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Research Report

Subject :

Local Administration Organizations’ Role on the Elderly Employment Promotion

Labor Market Research Division Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour September 2013 (Translation) -1- Preface

According to the study of National Economic and Social Development Board on Thai population, the findings display an estimated trend in the population structure, mainly newborn to juvenile (0-14 years) decreasing steadily, whereas elderly age (60 years and older) keep on rising. In 2000, elderly numbers were estimated 9.43% with tendency for elderly increasing to 20% in 2023 that inevitably leading Thailand into the elderly society. As a result, the country would soon facing Labour shortages. Meanwhile, the increasing rate on the elderly dependency indicates pressure on working age group to replace large proportion of retired elderly as well as becoming the State burden to allocate enormous budgets for caring invalid elderly. Therefore, one of the solutions to alleviate elderly problems is the campaign for elderly employment promotion. Department of Employment has the main mission to promote employment for working age group and elderly looking for work. Since majority of elderly have lived in various locations in different regions, it is necessary for the Department to establish network affiliate, namely, Local Administration Organizations, to promote elderly employment throughout the regions. In addition, Department of Employment assigned Labour Market Research Division to conduct the research entitled, “Local Administration Organizations’ Role on the Elderly Employment Promotion”. The findings suggest the readiness of the Local Administration Organizations to carry elderly employment promotion campaign as well as seek guidelines to collaborate with Department of Employment or Organizations working closely with the Local Administration Organizations.

(Mr. Prawit Khiangpon) Director-General, Department of Employment (Translation) -2- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

In conducting this research in respect of the Role on the Employment Promotion for Aging Persons of Local Administration Organizations, the researcher would like to convey sincere appreciation to Bureau of System and Structure Development, Department of Local Administration Organizations for their excellent assistances in providing information on the number of the Local Administration Organizations for use in prescribing the research sampling size. The utmost significant step in this research is to gather complete data from the questionnaire respondents in which researcher full co-operations from all Administrative Committee members of all Local Administration Organizations by representing the sampling groups with extremely friendly dispositions. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to offer them my sincerest appreciation. Other than those individual mentioned earlier, staffs of Labour Market Information Center and staffs of Labour Market Research Division also deserve for the appreciations for their collaborations assisting in collecting and recording data with enormous effort. I would like to offer my sincerest appreciation to all of them on this opportunity as well.

Boonlert Theratrakool Director of Labour Market Research Division (Translation) -3- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The findings suggest that majority of Local Administration Organizations or over half comprised of the Sub-district Administrative Organization, followed by the Municipality, Provincial Administrative Organization, and Special Form of the Local Administration Organizations employed less than 50 personnel and majority of them were 36-45 years old in average. The executives of the Local Administration Organizations over 90 percent agreed with the elderly employment promotion as well as mentioned the appropriate retirement age of 60 years old and the proper age for best hiring should be 55-65 years old, including the executive agreed to elderly work at home. As for the wages, it must be fixed according to the nature of work. Regarding the elderly employment promotion campaign, samples agreed to the capital funding and network buildings or setting occupational help group the most. Presently, the Local Administration Organizations over 70 percent have arranged 1-2 elderly employment activities and the most support in setting up the occupational group, followed by funding for self-employed entrepreneurs. When asking what action the Local Administration Organizations should take first to promote the elderly employment. Majority of samples answered that the database system on elderly should be updated and elderly ready to return to employment should be well trained by seeking collaboration with the agencies involves, namely, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, including the Ministry of Education. In addition, the research findings suggest further that the larger Local Administration Organizations had arranged more elderly employment promotion activities than the smaller ones. From the aforementioned outcome, there are 2 recommendations as follows: First, the guidelines for collaboration between Department of Employment and Local Administration Organizations by taking initiative in preparation for elderly database who would like to reenter employment. Next are finding work at home and support funding for elderly, perhaps starting with collaboration with the larger Local Administration Organizations, followed by proposing to the agencies involved the suitable wages for elderly based on the work type, nature and working hours, just to make it fair for all stakeholders.

(Translation) -4- Contents Page

Introduction Acknowledgements Executive Summary Contents Table of Contents Table of Diagram Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 12 1.1 Background and Significance of Problems 12 1.2 Research Objective 14 1.3 Research Conceptual Framework 14 1.4 Research Scope 15 1.5 Research Advantage 15 1.6 Research Glossary 15 Chapter 2 Concept, Theory and Related Research Result 17 2.1 Theoretical Concept Relating to Local Administration Organizations 17 2.2 Role Relevant Concepts 34 2.3 Elderly Relevant Concepts 37 2.4 Elderly Relevant Policy and Law 41 2.5 Relevant Research Result 47 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 53 3.1 Population and Sample 53 3.2 Sampling Methods 55 3.3 Research Tools 55 3.4 Testing Research Tool Quality 56 3.5 Data Collection 56 3.6 Data Analysis 57

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Chapter 4 Research Results 58 Part 1 Overall analysis on the role of Local Administration Organizations in elderly employment promotion 59 Part 1.1 Analysis results on the characteristics of local administration organizations. 60 Part 1.2 Analysis results on the opinion of executive of local administration organizations on elderly employment promotion 61 Part 1.3 Analysis results on the role and readiness of Local Administration Organizations in elderly employment promotion. 66 Part 1.4 Analysis results on the relationship between local administration organization’s characteristics and the opinions towards elderly employment promotion. 70 Part 1.5 Analysis results on the relationship between local administration organization’s characteristics and the role for elderly employment promotion. 72 Part 1.6 Analysis results on the relationship between the characteristics of Local Administration Organizations and readiness for elderly employment promotion.. 75 Part 2 Analysis of Sub-district Administrative Organization of roles in elderly employment promotion 77 2.1 Analysis results on the Sub-district Administrative Organizations’ types 77 2.2 Analysis results on the opinions of the executive of the Sub-district Administrative Organization on promoting employment to the elderly. 78 2.3 Analysis results on the role and readiness of Sub-district Administrative Organization in promoting elderly employment. 83 (Translation) -6- Contents (Continue) Page

2.4 Analysis results on the relationship between Sub-district Administrative Organization characteristics and the opinions towards promoting employment to the elderly 86 2.5 Analysis results on the relationship between Sub- district administrative organization’s characteristics and the role in promoting employment to the elderly 87 2.6 Analysis results on the relationship between the characteristics of Sub-district Administrative Organization and readiness to the elderly employment promotion. 89 Chapter 5 Conclusion, Discussion and Suggestions 91 5.1 Conclusion 91 5.2 Discussion 94 5.3 Recommendations 96 Bibliography Bor-1 Appendix Phor-1 Questionnaire Phor-2

(Translation) -7- Table of Contents Page Table 2.1 Trend estimate on Thai population change, 1990-2020 37 Table 3.1 Number of Local administrative organizations classified by types 53 Table 3.2 Sample size categorized by responsible agencies 55 Table 3.3 Results from the Data Collection Process Categorized into Responsible Agencies 57 Table 4.1 Number and percentage of Local administrative organizations classified by types 60 Table 4.2 Number and percentage of Local administrative organizations classified by number of personnel 60 Table 4.3 Number and percentage of Local administrative organizations categorized by average age of personnel 61 Table 4.4 Number and percentage of opinions towards elderly employment promotion 61 Table 4.5 Percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by reasons 62 Table 4.6 Percentage of Local administration organizations disagreed to elderly employment promotion classified by reasons 62 Table 4.7 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable retirement age 63 Table 4.8 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to elderly employment promotion categorized by opinions on suitable employment age 63 Table 4.9 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on employment nature 64 Table 4.10 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable wages for hiring elderly 64 (Translation) -8- Table of Contents (Continue) Page Table 4.11 Percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable employment promotion measure for elderly 65 Table 4.12 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by numbers of current elderly employment promotion activities 66 Table 4.13 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by operational activities on elderly employment promotion 66 Table 4.14 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by opinions towards first employment promotion measure for elderly in the future 67 Table 4.15 Percentage of opinions towards giving priority to elderly employment promotion classified by types of Local administration organizations 68 Table 4.16 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by readiness for elderly employment promotion 69 Table 4.17 Relationship between type of Local administration organizations and opinions on elderly employment promotion 70 Table 4.18 Relationship between number of personnel in Local administration organizations and opinions on elderly employment promotion 71 Table 4.19 Relationship between average age of personnel in Local administration organizations and opinions on elderly employment promotion 72 Table 4.20 Relationship between Type of Local administration organizations and the role in elderly employment promotion 73 Table 4.21 Relationship between number of personnel in Local administration organizations and the role in elderly employment promotion 74

(Translation) -9- Table of Contents (Continue) Page Table 4.22 Relationship between the average age of personnel in Local administration organizations and the role in elderly employment promotion 74 Table 4.23 Relationship between the type of Local administration organizations and readiness for elderly employment promotion 75 Table 4.24 Relationship between numbers of personnel in Local administration organizations and readiness for elderly employment promotion 76 Table 4.25 Relationship between the average age of personnel in Local administration organization and readiness for elderly employment promotion 77 Table 4.26 Number and percentage of Sub-district administrative organizations classified by numbers of personnel 77 Table 4.27 Number and percentage of Sub-district administrative organizations classified by average age of personnel 78 Table 4.28 Number and percentage of the executive of the Sub-district administrative organization classified by attitude towards elderly employment promotion 78 Table 4.29 Percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by reasons 79 Table 4.30 Percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization disagreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by reasons 79 Table 4.31 Number and percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable retirement age 80 Table 4.32 Number and percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable employment age 80 Table 4.33 Number and percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization agreed with the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions towards employment characteristics 81

(Translation) -10- Table of Contents (Continue) Page Table 4.34 Number and percentage of the executive of sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions towards reasonable wages for elderly 81 Table 4.35 Percentage of the executive of sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions towards appropriate elderly employment promotion 82 Table 4.36 Number and percentage of sub-district administrative organization classified by elderly employment promotion activities 83 Table 4.37 Percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization classified by elderly employment current promotion activities 83 Table 4.38 Number and percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization classified by opinions towards giving priority to elderly employment promotion activities. 84 Table 4.39 Number and percentage of sub-district administrative organizations classified by readiness for elderly employment promotion 85 Table 4.40 Relationship between numbers of sub-district administrative organization’s personnel and opinions towards elderly employment promotion 86 Table 4.41 Relationship between average age of sub-district administrative organization’s personnel and opinions towards elderly employment promotion 87 Table 4.42 Relationship between numbers of sub-district administrative personnel and the role in elderly employment promotion 88 Table 4.43 Relationship between average age of sub-district administrative personnel and roles towards elderly employment promotion 88 Table 4.44 Relationship between number of personnel of sub-district administrative organization’s personnel and the readiness in elderly employment promotion 89 Table 4.45 Relationship between average age of sub-district administrative personnel and the readiness in elderly employment promotion 90 (Translation) -11- Table of Figure Page Figure 1.1 Research Conceptual Framework 14

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CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Significance of Problems Over the past 50 years, Thailand had a change in the population from the status of a high rate to a low rate of birth and death; from the rapid increasing in childhood population in the past year to the current rapid increasing of aging population and this trend shall continue even doubling in the next 20 to 30 years as a result of changing social structure in Thai society from youthful society to aging society (College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University and Thai Foundation of Thai Gerontology Research and Development Institute, 2012). According to the definition of the United Nations (UN), any country had the population with the age of 60 years in proportion of over 10% of the whole number of its population shall be deemed to be the country stepping into the Aging Society and will completely be the Aged Society when the proportion of the population of age over 60 years has increased up to 20% of the whole number of its population (National Statistical Office, 2013). Thailand stepped into the country of Aging Society in 2010 with the proportion of the population of age from 60 years and over being accounted for 11.9% and that the proportion is expected to increase every year according to the estimated numbers of population. In 2020 and 2030, the proportion of the population of age from 60 years and over is expected to rise up to 17.5% and 25.1%, respectively, (Office of National Economic and Social Development Board, 2007). Stepping into the Aging Society has caused the impact on many aspects no matter whether it is on the aspect of the change in the population structure which is arisen consequently as a result of the imbalance of the age groups, the aspect of health, general economic and social aspect, particularly, the impact on the population age structure change. Based on the study of Peerasit Khamnuansilp (2004) which points out that a change in the Thai population structure during the period from 2000 to 2025 will see the change from originally that there were more children than elderly to be that there would more aging population than children. The decrease in childhood population proportion eventually results in the rate of dependability on the childhood population to decrease from 37.4% in 2000 to 29.3% in 2025 while the dependability situation of elderly has a trend to increase from 14% in 2000 to be more than twice as much in 2025. A change in such dependability consequently results in the total dependability rate to soar up from 51.7% to 60.2%. The (Translation) -13- increase in such dependability rate is the indication that there are substantial number of persons being in need of the dependability when comparing with the number of workable persons or in other words, in 2000, 100 working age population had to be burdened to look after 52 childhood and aging population, but, approximately in the next 20 years, 100 working age population would have to look after approximately 60 childhood and aging population. That means a great burden will occur in the future to the overall Thai society should there be no readiness preparation of related Organizations in order to cope with the issue on the people entering into the Aging Society of Thailand. Generally, the Local Administration Organizations have 6 main missions: namely; 1) Infrastructure Development, 2) Quality of Life Promotions, 3) Investment Promotion Planning, 4) Community Internal Security Operations, 5) Natural and Environmental Conservation Management, and 6) Restorations and Maintaining of Arts, Cultures and Local Wisdom. In respect of the missions relating to the creation of the security for elderly operated by the Local Administration Organizations by taking transfer of the tasks from Central Organization consist of 2 activities: namely; Elderly Allowance Payment and Home Care Services for elderly (Bussaya Petduk, 2008). But, at the present when the Thai society has become the Aging Society and the number of elderly has soared up every year, the importantly prime question having been surfaced is to what extent the Local Administration Organizations being the main Organizations tasked with the responsibility to look after aging persons, particularly, Sub-district Administrative Organization, the Organizations being closest to people and thoroughly covering most of the areas of the country and the number of population to whom the services are to be provided, have been aware of the situation; what the roles of the Local Administration Organizations, particularly, Sub-district Administrative Organization at the present on this particular matter are and whether or not they are ready to promote aging person employments in order to reduce aging persons’ dependability rate and to what extent they are ready to cooperate with the Organizations relating to aging person employment promotions. Department of Employment has the main mission to promote the employments and protect job seekers as well as to conduct the study and analysis on Labour market situations and trend of Labour markets; to become the Labour Market Information Center and to develop and promote the system to enhance employment in order that people can be employed for jobs suitable to their knowledge, competency and skills, free of deception as well as receiving suitable and impartial benefits. In addition, the (Translation) -14- Department has the duty to provide advices, promote and provide occupational advices to the general public according to their skills. Based on such mission and duty, it is necessary for Department of Employment to increase the efficiency on Elderly Employment Promotion in order to reduce the rate of dependability aforementioned, such as, Labour Market Research Division has, therefore, been assigned to conduct the study entitled, “Local Administration Organizations’ Role on the Elderly Employment Promotion “ in order to seek the way for further co-operations with Local Administration Organizations on Elderly Employment Promotion. 1.2 Research Objective 1) To study characteristics of Local Administration Organizations; 2) To study opinions of The Executive of Local Administration Organizations towards Elderly Employment Promotion; 3) To study the role and readiness of Local Administration Organizations on Elderly Employment Promotion; 4) To study the relations between the characteristics of Local Administration Organizations and opinion, role and readiness of The Executive of the Local Administration Organizations on Elderly Employment Promotion Scheme. 1.3 Research Conceptual Framework Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Character istics of Opinions towards Elderly Employment Promotion Local Administrative Organization 1. Category /Characteristics of Local Administrative Organization Role on Elderly Employment Promotion 2. Number of Personnel

3. Average Age of Personnel Readiness on Elderly Employment Promotion Figure 1.1: Research Conceptual Frame work

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1.4 Research Scope Researcher defines the research scope as follows: 1) Scope on the contents; This research is focally aimed to study the important issues as follows: 1.1) Characteristics of Local Administration Organizations which consist of 1.1.1) Category/characteristics of the Organization; 1.1.2) Number of Personnel; 1.1.3) Average Age of Personnel. 1.2) Opinions of The Executive of the Local Administrative Organizations towards Elderly Employment Promotion. 1.3) Role of Local Administration Organizations on Elderly Employment Promotion. 1.4) Readiness of Local Administration Organizations in carrying out Elderly Employment Promotion operations. 2) Population scope Population selected for this research are The Executive of the Local Administrative Organizations comprised of Special from of the Local Administration Organizations ( Metropolitan Administration and the City of Pattaya), Provincial Administrative Organizations, City Municipality, Town Municipality, Sub-district Municipality and Sub-district Administrative Organization. 3) Research duration This research was conducted from April 2013 to September 2013. 1.5 Research Advantage The findings from this study could serve as the guidelines for organizations involved to seek collaborations from various Local Administration Organizations in carrying out measures on Elderly Employment Promotion for maximum efficiency. 1.6 Research Glossary To this research, the researcher defines specific terms relevant to the research as follows: Characteristics of a Local Administration Organizations is defined as the general characteristics of the Local Administration Organizations which consist of the Category/Characteristics of the Local Administration Organization, Number of Personnel and Average Age of Personnel. (Translation) -16-

A Local Administration Organizations executive is defined as a Local Administration Organizations whose qualifications met the specified characteristics of the Local Administration Organizations as follows: 1) A Provincial Administrative Organization executive refers to the Chief Executive or Deputy Chief Executive of the Provincial Administrative Organization and/or Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Provincial Council. 2) A Municipality Executive refers to the Mayor or Deputy Mayor and/or Chairman or Vice Chairman of Municipal Council. 3) A Sub-district Administrative Organization Executive which means Chief Executive or Deputy Chief Executive of the Sub-district Administrative Organization and/or Chief Administrator of the Sub-district Administrative Organization. 4) Bangkok Metropolitan Administrator refers to Governor of Bangkok or Deputy Governor of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and/or Chairman or Vice Chairman of Bangkok Metropolitan Council and/or Permanent Secretary or Deputy Permanent Secretary for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. 5) The City of Pattaya Administrator refers to Mayor or Deputy Mayor of the Pattaya City and/or Chairman or Vice Chairman of the City Pattaya Council. Elderly refers to a person 60 years and over. (Translation) -17-

CHAPTER 2 CONCEPT, THEORY AND RELATED RESEARCH RESULT In conducting research on the Topic of Local Administration Organization’s Role on The Elderly Employment Promotion, the researcher carries out the study on the concept, theories and related research works for use as the guidelines consisted of the material substances as follows: 2.1 Theoretical Concept Relating to Local Administration 2.1.1 Definitions of Local Administration 2.1.2 Objective of Local Administration 2.1.3 Significance of Local Administration 2.1.4 Local Administration Organizations in accordance with the provisions of Constitution B.E 2550 2.1.5 Present Local Administration Organizations in Thailand 2.2 Concept Relating to Role 2.2.1 Definitions of Role 2.2.2 Concept Relating to Role 2.3 Concept Relating to Elderly 2.3.1 Thai Elderly Situation 2.3.2 Elderly Employment 2.4 Policy and Law Relating to Elderly 2.4.1 Directive Principle on Elderly Welfare Policy of Thailand 2.4.2 Declaration on Thailand’s Older Persons, B.E. 2542 2.4.3 Older Persons Act, B.E. 2546 2.4.4 Older Persons Act (No.2), B.E. 2553 2.4.5 The 2nd National Plan on the Elderly (B.E.2545-2564) 2.5 Related Research Result 2.1 Theoretical Concept Relating to Local Administration Organizations; 2.1.1 Meaning of Local administration Many academicians gave the meanings of the which, in most case, are somewhat similar to one another, but, may be different in the details as follows: (Translation) -18-

Daniel Wit, (Daniel Wit, 1967, referred to, in Secretariat of the House of Representative, 2012: 9) gives a definition of the Local administration as the matter that the central government has given the power or decentralized the power to the Local administrative organization to open the opportunity to people in the locality to have the opportunity on the participations in the local administrations, wholly or partially, in accordance with the principle that the administrative power has come from people in the locality. Thus, the Local administration shall then be the government of the people, by the people and for the people. It is, therefore, necessary that the organization would require to have its own organization arisen from the decentralization of central government whereby the organization which is not a part of the government shall have the power to make decisions and administer the works in the locality within its own jurisdictions. John J. Clark (John J. Clark, 1957, referred to, in Secretariat of the House of Representative, 2012: 9) gives a definition that the Local administration means a government unit having the duty to be responsible for matters in connection with the giving of services to the people in any area in particular and that such government unit shall be established and placed under the supervision of central government. Harris G. Montagu (Harris G. Montagu, 1984, referred to, in Secretariat of the House of Representative, 2012: 9) gives a definition that the Local administration means the government which the Local administration unit has an independent election in order to elect persons having the duty to carry out with independent power together with the responsibility which can be exercised by themselves without being under the supervision of central or regional government organization provided, however, that the organization shall be under the statutory provision on the supreme power of the people without becoming a new autonomous state. Pratan Khongritsuksakorn (1981: 15) gives a definition that the Local administration is an administrative system as a result of the State’s administrative decentralization and, in the same way, a local administration organization established to perform duty by such local people. Such organization is established and controlled by the government, however, it has the power to stipulate policy and control to ensure the executions in compliance of its own policy. Somkid Lertphaitoon (2004:4-5) gives a definition that the Local administration is the giving of the independence to the local people to have their own administrative power or in other words the self-government by the local people where the concept of which has a foundation from the Principle of Decentralization which means that the State has bestowed the administrative power upon the other organization not being a central organization to make some public services under the State’s supervision and control. (Translation) -19-

Uthai Hirunto (1980: 2) gives a definition that the Local administration is the government vested in the people of one locality by the government to manage their own government and carry out some businesses by themselves in order to treat their own needs. The local work administration has been managed by having an organization established in which authorities elected, wholly or partially, by the people to administer the works independently, but, the government must control the administration with different methods as suitable. Without the government’s supervision and control, the Local administration affairs cannot be carried on because such Local administration is installed by the government. Based on the aforementioned contexts, the significant meanings of the Local administration are concluded as follows: 1) The Local administration means the management of the Local administration of the local people. Such administrative management is materialized by the elections of persons or a group of persons to carry on the Local administration. Each locality and community aforesaid may be different in the characteristics on the aspects of the area, number of population, progress and prosperity, (Thai’s Local Administration Organization , namely, the Provincial Administrative Organization, Municipality, Sub-district Administrative Organization, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and the City of Pattaya ) thus, resulting in nature of each category of the locality to be of a specific characteristic. 2) A Local administration organization must have the autonomy in performing its duty as suitable; that is to say, the power of such local administration organization must have a scope in order that benefits can truly occur to the duty performances of the Local administration organization. If the power should be excessive, such local administrative organization would become a sovereign state and eventually resulting in the national security to be affected. The scope of local power varies largely according to the progress and prosperity of each locality which is the significant matter. 3) A Local administration organization must have the rights in accordance with the law to carry out actions on self-government. Such rights are divided into 2 categories as follows: 3.1) The right to enact the laws or regulations of the Local administration organization. 3.2) The right to set up the budget for use in carrying the business in accordance with its power and duty. (Translation) -20-

4) Having the organization necessarily to carry on the self-government, i. e. the Administrative Organization and Legislative Organization (for instance; a local administration organization in the form of a Municipality consisted of the Municipal Executive Board in charge of the Administrative Affairs and Municipal Council to take part in the Legislative Affairs or Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), having a Governor of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in charge of the Administrative Affairs and Bangkok Metropolitan Assembly in charge of the Legislative Affairs, etc.). 5) The local people have participations in the Local administration on the principle that the local people know their problems better than the central organization, thus, it is necessary for the local administration organization to have people in the respective locality to carry on the work administration so that people’s problems can be properly solved; that people in the locality can be encouraged to participate in politics in order that the decentralization in the democratic way can be developed. 2.1.2 Objectives of Local Administration Choowong Chayabutr (1996: 26) classified the objectives of Local Administration as follows: 1) To help relieve burden of the government: It can obviously be seen that the country, in carrying out of the administration, is largely dependable on the budget. If the budget should be limited, the mission to be carried on in providing services to various communities would possibly be inadequate. Therefore, if the Local administration should be provided, such local administration organization would be able to generate their revenues + Such relief is a relief inclusively on the aspects of finance, personnel and times used for carrying on the operations. 2) To truly respond to the needs of people in the locality: Due to the reason of the large size of the country, the needs of the people in each locality would, of course, be different. Just the services solely from the government for which they are waiting may not meet their real needs and may be in delay. Thus, only the Local administration organization having the local people as the Local Administrative Committee would be able to respond to such needs. 3) To be economized: Due to the difference in each locality, thus, the living conditions of the people would also be different. So, the formation of a Local administration unit is extremely necessary. In this respect, the local administration organization shall be allowed to collect taxes which is the way to generate the revenues to the locality for use in the local affairs which is yet another way to substantially help save the government’s budget to be allocated to the localities throughout the country. However, even some budgets have been allocated from the government, though there will be conditions prudentially set forth for the allocations. (Translation) -21-

4) To make the Local administration organization an institution to educate people on democratic regime of government: From the point of view that the Local administration has opened the opportunity for the participations of people on the self- government whether through an election as a candidate to be elected by people in the locality as their representative to perform the administrative or legislative duty of such Local administration organization, such duty performance even being different in nature would be a part to well enhance the learning on the democratic regime of government process at the national level. 2.1.3 Significance of Local administration The significant roles of the local administration are summarized as follows: 1) Local administration is the foundation of the Democratic Regime of Government because it is deemed to be the way to let the people know of their political participations; the exercise of their rights and their duties as the national citizens in order to lead to the politics in the perfect democratic regime of government. 2) Local administration could respond directly to the needs of the people in the locality or community with efficiency due to the reason that local people were aware of their problems much more than non-locals which would result in better solution to problem solving. 3) Local administration is a relief of the central government’s burden. The central government, originally, carried out actions on the administrations or public services on its own, but, after some powers are bestowed upon the other organizations, the central government’s burden is, therefore, lessened provided, however, that the actions of such other organizations shall still be under control and supervision of the central government, as well. 4) Local administration is the creation source of political leaders due to the reason that the Local administration regulates the requirement that there shall be the election of a group of persons to carry out the administrative work in the locality, henceforward, it is the way to enhance people for participations in carrying out actions on political affairs and government which will lead to the creations of politicians to assume duties on the country in the future. (Translation) -22-

5) Local administration should broadcast to the general public their the self-governed tasks. Once local people participated in political affairs, they would learn the advantage and value of having good conscious, leading to the community strive to maintain values for own benefits. In addition, people in the community should be able to solve the problems because they would know their problems better than other people, so, they should have their parts played in making checks in order to maintain the balance of power. 2.1.4 In accordance with the provisions of Constitution, 2007 * The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2007 in respect of the Local administration which stipulates under Chapter 14 in order to provide the principle of the Local administration, as follows: Section 281: Subject to Section 1, the State shall give autonomy to local government organization in accordance with the Principle of Self-government based upon the will of the people in the locality and promote the role of a local government organization as a principle provider of public services and encourage it to participate in the decision making for solving problem in the locality. Any locality which meets the conditions of self-government shall have the right to be performed as a local administration organization, as provided by law. Section 282. The supervision found upon of a local administration organization shall be exercised in so far as it is necessary and that there shall be express conditions in compatibility and suitability with the form of the local administration organization as provided by law and that it must be for the purpose in protecting the local interests or the interests of the country as a whole provided, however, that it shall not substantially affect the Principle of Self-government according to the will of the people in the locality or other than prescribed by law. Section 283. Local Administration Organization shall have general powers in looking after and managing the public services for the interests of the people in such respective locality and shall enjoy their autonomy in laying down policies for their governance, public service management, personnel administration, finance and treasury and shall have powers and duties, in particular. Where the compatibility with the provincial development and the country, as a whole, must be taken into account, as well.

* Research timeline from March-September 2013, Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2007 is still enforceable. (Translation) -23-

Section 284. Local Administration Organization must have the Local Council and Local Administrative Committee or Local Administrators. The Local Councilors must be elected. The Local Councilors, Local Administrative Committee or Local Administrators shall have each term in office for a period of four years. Section 285. If eligible election voters in any local administration organization should be of the view that such Local Councilors, Local Administrative Committee or Local Administrators would not be suitable to continue to hold office any longer, they shall have the rights to cast the votes to remove such Local Councilors, Local Administrative Committee or Local Administrators from their posts provided that the number of persons eligible for subscribing signatures, rules and procedures on subscribing the signatures and vote castings shall be as provided by law. Section 286. Eligible election voters in any local administration organization shall have the rights to subscribe their names for the purpose of submission their request to the Local Council President to direct the Local Council to make the considerations on the local statutes. Section 287. People in the locality shall have the rights to administer the affairs of the Local administration organization which, in this connection, the local administration organization must manage to implement the procedures to enable the people for participations in the administration of such affairs, as well. Section 288. The appointment and removal of officials and employees of a local administration organization shall be in accordance with the need of and suitability to each locality. Personnel administration work of the Local administrative organization must be standardized in compatibility with one another and may be jointly developed or their personnel exchange made with one another among the Local administrative organization which, in this respect, prior approval shall be obtained from the Local Official Committee, the locally neutral organization administering the personnel management as provided by law. Section 289. A local administration organization has the duty to conserve local arts, custom, local knowledge and good culture of the locality. Section 290. A local administration organization has the duty to promote and conserve the environments as provided by law. (Translation) -24-

2.1.5 Local administrative organization of Thailand Structuring at the present. Structures of Thai Local administrative organization are divided into five different forms; three general forms which are Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO), Municipality, Sub district administrative Organization (SAO) and 2 special forms which are Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and the City of Pattaya that can be described as follows: 1) Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO.); A Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO) is a largest size local administration organization and according to Provincial Administration Act, B. E. 2540 (1997), structure and elements of the Provincial Administrative Organization consists of Provincial Administrative Organization Council which is the Legislative Body and Chief Executive of the Provincial Administrative Organization which is the Administrative Body. The Provincial Administrative Organization Council: In a province, there shall be a Provincial Council consisting of Provincial Councilors elected by the people and that its number shall be based upon the number of the population in each province in accordance with the evidence substantiated by House Registrations announced in the year preceded the elections as follows:

• Any province with population not exceeding 500,000 persons shall have 24 Provincial Councils.

• Any province with population exceeding 500,000 persons but not exceeding 1,000,000 persons shall have 30 Provincial Councilors.

• Any province with population exceeding 1,000,000 persons but not exceeding 1,500,000 persons shall have 36 Provincial Councilors.

• Any province with population exceeding 1,500,000 persons but not exceeding 2,000,000 persons shall have 42 Provincial Councilors.

• Any province with population exceeding 2,000,000 persons shall have 48 Provincial Councilors. (Translation) -25-

The member of the Provincial Administrative Organization Council shall have each term in office for a period of four years. The member of the Provincial Administrative Organization Council shall elect one Provincial Councilor to assume duty of the Provincial Council President and two Provincial Councilors to assume duty of the Provincial Council Vice President. The Provincial Administrative organization Committee which is derived from the election by eligible voters within the province shall elect the Provincial Administration Organization Committee President and that the Provincial Administration Organization Committee President shall have the power to appoint the Provincial Administration Organization Committee Vice Presidents as provided by law. The Provincial Administrative organization Committee Vice Presidents shall be appointed from the Provincial Administration Organization Committee members in the following proportions: In the case of a 48-person Committee members, there shall be 4 Provincial Administration Organization Committee Vice Presidents; In the case of a 36-42-person Committee members, there shall be 3 Provincial Administration Organization Committee Vice Presidents; In the case of a 24-30-person Committee members, there shall be 2 Provincial Administration Organization Committee Vice Presidents. The power and duty of Provincial Administration Organization Committee in accordance with Section 45 of Provincial Administration Organization Committee Act, B. E. 2540 (1997) provides the power and duty of Provincial Administration Organization Committee as follows: (1) Enacting statutes without being contradictory to or inconsistent with the law; (2) Making Provincial Administration Organization Development Plan and coordinating on the making of Provincial Development Plan as prescribed by Council of Ministers; (3) Supporting Sub-district Council and other local organizations on the local developments; (Translation) -26- (4) Coordinating and providing co-operations on duty performances of Sub-district Council and other local organizations; (5) Appropriating money, which by law, shall be allocated to Sub- district Council and other local organizations; (6) Having the power and duty of the province in accordance the Provincial Administration Regulations, B. E. 2498 (1955), only in the vicinity of the respective Sub-district Council; (7) Protecting, looking after and preserving natural resources and environments; (8) Maintaining and preserving local arts, custom local knowledge and good local culture; (9) Organizing any activities within or under the power of the other Local administrative organization within the jurisdiction area of the Provincial Administration Organization and that such activities are deemed to be suitable to be assigned to be jointly carried out by the other localities or Provincial Administration Organization as provided under the Ministerial Regulation; (10) Organizing any other activities as prescribed under this Act or the other law to be the power of the Provincial Administration Organization. The performances in accordance with the power and duty of local administration organizations must be for the benefits and well-being of the people and the public participations shall be taken into accounts no matter what it will be on the aspect of the making of the Provincial Administration Organization Development Plan, budgetary affairs, procurements, audits, performance evaluations and disclosures of information data, etc. In addition, Clause 17 if Interior Ministerial Regulation, (B. E. 2541 (1998)) issued under Provincial Administration Organization Act, B. E. 2540 (1997) stipulates a provision providing the Provincial Administration Organization to have the duty in “promoting and solving problem on the carrying out of the occupations,” as well. (Translation) -27-

2) Municipality. In accordance with Municipal Act, B. E. 2496 (1953), a Municipality is divided into 2 parts: namely; Municipal Council and Municipal Commission. Municipal Council, being the Legislative Body for Check and Balance, provides that a Municipal Council shall consist of Councilors directly elected from the people and that Municipal Councilors shall have term in office for a period of 4 years. The number of the Municipal Councilors shall depend upon the category of the Municipality, i.e. 2.1) Sub-district Municipal Council shall have a total number of 12 Councilors; 2.2) City Municipal Council shall have a total number of 18 Councilors; 2.3) Metropolitan Municipal Council shall have a total number of 24 Councilors; A Municipal Council shall have one President and one Vice President appointed by the Provincial Governor from the Municipal Councilors in accordance with the resolution of the Municipal Council. The Municipal Council President has the duty to carry out the businesses of the Municipal Council in accordance with the Municipal Council Meeting Regulation; command and maintain peace and order and represent the Council on the external affairs. The Municipal Commission, being the Administrative Body of the Municipality and elected from and resolved by the Municipal Councilors, shall consist of a Mayor and 2 to 4 Councilors in accordance with the category of the Municipality, as follows: (1) A City Municipality and Sub-district Municipality shall have 2 Councilors which after being included by the Mayor to form up the Municipal Commission shall be 3 persons. (2) A Metropolitan Municipality shall have 4 Councilors which after being included by the Mayor to form up the Municipal Commission shall be 5 persons. In the case where a City Municipality has generated revenues from collections in the amount of 20 million Baht and over, 1 additional Councilor shall be allowable. (Translation) -28-

3) Sub district administrative Organization (SAO): The form of such local administration organization constitutes the highest number and that the organizations are closest to people in the locality, having the status of juristic persons and the local administration organization most, formed up under Sub-district Council and Sub district administrative Organization, B.E. 2537 (1994) which has been in force since 2nd March 1995. Sub district administrative Organization consists of Sub-district Council (SAO Council) and Sub-district Organization Administrative Committee. Number of Sub district administrative Organization Committee members shall be dependable on the number of the villages under the jurisdiction of each Sub district administrative Organization on the following basis: Any Sub district administrative organization with one village under its jurisdiction shall have 6 Sub-district Councilors. Any Sub district administrative organization with 2 villages under its jurisdiction shall have 3 Sub-district Councilors for each village, totaling 6 persons. Any Sub district administrative organization with more than 2 villages under its jurisdiction shall have 2 Sub-district Councilors for each village. The Sub-district Councilors shall have each term in office for a period of 4 years. A Sub-district Administrative Committee consists of 1 Sub district administrative Organization President directly elected by the people; having each term in office for a period of 4 years from the date of election and shall have the power to appoint Vice Presidents of not exceeding 2 persons who are not the Sub-district Administrative Committee members and possibly appoint 1 Sub district administrative organization President Secretary. Sub district administrative organization shall have the power and duty in developing the Sub-district inclusively on the aspects of the economy, sociality and culture and in accordance with the provisions under the law stipulating the duty of the Sub district administrative organization as follows: (Translation) -29-

(1) Providing and maintaining waterways and inland routes; (2) Maintaining cleanliness of the roads, waterways, walkways and public areas including trash and waste disposals; (3) Preventing and eliminating contagious diseases; (4) Preventing and mitigating public calamity; (5) Promoting education, religions and cultures; (6) Promoting the development of women, children, juveniles, aging and handicapped persons; (7) Protecting, looking after and preserving natural resources and environments; (8) Maintaining arts, traditions and customs, local intellects and good local culture; (9) Performing other duties as assigned government authority by allocating the budget or providing personnel as necessary and reasonable; In addition, the Sub district administrative organization may carry out business within the vicinity of the Sub district administrative organization as follows: (1) Making available the water for utilizations, consumptions and farming; (2) Providing and maintaining electricity or lightings by the other means; (3) Providing and maintaining water drainage ways; (4) Providing and maintaining meeting places, sports activities, rest and relaxation activities and public parks; (5) Providing and promoting agricultural groups and cooperative business; (6) Encouraging and promoting household industry (Translation) -30-

(7) Maintaining and promoting the carrying out of people’s occupations (8) Protecting and preserving properties being the State public properties (9) Exploiting benefits from properties of the Sub district administrative organization (10) Establishing the markets, harbors and river crossing piers (11) Commercial related businesses (12) Tourism (13) Town plans 4) Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) Bangkok Metropolitan Administration or BMA is a juristic person by its status and a Local administration of a special form. Because of the reason that Bangkok is the capital city with economic advancement, a specific management is, therefore, necessary in accordance with the Rules set forth under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Regulation Act, B. E. 2528 (1985). Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Structure consists of (1) Bangkok Metropolitan Council; (2) Bangkok Governor; Bangkok Metropolitan Council: Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is structured by Bangkok Metropolitan Council (BMC) directly elected by the people which will be chaired by 1 BMC President and not exceeding 2 BMC Vice Presidents elected by Bangkok Metropolitan Councilors. BMC shall have each term of office for a period of 2 years. Bangkok Governor is the Chief of Bangkok Administrative Committee elected by direct and secret polls. Bangkok Governor shall have each term of office for a period of 4 years from the election date. The election can be held only when a Royal Decree is issued that there shall be the election of Bangkok Governor in which the election date and period of time for accepting the election candidate applications are specified. (Translation) -31-

Bangkok Governor shall have powers and duties in accordance with Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Regulation Act, B. E. 2528 (1985): such as; mapping out policies and administering official functions, giving orders on the authorizations and approvals on BMA official affairs, appointing and removing Deputy Governor, Secretary, Experts, Official Consultants as assigned by Council of Ministers, Prime Minister or Interior Minister, laying down Regulations in order to drive BMA work to progress in an orderly manner. Power and Duty of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Section 89 of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Regulation Act, B. E. 2528 (1985) stipulates the power and duty of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration as follows: (1) Maintaining public peace and order in accordance with BMA Statutes and other laws stipulate to be the power and duty of BMA. (2) Registration affairs as provided by law. (3) Public calamity preventions and reliefs. (4) Maintaining cleanliness and order to the City. (5) Town planning. (6) Providing and maintaining inland, waterway routes and water drainage ditches; (7) Engineering, (8) Transportations. (9) Causing to be provided and controlled the markets, berths, river crossing piers and car parks. (10) Looking after public domains. (11) Building controls. (12) Improving congested community or slum areas and managing matter of the dwelling places. (13) Providing and maintaining rest and relaxation areas. (Translation) -32-

(14) Environmental development and conservation. (15) Maintaining and preserving arts, traditions and customs, local intellects and cultures. (16) Public utilities. (17) Public health, family sanitations, and medical treatments. (18) Causing to be provided and controlled the cemeteries and crematoriums. (19) Controlling livestock raising. (20) Causing to be provided and controlled the abattoirs. (21) Monitoring controls over the safety, order and health with the entertainment halls and other public places. (22) Educational managements. (23) Public Health. (24) Social welfares. (25) Sports promotions. (26) Occupational promotions. (27) BMA commerce. (28) Other duties specified by law to be the powers and duties of Provincial Governor, District Officer, Metropolitan Municipality or as assigned by Council of Ministers, Prime Minister or Interior Minister or as specified by law to be the duties of Bangkok Governor. 5) City of Pattaya: City of Pattaya is the local administration organization of a special form which was previously tried for the government in the form of the City Manager or called Council and Manager Form in only one place since 1978. It is similar to those in many cities of the United States of America. The material substance of this form of the government is that responsibilities of the Legislative Body and the Administrative Body are separate from one another in order to acquire professional Administrators. (Translation) -33-

Pattaya City’s structure at the present, according to Pattaya City Administration Regulation Act, B. E. 2542 (1999), is somewhat similar to that of the Municipal Form whereby Pattaya City Mayor is directly elected. Pattaya City’s structure consists of Pattaya City Council and Pattaya City Mayor. Pattaya City Council, performing duty as the Legislative Body, consists of 24 Councilors elected by eligible voters in Pattaya City areas. The Councilors shall have each term of office for a period of 4 years from the election date. Pattaya City Council elects 1 Pattaya City Council President and 2 Vice Presidents whose names shall be submitted onto the Provincial Governor for appointments. Pattaya City Council President may appoint Pattaya City Council President’s Secretary and Assistant Secretary in number not to exceed the number of Pattaya City Council Vice Presidents in order to assist in carrying out the assigned businesses. Pattaya City Permanent Secretary shall perform duty as the Secretary of Pattaya City Council, having duty to be responsible for administrative affairs, organizing meetings and any other tasks as assigned by Pattaya City Council. Pattaya City Mayor shall be elected directly from eligible voters in Pattaya City areas which shall be by means of direct polls and secret polls. The Mayor shall have each term of office for a period of 4 years and shall have a power to appoint Pattaya City Deputy Mayors of not exceeding 4 persons. Pattaya City Mayor shall have powers and duties as follows: (1) Mapping out policies and taking responsibilities for the administrations of Pattaya City in accordance with the laws, statutes and policies. (2) Giving orders, authorizations, approvals on matters in respect of Pattaya City’s official businesses. (3) Appointing and removing Pattaya City Deputy Mayor, Consultancy Chairman, Consultants and Consultancy Group. (4) Laying down Regulations in order to drive Pattaya City work to progress in an orderly manner. (5) Performing other duties as assigned by Council of Ministers, Prime Minister, Minister or Provincial Governor or as specified by law to be the powers and duties of Pattaya City Mayor or Pattaya City Board of Commissioners. (Translation) -34-

2.2 Role Relevant Concepts 2.2.1 Meaning of the Role: Many academics give the meaning of the role as follows: Choob Kanjanaprakorn (referred to in Chakrapong Manaspitakchai, 2006: 44) gives the meaning that the “role” is the social position on which all persons have existed both on the aspects of the performances and in the society. All persons perform duties in accordance with their roles, formally and personally, in working, because the role is the concept relating to the expectation of the behavior of each person in the organization. The individual’s role is constituted from his right and duty in the organization and that each individual may have the role of more than one thing. Sucha Chan-em, and Surang Chan-em (1977: 46) give the meaning of the role that its meaning is very close to that of the status. The role is the thing which a person in a different status ought to do; that is, when society has set forth a right or duty for whatever the status and how on a person, the person under such status must behave and execute in accordance with the duty as set out. Suriya Hanpaiboon (referred to in Veerasak Ouppasit, 2002: 39) states that the role is a thing existing before a person has taken possession over it and played the role in accordance with the right, power and duty depending on the social position by having both the role which should be and the role which is the actual one. The role has the relationship with the position that cannot be separated from another. The role or power and duty and position will have to stay together such like a coin which consists of two sides. Kamonrat Lasuwong (1984: 50) gives the explanation that the role means a behavior of a person in accordance with his position and status in such society. 2.2.2 Relevant Concept to the Role Relevant concept to the role can be proved under 2 situations, i. e. psychological situation and sociological situation. Psychologists and sociologists give many concepts relating to the role which, in this connection, psychologists give their explanations on the point of the relationships of the group of persons while sociologists reiterate the matter of the institutions. We can study this matter from viewpoints of the anthropologists and psychologists as follows: (Translation) -35- 1) Anthropologists point of view The main principle of the anthropologists is that all behaviors of persons have been designed by the culture as the core which is the force to prop up all the wheels. Anthropologists hold the culture as the consequence from reactions of a concealed and unconcealed behavior or a person having toward the environment for the coexistence of people in the social form. Linton (referred to in Kamonrat Lasuwong, 1984: 51) is an anthropologist whose concept on the matter of the status, position and role of such status and position is that it is the abstraction which means what the mission and duty of such position would be. Therefore, when a position is arisen, thing that comes along with the position is the role of the position because every position must have a controlling role. The role and position cannot be separated from one another which can be said that there can be a role without a position or there can be a position without a role. The role and position are things which will always come along altogether comparatively dubbed suchlike a coin which if one side of the coin is the position, its other side then would absolutely be the role. 2) Sociologist point of view The famous American sociologist, namely, Parsons (cited Kamonrat Lasuwong, 1984: 52) states that a person is already possessed his status, position and role. A person in certain status and position could perform his duty to make his status and position played the role according to its pattern. In addition, Linton still deems it that social system is the system of an interactive treatment while Parsons deems it that a personality and a person with social behavior are not the same thing because personality is the pattern of behavior of any person where a person with social behavior has not thought of the compatible pattern of behavior in the same way as that of the personality of an expert with relation or retaliation behavior who deems it that the role and status and position are just only a juristic act of a person’s behavior that has an influence towards the behavior of a person actually displayed. 3) Viewpoint of Social Psychologist; Social Psychology is the subject cohering Sociology and Psychology altogether. This subject focally tends to obtain understanding by giving the explanations how a though, a feeling or a behavior of a particular person has a relation with the appearance of the other person or a thought how the other person and environment is related to the behavior of a person. Social Psychologists accept that status, position and role have already been in existence before the self has assumed over such position, but, Psychology is the study of the reaction consequently resulting in the rising of the behavior between the “self” and status, position and role. (Translation) -36-

Thitaya Suwanchot (1984: 4) expresses the opinion in relation to the role that it is somewhat a characteristic of a behavior set by the status and position and divides the role into the “Ideal Role” or the role which a person holding a social position should practice and “Actual Role” or the role which a person holding a social position is compellingly required to actually practice in which she described this “Actual Role” as the overall result of the following aspects: (1) Ideal Role (2) Personality of a person holding the position (3) Emotion while displaying the role and available tools In addition, Thitaya Suwanchot (1984: 4) summed up on the meaning of social status, position and role as follows: (1) There is an actual status in every society and is in existence before the self has assumed over the position. (2) There is an ought-to-role regularly stayed in each position. (3) Culture, tradition and custom in the society is a part playing vital role in setting the status, position and role which they should have been. (4) We would know of such status, position and role from the socialization in such society. (5) The role which should have been would not always be definitely certain as to that it would be somewhat similar to the actual behavior of the person assuming over the other status and position because the actual behavior is a consequence of the reaction of the person assuming over the status and position whose role should have been of his own self personality and personality of the other person taking part in the behavior and stimuli existing at such time being and socially interfaced situation. (Translation) -37-

2.3 Elderly Relevant Concepts 2.3.1 Thai Elderly Situation Deriving from the survey of National Statistical Office, it is found that the total number of the Elderly aged over 60 years is 8.63 million (National Statistical Office, 2012: 1) or 12.7% of the country’s total populations. The definition of the United Nations (UN) stipulates that any country having populations of the age over 60 years at the proportion in excess of 10% of the country’s total populations shall be deemed to be the country stepping into the Aging Society and shall be deemed to be the Aged Society when proportion of the population with age over 60 years has soared to 20% of the country’s total populations. Thus, Thailand is deemed to have already stepped into the Aging Society. Data from the trend estimate on Thai population change by Office of National Economic and Social Development Board reveals that proportion of the Elderly will soar up from 7.2% in 1990 to 15.3% in 2020. Table 2.1: Trend estimate on Thai population change, 1990-2020. Year 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Aging Population (Million persons) 4.034 4.816 5.733 6.617 7.639 9.104 10.776 % of Aging Population 7.2 8.1 9.2 10.2 11.5 13.2 15.3 Source: Office of National Economic and Social Development Board, 2005. For the reason that number of Elderly of Thailand is increasingly soaring up consequently as a result of medical and public health progress including the distributions of public health services as well as the family planning policy which results in the rate of reproductions of the population to decrease, thus, number of the Elderly has increased and that their lifespan is longer. Therefore, a preparation for going into the age of elderlyand a promotion to enable the Elderly to participate in various activities of the communities and societies will be yet another important process to make the Elderly become the Elderly of quality or successful aging and active Elderly. On the Thai family situation, it has been discovered that, at the present, a family, in most case, has left the Elderly to stay home alone without any offspring to look after them. Such category of families are increasing every year and it is further found that the families being of the characteristics that family members (Translation) -38- are Elderly and children mostly are found in upcountry areas due to the reason that the economic and social conditions have forced people in the working age to find jobs in the cities. Married couples have to work to build up family security and after having children, they would not have time to look after them, so, they send them to be in care of their grandfather and/or grandmother consequently resulting in these Elderly to be burdened by looking after their grandsons/granddaughters instead of having their grandsons/granddaughters to look after them. And if parents of the children did not provide any financial supports or should lose contact with the family, these Elderly will have to shoulder the burdens in looking after the family, thus, causing the creation of another type of the family which consists of only the children and the Elderly and that this type of the family has a trend to continuously increase. Phase 1 Long Term Study Report reveals that approximately 37.3% of the children have been under care of their grandfathers/grandmothers. More attentions and studied should be paid and conducted on these types of the families in order to assist members of these families to lead their lives steadfastly and securely (Thitirat Disyothin 2007: 25-26). 2.3.2 Elderly Work Situation: The aging society has made the economic and social structure changed, particularly, on the aspect of Labour that their number would increase. On said group of the Elderly, it is found as a result of the surveys that approximately 40% have participated in the Labour forces (National Statistical Office, 2012: 1). According to the survey of National Statistical Office (National Statistical Office, 2012: 3-22) on elderly working situation in Thailand in 2012, there are important issues with regard to their work nature as follows: 1) Elderly work nature 1.1) Elderly situation at work Majority of the working elderly or 60.3% operated own business alone , not hiring any helper , followed by 23.0% being the owner of private business with hired helpers and private employees which accounted for 11.2%, respectively. (Translation) -39-

1.2) Elderly marital status Most of the working Elderly were married which accounted for 79.2%, followed by 15.5% widow/widower, and 2.9% single which , whereas 1.3% separated and 1.1% divorced, respectively. 1.3) Elderly occupation. Most of the working Elderly were engaged in the workmanship occupations in the field of agriculture and fishery which accounted for 61.5% and second in line as the service workers and commercial store employees which accounted for 17.3% and work performers requiring ability on workmanship and trade business which accounted for 8.4%, respectively. 1.4) Industry Elderly Working Most of the working elderly were engaged in the fields of agriculture, forestry and fishery which accounted for 2.2 million persons or 18.9% and second in line was in the fields of wholesales and retailed sales, vehicle and motorcycle repairs which accounted for 460,000 persons or 13.5% and productions which accounted for 270,000 persons or 7.9%, respectively. 1.5) Working elderly on educational level Most of the working elderly completed their educations lower than the elementary level as much as up to 80.5% and second in were uneducated which accounted for 7.0% and elementary level which accounted for 4.2%, respectively. 1.6) Elderly weekly working hours Majority of males and females elderlies worked 30-49 hours per week (49.1% and 49.3%), followed by 50 hours and over per week (32.3% and 27.3%) and 10-29 hours per week (17.4% and 21.7%), respectively. 1.7) Remuneration or Salary of working elderly The working aging person, in the overall picture, earned the average remuneration per month of 11,393 Baht which, in this connection, the elderly in trade and service sector were the Elderly receiving the highest average remuneration per month which was 15,753 Baht and second in line were the Elderly in the production sector making 13,058 Baht and agricultural sector making 3,871 Baht, respectively. (Translation) -40-

1.8) Working elderly on Job-related accident and injury Approximately 530,000 Elderly or 15.6% of the whole number of the working Elderly were injured of job-related accidents. They were injured mostly of being cut/stabbed/pierced by sharp-edged objects which was 66.3% and second in line were falling or stumbling down which was 20.2% and hitting or being struck by something which was 6.0%, respectively. 1.9) Working elderly on medical treatment Elderly injured of job-related accident mostly sustained minor injuries which accounted for 67.0%, so, they were not treated. Second in line was that they bought medicines from pharmacies for self-treatments which accounted for 25.0% and on treatments at clinics of not exceeding 3 days which accounted for 5.6%, respectively. 1.10) Working Elderly’ use of welfare for disbursements of medical treatment costs. On the Elderly being injured of job-related accident and necessitating them to go on with medical treatments at clinics, it was found that male Elderly using the welfare for disbursements of medical treatment costs mostly used Government Health Insurance Card which accounted for 62.0% and second in line was the use of Government Service Official Welfare Scheme which accounted for 8.6 % and the use of Social Security Insurance which Accounted for 4.0%, respectively 2) Working elderly setbacks 2.1) Problems at work Majority of elderly had problems on working compensation as the highest rated of 47.7%, followed by doing difficult work 30.7% and occasionally employed or 12.6%, respectively. 2.2) Unsafe working environment Majority of males and females elderlies had been exposed toxic chemicals (71.9% an 68.4%) , followed by working with dangerous machines and tools (14.9% and 17.0%) and damaging functions of ears and eyes (4.8% and 6.7%, respectively). 2.3) Problems from work atmosphere Majority of males and females elderlies had problems with their postures at work. For example, they seldom changed their working postures/poses most (58.4%) and 69.8%, followed by those mentioned working in the place full of dust, smoke and foul odor (14.6% and 8.9%)and inadequate lighting (12.7% and 9.8%), respectively. (Translation) -41-

2.4 Elderly Relevant Policy and Law 2.4.1 Elderly Welfare Policy of Thailand: Thailand has been aware of the importance of the Elderly, thus, the Policy on Elderly of Thailand relating to the Protections and Provisions of Welfares to the Elderly is stipulated in order to conform with and provide supports in accordance with the requirements of the United Nations that announces 1999 as the “International Elderly Year” by prescribing the Elderly Policy into 5 aspects for use as the framework in practical performances relating to the Elderly until the present time (Sasipat Yodpet, referred in Thitirat Disyothin, 2007: 29) which are: 1) Health Policy; Health, physically and mentally, is promoted and supported; disease preventions, health promotions, disease diagnose during the initial period including the treatments and ability rehabilitations are implemented which are deemed to be the regular work of the mixed public health services, accelerating the disseminations of fundamental public health knowledge both in the urban and upcountry areas. 2) Education Policy; Provisions on continuous education throughout the lifetime, particularly, informal system with the pattern and substances to truly benefit the Elderly are accelerated. In addition, the Family Life Education both on the aspects of the formal and informal education system is emphasized in order to prepare themselves for a change in each stretch of life. 3) Income and Working Security Policy; In respect of this matter, the enactment of Social Security Insurance Act is promotionally provided for Elderly on the aspect of the income for their subsistence including the promotions and supports on the system, the method to make them still have a chance to work according to the skill and ability of each person as well as promoting and supporting them to generate incomes from working in the level of being fair and sufficient to their subsistence and enhancing them to use their existing abilities and potentials for their own benefits, their own families and society, especially, the roles on transferring their experiences and skills. 4) Social and Cultural Policy; Expanded family structure is promoted in order to facilitate the leading of life of the Elderly under warmth atmosphere with the offspring waiting on to look after them or them to look after their offspring to ensure that there are campaigns on, creations of and instilling of goodwill in them to be aware of the (Translation) -42- value of knowledge and experiences of the Elderly who can transfer such knowledge and experiences for social benefits; to have respect and gratefulness to Elderly who did virtuous things for the families and societies, particularly, the transfers of knowledge and experiences in various fields of subjects including knowledge on good cultures, customs, traditions and morality which must be developed and maintained. 5) Social Welfare Policy; The exercise of Social Security Insurance Act which provides protections to Elderly on the aspect of various welfares is promoted and social service in the form of more Elderly Service Centers and Mobile Elderly Assistance Units are extended. The assistances in the form of Welfare Home are limited to the least which shall be reserved for the Elderly truly lacking the dwelling places only and that co- operations from private sector are mobilized for their assistances in providing social services to Elderly in various forms for sufficiency and thoroughness. In conclusion, the Elderly Welfare Policy is the guideline on both the protections and safeguarding of the rights of the Elderly which related organizations shall place the importance on; take for implementation in mapping out the operational plan for looking after the Elderly in the long term due to the reason of the elderly situation and the increase in their populations; their physical and mental health condition; social care system which is under the trend to be in crisis situation and the increasing condition of misery. Sasipat Yodpet (2002: 18-22) indicated that mechanism in driving health service system and social service system over in the past had lack the efficiency. The operations were still separated into parts and under the characteristic of a right or wrong test which if the policy and framework should not be systematically set out, it may cause an adverse consequence to the public health service system of the country and the elderly. 2.4.2 Declaration on Thailand’s Older Persons, B.E. 2542 (1999). Clause 1. Elderly must receive fundamental factors in leading their lives with value and dignity; be protected from being abandoned and being infringed in their rights and be treated without any discriminations. Clause 2. Elderly should stay with the family and shall be respected, understood, solicitous and attentive and looked after. Their roles in the family shall be accepted among the family members. (Translation) -43-

Clause 3. Elderly should be given the opportunity to study, learn and develop their potentials continuously; access to information and social services which will benefit them in leading their lives. Clause 4. Elderly should be given the opportunity to transfer their knowledge and experiences to the society; the opportunity to work according to their age appropriation on a voluntary basis. Clause 5. Elderly should have chance to learn how to take care of themselves; must be provided with security guarantee and can access to comprehensive health services equally. Clause 6. Elderly should have their roles to play and the opportunity to participate in the activities of their families, communities and societies, particularly, in grouping for exchanging ideas, learning and good understanding among Elderly and other people of all ages. Clause 7. The State with the participations of the private sector, public institutions and social organizations must determine policies and master plan on the Elderly; promote and coordinate work to assign relevant organizations to proceed with the operations of the work continuously to achieve the set goals. Clause 8. With the participations of private sector, public institutions and social organizations in accordance with the Law on Elderly, there shall be security guarantee and enforcements on the protections or rights over and the provisions of the welfares to the Elderly. Clause 9. With the participations of private sector, public institutions and social organizations, there shall launch campaigns to instill the goodwill, get the societies to be aware of the value of the Elderly in accordance with the culture that places the emphasis on gratefulness and helpfulness one another. 2.4.3 Older Persons Act, B. E. 2546 (2003) The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B. E. 2540 (1997) (repealed in September 2006), Section 54 (Section 52 under the Bill) provides that a person being of the age of full 60 years and over and generating incomes insufficiently for his subsistence shall be entitled to receive assistances from the State provided by law (the Bill does not (Translation) -44- specify the terms provided by law) and Section 80 (Section 79 under the Bill) provides that the State must protect and develop children and youths, promote the equality of women and men, promote and develop stability of the families and strength of the communities. The State must provide assistances to Elderly, poor, handicapped or disable persons and vulnerable groups for better quality of life and self-reliance in accordance with the United Nations Principle on Elderly, Elderly Policy Guidelines of Thailand and Declaration of Elderly of Thailand, B. E. 2542 (1999) on which the importance of the Elderly is placed eventually giving rise to a push for the enactment of Older Persons Act, B. E. 2546 (2003) which stipulates the Policy and Operational Guidelines in respect of the Protections, Promotions and Supports relating to Elderly as the significant matter by setting the requirements that there shall be the creation of a system in looking after the Elderly in the community, elderly fund promotion that will be beneficial in carrying out more activities of the Elderly in the communities. Such Act is the law that facilitates the rising of the organizational structure and good management system which can back up the Elderly’ working in the country and rights of the Elderly even more. The Older Persons Act, B. E. 2546 (2003) which has been put into force since January 1st 2004 provides that the elderly shall be protected, promoted and supported in various fields: such as; medical and public health services that can be conveniently and expeditiously provided to them as a special case; education, religious affairs and information useful to them, occupations or occupational training as suitable, self- development and participations in social activities, grouping in a manner of a network or community, facilitating convenience and safety directly to Elderly in the buildings, vehicles or other public services, assistances on transportation fares as suitable, except entrance fees to visit the State’s places, assistances to Elderly being harmful from being tortured or exploited out of the benefits unlawfully or being abandoned; providing other advices, consultations relating to the cases of solving family problems, providing dwelling places, foods, clothes and assistances on subsistence allowances, thoroughly and impartially, as necessary, assistance on funeral arrangements in accordance with the custom and tradition and others as prescribed by the Board of Elderly including income tax abatement in the case where there are donors of money or properties to the Fund and parents being Elderly of non- incomes sufficient for their subsistence as well as the formation of the Elderly Foundation. (Translation) -45-

2.4.4 Older Persons Act, (No. 2), B. E. 2553 (2010) Older Persons Act, (No. 2), B. E. 2553 (2010) is enacted to revise Older Persons Act, B. E. 2546 as follows: Section 3. The provisions under (5) of Section 9 of Older Persons Act, B. E. 2546 shall be repealed and superseded by the following provisions: “(5) The procedures on the consideration and approval of money disbursement for the protection, promotion, support and provision of the welfare for Older Persons under Section 20(2) shall be regulated.” Section 4. The provisions under (11) of Section 11 of Older Persons Act, B. E. 2546 shall be repealed and superseded by the following provisions: “(11) Payment of subsistence allowance on a monthly basis, thoroughly and impartially.” Section 5. The provisions under (2) of Section 20 of Older Persons Act, B. E. 2546 shall be repealed and superseded by the following provisions: “(2) Making consideration on the approval of money disbursement for the protection, promotion, support and provision of the welfare for Older Persons in accordance with the Regulation prescribed by the Commission.” 2.4.5 The 2 nd National Plan on the Elderly (B. E. 2545-2564 or A. D. 2002- 2021) Thailand has a Policy on Elderly by implementing a long term Elderly Plan under which related measures were prescribed since 1982, but, it was apparent that such Elderly Plan was faced with the operational problems leading to a discontinuation on practical performances. The operations to respond to the Policy and various measures were not achieved in accord with the goal. Therefore, in 1997, when the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand was promulgated, the importance of elderly was emphasized under Section 54 and Section 80 which described the missions to do for the elderly. (The Act was repealed in September 2006; relevant provisions were specified under Section 52 and 79 of the Bill). In 1999, when there was Thai Elderly Declaration in order to create security guarantee in Elderly which was the process to create social stability that the Elderly were valuable and had the potentials which should be promoted and supported for social participations, the State, therefore, implemented The 2nd National Plan on the Elderly, (B. E. 2545-2564 or A. D. 2002-2021) containing the material substances as follows: (Translation) -46-

1) Readiness strategy on the populations in preparation for them to become the Elderly with quality which thoroughly covers the income guarantee for them, the provisions of education and learning throughout their lifetimes and the instilling of conscious minds in people of the societies to be aware of the values and dignities of Elderly. 2) Promotion strategy on Elderly to thoroughly cover the learning on the aspects of health promotion, coexistence and creation of strength of the elderly organizations, working and acquisitions of incomes, the enhancement of potential Elderly, the supports of all categories of media to implement programs for elderly and the enhancements of the Elderly to be educated and able to gain access into information and media, the dwelling places and suitable and safe environmental condition. 3) Strategy on the aspect of social protection system for elderly to thoroughly cover their incomes, family health insurance security, administration and supportive networks. 4) Strategy on the management to thoroughly cover the management for development of national level work on the aspect of Elderly and personnel development. 5) Strategy on the processing and knowledge body development and assessment follow-ups to thoroughly cover the research and data development. The Central Organization currently carrying out operations on the aspect of the Elderly is the Board of Elders (BOE) which performs duty in mapping out the policy, master plan, operating guidelines and supporting the operations on the aspect of the Elderly in accordance with Older Persons Act, B. E. 2546 (2003) by having the Office of Promotion and Protection of Children, Youth, the Elderly and Vulnerable Groups, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, as the Central Organization in carrying out the operations including the formation of Elderly Fund. In addition, there are substantial numbers of the State, private organizations and communities operating businesses relating to the elderly developments. It can be concluded that the material substance of The 2nd National Plan on the Elderly, (B. E. 2545-2564 or A. D. 2002-2021) has placed the importance on the circuit of life of all related persons in the societies having towards the Elderly either directly or indirectly. The mapping out of the strategy or measure according to the Elderly Plan will, (Translation) -47- therefore, be in the nature of a readiness preparation of quality populations, the creation of social protection system for Elderly. The management for development of work on elderly at the national level and personnel development on the aspect of elderly and the other fields are related to all sectors in carrying out the express operations in the same way, particularly, the Local administration organization which are the government sector social welfare organization of local level that are compellingly required to operates in accordance with the law which provides that there must be a mission on social welfare and quality of life development of the target group including elderly, as well. 2.5 Relevant Research Result Poonsook Sitapadon (2007: Abstract) conducted the study on the Role of Provincial Administrative Organization towards the Elderly Quality of Life: Case Study - Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization with the purpose to study the guidelines on the elderly provisions of foreign countries and sampling cases in Thailand and to analyze the guidelines on elderly welfare provisions which is suitable to Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization. Researcher conducted the Case Study on Japan and Din Daeng Society Service Center under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA). It was found, as a result of the research that, the social welfare provided to Elderly suitable to Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization was 1) medical treatment services, 2) welfare on dwelling place and care of Elderly, 3) welfare on occupational promotions and elderly subsistence allowance, 4) services on grouping and social participations, 5) welfare on entertainment/study tour and 6) other welfares. Thitirat Disyothin (2007: Abstract) conducted the on the Role of Sub district administrative organization towards Welfare Provisions for Elderly in the Community: Case Study-Nongkhai Province, with the purpose to study and get understanding on the role of Sub district administrative organization towards the Elderly Welfare management and guidelines on the adjustment of the role of the Sub district administrative organization on the management of the elderly welfare in Nongkhai Province, by conducting the study from 2 groups of persons: Group I-All 109 Sub district administrative Organization Administrators in Nongkhai comprised of Chief Executive of the Administrative Organization, Chairman of the Sub district Administrative Organizations and Chief Administrator of the Sub district Administrative Organizations in total number of 327 Questionnaires. Group II-Chief Executive of the Administrative Organization and Chief Administrator of the Sub-district administrative organization who were representatives of (Translation) -48- 18 Sub district administrative organizations. Data was gathered by Focus Group conversations. As a result of the study, it was found that most of the Sub district administrative organization Administrators which accounted for 67.2% were well-versed in their roles and missions in accordance with the law and in social welfare management at high level. The role on the elderly welfare management of the Sub district administrative organizations in Nongkhai considered to be the most was the role in the welfare management on the aspect of the income and on the other aspects. Where the elderly welfare management of the Sub district administrative organization in Nongkhai in the overall picture was found to be in low level. In respect of the guidelines on the adjustment on the mission role of the Sub district administrative organizations on the aspect of the social welfare for Elderly, it should be more thoroughly covered both on the aspects of social welfare on the income, welfare on health, dwelling place, education and entertainment. Vithit Trintiyakul (2007: Abstract) conducted the study on Problems and Needs on Social Welfare of Elderly in the Vicinity of Banchang Sub district administrative organization, , with the objective to study the problems and needs on social welfare of Elderly in the vicinity of Banchang Sub district administrative Organization, Rayong Province. Data was gathered from the group of aging population which was the sampling group in total number of 200 persons by using the specifically designed Forms. It was found that a promotion on the suitable occupation for generating the income would be yet another problem which the government should accelerate the actions. Elderly Club should be formed up in every village in order to increase the potentials in the developments of the quality of life of the Elderly. The needs of Elderly would lie on the standard of the social welfare basic factors only which the government sector could respond to it continuously. Sorawit Poomsri (2007: 31-32) conducted the study on the Development and Enhancement of the Mission Role in carrying out the Operations in looking after Elderly under Jurisdictions of Nadindam Sub district administrative organization, Mueang District, , with the objective: 1) To study the level of satisfaction in caring for elderly by Nadindam Sub district administrative organization, Mueang District, Loei Province, 2) To study the mission role and search for the guidelines on the operations in looking after Elderly of Nadindam Sub district administrative Organization, Mueang District, Loei Province, by studying elderly 60 years and over whose names were registered in the House Registration within the jurisdictions of Nadindam Sub district administrative Organization, Mueang District, Loei Province, and personnel of Nadindam Sub district administrative organization performing (Translation) -49- duties relating to elderly care. It was found, as result of the research, that the elderly care of Nadindam Sub district administrative organization was contained in the Community and Social Administration Development Strategy both under Social Welfare Work Plan and General Administration Work Plan which most of the projects were related to the assistances and welfare managements. Bussaya Petduk (2008: 56-57) conducted the study on the Readiness Preparation of Sub district administrative Organizations in , in backing up the entering into the Aging Society with the purpose to analyze and evaluate the situation on the operations in looking after Thai aging populations at the present; study the readiness preparation to cope with the situation and the readiness preparations of Thai populations when entering into the Aging Society by conducting the study on 10 Sub district administrative Organizations in Surat Thani Province. It was found, as a result of the study: 1) That the rate of the Elderly is currently increasing which would consequently cause the problem of the insufficient budget and lack of persons to look after them and eventually more volunteers would be required, 2) That the operations of some Sub district administrative organization were not ready because of a lack of the budget for spending on this part. Nevertheless, in the overall picture, all Sub district administrative organizations are ready on the aspect of things to be given away to Elderly on the significantly traditional days or on regular basis by some Units, 3) Readiness preparation to cope with the elderly situation and readiness preparation to go into the Aging Society which, in this respect, almost all of the 10 Sub district administrative organizations have begun to initiate actions to carry out such work. Elderly being the local wisdom would receive supports; their wisdoms brought out for making use which would be beneficial to the society and that the value of elderly would be admirable. Pimchanok Paireepinas (2008: 176-177) conducted the study on Social Welfare Management Development Guidelines for Elderly in with the objective: 1) To study the condition on social welfare management for Elderly in Khon Kaen Province, 2) To study the conditions of the problems on social welfare management for elderly in Khon Kaen Province and 3) To study guidelines on the development of social welfare management for Elderly in Khon Kaen Province, which was the qualitative and quantitative research in which the data was gathered from the sampling group of 129 persons. It was found, as a result of the study, that the condition on the social welfare management in providing services to elderly of both the government and private sector was similar to one (Translation) -50- another. Such services consisted of health and sanitary promotions, entertainments, occupational promotions and social services. Both government and private sector had 2 types of social welfares provided to the elderly ; namely, 1) The provisions of social welfares to the Elderly within the organization and 2) The provisions of social welfares to the Elderly in the community. Sukanya Samanpuean (2008: 43-45) conducted the study on the Leading of Life of elderly in Rural Society – Case Study: Kasetsomboon District, Province, with the objective: 1) To study the leading of life of elderly in Kasetsomboon District, Chaiyaphum Province, 2) To study the relations on the leading of life of elderly in Kasetsomboon District, Chaiyaphum Province, with their sexes and group, 3) To study the condition of problem on the leading of life of elderly in Kasetsomboon District, Chaiyaphum Province. The sampling group used in the research were 385 elderlies living in Kasetsomboon District of Chaiyaphum Province. It was found, as a result of the research, that most of the Elderly completed the elementary level education which accounted for 66.5% and were engaged in farming occupation. Most of them had their own residences. Most importantly, it was found that more than a half of such number were encumbered with indebtedness. More than 58.2% of the Elderly were not members of any group. Kritwit Sawasdimongkol (2008: 73-77) conducted the study on the Role in looking after elderly of Nong Bua Sub district administrative organization, Sri Nakhon District, , with the objective: 1) To study health problem and lifestyle of elderly in the jurisdiction area of Nong Bua Sub district administrative organization, 2) To study the expectations of elderly having had with Community Organization and Nong Bua district Organization and 3) To study the role of the Sub district administrative Organization in looking after elderly. The selected research samples were 280 elderlies in the area of Nong Bua Sub district administrative organization and personnel of Nong Bua Sub district administrative organization. It was found, as a result of the study, that Nong Bua Sub district administrative organization had enhanced and supported the formation of Nong Bua Sub- district Elderly Club, provided welfare in giving the subsistence allowances, supported activities for elderly and coordinated with related organizations: such as; Nong Bua Sub- district Health Station, Provincial Administrative Organization and Office of Social Development and Human Security in looking after the Elderly by giving away survival bags, providing mobile health cares from the Province, walking sticks, body supporting devices, assistances on the place to earn a living and in looking for various financial sources. (Translation) -51- Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (2008: 369- 377) conducted the study on Guidelines and Elderly Employment Promotion Measure with the purpose to acquire a guideline and elderly employment promotion measure in order to further cope with the change in the structure of Thai population which will go into the Aging Society in a short period of time. Result of the study suggested the guidelines and elderly employment promotion measure consisting of 1) Making elderly information data, 2) Reviewing retirement age basis, 3) Categorizing work and fixing suitable remuneration, 4) The increase in working opportunity for elderly, 5) Readiness preparations on health, environmental condition in working place and the providing of various services, 6) Establishment of Social Service Center, 7) A change in the attitude towards the elderly employment, 8) Creation of motivation, 9) Knowledge and skill increase, 10) Participative job promotion, 11) Laws and regulations revisions, 12) Emphasized point on elderly employment promotion measure, particularly, on a specific group: such as; guidelines and measure for group of potential elderly in which the emphasis should be placed on the review on the retirement age in parallel with the categorization of work and the fixing of suitable remuneration, 13) In-depth study and research on variously related issues: such as; pattern and guidelines on financial support for the engagement in the occupation of the Elderly, feasibility study on the establishment of Social Service Center in the Community and role of the Local administration organization on the Elderly Employment Promotion, etc. Parinya Choolekha (2011: 50) conducted the research on the Income and expenses of elderly in Thailand with the objective to study the source of income and expenditure of Elderly and comparative study on the standard in leading the life of elderly by the method of study from documents, interviews and issuance of Questionnaires to the target group being the Elderly aged 60 years and over in number of 121 samples. Result of the study revealed that the elderly earned less than what they spent. In this connection, the elderly of 37.2% generated their incomes insufficiently for their subsistence because they are in group of unemployed Elderly, so, there is no source of incomes for them and 62.8% are in the group generating the sufficient incomes, particularly, the group formerly serving as the government service officials, so, their sources of incomes are government pensions. Mayuree Pongnark (2012: 57-56) conducted the study on the Factors having Relations with the Quality of Life of the Elderly of Mueang District, with the purpose: 1) To study factors on personal status, health, social status and environmental condition of Elderly of Mueang District, Ratchaburi Province, 2) Level of the quality of life of (Translation) -52- Elderly of Mueang District of Ratchaburi Province, and 3) Factors having relations with the level of the quality of life of elderly of Mueang District, Ratchaburi Province. Sampling group were elderlies residing in the area of Mueang District, Ratchaburi Province. The study revealed that the factors on the personal status, health, social status and environmental condition had the relations with the quality of life of the elderly with implicitly statistically significance at the level of 0.05. (Translation) -53-

Chapter 3 Research Methodology The methodology in the research entitled, “Local Administration Organizations’ Role on the Elderly Employment Promotion” deployed a survey research and conducted according to research methodology, selecting samples through the sampling methods, developing including the development and testing research tools, date collection and statistical analysis on collected data as shown in the following details 3.1 Population and Sample 3.1.1 Population The population used in this research consisted of 4 types of Local Administration Organizations as displayed in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Number of Local Administrative Organizations classified by Types Type of Local Administration Organization Quantity (places) 1. Provincial Administrative Organization 76 2. Municipality 2,266 2.1 City Municipality 29 places 2.2 Town Municipality 167 places 2.3 Sub-district Municipality 2,070 places 3. Sub-district Administrative Organization 5,509 4. Special Metropolitan Administration Office (Bangkok and the City 2 of Pattaya) Total 7,853 Source: Bureau of System and Organizational Structure, Department of Local Administration Organizations Note: Information as of October 1st, 2012 3.1.2 Sample The sample used in this study consisted of local administration organization whereby the sample size was calculated by the following formula: (Translation) -54- n n = 0 n0 1+ N n represents the appropriate sample size from the total N population

Z2 ⋅ 1(p − )p n = 2/a 0 e2 N is population size n0 is initial sample size n is sample size

Z(∝/2) is the value from regular tables which is the probability, replaced by area under the normal curve on the right side, which equals to ∝/2 1−∝ is the confidence level e is the acceptable accuracy of estimates and P is the proportion of respondents in the interested group.

The highest values of n0 happens when p = 0.05 which causes

2 n0 = 0.25(Z ∝/2 /e) = 0.25(1.96/0.05) 2 = 385 when a = 0.05 and e = 0.05

When the value of n 0 is found, n is obtained from the interested population for the study which consisted of Local Administration Organizations in the local area, providing services by units in affiliation with the Division of Labour Market Research of the Department of Employment illustrated in Table 3.2 using the following equation:

n0 n0 = n0 1+ N (Translation) -55-

Table 3.2 Sample size categorized by responsible agencies Local Administration Sample Size* Responsible Agency Organizations in (places) Service Areas (places) Labour Market Information Center 721 251 Lampang Labour Market Center 1,693 314 Khon Kaen Labour Market Information Center 2,968 341 Songkhla Labour Market Information Center 1,206 292 Rayong Labour Market Information Center 584 232 Ratchaburi Labour Market Information Center 681 246 Total 7,853 1,676 Note : * Sample size with 95% confidence level and 5% deviation 3.2 Sampling Methods The research on the role of promoting employment for the elderly in Local Administration Organizations deployed the systematic sampling. 3.3 Research Tools The research utilized questionnaires as the tool for data collection in accordance to the following processes: 3.3.1 Study questionnaire creation methods for data collection from relevant documents and books in order as a guideline for questions. 3.3.2 Study relevant theories and other research papers considering different details in order to correspond to the objective of the research. 3.3.3 Create a questionnaire to have information that covers the objective of the research for it to become a tool in collecting information for further analysis. The questionnaire used in collecting information for this research was separated into the 2 following parts: Part1 General information consisting of type/characteristics of the agency, number of staff and average age of staff. (Translation) -56-

Part 2 Information about the opinion of respondents in elderly employment promotion are as follows: 1) Agree or disagreed to supportive measures for the promotion of employment of elderly workers. 2) Appropriate retirement age. 3) Appropriate age of elderly worker for employment. 4) Appropriate type of employment for the elderly. 5) Appropriate wages for elderly workers. 6) Promotional measures for elderly employment promotion 7) Present promotion for employment for the elderly. 8) First measure in promoting employment amongst the elderly in the future. 9) Potential to promote employment for the elderly. 10) Problems and obstacles in promoting elderly employment The questionnaire was constructed in check list and fill up in blank parts for elderly. 3.4 Testing Research Tool Quality 3.4.1 The questionnaire went through verification on content validity in order to see if any changes were to be made. 3.4.2 Verified questionnaires would be used to collect data from the sample group. 3.5 Data Collection The data collection process started with sending letters to Executive of the local administration organization, requesting for cooperation and collaboration in gathering information from Labour Market Information Centers which are affiliated with the Division of Labour Market Research of the Department of Employment. Results from the data collection process are shown in Table 3.3. (Translation) -57-

Table 3.3 Results from the Data Collection Process Categorized into Responsible Agencies Sample Size Data Collection Results Responsible Agency (places) (places) Labour Market Information Center 251 276 Lampang Labour Market Information Center 314 317 Khon Kaen Labour Market Information Center 341 346 Songkhla Labour Market Information Center 292 305 Rayong Labour Market Information Center 232 239 Ratchaburi Labour Market Information Center 246 265 Total 1,676 1,748 3.6 Data Analysis In this research, the data analysis stage consisted of the following 2 parts: Part 1 Analysis of the general role of Local Administration Organizations in promoting employment for the elderly. Part 2 Analysis of Sub-district Administrative Organization’s role in promoting employment for the elderly. The reason for the interest in the role of sub-district administrative organization (SAO) in part 2 in particular, is because SAO represents a Local Administration Organization closely connected to the people, especially the elderly population in local communities. Furthermore, SAO are Local Administration Organizations with the highest number totaling 70.15 percent of all Local Administration Organizations, which led to more clarity in the research results. The analysis of both parts of the information used statistics suited to the type of information as follows: 3.6.1 Frequency and percentages were used in order to explain information in the first part of the questionnaire with general information about the local administrative organization. Part 2 of the questionnaire with information about opinions of respondent regarding promotion of employment amongst elderly workers was nominal scale. 3.6.2 Finding the contingency Coefficient (C) and then testing it with Chi-Square (x2) at statistically significance 0.05 in order to find the relationship of local administration organization characteristics consisting of the type of organization, number of staff and average age of personnel, with the opinions regarding measures to promote employment for the elderly and the potential to the elderly employment promotion.

(Translation) -58- Chapter 4 Research Results The research on the role Local Administration Organizations in promoting employment amongst the elderly had four objectives. First was the study of characteristics of local administration organizations, while second involved the study of Executive of the Local Administration Organizations’ opinions in promoting employment to the elderly. Third was to study the role and readiness of Local Administration Organizations in elderly employment promotion and fourth was to study the relationship between characteristics of Local Administration Organizations and the opinions of Executive of the Local Administration Organizations on the role and readiness in promoting employment to the elderly. The sample selected for this research consisted of four different types of local administration organizations, in the total of 1,748 agencies, namely, Special metropolitan administration, Provincial Administrative Organizations, Municipality and Sub-district Administrative organization. The research tools used were questionnaires. The research results are presented in an essay format with tables in 2 parts as follows: Part 1 Overall analysis on the role of Local Administration Organizations in elderly employment promotion in the following sub-headings: Part 1.1 Analysis results on the characteristics of local administration organizations. Part 1.2 Analysis results on the opinion of executive of local administration organizations on elderly employment promotion Part 1.3 Analysis results on the role and readiness of Local Administration Organizations in elderly employment promotion. Part 1.4 Analysis results on the relationship between local administration organization’s characteristics and the opinions towards elderly employment promotion. Part 1.5 Analysis results on the relationship between local administrative organization’s characteristics and the role for elderly employment promotion. Part 1.6 Analysis results on the relationship between the characteristics of Local Administration Organizations and readiness for elderly employment promotion. (Translation) -59- Part 2 Analysis of Sub-district Administrative Organization of roles in elderly employment promotion, with analysis in the following subheadings: Part 2.1 Analysis results on the Sub-district Administrative Organizations’ types Part 2.2 Analysis results on the opinions of the executive of the Sub- district Administrative Organization on promoting employment to the elderly. Part 2.3 Analysis results on the role and readiness of Sub-district Administrative Organization in promoting elderly employment. Part 2.4 Analysis results on the relationship between Sub-district Administrative Organization characteristics and the opinions towards promoting employment to the elderly Part 2.5 Analysis results on the relationship between Sub-district administrative organization’s characteristics and the role in promoting employment to the elderly Part 2.6 Analysis results on the relationship between the characteristics of Sub-district Administrative Organization and readiness to the elderly employment promotion. In order to understand the meaning of symbols used in the analysis, the meanings are provided as follows: n represents the sample size df represents the degree of freedom x2 represents chi-squared c represents the contingency coefficient Details of the study are shown below: Part 1 Overall analysis on the role of Local Administration Organizations in elderly employment promotion (Translation) -60-

Part 1.1 Analysis results on the characteristics of local administration organizations Most of the Local Administration Organizations were Sub-district Administrative Organization at 67.62 percent, followed by Sub-district Municipality at 27.40 percent and Town Municipality at 2.80 percent (Table 4.1). Majority of the organizations had less than 50 number of personnel at 53.15 percent, followed by 50-100 number of personnel at 35.58 percent and 11.27 percent with over 100 numbers of personnel (Table 4.2). Most of the persons in the Local Administration Organizations had an average age between 36-45 years at 59.44 percent, with 35.93 percent within the 25-35 year range and 4.63 percent in the over 46 years category as shown in Table 4.3. Table 4.1 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by types Number Types of Local Administration Organizations Percentage (places) 1. Special form of the Local Administrative Organization 1 0.06 (The City of Pattaya) 2. Provincial Administrative Organization 20 1.14 3. Municipality 3.1) City Municipality 17 0.97 3.2) Town Municipality 49 2.80 3.3) Sub-district Municipality 479 27.40 4. Sub-district Administrative Organization 1,182 67.62 Total 1,748 100 Table 4.2 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by number of personnel Number of Personnel Number (places) Percentage Less than 50 persons 929 53.15 50-100 persons 622 35.58 Over 100 persons 197 11.27 Total 1,748 100

(Translation) -61-

Table 4.3 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations categorized by average age of personnel Average Age of Persons Number (places) Percentage 25-35 years 628 35.93 36-45 years 1,039 59.44 46 years and over 81 4.63 Total 1,748 100 Part 1.2 Analysis results on the opinion of executive of local administration organizations on elderly employment promotion 1.2.1 The opinions towards the promotion of employment to the elderly amongst executive in Local Administration Organizations mostly agreed to elderly employment promotion; nearly 6.01 percent disagreed as shown in Table 4.4. Most of the agreeing respondents, agreed with the reason that elderly people should have an income and not be a burden on the family at 42.36 percent. Following this at 27.02 percent, the reason as because elderly people had work experience and 23.01 percent gave the reason that there are appropriate jobs for elderly people as shown in Table 4.5 Respondents of 36.49 percent who disagreed to the elderly employment promotion had given their reasons that the elderly should get the most relaxation at 36.49 percent, followed by 24.64 percent thought of the assigned tasks were unsuitable for elderly and 18.48 percent mentioned low productivity such as incomplete work or more time spent than others. The findings are presented in Table 4.6 Table 4.4 Number and percentage of opinions towards elderly employment promotion Opinions on Elderly Employment Promotion Number (places) Percentage Agree 1,643 93.99 Disagree 105 6.01 Total 1,748 100

(Translation) -62-

Table 4.5 Percentage of Local Administration Organizations agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by reasons n = 1,643 Reasons for Agreeing Percentage 1. Elderly citizens can have an income and not be a burden on family 42.36 2. The elderly have work experience 27.02 3. There are suitable jobs for elderly workers 23.01 4. Wages/compensation should be less than others workers 2.93 5. Shortage of workers 0.88 6. Others such as, alleviating stress for elderly and effective use of leisure 3.80 time, etc. Total 100 Table 4.6 Percentage of Local administrative organizations disagreed to elderly employment promotion classified by reasons n = 105 Reasons for Disagreeing Percentage 1. Elderly citizens should rest 36.49 2. No suitable jobs for elderly workers 24.64 3. Low working productivity such as completeness of work or longer duration 18.48 to complete than other workers 4. Output less than other workers 15.64 5. Others such as elderly workers do not have sufficient knowledge or 4.75 facilitating physical conditions, etc. Total 100 1.2.2 Suitable retirement age When considering the opinions of agreeing respondents with measures to promote employment to the elderly, it was found that the appropriate age for retirement was 60 years by 52.65 percent of the respondents, followed by 32.56 percent which said 65 years and 13.45 percent which said 55 years. This is shown in Table 4.7

(Translation) -63-

Table 4.7 Number and percentage of Local Administration Organizations agreed to elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable retirement age Suitable Retirement Age Number (places) Percentage 55 years 221 13.45 60 years 865 52.65 65 years 535 32.56 70 years 22 1.34 Total 1,643 100 1.2.3 Suitable age for elderly employment to elderly The majority of the opinions by executive in Local Administration Organizations saw that the appropriate age for employment ranged from 55-65 years with 51.49 percent of respondents, followed by 23.25 percent in the 55-60 years range and 21.61 percent for the 55-70 years range. This information is shown in Table 4.8 Table 4.8 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to elderly employment promotion categorized by opinions on suitable employment age Elderly on suitable employment age Number (places) Percentage 55 - 60 years 382 23.25 55 - 65 years 846 51.49 55 - 70 years 355 21.61 55 - 75 years 60 3.65 Total 1,643 100 1.2.4 Characteristics of jobs suitable for elderly workers Most of the executive in Local Administration Organizations at 43.40 percent said that elderly workers should have jobs where they can working at home, followed by 19.84 percent saying part-time (such as choosing time periods whereby not exceeding 20 hours per week) and 18.32 percent saying every working day with 4 working hours each day. This information is presented in Table 4.9 (Translation) -64-

Table 4.9 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on employment nature Job Characteristics Suitable for Elderly Workers Number (places) Percentage 1. Working at home 713 43.40 2. Part-time (choosing working hours not exceeding 20 326 19.84 hours per week) 3. Working every day, 4 hours a day 301 18.32 4. Particular projects 225 13.69 5. Working every day, 8 hours a day 63 3.38 6. Others such as depending on the characteristics of 15 1.37 work and convenience of the elderly worker Total 1,643 100 1.2.5 Suitable wages for elderly workers Most of the executive of Local Administration Organizations at 64.88 percent mentioned that a new wage structure should be created for elderly workers, followed by 24.53 percent suggested the use of regular wage rates and 8.09 percent recommended the comparison with regular wage rates. This information is shown in Table 4.10 as follows: Table 4.10 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable wages for hiring elderly Suitable Wages for Elderly Workers Number (places) Percentage 1. New wage structure for elderly workers 1,066 64.88 2. Based on regular wage rates 403 24.53 3. Compared to regular wage rates 133 8.09 4. Others such as paying according to piece work and 41 2.50 type of work Total 1,643 100

(Translation) -65-

1.2.6 Appropriate support measures for employment of elderly workers Majority of the Local Administration Organizations’ executive realized that the appropriate support measures to elderly workers employment promotion were self-employment findings for elderly citizens 17.23 percent. Following this was the support on building networks of elderly workers such as groups of different occupations at 16.32 percent, whereas 15.38 percent said that elderly workers should help be prepared to return to work with collaboration with other relevant organizations such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education for instance. This information is presented in Table 4.11 Table 4.11 Percentage of Local administration organizations agreed to elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable employment promotion measure for elderly n = 1,643 Employment Promotion Measures Suited to Elderly Citizens Percentage 1. Support of funding for self-employed elderly 17.23 2. Enhance professional networks for elderly workers such as various 16.32 occupational groups 3. Preparing elderly workers returning to work in collaboration with other 15.38 relevant organizations such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education 4. Support in creating marketing channels to elderly workers 14.93 5. Development of a database system on elderly ready to work 14.53 6. Support funding sources for enterprises or organizations that hire older 8.18 workers 7. Use tax incentives to enterprises / organizations / foundations or individuals 7.74 who hire older workers 8. Review conditions of retirement 5.38 9. Others such as the creation of training or rehabilitation centers for elderly 0.31 citizens in all provinces etc. Total 100

(Translation) -66-

Part 1.3 Analysis results on the role and readiness of Local Administration Organizations in elderly employment promotion. 1.3.1 The present role of Local Administration Organizations in promoting employment to the elderly At present, most Local Administration Organizations at 74.77 percent play a role in elderly employment promotion with 1-2 activities, followed by 12.99 percent with 3 or more activities and 12.24 percent with no activities (Table 4.12). It was found that most of the activities conducted at 35.15 percent were activities to promote networking amongst elderly professions such as in different occupational groups. Following this was the support for funding of self-employment to elderly workers at 16.67 percent and the development of database system on capable elderly workers at 11.85 percent. This information is presented in Table 4.13 Table 4.12 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by numbers of current elderly employment promotion activities No. of Activities Currently Implemented Number (places) Percentage 1. Implemented 1-2 Activities 1,307 74.77 2. Implemented 3 Activities and more 227 12.99 3. None Implemented 214 12.24 Total 1,748 100 Table 4.13 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by operational activities on elderly employment promotion n = 1,748 Current Implemented Activities for Employment Promotion to Elderly Percentage 1. Promoting network creation for elderly workers such as by different 35.15 occupations 2. Funding support for self-employment amongst elderly 16.67 3. Development of database system on elderly ready to work 11.85 4. Support in creation marketing channels for elderly workers 11.31 5. Preparation for elderly workers in returning to work in collaboration with 10.60 other agencies such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education (Translation) -67- Current Implemented Activities for Employment Promotion to Elderly Percentage 6. No activities to promote employment to elderly 7.71 7. Support funding sources for enterprises or organizations that hire older 2.57 workers 8. Review conditions of retirement 1.60 9. Use tax incentives to enterprises / organizations / foundations or 1.32 individuals who hire older workers 10.Employment elderly workers to work in the unit 0.43 11.Others such as arranging activities to promote employment to elderly 0.79 Total 100 1.3.2 Future role of Local Administration organizations in elderly employment promotion From the questionnaire on measures implemented in the future to promote employment amongst the elderly population, it was found that most of the sample group at 39.93 percent answered the development of database system on the elderly ready to work, followed by 21.40 percent which said preparations for elderly in returning to work through collaboration with relevant organizations such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, 15.45 percent answered to support networks of elderly workers such as in different occupational groups (Table 4.14), whereby executive of Local Administration Organizations opinions aligned to this whereby stating that the development of an information database should be the first measure implemented in the future, as shown in Table 4.15 Table 4.14 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by opinions towards first employment promotion measure for elderly in the future Number The first employment promotion measure for elderly in the future Percentage (Places) 1. Development of database system on elderly ready to work 698 39.93 2. Preparation for elderly workers in returning to work in 374 21.40 collaboration with other agencies such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education 3. Promoting network creation for elderly workers such as by 270 15.45 (Translation) -68- Number The first employment promotion measure for elderly in the future Percentage (Places) different occupations 4. Funding support for self-employment amongst elderly 258 14.76 5. Support in creation marketing channels for elderly workers 99 5.66 6. Review conditions of retirement 20 1.14 7. Support funding sources for enterprises or organizations that 14 0.80 hire older workers 8. Use tax incentives to enterprises / organizations / foundations or 6 0.34 individuals who hire older workers 9. Others such as finding funding and markets to support products 9 0.52 by elderly workers , etc. Total 1,748 100 Table 4.15 Percentage of opinions towards giving priority to elderly employment promotion classified by types of Local administration organizations Percentage First Future Measures to Promoting Mueang Employment to Elderly PAO Municipality SAO Pattaya 1. Development of Database system 100.00 40.00 43.67 38.24 on elderly ready to work 2. Preparation for elderly workers in - 20.00 20.18 22.00 returning to work in collaboration with other agencies such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education 3. Enhance funding for self- - 10.00 12.66 15.82 employment amongst elderly 4. Support in creation marketing - 10.00 4.22 6.26 channels for elderly workers 5. Promoting network creation for - 15.00 15.78 15.23 elderly workers such as by different occupations (Translation) -69- Percentage First Future Measures to Promoting Mueang Employment to Elderly PAO Municipality SAO Pattaya 6. Review conditions of retirement - 5.00 2.02 0.68 7. Support funding sources for - - 0.18 1.10 enterprises or organizations that hire older workers 8. Use tax incentives to enterprises / - - 0.37 0.34 organizations / foundations or individuals who hire older workers 9. Others such as finding funding and - - 0.92 0.34 markets to support products by elderly workers, etc. Total 100 100 100 100

Note: PAO are Provincial Administrative Organizations whereas SAO are Sub-district Administrative Organization 1.3.3 Readiness in Promoting Employment to Elderly Majority of Local Administration Organizations executive mentioned that the Local Administration Organizations were ready to promote elderly employment promotion as well as collaborate with other organizations at 77.63 percent, followed by 13.33 percent stated that they were ready to implement measures on their own, as shown in Table 4.16. Table 4.16 Number and percentage of Local administration organizations classified by readiness for elderly employment promotion Readiness to Promote Elderly Employment Number (Places) Percentage 1. Ready to collaborate with other organizations 1,357 77.63 2. Low readiness level 233 13.33 3. Ready to promote by itself 138 7.89 4. Not ready 20 1.14 Total 1,748 100

(Translation) -70-

Part 1.4 Analysis results on the relationship between local administration organization’s characteristics and the opinions towards elderly employment promotion. The analysis in this area is not shown for the results of Local Administration Organizations in the special metropolitan type as there was little information (1 place) which has an impact on the analysis using the chi-square test. Analysis specifically on the special Metropolitan Administration Office (The City of Pattaya) found that the executive in Pattaya agreed to the promotion of employment to the elderly. Therefore the analysis in this area only considered the 3 other types of Local Administration Organizations consisted of Provincial Administrative Organization municipality and Sub-district Administrative Organization with the following results: 1.4.1 Relationship between the type of Local Administration Organizations and opinions on the elderly employment promotion. The study found that 93.99 percent of management in Local Administration Organizations(all types) agreed to the promotion of employment amongst the elderly population, whereby municipality had a 94.86 agreeing response rate, with Sub- district administrative organization having a 93.65 percent agreeable response rate and Provincial Administrative Organization having a 90.00 percent agreeable response rate in the respective order. This information is shown in Table 4.17. When considering the relationship, it was found that the type of Local Administration Organizations had not shown a relationship with the opinions on elderly employment promotion as shown in Table 4.17. Table 4.17 Relationship between type of Local administration organizations and opinions on elderly employment promotion Opinion Type of Local Agree Disagree Administration df x2 c p-value Organization Number Percentage Number Percentage (Places) (Places) 1. Provincial 18 90.00 2 10.00 2 1.533 0.030 0.444 Administrative Organization (Translation) -71- Opinion Type of Local Agree Disagree Administration df x2 c p-value Organization Number Percentage Number Percentage (Places) (Places) 2. Municipality 517 94.86 28 5.14 3. Sub-district 1,107 93.65 75 6.35 Administrative Organization Total 1,642 93.99 105 6.01 1.4.2 Relationship between Number of Persons in Local Administration Organizations and opinions on the elderly employment promotion Local Administration Organizations with over 100 members of persons had a 95.92 percent agreeable response rate to the elderly employment promotion, followed by Local Administration Organizations with 50-100 personnel at 94.21 percent and Local Administration Organizations with less than 50 personnel at 93.43 percent. This information is shown in Table 4.18. When considering the relationship, it was found that the number of persons in Local Administration Organizations had not shown a relationship with the opinions on elderly employment promotion as shown in Table 4.18. Table 4.18 Relationship between number of personnel in Local Administration Organizations and opinions on elderly employment promotion Number of Persons Opinion in Local Agree Disagree df x2 c p-value Administration Number Percentage Number Percentage Organizations (Places) (Places) Less than 50 868 93.43 61 6.57 2 1.853 0.033 0.400 persons 50-100 persons 586 94.21 36 5.79 More than 100 188 95.92 8 4.08 persons Total 1,642 93.99 105 6.01

(Translation) -72-

1.4.3 Relationship between average ages of staff in Local Administration Organizations and opinions on the elderly employment promotion Local Administration Organizations with average Persons ages between 25-35 years had the highest agreeable response rate on elderly employment promotion at 94.27 percent. This was followed by Local Administration Organizations with the average age of staff between 36-45 years and an average of over 46 years, which both had a 93.83 agreeable response rate. This information is shown in Table 4.19 When considering the relationship, it was found that the average ages of personnel in Local Administration Organizations did not have a relationship with the opinions on elderly employment promotion as shown in Table 4.19 Table 4.19 Relationship between average age of personnel in Local administration organizations and opinions on elderly employment promotion Opinion Average Persons Age in Agree Disagree Local Administration df x2 c p-value Organizations Number Percentage Number Percentage (Places) (Places) 25-35 years 592 94.27 36 5.73 2 0.134 0.009 0.954 36-45 years 974 93.84 64 6.17 46 years and over 76 93.84 5 6.17 Total 1,642 93.99 105 6.01 Part 1.5 Analysis results on the relationship between local administration organization’s characteristics and the role for elderly employment promotion. Analysis results in this area did not include results from Local Administration Organizations in the Special Metropolitan type as there was little information (1 place) which would impact the statistical analysis using the chi-squared test. The results from the Special Metropolitan Administration Organization (The City of Pattaya) found that they had implemented 3 activities in promoting employment to the elderly. Therefore the analysis in this area only considered the 3 other types of Local Administration Organizations consisted of Provincial Administrative Organizations, Municipality and Sub-district Administrative Organization with the following results: (Translation) -73- 1.5.1 The relationship between Local Administration Organizations and the role in promoting employment to the elderly. All 3 types of Local Administration Organizations in general played a large part in organizing activities to promote employment amongst the elderly, with 74.81 percent engaging in 1-2 activities, followed by 12.94 percent of organizations engaging in 3 or more activities with 12.25 percent were unengaged. The characteristics with the most activities were Provincial Administrative Organizations with 20.00 percent engaged in 3 or more activities as shown in Table 4.20. When considering the relationship, the characteristics of Local Administration Organizations had not shown a relationship to the role in elderly employment promotion with statistically significance of 0.05 (p-value = 0.030) as shown in Table 4.20. Table 4.20 Relationship between Type of Local administration organizations and the role in elderly employment promotion Role in Implementation Type of Local None Implemented Implemented 3 Activities 2 Administration 1 – 2 Activities and more df x c p-value Organizations Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage (Places) (Places) (Places) Provincial 2 10.00 14 70.00 4 20.00 4 10.801 0.078 0.030* Administrative Organization Municipality 57 10.46 399 73.21 89 16.33

Sub-district 155 13.11 894 75.63 133 11.25 Administrative Organization Total 214 12.25 1,307 74.81 226 12.94

* Statistical significance of 0.05 1.5.2 Relationship between Number of Persons in Local Administration Organizations and the role in promoting employment to the elderly Local Administration Organizations with over 100 members of persons had the highest percentage of the role in implementing 3 activities and over with 15.31 percent, followed by Local Administration Organizations with 50-100 persons at 14.15 percent and organizations with less than 50 persons at 11.63 percent as shown in Table 4.21 (Translation) -74-

When considering the relationship, it was found that the Number of Persons in Local Administration Organizations had no relationship with the role in elderly employment promotion as shown in Table 4.21. Table 4.21 Relationship between number of personnel in Local administration organizations and the role in elderly employment promotion Role in Implementation Number of None Implemented Implemented 3 Personnel in Local 1 – 2 Activities Activities and more df x2 c p-value Administration Organizations Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage (Places) (Places) (Places) Less than 50 persons 116 12.49 705 75.89 108 11.63 4 4.960 0.053 0.291 50 – 100 persons 80 12.86 454 72.99 88 14.15 More than 100 18 9.18 148 75.51 30 15.31 persons Total 214 12.25 1,307 74.81 226 12.94 1.5.3 Relationship between the average age of persons in Local Administration Organizations and the role in promoting employment to the elderly Local Administration Organizations with an average ages of personnel at 46 years and over had the highest percentage the role in implementing 3 activities and over with 14.81 percent, followed by Local Administration Organizations with an average ages of personnel between 25-35 years at 13.06 percent and average ages of personnel between 36-45 years at 12.72 percent. This information is shown in Table 4.22. When considering the relationship, it was found that the average age of persons in Local Administration Organizations had no relationship with the role in elderly employment promotion as shown in Table 4.22. Table 4.22 Relationship between the average age of personnel in Local administration organizations and the role in elderly employment promotion Role in Implementation

Average Age of None Implemented Implemented 3 df x2 c p-value Staff 1 – 2 Activities Activities and more Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage (Places) (Places) (Places) 25 – 35 years 72 11.46 474 75.48 82 13.06 4 1.390 0.028 0.846 36 – 45 years 134 12.91 772 74.37 132 12.72 46 years and over 8 9.88 61 75.31 12 14.81 Total 214 12.25 1,307 74.81 226 12.94 (Translation) -75- Part 1.6 Analysis results on the relationship between the characteristics of Local Administration Organizations and readiness for elderly employment promotion Analysis results in this area did not include results from Local Administration Organizations in the special metropolitan characteristics as there was little information (1 place) which would impact the statistical analysis using the chi-squared test. The results from the special Metropolitan Administration Organization (The City of Pattaya) found that they were prepared in promoting employment to the elderly. Therefore the analysis in this area only considered the 3 types of Local Administration Organizations consisted of Provincial Administrative Organizations, municipality and Sub-district Administrative Organization with the following results: 1.6.1 Relationship between the characteristics of Local Administration Organizations and readiness to promote employment to the elderly Generally, all Local Administration Organizations types were ready in elderly employment promotion with 85.52 percent of the organizations. The characteristics which was most ready at 100 percent was Provincial Administrative Organizations, followed by Municipality at 86.61 percent and Sub-district Administrative Organization at 84.77 percent. This information is shown in Table 4.23. When considering the relationship, it was found that the characteristics of Local Administration Organizations had not shown the relationship to the readiness in elderly employment promotion as shown in Table 4.23. Table 4.23 Relationship between the type of Local administration organizations and readiness for elderly employment promotion Readiness for Elderly Employment Promotion Characteristics of Readiness Low Readiness Not Readiness Local Administration df x2 c p-value Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Organization (Places) (Places) (Places) Provincial 20 100.00 - - - - 4 4.452 0.050 0.323 Administrative Organization Municipality 472 86.61 67 12.29 6 1.10 Sub-district 1,002 84.77 166 14.04 14 1.18 Administrative Organization Total 1,494 85.52 233 13.34 20 1.14

(Translation) -76- 1.6.2 Relationship between Number of Persons in Local Administration Organizations and readiness for elderly employment promotion Local Administration Organizations with over 100 members of persons had the highest readiness to promote employment to the elderly with a 95.92 percent response rate. This was followed by Local Administration Organizations with 50-100 persons with a response rate of 84.73 percent and local organizations with less than 50 persons with 83.85 percent in the respective order. This information is shown in Table 4.24 When considering the relationship, it was found that the Number of Persons in Local Administration Organizations had shown a relationship with the readiness for elderly employment promotion with statistically significance of 0.01 (p-value = 0.000) as shown in Table 4.24. 1.6.3 Relationship between the average age of persons in Local Administration Organizations and readiness for elderly employment promotion. Local Administration Organizations with the average age of persons at 46 and over had the highest readiness to promote employment to the elderly with 87.65 percent response rate. This was followed by Local Administration Organizations with the average age of persons between 25-35 years at 86.94 percent and Local Administration Organizations with the average age of personnel between 36-45 years at 84.49 percent. This information is shown in Table 4.25. Considering the relationship, it was found that the average age of personnel in Local Administration Organizations had not shown the relationship with the readiness for elderly employment promotion as shown in Table 4.25. Table 4.24 Relationship between numbers of personnel in Local administration organizations and readiness for elderly employment promotion Number of Persons Readiness for Elderly Employment Promotion in Local Readiness Low Readiness Not Readiness df x2 c p-value Administration Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Organizations (Places) (Places) (Places) Less than 50 persons 779 83.85 141 15.18 9 0.97 4 21.356 0.110 0.000 *** 50-100 persons 527 84.73 85 13.67 10 1.61 More than 100 persons 188 95.92 7 3.57 1 0.51 Total 1,494 85.52 233 13.34 20 1.14

***statistical significance 0.01 (Translation) -77-

Table 4.25 Relationship between the average age of personnel in Local Administration organization and readiness for elderly employment promotion Average Age of Readiness for Elderly Employment Promotion Personnel in Local Readiness Low Readiness Not Readiness df x2 c p-value Administration Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Organizations (Places) (Places) (Places) 25-35 years 546 86.94 77 12.26 5 0.80 4 3.750 0.046 0.441 36-45 years 877 84.49 146 14.07 15 1.45 46 years and over 71 87.65 10 12.35 - - Total 1,494 85.52 233 13.34 20 1.14 Part 2 Analysis of Sub-district Administrative Organization of roles in elderly employment promotion with following analysis Part 2.1 Analysis results on the Sub-district Administrative Organizations’ types 2.1.1 Number of Persons Most of the Sub-district Administrative Organization at 68.95 percent had number of staff less than 50 persons, followed by 28.26 percent with 50-100 persons and 2.79 percent with more than 100 persons. This information is shown in Table 4.26. Table 4.26 Number and percentage of Sub-district administrative organizations classified by numbers of personnel Number of Personnel Number (places) Percentage Less than 50 persons 815 68.95 50-100 persons 334 28.26 More than 100 persons 33 2.79 Total 1,182 100 2.1.2 Average Age of Persons Most of the Sub-district Administrative Organization at 58.29 percent had the average age of personnel at 36 – 45 years, followed by 37.90 percent with the average age of personnel between 25 – 35 years and 3.81 percent with the average age of personnel of 46 years and over. This information is shown in Table 4.27. (Translation) -78-

Table 4.27 Number and percentage of Sub-district administrative organizations classified by average age of personnel Average Age of Personnel Number (places) Percentage 25-35 years 448 37.90 36–45 years 689 58.29 46 years and over 45 3.81 Total 1,182 100 Part 2.2 Analysis results on the opinions of the executive of the Sub-district Administrative Organizations on promoting employment to the elderly. 2.2.1 Opinions on the elderly employment promotion Most of the Executive of the Sub-district Administrative Organization at 93.65 percent agreed to elderly employment promotion with only 6.35 percent disagreed. This information is shown in Table 4.28. Majority of respondents agreed that elderly people should earn own income and not being a burden of the family at 42.20 percent, followed by 26.23 percent, perhaps the elderly had enough experience and 24.13 percent gave the reason that appropriate jobs were available for elderly as shown in Table 4.29. For the respondents 36.55 percent who disagreed to the elderly employment promotion mentioned that the elderly should get plenty of rest, followed by 24.83 percent stated that there were none of suitable jobs available for the elderly and 19.31 percent claimed low productivity such as incomplete work or taking longer than others to finish jobs. These findings are presented in Table 4.30. Table 4.28 Number and percentage of the executive of the Sub-district administrative organization classified by attitude towards elderly employment promotion Opinions on Employment Promotion to Elderly Number (places) Percentage Agree 1,107 93.65 Disagree 75 6.35 Total 1,182 100

(Translation) -79-

Table 4.29 Percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by reasons n = 1,107 Reasons for Agreeing Percentage 1. Elderly citizens can have an income and not be a burden on family 42.20 2. The elderly have work experience 26.23 3. There are suitable jobs for elderly workers 24.13 4. Wages/compensation should be less than other workers 2.78 5. Shortage of workers 1.00 6. Others such as It is a way of making the elderly categorized feel valued and 3.65 effective use of leisure time, etc. Total 100 Table 4.30 Percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization disagreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by reasons n = 75 Reasons for Disagreeing Percentage 1. Elderly citizens should rest 36.55 2. No suitable jobs for elderly workers 24.83 3. Low working productivity such as completeness of work or longer duration 19.31 to complete than the others 4. Produce less output than other workers 15.17 5. Others such as elderly workers do not have sufficient knowledge or 4.14 facilitating physical conditions Total 100 2.2.2 Suitable retirement age Most of the executive of the Sub-district Administrative Organization at 53.48 percent realized that 60 years was the most appropriate retirement age, followed by 31.07 percent mentioned that 65 years and 14.00 percent for 55 years. This information is shown in Table 4.31. (Translation) -80-

Table 4.31 Number and percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable retirement age Suitable Retirement Age Number (places) Percentage 55 years 155 14.00 60 years 592 53.48 65 years 344 31.07 70 years 16 1.45 Total 1,107 100 2.2.3 Suitable employment age Most of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization at 50.50 percent said that the suitable employment age for elderly was at 55-65 years, followed by 23.49 percent which said 55-60 years and 22.40 percent which said 55-70 years. This information is shown in Table 4.32 Table 4.32 Number and percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions on suitable employment age Suitable employment age Number (places) Percentage 55-60 years 260 23.49 55-65 years 559 50.50 55-70 years 248 22.40 55-75 years 40 3.61 Total 1,107 100 2.2.4 Jobs suitable for elderly workers Most of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization at 46.79 percent said that elderly workers should have jobs where they can work at home, followed by 19.96 percent mentioned part-time work (such as choosing time periods not exceeding 20 hours weekly) and 18.07 percent suggested every working day with 4 working hours each day. This information is shown in Table 4.33. (Translation) -81-

Table 4.33 Number and percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization agreed with the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions towards employment characteristics Job Characteristics Suitable for Elderly Workers Number (places) Percentage 1. Working at home 518 46.79 2. Part-time (choosing working hours not exceeding 20 221 19.96 hours per week) 3. Working every day, 4 hours a day 200 18.07 4. Particular projects 127 11.47 5. Working every day, 8 hours a day 30 2.71 6. Others such as depending on the characteristics of 11 0.99 work and convenience of the elderly worker, etc. Total 1,107 100 2.2.5 Suitable wages for elderly workers Most of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization at 65.85 percent said that a new wage structure should be created for elderly workers, followed by 23.67 percent which said it should be based on regular wage rates and 8.49 percent which said that it should be compare to regular wage rates. This information is shown in Table 4.34. Table 4.34 Number and percentage of the executive of sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions towards reasonable wages for elderly Suitable Wages for Elderly Workers Number (places) Percentage 1. New wage structure for elderly workers 729 65.85 2. Based on regular wage rates 262 23.67 3. Compared to regular wage rates 94 8.49 4. Others such as piece rate and paying according to 22 1.99 characteristics of work, etc. Total 1,107 100

(Translation) -82-

2.2.6 Appropriate support measures for employment of elderly workers Most of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization 17.97 percent realized that the support measures appropriate to elderly employment promotion among elderly workers were the supporting fund for independent careers to elderly , followed by support on formulating networks for elderly workers such as, 16.42 percent for different occupations, whereas 15.37 percent for assisting elderly workers returning to work with collaboration with other organizations such as, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education, etc. This information is shown in Table 4.35. Table 4.35 Percentage of the executive of sub-district administrative organization agreed to the elderly employment promotion classified by opinions towards appropriate elderly employment promotion n = 1,107 Employment Promotion Measures Suited to Elderly Citizens Percentage 1. Support of funding for elderly self-employers 17.97 2. Enhance professional networks for elderly workers such as by groups of 16.42 different occupation 3. Preparing elderly workers returning to work in collaboration with other 15.37 relevant organizations such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education 4. Support in creating marketing channels to elderly workers 15.05 5. Development of a database containing information on elderly ready to 14.55 work 6. Support funding sources for enterprises or organizations that hire older 8.17 workers 7. Use tax incentives to enterprises / organizations / foundations or individuals 7.30 who hire older workers 8. Review conditions of retirement 4.95 9. Others such as Providing funding for occupations without any conditions, 0.22 etc. Total 100 (Translation) -83-

Part 2.3 Analysis results on the role and readiness of Sub-district Administrative Organization in promoting elderly employment. 2.3.1 Present role of Sub-district Administrative Organization for elderly employment promotion Majority of Sub-district Administrative Organization at 75.63 percent currently play a role in the elderly employment promotion through 1-2 activities, followed by 13.11 percent with 3 activities and more and 11.25 percent with no activities (Table 4.36). The findings indicated that most activities conducted at 34.40 percent were activities to promote networking amongst elderly professions such as in different occupational groups. Following this was the support for funding of self-employment to elderly workers at 16.67 percent and the development of an information database on capable elderly workers at 11.85 percent. This information is shown in Table 4.37. Table 4.36 Number and percentage of sub-district administrative organization classified by elderly employment promotion activities Number of Activities Currently Implemented Number (places) Percentage 1. Implemented 1-2 Activities 894 75.63 2. None Implemented 155 13.11 3. Implemented 3 activities and more 133 11.25 Total 1,182 100 Table 4.37 Percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization classified by elderly employment current promotion activities n = 1,182 Current Implemented Activities for Employment Promotion to Elderly Percentage 1. Promoting network creation for elderly workers such as by different 34.40 occupations 2. Funding support for self-employment amongst elderly 18.02 3. Development of an information database on elderly ready to work 12.52 4. Preparation for elderly workers in returning to work in collaboration with 10.47 other agencies such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education (Translation) -84- Current Implemented Activities for Employment Promotion to Elderly Percentage 5. Support in marketing channels for elderly workers 10.13 6. No activities to promote employment to elderly 8.49 7. Support funding sources for enterprises or organizations that hire older 2.45 workers 8. Review conditions of retirement 1.52 9. Use tax incentives to enterprises / organizations / foundations or individuals 1.31 who hire older workers 10.Employing elderly workers to work in the organization 0.22 11.Other activities such as contract for working and occupational training for 0.54 elderly Total 100 2.3.2 Future role of Sub-district Administrative Organization in promoting employment to elderly From the questionnaire on measures implemented in the future to promote employment amongst the elderly population, it was found that most of the sample group at 38.24 percent answered the development of a database system on the elderly population ready to work, followed by 22.00 percent mentioned that preparations for elderly in returning to work should be done through collaboration with relevant organizations such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education with 15.82 percent suggested a supporting fund for self-employment to elderly. This information is shown in Table 4.38. Table 4.38 Number and percentage of the executive of the sub-district administrative organization classified by opinions towards giving priority to elderly employment promotion activities. Numbers and percentages of Sub-district Administrative Numbers Organization categorized by opinions on promoting elderly Percentage (places) employment promotion 1. Development of an information database on elderly ready to 452 38.24 work 2. Preparation for elderly workers in returning to work in 260 22.00 collaboration with other agencies such as the Ministry of (Translation) -85- Numbers and percentages of Sub-district Administrative Numbers Organization categorized by opinions on promoting elderly Percentage (places) employment promotion Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education 3. Funding support for self-employment amongst elderly 187 15.82 4. Promoting network creation for elderly workers such as by 180 15.23 different occupations 5. Support in marketing channels for elderly workers 74 6.26 6. Support funding sources for enterprises or organizations that 13 1.10 hire older workers 7. Review conditions of retirement 8 0.68 8. Use tax incentives to enterprises / organizations / foundations 4 0.34 or individuals who hire older workers 9. Others, such as surveying the need for elderly to work 4 0.34 Total 1,182 100 2.3.3 Readiness in Promoting Employment to Elderly Most of the executive of Local Administration Organizations thought that Sub-district Administrative Organization were prepared to promote employment to the elderly in collaboration with other organizations at 78.26 percent, followed by 14.04 percent which had little readiness and 6.51 percent ready to implement own measures. This information is shown in Table 4.39. Table 4.39 Number and percentage of sub-district administrative organizations classified by readiness for elderly employment promotion Readiness to Promote Elderly Employment Number (places) Percentage 1. Ready to collaborate with other organizations 925 78.26 2. Low readiness level 166 14.04 3. Ready to operate by themselves 77 6.51 4. Not ready 14 1.19 Total 1,182 100

(Translation) -86-

Part 2.4 Analysis results on the relationship between Sub-district Administrative Organization characteristics and the opinions towards promoting employment to the elderly 2.4.1 Relationship between numbers of personnel in Sub-district Administrative Organization and opinions towards promotion of elderly employment Most Sub-district Administrative Organization employed over 100 persons at 100 percent agreed to the promotion of employment to the elderly, followed by Sub-district Administrative Organization with 50-100 persons at 93.71 percent and Sub-district Administrative Organization with less than 50 persons at 93.37 percent. This information is shown in Table 4.40. When considering the relationship, it was found that the Number of personnel in Sub-district Administrative Organization had not shown a relationship with the elderly employment promotion. This information is shown in Table 4.40. Table 4.40 Relationship between numbers of sub-district administrative organization’s personnel and opinions towards elderly employment promotion Number of Persons Opinion in Sub-district Agree Disagree df x2 c p-value Administrative Number Percentage Number Percentage Organizations (Places) (Places) Less than 50 persons 761 93.37 54 6.63 2 2.346 0.045 0.318 50-100 persons 313 93.71 21 6.29 More than 100 persons 33 100.00 - - Total 1,107 93.65 75 6.35 2.4.2 Relationship between average age of persons in Sub-district Administrative Organization and opinions towards promotion of elderly employment Most Sub-district Administrative Organization with the average age of personnel between 25-35 years agreed to the promotion of employment to elderly with an agreeing response rate of 94.64 percent, followed by Sub-district Administrative Organization with the average age of personnel between 36-45 years coincided with the response rate of 93.18 percent and Sub-district Administrative Organization with the average age of personnel 46 years and over at 91.11 percent. This information is shown in Table 4.1. (Translation) -87- When considering the relationship, it was found that the average age of personnel in Sub-district Administrative Organization had not shown a relationship to the opinion in elderly employment promotion. This information is shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.41 Relationship between average age of sub-district administrative organization’s personnel and opinions towards elderly employment promotion Opinion Average Age of Persons in Agree Disagree Sub-district Administrative df x2 c p-value Organizations Number Percentage Number Percentage (Places) (Places) 25 – 35 years 424 94.64 24 5.36 2 1.489 0.035 0.490 36 – 45 years 642 93.18 47 6.82 46 years and over 41 91.11 4 8.89 Total 1,107 93.65 75 6.35 Part 2.5 Analysis results on the relationship between Sub District administrative organization’s characteristics and the role in promoting employment to the elderly 2.5.1 Relationship between Number of Persons in Sub-district Administrative Organization and the role in promoting employment to the elderly Sub-district Administrative Organization with more than 100 personnel played a major role in elderly employment promotion with 27.27 percent implemented more than three activities, followed by Sub-district Administrative Organization with 50-100 persons at 11.38 percent and organizations with 50 persons and less at 10.55 percent. This is shown in Table 4.42. When considering the relationship, it was found that the Number of person members in sub-district administrative organization did have a relationship with the role in promoting employment to the elderly, with statistically significance of 0.05 (p- value = 0.022) as shown in Table 4.42. (Translation) -88-

Table 4.42 Relationship between numbers of sub-district administrative personnel and the role in elderly employment promotion Role in Implementation Number of Persons None Implemented Implemented 3 in Sub-district 1 – 2 Activities Activities and more df x2 c p-value Administrative Organizations Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage (Places) (Places) (Places) Less than 50 100 12.27 629 77.18 86 10.55 4 11.451 0.098 0.022* persons 50 – 100 persons 52 15.57 244 73.05 38 11.38 More than 100 3 9.09 21 63.64 9 27.27 persons Total 155 13.11 894 75.63 133 11.25 * Statistical significance of 0.05 2.5.2 Relationship between the average age of persons in Sub-district Administrative Organization and the role in the elderly employment promotion Sub-district Administrative Organization with the average age of persons between 25-35 years had 11.61 percent of Organizations implemented 3 activities or more, followed by Sub-district Administrative Organization with the average age of Personnel at 46 years and over at 11.11 percent and 36-45 years at 11.03 percent. This information is shown in Table 4.43. When considering the relationship, it was found that the average age of persons in Sub-district Administrative Organization had not shown a relationship with the promotion of elderly employment. This information is shown in Table 4.43. Table 4.43 Relationship between average age of sub-district administrative personnel and roles towards elderly employment promotion Role in Implementation None Implemented Implemented 3 Average Age of 1 – 2 Activities Activities and more df x2 c p-value Personnel Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage (Places) (Places) (Places) 25 – 35 years 52 11.61 344 76.79 52 11.61 4 1.557 0.036 0.817 36 – 45 years 96 13.93 517 75.04 76 11.03 46 years and over 7 15.56 33 2.79 5 11.11 Total 155 13.11 894 75.63 133 11.25 (Translation) -89- Part 2.6 Analysis results on the relationship between the characteristics of Sub- district Administrative Organization and readiness to the elderly employment promotion 2.6.1 Relationship between Number of Persons in Sub-district Administrative Organization and readiness in elderly employment promotion Sub-district Administrative Organization with over 100 persons had a readiness response rate of 96.97 percent, followed by 85.63 percent amongst Sub-district Administrative Organization with 50 – 100 persons and 83.93 percent of Sub-district Administrative Organizations with under 50 persons, respectively. This information is shown in Table 4.44. When considering the relationship, it was found that the Number of Personnel in Sub-district Administrative Organization did not have a relationship with the readiness in promoting employment to the elderly, as shown in Table 4.44. Table 4.44 Relationship between number of personnel of sub-district administrative organization’s personnel and the readiness in elderly employment promotion Number of Preparedness in Promoting Elderly Employment Persons in Sub- Prepared Minimally Prepared Not Prepared district df x2 c p-value Administrative Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Organization (Places) (Places) (Places) Less than 50 684 83.93 123 15.09 8 0.98 4 6.408 0.073 0.170 persons 50 – 100 persons 286 85.63 42 12.57 6 1.80 More than 100 32 96.97 1 3.03 - - persons Total 1,002 84.77 166 14.04 14 1.18 2.6.2 Relationship between average age of persons in Sub-district Administrative Organization and readiness in elderly employment promotion Sub-district Administrative Organization with average person ages between 25-35 years had a readiness response rate of 88.17 percent which was the highest. This was followed by Sub-district Administrative Organization with average person ages over 46 years at 84.44 percent and 82.58 percent of Organizations with the average age of persons between 36-45 years. (Translation) -90- When considering the relationship, it was found that the average age of personnel in Sub-district Administrative Organization had not shown a relationship with readiness in elderly employment promotion. Table 4.45 Relationship between average age of sub-district administrative personnel and the readiness in elderly employment promotion Average Age of Preparedness in Promoting Elderly Employment Persons in Sub- Prepared Minimally Prepared Not Prepared district df x2 c p-value Administrative Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Organization (Places) (Places) (Places) 25 – 35 years 395 88.17 50 11.16 3 0.67 4 7.796 0.081 0.095 36 – 45 years 569 82.58 109 15.82 11 1.60 46 years and over 38 84.44 7 15.56 - - Total 1,002 84.77 166 14.04 14 1.18

(Translation) -91-

Chapter 5 Conclusion, Discussion and Suggestions From the research on local administration organization’s roles in promoting employment for the elderly had the following objectives: 1) to study the characteristics of Local Administration Organization, 2) the opinions of the executive of the local administration organization on the elderly employment promotion, 3) to study the role and readiness of Local Administration Organization in promoting employment for the elderly and 4) to study the relationship between the characteristics of Local Administration Organization and the opinion, role and readiness of local administration organization management in promoting elderly employment. The sample size consisted of 4 types of local administrative organizations including special metropolitan administrative organization, provincial administrative organizations, municipalities and Sub-administrative Organization, totaling 1,748 places. The research tools used included questionnaires, whereby data collection was done nationwide. Data analysis was done using analysis statistics including frequency, percentage and the chi-square test. The research had the following conclusion, discussion and suggestions: 5.1 Conclusion The results from the research on local administration organization’s roles in promoting employment for the elderly could be concluded into 6 parts as follows: 5.1.1 Characteristics of Local Administration Organizations Most of the Local Administration Organization were Sub-administrative Organization followed by the Municipality, provincial administrative organizations, and special metropolitan organizations, whereby over half of the sample size had less than 50 staff. Most of the staff had ages ranging between 36 to 45 years. 5.1.2 Local Administration Organization’s Management Opinions on Promoting Employment Amongst Elderly 1) Most of the executive of the local administration organization (93.99 percent) agreed to promoting employment amongst the elderly, with the reason being that it would allow the elderly to have an income and reduce burden on family members. As for respondents that disagreed, the reason was that elderly people should rest. (Translation) -92-

2) The Executive of the Local Administration Organization who agreed to the elderly employment promotion said that the suitable retirement age should be at 60 years, with the appropriate age for employment of the elderly being in the 55-65 years range. The type of employment they saw fit was for the elderly people to work at home, whereby a new wage structure should be established specifically for them. The promotion of employment they saw suitable was the promotion of a fund to support independent careers amongst the elderly and creating networks of elderly self-employers such as in different occupations. 5.1.3 The Role and Readiness of Local Administration Organization in Promoting Employment to the Elderly 1) At present, most Local Administration Organization(74.77 percent) have a role in promoting employment amongst the elderly with 1 to 2 activities. The activities promote network building amongst elderly workers such as in different occupations, followed by other activities such as supporting funding for self-employment to the elderly population. 2) In the future, the first thing that Local Administration Organization should do in promoting employment for the elderly is to develop the database system on the elderly population prepared to work, and also support the preparation of elderly workers to return to work. This should be done in collaboration with relevant units such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education for example. 3) Most Local Administration Organization (77.63 percent) were sufficiently prepared to promote employment amongst the elderly population in collaboration with other units. 5.1.4 Relationship between Local Administration Organization Characteristics and Opinions in Promoting Employment to the Elderly The research concluded that the type, the quantity and the average age of personnel in within Local Administration Organization had not shown a relationship with the opinions in promoting employment to the elderly. (Translation) -93-

5.1.5 Relationship between Local Administration Organization Characteristics and Role in Promoting Employment to the Elderly 1) Relationship between the type of Local Administration Organizations and the role in promoting employment for the elderly. The research concluded that the type of Local Administration Organizations had a relationship with the role in promoting employment amongst the elderly, that is, the role of promoting employment depended on the type of Local Administration Organization. It could be explained that large Local Administration Organization such as, Provincial Administrative Organization had numerous activities to promote employment amongst the elderly population in comparison to municipality and that municipality were also more active in some activities in comparison to sub-district administrative organization. 2) The relationship between the number of staff in Local Administration Organization and promoting employment amongst the elderly. The research concluded that the number of staff in Local Administration Organization had not shown a relationship to the role in promoting employment amongst the elderly, that is, the role in promoting employment did not depend on the number of staff. However once considering individual Sub-administrative Organization, it was found that the number of staff in Sub-administrative Organization have a relationship with the role in promoting employment amongst the elderly, whereby organizations with more staff played a bigger role with more activities promoting employment amongst the elderly than Sub-district Administrative Organization with less staff. 3) The relationship between average age of staff in Local Administration Organization and the role in promoting employment amongst the elderly. The research concluded that the average age of staff in Local Administration Organization had not shown a relationship with the role in promoting employment amongst elderly. (Translation) -94-

5.1.6 Relationship between Local Administration Organization Characteristics and Readiness in Promoting Employment to the Elderly The research concluded that the type and average age of staff in Local Administration Organization had not shown a relationship on the preparedness in promoting employment to the elderly; however the number of staff in Local Administration Organization related to preparedness, whereby Local Administration Organization with more staff were better prepared than Local Administration Organization with less personnel. 5.2 Discussion The research concluded local administration organizations’ roles in promoting employment to the elderly in the following discussion: 5.2.1 Almost all the Executive of the Local Administrative Organization agreed to promoting employment to the elderly, which illustrated the awareness of problems in the elderly society in Thailand, whereby the population of elderly has continually increased by day. As a result, the number of dependent elderly people has increased; therefore there has been the necessity for Local Administration Organization to be a part in promoting employment to resolve the issue. The awareness of management of Local Administration Organization in the issue is partially due to the vision of the management teams and partially because of the assigned authority to Local Administration Organization according to provisions in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand for 2007, section 283 which states that “A local government shall have powers and duties to maintain and provide public services for the benefits of the local people. All local government organizations shall have autonomy in laying down policies for their governance, administration, provision of public services, personnel administration, money and finance; and shall have specific powers and duties”. In addition to this there are other relevant laws related to Local Administration Organization in delivering services beneficial to the people including elderly people such as 1) ministerial regulations (B.E. 2541) in the Provincial Administrative Organization Act B.E. 2540 in item 17 which stated that all provincial administrative organizations had the responsibility to “promote and resolve employment issues” 2) the Municipal Act B.E. 2496, with additional amendments in B.E. 2543, section 50 (7) allotted municipality to be responsible in “promoting the development of women, children, the elderly and handicapped” 3) Determining Plans and Process of Decentralization to Local Government Organization Act, B.E.2542 section 16 (6) and (10) which stated that municipality is responsible of “promoting (Translation) -95- training and employment, social work and the development of living for children, women, the elderly and disadvantaged people” 4) the Sub-district Council and Sub-district Administrative Organization Act B.E. 2537 section 67 (6) that stated Sub-district Administrative Organization as having the responsibility of “promoting the development of children, women, the elderly and disadvantaged people” and section 68 (7) stated that Sub-district Administrative Organization have the responsibility of “nurturing and promoting employment for the people” 5) the Bangkok Metropolitan Administrative Organization Act B.E. 2528 section 89 (23) allotting the responsibility of “social work” and (25) stating “promotion of careers” 6) the Pattaya City Administrative Organization Act B.E. 2542 section 62 (14) allotting the responsibility in “having authority as legally outlined to be the City Municipality or the City of Pattaya” which may not specify the promotion of employment for the elderly, but is a law that assigns authority in the issue. 5.2.2 At present, most Local Administration Organization play a small role in arranging activities related to the promotion of employment to the elderly population (1-2 activities). This could be a result of budgeting limitations and the number of staff. The results from the research illustrated that most large-sized Local Administration Organization such as Provincial Administrative Organization were engaged in many promotional activities whereby being more than Municipality and Sub-district Administrative Organization. As Sub-district Administrative Organization that had a large number of staff also played a larger role with more activities in promoting employment to elderly than Sub-district Administrative Organization with less staff. This coincided with the study conducted by Bussaya Petchduk who found that there are increasing numbers of elderly people at present causing a shortage in budgeting and caretakers, having to rely on increased volunteers. Furthermore, it was found that work related to elderly by some Sub-district Administration Organizations were not ready as a result of a lack in budgets needed to be used in this area. However, the overall picture showed that Local Administration Organization were prepared in providing materials and things to the elderly during important traditional holidays or others which distributed them on a regular basis. 5.2.3 Most Local Administration Organization were prepared to collaborate with other relevant units to promote employment for the elderly, which was a good opportunity for relevant units, especially the Department of Employment which has a very important project being the promotion of employment to the people. This mission would allow for the integration with Local Administration Organizations, especially Sub-district Administration Organizations which are government units closest to the local people in (Translation) -96- promoting employment to the elderly effectively and efficiently. The readiness to collaborate with other Local Administration Organization coincides with the Act on the Elderly B.E. 2546 which stated that the elderly people must receive protection, promotion and support in all areas including convenient medical services and public health arranged for elderly people in special occasion, beneficial education, religion and news or suitable training to be provided. This also aligns to the second National Elderly Plan (B.E.2545-2564) which related to all sectors clearly working on elderly people issues, especially for Local Administration Organization that are local social welfare organizations which must comply to the laws assigning social work and missions to develop the lives of the people including the elderly. Furthermore, the Declaration of the Thai Elderly B.E. 2542 stated in item 7 that “the state, by collaborating with the private organizations and social institutions must determine policies and plans for the promotion of the elderly and continuously coordinate with other units in order to reach targets.” 5.3 Recommendations 5.3.1 Recommendations on Applied Research Results 1) The direction of collaboration between the Department of Employment and Local Administration Organizations in promoting employment to the elderly must involve the creation of an information database, support working at home and support funding for self-employment. A new wage structure for the elderly must be done, whereby considering economic and social conditions in each area with Local Administration Organizations established. 2) The collaboration between relevant units and Local Administration Organizations in promoting employment for the elderly should start from large Local Administration Organizations with sufficient manpower, in order to flow smoothly and efficiently. 3) There should be proposal to relevant units to study appropriate wages for the elderly, whereby considering the type of job and working hours for instances, in order to be fair to all parties. 5.3.2 Recommendations on Further Researches There should be in-depth study in the following issues: 1) Appropriate structure for elderly doing work at home 2) Directions for funding support for elderly self-employers 3) Allocation of appropriate wages for the elderly workers (Translation) Bor-1 Bibliography

Kamonrat Lasuwong (1984) Social Psychology , Bangkok Metropolis: Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit Krittawit Sawadmongkol (2008) The Role of Nong Bua Sub-district Administrative Organization, Sukhothai on Caring for the Elderly. Independent Study Report for the Master of Arts in Public Administration, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University. Jakpong Manaspitakchai (2006) The Role of Local Administration Organizations in Developing Tourism Ecologically: Special Study on Khao Nam Khang National Park, Na Thawi, . Student Thesis in Bachelor of Arts, Ramkhamhaeng University. Chuwong Chayabut. (1996) Local Administration in Thailand, second edition. Bangkok: Pikanet Printing Center. Thitirat Sityothin (2007) The Role of District Adminstration Organization in Managing Benefits for Elderly in Communities, a Study. Student Thesis, Master of Social Work, Thammasart University. Tittya Suwannachot (1983) Sociology. Bangkok Metropolis: Thai Wattana Panich. Bussaya Petchdook (2008) Readiness of Sub-District Administration Organization in Surat Thani on Supporting the Aging Society. Independent Study Report for the Master of Arts in Public Administration, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University. Prathan Kongrittisuksakorn (1981) The Role of Local Council Members in being Council Members. Bangkok: National Institute of Development Administration. Parinya Chuleka (2011) Income and Expenses of the Elderly in Thailand . Student Thesis, Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Ramkhamhaeng University. Pimchanok Paireepinat (2008) Development of Social Welfare for Elderly in Khon Kaen . Independent Study Report for the Master of Arts, Khon Kaen University. Peerasit Kumnuansilp, Direk Pattamasiriwat and Supawattanakorn Wongtanawasu (2004) Future Assurance Fund: Size and Management Issues Phase 1. Khon Kaen: Khon Kaen University. (Translation) Bor-2 Poonsuk Seetapadol (2007) The Role of Provincial Administration Organization on Developing the Quality of Life for the Elderly: A Case Study on Administration Organization. Student Thesis, Master of Arts in Political Science, Thammasart University. Mayuree Pongnak (2012) Influencing Factors on Living Quality in Mueang District of Ratchaburi Province . Student Thesis, Master of Arts (Home Economics for Community Development), Ramkhamhaeng University. Witid Tatuntiakul (2007) Study on The Problem and Social Welfare Service Requirements of the Elderly in Ban Chang District, Rayong Province . Independent Study Report for the Master of Arts in Public Administration, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University. College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University and the Foundation of Thai Gerontology Research and Development Institute (2012) Elderly Situations in Thailand in 2011 . Bangkok Metropolis: Pongpanich Charoenpol Limited. Weerasak Oopasit (2012) The Role of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) and the National Stability . Student Thesis in Bachelor of Arts, Ramkhamhaeng University. Sasipat Yodpetch (2012) Research in Social Welfare. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University. Somkid Lertpaibul 2547 . Local Government Laws. Bangkok Metropolis: Publishers for the Cabinet and the Government Gazette. Sorawich Poomsri (2007) Developing and Strengthening the Role of Elderly Care in Nadindam Sub District Administrative Organization, Amphor Mueang, Leoy Province. Independent Study Report for the Master of Arts in Public Administration, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University. Sukanya Samanpuen (2008) Lifestyle of the Elderly in Rural Society : Case Study of in Chaiyaphum . Student Thesis, Master of Arts (Thai Studies), Ramkhamhaeng University. Sucha Janaim and Surang Janaim (1977) Social Psychology . Bangkok Bangkok Metropolis: Prae Wittaya (Translation) Bor-3 Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (2005) Strategic Framework for Restructuring the Economy and Society of Thailand in 4 years (2005-2008). Bangkok: Klangnan Wittaya Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (2007) Population Projection in Thailand 2000-2030 . Bangkok: Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board. Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (2008) Guidelines and Measures to Promote Employment Among the Elderly . Bangkok Metropolis: Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board. The Secretariat of the House of Representatives (2012) Local Administration and the Authority and Duty of Sub-district and Village Headmen . Bangkok: The Secretariat of the House of Representatives’ Publisher National Statistics Office (2013) Summary of Important Works for the Elderly Population in Thailand in 2012 . Bangkok: National Statistics Office. Uthai Hirunto (1980) Local Administrative Government . Bangkok: Odeon Store.

(Translation) Phor-1

Appendix (Translation) Phor-2

Questionnaire Role of Local Administration Organizations in Promoting Employment to Elderly Part 1 General Information Explanation Please c the boxes c are best aligned to your opinion or fill in the blank as desired. 1. Type/Characteristics of Organization c Local Administration Organizations Special Form (BMA). c Local Administration Organizations Special Form (The City of Pattaya) c Provincial Administrative Organization. c City Municipality. c Town Municipality. c Sub-district Municipality. c Sub-district Administrative Organization. 2. Total quantity of staff (political officers, government official and employees). c Less than 50 Persons. c 50 – 100 Persons. c More then 100 Persons. 3. Average age of staff (political officers, government official and employees). c 25 – 30 years. c 31 – 35 years. c 36 – 40 years. c 41 – 45 years. c 46 – 50 years. c 51 – 55 years. c 56 years and over Part 2 Comments on the promotion of employment among the elderly 1. Local Administration Organizations should have measures to promote employment among the elderly. Do you agree or disagree? c Agree because ô The elderly have work experience. (More than 1 can be chosen) ô Wages/compensation should be less than normal workers. ô Shortage of workers. ô There are suitable jobs for elderly workers. ô Elderly citizens can have an income and not be a burden on family. ô Others, please specify c Disagree because ô No suitable jobs for elderly workers. (More than 1 can be chosen) ô Elderly citizens should rest. ô Output less than normal workers. ô Low working productivity such as completeness of work or longer duration to complete than normal. ô Others, please specify (Translation) Phor-3 2. Suitable age for retirement for workers in the unit. c 55 years c 60 years c 65 years c 70 years 3. Suitable age for employment of the elderly c 55-60 years c 55-65 years c 55-70 years c 55-75 years 4. Characteristics of jobs suitable for elderly workers. c Working every day, 8 hours a day. c Working every day, 4 hours a day. c Part-time (choosing working hours not exceeding 20 hours per week). c Particular projects. c Work at home. c Others, please specify 5. Suitable wages for elderly workers. c Based on regular wage rates. c Percentage of regular wage rates. c New wage structure for elderly workers. c Others, please specify 6. Which measures do you think are suitable to the promotion of elderly employment? (More than 1 can be chosen). c Development of a database on elderly ready to work. c Preparing elderly workers returning to work in collaboration with other relevant units such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education. c Support of funding for elderly self-employers. c Support in marketing channels for elderly workers. c Promoting network creation for elderly workers such as by different occupations. c Review conditions of retirement. c Support funding sources for enterprises or organizations that hire older workers. c Use tax incentives to enterprises / organizations / foundations or individuals who hire older workers. c Others, please specify (Translation) Phor-4

7. At present, does your organization promote employment to the elderly, and if so, in which type of work? (More than 1 can be chosen) c Development of a database system on elderly ready to work. c Preparing elderly workers returning to work in collaboration with other relevant units such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education. c Support of funding for elderly self-employers. c Support in marketing channels for elderly workers. c Promoting network creation for elderly workers such as by different occupations. c Review conditions of retirement. c Support funding sources for enterprises or organizations that hire older workers. c Use tax incentives to enterprises / organizations / foundations or individuals who hire older workers. c Others, please specify 8. If your organization were to promote employment to the elderly in the future, which do you think should be the first measure? (More than 1 can be chosen) c Development of a database containing information on elderly ready to work. c Preparing elderly workers returning to work in collaboration with other relevant units such as the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Education. c Support of funding for elderly self-employers. c Support in marketing channels for elderly workers. c Promoting network creation for elderly workers such as by different occupations. c Review conditions of retirement. c Support funding sources for enterprises or organizations that hire older workers. c Use tax incentives to enterprises / organizations / foundations or individuals who hire older workers. c Others, please specify (Translation) Phor-5

9. Do you think your organization has the potential to promote employment to the elderly? c Sufficient potential to operate itself. c Potential to collaborate with other organizations. c Little potential c No potential 10. Apart from budget issues and quantity of staff, what do you think are the problems or obstacles in promoting employment to the elderly?

Division of Labour Market Research, Department of Employment Tel / Fax: 02 246 7870