taluk level institutions the maternal and child health and and Primary Health Centres. In order ensure a recognizable demographic to make the programme of family impact. welfare a mass movement the co-ope­ (v) All agencies with potential ration of all sections of public opinion for motivating public opinon should and local opinion leaders including be utilised. voluntary organisations and institu­ tions in the organised labour sector (vi) Health education at the school is being sought. and university levels should be assiduously fostered. For this, the An operational programme in terms State Health Education Bureaus of voluntary sterilisations and other should be revitalised and assured methods of contraception to be imple­ of adequate and timely funds. mented over the next five years in (vii) Comunity Health Workers and order to achieve the revised demo­ Dais serving in the rural areas graphic objective is being worked out. should be harnessed for spreading the message of Small Family Norm. (viii) In order to increase the rate of acceptance of Family Welfare measures in the urban areas, there *Tc*J % srfa is need to increase availability of urban centres, wheFe such centres do not exist, particularly in the 2 1 2 6. : slum areas. U Cv *rm im m w : The recommendations of the Cen­ tral Councils are under consideration tot *flT qfroT The Government have taken steps to strengthen and intensify the educa­ ^ «((1R f*F : tional and motivational activities under the programme and particular ( f 7) <*tf^T it attention is being given to extendin6 the immunisation coverage for pregn­ fVfld % if ti vf>IT ant mothers and children in the youn­ % TOT ^ ^ ger age group. Schemes for provid­ ing prophylaxis against nutritional anaemia and prevention of blindness (* j) to t ir 5^ : due to Vitamin ‘A’ deficiency are be­ fit'll*! TT ^ 5 ing implemented more effectively. The performance in this regard has al- already shown improvement over the (»T) Jffc 5TT ? preceding year. Better maternity care in the rural areas is being ensur­ ed through a massive programme for the training of traditional birth atten­ F3TF3J dants (dais) and increase in the num­ n Ti3n *nrt («rt anrwrt snn? jh**) : ber of Auxiliary Nurse Midwives. (T ) ^ inHHT T O 1T % Facilities for delivery of safe and hygienic services nearer to the homes I I of the people are to be strengthened by extending the Post-Partum Pro­ gramme to Sub-district level institu­ (sr) sft 1 tions and by providing equipment, operation theatres and additional beds (»l) ^ 5IW ^ 3S5TT*L :87 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 88

Improving Telephone Facility In of the official delegations, Commis­ Balafhat District, MJ>. sions, etc., at the United Nations and allied international bodies including the specialised Agencies; 2127. SHRI KACHARULAL HEM- RAJ JAIN: Will the Minister of (b) if sor full facts thereof, giving COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to the names of such Members of Parlia­ state: ment and the assignment, status, duration of membership in each case; (a) whether Lanji-Tirodi telephone and line in District Balaghat in Madhya Pradesh is linked with Gondia and (c) the criteria adopted by Govern­ Tumsar in Maharashtra; ment for selecting the persons i.e. Members of Parliament for such (b) whether there is any proposal services? unuer consideration of Government to connect these lines with Balaghat so as to ensure proper communication THE MINISTER OF STATE IN facilities in the District; THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) (c) if so, when this work is likely Yes, Sir. 5 Members of Parliament .to be done; and were included as Members of the Indian Delegation to the 32nd Session (d) if not, the reasons for not im­ of the U. N. General Assembly (20th proving communication facilities in September to 21st December, 1077). Balaghat District, Madhya Pradesh? (b) The details are as follows:— THE MINISTER OF STATE IN 1. Shri H. V. Kamath (Lok THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ Sabha). TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKHDEO SAI): (a) Yes. Sir. 2. Shri Ramdhan (Lok Sabha). 3. Shri A. C. George (Lok (b) to (d). At present there is no Sabha). proposal to connect these stations to Balaghat as the existing traffic is 4. Shri K. Ali Meerza (Lok meagre and does not justify such lin­ Sabha). kage. The traffic from Lanji is routed via Gondia and is satisfactory. The 5. Shrimati S, Kulkarni (Rajya traffic from Tirodi is routed via Tulsar Sabha). and Gondia. Provisions of additional (c) Selection is made taking, inter circuits between Tumsar and Gondia alia, into account past background, is being examined. interest in foreign affairs and need for effectively projecting country’s point of view in international forums.

Appointment of Members of Parlia­ ment on the Official Delegations to Number of Passport Applications ?nd the U.N. Representation by M.Ps. Re. Verifi­ cation 2128. PROF. P. G. MAVALANKAR: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AF­ 2129. SHRI KANWAR LAL GUP­ FAIRS be pleased to state: TA: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (a) whether the new Janata Gov­ ernment since March last year have (a) total number of applications appointed any Members of Parlia­ received by the Government for issue ment (both Houses) on one or more of passports in the last 9 months; 89 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 90-

(b) how many passports have been Objection by Employers to Amend­ Issued in the aforesaid period; ments o f Industrial Disputes Act

(c) is it a fact that it takes a long ' 2130. SHRI DINEN BHATTA- time to Set the passport; CHARYA: Will the'Minister of PAR­ (d) if yes, what specific steps have LIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND LA­ been taken by the Government to BOUR be pleased to state: expedite the matter; (a) whether some employers have (e) is it also a fact that the Gov­ appealed to the Supreme Court ernment have received some repre­ against the amendments to the Indus­ sentations from Members of Parlia­ trial Disputes Act relating to ment saying that they would not like closures; to sign on the passport applications on account of certain difficulties; and (b) if sor the names of such com­ panies and the nature of their objec­ (f) if yes, what action has been tions; and taken by the Government over it? (c) the reaction of Government thereto? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AF­ FAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) and THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ (b). During the period 1st June, 1977 TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR to 28th February 1978, the 9 Regional (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) Passport Offices in India received Yes, Sir. 10,32,446 applications for passports. During the same period, 7,51,588 pass­ (b) The names of the companies ports were granted. are:

ic) In the case of applications sup­ (i) Messrs Excel Wear, Bombay. ported by verification certificates sign­ (ii) Messrs Apar Private Limited, ed by the Members of Parliament Bombay. Government officers of and above the rank of Deputy Secretary and stipen­ (iii) Acme Manufacturing Com­ diary first-class Magistrates, the ave­ pany Limited, Bombay. rage time-lag between the receipts of an application for a passport and the All these employers have challenged grant ot a passport on it, is two the constitutional validity of Chapter months. For applications not sup­ VB of the Industrial Disputes Act, ported by Verirtcation Certificates, 1947, as introduced by the Industrial the average time-lag is four months, Disputes (Amendment) Act, 1976

(d) Government have recently (c) Government of India and the created 375 posts of Lower Division State Government of Maharashtra are Clerks to cope with the past arrears contesting the petitions in the Sup­ in the passport offices. To deal with reme Court. the large current inflow of applica­ tions, increasing staff at all levels is under consideration of Government Recommendations of Labour Com. The simplification of passport proce­ mission dures is also being examined by Gov­ ernment. 2131. SHRI PRASANNBHAI MEH­ TA: Will the Minister of PARLIA­ (e) Yes, Sir. MENTARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased to state: (f) The new liberalised policy re­ garding passports will be reviewed in (a) whether the Union Government August 1978. have implemented all the recoin- 9 1 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers

mendations of the Labour Commis­ (d) In framing proposals relating to sion and if not, how many of them recognition of unions, lilcely to be in­ are still pending; corporated in the comprehensive in­ dustrial relations law, the Commis­ (b) whether the present Govern­ sion's recommendations have been ment have decided to consider the taken into account. recommendations afresh and if so, which are these recommendations and if not, the reasons for the same; wrOtI fao fsmt t izt % (c) whether the National Labour sft % skrc swtfrt sfafafa- Commission had recommended that TT s w full fledged collective bargaining • agent may not be possible in many 2132. gT* TOTUT : industries and a need for an inde­ pendence forum free from political *TT fa&T T O t «TcTR T t f'TT T T » f considerations was stressed; and fT :

(d) whether this is being accepted (T ) ynO+l Tl^irfd, fao fjpff •by Government? TTJT Tf ^TTTiT m^i T *?TTT^

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ 'RRfT srfcrfafti if TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR frcR T^TTT, fTTT fr®PT5T (SHRI RAVTNDRA VARMA): (a) Out of the 300 recommendations made (»S) TTT TTTrT *TTTTT JTTT by the National Commission on La­ bour, 254 have already been imple­ M HT fTTT ’ITT eTq' Pra'lfTtT SZPT mented; 42 relate to^maUers covered ?ft*TT s Trot *rfar *rr ; by the comprehensive industrial rela­ tions law which is in the process of (»r) ttt,>t ■ finalisatia t; and the remaining 4 re­ ' commendations have already been ac­ cepted in principle. ( t ) ^TTfTT arr if Ir fT^n (b) Matters Covered by 42 recom­ w n *f pTT iftr f+dHI faTsft mendations of the Commission have JT27 if ? - already been considered afresh by the 30-Member Tripartite Committee in connection with the comprehensive industrial relations laws. faSvr th riw * TT«T (sit

(c) No, Sir. On the contrary in f ^ ) = ( * ) recommending statutory recognition *TW 252 «ft f-»l«if % 5HT of a representative union as the sole % ^ fu d 40 srftrTTfr *ft wrfvFT • bargaining agent under a central law, t i T R ^ h r ^ Tt srfafa *tvtt 63 • the Commission would seem to have . assumed that there would be such a «ft 3fr ktttct stttt % ?rM«r «r i union in every industry. The Com- Tr^rfTTr ?ftr ^t *twt r mission also recommended that an in­ 71 Sft I > dependent authority like the Indus­ * trial Relations Commission should have the power to decide the ques­ (»j) TTSnftT wfafaTT T if tion whether the representative cha­ sft prr fr^ft '^rrtzrer % racter of a union should bp determin­ ed by an examination of its member­ % *TTTFT t I 3§rT *rft TWT if smr . ship records or by secret ballot. T t T t n T T 5TTTT 93 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 IS AKA) Written Answers * • ' " . * t

^ Jf cT«n (b). In all over the country, that is in all the States, there are Primary 5 T4TT ffe g- '% fa* f^5ff and other staff to such areas. In fact, srcrtaT 3rr t i ^ s s h i *r 203 PHCs in 13 States- were approved fa i?ft jtstt g ^ r ^ ^ »rt i for the grant of special pay to the medical officers and 42 Primary Health Centres in the States of Andhra Pra­ desh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tripura and U.P. were selected for extending of provi­ Medical Facilities in backward areas sion of electricity, water supply and approach roads on the proposal of the 2133. SHRI RANJIT SINGH: Will respective State Governments. This the Minister of HEALTH^ AND FA­ scheme has, however, been discontinu­ MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: ed in the Fifth Five Year Plan.

(a) the names of those States which ■are backward in respect of medical Besides the above, there are some iacilities; States who have mobile health units/ dispensaries to serve those areas (b) what steps are being contem­ which are difficult and where popula­ plated to remove that backwardness; tion is sparse. These States are Guja­ and rat, J & K Karnataka, Kerala, Maha­ rashtra, Manipur, Orissa, Rajasthan, (c) are the Government of India Tamil Nadu and Tripura. in a position to declare that they have provided all medical and clinical During the Fifth Five Year Plan facilities for the country-men at least under the Health Sector of the Mini­ at such District Headquarters in the mum Needs Programme, the main country? emphasis is on the provision of the minimum needs of the people in such THE MINISTER OF STATE IN areas. This has been followed up with THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND Som« steps like priority to backward FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- and tribal areas, areas with inade­ DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) and quate communication and hilly areas 95 Written Answer* MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 96

having high maternal and infant mor­ tt tfsi tality rate, in matters of posting addi­ ^ fr ef^nft tional female health workers. Also grvrrt Tt ffeft | *nr: ^ttttt Tt girls belonging to the tribal/moun­ Tl*4^ TT T O R TVt TT 5DPT 'T^t tainous areas, who wish to take up Auxiliary Nurse ~ Mid-wife/Lady 355TT I Health Visitors training are encourag­ ed by their being given the facility of direct admission to Auxiliary Nurse q'tn^TT IT TTOHf % Mid-Wife/Lady Health Visitor schools without having to compete with other Vliw *TX ly, areas. 2135. «ft fas »n f tsw : In a recent scheme of the Govern­ WT *rat qj? Tt f ’TT ment, that is the Rural Health Scheme, it has been provided that fT the criteria for selection of the Com­ munity Health Workers could be (T) *F5TTRT TTWT % ^ relaxed in case of tribal and difficult % tw t T ^w n % areas. farr fo

fw prr (jt) wt ^ | fT cftrr : WVT jfrr ^t, m tt g fw ^ Wrflh f^TT ^>

(^ ) it srfr *pckw * ttw *r*t («rt | ?flT ^ q r •rr^fr sror* *rra) : ( t ) w ir Z^+H T^W ’ft % r^vi f»i vf^nrt srf^nffcT t 1 ^rir ir t?.T

( ^ ) % ^ T *T) *rtT(sr)* f^TT ir 1975,1976 I 1977 % (»T) 1977 3T55TT^Nr5TT ^ 1 R *TTT 4lfn>*l VT : fft ^ r ft ^«qr ir *TFt ^ srrf f^T f«4 yt srrar i 97 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 98

“ USCO In Study Deals” (vi) A thorough investigation into i the dealings by the Vigilance De­ 2136. SHRI S. C. MURUGAIYAN: partment of the company is sugges­ Will the Minister of STEEL AND MI­ ted. NES be pleased to state: In his note dated 14th October 1977r the Internal Auditor of the company (a) whether Government’s atten­ has made certain observations relating tion has been drawn to a news item to the functioning of the Calcutta appeared in “Business Standard” Stockyard of the company. Accord­ dated February 2, 1978 captioning ing to the management of the com­ “IISCO in Shady deals” ; and pany, the observations are of a preli­ minary nature as the note was not (b) if so, the details and what finalised in consultation with the Sa­ action has been taken thereon? les Department. Evtjn so, the note is being examined in detail and would be considered by the Board of Direc­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN tors of the Company at its next meet­ THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND ing. Further action would be taken MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDAh (a; by the company as decided by the Yes, Sir. Board, (b) According to the news-item. the audit report of the Calcutta Indigenous medicine system for less Stockyard of the company has made developed countries serious observations regarding certain irregular dealings by the company. 2137. SHRI VIJAY KUMAR MAL- These are:_ HOTRA: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (i) The Stockyard has been eng­ be pleased to state: aged in dubious transactions in steel in total disregard of the estab­ (a) the details of the views ex­ lished procedure; pressed by the Director General of (ii) While steel is going to tra­ World Health Organisation (WHO) ders through back door, actual users regarding indigenous medicine sys­ are unable to get their direct allo­ tems in less developed countries as cations from the steel mill; reported in Hindustan Times of 13th February, 1978; and (iii) Between 1976 and 1977, the stockyard by passed or neglected se­ (b) how Government propose to veral demands for steel from com­ popularise the Indian medicine sys­ panies like Hindustan Steel, Engi­ tems for health care of the masses in neers (India) Limited and favour­ the coming years? ed many private traders; (iv) In many dealings with tra­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY (5F HEALTH AND ders and recording profit or loss on such deals, the column for record­ FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG-* DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) The ing market prices was not filled up but adjustment for profit and loss views expressed by the Director Ge­ had been done; neral of World Health Organisation (WHO) as reported in Hindustan (v) There are instances where Times of 13th February, 1978. are de­ allotments have been made against tailed in the enclosed copy of an arti­ i-hils by the Branch Accountant on cle published by him in the magazine the instructions of Deputy Chief of the World Health Organisation— Sales Manager. It is not understood November 1977. [Annexure-I Placed how such orders were given; in Library. See No. LT—1759/78]. 3942 LS—4. 99 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers ioo

(b) A note with regard to develop­ In case a dealer is found selling any ment of Indian Systems of Medicine drug after the date of its expiry is is enclosed. Annexure II [Placed in over, he is liable to be prosecuted for Library. See No. LT-1759/78J. committing an offence under Section 18(c) of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act for which the punishment as laid down Sale of out dated drugs under Section 27(b) is imprisonment up to three years or with fine or with 2138. SHRI SAUGATA ROY: Will both. Apart from a prosecution that the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ may be launched against the dealer, MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: his sale licence is also liable to be, cancelled or suspended by the Licens­ (a) whether it its a. fact that in ing Authority. remote villages even i.i some cities, some chemists are selling ‘out dated’ As the control over the sale of drugs taking the advantage of the drugs is exercised by the State Gov­ ignorance of some people which re­ ernments, the question of appointment sults in a great harm to the patients; of Committees in every village/city/ town by the Government of India '(b ) if go, whether Ministry is does not arise. ' thinking to appoint committees in every village/city/town who will ba\ e Demand and production of steel a regular checking to prevent the selling of out dated drugs by some 2139. SHRI A. BALA PAJANOR: chemists; and Will the Minister of STEEL AND MI­ NES be pleased to state: , (c) the detail thereof? (aj the quantum of demand for steel THE MINISTER OF STATE IN in the country and the production of THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND steel in the public and private sector; FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- (b) the percentage of utilisation DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) The of capacity in the public sector and control over the sale of drugs is ex­ the reasons for low utilisation; and ercised by the State Drug Controllers (c) the steps taken or proposed under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act for optimum utilisation of capacity? and the Rules framed there-under. The State Drug Controllers grant li­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN cences for sale of drugs and also ins­ THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND pect the premises of the dealers MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) through Drugs Inspectors to ensure According to the Report of the Work­ that the conditions of licence, which ing Group on Iron and Steel set up interalia preclude the sale of time by the Planning Commission for the expired drugs are observed oy the li­ five year period 1978—83, the estima­ censee, The information is being col­ ted demand in the country for steel lected from the Stat.« Governments for the year 1977-78 is 6.935 million 'and will be laid on the Table of the tonnes. Production of saleable steel Sabha. during the first 11 months of the cur­ rent financial year was 4.896 million (b) and (c). In the Drugs and Cos­ tonnes from the public sector steel metics Rulej the conditions which plants and Ta446 million tonnes from have to be complied with by a dealer the private sector steel plant of in drugs have been laid down in Rule TISCO. 65. In respect of drugs for which a date of expiry is printed on' the label (b) The production of 4.896 million of the container, a dealer is prohibi­ tonnes mentioned above represents ted from selling or even stocking the capacity utilization of 84-ff per cent in drug after the date of expiry is over. the public sector (excluding capacity 10 1 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 18D9 (SAKA) Written Answers 102 and output of Bokaro where various <3H JurMI'M farfo ffTTT units are under construction/gesta­ tion). The main reasons for low uti­ lization of capacity are frequent res­ trictions/interruptions in the supply 2140. Ttar fTRT smi? t o f power, particularly at Bokaro, Durgapur and BOrnpur Steel Plants; w ^ inadequate supplies of coking coal in fiTT f% : terms of quantity and quality; strike at Dugda and Bhojudih Coal Washe- ries in October, 1977 and indifferent ( t ) i c W industrial relations situation in some faftf 5RT HfspRt of the plants, particularly at Burn- pur. ‘ " *T ^ 6 *1I<1 ir fiifl'iY TTftT ; (e) Among the various steps taken to optimise utilization of the capacity (*?) nf?

(vi) development of new nroduct »rf t 1 lines and increase in production of high value items. (^ ) *rrrar % tft «h m h (vii) Coal India Limited, has cfsqr (i ) nr a^isT'T undertaken a programme of aug­ ir *rsrn: ( i i ) s^t^ t- mentation of coal mining and wash­ ing capacities. r cT«rr (i ii ) g^rnrr Tifsr ‘ty it ^f'TfV^^T ^ m 1*1 (viii) improvements for higher ♦1,511^ % frfwfrT <1 f*5T furnace/converter availability in the Steel Melting Shop. I 1 (ix) constant liaison is being maintained with the Ministry of (»t) 241.32 ^ jf % Energy, DVC and the coal supply­ 199. 76 WT*? Tfftr ing agencies so as to secure improv­ ed supplies of power and coking »Tf |^ I 41 .5 6 WHJ ^ ^ c\ JT?T coal. , Trfir | i 3 0 ^ , 1977 M 42. 41 *TT I (x) import of low ash coal is under consideration'. TTpfT % f^TTJ smfl 5fRt ^ | 103 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 104

Report of Committee on norms for recognition of one union in one industry

2141. SHRI K. RAMAMURTHY; 2142. :

Ii t * W t SHRI OM PRAKASH TYAGI: far : Will the Minister of PARLIAMEN­ t* TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased to state:

* (a) whether the Tripartite Com­ mittee set up to make recommenda­ flFM ^ ; tions regarding norms for the recog­ nition of unions and modus operandi ( 1 3 ) ^ fsRFTT VT 3W1*T for evolving one union in one indus­ try has submitted its report; 'jft f^ V ftRT ^TRTT

* (b) if so, the principal recommen­ I ; dations of the report and if not, the reasons for the delay; and (*r) f ^ f t SCTt- (c) the earliest period by which the integrated system will be available for the common man on a large scale? ^ I ^ ^

(?) ^TT WTPT % f^ r THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR vt^FTT *rf ^ cTt (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) sqftl WT t ? The Tripartite Committee on Comp­ rehensive Industrial Relations Law and Composition of the Indian La­ bour Conference, set up on the 18th sftr jstft ttw July, 1977 to consider this and other (s ft v fo n wrzr ) : (*$) ( 3 ). aspects relating to a Comprehensive Industrial Relations Law submitted

(c) The Industrial Relations Bill ffcflr * t*t- which is to be introduced in the cur­ fcrfa f^ r m m\ | 1 rent session of Parliament is expected to provide for a procedure for identi­ f ^ t % ftnfr fication of a negotiating agent in a unit or industry in a local area. fr*rr ^tt^t | i Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers I0g

Integration of Western and Indian white paper on unemployment. The system of medicine next Five-Year Plan would indicate the employment strategies. •2143. SHRI S. D. SOMASUNDA- ■RAM: Will the Minister of HEALTH (b) Age limits for recruitment to AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased Central Services/posts are prescribed to state: from time to time keeping in view diverse factors and specially having (a) whether there is a time bound regard to the qualifications and ex­ programme for the integration of the perience required for that service/ Western and Indian systems of medi­ post. The basic objective is to ensure cine; that Government is able to secure the services of persons at an age most (b) the precise position regarding suited for the service/post concerned. the advances made in this field; and

(c) the earliest period by which the Decoration of Minister’s bungalows integrated system will be available durine 1977 for the common man on a large acale? 2145. DR. jSUBRAMANIANi SWA­ MY: Will the Minister of COMMUNI­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN CATIONS be pleased to state: THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND (a) the amounts spent during 1977 FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- by his Ministry and/or its ancillary DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) No, departments, in decorating various Sir. Ministers’ bungalows (over and above what was spent by the Works and (b) and (c). Do not arise. Housing department and reported in the last Parliamentary Session); and

Bringing white paper on unemploy­ (b) the amounts, against each ment and relaxation in age Ministerial address, separately? 2144. SHRI VASANT SATHE: Will the Minister of PARLIAMENTARY THE MINISTER OF STATE IN AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased THE MINISTRY OF COMMMUNI- to state: CATIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRA­ SAD SUKHDEO SAI): (a) and (b). (a) whether Government will con­ No expenditure was incurred during sider bringing out a white paper on 1977 by the Ministry of Communica­ unemployment and how soon; and tions and/or its ancillary departments on the decoration of the portion of (b) in view of the fact that edu­ the bungalows utilised for office pur­ cated unemployed have to wait on poses in respect of Dr. Shanker Dayal an average for 5 years to get employ­ Sharma, Shri George Fernandes, and ment, will Government consider re­ Shri Brij Lai Varma, Ministers, and laxation of age limit for employment in Government/semi-Government De­ Shri Bal Govind Verma, Deputy Min­ partments and Public Undertakings to ister, as the furniture supplied was the extent of waiting period in em­ from the stock already available with ployment registers to avoid growing the Government. Furniture at the frustration among educated youth? residential office of Shri Narhari Prasad Sukhdeo Sai, Minister of THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ State, at 21, Ashoka Road, New Delhi TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR was partly met from the stock and (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) partly by fresh purchase at a cost of There is no proposal to bring out any Rs 12,386.70. 107 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answert

Propagation of India’s i n c k v pro­ (b) if so, the number of visa appli­ gramme abroad cations entertained and sanctioned since that visit? 2147. SHRI SARAT KAR; Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS THE MINISTER OF STATE IN be pleased to state: THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) (a) whether Government have dir­ During the course of his visit to ected our Missions abroad to explain Pakistan, the Foreign Minister,had our policy on nuclear programme to raised the question of liberalisation the Governments of those countries iD of visas, facilitating travel and move­ view of the growing pressure in the ment between the two countries. The United Nations for a nuclear free zone; Pakistani side agreed in principle and that exchange and movement should be freer. However, detailed proposals (b) if not, what are the reasons have yet to be worked out by the therefor? two countries.

(b) In view of (a) above, this does THE MINISTER OF STATE IN not arise. THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) and (b). The international com­ munity is well aware 0f India’s firm Progress of Kudremukh Iron Ore and consistent policy of utilizing project nuclear energy for peaceful purposes only and its principled stand on the 2149. SHRI S. R. DAMANI; Will concept of nuclear weapon-free zones the Minister of STEEL AND MINES in the various regions of the world be pleased to state: as well as the question of establish­ ment of such a zone in South Asia. (a) the progress made on Kudre­ No special demarches by our mis­ mukh Iron Ore project in relation to sions abroad to the Governments of its development for supply of iron ore their accreditation on these matters concentrates to Iran; have, therefore, been considered necessary. (b) the details of phasing of the work so as to commence supplier from September, 1980; and Liberal issue of visas to visit Pakistan and vice versa (c) the works completed and the expenditure incurred so far? 2148. SHRI G. S. REDDI; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN SHRI M. A. HANNAN THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND ALHAJ. MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) to (c). According to the project Will the Minister of EXTERNAL schedule, construction of the project AFFAIRS be pleased to state: proper is to be completed by the end of December, 1979 and start-up, com­ (a) whether as a result of his visit missioning and commencement of to Pakistan there will be more liberal commercial production is to be ac­ visas for Indians to visit Pakistan and complished within four months there­ rice v e r s a ; and after. Shipment of concentrate to 109 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers j jo i Iran is to commence by the end of tion dates for some of the major faci- August, 198D. The schedule comple- lities are indicated below: -

Facility Scheduled date of mecha nical completion

(i) Tailings dam . . . . June, 1978

^2) Warehouse at Kudremukh . . August. 1978

(3) Service building at Mangalore . . October, 1978

(4) Slurry pipeline tunnel & pump house June, 1979

(5) Pre production development of mine June, 1979

(6) Tailings handling and pump house July, 1979 (7) Crushers 1 & a • • . „ October/November >979 (R) Slurry storage and dewatering plant at Mangalore November, 1979 (9) Shiploading facilities • • • • November, 1979

(10) Concentrator •••••* December, 1979

The work is progressing as per % ^rr w k 3nTT % TT T t f U 3?t iFTT f r : ^ | I

(«P) WT *T%fT*TT ^ T tTT TTT- (

T#H*T TT^TTTfaft ifir « wtt h ttw *rrt («r> *T^fX7Tr f^ ^ T T t Tt4Y*T TPTTWf **ffTsmif wru) : ( t ) aft

ifT^TT % IFtT ^ fW lf^ a iR SrftT«r>I fr 1

% fni* snf^ t t f^i*u i ^ i (sr) frtft f^hnr tt Tt (ii) *T?rfTTT ^-ftfsnrr cPFfrfsr- ssftrfrr srs.^dO S ewtrjH fart- JRt % # tt4 T7St t| | I 3^TT ^PT tt S H tw % ?nft ^ r# 3 ft 1JW TW W«TT % TtferT ftfatf % T*tl % JsTtTfa 3T^«tJ Tf^ t 1 %rf tft irre tt^tt | < ^Tuftwm Tt frwt JTTK Tt ?r^ u r- •r^t 1 * (>r) *TTTT TT 5*T Ttf (n) TT^Hdfiq'l Tt ?TT)JT

2151. «ft jftsram TJS t ^in (?) ^ft^H ^nmtfTur ?mir # * r r *r?ft n f *=tt% Tt ftt t ^t f r • TT MH-lfVM Tt 5TITT ^«ra it T?H 3TRt Tt 3TT ^TT | I ^TUTTCf^Tt (t ) far»m *r *nr^ Tr3r«R it ^ft t p p t f r m ^trtt ^ ^^ Tft«r?^ % fait qT ft J*iH>T STT^f2ft I J T tc^s s f r ttRttwt t ;« *rrct w^faaT ft *tf ^ w tfr 31+ nh Reaction to FICCI proposal to scrap sftr f^rt % »r*^< •Tft D.A* and bonus 2152. DR. V. A. SEYID MUHAM­ (*r) sifsrTrcr f^wt^r^flf ?ftT MAD: Will the Minister of PARLIA­ f*sff Tt TTT^F2fTTt fafNcT *T*TT TT MENTARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be pleaded t0 state: *Tff f?m ^ t jfRft I ^rfT SHI>4d/V TTOt (a) is it true that the FICCI has put forward proposals to Government *T«m%TT4tf5r?ffTt 9T9T ^?1f ff| , to scrap dearness allowance and bo­ *rfe ft, ^t ,37T% t^i TTT^r S; sftr nus schemes; (b) if so, the reaction of Govern­ (q-) ^ n *ttttt TRrtwTfvff % ment to the proposals; and f a f^ T ATT "TT 5JTT5R iftT (c) what are the proposals put for­ % th pt ?raT fsr? Tt ♦jPtft-qd ward to him at the 5th Industrial Re­ lations Conference through the Con­ TT^ % hPcHwSH ?TEftSTTf Tt ference background papers or other­ fN^r *»ft ? wise? 113 'Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers

THE MINISTER OF PARLIA­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN MENTARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): A background paper on Wages, In­ (a) and (b). As on 1st January comes and Prices Policy for the Fifth 1978, out of a total number of 124 Industrial Relations Conference held mini steel plants commissioned, 94 in New Delhi on 13-14 February 1978, units were operating, as against 85 in which seems to havr been prepared October, 1977 and 87 in November in the context of the terms of re­ 1977. The number of units closed as ference of the Study Group set up on 1st January 1978 was 30 as against under the Chairmanship of Shri S. 43 in November 1977. The State- Bhoothalingam, suggests that D.A. wise distribution of these 30 closed might be abolished to coincide with units is as under: — economic policies to stablize prices of bulk commodities which constitute H aryan a...... 2 the cost of living index. It has also Rajasthan. • • . i been suggested that as an adjunct, if wage, revision is at all necessary, the Uttar Pradesh .... 4 neutralisation percentages to meet the Bihar . . • . • x price rise must be decided by Govern­ ment. While suggesting abolition of Madhya Pradesh • . 3 the present bonus scheme, the paper wants an incentive payments scheme Gujarat . . . . . 1 to be introduced wherever feasible. Maharashtra . . . 10

West Bengal . . . 8 (b) Government have taken note of the contents of the Paper. T otal . . . 30

(c) The Paper, after giving the backdrop against which a rational ■wages, incomes and prices policy needs to be formulated, contains 2155. sftTnrcrofas suggestions regarding minimum wages, machinery for wage revision, wage 'rfr^TT w r JT^rr ^ differentials, inflation and the erosion fTOT fa : of real income, the DA system, bonus, income inequalities and an expepdi- ( ^ ) W W* ? f a ir ture policy. sF'TcTT^rvt faff Ir ^tjt 7 ? f sftr Ttfwr * > 7 Mini Steel Plants clreed W’H % Pii* ?T'-4|

h cancelled as, according to the recom­ mendations of the New Delhi Re­ T m *nc> smre : development Advisory Committee, the . ( * ) ^ (*)• ^ ^ i ^ area was to be developed in an inte­ v tf f i ^pt^t grated manner. It was decided to allot the entire area to the New Delhi ^ftr sjt*t *nc^ir i 5 Municipal Committee for develop­ ment. It was not intended to be allotted to the Delhi Pradesh Con­ Allotment of Plot to E. P. E. Organi­ gress Committee. sation for Construction of Office (c) Allotment of a suitable plot is 2156. SHRI MANOHAR LAL: Will being pursued with the Ministry of the Minister of PARLIAMENTARY Works and Housing. AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased to state:

(a) whether thejMot allotted to the E.P.F. Organisation near Cor naught Place was cancelled which caused a 215 7. «ft $TT : Wl loss of Rs. 3.5 lakhs to this Social Se­ wVt ^ ' r *Tf curity Department of the poor wor­ FTT f r : kers;

(b) whether allotment of the plot (sp) v it-t jfr^nrr % was cancelled with the intention to allot the same to the Delhi Pradesh o SIFTER 5PT T'tTT f^Tf *T-Tf f , Congress Committee and he had assu­ red in the last session of the Parlia­ ment to inquire whether the allotment ) v fz ft, eft 5ft was cancelled to allot it to somebody VfjITC^T ?ft\ T^T else; and f3n=rf tffa: f*ri*fr r ft, eft ^r^r | ? charges such as ground rent, expendi­ ture on preparation of building plans by the Achitects and cost of demoli­ vi rrw *rsft (sft snr^ft m *n**) : tion of old Bangalows on the plot. (*;) srfh: (»a) ijft craft *ftf ifr^nrr ^ (b) The allotment made to the f H'-'imci TT5ift if ft I 117 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 ( SAKA) Written Answers 118

?TcT Tt WH if <.t^ Iranj srwfcrr f *if Tt *TW TT *R*TR feTT | 3ft C - t fr scztT ^tt s t ^ t t m^TT^T; tt^mir ?if% f mrr Tfanrra T'fft it ^ TT TT 30 fc T f%TT 3W»ET ft?T ff (faf«T ^TT tr'jT- MrHIT TIW TT|iO«l tTT'TcTT^T ^TT f^TT m r) *rf *t®tt s r H sraf *r 18.33

^nr* i qfa^t q^tffcr i Tp r i t ?Vt r srra emi ?iftt srm if 20.35 wiar 5* f^riTf*Tr, HTTt «J1l^flldT, n^ci d^l *rf t 1 ssfr tft ?tptt?9 r»ar fairor ( g ) HTTTT ^ fT iTf f^ h r Jmmff t t z if w i TT^f t f^nr 1293 fr^TT ^ fT f^TRT ZTRRT T *J«H ^T^i SmrfiTT ^ « T T^ff TT ?srf 5^T TT 30 Ti W@T t^cH^T it «( Cn- hWmT 'TFT Uih)ui v*-Hni'i ?*TT*T TT P^iTT HITT cT«|I ^i'HiT 3T ?T?rr 1 ^ | w t Tt ?nf<-?r SlrlTT ^ E T r-5TR T f^HT ^ T - t htttt tt fsR Tnr^rffjn t^ t 7^ VT«V HT^RT T ?R*TTT T^T^T * W d M l TT ^ ^3i+T 5JTTTT ^nRft ifH'ti ir TT f^TI*T I

(*T) tflT (*). ;ifT T^T^T«W?TWlr TT <3 m -T T M 'Ji'im H ^?T t^TW TT% % sn^ffrfiiT 5if?rfMyiiirf % *n^ TT TTfRft ^ I ?FT: whTT Tt JTF^t j f «jiaVt?T fr^ra t t ff*rnr ?t 773% ?r> tr *rot ?rnftor 2159. «Tt tTTTrT ^T5«TCN : WT f^?T Sfl^T it ’5 H 5mnr 1 H^flt ^Tf 5fTT^ Tt t'^ I TT^f f r :

( t ) flH it ■>0'i T smqrfTT afdpffff IT^T Tt frnTT JTTpfT t ^It r TTfrt

( t ) 3 ? ft t (PTT V ImV t it *T?R ( ^t ) ^ r, fr f efr JT ?rrsr T^ft it ^T TTHT »lir nl <. ^TTT IT^T ?T5PT TTt^nTTT o^Pra^t T t O A (N #5*TT TTT | ; STtT TTT | ?

(^sf) 5TT*RTTt Tt 41 -HTT^T T f^TT ^ ttw «rft («ft ttqo

f^T*i pTUir

srfasq tfw w *rfr wtffa in India has extended an invitation on behalf of the Hsinhua news agen­ f^^rai ^ ht«t f^ R rm i^ r fa ^ R - cy of the People’s Republic of China foSTT | wf^fr^T ^ to sen<* a group of 3—5 Indian jour­ Ufnf^r^T^T ^ ^TfT |l ^ *t nalists for a friendly visit to China in March/April this year. The invi­ 5?jt »rfTrf^ ^sf^irfTTr sznqrx *r?rr fo r tation has been accepted. «rh fafir* w'terrf*^ ^??f ^ qfi?rr tffa: (c) The matter is receiving atten­ m?#2 w t Hfftirfaj »A IraT i fa^rr- tion. it, 3|> f% STT? it sr?fa t ^ ?rfaf*r tfh vt% gt fanm tffa R WTTcTta »rfa-w* frfrfem jtPtzt £ Jrmfra faan^Ffr

«R f m i r t yimf^RT 2 161. ^ 5TTTTJI0I t r m : *T^T ^ PJT I (*) w 1947 ^ star tot % ?PTT *TTCrfta ^Tf*Tc\ % forT% 9T (^) (it). *RTR Vt ?pft % ^SlfT f w |STT q wVT fo'T- Jnwt-swr sttt ^ ft f^ r fr tt f%^T %; w lr ' fVi* jTPt S y is <.f T f^PT it eft * W + lO =T|ft | %f^T *n?HT 3TT7TT f ( ^ ) w *?f*r *r> grcft *ttt^ % fa^r % ?rr«r ^ r f fr t WTTcT it sVlPl+l # era it ^lt ■ ^e^FTThr ^•'ifrf % «igi snrrf^r ft* f i | s k zrf? Kf, art w *rrrf snair 'srwK't ^ ir^rr f[ fsnr | ?rk ^ it fTr 5r»rfw f ? tt •sgri irprnrr t *nr ^*r JR f5 R T £l '5TT tft'Cii irft («ft vzn 7T3T^Tt): (^>) jP^T ?ftr TTiq % $^ WR^T 5^ J?3T ^ ?mfcTc ^7^ tft it | I 5r^?r ^tt 30,200 ?«t *fl?r 1947—48^’ ^ ’ WiHfi^dr'T % ij’t'g’ ^Sjf Delegation of Journalists to visit | 1 ?rftrffT ^rr ?r»r»r*r China 2000 jfr'T ? ;rnrT ^ 4lffW H 2160. SHRI G. TOHRA: Will ^ 1 9 6 3 % cT^r Wt'T-TT^) rpmth the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS % il'J^TrT ^rT ^7t ^ ^ be pleased to state; f^TT | I (a) whether People’s Republic of China has invited a delegation of ■srnTT-^ % q-fr'j ^ Indian Journalists to visit China; iTTTfrzr W W 14,5 00 (b) if so, the details thereof; and 37T ?~rr^r % ^5% Jr £ 1

(c) the criteria laid down, if any, to () ^nrr ^ o select the journalists to visit China? ml+^ri'T ^■'T s io ^rrfETfiw ^7 ir THE MINISTER OF STATE IN if % 5T9^T THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL ^ vrrf??ry»r AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) ar»r ?r f¥ rm r ^rrn 1 and (b). The Ambassador of China 12 1 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 12 2

Setting up of Special Courts to try (d) who are the persons/firms in­ offences under E.P.F. and Miscel­ volved in this import scandal uiid what laneous Provisions Act, 1952 anion has been taken against them? -

2162. SHRI L. L. KAPOOR: Will THE MINISTER OF STATE IN the Minister of PARLIAMENTARY THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): to state: (a) The Government is aware that there have been some newspaper (a) whether Government have reports alleging such an import of taken any decision to set up Special rerollable steel scrap. The corrcct Courts at all important Centres to try position is that the Government have recently taken a decision to allow the offences under the E.P.F. and the electric arc furnace units to im­ Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, port limited quantity of certain spe­ to evisure expeditious disposal of cified categories of ferrous scrap. This cases; and decision has been taken after a care­ ful assessment of anticipated shortage (b) if so, the details thereof and if in indigenous availability, the low not, the reasons therefor? price of scrap prevailing in interna­ tional market, need for inducing some stabilisation in scrap prices THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ within the country etc. The ferrous TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR' scrap permitted for import is for (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA); (a) melting in electric arc furnace units and (b). The Central Board of Trus­ and not for rerolling. tees Employees’ Provident Fund, has recommended in its 74th meeting held (b) No, Sir. at Bangalore on the 5th December, 1977 that Special Courts may be set (c) and (d). Questions do not up, particularly in areas where the arise. volume of prosecution cases is very large. The recommendation is being % W*rf«i5T WTTTTt fPTT examined by Government. HT-h % TRTTTt

Import of Re-Rollable Steel Scrap 2164. sit irarra : 2163. SHRIMATI PARVATHI Tt fTTT TT*T KRISHNAN: Will the Minister of ft; : STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state; ( t ) w r ‘^ tt’ % snfrr (a) whether it has come to the ?KTTTt cRT >!t-« ' *?t % cTOT notice of the Government that the re- nfa«»fyeT *t ^nr^rrfxzn rollable steel scrap worth Rs. 25 cdd crores is being brought into the coun. r w HWeT t t ?t *ft, TT% try in the guise of ferrous scrap and ^ jjft q r T t ?r, sold at a premium; ^ ^T'T 5PTT *Trf TT irftJTTTt " (b) whether it is a fact that the in­ I tf^tt digenous availability of the ferrous scrap collection is enough to meet the (*?) ^TT TT 5l| HkimT Tt f^FTTt indigenous demand; wi^+i % ?rsjtn % Tn^r ^ p trt t t s t >if «ff, 5,^: t (c) if so, what is the reason for granting licence for further import; and f W STttPTT W TT^ Tt 123 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 12

% fair sflr Misuse of Relief Supplies sent by Indian Red Cross

2165. SHR1MATI MRINAL GORE: (*r) ^rfV rft w ^ i f t a^TT Will the Minister of HEALTH AND fa-ST^rrt' era* %, *jrnr-sr?pr, FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: ^nhnfi snnf^r ^ ^ s i r ?ft% ^ t rm? ^ («ft Cross—H.Q. New Delhi for the use of T*tar ^ rf) : (*;) 14 fV^rwc, 1977 refugees from Bangladesh being sold f^TR^ irRV *rf *ft in Calcutta market; f% ^ sr*ft ^hrrfoff sft qvdfv*; (b) if so, whether Government have ^TW ^I'lH % TOR taken any action on the same; and w p ft ^ ^ rpn ^r ^hniiiff (c) details of the misuse and action *fr, *ft sfcffas’ taken? % T fw ivf^^v w r ft *(\<\ Tr^rt #3 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN ^r ^T f^TT 3TR7 THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND ^ ^ w rfprftr % sr^ftr % fin* ^ FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- DABMI PRASAD YADAV): (a) ^rTT cRT STvff ^TT v? ipfHT ¥*T 7TW | TIONS be pleased to state: ^ R - ^ l , *RT fa^frT 5?^ f^7T^ (a) the time by which S.T.D. system STffe 5TH

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (*T) £?T % 146 WZXTft THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ ^ 5TRT tTcfT TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD t % ^ T 5T?rTT% 207^Nrf77ff^>^ SUKHDEO SAI (a) and (b). S.T.D. service has already been introduced ^t ^Tvf w r ^ I f^jft dTW % w*w*& amongst Panjim, Vasco and Margoa. ^ ^rpRnxt ^ 1 1 Panjim is also expected to be linked 125 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 126

to Bombay on S.T.D. in about 3 Health and Family Welfare are months. The ultimate objective is to aware, 14 posts of teaching staff as introduce S.T.D. amongst all cities | detailed in the attached Statement to towns but this will be done only this reply have been lying vacant in progressively keeping in view the de­ Goa Medical College, Panaji with mands on financial and material re­ effect from the dates mentioned sources. against each.

(c) Regular vacancies in the grade * Vacant posts in Goa Medical College of Professor are required to be filled by direct recruitment and by promo­ 2167. SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO: tion through Departmental Promotion Will the Minister of HEALTH AND Committee in the ratio of 50 : 50. For FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to certain posts of Professors the Union state: Public Service Commission have al­ ready recommended the candidates who (a) the number of posts of teaching will join shortly and for certain staff and their designation which are others requisitions to the Union Pub­ vacant in the Goa Medical College; lic Service Commission have already been sent for filling by direct re­ (b) since when is each of these cruitment. Regular vacancies in posts vacant and reasons thereof; and Associate) Assistant Professors are proposed to he filled by promotion (c) steps proposed to be taken to through Departmental Promotion fill the vacant posts? Committee which is likely to be held soon. For short-term vacancies which THE - MINISTER OF' STATE IN are not regular, the Government of THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND Goa have been authorised to make FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- their local arrangement on ad-hoc DABMI PRASAD YADAV): (a) basis till the vacancies are filled on -and (b). As far as the Ministry of regular basis. Statem ent

SI. No. Name of post Since w hen Latest position w ith regard to the filling up Vacant of the post

1 Professor of Biochemistry # 26-10-77 A requisitionforthepost is pending with the U .P.S.C. They are vet to advertise the post.

2 Professor of Ophthalmology • 1-1-77 The U.P.S.C. have already selected a candi- dateforthe post. An offeror appointment has been sent to the selected candidate. He is yet to join.

This vacancy had arisen consequent on the ad-hoc promotion of Dr. (Smt.) S. D. Gupta to Supertime Grade T postof Medi­ cal Superintendent. Central Hospital, Dhanbad. Since this was only a short­ term V acan cy, Dr. Narinder Singh w a 9 appointed to this post on an ad-hoc basis. The appointment has, however, been cancelled, at the instance of the Govern­ ment of Goa as they have informed that they have taken necessary action to fill up the post by their own arrangements. 127 Written Answers MARCH 9. 1978 Written Answer*

SI, Name of Post Since when Latest position with regard to the No. vacant filling up of the post

, 4 Professor of Anaesthesiology . 29-1-77 The U.P.S.C. have already selcrtcd Dr. D. S. Dubey for this post. The A.C.G* have been requested to approve his ap­ pointment. Their reply is still await'd.

5 Professor of F.N.T. . . 6-8-77 Offer of appointment has been sent t® the U.P.S.C. nominee Dr. R. M. Abiol of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences who is yet to join.

6 Associate Professor of Medicine 29-7-76 The vacancy arose due to the termination of servicc of Dr. Tikare who is on un­ authorised leave abroad. The post it to be filled by Departmental Promotion Com­ mittee which is going to be convened shortly.

7 Associate Professor of Obstetrics 30-6-75 The vacancy in the post arosr clue to the^ & Gynaecology foreign assignment of Dr. P Rajeram. This is not a regular vacancy and cannot be filled on regular basis.

8 Assistant Professor of Surgery 23-12-76 The post is being filled by Depai (mental Pro­ motion Committee which is going to be held shortly»

9 Assistant Professor of Forensic 4-4*64 The post has been advertised b\ the U.P.S.C* Medicine twice but without result. The post will be advertised again.

10 Assistant Professor of E.N .T. 30-8-77 The vacancy has arisen consequent 011 tne- ad-hoc promotion of Dr. P. L. Verma as Associate Professor. Since this is not a regular post, it cannot be filled in regular basis.

11 Arsis tan t Professor of Obstetrics 1 -3-76 The post is to be filled through Depai Oriental & Gynaecology. Promotion Committee which is going to he Held shortly.

12 Assistant Professor of 17-11-77 The post is to be filled through DcparJmen- Ophthalmology. tal Promotion Committee which is going to be held shortly.

13 Lecturer in Anatomy . » 19-5.77 The vacancy in the post arose consequent cn the ad-hoc promotion of its incumbent Dr. R. V. Desai as Assistant Professor. Till !he rcgularisation of Dr. Desai in the higher post it cannot he filled on a regular basis.

14 Lecturer in Orthopaedic 7*6-73 Dr. R. K. Dusaj who was seletcd for thi* Surgery. post by the U.P.S.C. has declined to accep the offer of appointment. Action is being taken to fill up the post by U .P.S.C . again. 129 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers

U.S. research in Indian system of Sub.Centre levels and training of , Ayurveda Medicine undergraduate teachers and establish­ ment ox regional institutes in I.S.M. 2168. SHRI SUKHDEo TRASAD While the Government’s efforts are VERMA;, Will the Minister of to develop and utilise these systems HEALTH'AND FAMILY WELFARE in a big way in this country, due con­ be pleased to state: sideration will be given to any fore- eign Government’s request for our (a) whether a team of American assistance in introducing and deve­ medical professionals recently visited loping Ayurveda in that country. India to undertake research project on the Indian system of Ayurveda medicine; Outcome of Regional Commonwealth Conference (b) whether Government also 2169. SHRI SUKHDEO PRASAD participated in the project with VERMA: Will the Minister of EX­ Americans; TERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (c) if so,, the facts thereof; and (a) what has been the outcome of (d) further action to be taken to Indian leaders visit to the Regional popularise the system of Ayurvedic Commonwealth Conference of Asian medicine both within and outside the & Pacific Countries; '•"•untrv? (to) and whether the question of peace zone in Indian Ocean also THE MINISTER OF STATE IN figured during the Conference, if so; THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND and FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- DABMI PRASAD YADAV): (a) (c) the details thereof and reaction Yes, Sir. of representatives of various countries attending the Conference? (b) No, Sir. A delegation of Ame­ rican medical scientists from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Springfield, Illinois, visited India in THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL response to an invitation by the Pre­ AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) sident of t ie Central Council of Indian The statement by the Prime Minister in the Lok Sabha|Rajya Sabha dated 24th February, 1978 details the out­ (c) Does not arise as the visit of come. the delegation was not sponsored by the Government. (b) and (c). Yes, Sir. The Com­ munique issued at the end of the Syd­ (d) Indian systems of medicine are ney Meeting, dated 16th February, being utilised in the Rural Health 1978, reads as follows as regards the Scheme which was launched on the 2nd Indian Ocean: October, 1977. Steps have been taken to improve the quality of education, “ Heads of Government took note promote research activities and pro­ of tie talks between the United duce herbal medicines on a large States and the Soviet Union on mu­ scale. In addition, some of the new tual limitations of their military schemes under consideration are: presence in the Indian Ocean and training of village practitioners; pro­ the assurances given by both Coun­ vision of medical care through Indian tries that they would report on the Systems of Medicine and Homoeo­ progress of their talks to the Chair­ pathy at Primary Health Centre and man of the Ad Hoc Committee of 3942 LS—5. Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 ’Written Answers 132

the United Nations. In this connec­ Upgradation of a Medical College In tion they expressed the earnest hope Kerala that practical steps would be taken for the implementation of the De­ 2171. SHRI P. K. KODIYAN: Will claration ol the Indian Ocean as the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ a Zone of Peace and other subse­ MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: quent related Resolutions adopted by the United Nations General As­ (a) whether the Kerala Govern­ sembly. They urged all the great ment has requested to Centre to < up­ powers as well as other major meri- grade one of the Medical College? in time users of the Indian Ocean to the State as an Institute of Medical cooperate effectively with the litto­ Sciences on the lines of the Pondi­ ral and hinterland states and with cherry and Medical the Ad Hoc Committee in the cur­ Science Institutes; and rent consultations for convening a conference on the Indian Ocean. V They looked forward to the forth­ (b) if sor what decision has been coming meeting in New York o£ all taken thereon? the littoral and hinterland states as the next step towards the eventual THE MINISTER OF STATE IN convening of a full scale confer­ THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND ence on the Indian Ocean.” FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) The Government of India has not receiv­ Export of telephone equipment by ed any proposal from the Kerala Go­ Indian Telephone Industry vernment in this regard.

2170. SHRI DURGA CHAND; Wi’l (b) Does not arisr. the Minister of COMMUNICATION.'? be pleased to state; Government Hospital at Karavatti, (a) whether the Indian Telephone Lakshadweep Industry is receiving a large number of orders for supplying telephone 2172. SHRI R. K. MHA.LGI; Will equipment to foreign countries; the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (b) if so, what are the details of the orders received from each foreign (a) whether it is a fact that number country during the last three years, of important posts such as Chief vear-wise; Medical Officer and Surgeon are vacant since long in the Government (c) what is the foreign exchange Hospital at Karavatti (Lakshadweep), earned on that account during the 3 Union territory; above period; and

(d) what are the orders pending at (b) if so, the details thereof, the present from each country? posts and the duration of vacancy;

(c) what are the reasons for the THE MINISTER OF STATE TN same; THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD (d) when these posts will be filled SUKHDEO SAI); (a) t0 (-i>. The up; and information is being collecte-.l and will be Inid on the Table of the1 House (e) what speed/measure will be shortly. taken to attain the target date? 133 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Washeries in October, 1977, ard in­ THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND different industrial relations in so me FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- of the plants, particularly at IISCO. DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) to (e). The information is being col­ Close and constant liaison is being lected and will be laid on the Table maintained with the Ministry of of the Sabha. Energy. D.V.C. and the coal supplyings agencies so as to secare improved supplies of power and coking eoai. Target fixed f°r steel production dur­ ing current year Number of under-employed

2173. SHRI K. PRADHANI: Will 2174. SHRI CHATURBHUJ: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MiNES the Minister of PARLIAMENTARY be pleased to state: AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased to state: (a), whether the target of steel pro­ duction during the current year had (a) the latest figures available been fixed by Government; and about the number of people under­ employed in the country. State-wise; (b) if so, when the target is likely and to be achieved and what steps Gov­ ernment have taken in this regard? (b) the steps taken to create jobs to overcome the problem? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) and (b). (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) The target of steel production from the Attention is invited to reply given to integrated steel plants for 1977-78 is part (a) of the Unstarred Question fl.25 million tonnes of ingot steel and No. 723 answered in Lok Sabha on 7 37 million tonnes of saleable fteel. 16th June, 1977, which provides the The total production for the 11 months latest available information. period, April 1977—February 1978, was 7.742 million tonnes of ingot steel and (b) it is the primary objective of 6.298 million tonnes of saleable steel. the next phase of the Development The production for the full year Plan to remove unemployment *nd 1977-78 is estimated at 8.6 million substantial under-employment withir. tonnes of ingot steel and 7.0 million approximately 10 years. tonnes of saleable steel. This will be short of the target for ingot .-'tee! by 7.0 per cent and of the target for Ayurveda University in Kerala saleable steel by 5.1 per cent, though the production will exceed the jrcduc- 2175. SHRI K. A. RAJAN: Will the tion in 1976-77 by 2.0 per cent >n terms Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY of ingot steel and 1.1 per cent in terms WELFARE be pleased to state: of saleable steel (a) whether the Kerala State Gov­ The production in 1977-78 has been ernment has submitted a scheme for affected adversely on account of a establishing an Ayurveda University number of factors such as frequent in the State and also for establishing restrictions/interruptions in the sup­ a National Institute of Ayurveda for ply of power, particularly at Bokaro Union Government’s approval and and Durgapur Steel Plants and at necessary financial assistance; and IISCO, certain problems in the supply Of coking coal in quantity and quality; (b) if so,, the details and Govern­ strike at Dugda and Bhojudih Coal ment’s reaction thereto? 135 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Ansioera

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE in a Governing Body consisting of MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND representatives of the Central and FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- State Governments. The proposal is DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) Yes, under the consideration of the Gov­ Sir. ernment of India. (b) The proposal of the Government of Kerala for the establishment of an Increase in accidents in 1ISCO Ayurvedic University in that State, involving an expenditure of Rs. 2176. SHRIMATI PARVAVH1 2,59,35,400, with Central assistance KRISHNAN: Will 'the Minister of was not approved, as States are nor­ STEEL AND MINES be pleased to mally concerned with the setting up state: of Universities. The proposal of the Government of (a) whether it is a fact that the number of accidents has increased in Kerala for the establishment of an Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and IISCO during the year compared to the previous years; Research envisages the formation of an autonomous body, with Central and (b) if so, the details and reason State assistance, to administer the therefor; and following four institutions:— (c) what measures are proposed to 1. Post-graduate Centre in Avur- be taken to reduce the number of veda College, Trivandrum— (Cen­ accidents? trally sponsored scheme). 2. Pharmacognosy Unit, Pooja- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE pura, (run by the Government of MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES Kerala.) (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) and (b). There has been an increase in the 3. Regional Research Institute, number of accidents during the year Poojapura, (of the Central Council 1977 as against the preceding years as lor Research in Indian Medicine and indicated below: Homoeopathy). 4. Central Research Institute 1975 1976 1977 (Ayurveda) Cheruthuruthy (of the Central Council for Research in Number of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy). accidents 358 548 Vyy

The State Government intends to locate the first 3 institutions, mentioned The majority of the accidents were, above, in one campus for better co­ however, of minor nature, as eviden­ ordination and management. It has also ced by the decline in the severity rate been stated that 12.9 acres of land (number of man-days lost per million would be available adjacent to the man-hours worked) from 856 5n the Institute where new construction could year 1975 to 752 in the year 1977. be put up to accommodate the Post­ graduate courses and other units to be (c) The following steps are being taken to minimise the number of acci­ established under the new set up. dents:— The objective of the proposal is to (i) imparting safety training to coordinate the activities of the diffe­ supervisors and Officers; rent research and educational units, already functioning, and to 'oster com­ (ii) Implementation of suggestions prehensive research and advanced given by Safety Committees and studies in Ayurveda. The administra­ Safety Department of the Company; tion of the Institute would be ve3ted and * 13 7 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers h r

(iii) Arousing safety conscious­ Non-Payment of Salary to Witch and ness aimongst workers through pe­ Ward Staff of Corpora­ riodic safety campaign and other tion of India ' safety educational programmes in­ cluding effective inter-personal com­ 2178. SHRI ROBIN SEN: Will the munication. Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state: \ (a) whether he is aware of the fact Changes suggested in Policy (or Im­ that the Watch and Ward staff who port and Export of Steel are still on duty in Aluminium Cor­ poration of India which is under lock 2177. SHRI MADHAVRAG SCIN- out since last few years, have not DIA: Will the Minister of STEEv. AND been getting their salary for last two MINES be pleased to state: months; and

(a) whether All India Stainless Steel (b) if so, will the Government taKe Industries Association have suggested necessary steps so that the Watch and for changes in the import and ex­ Ward staff who are still on duty do port policy for stainless steel: get their due salary?

(b) if so, the details of the sugges­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN i HE tions submitted by the Association; MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) and (b) (c) whether Government are con­ The Corporation has reported on sidering these suggestions; and 3-3-1978 that salary for security and other essential staff for January, 1978 was still not paid owing to lack of (d) if so, the details thereof? resources and stoppage of disburse­ ment of loan sanctioned by Industrial THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Reconstruction Corporation of In.lia MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES Ltd. since October, 1977; and that it (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) Ye3, Sir. had since succeeded in making alter­ native arrangements for funds for pay­ (b) The suggestions mainly are for ing salary for January and February, continuing the policy for direct allot­ 1978. ment of stainless steel plates, sheets and strips by the canalising agency on Employment to Dependent of Harljan a long term basis without any restric­ Workmen of BCCL killed in Firing tion on thi'ikness, quality, dispensstion of “No objection certification”, reduc­ 2179. SHRI A. K. ROY: Will the tion of prices, consideration of advance Minister of PARLIAMENTARY AF­ licence applicatftn from exporters of FAIRS AND LABOUR be Dleascd to stainless steel products without produc­ state: tion of export orders, allowing direct import/clearance from bonded ware­ (a) whether the judicial enquiry in house for the exporters of stainless the Sijua firing on 15 November, steel products and delegation of powers 1973 killing six Harijan workmen of to the regional licensing authorities BCCL in Dhanbad by the security for taking decisions on advance licence force of the management found the applications. firing unjustified;

(c) and (d) All relevant aspects, (b) whether even after the report including the abov^ suggestions are no compensation and employment being considered while formulating the were given to the dependent of the policy for the next year. victims; and 139 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 140

(c) if so, will the Ministry take up been provided from December 1977 to these cases with the Ministry of sweepers employed in all the coal Energy to save the starving families mines in the hospitals of the Coal of the deceased of unjust firing from Mines Welfare Organisation. extinction? (b) Does not arise. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a> to (c).The Goud Mines in Ladakh judicial inquiry into the firing at Gasli- tan Colliery, Sijua on the 15th Novem­ 2182. SHRIMATI PARVATI DEVI: ber, 1973 had held that the firing was Will the Minister of STEEL unjustified. Of the six persons who MINES be pleased to state: died as a result of the firing five were harijans and workmen of the (a) whether it is a fact that Chlling Colliery. The sixth was not a harijan village in Zanskar, Ladakh, is famous nor a workman of the Colliery. In for gold mines; reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Ques­ tion No. 509 on 16th November, 1977 (b) whether Government propose it had been stated that no compensa­ to survey the area and study the tion had been paid to the dependents possibility of scientific exploitation of of those killed in the firing. The gold mining in this area; and Ministry of Engery are considering in consultation with the Ministry of (c) if so, the details thereof? Law the question of the liabiVty of BCCL for payment of compensation. THE MINISTER OF STATE TN THE The Ministry of Labour have advised MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES the concerned authorities to take a (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) No, Sir. sympathetic view of the matter. (b) and (c) Do not arise. Denial of facilities in Hospitals to Sweepers of Nationalised Collieries, Retrenchment of Workmen by Indian Dhanbad Schools of Mines, Dhanbad

2180. SHRI A. K. ROY: Will the 2183. SHRI A. K. ROY: Will the Minister of PARLIAMENTARY AF­ Minister of PARLIAMENTARY AF­ FAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased to FAIRS AND LABOUR be pleased to state: state:

(a) whether the sweepers employed (a) whether the question of illegal in the nationalised collieries in retrenchment of muster roll work­ Dhanbad are denied admission into men by the Indian School of MineB, the central hospital under the Min­ Dhanbad has not been taken up by the istry of Labour though the clerks and Regional Labour Commissioner, other surface workers get these Dhanbad; facilities; and (b) whether recently the Supreme (b) if so, the reason for these dis­ Court has brought Educational Insti­ crepancies and what steps Govern­ tutes also under the purview of the ment want to take on that? Industrial Dispute Act; and

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ (c) if so, what step the Central Gov­ TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI ernment propose to take to give RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) No Sir. relief to the victimised workmen of Free indoor medical facilities have the Indian School of Mines? Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 142

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ Proposed Investment by Iran in India TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) 2185. DR. LAXMINARAYAN * No such complaint has been made to PANDEYA: the Regional Labour Commissioner SHRi D. B. CHANDRE (Central), Dhanbad but the Ministry GOWDA: of Education has received some com­ plaints in this regard. Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (b) Educational institutions which (a) the fields in which Iran has fulfil the tests laid down by the Sup­ offered to invest; and reme Court will come under the pur­ view of the Industrial Disputes Act. (b) the terms and conditions and the basis on which the capital will be (c) In view of the latest judgement invested in India? of the Supreme Court the aggrieved employees may take up the matter THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE with the concerned State industial re­ MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS lations machinery. (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) and (d). Iran has offered to participate in or finance certain projects such as Alumina Pro­ ject for the Eastern Coast deposits of faro i * ft faffta t t * bauxite, Paper and Pulp Factory for 3WT TOT gtTT Tripura and the Second Stage of Rajasthan Canal. For this purpose, Iran has offered to make available 2184. TTSFZ jrrtT *T*rf : TTT additional crude oil supplies annually at OPEC price on credit terms or w i H w tr tTtttt lumpsum payment, as may be suita­ t>M[ tt ^ f r : ble. The rupee equivalent of these in­ stalments or the lumpsum, as the case may be, would be funded in India, for ( t ) TTT 7tTT $T^5T 9TTTT ^ investment or expenditure or could be used to finance approved projects. The craf if 5TT*rf*TT pttPtw tt% details are yet to be decided upon by ^ far? ft farfa fTfTTWT STT^T TTft the two Governments.

% farr ^ttttt ft inrrhj fr^rr Setting up of Orissa Alumina Project 2186. SHRI K. PRADHANI: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be ( jj) fft, fft pleased to state:

T O W T | iflT ?*T TT fTTTTT T t WT (a) whether Government propose s f a f w | ? to choose ALCAN of Canada for undertaking feasibility study to set up the Orissa Alumina Project; and (b) if so, the detail regarding wrcwr *ftT tTt^tt T?nm collaboration in this connection? it TTiq smt* : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ( t ) 3ft ^ I MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) No, Sir. (^ ) ^ SHR 33

Existence of Bonded Labour rates of interest where available. To speed up the process of rehabilitation, 2187. SHRI AHMED M. PATEL; the Centre also propose to provide SHRI P. K. KODIYAN: financial assistance to States where re­ sources available under the ou-goinx Will the Minister of PARLIAMEN­ schemes are inadequate. TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR te pleased to state: Search for Foreign Capital for Integ­ (a) whether Government are aware rated Steel and Aluminium Plant that the evil of bonded labour is still existing in the country; 2188. SHRI D. D. DESAI Will •'the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be (b) if so, the States where such pleased to state: evil is still existing; and (a) whether there has been any (c) the measures taken by Govern­ response to his search for getting ment to tackle it effectively? foreign capital interested in construc­ tion of integrated steel and aluminium THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ plants to be paid for the export of TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR steel and alumina; (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) Yes, Sir. (b) if so, details thereof; and

(b) The State Governments of (c) if so, how Government are , Bihar, Gujarat, going to find the rupee resources for Karnataka, Orissa. Madhya Kradesh, setting up these plants? Maharashtra, Kerala, Rajasthan. Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh an:l the THE MINISTER OF STEEl AND Union Territory of Mizoram have re­ MINES (SHRI BIJU PATNAIK): (a) ported the incidence of bonded labour to (c). During the course of discus­ system in their areas. sions in the fourth meeting ol the Indo-USSR Joint Commission, held in (c) For the purpose of abolition of New Delhi over March 1—6, 1978, pro­ bonded labour system, the Bonded gress was made in regard !."> the sett­ Labour System (Abolition) Act. 1976, ing up of an alumina plant of appro­ has been enacted which took effect ximately 600,000 tonnes per annum, from 25-10-1975. The State Govern­ in Andhra Pradesh, on compensation ments/Union Territories, who are basis. Progress has also besn made responsible for the implemtnation of for the setting up of a blast furnace the Act, have been addressed from time with a capacity of 1.0 million tonnes to time, to take appropriate act'.on capacity per annum of four.Ury grade under the various provisions of the pig iron. Act, and also to undertake surveys to identify the bonded labour so as to Regarding the former, two contracts free and rehabilitate them. The; 32nd have been signed between Ihe Bharat Round of the on-going Nat:cn?i Sam­ Aluminium Company and M/s. ple Survey is likely to throw up Tsvetmetpromexport, USSR, for the information on the extent of the pre­ latter to carry out an evaluation of the valence of the system in various areas. bauxite deposits, and a feasibility study for an alumina nlant based on Rehabilitation of the released bon­ these bauxite deposits in Andhra ded labour is being undertaken ur.der Pradesh, on ‘compensation basis. If the various Central and Stfte ori Roing found feasible, the Soviet si le would Schemes, also by providing them with assist in the design and construction loan-3 for the purpose Pn differential of the plant and this invsiitment would 145 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 146 be repaid through the export of alu­ of the Central Councils of Health and mina to the USSR. In regar.i to the Family Welfare, held in January, 1978, blast furnace complex, the details re­ and it was felt thal the objective garding the work to be undertaken of reducing the Birth Rate to 30 per by each side, the items of equipment thousand by 1978-79 was not attain­ and materials to be supplied by the able. The Conference, therefore, re­ Soviet side etc. are to oe discussed commended that the Birth Hate goal separately. should be fixed at 30 per thousand in 1982-83. The reason for the non­ achievement of the earlier objective For the development of Orissa was the short fall in the performance bauxite, a feasibility study would be of the Family Welfare Programme in prepared by M/s. Aluminum Pechiiey relation to the targets set for Fifth of France. The stage for negotiating Five Year Plan. The widespread com­ international finance would arise after plaint of compulsion and coercion in the feasibility of the project has been the implementation of the program­ established. me during Emergency has hampered progress in recent months. It is expected that rupee resources required for the above projects would (c> a°d (d). The present Govern­ be found from over all Plan resources ment’s aim is to lift family planning under the Five Year Plan currently from its old 'and narrow concept and being finalised. to give it a proper shape in the over­ all philosophy of family welfare. The change in the name of the programme from Family Planning to Family Wel­ Family Planning Targets for 1979 fare is an indication of the new orien­ tation of the policy towards the pro­ 2189. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: Will gramme. Under the "hew policy, the the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ programme will be pursued vigorous­ MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: ly as "3"wholly voluntary programme and as an hrtegral part of a compre­ (0) whether it is a fact that the hensive policy covering education, family planning targets fixed for 1979 health, maternity and child care, arc not lik e ly to be achieved and they family welfare, women’s rights and are being revised; nutrition. There will not be any ele­ ment of compulsion or coercion in (b) the reasons therefor;' the implementation of the program­ me. The Government have taken (c) whether Government are con­ steps to strengthen and intensify the templating reorientation in their educational and motivational activi­ family planning programmes; and ties under the programme and parti­ cular attention is being given to ex­ (d) if so, the details thereof? tending the immunisation coverage for pregnant mothers and children in the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN younger age group. Schemes for pro­ THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND viding prophylaxis against nutrition­ FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- al anaemia and prevention of blind­ DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) and ness due to vitamin ‘A’ deficiency are (b). The demographic objective of being implemented _more effectively. the Family Welfare Programme as The performance in this regard has laid down in the Fifth Five Year Plan already shown improvement over the was to bring down the Birth Rate to preceding year. Better maternity the level of 30 per thousand of popu­ care in the rural areas is being ensur­ lation by 1978-79. The progress under ed through sTmassive programme for Farrily Welfare Programme was re­ the training of traditional birth at­ viewed at the Fourth Joint Conference tendants (dais) and increase in the 147 Written Answers MARCH 0, 197B Written Answers 148 number of Auxiliary Nurse Midwivec| THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Facilities for delivery of safe and hy­ THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND gienic services nearer to the homes FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- of the people are to be strengthened DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) Yes by extending the Post Partum Pro­ gramme to Sub-district level institu­ (b) The National Programme wai tions and by providing equipment, approved in November, 1976. Ita operation theatres and additional beds main objectives are (i) to dissemi­ at selected Taluk level institutions nate information about eye care and Primary Health Centres. In order through all media of mass communi­ to make the programme of family cation with particular emphasil on welfare a mass movement the co­ ocular health of children, and '* all operation of all sections of public opi­ other vulnerable groups, (ii) to aug­ nion and local opinion leaders includ­ ment ophthalmic services in a manner ing voluntary organisations and insti­ that relief can be given to the com­ tutions in'the~organised labour sector munity in the shortest possible time is being sought. The programme of and simultaneously and (iii) to estab­ family welfare will be implemented lish a permanent infrastructure ofr by the present government vigorously community oriented eye health care. with the close involvement of local To achieve this, the services to be elected leaders. developed, in phases, are: — (i) Establishment of 80 mobile units. National Programme for prevention of Visual Impairment and Control of (ii) Strengthening of 5000 pri­ Blindness mary health centres.

2190. SHRI DRUGA CHAND: Will (iii) Strengthening of 400 district the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ hospitals MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (iv) Strengthening of eye depart­ (a) whether it is a fact that the ments of about 30 medical colleges. Central Government have launched (v) Development of 20 Regional National Programme for Prevention Institutes of Ophthalmology in the of Visual Impairment and Control of country, Blindness; (c) and (d) Under the National (b) if so, the details thereof; Programme, various services are to be developed in the States/Union (c) whether any priority is given Territories to provide comprehensive for the hilly and backward areas un­ opthalmic services to people in the der the programme; country including hilly and backward areas where such facilities do not al­ (d) if so, what are the details ready exist with priority being accor­ thereof; ded to Hilly and Backward areas. (e) Yes. (e) whether Himachal Pradesh has been covered under the programme; (f) The voluntary agencies are ac­ and tively associated with the National Programme. These agencies are be­ (f) whether the voluntary agencies ing given financial assistance for or- are involved in the implementation of ganisaing comprehensive eye care the programme, if so, the details camps in the rural areas where these thereof? facilities do not already exist. 149 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 'Written Answers

Nvnbpr of Push Button Telephone. Working of T.B. Hospital, Delhi Equipments Manufactured by Indian' Telephone Industry 2192. SHRI DURGA CHAND: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FA- 2191. SHRI DURGA CHAND: Will MILYr WELFARE be pleased to the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS state:* be pleased to stpte: ■/­ (a) whether there is some resent­ (a) the number of push button ment in the staff of T. B. Hospital, telephone equipment manufactured Mehrauli, Delhi about some impartial by the Indian Telephone Industry so dealings given to some of the staff; far; and

(b) what is the cost of a push but­ (b) whether deterioration in the ton telephone equipment; food stuff supplied to the patients has also come to Government’s notice, if (c) the number of such equipment so, what action Government propose which has been sold and at what cost; to take to improve the working of the (d) whether there is any demand Hospital? for such equipment; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (e) if so, what is the present pro­ THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND gramme for manufacturing such FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- equipment? DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) and (b). L.R.S.T.B. Hospital, Mehrauli is THE MINISTER OF '“STATE IN a non-governmental Hospital manag­ THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ ed by T.Bf Association of India. They TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD only receive some grant-in-aid from SUKHDEO SAIT: W The number the Government ‘Xccording to fhe of push button telephone equipments information furnished by the T.B. As­ manufactured by Indian Telephone sociation of India answer to both the Industries so far is 2100. parts (a) and (b) of the Question is in the negative. (b) The selling price of a push but­ ton telephone instrument is Rs. 1880/­ plus statutory levies. «tptt (c) The total number of push bot- ton telephone instruments sold dur­ 2193. srare : ing September, 197$To January, 1978 is 1898 for a total value of Rs. 41.41 ^TT fTTT! lakhs. (^ ) WT SX4.K ^TcT fd) There is a demand for approxi­ mately such instruments per moritfi. ^TTT % % fin* f^TT^ % (e) Indian Telephone Industries, at present, has a stock of approximately 200 push button telephones which will cover the likely demand for the (*?) ft, eft WfT ST next four months or so. The ques­ ^t sftw % f*nt tion regarding the manufacture of ad­ ditional instruments will be consider­ flfVsrT ^ t if 3tft \J^TTeTT ft %*ft 'Jj't ed when the existing stock dwindles further. T r m ^ $ w p m t | ? Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 152

fitfcr tfunw 3 ttw tftft (u t (c) whether there is any proposal to manufacture some of the costly ) : ('»>) ^ ft 1 ^rr?r « w < drugs in the country to lower the cost Tt t o f^rti h'rt gt t 5 ® of treatment? irtst % HTOft’T TrfffTf ft ?*T r ft THE MINISTER OF STATE IN ^CT $ f r t ^T% fcrcr ITW ^ ^Wf ft THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND srt*r % %tt sffar srn

(b) what are the drugs and the cost (b) Yes. The Government have of treatment of a patient by using arranged an evaluation being made by them; and the National Institute of Health and IJ3 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 154

Family Welfare and the State Gov­ (c) whether the Divisional Head­ ernments. quarter of Bundlekhand does not even iiave an automatic exchange which causes great difficulties for the pub­ Free Glasses for Operated Cataract lic as well as the administration; and Cases (d) how soon will this deficiency be removed? 2196. DR. SUSHILA NAYAR: Will THE MINISTER OF STATE IN the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKHDEO SAI)? Ta) Yes, Madam. (a) in view of the big plan propos­ STD facilities exist between State ed for prevention of blindness, includ­ Capitals and a few of the Divisional ing facilities for cataract operation, Headquarters in many States. whether Government have any pro­ posal to supply free or subsidised (b) glasses to operated cataract cases; 1. Andhra Pradesh . No Divisions. (b) whether glass of requisite qua­ 2. Arunachal . . N o Divisions. lity for making optical glasses is now 3. Assam . . State Capital & Di­ available in the country; and visional headquarters in the same. (c) if not, will Government import the same in the interest of citizens 4. Bihar . Muzzafarpur to Patna. eye sight? 3. Gujarat . No Divisions.

6. J & K . Jammu to Srinagar. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND 7. Kerala . No Divisions. ' FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) No. 8. Karnataka . • Belgaum. Haryara . Ambala to Chandi­ (b) and (c). Bharat Oph­ garh. thalmic Glass Ltd., Durgapur, a pub­ lic sector project, is manufacturing 10. Himachal . No Divisions. ophthalmic glass blanks as per I.S.I. 1 1 . Manipur . Do. standards. Since production of this Unit is not sufficient to meet the 14. Meghalaya • Do. entire fffemcnd of the country, the im­ 13. Madhya Pradesh Indore to Bhopal ports are being allowed. 14. Maharashtra . Nagpur to Bombay and Poona to S T.D. facilities between State Bombay. Capitals and Divisional Headquarters 15. Mizoram . No Divisions. and setting up of Automatic Exchange at Bundelkhand (U.P.) 16. Nagaland . No Divisions. 17. Orissa Cuttack to Bhubane­ 2197. DR. SUSHILA NAYAR: Will shwar. the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to” state: 18. Punjab Jullundur to Chandi­ garh.

(a) whether S.T.D. facilities exist 19. Rajasthan No STD between Di­ between State capitals and Divisional visional Headquar­ Headquarters in several States; ters & State Capital 20. Tamil Nadu No Divisions. # (b) if so, the names of such town, State-wise; 21. Tripura. . No Divisions. *' 155 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 156 aa. Uttar Pradesh Allahabad to Luck­ Jawaharlal Institute of Post Gradu­ now Faizabad to Lucknow. ates Medical Eeducation and Research Varanasi to Lucknow. Hospital, have already been issued:—

93. West Bengal No STD between Di­ 1. Technical Assistant visional Headquar­ 2. Pharmacist ters & Slate Capital. 3. Radiographer 94. Sikkim . . No Divisions. 4. Dark Room Assistant 35. Goa Daman & Diu Do. 5. Public Health Nurse 6. Havildar/Security Sergent (c) The Divisional Headquarters of 7. Midwife Bundelkhand at Jhansf has a manual exchange. 8. Social Workers 9. Laboratory Attendant (d) It is tentatively programmed to allot equipment to automatise Jhansi ID. Attendant Telephone Exchange In early Seventh 11. Assistant Gardener Plan. 12. Theatre Attendant 13. Peon 14. Watchman/Chowkidar Pay Commission Recommendation not implemented by Jipmer Hospital, 15. Sweeper/Sweeper/Scavenger Pondicherry 16. Staff Nurse 17. Daftry 2198. SHRI BHAGAT RAM; Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: The general question of sanction­ ing of “Selection Grade" to the posts (a) whether Government are aware of Drivers is under consideration of that the 3rd Pay Commission has re­ the Government. ' commended 20 per cent of “Selection Grade’’ posts in each and every cate­ gory; Confirmation of Staff of Jipmer Hos. (b) whether Government are aware pital, Pondicherry that this “ Selection Grade’’ provision is not implemented in Jipmer Hospital, 2199. SHRI BHAGAT RAM: Will Pondicherry; the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (c) if so, whether Government are considering to introduce the “Selection Grade” posts for all the categories (a) whether Government are aware without any further delay; and that the Staff members of Jipmer Hospital, Pondicherry, who have com­ (d) if not, the reasons thereof? pleted even more than 10 years ser­ vice, are still being kept as temporary Staff; t h e ‘Min is t e r o f s t a t e in THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND (b) if so, whether Government are FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- considering to give them all a perma­ DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) No, nent status; Sir.

(b) to (d) Government’s orders (c) if so, when; and sanctioning “Selection Grade” for the following categories of posts of (d) if not, reasons thereof? *57 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN it. However, the question of creafipg THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND ccrlain additional posts consequent on FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- the recommendations of the Staff Ins­ DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) to pection Unit of the Union Ministry of (d) It has been ascertained from Finance is under consideration. If the Principal, Jawaharlal Institute of this fructifies, it will be possible to Post Graduate Medical Education and relieve the Nursing and other staff of Research, Pondicherry that out of 12 hours night duty. the existing 1322 permanent posts, confirmation against 1004 posts has Recognition of Jipmer Hospital Em­ already been made and that while a few cases have been deferred due to ployees’ Union, Pondicherry adverse reports, the remaining cases 2201. SHRI BHAGAT RAM: Will are being processed. Every effort is the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ being made to expedite the matter MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: but it will be appreciated'tha't it will be difficult to indicate specifically the (a) whether attention of Govern­ time by which all the remaining con­ ment has been drawn to the demand firmations will be completed. of recognition of Jipmer Hospital Em­ ployees’ Union, Pondicherry, pending for long time; and Overtime Allowance to Staff and Em­ ployees of Jipmer Hospital, (b) if so, whether Government are Pondicherry considering to recognise them? 2200. SHRI BHAGAT RAM: Will THE MINISTER OF STATE IN the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND MILY WELFARE be pleased to state: FAMILY WELFARE [S H R I JAG- (a) whether Government are awire DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) Yes, that the Staff and Employees of Jip­ Sir. mer Hospital, Pondicherry do r.ot get (b) The matter is under considera­ over-time allowance for extra hours 4 tion. d u ty while on night duty; (b) whether Government are aware that the demand of over-time allo­ Abolition of Contract Labour in wance is pending since 1968; Steel Industry (c) if so, the reasons of flouting 2202. SHRI SIVAJI PATNA1K. the Labour laws; and Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state the reason (d) the reaction of Government for not abolishing contract labour thereto? system in the steel industry?

' THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): The DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) It is employment of contract labour in a fact that certain categories of steel industry, as in other industries, staff like Nurses in JIPMER Hospital is governed and regulated by the who are required to do night duty provisions of the Contract Labour do not get over-time allowance. (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the Rules made thereunder. It (b) to (d) Government are aware was, however, agreed in principle in of the demand of the concerned emp­ the bipartite Wage Agreements signed loyees for grant of over-time allow­ by the Joint Wage Negotiating Com­ ance but they are unable to agree to mittee for the Steel Industry (now 159 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 160

called National Joint Consultative not releasing the report of the Com­ Committee) that steel industry shall mittee on Consumer Price Index Num­ not employ labour through contrac­ bers for industrial workers? tors or engage contractors labour on jobs of pertnanent and perennial na­ THE MINISTER OF PALRIAMEN- ture. Appropriate action in pursuance TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR thereof is being taken by steei pTant (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): The managements and a number of jobs report has been submitted only re­ of permanent and perennial nature cently. All questions arising Iroro have already been departmentalised. the report including the question of publication of the report are being Strike in Pipe Line Unit, Rourkela studied in consultation with other Mi- Steel Plant nistries/Departrr.enis of the Govern­ ment. 2203. SHRI SIVAJI PATNAIK: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state: Reinstatement of Employees victi­ mised during Emergency in Private (a) whether Government are aware Sector Industries that 300 workers in the pipe plant unit of Rourkela Steel Plant launched 2205. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTER- strike protesting against the suspen­ JEE: Will the Minister of PARLIA­ sion order on two workers by the MENTARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR management; and be pleased to state:

(b) if so, steps taken to withdraw (a) what steps have been taken by the suspension orders on the workers? Government to reinstate all the em­ ployees victimised during emergency THE MINISTER OF STATE IN particularly in private sector indust­ THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND ries throughout the country; MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) (b) the number of cases in which and (b) Yes, Sir. 300 workers of the Government intervened and succeed­ Electrical Resistance Weld Pipe Plant ed to get the employees reinstated; of the Rourkela Steel Plant struck and work on the 29th January, 1978 with­ out giving any notice or assigning Tny (c) the number of cases pending for reasons. Subsequently, at the conci­ settlement? liation stage only it could be known that one of the reasons for the strike was the suspension of two workers THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ by the Management. Following set­ TARY AFFAmS XTJD LABOUR tlement, the strike was called off on (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) the 18th February, 1978. Earlier, the Instructions were issued in April, suspension order in respect of the 1977, to all State Governments, Cen­ workers was withdrawn on the 14th tral Ministries and Departments and February, 1978. the Bureau of Public Enterprises, to secure reinstatement of all those emp­ loyees, in the public and private sec­ Reasons for not releasing Report of tors who had lost their jobs during Committee on Consumer Price the emergency either due to the ope­ Index Numbers ration of the Maintenance of Internal Security of India Rules or the Defence 2204. SHRI SOMMATH CHATTER- and Internal Security of India Rules JEE: Will the Minister of PARLIA­ and Orders of the then Central Gov­ MENTARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR ernment relating to banned organisa­ be pleas'd to state the reasons for tions; and to have a review of all 16 1 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 ( SAKA) Written Answers 162 cases o1 employees discharged ot dis­ missed by employers by taking ad­ W r e f qm r qfipr vantage of, the atmosphere of emer­ gency and without going through the m ^r% fiRT srw due process of law and the prescribed procedures and without following the *fanr wvt if principles of natural justice and give n5TT Tft ^ I ft% qr the employees'concerned a fresh op­ ferr aui^n i portunity to defend themselves. These instructions were gTCen the widest possible publicity. The Central Or­ ganisations of employers and employe­ es were also requested to cooperate with the Government in the matter 2207. TTo irfigfry iiw : of giving effect to the instructions of the Government. All individual re­ ^TTHWR ^rofl *Tf ^5t f i q T f t ? r presentations received were taken up with the concerned State Govern­ (ar) wt« 5T^r ^rr foitwn/ ments or Central Ministries with ins­ fa <4rtf ^>7^ % f%TT tructions to take appropriate action in the light of the Government’s instruc­ 'ST't) cf^TT cTR ^TTcft tions. t ; (b) and (c). Reports received from 146 Central Public Sector Undertak­ (^) ft, eft ings indicated that 264 out of 365 WT ?|7HTT WTPTT | SftT WT affected employees have been reinsta­ f^T ^T^t | ? ted in service. Precise information concerning the private sector is not available. H^TT TT^y («ft ^TffT 5TCTR HP?): (^ ) I gTTT fiWHf (*?) ft tfodi I

2206. ¥To iTfRhv faf 7TTOT : WT *Tf f*F * Purchase of Ollflred Cornisih Boiler 2208. SHRI R. MURUGESAN: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FA­ MILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

% h fa fc t STTT tfHr fTT (a) whether Government have *fff; made an enquiry regarding the pur­ chase of Oilfired Cornish Boiler, re­ (*j) ft, ^ jfcrcr R irft ferred to in reply to Unstarred Ques­ tion No. 4826 on the 22nd December, 1977 especially when the programmes ^fT *Tf w of the Depot were not settled; VTWft *?t 3TT Tft I ? (b) the action taken on the persons concerned for incurring the infruc- tuous expenditure of Rs. 78750 (ex­ cluding4 Sales Tax, Freight etc.) and SSI* m ?) : (^) sfft keeping the Boiler idle for 12 years; and 3942 IS—6> l 63 'Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers M 164 ’r Tr

(c) whether Government have exa­ According to section 32(2) of the mined the feasibility of using the Dentists Act, 1948, the State Govern­ Boiler in connection with the expan­ ments are required to appoint by a sion programme of the pharmaceuti­ notification in the Official Gazette a cal factory? date on or before which applications for registration are to be made to the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Registration Tribunal constituted THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- under section 32(1) thereof. Thus DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) to only one date can be appointed for receiving of applications and this date (c). The information is being collec­ is not liable to extension. It is, there­ ted and will lie laid on the Table of fore, not possible to consider the pro­ the Sabha. posal for registration of unqualified persons practising dentistry by re­ Role of Dentists in Rural Areas opening the Dentist Register through­ out India. Furthermore, in the Com­ 2209. SHRI AGHAN SINGH THA- munity Health Workers Scheme of the KUR: Will the Minister of HEALTH Government of India there is no sepa­ AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased rate provision for appointmenf7frtili- to state: sation of dentists.

(a) whether any scheme prepared Coking coal requirements of Steel by Dr Goela on the role of Dentists Plants in rural areas was discussed in the annual Conference of Dentists Asso­ 2210. SHRI AGHAN SINGH THA- ciation of India held on January 17 KUR: Will the Minister of STETL in New Delhi; and AND MINES be pleased to state: (b) if so, the particulars of the (a) the monthly requirement of scheme and the reaction of Govern­ coking coal in various Steel Plants of ment thereto? the country; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (b) the coking coal supplied to the Ministry of HEALTH AND these plants during the last three FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- months, plantwise? DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) Yes. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND (b) The main features of the MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) scheme according to the information The average monthly requirements of furnished by Dentists Association of coking coal for the year 1977-78 for India are: the steel plants are as follows: (i) For registration of tfnregis- (In ‘000 tonnes) tered dentists, Part (B) of the Den­ tists Register be opened through- Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) . 334 v out India and be closed for ever at once at a stipulated date in all the Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP). • 200 States. Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) (includ­ ing DSP Waahery) . . 186 (ii) The services of persons so re­ gistered can be utilised in rural Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) . . 264 areas under the Rural Health Scheme of the Government of India. Indian Iron & Steel Co. (IISCO) 15B 918 (iii) These persons may be given Tata Iron & Steel Co. (TISCO) . training for three months and sup­ Total . . . 1360 ' plied with dental ldts. 165 | 'Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers

(b) The quantities of coking coal production of the drug and the drug received by these plants during the has been used in a sufficient number last three months were as follows: of patients. (in ’000 tonnes) p Coking coal received Plants 4 m Dec. *77 Jan *78 Feb. '78 • 2212. «ft J1TTT : TOT BSP . 34i 345 307 lf« I K JTgft RSP . 175 178 179 f qT fjp : •DSP . 166 188 176

BSL . 252 216 209 (*>) 1976-77 3f fsrfsRffT

> IISCO . *39 !3! 125 p m irtr ^ oqfW ?rnr TISCO . 231 195 212 > if T o t a l . 13 0 4 12 5 3 1208

(*?) Medicine for virus diseases and Cancer if W fa * 2211. SHRI AGHAN SINGH THA- KUK: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (»t) gfe ft, TT -THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- foffT# VS Tff I I DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) A press report to this effect has appear­ (»r) sft if frfa * ed in the issue of Times of India, Delhi Edition dated 11th January o r w % •3^ srn«««i % 1978, ^T5T5£T f 1 (b) The question of making enqui­ ries about the test effectiveness of in- (*r) terfereon and evaluating its efficacy srr Jf ft ^nr>r ^ ^RTTcr b y clinical trials will be considered 'when Japanese succeed in the mass 3<+TT ^ 351^ I I Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Witten Answers 168

'dTil H%fT jfttf n W WII TT erilVi'i'i ( iv ) 198I—82j

[TTHTt«TO*TT&/iftW JHRHftUt Sr q r !'^ w wieW st * WTf'RT TT% Tt ’fiarm

2213- *n TWT j«(i< inrt • ! • - vn *rsft ^ ^n% Tt f^rr ,f fr : 2 21 4. v t TTfh? T*TT? ?w f : % r (t ) inrnfhr IWTT WdV ^ *i n 1 Tt %* h 1 T^I fT I w r a m t jtpt wr | sr^t tfii *Hm

I TT 1*1 ^ t ifk t ^Tt Tt *tott *rk ht*t wr f fa m f.; (s ) 5T? ?TT *TF ^T *T 5% % WT TT7^ t «flT JT^ §f«WT * * (*j) wt ®sr q^ffa j^ srt t riv tft srmr ? 5T 'in i JT^r if %•? ?TI% «TT% TT y«ii<* ®ftr rimr ini«m * w »rsft («ft *TTffT jww wn) : ( t ) tftr (»r) irfe ?t, m t> ttw (%r). ifR«m , wwt, m?r %ra gift ^TT I 5^T ir T^t-Tff *Tf^TrT *t inft ?TT UlSTiilfcT CTtT^vT P^rfw fTJT ? Sflff 1 1 *W1HU n 7I3H »wt («ft WTCTFfET ^^RT7 ^ fa^T- *TT^fT SW? « w ) : (T ) ^rTT jrt T*ft 11 fo*r?r qqrQan STTS1 if f*iHfrlferf nrisfi tR 5TTJ vt fafa* vT«fi k CTeiiift^ g;nm t\ — TfT I I 3KT 9 Jro, tt^ # t%f\x I - ^TTPRft I S^t (i) *rtr^r: 2 7 0 0 Hi^fi % itt ^TTf^^HK 5Ti f ? 2?T» vSTF. vrctirfzT i»«*r^5r Tt «jiVHr Tt Tf T| l 5IT T^t I I SJTTTT I fT JT? qwfsr S?T *T^t% % «TnT 5TT ^7?T (^r) ^ ft 1 ^rn^TT i (*T) 63t ^ft^RT ? fn^frtfisi^t (ii) Ifhfft : 7Jff zft^PTT % ?>^R- WTCt- ^rpff % J^RT-^fcrgrfn ^ cxt^tt itfer qwM«r ?ptt^ Tt ^nr^n m^PTT ^1 ^Wld ^Tft c^«i^ I i v^WFff tPric?r fV :— (iii) 4«0

(b) The problems are being taken up and pursued with the appropriate IT^?, ^fTSR, agencies.

* 4^, tfsfrm, *T$d, TPTJT, (c) Yes, Sir, .. ✓ fa rt* nr nr, i

* Improving Telephone Service at Durfia- pur Enforcement of minimum wages for Agriculture Labourers 2215. SHRI SAMAR MUKHERJEE: •Will the Minister of COMMUNICA­ 2217. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: TIONS be pleased to state: Will the Minister of PARLIAMEN­ TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be (a) whether the attention of Gov- pleased to refer to the reply given to .ernment has been drawn to the dete­ the Starred Question No. 161 on the riorating conditions of Durgapur tele­ 24th November, 1977, regarding en­ phone services; and forcement of minimum wages for (b) if so, the steps Government agricultural labourers and state: propose to take to improve the phone services at Durgapur? (a) whether Government are aware that in many regions/areas of many States fixed statutory minimum wages THE MINISTER OF STATE IN remain on paper only; THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD (b) whether Government are also SUKHDEO SAI): (a) and (b). No aware that in many areas the agricul­ Sir. The telephone services at Dur­ tural labourers are not aware of the gapur have not deteriorated. How­ Government’s new order enchancing ever, as a normal measure for effect­ the existing rates; and ing better service, overhaul of ex­ change plants and rehabilitation of (c) if so, what steps, if any, are subscribers' installations where neces­ being taken? sary have been taken up. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ ^Problems of Durgapur Steel Plant TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) A 2216. SHRI SAMAR MUKHERJEE: Statement showing latest minimum Will the Minister of STEEL AND MI­ wage rates for agricultural workers NES' be pleased to state: prescribed under the Minimum Wag­ es Act, 1948 and a statement indicat­ (a) whether Government are aware ing the actual daily wage rates (of that power and coal pose problems annual averages) of Plough-man or for Durgapur Steel Plant; field labour-men in different States (b) if so, reaction of the Govern­ for the year 1976-77 are laid on the ment thereto; and Table of the House. (Placed in Lib­ rary, See No. LT-1760/78). (c) whether the Government are aware that the D.V.C. has failed to (b) and (c). Government have al­ honour its commitment in regard to ready written to all the State Govern­ the supply of power? ments/Union Territories to take effec­ tive steps for giving wide publicity THE MINISTER OF STATE IN to the notified minimum wages. Some THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND of the measures that have been taken (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) include publicity through various Yea, Sir. J mass media. The State Government Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 172 have also been advised from time to centres, in some States like Gujarat time to take effective steps for the J. & K., Karnataka, Kerala, Maha- enforcement of the notified minimum rastra, Mampur, Orissa, Rajasthan, wages. Some of the measures that Tamil Nadu and Tripura there are have been taken include strengthen­ mobile health units/dispensaries ex­ ing the administrative set up, utilising clusively for the tribal people. the services of staff of Departments like Revenue, Agriculture, Rural De­ In the Fifth Five Year Plan under velopment in addition to those of La­ the health sector of Minimum Needs bour Departments and increasing the Programme, emphasis has been put number of claims authorities. on the provision of the minimum needs of the people specially in rural, and backward areas of the country. Rural Health Scheme The guidelines as well as priorities for taking up rural health services 2218. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: schemes stressed that Scheduled Tribe, Will the Minister of HEALTH AND villages, Scheduled Caste, hamlets, FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to hilly areas and remote villages get state: priority in implementation program- ^ me of the Minimum Needs Health Programme. A^ a result, it has been (a) what are the Rural Health decided to give priority, in the post-* Schemes of Government for the most ing of additional female health work­ backward rural areas; ers, to backward and tribal areas, areas with inadequate communication (b) what are the existing facilities and hilly areas having high maternal in these areas; and and infant mortality rate. There are also instructions that the girls of the (c) how and when the schemes are tribal/mountainous areas who wish to likely to be implemented? take up Auxiliary Nurse, Mid-wife/ Lady Health Visitor training should be admitted straight-away, if they THE MINISTER OF STATE IN possess requisite qualifications with­ THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND out having to compete with other FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- girls. DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) to (c). Backward areas like most of the Under the Rural Health Scheme- other areas are served by the Primary also, which has been introduced re­ Health Centres and Sub-centres which cently, there are instructions that in^ are 5372 and 37,775 respectively in hilly and mountainous areas where number. There are about 892 blocks population in sparse criteria for se­ located in tribal and backward areas lection of community health workers in the country. About 812 PHCs and should be relaxed. 2559 sub-centres are functioning in the above mentioned tribal blocks. Thus, in more than 86.2 per cent of Number of P.C.O. installed in Coon-, the tribal blocks Primary Health Cen­ try and Andhra Pradesh tres with their sub-centres have been established^ As the doctors and the 2219. SHRI P. RAJAGOPAL NAI- para-medical staff are not very willing DU: Will the Minister 0f COMMUNI­ to go to such areas where adequate CATIONS be pleased to state: residential facilities, water supply, electricity etc., are not available, a (a) the number of P.C.Os. installed few incentives were provided for in in the country this year; and the Fourth Five Year Plan to attract r them to such areas. Besides the Pri­ (b) the number of those started to mary Health Centres and the sub­ Andhra Pradesh? 173 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 174

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN mviwj i? TT3JT *rjt («ft THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ *»7ffT sror* *rm) :( t ) itVt TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKHDEO SAI): (a) 1033 long dis­ (g-) w ^ *nnMz*r *tt tance P.C^Os. have been installed In « jt irnfV | ir w t »nfV i the country during this financial year tte 'S m m l^vTotfto 176/78 ] upto 15th February, 1978.

(b) Of the abo^fc, 145 PCOs have (*r) aft ft ^ ?rr^r 3r been installed in Andhra Pradesh. *PTT-rc?r

(*r) ^rtf ^ 1


2220. WSPT fa f t?r *f wft « srnrf h vm n ft TOT sif f^TT ^ 5rt ?rm ^rfSmfa s r o - 'r a fa :

(*>) ^ 5T^rf % *T*T TOT f f«FT% 2221. «ftsr£r faf urdftm : ^ ojft 0?t o TOT 3Tf ?>Mi t>^,l

I; fa> .

( « ) %JTPTTOTf (sp) O T ^7T *T TJ3«HfTC ^

fVfav TfJiff if ?RT CTflT % fax* IT?To fa?TT3T? J?T ^n<-r«y t t ;

(»r) tot j r^tt

(lr) TOT SR s q iw f f

(*T) TTT^T *TR (*r) *rk (sr) vt imrnft ir tvftqjfa'

^ % ««iT57 % fer ^fPT*? srtr irf? ft, ?rt w ^t^

% sif* *rrr*r 3f

^WTT FfXRUT if TWJ (ift SHU g v t v w w ) : (w ) 3 1 -1 2 -7 7 ir 2ifh>ta vNinff ^ ^ sm< *fY‘:— ■ n- r u n i t e x m ^TRT *

f 1. 1,01,206

2. • • « • • r« - 48,919

3. ( f w t fir^1 sftr Pt^trtt sufira f ) . # 1,42,786

4...... 11,725

5. ^•rte* ...... 96,244

«. (fm it ^ 5^ ( *ii^V snfim . # 74,284

7. *TW ...... 61,108

8. H^TTT^ *ft7 ^ H > T fsRT *TOfa ^ ‘

9. ^ tR ^ P T R *W1FW 5T^T, JTftpjT, PmVKh, ihrFnr, trt^ * f ^ r r vnfVri ^) . . 29,92 5

10. '1WK qfV^ft $<*MK ^TfflfTFT (f^T^f tt^fR, *ftT f^TRH 5T%^T ^TifWrt ^ j . . . • • 1,00,404

11. ^fhrr ...... 21,364

12. TJ^PIH ...... 52,963

13. ^piTT^r«e (fa sfl 'r is ^ Y ^nfa^r |) . , . . 1,71,446

14. 1,23,104

15. qfrww ^rnr f a ^ n r wrfrr^r t ) 1,74,203

16...... 1,34,663

vPr . . . 16,71,267

v v n n ff $ ^tt *r ^ tt ^ ^ ^ fh h ’r v»w^>»i ^ fa # % fntr q f r r - ^ r rtft *nft f 1 fr rnrc^ v qMwHfr vt ?twt qvw $ +ret wrr ^hn fftr. qjjfa snwT

< ff l U77 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 178

(3f) 31-12-77 Tt * 20 IJSUTT^ % tft? sr^fr^TT ^ ffsfa ?*r 5 :—

1. ^T

2. •• • 12998 946

3. Cs 39684 4094

4. . 9702 2089

5. +tVWr1TCN . 11825 6

6. 10259 1640

7. ^<«{Mi<; • • 35192 2444

8. : . •• 12665 157

9. ^FT^T • 0 # 13911 2107

10. ♦ • • 20012 975

11. «• 13973 610

^ffFTFTT 9492 12. 0 • • ♦ 4419

13. • • 12070 205

14. *r& n • •• 11764 37 26147 1614 15. 3^ • ••

16. • •• 14365 2657

17. • •• 206178 -^7862

18. ^r^TfTT • • • 143498 26024

19. • • • 134663 46017

20. *TiTT*T • • 72565 2682

(g ) 3ft ^ 1 crrrf’T, *ftr ^ s^nrt if ?rw jtto fair sit f fa? 5rftwr % wfar ^ ft *t3.Jii i ®t§ q^5TtTt^l980%?R»aTi?ft,»!t5T JPRt ^ % T^RRt ^ 4 T^TT * „fo* | 5mf T W 1ft t o n ?Tff £ S%i|T I 179 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers

niMi'V d^l^n'l ?m fa'll? ^rW^rf % ftp? fW t *n^HT?r 2222* : f^TTnjtq I ;

(w ) ^ tft sfa it WT *Tft ^ *ft fTT £1 i % *w^r, sTr^v f* : ^ iY if fH*n% fa*TT +T fa^T7 ^ ; *tK (^>) ^TTVTX % ffT^t (»r) srS* i^uft ^r jmtwT tt^ *pt *nrr srt% if 9nfTTH q?ff ^fv ^^EJTTT % f^ftT ^ gf. t o fapr | em wr | f3f?r% «TR ^t ^T% TOT trfWR fn*% ; zftr ^iTRrl fl^ftr ir «mvR f^ (^ ) ti vt>( i. t t h ^ r ^t?et *rm Tt wtstt | i *r^M it it WT THTWi^t W><.% ^>T ^ ? ?wi7 m 7i5iT inft («rt ^7^ft$nTR ^<9^4 CT*t) • (*fi) ^ (*r). (VifT i f w i H Tim *pft («Tt TTtfo O^qrq -1 % V^'^

(e) what steps have been taken, 2223. WJH fa|T w Wcti w r after his visit, to improve the working *N t 7 t&ft ^ ^tt% *ft fm *¥>t fa : of the plants? THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND (*p) 31 ^Fmt, 1978 apt fe rft MINES (SHRI BIJU PATNAIK): (a), in H 5^ f c f * ^ % ’nsfta xcm^ S^ftrhr (b) and (e). Recently I had visited the ^ % *?TH *fto ql{o fto ^?V*T steel paints at Rourkela, Bhilai, 181 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 182

Bokaro and Bumpur. During the General Manager (Telephone) in hi» visits, I had reviewed the working of office in New Delhi with their com­ these plants with the concerned offi­ plaints has gone up not only because cials to see how the impediments which there is no one there to direct them were coming in the way of production to the right officer but also because could be removed; certain related mat­ the officers are not much interested in ters connected with the modernisation meeting then;; of the plant facilities, future planning as well as problems of industrial rela­ (b) whether even the General tions were discussed and decision taken Manager, who only some months ago to improve the overall performance of met as many as 50 members of pub­ the plants. lic a day is not able to meet more than four or five persons and inter­ (c) The month-wise stock position views are granted if fixed at least a of saleable steel, coke and coal at day before; and each of the six integrated steel plants during the current financial year is (c) if so, whether Government given in the Statement laic) on the would like to open any public cell to Table of the House. [Placed in Lib­ hear the complaint of common people rary. See No. LT-1763/78]. regarding the telephones? (d) Close liaison is maintained with THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the Railways both at the plant level, MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS by SAIL as well as by the Ministry (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKH- of Steel and Mines to ensure speedy DEO SAI): (a) No Sir, the allegations movement of finished steel from the are not corerct. steel plants. Similar co-ordination is maintained with the Railways, Coal (b) No Sir, the General Manager (India) Ltd. and the Department of meets those visitors who could not be Coal to monitor the supply and move­ satisfied at lower levels on fixed dates ment of coking coal to the steel plants. on prior appointments to enable the The position is reviewed every month records of the case to be available at But in spite of best efforts, in the case the time of the interview. of coking coal the stock position con­ tinues to be unsatisfactory. (c) Public grievances Cell is work­ ing with effect from 14.10.77 in General The stock of saleable steel which Manager Telenphones Office and also was 329.6 thousand tonnes at the in offices of Area Managers Tele­ beginning of the financial year, has phones. been brought down to 270.7 thousand tonnes on 1-3-78. This represents only about 13 days’ production at the cur­ rent rate of production. Postal Counter Facilities to Villages through Mobile Post Offices

Opening of a public cell to hear 2226. SHRI NARENDRA SINGH: Telephone Complaints Will the Minister of COMMUNICA­ TIONS be pleased to state': 2225. SHRI D. B. CHANDRE GOWDA: (a) the progress of extension of SHRI VASANT SATHE: postal counter facilities through mo­ bile Post Offices to the villages at the Will the Minister of COMMUNICA­ end of January, 1978; and TIONS be pleased to state: (b) whether the target fixed for the (a) whether Government are aware current financial year is expected to that the number of people visiting the be achieved; and if so facts thereof?1' 383 Written Answers MARCH fi, 1978 Written Answers

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE were present in the meeting, praised MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS the scheme. Specialists of other coun. (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKH- tries have also welcomed it Reports DEO SAI): (a) and "(b). 57360 villages received^, from the States and also have been provided with counter faci­ those from the officers visiting the lities through mobile| post offices up fields confirm that the people are to 31-1-1978 against a target oI 50,000 enthusiastic and happy about the for the year 1977-78. scheme.

The community health workers, are Kara Health Scheme not doctors. They are merely health workers selected by the community. 2227. SHRI SHAMBHUNATH This scheme is a step towards involv­ CHATURVEDI: ing the community in taking care of itself. SHRI K. RAMAMVRTHy:

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to Import of cold rolled steel sheets from a Dutch Company state: 2229. SHRIMATI PARVATHI KRI- (a) whether Government have SHNAN; Will the Minister of STEEL taken note of the criticism by eminent AND MINES be pleased to state: doctors and Presidents of the Indian Medical Association and Common­ > (a) whether it is a fact that the wealth Medical Association of the Government has decided to import a Rural Health Scheme, in particular of huge quantity of cold rolled steel the appointment of Quacks; and sheets from a Dutch Company called the Hoogovens; (b) if so, the Government’s reaction thereto? (b) if so, the details thereof and what is the price per tonne to be paid; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE and MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMI­ LY WELFARE (SHRI JAGDAMBI (c) whether it is a fact that this PRASAD YADAV): (a) and (b). The price is well above the world market Government have taken note of what­ rates? ever criticism has appeared in the press or come to its notice against the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Community Health Workers Scheme. MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES Most of the doctors are in agreement (SHRI ’ KARIA MUNDA): (a) No, Sir. with the importance and objectives of However, SAIL International Limited the scheme. The President of tne imports steel material required by the Indian Medical Association participated end users from time to time. CR in the fourth joint meeting of the Cen­ Sheets/Coils is one of the items that tral Council of Health and the Central is being imported during 1977-78. It Council of Family Welfare. In the is a fact that SAIL International said meeting he did not criticise the Limited has placed order on M/s. scheme. This meeting was also at­ Hoogovens Verkoopkantoor by, Hol­ tended by the President of the Delhi land as they have placed orders on Branch of 'Indian Medical Association. other foreign companies. He also did not criticize it. The Direc­ tor of All India Institute of Medical (b) The per tonne price applicable Sciences, ; the Preeident of Indian on the order Is DFL 683 C&F for ship­ Council o f Medical Research and other ment to Bombay and DFL 608.85 C tF eminent -in the field, who for shipment to ; Madras and ‘ YlM f 185 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 ( SAKA) Written Answers jg £

on Liner Terms with invoicing' fafWJT VTR5T % ITO “Nett for Nett” basis.

(c) No Sir. However, the Chairman Steel Authority of India Limited ha& 2231. =rqr been requested to look ini the iflT •rf^TTT fxHTFM matter. ^ fTT T^T fa : Foreign exchange racket ( t ) w r h

(c) the number of Indians in each (**) qfc ^T, rft T* 3T ? country whose passports have been impounded during last two years? *r t t o w A m ^ ) i :

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ( t ) JHIHH Tt, sft MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS M'li'fl faf^^TT TT^T^T, % (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) While general c\ ' instructions in regard to violation of TPrf tt t t ft, i^r ^mr^r T t the Foreign Exchange Regulations Act ^TRTlTt I I have been issued to Indian Missions abroad, there is no proposal to issue (^?) o I ^1 T THT further instructions. w$

Dubai . . . i *rr

Malaysia . * • 1 % ?rrapfe, fa ? Jj-rnrt if tjt '^ ff fvren % f^rrr qrsir^Tiq: T f# ^t -tott flong Kong. . . 1 187 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 188

TT f? iftr WTTTT % ^ Employment of local people in *rr f i p i greirviffff vt Malanjkhand Copper Project % far* ^ m tt, 1977 t *W*t ^ ff if 2233. SHRI KACHARULAL HEM- 'Tfwscr t t h m *pu | i ^taftWt RAJ JAIN: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to f»TCTT ^ q^ W TT rTT% % f<*T» ^'lUl'fWtO state: ^»t v»r<,>(^ % 5ft stft f

(a) whether it is a fact that low THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE grade manganese for use in Bhilai, MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES Bourkela and Durgapur Steel plants (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) Yes, is being purchased from private firms Sir. which is costlier; and (b) All posts (other than Class 1 (b) whether there is any proposal posts for which recruitment in made to purchase this low grade manganese on all india basis by the Head Office direct from mining proprietors so as of Hindustan Copper Ltd.) are noti­ to save at least15—20 rupees a ^ fied to the local employment exchange, tonne? the candidates sponsored by the local employment exchange are considered for employment. Only in cases where THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the local employment exchange is MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES unable to sponsor candidates, are the (SHRI KARLA MUNDA): (a) Low posts notified in the newspapers. In grade manganese ore for Durgapur and addition to getting candidates from the Rourkela Steel Plants is being pur­ employment exchange, one member chased through the agency of Minerals from each of the displaced families and Metals Trading Corporation, a whose land has been acquired for the Public Sector Undertaking, who pro­ project is being given employment cure the ore directly from the mine- at the project. So far 25 such displac­ owners in the Bihar Orissa area. The ed persons have been provided em­ Bhilai Steel Plant obtains about 75 ployment by the Project. per cent of its requirement from Manganese Ore (India) Limited, a (c) Does not arise. Public Sector Undertaking, and the balance, directly from private mine- Banning of strikes owners. 2234. PROF. P. G. MAVALANKAR: Will the Minister of PARLIAMEN­ (b) As the supplies are already TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be being obtained either through public pleased to state: sector agencies, or directly from the mine owners*, this question does not (a) whether Government’s attention arise. has been drawn to a press report 189 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written An*users 190

entitled “Janata must prevent strikes” a few representations from indivi­ appearing in the Bombay edition of duals/associations, most prominent the Indian Express dated the Febru­ among them being the Indian Medical ary 10, 1978; Association. While there is no basic objection to the spirit and the objec­ (b) if so, Government’s reaction tives of the scheme, some have chosen thereto; and to criticise the curative role of the com­ munity health workers under the (c) whether Government are con­ Rural Health Scheme. This criticism sidering the banning of certain kinds is, however, not well founded as it is of strikes and if so, main indication of based on an incomplete understanding Government thinking on the subject? of the scheme. It is basically a sche­ me aimed at involving the community THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ in health care. In other words, this TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR scheme aims at placing people’s health (SHR RAVINDRA VARMA): .(a) Yes, in their hands. Sir. x (b) and (c). The question of mini­ In the fourth joint meeting of the mising the incidence of work stoppa­ Central Council of Health and Cetu ges is under examination in the over­ tral Council of Family Welfare the all context of the proposed Compre­ scheme was discussed in great detaiL hensive Industrial Relations law. Representatives of different associa­ tions and institutions were also pre­ sent in the meeting. Most of them Village Health Cadre praised the scheme. The Indian Medi­ cal Association, who had criticised the 2235. PROF. P. G. MAVALANKAR: curative aspect of the scheme last WiU the Minister of HEALTH AND year, did not do so in the said meeting. FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to In fact, speciality of both India and state: foreign countries have welcomed the (a) whether Government have scheme. Reports also confirm that received one or more representations there is enthusiasm and happiness from individuals and/or association, about the scheme among the rural against the system and working of the masses. newly announced and operated village The scheme is, however, being coa- Health Cadres; currently evaluated. There is also a provision for terminal evaluation. The (b) if so, broad details thereto; results of the evaluation should lead (c) Government’s reaction and res­ to further improvement in the run­ ponse to such representations and ob­ ning of this scheme. jections;

(d) whether Government propose to Enquiry into telephone equipments [0 modify the said scheme in the light of avoid defective service the complaints, etc. received from res­ ponsible quarters; 2236. PROF. P. G. MAVALANKAR.' WiU the Minister of COMMUTA­ (e) if so, how and when; and TIONS be pleased to state: *(f) if not, why not? (a) whether Government are aware of the continued, countless complaints THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of the telephone subscribers and users MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND all over the country about all kinds FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAGDAM- of faulty telephone services includJ.Bg BI PRASAD YADAV): (a) to (f). sudden cutting off the lines, over Yes. The Government have received hearing or cross-communicatianf 191 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers among telephone users, dead lines for Report is awaited. The interim Re­ long periods of times, and failure to port is under study. hear the humming sound while dial* ing; (c) and (d). There have been some i general complaints against the func­ (b) if so, whether Government have tioning of our Missions abroad. While gone into the whole question of instal­ it is recognised that there is always lation and operation of the new and scope for improvement continuous nixting telephone equipments; and effort is made to take note of com­ (c) the steps, if any, being taken plaints to rectify deficiencies and to remedy the said faulty fairly soon improve our publicity and public re­ and fairly satisfactorily? lations performance.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS Persons against whom telephone ar­ (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKH- rears of more than ten lakhs pending DBO SAI): (a) No, Sir, Government are not aware of such complaints. 2238. SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA­ (b) and (c). Question does not TIONS be pleased to state; arise. (a) the names and addresses of the Report of Chanchal Sarkar Committee persons, firms and companies against whom telephone arrears of more than 2237. SHRI KAN WAR LAL 10 lakhs have been pending; GUPTA: (b) the action taken against each SHRI HVKMDEO NARAIN of them, YADAV: (c) in how many cases the tele­ Will the Minister of EXTERNAL phones have been disconnected; and AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (d) what steps Government propose (a) has Government received the to take to reduce the arrears of tele­ Chanchal Sarkar Committee Report phones? to improve the performance and to strengthen the publicity of our Embas­ sies and Missions; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (b) if yes, give the details thereol (SHRI NARARI PRASAD SUKHADEO and the action taken by the Govp»-»^ SAI): (a) There is nc^such case. ment thereon; (c) how many complaints have been (b) to (d). Do not arise in view of received by the Government against (a) above. our Embassies and Missions in the last 9 months; and Daily allowance admissible to Direc­ (d) the steps taken by the Govern­ tors of SAIL ment to streamline the proper func­ tioning of the Embassies? 2239. SHRI SUKHENDRA SINGH: Will the Minister of STEEL AND, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINES be pleased to state: MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) and (b).. The (a) the rate of daily allowance ad-- Chanchal sarkar Committee has sub­ missible to Directors of Steel Autho­ mitted its interim Report and its final rity of India; and 193 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 194

*&(b) whether they are eligible to if "spffj^rr” x m % qfTojirow stay in 5-star hotels while on official tour? if q m f qft % ^PTRlff q>I ^ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES (^) ft, ?ft ssqft (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) and (b). Daily allowance is admissible to the % faq d«p wt fq^ to t ; Directors of Steel Authority of India Limited for attending Board meetings (q ) foci* and while on official tours at Rs. 50/­ per day in case they are accommoda­ q?t ^ ; tit* ted in the Guest House maintained by the Company or of any of its sub­ ( q ) WT 0*1 S$l % tatO sidiaries, and at Rs. 114/- if they *TPT if Wt | ? make their own arrangements. In case the stay in a hotel, the maximum amount admissible for board and lodgining expenses is Rs. 175/- per fqTfW wtT qfTSTT day. H W *T3ft ( «ft 5HTR 5T75) . (^') 5ft*ft % ’pTaT Effect oi Multinational Corporations on Industrial Labour % t % fq fa * qnTwff qrr qrrr (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA) (a) No, cT«n fltJqrafta aft% Sir. % fat* f,fq fq^rnr s q m ^ fasfaa (b) Does not arse. Hfafa -FT q5H fa*lT OTTT I qfafa

% qw^i fa; : T>r %,*ft^t gf »ftrft qq *fwr 90 qerrf q f f 1 • (*?) *TWK qft ir («r) $*ft qftf f^qte q^t fir^t % 3942 LS—7. *9 5 , Written Answers MARCH 8, 1978 Written. Answers

Loss of man-days per thousand wor- Improvement of communlciUoii sys- 1 kers in India item in Gujarat

2242. SHRf PRASANNBHAI ‘ MEH­ 2243. SHRI PRASANNBHAI MEH­ TA: Will the Minister of PARLIAMEN­ TA: Will the Minister of COMMUNI­ TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR be CATIONS be pleased to state: pleased to state: l« (a) whether the Gujarat Govern­ (a) whether India stands third in ment has suggested to the ifnion man-days lost in 1975 according to the Government to allot more funds to- data released by the International improve the communication system in Labour Organisation; the State;

(b) if so, whether man-days lost (b) if so, how much has been, allot­ per thousand workers in India were ted to the State Government for the 1430 in 1975 and if so, the position in purpose; regard to this in 1976;

(c) whether in 1977 the man-days (c) what are the schemes likely to lost were much more than what was be implemented in the Gujarat State in 1975; and during the current financial year; and

(d) if so,'the details of the same? (d) the details of the same?

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Yes; but the data are not strictly com­ MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS parable as different methods have (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKHDEO been used for calculating the number SAI): (a) No communication regard­ of working days lost in different ing allotment of funds to improve the countries. communication system in the Gujarat State has been received from the (b) According to the figures of Gujarat Government. I.L.O., 1430 days were lost per thous­ and workers in the year 1975 in the (b) Funds are not allotted to the mining, manufacturing, construction State Governments but to the Posts and transport and communication sec­ Telegraph authorities responsible for tors. The source of information and the execution of the projects. The the method of calculation used not funds for expenditure during the cur­ knows. The figure for the year 1976 rent financial year have been allotted has not been shown in the I.L.O. state­ as under:— ment. On the information furnished by (In thousands of Rupees) Labour Bureau. 1113 mandays were (i) Gujarat Telecom. Circle. . lost per thousand workers in the year 1975 is all sectors of industry (ii) Abmed*b«d Telephone Di**ft-r*R taken together. The provisional figure trict. .... 5>6o>23 for 1976 is 631. (Hi) Surat Telephone District. . 42,58

(c) and (d). The mandays lost were 21,900,931 in 1975 and 21,214,28r (Provisional) in 1977 which shows that the mandays lost in 1977 were- (c) and (d). Following are the not more than those in 1975. , Schemes likely to be implemented :ln ’ l97 Written 'Answers ‘PHALGU^A fa,itifot(SAKX) Written'"Af&oers X98

the Giij'arat "State during tfie current (c) Whetfiir ih GuJUfet S&te there financial year:— are lafge number of villages without post offices; and Expansion o f postal facilities:— (d)^ whether Government are plan­ (i) New Post Offices in rural areas 91 ning to cover all the villages and have a post office in every village during (ii) Installation of letter boxes in the3 next Five Year Plan? rural areas. . . • 2000

(iii) Postal Counter facilities to villages through Mobile THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Post Offices. . . . 3000 MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKHDEO "II. Public Call Offices and Combined Telegraph Offices: SAI): (a) Yes, Sir.

(i) Long Distance Public Call ^ (b) Details of tentative targets are Offices. .... 160 at* di?der:— (ii) Combined Telegraph Offices 160 (i) New Post Offices. . . 5,000 III. Telephone Exchanges: . (ii) Counter facilities to villages 10,000 12,600 lines are planned to be added. Out villages. of this 10,000 lines have already been commis­ sioned upto 28-2-78. (c) Out of 18,275 inhabited villages in Gujrat State, 6,538 have been pro­ IV . New Tglex Exchanges : vided with post offices and 3844 pro­ Anand ’ . - 5 0 lines capacity vided with postal counter service faci­ lities through mobile post offices. Gandhidham . 50 lines capacity. - i f ■ . r* * 4> V. Co-axial Cable system s. (d) No, Sir. It is however, planned to open 25,000 post offices in'the rural Conversion of 4 MHZ Co-axial system to areas and additionally provide postal 12 MHZ. This would connect Bul&ar with the counter facilities to 50,000 more vil­ system and major towns like Baroda, Surat and Ahmedbad would get more trunk circuits in lages in the next Plan, 1978-83. between and also to other parts of the country.

V I. Open Wire Carrur Systems. v ttw 'wt*TT jjYihv No. vihirt farftr vfr wvwr (i) 8 channel systems . 16 TTftT (ii) 12 Channel Systems . 3 22 45. r^T (iii) 3 Channel Systems. . . 24 irat ^5 ^ 1% t t

Post offices in ^villages

2244. SHRI PRASANNflHAI MEH­ TA: W in the Minister’ of COMMUNI­ CATIONS be pleased to'state: T" am vU**4 M s (a) Whether Union Ministry have Trfvr | ; tfk formulated a programme to cover more villages with post offices in the ^ ( « ) w r w cf«r m qar coSntry; f (^l ^ i h * flb) if so, the main details of the 3% same and how many villages Will be covered during 1978-79; *rc v rt vxnrr ^fidr 5 1 199 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers

H w ta j n m v r »r*t («ft ,, **W*Ul TTO W*IT «TO *f*t («ft W*rf) : ( * ) T*hrTTt XT&T TVfcr*«rf) (T)JT5«TT*mTar?§?T: TH*T% ftwr fn^m t f k *rfarn fa fa srfavrfaff w^Tftmr 3r wTfTi t *rtT *rw sr^vr tY i r u «rrt ’if fr'ftjf % tr^qTT, ^tt TT*? TT wfafaiJlT, 1948*TTT*T;TTTt*Tfoai f^vftrfw r, 1952% ureft i (sr) *t ( r ) frtft JTTfjraT srr<Hf | I TPT'T % *T fr^ *HT «Tf«TTfw *nrT7-f^7'iift *u '3 ^ 1 *(^ JT ITTT *W Trrrf % wntrfi ir ofV Ttf ft eft,

«rf»»T fadcft H

t ^ t f r ? nrftPffaeT ^fT -f^fT fft ^rrm ^ft TT qcTT ?T»TT% TT TTf fa^IT ^ t $ ; ( t ) tr^r Mi^qai STT^cT ^ fiM i, * f[t ^ ?T T ^T *m3TT 3TTWT | ^33^T f*T^T *T3TJT *T*T % 2 1970 if JT? TT*T «Mfr1IrT Jlf^ni^yT^TlTf T> W^T *T«mfa f%tr | 5ft f t : 1 9 6 0 ^ TT | fT t W STM TT 35W wtT ^T^ft ?nn *tt% T m *ftr rr*t $ * n i %rf*m srf^ZTT JITT T O t farTTJTfff TT f^RTT7W % f^cff T t 5T*f>tii'i T^^TT J T^R I (w) w *k *k tt M rr «ft i w i f*nr, •j'W’i % vffawri ^Phti r?0 tj\ % f?^4 vtc +l«v ^»n Vtn« tt w« m m 2247. «ft pw ^ UTO : WT (n) **tt 'ttttt tt frmx *rt TW W^TT W*T Hot JT^ ^ft *<*t % s k m frt* jpr srfar farrEft fi’TT T^T fr : T t *t«7 t ^Orft^r tt% ^ I; (T ) WT «ft ^ Jf?TZT?5r fJT^T, ^733?^ % « r ^ r f TT f.*ZTt wffffJTUTT fTSJT (n ) f*TT 5T f t irfwf % r|% *i >»i«> 0 *ifwf»T*i*i % % 1TT9TT^ Tt t t ^ *t ^ fT?rr*T «r f^rn inrft ^ f t 3TT Tft % ; f^ r *ror *>r ^ f t * m ft€ i Tt tt% (^ ) Jrf^ ?t, rft ^?T% irsq- TTT’T % i fff'Tfr^T T_' *T*Wfcff Tt T? TT% % fHtr ffrf VT'T'T % % 7 Wr TTlT^T^t Tt 3TT T^t | ; '* ^TT% TT | *ftr JTff £T, eft T* ? w>t 2 01 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 202

.-• * ' (»T) Tff f*FT t 5 T^ f»r5T^T:,-ii 3 * ^ qr snrer, 1976 ^*NT7t 7F5*r ^f*TT THT WTT^ ^T% ST^T^T-V'-im fa>a*T £ *>7 src^T if STfipfr TOT JTTtt spt 3 39,247.75 ^ ¥t ERTT^T

3T? rsr■■■% STcif^ 3TT ‘•■TfWf ^7t fa^RT 4)<^0, 1977 I,13,69lT70 W* r ^ r W ? t ?ft7 ) % (»T) ^ WTWWT TTW $ t ; warfgnT if ?mrr £ ??k s^ferfr f^rr W T 5T^5T ST^rp- *?t 3iT T?ft (

liVr »tc? t T'i'iin s<^Tt (»t) firm % ?r*ft rTf *rfatq- f*T*T ^ * H 4 lO TF»*T tft*TT 5^5RT f^fij ?pt wq^TT fa‘Ci*ft Tif?r ^ ^rt '>iicfl lA < fa fv j?t «i<».i*rt TTfvnri * 7 * #r f?ra t *rk ?r ^ tt jttt fawr if tot ^nr- vnNi^*t ?Tft *t 3iT Tft t ?

2248. «ft : WT mTThr *TO

1. f*TW 5fo 1, . 26.825rra^r [ftrar^T, *1977 cTT)

2. q^!T ’St%5RT f*m 5f o 2, 3^4* . . 2 .11 (

3. nm vzh iwiisn fim, . .1.14 ?rra (*TT#, 1977 5TT) .

( g ) I

«ht<.4l{ TT TfT 5 I 203. Written Apsyoert^ MA^CH 9, 19.?*, Wfi«et» A n q to fr* 2 0 4

( ? ) | :-TL

Ttfn wrfir »rf v r fw f

( l ) l , 13.8,5 w n , ia ? 7 T 197 7, X% jmi *pr£j_ vnr Trfvnfr % m *t 1977ST VRTrt vitwi t V *T t 1 w t TrfVr Tt fa^ff Sf.4$sr fv^TT ^T T^T t I^^TT. ’T- h f. TTTWT^ ^T*T*ft I

( 2 ) * » 2, 16.37 1 -4 -7 4 Ti'rct ^ trc Trfvr I w * i< t nfir?i 'TT, f^lli-if fft 3TT * fr k »

(3) f^T dt? <1 ffVr TlT^Tf JTHTiT Tt 3TT WPi, 1 9 7 7 ^Tt t • ^ nfwt^T

ipfTTTW W ,J Iw'tH IWT 'HIM'v K ( ^ ) 2Tf< ^fj ^)ri H W f t W W ^f 1TW tTTT-WTT f^rri^ * snrfa | f £ ;

2249. ftl^ ! (*r) VlH ITT 5PT Snl'hl'i ^>'2 w r WWTT *r«ft ^ ^ tt% Tt FTT T^»T Frrfm t t % tt tft t * ?tt ^tt ^ptt ; fT :

(^ ) 'J'l nt^t % Hi*i VTT fj 5|^T (' t ) ' w t »p*7trij *T fim 3 wrr, Tmrrvlw,■ ’. *n. 'i ^ r uto f^TT ^T TfT «fh: ^TT ^ ^ WT5T KlWftO ^rnPf Jffe. ^t,. ?ft f^JT # * ijft *rf | ; m ftv f j t *rf f t ? J 3 05^ WrittenAntv>«r» PHALGUNA 18,1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 206

h w t t i h m m t t o ( « ft «ot itYt irfc ft, eft t * wVt 7WTT atkr »wm guN m») : (t) *t (w ) w i'tf'; *rirt ^ t

f w f n 5TTTT I :— (w ) rS*¥T T ^ m r T^ ?TT (Vmi jTTT^lT 111f TfT f^TT ( i ) f W ^ VTPfi

% far* HifrT HTwt wtT (»r) ?*r w frr fTepft 7 3?W T Tt 3TT Tft snrfer ff |? | I fJTVTT ^ f r 9 f l^TO^ST srtsr ft TT f^TT ji 1 vj( * 1 [ | wwtt ’TTnrfl1 w ttw *rWf («rt (ii) TWT VVtVWT, VTOTT •rrffr Jnrw *tpt): (T) 3ft ft I ^ t T UT>r’ 'T%nteT '% 'WT*f% % eTTTta TT^T^T Hll?*f

?5T »rt^f ir T5fHfR T ^ R T Tt (

T T f JTt»f ?5T Jfft f f | I £ 5H 5H W <. % JTCeTT* TT * * t f f a ? ^t *Tf ^ ?ftT JT^nifVn 5>ftHvhl'l ( l l ] ) foiti IT Hf5 » ^T fffRTTT (Tf*r#TT % HT«T 5ff?TVnrJIT* I

'TTf^TT TT 3ITTt f + ^ , PT fs * iis ?Tl»ll ^ fT *Tf ?TT^3Tf^T ?5flt)‘i-iMT

^ te t % 1T»TTr I

jftsr^r TT fa?ft*T % 5JT?fPT

^ tt% % f^=rq irf< jtt^ t f t ’StrrTr »ttr wYt w<’ *Tt'f,'% w m jTPT’ T ', TT » •a'l'i'i T t IFT^TfHo ^ ?t ^ I fiw i 'TUTW Tt t+fl'fi*t*r fUTWR t^TT (iv) Z M OTWtSTTftW mw 1 2251. «ft i i * ': w r HWTT *j^t ?Tf ^TT% Tt t>MI T ^ f r :

f*FR ?5ft<*n ff T t *rt*T jtt<

% ^*rnry ^ ^ 5 1 h fT^T »Tin | ?T4^r TT% TT fir^TT | ; mwn Tt itWln f^ w i'TT ( ^ ) W «^TTT ? m % f^TTJ T f^vgx- >rw Tt irnr 7 ^tw vtr f® r 22so. «#t tm 6ff m f tjw : ^ sm rfT’ff % vft ^ft t t t^ tp t f U T »TTt q-f ar?rr# Tt TTT t t t fr : Tt TTHT Ti t ;

( t ) WT ’T^TTeT TT^T *t ^ trra* % vm .- (*ty: «rir f t ; 1^ ^WeT % ^^fTTW r^t' ^ft 'WTWt % I *f I ^ If 207 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 r Written Answers 208

faftnrt w f[ 'bVt r J 3TO % +1441^ iftr JPT^ %

(*r) frf 5rt f^m nr % r^fnm ^r^spr ^fif ^br ^ ^ fe r v*|ijij ; qfa + < ll »Tfa t f t W lfW f ■■ r % IHlViM v Li;fr *tp^ ( ? ) Ifr Pj h h % ^r vrrf f ; ^JT K«l | ? ; • re ( *T) f-jpT °i|IVnMT ir fl'tii’T ^ f a - WWTT *T TTH7 SRT % f^tr sgjff 7> |, -JSTT aqH *ft% sfTffrsmw 5«H hw ) : (^7) 3pr i f a r ittt £ : —

THT ?nft ^TRT ^T5 "rrf^ fftT f«iR ^ fTTTFZ T^nr i\>*\ ^nrr ^

1. f^ jft f 7f«rf4. 2 0 -7 -7 4 1 000 WT 5 -1 -7 6 TnHT^TT TR.N I V 1 * )

2* ^zr trrf ct itt faRTTr, 77 lOGO^o 1 5 -1 2 -7 7 ^ft T!yIN'R ^TT^fi, WTR vq < ^PF^< *T 1

3. «ft ^RTT ^TTT^f r<^MTf 7 7 1000 ^0 1 5-1 2 - 7 7 ^TT V!vn^r^ f^TRT, VTR *\WT K 1

(*T) ( t ). £ % % farr ?nt^r fa n | ?flT *}4»m | «rYr f^rtr T?r *n^r 5TcV^> v i ^ s i TsT ¥Y <110«g WT f ', n *erc ^r m^rmr 1 1 *rtr tt ^ W JR ^ fet* arm 1 l ^ ) 5Tc^r 4»M<+ ^ fa*T TRW

frt cT*7T V. fa?pft mP». jHTT (IJIfift filH % WiTTTVT *TPf Vt iril'tTl'i «Ft.* V'TVTT^ t*T . } (»r) ^>^ivn »rh- % n'l*i') 'f*') 2252* tnr nrf irw : ^ ^ brhFt* +^4vn f^ grn^ w r « w k *f^V «niH fi^T *^»r f a : % ^ tt tiT^i f ; sftr (jp) JJ^fTFT TT^T % PflH Jf STTT ?TTWV % *TR % fa?T% ( q ) C T h ek ^w ^ jt % rTOT ^ % WTpKTOf ^ ^ fh ^ T feSt ? 209 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 ( SAKA) Written Answers 210

*c ttw *r*t '(^ . ^ fr jtkt? sn«) : (t )

fHHfWfa?r st 'nftjft % d^ltih TtavMlf % f?rtT trfbprr st ff :— * tjp*p 'famymp ?•.—-»* *♦» * c t .

I' * ' • ''v’n TT^f TT 5TTJT »mt crrftar

\ . pt".. : , .-f- T '

. 1. W r i 3TI JT?3ft TT^T TT-*rh^fe«r f f t ^ i t f?To T^TMT * I > • _ ^ 2 . TTT J?^T5R, f 'T f a o T*TTWT

(’I ) £q-*TT Ht% :—

tt€t tt H7*r ^nrr Tt *rf rrfsr Trfte sriT ?*t r tt stpt irsf TTT W Tt »lf ft

i .

1. T^TUT jT7 iTFjr T'T'jT Tt-STTT- 14-5-76 «ftT3fy TTT^TT Hi H^Ndt %o TWTWT

2. jf^nrr. T t-m 'T - p o o 25- 3-77 atrsfr ?rr»rT n

( i t ) ir ^rt % T^fSPT I *t frrl% 9 TTT5R TTTtr ipr 3|t f r rrw^if % TTt? 8 fr?fttfteT fltr ^TTT TT^T-^TT sftTT f*TT | ? Tt $rt tt f i fH*t ^ t r i t t srfar w r tV ht^ttwt | i v iq v m F ? tT ^JV^«y sft 3(7% T T SjtTTfTTTT TWT^T HKIH9 H ^ f^3T mii*Hl I t t w *r*t («rt snnf iriw) j (tf) *f T^TTPT TTZ'T-^T^' 5pm t- *t *rr#, 1977 Tt- sraftr *r §*t % fel< Jfi'vt I 1,69,041 WW-Tt im tw frtj ^TTT » OTW, 1977 % TTW T Tt- yjf^r ^f^w T HiaR TT ^?rm 5TT T^T ^ I ?t T TTT J ^T5^ft W T T ^ T H sm?r ^ 1977 Tt?T^ftr#fT^ 22 5 3* «ft ^To l»ffo : »ITT ^ # r ^ + ' T t w t w w wtr Tfrrrr irat ^ 5,69^031 «ft 1 '(iw i'( srtrr ifrn* ^TT% Tt fTT T^t fT 1977 % # ^ T fo tv n f^ 7 w r | 1 -> ~2 U Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 212


1977 * «T>* JTOfft WmWff WWT

(WTO? |)

**» xrm/*iqmfaz £*/tr*fanri JTTT^T *TWT w w r ** 77 % WTV,A77 (***, 77 £ 77)

1 2 3 4

1. *TT;H 5T%^T . • 8 2,91 6 84,237 2. # # • 28,956 '9 ,3 9 6 3. fa$rc . . . 215,285 *11,500 4. ^T^TTTT # • 50,143 62,232 5. ^f^non . . 21,032 3,139 6* M^wi • . 13,508 732 7- 3r«rS>T fTTiftT . 8,837 2,364 8. , . 60,963 73,255 9. %r*r . . . 50,415 53,870 10. *TCT sr^JT . . 92,352 20,827 11. *T$K»^ . . 177,467 83,989 12- . . 653 356 13.. . . 509 186 14*9 . . - . 45 28** 13* ^WtWT . • 72,323 T 40>028 1 e .>’ @ ■rrrr 2 13 Written £v

1 2 3 r| - 4 ------j a g j j ! ]

19. df*m^T¥« # . • . 8fc815 [ 56,091 : 20. ftrjTT . . . . 157 150 21:J # 65,971 8,414 22. . . . 70,339 20,353 2 3. * Prvt^rr shr . 212 T 186 ■24. . . # 1 69f- 2 7 @ 2 5. . . . 440 491 26. . . 169 .r. 79 2 7. r<5c^o. •. , # t 8, 1 86^ 4,111 28. ift? sta . 2,226^ 1,438 2 9. * *Ttf5>T . . 9 4 30. fmtTJI . . . 199 488 31. . 835i 1,944 32. TtfT W3FW . 8,953 8,320* 33. . . . 6,389^ 3,678*

ITTTrT . . . 1,169,041 569,031u<

t fKT*d, 1977 %

1977 ri+ % ^i*f>s

U.N* Membership^of* > South Korea There is at present to our knowledge no proposal before the U.N. regard­ 2254. SHRI C. N. VISVANATHAN: ing the admission of the Republic of W ill‘the Minster of EXTERNAL AF­ Korea to the United N*ti9&s« r FAIRS be pleased .to state: (b) Does not arise. (a) the present position regarding admission of South Korea, as member o f United Nations; and Improvement of ( (b) the stand of Government of through Satellites India in the matter and the positive steps taken or. proposed, to be taken 2255. SHRI C. N. VISVANATOAN:; to 1 supp^t menfoership,. of,r/Souths Will the Minister of COMiyUJNICAy, Korea? ^ TIONS be pleased to stata:^

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (a) the precise position at present > THE'. MINISTRY OF -r- EJCTERfJAL regarding the improvement 0{ pommiUj ? nications through satellites; t r * AFT/*8Sy (Sim S. KVWW: <»*-

(b) the number of satellites in (16) Spain operation and the fresh satellites pro­ (17) Sri Lanka posed; and . H______.__ (18) Thailand- ^ (c) the number and names of sta­ (19) UAE tions connected to the satellite system? (20) U.K., and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (21) Zambia. THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD Besides these, a large number of cotin- SUKHDEO SAI): (a) to (c). Opera­ tries are linked via satellite by tion of telecommunication services through-put circuits. . . . r?- through the medium of satellite has 3. For domestic telecommunications, two aspects, namely, for external and there is presently no r satellite in domestic use. operation* (} . 2. For external telecommunications, In view of the urgent need for pro­ India switched over to satellite med­ viding high quality circuits between ium in early 1971 via the Indian Oc­ the Main Land and Island/remote ean satellite of the International Tele­ areas, it is proposed to utilise a leas­ communication Satellite Organisation. ed fractional transponder from. At present, 80 per cent of telegraph, INTELSAT. This project envisages 99 per cent of telephone and 98 per two Gateway stations at New Delhi cent of telex traffic is handled through and Madras and five remote area the satellite medium. The reliability stations at Port Blair, Nicobar, Kava- of satellite communications is 99.9 per ratti, Leh and Aijel. This project is cent. scheduled to be completed in 1979.

In so far as the International Tele­ It has also been decided to estab­ communication Satellite Organisation lish a multi-purpose Indian National is concerned, there are altogether Satellite system to provide domestic four working satellites covering the telecommunication, TV Broadcast and Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and the Meteorological Services. Under this Indian Ocean regions. * scheme, it is proposed to have two satellites in geo-stationary orbit by the end of 1980. The project envisa­ India has established direct satellite ges 22 fixed earth-stations and six links with the following 21 countries:— Air/Road transportable stations. Anti­ (1) Australia cipated locations are Bombay, Cal­ (2) Bahrain cutta, Shillong, Ahmedabad, Ema- kulam, Jullunder, Lucknow Patna, (3) Bangladesh Bhubaneshwar, Hyderabad, Jaipur, (4) East Africa Gangtok, Itanagar, Jodhpur, Srinagar, (5) France Minicoy, Bhuj, Imphal, Goa, Agartala, Nagaland and Pondicherry. (6) Greece (7) Hongkong fHTT if Iftaf (8) Iran (9) Italy 2 2 56. ItTOT : : (10) Japan (11) Kuwait (12) Malaysia (13) Oman (*r) w t (14) Pakistan % ^ tpt %■ if * (15) Sinfapore 7j&ti ^ 5rn

srfrTsm n

VTffo TT»JT 1973 1974 1975

1 2 - 3 4 5

1. • . 3. 5 0 2. . . 1 . 1 4. 5 4. 0

3. . 2 . 6 2. 9 3. 3

4. f^M ^r srarsr . . 1.8 0 0

5. . . . . 2. 4 0 0

•6. 5TT7T . . . 2.0 0

7. . 1 . 2 *HkH«ETc $R^®0 8T

8. wfl'HT . . , . — M*\WU0

9. T^rfiT . . 5. 1 0 iR'WitlO

10. . 2. 4 0

1 1. 3ft*TT . 6.2 6. 3 5. 7

12. cf^TR . . 4 .0 4. 7 4. I 0 0 7. 8. 6 13. crfn^lH I i0 . . 8

14. f ^ T . . . 3. 3 t

15. h o t w r *%*r . , . — 0 219 * Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 i Written Answers *220

(if) ftfJT tMiWf fr<*u % ki^fi vt *t ^ tft | far ^mrft vfw ® r ^ 1 *r V i 4 v i iJc*T-ST ir ^nft ^ yxftK ^r% ^TPTf ^ I ffar fir* f^Tf^rftnr 36 icj *ttt4f :— 1978-79 *TT * m ^«f> WT TTT ft I «vt i.* vnfW $hrt Ir ^ r -% ^ srrofr^ wfui % wrto 8. PsR Ttfwf *rt f^WWf *t ^tt> ffTTT ^rthr srat m^WVcTT ffcft ^f *wO<4 wfc

%^lr % r t o ittt ^ % rm f *tt ftr^rr irm h rf ir ^ rr ^T % 5^ Tfa * fo ?T ^TcTT ^ I 9. T ^ % HTFW ^TT ^ i %

3r m w m i ^ tht ^ nft ^rnn^ ^rr #2. *T*?faf*jr%r«i)^>T T^t TT f^PJ^ «fTT%"% ^HFT TT :, 5. ^ fafjd

7. ^fwr vnrW ir nfhwjvr ( ^ ) ?»Vt (>t). p n f z~ sttt «rrt t t $ ^ ^TT ^ ^TT 10 ^ Vt ^T TT^

VT^T^ %, »^rfV?v; %72fhT - _ f^T/f^rf % fer#WT f a Hi 221 Written Answers 1 PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers ' 222:

% fan, Tra f i Trf qr WTFV 7 fw < «rm»r I? % st%. 3r fa*rr ht TTOT *pjt JHTI7 JTHfl) : t fa 7? % fatr spr w f fa w f ( * ) iftr (w ). f^ r r ^ v f ^rr *r farffar ^emfr $r i t sftr * *pjt tj^t 7T w anx^ft i.

(»r) sft ^ i far*ft q inrfa wwdRlr fft ir^nTrrr (?) ji? sw ^ sswt r '2258. frn TW:WW : ^qT , r«»iW Wfa TfT^TT VFHOT 22 Medicines for Patients fa«wr<, 1977 % $nTTTff%rr f f w 2259. SHRI DAYA RAM SHAKY A:; 4846 % '3 tTT !% ir ^ ^TR Will the Minister of HEALTH AND ^I'-'frTT ^ fa : FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to refer to the reply given to Starred (^ ) ^TT fa^fr *f ^TrTTvTT Question No. 231 on the 1st Decem­ ber 1977 and to state the number of Tt jTT^T farfflT % suggestions regarding the immediate 3 K ir f*r «Tl^ ;5rHvrCi ?ft supply of medicines to the patients, that have been implemented and also »rf of those that remain to be implemen­ ted? (® ) qfe sr, m s ftu ^TT ^ *?fe ri'T ?^T% ^TT VTTW THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND t; FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAGDA- MBI PRASAD YADAV): A state­ (»r) iTTTFT f¥«Tf%- % tKR ment indicating the position regarding 5^ gjrfa tfta v rw s*rfrw implementation of the recommenda­ tions made in the Study Report of TT f<;4T ipTT *TT Wlfa 3*1% ♦< iiri

Recommendation •Action taken/proposed toHbe taken for its taptanttrtNtiofi

II. (a) The CGHS dispensaries should assess their At presterit ^dispensaries are sendirg their annual requirement and finalise their quarter- quarterly indents to the Medical Stores wise quota in consultation with the Central Depot on the basis of their actual require­ Medical Stres Depot which should make ments of the previous quarter. The* arrangement for procurement of stocks recommendation for the dispensaries to , accordingly. assess their requirement on annual basi for advance procurement of stocks by the •rf ' Medical Stores Depot will be imple~ men ted shortly. ^ ^223 Written Answers MARCH 9. 1978 Written Answers 224

Recommendations Action taken/proposed to(b^ taken for its implementationk

.ix. (b) Tne regular indents submitted by CGHS dis­ This is being done. pensaries should cover the anticipated demand for the quarter plus a safety stock for fifteen days. The total demand should not exceed by mare than 15 per cent of the requirements ai per the original assessment for the quarter.

• 11. (c) Ifany extra quantity of a particular medicine To meet the extra requirement of particular is needed, a supplementary indent should be medicines (i)” supplementary indents are submitted duly explaining the exigency. being placed once in a month, (ii) by hand indents twice in a a week, and (iii) emergent indents at any time on the M-S*D> besides local purchase indents placed daily with Super Bazar. a 1. (d) Tne Central Medical Store D^pot should not Usually no cuts are made by the Medical ecercise any cut ia ci*s of regular indents. Stores Depot on the regular quarterly In respect o fs j jpleai indents if a cut is Indents received from the dispensaries considered necessary it should be inide only except in respect of certain items whoa?* after consulting the M O. Incharge of the stock position may not be good at that concerned dispensary. particular time. In such cases the require­ ment of one month is supplied and pro­ curement action taken by the Medical Store Depot to meet the full req :irement.

'i 2. In the forms for regular indents the name of Action with regard to getting the names 01 the m'dicinci and codes m*y be printed to medicine printed on the indent forms will avoid unnecessary clerical work. b? taken shortly. a 3. The Central Medical Stores Depot may send All the dispensaries arc being regularly on weekly basis only the circular showing informed of the new arrivals and medicines fresh arrivals of medicines during the week and out of stock. the list or items which are out of stock on the date of its issue.

'14. (i) Opening of Chemist units in as many branches Super Bazar was requested to open Chemist of Super Bizar as p^isible m iy be expedited. units in all their branches. They agree that wherever they have Chemist units in their branches, they would supply the medicines to the dispensaries falling within their area, but this has not yet been put into practice by Super Bazar.

,14. (ii) In respect of non-listed medicines and medi­ Presently the practice is to authorise the cines out ofstock in the Central Stores Depot, patients to procurr directly from the Super the beneficiary, ir so desire, may be autho­ Bazar the non-listed out of stock medicines rised to procure the medicines directly from which are of life saving and emergent the Super Bazar. nature only, and others are procured from Super Bazar on local purchase Indent sent daily. No further liberalisation is considered necessary in this regard.

Number of Mini-Steel Plants and (b) the number which are economi­ their Production cally viable and the reasons for un­ satisfactory working of units which 2260. SHRI A. BALA PAJANOR: are not so viable; ' Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state: (c) whether Government have (a) the number of mini-steel plants studied the factors responsible for in the Country and* the qua*ntum of success of mini-steel plants In China; production by these units; and , 225 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18. 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 22$

(d) if so. the lessons drawn for sue- Kudremukh Iron Or© Project cessful adoption in India?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN 2261. SHRI MANORANJAN BHAK- THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND TA: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) MINES be pleased to state: 124 mini steel plants have so far been commissioned. Out of these, 94 units reported production of 7,62,133 (a) the names of private parties/ contractors engaged in Kudremukh tonnes of steel ingotf and 16,948 ton- project and details of work with each ties of liquid metal for castings, during party; and April-Decembcr 1977 (nine months).

(b) Economic viability of a unit is (b) whether delay in its implemetti- dependent on general factors like tation is likely to result in escalation managerial competence, production of the cost and if so, details thereof? efficiency, adequate availability at reasonable prices of important inputs like power, scrap and graphite elec­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN trodes, market demand etc. Statistics THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND regarding viable/non-viable mini steel MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) plant units are not maintained by The necessary information in res­ Government. pect of contracts exceeding Rupees One crore in value is given in the (c) Government have not carried attached statement. out any study on the functioning of the mini steel plants in China. (b) No delay in implementation (d) Does not arise. of the project is apprehended.

Statem ent Statement of contracts exreeding One crore in value awarded to private parties jeontractors in Kudremukh Iren Ore Project

Name of jhe party Description of work

r. M/s. Asia Engineering Corpoiation Construction of 292 residential quaiters.

2. M/s. Asia Foundations and Constructions Piling work for Silos. Ltd.

3. M/s. Tarpore and Co. i Uivil engineering works in the plant 4. M/s. Uttani Singh Duggal and Co. j 5. M/s. Jaiprakash Associate Construction of Lakhyadam.

6. M/s. Gammon Nirman Foundation for Concentrate stoiage shed at Parambur*

7. M/S. Gammon India Civil works at Mangalore. 8. M/s. Dodsal Private Limited Laying of iron ore slurry pipeline.

9. M/s. Binny Limited

10. M/s. Bharat Industrial Works Structural steelwork. 11. M/s. Southern Structural 1 3942 LS*—8. 227 Written Answers MARCH 9: 1978 Written Answers 228

Visiting- Chinese delegation and their (

Will the Minister of STEEL AND (*r) w % fHTT MINES be pleased to state: *t 4WWK TO eTTr 'TfeTTf (a) whether the visiting Chinese ff^ft % « hntt [?t\t Trade Delegation has shown interest JTT'fT ^ 3TRt *i)t in Indian Iron Ores, Steel and Steel productions; (*r) WT 5T«n- whether the tea^ visited some *rtr qfa+ufl ^fT% % o r Steel Plants; if | tftr ^r, eft

(:) if so, the facts thereof; srtrr ^ | ? (d) whether any l°ng term export of steel products from India to China has been envisaged after such visit; and SFTR ?ftT T R flfXTeW R 7THT *nft (Mt vfTUt »T«TT) : ( ^ ) 5*TTeT (e) if so, the facts thereof? s itr « t r if^TrTT if ^t tfw 15,471 I fsRif snrsft ^ 15,05 9 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN wk ffp?t 412 f I THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) Yes, Sir. ( if snbft 5 ^

(* r) ? t t r w tr t r fr»rn ft %

2263. «ft 5TTO f*T5 : ^TWTPTzff if W&T ^T *t frjft eRRhft ^TT T R q'sft 3eTT^ *t ?tstt ‘j f y ' W i TTt srnft | fjR^r ^f*TT >T ft* * Tfrf f^WTTf if f%TT ITT

^ r c f ?t ?>err 1 1 f a r *ft fa«ror

( * ) % Tfer- TT f^ ff i f qTrf* ?flT Tfa+ll' ♦ nm if f W t eft

farfcr jttt smfinH srem* »TRrffar «ift>fd+ q f ^ ^t ?ft7 % ir f^f^t ^infa^r 2264. sn w J W SRTHrc 5RIW *TT% 1978 ir w vii W n *t5ft ^ vt f^ri farr if ^T'fit ^?*r to rt to: f a • * 1 (*>) ^ H ^ /fa »rn r gTrr 19 7 7 % ^Vi't vtTr-vhr ^ st+ivm stIt 7 ^ - ^ + rrr fa^T^ft; fafor *r?n*TO * rrsmm wfafro* fft fw fN fa (^) ir f%cnff f^y if Or^Trft »rf srh: ? r t spMVHf, q^- T%vmf f ^ t ir 5nnf?Rr * ^T?t % 2265. «ft tohj fir$ *}%nf : tot K' ji | ; to: ffwt 115 ^t ?qr ^ r fa : (»r) tot 5fzt fnr w+ ivht *rk qfarosrf *?t, *ft ?r»ft *fr ir r e ifoia |^>) tot ^t^ni if Tnwmr fait ^n% | ir Om^pr *ft fa^n; ^r a m 3( 3) ^t ^ fw t ; ^ %■ fainf^cT faqi ^rr | ;

(<*) qft ?t, at if sra (<5) q-ft ^t, eft TO, 1977 % t o t fa ir t o ! ? i f^cTTo? % fatT tot qro^t ^t srr T^t | ? fa^r-ft*ra eprf* f w f f s m faqr ijqr fa?PT^>T 3*T ^*ft ir 'jPT^TI fat s(t *nrnT7 h ttto *rft (v t M ^nrsrft ^ jtt ^ t & irnxfhr TTf^V 3T W xftV >1?T % ?ft*T T !^ | I IJHo 5^ ) • (^ ) ^ ( ’*’)• '^T®5J ^TOT % VTUTT qT 1977 % ^tTTT¥ 1 97 7 % ^\TR q^ft Tt jfeTCTO SITTftRT if 221 ?n^5r cm

Indian Lunacy Act (3) The Bill provides for admis­ sion of a mentally ill person to a 2266. SHRI VASANT SATHE: Will psychiatric hospital or a psychiatric the Minister of HEALTH AND nursing home. Under the present FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to Act, admission was restricted to state: mental hospitals.

(c) whether it is a fact that Go­ (4) Under the present Act, vernment are considering to replace patients may be admitted into a the outmoded Indian Lunacy Act of mental hospital in the following 1912 by a more humane and com­ c a se s :- , prehensive law on mental health; (i) by application of the pa­ tient himself with the consent of (b) if so, furnish details of the two of the Visitors of the changes proposed; and hospital; (c) at what stage of formulation (ii) a reception order by a the Bill stands and how soon it will Magistrate in the following be introduced in the Parliament? cases: — (a) cn petition by a nearest THE MINISTER OF STATE IN relative supported by two medi­ THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND cal certificates; FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAG- (b) on arrest and report by a DAMBI PRASAD YADAV): (a) police officer in case of danger­ Yes. ous persons; (c) on report by a police (b) The salient features, of the Bill officer of cruel treatment or in comparison with the Indian Lunacy inadequate care and control by Act, 1912 are as detailed in the any person in charge of a attached Statement. mentally ill person.

(c) The draft Bill is ready and a However, under the proposed legis­ proposal to publish it for eliciting lation, a patient may be admitted: public opinion is under consideration. (i) as a voluntary patient with­ out any legal, formalities as in the Statement case of physical illness; The following are the salient featu­ (ii) on a temporary treatment res of the Bill in comparison with order valid for six months issued the Indian Lunacy Act, 1912; by a Magistrate Including Execu­ tive Magistrate empowered in this (1) Stigmatising terms Hke ‘in­ behalf on the basis of one medical sane’, ‘lunatic’, ‘idiot’ and ‘asylums’ certificate; are being replaced by suitable alternative expressions such as (iii) on a reception order issued ‘mental illness’ and ‘Psychiatric by a Magistrate on an application hospital”. Nursing Homes are re­ by a relative supported by two ferred to as Psychiatric Nursing medical certificates; Homes. (iv) on a reception order issued (2) The definition of ‘mental by a Magistrate on the report of a illness’ has been suitably modified police officer in the case of persons to make it clearer and more believed to be dangerous by reason comprehensive. of mental illness; 233 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 234

(v) on the report of a police offi­ about the progress of patients cer or any other person that a admitted under the Magistrate’s mentally ill person is not being orders and for periodical special given adequate care and control or reports on mentally ill offenders is neglected or ill-treated where by Psychiatrists; there is no person legally liable to maintain the mentally ill person; (iii) for discharge, leave of absence etc. 0f mentally ill (vi) in emergency cases (invol­ persons; untary) on the basis of a medical certificate but subject to production (iv) for appeal by any patient before a Magistrate within 72 hours; against involuntary admission or (vii) after judicial inquistion. continued detention; (v) for appeal against orders (5) The Bill also provides for of the Magistrate; admission, under special circum­ stances, of a mentally ill person (vi) for judicial inquisition by who does not or is unable to ex­ District Courts regarding alleged press his willingness for admission mentally ill persons possessing as a voluntary patient, for a limit­ property, provision for appoint­ ed period not exceeding ninety ment of guardian and manage­ days without reference to a Magis­ ment of estate, with provision for trate subject to application being appeal to High Court; made by a relative supported by (vii) for legal aid to mentally certificates of two medical practi­ ill persons at State expense in tioners, one being a psychiatrist. certain cases; This is a very important step as it is felt that owing to the stigma (viii) for ensuring that the attached to the procedure of going Medical Officer in charge of! a through the Magistrate etc., a large mental hospital is a qualified number of mentally ill persons who Psychiatrist; could have been usefully admitted and treated in a Psychiatric Hospi­ (ix) for meeting cost of main­ tal or Psychiatric Nursing Home tenance of a mentally ill person are not able to avail of it. in a psychiatric hospital or psy­ chiatric nursing home by the State Government in suitable (8) The provisions for the deten­ cases; tion and treatment of mentally ill offenders are being continued. (x) for ensuring the civil rights of the patients by executive (7) Provision has also been made instructions. for the following in the proposed legislation: — Preferential treatment to wards of P. & T. Men (i) for the regulation of psy­ chiatric hospitals and nursing homes; 2267. SHRI VASANT SATHE: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA­ (ii) for the periodic inspection TIONS be pleased to state: of psychiatric hospitals or psy­ chiatric nursing homes by visi­ (a) whether his Ministry propose tors appointed for the purpose and to accord a preferential treatment to for periodical reports by the wards of P&T men for providing jobs Medical Officer in charge of a in the P&T Department on the lines psychiatric hospital or psychiatric of the proposal under consideration nursing home to the Magistrate by the Railway Ministry; 235 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers

(b) if so, furnish details of the THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND £teps taken in the matter; and MINES (SHRI BIJU PATNAIK): There are two agreements with (c) if not, the reason for not con­ Iran, both executed by the Steel sidering such a demand? Authority of India Limited on the 4th November, 1975, and subsequently THE MINISTER OF STATE IN assigned to the Kudremukh Iron Ore THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ Co. Limited. One relates to the sup­ TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD ply of iron ore concentrate to the SUKHDEO SAI); (a) No, Sir. National Iranian Steel Industries Company and the other to provision (b) and (c). Question does not of credit for meeting the cost of ♦arise. implementation of the Kudremukh project. The two agreements are contingent one each other. Iranian Oil Credit to India Under the Sale and Purchase Con­ 2268. DR. SUBRAMANIAM SWA- tract, which is between Kudremukh MY: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL Iron Ore Co. Ltd. (Seller) and the AFFAIRS be pleased to state the National Iranian Steel Industries Co. exact terms of the Iranian Oil Cre­ (Buyer), a total quantity of 150 mil­ dit to India and the agreement bet­ lion tonnes of iron ore concentrate ween the two countries in regard to has to be supplied over a period of the administration of the rupee coun­ 21 years starting from the 23rd terpart funds? August 1980. A quantity of 3 million tonnes is to be delivered during the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN first full year of operation, 5 million THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL tonnes during the second year and AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): Iran 7.50 million tonnes from the third has offered to make available addi­ year onward; with a tolerance of tional crude oil supplies annually at -1-10 per cent. The concentrate should OIEC price on credit terms or lump­ contain, in accordance with the spe­ sum payment, as may be suitable. cifications laid down in the contract, The rupee equivalent of these instal­ 66.5 per cent iron on the average ments or the lampsum would be (64 per cent minimum); the Silica funded in India, as required, whether -(-Alumina should not be more than for investment or expenditure or 4 per cent on the average (5 per cent could be used to finance approved max.). The moisture has to be limit­ projects such as Alumina Project for ed to 9 per cent max. There is pro­ the Eastern Coast deposits of bauxite, vision for payment of bonus and Paper and Pulp Factory for Tripura penalty on account of variations in and Second Stage of Rajasthan Canal- the quality and quantity of supplies from the Stipulations made in the The details are yet to be decided contract. upon by the two Governments. The Financial Agreement which is between Kudremukh Iron Ore Co. Indo-Iranian Agreement Rc. Kudre- Limited (Borrower) and the Imperial mukh Project Government of Iran (Lender) pro­ vides for the lender establishing a 2269. DR. SUBRAMANIAM SWA- credit not exceeding US $630 million MY; Will the Minister of STEEL for financing the implementation of AND MINES be pleased to state the the Kudremukh Iron Ore Project, in­ terms of frido-Iranian agreement re­ cluding the port and power facilities. garding fllie Kudremukh project? The credit can be utilised for meet­ 237 Written Answers PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Written Answers 238

ing all items of capital expenditure (v) Overhaul of external D ian t except taxes, levies and duties im­ equipment up to the extent of 50 posed in India and the incidence of per cent this year. which is directly fixed on the Bor­ rower by law. In advance of $100 (vi) Provision of microwave sys­ million was received on the 23 rd tems for provision of junctions bet­ February 1976. Further disburse­ ween the Central Exchanges and ments are made periodically on the satellite exchanges in Calcutta. basis of actual expenditure incurred by the Borrower. The loan is to be Progress of Steel Plants in Visakha- repaid in 31 equal, successive, semi­ patnam, Vijayanagar and Salem annual instalments, beginning 5 years after the effective date of the 2271. SHRI S. R. DAMANI: agreement (9th February 1976). SHRI G. S. REDDI: Will the Minister of STEEL AND Functioning of Calcutta Telephones MINES be pleased to state:

2270. SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Will (a) the progress made on the estab­ the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS lishment of steel plants at Visakha- be pleased to state: patnam, Vijayanagar and Salem;

(a) whether complaints about the (b) the details of programme functioning of Calcutta Telephones drawn for 1978-79; and are continuing; and (c) by what time will the actual (b) if so, the facts thereabout and construction work and erection of the steps taken for improvement of plant and machinery start? the functioning of Calcutta Telephones during the last six months? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (SHRI KARIA MyNDA): (a) to (c). MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS Visakhapatnam and Vijayanagar (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKHDEO SAI): (a) No, Sir; the complaints have The Detailed Project Report (DPR) come down in number during the last on Vijayanagar Steel Plant was re­ few months. ceived by the Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) in April, 1977, while that (b) Following steps have been taken on Visakhapatnam Steel Plant in Octo­ for improvement:— ber, 1977. Both the DPRs are current­ (i) Flooding of trenches for test­ ly being scrutinised by SAIL. Mean­ ing joints. while, preliminary works like land acquisition, soil investigation, raw (Ii) Installation of cabinets, pro­ materials testing, etc. have been going vision of moisture barriers, use of on for quite some time and further jelly-filled cables. progress on these will be achieved during 1978-79. The dates by which (iii) 'Gradual pressurisation oi the actual construction work and erec­ underground Junction and primary tion of plant and machinery will start, cables. will be known only after the DPRs (iv) Overhauling of exchange have been scrutinised and approved by equipment including fitting of trail­ the Government and will also depend ing wipers and replacement of worn on the availability of financial resour­ out banks. ces. 239 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers

Salem; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Government have already approved MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES in March 1977 the first stage of Salem (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) and (b). Steel Project for the establishment ol Geological survey is a continuous pro. facilities to produce 32,000 tonnes of cess. Different areas of Dungarpur cold rolled stainless steel sheets and district are being investigated for cop­ strips per year. Necessary prepara­ per by the Geological Survey of India tory work and infra-structure facilities and the State Department ol Mining for this stage have been almost com­ and Geology in accordance with the pleted. Tenders for main plant equip­ programme coordinated by the State ment have been received. An agree­ Geological Programming Board. Of ment for supply of information and the three areas, Pader-ki-Pal, Bichi- technical services for cold rolling of wara and Balia-Deva-Gugran where stainless steel at Salem was signed on significant copper occurrences were January 26, 1978, between Salem Steel reported in Dungarpur District of Ltd. and M/s. Peugeot Loire of France. Rajasthan, GSI did not find encourag­ Construction of the cold rolling mill ing results at Bichiwara, while inves­ complex has also commenced. tigations by GSI at Balia-Deval-Gug- ran are continuing. Government of Rajasthan have located reserves of The following are the main items of 1.20 million tonnes with an average work to be undertaken during 1978­ copper content of 1.3 per cent in the 79:— Pader-ki-Pal area. (1) Bulk of the civil work for cold (c) Question does not arise. rolling mill complex. (2) Fabrication and erection nf structural for cold rolling mill. Work Schedules of Malanjkhand Cop­ per Project (3) Order placement for bulk of main plant equipment and utilities. 2273. SHRI S. R. DAMANI: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be The erection of main plant and pleased to state: equipment is expected to start in 1980. (a) whether in view of the urgency to feed Khetri Copper Smelter with Step* to explore Copper Deposits in ore, efforts have been made to advan­ Dungarpur District of Rajasthan ce work schedules on Malanjkhand Copper Project; 2272. SHRI S. R. DAMANI: Will ihe Minister of STEEL AND MINIS lie (b) if so, the details thereof; find pleased to state: (c) if not, what are the difficulties (a) what urgent steps have been coming in the way? taken to explore the copper deposits located in Dungarpur District of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Rajasthan; MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) No, Sir. (b) whether the Central Govern­ ment has also deputed its own officials (b) and (c). The work on the to expedite the work in conjunction Malanjkhand Copper Project was with officials of the Rajasthan Gov­ started in June, 1977. The mine cons­ ernment; and truction and the erection of matching concentrator plant of one million ton­ (c) if not, the reasons thereof? nes capacity per annum is expected to 241 Written Answers PHALGUNA IB, 1899 ( SAKA) Written Answers 242

be achieved by September, 1981. The ore at Khetri and Kolihan mines as expansion of mine and concentrator will be seen from the following figures:— capacity to 2 million tonnes per annum is expected to be achieved by Year Ore pro­ September, 1983. The work on the duction project is on schedule; as the time (tonnes) schedule of the project is already a tight one, there is no scope for ad­ •974-75 • • • • 613,539 vancing it. 1975-76 • . . • 775.393 Capacity utilization and actual produc­ •976-77 • • • «.°5«»569 tion at Khetri Copper Smelter Plant 1977-78 (April to December) 803,Il8

2274. SHRI S. R. DAMANI: Will the 1978-79 . . . 1,400,000 Minister of STEEL AND MINES be (targrt) pleased to state: (c) The Chandmari Copper Project (a) the capacity utilization and ac­ is being developed in two phases. tual production at Khetri Copper Phase I for the mine capacity of 500 tonnes of ore per day was completed Smelter in the current year upto 31st in December, 1975 and regular ore December, 1977; production is in progress. The work (b) to what extent the position of on phase II of the Mine for expansion of the capacity to 1000 tonnes of ore supply of copper ore has improved as per day is in hand. The production at a result of various steps taken; and the rate of 1000 tonnes per day is ex­ pected to be achieved during 1979-80. (c) the progress made to develop Chandirari and Dariba copper pro­ The Dariba Copper Project with jects? mine capacity of 100 tonnes of ore per day and a matching concentrator THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE plant was commissioned in September, MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES 1973. The project is in commercial (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): (a) The operation and working to capacity. blister copper production at Khetri smelter for 12 months from January to fWT(f SFTTrT fatTTT December, 1977 was 9648 tonnes. This represents 31 per cent capacity utiliza­ 227 5. TTo MPfV : tion. The low capacity utilisation at ^TT w t the Khetri smelter arose largely be­ fawrf ^FTTcT % cause of technological and operational Tt smrfar w* problems faced in respect of the smel­ I ? ter. Assistance from M/s. Furukawa of Japan has now been taken for re­ ttw w h solving this problem. The Japanese *fT*JT TOT) : SPT experts have already arrived. % ^ K

(b) if so, whether Government have inquired into these complaints ( « ) % f«fli *rfa and fixed the responsibility of such misdeeds? ^TT % f 3 + t4 ^ W t STfarfoffi ilM W ^T I *rfe ^t,%$ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA­ fcPHT % ^TT 3 3 FT *HT ^ I TIONS (SHRI NARHARI PRASAD SUKHDEO SAI): (a) and (b). No, Sir. The number of complaints iftr qfr^TT w^n*r m^thm *t against telephone service has gone down in the past few months. The TTW irsft («ft IHRTWt SRTR m ^ ) : complaints alleging rude behaviour of the telephone operators have been (*> ) ^ pt> t sNf 3r qfw r % few. All complaints are investigated ^rt ?nir % f^ftT st^tx and suitable action is taken.

9 Posts and Telegraphs Department is *r yim ^t ^'■it ^rr^nt 1 planning to issue a commemorative stamp of the late Shri E. V. Rama­ swamy Naicker; * («•) ^rnftwr « i w m ^ n % (b) whether Government have re­ IFcT^leT ?m ni 1 5 tpTTT ■jPTF^T^T 7^11>I ceived several protests from the pub­ lic against this; and irfw^r fon ht C t ' 1 ?nnrr %ttK * R -^ T ^ 7^ : s f t m (c) if so, what are the objections?

^T x 'i f I % w f t W - W T ^ 'T F3T- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN f^RTT *t?iHT *ii^T %

(b) and (c). Government has re­ to the Fund for all classes of ceived some protests from the public establishments/industries' at and they are being examined. 8 per cent as against the present rate of 6^ per cent A * and 8 per cent in respect of Benefits to workers covered by EPF specified industries/classes of Scheme establishments;

2279. DR. VASANT KUMAR PAN­ (ii) removal of the condition that DIT: Will the Minister of PARLIA­ in order to become eligible MENTARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR for membership of the Fund be pleased to state: one must have qualifying service of 6 months or 120 (a) whether Government are ac­ days of actual work or have tively examining several proposals to been declared permanent. give liberal benefits to industrial and (iii) reduction in the quantum of other workers covered by the Em­ forfeiture of employer’s share ployees Provident Fund Scheme; and of contributions in cases of resignation. (b) if so, what are the revised pro­ posals and from when they will be (iv) to amenfi the Employees operative? Provident Funds Scheme to make provision for enhance­ THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ ment of the amount of non- TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR refundable advance from (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) Rs. 300/- to Rs. 500/- in case and (b). The Central Board of Trus­ of members affected by na­ tees, Employees’ Provident Fund tural calamities. have recommended for Government’s (v) grant of refundable advance consideration the grant of a number to members who have not of benefits to the subscribers of the been paid their salaries for Employees* Provident Fund, which some time. include inter-alia: (vi) enhancement of the monthly (i) a uniform rate of Provident rate of pension as indicated Fund contributions payable below: —

Existing Pension Propsed Revision

Pay per month Monthly rate of Pay per month Monthly rate of Pension Pension

1. Rs. 800 and above 12 % of pay sub ject to 1. Rs. 1200 and 15% subject to a a maximum of Rs. above maximum of Rs. 150. 225. 2. Rs. 200 and above but *5% P?y subject 2. Rs, 800 and above 20% subject to a below Rs. 800. lo a maximum of Rs. but below Rs. 1200. maximum of Rs. 96 and miniumum 200 and minimum Rs. 60. of Rs. 160.

3, Below Rs. 200 30% of paysubject to 3. Rs.200 and above 25% of pay subject a minimum of Rs. but below Rs. 800. to a maximum of 4°/.. ' Rs. 150 and mini­ mum of Rs. 80.

4. Below Rs. 200. 40% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 60. 247 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 248

(vii) enhancement of the amount Import and Allotment of Steel to of retirement benefit from States Rs. 4000/- to Rs. 8000/. 2281. SHRI C. K. JAFFER SHARI- (viii) removal of the condition of EF: Will the Minister of STEEL AND a minimum average balance MINES be pleased to state what are of Rs. 1000/- for entitlement the details regarding the quantity of of the assurance benefit under stainless steel imported and the total the Employees' Deposit Link­ allotment made to each State during ed Insurance Scheme, 1976. last two years?

(ix) Increasing the maximum am­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN ount of assurance benefit THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND from the present limit of MINES (SHRI KARIA MUNDA): Rs. 10,000/- t0 Rs. 15,000/-. Presumably the Hon’ble Member is referring to stainless steel sheets, plates and strips.

Scrutiny of Overseas Employment The Minerals and Metals Trading Agents Corporation of India Limited import­ ed 7723 tonnes of these items of stainless steel during 1975-76 and 2280. DR. VASANT KUMAR PAN­ 9340 tonnes during 1976-77. Imported DIT: Will the Minister of PARLIA­ stainless steel plates, sheets and strips MENTARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR are distributed against registration be pleased to state: made by the individual users. There­ fore, the question of making bulk allocation, state-wise, does not arise. (a) whether Government scrutinise Income Tax verification certificates of the Overseas Employment Agents while issuing licences to them for recruitment of labourers for employ­ 2283* *To fajj : qsjf ment in foreign countries; and If q^ ^ f^TT ^'if Pf :

(b) if not, reasons thereof? (^ ) W flT+1 < fTT EJTFT

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ fe'TRT JPJT | fafcTd TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR % srfa *mt *rt (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): (a) and (b). Under the existing proce­ ^TT ; dure, Income Tax Verification Certi­ ficate of the Recruiting Agent is not (<5) qft ft, eft TT TO K itft scrutinised while examining his re­ quest for grant of provisional regis­ tration. However, this suggestion is (’t) wr 1TTCT w n

W ff TTW («ft t^To W »I liTiWI * TRU * * t («ft r») : (t) itto to r ^ 9 ^° S’?) = (^) («) :^Tt, 1 0 7 8 % ir 5Pf.TftrcT 1978 *T fitfeJT SWR H5ft ^t SIST %

ft«Rr ^rr^rmr % am % ? t T R ^IcNtrT if 3t*ft TSft Jf ^ T I T

3OT I C w H SSTT H fq fa «ft ^ »TlT5T-f5fe?T

% *1«i*tT % iJ f iH C lti Pf^TT *RT ^ fai % ^rfr^r cffeT ^?ff Jf * tzc t w ^ n* r ^ n f w ^ fn w % ^t*fl % 51% ^M'ff ^rr ^ trt Vl W I ^TFTT 1

(*j) wta: (*t) jt? *rfafer | fo «r^ r (^l) ^ x f t i i flTTTT wttw 8f ^ fafofan % % f ^ Q^ft ^nri^n^ff t t f^jcT f^ iT

^ iq d i ? * $ t Serving of Liquors at Receptions I 1 2285. SHRI K. MALLANNA: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS ) (o^ci if, HTTcT ■

2284. **t wta Wf>W fJJFft : (c) whether the High Commissions and other Embassies located in the w t f*%*T ^eft ^ ^ tt^T f ^ r ^ capital are at their liberty in serving f r : of imported liquor at the receptions/ dinners hosted by them; and (*?) WT *TCn fTH ft % VTTCT % (c) whether Government propose to use Indian made liquors at' these s ft % *ppt fe w % stsir *rat ^ >tr?t receptions/dinners hosted by heads of % +ll«4 f*M <. rft?T^ %Vft Jf N3 '3at*l various Departments including foreign FTTf’TcT TT^t ^T Sftdl^ ?R^TT % ?HT5T Embassies? t^t «rr fa ^to ^to tfto & THE MINISTER OF STATE IN *T ^'tTI'1 «ial<4r ^ ; THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) No, Sir. (^ ) ?rf? ft, rft WT H7TTT ?T FT Jr K ^>t f^nn (b) Does not arise. t ; «ftr (c) and (d). Foreign Missions are at liberty to serve liquor both im­ (* t ) ft, ?ft ^sff % Jrnr ^* tt ported and of Indian make at recep­ fsprt q% ^r>r ?qrFm tions/dinners hosted by them. The choice of the types of drinks served n fW T | ? is left to the discretion of the host. 251 Written Answers MARCH 9, 1978 Written Answers 252

Bringing Back Parts of Acad Hind 12.30 hrs. Monument RECOGNITION TO CONGRESS 2286. SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Will the PARTY (I) AS A PARTY IN LOK Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be SABHA pleased to state: MR. SPEAKER: I have to inform (a) whether some of the parts of you that I have accorded recognition the Azad Hind monument that was to the Congress (I) as a recognised demolished by the Army of Mount- party in the Lok Sabha, and Mr. batten while reoccupying Singapore Stephen as its leader. in 1945 have been kept at the Rawal­ pindi residence of Mr. Shah Nawaz SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN Khan; (Badagara): Sir, I rise on a point of order. (Interruptions) I had written (b) whether this fact was admitted to you regarding the Direction of the by Mr. Shah Nawaz Khan before the Speaker with regard to the recogni­ Khosla Commission of Enquiry and tion of the parties and groups. And also in reply to earlier questions relat­ you were kind enough to tell me that ing to the matter in the Parliament; you will allow me to raise this in the and House.

(c) if so, whether further steps While you said that you would go have been taken to bring back the by precedents in this regard, my sacred parts of the martyrs monu­ point was very different. My point ment so that proper steps could be was that the entire House rejects the taken for their preservation in India? concept of defection and it has been at least stated as the intention of at least some of the Ministers that they THE MINISTER OF STATE IN will bring forward some legislation. THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): (a) Now, it is very important that de­ As stated in reply to earlier ques­ fections should not be encouraged. It tions answered in the Lok Sabha on is in this context (Interruptions) that 20th March, 1974, 9th April, 1975 and I had written to you that the present 1st December, 1977, Shri Shah Nawaz Directions which govern the recogni­ Khan had informed that a small piece tion of parties and groups, that is, of the memorial plaque of the Directions 120 to 124, be revised and Shaheed Memorial of the Azad Hind also a new Direction added that any Fauj came in his possession in 1946 Member, if he so chooses to change and that he had left this portion of his party affiliation from the party the plaque with his family members on whose ticket he got elected, shall in Rawalpindi. Later on, his family individually approach you and give members had to migrate to India. you an affidavit in your presence. I am stating this because it is unfortu­ (b) Yes, Sir. nate that certain forces who want to pull down the democratic structure and party system in this country are (c) Our Embassy in Islamabad has active. Man-eaters shall not be allow­ not been able to trace the exact loca­ ed t prow around the precincts of tion of Shri Shah Nawaz Khan’s 0 this House. That is why I have sug­ erstwhile residence in Rawalpindi. gested that you be kind enough to We have now addressed Shri Shah add a new direction and lay down a Nawaz Khan himself in the matter new precedent. Certain gentlemen and his reply is awaited. have flexible consciences who change 253 Recognition of PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Congress Party (I) 254

it from day to day. If the recogni­ nature was ever submitted to the tion principle has to have any con­ Speaker. This matter I wanted to tent in it, then it has to be well laid- put before the House. Members have down. You cannot say I am sittinG submitted their letters to you and with this party today and tomorrw you might have found that the requi­ I can sit in some other party and site minimum was exceeded, namely cross over again. I do not v/ant to 54 was exceeded, so recognition had mention names. They are very dis­ to be given and you have given the tinguished Members of this House recognition. I am thankful to you for and are my friends also but I must giving the recognition. I now come say that this is a very basic and fun­ into existence as a recognised party. damental matter and I caH for a spe­ MR. SPEAKER: I have heard the cific new direction. I am also mov­ matter. Mr. Unnikrishnan has sent ing a motion to this effect that the me a letter. I had examined that Speaker be kind enough to give new letter and I told Mr. Unnikrishnan direction and precedent adding to that I would be bound by precedents. 120 to 124 of the Directions of the It is up to the House or up to the Speaker. leaders to meet and change the pre­ cedent. As long as that is not done, (Interruptions) the Speaker must go by precedents, and the precedent earlier adopted was SHRI SAUGATA ROY (Barrack- whenever a group is formed, if that pore); Sir, there have been allega­ group consists of more than 30 Mem­ tions that Members who have not bers, it will be considered as a group. actually signed for the new party If it is more than 50, it will be con­ their names have been put in the sidered as a party. It has been done list. It is necessary for you to ac­ earlier also. Therefore, I have told tually verify Mr. Unnikrishnan about that also. I am not looking into the merits of (Interruptions) the question. So far as the allegation regarding signature is concerned, it SHRI C. M. STEPHEN (Idukki): is not proper for me to send for the Now, Sir, I do not want to enter into Members unless it becomes absolute­ a controversy with any of my friends ly necessary. I had asked the office here on a matter which is between to check up the signatures with re­ parties. Facts are known to every­ ference to the register we are main­ body. I do not want to enter into a taining and it is on that basis I have controversy as to who defected from come to the conclusion that there are whom. You have given the decision. more than 50 Members. Therefore, The moment you have given the de­ I recognise the party as a party in cision, we are a recognised party. The the House and Mr. Stephen as the moment we become the recognised leader of that party. (Interruptions) party, there are certain conventions to be observed between parties. Any SHRI SAUGATA ROY; Sir, I have remark which goes in contravention given an adjournment Motion under of that relationship, I hope, will not Rule 56. The Prime Minister of India be encouraged. Therefore, I ignore has made certain statements about that. But I want to put the record the annexation of Sikkim. It ques­ straight. It was stated by somebody, tions that territorial integrity of the some friends here, that I gave you a country. Coming as it does, it is from list and all that. I want to make it the head of the Government and it clear that I have not given any list is a very serious matter. So, I pro­ to anybody. No list was submitted pose it is a sufficiently important by me to the Speaker. The respec­ matter for which the business of the tive Members wrote individually to House should be adjourned and this the Speaker, No list under my sig­ matter be taken up. 255 Recognition of MARCH 9, 1978 Papers Laid Congress Party (I)

12.46 tars. iRhrm wnrft (*mr) . HWfcT aft, *f -^l^dl jj—STTT H PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE «r*fY ' v m r - v r t tt frm Report of working Groups on TfffH—m f TT l HcT"i <4 3RT AUTONOMY FOR AKASHVANI AND Doordarshan t > q fn r m t t i ^■TrT^ Jf fjr^T iTKift % •rnr q r MiT H$\ iftffflijftq L. K. ADVANI): I beg to lay* on the w^fci | ^ wrr % THRT- Table a copy of the Report (Hindi and English versions) of the Working Wlf T% T^T 3TTT TT Group on Autonomy for Akashvani TT AM I and Doordarshan (Volumes I and II). [Placed in Library. See No. LT-1733/ MR. SPEAKER: That subject is 78], over. Employees’ Family Pension (Amend­ ment) Scheme, 1978. «ft «rftTTF ^rrit : snr qit ^ THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ tr Tt$ff-*fTf TT WT I ? TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR WT IT|[ frrft oMftd T 'ti*< It *T|[ +in'H- (SHRI RAVINDRA VARftiA): I beg «irf t % ft ? to lay on the Table a copy of the Empolyees' Family Pension (Amend­ SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA ment) Scheme, 1978, (Hindi and Eng­ (Delhi Sadar): Suppose some signa­ lish versions) published in Notifica­ tures are found wrong and they deny tion No. G.S.R. 101 in Gazette of India it . . .(Interruptions). dated the 4th February, 1978 under sub-section (2) of section 7 of the MR. SPEAKER: The Office has Employees’ Provident Funds and Mis­ compared it and I have passed orders. cellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. (Placed in Library. See No. LT- AN HON. MEMBER: Nobody can 1734/78], question when a Member has been elected on Cong(I) ticket; you must P assports (Second A mendment) not allow that to go on record. Rules and statement re. acceptance of tenders by Indian Missions at MR* SPEAKER: I have recognised London and W ashington that party. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN SHRI K. LAKKAPPA (Tumkur): THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AF­ Regarding adjournment motion___ FAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): I beg to lay on the Table:— MR. SPEAKER: So far as, the ad­ journment motion is concerned, it is (1) A copy of the Passports (Se­ still under my consideration; I will cond Amendment) 'TTutes, 1377, pass orders in the course of the day. (Hindi and English versions) pub­ lished in Notification No. G,SR. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: I gave a 734(E) in Gazette of India dated aotice of a call attention motion on the 7th December, 1977, under sub­ fabulous wealth being sold in Bom­ section (3) of section 24 of the bay, reported in the Press. Passports Act, 1967. [Placed in Library. See No. LT-1735/78]. MR. SPEAKER: I cannot recall all the things; I do not know. (2) A statement (Hindi ancT Eng­ lish versions) of cases in which low­ Now papers to be laid on the Table. est tenders have not been accepted 257 Papers "Laid PHALGUNA 18, 1809 ( SAKA) * He. Report on 258 J.P .’s Treatment

by the High Commission of India Notification under Customs Act, (Supply Wing), London and Em­ 1962 ' bassy of Injiia (Supply Wing), Washington, for the year ending THE MINISTER OF STATE IN 31st December, 1976. [Placed in THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE Library. See No. LT-1736/78]. (SHRI ZULFIQUARULLAH): I beg to lay on the Table a copy of Notifica­ tion Na. 62/V78-Customs (Hindi and A nnual reports of Post-G raduate English versions) published in Gaz­ Institute of Medical Education and ette of India dated the 9th March, R esearch, Chandigarh and Hindustan 1978, under section 159 of the Cus­ Latex Ltd., Trivandrum for 1976-77 toms Act, 1962 together with an ex­ planatory memorandum. [Placed in

f f^r^fsrPsRT *mr qarsr tt t^ tt 12.48 hrs. ? - MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT

( 1) ^RT^'rfn: fsren MR. SPEAKER: I have to inform the House that I have received the cT4r iR-o ’T'SJR ^vfFTS • following message dated the 7th March, 1978 from the President: zrf'lftWT, 1966 ^UTTT 19% “I have received with great satis­ srerocT f^%r*rr fsrsrr faction the expresssion of thanks by the Members of the Lok Sabha for the Address which I delivered to % ^PT 1976-77 % ^Tfcr^T both Houses of Parliament assembl­ ed together on the 20th February, 1978.” gfa i [Placed in Library. See No. LT-1737/ 12.49 hrs. 78]. RE. REPORT OF THE INQUIRY] (2 ) ?rffff^TiT, 1956 COMMITTEE ON SHRI JAYAPRA-/ KASH NARAYAN’S TREATMENT f spf a m 619 ^ itfr ^tetrt SHRI KRISHAN KANT (Chandi­ ( 1) % ’H'd'M f^pcTR garh): Last week we said that the 5TJW % JP report should be placed on the Table of the House and there was 1 9 7 6 -7 7 % ?rfqTSfcrt?JT discussion about it day before yester­ day. Your direction was that the a«TT scf^sfl- Health Minister should lay it on the f t r?,*F srfcT, Snar- Table of the House. It has not yet laid. The Health Minister is here.

SHRI VASANT SATHE (Akola): it, whatever they may say. The Mi­ Is that matter on the agenda? nister is here. The Speaker has given: a direction. There is no rule which MR SPEAKER: Yesterday some says that the Speaker can taken back Members raised the question that the the direction, the Minister is bound by Health Minister... . his direction. SHRI VASANT SATHE: We want SHRI VASANT SATHE: In the a full judicial enquiry and w? want Rajya Sabha? them to place the full report. \Ve are willing for that. (Interruptions). MR. SPEAKER: No, here; I am not concerned with Rajya Sabha. AN HON. MEMBER: They must tell the people what they are going SHRI VASANT SATHE: It has to to do. come on the agenda and we must SHRI VASANT SATHE: It is not know what it is; you cannot have a even worth the paper. . . . surprise. This thing has been so scandalous in the country. Interim report is taken and medical doctors fr'frs W | ? 5^ are being pressurised. He has threat­ # sfriK I 1 ened the medical profession. For ) heaven’s sake do not do anything contrary to the rules. It should be SHRI KRISHAN KANT: The direc­ on the agenda. tion of the Speaker must be imple­ mented. (Interruptions) These peo­ SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Is ple want to conspire.... he prepared for a judicial enquiry? (Interruptions) If he wants to answer that point, yes, because H was done by a doctor, for SHRI C. M. STEPHEN (Idukki): I whom I have great personal regard, am on a point of order. There are but who has not been, as you are certain rules and regulations govern­ probably aware, a practising doctor ing the matter of laying anything on at all for several years. Nor has ne the Table of the House; not any paper any competence in the field referred can be laid on the Table of the to him. It is not proper that the calu­ House. This is said to be an Enquiry mny should go on about the reputed Report and I presume that it was an medical profession of this country, enquiry under the Commissions of and particularly the one belonging to Inquiry Act— may be. If that is so, a very high reputed institution. That the Section stipulates that the Report is why I object to the laying of this must go to the President and that a report on the table of the House. We copy of the report will be caused to want to know whether he is going to .. be placed on the Table of the House. (Interruptions) This is not such a report at all. This is an interim finding arrived at and SHRI KRISHAN KANT: Whether the full Report has not come at all. there should be a judicial enquiry or It has not taken the shape of a docu­ not, that is a different thing. When ment which has to go to the President the House discusses the Report, the to be considered; then only a report Members are free to demand an en­ prepared under that can be placed on quiry. We may agree to that. But the Table of the House under the pro­ this attempt to see that the report visions of the Commissions of Inquiry does not see light of day is a conspi­ Act. The second point is that even racy, to see that JP’s treatment is not if any paper has got to be placed on brought out. We will not agree to the Table of the House, it must come 261 Re. Report on PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) J.P.’s Treatment 262

on the Order paper. In the order SHRI GAURI SHANKAR RAI paper, it has not come. Therefore, (Ghazipur): Both of them were par­ it cannot be placed on the Table of ties to that at that time. That is the House. Under these two counts why they do not want this Report to it cannot be placed on the Table of be disclosed. the House. The third point is that (Interruptions) if Mr. Raj Narain wants to make a statement then the statement is to be made only under a particular Rule— SHRI VAYALAR RAVI (Chirayin- Rule 372, This is not a statement kil): I am on a point of order. Sir, that is permitted under Rule 372 be­ this is a matter which has raised con­ cause this is not a matter which can troversy. The Interim Report can be be defined as a matter of public im­ placed if there is need or urgency of portance. If that is so, the matter action by the Government. There is was here, the matter was raised here no such need or urgency of action by and if you in your wisdom thought the Government. I am putting this that the Minister wanted to make a further point as part of my point statement, then that also should have of order was covered by Mr. Stephen come in the Order paper. It is not already. So, let the interim report something which has suddenly hap­ not be placed on the Table of the pened after sun set last night. This House. That is my point. matter was here and presumably you had occasion to consider it and pre­ SHRI KRISHAN KANT: The way sumably, therefore, you did not find they are doing it shows there is some­ occasion to place it on the Order thing fishy about it. If that is not the paper. Therefore a thing which was case, then why should they want to already before the House, which you hide the report? Mr. Jayaprakash considered and which stood to be Narayan was in jail when they were omitted from the Order paper, cannot ruling and it is this section who are all of a sudden be permitted to be opposing the laying of the report on' placed on the Table of the House as the Table of the House. a bolt from the blue. Therefore, on (Interruptions) three grounds I oppose the placing of this paper on the Table of the House SHRI P, SHANKARANAND (Chi- Or the making of a statement by the kkodi): There should be a judicial Minister on this matter. inquiry. Don’t you trust the judiciary? Say, you don’t trust. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA (Tumkur): (Interruptions) Mr. Speaker, Sir, Even if the Minis­ ter, Mr. Raj Narain, wants to make SHRI B. SHANKARANAND (Chi- a statement, it is not governed by demand for discussion or the report. Rule 372 because it is an interim re­ We have a right to demand. My dear port. Sir, why are you afraidr

SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: You are af­ MF, SPEAKER: You are repeating the same thing. raid. SHRI KRISHAN KANT; There is SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: The expert something wrong in it. They want opinion of the country has gone on hiding of the report. (Interruptions). record in the press. It is such a dis­ You want hiding of something now. torted report which has been given. That is why how do you allow such SHRI VASANT SATHE: Sir, this a report to be placed °n the Table Institute of Chandigarh is one of the of the House? So, we want to oppose best institutes in the world having the it. best doctors. You are discrediting 263 -Re- Report on MARCH 9, 1978 J.P.’s Treatment .. 264

[Shri Vasant Sathe] «ft *ftr sfRfff t t ^ srfrnr sft t t them today. This Government should t $t t t ^ Tt Ttftrvr Tt «ft t t T f be ashamed. They are trying to dis­ Tm sr^t Tt Ttfapfr t t t ^ ^ i credit the best institute that we have. (Interruptions). t ? t ^Tferr | fT t t t Tcft sft ?t t | ff> T f f r r t e t t t % t t t % t *j i

®rt t t t ) : fr®^- wimi t t 1 « ft ^(?fcT m s : ^ fs f? rT ? r j w m t ttt ?ttt^ Tfr «rr Tf wgcr T T T T # I ^rr tt nriMi | 1 «ft TT> TTT TTTlt ( t o r t ) : S T T T T t i f f T^tTT % TTTT fTTT TS T6 T 5ft, f T T ^ TTT *T?* T T^ Tf % fT fe'tC T^r 5TTT I t ^ tt fen jriv*ii fT smr Tf *T7T T t ^TeT5Tq?t ^ f t ^T?ft ^Tf^TT | f r r f ?t t ttj ?, jff^t ^t 3r?rt ^TTT^rt 5T?^T | efr ?fTTRt TT^T^ft x m ? 1 qvq-er Tfr^r, ? t t t t «t s |, tTrfr | I ^TTT T^M ^ 3TT 5T«t>i»i 3ft ^ST % 5fT STTT5T 3ft T ?T*T TeTT I sftr ?TT TO

|tt | fT r r t if MR. SPEAKER: There cannot be any running commentary. MR. SPEAKER: P lease....I have heard you. I have to hear him also. «ft *T^t TTT 9rTft : Ttf 3TeT ^-ft I, T5T % vfpff Tt 13 hrs. f ® H f 0 efr T ^ T T f r | I % fT *T ^TTT ^TTft 3TeT J p ft ^rf^TT | sit T T T m a T'eT : 3 T fT’TTt ?Tersr oft, t t t t t oft ^feT tr TTTt t^ t t t t t t z t f t T fls i'M ffp??eTR' T fr JTft JtTR T> TT^eTT ^tsf f^+'-M 3T^fT 1 fV>rl % T^frr ft 1 1 ft irra-ifr 1 t t t t £ fra r (Interruptions) | tttt »tt?tt tt ofr t r ^nsr tt »tt«t ^ t | | , f f ^ T T *ft t t t t t ? t | | 1 MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Sathe, you had your say. Why don’t you allow T f fTT ST?T I I m r stfT I eft others to have their say. _ ^ P T ^ l* H iTRT HI fr;11, I T TT t t t t tt Tifsm frt | 1 «ft Rsft TTH 9TTSt !TTT T f STT'TTT 4|i<; fTTT — T?T T? TT^ | I spTSTTro 3ft T T T %WJ ^ fT ?ftT 3T?ft Jf

*?t ^TT

f t r r ^ t r % % f^TT 3 n r t *ft ^ t ^3ff cTTTtT 5TCTT TT ?t >lf I T f 265 Re- Report on PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) J.P.’s Treatment 266

point of clarification. I do not under­ ^ I v im ^ T % «

•sft *rft rm fm t : SHRI D. B. CHANDRE GOWDA:

% 'Tf^' jRT? fi *rat 5ft, Sir, You have to give your ruling. fa ^ "JiFTT < ®TI Wfa 1*11 MR. SPEAKER: I have to give the *nrr if 1 sftr Ti^ft % h ?iw ruling. ^t^ ^3TT ^ f<*US

fT 'ftz ?rr% ^ t f f cT^ t r h t T ir yrf«rat answer those. He has raised a point of order. Three questions he has *T*ft | I SHfft T T R t raised. ^t 5TRt ^faTTTfft ifR? I I JTf SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: 3 f t 3TTW f *fsft 5ft % fTgm I ted to give a sumitlary of it, I objec­ ted to it. I said You cannot give a MR. SPEAKER: You have said summary of it”. Then, when he said enough. “ I may place the English report”, I said “do not create trouble; place sft *rft rm 9 Fnft : 12

^ t ( o t^ o t h ) sf trfafrfasf; stft f said “ I want some time.’’ I said. “All right, you can do it on Monday.” I ( w w a m ) ^ ^ftn ^ f t ir *rr%, ?nrc have not given any direction. Only 5PT 5RTT5T ?TTTT*r*T f t ^ I I stopped him from placing this.

MR. SPEAKER: No. we have de­ Now, three questions have been bated enough. Now I will ask the raised by Shri Stephen. One is that Minister to reply. you cannot lay under the Act a re­ port, which is an interim report, Sec­ SHRI D. B. CHANDRE GOWDA ondly, he has said that you cannot (Chikamagalur): Mr. Speaker, one lay it is submitted to the President. 267 Re. Report on MARCH 9, 1978 J.P.’s Treatment 268

[Mr. Speaker] The appropriate Government shall cause to be laid before the Thirdly, it is not in the Order Paper. House of the People or, as the case So far as the last point is concerned, may be, the Legislative Assembly there are many questions coming in , of the States, the reports, if any” here like that, because the Speaker —I am laying stress, I am under­ is not even allowed to deal with them. lining the words, if any”— -* Today we had adjournment motions and other motions. They have all It says: come. So, there is no question about . . . . of the Commission on the it. But the other two points are imp­ enquiry made by the Commission ortant. One is that you cannot lay it under sub-section ( 1) together with unless and until the final report has a memorandum of action taken come. Secondly, you cannot do it ex­ thereon.” cept___(Interruptions) I am looking into that. Here, my submission is that it must not necessarily be accompanied by a SHRI KRISHAN KANT: Mr. memorandum of action taken. It may Speaker, I would like to read from well be that the Government would the proceedings of Lok Sabha yester­ decide not to take any action, and day, where the hon. Speaker was kind that would also be considered an ac­ enough to say as follows: tion in terms of law. But the country must know the findings and the country “The Minister of Parliamentary must know whether the cause for this Affairs may kindly inform the Min­ concern was justified or not, {Fat is ister that he had promised to place the principal point involved in this. the report by Monday, but he had What action the Government takes not yet placed it and that I would on the report. Whether to present like to know why he had not done not an obligation which must be car­ so; he must do that immediately.” ried out while laying the report.

That is your direction. It says: MR. SPEAKER: This is what I am ___ by the Commission under saying. He has promised to do it and sub-section ( 1) together with a he has not kept up his promise. There­ memorandum of action taken there­ fore, he must keep up his promise. on within a period of six months." Today a legal question has been rais­ ed, that he cannot do it. I have to The most important point is that the decide that question. Government cannot exceed the limit of six months for taking any action On the report. Whether to present SHRI SHYAMNANDAN MISHRA without any memorandum of action (Begusarai): Sir, may I make a sub­ taken on it is not the material point. mission on the legal point? This Com­ mission was appointed under the Com­ Here, the plea taken by the Gov­ missions of Inquiry Act. In a sense, ernment is completely different. all the provisions of the Commissions The plea taken by the Govern­ of Inquiry Act were to apply to this. ment is that it is not the final re­ Now, what does the Act say about the port, the full report. The plea' taken laying of reports? I would like to by the Government is not that the draw the attention of the Chair and Government has not taken any deci­ of the House to what the Act says sion on it. The plea taken is that it '* about the laying of the Reports on is not the full report. Here my sub­ the table. I am drawing your atten­ mission is that the Act says any re­ tion to section 3, sub-section (4), port” , it does riot say that it should ■which says: be the final report. 269 Re- Report on PHALGUNA 18, 1899 ( SAKA) J.P.’s Treatment 270

There have been occasions when law to have any such partial docu­ the Government has taken action ment which cannot be described as a even on an interim report, and parti­ report to be placed on the Table of cularly an interim report is required the House within the terms of the Only for taking action in accordance Act. with the public interests involved in it. Therefore, this report could be of any nature, whether it is a full report SHRI G. M. BANATWALLA (Pon- Or an interim report is immaterial, and nani): I will place the point very so if the House had been assured that briefly before you. Section 3(4) of the interim report would be made the Act is very relevant and must be available to the House, I think this taken into consideration while decid­ obligation must be fulfilled, it is not ing the point. It very clearly and prevented by the Act. And this is also categorically says that the report of not the Government’s case that it is the Commission has to be placed not accompanied by a memorandum af before the House. It does not action taken. Government’s "case is say “report” or “reports”. There only that it is not the full report, cannot be a plethora of reports, pre­ but the House, after having consider­ liminary, interim and final reports. ed all aspects of the matter, had come There can te only one report, and to the view that the report must be that is the report of the Commission placed before the House. Therefore, which has to come before the House. the Chair had also asked the Minister Therefore, if an interim report is now to carry out the wishes of the House. placed, this House will be barred The Minister having given the as­ from receiving any further report surance to the House and the Chair about the matter. The term used is also having asked the Government to singular and is preceded by the arti­ fulfil the assurance given to the House* cle “the” and it also requires the I think it would a step which cannot memorandum of action taken together be appreciated particularly at a junc­ with it. Therefore, I submit before ture when the country is celebrating you that section 3(4) contemplates the Amrit Mahotsav of Lok Nayak only one report. It is couched in the Jayaprakash Narain. If the reports singular. Therefore, it is only one was required at any stage in the report which is the report and the country it is at this stage that this final report which will come before report on this very important matters the House. The House cannot be is required and not later. taken for a ride by giving a plethora of reports. SHRI VASANT SATHE: The first point is that it is not a report in jfVttehpr rra : terms of section 3(4). The Govern­ ment will say that no memorandum of action taken accompanies it. Why? T W ^T^TT £ I Si? Because it is not a full report. There­ frrcff srr m fore that six months period will be fully waived by saying that they will ssfta | 1 if srrc do it after the full reports is avail­ able. And in the meantime they will avoid this report and submit to you *FT SPJ'T ^ I T'i'1'1 % f^T'-lfw7t a partial finding or observations or % I far whatever it is which will confuse the fVDd <.<3*1 country, I am not going into the ' <0 merits of the whole case, about the ^ | far | 1 mrr man who made the enquiry, the man­ ner of the enquiry etc., but I say that ’TR

^nmr^r ^nrm ^ft q»wiiifV fV lV ITRt ^rf^TT aft I $ *t7T *TT^

t f t ^ ^ tt ^ n | ; vf \X % s m fh ^ T 3?t 3TcT history. ^ I i ^ ^ t | srtr tf^ ’i it Min h farm ^ f*r frfte 1 9 6 9 ^ ^ ^Tf- T€ft srnr i * t t t t ^t f t t t ^ t^ tt ^nr ^tt ijtt %f^r ^ | fa srasrfrm aft % g-rc w t ^HKd % Ti^^nfd £*T *tT ^T ^T^T, ^ $ | I («T^€TR) 1969 it vn\\* >sft % f^fxTcT ^Tft ^TT . • . ^tsi ?ftr (WcTTT) . . TO jfrrmft ?t r *ft f^nrr, irfs tw * ^r«t^ i^j

?ftT qfr^TT ^ T FI *feft ^f^TT it dT'l^ ^ft ( * f t I tVMUim ) : ,*ftJR, *T it ^TTT^TTt ^Wt «f Id ^TFT 20 ^i^l ^F> a ft^ T it ^TT3f aft H^ll ^TRTnft % ?TT^T IT* ^*1dT MTcf 5^ T^T *Tf[ ^ t*T ^ I ^Tt WT^JX fr flt T^TT ^TT The Opposition is saying: don’t put the report. I do not know why. Be­ | I ( c q ^ H ) cause they think there is something which is going against the previous Government. I was keeping quiet H^tTR, ^ WA<*\^TRTT ^ jft till now. Kindly hear me. I vTRvrft ^tt f i *f ^rnr^TT g f^ ^tttt fefT ^ft tJ*To < fto ^ ft) *TT irqr Tjrf .> ^5 ^t

^lai ^

*rt TiiRTTm^r : MR. SPEAKER: That is history,. Mr. Stephen has raised a point of or­ srnifa ^ft frrrtt der. He has raised three points. One is vt stft ^rrf^Rf 3r ^st «n 1 that this is an interim report and *ft ^T *TT ^ STVTT therefore, you cannot lay it on the Table of the House. The second is I : that there is no memorandum and, therefore, unless is accompanied by a “ WCTer l^'t^T, S*T 5TC?T TT memorandum, you cannot lay it on ft fH wrkx % MMI^T *RTIT 5TT-9K jflT ? t| ^rrr % ^ fen ^ frr

«? iftr m^fhr siv^st n gsm ^t t | i T ^ r % ^ :^ r 3r ^ tt f e n spt f*TT spt «ft % t ?*T frqtj TT | | f e n cTT^TcT ^RcTT T O f 6 H H , ^TT ?T^ it ^ ^ I ^rr^nr ^t, frrfe t^ tt ?T7^t fWFT ^T ^r yfd^t foTT grt, w t Tt^r T O cft i ...

^tr 5tt^ ^t*tt if % fnu^ ^*V o 5T^>TTfTr^ ; Tjff] XZ fr^TT «n 1 Tf^TT 5 *rr ^ «Fm |tt fiOT nm «n 1 6 *tt3 ^'t qst *ff f<1K 77FTT Tmr TH^T *TT T^f ?*TTCn I 5ft Z ^r3T ft ^TT— i <■*! *T tTFFfhT *c?<-mT % $ T$ ^ IR^fhT iTFTFT ^?t f'l^f'Kl ^ ^to 5T^TTT^? : ^ i

*tt *r^t % «ft % ?nrtfTO >a O cn SHRI RAJ NARAIN: Kindly hear sr^T sto 40 % ^tTT ir 6 ?J^T, 1977 me. Have some patience; adopt some parliamentary practice and procedure. WIT ?T*TT ^rt ff^rT ftWT «TT f^ ?RTTT ^ f^rs^r f'T^i i ^ f^r jtt^ irnrW WTWhr ^ ^ft ^RTT ^ I wft fjT ^ r ^>Y 5mT 5rf^ ^ f^? w n w <*h if «ft 5m wm t t ^t «n jf^ t ^Trm % vt #% «r% qf1^ i ^ 5T^*T^TT M ^ l^t % f^fTT w t % ^ ... «f^T I 275 Re' ReP°rt 071 MARCH 9, 1978 J.P.’s Treatment 276

[sft TT^MI ^?t 9to STVTHT^ I s « flvr>i f^n- ? ^ tth : ^ 23 irfcr, 1977 Tt t*T JreTT* SKI TTo Tto Tftft TT *rt tt3t*tttpt>t : f r ■nrvhr fr^n 1 ?T?TT ^ T tn^T ^ire TT »TCT r f ^ T T T | I — TT o STTrWT, TT o iTFTT— f^-w fr^n w r 1 13 *rf, Tt g«T % T ^ STo ilT^T Tt crc^T^Z ?Tff TT^STTOT iftT 1 3 JTf Tt f t 3To fapor «n 1 f?rcr t ^ % $ Tt ^ft f ^ t %o •IM'-HI Tt f^TJT^cT\3 TT f%M I <14(1 — tf

MR. SPEAKER: He is not reading *T5TT TT Sqlt^sfl ^fft ^ r


smrtfr fT'T^ro fr?rr i IT%fT 6 * T ^ % ^ftcTT ?fTT HITT qZ?T TT T*3T smr l” ?To Tto Tt?ft % 3T° mrrjpr

Tt?ftTtTt€£-ir^tT2 J f # ^ T R % T? TT ift *ft, f^nr Tt m if >sft f^T*ST % Tff^ TT ST^TsT STHTTTt ?ft TTo Tt?ft % €t, T ^ ?FcrfTTT y^T ?TTER ^ f*T^t I TT o TW t % 5^ fTTTJ 2 7 - 2 - 7 8 TT ^t | I cTT % ^TT^T ♦-il’+i TTT if STpt »T*t ?rfcnr frrt? ;t^T m i ^ft, fr^ ctt ' H^T % W T TI5T TT WTT qT^fT^TT p w k T^r if «nf, ^ ?r>ff ?tVt Tt 3TT Tt >jiinfiiCt 5^1 % % sk i Tt 'Hi'f ^nrt Tt n i- '1

sft : TR* eft giving protection to their own Com­ « CN mission’s Chairman, this is a shame... |

*rt t t o srrcnioT: t t o % «ft TrasTTTnro: wr«ft»r ?rfa- f ® f w r i *nft t w fa*r 11 t fatPT, 1952 % *tf9PT 3 % tfST-^FT ^ ^ctr Tfr ff fa f¥*r *Uf if wnr 3To srr?fr W t i ^ j ^ *T rTrTT I I % H^TTf^eT SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: T t 5JT # JTf WRT I f% ft Are you supporting Mr. Stephen? This is his interpretation. Do not | % ?r>iff w ^r»ft him. STRr T f I farff f^Ttr JT^T# 5T I . . (niWPT) .... . t sit TT3RTrnm : srriwr ?tfa- SHT JTft rf sfVr ^ ^ t t ( 4) ^t flr Tf i : ^TfrTT ^ ^ 3ft 3T o ST?3T % ir ^frf fftjfjft s r ^ "S'R'fa'T\3 ' q-«nfrq-pT, ' ^ftfT ^T?t |, ?TT# ^tTSZT ^ t

f*T tfT TTJTt fTTTJ fa?ft | 5tYt

[Mr. Speaker] raised and direct the Minister not ta lay the report before the House unless So far as the first point is concern­ ed, many times points have been rais­ it is accompanied by a proper memo­ randum. ed in this House without their being listed. The point' raised in this case was not by the Government but by the Members. Therefore, I do not see 13.39 hrs. much substance in that point. [Mb. Deputy-Speaker in the Chair], So far as the second and third points are concerned, we are governed by BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE sub-section (4) of section 3 of the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952: Thirteenth Report that sub-section reads:- “The appropriate Government THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ shall cause to be laid before the TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): Sir, I House of the People or, as th e case may be, the legislative Assembly of beg to move: the State, th e report, if any, of the “That this House do agree with Commission on the inquiry made by the Thirteenth Report of the Busi­ the Commission under sub-section ness Advisory Committee presented ( 1) together with a memorandum of to the House on the 8th March, the action taken thereon, within a 1978.” period of six months of the submis­ sion of the report by the Commis­ SHRI VAYALAR RAVI (Chirayin- sion to the appropriate Govern­ kil): Mr. Deputy Speaker, actually ment.” I had written to the speaker regard­ ing this allocation of business. For It has been contended that the the last six year this House has not words, ‘report, if any’ means only had an oportunity to ’discuss either the final report. I am unable to ac­ the functioning or the Demands of cept that contention. Any report the Ministry of Communications. This means every report. Therefore, a re­ is ah important Ministry. There are port which is of an interim character about six lakh employees working in can also be placed before the Housea this Ministry, but it has not been dis­ But the most important point is this: cussed so far. I do not know why: can a report made under sub-section it has been conveniently excluded. (4) be placed before the House unless Even this time there is no mention of and until the Government considers the Ministry of Communications for it and takes a decision on that? This discussion. Please go through the is an important aspect of the section. records of the last six years: there is No report can be placed before the no discussion at all on the Ministry House unless the Government his of Communications. This is a vital considered the same and has come to and important Ministry and we want conclusions on the report. Therefore, a discussion on the Ministry of Com­ a memorandum containing the conclu­ munications. Next to Railways, this is sions of the Government is absolutely one of the most important—a major necessary to place the report before employment-oriented Ministry and it the House. In this view, it is not per­ is closely linked with the people. missible for the hon. Minister to Every citizen of the country is linked place the report before the House with the Ministry of Communications without Government considering it and we Members on this side have and the Government’s conclusions be­ many things to coir.municite to im­ ing embodied in a memorandum. In prove upon the functioning of the this view, I uphold the point of order Ministry. So I demand that you 2 Si B.A.C. Report PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) B.A.C. Report 282 should not take away a discussion on frftr Jf fam frn vfzptijf | : the Ministry of Communications. There has been discrimination for six “The Committee further 'recono years. So, I would appeal to the mend, that till the passing of the Ministry and to you to please include Finance Bill, half-an-hour discus* the Ministry of Communications for sion, if any, be taken up only at a discussion on the Demands for 6.00 p.m., but not more than one Grants. It is a must. such discussion may be put down in a week”. $fr fweor : ?ft 5 ^ t • T'TTWST TT t *ft JlTT f^TJT f fa # ^*T % ®P*T srRT f . . . fe?r*r?r3r JT3TTC\ ^ 3rr$, ttt ^O MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: We have *ft 5TTTT I ^ crq-fccT f, ?T 5>!ft been following the procedure of Mem­ bers giving in writing before-hand if I they would like to raise some points. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ SHRI HARI VISHNU KAMATH: TARY AFFAIRS AND LABOUR Not on a Motion? (SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA): The Hon. Members of this House know MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Yes, all very well the pa>cedure that is fol­ Motions, because it is listed. If I al­ lowed in the selection of the Minis­ low you, a number of people will get tries that should receive priority. get up. There is no question of excluding any Ministry: but, within the time at our sft ^fr fac* *?T*TcT 1 'rf^trr disposal, a certain scheme of priorities is accepted. This was not proposed srrT# t 1 jt* ^ by the Government. There was a full 1 1 7?rqT t ?. .. discussion with all the parties and groups in this Pjouse and, after a MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: 1 am full discussion, there was an under­ making this an exception now. standing on the priority to be accord, ed, which, primarily, was the priority «ft ^fr fare vm a : w ' t suggested by Hon. Members of the STJTT fo TTrT rrf^rfer f*RT 77 Opposition.^ And then, that was put up before the Business Advisory Com­ ?TW % if STt'TO mittee. The Business Advisory Com­ mittee, again, consists of Members re­ presenting all shades of opinion. The wrr srem frzn «rr Tfr^nr pgrtr Business Advisory Committee unani­ mously agreed with the formula of ^rf *rrn ?$->■ % ft priority that was evolved after a full discussion with the representatives of TTfTcT j[T vi, W^rx ?> IT? : f*Tfsr? all Opposition Parties and groups. (Interruption). Therefore, this is not ffTT STFT % | Iff Sr »FT a question of my according priority. fo r *rnfi tt «ft. (Interruption) . It is not the Govern­ ment. My good friend Mr. Ravi, who faff JTFfr TT ?Tfff ft has been here long enough, should know that it is the Opposition that «rV srrafefn i\ irrq rnfo t t suggests the names of the Ministries ?> srtT ^Tmr?r, to be included, and not the Govern­ ment. The Government does not \J'T5Ft JT3fTes (Vmi 5T1 I mind discussion on any Ministry. It 283 Bill Introduced MARCH 9, 1078 284

[Shri Havindra Varma] 13.47 hrs. wants discussion on all, and it does MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 not stand in the way of the Opposi­ tion raising any question on any Mi­ (i) Regulation op Telephone Opera­ nistry, but within the time, as Is tors by Delhi Telephone A uthorities known and as has been the practice, (Sfam ) W - a certain priorify has been accorded. I infinitely regret, therefore, that my 377 $ M'tvI'T hon. friend has used the words ‘con­ *Tcft *Tft^T ifTT ESR'STTfftrcT veniently excluded*. It is not for the + V1I f% P<5ra yfw fw r % 13.46 hrs. tT^r ^ f t PASSPORTS (AMENDMENT) BILL* *1 T< ?TT*TTT f^HTT W I # f a *Tf ^ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL 3 Id ^ iT i I^WIt'T AFFAIRS (SHRI S. KUNDU): I beg jTT 19 76 if f a Sff to move for leave to introduce a Bill to amend the Passports Act, 1967. fTfT fin frn -TfT f t

•Published in Gazezttze of India Extraordinary, Part II, Section 2, dated 9-3-78. 285 Matters Under PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) Rule 377 286

( i i ) R e p o r t e d D eforestation o p e r a ­ ^ 1 ^ f eft n i l r+^ wtiv> t i o n s AND INDISCRIMINATE FELLING OF TREES. » ft ?rr3T ^ f^ Q T ^ ^f% eT 9TERTT I t |[T

^ ffrsiVT (ni^ii^ ) : t, ^?Tlf^ ^fq«! % ^f%eT f, f^ien % «TT^ if ^f%rT f, ThiFTR % 5T^if 'dMIWlUT *Tft^T $ f^T^nr 3 7 7 % rT 1 3f»M if ^vft q>«ft tW ttt fW n I *ll W(H ^ fltTT qiT bi||«i tT^r JTfcq1- 1 eft ^Sltft 9 0 q % ? ftr <^T> ^ P T T f^THeTT ^ I y»T f?W*T q>t 5TTT «i*fre l ‘t' <,11

g I *Tf iTTST fWT^ if We^faqJ *Tfc^ | I H'F'T yrf^T s»f llri % f?T^ % qf K^ar^rt I *Tf faftrq- I eT ^ft^ ^ I (MyxrO Htll’1 Hcfl «ft*Teft ff^TTT *Tttft eft VlfT if sfq w t q?t irtT srfkwr 3>r THT f?T^ 5iTT, qr^t ft ^ ft qteft, ?TvT »ft ^ T t q?t q ^ T f I ^ft ^Teft I #f^T fq w t «<.+FC ^t i f 8 2 'filfe ^ :ftfeT m f^ W R ft i5 m -b !T? ^r ^"t gTeT- ^ r if ir 27 qnfc % feTeT 5nft ^ jfS'^ft ^ t f^TTT % f^TT ^ifftT I ?TT3f PTFT'TT % ^1,iri'f ^ft fllHi f ^ T 18 ^rfe '»I*0h ft ^*T f^trllT 5tt T f T 1 1 ^r¥t ?nf?wt % if I I f*TTTt jfm T *ft f% f*T 33 srf^TWcT eftfeft 3IT Tft ^ I WtHd ^rt 'flnl'i if ^TT qr f'ltfii < qr^n I "I Pti'i x:1k% 3TT | I fJff^ CT^t ^?T ?Tf =Tft f t t o i ^ f r % t p t q r q rftT t ^te^TT q^ft ^TfT ^ft %eTT | I s q ^ ^ | i q'te ?PTrt % ^rrt irw rrt % qfrtf^fgnff ^ft f^ n f TPT TT, ft ii|oi(qA^i qrt ftn r^fY x r f^ m ?f ?t )t qrr«q- ^ f t T T f f# q^m t^frsrreTTt,. ?p «t ^ q f |, fcraqrt if qr fm t f*r % ^n'nf % ^ih 1 %" % ,#ft EH l} ^3T ctHt^l, >HT^ ^ I ?TT3T t ft f*T 5qq^ # ?TT3T TZ fginwr H#«TT »TqT if ft t^IT | I 4 ?T«ft vft, cnff qT ^ I '3TfT % •TfsqT ? flT ^ f 'd i q yrfkwrf^Tt qn' ?ifuqrr7: f»r qT ST^TffeT fte ft | ^ W 9TE^, «ft ^ft Tg 1 1 sfVT qeTjffa ftm jfT Tff | I

S f ^ qft 3T?T I I q*ft ft f*rr^: ^ ff vt jftsRr f ^ fq? % fofePTt f^TT?> ^fY, STeTqfeqT =Ft ^AT srn ^rr| n| | i fa** tq? qft s^'f ^rrf? qft | 1 sfw % ^q % *r>r % if WT MT^W t I fqT^ ferft »i ft HT Tf^ I I ^fWf qx ?nft ^ Ptht I ' 287 Matters Under MARCH 9, 1978 Rule 377

[«ft fT>?PPT *?frw] ^rnr %f\x ^rdw>r f^

«rjff v r vrforTfwft % ^ *r*ft f*rrt sft srfa* mfr 3ft ?T f^ irrf^nft ^-rf % form- *r ?rrf% % ?hT f w «tt wh *rf qrqr ft? sr^r % for m g 1 ®r srrf^rfaiff j t M»-wf**i STPTfaK *T f*TPT "Tft I vffX v ? Q ^ r r f?(T srrg 1 ^r-ff % s r i r m *f 3 Efrsnrr «iK tft *Rft | 1 ^flr % itht# £r +t*t wtr wr«r ?? 1 srrfir^rfffgf f f t p t i t ^ r ?3T? f^ r r ^rnr 1 ffnr--«Tm Jf jts ft? t'T % fg'TRsr ?tt n5r *ftr ?rnjf % 5 m H^t ffsfrrft | , % w m ? % wnr* ^tr> «t)«i f & Hff 1 ^rerer if t STMmdr % ST^ Sf ^t? sp't ^ f rt^r ^rr | sftr % 5sr*rm Jr stRt Terr ^rwrnr ^ f f*rr^ ^ft « 1 f *rrct 3€mf)r ^r f?rTR ^ft »rwr wr^rwrar % ?T^qrT 1 g-?t fffrcft ^ 1 f i r f ^

3^'m ireft ^ % f ^ '3T a t ^ 1 ?rrf^r w fr-p r it, f^sr fsp *t ^Tfft % for *r ^ 1

% 1 f* f s tTcP ^r Hft 1 5q-*rft^ft ^•rrqfr ^>7-7 % ^tttt ^ ffrfasr sft f, ^rt gnrrt ffirifl *tt.*tt:t *rr *mra>r jrr^r *?> | 1 <*> 5TT«T JIT75 (HrTnT «T?) : "jTTSTiT ^Tf'rTir, t r ^ m 3 7 7 % ?TJ>T w r # s*t *r& *r 7<7°?r^ ^ ft? rr^r % ff TT €r jtp: ^r -ftffr 5^rrf ^flir f>, irrforrefr w?fr *r e t h ?Trrfq-=r ^ T in ^r^T r f ?frr * m ^T'rlvTrcinT ffPqTsff 5TIT f^ sfr ffJF'JTtff % jTTt^tr *t T s fm ir^rr ^ r v r ? * m ir^r *T ^rrf STTT^fT * TTT 3,’frr | Rtfa ^rrEqr^?rr^fTT^ frr^r isr=rrr»r? f*T 5TfT ffCTt %T f<7 g^Trrf | fsr^rr TrTT sr'y^r ^rr f r ^ f r fsr^r ^ 1 Zmt-VM * ^ i| faiUT 377 % n z j r f i i f r Trnrir ^'r t f r ^ r *r~T

«tV ffr fi^r . wrr mn ^rr srs^ f^^rrTreft^ | 1 ^t ^ f t ^ft

frfa q 1 ■jTTTT ir ZJT %r4rffr t I ^ 5 PiraT

% d € «T rft ifTT n ^ r^ t *t I I ^ f t ^ tteuw : ^raor f'rar *PTT rr=f- x^rr ^r ^rr»jRr a n fon at sm *nr*i % «r 1 3rr?rr | m ? r f fs r r r fsrfsrcT ?=fnff ^ft 8f g ^ jfft ^nr fjT^ar ?tr ? ^ m rft ^ft ffR^irr

f^ (T'Ttfzfttr m fwkwf wpmm m f? r ft«ft 1 srsftTr qr€f ^t q r^R % *rtt

mfarfwiff ?r ^tf *t{kT h i f^Tor | f t : h r *r n ^ t f t i f k 5T!? ^-f^pi*r ’Ti^r t t ^nr ^ c f ct^r #tt5nTTd ^ft RT^qT 5Ft %T. ^^«ft I 289 Matters Under PHALGUNA 18, 1899 ( SAKA) Rule 377 290

*ft sft t*T TFT f t TfT «TT P»RT ernment of India, the Fertilizer Cor­ poration of India is being divided into ^t ^rW t T t T t^n n x f*iT being shifted outside Calcutta. This sra^r *T5ft ift sttct sft ^ fc, % Company consists lof Namruk, Bar- atfni, Durgapore and Haldia fertilizer f*1<1<5*1 1 H 1 I ^ fa 'll g f T ft fT?fftT 3 plants. This shifting will create mar­ HfTZTrTT TT# JT3T *?t »Tf *ft T f 3rTT keting, administartive and other com­ STT3T 1TWTT T t % Tt 3TT$ fr fjT*T ft T f munication problems. So, through you, I appeal to the Government of f 1ZT. TT +TOIH! TfT »?tHT 3TT fTT I India ta reconsider their (fecTsion and ^ f ^ ^?rft 3HTf fTTTnr ^t to see that the headquarters of this company remains in Calcutta and not ??TT$Trft3*TftTff z rr w f t V7 f m 1 outside Calcutta. !T*ft TfT ^fft TFT Tt ^T7 ndrH<\«

T ^ TT «MI?M fr^TT >PTT «TT fftr 5R1 (v) Proposed strike by LIC Develop­ ment Officers fTcTW f STFTt^FT T t «ft SJKTt Tt 3TT Tft ^ I ^«f^Trr ft W T fT ration since yesterday.

^To vsld tsli, M'-S6 TtfT fTfT TTTT % 14 hrs. . Jtc <. T*TT% TT TT773TTT ft^TT f^TfT % Sir, since yestreday, 7,656 officers fT frfT'TT Tt TTt ^TFT ^ I of the LIC of India led by the Na­ *t faTT'T TF1T fT W TRQ'T^’ tional Federation of Indian Insurance t t im fr*rr ^tpt srtr *r ^fT sttfpt^ field workers have gone on a month’s 5 strike and they have also started h frr t t ^ stt # snrr stt? 1 T f?T squatting outside the houses of the cTrTT^ cfPT *Tft^ % SFT7 ^fT % t.l*l Finance Minister, Industries Minister, Commerce Minister, Foreign Minister T t JTr TT% TT *TT^ST fT*TT 3TPT I and the President of the . This strike is a very serious (iv) Reported shifting of Head Office matter because it will cost the LIC of Hindustan Fertiliser Corporation in terms of revenue an amount of from Calcutta Rs. 20 crores and in the nature of business, a total of Rs. 3001 crores. It SHRI DINEN BHATTACHARYA is a sad commentary. Since Febru­ (Serampore): Under Rule 377 of the ary, the insurance field workers had Rules of Procedure and Conduct uf been writing to the Ministry so that Business, Lak Sabha, I want to raise some of their grievances are redres­ the following urgent public issue and sed, But, none of their grievances request the Minister concerned to is redressed till to-day. Their pro­ make a statement on that. test is mainly against the scrapping As per recommendation of the of all bilateral agreements wlh the Working Group set up by the Gov- National Federation of Field Workers 3942 L.S.—10 291 Matters Under MARCH 9, 1978 Rly- Budget, 292 Rule 377 1978-79—Gen. Dis. [Shri Saugata Roy] Sir, I gave notice under Rule 377 yesterday. The Finance Minister was by the previous Government in April there in the House then. When 7,000 1976. officers of the LIC are on strike, the Government should come out with a This Government which talks so statement of its intention in spite of much about doing away with the bad the fact that 7,000 field officers are things during emergency have not cm strike protesting against the Fin­ had the time or even patiencc or in­ ance Ministry’s decision. ' clination to restore the old service v* conditions to the field workers and I wish to draw the attention of the make them normal wage-earners. To Government to this strike. day an insurance field worker whe­ ther he is in the LIC or in the GIC TT*T ( fV 'i lT ) ; -dHI is a contractual worker and his ser­ vices can be terminated at the sweet- ^ 5)<5*1, *ft 'TTfrST ^ t «ft

In 1976-77 it went down by Rs. 4 crores; in 1977-78 uptill now, it has already gone down by Rs. 15C crores. 14.04 hrs. But it seems that the Government is RAILWAY BUDGET, 1978-79— absolutely impervious to the prob­ GENERAL DISCUSSION—Contd. lems of the field workers in LIC and GIC. Therefore Sir, through the MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: We shall House and through you, I want to now continue the general discussion draw Government’s attention to a se­ on the Budget (Railways) for 1978­ rious matter. Everybody we are giv­ 79. Shri Tej Pratap Singh. ing notices on matters of urgent im­ portance under Rule 377. Formerly, sft W Sf 3"lcT tle time to reply to the points raised 9WFT fTT STiicH ^>T TfT far 97 nfc!V!cf by the Members under Rule 377 be­ cause these are of urgent importance. Jl'ldI ^?ft <0 w w Of course al] matters cannot be ac­ ^ *ftT ^ft commodated in Calling Attention No­ t I f*TKt I iff *ft tices. But, Sir, I have been noticing that for the last many days, not one *T1T?T:<9 % JTTf5Pfr ffTTT Minister has ordered to reply to any of Miki ftrft ^ 5TeT ^ far the points raised under Rule 377. I f*TT^ ^*T cT5u'fl % ^v., fapT ^?t think that though it is not required under the rules, it is a courtesy to *t ^eRT «(SI TRRT7 TfT t, fepft the House, to the Members and it is a gft f> Tft|, w ’rt democratic practice and tradition the Minister cares to reply to the points STft f I gfavm f*T5T?ft «ft I, raised by us. eft »(§ci «ftf srfaWd vft’ffart fa^eft ^ 293 RlV■ Budget, PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79,-G en . Dis. 294

«w qfgfi |t% ?rirf <5*2 % qrfa*ft Tt gfaffm f % ?ft t o g m | f r »rrf3?ff *ft if «ft ^5T 5KTTITT «TT f r # ^?rf 'smr 1 3RT? % frr*r-Hr«T qrf^cff s^for !f$r m i iw m if ^t FTtT ift 5TTIT | %fr^T ?fT % fw«?

f*rrrr ifT h c t | fr f*rf*: *Tft ^ r r f>rr 1 irfe *fnr % fv-ffrw wt*! fnrr*t f e f «nrnr *ra I 'T?TT Pw iTf'Tsffr nrit if fTTiT ^ tpr f^rrt srfafrrfrm *ft rtft ?*t ?m: w t ftrrr I ^ ^ SPT3T % ^HTff 31T TfT «TT ?Tff n^rr 1 f ? « n % t* t % in fo n eft ^ ^WT fr HTft % ^5T^ % ^t [nHd •*rt * f t n % < m t | 1 f* r ^tct *t 7?% ^r T'rf v z i ^fTK ^ T t srrcT *Tf | f r f W t ^ ? k r if ^ft ^Tm 1 qt?-*rra ^i^ft ^ rft ^rrqr ^ rt i ?t»tt ?pr ?m t sr^er ¥t srf |cr %, ^Tfr ?jrit ^T ^rt *TT5t if ^PTf f t ?Tft ^ TT3^ , eft f r T *nrt if fT^rafsR fxr^r fr% 1 ?rf »rt ^fasjrm ^r wr ?tto | 1 ?n*r ^sTl f r ^FTTjifc if 6 -7 fft? ® R t ?ft % tfa*> $faar *rf | f r ^ ^T *ft, ^Tft ^Tt fr^TT 51T fT*F(TT % nrffot it *r*rf fa?r *r% i i m «tt— %fr^r ?rnr t.t «rfr fnrn ^ gUR I fr fe«?i TT ^rTKH ??t} Tf^T ?Tft IffT^TTf %t?T#^t^nit % flTTR TTf zft^nTT <*«ii<), f»RT fif^r ftcft I— cT7Tfi ?rrT ^ t sgnr jttt fTf tt % rrt % f«®^i ^mki fr*rW ^Hl ^TffTT | f t I nrft if jth c^; fa * fa^r, 5ft wrrr- f>T®# ^«T-1976-77 ^ TTfa 5*) f»1*tfa fr*t *T*f, ^M< ^ 'f'R ^ 1 fr ^TT-«rr^ fr^T »WT I ^*t^t *Tft- wT^ft q ft | f «ft 1 & frrft wnr ^T ft 5RTtU ^TrTT ^ fr t »ft 5rr?t% I, ? € f?r(T ?n ?reft ^t r^ ff^ g fw r jtt^i ^ ft ^rrrr, ^ ^ 5^

[sft ^3r sr'aia faf ]' v-' ^rgiTT f t ft ^ir^nft, *15 $tr V l f T t 3|Tti «f?*n £ .a it a f t s fa sre a ia t 3tt T ? t ^ n ^ t vt ?m?n ft f w f^r 317^ i t I 1975-76 if af a*aT 38 at, ^ ir *f?ft sft. *ft Tsr ?ft %faq 1976-77 $ af «f? rw | fsm if iff t ft; ft af I 3ft ?ft*T 3a Vt q*F5a fT qrta m * ^ t stfterr ^tfsnT1 f , 3a vt fatft arf % $ara ^ ^ ^ t 5Tcft«TT ^

fciJT 5) 1ST arff^ | FiBTT P^tvfa *T*t trf. f f l r M w + c ^ f a f ^ n f ^Tf^tr | 5ft 3rTJRT»T fT QrRr 351 AT if sft ?ftn ^rw f qraT if 3 a Tt ^T*T ^ Taiffir | ftT«T | iTftf^.aftrftt.^TT^nfttf iPTTVRft fa a f 3a *t 39?t | f«F 3ft faar *rr^t ^ f t I, fqftir ?> mai vrar |, 3a a q*ri ,Hf 5i¥ | ^ f t 3>rrft I I *»»TT 14? *TT7t ^ 5»f*TSJ R f t srr% if 40 «fa ^Tf^ti | 5nT^ f w ffv upTf 5Fr^ tt ^iifrijr «f^ I Vie| ftrtHiSI •W'ftt ^ at f^r ft arat ^ wtr 16 | w t r ^ a a *rn6t ? * !m < i |?ir f s flr ? a if maT ?fm vr a^a % i w ^iq’ rTT’Tl ^a5! a~l? 5HT afT % w fy+lfnft ^TT «T.^r at *T3r^f ^t =(gn ft^ft I' *T W a w t 1 $ asft sft qr> S*T ^ra f snstT^ari ffrjf^Vsft^a ara tt % ftui, S?flai3 ^•TT f ftr ^aa w m Tsr»r i jftj^via qmf ^Ttft iT^BT ^t4 T T ? ^ t I I iiTi w s f t g a m irf | ft, sft ^ f z i r f fart fqrjf if 3ft af area ?nq aaT^ | %^a pg^3|-ft 't ?nq aain, arc ^t zfi3.-?rr | , % fa.T qft fv ftz ^3% f i ?aar <^-s i «^ntriT wl i ^'T'TT aTf

«ft ft. fffisn a ^ r ijf i ? n f? r^ t fa^ar |, ^q^f aft fursft sV ft -q r STTIT V'\X 5tHT rRq; Iff ^t TfT ?-asna ^ |, ^aft ®tft ®t^t f?UT ailT | ^ftiTT Jf ^iiTT ft; ara t f^a tt a^sr ai^a ^fafa^f^H % 5fl*ft ^ ftm. IT^ ^ ftaT |, ga qr q ^ a T^a % far^ 5f 1 % airiT q?: sn v r fr w *nq *ft ?a ^razt^r ^t f ® q r^ ^isr tft jt i^ jt *»5ft sft ^ 3r 1 ^ j?? »ft ^at atffrf i a T*t^3» ff sft aunr 25,7 Rly. Budget, MARCH 9, 1978 1978-79— Gen. Dis. 298

f f 1 ^ tv vtf mh ^rfftr | ^K«i | f r MiVtii tr^T

S Te lT^ I SHITMftlT 1 hs) -q < 3JTT5T f lcfr ^1

Vf»f eft Ttf «pt*t sta a qff ft s%*rr i jfto IJ3 4«««i^: fezTT^T s?t frfe'tsr frr *?s q f s m T mi vft %^T T f T «TT I s'tfaK, T r # ^VPsrcr | ^ sft S T f r n ?mT fir^ rft: ?rnr¥t 9^3 *t S5li *T*T^ f[, ^ fTTTrf $T iTR^jft »ft eft^ft 1 1 w n r t ?r »fns5T ^T t, %3f\»T TT |, m TT '-t (.Hi:'* TfW 84 T(Hz *TT , f T s iw n «pr Mat'll ^ *nrf ?T^ 8 5 TXH7 ^ I q f M <.^<-c>ji 8 4 83 ^ ,RTT’TT tilt ^ J T ftwr eft fj? srrnft t t ? ^ ^f*FT qf eft f t tiTiet I ? ^ fT *TT % «(i^. if 84 % 8 5 'TT^e ft »RT | I ^•^nTVY T V § sftv ^ T if ?TFTT ^TS?t el MIM'fiT E^T'T jIT'TT fc«IH ^ f> I T^Tft^T T t VIM^ Tft^TH' ^ fR^T =PfT ^ — tTR^T f^F ft ^ I fs*', ?ffa ^T ^ ?^^H>T»ftft%^rrfgtf 1 ^irfofr ‘I have always held that the pro­ sperity of the railways should be «pr m^TST ^TT f?TT ^fael f>U ^T%tt | shared by those who are working 5*T *T®5T % m«T n W ^T TOT 5 I for it as well as those who are us­ ing the railways.” sft jTfrrH R frwrft (iftTPwsr): ^TTW^T aft, ^ Tf Hcfl 5ft *Tf W T% feqT ^ ^ f+'T ?Tf Jl ^ Tt tFTRR ^TT ^TfHT f fai ST^tf^ T t ? m ^TcT *T^ vii-4<5 STRTt ff^t tnTT -a*^1*1 *1 ot-Jic foT fa^TT T f r 1 ?ttt § 1 ? » m ^ STYv ^fTfar* *ft ^ f IT^W R <T Tt *ft st fh #fo^ cft^‘ WTT ^'TT TfelT *TT *ftT ?t f^T ^id T t !TtT ®f KR'fTT yrnr fe?TRT ^TfcTT T T 'T T ^ (WI^di HSdi «rr I Tt fer mq% ni^ ferr ^ f hi qf 5ft ^TTT f f t § * T*ft ^ft ft% f , ^ T*fV Tf m 'm fe r qT^rf T t iTflf f^TT I ?FTT 'd'l'Til ^TTTT ^?T ^TTrft I I f *T qr^T «ft ?rrit 3TT T T ^ ¥ t «t < f^ ft ^ 6 ^>T eft f>T -fTft eT*f> f>ft, t f^?5 jftf?nH tt zik 1 1 q f 222 ^h Ih^i fT^S TT ^3T f.r^H- ^ft'ET^TT 2^T ^.T «ft T f t 5TT f>TT, jWT ffeTT | | ^ t eft ^ TT »TT^ T f T eTT 'Iff f>rr, T f T H ft 3IT fiH'dT I f?PTT Id I ^ iftr Vft f^T^T ^rielT ^ I 6 ft %ft frPTT «IT ^ T f r z?f ^T^TefT | I ?fiR qf f^'TT?nT?fty:f^'TT^ftcft st^ ^TfflJ I qf ^ff ftrJT ^TTt 5TR f>ft 299 RlV• Budget, MARCH 9, 1978 1978-79—Gen. Dis.

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5lJT?T^^TT^?TT^^ft «fl

SltR T f W j ^ * T Sllfl *(ld ^f 3 7 K F 1 1 ’ffrr *5m tT ^?f ft? sft »ft ^t^r ?rrr n fVr?r 5tr, f^nr ?rrrjr ^ ^rr C *Tf W Tf ^t 5> I ^ft ^?*T f %ft?^T ^tu T^r t *fiT *rrr%*•% ferr | ft; f^rniT ??w * tft ? i ^rrftrft ^>ft ^T ?T^T T1JT ^ t 5JJKT H^t ftOT i Jr sr^ fir 5ft»r ^ ht 5TT^*rr i *pjt ^twT | STT5T ^^t ^T ^ft?^ ^*T 5flWT fif^rT | I 5T^r 3T5TT !PIT | 5ft ^T7?T ^T aR tfeft 3 01 Rlv• Budget, PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79,—Gen. Dis. 302

5f ^ STff *TT fTTeTT | I «rT?fC eT> *TT i'iw t T t t ^ t r 1 «rrr ^rM 1 % ^t | %fTT ^Tft ^T f^*T mT 7P7 T t *Tt»T T f ^ Tff ?nT^T3f TT%|? ^ftTT^J^TCTT 1600 1eft TTT H TT ?t 5TTeft t I T«5ft T T 5 o T ^ ^ R - fr^TT WT ? ?fT% TT% "Wl

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[ «ft STfTTT fW Tt ] ^rif Ttf ?TT I fa jfwt ^t Tt 9^eT ^ %fa^T BTPT ^T T i fa sft ^wus <* ^>*■''<’1") vi*i jhVI eft i K t fllT ^TRT ^ 1 r^v I i>«( !T ft fa T T % lf)l4l5l ^Al v ), OlfVi eT«<

tjr *rtr <^ri ^ fa *t ^ R t ?TeT JTf | fa *TTWf 'Tf^TT ^14 Tt vTTS^T ^ 0 « H 2 ,2 ^ % f^TTT Tt O ^ K I ?T f'T, TT fa?ff«ftTT jfrft «ft fa ^5T# Tt TZ ^ T *ft RTPT f I % ^nw r ^ 1 Mini fa^rr Tt ^ 1 f^ i <. % ^rnr ^ p t t m k t r f o r e r x ^fa viM-t T^T t fa Tt yi^- 41 rf f I ^PTTT^T fjf% % ^WT Tt 3geT frrt ^r Tt ^faaT fjr^ft ^ r f^ , cf+^Wi ^Teft |, H ^ f ^ T T X i f *»iM+t xr^'ii % if <.HI wsell the impression left in my mind is ^ I ^HT T^nrr it ^ jT TT^T TTeTT ^ I that we have before us a fairly nor­ mal year, which began with a cer­ TW cTTq % ef^T-ff^T spiff 7T 7 say so—indicating a trend towards W 'T^-ni if f‘<.rii sseii ^ I the worse. That the year began on ^ *f^t mil'll g fa a note of buoyancy, was emphasized by the Minister in his budget speech 2,2| fWTJftTT % fa(> ^Tt ^ in June 1977, when he said that the W rf'F T i TT ?T^8 •- made and tells us about the promises sm df 4) '(TT7r% % inrx ^tst- surances" and then he claims this financial year is a year of broad fulfil­ tftc) 3HT^t 7T ®t?t-®tst qia TT ment of promises and assurances eft Wt’ff Vt TT^r |t?ft I given to the railway users and e:np- 305 RlV- Budget, PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79,— Gen. Dis. 306 1 loyees. Finally he has concluded by the speaker himself in his March 1977 saying: speech, when he described it as a ^ “ .. . . I conclude my submission to phenomenal year. By any standards, this House on the fulfilment of the that was one of the best year in the past promises and assurances for railway’s history. So, from there we the future.” started on. Now the claims is things Immediately, it occurred to me that are bettering. I have my own doubts. this has got a ring of Pandit Jawa- harlal Nehru's speech of August 15, I am not looking at it as a sceptic or 1947, of tryst with destiny, the ful­ critic, but let us see what the real filment of promises, redemption of picture is. assurances. THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS My friend in a very grandiloquent (PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE): Do manner said that the experience of not raise me to such a high pedestal. 1977-78 has exploded the myth that SHRI C. M. STEPHEN: I said it has Emergency alone can deliver the this ring, with which it has been goods. I wish he had not brought in framed. If it were true, it would have all these political overtones into his been all right. But now what exactly are the hard facts of the situation? budget speech. Now that this has been brought in, this has got to be adver­ The Minister has taken over a rail­ way which, whatever his party may ted to. Who in the world has said say about any other sector, is a very that Emergency alone can give a good very competent and healthy organi­ result? All that was claimed about sation. There were investments in this great organisation to the tune of the Emergency was that it wasf a about Rs. 4,533 crores at the end of medicine administered at a parti­ 1977. The public sector units, Chit- cular time. A medicine administered tranjan, Varanasi and the Integral at a particular time does not mean Coach Factory are functioning in a perfectly grand manner, and the that the medicine must be continued railway have looked forward and have to be administered unless and until entered into new fields, which are re­ the man is dead, and if the medicine presented by RITES and IACO. There is not given, the man cannot live. are about 1,190 km. of railway lines, approved, taken up and at different That is not the claim at all. stages of processing, there was a plan, a 15-year development project, pro­ But here are the figures which jecting itself for the future of rail­ speak for themselves. We have got way development, a project which the figures here. What is the picture was finalised, and a whole blue-print is before them. Successive Railway here? Even before the Emergency Convention Committees had to a large was declared ,over successive years we extent taken the burden of the rail­ have been making improvements. In way finances, the burden with res­ 1952 we started with just Rs. 850 pect to unremunerative lines, burden with respect to strategic lines, and crores. Developments have been they were given a moratorium for a going on, income has been going up period of five years with respect to and over successive years profits the return on the newly-invested money; all this relief was already were being made. But, from 1967 on­ there. All this has been admitted by wards we are in the red. Successively Rly. Budget, MARCH 9, 1978 1978-79 -G en. Die. 308

[C. M. Stephen] the additional revenue? Additional revenue during 1974-75 was Rs. 359 we go on and we find that in 1971-72 crores, as against the previous year. and 1973-74 there was a loss of Rs. In 1976-77, it was 269 crores. In 1977­ 115 crores. In 1974-75, there was a 78 which is now being considered, it loss of Rs. 113 crores. Before that, slumped down to Rs. 95 crcres. In things were all right. Then the Emer­ 1978-79 as against 1976-77, it gency was declared. In 1975-76 Rs. slumped down to Rs. 88 cfores. This 152 crores had accumulated as arrears is the trend which the Minister will of Dearness Allowance. We had a kindly take note of. Let there be no profit but the profit was converted complacency about it. I am not de­ into a loss of Rs. 61 crores. In 1976­ manding that there should be another 77, there was a profit of Rs. 87 crores. Emergency for giving another injec­ We made this profit after meeting our tion. Here is healthy child. Look at obligation to the General Revenues. the different aspects of it. That is why, Therefore, the question is, whether I said that this was the normal year the Emergency had its effect or not. began with a note of buoyancy, slip­ The figure shows that it showed its ped through on a normal plain and effect. Nobody said that unless the now ending with a bend which is in­ Emergency continued things would dicative of a trend which is not very be bad. The patient was brought 10 much encouraging This is the whole health. A healthy child was handed picture that you will have to look to. over to you. So, the explosion of the myth is not the question. Now about the profits also—it was Rs. 87 crores This year, it is esti­ PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: At mated to be of the order of Rs. 89 least, I did not murder the child. crores. For the next year, the pro­ fit estimate is Rs. 65 crores. Again, the profit al30 is going down. In this SHRI C. M. STEPHEN: I have my 89 crores, the Minister said that he doubts. did not take into account the DA I looked through this Budget. I which would have been paid. Now am not looking at the net revenue the Minister could not say that he did not know because previously it part of it, but the earning part of it . What is the trend? I find that was taken into account. You will have to take DA into account and as against 1973-74 in 1974-75, the there are certain other burdens traffic earnings were Rs. 271 crores. As against 1974-75 in 1975-76, the earn­ which are to come on you. These things must be taken note of. This ings went upto Rs. 359 crores. And is all I have to say about the finan­ in the Emergency year as against the cial aspect of it. previous year, it went to Rs. 269 crores. For the next period, you Here is one of our best enterprises. were incharge of it. As against 1976­ I am not saying Mr. Dandavate is 77 in 1977-78, the revenue came down not responsible or he is not concern­ to Rs. 95 crores. It was on an up­ ed. He is. ward march because we were putting in more money. Looking through his Budget Speech, I have a feeling that he is more an­ During these years investment has xious about his basic theories or been of the order of Rs. 168 crores, faith and all that rather than the hard Rs. 212 crores Rs. 249 crores, Rs. 279 realities which are facing the rail­ crores and Rs. 290 crores. This has ways. There are certain claims been the additional investment from made in this budget which, I am year to year. As against this, what is afraid, will not stand scrutiny. Many 309 RlV- Budget, PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79 ,-G en . Dis. 310 novel things have been claimed here. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: There are certain passages which are Bold type does not mean a bold deci­ printed in bold letters '« if these are sion* , i - jJ , new things. SHRI C. M. STEPHEN: It is so This is what is said about doubled- good of you to say that. decker coaches. It is in bold letters as if he has brought in a new thing. There is another thing which the He says: Minister of State also emphasized yesterday and that is about the Jan­ “ While presenting the budget in ata train. He has said that this is a June 1977 I had stated that after new concept, as if a new idea has prototype trials, the progressive come in. This is the claim of the extension of use of double-decker Railway Minister. He has said in the second class coaches will be consi­ Budget Speech that a new concept of dered. One prototype B.G. double­ Janata train would be introduced by decker second class coach was put providing only Second Class accom­ no trial on the Madras-Jolarpettai modation in long-distance trains. and Bombay-Pune Sections. Twelve There is nothing new about it. I would B. G. double-decker coaches are only invite his attention to the Rail­ expected to be turned out by the way Convention Committee Report Integral Coach Factory this year (1971)—this is very much earlier— and will be pressed into service on in which it is stated: specific routes starting from April, “The Committee called for infor­ 1978.” mation about the number of Janata May I ask the Railway administra­ trains at the begining of the Fourth tion or the Minister, is it a novel Plan, the numbert of such titains thing? Is the double-decker coach provided during 1969-70 to 1972-73 a novel thing? Why put it in bold and the proposals if any to aug­ letters as if something new has been ment the number of such trains brought in, as if the redemption of a during the next 2-3 years. The promise has taken place. I would in­ Ministry stated that the following vite his attention to the Year Book, Janata trains were running at the 1976-77, p. 30 where it is stated: beginning of the Fourth Plan---- ” “A prototype BG double-decker A long list of trains is given here. coach with a seating capacity of 146 These trains were operating. It is not passengers (against 90 in the convex a new idea of a class-less train, a tiona] coach) has been undergoing Janata train. It is an old one. trials. An order for 12 such double­ Further, on p. 49 of the Year Book, decker coaches has been placed on they have said: ICF; These are expected to be put in service in 1978 and this will re­ “Perhaps the most important is duce, to a great extent, overcrowd­ the introduction, on the main routes, ing in short-distance main line of a new type of train, the Janata trains.’’ (People’s) Expresses for second class passengers, some of which This is an idea which occurred to have fully reserved accommodation the Railway Ministry before he took with a dining or pantry car to meet over This is something which was put the catering needs. At the year-end, on trial. This is nothing new. This is 21 pairs of Janata trains were in what is stated here. So, don’t say this service.” is something very novel. It is just written in bold letters, nothing more That is in the Emergency vear. than that. There is nothing new about This is nothing new. That it. is what I am saying. This is 3 n Rly. Budget, MARCH 9, 1978 1973-79— Gen. Dis.

[Shri C. M. Stephen] is contemplated, the essential part of it is devolution of powers. Regarding nothing new. Then another wonder- devolution of powers, the details we lul thing is about Janata khana and have not got. I do not know to what that is also put in bold letters as if janata khana was not there before. If extent it has been done. You must understand the study group. They you see page 51 of the Year Book said that this was a thing that stood you will find that janata khana was there. : the test of time and therefore the Board has got to be pTeSferved. The (PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE): only thing is that one additional mem­ That was read out in this very House ber is to be removed or five additional before you spoke. That is what I want members are to be removed. This is to point out to you. what has all happened. He should not find fault and all that. SHRI C. M. STEPHEN: Another thing is about the Railway About his new lines, there are new Board. My friend has slated lines ,which ane spelt out. What that a proposal which was kept about the 1190 km. of the railway in the shelve was recovered and has line which was under aproval, which been implemented. I am not for the was in operation? To what extent, scrapping of Railway Board. Let it be they have gone on, I would like to clearly understood. The committee know? In 1976 speech, you had said which went into the whole matter about 25 lines. Is this the same or said that this was an arrangement something more than that? And three which stood the test of more lines are taken over. Now you time and this arrangement have mentioned about 29 lines. Is must be preserved. that was this the same or additional lines are done in 1962. After that, invest­ coming in, I would like to know? ment has gone on to about Rs. 3000 Now about the commitment, crores and expansion has taken place. in 1976, there was a com­ Therefore, this sort of secretariat is mitment with respect tc certain necessary. If it was necessary then, lines. Here I would like to have the ■it is necessary more today. ears of Prof. Dandavate Here there are certain additional lines which you Then they said that the members have spelt out in your 1976 speech. may be removed and the devolution One major line, you had promised, wag of powers must take place. I do not the Ernakulam/Alleppey line. The know what devolution of powers has Ernakulam-Alleppey line, you have already been done. The Minister has not made a mention of it here; where­ got certain powers. What part of the as a large number of lines were men­ powers has been devolved on the tioned in the other part, most of the Board? The Board has got certain lines are not mentioned here. Certain powers. Which part of the powers has new lines are now mentioned here. been devolved on the General Mana­ The lines which were there approved, gers; which part of their powers has most of those lines are now left out. been devolved on the divisions. All The new lines, I think, have been these are specifically spelt out in the mentioned. If I am wrong, he could Mr. Morarji Desai’ Administrative Re­ correct me. This was a specific line forms Commission’s Report. Merely about which he made a commitment. putting in the cold-storage additional I would like to know whether it is members is no structural alteration at dead or living or just thriving or in all. Six members, that is what is the cold-storage. What exactly is it? stipulated. Now you have got a I would like to get such information. chairman and members. You have put five members there. I am say­ The most interesting proposal that ing if the structural alteration is what has come in is about sexualisation of 313 RlV- Budget, PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79,— Gen. Dis. 3 14 the railway booking staff: I mean a area where the service of our .sisier new sex. He has made a discovery, can be taken. Sir. (Interruptions) All right. Thank you. Mrs. Parvathi Krishnan has said about ‘baksheesh’—so many things, AN HON. MEMBER: He uses the being done. I went through the entire word sex’. That is what he says. list. I would only request Prt»L Madhu Dandavate to go through the SHRI C. M. STEPHEN: Here some­ minutes of the Anomaly Committee. thing is very interesting. What he has done is this. Certain proposals which were put forward or PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You offered by the Department but rejec­ forget the adjective ‘fair’. That makes ted by the trade union representatives all the difference. are now declared in the Budget as- concessions. These were offered bat SHRI C. M. STEPHEN; I never said rejected by the trade union represen­ that it is ....I found throughout Ihe tatives. I have no time to go into speech that Mr. Dandavate is speaking, these in detail; I could number these he is using the word ‘I’. On page 15 things. Whatever was offered on the of his speech, he says, ‘‘I have decider! negotating table by the management that as matter of general policy only and was rejected by the workers is- women should be employed as reserva­ now announced as concessions. Is it tion/booking clerks and supervisors fair to the workers? One or two items in the major booking offices starting on which there was difference of with the metropolitan cities. We may opinion, the Minister has concede* be accused of being partial to the fair there. But let us understand this.. sex.” This is the only place where ‘we’ This is an area where about 15 lakh, has come. I know, Mrs. Dandavate is workers are workng. Is accepting cer­ a very progressive, forward-looking tain proposals which concern not a and a very powerful lady. She has got very large number of the people but that reputation. Whether this ‘we’ only a few thousands of people, a means their common experince or what major concession to the workers? To exactly is it, I do no know. About the extent it has been done, it is this non-corruptibility of fair-sex, J all right. But merely because you have have nothing to say but I must say announced these things in the Budget that corruption or non-corruption does not mean that these would be would depend on any sex. To say thot accepted by the workers. What was all men booking clerks are corrupt rejected on the negotiating table stands and that all women booking clerks, rejected in spite of the declaration if they come, wiil not be corrupt is an that you are conceding it, you give assertion which is rather too m>jca it a budgetary footing. for me to stomach. That sort of as­ sertion or implication is here. He Finally, the question of bonus is could very quietly do that and put there. Mr. Dandavate knows A'hdt women there. I welcome this proposi­ role he played in this matter. He tion of engaging women because that has now given a handful of bouquets is an area where our sisters can be of to the workers for the great achieve­ service. Therefore this is a good i^ea. ments they have done in the Railways. I was only jokingly saving about the If that is so is it not an area where, other things. I do congratulate him on after one year, you will have to come his move in this direction. Soon of this out with your definite opinion? Your insinuation that the whole root of wage-freeze proposition is now pend­ corruption is traceable to men being ing. The question of merger of i>A. there—that should not have been there with basic pay is there. That is 'a —, the proposition is good, and 1 major proposition which will affect congratulate him on that. It is an the retirement benefits and all that. 315 My- Budget, MARCH 9, 1978 1973-79—Gen. Dis.

[Shri Col. Stephen] that none of the Express and Mail But the question of bonus still re­ trains stops at Morappur except Yer- mains there; that question has not caud Express. In consequence, 25 been touched at all and I do not think lakhs inhabiting this backward difr- that you can, delay the decision on trict are unable to utilise the railway this matter so long because you had facilities. As Railways serve a vital roused hopes in the workers, you had role in opening up backward areas, I urge upon the Railway Minister to pleased for that you had told the entire direct that Kovai Express, West Coast world that this was a justified propo­ Express, Nilgiris Express a^id all other sition. There is absolutely no reason why the railway workers should be trains must stop at least for two minu­ tes at Morappur, enabling the 25 lakbs denied that even after you have pro­ of people in Dharmapuri District to ved that you are true to the Railways, engage themselves in economic activi­ after you have established the whole ties. You would be surprised to know thing. that Kovai Express stops at Erode and 15 hrs. Tiruppur which are not district head­ quarters. I reiterate that all Express Many claims, as I said, which have and Mail trains must stop for two been put forth are not real claims minutes at Morappur, the nearest and because these were things which were the only rail-head for Dharmapuri already there. Shorn of that, my District’s headquarter Dharmapuri. impression is that this is a normal year. But there is a bend which is dange­ 15.02 hrs. rous. Let him take note of it and cor­ rect the whole thing before it goes [Shri M. Satyanarayan Rao in the into the morass from where it may not Chair], be possible to redeem it. I leave the Railways in the hands of my friend, Sir, Jalarpet Junction is a very im­ Prof. Madhu Dandavate, who, I am portant junction for people wanting very sure, will conscientiously carry to go to Bangalore and Bombay. Yet it forward. Whatever criticisms I the Third Mail does not stop at Jalar­ have offered have been offered in a pet. All the Express and Mail ti:*ins spirit of constructive approach, and must halt at Jalarpet. let us approach it in this manner. In view of the backwardness of With these words, I conclude. Dharmapuri District, the Central Gov­ ernment is investing crores of rupees ♦SHRI P. V. PERIASAMY (Krisna- in setting up Industrial Units like the giri): Hon. Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, Salem Steel Plant etc. Dharmapuri after my maiden speech in this House, is full of industrial raw materials and this is my second opportunity to speak mines. In Palakkod we have a big and I am thankful to you for giving sugar factory. The granites from here me this opportunity to participate in are being exported to Japan. Yet this the discussion on the Railway Budget. area is served only by a metregauge I come from Dharmapuri in Tamil line from Salem to Bangalore. This Nadu which has been declared as a metregauge line must be immediately backward district by the Central Plan­ converted into broadgauge so that the ning Commission itself. Unfortuna­ industrial raw materials and end pro­ tely it occupies first place in back­ ducts can be moved quickly from this wardness in Tamil Nadu. area. This will also serve the purpose Many Express and Mail trains pass of avoiding the circuitous route of through Morappur, just 12 miles away going to Bangalore via Jalarpet, which Jrom Dharmapuri. It is regrettable involves additional travel of 120 miles.

♦The original speech was delivered in Tamil. 317 RlV- Budget, PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79,— Gen. Dis. 3 lg

We have one fast passenger train be places of language fanaticism. The to the Capital of Karnataka, Banga­ reservation charts in Allahabad, lore. As this is a fast passenger, Mughalsrai, Banaras and Gaya must the villagers are handicapped in avail­ also be in English with a view to ing of the transportation facility, helping the pilgrims from Southern especially for carrying the essential States. commodities to Bangalore. In view of the imperative necessity of rural Sir, the Railway Minister is going to people in this area for a train which staff the reservation counters with would enable them to transport their fair sex, who according to him are less products. 1 request that this fast susceptible to corruption. I would passenger train must be made into a like to draw his attention to the neces­ passenger train forthwith. sity of staffing with ladies the Claims Department also, which reeks with We have Chinnar Dam in the vici­ corruption. So many thousands of nity and the water canal runs along­ claims are pending settlement for side the Railway line—Jerthala to years and years. Dharmapuri water canal. We are not able to cultivate the parched lands of The Railway Minister’s surplus bud­ Dharmapuri district with this water get may become a deficit budget on because for the past four years the account of the taxation of petrol, Railways have not acceded to the diesel, coal, electricity etc. by his demand for a Railway Bridge near colleague the Finance Minister. I Palakkod so that water can be made wonder how the Railway Minister is to flow from this side to the other. I going to solve this problem with taking request that the hon. Minister of recourse to increasing the fares and freight in a Supplementary Budget Railways to look into this and sanc­ later this year. tion this long'-felt need of Railway Bridge near Palakkod. on which is The Janata Government professes dependent the livelihood of many day in and day out that the rural lakhs of people in Dharmapuri Dis­ areas would occupy a prominent and trict. pre-eminent place in their scheme of In Sankaridrug, the down trains economic activities. The Railways stop in the open track, and not at the are the largest undertaking which can raised platform. My colleague M.P., take many unemployed educated young Shri Kolandaivelu has been requesting men in the country as probationary repeatedly the officials of Olavakkot apprentices. They can be absorbed Division to lpok into the difficulties of later if they acquire the required skill. aid men, old women, pregnant women; In the rural areas the aveiage young children in getting down from monthly income is just Rs. 40/- while the train. The hon. Railway Minister it is Rs. 350 per month in urban cen­ should direct that the down-trains tres. The Railway Minister must bear must stop at the raised platform in this in mind and do the needful. Sankaridrug. I wonder why the air-conditioned Sir, pilgrimage is a must for all First Class and First Class coaches Indians. The people from North go should be abolished while the Minister to holy places in Southern States and proposes to have air-conditioned the people of Southern States go to second-class. Is this to his idea of es­ Allahabad, Banaras and Gaya. The tablishing egalitarianism on the Rail­ southern pilgrims find it difficult to ways? The foreign tourists like to have locate their number of seat and coach, restful rail travel and enjoy because the reservation charts are their sojourn in this country. If the only in Hindi. It must be borne in hon. Minister wants to reduce over­ mind that these holy places develop crowding on the Railways, which in national integration and they must not fact has assumed serious proportions 319 RlV- Budget, MARCH 9, 1978 1973-79— Gen. Dia.

[Shri P. V. Periasamy] fTT I 3 WT5TT T7e!T g fa? ?fT 5TTTT leading to very many fatal accidents T t sq?R?rr TT^t Tt fTTT T^ff I because of passengers travelling on top of the trains, he must increase the number of coaches. The Minister SRT3T VTfTf if 9 5 T V T f t swears by the common people and I ^pFT f^eTT f3RT% TTTW znrfg^f TT am sure that their interests would be ^|cT T fe n t fteft ^ I <<"H HTpfT TT safe in his hands. 3ft TW t fT JT ft^ - f Before I conclude. I would refer to fmrt ^ fr Tf i 3fpn ^ 1 the dreadful darkness that .surrounds Kelamangalam, Mardahalli stations in fT^TTt *T'T-H*f*; ffrrt, eHTt 3TT?T my area. The Railway Minister should ^ 'Tft eft W T t ^9T-79T ^T^TT ^PTTTT order that the stations which I T t w R 5>gt Tf^t | I itTT f^ ^ | fT have mentioned together with the approach roads, which are infested JT^t sft 3,f^TfT I Tt f^<;|iJci ? fV ^ with snakes etc., must be electrified. ?fT EJT?T

With these words I conclude my T t ^ ^ < 1 0 ( | > f t ^Tf^ fT fTSR speech. Tt -fTTfm d if frfft «ft ?TT^t Tt T lf «ft TT*T T^rT #T^T (a % ): (TTWhfi »T ft I ^flT f t H TT T t ET$9T wiwfrt ^ *0 ^ , r^r *ret 3ft ^ 1978-79 ^ < iiT ^1 wft -rnrfxT tt tctt •Tft fr TT mi) ^ i f T^T ^ ^fT% |fr,T^T% «TfsJTTT if I JTT JTft I $ 3neT-^eT ^eTT j? ?tTt 't'^'fT »T?^T ?rtT »rft^ 5T1»T %^?T ^ T f^ e R ^TfeTT p f r ifTTcT % fnft JpT-fTTOTT^ ?rk ^et % tt zrraT tt?t f 1 ? m # 5fT TT f^T»TeT fr*TT ^ Sffif TTf % fTr*rpT t t ?r ^ t f^ m »fr Sft TR 5Tff | I f t eft efn fTJTT 3fTeTT | «ftT fsTT ?T mih-iYt j«if f»i+i f

% 1 *nju if v * iih h T T f^ frt ^ % sftiT SJT1T*TT V«< SHTcfr jftfeT WRFt W 5HTW T$t £ l" « -i’H % ^< %W \s)ct ■Hiit 11^1 if srnft ? r f ^ i stts^ ^rrf »rf 1 1 JT^t jtct | fa ttst^ tr irrsr cT^r Prefr |*tt | i *T5ft ^ t ^ r ^ Jtrr Ort^r | fa *?t ^orT^ *T'»ti*t ^ r JT^t JTsrfr z^z ir 5ft Trsm?R if ^ tt 'rim ?ftr ^ ^rtf 5?r 5ra?TT^it i ;r f fa&T% % if * ftf !HIT W#t 5?Tt?T ??ft^TT JTirtfR sr|f fa st *rcr %fa^ Jrft !ftn eft ? ff % 5T>rT TtST’TR f*TW*TT I <|TSftT JTPTTT ^ f% I TT 'l C nat jft umfvr zpf ?^rsnr* wr> f^TT'TT % f a r c if f a f a f t ?r f a ^ R ^ I ^r ^T JTf TPT 9TF ^TT ?, f^^TT STT^T | ^ ^ tp: h H'it*T ^t rftfa ^rWf vt f® ffffk ?> «rk ft: «ft qf?nT qrrnm f*p-r % zjz , «f>pt*ftf*i% i w rroT ^HT ^if sft fa^TT % Tf % *T# q ?T>T jfeft ?rr^r ^ t ^ t 5> srr^jft i w f fa^rr ^t sptttt ^ Tft | fo ?r?t t t t?flr v t f 5T?ft ?> Tfr ^ 1 im ^ f fa ^tJT it ^ f'T^S't VT^T ^f (M[ g fa * ?§ef »ft JTPT ^t «Tt % ?r>R %TTT TTStPlR JT^e^JT | Sf^r ^TT^ 3^eT % tiei’aefl ^ t ^ tf » M i ^f^t •r^t r^ rr ^if?^ ^RRt shr t t| ^ ^>TT ^rff^ 1 rr^r at Jtrr Tnrf^ ^T

^tt fkwN’T-wg- ?fnr, Prer?T | I ^T

[sft TTq qfqTC q^q q^r T fq: fq ^mT ^ 1 # qf qr^T qTfqT f. Pr qqq q|q qrq^f ?nPrq TS ^tf^TT, q tf^T rft ftf^ T ^rt tfV mqqVq q'nqq % Pq^ ?q i’ fqrft qrfaq r£qt frrq tt trm'i »jqq ft q qf^ fqqj q wiqt qra ^ft qrr m «qq ft* t xfY* qrq qf f Pf m ^qTTT ?ts^t ftqT i..... (sqqoiH), 4^1 *T fd'f'i «jii»T qq ^cmim f t I STF* qft fq it ft feq^ qrcq | I ^TO ijq> qrqqhr : qfq fqq^ WT ftqT | Pp q f WrrfT % q^[ ^ t f Pf q q ft ftqT 1 «rrq ^ qqq qsr^rr 1

3 at, 1 st, f q f z ^ z % ?TT I 3 TH it ^T it H*nqfar q ft^ i : w ^ \ , ^ q q 1 q*t srq it %% f. Pirn % 5 To Tqs-qt qmq^r 'n tq 1 *t*q qft qrot frm % 1 ^r ^rrr %r fqqsq Pfr ?nq qiq qft ^rt tio ^ift qrrrqq qttq (q:3 ?rtT):

jrp rn ft itmtT f% ^eupT qr f z ^ z Hvrnfq qftqq, ^ q q^ir %

t z m m m ^?r *t Prqqt ftqr qt f t ^ qqr ^-^T-m rrTT % ?rH^q q ft ?ftr 5rr*f qq f q it fd ii qjqt ^ rft sFqq q ^ q % qrq^r? ?ft q,'® qqr[ir qft it f+rnl ?TTT WPTT I ^q % ^FTRT ^ r q TfsqT^qi f, qr qj^ th qqr 7 qft ird STT’^'TT I ft: T*J :qr;q qft WF fiqfq ^ ft: ftrq % qnr’q P'TTT qqqr =Mdl ?TT HT PqrlTf qq: q'TPTT jfTq I qq q^rj TT^qq it qr?rq q_qr fq*r ^ fsj+Tqd TO g w qt7 H tft7 t % ^qit;qTfqq^TFqitqf q ft| 1 Hfq^r its I 7jqf#Tf qq aft ^ ^ Pirr «ft ^rq-qTqrtsTi’cfT qft ^fq qft fqwT it q>rer*n f n 100 faT'-fmid7 qq | ^Prq q f f q m rrqr q ft t fl't7 W q ftf JrT'ft 'fX jftq it qK MH q£ <1M^ ^ I %, fqrqq q'nq t 1 w Pr qq> q^rqq

q ft qft -jT'T'TT qft q fq fVnTT'T ?,, ?ft* J ^ ?rqq q ^ «rnrq it q^T p, fqr f q q ^*T it q*sqr q*tq q ft TTff f I qrft qu~t aqq-qqt q't w r it r^q fir fqqr qft 7TPTR ^ 3T ^T'ft q iffn I HTS ^T qiqt 'qrf qT h ft ^rrf q qfg fq^ ^tt q^q

^ rc qz it w t k q ? qrft q f % q> snq qrvq qq sr-icq fqrqT | q f q ft t %Prq qft m q ^ 'r qq^ft t 1 5Tft qq: q ^ ?TTq t, ^rnr -qt ^ rq fqrftq WR q ^qt ft | 5ftT ^ q % 3 ;q? q ^ » ?fq it *t qq> 5ft n fqq^q t w PRT f ?TT I fa q qft C[fq it f q %«pq ^ ft? % fq g t ?^rqfr q j ?rrq «ftft 7 ffsr fqqq^r Twq 1 fq: sq-q^ it im r ?r qmtsr qi: arrfwi ?fsqq cpqqq q: q^K+lq it nt i^rar q ?t qTr irqqr q;r ^ qrr q ^ r I — • ■.* 1 I quote from the Indian Express dated 23rd February 1978.

»«nqfk *rft^: no ^qfr ^rrm ’.'TV ' * “There are certain disturbini ’ it ? q 1 ^fqrq v q^'j fqr Miiq afr features of railway finances and o railway, operations which . are liabl 9rlr^* srrq qfn ?=tt to be pushed under the carpet b: ^rrfcTT fi fq: ^ w^ft f^ z w'm'H qnr'f the surpluses calculated on the1 cur qf>- m*jH q ^ ^ 1 1 qr^ff FfNrrf rent account. The railways are stil 325 Rly. Budget, PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79,—(Jen. Dis. 326

saddled with a debt of as .tiucb as ^rf srsrwrcft w f jt ft,^rrtfm # Rs. 380 crores and it will be reduced by only a paltry Rs. 15 crores during P t ^ i 3TPTT ITTW Tq r ^ I ??T it the next year. This is so in spite = ^ t| T T 5 r^ T T ^ ^ t JTT JT6ZT 5T%JfT eft, ^ f f T f r of the fact that huge public funds have gone into the railways from »TFT^rfT^TfT^T ^ftrf T ^ TT^m plan period to plan period and there if ^ STTTT % \ 5TTT | 5Tft TT fTO% had been steep increases in fares ?fhT ^®ff it *T ^TT jffa T3wt rT % *TT*T $ JT#I «ft t I it f^tr-^tf^, TrTRTJT-

rT WT* 5»T^rfrrrT rT^T ^TffTT g, ^RTTTST, fftT^-rTTT ^H t HT^TT % «l!^ it t w 3 Trr r t f f r JTfr qr fq-®f ^rrrt ?f, mf^T^ft erar'f it art ^ f'TTT fspTT ^ ?^TT% rT^r r> JTFcT ^ ^ft?^ sn?T »t% | fr*r s m r *t ^reft *rrr7 ^ ^'TT •s I < it r t f f-^'d 1 sq^cT »T *r> <«i 1 '-hirt stpt ?si*n 'tm qT farftq' ?ftr r t f sTTtt rnrqift *t rr^rr— «*i«ai fr2rfrT s t r r t ^ sttt T^rt Tt *tstt $ q f iTc^cT f^TTfff^T I I w ^TTFTT jfT7} --- cTT^T r t f^cTT VI ^ vqr ?rtrR rl rtf f# ^ r ^ t 1 t ' JT T ^ ftq - ^ T ^twV 3ft ^ ?TT% VTT'Tnr 3TcT rT ^T^eT ft;if! ^ f r f’Tfr^T 'ftfiT % r m f W f t ?T*ft ^fTT^' 'SIT t %fr*T r ^ cTT ^S»T> ? ^ W«T7 it ft ^TT f wk *T# gTT-^TT JTf r f T 5TT TfT | ?T>T q ? ^ «f> sm frot ^nrt A ^TTirjff r t q^ r f t w r *tt f r h t t t t r t r t f f^rfV^T r^»TT I fr o ? ^ T r t it ^ ^HT'T fTOM ^ftfcT T *ft ^TTT ftTT ysnsT rT^ff % f^T 3TfT ’TFT 5 dl ^TfT

[ TTo HTTTiror TT&J] ^ t nqr, 'itift Jf f ^ f t ?ft*TT qfatll*? ^ 'di'f't HdO Vt $ f% 1%(t ^rf fr?ftnr Tt

f a ^ f t 5Ti < *Tj(f I g^JT ^ r ^rfFR^r wh:

TH ^TT T t JPTTTfar 4 TTtY if T'Tfft 5t^r j>T ^>T ^T^TT •T^t f^T^eTT «i4i+i 5 *ftTs *?t t i s.^r+t q fc srrr ^1 vfl'iiH <1 * 10 VTtT VX 5 eft fl’ ffHwnl if nqT «tt ^ r % jf « ^ r <1*1 <4 ^ j R 'T T ■^^0' %n T ^ t ^HT ^ ftT tr^r ^ T R t ‘T T W T ^ r ’ vV h^ct> | 1 s * r ^ ^t ^T

sr?mrfasF er*rm *ft * t r t ^ t> f | I ^JT^TTt M^WIM | I

*ftr v * q'TH *f ^Tfrr rrrr sjrra^ ^t if? Jf JTriT^ftT Jf^t JTfT?3T ^T RTH f w * 5 R T T t f t <.ri ^sfii'i 1 iff ^ft iffr irrvf^cT ^t»tt T>gY *15 q'ls Tt tiHiyi VT ^Hl ^TfcTT g I ^T ^TTRt | f t ?^T ^rf^r %ftr qT3r *TPRhr «ft faT^TT T^t | 1 t o ?rnr ^t f ^ r r ^ ^ ^ Jr 5 ir^^r t£ £ ?ftT 5n^ |f |—J^fr t ^rt ^ tt 5tf T9 ^ TfT^cT'T >1^f <. ♦I'T'I ^ ---- T ^ f l t f5r»m ^rnfr 5fnff % ^di^r jftfl^T % 3>TT f^TTT ?T^ ^t Hnrmr H 1 f?^r 5T 1 «nT»ftT f^r> q?- j T1-^—"TTt CN % HT^ 5>tt wrf^rr sfpw % sr?^ t t ^ttD' 1 ^ r t ^ 2 f

'f i|t <15'I^ ^f 'fliiT I 3T5t TcT^ ^ ^Tfrq i *?> •Hcff TT ^ 5 ? F^rfhT ^rfrrfrT fft him% if cr*rtcrT (W®'1 *f *T3fTY ITRTTf ^ JTft | I SlfdVin if ift ^ sdf-tY T^FTT *T 'snf i^f ^ 1 f^TT 4 *fy »T5r> 5ft JfffT tftfnTT f^T*J ^T 1 ^ft f ^ r r ^r%rr, ? r ^ r q-? MHIf'TrT ?TTTr f% jff rfjpT ^mi W«1 *i 1 *1 cl 1 ’TTTFTfr^' ^T T'H ^ 5 t^ 1 1 hY ^ r ^finT TT^t ^ I ^[f-1^'1 % if 'T *17) ^ t^fV'1 'dtlt-l Sfy> ^ 'iWtf l*[ # ?nT% JTTEJHT ^ If?ft *T5f^T ^

^ T WtTt-TiF^TlT STFT fteTT fsTH% sifT cTT >Tf HTrft ^T «qi

TrT°T »rr?t eft^-^R W gfRTt | *f5ft * TfK m ^ vi'fis f<;H 5JF fW>*i I STRTT ^ ?ft T st^i T % ^ t r | rTTTKi> tt 'j'Tr^r w r nor, ^ ff ^ JTf ^T ^TT f ?TT ^ 1 ?nr: *rf STTcft ?Tft ?tt fa *§■ct ^ m»r cfr q?r | fsRTr s r^ ft ^ ^ t f r *rf? ^ r srT^ft fteft ^ eft Fftr^r tt srr^r

^ t* ^rfa^r) Tt ^ T^t^T cTT |?TT *r f t t wrsr sft t t § £ %fr^T ^rt^T ^ % TT *i Ml<51 cTT t 1 sr&r JTTT’ft^r * r w % s t t t fsrai f'Ti^ST'T T T T H T ^ T ’PTT % 5T^ r^m ^ I Wft TT *t>I^ *T5?T-*T5T i ir Tf% sft b jt p t ?t t t T ^ t f w ^ fr ^ 5 STR 5ft 3ff% ^ R ot ^ ^ ? M Tt !TTT ^ 5 ® °»n 1*41 ^ I STTST T V T ^ ^ frfa fret srr nw t 1 1 ^rf mr it^r T f f ^ T , ^ T -^ T f H e T ^T T j ^ T ^ -qiHieT ^terr | f% ^rfff»sr t t ?>-?>, cft^T-eft^ ^fsTT ^Tf*T TT HT^ %1r»T ftrsj^t ^r? t?ctt ^ ^t tltcfl ^ — f^T ? % f^ f^ % 7 P T % ^T*T it I, 3*r% w k ^rft ^T ft t^t |, f t ^TTeTT I , T 7 7 | THT TT TTt ftT f^T cftwft ^T ft TfT I— fsTH^t ^ ^ ’PTT, if STHTTTt STRT Jr^fTT T> 9fcT 'T^Tpft fTeft I I ^T»T^n »Tff ^ I Jf ■q igiM TT sft THI ^ R t | I fW T ?% ^ I TfT *TT 3(TTt fTT ^ 5TF fTTT SJPT I My. Budget, . MARCH 9, 1978 1978-79—Gen. bis. # 2

[TTO HMJJ'J! Ttf*T] ^TtT ^ 5t^5 !^T TefWHT ^ «c«ql-ST eTTt •ft^T^’ % Tt2T ^eiq Hi^'tf % ^1^ ^f W'ti if VM't 6T^ Tt HVPTRff Tp^ Pi<( 5*1 TT ^TT ^ I ^TTT TTT Tt errs wttt eztpt ^err i % ?T*T ^f fTOT 3TFTT ^ If^v I TTT; *i 1*1'Hm 3ft % ?TTT% ^T «'l ^ T T ^TT ^TWTWT ^ ^TT ^l?eil g T T t | | I 25 5T3'T w t r 26 ITT— ^ fT ^tvR 17*5 T^pft TT 3ft ^TTfSTTT 5tdI ■•IIf«<41 yilHMft tiVM TT <•+! ??TTt ffTTteT f*t>M 1 'flidT f3RT% TTe ft *ft I v*i % «^r< *ft if fT Tf-f?ra 'TOHf Tt TTT fJT^T ?T% I T m»Tt Tt eTTT> ^ 5>er I I ^ WTTT ^TTO-?TcTTT f*(154 JT5t?i| : TT ^3T *Hlf3TTTT i n m T T ft T t S f a r -MH I'Ll I 3TPI I ^pr Tt 1'Jtmr | f w ?tft 1 qT T?> TT ^Tf^Tf I ^riiqcT: ^ »ITft 62 % 5^Tt Tt TT3T % Pi" M J —*3'1i'1\ ^ f t t I *TFT TT JTjft (TT >TTft ?f, 3TT TT?T £■T % I ?TrT if qT 5TT?T ?ftT T^TT ^F$dt ^ t t ^ t »t trnm sft ^?Mfsr ?tt?;t «rt, t t ?n??r Tt ^ 3*TTT ^

tt i t 1 1 5 T ^ r sft*t wf w f ft «rr ?fh: ^ r •Tift ^ fa ^ IpT fa?ft ^ f r3ccrrfecT *TT5T JTW sftiHT I 60, 70 a t 1 ^rf^rr ^ qrrr ^fr srrefrsr ifaT if «ft *fk 'Tc'R fftf 'i i s 'i i f wk. f^n irnr, f»nm sptsj s fa =ft f?m *m *rr 1 w rR^ frnrpr % ?rr% % irpf if sfa: *m rt ?tt?t- ^ 35, 36 H R ^f TT 5ft •■5 f^rr »Rr ^ i 5^ 9T*^f % ffPT fa^Pf % vfhff % jfa,i?PT sftr ?q fa qfi^tf TTT JT5TTW7 TfRTT — ■ o *f^t 5ft ^rt ^ f?nt f if 5TPTT ^rrt # hjttcT ^Tfrr g i ^tfa'I 'Ji+r Vtt 5t^> 'dn 1 R^t fajT *nrr ^ i ^ qr v ft *to afto TfSTf (aST^sn) : ^t | *rtr Trtf tt^ tt 5^r Wr'TfcT ’Tft?*T, fft ffflt ^qr?T 5rr 11 vtf ^ft ?frf ^ra- sftsnir | t ^ t| itt fa 11 *rs ?rr^T faf^r 5rm% if sirft m *rsi «fr?r sqrcr 3 i a • ntft *ff ift fa ?rcrft qff ff 11 MR. CHAIRMAN: My Difficulty is ‘^tit ^t ?rrr in^t 5f^t ^77 ^ t 1 that for all other groups there are only qF % ?fnff ^>t hpt ^ 1 %fa^r eleven minutes and there are eleven members; each can get jnly one *mt iff if t r *fcp?pj ^rff tff minute. ^ t?tt 1 1 ^ qr «ft Tfo jfto *RTa : if l-Ai TT ^ f ^cPff »I^f pfT 1 5)> f a 5fr T f ; 1 1 ^ TPtf' TcftqT |, ^ tf ^ft q^t ?rosfa g i jp r t ^ *fft 3ft if ^ f T p f t ^ fs w % fcTtr ^ rrf fa5i ^ r f f # >$oft i f ?tt% f f3 R % ?rr75r *4t «Tr*r qrf % ?n^if % w r pr ?tt ?rm:r ^trt qt 1 tftsn TPtir 1 1 q? ?fl^ Ifiq 5TT5T, fan? sft? 1 1 jfr ??f 4 ^?i fa n Jf7f55n^T cfNr 5fRTt Sfit 5ff3^ ^T^ft | I *nrr | 65 ^fr? ^ir % lyiri % to *frr sqTTRt ^Jf ?PR =TTqf 5lHf fa*TT *RT I I ^ q>*f f?>TT g ' o .* - ^ ^ f i f i f sfgcf » F 3 T t , ^ f lif ^ T f t c)> ^ f 150 iftTT Sftt’IRT? 3TR1 TffTF q?,f ^ H’lHllT 5fPTr qTrTT ^ ? T t»f jff% I , if FIT f?H g, 5?ft fTT^ ^ | ?lfT faT 5!T^T qf^ qTcfT | I q? sn " w if 47 |, q-f >y?rra * ^ wf^ro; Jf jf'wt iff % sfrq^r fa % * fa 5ft +5)if^T TW f^TI?if3 if ^1 »T *nTr «rr ?r k 1934, 1935 if w tv >D 335 RlV■ Budget, MARCH 9, 1978 1978-79—Gen. Dis.

[«ft ffo sfto nqf] TERT^T % ^ TfTJTfT T T ^ T % ^ft’Tt Tt | t t ^ | tftr «rfT t t tut TTet f, ftit srcft* ^ft fteft i RT ?rt «Y» t^^i ^r??rf j 1 *T5T t t Ttzt 7 ff fR m t I * *TTT% 3ft ^ TRhPT | # W 53f f a r . «TTT% fTTTSifz if % ^ n srft % ffr^ f %fr^r ^T-^T, T*Sf-T?jff ?m=ft % TPT TT^t TTT? % ^Wf Tt JHft»5T % *n ^ | *ftr w r a-T-rotar *nr% if T tf «f.^?n % q ft ^ 1 *fc«iTf t t f»ro% srrrTt ^ him'i ^T-^T ?ftT T T ^ m ^ iftft T5TTt sftWtVTT tt f»TTRt 11 %fr*T w ^pt ^ JT^r IWfTT I I ^ jf^t sft Tt t»T TO fWcr ^ fTTT i ^?r favpr frmr 1 1 T^rm % tht ^t^t if ^ ?»>ff Tt eft TT*TM£ TTrTT | %f*R tw t * t ^ 1 1 ^ f Tt fsrf^nr 5't‘^l TTTMt ?T^t r+4. SIRT I ^TTt TTT7 I I ^smr ^T WT*TT TT TTT TC^Md TT% Tt J||<^ T*T f ^ R i j i TT Tft ^ I hI+H 3^TTt 4HiH ^T TT TT TT^rt =^Tf^tT | tnrT srrrrt qfrra wsft 5tt ^ft fen Tm ^ 1 «n rr ^ fT 'Tt H^T ^TT-^TT, TT^-Tt^ ^ fe n srm ^t ^ w n t*ttt ^ SR jftrft TT %WT I, OTTt TT*TR£ ?rrt €t tr fy it arff Tt T*T *RTT> TT *THT fasRW ^ ^ t | I SReTT ^TTTTT T t flrTT if ^ *rrr *prR | fr ®tt 5fklr IZTTTf »Tft% fT ^ I , ^TTfWt ^ f t T t ^51% R4I|«il TT T tf^ J T t S’R^'TT sn^TTT 1 Tf% ^ n r 1^4 if ?nr% fMt ^tffn I ^'T ’TTT % *mr !ftT ^ f t jft§ 5T5^t if ?T5^ t ?T5®r 5Tn T f t «ft I fffsft sft 5^fTt ? ld if i f f Tf-TT ^TfeTr g fT WfT% W5®t ?T55ft gra I I tfcTT if ^rt, *rrnr Tt, rrr Tt sft % trjt if tjr ?r^®t 5T5T 9?rrf *ft ^t?^ ?T5ft I I T*T TT f t STidtq^T ??«H f ® TT 2Tf sft ?nn fT VK^ft ^ Tt % «fWf TT % TT^f^T far|% f} I % eTTf it 3^1% sn TT TOT T^TT ? TOT T r f ^ r ?ftn'f Tt fair sp? ? f ^ TT M+sH «TI% fTST^ if sn TT f ^ t fT 3gcT *ST *R7T>T T*n% | I T|»n I ^HT ft (![T «JfeT iRTT^T g*TR «n n wtt ^tt it srrfcm s fa zTwr 5TTT% sft f e n | I 5TTT% T fT | fT I eft STTTTt % ^T^FV , sRcn ^ rt mr ^ * rir if i n i g f §37 MV- Bu*Bet, PHALGUNA 18. i899 (SAKA) 1978-79,—Gen. bis. 338

#r«rf Tt ^fcT ^nfr 11 T t «TtT^T «TT^ HT®T fr t ft T t ?TT% eft TfTT TT fe*Tt I fT ^5T| t£T ^T% f^pt >3t) fc't'c %^T hsciI ^ I *r ^ h t % Tft | *rtr irf *a"RT f® *rtT '3ti4> hpt qr qiT j ft, ^ 1 ^ TT f^ T Tftx *HTt ^TT H* % %ft c z fl ?ft WT 5T ft, ^TTt ^t Tt t Tpft ^ t ’tjtt 1 1 ^ft*r T f ^ T ^ ; m f% ’^TTTH TT '•IIM jf H^TMfd HfT^T w 1 Haft ^FT TfTT Ml (. 9TfT ® '. HTcT ST*t T ?fnt htct ht #' %frH C\ ^>T ^TRT -JHTt TT 5 I T^HT M|1', fT TTf *JT ft * H% I I tTHT H ft fT 3 f TTH TT »?HT ft fT ft I SHRI M. RAM GOPAL REDDY SH ^T^ 5TFT *TTfT ’fRT ? t^T if (Nizamabad): I would like to congra­ %f5pT V°'

[Shri M. Ram Gopal Reddy] year in succession. He has given us a surplus budget. I am grateful to him SHRI M. RAM GOPAL REDDY: not only from the point of view of the Out of every 4,000 people, one man is surplus, but also from the point of working in the Indian Railways. That view of his seeing how the railways is why I say that the Minister should can contribute to the general revenues not deprive 3,999 and give the benefit of the entire nation. He knows, and only to one person. That is why I the whole House knows, this budget object to giving bonus to the workers. has been welcomed by all sections of There may be pressure from his party the people, including those seasons of also. Of course, when he was sitting the people who make some point of in the Opposition, he was asking lor grievance or demand. After all, wi-oe- bonus every day. Now, I want to ver becomes the Railway Minister, give him good support in not yielding he will have to receive a number of to any pressure. (Interruptions) I suggestions, comments and criticisms welcome it. I repeat again that he as to why in a particular locality a should be very bold and reject any particular train has not started, or not demands from the workers. Secondly, speeded up, or a new line not taken there is demand every day for abolish­ up or completed. Taking a general ing the Railway Board. After til, view, I do feel that he has many lau­ what is the Railway Board going to rels to his credit. do? It is the Minister who is doing hard work. It is the Minister's orders Having said this, I must now start which are carried out by the Railway with my points of comment. First of Board. Why blame the Officers in all, I wish to say very briefly, that his Rail Bhavan? Where should they attention to passenger amenities, sit? They should have some place to though welcome does not go far enough sit. Wherever they sit, it will become in that direction. The direction that the Rail Bhavan. Therefore, you he has given is correct. He is getting should not criticize each and every rid of ACC compartments, caloons and officer. many paraphernalia of the imperial traditions. But if you look at the pro­ Now, for the railway lin« between blem from the point of view of re­ Bibinagar and Narkuda, he has not venues, il you consider the income provided an adequate amount. He has which you rcceive from ths» second provided only a small amount. It is class passengers, I am afraid the pas­ not going to solve the problem. This senger amenities are not as many as line will link Nagarjunasagar. It is they ought to have been in proportion a granary of foodgrains, because it to the income. gives you over 25 lakh tonnes of food­ grains every year. Therefore, this railway line is necessary. Again, I know he will say that a start has our Chairman's demand has been that been given. Quite good. But I want Ramagundam and Nizamabad should that start to be at a little more accele­ be connected. It is in the coal belt; and rated pace and not at the present pace. my constituency is in the sugar belt. He has given the one rupee thali of I want these lines to be completed at janata food for the railway passengers. an early date. I hope the Minister is I hope it will be worthwhile eating not going to give 8.33 per cent bonus and not just food for the sake of to the railway workers. name. Because, I do not think people go and travel on railways and spend PROF. P. G. :*/IAVALANKAR (Gan­ money on tickets merely because a dhinagar): Sir, I wish to congratulate cheap meal is available at one rupee. the hon. Railway Minister, my friend, After all, they will go only when they Shri Dandavate, very warmly for his have to go. When they go, let them budget performance for the second not go hungry. » 34i &V- Budget, PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79,—Gen. bis. 342

While talking of the “Janata” thali areas. The railways should first agree or food, may I request the Railway to an engineering survey to And out Minister to start it at the Western whether it is feasible or not. Court? Those who stay in the Western Court and have to burn midnight oil I want to say now a word or two find it very difficult to get good food about the conversion lrom metre-gauge there. People will run away if they into broad-gauge. What about the taste the food. I myself do not know Ahmedabad—Delhi line? Why does how I have survived there all the&e he want us to spend 24 hours to come years! So, why not the Works & Hous­ to Delhi to attend to our work? We ing Ministry and the Railway Ministry cannot allord to go by air always be­ jointly start some kind of railway cause free air journey is not permitted catering in all these areas when.- Mem­ to us beyond a particular number of bers of Parliament live liere in Delhi? journeys. So, we are forced to go It is a shame that Members of Parlia­ by train which means we nave to ment are put to such inconvenience spend 24 hours In the train. If I go when they have to work lute in the home for the week end, I will have to night, like Ministers. We work and miss the session on Monday. I Co not burn midnight oil and we do not get want to miss it. I want to be here enough to eat, good food and clean from Monday to Friday. So. the con­ food. Let the Railway Minister, version of the metre gauge line from therefore, go into that aspect also. Delhi to Ahmedabad should be taken up as early as possible. I am glad he has mentioned about the Nadiad-Modasa line via Kapad- Then there is the Viramgam-Okha- vanj at page 10 of his budget speech. Porbandar line lor which Government But what about the Bhavnagar-Tara- has already spent some money. Now pore railway line? For years we have they have been spending money on been asking this question and he has stall and administration at Surendra- been saying that the matter is under nagar, Rajkot, Jamnagar and other progress. What is the pace of this places. I would like the Minister to progress? We would like to If now that, pay a visit to these places and see because the Bhavanagar-Taripor? line whether he could accelerate the pace has already been agreed to, a survey of work so that he could go to the has already taken place, and the Planning Commission and ask them Gujarat Government has agreed to for more funds to complete

[Prof. P. G. Mavalankar] had to spend Rs. 20 for it, only then he could get a ticket! I would also like him to cot.sider the question of electric trains between The Railway Minister is talking of Ahmedabad and Baroda and between re structuring the Railway Board. I Baroda and Bulsar as they have in do not know whether he is only minc­ Bombay, Madras and Calcutta, so that ing matters or having a jugglery of passengers, students businessmen, words. I respect him for his sincerity employees professionals and other but let him be clear and honest and commuters are helped? Why can’t say whether he has got rid of the over­ he think in terms of having additional all bossism and overlordism of the trains for them? Railway Board on him. He has told The Sabarmati Express between us that he is not going to be dominated Ahmedabad and Varanasi is an Ex­ by the Railway Board. That will be a satisfaction only so long as he re­ press train only up to Baroda. Beyond Baroda it is a local. So, either change mains the Railway Minister, if at aU the name or speed up the train. That he is right in what he is saying. Ihe is my request to him. point is: why have this anachronism in the present condition of Indian ad­ Then, I will deal with corruption ministration? in half a minute. I would also like to know whether SHRIMATI PARVATHI KRISHNAN the Railways Act is going to be amend­ (Coimbatore): Only half a minute for ed and brought in tune with the new corruption? situation. I have been representing for a level PROF. P. G. MAVALANKAR: That crossing at Navsari. I also want a is because time is limited. Otherwise foot-bridge at Ranip near Sabarmati 1 can speak on it for half a day. in Ahmedabad. These are important things that he should look into. PROF. MADtfU DANDAVATE: Half a minute for corruption, more for 1 want this House to know that we eradication. have not given adequate attention to railway porters and their lot. Many PROF. P. G. MAVALANKAR: Cor­ of them have no shelter. I would ruption is there. He has told us that request the hon. Minister to construct he is putting women employees at the for them yatri sarais, some sheds windows. That is all right. One can where they can eat, have a bath and go on writing philosophically in a stay for the night. They are already good-humoured way whether man or pver-worked. Why not give them these woman is better. It is a matter of facilities? dispute. But let Prof. Dandavate and myself travel in cognito and see how I find that wagons are not avail­ much attention we get at the reserva­ able—and that is another source of tion windows. Nobody attends to the corruption—for coal from the coal telephone, there is no answer, no in­ areas to Ahmedabad, creating difficul­ formation is given. I know it is not ties for the textile industry as also in his problem, it is a problem of national the supply of electricity. A good deal character, but it has to be looked into. of Salt production is destroyed be­ Corruption ;Ls there because people cause wagons are not there. have to travel, and if they do not get a ticket, they have to pay excess for There is a train between Gandhi it. I remember that the former Gov­ Nagar and Ahmedabad—the two ernor of Maharashtra Shri capital cities, present and former, of after he ceased to be Governor, wanted Gujarat—but there is no station in to go to Mussorie and as he himself between. The train consists of, per­ wrote to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, he haps, one or two passengers, one 345 RlV- Budget, PHALGUNA 18, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79,—Gen. Dis. 346

engine driver and one guard only be­ fe*TT t TT*T *RTT | I cause it does not stop in between! t *f^t ^ 3ft ssnpfhr tpt If you have a train at all between these two places at least do not make it a fa^TT ^ Hu* ^7T T t '»iid l 'd 'lfi't mockery. *rtr wft *l I *RTT ^ I 1 1 *T^t^ but after all these are places of all- 103 *T^ ■'iciiC *1?— India pilgrimage where tourists come NSM'lfetT T t 9TeT 'Tjjt ^ I 74 fllfs^t from all over the country. Why not have names in English also to help % WZb farr »TTT— ^ tft Tt# passengers and pilgrims from places T*T vjHdfel J^t ^ I f 5PTT j[t STjff, like South India?. ^TTTt STTTT % tJT ^ft fc?TT Tt Finally, I find that the Railways have spent lot of money for sending ?PHT ?TW fart ^ fa ^TTT f»T^% its people for training. Railway is fc R % 5ft»ff T T 3 7 T T 331HT ^ f a t also doing a good job in constructing ^ 3S1TT 3^% «R qT 5TT TTT new railway lines in various foreign countries earning foreign exchange. TTRTt Tt faTTT Tt sftT ^ 3THT | I Very good. I would like the Minister 50 fj'-’iK r fe rr *nrr ^ 1 m m fo | fa ??ft 5TTTT % ^fTT^T TTtf ^ *fr?t ^ >TT frfd 1 TT% TR TWf^ft TT SJfUTfT stpt% y fairr ^ *r<3t' 1 % ?TT?TT feT | | iff Ttf ^rnjlT'T % aft snr? farr |, Jjfc *rft *tt% | ? f f T Jf iTf ^ T H^ft ^1=1)<.ui9 3TTCTT *t faTT f^ T T T1 ?f%cr TTcft | I ^ ?^T TTrT ^t?TT ?ft STT3T Tt 3RrTT ^RT TT T T ?ftrTT | f a ?Pft f^TTT T t ?ftt TT*T T7% ?S?ft fa ■qn ■q t 'Jf’-tctl *1 <4

|Tt ^fcT % f?T(T 5W T?*T t I ??T% ?R ?r? w p qk t t # »ft *T^t % 5ft xtrici fa^TT ^ ^C*T T?^ft I I ijtf JJf T^TT t fa w ^T Tt fl^t f^TTT Tfcft | Wk ?*T*t 3PTcTT T t aft t WTTtSTT T ^ t | vtf ^ fT f?^t Tt sntwT srrrtsTT Tt erhr t if trfc^hr strtt ^ 1 *t 'T^t ^ I ^?ft TTT^T ?t af^cTT 'ITTTar

% ^ t "t ’r f ?tTt «i^ 'T a r^rr tt 5r^=rr t*t fur Tt JTi^ft fa stnsr tn

wr^rt],, ^VPjr^r 1 f ^ w t % 5 r e w ^ r r «rt | ^ fr £* ^ «HT ^ STT^T fW t I % ^ t ^'t i r t f t r o w t 1 ^ 11} f^ r % WTEJ5T fftn I ?rr^ | f*r cn^^ft art S5T Tr faVT'T ¥7 TvT «TTf aft, ^ ?ft ^ n JTfefor i t «ft JjraRRT<% ,fTW f*CT | I STT3T —^ jffrRrr^ t jR t? ^ jr'TWT ^t*t *r fasft

f^WT W cPP *t«T* JT$f t pp ^ ■'llS.r-S 'Jl'iet I tl <,Ti|T f'SMI

qHFTRT % STcFT Jjfaif 'RT^t st ^ it fffTT «rr, Hf^T <41 Jt ^ W-JTR cTT irw ^T *T**=r STjfr I I ?l^T ^=Rn 5TRTT ^ I ^ I f ft: ^ It^t ^fl JR9ct ft: srrsr «rt ^ ?r ^ 5Tlft: STFT ^T% it ^ r fTT5n %m «rr, f ^ r ^ft iT T f * R ^TT fft ^ aftfinr srslf Tf f^isH I ^ 1 F I *3W 4 ^iTn ^%«rr« trr*: f*r ??r ^?t sftf^rr «ft t 1 ^IN t Pt^t | ft: sft qTHT t, ^

“In our opinion, this suggestion iHfT T TTWTlT % fTT% TTT T?t *ftT Beems to be essential.” ^ T f fTTTT T¥TT fT f*TTt ^?T ft^t 3ft i> - T f I — fofJT ST^^T TT Tfr^T TTT; 5TTW ETTT T I 5TTT Tt T f if cfff T t iff7. '3ft^';TT, % rT T'lri'^< 3TR TT fTTT fT Tft % Tfesftfoff Tt sttstt— Tf ^t tt m 1 % f ^ r ^ w tV fT^r ft tt HTerr fT n

^ T q f t ; v n t i t t t t t — t t t TT, ^T T ftr r T 5TTTTT Ttrft f^T# ft fc T T t t t 1 19S5 ft # t t 1978 m 5TT3T ?ft 9 9 5ffT?lcT 5TPT TTtwt Tt T5T TTT, 23 TT TtcT ^T t. n.^ tT ft Tt% t I TTTt T?V gfT^T T^KT *ft fTT^T TFTT ft Tft SPTfT T*?T T ft% fTT »ft TtTT fair % 9 1 TfasFT ?ftT ?TTt «ft TTtTt Tt T^T T Tt% | ?T>T S* ' * STT TT *T?T TTTW TTTT ^T ^ fT 'JT ^ ft T?rt T^ft TT ^ T TTT T f"PT SFT- ^7TTTt ST^frTT TTT7T TT ^TTtr 'TT t t t ^tt j, ^ f f t fT’T f ^ T f ^ r ^rrr % ffcff t ferr T^t f t TfT | 1 m r TTft % fat— f^FT T^T T T^TTT TT ^T TTf ^feT I farT f'^s ??TT% ^ % ’TTT vflT'S% % frTl7— TT7f*:'*TT ^ TTTT ft T tn f TT gTT ffFTTT'Tt 'TTT 35TTT | I %*T T fa t TfTT T t — f a r TT ftft ?r*TT f a r fTTT f^ft 3TTTT fT(TT m«TTT 'TTT T^ft §T. TTf ft fTTtrftfr ft T?rr#tf |— % ^ T T TT^T TTT-TTT 7-TTT TT TT? T<§TT I f=TT vl ?TR- T sftf .fTTft ^fffTTfTT TTf '1 f'1i^ 10 'it TTTT TTTT—^tTT T Tt TTT T f Tt ^ I wfTT ^T Hl^ff T T t m Tft TFT Tffr TT f I T T T tfa TT fFTT T?T 5ITT5TT TfT TT f*TTTt f W T T f ’T TTSTT ft TTT> ’TTT TTT# Tt 'f^FTT TT 3)T5T fT^T |?TT | | sfTTT I ^T ft ft ITT fTTTT M*\ < T f vTT^T TT 'TTTt ^ Tt ^TTt TT'S TTTT ^TTfTT Z — TTTT ft TTTT ftft T f ^TTTT fTfTT ft «ft ^iiv/n \ frr— f*TJTf^ft TT T T O T 1 9 7 3 ft ?T Tft riT ^T

[ «ft ^HT'TT WR^fV ] ^T % ^ PT Tt tft^TT ?>TT I 5TTfT

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[ snrrc vm^t J got many cases of corruption to mention, but I cannot do it for want fT W-q? W|T TT ^ I of time. - «* m r ^ ^?r t ?fJiisH This type of corrupt employees are «rrm *r w f*rr | ^ sr)i getting protection from the railway officers; I would even say thpt they <*> **n ?Tft ?r*TTfT f ^ n | i ^ are being patronised • by the railway « hivi f^rr 3TPTT I officers. Among the instance f gave A... earlier, there, is the instance of North 5^ % *tto Mtvr $ t?r Bengal. North Bengal is a place most neglected. It is a backward area, 5ft *Tt 5^: g far mostly populated by Scheduled ^rTJTT-- STSra^ftlT 5T?gcT falTT | I Castes and Scheduled Tribes people. The total population is about a crore. SHRI AMAR ROY PRADHAN If you look at the map you will find

many years have elapsed and the proposal that the beautiful, costly Teesta Flood Protection Embank­ Railway Bungalows and the Guest ment has been completed long back, Houses at Darjeeling and Kurseong in the year 1970. But still today you may be used by the, tourists of home are saying that traffic survey is going and abroad to meet the loss? on. This is merely an evasive reply. The reply will be ‘No’. Nothing has There is no mention in the Budget been done to improve the commercial of the railway link between District side of this Railway, but it js true that Headquarters Balweghat to Malda this neglected Railway line and the and Raiganj, which will cost only nice costly Bungalows and Guest about ten crores. Houses had been used by the Railway officers for their pleasure trips. Now, I am coming to the Darjeel­ ing Himalayan Railway Section. This Sir, I would like to draw the is a special narrow-guage line of attention of the Hon. Railway Minis­ “two feet” and It has no parallel In ter to this Darjeeling Section. I would request him to pay a visit to Darjeel­ the world. The train climbs up to a height of 8,500 ft. on the hill and is ing once at least and devote some really something to be enjoyed. The time to study the problems and chalk foreigners and seasoners who come out a plan for its improvement. to Darjeeling must avail themselves Similar is the position with regard of the train journey, either outward to the employment of the North or inward, to see the hill view. Bengal people in the Railways. I would like to say how the youth of What is the difficulty about this North Bengal are being neglected. Railway? This Railway was cons­ tructed in 1879. But after so many For recruitment to class III staff, a years have elapsed, this is the most special provision exists for the NF neglected section—the Siliguri Dar­ Railways. The Indian Railway Estab­ jeeling Section is running at a loss. lishment Manual (Second Edition) Very offen, the officers say that since published on 1st April, 1968, Chapter it is running at a loss it should be I, Rule 106, on page 26, says; closed down. May I ask the Railway “ (a) Direct recruitment to fill Minister, that the entire N.F. Railway Class III posts of the Indian Rail­ is running at a loss, will it be closed ways will be made through Rail­ down then. May I ask what has been way Service Commission set up at done for the improvement of this Alljahablad, Bombay, Calcutta and section in this long period of 30 years? Madras or by the Railway Admi­ May I ask why it has not been possible nistration, who is specially autho­ to change the hundred years old rised by the Railway Board. engines, whose running capacity has (b) Recruitment for Class III been diminished. Previously, in 1947 staff for the NF Railway will be it took only four hours to cover 50 made by the Railway Administra­ kilometres from Siliguri to Darjeeling tion themselves through specially but now it takes nine hours to cover established Rearuitmept Commit­ the same distance. May I ask whether tee.” any attempt was made within the last 30 years to modernise this Section Why is this special provision for NF with increased average dimension to Railways? What is the justification allow better engine-hauling capacity? for this? If you look into the persons May I ask whether there is any pro­ recruited for these posts, you will posal to replace these hundred years find that Class Hi staff recruitment old engines and man-handled breaks is generally controlled by Maligaon of the bogies?, May I ask whether the from Assam and Class IV recruitment Railway Administration offered any is generally from Kathihar, Bihar 359 Mv- Budget, MARCH 9, 1978 197R 79—Gen. Dis. 360

[Shri Amar Roy Pradhan] immediately. Our past experience in the case of Hasan-Mangalore railway and Maligaon, Assam. Even five line has shown that the delay in im­ per cent youths of North Bengal are plementation of the project mean3 not able to get Jobs in NF Railway. escalation in cost. As the days roll by, It is a matter of great regret specially as the years roll by, the cost would in view of the fact that the railway- go up. This is what has happened line length in North Bengal is almost in the case of Hasan-Mangalore rail­ one-third of the total of NF railway- way line. line. It has a population of one crore, but even 5 per cent of the I would also request the Railway total recruitment is not from North Minister to take up Mercara line con. Bengal people. necting Mangalore and Bangalore. Mercara is in Coorg district, which I would like to mention that it is produces cardamom, tea, coffee and a tragedy. I hate provincialism, but other products. It is a dollar earning I am sorry to say that it is the rail­ district I had pleaded for this line way administration which is throwing even in my speech during the dis­ hints of provincialism by its recruit­ cussions on the railway budget last ment policy for this Railway. I would year, but it has not been takesn up so strongly urge that this should be far. I would earnestly request the stopped immediately and the North hon. Railway Minister to take up the Bengal people should get their due survey and consider this line. share in the employment scope of the Railways. Now, I come to Mangalore-Subra- mania line. There is a very old train SHRI JANARDHANA POOJARY running on this line,; it is not better (Mangalore): Mr. Chairman, Sir, the than a bullock cart. I would request railway budget without any proposal the Railway Minister to put a new to increase the freight and fare is train on that line in order to popu­ certainly welcome, but 1 would say larise that route and to attract the that the high level of efficiency obtain­ passengers. In order to make that ed in the past particularly during the line remunerative, it would be better Congress regime has to be maintained to put a new railway line on this in order to preserve the health of rou'e. the railways as we have got the dis­ astrous experience of 1975 as well as Further, it has been mentioned in 1977-78. This experience is there for the railway budget that the Hasan- us to see and have our policy for the Mangalore railway line would be com­ future. pleted within a year. It has also been stated that the Subramania- It has been stated, and I would also Sakleshpur line would be completed like to mention that in para 4 of the within one year. However, I have budget speech of the Railway Minister got my own doubts if these could be that a new railway line from Apta to completed within this period. This Roha will be taken up as the first can be done in case our Railway phase of the Konkan West-Coast Minister takes some special interest. railway upto Mangalore connecting Goa, Maharashtra and Karnataka and We have also another ou‘ standing also providing a link with Kerala and demand from Karnataka and it has Tamil Nadu. The people of Karnataka been the desire of the people of Kar­ are, however, not satisfied wi‘h this. nataka—to convert the Bangalore- They want the railways to start the Mysore line into a broad gauge line. work not only from Apta to Roha, But nothing has been done so fer. I but also from Mangalore to Roha, .request th§ Railway Minister to cpp- 3<>I Rly. Budget, i’ HALGUNA IB, 1899 (SAKA) 1978-79,— Gen, Dis. 362 vert this line into a broad gauge line they are more alert, if they are more and also t0 electrify it because the efficient, if they are more scrupulous, government of Karnataka has offered these accidents could have been avert* not only sleepers but also land and ed. That is why I submit that it is other facilities. evident that by and large tfie railway So far as other demands are con­ staff have become negligent and they cerned, I request the Railway Minis­ have become angry because of the denial of bonus to them. And this ter _ to take up this Chamrajanagar- reason cannot be overlooked at all. Satyam&ngalam railway line which is about 20-25 miles distance. We have Further, I may submit, as you know, got another line—Kottur-Harihara so far as the Allahabad accident is line which is also a small one, of 18 concerned, at first the accident was miles and it should also be taken up. attributed to sabotage. Then, later So far as accidents are concerned, on, it was found that it was due to there are series of accidents involving negligence and dereliction of duty on a large number of deaths and injury the part of the staff. Further, I may to many and causing loss not only to submit that there were about 2343 private property bui also to public accidents due to negligence and de­ property which has created a shock reliction of duty between 1973 and and surprise throughout the country. January 1978. I may further add that As you know, there are about 964 there were about 3152 railway em­ accidents in a particular year, i.e. ployees who have been punished for 1977-78 as per the Review of these things. Under the circum­ Accidents. stances, I submit bonus to railway employees must be paid in order to Now, coming to these accidents, I make them alert, in order to make may submit these accidents have not them efficient and in order to make been mentioned in the railway budget. them scrupulous; otherwise there will By not mentioning in the railway be more number of accidents in budget, I may submit this omission future. is a glaiing evidence of the deter­ ioration in the management of the I wish to make a further submis­ largest national carrier and fhe railway sion. As you know, we are clamour­ Minister has reduced the credibility ing further and we have been trying of the claim which he has made in to give more facilities to second class the railway budget. passengers. But what have you done? We have not done so far anything. What are the reasons for these We have to find out the reasons for accidents? One of the reasons is non­ this also. We have so far not found payment of bonus. Bonus has been out any reason. I wish to say that denied to the railway employees on even the basic requirements of second the flimsy and dubious logic that the class passengers like lavatory facili­ railways are not an industry whereas ties, waiting room facilities at the this bonus has been paid to other railway stations and sitting facilities public sector employees. But the rail­ in the trains are neglected. As you way employees have been denied this know, the conditions of the lavatories bonus. The Janata Party has become and bathrooms in the railway stations unpopular to thousands of railway are so unhygienic that no human employees, their families and their being can go near them. In these sympathisers. What is the reason? circumstances, I submit the railway We have to find out the reason for Board must pay particular attention this. Now the accidents are not acts to these aspects, including the condi­ - of nature. The accidents are due to tions of the passengers. mechanical failures and human fail­ ures. If the railway staff, that is, the I do not want to take much time of running staff are more vigilant, if the House I conclude by thanking 363 RlV- Budget, MARCH 9, 1978 1973-79— Gen. Du. 364

[Shri Janardhana Proojaryj f? r *r^t aft % T t >rt*r ^ t «ft the Chairman for allowing me some ?Tfa^ f ftJ T f ^ T f T j? ?Hf5TTT time to speak. **1 TTO STMT fa'TTSt : fa ^iT |#rTT«flr % si% aft % fTMTTfa »Tft t^ it % tt^ 1 1 i fa ^ft% ^q> jrrffJTf ^ n f t f, ^ f t ^ ? faTf?f\ «K 1 ^ T ^Ti *TT I aft *I¥CT PTT f I T t arf

TTf qft q^HTtT f^7 ft Tft ft^IT I STFT it #tft JTT^ft ?t 3Tt 9W 7tT $ TtR 5T%9T % ^77 ®' flld irnf qr fx^R'?T7 % f^nr srnr 5^ ^?tt fafff ^ ?Tk *K$K TT WF7 fr jffT qr $imiv 4hi ^ • fr *TT?^£ 1 *><*tl f%*f ^>TT7 5ft»T >sftw ♦ 1VI 5T% ^ w r v r f , ^ t *ft ^ r% fefeqjw %• t h t q ^T im n |, srt f'T’T fr?^r ^ft q«1 I ^TTT ?TI