LEIGH AND BRANSFORD NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN Informal Consultation Draft 2019 to 2030/2040 (??) Leigh and Bransford Parish Council 1 LEIGH AND BRANSFORD NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN Draft for Informal Public Consultation The next two pages will not form part of the final document. They are included to promote discussion. This version of the Leigh and Bransford Neighbourhood Development Plan is published by Leigh and Bransford Parish Council for informal public comment from parish residents, local businesses, and any other individuals and organisations. The informal consultation period will continue until the formal draft is published, probably in September 2019. A drop-in public meeting and exhibition will be held at Leigh and Bransford Primary School on 10th August 2019 (2pm until 6pm). The draft Plan, and associated documents are available on the parish website: http://www.leighandbransford.org.uk/parish-council/neighbourhood-plan/ To make comments: e-mail comments to
[email protected] Write to Pete King, Spring Lodge, Stocks Lane, Leigh Sinton, WR13 5DY We intend to publish comments and our responses. Please let us know whether you are a resident, resident landowner, landowner, developer. If you request we will not publish your name. What happens next? Your comments will be taken into account to produce the next draft of the Plan, which will then be made available for six weeks for parish residents, local businesses, and any other individuals and organisations to make formal comments. When these comments have been taken into account it will be issued to Malvern Hills District Council for a further statutory six week public consultation.