Meeting Oi Presbytery East Hawkesbury Union Presbyterian
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THE ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1926 VOL. XXXIV—No. 35. $ 2.00 A YEAR. honestly and fairly for the better' m Ihe few remarks that he ■would PARTY CHAMPIONS ment of Canada. After referring to make, to offend even the most sensi- the wonderful reception given him dur- tive Liberal but he would speak words East Hawkesbury Union Prominent People Who Pay La$t Tributes to ing the ays devoted to canvassing the of GTicouragement to the people on the NOW BEFORE VOTERS ■county, he again remûided them on whole as a unit. Reference was made the 14th to record their vote for Mc- to the pioneers that had blazed the Presbyterian Cburch lave Passed Away Mrs. Macdoealil-McCarlhy Messrs- Macdonald and McCuaig off to a Good Start Big Cuaig and the Conservative party. trail and established homes, a century Reverend Gentlemen and dear friends, MRS. ARCHIE McLAURTN The death occurred on Wednesday They might talk about “whispering.” or more ago and had done so much for It makes me kind of timid in speak- Crowd at Nomination Meeting—Best of Order Prevailed. Died sudd(mly, Wednesday, August evening of last week at her residence but after the 14th there will be some their descendants. Practically all the ing before such a la/go audience and 25th, at Hastings, Nebraska, Jennie here of Mrs. Maedonald-McCarthy, whispering as to the victory in Glen- speaker’s life had been spent on the on account of having Clergymen on With the Filing ou Tuesday, with the Province of Ontario and not a Campbell, wife of Archie McLaurin third daughter of the late Honour- garry. Mr. McCuaig made room for farm, but he had felt that he could the platform with me, however, we Beturning Officer MacLennan of the single solitary one of them had stood of Fairbury. The deceased was the able D, A. Macdonald who for many the next speaker amid cheers and much be of gome service in solving the pro- are commemorating the 61st anniver- nomination papers of Archibald .T. up to speak a word on behalf of the youngest member of the late Peter Camp years represented this County in the laughter. blem of agriculture putting to good sary of the laying of the foundation Macd-onald, Liberal Nominee and Dun- farming interests of the Province of bell and Flora McLean Campbell family Dominion House, and who later held Mr. Albert Pinard, M.L^A., of Ot- use the education he had received from of this church w’hic.h we are in. Now can D. McCuaig,, Conservative Can- Ontario, In Jlie final analysis the who predeceased her some forty-three the important positions of Post-master tawa then delivered an exhaustive ad- his parents, For some years he had there are only five persons living be- didate, the curtain ascended on the only thing that these men did was to it vearg ago. She was born in Domin- General in the MacKenzie Govern- been a supporter of the Progressive longing to the church that remember last act of the Election Play, assur- there day and night watching the in- d>ress in Fi'eneh, dealing with the ionville, near Maxville, Glengarry coun- ment, and Lieutenant-Governor of Robb Budget and its benefits, the party and it was due his hearers that anything of the laying of the founda- ing a straight contest between the two terests of the Big Interests against the ty. She was married forty years ago Ontario. several leading planks of the Liberal he should state the reasons that actu- tion, Mr. Duncan A. McDonald, the great parties, Grit vs. Tory, in. the interests of the masses, not one of to Archie McLaurin of Tiverton, On- Mrs. McCarthy, nee Catherine Ida Platform and devoting some attention ated him to come here today and ap- two old Mrs. McKinnon’s who are county of Glengarry. ^ those good Conservatives displayed tario, and has resided in Fairburv, Neb., Macdonald, who had been in delicate to several of the candidates associated pear on behalf of the Conservative eighty and ninety years of age, Mrs. Mr. Bodolphe Rozon, of North Lan- courage enough to stand up for he ever since. She is sister of the late health for a period of over two yèars rights of the common people. The with Meighen in the Cabinet or now candidate) Mr. McCuaig. Nearly thir- Fraser in the village and myself. Al- caster is official agent for Mr. MaC' ty years ago he was a teacher at the Rev. M. P. Campbell, Bothwell, On- moved to Alêxandria early in July with Speech from the Throne brought down running with his sanction, Doucet, though I was quite young at the time donald. sure of lecturing to many excellent tario, Rev. J. L. Campbell, D. D. New her sister. Miss Macdonald, taking for advance legislation was undoubted- Nicholson et al. Before dosing the I distinctly remember the time. ^ Mr. George Simon, of Alexandria, Agricultural College, Guelph, and dur- York City, the late Mrs. Peter King, over the residence of Mr. M. J. Mor- Merchant, fills a like position for Mr. ly the best of its kind for years. Every speaker^ w’arnod his hearers against the Now, I will carry you back to the Montana, A. M. Campbell, Stettler, ris on Bishop St. It was expe&ted ing those years he had had the. plea- year previous, 1864, or I should say McCuaig. item was fought tooth and nail. In the sinister methods of the Tories in the Alta. Mrs. H, R. McEwen, Tola Kaa., that the change from the city to the students from Glengarry. The ideals the years previous. Now at that' time ■While this interesting proceeding end as a resùlt of this blocking sys- last days of an election. Mr. Pinard’s the late Mrs. Flora McPhail, Fairbury, country would have a beneficial ef- and theories then being placed before there was no church in this district was being enacted at the Town Hall, tem much good legislation went by the address was carefully followed and Allan W. Campbell, Seattle, Wash, fect; but in spite of the best of care frequently drew applause. He made a the people did not satisfy him, the closer than Dalhousie and Cote Main Street presented the appearance board. and P. E, Campbell of P. E. Campbell and attention her condition became strong plea for the return of Mr. Mac- more so as he delved into St. Georg(', Alexandria, Kirk of Fair Day. Here, there and every- Here in Glengarry the Tory party Limited, Cornwall, Ontario. She was steadily 'W'orse when after a sudden, the subject of Commodity Sel- Hill, Vankleek . Hill and th® where were little groups of the elec- was familiarly known in the past as donald as a supporter of Mackenzie h school teacher and a writer of note and unexpected change on Wednesday King. ling. He fejt that if such Baptist in Hreadalbane. Now | the torate discusing the situation or hav- the' “Liberal-Conservative Associa- for magazines and other*papèrs. Her morning the end approached rapidly were generally adopted, backed by people of this district had to be satis- ing a friendly chat^ By 1.30 however, tion to-day the Liberal was dropped Mr_ Edward M.asson spoke in the governments, the grea't problem of bright, gonial, and friendly disposition and she passed away surrounded by they began to move niorthward to the and it was the “Glengarry Conserva- French in the interests of Mr. McCuaig fied with the occasional services they won her a host of friends. Her in- her relatives shortly before midnight, marketing of Canada’s farm products gote from those surrounding churches, Armouries which had been secured for tive Association”. They might have and devoted practically the entire would eventually prove as successful terment took place in the family plot being conscious until the last and giv- a joint meeting and by 2.15 that spa- gone farther, when one considered the time given him to the constitutional ques which services were held in the dif- at Tiverton on Sunday, August 29th, ing up her soul to her Creator with as that existing in Now Zealand and ferent school houses namely McBean’s cious building was thronged with the Conservative party as represented in tion displaying a keen knowledge of at four o’clock, Rev. Mr. Kendall, Bap- fortitude and resignation. Australia. Feeling he 'was right in school house about three miles east largest gathering seen on a like occa- Ottawa and named the Association the subject from ,a partisan stand- his deductions h.e had placed his views tist minister and Rev. Mr. Sinclair, The late Mrs. McCarthy was born, sion, here, for many years. The in- the Meighen Party. Arthur Meighen point. The Customs Scandal he de- where there w'as a settlement of Scotch Presbyterian minister officiating. The at Alexandria and from there went to before Mr. King without results. La- people, or Smith’s School house or * terest the ladies are taking in the con- did not represent the party as a true nounced fixing the blame on the Lib- tfjr he approached Mr. Meighen who services were held at the home of her the Sacred Heart Convent, Saulfc aux successor of Sir John A. Macdonald, the 13th school as it w’as called and test of next Tuesday, was shown by erals. He also advocated a stable promised to study the cyieetion and brother-in-law Mr. Montgomery, where Recollets to complete her education. the number that not only filled the but' was the representative of the Big government which could only be at- Brodie school liouse, or the 14th school a largo gathering of friends and ac- She married Thomas McCarthy of subsequently in November last, had house which was a small building and gallery, which wag placed at their dis- Interests of St.