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3QTR Newsl.Indd 4 8 - Good Neighbors travels to Geoje Island 8 19 2 Commander Brig. Gen. Paul C. Hurley Command Sergeant Major Command Sgt. Maj. Robert F. Austin Deputy Commander Col. James R. Ryan Brig. Gen. Paul C. Hurley, 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Chief of Staff Command commanding general, and his wife, Cathy Hur- Col. Roger Dansereau ley, host an Area IV Teachers Appreciation Barbecue at their home on Camp Walker, South Korea Sept 7 to give thanks to the U.S. and Korean teachers who teach at the Public Affairs Offi cer various American schools in Area IV. Tammy T. Melvin Public Affairs NCOIC Senior Editor Sgt. 1st Class Bryant M. Maude Editor Staff Sgt. B. Wesley Lewis Journalist Staff Sgt. Robert DeDeaux Sgt. Daniel Ferrer Cpl. Lim Sung-jun Pvt. Lee Sang-cheol Brig. Gen. Paul C. Hurley, 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command commanding general, along with senior lead- Interns ers of the 19th ESC hosts the Republic of Korea Army’s Eom Ji-young Chief of Staff Aug. 21 at Camp Walker, South Korea during Jeon Chae-rim the 2012 Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercise. The Expeditionary is an authorized publication 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command Pub- for the U.S. Army. Contents of the Expeditonary lic Affairs Offi ce. are not offi cial views of the Army or the 19th Ex- The Expeditionary welcomes columns, com- peditionary Sustainment Command. mentaries, articles, letters, and photos from read- The appearance of advertising in this publi- ers. cation does not constitute endorsement by the Follow us at... Department of the Army, the 19th Expeditionary http://19esc.korea.army.mil/19thESCHome.html Command, or The Expeditionary of the products http://www.facebook.com/19thESC or services advertised. http://fl ickr.com/photos/19esc The editorial content of The Expeditionary is prepared edited, provided, and approved by the Cover photo by KATUSA Pfc. Kim, Jung-hwi 3 TAILGATE PARTY 4 TAILGATE PARTY 5 WINSKATUSA BEST WARRIOR COMPETITION Sgt. Hong Su-chan, 25th Transportation Battal- ion senior KATUSA, took every chance to grow, compete and lead during his two-year service at Camp Henry to set the standard for those who came behind him. “I have seen several KATUSAs come and go, and he has set the bar for how a KATUSA should act,” said Sgt. 1st Class Angela M. Mallard, one of Hong’s supervisors. “I have watched him grow since he fi rst came here, and he has always been a true professional and so eager and quick to learn.” Hong started his career taking on a variety of duties such as maintenance, programming and accountability while working in multiple sections. The high level of responsibility given to Hong while he was a private gave him the thirst to im- prove his soldiering and leadership skills early in his career before becoming a non-commissioned offi cer by volunteering for the U.S. Army Warrior Leader Course. “WLC is about learning leadership skills, train- ing skills and war fi ghting skills. It was an invalu- able experience I would never forget as a good stepping stone for me in becoming an outstand- ing NCO,” Hong said. “I also learned some impor- tant character virtues through the course such as teamwork, responsibility, passion, challenge and perseverance.” Hong was chosen to be the senior KATUSA of Story by, his unit by the Republic of Korea Army Support Cpl. Lim Sung-jun Group because of his eagerness to lead. “He always accomplishes his missions with DAEGU, South Korea - Korean Augmentation strong work ethic and professionalism,” said to the United States Army soldiers, also known Capt. Ko Jae-hun, United States Army Garrison as KATUSAs, are conscripted citizens who, by - Daegu Republic of Korea Army support offi cer. obligation, put their lives on pause to serve their “He has showed and proved himself as one of the country. most motivated and dedicated soldiers, and that During their military service with the U.S. Army, is the reason why he was chosen to be the senior KATUSAs have the opportunity to volunteer, ex- KATUSA of his unit.” cel and lead in areas that are foreign to civilians “Even before he became a senior KATUSA, he and Korean soldiers. was the most highly motivated KATUSA soldier 6 in the 25th Transportation Battalion in respect of Best Warrior Competition as a sponsor for Sgt. all the good things that soldiers in the U.S. Army Hong,” said Sgt. Neal L. Miller, Hong’s sponsor have to achieve such as Army physical fi tness for the 8th Army Best Warrior Competition. “He test, KATUSA board, M16 rifl e range,” said Cpl. showed genuine concern for accomplishing the Yoon Sang-soo, Hong’s succeeding senior KATU- mission. No one can question his motives and SA. “He always encourages and takes care of the ability to overcome adversity.” soldiers around him, and tried his best in every The top KATUSA was chosen from each ma- task given to him.” jor subordinate command under 8th Army to Hong made a special effort to motivate his KA- compete for the championship, but during the TUSA battle buddies as well as U.S. counterparts 8th Army 2012 Army Birthday Ball, Hong was during his term as senior KATUSA. He continu- crowned as the best KATUSA on the Korean ously sought out ways to encourage soldiers by peninsula. “I have seen several KATUSAs come and go, and he has set the bar for how a KATUSA should act,” Mallard said. competing in various competitions as to lead from “At fi rst, I doubted if he would make the fi nals, the front and raise the bar of excellence. but when I heard he got selected as the winner of “He has been a good role model, motivating the competition, I felt so proud of all KATUSAs in the unit. He always shows great him and his unyielding perseverance,” said accomplishments so that other junior soldiers can Hong Dae-yong, his father. easily follow the way he achieved it,” Yoon said. “This accomplishment will be a strong back-up “I think he made a great path that every soldier for his future, and I’m sure that he can do any- should be heading for.” thing no matter how hard life will be.” Hong received KATUSA of the Year for 19th With his military service ending, Hong has set Expeditionary Sustainment Command and Area standards that his seniors, peers and subordi- IV Best KATUSA recognitions which led him to nates are proud to follow and uphold. compete in the 2012 8th Army Best Warrior Com- “He has proudly represented KATUSAs of Area petition. IV by competing and being selected as the cham- “I decided to compete in the Best Warrior Com- pion of the 8th Army Best Warrior Competition,” petition in order to test my limit as a warrior and Ko said. “As a senior KATUSA, he also has been see how much I could strive to reach the top with taking care of his junior soldiers with particular my skills that I have learned as a warrior,” Hong attention and responsibility.” said. Hong’s endeavors and accomplishments have The six-day competition consisted of an Army made him a stronger person returning to the civil- physical fi tness test, written exam, combative ian world. tournament, M4 rifl e qualifi cation, day and night “As standing in a leadership position, I have land navigation, a mystery event, a board appear- learned not only how to take care of subordi- ance and road march. nates, but also how to deal with the relationships “I practiced running every day after work and between seniors, peers and juniors,” Hong said. went to gym at least three times a week,” Hong “It will be a great experience in my future life to said. “Also, I memorized all the board questions deal with other people around me when I become and answers at the 8th Army level exactly as they a leader.” were written in the study guide in order to earn high marks in the competition.” “It was an honor to be a part of the 8th Army 7 Good Neighbors travels to Geoje Island Soldiers tour Korean War historical sites, shipyard, and more Story & photos by, built ships here in Korea,” said Lt. Col. Rajesh Lo- Sgt. 1st Class Bryant M. Maude brecht, 19th ESC G-1 adjutant, who participated on tour with his three children. CAMP HENRY, South Korea – A group of 19th Ex- After a 13-minute introductory video, the group peditionary Sustainment Command service mem- boarded two DSME buses and took a driving tour bers and civilians departed the parking lot of the of the company’s shipyard. The group was in- Evergreen Club on Camp Walker bound for cul- formed that DSME boasts the largest dry-dock in tural tour at Geoje Island, South Korea, June 29. the world. The trip was sponsored by a group of Korean “The shipyard tour was really nice,” said Romar nationals who are long-standing members of the Banzon, son of Lt. Col. Roy Banzon. “I’m trying to Good Neighbor Program and organized by the take engineering in college, so I’m interested in 19th ESC community relations offi ce. seeing them building these ships.” “I am amazed and awed at the operation here ... the equip- ment they use is incredible,” Lobrecht said. The fi rst stop was the Daewoo Shipbuilding & Group members had the chance to look down Marine Engineering Company, which is the sec- from the observation point to get a sense of the ond largest shipbuilder in the world and one of the company size, which is comprised of 25,000 work- “Big Three” shipbuilders of South Korea.
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