UAC GUIDE 2020–21 IMPORTANT INFORMATION 2020–21 These dates relate to UAC applications only. Times indicated in this Guide are based on Sydney time. APPLICATION DATES Wednesday 1 April 2020 Applications open Sunday 20 September 2020 Schools Recommendation Schemes applications close Wednesday 30 September 2020 Early bird applications close** Friday 5 February 2021 Applications close for semester 1, 2021 Some courses have early closing dates set by the institutions. Check the course descriptions on UAC’s website at ** To avoid a higher processing charge, early bird applications must be completed, paid for and submitted by midnight on Wednesday 30 September 2020.

PROCESSING CHARGES Early bird Standard Wednesday 1 April – midnight Wednesday 30 September 2020 $70 Thursday 1 October 2020 – Friday 5 February 2021 $200 All fees and charges are in Australian dollars, not refundable under any circumstances (except as required by law) and subject to change after 30 June 2020. Applications must be completed, paid for and submitted by midnight on the relevant closing date. For a complete list of UAC fees and charges, go to

YEAR 12 RESULTS AND ATAR DATES All dates determined by external organisations are subject to change. 2020 NSW HSC students 2020 ACT Year 12 students Tuesday 15 December 2020 Tuesday 15 December 2020 2020 NSW HSC results released by NESA from 6am Statement (including ATAR) issued by ACT Board of Senior Secondary ATARs released by UAC on UAC’s website from 1pm Studies. Students should collect their certificates from their college on or after this date ATARs released by UAC on UAC’s website from 1pm

International Baccalaureate (IB) students Thursday 17 December 2020 Results released by IB Cardiff, UK

KEY OFFER DATES All dates are subject to change. For the latest information, check Undergraduate To ensure your application is assessed in time for a particular offer round, apply and provide your additional documentation as early as possible.

Provide hardcopy documents Apply and pay by by 4.30pm / upload PDF Change preferences Offers released at Offer round midnight on documents by midnight on by midnight on^ 7.30am on November Round 1 Thu 22 Oct 2020 Thu 29 Oct 2020 Sun 8 Nov 2020 Thu 12 Nov 2020 November Round 2 Thu 5 Nov 2020 Mon 9 Nov 2020 Sun 22 Nov 2020 Thu 26 Nov 2020 December Round 1 Mon 9 Nov 2020 Fri 13 Nov 2020 Sun 6 Dec 2020 Thu 10 Dec 2020 December Round 2 Mon 16 Nov 2020 Fri 20 Nov 2020 Thu 17 Dec 2020 Mon 21 Dec 2020 January Round 1 Fri 27 Nov 2020 Wed 30 Dec 2020 Sun 3 Jan 2021 Fri 8 Jan 2021 January Round 2 Fri 8 Jan 2021 Wed 13 Jan 2021 Sun 17 Jan 2021 Thu 21 Jan 2021 February Round 1 Fri 22 Jan 2021 Thu 28 Jan 2021 Sun 31 Jan 2021 Thu 4 Feb 2021 February Round 2 Fri 5 Feb 2021* Fri 5 Feb 2021 Sun 7 Feb 2021 Thu 11 Feb 2021 March Round 1 Fri 5 Feb 2021* Fri 26 Feb 2021 Sun 28 Feb 2021 Thu 4 Mar 2021 * This is the final closing date to apply for courses starting semester 1, 2021. If you apply close to or on this date, you may not have seven days to provide any documents that you need to include with your application. ^ There are short periods before each offer round when you are unable to change your preferences in your application. International Conditional offers: You will receive a conditional offer approximately 48 hours after you have successfully submitted your application. You may use this as part of your pre-visa assessment if required. It does not make you eligible to enrol in a course of study. To enrol, you need an unconditional offer. Unconditional offers: This table shows the UAC dates by which you need to apply and pay, and change your course preferences, to be considered for an unconditional offer in each offer round.

Apply and pay by midnight on Change courses by midnight^ on Unconditional offers released at 7.30am on Tue 15 Dec 2020 Thu 17 Dec 2020 Mon 21 Dec 2020 Sun 3 Jan 2021 Mon 4 Jan 2021 Sat 9 Jan 2021 Fri 8 Jan 2021 Sat 9 Jan 2021 Thu 14 Jan 2021 Sat 23 Jan 2021 Sun 24 Jan 2021 Fri 29 Jan 2021 Fri 5 Feb 2021* Sat 6 Feb 2021 Fri 12 Feb 2021 Fri 5 Feb 2021*s Sun 28 Feb 2021 Fri 5 Mar 2021 * This is the final closing date to apply for courses starting semester 1, 2021. If you apply close to or on this date, you may not have seven days to provide any documents that you need to include with your application. ^ Do not change your courses between this date and the date offers are released; if you do, you may miss out on an offer to your preferred course. ABOUT UAC uacinfo uacinfo uacinfo uacinfo

processing applications to more than 2,000 undergraduate courses 2,000 undergraduate processing than more to applications ACT) the and mainly located in NSW institutions (at assessing for equity-based applications access schemes HSC students for NSW ATAR the calculating support free providing our Community via schools and students to program. Engagement 1300 ASK UAC (13001300 275 822) ASK UAC 0200 9752 from (02) mobiles: +61 0200from overseas: 2 9752

(NSW & ACT) (NSW Pty Centre Admissions Universities Ltd 2,Quad NSW 6 Parkview Olympic Park Drive, Sydney Locked Bag 112, NSW 2128 Silverwater T This Guide leads domestic and international Year 12 students through the the students through Year 12 This leads domestic Guide international and process.UAC application UAC (Universities Admissions Centre) is the largest tertiary is the Centre) centre admissions Admissions (Universities UAC services Our Australia. in include: − − − − WELCOME TO UAC. TO WELCOME UAC GUIDE 2020–21

UAC GUIDE 2020–21 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Published March 2020 Disclaimer Printer: Ovato, Warwick Farm NSW While UAC and the institution authors of this publication have used © 2020 Universities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT) Pty Ltd their best endeavours to ensure that information and analyses of ACN 070 055 935 ABN 19 070 055 935 information contained in this publication are correct at the time of printing, any use or reliance whatsoever on the publication by any UAC and individual contributing institutions are the owners of the person is that person’s responsibility and UAC and the institution copyright in this publication. authors of this publication disclaim any responsibility or liability in Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, relation to that use or reliance. criticism or review, or otherwise as permitted under the Copyright UAC and the institution authors reserve the right to change their Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without processes, scholarships, schemes, content or the method of UAC’s written permission. Enquiries should be addressed to the presentation of any unit of study, or to withdraw any unit or course Managing Director, UAC. of study on offer or to impose limitations on enrolments in any unit UAC has no objection to secondary schools and tertiary institutions or course of study. reproducing the publication provided it is for use only within their Advertising disclaimer own institution and this copyright statement is included. UAC does not necessarily endorse any product or service that may If the document isn’t reproduced in full, sections shouldn’t be be advertised in this publication. copied out of context where information could be incomplete and/ or misleading. Fees and charges All UAC fees and charges are in Australian dollars and include Schools and tertiary institutions must ensure that this information 10 per cent GST. UAC fees and charges are not refundable under is not transmitted to any other person or body without prior any circumstances, except as required by law, and are subject to permission from UAC. change.

IMAGES Times Good Thanks Media Times indicated in this publication are Sydney time.

Your privacy When you apply to the Universities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT) (UAC) you provide a lot of personal information, sometimes including health information. UAC values the privacy of your personal information and recognises the importance of protecting it. UAC is bound by the following legislation: − Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) − Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) − Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW). This means that UAC must uphold the NSW State Information Protection Principles, the Australian Privacy Principles and the NSW Health Privacy Principles. UAC is committed to upholding these principles and has implemented policies and procedures to ensure they are met. You can view UAC’s Privacy Policy and applicant declarations at

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ii | Steps to Study through UAC

01. 02. Research Apply for university Search for courses in this Guide and on UAC’s Apply and pay before 30 September. website. Not sure what course to choose? It’s ok: you can Check selection rank information, admission change your course preferences later. criteria and pathway options for courses you’re interested in.

03. Apply for entry schemes and equity scholarships

Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS): Get assessed on a range of criteria other than, or in addition to, your ATAR. Applications close at midnight 20 September.

Educational Access Schemes (EAS): Apply to have any long-term educational disadvantages considered as part of the selection process.

Equity Scholarships: Apply for financial support provided to disadvantaged students.

04. 05. Order preferences for early o ers Get your ATAR Early o„er schemes (including SRS) make o„ers in You will receive your ATAR mid-December. November. Make sure you have the course you most want The ATAR helps universities rank to do as your first preference. applicants for selection into their courses.

07. 06. Get your o er Review your preferences Most institutions make o„ers to Year 12 After you receive your ATAR, you will have a couple of days students in December and January. to update your preference list. Log in to your application on the UAC website to change, remove or add preferences.

Accept your o„er and follow the institution’s instructions to start the enrolment 08. process. Don’t worry, you can still receive o„ers in later o„er rounds, even if Accept and enrol you’ve already accepted a previous o„er.

| iii ABOUT UAC ABOUT UAC iv | APPLICATION YOUR COURSES YOUR CHOOSING ATARTHE CHARGES AND UAC FEES DAYS OPEN 2020 UNI PART INFORMATION 1: GENERAL UAC THROUGH STUDY TO STEPS COVER FRONT INSIDE IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR 2020–21 CONTENTS ADMISSION ANDADMISSION SELECTION OFFERS AND ENROLMENT Where to go for more information policies and requirements Special questions essential The in 2020 examined to be courses Developed Board HSC ATARFAQs the about and ATAR:HSC difference? the what’s Your ATAR notification ATAR: HSC in the your ranking your ATAR of basis the HSC: an ATAR? gets Who Academic requirements General admission requirements and Authority Declaration applicant an as Your responsibilities disability a with applicants for Services schemes access for Applying apply you After preferences Course to apply How apply you when need you What UAC? through apply Why Entry schemes schemes Entry process Selection English language proficiency Pathway options requirementsAdditional selection applying FAQs about Unsuccessful applicants Unsuccessful date your start Deferring offers further Receiving your offer Accepting your offer Getting an offer get you when to do What offers of Timing matter preferences Why OFFERS UAC GUIDE 2019–20 UAC GUIDE

05 03 39 22 32 07 30 08 40 36 36 09 34 34 34 39 39 20 32 32 28 26 29 29 22 22 42 42 24 07 18 27 16 31 18 13 19 15 41 41 41 12 iii University Sydney Western ADFA at Canberra UNSW UNSW Sydney of WollongongUniversity Technology of Sydney University Sydney of University Newcastle of University England New of University of Canberra University Torrens Australia University University Cross Southern SIBT Macquarie University Macleay College TrobeLa University International of Sydney Management, College University Griffith 79 CQUniversity University Charles Sturt University Darwin Charles University National Australian Australian Psychology of Applied College University Catholic Australian UAC through application one just with institutions these toany of Apply PART 2: UAC’S PARTICIPATING INSTITUTIONS SAE Creative Institute SAE Media School Art National Sydney MIT COMMON AND TERMS ABBREVIATIONS ASSISTANCE FINANCIAL AND COSTS COURSE Orientation week Orientation means it What ENROLMENT Other scholarships Other UAC through available Scholarships Equity FAQs offers about Transferring to another course Australian Government payments Government Australian FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE and amenities fee services Student Domestic fee-paying courses courses place Commonwealth-supported Types courses of COURSE COSTS 111

106 108 168 104 153 140 134 146 162 128 122 170 118 113 45 83 63 43 50 48 48 96 46 46 44 65 98 89 69 45 45 93 42 42 57 73 51 ABOUT UAC ABOUT UAC | v | v CONTENTS ABOUT UAC ABOUT 211 192 194 195 198 196 186 188 190 202 204 200 208

University of Notre Dame Australia William Angliss Institute Endeavour College of Natural Health Legal Profession Admission Board of NSW InstituteNational Art Dramatic of University of Tasmania Wentworth Education Institute Higher of FIND YOUR TOPIC OF INTEREST Academy of Interactive Entertainment 4: COURSEPART FINDER FIND YOUR COURSE PART 3: APPLY DIRECT INSTITUTIONS APPLY 3: PART Apply to these institutions directly Academy of Information Technology Academy of Music Performing and Arts Education College Physical of Australian CONTENTS vi | PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION


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02 | UNI OPEN DAYS 2020

Australian Catholic University Macleay College University of New England UAC ABOUT Blacktown Information Day 1 August Sydney campus 1 August Armidale 8 May Canberra 22 August Melbourne campus 29 August North Sydney 5 September University of Newcastle Strathfield 12 September Macquarie University Australian College of Applied Psychology Central Coast (Ourimbah) 1 August North Ryde 15 August Newcastle (Callaghan) and Newcastle City 29 August Sydney 30 April, 20 August, 26 November MIT Sydney University of Sydney Australian National University Sydney 22 August All campuses 29 August Canberra 22 August National Art School University of Technology Sydney Charles Darwin University Darlinghurst 5 September City campus, Ultimo 29 August Casuarina 23 August SAE Creative Media Institute University of Wollongong Charles Sturt University Brisbane, Byron Bay, Perth 9 August Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide 16 August Wollongong 8 August Port Macquarie 2 August Wagga Wagga 9 August UNSW Sydney Albury-Wodonga 16 August SIBT Bathurst 23 August Orange 30 August UNSW Canberra 22 August Dubbo 5 September For campus tours/appointments and course information call (02) 9964 6555 UNSW Sydney 5 September or visit CQUniversity Western Sydney University Southern Cross University Sydney 20 August Parramatta City campus 16 May Online Chat 30 April, 21 May Parramatta South and 3–6pm (AEST) 12 August, 26 August, Coffs Harbour 14 August Parramatta City campuses 16 August 16 September, 8 October, Lismore TBC Liverpool City campus 19 September 24 November Gold Coast 16 August

Griffith University Torrens University Australia Gold Coast, Nathan and South Bank 9 August The Rocks campus, Ultimo campus and Pyrmont campus 15 August International College of Management, Blue Mountains International Sydney Hotel Management School 12 September University of Canberra Manly 9 August La Trobe University Bruce 22 August Melbourne campus 2 August Shepparton campus 7 August Mildura campus 12 August Albury-Wodonga campus 16 August Bendigo campus 23 August Sydney campus 26 August

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All UAC fees and charges are in Australian dollars and IP! include 10 per cent GST. They are not refundable under any There is no charge to apply for: T circumstances, except as required by law. y Schools Recommendation Schemes The following charges are estimates for the 2020–21 y Educational Access Schemes admissions period and are subject to change after 30 June 2020. y Equity Scholarships.

UAC reserves the right to change its fees and charges during the admissions period.

For a full list of the latest UAC fees and charges, go to Payment methods Online applications: Debit card or credit card (Mastercard or Visa cards that have been enabled for online payment) or UAC Guide 2020–21 PayPal. 2020 Year 12 NSW and ACT students Free 2020 Year 12 students can also use BPAY or Post BillPay. (distributed through schools) (Credit cards cannot be used at Australia Post.)

All other transactions: Debit card or credit card Processing charges (Mastercard or Visa only). Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible to avoid higher processing charges.

Early bird Submit your application before 1 April 2020 to midnight 30 September 2020 $70.00 30 September. You can then change Standard your course preferences as many times as you like. 1 October 2020 to midnight 5 February 2021 $200.00

ATAR Advice Notice 2020 ATAR Advice Notice (digital) Free until midnight 28 February 2021 Fees apply from 1 March 2021



The ATAR allows us to compare the overall achievement P I ! ATARTHE of students who have completed thousands of different If you're an International Baccalaureate T combinations of HSC courses. Its only purpose is to help (IB) Diploma student, you don't get an universities select students for tertiary study. ATAR. Instead, when you apply through UAC, you'll be allocated a UAC rank based on your total IB score. 15 December 2020 The same applies to students undertaking Access your ATAR from 1pm on tertiary preparation programs such as the UAC’s website. Tertiary Preparation Certificate (TPC) and You'll need: Open Foundation. y your HSC student number y your UAC PIN (read page 25). The ATAR Enquiry Centre will be open for a ATAR courses few days after ATARs are released: call 1300 In NSW, ATAR courses are courses developed by the MY ATAR (1300 692 827 or (02) 9119 5012 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). They have a from mobiles). formal examination and you receive a graded assessment. These are the only courses that can be included in the ATAR calculation. ATAR courses are classified as either Category A or Category B. Only 2 units of Category B courses can be included in the ATAR calculation. WHO GETS AN ATAR? To be eligible for an ATAR in NSW, you must satisfactorily Category A courses have the academic rigour and depth complete at least 10 units of ATAR courses as part of your of knowledge to provide a foundation for tertiary studies; HSC. These ATAR courses must include at least: for example, Economics, Geography and Visual Arts. − 8 units from Category A courses Category B courses don’t provide an adequate foundation − 2 units of English for tertiary studies, but they can contribute to the ATAR − three Board Developed courses of 2 units or greater when combined with Category A courses. No more than − four subjects. 2 units of Category B courses can be included in the ATAR calculation. Examples of Category B courses are Financial The fourth point can easily be overlooked or misunderstood. Services, Hospitality, English Studies and Mathematics A subject is an area of study (eg mathematics). Within that Standard 1. subject there may be a number of courses (eg Mathematics Standard 2, Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Refer to the full list of 2020 Category A and B courses at the Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2). end of this section. If a student studies, for example, Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2, English Advanced, English Satisfactory completion of a course Extension 1, English Extension 2 and Biology, they will not You’ll be considered to have satisfactorily completed a meet the four subjects requirement because, while they course if, in your principal’s view, there is sufficient evidence have completed 10 units of ATAR courses, they have only that you have: studied three subjects: mathematics, English and biology. − followed the course developed or endorsed by NESA − applied yourself with diligence and sustained effort to ACT Year 12 students who want an ATAR must sit the set tasks and experiences provided in the course the ACT Scaling Test (AST). by the school − achieved some or all of the course outcomes − made a genuine attempt at assessment tasks that total more than 50 per cent of the available school assessment marks for that course. You also need to make a serious attempt at the examination for the course. For more information about HSC eligibility requirements, visit the NESA website at

THE ATAR | 07 UAC GUIDE 2020–21

Failure to satisfactorily complete a course will result in that Moderation aligns school-based assessment marks with course not contributing to the eligibility requirements. If the raw statewide exam marks. Since the exam for a the course is a 2-unit course with an associated extension course is taken by all students completing that course, it course, failure to satisfactorily complete the 2-unit course can be used as a common standard against which school will result in neither the 2-unit nor the extension course assessments can be compared. When assessment marks contributing towards your ATAR. are moderated, students maintain their assessment rank but may be given a different assessment mark. If you are Receiving a mark for a course on your Record of ranked second in your school assessment, you will receive Achievement issued by NESA is an indication that you have the second highest moderated assessment mark. satisfactorily completed that course.

THE ATAR Only assessment marks are moderated; you will always keep your own examination mark. HSC: THE BASIS OF YOUR ATAR Your ATAR is calculated by UAC using your raw HSC marks, Examination marks which are provided by NESA. Raw marks are not reported Your exam mark will depend on how well you perform in the to students. exam and is independent of your assessment marks. You For each HSC course, you'll receive a mark based on keep your own exam mark, regardless of your performance your performance. There is no quota as to the number of in your assessments. students who can achieve top marks and students are not Your performance in each of your HSC exams is measured scaled against other students in the course. against standards defined by NESA. Depending on how Your HSC marks, as reported in your Record of well you meet these standards, your raw examination mark Achievement, indicate the standards you have reached in will be aligned to one of six performance bands. each of your courses. Your HSC mark for each course is a For a 2-unit course, Band 6 indicates the highest level of 50:50 combination of your school-based assessment mark performance. Students who reach this standard will receive for that course and your external examination mark. For an exam mark between 90 and 100. It’s this aligned exam detailed information about the reporting of HSC marks, mark that’s reported on your Record of Achievement. go to the 'Results, merit lists and certificates' page at Your HSC Record of Achievement Assessment marks Your HSC Record of Achievement will show your examination mark, assessment mark, HSC mark and performance band Your assessment tasks are marked at your school. Because for each HSC course you’ve completed. You won’t be given schools mark in different ways, NESA needs to remove the a single, overall score for your combined courses. differences so that it can compare the results in a way that is fair for all students. It does this through a process called See below for an example of how your marks will be shown ‘moderation’. on your NESA Record of Achievement.

Example: Record of Achievement

Year Course Examination mark Assessment mark HSC mark Performance band 2020 Business Studies (2 unit) 84/100 78/100 81 5 English Advanced (2 unit) 83/100 77/100 80 5 English Extension 1 (1 unit) 44/50 46/50 45 E4 Mathematics Standard 2 (2 unit) 75/100 83/100 79 4 Modern History (2 unit) 72/100 80/100 76 4 Society and Culture (2 unit) 85/100 85/100 85 5 Studies of Religion 1 (1 unit) 47/50 45/50 46 6

08 | ATAR: YOUR RANKING IN THE HSC Your scaled mark in a course will be influenced by your position in the course and the scaled mean for that course. In contrast to your HSC results, your ATAR is a rank, not The example below shows a set of HSC and scaled a mark out of 100 or a percentage. It’s a number between marks for a student whose results place them at the 90th 0.00 and 99.95 with increments of 0.05. While your HSC percentile for each course. marks tell you about your performance in the HSC, your

ATAR tells you about your position overall in relation to ATARTHE your peers. Scaled HSC Scaled Course mean mark mark IP! Ancient History 47.8 89.0 77.0 To understand the ATAR, think of a T running race: Biology 51.8 88.0 78.0 Business Studies 48.0 89.0 77.4 y your HSC marks are your time Society and Culture 46.4 91.0 76.2 y your ATAR is your place (first, second, third, and so on). Physics 61.0 91.0 84.6 English Standard 40.2 80.0 62.4

To calculate this student's ATAR, we will include their scaled ATARs are calculated in each state to reflect a student’s English mark, even though it is the lowest scaled mark. rank against other students in their state. An ATAR of 85.00 (At least 2 units of English must be included.) We won't in NSW or the ACT will, however, be considered equivalent include their scaled marks for Society and Culture because, to an ATAR of 85.00 in other states. even though the HSC mark for Society and Culture was one of the highest, the scaled marks are the lowest (apart from English). ATAR calculation Scaled marks are not reported to students. The NSW ATAR is based on an aggregate of scaled marks in 10 units of ATAR courses comprising: − the best 2 units of English The ACT ATAR is calculated by the ACT Board of − the best 8 units from the remaining units (including Senior Secondary Studies and released by schools. max. of 2 units of Category B courses). It is based on a student’s best three major scaled course scores plus 0.6 of the next best scaled course score (major or minor). The scaled course scores are added to form an aggregate score. Students are then ranked based on their aggregate score, which is converted to an ATAR.


THE ATAR | 09 UAC GUIDE 2020–21

WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? HSC marks, ATARs and selection ranks are all different things.

− HSC mark Your HSC mark is a combination of your exam mark and moderated assessment mark for each course. You will also be notified of the

THE ATAR performance band you have achieved for each course.

− ATAR Your ATAR is a rank (not a mark) based on your position compared to other students in the state.

− Selection rank Your selection rank is your ATAR + any selection rank adjustments for which you are eligible. (Find out more about selection rank adjustments in the 'Admission and selection' section.) The lowest selection rank for a course will be the lowest selection rank of an applicant who receives an offer to that course.

Scaling Just as individual units of different currencies are not of equal value (eg £1 is not the same as $1), marks in different courses can’t be compared because the courses are completely different. But just as exchange rates allow us to compare the value of different currencies, the scaling process allows us to compare marks in different courses properly and fairly.

Courses are scaled using the mean scores and distribution of marks, which indicate the ability of the students taking the course, not the perceived difficulty of the course: − If a course has a high scaled mean it tells us that, on average, the ability of the students in that course is high – in general, they did well in their other courses. Courses such as Mathematics Extension 2 and Physics usually have high scaled means because they’re studied by high‑achieving students. − If a course has a low scaled mean it tells us that the ability of the students in that course ranges from high to low. (It doesn’t mean that you can’t get a high ATAR if you study that course.)

IP! The ATAR is about position, and T your position in a course is not altered by scaling. A high position in all of your courses will result in a high ATAR.

10 | The following table illustrates these points using data from selected 2019 HSC courses. HSC mean = average student performance in the course Scaled mean = average position of students taking the course across all their subjects Max. ATAR of a student taking the course = highest ATAR calculated using both units of the course THE ATARTHE Max. ATAR achieved by a Category A course Median performance band HSC mean Scaled mean student taking the course Aboriginal Studies 3 69.0  28.8  99.30 Biology 4 72.4 51.8 99.95 English Advanced 5 81.2  63.8 99.95 Physics 4 73.6  61.0 99.95 Visual Arts 5 81.2 44.6 99.95 Category B course Hospitality 4 72.8 38.2  97.65

ɰ This student’s ATAR is very high even ɰ High scaled means for these courses ɰ A student taking a Category B though it was calculated using their results indicate that the students are generally VET course can still receive a high in a course with a low scaled mean. high achievers in all other courses. ATAR.

On the path to your Open future, it’s good to have questions and reservations. In fact, we’ve dedicated a whole day to help you sort Day them out. Let’s chat! Sat 8 Aug 2020


THE ATAR | 11 UAC GUIDE 2020–21

English courses Re-marked HSC papers Your ATAR is calculated using at least 2 scaled units of If NESA provides UAC with amended HSC results, your English. If you have completed more than 2 units of English, ATAR will automatically be recalculated and UAC will notify your best 2 will be included first; the remaining 1 or 2 units you by email. Your new ATAR can be higher, lower or the will be included if they are among your next best 8 units. same as your previous ATAR.

English Studies is a Category B course and can be included in your ATAR calculation. Information about the calculation of the ACT ATAR is available from the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Mathematics courses Studies. Call (02) 6205 7181 or visit THE ATAR Up to 4 units of calculus-based maths can be included in the ATAR calculation. Mathematics Extension 1 has a different weighting (in terms of units) depending on if it’s paired with Mathematics Advanced or Mathematics Limited ATAR Extension 2. A Limited ATAR is calculated using the scaled marks from If you study Mathematics Advanced (2 units), then at least 1 unit of a Category A English course plus the best Mathematics Extension 1 counts for 1 unit. 4 other units of Category A courses, rather than the best 10 units used for the standard ATAR. If you study Mathematics Extension 2 (2 units), then Mathematics Extension 1 counts for 2 units. This is Some institutions will assess applicants based on the calculated by doubling the mark you receive for the Limited ATAR, along with other selection criteria. 1-unit course. To be eligible for a Limited ATAR, you must: If you complete Mathematics Advanced then go on to − be over 20 years of age on 1 March in the year you satisfactorily complete Mathematics Extension 1 and complete your HSC studies Mathematics Extension 2, your results in Mathematics − have taken between 5 and 9 units of ATAR courses, Advanced will not be included in your ATAR calculation, including at least 1 unit of English (Category A course) even if you’ve excelled in it. − have completed all courses in the same academic year. You can’t accumulate courses over several years. Mathematics Standard 1 is a Category B course and can be included in your ATAR calculation. YOUR ATAR NOTIFICATION Accumulated courses When you view your ATAR, you’ll be able to see a list of Courses can be accumulated for the ATAR over a period of the ATAR courses you studied and their category, and the up to five years. Scaled marks are calculated in the year you number of units of each ATAR course that contributed complete the course and the scaled mark can be included to the calculation of your ATAR. You’ll also be able to in your ATAR calculation when you become ATAR eligible. download your official ATAR Advice Notice.

Repeated courses If you receive an ATAR between 0.00 and 30.00, your You’ll be considered to be repeating an HSC course if you: ATAR will appear as ‘30 or less’. If you haven’t met the − repeat the same course requirements of the ATAR, your ATAR will be recorded as − study a different course in the same subject area, apart ‘not eligible’. from an extension course. If you repeat a course, only the marks for your latest satisfactory attempt will be available for inclusion in the TIP! calculation of your ATAR, even if they’re lower than your Your ATAR is only accessible by you earlier attempt. or your authorised agent. ATARs are also released to institutions for the You will receive an ATAR the first year you satisfy the purpose of making offers to courses. eligibility requirements. If you complete additional courses or repeat courses, your ATAR will be recalculated. UAC doesn’t provide ATARs to parents, Your most recent ATAR will be the one used by tertiary schools or careers advisers. institutions for selection purposes.

12 | HSC AND ATAR: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? HSC marks and the ATAR are two different measures of achievement. HSC marks tell you about your performance, whereas your ATAR tells you about your position, or ranking.

They are calculated separately using different methods. THE ATARTHE The table below outlines the main differences between your HSC marks and your ATAR.

Your HSC marks Your ATAR

Are presented as marks out of 100. Is a rank, not a mark or a percentage.

Tell you how well you’ve performed in each of your Tells you where you’re positioned overall in relation to other courses, according to standards set by NESA. students. Can only be compared to the marks of students who Tells you how you compare with other students who have completed the same HSC courses. completed different combinations of HSC courses. Are provided by NESA. Is provided by UAC.

Most HSC marks lie between 50 and 100. HSC marks between 70 and 79 are Performance Band 4 results. These are ‘average’ HSC marks, so a large percentage of students are in this category. This means that when students are ranked for their ATAR, those at the bottom of Band 4 are placed significantly lower than those at the top of Band 4 or higher.

Below is an example of an ATAR notification.

THE ATAR | 13 UAC GUIDE 2020–21

Consider, as an example, Fred and Laura, who completed the same HSC courses in the same year. Fred received an HSC mark of 70 (low Band 4) in each course, while Laura received an HSC mark of 80 (low Band 5) in each course.

Fred Laura Course HSC mark Percentile HSC mark Percentile Biology 70 42 80 71

Business Studies 70 41 80 69 THE ATAR English Advanced 70 10 80 43

Mathematics Advanced 70 24 80 54

Modern History 70 36 80 63

Visual Arts 70 12 80 41 ATAR 58.70 78.70

Their HSC marks in each course differ by only 10, yet their ATARs differ by 20.00. Their performance was similar but their positions (reflected by their percentiles) were quite different. Laura’s positions in her courses are much better than Fred’s. You can see this in the illustration below: it shows where their respective marks placed them in each course.

Fred Biology Fred’s mark of 70 in Biology is in the Laura 42nd percentile: 58% of students were placed above him.

Business Laura’s mark of 80 is in the much higher 71st percentile: only 29% of Studies students were placed above her.

English Advanced

Mathematics Advanced

Modern History

Visual Arts

14 | BUSTING THE ATAR MYTHS FAQS ABOUT THE ATAR As you can see, calculating the ATAR is a complex Why is my ATAR low compared with my process, and as a result there are some myths and HSC marks? misunderstandings. Here are some of the more It’s a mistake to compare your HSC marks and your ATARTHE common ones, along with the correct information. ATAR, as they’re different measures of achievement – performance (HSC) and position (ATAR). Myth Some courses are always ‘scaled up’, so I should There’s no general rule for the relationship between take these courses. Some courses are always these two measures. However, if you are in the middle ‘scaled down’, so I shouldn’t take these courses. group of students in all your courses (with marks typically in the mid-70s), you may get an ATAR of Fact around 70.00, which is usually close to the middle The way a course is scaled depends entirely on the ATAR. But sometimes marks in the 70s can mean a average academic performance of all the students much lower ATAR depending on your courses and doing that course that year – and it can change from your position in those courses. See the example of year to year. For most courses, your scaled mark Fred and Laura on page 14. will be lower than your HSC mark. To get the best possible position and maximise your scaled marks, If I am ranked third in my class but get the select the courses you’ll do best in. highest exam mark, will that exam mark be given to the student ranked first? Myth No. You’ll keep your own exam mark and your own I need to study ‘hard’ subjects to get high assessment rank. When your school’s assessment scaled marks. marks are moderated, you may be given a different assessment mark depending on the exam results Fact of the other students in your course, but you’ll keep 'Hard' is a subjective term. Everyone has different your rank. Your exam mark will depend on how well strengths and interests. Students who achieve an you perform in the exam and is not affected by your ATAR of 99.95 study a large variety of subjects. assessment rank.

Myth How many units of maths can be included I should study Mathematics Standard 2 rather than in the calculation of the ATAR? Mathematics Advanced to get a better ATAR. Up to 4 units of maths can be included in the ATAR calculation. If you study Mathematics Extension 1 Fact you should be aware that it has a different weighting It’s very difficult to predict which course will lead to (in terms of units) depending on whether you take a higher scaled mark. Your scaled mark depends on Mathematics Advanced or Mathematics Extension 2. the average academic ability of the students studying Read ‘Mathematics courses’ on page 12. that course and your position in the course. When considering which maths course to study, remember Can my ATAR be recalculated? that some university courses have prerequisites or Generally speaking no, but there are some instances assumed knowledge of Mathematics Advanced. It's in which your ATAR will be recalculated: important to choose the level of maths that best suits − if NESA provides amended HSC results your plans for further study. − if you complete additional courses in subsequent years − if you repeat courses in subsequent years. If your ATAR is recalculated you will receive a new ATAR notification. Your new ATAR can be higher, lower or the same as your previous ATAR.

Are schools notified of ATARs? No. UAC does not release ATAR information to schools. ATARs are released only to the individual student and the institutions to which that student has applied.

THE ATAR | 15 UAC GUIDE 2020–21


Unit Unit

THE ATAR Number Course name value Subject Number Course name value Subject 15000 Aboriginal Studies 2 Aboriginal Studies Languages 15010 Agriculture 2 Agriculture 15020 Ancient History 2 Ancient History 15510 Arabic Continuers 2 Arabic 15280 History Extension1 1 Ancient History 15520 Arabic Extension 1 Arabic 15030 Biology 2 Biology 15530 Armenian Continuers 2 Armenian 15040 Business Studies 2 Business Studies 15540 Chinese Beginners 2 Chinese 15050 Chemistry 2 Chemistry 15550 Chinese Continuers 2 Chinese 15060 Community and Family 2 Community and Family 15557 Chinese in Context 2 Chinese Studies Studies 15565 Chinese and Literature 2 Chinese 15070 Dance 2 Dance 15570 Chinese Extension 1 Chinese 15080 Design and Technology 2 Design and Technology 15580 Classical Greek 2 Classical Greek 15090 Drama 2 Drama Continuers 15100 Earth and 2 Earth and 15590 Classical Greek 1 Classical Greek Environmental Science Environmental Science Extension 15110 Economics 2 Economics 15600 Classical Hebrew 2 Classical Hebrew 15120 Engineering Studies 2 Engineering Studies Continuers 15155 English as an Additional 2 English 15610 Classical Hebrew 1 Classical Hebrew Language or Dialect Extension 15130 English Standard 2 English 15620 Croatian Continuers5 2 Croatian 15140 English Advanced 2 English 15640 Dutch Continuers 2 Dutch 15160 English Extension 1 1 English 15660 Filipino Continuers 2 Filipino 15170 English Extension 2 1 English 15670 French Beginners 2 French 15180 Food Technology 2 Food Technology 15680 French Continuers 2 French 15190 Geography 2 Geography 15690 French Extension 1 French 15200 Industrial Technology 2 Industrial Technology 15700 German Beginners 2 German 15210 Information Processes 2 Information Processes 15710 German Continuers 2 German and Technology and Technology 15720 German Extension 1 German 15215 Investigating Science 2 Investigating Science 15730 Hindi Continuers 2 Hindi 15220 Legal Studies 2 Legal Studies 15740 Hungarian Continuers 2 Hungarian 15236 Mathematics Standard 2 2 Mathematics 15750 Indonesian Beginners 2 Indonesian 15255 Mathematics Advanced 2 Mathematics 15760 Indonesian Continuers 2 Indonesian 15250 Mathematics 1/2 Mathematics 15775 Indonesian and 2 Indonesian Extension 12 Literature 15260 Mathematics 2 Mathematics 15780 Indonesian Extension 1 Indonesian Extension 2 15790 Italian Beginners 2 Italian 15270 Modern History 2 Modern History 15800 Italian Continuers 2 Italian 15280 History Extension1 1 Modern History 15810 Italian Extension 1 Italian 15290 Music 1 2 Music 15820 Japanese Beginners 2 Japanese 15300 Music 2 2 Music 15830 Japanese Continuers 2 Japanese 15310 Music Extension3 1 Music 15837 Japanese in Context 2 Japanese 15320 Personal Development, 2 Personal Development, 15845 Japanese and Literature 2 Japanese Health and Physical Health and Physical 15850 Japanese Extension 1 Japanese Education Education 15860 Khmer Continuers 2 Khmer 15330 Physics 2 Physics 15870 Korean Beginners 2 Korean 15345 Science Extension 1 Science 15880 Korean Continuers 2 Korean 15350 Society and Culture 2 Society and Culture 15887 Korean in Context 2 Korean 15360 Software Design and 2 Software Design and 15895 Korean and Literature 2 Korean Development Development 15900 Latin Continuers 2 Latin 15370 Studies of Religion I4 1 Studies of Religion 15910 Latin Extension 1 Latin 15380 Studies of Religion II4 2 Studies of Religion 15940 Macedonian Continuers5 2 Macedonian 15390 Textiles and Design 2 Textiles and Design 15960 Maltese Continuers 2 Maltese 15400 Visual Arts 2 Visual Arts

16 | Unit Unit Number Course name value Subject Number Course name 6 value Subject 15970 Modern Greek 2 Modern Greek 26799 Metal and Engineering 2 Metal and Engineering Beginners (Examination) 15980 Modern Greek 2 Modern Greek 26899 Primary Industries 2 Primary Industries Continuers (Examination) ATARTHE 15990 Modern Greek 1 Modern Greek 26999 Retail Services 2 Retail Services Extension (Examination) 16000 Modern Hebrew 2 Modern Hebrew 27499 Tourism, Travel and 2 Tourism, Travel and Continuers Events (Examination) Events6 16015 Persian Continuers 2 Persian 16020 Polish Continuers 2 Polish 16030 Portuguese Continuers 2 Portuguese 16035 Punjabi Continuers 2 Punjabi NOTES 16045 Russian Continuers 2 Russian 1. You can study both Ancient History and 5 16050 Serbian Continuers 2 Serbian Modern History, but there is only one History 16070 Spanish Beginners 2 Spanish Extension course. It is considered a course within the 16080 Spanish Continuers 2 Spanish subject of either Modern History or Ancient History. 16090 Spanish Extension 1 Spanish 2. The unit value of this course changes depending 16100 Swedish Continuers 2 Swedish on whether the course is taken in combination with 16110 Tamil Continuers 2 Tamil Mathematics Advanced or Mathematics Extension 2. 16120 Turkish Continuers 2 Turkish 3. You must study Music 2 if you wish to study 16140 Vietnamese Continuers 2 Vietnamese Music Extension. 4. You may study either Studies of Religion I or Studies CATEGORY B COURSES of Religion II, but not both. 5. You may study only one of the following languages: Unit Croatian continuers, Macedonian continuers, Number Course name 6 value Subject Serbian continuers. 26087 Automotive (Vehicle 2 Automotive 6. An optional HSC written examination in these Body) (Examination) courses is offered to eligible students. Subject to 26089 Automotive (Mechanical 2 Automotive ATAR rules, you must undertake the optional written Technology) examination to have the results from this course (Examination) available for inclusion in the calculation of your ATAR. 26199 Business Services 2 Business Services Check with your school or the NESA website at (Examination) for more information. 26299 Construction 2 Construction (Examination) 26399 Electrotechnology 2 Electrotechnology (Examination) 15126 English Studies 2 English (Examination) 26499 Entertainment Industry 2 Entertainment Industry (Examination) 27299 Financial Services 2 Financial Services (Examination) 26587 Hospitality (Kitchen 2 Hospitality Operations and Cookery) (Examination) 26589 Hospitality (Food 2 Hospitality and Beverage) (Examination) 27199 Human Services 2 Human Services (Examination) 27385 IDT (Digital Animation) 2 Information and Digital (Examination) Technology 27387 IDT (Networking 2 Information and Digital and Hardware) Technology For interstate Year 12 and (Examination) 27389 IDT (Web and 2 Information and Digital International Baccalaureate Software Applications) Technology (Examination) (IB) comparable courses, visit 15232 Mathematics Standard 1 2 Mathematics (Examination)

THE ATAR | 17 UAC GUIDE 2020–21


THE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do I choose the right course for me? ✓ THINK about what you’re interested in and what school What courses are available through UAC? subjects you enjoy most and do well in. Domestic undergraduate students can choose from more ✓ INVESTIGATE careers that relate to the subjects you’re than 2,000 courses at 26 institutions. studying at school. ✓ VOLUNTEER at a workplace to see if you enjoy it. International undergraduate students can choose from ✓ VISIT careers expos and open days. more than 1,500 courses at 19 institutions. ✓ RESEARCH areas of job growth and skills shortages. ✓ BEWARE of: CHOOSING YOUR COURSES YOUR CHOOSING For a list of courses offered at each institution, go to Part 2 starting on page 55. − peer pressure (don’t pick a course just because your friends choose it) For courses listed by fields of study, follow these steps: − family expectations (choose a course that’s right for 1. Go to the topic of interest index on page 208. you, not one you think your parents want you to do) 2. Look up a topic that interests you (eg Aboriginal Studies) − lack of direction (resist selecting a course because it and you’ll see the field of study it belongs to (eg Society looks easy or is close to home) and Culture). − misguided perceptions (eg not wanting to ‘waste’ a 3. Turn to ‘Find your course’ on page 211. high ATAR). 4. Look up the field of study you found in Step 2 and you’ll ✓ FIND study paths taken by people with an academic find related courses listed by institution. background similar to yours – visit Course Compass at For the latest course information throughout the year search for courses on the UAC website.


Find a course > Undergradute (or International)


Browse all courses or use the filter options

18 | What jobs could I get with this degree? Some institutions provide:

✓ Search for courses at and read − a guaranteed ATAR or selection rank instead of a lowest CHOOSING YOUR COURSES ‘Career opportunities’ in the course descriptions. selection rank. If you achieve this ATAR or selection rank you will receive an offer to the course. ✓ Check ‘Where to go for more information’ at the end of this section for suggestions of other places to find − an estimated selection rank. careers information and advice. What if I don’t think I’ll get selected? What do I need to get in? Don’t think you’ll meet the entry requirements for your ✓ Meet the admission criteria of the institution offering chosen courses? Include pathway courses in your list of the courses. Check the institution’s entry at preferences. Read ‘Pathway options’ on page 34 or visit institution. + ✓ Fulfil the entrance requirements of your chosen course. Does the course have additional selection Check if the course has prerequisites or additional criteria or special requirements? selection criteria at ✓ Check the course description for additional selection criteria such as a personal statement, portfolio or What do unis use to select students for interview – visit their courses? ✓ Enrolling in a health- or welfare-related or teacher education course? Read about special course − USUALLY your selection rank (ATAR + adjustment conditions below. factors) − SOMETIMES additional criteria, such as interviews, assessments or portfolios. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS AND POLICIES What are my chances of getting in? Special requirements and policies apply to students in Selection is a competitive process and your chances of health- and welfare-related courses and teacher education being offered a place in your chosen course depend on how courses. well you meet its selection criteria. You can use the course’s 2020 ATAR profile as a guide to what you’ll need to be These requirements relate to: selected in semester 1, 2021. − clinical/internship placements undertaken as part of ✓ Search for your chosen course at your course ✓ Check the ATAR profile at the bottom of the course − proof of English language proficiency description, which shows previous students’ ATARs and − accreditation and procedures for employment after you selection ranks. The lowest selection rank is the most have completed the course. important number. See the ATAR profile example below. Note that requirements and policies in these areas are subject to regular review.


Lowest selection rank includes the applicant’s ATAR plus any applicable adjustments; if the applicant hadn’t been eligible for the adjustments they may not have received an offer.


Teacher education courses Additional conditions apply to clinical practice of healthcare workers with certain blood-borne viruses. For more Requirements for students intending to teach in information, see ‘PD2019_026 Management of health care NSW schools workers with a blood borne virus and those doing exposure For accreditation as a teacher in NSW, graduates will need prone procedures’. to meet requirements set by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). Students entering accredited teaching Both policies are available at programs need to have achieved a minimum of three For further information, also search for ‘clinical placements’ Band 5s, one of which must be in English, in their HSC or at meet a comparable academic standard early in the program. If you do not comply with the above requirements Check with individual institutions for further information relating to National Police Checks and infectious on academic and non-academic entry requirements for diseases, you will not be permitted to attend your particular teaching programs and other approved pathways clinical placement in the NSW health system and

CHOOSING YOUR COURSES YOUR CHOOSING to study if you do not meet these requirements. progress in your course may be affected.

Literacy and numeracy test for initial teacher education students Nursing and midwifery courses: English All initial teacher education students will need to meet the language proficiency benchmark set by the national Literacy and Numeracy Test In your path to becoming a nurse or midwife in Australia for Initial Teacher Education Students prior to their final you are required to provide proof of proficiency in English. professional experience placement and graduation. Read further information about the test at Applicants for admission to a nursing course You must provide either a written declaration that English is Background checking processes your primary language or evidence that you have achieved If you intend to engage in child-related work, you must hold the institution’s minimum English language test results. You a valid Working With Children Check clearance. Visit the can find information on which tests and qualifications are Office of the Children’s Guardian website at acceptable on UAC’s website at for more information. Applicants for registration as a nurse or midwife Additionally, you must be employment-screened before If you are applying for the first time in Australia for beginning an internship or associate teacher program in registration as a nurse or a midwife, you are required to schools. This involves providing a Working With Children show English language proficiency. You must meet the Check clearance number and completing other employment English language skills registration standard of the Nursing screening requirements. Visit for details. and Midwifery Board (NMBA). For more information, visit Alternatively, you can contact the Department’s Probity Unit: the NMBA website at call (02) 7814 3825 or email [email protected].

If you do not meet these requirements, you may not be able to undertake practical course requirements in NSW schools. WHERE TO GO FOR MORE INFORMATION Health- and welfare-related courses There are many places you can go to research career information and seek advice. National Police Checks In accordance with NSW Health policy, students who need UAC’s participating institutions to complete clinical placements in the NSW public health ✓ Read the course descriptions on the UAC website system are required to: via for a list of possible career − obtain a National Police Check before they commence opportunities for your chosen courses. clinical placements in NSW Health facilities ✓ Contact the careers service at individual institutions – − sign a Code of Conduct Agreement stating that they will visit abide by the NSW Health Code of Conduct. School careers advisers To ensure you provide the correct documentation, search for ‘clinical placements’ at or ✓ Talk to your school careers adviser – they can give you valuable careers advice and information. Infectious diseases Professional organisations Students who need to complete clinical training in ✓ Search online for careers information from societies, NSW public health facilities are subject to NSW Health institutes or other industry organisations. requirements for healthcare workers to demonstrate their ✓ Visit tertiary institutions’ websites – they sometimes list protection against specified infectious diseases in the first professional organisations. year of their course. This is included in the policy directive ‘Occupational Assessment, Screening and Vaccination Online Against Specified Infectious Diseases’. Check out the useful resources on the following page.


The ComparED website helps you compare official myfuture is a government career information and study experience and employment outcomes. The exploration service, which can help you manage data is from Quality Indicators for Learning and your career with information on particular jobs, Teaching (QILT) surveys completed by students, general career areas and courses. graduates and employers. Try this: Try this: 1. Go to and create an account. 1. Go to 2. Sign in and select: 2. Search for institutions and study areas or − My career profile to explore possible career browse a list of each. pathways through activities and quizzes 3. Fine tune your search by location, study level − Occupations to browse top trending and and institution type. skills shortage occupations 4. Click ‘Add to compare +’ and build up your list. − Industries for the essentials on your chosen 5. Once you’re happy with your choices, click industry and its top occupations ‘Compare now’. − Career bullseyes to see what occupations The results you’ve generated provide an are related to learning areas you enjoy. insight into: − the experience of current students You can also read about the experiences of − recent graduate satisfaction graduates in a range of professions and access useful job search resources. − recent graduate employment and salary.

An Australian Government website that collates information on undergraduate courses at all public universities – and some other higher education providers – across Australia.

Try this: 1. Go to 2. Search for courses by any or all of the following: − course name − state − institution − study area − study mode. 3. Delve deeper into course details and add courses to your shortlist. 4. Click ‘Compare your shortlist’ and share the results with your friends and family.



WHY APPLY THROUGH UAC? WHAT YOU NEED WHEN YOU APPLY Around 50,000 Year 12 students apply for uni through UAC ✓ A current personal email address, not your school email each year. address. Add the domain to your list of safe email contacts so UAC emails don’t end up in your Applying through UAC means you don’t need to apply junk folder. separately to each institution. And, if you’re a domestic ✓ Your Year 12 student number and UAC PIN (emailed to applicant, you can apply for: NSW and ACT students on 1 April). − School Recommendation Schemes YOUR APPLICATION YOUR If you’re applying from other states, your UAC PIN is the − Educational Access Schemes. first four digits of your date of birth (eg if your birthday Through these schemes, institutions can consider factors is 3 October, your UAC PIN is 0310; if your birthday is in addition to your ATAR, such as your Year 11 results and 17 May, your UAC PIN is 1705.) any educational disadvantages you’ve experienced: read ✓ A list of your chosen courses and their course codes. ‘Applying for access schemes’ on page 28. ✓ A credit card (Mastercard or Visa) or PayPal account to pay the processing fee. Domestic Year 12 students can If you’re in need of financial help, you can also apply for also ‘commit to pay’ using BPAY or Post BillPay. Equity Scholarships. Applicants for medical degrees: You’ll need to enter your Remember, UAC processes the applications but the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) or International institutions decide who receives an offer of a place. Student Admission Test (ISAT) candidate number.

International students applying through an agent: You’ll need to enter your UACID (UAC Identification Code). Your Apply between 1 April agent will have this. and 30 September 2020. The application fee will be $70.

The application fee increases to $200 ✓ Change your UAC PIN once you’ve TIP! on 1 October. submitted your application and keep your UAC PIN in a safe place. × Don’t give your UAC PIN to anyone else. Keep an eye out for early course TIP! closing dates. You can’t select a course after it has closed. Early closing dates are indicated in the course search on the UAC website.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS You are an international student if you’re not: Prospective permanent residents − an Australian or New Zealand citizen or If you are granted permanent resident status after you have − a permanent resident of Australia or applied to UAC as an international applicant: − the holder of an Australian permanent resident ✓ apply again through UAC as a domestic undergraduate humanitarian visa. applicant As an international student, you can apply through UAC ✓ write to the Senior Operations Officer at UAC as soon if you’re undertaking one of the following qualifications as possible to explain your change in status in 2020: ✓ provide a verified copy of your current passport. − an Australian Year 12 in Australia If your status changes after you receive an offer, contact − an Australian Year 12 outside Australia the institution. − an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma − a New Zealand National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3. If you’re not undertaking one of the above qualifications, apply directly to the institution.

22 | AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS There are several requirements international students must meet to study in Australia. YOUR APPLICATION

Student visa requirements Dental treatment To study in Australia you need to apply for a student visa. OSHC does not cover dental treatment. As dental services A student visa allows you to come to Australia for a specified in Australia are expensive, you should have your teeth period to study at an educational institution. To be eligible checked and any necessary dental work completed before for a student visa, you need to meet the conditions set by you leave home. the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs – search for ‘visas’ at Belgian, Norwegian and Swedish students Some Belgian, Norwegian and Swedish students are After you accept your offer and pay your fees, you will not required to purchase OSHC as part of their visa receive a Confirmation of Enrolment from the institution. requirements; they are considered to have met ‘adequate You must have a Confirmation of Enrolment at the time of insurance’ requirements due to a reciprocal arrangement making your student visa application. between their country and the Australian Government.

Students under 18 years of age Many institutions have arrangements with preferred OSHC If you will be under 18 years of age when you arrive in providers. Students, however, are free to choose their own Australia to study, special requirements are in place. health cover provider. A list of OSHC providers, together Before you are granted a student visa, the Australian with general information about OSHC, is available from Government must be satisfied that you have appropriate the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman website. Search accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements ‘Overseas Student Health Cover’ at in place for the period that you will be under 18 years of age while in Australia. How do I organise OSHC? You must organise and pay for OSHC before you arrive in Each institution decides whether they will accept Australia. Once you receive an unconditional offer to study responsibility for welfare arrangements for international at an Australian educational institution, you will be required students who are under 18 years of age. to pay your OSHC charge at the same time that you pay your tuition fee deposit. Overseas Student Health Cover Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is insurance You can arrange to pay for your OSHC through your for international students to help them with the costs of educational institution or you can choose your own medical and hospital care they may require while they are OSHC provider from another Australian registered private in Australia. health insurer.

The Australian Government requires all international students on a student visa and their dependants to purchase an approved OSHC policy from an Australian registered health fund for the duration of their visas. OSHC is not included in tuition fees.

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* Study with confidence at CQUniversity, A FIVE-STAR UNIVERSITY with access to a range of support services For social equity, first-generation and the flexibility to tailor your study to suit student ratio, full-time employment, your lifestyle and career goals. starting salary and student support. *The Good Universities Guide 2020. CRICOS: 00219C | RTO: 40939 | C_AD_2004_70x180_UACGuide



Hover over ‘Apply or log in’ and select:

− ‘Undergraduate application’ if you’re a domestic student

YOUR APPLICATION YOUR − ‘International application’ if you’re an international student.

2. Select ‘Start your application’. 3. Follow the prompts to get to the personal details page. This includes entering your Year 12 student number and UAC PIN.

Enter your Year 12 student Enter the UAC PIN number (eg NESA emailed to you in April number)

4. Review/enter your personal details. Make sure: 6. Review you school/qualification details. − your full name is as it appears on your official 7. Select your course preferences. You can change ID (ie birth certificate, passport or citizenship these later. documents) 8. Accept the applicant declaration (full version printed − you provide a personal email address (not a on page 30) and pay the processing fee. The fee is school email address as it will expire). All official not refundable, except as required by law. communication from UAC will be via email. 5. Click ‘Next’. At this point, you’ll be given a nine-digit UAC application number. If you log out now, you can log back in at any time using your UAC application number and UAC PIN.

24 | 9. Your application is now complete and you can apply for Schools Recommendation Schemes (until 20 September 2020) and Educational Access Schemes. These applications are free. YOUR APPLICATION

From the final screen of your application, you can follow the links to apply for SRS or EAS.

Can’t find your UAC PIN? TIP! INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS The person you authorise to act on your behalf can be 2020 NSW HSC applicants and a different person or the same person as the agent/ ACT Year 12 applicants: Check your representative who may be helping you with your school email inbox: UAC emailed your application and visa formalities. UAC PIN to this address in April. It’s different to your NESA PIN. Applying through an agent? You can add, change or delete your agent’s UAC Identification Code (UACID) All other applicants: Your UAC PIN is the after you’ve submitted your international application. first four digits of your date of birth (eg if your birthday is 3 October, your UAC PIN Your agent will be able to access information about is 0310; if your birthday is 17 May, your UAC your application through UAC’s website. PIN is 1705).

Applying directly to a uni Some institutions take direct applications, which you can Authorising someone to act on your behalf have in addition to your UAC application. If you complete Your application, and all the information within it, is both a UAC application and a direct application, make confidential. For privacy reasons, we cannot discuss sure you don’t duplicate your course preferences. If information relating to your application with anyone but you. you do, you will be automatically assessed as ‘not eligible’ for an offer to that course in your UAC application. This You can authorise another person to act on your behalf and ensures you don’t receive two offers to the same course. speak to UAC about your application by: So make the most of both applications and choose different preferences in each. − selecting this option when you first apply, or − emailing UAC and including the details of the person If you receive an offer through your direct application, you you are authorising after you apply. can still receive an offer through your UAC application. Check with the uni as to how and when it will make its direct offers. You can read about UAC offers in ‘Offers and enrolment’ from page 39.


Applying interstate Applications for most undergraduate courses in states other than NSW and the ACT are processed through each state’s tertiary admissions centre. Like UAC, most tertiary admissions centres increase their processing charges at the end of September, so apply early to avoid higher charges and ensure you can apply for your chosen course.

Application processes and fees vary, so visit the relevant tertiary admissions centre or institution website for further information.

State Tertiary admissions centre Website Northern Territory and South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC) South Australia Queensland Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) YOUR APPLICATION YOUR Tasmania There is no centralised admissions centre in Tasmania. Apply to University of Tasmania at Victoria Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) Western Australia Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC). Apply directly to University of Notre Dame at

Your chance of being selected for a course is not decreased Your UAC application is not complete TIP! because you placed it as a lower order preference. Similarly, you won’t be selected for a course just because you entered until you’ve paid the processing that course as a higher order preference. charge. Your payment receipt and Confirmation of Application are your proof of payment – keep them safe! EXAMPLE Anna, James and Sarah all applied for B Accounting. Anna put it as her fourth preference, while James and Sarah listed it as their first preference. Anna missed out on offers to her first, second and third preferences but was a more Questions or problems? competitive candidate for B Accounting than both James To talk to someone about your application: and Sarah. So, Anna received an offer to B Accounting (her − call UAC on 1300 275 822 or (02) 9752 0200 (from fourth preference) while James and Sarah did not, despite mobiles), Monday to Friday between 8.30am and them listing it first. 4.30pm Sydney time − send your question via the enquiry form at What if I’m still deciding which courses to choose? − send us a message on Facebook or Twitter. Don’t worry; although you need to enter at least one Have a question about admission criteria or course details? course preference in order to complete your application, Contact the institution directly using the details on the you can change your preferences as many times as you back cover. want before preference deadlines. For a list of key dates, visit

You even have time to change them after you get your COURSE PREFERENCES ATAR and have a much better idea about your chances of How many course preferences can I have? being selected. Domestic applicants can select up to five courses. Just make sure you apply before midnight on Wednesday International applicants can select up to six courses. 30 September 2020 – the processing charge increases What order do I put them in? after this date. The order of your course preferences matters. You can only What if my course is not on the UAC get one offer in each offer round. It will be to the first course website? in your list for which you’re eligible and competitive enough. If you can’t find the course you’re looking for on UAC’s Order your course preferences like this: course search, it means course details are being confirmed: 1. The course you’d most like to do 1. Select a different course to complete your application. 2. Your second favourite course 2. Check the course search regularly – new courses will be 3. Your third choice posted as they become available. 4. Your fourth choice 3. Once the course is available, include it in your preferences. 5. Your final back-up course: a course you’re confident you’ll get an offer to if you miss out on all your higher course preferences.

26 | How do I change my course preferences? You can add, delete or change the order of your course preferences as many times as you like before the closing date for each offer round: 1. Log in to your application using your UAC application number and UAC PIN. YOUR APPLICATION 2. Select ‘Course preferences’. 3. Add or delete courses, or drag courses up and down to change their order.

Search to select a new course

Click x to delete a course

Select ↑ or ↓ to change the order of your course preferences

AFTER YOU APPLY IP! Keep your UAC application number and You don’t have to give UAC your T PIN in a safe place Australian Year 12 results or ATAR. The only rare exception is if you complete You need them to log back in to your application. You also your studies mid-year: in this case, need your UAC PIN to view your ATAR. upload your results and ATAR asap. Check your confirmation of application Need to change your contact details, course preferences, or add other qualifications? Log back in to your application on UAC’s website. For other Check for additional selection criteria changes, notify UAC in writing as soon as possible. Before you can be selected, some courses require you to meet a few extra requirements. Examples are: Need to provide documents to UAC in support − external exams, such as the University Clinical Aptitude of your application? Test, which most institutions require you to sit if you want to study medicine Most Year 12 students don’t; however, supplying documentary evidence of your Australian citizenship will − questionnaires help speed up the admission and enrolment process if you − completion of (or minimum results in) specific Year 12 receive an offer – read more at courses (aka prerequisites) − portfolios Are you completing an International − interviews or auditions. Baccalaureate Diploma? You must authorise the release of your International Track your application Baccalaureate Diploma to UAC. Ask your school’s IB You can track the progress of your application throughout Diploma coordinator to request this on your behalf. the assessment process by logging in to your application. You’ll be able to see when UAC has received your results and finalised the assessment of your qualifications, and if there are any issues preventing you from receiving an offer to your preferences.


Lock in your preferences before closing dates APPLYING FOR ACCESS SCHEMES You can change your preferences: Once you’ve completed your undergraduate application, − after any round, whether you receive an offer or not you can go on to apply for: − until the closing date for the next offer round. − Schools Recommendation Schemes − Educational Access Schemes. EXAMPLE Read about how these schemes work in the ‘Admission and selection’ section. After You can change Until your preferences for You can access the applications for these schemes from the Dec Round 2 Jan Round 1 midnight Sunday final screen of your initial application. See step 9 of ‘How to 3 January 2021 apply’ on page 25.

YOUR APPLICATION YOUR Jan Round 1 Jan Round 2 midnight Sunday If you’ve already applied and logged out, follow the 17 January 2021 instructions below.

Schools Recommendation Schemes Go to > Apply or log in. 1. Complete your SRS application by answering the questions and following the prompts. 2. Upload institution-specific documents if you’re prompted to do so. 3. Review your application summary. 4. Accept the declaration and authority and submit. 5. Download your confirmation of application. Not in the NSW school system? Go to > If you’re studying in another state or territory’s school Schools system, you’ll also need to: Recommendation − enter the details of your Year 11 studies Schemes − upload a PDF of your Year 11 school report. You will find complete instructions for applying for SRS at

Educational Access Schemes Log in to your application and select the EAS tab. 1. Open the category of disadvantage you wish to claim. Select the specific disadvantages that apply to you and answer the follow-up questions. When you have selected all the relevant disadvantages in that category, click ‘Save’. 2. Repeat for each category you wish to claim. 3. Accept the declaration and authority and submit. 4. Download your confirmation of application and the document cover sheet for each of your claimed disadvantages. The document cover sheet details Educational Access Schemes TIP! the eligibility criteria for the disadvantage and the supporting documents you need to provide. Before you apply for EAS, check the 5. Upload completed cover sheets and supporting eligibility criteria and documents documents to your application at least two weeks required for each EAS disadvantage – before the undergraduate offer round in which you visit wish to be considered – visit


If you have a disability or an ongoing illness that may Your responsibilities as an applicant include: YOUR APPLICATION disadvantage you during your studies, we encourage you to − reading the relevant parts of this Guide or corresponding include this information in your application. information on UAC’s website − following any institution-specific instructions Any information you provide: − providing true and complete information in your − will not affect your application for admission application − will be seen only by disability services staff − providing true and complete copies of official − will help the institution meet your education needs documentation with your application where requested should you be offered a place in one of their courses. − accepting the conditions set out in the online declaration Institutions may be able to provide one or more of the (read the printed version on page 30) following services: − checking your emails (including in your junk folder) − note takers for any messages from UAC. − personal readers − examination provisions IP − learning assistance It’s important to meet your T ! − alternative assessment methods responsibilities as an applicant − academic material in alternative formats – by doing so you’ll ensure that − parking for holders of a Roads and Maritime Services your application is processed and Mobility Parking Scheme permit. assessed as soon as possible. Preparing for study Information and advice about preparing for study when you have a disability is readily available: − Talk to the institution’s disability services staff about what If you fail to meet your responsibilities services they can provide – visit If you submit an application that contains information that − Visit for information UAC or a participating institution determines to be untrue on making the move from school to university. or incomplete: − If you’re having trouble applying through UAC, call us − UAC may cancel your application on 1300 275 822 or (02) 9752 0200 (from mobiles), − an institution may withdraw any place offered. Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm Sydney time – we’ll help you through the application process. For further information, read the policy statement on page 30.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS If you’re an international applicant, you must also: − inform your institution if you change your address − satisfy your student visa conditions − provide details of your passport upon acceptance of (eg maintaining full-time enrolment in your course, an offer satisfactory class attendance and course progress) − ensure you have sufficient financial capacity to support − remain with the same university where you originally your study and stay in Australia enrolled for at least the first six months of your − return home immediately upon completion of your principle course except under certain circumstances course or expiration of your visa. (for details, search for ‘overseas student transfers’ at If you breach your student visa conditions by failing to − maintain your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) maintain full-time enrolment or satisfactory course progress, for the period of your stay the institution will notify you and the Australian Government. − if you are under 18, maintain your approved This may result in your visa being cancelled immediately. accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements


DECLARATION AND AUTHORITY This is a printed version of the online declaration and authority you will have to accept when you apply. Your application cannot be considered unless you or the person you have authorised to act on your behalf accept all conditions set out below. UAC collects information about you, including information you provide in this application, to assist in the assessment of your application. This information may be used as described below. 1. I declare that I have read and understand the questions and that all nominated person to collect, receive, store, transfer and use all such the information submitted is true and complete. information and all information in or connected with this application 2. I declare that I have read and understand ‘Your responsibilities as for research purposes. I give these authorities on condition that all an applicant’ and the ‘Policy statement on untrue or incomplete information provided pursuant to them is deidentified by UAC or the information submitted by applicants’ below. nominated person. 3. I declare that I have read and understand the section ‘Collection of 10. I understand that UAC may disclose the personal information I have personal information’ below. given in this application to the Department of Education and Training, YOUR APPLICATION YOUR 4. I authorise UAC and the participating institutions to obtain available or its successor, for the purpose of: official records from any educational institution attended by me. − use in connection with the Higher Education Information I understand that UAC is not responsible if any institution does not Management System (HEIMS) and/or provide these records. − use in connection with the National Data Collection on University 5. I understand that UAC and the participating institutions may check my Applications and Offers and/or visa and residency status using Visa Entitlement Verification Online − other collections as the Department of Education and Training, or (VEVO), and I authorise UAC and the participating institutions to do so. its successor, may lawfully require from time to time. 6. I authorise UAC to verify any information provided by me. 11. I understand that UAC and the participating institutions have the right 7. I authorise UAC to provide all information and documents provided to vary or cancel an application or enrolment made on the basis of with and/or obtained in connection with this application to all what UAC or a participating institution determines to be untrue or institutions participating in [undergraduate/international] admissions incomplete information from any source. through UAC or their affiliates for any purpose connected with my 12. I understand that UAC, on behalf of the participating institutions, possible selection, admission and/or enrolment in any course at any of makes offers based on the information provided by me and on advice those institutions or affiliates. received from UAC. If a participating institution subsequently finds that 8. I authorise UAC to collect, receive, store, transfer and use any the information or advice was incorrect, it may withdraw the offer. information provided by me, or any information obtained in connection 13. I understand that UAC will release details of my course preferences with this application, and to disclose such information to all and offers to my school/college and that I must notify UAC in writing participating institutions, Universities Australia, Universities Australia within 7 days of applying if I do not wish these details to be released to member institutions, the members of the Australasian Conference of my school/college. Tertiary Admissions Centres (ACTAC), the Tertiary Education Quality 14. I understand that information and documents provided with and/ and Standards Authority (TEQSA), the Australian Skills Quality Authority or obtained in connection with this application may be used by UAC (ASQA), state and territory governments and any other authority or for training, research or other purposes and that I must notify UAC in tertiary educational institution either in Australia or overseas, where writing within 7 days of applying if I do not wish this information to UAC reasonably considers it is necessary to make such disclosure. be used. 9. I authorise any future educational institution I attend as a result 15. I understand that all fees paid to UAC in connection with my of this application to provide all of my results from future studies application are not refundable under any circumstances except as to UAC or a person nominated by UAC. I authorise UAC or the required by law.

Policy statement on untrue or incomplete information − claiming membership of a special selection group when not a member submitted by applicants of that group. UAC recognises that all decisions which affect an applicant must be The procedures for processing applications suspected of being in made fairly using appropriate academic or other criteria as specified by some way incomplete or untrue have been approved by the NSW the participating institutions. Vice‑Chancellors’ Committee. Selection into courses by application to UAC is based on merit. It These procedures accept the right of applicants to be treated fairly and is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that they comply with without prejudice, and in accordance with the principles of natural justice. all instructions when submitting a UAC application. Read ‘Your Collection of personal information responsibilities as an applicant’. UAC collects personal information and, in some circumstances, An application must be complete and correct and all attempts at information regarding your health, or information about someone academic study must be disclosed. Applicants must accept the conditions other than yourself, for the purpose of processing your application for set out in the declaration and authority when they apply – read the undergraduate admission to tertiary institutions. printed version above. If you are providing personal information about someone other than UAC will review, and may take action against, anyone who submits yourself, you should tell them about UAC’s Privacy Policy, which can be an application that contains information that UAC or a participating found on UAC’s website at institution determines to be untrue or incomplete. That application may also be cancelled. While your personal information is generally collected from you, UAC also collects information about you from other educational institutions that you UAC will also investigate, and may take action against, an applicant who, have attended. by any other means, has or could have achieved an advantage over other applicants. UAC provides your personal information and, where applicable, your health information to all institutions participating in undergraduate Examples of conduct by an applicant which will be investigated by UAC admissions through UAC. If you do not provide personal information include, but are not limited to: where required in your application, UAC will not be able to process your − submitting an incomplete or falsified academic transcript application. Please contact UAC’s Privacy Officer if you have any queries. − failing to declare previous study at secondary, post-secondary or You are able to gain access to any personal information and health tertiary level information that is held about you by UAC. To obtain access, or if you have − submitting an incorrect or otherwise misleading statement of any questions, write to: employment experience The Managing Director, UAC, Locked Bag 112, Silverwater NSW 2128. − claiming special consideration of educational disadvantage based on incorrect information For more information, read UAC’s Privacy Policy at − having some other person complete a selection task on the applicant’s behalf such as an interview, audition or a portfolio of work


How many times can I apply? How long does it take to apply? YOUR APPLICATION You can apply once in each admissions period. If you It should take you about 30 minutes to apply. change your mind about the courses you’d like to apply for in this period, you can easily change them by logging Why is my connection slow? in to your application on UAC’s website – read ‘Course Your application should load quickly but will be slower if: preferences’ on pages 26–27. − you are applying close to or on a closing date − you are applying during the peak usage period (4pm to If you have applied to UAC in a previous admissions period, 10pm Sydney time) you will need to start a new application. You cannot use your previous UAC application number and PIN. − the speed of your modem or the bandwidth of your internet service provider’s connection is insufficient. How many courses can I choose? Applying will be quicker if you don’t leave it to the Domestic applicants can choose up to five course 30 September early bird deadline. preferences. International applicants can choose up to six course preferences.


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GENERAL ADMISSION TIP! REQUIREMENTS Lowest ATARs and selection ranks for There are three general requirements for being offered a entry to semester 1 courses in 2021 place in a course. You must: won’t be known until all offers have 1. be eligible: been made. − by meeting the academic requirements outlined in this section − by meeting the specific requirements of each Lowest ATARs institution outlined under their ‘Admission criteria’

ADMISSION AND SELECTION AND ADMISSION at Don’t assume that the published lowest ATAR for a course is the ATAR you require to be made an offer to that course. − by meeting the specific entrance requirements of The applicant who received that ATAR may have been the course (eg prerequisites or additional selection eligible for adjustment factors and had their selection rank criteria) set out in the course descriptions at increased, making them competitive enough for an offer. 2. compete against other eligible applicants Lowest selection ranks 3. have paid the UAC processing charge. The lowest selection rank for a course includes any increase to an applicant’s selection rank made as a result of adjustment factors. Check the course descriptions on the Three factors determine the lowest selection rank: UAC website for: − the number of places available in the course y details of non-ATAR admission − the number of applicants for the course criteria (eg portfolio) − the quality of those applicants. y information about the lowest selection These three factors mean that lowest selection ranks rank required to get an offer to the course change from year to year and are impossible to predict last year. before applicants are selected for a particular course in a particular year. The lowest selection rank for any course can increase, decrease or remain the same. The lowest selection rank doesn’t represent the average ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS ability of the students accepted for the course and does Tertiary institutions in Australia have found that a student’s not reflect the difficulty or quality of the course. overall academic achievement is the single best predictor of success in tertiary study. The ATAR is commonly used as Selection rank adjustments a selection tool as it is a measure of your overall academic Many applicants receive an offer to a course even though achievement. they have an ATAR below the published lowest selection rank. Why? Because other factors have been taken into 2020 Year 12 students with an ATAR consideration in combination with their ATAR and their selection rank for that course has been adjusted and is ATARs are calculated in each state to reflect a student’s rank higher than their ATAR. against other students in their state. An ATAR of 85.00 in your state is equivalent to an ATAR of 85.00 in other states. These adjustments are due to factors such as: For information on the ATAR in NSW, read pages 7–17. − performance in HSC subjects − living or attending school in a certain area You do not need to provide UAC with your ATAR: we have direct access to it. − applying for consideration through Educational Access Schemes. Each course description on the UAC website will indicate, where relevant: Selection rank adjustments are applied differently from − the lowest ATAR (LA) previously required to receive institution to institution and from course to course within an offer the same institution. Visit each institution’s website for details. − the lowest selection rank (LSR) previously required to receive an offer OR the ATAR required to be guaranteed As selection rank adjustments are course specific, your an offer (guaranteed ATAR (GA)). selection rank can be different for each of your course preferences. Some institutions also provide a guaranteed selection rank or an estimated selection rank. Use the data provided in the course description as a guide only to your chances of being selected for the course in 2021.

32 | Getting your IB results to UAC

IP! ADMISSION AND SELECTION y Your selection rank = your ATAR + T Ask your school IB Diploma coordinator to authorise the adjustments. International Baccalaureate to release your IB Diploma results directly to UAC. This needs to be done in addition y Adjustments do not change your to any other request you make for results to be sent to ATAR; they change your selection an institution. rank for a particular preference. y Institutions automatically adjust your If UAC receives your results directly from the International selection rank if you are eligible. Baccalaureate then any subject adjustment factors you are eligible for will be automatically allocated by the institutions. Alternatively, provide a copy of your official Results Certificate and Diploma Certificate as soon as they become EXAMPLE available. You’ll also need to contact the institutions about Course A has six applicants and only three places available. the allocation of any subject adjustment factors for which The six applicants have the following selection ranks: you are eligible.

Applicant Selection rank TIP! 1 89.00 (ATAR of 89.00) Go to to: 2 88.00 (ATAR of 87.00 plus adjustment of y view the IB score/UAC rank 1 point) conversion table 3 87.00 (ATAR of 83.00 plus adjustment of y compare IB courses to NSW HSC 4 points) courses. 4 86.00 (ATAR of 86.00) 5 85.00 (ATAR of 83.00 plus adjustment of 2 points) 6 84.00 (ATAR of 84.00) Students completing non-standard Year 12 programs in 2020 Offers will be made to applicants 1, 2 and 3. Applicant 4 Non-standard Year 12 programs of study include those won’t receive an offer, even with an ATAR higher than completed through: applicant 3, and applicant 3 will receive an offer even − Australian Christian Education though their ATAR is below the lowest selection rank. − Rudolph Steiner Education The lowest selection rank required to receive an offer to − home schooling Course A will be 87.00. − Queensland Senior External Examination. The example also shows that an applicant with an ATAR If you’re studying these programs, select ‘No’ in your above the published lowest ATAR for a course will not application when you are asked if you’re completing an necessarily receive an offer. The lowest ATAR for this course Australian Year 12 in 2020. is 83.00 (applicant 3). Even though applicants 4, 5 and 6 have ATARs of 83.00 and above, their selection ranks are Assessment below the lowest selection rank of 87.00 and therefore they UAC assesses the Queensland Senior External Examination. will not receive an offer. For all other non-standard Year 12 studies to be assessable Guaranteed ATARs and selection ranks by UAC, you must: Some institutions indicate a guaranteed ATAR or selection − provide proof of completion of an accredited Year 12 rank for each course. If you achieve the guaranteed ATAR or program of study selection rank you will be eligible for an offer to the course − have sat the American Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), for semester 1, 2021. results from which will be assessed by UAC. Depending on the demand for the course, applicants with UAC will also assess results from the Special Tertiary lower ATARs and selection ranks may also be eligible Admissions Test (STAT). Find out more about STAT at for offers. Contact the admissions offices of the institutions you are 2020 International Baccalaureate students applying to for information on acceptance of STAT and on If you’re an IB student, you don’t receive an ATAR. Instead, how they will consider your non‑standard Year 12 studies. when you apply through UAC, or any other tertiary admissions centre in Australia, your IB score is converted to a rank. This allows you to be compared to applicants with an ATAR.


2020 New Zealand NCEA Level 3 students Offers to lower-level courses If you are completing the NCEA Level 3, an Interstate Some institutions may offer you a place in a lower-level Transfer Index (ITI) will be calculated by the New Zealand course – even if you don’t apply for it – if you’re not eligible Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and provided to UAC. This or competitive enough to receive an offer to the course to will be used in the selection process, provided you have which you’ve applied. fulfilled NZQA’s University Entrance requirements. NZQA does not report the ITI to applicants. ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY When you begin your application, select ‘No’ when asked if you’re undertaking an Australian Year 12 in 2020. English language proficiency is an admission requirement for all tertiary courses. If you need to provide proof of Direct queries about the ITI and University Entrance your proficiency in English, this will be indicated in your requirements to NZQA: visit application.

ADMISSION AND SELECTION AND ADMISSION ADDITIONAL SELECTION Applicants who don’t need to provide proof Most applicants – including those with an Australian Year 12 REQUIREMENTS qualification – do not have to prove proficiency in English. Some courses have additional selection criteria such as a personal statement, a questionnaire, a portfolio of work, Students with assessable qualifications an audition, an interview or a test, which are considered For most institutions, you do not need to provide proof of together with (or sometimes instead of) your selection rank. English language proficiency if you have an assessable You can find details of any additional selection criteria in the qualification – undertaken in English – from one of the course descriptions on the UAC website. following countries: − American Samoa − New Zealand Prerequisites − Australia − Nigeria Some courses require you to have studied specific HSC − Botswana − Papua New Guinea courses or equivalent in order to be considered for an offer. − Canada − Singapore For details of prerequisites, read the course descriptions − Fiji − Solomon Islands on the UAC website. − Ghana − South Africa If you’re applying to NSW universities from another state, − Guyana − Tonga you can compare your courses and results to NSW HSC − Ireland − Trinidad and Tobago courses and results at − Jamaica − United Kingdom − Kenya − United States of America TIP! − Lesotho − Zambia If you live in NSW or the ACT and are − Liberia − Zimbabwe. applying interstate, check if you meet the admission criteria of institutions in Assessable qualifications are: that state. − senior secondary studies comparable with the NSW HSC (including the IB Diploma or Bilingual Diploma) − one full year of Australian or comparable tertiary studies, including associate degree, bachelor degree and PATHWAY OPTIONS postgraduate studies − Australian non-award studies Most institutions offer pathway options if you don’t meet the entry requirements for their degree courses, or need further − tertiary preparation courses, including the NSW TAFE support and preparation before studying at degree level. Tertiary Preparation Certificate, with a full-time equivalence of one year. Non-degree courses The following qualifications may also be accepted as satisfying English language proficiency if you were born Pathway courses include: in and undertook the qualification in one of the countries − foundation studies listed above: − preparatory courses − AQF qualifications: AQF Certificate III or IV, Diploma or − certificate, diploma or associate degree courses. Advanced Diploma (or equivalent) If you successfully complete one of these courses, − Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) an institution may guarantee you entry into a particular − professional registration/qualification (eg nursing, degree course. Otherwise, you can use your non-degree trade, CPA). studies to apply and compete for admission to other Note: Some institutions may accept a different group of degree courses. countries or have different qualification requirements. For You may also be awarded credit for some studies institution-specific details, visit undertaken in your non-degree course.

34 | Check with your preferred institution to make sure it

IP! ADMISSION AND SELECTION If you have an Australian Year 12 T will accept the test results as proof of English language proficiency for the course you want to study. Include qualification, such as the NSW HSC, details of your proposed test in the English language you do not need to prove English proficiency question in your UAC application and submit it. language proficiency. Provide UAC with evidence of your results as soon as you receive them.

Students with qualifications specified by Register with the individual test centre: an institution International English Language Testing System (IELTS): Each institution specifies additional qualifications it Academic will accept as proof of English language proficiency. Visit These qualifications are set out on the UAC website at Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) UAC’s TOEFL Designated Institution code is 8619. To have your results sent directly to UAC, enter this code on your Applicants who do need to provide proof answer sheets when you sit the TOEFL examination or on If you don’t have the required tests or qualifications outlined the Score Report Request Forms for tests previously taken. above, there are two ways to prove your proficiency Visit in English. Pearson Test of English (PTE): Academic Method 1: Sit an English language proficiency test Authorise the release of your PTE Academic results to UAC via your Pearson account. UAC’s PTE Academic institution There are a number of English language proficiency tests code is LL5. Visit that are commonly accepted by institutions.


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C1 Advanced ENTRY SCHEMES Formerly known as Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE). Some institutions have a specific scheme or program for Visit applicants who don’t meet the usual admission criteria C2 Proficiency of the institution. For details, refer to the information Formerly known as Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE). about each institution on the UAC website at Visit institutions.

Method 2: Write to the institution admissions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander office applicants If you believe you can demonstrate your proficiency in English but your test or qualification is not included here or Most institutions have an admission scheme specifically for on the UAC website, write to the admissions office at each Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Information institution to which you’re applying. Include supporting about these schemes can be accessed via documentation so that the acceptability of your test institutions. ADMISSION AND SELECTION AND ADMISSION or qualification can be determined. Do not send this information to UAC – we cannot make decisions about Educational Access Schemes your English proficiency on behalf of institutions. Most of UAC’s participating institutions have Educational Access Schemes (EAS) to help students who have INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS experienced long-term educational disadvantage gain admission to university. The Australian Government has separate English language requirements for students applying To be eligible for an equity adjustment under EAS for for student visas from some countries. For more 2020–21 admissions, you must be: information, visit − a UAC domestic applicant for undergraduate admission − an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or a permanent resident of Australia (includes holders of permanent humanitarian visa) SELECTION PROCESS − able to demonstrate that you’ve experienced long-term Once you’ve met all the admission requirements for a educational disadvantage because of circumstances course, you will compete against other applicants for beyond your control. a place. International students cannot apply for EAS. If you’re not successful in gaining a place in the course For detailed information, visit listed as your first preference, your second preference will be considered and so on until an offer can be made or you EAS applications have no more preferences. EAS applications open on Wednesday 1 April 2020 and You’ll only receive one offer per offer round to your highest remain open throughout the admissions period. preference for which you’re: Before you apply for EAS you need to complete an − eligible application for undergraduate admission. Once you’ve − competitive enough. submitted your undergraduate application, you’ll have the option to immediately access the EAS application via In some cases you may also receive an offer to a lower-level the ‘Apply for EAS’ button or you can log back in to your course that you haven’t applied for – read about slipback undergraduate application at any time and apply for EAS. offers on page 41. You’re encouraged to apply by the early bird closing date of Wednesday 30 September 2020, but if you miss this INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS date the following EAS application and documentation In each round, you can receive one offer from each deadlines apply: institution listed in your preferences. − Monday 20 November 2020: to guarantee receipt of your eligibility letter by Wednesday 16 December 2020 and ensure you have time (one day only) to change preferences for December Round 2. − Friday 25 December 2020: to be included in January IP T ! Round 1. You compete against other applicants for a place in a course. If you have any questions, you can call UAC.

36 | Notification of EAS eligibility However, individual institutions may have additional After your application has been assessed, UAC will requirements for applicants. To find out more, access the ADMISSION AND SELECTION send you an email to notify you of your EAS eligibility at link to institution-specific criteria at each institution. Course preferences EAS applications and supporting documents Finalise your course preferences by midnight on Sunday received by UAC on or before Monday 20 November 8 November 2020. Place the course you would most like to 2020: EAS eligibility notifications sent by Wednesday do at the top of your list, your next most preferred second, 16 December 2020. and so on down the list.

This means that if you want to change your course SRS offers preferences for December Round 2, you already know your Most SRS offers will be made in November Round 1 on EAS eligibility for every institution. Thursday 12 November 2020. EAS applications received by UAC from Tuesday There are two types of SRS offers: 21 November 2020: EAS eligibility notifications issued − unconditional offers (which have no further conditions progressively. for you to meet) − conditional offers (which require you to meet additional Early offer schemes conditions, such as a minimum ATAR). Some institutions have early offer schemes for Year 12 In November, you can receive one unconditional offer. students. Through these schemes, applicants may be Accept it, even if it’s for your lowest course preference. You selected for courses based on a range of criteria, including will automatically be considered for your higher preferences recommendations provided by schools/colleges, rather in later rounds. than their final Year 12 results. If you receive an unconditional offer to one of your higher Schools Recommendation Schemes preferences and want to be considered for all your other Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS) aim to help preferences in later rounds: current Australian Year 12 students gain access to higher − accept the offer education using a wide range of selection criteria other − log in to your UAC undergraduate application, go to than (or in addition to) the ATAR. These include school ‘Update course preferences’ and move that course down recommendations and senior secondary studies. to the bottom of your course preference list or remove SRS also enable institutions to make early offers to it entirely (as long as you have accepted the offer, you current Australian Year 12 students who have applied for can’t lose it). undergraduate admission through UAC. Institutions may If you then receive an offer to a course in your new list, you make early offers based on: can decide whether to accept it and withdraw from your − Year 11 results original course, or not accept the new offer and keep your − school ratings place in your original course. − ATAR (or equivalent) or selection rank − equity criteria Unsuccessful applicants − institution-specific conditions. UAC won’t advise applicants who do not receive an offer through SRS. An unsuccessful SRS application has no Participating institutions have their own policies on effect on your UAC undergraduate application. determining SRS eligibility and making offers. For details, visit For further information about SRS, visit After you’ve submitted your UAC undergraduate application you can apply for SRS via the UAC website. UAC centrally processes these applications. SRS applications open on Wednesday 1 April 2020 and close at midnight on Wednesday 20 September 2020.

Who can apply SRS is open to all Year 12 applicants who are completing either an Australian Year 12 qualification or an International Baccalaureate (within Australia) in 2020, and are: − UAC domestic applicants for undergraduate admission for 2020–21 − Australian or New Zealand citizens − permanent residents of Australia or holders of Australian permanent resident humanitarian visas.


Would you benefit from support or exam provisions at uni?

y anxiety disorders y chronic fatigue y hearing impairment syndrome y arthritis y learning disability y crohn’s disease y asthma y mobility impairment y cystic fibrosis y asperger’s syndrome y multiple sclerosis y depression y attention deficit y schizophrenia disorder y diabetes y scotopic sensitivity y bipolar disorder y dyslexia y vision impairment y cancer y dysgraphia y and many more.... y cerebral palsy y epilepsy

You may not think of yourself as having a ‘disability’ but the definition under the Disability Discrimination Act is broad and includes dyslexia, medical conditions and mental illness. Do you have to put in extra effort at school because of your disability or condition? If so, it’s best to plan ahead rather than “wait and see” how you manage university study. While in Year 12 (or earlier) When you get your offer and when enrolling

 Uni disability staff can answer all kinds of questions  Contact disability staff at the uni to let them know you about uni. Make an appointment and get the inside info to will be enrolling. If you will need services in place at help you make decisions and prepare for uni. You can find the beginning of semester, for enrolment, and/or their contact details at for orientation make an appointment immediately. Take along whatever documentation you have.  Check out the Get Ready for Uni website at  At enrolment you will be given the opportunity to indicate you have a disability. This info is compiled  Decide what you want to tell others about your disability: in a non‑identifying way and sent to the Australian Government for statistical purposes. It may also go to the  Read about the Educational Access Scheme (EAS) in this uni Disability Service; however this does not mean that Guide. EAS recognises the impact of personal illness/ you are registered with them or will have support in place. disability and can make a significant difference to your  It is up to you to make contact with Disability uni course options. Services if you need adjustments because of a When applying disability. This is critical if you need course material in electronic formats.  Lodge your UAC application as required. Remember to make contact  If you make an EAS application (a separate application) keep a copy of your documentation. with Disability Services early!  Answer the question for ‘People with Disabilities’ and then complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire assists Disability Services staff to identify demand and to plan for their services. You still need to meet with them to set up services.

For more information, you can also talk to your local National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO). The NDCO program is an Australia-wide Government funded program that assists people with a disability to move into post-school training, education, and subsequent employment. To find your local NDCO visit

Developed by the South Western and Western Sydney National Disability Coordination Officer Program in collaboration with NSW/ACT University Disability Service Managers and NSW/ACT NDCOs.


IP! OFFERS Sometimes the uni will tell you that T your early conditional offer will only WHY PREFERENCES MATTER convert to an unconditional offer if it You can receive only one offer in each offer round. That is your ‘highest eligible preference’. offer will be to the highest preference for which you: This is true, but take note of the word − meet the admission requirements (are ‘eligible’) ‘eligible’. You can still place other courses − successfully compete against other applicants. higher in your preference list; if you miss For example, if you meet the admission requirements and out on offers to these higher preferences, are competitive enough for the first preference you’ve your conditional offer will still become listed, you’ll be made an offer to that course only. If you’re unconditional. not made an offer to your first preference, but meet the admission requirements and are competitive enough for your second preference, you’ll be made an offer to your second preference. Accept any offer you receive: don’t assume you’ll receive another offer TIP! later. You can then review your Always keep your courses listed in preferences for the next offer round. your preferred order.

TIMING OF OFFERS INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS Offers are made on scheduled dates throughout the year. Conditional offers These are called offer rounds. Approximately 48 hours after you have applied A list of all the 2021 semester 1 offer round dates are set out through UAC, you’ll receive a conditional offer in a table on the inside front cover of this Guide. The table via email. The email will list all the courses you’ve also shows the dates by which you need to apply, provide applied for, and you can use it as part of your pre‑visa documents and change your preferences to be guaranteed assessment. It is a conditional offer of admission only; consideration in each offer round. it does not mean you are able to enrol. To be eligible to enrol in a course of study you need to receive an Although some Year 12 applicants receive early offers unconditional offer. (before ATARs are released), most will receive their offers in: − December Round 2 on 21 December 2020 − January Round 1 on 8 January 2021. Unconditional offers To receive an unconditional offer, you must have Offer rounds after January Round 1 are for entry to courses the course listed in your application when offers that still have vacancies. are made, meet the minimum admission criteria of the institution and any other specific entry Early offers requirements for the course, and successfully compete against other applicants for a place. The offer rounds before 21 December 2020 are usually for UAC starts issuing unconditional offers to successful early offer schemes such as Schools Recommendation applicants on behalf of institutions at the end of Schemes, ADFA (Australian Defence Force Academy) September. However, most offers will be made courses, non-Year 12 applicants, or for courses that don’t from mid‑December, after you receive your final require an ATAR. If you don’t receive an early offer and Year 12 results. aren’t in one of the categories listed, there’s no need to worry. Your courses are considered in the order you have listed them in your application. However, each If you get a conditional early offer, to convert it into an institution you have applied to will consider your unconditional offer you have to: application separately. Therefore, you can receive an − leave the course in your list of preferences. offer to your highest preference at each institution − satisfy the conditions set out by the uni in your included in your application (if you are eligible and offer email. competitive enough).


What to do when you get an o er

Before you get your ATAR After you get your ATAR 12 SRS oers released: November Round 1 21 Oers released:December Round 2 NOV DEC

01. What happens You get a You get an You get an oer to You get an offer but You don’t get any conditional early unconditional early your first course it’s not to your first oers

OFFERS AND ENROLMENT AND OFFERS oer oer preference course preference

02. Leave the course Accept the oer Accept the oer Accept the oer to •Compare your What you in your application keep as a backup ATAR to course need to do in your preferred lowest selection order ranks

•Consider pathway courses (eg diploma in same subject area)

03. Satisfy conditions Happy with the Happy with the •Remove oered Review your What set by the o er? o er? course from preference list for happens university Proceed to enrol Proceed to enrol preference list next oer round next •Review your Receive an Or want another Or want another preference list for unconditional o er o er? o er? post-ATAR oers after you get your ATAR •Remove oered •Remove oered course from course from preference list preference list •Review your •Review your preference list for preference list for post-ATAR oers post-ATAR oers

04. What to do in If you get an oer If you get an oer If you get an oer If you get an oer: to your preferred to your preferred to your preferred later rounds course: course: course: •Accept the oer and enrol •Accept the new •Accept the new •Accept the new oer and enrol oer and enrol oer and enrol If you don’t get •Contact uni to •Contact uni to •Contact uni to an oer: withdraw withdraw withdraw acceptance of acceptance of acceptance of •Discuss your first oer first oer first oer options with dierent unis

•Change your course preferences

40 | GETTING YOUR OFFER TIP! UAC will send you your offer via email. You can also view Got a question? OFFERS AND ENROLMENT your offer details by logging in to the UAC website using If you want to know why you didn’t get your UAC application number and UAC PIN. an offer, or what other study options are available to you, get in touch with Slipback offers the admissions office staff at the uni. The If you apply for a course but miss out on an offer, you institutions make the decisions about who might receive an offer to a lower-level course – in the receives an offer to a course. same area at the same institution – instead. For example, you may get an offer to a Diploma in Marketing if you applied for, but missed out on, the Bachelor of Marketing at the same institution. So, if you receive an offer to your first preference, you won’t be considered for further offers in subsequent rounds If you successfully complete a course such as a diploma, unless you move that course down to the bottom of your some institutions guarantee you entry into a degree course. list or remove it entirely. (Before you do this, don’t forget to You might also be awarded credit for some of your studies. accept the course you’ve already been offered!)

Direct offers from the unis If you receive an offer to a lower preference, you will automatically be considered for higher preferences in the If you have applied directly to an institution, as well as next round. through UAC, you can receive offers from both UAC and the institution. Then it’s up to you to decide which one to accept. EXAMPLE Let’s say you have the following five courses listed as preferences and you receive an offer to your second ACCEPTING YOUR OFFER preference: Accept your offer by following the instructions the institution gives you in your offer email. Do this promptly, Preferences otherwise your offer might lapse and be given to another 1 B Life Science applicant in the next round. 2 B Animal Science Accepting an offer doesn’t stop you from being considered 3 B Science (Physics) in later offer rounds, but you must remove the successful course from your preferences list to prevent it blocking 4 B Human Sciences offers to lower preferences in future rounds. 5 B Natural Science (Animal Science) If you receive an offer in one round and accept it, then receive an offer in a later round, you can choose to: 1. Accept your offer to B Animal Science. − keep your previous offer and not accept your new offer, or 2. Remove B Animal Science. As long as you’ve − accept your new offer and withdraw from the course accepted your offer to this course, you won’t lose your you’ve already accepted. place. If you leave your preferences as they are, then in subsequent rounds you will only be considered for Once you accept your offer, the next step is enrolment. your first preference, B Life Science. 3. Change your preferences in any way you like – even INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS add new courses to your list. Just make sure you have a realistic chance of meeting the lowest selection rank Your offer will include an explanation of how to accept and can satisfy any additional course requirements. your offer, enrol and pay the required compulsory Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) charge. Take Say you change your preferences to the following: particular notice of any deadlines the institution has for accepting the offer. Preferences 1 B Science (Physics) Once you have accepted your offer and sent your payment, the institution will send you a Confirmation 2 B Science (Flexible) of Enrolment. This document will allow you to obtain 3 B Biotechnology your student visa. 4 B Human Sciences 5 B Teaching/B Science RECEIVING FURTHER OFFERS Once you’ve received an offer, you can’t be made an offer 4. Receive an offer to a course in your new list. to any lower course preferences unless you change your 5. Decide whether to accept it and withdraw from preferences. B Animal Science or not accept the new offer and keep your place in B Animal Science.


UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS IP! If you change your mind T Take action If you reject an early round offer or let it Contact the relevant institutions for advice on alternative lapse and then change your mind, you’ll study options, then change your course preferences for the need to speak with the institution’s next offer round. admissions office, as only the institution can reinstate the offer. Also, if the course you’ve rejected was your first preference and you Think ahead don’t remove it, no further offers can be made When you apply though UAC, you’ll be asked if you’d like because the rejected offer will ‘block’ any new to receive information about alternative study options offers to other preferences. should your application be unsuccessful. If you select ‘Yes’, institutions (including some not in your preferences) can

OFFERS AND ENROLMENT AND OFFERS contact you with details of other available study options. You can always opt out of receiving this information by DEFERRING YOUR START DATE logging in to your application on the UAC website. You can often delay starting your course for six months or one year. All deferments are granted subject to the course ENROLMENT being offered the following semester or following year. Each institution has its own policy regarding deferment – refer to the institution information at WHAT IT MEANS Enrolment is the next step after you accept your offer. Your institution will let you know when enrolments are open and How what you need to do. Follow the institution’s instructions for accepting your offer. You will then be given the option to ‘accept’ or ‘defer’ your You usually enrol online and it often involves: place in the course. Sometimes you have to accept the offer − registering for your semester 1 subjects before you can defer. − setting up a student email account − completing a form to request a HECS-HELP or FEE- Most institutions will ask you to provide a statement to HELP loan (you’ll need your Australian Tax File Number). explain why you wish to defer and what you’ll be doing during this period. After you enrol in a course, you have until the census date at the end of March to pay your fees or withdraw without Once your deferment has been granted, the institution will penalty from the course. confirm it in writing and give you instructions on how to take up your deferred course. INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS Changing your mind If you apply through an agent, your agent will help you enrol. If, at the end of the deferment period, you decide you’d like to be considered for other courses, you can complete a new UAC application and include these course preferences. If you receive an offer to one of the new courses, you can ORIENTATION WEEK then decide whether to accept the offer or take up your Before classes start at the beginning of the year, most deferred course. institutions run an orientation week (often called ‘O-Week’). The aim is to help you transition into university life. During the week you can: IP! Your deferred offer can lapse T − get to know your way around the campus − socialise with other new students If you undertake degree studies or − join clubs and societies that interest you certain levels of TAFE study other − find out more about your course and the academic than NSW HSC courses during support that will be available to you. your deferment period, your offer at many institutions will lapse. You will need to reapply It’s not compulsory to attend orientation week but it will through UAC and declare all of your studies. help you get off to a good start. Check with each institution for specific policies.

42 | If you’re transferring to another course in the same admissions period, you don’t need to reapply because

INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS OFFERS AND ENROLMENT your application is still active – you just need to change International students are strongly encouraged to your preferences. Then, if you get an offer you can formally attend orientation programs as they are specifically withdraw from your current course. It’s important to do this designed to help with adjusting to life as a student in to avoid additional HECS fees or absent fail results on your Australia. For more information, read the institution academic record. entries at

Get advice early TRANSFERRING TO ANOTHER Transferring is not an automatic process. Places in your new course will be very competitive, and you usually need COURSE to achieve excellent results in your first year. Each institution Many students enrol in a course with a view to transferring has its own requirements for transfers and you should seek into another course after completing a year’s study. A more information before you enrol. typical example is completing one year of a general degree (such as Arts) and then transferring to a more specialised degree (such as Arts/Law).

How In most cases you’re not actually transferring; you’re withdrawing from one course and applying for entry to another. You usually need to submit a new application through UAC for the new course.


FAQS ABOUT OFFERS Can I receive an offer in more than one round? Accept your offer by the date specified by the institution, Yes, domestic students can receive one offer per round. If otherwise you may lose your offer. Accepting an offer you receive an offer in one round and accept it, then receive doesn’t stop you from being considered for your higher an offer in a later round, you can either keep your first offer preferences in subsequent offer rounds. and not accept the second offer, or withdraw from the first offer (that you accepted) and accept the second offer. How do I receive more offers after I accept an offer? International applicants can receive one offer per institution If you receive an offer to your first preference but you’d in each round. like to be considered for other courses in subsequent offer rounds, you need to accept the offer, then remove your first Most offers are made in December and January. preference and reorganise the order of your preferences OFFERS AND ENROLMENT AND OFFERS before the next offer round (read the example on page 41). Should I accept my offer? I might receive another offer in the next round. If you receive an offer to a lower preference in an offer Yes, you should accept your offer. If you receive an offer in round, you’ll automatically be considered for your higher one round, don’t assume you’ll receive another offer in a preferences in subsequent rounds. subsequent round. If you don’t accept your offer and you don’t receive another one in later rounds, you may miss out on a place.



Student contribution amounts COURSE COSTS The Australian Government classifies your courses into student contribution bands. The amount you pay is usually TYPES OF COURSES the maximum allowed by the government. Your course costs will depend on the type of course in which you’re enrolled. There are two main types of courses: These amounts are indexed each year and are based on − Commonwealth-supported place (CSP) one year of full-time study. − domestic fee-paying (DFEE). Student contribution Not all institutions offer CSP courses and not all institutions Student contribution band range in 2020 offer DFEE courses. Band 1 The course descriptions at indicate the humanities, behavioural science, social studies, types of fees charged. $0–$6,684 education, clinical psychology, foreign languages, visual and A small number of courses are: performing arts, nursing − ADF: student contribution paid by the Australian Band 2 Defence Force computing, built environment, − C3F: three years Commonwealth-supported, other health, allied health, $0–$9,527 fourth year fee-paying engineering, surveying, − CBF: a combination of CSP and DFEE agriculture, mathematics, (ie bachelor program is CSP, masters program statistics, science is DFEE) Band 3 − ENA: Commonwealth-supported and exempt law, dentistry, medicine, from student contributions veterinary science, accounting, $0–$11,155 − OTH: DFEE with no government loan scheme for administration, economics, students commerce − VET: DFEE with VET Student Loans for eligible students. Paying your student contribution Australian citizens and holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa can pay their student contribution in Get a tax file number from the three ways: Australian Taxation Office: − pay the entire student contribution upfront You’ll need it if you pay − receive a HECS-HELP loan for the whole student your course costs using a loan from contribution the Australian Government. − pay some of the student contribution upfront and receive a HECS‑HELP loan for the balance. Holders of an Australian permanent resident visa must pay all of the student contribution upfront. COMMONWEALTH-SUPPORTED The institution will give you a ‘Request for Commonwealth PLACE COURSES support and HECS HELP’ form. All CSP students (including CSP courses: upfront payers) must submit this form, regardless of their − are subsidised by the Australian Government so typically payment option. cost less than equivalent DFEE courses − require you to pay part of the cost of the course (a student contribution set by the institution, within a range HECS-HELP loans set by the Australian Government). You don’t have to start repaying your HECS-HELP loan until your income reaches a certain level.

To find out more, visit and search ‘HECS’.


You can borrow a total of $152,700 if you’re studying: NEW ZEALAND CITIZENS − medicine New Zealand citizens can access HECS-HELP loans − dentistry if they: − veterinary science − hold a Special Category Visa (SCV), and − an eligible aviation course. − meet the requisite criteria. You don’t have to start repaying your loan until your income Other New Zealand citizens must pay all of the reaches a certain level. student contribution upfront. Loan fees The following loan fees apply:

COURSE COSTS For more information about HECS-HELP loans and student − 25 per cent for FEE-HELP loans contributions visit: − 20 per cent for VET Student Loans. − institution websites − For more information about FEE-HELP loans and VET Student Loans, visit

DOMESTIC FEE-PAYING COURSES NEW ZEALAND CITIZENS DFEE courses: New Zealand citizens can access FEE-HELP loans − are not subsidised by the Australian Government so and VET Student Loans if they: typically cost more than equivalent CSP courses − hold a Special Category Visa (SCV), and − require you to pay the full cost of your course (a tuition − meet the requisite criteria. fee set by the institution). Other New Zealand citizens must pay all of the Paying your tuition fee student contribution upfront. Australian citizens and holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa can pay their tuition fee in three ways: − pay the entire tuition fee upfront STUDENT SERVICES AND − receive a FEE-HELP loan or VET Student Loan for the AMENITIES FEE whole tuition fee − pay some of the tuition fee upfront and receive a Most institutions charge a Student Services and Amenities FEE-HELP loan or VET Student Loan for the balance. Fee (SSAF) for student services and amenities of a non‑academic nature, such as: Holders of an Australian permanent resident visa must pay − sporting and recreational activities the tuition fee upfront. − employment and career advice − child care FEE-HELP loans and VET Student Loans − financial advice − food services. FEE-HELP loans help eligible fee-paying students pay all or part of their tuition fees. The SSAF is annually indexed and charged regardless of whether students intend to use the services and amenities VET Student Loans help eligible students studying higher provided. level vocational education and training (VET) qualifications (diploma level and above) pay their tuition fees. Not all institutions charge international students the SSAF.

How much can I borrow? Visit: In 2020, FEE-HELP loans and VET Student Loans allow − for students to borrow a total of $106,319. more information on SSAF − for individual institution policies.

46 | INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Tuition fees Living expenses Tuition fees for international students: The Australian Department of Home Affairs requires COSTS COURSE − vary between institutions and courses prospective international students to be able to − vary depending on the specific units of study in which demonstrate that they have access to at least A$21,041 you enrol a year to fund their living expenses in Australia. − are generally based on an average course load of two Living expenses include items such as: semesters of full-time enrolment. − accommodation Tuition fees are listed in the course descriptions at − electricity and/or gas and telephone/internet bills search and are indicative and subject to change. − food and entertainment − personal incidentals What do tuition fees cover? − public transport. Tuition fees generally cover teaching costs only but they may also include: Your living expenses are separate from your tuition fees and − reception at the airport nearest to campus will vary depending on many things (eg where you live, your − assistance in finding accommodation type of accommodation and lifestyle). − orientation program − access to all avaliable student services and facilities Establishment costs and other expenses − special uniforms for nursing courses. You’ll also need to meet establishment costs such as rental bonds for accommodation, furniture and general What don’t tuition fees include? household items. Other expenses may include textbooks, Tuition fees do not include: study aids, vacations or the running of a car or motorbike. − accommodation expenses − costs of textbooks, course materials, study aids and You will find useful information on costs and other aspects equipment of living in Australia at − living expenses such as food, transport and clothing − costs of field trips − health cover and medical costs − the Student Services and Amenities Fee (not charged by all institutions).


FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS The Australian Government provides financial help to eligible Australian students through payments administered by Services Australia.

The general information provided below is correct as at February 2020.

Payment Details

COURSE COSTS Youth Allowance A payment for people aged 16 to 24 who: − are studying full time − doing a full-time Australian Apprenticeship. Some job seekers aged 16 to 21 can also access these payments. Austudy A payment for people aged 25 or older who: − are studying full time, or − doing a full-time Australian Apprenticeship. ABSTUDY A group of payments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and Australian Apprentices. Pensioner Education Supplement A regular extra payment to help with study costs if students also get certain income support payments from Centrelink. Student Start‑up Loan A voluntary loan you can get up to twice a year. You might be eligible to apply for this loan if you’re a student getting: − Youth Allowance − Austudy, or − ABSTUDY Living Allowance. You have to pay the loan back once you start earning a certain amount of income. Relocation Scholarship A once a year payment if you’re an eligible, dependent student getting: − Youth Allowance − ABSTUDY Living Allowance, or − Energy Supplement and need to move to or from a regional or remote area for higher education study.

Visit for full, up-to-date EQUITY SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE details of payments and eligibility criteria. THROUGH UAC Ask questions and get information about payments and Equity Scholarships help disadvantaged students with services via: costs associated with higher education. − the Student Update Facebook page − @StudentUpdateAU on Twitter. Institutions award Equity Scholarships to Australian students from low socio-economic backgrounds, particularly those who receive Centrelink income support Other assistance payments. If you receive Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY, the Pensioner Education Supplement or the ABSTUDY There are two types of Equity Scholarships: Pensioner Education Supplement, you may also be eligible − Institution Equity Scholarships (IES) funded by for the following payments: individual institutions − Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) funded by Payment Details the Australian Government. Education Helps with the upfront costs of study and Entry Payment is paid when you start study if you got Applying for Equity Scholarships certain income support payments from By submitting just one Equity Scholarships application Centrelink before you started studying. during UAC’s admissions period you’ll be considered for Fares Helps with travel costs between your all available Equity Scholarships for which you’re eligible at allowance permanent home and place of study in participating institutions. Australia if you need to live away from Your application remains active for the entire 2020–21 home to study. admissions year, so if you miss out on a scholarship in Concessions Eg Health Care Card or Rent one round, you may be considered again in subsequent and allowances Assistance. offer rounds.

48 | To apply for Equity Scholarships: IP! 1. Go to to research the categories of If you need to provide supporting T educational disadvantages you can claim and the documents, a document package will documents will will need to provide.

be generated after you submit your COSTS COURSE 2. Select ‘Apply or log in’ at the top right of the screen, then Equity Scholarships application. select ‘Equity scholarships application and offers’. 3. Follow the prompts to the personal details section and No document package = no documents enter the required information. Make sure you provide required. a personal email address: your school email address will expire. 4. Complete all sections covering the disadvantages you are claiming. If your circumstances change after you’ve submitted an application, you can log back in and add disadvantages. 5. Accept the declaration and authority. 6. Review your application summary and submit. Visit for details of: 7. Download your confirmation of application. − participating institutions − offer rounds and application dates. 8. Upload supporting documents to your application at least 10 days before the undergraduate offer round in which you wish to be considered.

Apply 20 July – 14 Aug 2020 Early Admission Why wait? Get in early.



OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS Institutions offer a range of merit scholarships, from book vouchers to full bursaries. Apply directly to the institutions.

Go to and read the ‘Scholarships and Financial Assistance’ information for each institution.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Sponsorship You can submit your work visa application only after Sponsored international students receive financial you’ve arrived in Australia and started your classes. support for their study and/or other agreed educational The Department of Home Affairs determines work COURSE COSTS expenses from sources other than their own funds. entitlement for students. For more information, visit Your sponsoring authority must be recognised by ‘Visas’ at the institution.

Working while studying Scholarships funded by the Australian International students can work for: Government − up to 40 hours per fortnight during teaching periods, The Australia Awards Scholarship program: and − provides opportunities for people from selected − unlimited hours when your course is not in session. developing countries to study in Australia This total: − awards a limited number of undergraduate ✓ includes certain categories of voluntary, unpaid work. scholarships based on merit or on nomination by home governments. × does not include work undertaken as part of your course. To apply, visit Don’t rely on working to fund your tuition or living expenses while in Australia – work cannot be guaranteed Scholarships funded by institutions and spending excessive amounts of time working may Institution scholarships may be targeted to students adversely affect your studies. from specific countries or to particular areas of study. Apply directly to the institutions.

50 | COMMON TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS COMMON TERMS Following are definitions of many of the terms and Associate degree abbreviations used by UAC and its institutions. Knowing these An award requiring two years of full-time, or equivalent terms will help you understand the tertiary admissions process. part‑time, study. It equates to the first two years of a designated three-year degree course. Academic record (see Transcript) Academic year Associate diploma The part of the year when classes are held at a university. The An award requiring two years of full-time, or equivalent academic year usually starts in February–March when classes part‑time, study. begin, and ends with the examination period in November– December. It may comprise two semesters or three terms/ Assumed knowledge (see also Prerequisites) trimesters. Some institutions also have an additional study Some institutions assume you have knowledge of specified period in December–February. NSW HSC courses or equivalent before beginning your course. If you do not have the assumed level of knowledge but have Additional selection criteria met the admission requirements you can still be selected for Compulsory or optional requirements, either in addition to the course, but you may have some difficulty coping with your or instead of admission criteria, which you must meet to be studies. Bridging courses may be recommended for some considered for selection into a course. students who do not have the assumed level of knowledge. If an institution recommends assumed knowledge for a course it Examples include a personal statement, a questionnaire, is specified in the course description on the UAC website. a portfolio of work, an audition, an interview or a test. If a course has additional selection criteria it is specified in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) course description. A national policy for qualifications in the school, vocational education and training (VET) and higher education sectors in Adjustment factors Australia. All AQF qualifications are quality assured. Factors that institutions consider in order to increase your selection rank for a particular course (eg achievement in an HSC Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) course related to the student’s preferred degree or eligibility for A measure of academic achievement in the HSC that helps Educational Access Schemes). They do not change your ATAR. institutions rank applicants for selection to tertiary courses. The ATAR is a rank, not a mark. Admission criteria The minimum qualifications required for you to be considered ATAR courses for entry to a particular course. Entry to many courses is Board Developed courses for which the NSW Education competitive. The attainment of minimum qualifications does not Standards Authority (NESA) conducts examinations that yield guarantee you will be offered a place. graded assessments. Classified as Category A courses or Category B courses, these are the only courses that can be Admissions period included in the ATAR calculations. The period when applications are open for tertiary study. Applications open in April. Bachelor degree An award requiring three or four years of full-time, or equivalent Advanced diploma part-time, study. An award requiring two or three years of full-time, or equivalent part-time, study. This is the highest of the undergraduate Bridging courses diploma awards. Courses that enable you to achieve the required level of assumed knowledge. The inclusion of one or more of these Apply direct institution courses (also called introductory courses) in the first-year An institution that lists its courses through UAC but which program, however, could prevent you from completing your manages its own admissions. UAC does not process course in the minimum time. applications for these institutions; students apply directly to the institution. Combined/double/dual degrees Degrees structured to allow students to complete two degrees Areas of study in less time than would be taken if the two degrees were Areas of study within a course, which may consist of a studied sequentially. sequence of subjects/units in a single discipline (generally studied throughout the course as major areas of study or Commonwealth Register of Institutions and specialisations or sub-majors) or additional or supporting Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) subjects or units. A register of all Australian educational providers and For details of areas of study offered in a course, read the course their courses offered to students studying in Australia on description on the UAC website. student visas.


Commonwealth-supported place (CSP) Fee-paying students A place in a course to which the Australian Government Students who meet the entire cost of their studies through contributes towards the cost, and the student pays a tuition fees. They can be domestic or international students. student contribution. Graduate Deferment A person who has received a degree or diploma. Permission to delay starting a course, usually for one year. Refer to each institution’s entry for deferment information HECS-HELP specific to that institution. A loan for eligible Commonwealth-supported students to pay their student contributions. Diploma An undergraduate award that usually places more emphasis on Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) practical skills than on theoretical content. Also a postgraduate (see also FEE-HELP, HECS-HELP and VET award requiring one year of full-time, or equivalent part‑time, COMMON TERMS postgraduate study. Student Loans) A loan program available to Australian citizens, holders of Distance education Australian permanent humanitarian visas and New Zealand citizens who are Special Category Visa (SCV) holders (and A form of full-time or part-time study that takes place outside meet the requisite criteria) to enable them to pay their student the institution, either at a study centre, online or at home by contributions or tuition fees or their overseas study expenses. correspondence. Periodic residential attendance at on-campus Loans are repaid later through the taxation system once sessions is usually required. income has reached a certain level.

Domestic fee-paying (DFEE) course Honours A course not subsidised by the Australian Government; the In a three-year undergraduate course (or part-time equivalent), student meets the entire cost of their studies through tuition fees. honours is an additional year of study to meritorious students. In a four- or five-year course, honours is awarded on the basis Education Services for Overseas Students of superior performance in the course. (ESOS) framework A combination of the ESOS Act, associated legislation and a Institution National Code that protects the interests of students studying A provider of tertiary study, such as a university or a college. in Australia on student visas. Regulated by the Department UAC’s participating institutions are those for which you apply of Education, Skills and Employment, it provides tuition and through UAC. financial assurance and ensures there is a nationally consistent approach to registering education providers so that the quality International fee-paying students (IFEE) of the tuition and services offered to students remains high. Students who are not Australian or New Zealand citizens or Educational Access Schemes (EAS) permanent residents of Australia and who meet the entire cost of their studies through tuition fees. Schemes for university applicants who have experienced long- term educational disadvantage due to circumstances beyond Lowest ATAR their control or choosing. The lowest ATAR of an applicant to receive an offer to a course. Enrolment Lowest ATARs can only be determined when offers are made each year. Formal registration as a student at an institution after receiving and accepting an offer. Each institution has its own enrolment Lowest selection rank procedures. Successful applicants will receive enrolment The minimum selection rank required for selection into a details with their offer. course. Any lowest selection ranks published in this Guide are Equity Scholarships (ES) those from semester 1, 2020. They are intended to be used as a guide only and are supplied to help you assess your chances of Scholarships offered by institutions to help financially getting into a particular course and decide on your preferences. disadvantaged students with the costs of higher education. The lowest selection ranks can only be determined when offers Exclusion are made each year. A decision by an institution to exclude a student from Moderation continuing their study at that institution, usually because they have breached a regulation, such as failure in their program of A process undertaken by NESA to remove differences between study. In most cases they may re-apply for admission to the how schools assess their students. It involves the comparison course/institution after a set period of time from the date of of school-based assessment marks with state-wide exclusion, usually one or two years. examination marks and their alignment to course standards to produce an assessment mark for each student. Faculty Non-award program A department within a university in a particular area of study, such as arts, law, engineering or medicine. A course of study for students giving them a pathway into a bachelor degree. It allows students to study individual units FEE-HELP (subjects) that, when successfully completed, can enable entry into a degree course. A loan for eligible fee-paying students to pay their tuition fees. Most FEE‑HELP loans are subject to a 25 per cent loan fee.

52 | Non-standard Year 12 applicant Prerequisites (see also Assumed knowledge) An applicant who is completing a Year 12 program through Year 12 courses that must be completed in order to be Australian Christian Education, Rudolph Steiner Education, home considered for admission to certain tertiary courses. Some schooling or the Queensland Senior External Examination. tertiary courses require applicants to have completed a specific HSC course or equivalent before they will be offered a place in NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) those courses (course prerequisites). Some subjects within a The body that sets the core curriculum for Kindergarten to tertiary course require applicants to have completed a specific COMMON TERMS Year 12 for government and non-government schools in NSW; HSC course or equivalent before they are able to enrol in those sets guidelines for school assessment tasks and sets, organises particular subjects (subject prerequisites). and marks the HSC examinations; and sustains and improves the standards of achievement in NSW schools. Professional recognition A course that has been approved by a professional body, which Open days enables graduates to apply for membership and/or registration Days set aside by an institution for prospective students to to practise in the profession. visit their campus, view their facilities and meet academic staff and students. Recommended studies NSW HSC or equivalent courses that the institutions suggest Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) will assist students in their chosen university course. However, Compulsory health insurance for international students if they haven’t studied these courses their chances of selection studying on a student visa in Australia to cover any costs are not affected. If a course has recommended studies they are for medical and hospital care. Students must purchase an specified in the course description. approved OSHC policy before enrolment. Record of failure Participating institution Appears on a student’s academic record due to withdrawing An institution that lists its courses through UAC and UAC from a course or a single unit where that withdrawal is counted manages its admissions process, including applications as a failure, or where the student has failed to satisfy the and offers. assessment requirements for one or more units.

Pathway courses Scaling Non-degree courses – such as foundation studies, preparatory The first step in calculating the ATAR. It enables the many courses and certificates, diplomas or associate degrees different courses taken by students to be compared fairly. – offered by institutions to applicants who don’t meet the The scaling process is designed to encourage students to take entry requirements for their degree course or need further courses for which they are best suited and which best prepare support and preparation before studying at degree level. them for future studies. The underlying principle is that you Some institutions offer pathway courses through UAC – read should be neither advantaged nor disadvantaged by choosing the ‘Admission criteria’ section and the institution entries at one HSC course over another. The scaling algorithm estimates for details. what your marks would have been if all courses had been studied by all students. Percentile Scaling modifies the mean, the standard deviation and the Calculating percentiles is part of the process of calculating maximum mark in each course. Adjustments are then made ATARs. The percentile indicates a student’s position in a course to the marks of individual students to produce scaled marks. against other students. For example, a student in the 73rd Although scaled marks are generally different from the raw percentile is in the top 27 per cent of students in that course. marks from which they are derived, the ranking of students within a course is not changed. Postgraduate courses These are courses usually available only to people who have Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS) qualified for an appropriate first degree or diploma. They are Schemes that enable schools to recommend current Year 12 not available to school leavers. They include: students who are UAC applicants for offers of undergraduate − graduate/postgraduate certificates admission. SRS aim to assist access to higher education for − graduate/postgraduate diplomas current Australian Year 12 students using a wide range of − postgraduate degrees such as masters or doctorates. selection criteria, including school recommendations and senior secondary studies. SRS are processed through UAC. Practical experience Although most institutions make early offers of undergraduate A requirement of some courses, it involves supervised admission under SRS, institutions have their own policies on practice that takes place in an approved workplace and helps determining SRS eligibility and making offers. students develop skills relevant to their area of study. It may be undertaken during a semester or in semester breaks and Semester can vary from regular one-day placements to block periods of The division of the academic year into study periods. Students several weeks. Costs may be involved, such as instruments, can start courses at the beginning of the first and, in some uniform, accommodation or travel. Courses requiring practical cases, second semester. Some institutions call their study experience will list it in the course description. periods ‘autumn’ and ‘spring’ semesters. Others use the terms ‘session’ or ‘half-year’. Some institutions have trimesters or Preparation courses terms, with an additional study period over summer. Courses offered by most institutions, including TAFE colleges, as a preparation for further study. They are usually undertaken by students with insufficient formal entry qualifications, or for those who have not participated in formal education for some time.


Slipback offer Transcript An offer to a lower level of study than that applied for. For An official copy of a student’s complete academic record at a example, if you applied for a bachelor degree and the institution post‑secondary or tertiary institution, issued by the institution. decides that, while you are not eligible and competitive enough for entry to the bachelor degree, you are eligible for a lower Tuition fee level of study (such as a diploma), the institution makes you The amount that domestic fee-paying students or international an offer to the lower level. students must pay for their course. Tuition fees are determined by each institution. Special requirements and policies Special requirements and policies apply to students in health- Undergraduate course and welfare-related courses and teacher education courses. A course leading to a first qualification, namely a first degree These requirements relate to: of bachelor, an associate degree, an associate diploma or − clinical/internship placements undertaken as part of a diploma.

COMMON TERMS your course − proof of English language proficiency Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) − accreditation and procedures for employment after you The central office that receives and processes applications have completed the course. for admission to most undergraduate degree, advanced diploma and diploma courses at participating institutions. Note that requirements and policies in these areas are subject UAC also notifies students of their ATAR and, on behalf of the to regular review. participating institutions, makes offers to courses. Owned by universities in NSW and the ACT, UAC is a not-for-profit Student contribution organisation that aims to provide excellence in admissions The amount that Commonwealth-supported students must services and promote equity of access to tertiary education. pay towards their study costs. This amount is determined by each institution. VET Student Loans A loan for eligible fee-paying students studying higher level Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) vocational education and training (VET) qualifications to pay Supports the delivery of student services including counselling, their tuition fees. employment, orientation, career advice, child care, financial advice, health services, food services, sporting and Year 12 applicant recreational activities, student advocacy and legal services. A student who is sitting one or more units of an Australian The maximum SSAF amount chargeable is determined by the 2020 Year 12 in Australia or outside Australia (except Australian Government. Queensland Year 12 external students) or sitting the International Baccalaureate in Australia in 2020. Also referred Students studying on a part-time basis cannot be charged to as a 2020 Year 12 or current Year 12 applicant. more than 75 per cent of the maximum amount that students studying on a full‑time basis are charged.

Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Regulates and assures the quality of Australia’s higher education sector. TEQSA also maintains the National Register of Higher Education Providers. The register includes information on whether higher education institutions are self-accrediting or non self‑accrediting and the courses they are accredited to deliver.

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Part 2 contains general information about each of UAC’s Course code participating institutions, including: This is the code used in the UAC application and in the course search on the UAC website. − an overview of the adjustment factors they will consider when determining your selection rank for a Pattern of attendance particular course 3F = 3 years of full-time study − any early offer schemes available to you 6P = 6 years of part-time study − a list of the courses to be offered through UAC in 3F/EqP = 3 years of full-time or equivalent part-time semester 1, 2021. study D = Distance or online Comprehensive information about each institution’s admission criteria, access schemes and equity scholarships LSR is available at LSR = lowest selection rank for domestic applicants in the main offer rounds for Year 12 students (December Round 2, Full course descriptions will be published on the UAC 2019 and January Round 1, 2020). The lowest selection rank website when details have been confirmed. Institutions may is determined by the interaction of three factors: change, cancel or add courses throughout the admissions 1 the number of places available in the course period, so check the course search on UAC’s website before you finalise your preferences. 2 the number of applicants for the course 3 the quality of those applicants. Reading the course lists Lowest selection ranks include any increases made as a result of adjustment factors (see below), so many applicants Course name will have received an offer to that course even though their PART 2 B = Bachelor ATAR was below the lowest selection rank. M = Master Dip = Diploma N/A = not applicable: selection not based on the ATAR; AdvDip = Advanced Diploma or the course is not offered to current Year 12 AssocDeg = Associate Degree applicants; or no offers were made to Year 12 applicants in these rounds Fee type new = new course offered through UAC – = data not provided, contact the institution The fee type indicates how much domestic students pay <5 = less than 5 ATAR-based offers were made for towards the cost of the course. The two main types of this course courses are: CSP = Commonwealth-supported place (subsidised by Selection rank adjustments the Australian Government) When determining your selection rank for a course, DFEE = domestic fee-paying (not subsidised – you pay the institutions often take other factors into consideration in full cost of the course) addition to your ATAR. This means that your selection rank for that course will be adjusted and will be higher than A small number of courses are: your ATAR. − ADF: student contribution paid by the Australian Defence Force Factors that can increase your selection rank include high − C3F: three years Commonwealth-supported, fourth achievement in specified HSC courses relevant to your year fee-paying preferred course, living in or attending school in an area defined by the institution, or assessment of your Educational − CBF: a combination of CSP and DFEE (ie bachelor Access Schemes (EAS) application. program is CSP, masters program is DFEE) − ENA: Commonwealth-supported and student As selection rank adjustments are course specific, your contribution exempt selection rank can be different for each of your course − OTH: domestic fee-paying with no government loan preferences. Read more about selection rank adjustments in ‘Admission and selection’. scheme for students − VET: domestic fee-paying with VET Student Loans Avail INT for eligible students. Avail INT = available to international students through UAC. All international students pay the full cost of their Where this column does not appear, international applicants course. For more information, read ‘Course costs and cannot apply through UAC. Check the institution websites financial assistance’. for details of all courses offered to international students.

56 | Australian Catholic University CRICOS provider number 00004G

GET IN TOUCH Visit for information on enrolment, teaching, semester start and end, and other All enquiries important academic dates. tel: 1300 ASK ACU (1300 275 228) email: [email protected] website: STUDYING AT ACU In person/postal enquiries At Australian Catholic University (ACU) we pride ourselves on offering a welcoming environment for everyone. At the Blacktown campus same time, we are a university committed to standing for Student Information Centre something clear. We stand up for people in need and causes 22 Main Street, Blacktown NSW 2148 that matter. ACU Canberra campus (Signadou) We’re a young university, but we are making our mark. ACU AskACU Centre is ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide¹ and is top 223 Antill Street, Watson ACT 2602 three in Australia for graduate employment.² We now have PO Box 256, Dickson ACT 2602 eight campuses around Australia, and a campus in Rome, Italy. From 2021, you can join us at our newest campus in North Sydney campus (MacKillop) Blacktown, Western Sydney. AskACU Centre 40 Edward Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 We have grown rapidly over the last few years, but you will PO Box 968, North Sydney NSW 2059 find us more supportive than ever. Our campuses and classes are the perfect size, and you won’t get lost in the crowd. Your Strathfield campus (Mount St Mary) lecturers will know your name, and you’ll make great friends AskACU Centre and strong networks. 25A Barker Road, Strathfield NSW 2135 Locked Bag 2002, Strathfield NSW 2135 We put our students and staff at the centre of a vibrant global network of scholars, partnerships and opportunities. All our OPEN DAYS courses offer work placements, internships with leading companies, or volunteering opportunities. Blacktown Campus Information Day Saturday 1 August 2020, 9am – 2pm We’re closely integrated into our communities and industries, working with them to answer the big questions and to create Canberra campus tangible results. Our research programs tackle enduring and Saturday 22 August 2020, 9.30am – 2.30pm pressing issues in society, in Australia, and around the world.

North Sydney campus 1 Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020. Saturday 5 September 2020, 9am – 2pm Percentage calculated as ACU’s world rank as a proportion of the total number of universities in the world: International Handbook Strathfield campus of Universities 2019, Palgrave MacMillan. Saturday 12 September 2020, 9am – 2pm 2 Domestic undergraduate employment rate, Graduate Outcomes Survey 2019 IMPORTANT DATES ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT Semester 1 Monday 1 March – Sunday 27 June 2021 ISLANDER APPLICANTS End of exam period If you are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and apply Sunday 27 June 2021 for entry to an ACU program, you may be eligible for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Admission Program. Semester 2 Through the program you will meet with a member of Monday 2 August – Sunday 28 November 2021 the Indigenous Higher Education Unit and a faculty representative. Your potential to undertake study will be End of exam period based upon any of your formal qualifications, life experiences Sunday 28 November 2021 and achievements. Applications for most courses are made directly through UAC.


SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. The Australian Catholic University will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 12 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 6 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments Schools Relationship Program / Campus Program / Regional Schools Program For students who live or attend school in − Max. 5 points / automatically applied designated areas − To find out if you’re eligible, search for ‘adjustment factors’ at

Elite athlete and performer Elite Athlete and Performer Program adjustments − Apply through UAC then submit a direct application to ACU: search for ‘Elite Athlete and Performer For athletes who compete at – and Program’ at performers who have had success at – a − Max. 5 points state, national or international level

Subject adjustments ACU Subject Program For students with outstanding Max. 5 points / automatically applied achievement in subjects relevant to ACU course preferences


ACU Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September 2020.

Community Achiever Program Important dates Applications open: 1 May Applications close: Blacktown 5 August / Canberra 26 August / North Sydney 9 September / Strathfield 16 September Final conditional offers released: Early October Unconditional offers released (if based on ATAR): 21 December

Assessment criteria − Community Experience Statement – no more than 200 words about your community involvement − Referee – ACU will contact your referee(s) to verify your community involvement before considering your application Your CAP early offer will convert to a course offer when you: − have your CAP course as your highest eligible preference on your application to UAC − have satisfied any prerequisite requirements for your CAP course − achieve the CAP minimum ATAR required.

How to apply − Prepare your Community Experience Statement − Choose a referee and make sure you have their contact details − Submit a direct application to ACU: search for ‘CAP’ at After you submit your application, you’ll receive an email detailing what to do next.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT North Sydney Bachelor of Accounting and Finance 103710 CSP 3F/EqP 60.65 Y (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Arts 103302 CSP 3F/EqP 58.50 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Arts Blacktown 103314 CSP 3F/EqP new N Strathfield Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce 103303 CSP 4F/EqP 60.35 Y (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Global Studies 103311 CSP 4F/EqP 60.00 Y (Mount St Mary) North Sydney Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws 107001 CSP 5F/EqP 71.80 Y (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Biomedical Science 107008 CSP 3F/EqP 59.00 Y (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Biomedical Science/Bachelor of Business Administration 107011 CSP 4F/EqP 64.30 Y (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Biomedical Science/Bachelor of Laws 107010 CSP 5F/EqP 70.20 Y (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Business Administration 103706 CSP 3F/EqP 58.80 Y (MacKillop) ACU Strathfield Bachelor of Business Administration 103716 CSP 3F/EqP 58.55 Y (Mount St Mary) North Sydney Bachelor of Business Administration/Bachelor of Global Studies 103707 CSP 4F/EqP 58.55 Y (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Business Administration/Bachelor of Laws 107004 CSP 5F/EqP 71.95 Y (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Commerce 103701 CSP 3F/EqP 58.95 Y (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Commerce 103711 CSP 3F/EqP 59.10 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Commerce Blacktown 103722 CSP 3F/EqP new N North Sydney Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Business Administration 103709 CSP 4F/EqP 58.55 Y (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Business Administration 103717 CSP 4F/EqP 58.90 Y (Mount St Mary) North Sydney Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Global Studies 103703 CSP 4F/EqP 60.70 Y (MacKillop)

Top 3 GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT Domestic undergraduate employment rate, Graduate Outcomes Survey 2019 CRICOS registered provider: 00004G



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT North Sydney Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws 107002 CSP 5F/EqP 71.15 Y (MacKillop) Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws Blacktown 103723 CSP 5F/EqP new N North Sydney Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) 101105 CSP 4F/EqP 60.35 Y (MacKillop) Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) Online 101121 CSP 4F/EqP/D <5 N Strathfield Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) 101120 CSP 4F/EqP 61.60 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) Blacktown 101128 CSP 4F/EqP new N Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Canberra (Signadou) 101113 CSP 4F/EqP 63.30 Y North Sydney Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) 101115 CSP 4F/EqP 74.75 Y (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) 101114 CSP 4F/EqP 80.65 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Blacktown 101129 CSP 4F/EqP new N North Sydney Bachelor of Education (Primary and Secondary) 101201 CSP 4F/EqP new N (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Primary and Secondary) 101202 CSP 4F/EqP new N (Mount St Mary)

ACU Bachelor of Education (Primary and Special Education) Canberra (Signadou) 101210 CSP 4F/EqP new N North Sydney Bachelor of Education (Primary and Special Education) 101211 CSP 4F/EqP new N (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Primary and Special Education) 101212 CSP 4F/EqP new N (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Education (Primary) Canberra (Signadou) 101000 CSP 4F/EqP 60.55 Y North Sydney Bachelor of Education (Primary) 101102 CSP 4F/EqP 60.15 Y (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Primary) 101101 CSP 4F/EqP 60.00 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Education (Primary) Blacktown 101100 CSP 4F/EqP new N North Sydney Bachelor of Education (Secondary and Special Education) 101221 CSP 4F/EqP new N (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Secondary and Special Education) 101222 CSP 4F/EqP new N (Mount St Mary) North Sydney Bachelor of Education (Secondary) 101231 CSP 4F/EqP new N (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Secondary) 101232 CSP 4F/EqP new N (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Exercise Science 101240 CSP 4F/EqP new N (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) 101108 CSP 4F/EqP 60.55 Y (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics) 101104 CSP 4F/EqP 60.75 Y (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts (Technology) 101106 CSP 4F/EqP 62.95 Y (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts) 101107 CSP 4F/EqP 62.65 Y (Mount St Mary)

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Educational Studies Canberra (Signadou) 101125 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y North Sydney Bachelor of Educational Studies 101124 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Educational Studies 101126 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Educational Studies Blacktown 101127 CSP 3F/EqP new N Strathfield Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science 105504 CSP 3F/EqP 58.65 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science Blacktown 105529 CSP 3F/EqP new N Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science/Bachelor of Nutrition Strathfield 105530 CSP 4F/Eqp new Y Science (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Business Administration 105516 CSP 4F/EqP 61.95 Y (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of High Performance Sport 105505 CSP 2.5-3F/EqP 59.00 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of High Performance Sport Blacktown 105528 CSP 2.5-3F/EqP new N Strathfield Bachelor of Inclusive Education and Disability Studies 101110 CSP 3F/EqP 59.75 Y (Mount St Mary) ACU North Sydney Bachelor of Information Technology 103708 CSP 3F/EqP 58.60 Y (MacKillop) Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Business North Sydney 103712 CSP 4F/EqP 63.90 Y Administration (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Laws 107000 CSP 4F/EqP 70.15 Y (MacKillop) Bachelor of Laws Blacktown 107017 CSP 4F/EqP new N North Sydney Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) 107007 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Global Studies 107003 CSP 5F/EqP 71.35 Y (MacKillop) Bachelor of Midwifery Blacktown 105527 CSP 3F/EqP new N Bachelor of Nursing Canberra (Signadou) 105502 CSP 3F/EqP 58.70 Y North Sydney Bachelor of Nursing 105501 CSP 3F/EqP 64.10 Y (MacKillop) Bachelor of Nursing Blacktown 105526 CSP 3F/EqP new N Bachelor of Nursing (for Enrolled Nurses - Dip Nursing entry) Canberra (Signadou) 105519 CSP 2F/EqP N/A N North Sydney Bachelor of Nursing (for Enrolled Nurses - Dip Nursing entry) 105518 CSP 2F/EqP N/A N (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Business Administration 105509 CSP 4-5F/EqP 59.90 Y (MacKillop) Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Paramedicine Canberra (Signadou) 105510 CSP 4F/EqP 85.10 N North Sydney Bachelor of Nutrition Science 107016 CSP 3F/EqP 59.40 Y (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Nutrition Science/Bachelor of Business Administration 105707 CSP 4F/EqP 60.80 Y (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Occupational Therapy 105513 CSP 4F/EqP 79.10 Y (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Paramedicine 103713 CSP 3F 97.65 N (MacKillop) North Sydney Bachelor of Philosophy/Bachelor of Laws 107006 CSP 5F/EqP <5 Y (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Physical Activity and Health Science 105520 CSP 3F/EqP 59.10 Y (Mount St Mary) North Sydney Bachelor of Physiotherapy 105506 CSP 4F 97.50 Y (MacKillop)



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Strathfield Bachelor of Psychological Science 103313 CSP 3F/EqP 58.80 Y (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Arts 103718 CSP 4F/EqP 60.75 Y (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Commerce 103719 CSP 4F/EqP 62.10 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Strathfield 103720 CSP 4F/EqP 58.55 Y Science (Mount St Mary) North Sydney Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws 103714 CSP 5F/EqP 70.15 Y (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) 103721 CSP 4F/EqP 86.10 N (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Social Work Canberra (Signadou) 103202 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Strathfield Bachelor of Social Work 103203 CSP 4F/EqP 58.90 Y (Mount St Mary) North Sydney Bachelor of Speech Pathology 105514 CSP 4F 60.10 Y (MacKillop) Strathfield Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education 105525 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y (Mount St Mary) Bachelor of Theology Canberra (Signadou) 103903 CSP 3F/EqP <5 N ACU Strathfield Bachelor of Theology 103904 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Global Studies 103905 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y (Mount St Mary) North Sydney Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Laws 107005 CSP 5F/EqP <5 Y (MacKillop) Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Philosophy Canberra (Signadou) 107015 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Strathfield Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Philosophy 107013 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y (Mount St Mary) Strathfield Bachelor of Visual Arts and Design 103304 CSP 3F/EqP 58.55 Y (Mount St Mary)

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


62 | Australian College of Applied Psychology CRICOS provider number 01328A

GET IN TOUCH Why do students choose ACAP? Australian College of Applied Psychology* Whether you want to excel in psychology, counselling, social Locked Bag 11, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 work and criminology, it all starts and ends with human behaviour. Our approach to teaching in these specialist fields tel: 1800 039 139 (freecall) is what makes us different. It’s why curious souls choose to email: [email protected] learn and develop their skills with us. Our academic staff have website: extensive experience both as teachers and practitioners, with a breadth of research interests. In person Our smaller class sizes allow for a greater level of discussion, Sydney campus support and a better opportunity to ask questions, which Level 11, 255 Elizabeth Street assists students to achieve success. ACAP Sydney NSW 2000 Student placements, another advantage of studying at ACAP, help prepare students for professional practice after OPEN DAYS AND INFORMATION SESSIONS graduation. In courses with placement included, students Sydney have the opportunity to apply theory in a professional Thursday 30 April, Thursday 20 August, workplace for a set period of time, gaining essential real-life Thursday 26 November 2020 experience in their chosen field.

Go to Accreditation ACAP is a registered higher education provider and a IMPORTANT DATES nationally registered training organisation. Our psychology degrees are accredited by the Australian Psychology Trimester 1 starts Monday 8 February 2021 Accreditation Council and our Bachelor of Social Work Trimester 2 starts Monday 31 May 2021 and Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) are provisionally Trimester 3 starts Monday 20 September 2021 accredited by the Australian Association of Social Workers.

* Navitas Professional Institute Pty Ltd, trading as the Australian At the time of printing, ACAP’s counselling degrees were College of Applied Psychology. National CRICOS Provider code: undergoing re-accreditation with the Psychotherapy 01328A. RTO Code: 0500, TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12009. and Counselling Federation of Australia. The Bachelor of Counselling has Australian Counselling Association accreditation. Professional accreditation ensures these courses STUDYING AT ACAP meet the relevant educational and training standards for graduates to seek recognition and practise in the profession. The Australian College of Applied Psychology (ACAP) is a tertiary education institute that specialises in psychology. International Year 12 students apply directly to ACAP. By being true specialists we have a deep understanding of human behaviour, which resonates throughout our courses. We seek to understand and make sense of the interactions ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT and implications of human behaviour. ISLANDER APPLICANTS

We opened our doors more than 35 years ago and have more ACAP provides an annual scholarship for Aboriginal and than 4,000 students currently enrolled and studying on- Torres Strait Islander students studying in the Discipline of campus, online or by blended delivery. ACAP offers courses Psychological Sciences and Discipline of Counselling. Visit in psychology, counselling, social work and criminology. for more information. Our courses prepare students from diverse backgrounds for rewarding professions working with people in the community. SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS There are also pathway options to further study available to suit students’ priorities and career aspirations. ACAP courses do not have an ATAR requirement.

EARLY OFFER SCHEMES There are no ACAP early offer schemes.


AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY International Year 12 students apply directly to ACAP.

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Counselling Sydney 540500 DFEE 3F/EqP N/A Bachelor of Counselling Online 540501 DFEE 3F/EqP/D N/A Bachelor of Psychological Science Sydney 540200 DFEE 3F/EqP N/A Bachelor of Psychological Science Online 540201 DFEE 3F/EqP/D N/A Bachelor of Psychological Science and Counselling Sydney 540220 DFEE 3F/EqP N/A Bachelor of Psychological Science and Counselling Online 540221 DFEE 3F/EqP/D N/A Bachelor of Psychological Science and Criminology Online 540210 DFEE 3F/EqP/D N/A Bachelor of Social Work Sydney 540400 DFEE 4F/EqP N/A Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) - CHC52015 Sydney 540404 VET 1F/EqP N/A Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) - CHC52015 Online 540405 VET 1F/EqP/D N/A Diploma of Counselling Skills Sydney 540512 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Diploma of Counselling Skills Online 540513 DFEE 1F/EqP/D N/A

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank. ACAP

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

64 | The Australian National University CRICOS provider number 00120C

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL Domestic Admissions Office UNIVERSITY The Australian National University Study at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra Di Riddell Student Centre and become part of a talented and diverse community of 154 University Avenue, Canberra ACT 2600 original thinkers from every corner of the globe. tel: 1800 620 032 (freecall) As Australia’s number one university,¹ we count six Nobel Prize email: via winners and two prime ministers among our alumni and staff. website: You’ll meet renowned teachers and researchers, and take

In person part in opportunities and challenges that will help you shape ANU ANU Student Central the future of the world and build lifelong friendships and Di Riddell Student Centre networks. 154 University Avenue, Canberra ACT 2600 With more than 50 single degrees to choose from, ANU gives you the flexibility to design your own double degree from 750 OPEN DAY possible options. Saturday 22 August 2020 What’s more, as an ANU student, you’ll engage with industry and government leaders through internships, participate in world-class international student exchange programs and join CAMPUS TOURS a range of vibrant cultural, sporting and social activities. Are you a prospective ANU student keen to check out our campus? Prospective students and their families can book Broaden your ANU experience further by choosing to live on a tour of our beautiful campus and facilities guided by one campus in one of our catered or self-catered residential halls. of our student ambassadors. We welcome students from As well as having Canberra’s CBD, your classes, libraries, across Australia and around the world. We’d be delighted to gyms and much more on your doorstep, your accommodation welcome you, too! will put you at the heart of our world-class campus community. You may even be eligible for our accommodation guarantee. To book a tour, go to To make an enquiry, email [email protected]. While you’re transitioning to and embracing life at ANU, Australia’s only national university, ANU Services will be available 24/7 to support your safety and wellbeing. IMPORTANT DATES If you are a domestic school leaver, we want your transition First semester from high school to university to be as smooth as possible. Monday 22 February – Friday 28 May 2021 You can apply for admission, campus accommodation and scholarships in one direct application to ANU. Applications Orientation Week close Monday 25 May 2020. Monday 15 – Friday 19 February 2021 Find out more about applying to study at ANU: Second semester Monday 26 July – Friday 29 October 2021 − View the application instructions: search for ‘how to Orientation Week apply’ at Monday 19 – Friday 23 July 2021 − Read our undergraduate student guide: search for ‘information for undergraduate students, at − Talk to your school careers adviser.

Non-school leavers and other applicants should apply to study at ANU through UAC.

1 QS World University Rankings 2020


ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT meet the admission criteria for your ANU program of choice and declare your Indigenous heritage, you will be given ISLANDER APPLICANTS preference. We acknowledge the pressures that may prevent Indigenous Australians from accessing educational opportunities. You may also be eligible for the selection rank adjustments At ANU, we are committed to the advancement of Australia’s listed below. Indigenous people. For details about entry schemes, scholarships and As an Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student, accommodation, go to you are eligible for priority admission. This means that if you indigenous-students.

SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. The Australian National University will increase your selection rank for eligible ANU programs by a maximum of 15 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 10 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments Regional Partnership Schools For students who attend a Regional − Max. 5 points / automatically applied Partnership School − For details of partnership schools, search for ‘national access scheme’ at ANU Elite athlete and performer Elite athletes adjustments − Submit supporting documents to ANU: for details, search for ‘elite athlete entry scheme’ at For students who are elite athletes or who have achieved Music AMEB Grade 8 − Max. 5 points Performers − Submit a scanned copy of your AMEB certificate to [email protected] and include your university application number − Max. 5 points

Subject adjustments National Access Scheme For students who achieve the required − Max. 5 points / automatically applied results in selected Year 12 subjects − Must achieve a min. ATAR of 70.00 − For details of specific Year 12 courses and required results, search for ‘National Access Scheme’ at


Direct Application Important dates Early Admission Applications open: 4 March Applications close: 25 May Conditional offers released: 10 August (Conditional offers are based on your ANU selection rank. This is calculated using a mathematical model incorporating your Year 11 results and your school’s average ATAR performance in previous years.) First unconditional offers released: Late December

Assessment criteria − Demonstration of co-curricular or service activities during Years 10 to 12 − ANU selection rank

How to apply − Submit a direct application to ANU: search for ‘domestic applications’ at

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

66 | AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ANU offers Flexible Double Degrees that allow you to choose from hundreds of possible combinations across three groups: 1. Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Science (4 years) 2. Engineering and Advanced Computing (5 years) 3. Law (5 years)

From these three groups, you can combine any two courses for which you meet the published selection rank. The LSR listed against each group below is the lowest selection rank for the group. The actual selection rank could be higher depending on the double degree combination chosen as the program-specific selection ranks still apply.

For more information visit

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Accounting Canberra 133503 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Canberra 134403 CSP 3F/6P 99.95 Y Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) Canberra 135705 CSP 4F/8P 90.50 Y Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research and Development) Canberra 135700 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y (Honours) Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics Canberra 135801 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Archaeological Practice Canberra 131163 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship Canberra 131100 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y

Bachelor of Arts Canberra 131003 CSP 3F/6P 80.35 Y ANU Bachelor of Asian Studies Canberra 132005 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Affairs Canberra 132006 CSP 4F/8P <5 N Bachelor of Biotechnology Canberra 138503 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business Administration Canberra 133403 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Classical Studies Canberra 131103 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Commerce Canberra 133003 CSP 3F/6P 86.15 Y Bachelor of Criminology Canberra 131150 CSP 3F/6P 81.60 Y Bachelor of Design Canberra 139103 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Development Studies Canberra 131143 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Economics Canberra 134003 CSP 3F/6P 88.15 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Canberra 135004 CSP 4F/8P 91.50 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours) Canberra 135000 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Canberra 138201 CSP 3F/6P 80.15 Y Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability (Advanced) (Honours) Canberra 138202 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y


* QS World University Rankings 2020 CRICOS Provider Number 00120C CRICOS Provider



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of European Studies Canberra 131147 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Finance Canberra 133203 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Finance Economics and Statistics (Honours) Canberra 134300 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Genetics Canberra 138600 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Health Science Canberra 138302 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Information Technology Canberra 136063 CSP 3F/6P 81.50 Y Bachelor of International Business Canberra 133303 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of International Relations Canberra 131153 CSP 3F/6P 93.20 Y Bachelor of International Security Studies Canberra 132105 CSP 3F/6P 90.90 Y Bachelor of Languages Canberra 131193 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Canberra 137004 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences Canberra 138200 CSP 3F/6P 98.60 Y Bachelor of Medical Science Canberra 138403 CSP 3F/6P 90.60 Y Bachelor of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies Canberra 131157 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Music Canberra 139114 CSP 3F/6P 92.70 Y Bachelor of Pacific Studies Canberra 132333 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Asia and the Pacific Canberra 132000 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y ANU Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Science Canberra 138000 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) [ANU]/Bachelor of Science Canberra/Singapore 138005 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y (Honours) [NUS] Bachelor of Political Science Canberra 131162 CSP 3F/6P 90.60 Y Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics Canberra 131161 CSP 3F/6P 96.90 Y Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Canberra 138130 CSP 4F/8P 98.20 Y Bachelor of Public Policy Canberra 131159 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Science Canberra 138003 CSP 3F/6P 80.15 Y Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours) Canberra 138004 CSP 4F/8P 95.10 Y Bachelor of Science (Psychology) Canberra 138123 CSP 3F/6P 80.85 Y Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours in Actuarial Studies and Canberra/Singapore 134454 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Economics) Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) Canberra 135604 CSP 4F/8P 94.55 Y Bachelor of Statistics Canberra 134200 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Visual Arts Canberra 139104 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Diploma of Computing Canberra 136060 CSP 1F/2P N/A N Diploma of Creative Design Canberra 139101 CSP 1F/2P N/A N Diploma of Liberal Studies Canberra 131001 CSP 1F/2P N/A N Diploma of Music Canberra 139110 CSP 1F/2P N/A N Diploma of Science Canberra 138001 CSP 1F/2P N/A N Flexible Double Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Science Canberra 130010 CSP 4F/8P 80.10 Y Flexible Double Engineering and Advanced Computing Canberra 135010 CSP 5F/10P 90.15 Y Flexible Double Law Canberra 137010 CSP 5F/10P 98.00 Y University Preparation Program - ANU Achieve Canberra 130006 CSP 0.5F N/A N University Preparation Program - ANU Activate Canberra 130008 CSP 0.5F N/A N University Preparation Program - ANU Advance Canberra 130007 CSP 0.5F N/A N

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

68 | Charles Darwin University CRICOS provider number 00300K

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT CDU Charles Darwin University At Charles Darwin University (CDU), we think differently; we Casuarina, Darwin NT 0810 innovate and embrace change and believe it’s the unique experiences, perspectives and opinions you bring that make tel: 1800 061 963 (freecall) us a new world university. email: via [email protected] website: CDU offers more than 100 undergraduate and postgraduate courses to help turn your passion into a profession. In person Best known for our flagship degrees in nursing, midwifery, Casuarina teaching, law, engineering and environmental sciences, Ellengowan Drive, Darwin CDU we also offer unique and highly specialised courses in Alice Springs Indigenous knowledge, health sciences, humanities, social Grevillea Drive, Alice Springs work, humanitarian aid, and emergency and disaster management, among others. Batchelor Cnr Awilla Rd and Nurndina Crescent, Batchelor While CDU’s roots are in Darwin, Northern Territory, we deliver face-to-face courses at our Sydney campus, as well Sydney as support for our many online students living and working Level 10, 815 George Street, Haymarket, Sydney across NSW.

Charles Darwin University is ranked in the top two Australian OPEN DAY universities for graduate employment and salary outcomes, according to the Good Universities Guide Ratings 2019. Darwin Sunday 23 August 2020 Online As one of the first universities in Australia to offer its courses IMPORTANT DATES online, we have unparalleled experience in delivering supportive, responsive and personalised learning to keep Semester 1 you motivated and engaged. So, whether you choose to starts 1 March 2021 study part-time or full-time, you’ll benefit from our innovative Semester 2 learning environment, interactive lectures and 24/7 online starts 19 July 2021 tutor support, to help you fit study into your schedule. Pathways CDU offers those without an entry qualification an alternative pathway into university. Our Tertiary Enabling Program can be studied online or on campus, full-time or part-time, and in as little as 16 weeks you’ll meet the entry requirements to most CDU undergraduate degrees.


ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT If you don’t meet the minimum entry requirements, you are ISLANDER APPLICANTS encouraged to enrol in the following entry pathways: The Office of Indigenous Student Services Academic Support − Preparation for Tertiary Success team provides high-level support and assistance to Aboriginal − Tertiary Entrance Program and Torres Strait Islander students through assistance with − Diploma of Yolngu Studies. admissions, academic support, pastoral care, advocacy and referral to mainstream CDU support services. For details, search for ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people study pathways’ at

SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. Charles Darwin University will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 9 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Scheme (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 5 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments None

Elite athlete and performer None adjustments CDU Subject adjustments Universities Language, Literacy and Mathematics Scheme For students who have undertaken a − Max. 4 points / automatically applied language other than English, or specified − Excludes B Clinical Science English and mathematics subjects − For details, search for ‘pathways to study’ at

EARLY OFFER SCHEMES There are no Charles Darwin University early offer schemes.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

You make CDU We want to welcome you, and your story, to our flexible and supportive learning environment.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Associate Degree of Engineering (Civil and Structural) Casuarina 592060 CSP 2F/EqP/D N/A Y Associate Degree of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics) Casuarina 592070 CSP 2F/EqP/D N/A Y Associate Degree of Engineering (Mechanical) Casuarina 592080 CSP 2F/EqP/D N/A Y Associate Degree of Exercise and Sport Science Casuarina 592020 CSP 2F/EqP/D N/A Y Associate Degree of Information and Communication Technology Casuarina 592030 CSP 2F/EqP/D N/A Y Associate Degree of Legal Studies Waterfront Darwin 592041 CSP 2F/EqP/D N/A Y Associate Degree of Network Engineering Casuarina 592050 CSP 2F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Accounting Waterfront Darwin 590251 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Accounting/Diploma of Laws Waterfront Darwin 590471 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Arts Batchelor 590234 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Arts Casuarina 590230 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Business Waterfront Darwin 590481 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Clinical Sciences Casuarina 590270 CSP 3F N/A N Bachelor of Computer Science Casuarina 590260 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Computer Science/Master of Information Technology Casuarina 590130 CSP 5F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Digital Enterprise Waterfront Darwin 590281 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y CDU Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Teaching (Birth-12 Years) Casuarina 590290 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Education Primary Batchelor 590304 CSP 4F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Education Primary Casuarina 590300 CSP 4F/EqP/D <5 Y Bachelor of Education Secondary Casuarina 590310 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil and Structural) Casuarina 590200 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Electrical and Electronics) Casuarina 590210 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Mechanical) Casuarina 590220 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering Science (Civil and Structural) Casuarina 590320 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering Science (Civil and Structural)/Master of Casuarina 590140 CSP 5F/EqP/D N/A Y Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronics) Casuarina 590330 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronics)/Master of Casuarina 590150 CSP 5F/EqP/D N/A Y Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Science (Mechanical) Casuarina 590340 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering Science (Mechanical)/Master of Engineering Casuarina 590160 CSP 5F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Environmental Science Casuarina 590450 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science Casuarina 590100 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Health Science Casuarina 590350 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Health Science/Master of Nutrition Casuarina 590180 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Health Science/Master of Occupational Therapy Casuarina 590190 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Health Science/Master of Speech and Language Therapy Casuarina 590170 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Health Services Management Casuarina 590360 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Humanitarian Aid and Development Casuarina 590460 CSP 3F/EqP/D <5 Y Bachelor of Information Technology Casuarina 590370 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Laws Waterfront Darwin 590381 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science Casuarina 590400 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Midwifery Casuarina 590390 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing Casuarina 590110 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Psychological Science Casuarina 590410 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Public Health Casuarina 590420 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Science Casuarina 590430 CSP 3F/EqP/D <5 Y Bachelor of Social Work Casuarina 590440 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A Y Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours Casuarina 590120 CSP 4F/EqP/D <5 Y Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs Casuarina 591010 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y Diploma of Arts Casuarina 591130 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y Diploma of Counselling Casuarina 591020 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y Diploma of Digital Enterprise Waterfront Darwin 591141 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y Diploma of Educational Studies (Early Childhood Education and Care) Casuarina 591120 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A N Diploma of Educational Studies (Primary Education) Casuarina 591150 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A N Diploma of Educational Studies (Secondary Education) Casuarina 591160 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A N Diploma of Engineering Casuarina 591030 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y Diploma of Exercise and Sport Science Casuarina 591040 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y Diploma of Health Science Casuarina 591050 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y Diploma of Indigenous Research Casuarina 591060 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A N Diploma of Laws Waterfront Darwin 591071 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y CDU Diploma of Network Engineering Casuarina 591080 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y Diploma of Psychology Casuarina 591090 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y Diploma of Science Casuarina 591110 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y

Diploma of Social Care Casuarina 591100 CSP 1F/EqP/D N/A Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course Compass draws on the experience of over 100,000 recent UAC applicants to show you the paths taken by students just like you.

Try Course Compass at

72 | Charles Sturt University CRICOS provider number 00005F

GET IN TOUCH IMPORTANT DATES Charles Sturt University Orientation/Enrolment Week Bathurst NSW 2795 starts Monday 22 February 2021 tel: 1800 275 278 (freecall) Session 1 +61 1800 275 278 starts Monday 1 March 2021 email: via Session 2 website: starts Monday 12 July 2021 In person

Albury–Wodonga campus STUDYING AT CHARLES STURT CSU Marketing Coordinator, Building 673 Gordon Beavan Building UNIVERSITY Elizabeth Mitchell Drive, Thurgoona NSW 2640 At Charles Sturt University, we believe everyone offers Bathurst campus something unique. When you study with us, you become part Marketing Coordinator, Building 1396 of something bigger: you join a connected community from Panorama Avenue, Bathurst NSW 2795 across the globe committed to changing things for the better.

Canberra (Theology) campus We want to help you find your purpose so you can make a Dean of Students, St Mark’s National Theological Centre difference. Jump into the real world with our professional 15 Blackall Street, Barton ACT 2600 accredited courses that will give you the skills you’ll need to push the boundaries and make an impact. Dubbo campus Administration Office, Charles Sturt University Our academics and teaching staff are well-connected with Tony McGrane Place, Dubbo NSW 2830 industry, so when you graduate you’ll already have a wide network of industry contacts who can help you kickstart your Orange campus career. We also make hands-on learning a central part of your Marketing Coordinator, Building 1001 study, so you learn by doing. Your lecturers will know your Leeds Parade, Orange NSW 2800 name, there’s support whenever you need it, and there are scholarships to help make it happen. Parramatta (Theology) campus United Theological College It all adds up to Charles Sturt University being Australia’s 16 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 number one university for graduate employment.¹ That’s right, more of our grads get jobs – and well-paying ones at that Port Macquarie campus – faster than grads from any other Australian uni. Because Marketing Coordinator, 7 Major Innes Road with a Charles Sturt University degree under your belt, you’re Port Macquarie NSW 2444 ready to make a difference in your industry and community from day one. Wagga Wagga campus Marketing Coordinator, Building 481, So, together, let’s create a world worth living in. Boorooma Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2678 1 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey 2019

OPEN DAYS International Year 12 students apply directly to Charles Sturt University. Port Macquarie Sunday 2 August 2020 Wagga Wagga Sunday 9 August 2020 Albury-Wodonga Sunday 16 August 2020 ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT Bathurst Sunday 23 August 2020 Orange Sunday 30 August 2020 ISLANDER APPLICANTS Dubbo Saturday 5 September 2020 Charles Sturt University’s Indigenous Access Program is a supported personalised pathway into university that assesses For information, go to skills and suitability for academic life. Search for ‘Indigenous student support’ at


SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. Charles Sturt University will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 12 points across the following categories. If your ATAR is below 55.00, your selection rank for education courses will not be increased.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 7 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments − Max. 5 points / automatically applied For students from regional areas

Elite athlete and performer − Submit a direct application to Charles Sturt University adjustments − For details, search for ‘Elite Athlete and Performer Program’ at For students whose competition or training requirements have affected their preparation for study

Subject adjustments − Max. 10 points / automatically applied For students who perform well in HSC subjects related to specific Charles Sturt University course preferences


CSU Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

Charles Sturt Advantage Important dates Applications open: 1 June Applications close: 31 August Conditional offers released: Mid-September

Assessment criteria Short written submission demonstrating soft skills such as resilience, empathy and commitment to making this a world worth living in.

How to apply Submit a direct application to Charles Sturt University: search for ‘Charles Sturt Advantage’ at

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

Come on campus and find out everything there is to know about studying with us.

Port Macquarie – 2 August Wagga Wagga – 9 August See what’s possible with Albury-Wodonga – 16 August Bathurst – 23 August Charles Sturt University Orange – 30 August at Open Day 2020 Dubbo – 5 September 

74 | CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY International Year 12 students apply directly to Charles Sturt University.

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Associate Degree in Farm Production Wagga Wagga 215064 CSP 2F/4P <5 Bachelor of Accounting Port Macquarie 212010 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Accounting Albury-Wodonga 212011 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Accounting Wagga Wagga 212014 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Accounting Bathurst 212017 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management Wagga Wagga 215024 CSP 3F 66.30 Bachelor of Agricultural Science Wagga Wagga 214024 CSP 4F 65.10 Bachelor of Agriculture Wagga Wagga 215044 CSP 4F 65.15 Bachelor of Animal Science Wagga Wagga 215034 CSP 4F 68.90 Bachelor of Applied Science (Outdoor Recreation and Ecotourism) Albury-Wodonga 215051 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Applied Science (Parks, Recreation and Heritage) Port Macquarie 215350 CSP 3F 62.85 Bachelor of Applied Science (Parks, Recreation and Heritage) Albury-Wodonga 215351 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Arts Wagga Wagga 211004 CSP 3F 62.85 Bachelor of Arts Bathurst 211007 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Business (with specialisations) Port Macquarie 212210 CSP 3F new CSU Bachelor of Business (with specialisations) Albury-Wodonga 212211 CSP 3F new Bachelor of Business (with specialisations) Wagga Wagga 212214 CSP 3F new Bachelor of Business (with specialisations) Bathurst 212217 CSP 3F new Bachelor of Business Studies Port Macquarie 212700 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Business Studies Albury-Wodonga 212701 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Business Studies Wagga Wagga 212704 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Business Studies Bathurst 212707 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Clinical Science Orange 214238 CSP 3F 65.85 Bachelor of Communication Bathurst 211197 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Communication (Advertising and Public Relations) Bathurst 211187 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Communication (Advertising) Bathurst 211207 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Communication (Advertising)/Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Bathurst 211217 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Communication (Digital Media Production) Bathurst 211267 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Communication (Journalism and International Studies) Bathurst 211177 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bathurst 211237 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations) Bathurst 211247 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations)/Bachelor of Business Studies Bathurst 211257 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Communication (Radio) Bathurst 211227 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Computer Science (with specialisation) Bathurst 212717 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Creative Industries (Acting and Performance) Wagga Wagga 211354 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Creative Industries (Acting and Performance/Interdisciplinary Wagga Wagga 211394 CSP 4F N/A Innovation) Bachelor of Creative Industries (Design and Visual Arts) Port Macquarie 211370 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Creative Industries (Design and Visual Arts) Wagga Wagga 211374 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Creative Industries (Design and Visual Arts/Interdisciplinary Port Macquarie 211430 CSP 4F <5 Innovation) Bachelor of Creative Industries (Design and Visual Arts/Interdisciplinary Wagga Wagga 211434 CSP 4F <5 Innovation) Bachelor of Creative Industries (Film, Television, Screen and Media) Wagga Wagga 211364 CSP 3F 60.50 Bachelor of Creative Industries (Film, Television, Screen and Media/ Wagga Wagga 211404 CSP 4F N/A Interdisciplinary Innovation)



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Creative Industries (Interdisciplinary Innovation) Wagga Wagga 211334 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Creative Industries (Visualisation and Interactivity) Wagga Wagga 211344 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Creative Industries (Visualisation and Interactivity/Interdisciplinary Wagga Wagga 211384 CSP 4F N/A Innovation) Bachelor of Criminal Justice Port Macquarie 211890 CSP 3F 61.60 Bachelor of Criminal Justice Bathurst 211897 CSP 3F 64.40 Bachelor of Dental Science Orange 214738 CSP 5F N/A Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Albury-Wodonga 213091 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Wagga Wagga 213094 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Dubbo 213095 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Bathurst 213097 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Education (K-12) Port Macquarie 213160 CSP 4F 70.05 Bachelor of Education (K-12) Albury-Wodonga 213161 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Education (K-12) Wagga Wagga 213164 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Education (K-12) Bathurst 213167 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Education (Technology and Applied Studies) Wagga Wagga 213204 CSP 4F 69.50 Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Applied Earth Science) Port Macquarie 214340 CSP 3F <5 CSU Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Applied Earth Science) Albury-Wodonga 214341 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Aquatic Ecology) Port Macquarie 214340 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Aquatic Ecology) Albury-Wodonga 214341 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Climate & Sustainability) Port Macquarie 214340 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Climate & Sustainability) Albury-Wodonga 214341 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Ecology & Port Macquarie 214340 CSP 3F N/A Conservation) Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Ecology & Albury-Wodonga 214341 CSP 3F N/A Conservation) Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Parks, Recreation & Port Macquarie 214340 CSP 3F N/A Heritage) Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Parks, Recreation & Albury-Wodonga 214341 CSP 3F N/A Heritage) Bachelor of Equine Science (with specialisation) Wagga Wagga 215204 CSP 3F 68.15 Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (with specialisation) Bathurst 213267 CSP 3F 66.90 Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (with specialisation) Port Macquarie 214860 CSP 3F 65.30 Bachelor of General Studies (Science) Albury-Wodonga 214001 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of General Studies (Science) Wagga Wagga 214004 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of General Studies (Science) Bathurst 214007 CSP 3F 61.20 Bachelor of General Studies (Science) Orange 214008 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Geospatial Science Albury-Wodonga 215361 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Human Services Port Macquarie 211820 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Information Technology (with Specialisation) Bathurst 212737 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Information Technology (with specialisation) Wagga Wagga 212734 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Criminal Justice Port Macquarie 211910 CSP 5F <5 Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Criminal Justice Bathurst 211917 CSP 5F <5 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Diagnostic Radiography) Port Macquarie 214110 CSP 4F 66.00 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Diagnostic Radiography) Wagga Wagga 214114 CSP 4F 65.25

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Port Macquarie 214120 CSP 4F 65.70 Imaging) Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Wagga Wagga 214124 CSP 4F 66.25 Imaging) Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy) Wagga Wagga 214134 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science with specialisations Wagga Wagga 214294 CSP 4F new (Medical Imaging) (Radiation Therapy) and (Nuclear Medicine) Bachelor of Medical Science with specialisation (Pathology) Wagga Wagga 214554 CSP 3F 70.20 Campbelltown or Doctor of Medicine (Joint Program in Medicine) 725505 CSP 5F N/A Orange Bachelor of Nursing Port Macquarie 214650 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Nursing Albury-Wodonga 214651 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Nursing Wagga Wagga 214654 CSP 3F 67.00 Bachelor of Nursing Dubbo 214655 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Nursing Bathurst 214657 CSP 3F 65.10 Bachelor of Nursing Port Macquarie 214650 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Port Macquarie 214300 CSP 4F 72.15 CSU Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Albury-Wodonga 214301 CSP 4F 72.40 Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene) Wagga Wagga 214384 CSP 3F 73.60 Bachelor of Outdoor Education Albury-Wodonga 213911 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Paramedicine Port Macquarie 214200 CSP 3F 82.75 Bachelor of Paramedicine Bathurst 214207 CSP 3F 73.15 Bachelor of Pharmacy Orange 214808 CSP 4F 76.55 Bachelor of Physiotherapy Port Macquarie 214400 CSP 4F 85.35 Bachelor of Physiotherapy Albury-Wodonga 214401 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Physiotherapy Orange 214408 CSP 4F 81.50 Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine Albury-Wodonga 214451 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Psychology Wagga Wagga 211804 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Psychology Bathurst 211807 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Psychology Port Macquarie 211810 CSP 4F 75.65 Bachelor of Public Safety and Security Port Macquarie 211930 CSP 3F/6P 62.65 Bachelor of Science Wagga Wagga 215854 CSP 3F 65.45 Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) Port Macquarie 211850 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) Wagga Wagga 211854 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) Bathurst 211857 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Social Work Port Macquarie 211900 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Social Work Wagga Wagga 211904 CSP 4F 63.60 Bachelor of Social Work Dubbo 211905 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology Albury-Wodonga 214501 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Sports Media Bathurst 213377 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Technology (Civil Systems)/Master of Engineering Bathurst 212817 CSP 1.5F + 4P N/A (Civil Systems) Bachelor of Theatre Media Bathurst 211287 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Theology Parramatta 211955 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Theology Canberra 211957 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Bachelor of Veterinary Science Wagga Wagga 214964 CSP 6F N/A



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Veterinary Technology Wagga Wagga 214954 CSP 3F 72.00 Bachelor Public Safety and Security Bathurst 211937 CSP 3F <5 Diploma of General Studies Port Macquarie 214010 CSP 1F N/A Diploma of General Studies Albury-Wodonga 214011 CSP 1F N/A Diploma of General Studies Wagga Wagga 214014 CSP 1F N/A Diploma of General Studies Dubbo 214015 CSP 1F N/A Diploma of General Studies Bathurst 214017 CSP 1F N/A

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank. CSU Want an early oer to uni?


Go to the UAC website at for more information.

78 | CQUniversity CRICOS provider number 00120C

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT CQUNIVERSITY Sydney campus With so many options out there, choosing the right university Student Enquiries for you isn’t always an easy decision. At CQUniversity CQUniversity Australia, our students choose to study with us so they can 400 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000 be what they want to be. We believe higher education should be for everyone – no matter your postcode or educational tel: 13 CQUni (13 27 86) background. That’s why we offer a wide range of up-to- email: via date, industry-aligned courses, from TAFE certificates right website: through to research degrees, online and at campuses across Australia. Our convenient Sydney campus is situated in the

heart of the CBD, a 5 minute walk from Town Hall Station. CQU OPEN DAY We offer a range of on-campus courses in accident forensics, Sydney accounting, business, chiropractic, diagnostic imaging, digital Thursday 20 August 2020, 5 – 7pm media, IT, OHS, podiatry and more, as well as access to facilities and support for online students. Online Chat available 3 – 6pm (AEST) When you choose CQUniversity you’ll benefit from Thursday 30 April, Thursday 21 May, convenience and flexibility, smaller, more intimate class sizes Wednesday 12 August, Wednesday 26 August, and greater access to teaching staff. We’re committed to Wednesday 16 September, Thursday 8 October, student success and providing positive graduate outcomes Tuesday 24 November 2020 – and it shows. Data released by ComparED in 2019 shows that CQUniversity outperforms most Australian universities For more information, visit when it comes to study support, graduate employment and graduate salary outcomes. This is backed up by The Good Universities Guide (2020), which gives CQUniversity five IMPORTANT DATES stars for social equity, first-generation student ratio, full-time Term 1, 2021 employment, starting salary and student support. So, rest starts Monday 8 March 2021 assured that when you choose CQUniversity, you’re choosing a high-quality education to help you be what you want to be. Term 2, 2021 starts Monday 12 July 2021 International Year 12 students apply directly to CQUniversity. For the latest information on these dates, visit ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER APPLICANTS If you are not yet ready to apply for a course and would like to participate in a preparatory program designed specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, then our Tertiary Entry Program may be ideal for you. Applicants who are successful in completing the program will be considered eligible for admission to the University.

To find out more, call 1800 651 891 or search for ‘Indigenous Support’ at


SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. CQUniversity will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 7 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 5 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments Regional Adjustment Scheme For students who live or attend school − Max. 2 points / automatically applied outside a capital city

Elite athlete and performer adjustments None

Subject adjustments None

EARLY OFFER SCHEMES There are no CQUniversity early offer schemes.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit CQU

A FIVE STAR UNIVERSITY CRICOS: 00219C | RTO: 40939 | C_AD_2004_174x70_UACGuide

80 | CQUNIVERSITY International Year 12 students apply directly to CQUniversity.

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance

AssocDeg Aviation (Flight Operations) Online 160913 CSP 2F/4P/D <5

AssocDeg Building Design Online 160221 CSP 4P/D N/A AssocDeg Building Surveying Online 160241 CSP 4P/D <5 AssocDeg Digital Media Sydney 160910 CSP 2F/4P N/A AssocDeg Digital Media Online 160911 CSP 2F/4P/D N/A AssocDeg Engineering Online 160301 CSP 4P/D N/A AssocDeg Information Technology Sydney 160160 CSP 2F/4P N/A AssocDeg Information Technology Online 160161 CSP 2F/4P/D N/A AssocDeg Occupational Health and Safety Sydney 160590 CSP 2F/4P N/A AssocDeg Occupational Health and Safety Online 160591 CSP 2F/4P/D N/A AssocDeg Public Health (Specialisation) Online 160601 CSP 2F/4P/D N/A Bachelor of Accident Forensics Sydney 160440 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Accident Forensics Online 160441 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Bachelor of Accounting Sydney 160020 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Accounting Online 160021 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A CQU Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Business Sydney 160360 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Business Online 160361 CSP 4F/8P/D N/A Bachelor of Agriculture Online 160721 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Allied Health Online 160481 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Arts Online 160131 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Aviation (Flight Operations) Online 160914 CSP 3F/6P/D 59.95 Bachelor of Building Design Online 160231 CSP 5P/D N/A Bachelor of Building Surveying and Certification (Honours) Online 160251 CSP 6P/D N/A Bachelor of Business Sydney 160030 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Business Online 160031 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Professional Communication Online 160401 CSP 4F/8P/D <5 Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) Online 160581 CSP 6P/D N/A Bachelor of Criminology Online 160082 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Digital Media Sydney 160520 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Digital Media Online 160521 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Echocardiography (Cardiac Physiology)/GradDip Echocardiography Sydney 160610 CBF 4F 71.10 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Online 160341 CSP 4F/8P/D <5 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Construction) and Diploma of Construction Online 160344 CSP 4.5F/9P N/A Management Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Design) and Diploma of Building Design Online 160342 CSP 4.5F/9P N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Control and Instrumentation) and Bachelor of Online 160343 CSP 5F/10P N/A Information Technology (Application Development) Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Specialisation) Online 160351 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science Online 160431 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Sciences Online 160461 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Hospitality Management Sydney 160050 CSP 2F/4P N/A Bachelor of Hospitality Management Online 160051 CSP 2F/4P/D N/A Bachelor of Information Technology Sydney 160060 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Information Technology Online 160061 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Information Technology (Co-op) Sydney 160170 CSP 3F/6P N/A



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Information Technology (Co-op) Online 160171 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Laws Online 160081 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business Online 160124 CSP 5F/10P/D <5 Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Information Technology Online 160125 CSP 5F/10P/D N/A Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Property Online 160123 CSP 5F/10P/D N/A Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Science (Psychology) Online 160122 CSP 4.5F/9P/D <5 Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Accounting Online 160111 CSP 4.5F/9P/D N/A Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts Online 160121 CSP 5F/10P/D N/A Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Honours) Online 160915 CSP 4F/8P/D N/A Bachelor of Medical Science (Specialisation) Online 160491 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Bachelor of Medical Sonography/GradDip Medical Sonography Sydney 160010 CBF 4F 78.05 Bachelor of Music (Specialisation) Online 160821 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Nursing Online 160511 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety Sydney 160470 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety Online 160471 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Podiatry Practice (Honours) Sydney 160560 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Professional Communication Online 160391 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A CQU Bachelor of Property Online 160101 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Bachelor of Psychological Science Online 160531 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Bachelor of Public Health (Specialisation) Online 160571 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Science Online 160411 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Bachelor of Science (Chiropractic) Sydney 160181 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Science (Criminology and Psychology) Online 160192 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Bachelor of Science (Psychology) Online 160191 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Bachelor of Social Work Online 160552 CSP 4F/8P <5 Diploma of Arts Online 160261 CSP 1F/2P/D N/A Diploma of Business Studies Sydney 160150 CSP 1F/2P N/A Diploma of Business Studies Online 160151 CSP 1F/2P/D N/A Diploma of Digital Media Sydney 160810 CSP 1F/2P N/A Diploma of Digital Media Online 160811 CSP 1F/2P/D N/A Diploma of Information and Communications Technology Sydney 160062 CSP 1F/2P N/A Diploma of Information and Communications Technology Online 160063 CSP 1F/2P/D N/A Diploma of Music Online 160831 CSP 1F/2P N/A

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

82 | Griffith University CRICOS provider number 00233E

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY Gold Coast campus At Griffith, you’ll be welcomed into an inclusive community Student Administration and supported to face the future with confidence, Griffith University competence and the knowledge and skills to thrive in a Gold Coast Mail Centre QLD 9726 rapidly changing world. tel: 1800 677 728 (freecall) You’ll study at a university positioned in the top 250 of two (07) 3735 6425 (international) major global rankings, placing us in the top 2% email: via ASK US at worldwide.¹ Our high-quality degrees are developed in website: consultation with industry, based on cutting-edge research, and taught by Australia’s most awarded teachers.² In person GU You’ll get inside access to industry, with many Griffith degrees Student Administration offering work placements, field trips and industry projects Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus for real clients. Our industry connections provide practical Parklands Drive, Southport QLD 4222 experience that helps to make sense of the knowledge you’re gaining in the classroom, while also enhancing your For international enquiries and other contact options, visit job-ready skills. Many of our degrees have an international focus, preparing you for work almost anywhere in the world. You may have the OPEN DAY chance to enrich and diversify your learning through overseas Griffith Open Day study or by learning a new language. Such opportunities Gold Coast, Nathan and South Bank campuses are valued highly by employers, and open doors to new Sunday 9 August 2020 perspectives, professional networks and personal experiences. At Griffith, we’ve put a focus on flexibility. Depending on your IMPORTANT DATES degree, you’ll have the choice to study in person at one of our campuses, online through our digital campus, or using a Orientation for commencing students (all campuses) combination of both, either part-time or full-time over two or Monday 22 – Friday 26 February 2021 three trimesters.

Trimester 1 1 2020 Times Higher Education World University Rankings: Starts Monday 1 March 2021 201–250, US News Best Global Universities: 240. 2 Based on Learning and Teaching results from the Department of Education and Training.

ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER APPLICANTS Griffith University seeks to increase the participation and success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in the University’s programs. The GUMURRII Student Success Unit works with our community partners to create pathways that build lifelong learning. Our mission is to provide a cultural learning environment to assist our students follow their aspirations through higher education. Our programs include admission, tertiary preparation and tutorial assistance. If you have First People’s heritage, please ensure that you provide information on your UAC application so that we can assist you further. For further information, visit


SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. Griffith University will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 8 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Excludes preferences to B Medical Science and B Dental Health Science − For details go to

Location adjustments Gold Coast and Logan Priority Access Pathway For students who reside in an eligible − 2 points / automatically applied region and apply to study at the Gold − Eligible regions (defined by postcode): Coast campus • Gold Coast • Byron • Clarence Valley

• Logan • Ballina • Tweed Shire • Redlands • Kyogle Lismore • Coffs Harbour • Ipswich • Richmond Valley • Nambucca Shire • Scenic Rim • Tenterfield • Tweed • Glenn Innes Severn

− Excludes preferences to B Medical Science, B Dental Health Science and all distance and online courses − For details, including eligible postcodes, search for ‘adjustment factor pathways’ at

Elite athlete and performer None adjustments

GU Subject adjustments Year 12 Subject Adjustment Pathway For students who have achieved Band 2 − Max. 2 points per subject / max. 6 points overall / applied automatically or higher in HSC subjects (or equivalent) − Excludes preferences to B Medical Science, B Dental Health Science related to specific Griffith University courses − For details search for ‘Year 12 Subject Adjustment Pathway’ at

EARLY OFFER SCHEMES There are no Griffith University early offer schemes.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours) Gold Coast 283143 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours) Distance 283808 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Applied Financial Advice Distance 283805 CSP 2F/4P N/A N Bachelor of Architectural Design Gold Coast 283422 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts Gold Coast 283201 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283540 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Biomedical Science Gold Coast 283302 CSP 3F/6P 81.80 Y Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) Gold Coast 283338 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Business Distance 283807 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283142 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Data Science Gold Coast 283140 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Government and International Relations Gold Coast 283131 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Child, Youth and Family Practice Gold Coast 283350 CSP 3F/6P N/A N Bachelor of Child, Youth and Family Practice Distance 283351 CSP 3F/6P N/A N Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology Gold Coast 283343 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Communication and Journalism Gold Coast 283205 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y GU Bachelor of Communication and Journalism/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283202 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Communication and Journalism/Bachelor of Government and Gold Coast 283227 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y International Relations Bachelor of Communication and Journalism/Bachelor of Science Gold Coast 283228 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Computer Science Gold Coast 283461 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) Gold Coast 283445 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Counselling Gold Coast 283341 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Creative and Interactive Media Gold Coast 283250 CSP 3F/6P 75.00 Y Bachelor of Creative and Interactive Media/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283251 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Creative Industries Gold Coast 283208 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Gold Coast Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice 283223 CSP 3F/6P/D 63.35 Y or Distance Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice/Bachelor of Information Gold Coast 283520 CSP 4F/8P <5 N Technology Bachelor of Dental Health Science Gold Coast 283310 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Dental Hygiene Gold Coast 283296 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics Gold Coast 283297 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Dental Technology Gold Coast 283312 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Dental Technology/Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics Gold Coast 283299 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Design Gold Coast 283255 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283256 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Education Gold Coast 283226 CSP 3.5F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Gold Coast 283442 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283439 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Computer Science Gold Coast 283443 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Data Science Gold Coast 283446 CSP 5F/10P New Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Environmental Science Gold Coast 283438 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Industrial Design Gold Coast 283444 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Information Technology Gold Coast 283440 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science Gold Coast 283441 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Environmental Science Gold Coast 283612 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283613 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Data Science Gold Coast 283614 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Exercise Science Gold Coast 283305 CSP 3F/6P 64.50 Y Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283334 CSP 4.5F <5 Y Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Psychological Science Gold Coast 283335 CSP 4.5F <5 Y Bachelor of Government & International Relations/Bachelor of Criminology Gold Coast 283139 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y & Criminal Justice Bachelor of Government and International Relations Gold Coast 283125 CSP 3F/6P 63.50 Y Bachelor of Health Science Gold Coast 283301 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Human Services Gold Coast 283326 CSP 2-3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Human Services Distance 283801 CSP 2-3F/6P/D N/A Y Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice Gold Coast 283340 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice Distance 283804 CSP 4F/8P/D N/A Y Bachelor of Industrial Design Gold Coast 283427 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Information Technology Gold Coast 283411 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283462 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y GU Bachelor of Intelligent Digital Technologies Gold Coast 283463 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management Gold Coast 283126 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management/Bachelor of Gold Coast 283134 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Business Bachelor of Languages and Linguistics Gold Coast 283224 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Gold Coast 283509 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Laws (honours)/ Bachelor Environmental Science Gold Coast 283517 CSP 5.5F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Arts Gold Coast 283510 CSP 5.5F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283512 CSP 5.5F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice Gold Coast 283511 CSP 5.5F/8P 83.80 Y Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Government and International Gold Coast 283514 CSP 5.5F/8P <5 Y Relations Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Psychological Science Gold Coast 283516 CSP 5.5F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Marine Science Gold Coast 283404 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science Gold Coast 283322 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Medical Science Gold Coast 283303 CSP 2F 99.75 Y Bachelor of Nursing Gold Coast 283308 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Standing) Gold Coast 283345 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics Gold Coast 283321 CSP 4F/4P+2F <5 Y Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Gold Coast 283328 CSP 4F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Paramedicine Gold Coast 283330 CSP 3F 97.05 Y Bachelor of Pharmacology and Toxicology Gold Coast 283331 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Pharmacy Gold Coast 283327 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Physiotherapy Gold Coast 283342 CSP 4F 98.30 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science Gold Coast 283313 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283346 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Criminology Gold Coast 283337 CSP 4F/8P 67.45 Y and Criminal Justice

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Psychological Science/Master of Mental Health Practice Gold Coast 283347 CSP 4F <5 N Bachelor of Psychological Science/Master of Rehabilitation Counselling Gold Coast 283348 CSP 4F N/A N Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Gold Coast 283314 CSP 4F/8P 79.80 Y Bachelor of Public Health Gold Coast 283315 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Science Gold Coast 283400 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Gold Coast 283623 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283621 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Data Science Gold Coast 283622 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Information Technology Gold Coast 283620 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Social Science Gold Coast 283270 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Social Work Gold Coast 283323 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Social Work Distance 283803 CSP 4F/8P/D N/A Y Bachelor of Sport Development Gold Coast 283329 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Sport Development/Bachelor of Business Gold Coast 283360 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning Gold Coast 283405 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y

Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning/Bachelor of Science Gold Coast 283600 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y GU

Need help with money to go to or stay at uni? EUITY SHRSHIS Applications open April 2020

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100%of our degree students graduate with industry experience


Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Business BUSINESS (MARKETING)HOSPITALITY

BachelorMANAGEMENT of Business Management BachelorMANAGEMENT of Subjects specialising in: (ACCOUNTING)Entrepreneurship or (Development,PROPERTYBachelor of Investment & Valuation) Marketing and New Media or Retail Marketing BachelorINTERNATIONAL of Business Bachelor of Business TOURISM (SPORTS (ENTREPRENEURSHIP)Bachelor of Business Management (ACCOUNTING) MANAGEMENT)Bachelor of Bachelor of Business Management BachelorSPORTS of (FASHIONBachelor of Business ManagementAND GLOBAL EVENTMANAGEMENT


International College of Management, Sydney Pty Ltd ACN 003 144 045 ATF The ICTHM Trust ABN 54 174 259 919, tradingInternational as International College of CollegeManagement, of Management, Sydney Pty Sydney, Ltd ACN Aspire 003 144 Institute, 045 ATF Aspire The English,ICTHM Trustand ABN 54 174 259 International919, trading asSport International College of College Australia of CRICOSManagement, Provider Sydney Code: and 01484M, Aspire RTOInstitute, Code: CRICOS 90851, Provider TEQSA ID:Code: PRV12025 01484M, RTO Code: 90851, TEQSA ID: PRV12025

88 | International College of Management, Sydney CRICOS provider number 01484M

GET IN TOUCH September trimester Monday 13 September – Friday 10 December 2021 International College of Management, Sydney 151 Darley Road, Manly NSW 2095 Orientation Wednesday 8 September 2021 tel: 1800 110 490 (freecall within Australia) +61 2 9466 1240 For more information on the ICMS academic calendar, email: [email protected] (Australia and New Zealand) including postgraduate intake dates, visit [email protected] (International) important-dates. website: STUDYING AT ICMS

Campus names ICMS Northern Beaches The International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS) is a Esplanade leader in career-focused education and offers university-level City undergraduate and postgraduate courses. International Sport College Australia (ISCA) What does success mean to you? OPEN DAY Everyone has a different idea of what success means to them. That’s why we start with YOU. We’ll walk beside you to create Open Day on Sunday 9 August 2020 is a great opportunity a personalised educational experience to ignite your career to experience the ICMS difference and visit our beautiful and mentor you to professional success. Northern Beaches campus in Manly. Learn about our courses and student experience; take a campus tour; meet our Global business leadership academics, students and graduates; and find out how our Like you, we recognise the importance of developing unique Industry Training program will help you build your global professional expertise and business maturity. From career faster. professional attire to built-in industry training subjects, an Learn more at ICMS education positions you for leadership in a rapidly- changing world. That’s one of the reasons why up to 90% of Campus tours our graduates are already employed in their field when they graduate.¹ Visit our campus anytime for a tour and a personalised course consultation. To book, call 1800 110 490 or Active learning visit Nothing can prepare you for career success like active learning can. Our faculty have extensive industry experience, IMPORTANT DATES high-level qualifications and a passion for helping you to succeed. ICMS degrees are designed to develop 21st century The ICMS undergraduate academic calendar has three graduate capabilities through applied learning experiences trimesters. Each trimester is 13 weeks including examinations. and work-relevant assessments. At the start of each trimester, ICMS holds an orientation week (O Week) to help new students settle into student life. It’s a partnership February trimester We believe that by partnering with you we both grow Monday 15 February – Friday 14 May 2021 stronger. That’s why our courses and student support services aim to build your collaboration skills, while Orientation encouraging independent self-management. When you Monday 8 – Friday 12 February 2021 study at ICMS you will become part of an empowering and nurturing community that values long-lasting connections; May trimester between students, lecturers, industry partners and alumni. Monday 31 May – Friday 27 August 2021 Orientation Wednesday 26 May 2021


“Without gaining the ANZ Scholarship I would not have had the opportunity to work within ANZ’s Corporate Banking as a young intern, which has undoubtedly given me a huge career advantage. It also allowed me access to industry connections with senior individuals within the bank that nobody else my age would have had access to,”

Andrew McGregor Institutional Banking Graduate at ANZ


ICMS scholarships are made to unlock your potential. Available for all bachelor degrees. Apply at

Scholarships range from $10,000 - $40,000

Over $1.7 million of scholarships to over 110 recipients were awarded in 2019. It’s a blessing that the growth of ICMS, and its pathway institutions, provide the opportunity to give back and to recognise merit - be it pure effort, ability, hardship, or diversity. Our professional corporate partners are an invaluable endorsement for many students, and enhance the prestige of an ever-growing Scholarship Program. In 2020 it is expected that even more scholarships will be awarded. To find out more about benefits, eligibility and how to apply please visit: or call 1800 110 490.


90 | Your student experience ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT You’re career-focused but you still want a memorable, fun ISLANDER APPLICANTS campus experience. ICMS offers everything that you’d expect from a traditional university – such as sporting teams, student ICMS is committed to supporting Aboriginal and Torres clubs, modern facilities and residence options. Strait Islander students to succeed in higher education. All applicants are encouraged to apply directly to ICMS. ICMS has three campuses; the iconic traditional sandstone Northern Beaches campus, affectionately called the ‘castle on the hill’, which offers sweeping views over Manly Beach; SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS the beachfront Esplanade campus; and the new modern ICMS courses do not have an ATAR requirement. City campus. These spectacular locations offer a student experience that would be hard to beat anywhere in the world.

1 Internal Graduate Survey 2018


Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

Early Entry Important dates For students with a strong academic Applications close: 11 September 2020 record How to apply Submit a direct application to ICMS: ICMS Leadership Entry Program Important dates For students with a record of leadership Applications close: 5 February 2021 roles at school or in the community How to apply Submit a direct application to ICMS:

Elite Athlete/Performer Entry Important dates For students who have represented Applications close: 5 February 2021 their school or state at national level competitions, or who have performed in How to apply extended or significant productions Submit a direct application to ICMS:

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Business Manly 530016 DFEE 3F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business Sydney City 530017 DFEE 3F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship) Manly 530018 DFEE 3F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business (International Tourism) Manly 530061 DFEE 3F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Manly 530022 DFEE 3F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business (Sports Management) Manly 530121 DFEE 3F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business Management (Accounting) Manly 530160 DFEE 2.7F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business Management (Fashion and Global Brand Management) Manly 530170 DFEE 2.7F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Event Management Manly 530021 DFEE 3F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Hospitality Management Manly 530041 DFEE 3F*/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Property (Development, Investment and Valuation) Manly 530080 DFEE 3F*/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Business Manly 530501 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Business Sydney City 530502 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Business (Entrepreneurship) Manly 530503 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Business (International Tourism) Manly 530551 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Business (Marketing) Manly 530592 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Business (Sports Management) Manly 530541 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y

ICMS Diploma of Business Management Manly 530590 DFEE 0.7F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Business Management Sydney City 530591 DFEE 0.7F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Event Management Manly 530511 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Hospitality Management Manly 530531 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Property Management Manly 530520 DFEE 1F*/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Sports Management (High Performance) ISCA 530580 DFEE 1F*/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Sports Management (High Performance) Sydney City 530581 DFEE 1F*/EqP N/A N

* Includes industry training

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

TOP 10 100% for overall employment in of our degree students Australian Higher Education graduate with QILT Graduate Survey 2017 industry experience

Overall graduate employment rate 90% HIGHER of our degree students graduate with a job in their field Internal Graduate Survey 2018 THAN THE Go8 Australian Universities QILT Graduate Survey 2017

92 | La Trobe University CRICOS provider number 00115M

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT LA TROBE UNIVERSITY All campuses Build your future career with La Trobe University. For more tel: 1300 135 045 than 50 years, we’ve supported students just like you to gain +61 3 9627 4805 (International) the knowledge, confidence and human skills needed for a email or live chat: successful career. Some of our most inspiring graduates are website: now CEOs, parliamentarians, human rights activists, medical researchers and Olympians. For all other contact details, visit the La Trobe University website. When you study at La Trobe, you’ll get a globally-recognised student experience. We’re ranked in the top 1.1% of universities worldwide,¹ and we’re rated well above world In person LTU standard in 23 fields of research.² Plus, with our Career Campus locations are Albury–Wodonga, Bendigo, Melbourne, Ready program, you’ll develop the professional, technical and Mildura, Shepparton and Sydney. human skills employers are looking for. It’s everything you For more information, visit need to succeed. 1 Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020; Ranking Web of Universities 2019 (Spanish National Research Council) OPEN DAYS 2 Excellence in Research for Australia Outcomes 2018 (Australian Albury-Wodonga Sunday 16 August (10am – 2pm) Research Council) Bendigo Sunday 23 August 10am – 3pm) Melbourne Sunday 2 August (10am – 4pm) Mildura Wednesday 12 August (4pm – 7pm) ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT Shepparton Friday 7 August (3pm – 7pm) ISLANDER APPLICANTS Sydney Wednesday 26 August (4pm – 7pm) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are welcome For details, visit to contact Indigenous Student Services for advice about courses, application procedures, scholarships and other aspects of studying at La Trobe University. IMPORTANT DATES To find out more, visit Semester dates Visit SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Experience Clever 2020 Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. Experience Clever gives you the chance to not only see our campuses but to experience them by taking part in fun and La Trobe University’s selection rank adjustment factors are dynamic workshops led by real lecturers. Get hands-on in being reviewed for the 2021 admissions period. For the latest workshops across one day and discover what being a uni information, go to student is really like.

For further information, search for ‘Experience Clever’ at EARLY OFFER SCHEMES Aspire is an initiative for undergraduate school leavers and non-Year 12 students. The program recognises the positive Orientation impact you’ve had on your community when assessing Orientation week for all campuses is the week before your application to study with us and rewards you with a semester starts. For details, visit conditional offer into a La Trobe degree as early as September. If you’re in Year 12, you’ll also be invited to be part of an exciting enrichment program designed to give you a head start with your university studies.

For further information about the Aspire program, including 2021 selection criteria and dates, go to



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Accounting Sydney 196105 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences Albury-Wodonga 187025 CSP 3F/6P <5 N Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Biosciences Albury-Wodonga 187049 CSP 3F/6P 64.75 N Bachelor of Arts Albury-Wodonga 183010 CSP 3F/6P 55.70 Y Bachelor of Arts Mildura 189910 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Biological Sciences Albury-Wodonga 187047 CSP 3F/6P <5 N Bachelor of Biomedical Science Albury-Wodonga 187028 CSP 3F/6P 72.35 N Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Medical) Albury-Wodonga 187029 CSP 3F N/A N Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Medical) Bendigo 187429 CSP 3F N/A N Bachelor of Business Albury-Wodonga 181035 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business Mildura 189935 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Business Sydney 196000 CSP 3F/6P 56.55 Y Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Albury-Wodonga 181030 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Mildura 189940 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Business (Agribusiness) Albury-Wodonga 181040 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Agribusiness) Bendigo 187425 CSP 3F/6P <5 N Bachelor of Business (Agribusiness) Shepparton 188025 CSP 3F/6P N/A N LTU Bachelor of Business (Agribusiness) Mildura 189925 CSP 3F/6P <5 N Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Arts Albury-Wodonga 181050 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Arts Mildura 189950 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) Bendigo 187400 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Commerce Melbourne 197445 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Creative Arts Mildura 189915 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Criminology Bendigo 187424 CSP 3F/6P N/A N Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws Bendigo 187420 CSP 5F/10P <5 N Bachelor of Education (Primary) Mildura 189985 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Mildura 189990 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Educational Studies Mildura 189993 CSP 4F/8P <5 N Bachelor of Educational Studies Shepparton 188033 CSP 3F/6P N/A N Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Industrial) Bendigo 187402 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Health Sciences Bendigo 187405 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Health Sciences Melbourne 197405 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Information Technology Bendigo 187410 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Information Technology Sydney 196110 CSP 2.5-3F/6P 55.40 Y Bachelor of Information Technology Melbourne 197410 CSP 3F/6P <5A Y Bachelor of International Business Sydney 196100 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Laws Bendigo 187415 CSP 4F/8P <5 N Bachelor of Laws Melbourne 197415 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Media and Communication Melbourne 197500 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-registration) Albury-Wodonga 185028 CSP 3F/6P 55.00 Y Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-registration) Mildura 189928 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Paramedic Practice with Honours Albury-Wodonga 183043 CSP 4F/8P <5 N Bachelor of Paramedic Practice with Honours Mildura 193043 CSP 4F/8P N/A N

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Psychological Science Albury-Wodonga 187055 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Albury-Wodonga 187065 CSP 4F/8P <5 N Bachelor of Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology) Albury-Wodonga 187033 CSP 3F/6P <5 N

Clever is being ranked LTU

in the top 1.1% CRICOS Provider 00115M DC35572 02/19 of universities worldwide*

* Times Higher Education (THE), 2020, World University Rankings 2020

LA TROBE UNIVERSITY | 95 Macleay College CRICOS provider number 00899G

GET IN TOUCH Our trimester model allows full-time students to complete a bachelor degree in two years or a diploma in 12 months. This Macleay College provides the opportunity for our students to step into their Level 2, 28 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 chosen career even faster.

tel: 1300 939 888 Industry-focused email: [email protected] website: Our industry-focused learning ensures Macleay graduates are job ready with the essential skills, knowledge and work experience that employers demand. Our contemporary OPEN DAY curriculum is taught by industry professionals informed by the latest ideas and thinking in their subject areas. Students learn Saturday 1 August 2020 from experience about current industry concepts and practices

MC Campus tours that will help them hit the ground running upon graduation. For campus tours/appointments and course information Internship program call 1300 939 888 or visit We offer an internship program in which students work with leading organisations, businesses and agencies, providing IMPORTANT DATES an enviable list of professional contacts before they even graduate. The academic calendar is divided into three trimesters, each containing 12 weeks of teaching followed by an Modern campus and facilities examination period. Our Surry Hills campus provides students with a unique Trimester 1 learning and lifestyle experience. Nestled in Sydney’s February – May creative hub, we are surrounded by Australia’s leading news organisations, advertising agencies and innovative start-ups. Trimester 2 Just 2 minutes from Central Station and accessible by major May – August bus routes, Macleay College takes advantage of the unique inner-city culture and surrounding lifestyle amenities. Trimester 3 September – December ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT STUDYING AT MACLEAY COLLEGE ISLANDER APPLICANTS Macleay College offers an intimate learning environment for The Indigenous Australian Entry Scheme enables Aboriginal students looking to pursue careers in journalism, advertising and Torres Strait Islander people to apply for entry to a course and media, digital media, business, accounting or marketing. of study at Macleay College based on previous study, work Our bachelor degrees and diploma courses provide students and life experience and/or any other transferable skills that with an alternative to a traditional university experience. support their potential to succeed in their studies.

The Macleay difference Applicants who identify as Indigenous Australian must provide a 500–1,000 word written statement outlining their With over 30 years in higher education, we pride ourselves reasons for undertaking the intended course of study. on our unique approach to teaching. Students learn from Supporting documents – such as senior secondary school industry professionals in smaller classes, allowing us to (or other qualification) certificates, school record statements, cater to their individual learning needs. We emphasise the a resume or references – must be attached. Applicants must importance of positive psychology, with students developing also provide ‘Confirmation of Aboriginality or Torres Strait both academic and interpersonal skills to prepare them Islander Heritage’ at the time of their application (or at their for a successful career. Our QILT results demonstrate the interview). exceptional educational experience our students receive. We achieved a rating of 90.5% for Teaching Quality against the national average of 80.9%. We also achieved 84.9% for Learner Engagement – well above the national average of 64.1% (QILT, 2018).

96 | SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. Macleay College will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 10 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 10 points − For details, go to Location adjustments None Elite athlete and performer None adjustments Subject adjustments − Details under review For students who have performed well in − For the latest information, go to specific Year 12 subjects


Direct application Important dates Applications open: early June Offers released: after approval by Head of Faculty

Assessment criteria

− 300-word written submission outlining your reasons for undertaking the intended course of study MC and how it will help you achieve your career goals − Letter of recommendation from school (principal, year coordinator, or equivalent) − Australian citizenship or permanent residency

How to apply Submit a direct application to Macleay College: go to

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Advertising and Media Surry Hills 560220 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business Surry Hills 560200 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Surry Hills 560240 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Digital Media Surry Hills 560230 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Journalism Surry Hills 560210 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Accounting Surry Hills 560160 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Advertising and Media Surry Hills 560100 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Business Management Surry Hills 560120 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Digital and Social Media Marketing Surry Hills 560155 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Digital Media Surry Hills 560145 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Journalism Surry Hills 560140 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Marketing Surry Hills 560130 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of User Experience Design Surry Hills 560170 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

MACLEAY COLLEGE | 97 Macquarie University CRICOS provider number 00002J

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY Future Students (domestic students) At Macquarie, we’re all about unconventional thinking, 58 Waterloo Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113 inspiring collaborations and making connections with diverse people and perspectives to create real change. We believe tel: (02) 9850 6767 – domestic students when we all work together, we multiply our ability to achieve +61 2 9850 7346 – international students remarkable things. email: [email protected] – domestic students [email protected] – international students We’re ranked among the top 1% of universities in the world,¹ have eight subjects in the top 100 globally,² enjoy a 5-star QS website: rating,³ and were the first Australian university to introduce a global research pathway. In person

MQ Level 2, 18 Wally’s Walk Whatever you choose to study at Macquarie, our future- Macquarie University, North Ryde NSW 2109 focused approach to teaching and learning will help you become a confident and responsible leader in your field. OPEN DAY A place of inspiration Macquarie University Open Day Macquarie’s campus spans 126 hectares, with open green Saturday 15 August 2020 space that gives you the freedom to think and grow. We are a key partner in the Macquarie Park Innovation District Campus tours (MPID) – Australia’s premier innovation hub. With more than 300 leading companies located on or around the Macquarie Check for our campus tour campus, you’ll tap into industry connections that give you schedule. the edge in your future career. Our PACE (Professional and Community Engagement) program will connect you IMPORTANT DATES with organisations that offer internships and practical work placements, both locally and internationally, giving you the O Week (including academic advice) skills and experience that employers are looking for. We also Mid-Feb 2021 for Session 1, 2021 facilitate international exchange opportunities with more than Mid-July 2021 for Session 2, 2021 150 partner universities around the world.

Session 1 Macquarie is home to some of Australia’s most exceptional Monday 22 February – Friday 25 June 2021 facilities, including our own Macquarie University Hospital, a multi-award-winning incubator for budding entrepreneurs, Session 2 a cybersecurity hub, a multi-million-dollar media hub, and Monday 26 July – Friday 26 November 2021 cutting-edge science and engineering labs. More than $1 billion has recently been invested in our campus, meaning you get to study in an environment that’s world-class, inspiring and switched on to the latest technologies.

1 QS World University Rankings, 2020 2 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2019 3 QS Stars University Ratings 2019

ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER APPLICANTS The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Entry Pathway is an admissions pathway aimed at increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation within bachelor degrees.

98 | It provides opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait This pathway involves a two-stage process: an online Islander peoples who may: application and then a face-to-face interview. Offers will be made according to merit, based on demonstrated capacity − not have completed their HSC and readiness to undertake university study. − not have acquired a necessary selection rank for entry into their degree of choice Applicants are encouraged to contact Walanga Muru prior − like peace of mind with an early offer. to applying. Call (02) 9850 8624 or search for ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Entry Pathway‘ at


Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. Macquarie University will increase your selection rank for most courses by a maximum of 10 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long-term − Submit an EAS application via UAC educational disadvantage − Max. 5 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments Regional Entry Scheme For students from rural or regional Australia − Max. 9 points / automatically applied who don’t have access to the same resources Macquarie Catchment as students in cities and larger towns, and students who live in Macquarie’s catchment − Max. 5 points / automatically applied region

For details, search for ‘adjustment factors’ at MQ

Elite athlete and performer adjustments − Submit a direct application to Macquarie For students with competitive commitments, − Max. 4 points such as training or performing, that have − For details, search for ‘Elite Athletes and Artistic Performers’ at affected their Year 12 studies

Subject adjustments Academic Advantage For students who perform well in HSC − Max. 3 points per subject / max. 6 points overall / automatically applied subjects related to specific Macquarie course − For details, search for ‘Academic Advantage’ at preferences Academic Entry − No points applied: offers based on performance in individual HSC Category A courses or comparable IB subjects / automatically awarded

Big History Scheme − Enter Big History MOOC qualification in UAC application For students who complete Macquarie’s − 3 points Big History: Connecting Knowledge MOOC − For details, search for ‘Big History Scheme’ at (massively open online course)

Duke of Edinburgh, Queen’s Scout and − Submit direct application to Macquarie Queen’s Guide Awards Scheme − Max. 6 points For students who have completed Silver or − For details, search for ‘Duke of Edinburgh’ at Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards, Queen’s Scout or Queen’s Guide Awards

CAN SEE POTENTIAL WITH OUR INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS Get professional experience with our award-winning internship programs. That’s You to the Power of Us at

CRICOS Provider 00002J



Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

Macquarie Leaders and Achievers Important dates Early Entry Scheme Applications open in school Term 2.

Assessment criteria Applicants need to demonstrate their leadership qualities and/or how they have contributed towards positive change in their community and consistently achieved good results at school. There are two selection components: − demonstration of leadership and service by completing the Macquarie Leaders and Achievers Early Entry Scheme supporting information form − Year 11 studies. Notes: − Applicants for the Bachelor of Marketing and Media and the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and its double degrees are required to have undertaken specific English and/or maths subjects in the HSC, ACT Senior Secondary Certificate or International Baccalaureate. − Applicants for teaching courses need to complete a survey before an offer is made. − All applicants must complete their Year 12 examinations (10 units of HSC courses, including at least 8 units from Category A courses and 2 units of English) or comparable ACT Senior Secondary Certificate or International Baccalaureate subjects.

How to apply For details, search for ‘Macquarie leaders and achievers’ at

MQ For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY For courses marked as not available to international applicants (‘N’), email [email protected] for information on their availability and how to apply.

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Actuarial Studies North Ryde 300239 CSP 3F 97.00 Y Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with Professional Practice (Honours) North Ryde 300238 CSP 4F N/A N Bachelor of Advanced Information Technology North Ryde 300541 CSP 3F/EqP 91.35 Y Bachelor of Advanced Science North Ryde 300566 CSP 3F 96.25 Y Bachelor of Advanced Science and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302173 CSP 5.5F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Ancient History North Ryde 300103 CSP 3F/EqP 90.35 Y Bachelor of Ancient History Distance 300104 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A N Bachelor of Applied Finance North Ryde 300202 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor of Actuarial Studies North Ryde 302239 CSP 4F 97.00 Y Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302166 CSP 5F/EqP 96.75 N Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor of Professional Accounting North Ryde 302203 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Archaeology North Ryde 300128 CSP 3F/EqP 88.75 Y Bachelor of Arts North Ryde 300101 CSP 3F/EqP 75.15 Y Bachelor of Arts Distance 300102 CSP 3F/EqP/D <5 N Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Administration North Ryde 302208 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce North Ryde 302251 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Cyber Security North Ryde 302568 CSP 4.5F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Primary) North Ryde 302440 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) North Ryde 302445 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) North Ryde 302580 CSP 5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Information Technology North Ryde 302102 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302160 CSP 5F/EqP 96.20 Y Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences North Ryde 302432 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences North Ryde 302103 CSP 4F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Medical Sciences North Ryde 302560 CSP 4F/EqP 89.65 N Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science North Ryde 302555 CSP 4F/EqP 81.20 Y Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Distance 302554 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A N Bachelor of Biodiversity and Conservation North Ryde 300573 CSP 3F/EqP 81.50 Y Bachelor of Biodiversity and Conservation Distance 300574 CSP 3F/EqP/D <5 N Bachelor of Biodiversity and Conservation and Master of Conservation North Ryde 303573 CBF 4F/EqP 90.80 N Biology Bachelor of Business Administration North Ryde 300203 CSP 3F/EqP 80.20 Y Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302169 CSP 5F/EqP 96.00 N Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Professional Accounting North Ryde 302210 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Psychology North Ryde 302416 CSP 4F/EqP 80.95 Y MQ Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) North Ryde 302413 CSP 5F/EqP 94.70 N Bachelor of Business Analytics North Ryde 300211 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Business Analytics and Bachelor of Applied Finance North Ryde 302201 CSP 4F/EqP 89.00 Y Bachelor of Business Analytics and Bachelor of Professional Accounting North Ryde 302233 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Chiropractic Science North Ryde 300562 CSP 3F/EqP 80.20 Y Bachelor of Clinical Science North Ryde 300676 CSP 2F 90.30 Y Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences North Ryde 300435 CSP 3F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences and Bachelor of Information North Ryde 302436 CSP 4F/EqP 81.00 N Technology Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences and Bachelor of Psychology North Ryde 302438 CSP 4F/EqP 80.70 N Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences and Bachelor of Psychology North Ryde 302439 CSP 5F/EqP 95.95 N (Honours) Bachelor of Combined Studies North Ryde 302000 CSP TBA N/A N Bachelor of Commerce North Ryde 300221 CSP 3F/EqP 80.05 Y Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) North Ryde 302446 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) North Ryde 302581 CSP 5.5F/EqP 82.25 N Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Human Sciences North Ryde 302255 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology North Ryde 302253 CSP 4F/EqP 80.20 Y Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302165 CSP 5F/EqP 96.00 Y Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences North Ryde 302254 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Psychology North Ryde 302417 CSP 4F/EqP 80.00 Y Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) North Ryde 302412 CSP 5F/EqP 94.40 N Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science North Ryde 302557 CSP 4F/EqP 80.30 Y Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Security Studies North Ryde 302150 CSP 4F/EqP 80.70 N Bachelor of Cyber Security North Ryde 300568 CSP 3F/EqP 80.55 Y Bachelor of Cyber Security and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302174 CSP 5.5F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Cyber Security and Master of Information Technology in Cyber North Ryde 303568 CBF 4F/EqP 86.30 N Security Bachelor of Economics North Ryde 300215 CSP 3F/EqP 80.55 Y Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Applied Finance North Ryde 302202 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Business Analytics North Ryde 302232 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Psychology North Ryde 302441 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in Civil Engineering North Ryde 300585 CSP 4F/EqP 80.85 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in Electrical North Ryde 300580 CSP 4F/EqP 80.40 Y Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in Electronics North Ryde 300581 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in Mechanical North Ryde 300582 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in Mechatronic North Ryde 300583 CSP 4F/EqP 80.15 Y Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in Software North Ryde 300586 CSP 4F/EqP 80.10 Y Engineering Bachelor of Environment North Ryde 300549 CSP 3F/EqP 85.35 Y Bachelor of Environment and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) North Ryde 302584 CSP 5.5F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Environment and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302177 CSP 5F/EqP 96.35 N Bachelor of Environment and Master of Environment North Ryde 303549 CBF 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Game Design and Development North Ryde 300542 CSP 3F/EqP 7 7.15 Y Bachelor of Human Sciences North Ryde 300430 CSP 3F/EqP 80.15 Y

MQ Bachelor of Human Sciences and Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences North Ryde 302434 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Human Sciences and Bachelor of Psychology North Ryde 302418 CSP 4F/EqP 80.90 N Bachelor of Human Sciences and Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) North Ryde 302414 CSP 5F/EqP 94.95 N Bachelor of Human Sciences and Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences North Ryde 302428 CSP 4F/EqP 83.75 N Bachelor of Information Technology North Ryde 300540 CSP 3F/EqP 75.10 Y Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Actuarial Studies North Ryde 302241 CSP 4F <5 N Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) North Ryde 302583 CSP 5F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302178 CSP 5F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Information Technology and Master of Data Science/ North Ryde 303540 CBF 4F/EqP <5 N Master of Information Systems Management Bachelor of International Studies North Ryde 300113 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of International Studies and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302161 CSP 5F/EqP 96.05 N Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 300160 CSP 4F/EqP 96.15 Y Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) North Ryde 302176 CSP 6.5F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) North Ryde 302171 CSP 6F/EqP 96.45 N Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences North Ryde 300432 CSP 3F 76.65 Y Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302172 CSP 5F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences and Bachelor of Marketing North Ryde 302226 CSP 4.5F/EqP N/A N and Media Bachelor of Marine Science North Ryde 300545 CSP 3F/EqP 78.45 Y Bachelor of Marine Science and Master of Marine Science and Management North Ryde 303545 CBF 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Marketing and Media North Ryde 300226 CSP 3F/EqP 95.05 Y Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences North Ryde 300571 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences and Bachelor of Actuarial Studies North Ryde 302240 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302179 CSP 5F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences and Master of Applied Statistics North Ryde 303571 CBF 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Media and Communications North Ryde 300154 CSP 3F/EqP 75.00 Y Bachelor of Media and Communications and Bachelor of Cyber Security North Ryde 302569 CSP 4.5F/EqP <5 N

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Media and Communications and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302164 CSP 5F/EqP 98.60 N Bachelor of Media and Communications and Bachelor of Science North Ryde 302556 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Medical Sciences North Ryde 300560 CSP 3F/EqP 85.10 Y Bachelor of Medical Sciences and Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences North Ryde 302437 CSP 4F/EqP 86.10 N Bachelor of Medical Sciences and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302180 CSP 5F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Medical Sciences and Master of Biotechnology North Ryde 303560 CBF 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Music North Ryde 300148 CSP 3F/EqP 75.30 Y Bachelor of Planning North Ryde 300141 CSP 4F/EqP 76.10 Y Bachelor of Professional Accounting North Ryde 300223 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Professional Accounting and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302168 CSP 5F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Professional Practice and Bachelor of Professional Accounting North Ryde 302222 CSP 4F N/A N Bachelor of Psychology North Ryde 300416 CSP 3F/EqP 80.05 Y Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) North Ryde 300412 CSP 4F/EqP 94.05 Y Bachelor of Psychology and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302170 CSP 5F/EqP 97.30 N Bachelor of Science North Ryde 300555 CSP 3F/EqP 75.05 Y

Bachelor of Science Distance 300556 CSP 3F/EqP/D <5 N MQ Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences North Ryde 302435 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) North Ryde 302448 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) North Ryde 302582 CSP 5F/EqP 81.10 Y Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Information Technology North Ryde 302558 CSP 4F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302181 CSP 5F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Security Studies North Ryde 300150 CSP 3F/EqP 75.40 Y Bachelor of Security Studies Distance 300151 CSP 3F/EqP/D <5 N Bachelor of Security Studies and Bachelor of Business Analytics North Ryde 302231 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Security Studies and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302162 CSP 5F/EqP 96.95 N Bachelor of Security Studies and Master of Cyber Security Analysis/ M Counter Terrorism/M Criminology/M Intelligence/M Security and North Ryde 303101 CBF 4F/EqP 80.05 N Strategic Studies Bachelor of Social Science North Ryde 300110 CSP 3F/EqP 75.05 Y Bachelor of Social Science Distance 300111 CSP 3F/EqP/D N/A N Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor of Laws North Ryde 302163 CSP 5F/EqP 97. 25 N Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences North Ryde 300428 CSP 3F/EqP 83.45 Y Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences and Bachelor of Psychology North Ryde 302419 CSP 4F/EqP 83.40 N Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences and Bachelor of Psychology North Ryde 302415 CSP 5F/EqP <5 N (Honours) Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) North Ryde 300423 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) Distance 300424 CSP 4F/EqP/D N/A N Diploma of Arts, Media and Communications North Ryde 301003 CSP 1F 60.15 Y Diploma of Commerce North Ryde 301004 CSP 1F 62.80 Y Diploma of Engineering North Ryde 301008 CSP 1F 60.40 Y Diploma of Information Technology North Ryde 301006 CSP 1F 60.30 Y Intensive Program North Ryde 301020 DFEE 0.33F 50.50 Y Standard Foundation Program North Ryde 301021 DFEE 0.66F <5 Y

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY | 103 MIT Sydney CRICOS provider number 01545C. 03245K (NSW)

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT MIT SYDNEY MIT Sydney MIT Sydney in the Sydney CBD offers accredited degrees 154–158 Sussex Street with a specialised focus on business and IT networking. Sydney NSW 2000 You can choose to major in cyber security, accounting, management, marketing or digital marketing. tel: (02) 8267 1400 or 1800 648 669 email: [email protected] or Our degrees are aligned to industry standards, as [email protected] employability is at the heart of courses and student life at website: MIT Sydney. The Bachelor of Networking is accredited by the Australian Computer Society. The major in cyber security has been designed specifically to respond to market needs. As OPEN DAY malware and cybercrime become more sophisticated, more

MIT MIT Sydney’s Open Day will be held on Saturday cyber security specialists will be required in the years to come. 22 August 2020. The Bachelor of Business (major in marketing or digital Register for updates: marketing) is accredited by the Australian Marketing Institute, while the Bachelor of Business (major in accounting) is Campus visits accredited by peak bodies including CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and the Institute of MIT Sydney welcomes careers advisers, high school students, Public Accountants. parents and friends to visit throughout the year for campus tours and course information. Embedded into every degree are real-world projects in the business and IT industries so you will have plenty of For a tailored discussion about your future at opportunities to be challenged to think outside the box. MIT Sydney, call (02) 8267 1400 or 1800 648 669 At MIT Sydney we offer 1:1 careers advice, interactive or email [email protected]. workshops, industry-based projects and more.

Students enjoy studying in the heart of Sydney. The city IMPORTANT DATES campus is easy to get to and has everything you need to Trimester 1 excel in your studies – high-tech computer labs, fast wireless Monday 22 March – Saturday 26 June 2021 internet, a library, plus plenty of study spaces and chill-out areas. Trimester 2 Monday 19 July – Saturday 23 October 2021 Want to know more? Visit or call us on 1800 648 669. Trimester 3 Monday 15 November 2021 – Saturday 26 February 2022 ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER APPLICANTS Indigenous students studying with MIT are provided with the academic and personal support they need to enjoy and complete their studies.

104 | SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS MIT courses do not have an ATAR requirement; however, you must successfully complete the HSC (or equivalent).

EARLY OFFER SCHEMES There are no MIT early offer schemes.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Business Sydney 570110 DFEE 3F/EqP 18.60 Y Bachelor of Networking Sydney 570130 DFEE 3F/EqP 24.40 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank. MIT

MIT SYDNEY | 105 National Art School CRICOS provider number 03197B

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT NAS National Art School The National Art School (NAS) is a culturally significant Forbes Street Australian visual arts institution with origins that can be Darlinghurst NSW 2010 traced back to 1843. Situated within the historic walls of the old Darlinghurst Gaol, the School has a rich tradition of tel: (02) 9339 8651 artistic practice and has produced generations of many of the email: [email protected] country’s best-known artists. The campus, located in inner- website: city Darlinghurst, offers a select number of full-time programs – B Fine Art and M Fine Art – as well as a comprehensive OPEN DAY range of part-time and intensive short courses. Saturday 5 September 2020 The National Art School uses practice-driven teaching

NAS methods and maintains a high staff-to-student ratio. Intensive An evening information session will also be held. instruction by over 80 eminent practising artists and art For the latest information, visit historians takes place in a studio environment. Drawing, art history and theory and their relationships to contemporary Campus visits culture are taught each year in the undergraduate programs. You are welcome to visit the campus at any time during the Specialist study is offered in the studio disciplines of year. To take a tour of the campus and meet with academic ceramics, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture. staff or our student recruitment team, call (02) 9339 8651, The fully accredited B Fine Art program is designed to develop email [email protected] or stop by the student the creative independence, knowledge and experience services’ desk during business hours. required for a career as a professional artist and the academic The National Art School campus is open from 9am to 5pm rigour required for further study at postgraduate level. The Monday to Friday and includes a cafe and art program is delivered full-time over three years and involves a supplies store. comprehensive investigation of studio practices and historical and theoretical reflection supported by individual tutorials, The NAS Gallery is open from 11am to 5pm Monday to peer discussions and reviews. Saturday during advertised exhibitions.

During semester, the campus is open to students for ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT extended hours Monday to Saturday. ISLANDER APPLICANTS There is no separate admissions process for Aboriginal and IMPORTANT DATES Torres Strait Islander applicants. Contact NAS for information about 2021 intakes.

106 | SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS NAS courses do not have an ATAR requirement.


Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Fine Art Darlinghurst 620010 DFEE 3F N/A Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank. NAS


Course Compass draws on the experience of over 100,000 recent UAC applicants to show you the paths taken by students just like you.

Try Course Compass at

NATIONAL ART SCHOOL | 107 SAE Creative Media Institute CRICOS provider number 00312F

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT SAE CREATIVE MEDIA Sydney campus INSTITUTE SAE Creative Media Institute SAE Creative Media Institute (SAE) is a leading global 39 Regent Street, Chippendale NSW 2008 specialist in creative media education with almost 50 campuses worldwide. SAE is committed to providing tel: 1800 SAE EDU (1800 723 338) (freecall) or innovative, real-world learning that challenges, develops and (02) 8241 5200 inspires. Offering postgraduate, bachelor, associate degree, email: [email protected] diploma and certificate courses in animation, audio, design, website: film, games, and web and mobile, SAE’s students receive an Byron Bay campus outstanding industry-focused and internationally recognised SAE Creative Media Institute education. 373–391 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay NSW 2481 SAE In Australia, SAE provides courses to more than 3,000 tel: 1800 SAE EDU (1800 723 338) (freecall) or students across six campuses in Brisbane, Byron Bay, Sydney, (02) 6639 6000 Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. email: [email protected] For over 40 years, SAE has maintained a strong commitment website: to providing high-quality practical education in creative media technologies, producing graduates with industry OPEN DAYS skills to fill integral professional roles within the sector. With accredited fast-tracked learning pathways, graduates can be Sydney on their way to their dream job sooner. Sunday 16 August 2020, 10am – 2pm Each course at SAE focuses on teaching high-end technical Byron Bay production techniques specific to its niche, as well as Sunday 9 August 2020, 10am – 2pm developing broader industry perspectives and creative, analytical, communication and project management skills. Come and see why SAE is the leading global specialist in Creative Media Education at an SAE Open Day. You’ll get Course content has been structured to align with current to check out our industry-leading facilities and meet your industry practices and includes intensive training in world- future lecturers and mentors. Register or find out about other class facilities with cutting-edge equipment and software, as information sessions at well as industry-based internships.

Campus tours As part of SAE courses, students engage in many Personal campus tours with friendly and knowledgeable SAE collaborative multi-discipline real-world projects that staff are available year round. Book by calling 1800 SAE EDU replicate industry scenarios. This ensures students hone their (1800 723 338) (freecall) or visit technical knowledge and analytical skills while developing their creativity. IMPORTANT DATES SAE offers flexible payment options, including payment plans, as well as access to FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans. Trimester I Monday 8 February – Friday 7 May 2021 ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT Trimester II Monday 31 May – Friday 27 August 2021 ISLANDER APPLICANTS All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who do not Trimester III meet the entry requirements for our courses are encouraged Monday 20 September – Monday 17 December 2021 to call the SAE admissions team on 1800 723 338 and arrange for an interview. Orientation Orientation weeks are conducted every trimester, one week SAE acknowledges that many factors could demonstrate prior to the commencement of study periods. your suitability for entry to SAE courses, including community engagement, prior work history, and family commitments.

108 | SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS SAE courses do not have an ATAR requirement.


Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT AssocDeg Animation (3D Modelling) Sydney 630010 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Animation (Character Animation) Sydney 630010 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Animation (Visual Effects) Sydney 630010 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Audio (Post Production) Sydney 630040 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Audio (Post Production) Byron Bay 630040 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y

AssocDeg Audio (Studio Production) Sydney 630040 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y SAE AssocDeg Audio (Studio Production) Byron Bay 630040 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Design (Graphic Design) Sydney 630060 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Design (Graphic Design) Byron Bay 630060 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Design (Web Design) Sydney 630060 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Film (Post Production) Byron Bay 630080 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A N AssocDeg Film (Post Production) Sydney 630080 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A N AssocDeg Film (Production) Sydney 630080 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Film (Production) Byron Bay 630080 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Games Development (Games Design) Sydney 630100 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Games Development (Games Programming) Sydney 630100 DFEE 1.25F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Animation (3D Modelling) Sydney 630010 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Animation (3D Modelling) Byron Bay 630010 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Animation (Character Animation) Sydney 630010 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Animation (Character Animation) Byron Bay 630010 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Animation (Visual Effects) Sydney 630010 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Animation (Visual Effects) Byron Bay 630010 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Audio (Post Production) Sydney 630040 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Audio (Post Production) Byron Bay 630040 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Audio (Studio Production) Sydney 630040 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Audio (Studio Production) Byron Bay 630040 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Design (Graphic Design) Sydney 630060 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Design (Graphic Design) Byron Bay 630060 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Design (Web Design) Sydney 630060 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Film (Post Production) Sydney 630080 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Film (Post Production) Byron Bay 630080 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Film (Production) Sydney 630080 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Film (Production) Byron Bay 630080 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Games Development (Games Design) Sydney 630100 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Games Development (Games Design) Byron Bay 630100 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Games Development (Games Programming) Sydney 630100 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Diploma of 3D Animation Production Sydney 630010 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of 3D Animation Production Byron Bay 630010 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Audio Production Sydney 630040 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Audio Production Byron Bay 630040 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Augmented and Virtual Reality Sydney 630290 DFEE 0.75/EqP N/A N Diploma of Augmented and Virtual Reality Byron Bay 630290 DFEE 0.75/EqP N/A N Diploma of Film Sydney 630080 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Film Byron Bay 630080 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Games Development Sydney 630100 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Games Development Byron Bay 630100 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Graphic Design Sydney 630060 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Graphic Design Byron Bay 630060 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Music Production Sydney 630040 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Music Production Byron Bay 630040 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Screen and Media (Creative Industries) Sydney 630300 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N Diploma of Screen and Media (Creative Industries) Byron Bay 630300 DFEE 0.75F/EqP N/A N SAE

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

110 | SIBT CRICOS provider number 01576G

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT SIBT SIBT SIBT is your direct pathway to Western Sydney University, Level 4, 255 Elizabeth Street Sydney City campus. Our flexible entry criteria will allow you Sydney NSW 2000 to complete a diploma program and progress to the second year of your university studies. If you successfully complete tel: (02) 9964 6555 your diploma, you are guaranteed a place at Western Sydney email: [email protected] University, Sydney City campus. website: Why study at SIBT? OPEN DAY A range of pathways to degrees in: accounting, business, communications (advertising, journalism, public relations), SIBT Campus visits engineering, information technology and social science For personalised campus tours/appointments and (criminology and criminal justice). course information, call (02) 9964 6555 or email Flexible study options [email protected]. Start in March, July or October and choose to accelerate your studies and complete a diploma in just eight months.

IMPORTANT DATES Personalised learning Session 1 With smaller classes, student support and a personalised March – June 2021 learning experience, SIBT helps you to improve your academic performance and prepare you for life beyond the Session 2 lecture room. July – October 2021 Help when you need it Session 3 Our Student Services team is here to help you and guide you October 2021 – February 2022 throughout your journey. Whether you are having trouble For exact dates visit studying, with assignments or any other personal matter, our staff will support you.

University preparation programs We offer all students programs to help with skills such as literacy, time management, self-directed learning, assignment preparation and stress management.

Guidance from peer mentors Selected senior SIBT students work as trained peer mentors who will share their passion and experience to make you feel welcome and provide you with essential information about campus life.

Sydney City is your campus Located in the heart of Sydney CBD, on Western’s Sydney City campus, SIBT’s central location provides convenient access to transport and all the facilities and services you may need.

Since 1997, over 25,000 graduates have successfully completed their SIBT diploma program and 90% of students have progressed to university.

Begin your study journey with SIBT and we’ll help you to make your #UniGoals happen.

International Year 12 students apply directly to SIBT.

SIBT | 111 UAC GUIDE 2020–21

ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT SIBT will give special consideration to students who have experienced disadvantage in education and employment in ISLANDER APPLICANTS the past, including those from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who don’t meet Islander background, people with a disability and people from the academic requirements may be admitted to a foundation culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. or diploma program (depending on what level of high school they completed) based on demonstrable expertise and For details, call the admissions office on (02) 9964 6555. relevant work experience.

Applicants are required to provide a Statement of Purpose, EARLY OFFER SCHEMES information on work experience and any studies undertaken There are no SIBT early offer schemes. since leaving high school.

For details, call the admissions office on (02) 9964 6555.

SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS ATARs are not used for admission to SIBT. Admission is based on successful completion of an Australian Year 12 qualification (or international equivalent).

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

SIBT SIBT International Year 12 students apply directly to SIBT.

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Diploma of Arts City 640010 DFEE 0.66-1F/EqP N/A Diploma of Business Administration City 640020 DFEE 0.66-1F/EqP N/A Diploma of Commerce City 640030 DFEE 0.66-1F/EqP N/A Diploma of Media and Communication City 640040 DFEE 0.66-1F/EqP N/A Diploma of Information Technology City 640050 DFEE 0.66-1F/EqP N/A Diploma of Engineering City 640060 DFEE 0.66-1F/EqP N/A

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

Worried about your ATAR? SIBT is your pathway to Western Pathways to: Accounting, Business, Communication, Engineering, IT, Social Science (Criminology)

112 | Southern Cross University CRICOS provider number 01241G

GET IN TOUCH Session 3 Monday 1 November 2021 – Wednesday 19 February 2022 Student Services Southern Cross University Orientation PO Box 157, Lismore NSW 2480 Monday 25 – Friday 29 October 2021 tel: 1800 626 481 (freecall) email: [email protected] STUDYING AT SOUTHERN CROSS website: UNIVERSITY In person Southern Cross University is a multi-campus university on

Lismore campus Australia’s east coast. We are proud of our reputation as a SCU Military Road, East Lismore NSW 2480 progressive institution, engaging with the communities we serve to create change that has impact around the world. Coffs Harbour campus Hogbin Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Our campuses are located on the southern Gold Coast adjacent to Gold Coast Airport, and in Lismore and Coffs Gold Coast campus Harbour in NSW, where the University’s National Marine Southern Cross Drive (access via Terminal Drive Science Centre is also located. The University operates The Gold Coast Airport), Bilinga QLD 4225 Hotel School Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane in partnership with Mulpha Australia. National Marine Science Centre 2 Bay Drive, Charlesworth Bay, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 The regions we call home all have unique characteristics as study locations – from cosmopolitan cities, thriving industries The Hotel School Sydney and coastal lifestyles to living laboratories of great natural 60 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000 beauty and ecological diversity, right next to the campus.

The Hotel School Brisbane Southern Cross delivers degrees on campus and online, with Level 13, 127 Creek Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 a rich academic portfolio covering the arts and humanities, media, music and creative arts, social sciences and community welfare, health (including nursing and midwifery, osteopathy OPEN DAYS and a selection of allied health specialities), law (including a Coffs Harbour Friday 14 August 2020 suite of double degrees), teaching and education, information Gold Coast Sunday 16 August 2020 technology, tourism and business, science and engineering Lismore Friday 21 August 2020 as well as marine, forest and environmental science and Indigenous knowledge. Campus visits Southern Cross has been ranked in the top 150 young Book a personalised campus tour, guided by current universities in the world by the Times Higher Education World students, at all campuses: call 1800 626 481 or email University Rankings 2019. It’s an accolade we don’t take [email protected]. lightly – we are constantly reviewing our degrees and pathway programs to make sure you are equipped with the skills and IMPORTANT DATES knowledge you need to forge your 21st century career. Session 1 International Year 12 students apply directly to Monday 1 March – Wednesday 26 May 2021 Southern Cross University. Orientation Monday 22 – Friday 26 February 2021

Session 2 Monday 5 July – Wednesday 29 September 2021 Orientation Monday 28 June – Friday 2 July 2021


ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT Indigenous Australian Student Services (IASS) provides an extensive service to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ISLANDER APPLICANTS students who are studying at Southern Cross University. If you are an Indigenous Australian and do not receive an There are IASS officers at each campus. offer to Southern Cross University based solely on your application, there is a pathway scheme available. For all details, search for ‘IASS’ at

The Testing and Assessment Program allows you to sit an assessment task and then discuss your options for University SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS admission. This may include you receiving an offer into the There are no SCU selection rank adjustments available. course you have applied for or considering a pathway into your preferred course.


STAR Important dates Applications close: 11 September Offers released: 9 November

Assessment criteria − Attend SCU partner schools. Your school can sign up by emailing [email protected]. − High school results − Principal’s recommendation

How to apply Submit a direct application to SCU SCU For details, go to

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

A better way to think.

Southern Cross University is a di erent kind of university. We combine academic and research excellence with outstanding learning opportunities and a commitment to what matters, from protecting and managing our precious natural environments to understanding and advancing our human world. Southern Cross University Gold Coast, Lismore, Co s Harbour, Online

114 | SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY International Year 12 students apply directly to Southern Cross University, visit

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance AssocDeg Creative Writing Lismore 333301 CSP 2F/4P <5 AssocDeg Law (Paralegal Studies) Lismore 336300 CSP 2F/4P N/A AssocDeg Law (Paralegal Studies) Gold Coast 336361 CSP 2F/4P <5 Bachelor of Art and Design Lismore 333110 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Arts Lismore 333100 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Arts Gold Coast 333161 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary) Lismore 330110 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary) Coffs Harbour 330150 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary) Gold Coast 330160 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary/Early Childhood) Lismore 330111 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary/Early Childhood) Coffs Harbour 330151 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary/Early Childhood) Gold Coast 330161 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary/Secondary) Lismore 330112 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary/Secondary) Coffs Harbour 330152 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary/Secondary) Gold Coast 330162 CSP 4F/8P N/A SCU Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Lismore 330113 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Coffs Harbour 330153 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Gold Coast 330163 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws Lismore 336104 CSP 5F/10P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws Gold Coast 336160 CSP 5F/10P N/A Bachelor of Biomedical Science Gold Coast 335165 CSP 3F/6P* <5 Bachelor of Business and Enterprise ¹ Lismore 332110 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Business and Enterprise ¹ Coffs Harbour 338152 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Business and Enterprise ¹ Gold Coast 332166 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Business and Enterprise ¹ (Accounting) Lismore 332111 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Business and Enterprise ¹ (Accounting) Coffs Harbour 338153 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Business and Enterprise ¹ (Accounting) Gold Coast 332167 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Business and Enterprise ¹ (Financial Services) Lismore 332112 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Business and Enterprise ¹ (Financial Services) Coffs Harbour 338154 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Business and Enterprise ¹ (Financial Services) Gold Coast 332168 CSP 3F/6P N/A The Hotel School Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management 354140 DFEE 3F/6P N/A Sydney The Hotel School Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management 354146 DFEE 3F/6P N/A Brisbane Bachelor of Clinical Sciences (Osteopathic Studies) Gold Coast 330167 CSP 3F/6P* N/A Bachelor of Clinical Sciences (Osteopathic Studies) Lismore 335115 CSP 3F/6P* N/A Bachelor of Community Welfare ² Coffs Harbour 331159 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Community Welfare ² Gold Coast 331168 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Contemporary Music Lismore 333101 CSP 3F/6P 64.90 Bachelor of Digital Media ² Lismore 331111 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering) ¹ Lismore 334115 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Coastal Systems Engineering) ¹ Lismore 334118 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering) ¹ Lismore 334119 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science (Regenerative Agriculture) ¹ Lismore 334114 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science ¹ Lismore 334113 CSP 3F/6P N/A



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Marine Science and Lismore 334112 CSP 4F/8P 71.95 Management Bachelor of Exercise Science and Psychological Science Coffs Harbour 335155 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Forest Science and Management Lismore 334102 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Indigenous Knowledge Lismore 337118 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Information Technology Gold Coast 332161 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) Lismore 336100 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) Gold Coast 336766 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Laws (Non-graduate Entry) Lismore 336000 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Laws (Non-graduate Entry) Gold Coast 336060 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Laws and Creative Writing Lismore 336115 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Laws and Creative Writing Gold Coast 336164 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies Lismore 336110 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies Gold Coast 336161 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies/Bachelor of Laws Lismore 336109 CSP 5F/10P N/A Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies/Bachelor of Laws Gold Coast 336169 CSP 5F/10P N/A Bachelor of Marine Science and Management Lismore 334104 CSP 3F/6P N/A SCU National Marine Science Bachelor of Marine Science and Management 334153 CSP 3F/6P 63.10 Centre, Coffs Harbour Bachelor of Midwifery Coffs Harbour 335153 CSP 3F/6P* N/A Bachelor of Midwifery Gold Coast 335167 CSP 3F/6P* N/A Bachelor of Nursing Lismore 335101 CSP 3F/6P* N/A Bachelor of Nursing Coffs Harbour 335151 CSP 3F/6P* N/A Bachelor of Nursing Gold Coast 335164 CSP 3F/6P* N/A Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Coffs Harbour 335150 CSP 4F/8P* N/A Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Gold Coast 335168 CSP 4F/8P* N/A Bachelor of Pedorthics Gold Coast 335065 CSP 3F/6P* N/A Bachelor of Podiatry Gold Coast 330169 CSP 4F/8P* N/A Bachelor of Podiatry/Bachelor of Pedorthics Gold Coast 335162 CSP 4F/8P N/A Bachelor of Psychological Science Gold Coast 335062 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Psychological Science Coffs Harbour 335152 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws Lismore 336105 CSP 5F/10P N/A Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws Coffs Harbour 336150 CSP 5F/10P <5 Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws Gold Coast 336165 CSP 5F/10P N/A Bachelor of Social Science Lismore 331101 CSP 3F/6P <5 Bachelor of Social Science Gold Coast 331161 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws Lismore 336113 CSP 5F/10P N/A Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws Gold Coast 336162 CSP 5F/10P N/A Bachelor of Social Work ¹ Gold Coast 331168 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Speech Pathology Gold Coast 330168 CSP 4F/8P* <5 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Lismore 335100 CSP 3F/6P* N/A Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Coffs Harbour 335154 CSP 3F/6P* <5 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Gold Coast 338160 CSP 3F/6P* <5 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science/Bachelor of Laws Lismore 336106 CSP 5F/10P N/A

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science/Bachelor of Laws Gold Coast 336163 CSP 5F/10P N/A Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Online 334191 CSP 4F/8P/D N/A Bachelor of Tourism Management ¹ Lismore 334155 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Tourism Management ¹ Coffs Harbour 334154 CSP 3F/6P N/A Bachelor of Tourism Management ¹ Gold Coast 334163 CSP 3F/6P N/A Diploma of Business Gold Coast 332061 CSP 2F/4P N/A Diploma of Health Coffs Harbour 335051 CSP 1F/2P <5 Diploma of Health Gold Coast 335072 CSP 1F/2P <5 The Hotel School Diploma of Hotel Management 354040 CSP 1F/2P N/A Sydney The Hotel School Diploma of Hotel Management 354060 CSP 1F/2P N/A Brisbane Diploma of Science Lismore 334014 CSP 1F/2P <5

* Duration for students commencing in July is 3.5 years full-time or 7 years part-time.

1 Subject to University approval

2 Name change subject to University approval SCU

Have you experienced long-term educational disadvantage due to circumstances beyond your control or choosing? EDUCATIONAL ACCESS SCHEMES (EAS) may help you gain admission to university.

Go to the UAC website at for more information.

SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY | 117 Torrens University Australia CRICOS provider number 03389E

GET IN TOUCH Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School The Rocks campus Trimester 1 Level 3, 1–5 Hickson Road, The Rocks NSW 2000 starts Wednesday 13 January 2021 Trimester 2 tel: 1300 575 803 starts Wednesday 7 April 2021 email: [email protected] website: Trimester 3 starts Wednesday 30 July 2021 Ultimo campus Trimester 4 Level 1, 46–52 Mountain Street, Ultimo NSW 2007 starts Wednesday 22 September 2021 tel: 1300 575 803

TUA email: [email protected] website: STUDYING AT TORRENS UNIVERSITY Torrens University Australia was designed with one purpose: Pyrmont campus employability. It’s at the centre of all we do, with 95% of 5/235 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont NSW 2009 graduates finding a job they love within one year. tel: 1300 575 803 Built on the strong foundations of our distinguished schools email: [email protected] and colleges, such as Billy Blue College of Design and Blue website: Mountains International Hotel Management School, Torrens University is Australia’s newest and fastest growing university. All of our undergraduate and postgraduate courses are OPEN DAYS designed with and for industry. Saturday 15 August 2020 Students complete practical work experience and internships The Rocks campus with some of the most influential brands in the world and Ultimo campus have access to cutting-edge facilities and technology. Pyrmont campus Many Torrens University graduates secure jobs with the For details or to register your attendance, visit organisations they’ve worked with as part of this program, or through connections they’ve made during their studies. Saturday 12 September 2020 Our research- and career-oriented academic staff, together Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School with our industry partners, help students to bridge the gap For more information, visit between study and work. openday. With campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane Campus visits and online, you can start your course in Sydney and finish it in Brisbane, or choose to study units online and complete Call 1300 575 803, visit or drop in to your qualification with flexibility that suits you. When you any campus during business hours, Monday to Friday. study at Torrens University, you will learn in small class sizes so that you have individual 1:1 support from your teachers. IMPORTANT DATES All Torrens University, students are assigned an individual success coach who’ll help you identify and apply your Trimester 1 strengths within the classroom and beyond. starts Monday 22 February 2021 Trimester 2 starts Monday 7 June 2021 Trimester 3 starts Monday 20 September 2021 Visit for all dates.

118 | ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT We have a range of support services and other resources available, such as scholarships and the yarning space. ISLANDER APPLICANTS For further information, search for ‘Indigenous students’ Torrens University is committed to ensuring that Aboriginal and at Torres Strait Islander students have access to all our services and are supported throughout their academic journey.

SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. Torrens University will increase your selection rank across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − For details, go to Other consideration − To discuss options, call 1300 575 803

Location adjustments − Max. 5 points / automatically applied For students who live in regional areas

Elite athlete and performer None adjustments

Subject adjustments − Automatically applied TUA For students who achieve a Band 2 or − For details, call 1300 575 803 above in three subjects (one related to the field of study)


Early Entry Important dates Applications close: 25 September 2020 Conditional offers released: 48 hours after applying

Assessment criteria Standard course admission criteria

How to apply Submit a direct application to Torrens University: go to

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

9 out of 10 graduates find a job they love within a year



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT AssocDeg Business (Hospitality Management) Sydney (The Rocks) 553220 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y AssocDeg Business (Tourism Management) Sydney (The Rocks) 553240 DFEE 2F/EqP <5 Y AssocDeg Culinary Management Sydney (The Rocks) 553250 DFEE 2F/EqP <5 Y Associate Degree of Branded Fashion Design Sydney (Ultimo) 551340 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Associate Degree of Communication Design Sydney (Ultimo) 551300 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Associate Degree of Digital Media (3D Design and Animation) Sydney (Ultimo) 551310 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Associate Degree of Digital Media (Film and Video Design) Sydney (Ultimo) 551320 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Associate Degree of Digital Media (Interaction Design) Sydney (Ultimo) 551321 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Sydney (Ultimo) Associate Degree of Game Design and Development 551390 DFEE 2F/EqP New Y and Online Associate Degree of Interior Design (Commercial) Sydney (Ultimo) 551331 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Associate Degree of Interior Design (Residential) Sydney (Ultimo) 551330 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Applied Public Health Online 552120 DFEE 2-3F/D N/A Y Sydney (Pyrmont) Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences (Community Services) 552210 DFEE 3F/EqP/D N/A Y and Online Sydney (Pyrmont) Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences (Counselling) 552220 DFEE 3F/EqP/D N/A Y and Online Bachelor of Branded Fashion Design Sydney (Ultimo) 551030 DFEE 2-3F 61.80 Y

TUA Sydney (The Rocks) Bachelor of Business 550010 DFEE 2F/EqP/D <5 Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship) 550160 DFEE 2F/EqP/D <5 Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Bachelor of Business (Event Management) 550020 DFEE 2F/EqP/D 60.75 Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) 553020 DFEE 3F/6P/D <5 Y and Online Bachelor of Business (International Event Management) Leura and Sydney 553310 DFEE 2.5F N/A Y Bachelor of Business (International Hotel and Resort Management) Leura and Sydney 553320 DFEE 2.5F <5 Y Sydney (The Rocks) Bachelor of Business (Marketing) 550030 DFEE 2F/EqP/D <5 Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Bachelor of Business (Sports Management) 550050 DFEE 2F/EqP/D <5 Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Bachelor of Business (Tourism Management) 553040 DFEE 3F/6P/D <5 Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Bachelor of Business Information Systems 553011 DFEE 3F/6P N/A Y and Online Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Branded Fashion Design Sydney (Ultimo) 551200 DFEE 3-4F 60.90 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Communication Design Sydney (Ultimo) 551220 DFEE 3-4F N/A Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Digital Media (3D Design and Sydney (Ultimo) 551210 DFEE 3-4F <5 Y Animation) Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Digital Media (Film and Video Sydney (Ultimo) 551240 DFEE 3-4F <5 Y Design) Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Interior Design (Commercial) Sydney (Ultimo) 551250 DFEE 3-4F <5 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential) Sydney (Ultimo) 551260 DFEE 3-4F 62.50 Y Bachelor of Commerce Sydney (The Rocks) 550060 DFEE 2F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Communication Design Sydney (Ultimo) 551010 DFEE 2-3F 63.05 Y Bachelor of Culinary Management Sydney (The Rocks) 553050 DFEE 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Digital Media (3D Design and Animation) Sydney (Ultimo) 551020 DFEE 2-3F 60.90 Y Bachelor of Digital Media (Film and Video Design) Sydney (Ultimo) 551022 DFEE 2-3F 60.10 Y Bachelor of Digital Media (Interaction Design) Sydney (Ultimo) 551021 DFEE 2-3F <5 Y


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Sydney (Ultimo) Bachelor of Game Design and Development 551090 DFEE 3F/6P/D New Y and Online Bachelor of Health Science (Aesthetics) Online 552180 DFEE 2-3F/D N/A Y Sydney (Pyrmont) Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Nutrition) 552181 DFEE 3F/6P <5 Y and Online Sydney (Pyrmont) Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) 552052 DFEE 4F/8P N/A Y and Online Sydney (Pyrmont) Bachelor of Health Science (Western Herbal Medicine) 552060 DFEE 3F/6P N/A Y and Online Bachelor of Interior Design (Commercial) Sydney (Ultimo) 551050 DFEE 2-3F 60.30 Y Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential) Sydney (Ultimo) 551060 DFEE 2-3F 62.05 Y Bachelor of Nursing Sydney (Kent Street) 552200 DFEE 3F/6P New Y Bachelor of Nutrition Online 552100 DFEE 2-3F/D <5 Y Sydney (Ultimo) Bachelor of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) 551371 DFEE 3F/6P/D <5 Y and Online Sydney (Ultimo) Bachelor of Software Engineering (Game Programming) 551370 DFEE 3F/6P/D 61.40 Y and Online

Sydney (Ultimo) TUA Bachelor Software Engineering (Cloud Computing) 551372 DFEE 3F/6P/D N/A Y and Online Sydney (Pyrmont) Diploma of Beauty and Spa Practice 552170 DFEE 1F/EqP N/A Y and Online Diploma of Branded Fashion Design Sydney (Ultimo) 551111 DFEE 1F/2P/D N/A Y Sydney (The Rocks) Diploma of Business 550103 DFEE 1F/EqP/D N/A Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Diploma of Business (Hospitality Management) 553160 DFEE 1F/2P/D <5 Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Diploma of Business (Tourism Management) 553150 DFEE 1F/EqP/D N/A Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Diploma of Business Information Systems 550104 DFEE 1F/2P/D N/A Y and Online Sydney (Pyrmont) Diploma of Counselling and Communication Skills 552190 DFEE 1F/EqP/D <5 Y and Online Diploma of Design Sydney (Ultimo) 551150 DFEE 0.7-1F N/A Y Diploma of Digital Media Design Sydney (Ultimo) 551170 DFEE 1F/2P <5 Y Sydney (The Rocks) Diploma of Event Management 550150 DFEE 1F/EqP/D N/A Y and Online Sydney (Ultimo) Diploma of Graphic Design 551110 DFEE 1F/2P/D <5 Y and Online Diploma of Health and Wellbeing Online 552130 DFEE 1F/EqP/D <5 Y Sydney (Ultimo) Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration 551120 DFEE 1F/2P/D <5 Y and Online Sydney (The Rocks) Diploma of Marketing 550120 DFEE 1F/EqP/D <5 Y and Online Diploma of Nutrition Online 552110 DFEE 1F/EqP/D <5 Y Sydney (Ultimo) Diploma of Photo Imaging 551160 DFEE 1F/2P/D <5 Y and Online Sydney (Pyrmont) Diploma of Sport Development 552230 DFEE 1F/EqP/D <5 Y and Online

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

TORRENS UNIVERSITY AUSTRALIA | 121 University of Canberra CRICOS provider number 00212K

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF Student Connect CANBERRA Locked Bag 1 The University of Canberra is a young, vibrant and pragmatic University of Canberra ACT 2601 university with a clear public purpose serving the community of Canberra and the surrounding regions – city to coast, alpine tel: 1800 UNI CAN (1800 864 226) to tablelands. Our home in Canberra is a place where ideas email: [email protected] are born, creativity is explored and opportunity is created. website: Whether it’s solving environmental challenges, meeting the In person healthcare needs of our community or equipping the leaders Student Central, Building 1, Level B of the future, our University is an embodiment of our city. University of Canberra Though our home is in Canberra, our global connections UC Kirinari Street, Bruce ACT 2617 are deep and far-reaching through our research, business connections, alumni networks and partnerships.

OPEN DAY With a real-world, practical approach to education and deeply embedded work-based learning, our graduates enjoy Saturday 22 August 2020 a 90% employment rate and higher starting salaries than the Australian university average (2019 Graduate Outcomes Campus tours Survey). Many of our 86,000 alumni hold influential positions in public and private sectors in 120 countries. Campus tours are available weekdays between 9am and 4pm. Note: 72 hours’ notice is required for all bookings. Our ambition, talent and drive have seen us rocket up the To book a tour, visit international rankings, placing us in the top 1% of universities worldwide and the top 10 universities in Australia (The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020). IMPORTANT DATES We are a leading sports institution with strong ties to elite Semester 1 sporting teams. We also have world-class health facilities, Monday 8 February – Saturday 26 May 2021 including our integrated health precinct, which provides Orientation access to cutting-edge learning and research environments. Monday 1 – Friday 5 February 2021 ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT Semester 2 Monday 2 August – Saturday 17 November 2021 ISLANDER APPLICANTS If you do not meet standard entry requirements you may Orientation apply for admission to the UC College Aboriginal and Torres Monday 26 – Friday 30 July 2021 Strait Islander Foundation Program. The University also reserves places in nominated courses in each intake. These places are awarded on merit, including performance in an interview.

If you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander when you apply through UAC, you may be eligible to have your selection rank increased: see ‘Selection rank adjustments’ on the next page.

122 | SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. The University of Canberra will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 20 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 10 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments − Max. 10 points / automatically applied For students who attend a rural or − For details, go to regional school

Elite athlete and performer adjustments University Priority Group For elite athletes or sporting coaches − Submit a direct application to University of Canberra whose sporting commitments have − Max. 5 points across all University Priority Groups affected their academic performance − Does not apply to elite performers − For details, including supporting statement and evidence requirements, search for ‘adjustment factors’ at

Subject adjustments − Max. 10 points / automatically applied For students who perform well in HSC − Excludes preferences to B Physiotherapy and B Midwifery subjects (or equivalent) related to specific − For details, search for ‘adjustment factors’ at University of Canberra course preferences

University Priority Groups Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander applicants UC For students from priority groups defined − Identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander in your UAC application by the university − Max. 5 points across all University Priority Groups

Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel and reservists − Submit a direct application to University of Canberra − Max. 5 points across all University Priority Groups − For details, including supporting statement and evidence requirements, search for ‘adjustment factors’ at Also see ‘Elite athlete and performer adjustments’ above


Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Accounting Canberra 361209 CSP 3F/EqP 72.90 Y Bachelor of Applied Science in Forensic Studies Canberra 368044 CSP 3F/EqP 61.00 Y Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing) Canberra 362004 CSP 3F/EqP 66.00 Y Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Heritage) Canberra 362005 CSP 3F/EqP 65.10 Y Bachelor of Arts (Digital Media) Canberra 362006 CSP 3F/EqP 65.85 Y Bachelor of Arts (Film Production) Canberra 362007 CSP 3F/EqP 60.95 Y Bachelor of Arts (Global Studies) Canberra 362008 CSP 3F/EqP 62.20 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication and Media Canberra 363286 CSP 4F/EqP 66.80 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Event and Tourism Management Canberra 361533 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws Canberra 362144 CSP 5F/EqP 86.60 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Psychology Canberra 362184 CSP 4F/EqP 61.05 Y Bachelor of Biomedical Science Canberra 368093 CSP 3F/EqP 60.35 Y Bachelor of Building and Construction Management Canberra 361124 CSP 4F/EqP 62.65 Y Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) Canberra 361211 CSP 3F/EqP 61.85 Y Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) Canberra 361212 CSP 3F/EqP 60.60 Y Bachelor of Business (International Business) Canberra 361218 CSP 3F/EqP 7 7.90 Y Bachelor of Business (Management) Canberra 361214 CSP 3F/EqP 60.25 Y UC Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Canberra 361216 CSP 3F/EqP 63.95 Y Bachelor of Business (Service Management) Canberra 361217 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Business (Sport Management) Canberra 361535 CSP 3F/EqP 63.55 Y Bachelor of Business Informatics Canberra 366003 CSP 3F/EqP 61.85 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Arts Canberra 361544 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Business Informatics Canberra 361515 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Communication and Media Canberra 361542 CSP 4F/EqP 62.10 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Design Canberra 361543 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Information Technology Canberra 361534 CSP 4F/EqP 60.10 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws Canberra 361325 CSP 5F/EqP 85.95 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Science in Psychology Canberra 361545 CSP 4F/EqP 61.45 Y Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance) Canberra 361231 CSP 3F/EqP 73.90 Y Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) Canberra 361227 CSP 3F/EqP 74.35 Y Bachelor of Commerce (Business Economics) Canberra 361228 CSP 3F/EqP 67.40 Y Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Banking) Canberra 361229 CSP 3F/EqP 68.05 Y Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Planning) Canberra 361230 CSP 3F/EqP 66.45 Y Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Information Technology Canberra 361327 CSP 4F/EqP 65.65 Y Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws Canberra 361324 CSP 5F/EqP 85.95 Y Bachelor of Communication and Media (Corporate and Public Canberra 362427 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Communication) Bachelor of Communication and Media (Journalism) Canberra 362428 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Communication and Media (Marketing Communication) Canberra 362429 CSP 3F/EqP 60.85 Y Bachelor of Communication and Media (Sports Media) Canberra 362430 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Event and Tourism Canberra 361532 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Management Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Laws Canberra 361326 CSP 5F/EqP 90.30 Y Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design) Canberra 362107 CSP 3F/EqP 63.85 Y Bachelor of Design (Interaction Design) Canberra 362108 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication Design) Canberra 362109 CSP 3F/EqP 63.30 Y Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Communication and Media Canberra 363205 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Early Childhood and Primary Education Canberra 364103 CSP 4F/EqP 62.40 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Canberra 365016 CSP 4F/EqP 70.65 Y Bachelor of Engineering in Network and Software Engineering (Honours) Canberra 366054 CSP 4F/EqP 67.30 Y Bachelor of Environmental Science Canberra 368023 CSP 3F/EqP 65.65 Y Bachelor of Event and Tourism Management Canberra 361480 CSP 3F/EqP 69.40 Y Bachelor of Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation Canberra 365113 CSP 4F/EqP 83.50 Y Bachelor of Forensic Studies/Bachelor of Laws Canberra 368046 CSP 5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Health Science Canberra 365260 CSP 3F/EqP new Y Bachelor of Health Science (Human Movement) Canberra 365268 CSP 3F/EqP 62.35 Y Bachelor of Health Science (Human Movement)/Bachelor of Human Canberra 365269 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Nutrition Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition Studies) Canberra 365267 CSP 3F/EqP 62.40 Y Bachelor of Human Nutrition Canberra 365063 CSP 3F/EqP 60.50 Y Bachelor of Information Technology Canberra 366043 CSP 3F/EqP 61.20 Y UC Bachelor of Justice Studies Canberra 367035 CSP 3F/EqP 68.85 Y Bachelor of Justice Studies/Bachelor of Forensic Studies Canberra 367036 CSP 4F/EqP 66.35 Y Bachelor of Landscape Design Canberra 363129 CSP 3F/EqP new Y Bachelor of Laws Canberra 367004 CSP 4F/EqP 86.30 Y Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Design Canberra 367006 CSP 5F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging) Canberra 365273 CSP 4F/EqP 82.40 Y Bachelor of Medical Science Canberra 368083 CSP 3F/EqP 61.75 Y Bachelor of Midwifery Canberra 365084 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing Canberra 365101 CSP 3F/EqP 65.25 Y Bachelor of Nursing Advanced Canberra 365102 CSP 4F/EqP 86.55 Y Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Canberra 365107 CSP 4F/EqP 83.35 Y Bachelor of Pharmacy Canberra 365116 CSP 4F/EqP 81.20 Y Bachelor of Physiotherapy Canberra 365106 CSP 4F 91.00 Y Bachelor of Politics and International Relations Canberra 361663 CSP 3F/EqP 65.10 Y Bachelor of Politics and International Relations/Bachelor of Arts Canberra 361530 CSP 4F/EqP 67.85 Y Bachelor of Politics and International Relations/Bachelor of Business Canberra 361528 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Politics and International Relations/Bachelor of Communication Canberra 361529 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y and Media Bachelor of Politics and International Relations/Bachelor of Design Canberra 361498 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Politics and International Relations/Bachelor of Laws Canberra 361495 CSP 5F/EqP 85.35 Y Bachelor of Politics and International Relations/Bachelor of Science in Canberra 361497 CSP 4F/EqP 70.60 Y Psychology Bachelor of Primary Education Canberra 364003 CSP 4F/EqP 60.00 Y Bachelor of Primary Education (Creative Arts) Canberra 364023 CSP 4F/EqP 61.10 Y Bachelor of Primary Education (Health and Physical Education) Canberra 364033 CSP 4F/EqP 61.85 Y Bachelor of Primary Education (STEM) Canberra 364024 CSP 4F/EqP 65.30 Y Bachelor of Science Canberra 368103 CSP 3F/EqP 62.40 Y Bachelor of Science in Psychology Canberra 365123 CSP 3F/EqP 60.00 Y Bachelor of Science in Psychology/Bachelor of Health Science (Human Canberra 365166 CSP 4F/EqP 66.95 Y Movement) Bachelor of Science in Psychology/Bachelor of Laws Canberra 365165 CSP 5F/EqP 85.15 Y



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws Canberra 365164 CSP 5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education) Canberra 364044 CSP 4F/EqP 60.10 Y Bachelor of Secondary Education/Bachelor of Arts Canberra 364053 CSP 4F/EqP 60.15 Y Bachelor of Secondary Education/Bachelor of Science Canberra 364063 CSP 4F/EqP 60.40 Y Bachelor of Social and Economic Policy (Economic Policy) Canberra 361522 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Social and Economic Policy (Sociology) Canberra 361523 CSP 3F/EqP 62.65 Y Bachelor of Software Engineering Canberra 366103 CSP 3F/EqP 61.05 Y Bachelor of Software Engineering/Bachelor of Business Informatics Canberra 366123 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Canberra 365191 CSP 3F/EqP 60.45 Y Bachelor of the Built Environment (Architecture) Canberra 363004 CSP 3F/EqP 61.65 Y Bachelor of the Built Environment (Interior Architecture) Canberra 363005 CSP 3F/EqP 60.85 Y Bachelor of Vision Science Canberra 368073 CSP 3F/EqP 86.30 Y Diploma of Business Canberra 360015 CSP 1F/EqP 52.75 Y Diploma of Communication Canberra 360005 CSP 1F/EqP <5 Y Diploma of Design Canberra 360035 CSP 1F/EqP <5 Y Diploma of Health Canberra 360045 CSP 1F/EqP 50.65 Y

UC Diploma of Information Technology Canberra 360010 CSP 1F/EqP <5 Y Diploma of Network and Software Engineering Canberra 360024 CSP 1F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Science Canberra 360030 CSP 1F/EqP N/A Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

126 | Need help with money to go to or stay at uni? EUITY SCOLARSIPS Applications open April 2020

Apply online at

| 127 University of New England CRICOS provider number 00003G

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT UNE Student Success On campus University of New England The University of New England (UNE) remains one of the few Armidale NSW 2351 universities to provide the complete on-campus experience, with a vibrant, supportive community, small classes and tel: 1800 818 865 (freecall) access to your lecturers. email or live chat: website: Affordable accommodation options put you right at the heart of the action, giving you maximum independence and access In person to academic, sporting and social facilities. Student Success All of this means that you get every opportunity to reach your Dixson Library Learning Commons UNE full potential and get the very best start (plus some great University of New England memories along the way). Armidale NSW 2351 UNE is the only Australian public university awarded the OPEN DAY maximum 5 stars for Overall Experience 14 years in a row.¹ Friday 8 May 2020 1 The Good Universities Guide Ratings 2007–20. The Good Universities Guide provides the only independent performance Visit ratings of Australian undergraduate courses and their providers.

Campus visits Online A campus tour at the University of New England in Armidale, UNE has been the leading innovator of flexible study for over NSW is a great way to experience the lifestyle of a university 60 years because we’re committed to helping our students student. Campus tours are conducted on Monday and Friday balance their study with other commitments. Students can at 9:30am and 1:30pm each week (excluding public holidays) study online across three study periods with 24/7 online tutor and take approximately two and a half hours. Bookings are support. UNE has a campus in Armidale and study centres essential. in Parramatta, Taree, Tamworth and several other locations Book a free campus tour online at throughout regional NSW. or call 1800 818 865. Pathways UNE offers a range of entry pathways into degrees, including IMPORTANT DATES a popular Early Entry program for school-leavers. Many students without entry qualifications choose to study the Trimester 1 Pathways Enabling Course which provides entry to many of Monday 1 March – Friday 18 June 2021 UNE’s degrees. This course has no tuition fees for domestic Orientation students and can be studied online from home. Monday 22 – Friday 26 February 2021 Visit for more information. Trimester 2 International Year 12 students apply directly to UNE. Monday 28 June – Friday 15 October 2021 Orientation Monday 21 June 2021

Trimester 3 Monday 25 October 2021 – Friday 25 February 2022 Orientation Friday 22 October 2021

128 | ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT The TRACKS Tertiary Preparation Program is a flexible, on- campus or online university preparation course. The program ISLANDER APPLICANTS provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with The Oorala Aboriginal Centre provides coordinated academic the opportunity to access and explore tertiary education, services and study facilities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait while also developing the skills required for undergraduate Islander students. study. Successful completion of TRACKS will provide entry into an undergraduate degree program. Oorala also offers dedicated pathways to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants seeking admission to UNE. To find out more, search for ‘Oorala’ at The Internal Selection Program is a one-day testing and assessment program which focuses on each participant’s study skills and career goals. Following an interview, participants are recommended for admission to either mainstream UNE courses or the TRACKS Tertiary Preparation Program and advised on suitable alternatives for study in their chosen field.

SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. UNE will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 5 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) UNE For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 5 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments − 5 points / automatically applied For students who live in regional, rural − Excludes B Laws (3 years), Joint Medical Program, B Music and B Psychology with Honours and remote locations − For details, and a link to an eligible postcode look-up tool, search for ‘adjustment factors’ at

Elite athlete and performer None adjustments For details of UNE’s Elite Athletes Program, go to support/elite-athlete-program

Subject adjustments None

Free Campus Tour A free Campus Tour might be just the thing to help you decide where to study. On a UNE Campus Tour you will see our vibrant residences, state-of-the-art sporting facilities, our libraries, cafés and shops. See where you’ll live, study and play. Campus Tours run all year round by appointment (excluding weekends and public holidays). Bookings are essential. Families and friends are welcome.

To book a tour visit:



Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

UNE Early Entry Direct Important dates Applications open: Mid-February Applications close: 25 September Offers released: Early November

Assessment criteria Your school’s assessment of your attributes and abilities. The assessment is based around your ability to work and learn independently, as well as your overall potential for academic success at UNE.

How to apply − Submit a direct application to UNE, go to − Ensure any additional supporting documentation is attached. − Your application will be sent electronically to your school for the Principal’s review. Your school will approve and submit the application to UNE on your behalf before the closing date.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND UNE International Year 12 students apply directly to the University of New England.

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Accounting Armidale 395664 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Accounting Armidale 395665 CSP 6P <5 Bachelor of Agribusiness Armidale 395700 CSP 3F 80.90 Bachelor of Agribusiness Armidale 395701 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Agricultural and Resource Economics Armidale 395668 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Agricultural and Resource Economics Armidale 395669 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Agriculture Armidale 393676 CSP 3F 81.60 Bachelor of Agriculture Armidale 393677 CSP 6P <5 Bachelor of Agriculture/Bachelor of Business Armidale 393678 CSP 4F 76.20 Bachelor of Agriculture/Bachelor of Business Armidale 393679 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Agriculture/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 392761 CSP 5F <5 Bachelor of Agriculture/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 392762 CSP 10P N/A Bachelor of Animal Science Armidale 392684 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Animal Science Armidale 392696 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Applied Business Management * Armidale 396800 CSP 3F new Bachelor of Applied Business Management * Armidale 396801 CSP 6P new Bachelor of Arts Armidale 391601 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Arts Armidale 391602 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business Armidale 391753 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business Armidale 391754 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 391655 CSP 10P <5 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 391658 CSP 5F <5 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Armidale 392759 CSP 4F <5

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Armidale 392760 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Biomedical Science Armidale 392686 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Biomedical Science Armidale 392692 CSP 3F 7 7.50 Bachelor of Business Armidale 395676 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Business Armidale 395677 CSP 6P <5 Bachelor of Business Analytics * Armidale 396803 CSP 3F new Bachelor of Business Analytics * Armidale 396804 CSP 6P new Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Economics Armidale 395755 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Economics Armidale 395756 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 395679 CSP 5F N/A Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 395680 CSP 10P N/A Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology Armidale 392610 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology Armidale 392611 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Computer Science Armidale 392620 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Computer Science Armidale 392624 CSP 3F N/A

Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 392670 CSP 5F <5 UNE Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 392671 CSP 10P N/A Bachelor of Criminology Armidale 391660 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Criminology Armidale 391661 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 391662 CSP 5F N/A Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 391663 CSP 10P N/A Bachelor of Economics Armidale 395666 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Economics Armidale 395667 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 395655 CSP 10P N/A Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 395656 CSP 5F N/A Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Armidale 396753 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Armidale 396757 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Education (K-12 Teaching) Armidale 396752 CSP 8P <5 Bachelor of Education (K-12 Teaching) Armidale 396758 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Education (K-6 Teaching) Armidale 396760 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Education (K-6 Teaching) Armidale 396763 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Education (Secondary Arts) Armidale 396693 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Education (Secondary Arts) Armidale 396694 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Education (Secondary Mathematics) Armidale 396754 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Education (Secondary Mathematics) Armidale 396755 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Education (Secondary Music) Distance 406699 CSP 4F/D N/A Bachelor of Education (Secondary Music) Distance 406701 CSP 8P/D N/A Bachelor of Education (Secondary Science) Armidale 396695 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Education (Secondary Science) Armidale 396696 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Educational Studies Armidale 396751 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Educational Studies Armidale 396759 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science Armidale 392687 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science Armidale 392690 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 392763 CSP 5F N/A Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 392764 CSP 10P N/A



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science Armidale 392609 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science Armidale 392615 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of GeoScience Armidale 392606 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of GeoScience Armidale 392618 CSP 6P <5 Bachelor of Historical Inquiry and Practice Armidale 391610 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Historical Inquiry and Practice Armidale 391611 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of International Studies Armidale 391760 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of International Studies Armidale 391761 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Languages Armidale 391676 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Languages Armidale 391677 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Languages and International Business Armidale 391762 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Languages and International Business Armidale 391763 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Laws (3 years) Armidale 395469 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Laws (3 years) Armidale 395470 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Laws (3 years)(Graduate entry) Armidale 395465 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Laws (3 years)(Graduate entry) Armidale 395468 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Laws (4 years) Armidale 395698 CSP 8P N/A UNE Bachelor of Laws (4 years) Armidale 395699 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Legal Studies Armidale 396787 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Legal Studies Armidale 396788 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Media and Communications Armidale 391640 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Media and Communications Armidale 391641 CSP 6P N/A Armidale or Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine Newcastle - 785000 CSP 5F N/A (Joint Medical Program) Callaghan Bachelor of Music Distance 401604 CSP 3F/D N/A Bachelor of Music Distance 401606 CSP 6P/D N/A Bachelor of Nursing Armidale 396664 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Nursing Armidale 396665 CSP 3F 7 7. 25 Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours Armidale 392612 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours Armidale 392613 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Psychological Science (3 years) Armidale 391678 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Psychological Science (3 years) Armidale 391679 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Psychology with Honours (4 years) Armidale 391680 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Psychology with Honours (4 years) Armidale 391681 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Rural Science Armidale 393605 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Rural Science Armidale 393606 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Science Armidale 392603 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Science Armidale 392621 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 392669 CSP 5F N/A Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws Armidale 392672 CSP 10P N/A Bachelor of Scientific Studies Armidale 392607 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Scientific Studies Armidale 392617 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Social Science Armidale 391657 CSP 6P N/A

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Social Science Armidale 391659 CSP 3F N/A Bachelor of Social Work Armidale 391666 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Social Work Armidale 391667 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Special and Inclusive Education (Primary) Armidale 396761 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Special and Inclusive Education (Primary) Armidale 396762 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Sustainability Armidale 391682 CSP 3F <5 Bachelor of Sustainability Armidale 391683 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning Armidale 391647 CSP 4F <5 Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning Armidale 391648 CSP 8P N/A Bachelor of Zoology Armidale 392685 CSP 6P N/A Bachelor of Zoology Armidale 392695 CSP 3F 75.10

* Subject to final approval UNE

Have you experienced long-term educational disadvantage due to circumstances beyond your control or choosing? EDUCATIONAL ACCESS SCHEMES (EAS) may help you gain admission to university.

Go to the UAC website at for more information.

UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND | 133 University OF Newcastle CRICOS provider number 00109J

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF Student Central NEWCASTLE The University of Newcastle We take education outside the classroom and beyond the Callaghan NSW 2308 textbooks. Our strong partnerships with local and global tel: 1300 ASK UON (1300 275 866) or (02) 4921 5000 organisations ensure everything you study is shaped by the (02) 4348 4000 – Ourimbah real world. Whether you study at our Newcastle (Callaghan), email: via web Newcastle City or Central Coast (Ourimbah) campus, access website: to internships, work experience and industry connections is embedded in all our degrees. In person When it comes to lifestyle, you can’t go wrong. Think stunning Newcastle – Callaghan campus beaches, public art, a buzzing music scene, chilled-out cafes, UON Student Central Hunter or Student Central Shortland eclectic markets, micro-breweries and small bars. The people University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308 are friendly, and the coffee culture is taken seriously. If sports are your thing, make sure you experience the excitement of Newcastle – City Precinct an A-League or NRL game. Student Central City, Level 1, Cnr Hunter and Auckland Streets, Newcastle NSW 2300 Maybe you’re keen to take your studies around the world? With more than 100 partner universities spanning all major Central Coast – Ourimbah campus continents, we’ve got you covered. Student Central Ourimbah, 10 Chittaway Road, Ourimbah NSW 2258 Or, if you’re not quite sure whether attending university is possible for you – we hear you. Helping people access higher OPEN DAYS education is in our DNA. Central Coast campus – Ourimbah We’re proud to be the largest provider of pathway programs Saturday 1 August 2020 in Australia. So, if you didn’t quite get the marks you expected, or financial stress is holding you back, get in touch with us. Newcastle campuses – Callaghan and City Saturday 29 August 2020 We also offer hundreds of scholarships to support our Indigenous students, students with educational or financial Campus visits disadvantage, elite athletes, students who have achieved academic excellence and many more. Join us for a student-led campus walking tour and see the highlights of our Newcastle or Central Coast campus. To book Need a place to stay? Take advantage of our award-winning a tour, visit, or for further information student accommodation. Living on-campus is ideal if you’re email [email protected]. looking to meet new friends, get involved with social activities and have access to countless amenities.

IMPORTANT DATES So take the leap. Choose a university that embraces new Semester 1 technologies and pushes boundaries. That connects you starts Monday 22 February 2021 with industry and helps you stand out in the crowd. Graduate ready to make an impact. Mid-semester recess Monday 15 – Monday 19 April 2021 Exams Monday 7 – Friday 18 June 2021

Semester 2 starts Monday 19 July 2021 Mid-semester recess Monday 20 September – Friday 1 October 2021 Exams Monday 1 – Friday 12 November 2021

134 | ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants are invited to the University to participate in an interview prior to ISLANDER APPLICANTS admission. Applicants may gain direct entry or be advised Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants to undertake an enabling program offered through the can access university study through standard entry and/or University’s English Language and Foundation Studies Centre. pathway procedures. Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are enrolled in a variety of degrees and For more information, visit preparatory courses across the University. undergraduate/getting-in/entry-schemes.

SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. The University of Newcastle will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 12 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 4 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments Regional and Rural Adjustment Scheme For students who attend school in selected − 5 points / automatically applied regions − For details, go to

Elite athlete and performer − Submit an application directly to NUsport at the University of Newcastle UON adjustments − Max. 4 points / automatically applied − For details, go to

Subject adjustments − Max. 4 points For students who perform well in HSC − For details, go to subjects related to their Newcastle course preferences


Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

Indigenous Law Early Entry Program Important dates Indigenous HSC students are invited List 483100 B Laws (Honours) Combined as a UAC preference: midnight 13 September 2020 to apply for entry to 483100 B Laws Submit direct application to Newcastle Law School: midnight 13 September 2020 (Honours) Combined. Offers released: 9 October (October Round 1)

Assessment criteria − Strong performance across Year 11 − School recommendation − Selection interview For details of requirements, go to

How to apply − List 483100 B Laws (Honours) Combined as a UAC preference. − Submit direct application to Newcastle Law School by midnight 13 September 2020: go to

Year 12 Subject Spotlight Important dates Your performance in your Year 12 subjects Eligible applicants notified between the release of HSC results on 15 December and the deadline for is matched to related degrees. close of preferences for December Round 2 (17 December). Offers released in December Round 2 (21 December)

Assessment criteria Strong performance in one or more subjects related to your degree. View requirements for each degree at

How to apply No separate application required. Apply via UAC.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Aerospace Systems Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482707 CSP 4F/EqP 80.25 N Bachelor of Arts Online 482010 CSP 3F/EqP/D 62.35 N Bachelor of Arts Central Coast - Ourimbah 482020 CSP 3F/EqP 62.35 Y Bachelor of Arts Newcastle - Callaghan 482040 CSP 3F/EqP 62.35 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Newcastle - Callaghan 482030 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Central Coast - Ourimbah 482070 CSP 4F/EqP 73.95 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Newcastle - Callaghan 482080 CSP 4F/EqP 73.95 Y Bachelor of Biomedical Science Newcastle - Callaghan 482100 CSP 3F/EqP 75.45 N Bachelor of Biotechnology Newcastle - Callaghan 482150 CSP 3F/EqP 62.15 Y Bachelor of Business Newcastle City Precinct 482200 CSP 3F/EqP 65.00 Y Bachelor of Business Central Coast - Ourimbah 482210 CSP 3F/EqP 65.00 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Commerce Newcastle City Precinct 482250 CSP 4F/EqP 75.80 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Commerce Central Coast - Ourimbah 482260 CSP 4F/EqP 75.80 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Newcastle City Precinct 483060 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482600 CSP 4F/EqP 80.15 Y Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482610 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Coastal and Marine Science Central Coast - Ourimbah 484026 CSP 3F 63.75 Y

UON Bachelor of Coastal and Marine Science Newcastle - Callaghan 484036 CSP 3F 63.75 Y Bachelor of Commerce Newcastle City Precinct 482300 CSP 3F/EqP 65.10 Y Bachelor of Commerce Central Coast - Ourimbah 482310 CSP 3F/EqP 65.10 Y Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Newcastle City Precinct 483070 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Communication Newcastle - Callaghan 482350 CSP 3F/EqP 64.10 Y Bachelor of Computer Science Newcastle - Callaghan 482400 CSP 3F/EqP 78.70 Y Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482630 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours) Online 482450 CSP 4F/EqP/D 62.85 Y Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482460 CSP 4F/EqP 62.85 Y Bachelor of Creative Industries Newcastle City Precinct 482480 CSP 3F/EqP 62.90 Y Bachelor of Creative Industries/Bachelor of Innovation and Newcastle City Precinct 482485 CSP 4F/EqP 72.45 Y Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Design (Architecture) Newcastle - Callaghan 482500 CSP 3F/EqP 80.85 Y Bachelor of Development Studies Newcastle - Callaghan 482550 CSP 3F/EqP 85.70 Y Bachelor of Development Studies/Bachelor of Business Newcastle - Callaghan 482555 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Development Studies/Bachelor of Global Indigenous Newcastle - Callaghan 482570 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Studies Bachelor of Development Studies/Bachelor of Social Science Newcastle - Callaghan 482560 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Central Coast - Ourimbah 484750 CSP 4F/EqP 64.75 Y Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Newcastle - Callaghan 484760 CSP 4F/EqP 64.75 Y Bachelor of Education (Primary) Central Coast - Ourimbah 484800 CSP 4F/EqP 63.60 Y Bachelor of Education (Primary) Newcastle - Callaghan 484810 CSP 4F/EqP 63.60 Y Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Newcastle - Callaghan 484860 CSP 4F/EqP 62.10 Y Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Central Coast - Ourimbah 484870 CSP 4F/EqP 62.10 Y Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482640 CSP 4F/EqP 83.30 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Combined) Newcastle - Callaghan 482620 CSP 5F/EqP 86.10 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Mining) Transfer Program Newcastle - Callaghan 482720 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482650 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Central Coast - Ourimbah 482750 CSP 3F/EqP 63.75 Y Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Newcastle - Callaghan 482760 CSP 3F/EqP 63.75 Y Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management/Bachelor of Central Coast - Ourimbah 482770 CSP 4F/EqP 73.75 Y Business Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management/Bachelor of Newcastle - Callaghan 482780 CSP 4F/EqP 73.75 Y Business Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science Central Coast - Ourimbah 482800 CSP 3F/EqP 67.35 Y Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition Central Coast - Ourimbah 482900 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition/Bachelor of Business Central Coast - Ourimbah 482910 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Global Indigenous Studies Online 482001 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Global Indigenous Studies Newcastle - Callaghan 482002 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Information Technology Central Coast - Ourimbah 483000 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Information Technology Newcastle - Callaghan 483010 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Business Newcastle - Callaghan 483050 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Combined Newcastle City Precinct 483100 CSP 5F 92.10 Y Bachelor of Mathematics Newcastle - Callaghan 483200 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y UON Bachelor of Mathematics (Advanced) Newcastle - Callaghan 483205 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Mathematics/Bachelor of Computer Science Newcastle - Callaghan 483250 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Mathematics/Bachelor of Science Newcastle - Callaghan 483310 CSP 4F/EqP 82.70 Y Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482670 CSP 4F/EqP 80.05 Y Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482680 CSP 4F/EqP 82.90 Y Bachelor of Medical Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482690 CSP 4F/EqP 91.45 Y Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Diagnostic Newcastle - Callaghan 483355 CSP 4F 83.10 N Radiography) Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Nuclear Medicine) Newcastle - Callaghan 483365 CSP 4F 69.55 N Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Radiation Therapy) Newcastle - Callaghan 483375 CSP 4F 70.50 N Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (Joint Medical Newcastle - Callaghan or 785000 CSP 5F N/A N Program) Armidale Bachelor of Midwifery Newcastle - Callaghan 483400 CSP 3F N/A N Bachelor of Music Newcastle City Precinct 483450 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Arts Newcastle City Precinct 483500 CSP 4F/EqP N/A N



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Nursing Central Coast - Ourimbah 483600 CSP 3F/EqP 76.00 N Bachelor of Nursing Newcastle - Callaghan 483610 CSP 3F/EqP 76.00 N Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 483650 CSP 4F 73.20 N Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 483700 CSP 4F 89.05 N Bachelor of Oral Health Therapy Central Coast - Ourimbah 483750 CSP 3F 81.25 N Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 483800 CSP 4F 72.05 N Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 483850 CSP 4F 92.15 N Bachelor of Podiatry Central Coast - Ourimbah 483900 CSP 3F 67.80 N Bachelor of Psychological Science Central Coast - Ourimbah 483970 CSP 3F/EqP 62.10 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science Newcastle - Callaghan 483980 CSP 3F/EqP 62.10 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science (Advanced) Central Coast - Ourimbah 483975 CSP 3F/EqP 95.15 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science (Advanced) Newcastle - Callaghan 483985 CSP 3F/EqP 95.15 Y Bachelor of Public and Community Health Central Coast - Ourimbah 483860 CSP 3F/EqP 65.75 Y Bachelor of Renewable Energy Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482708 CSP 4F/EqP 92.95 Y Bachelor of Science Central Coast - Ourimbah 484020 CSP 3F/EqP 62.20 Y Bachelor of Science Newcastle - Callaghan 484030 CSP 3F/EqP 62.20 Y Bachelor of Science (Advanced) Central Coast - Ourimbah 484025 CSP 3F/EqP 96.90 Y UON Bachelor of Science (Advanced) Newcastle - Callaghan 484035 CSP 3F/EqP 96.90 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Newcastle - Callaghan 484040 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Social Science Central Coast - Ourimbah 484050 CSP 3F/EqP 62.15 Y Bachelor of Social Science Newcastle - Callaghan 484060 CSP 3F/EqP 62.15 Y Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Central Coast - Ourimbah 484100 CSP 4F/EqP 75.10 N Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 484110 CSP 4F/EqP 75.10 N Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482700 CSP 4F/EqP 80.30 Y Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 484150 CSP 4F/EqP 75.50 N Bachelor of Surveying (Honours) Newcastle - Callaghan 482705 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Surveying (Honours)/Bachelor of Business Newcastle - Callaghan 482706 CSP 5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Visual Communication Design Newcastle City Precinct 484650 CSP 3F/EqP 64.95 Y Newstep Central Coast - Ourimbah 481500 ENA 1F N/A N Newstep Newcastle - Callaghan 481550 ENA 1F N/A N

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

138 | Have you experienced long-term educational disadvantage due to circumstances beyond your control or choosing? EDUCATIONAL ACCESS SCHEMES (EAS) may help you gain admission to university.

Go to the UAC website at for more information.

| 139 The University of Sydney CRICOS provider number 00026A

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT SYDNEY Admissions The Sydney Undergraduate Experience offers degrees to Level 4, Jane Foss Russell Building prepare you for a future full of possibilities. You will complete The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 your course with the confidence and ability to think critically, collaborate productively and influence the world. tel: 1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) (freecall) email: via By choosing from our range of professional, specialist, liberal website: studies, and combined and double degrees, you’ll have the opportunity to gain expertise in your primary field of study In person and learn from industry leaders. The shared pool of majors Student Centre allows you to develop expertise in a second field of study and Level 3, Jane Foss Russell Building (enter from City Road) build cross-disciplinary knowledge from study areas outside your primary degree. Many degrees can also be combined

USYD The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 with the Bachelor of Advanced Studies. Taken over four years, this combined degree gives you the opportunity to take on OPEN DAY AND advanced coursework and a double major. INFORMATION SESSION You can enhance your university experience and graduate with Open Day work-ready skills by taking short, on-demand and workshop- Saturday 29 August 2020 supported courses in our Open Learning Environment. Placement and exchange opportunities are also available, Info Day and for students with exceptional academic ability who want mid-December 2020 (TBC) to be challenged, the Dalyell Scholars stream provides access to advanced coursework, as well as leadership and mentoring programs. IMPORTANT DATES Join the University of Sydney and discover why we are number one in Australia and fifth in the world for graduate Welcome week employability in the QS 2019 Graduate Employability starts Monday 15 February 2021 Rankings and have 13 disciplines ranked among the top 20 in the QS 2019 Subject Rankings. Session 1 starts Monday 22 February 2021

Session 2 ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT starts Monday 2 August 2021 ISLANDER APPLICANTS The University is committed to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to succeed in higher education. The Gadigal Program is an admissions pathway and support program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who want to study at the University of Sydney.

Any course offered by the University (excluding block-mode and away-from-base courses) can be studied through the Gadigal Program. You may be required to complete an additional assessment as part of your application. If you are younger than 21, you need to have completed the HSC or equivalent but are not required to have an ATAR.

To be considered for entry through the Gadigal Program, you need to submit your UAC application along with a separate Gadigal Program application, directly to the University. To apply online, visit

140 | SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments.

The University of Sydney does not accumulate points across the following categories. You will be awarded the points that benefit you the most.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) / Broadway Scheme For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 10 points (depends on course demand, availability of courses and severity of the disruption to your studies) − Excludes Medicine double degrees

Location adjustments None

Elite athlete and performer − Submit two applications: adjustments • your UAC application • a separate application form (and supporting documentation) for the Elite Athletes and Performers Scheme: visit − Max. 5 points

Subject adjustments Academic Excellence Scheme For students who have achieved Band 5 − Max. 5 points / automatically applied or 6 in English Advanced or Mathematics Advanced (or E4 in extension courses) USYD EARLY OFFER SCHEMES

Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September. The SRS application does not take effect on its own; you must complete all components of the E12 application.

E12 (via SRS application) Important dates SRS/E12 applications close: 20 September. Do not remove your E12 course from your preferences after this date. Conditional offers released: 12 November Unconditional offers released: 21 December

Assessment criteria − EAS application − SEIFA index − E12 questions − SRS application Tip: If your residential address lies within the lowest 30% of the SEIFA index, you will receive an email to this effect the day after you complete your UAC application for undergraduate admission. You will then know if you have met this criteria.

How to apply − Check that you meet the E12 eligibility criteria for admission (financial hardship + SEIFA index lowest 25%), choose an E12-eligible course and download the E12 application questions: search for ‘early offer Year 12 scheme’ at − Talk to your principal and careers adviser about applying for E12. − Complete your UAC undergraduate application and include your E12-eligible course as a preference. − Apply for EAS at the end of your UAC application (financial hardship disadvantage F01A, F01B, F01C or F01D). − Apply for SRS at the end of your UAC application or via the UAC website and upload your answers to the E12 question.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Camperdown/ Bachelor of Advanced Computing 513500 CSP 4F/8P 90.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Advanced Computing/Bachelor of Commerce 513505 CSP 5F 95.15 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Advanced Computing/Bachelor of Science 513510 CSP 5F 90.20 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Advanced Computing/Bachelor of Science (Health) 513515 CSP 5F <5 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Advanced Computing/Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) 513520 CSP 5F 90.60 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) 513620 CSP 4F 96.10 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) 513625 CSP 3F 80.15 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) 513630 CSP 4F 89.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) 513635 CSP 4F 93.50 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) 513640 CSP 4F 99.10 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) 513645 CSP 4F 93.05 Y USYD Darlington Bachelor of Applied Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Exercise and Camperdown/ 513626 CSP 4F 80.40 Y Sport Science) Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Architecture and Environments 513100 CSP 3F 85.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Arts 513200 CSP 3F/5-9P 80.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies 513205 CSP 4F/5-9P 80.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars) 513222 CSP 4F/5-9P 98.00 Y Darlington Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Camperdown/ 513210 CSP 4F/5-9P 89.05 Y Studies) Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages) 513211 CSP 4F/5-9P 90.10 Y Darlington Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Camperdown/ 513215 CSP 4F/5-9P 93.00 Y Communications) Darlington Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Politics and International Camperdown/ 513220 CSP 4F/5-9P 92.00 Y Relations) Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws 513805 CSP 5F 99.50 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work 513275 CSP 5F 80.10 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Arts/Doctor of Medicine 513715 CSP 7F N/A Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Arts/Master of Nursing 513740 CSP 4F/8P 80.60 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Commerce 513300 CSP 3F 95.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Advanced Studies 513305 CSP 4F 95.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars) 513310 CSP 4F 98.00 Y Darlington

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Camperdown/ Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws 513810 CSP 5F 99.50 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Design Computing 513105 CSP 3F 80.15 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Design Computing/Bachelor of Advanced Studies 513110 CSP 4F 80.15 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Design in Architecture 513115 CSP 3F 95.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours)/Master of Architecture 513120 CSP 5F 97.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Economics 513225 CSP 3F 90.10 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Advanced Studies 513230 CSP 4F 90.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws 513815 CSP 5F 99.60 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) 513240 CSP 4F 7 7.45 Y Darlington

Camperdown/ USYD Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) 513245 CSP 4F 80.25 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Education (Primary) 513250 CSP 4F 82.35 Y Darlington Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences)/ Camperdown/ 513255 CSP 5F 80.15 Y Bachelor of Arts Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Mathematics)/Bachelor of Science 513260 CSP 5F 80.20 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Science)/Bachelor of Science 513265 CSP 5F 84.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours - Flexible First Year Program 513550 CSP 4F 92.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours - Space Engineering 513570 CSP 4F 99.10 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Aeronautical) 513525 CSP 4F 92.75 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Biomedical) 513530 CSP 4F 92.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular) 513535 CSP 4F 92.30 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil) 513540 CSP 4F 92.30 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil)/Bachelor of Design in Architecture 513585 CSP 5F 95.15 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Dalyell Scholars) 513571 CSP 4F 98.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Electrical) 513545 CSP 4F 92.60 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Mechanical) 513555 CSP 4F 92.75 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Mechatronic) 513560 CSP 4F 92.30 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Software) 513565 CSP 4F 92.25 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Arts 513575 CSP 5F 92.55 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Commerce 513580 CSP 5F 95.00 Y Darlington



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Laws 513820 CSP 6F 99.50 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Project Management 513590 CSP 5F 92.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Science 513595 CSP 5F 93.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Science (Health) 513600 CSP 5F <5 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) 513605 CSP 5F 92.60 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Science 513900 CSP 3F/6P 70.15 Y Darlington Bachelor of Music Conservatorium 513400 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Music (Composition) Conservatorium 513405 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Music (Music Education) Conservatorium 513410 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Music (Performance) Conservatorium 513415 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Composition) Conservatorium 513406 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Performance) Conservatorium 513416 CSP 4F N/A Y Camperdown/ Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies) 513735 CSP 3F/6P 82.00 Y

USYD Darlington Bachelor of Oral Health Westmead 513700 CSP 3F N/A Y Camperdown/ Bachelor of Pharmacy 513760 CSP 4F 90.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Pharmacy and Management 513765 CSP 5F 90.20 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Project Management 513610 CSP 3F 86.35 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Psychology 513905 CSP 4F/8P 95.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science 513910 CSP 3F/6P 80.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science (Health) 513915 CSP 3F 80.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science (Health)/Master of Nursing 513750 CSP 4F/8P 80.25 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) 513925 CSP 3F/6P 88.05 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies 513930 CSP 4F/8P 80.15 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Advanced) 513935 CSP 4F/8P 90.00 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Agriculture) 513940 CSP 4F 76.80 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Animal and Veterinary Darlington and 513945 CSP 4F 80.25 Y Bioscience) Camden Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars Camperdown/ 513911 CSP 4F/8P 98.00 Y including Mathematical Sciences) Darlington Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Food and Camperdown/ 513950 CSP 4F 81.80 Y Agribusiness) Darlington

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Health) 513920 CSP 4F/8P 86.80 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Medical Science) 513960 CSP 4F/8P 88.40 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Darlington and Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Taronga Wildlife Taronga Institute 513961 CSP 4F 85.30 Y Conservation) of Science and Learning Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws 513825 CSP 5F 99.50 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Westmead/ Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Dental Medicine 513705 CSP 7F N/A Y Sydney Dental Hospital Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Medicine 513720 CSP 7F N/A Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Master of Mathematical Sciences 513962 CSP 4.5F 98.00 Y Darlington

Camperdown/ USYD Bachelor of Science/Master of Nursing 513745 CSP 4F/8P 80.20 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Science/Master of Nutrition and Dietetics 513965 CSP 5F 95.55 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Social Work 513270 CSP 4F 80.45 Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Darlington and 513970 CSP 6F N/A Y Camden Camperdown/ Bachelor of Visual Arts 513290 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Darlington Camperdown/ Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies 513295 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Darlington

Follow your interests. All of them.

At the University of Sydney, Design your future with our we offer the widest breadth of flexible undergraduate degrees, courses in Australia, with more combine global experiences and than 400 areas of study and advanced learning opportunities, over 100 majors and minors and graduate ready for work. to combine your interests and 1st in Australia for follow your passions. graduate employability.*

What will you start here? * QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020 * 20/8377 CRICOS 00026A

UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY | 145 University of Technology Sydney CRICOS provider number 00099F

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT UTS University of Technology Sydney You’re young and bright. So are we. PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007 Like you, we’re adaptive. We’re resourceful and technology- tel: 1300 ASK UTS (1300 275 887) driven. Our youth makes us curious – but it doesn’t limit our email: via web success. Need proof? We’re Australia’s number one ranked website: university under 50 years old.¹ We’ve also joined the world’s research elite, with a place in the top 150 universities in the In person world.² Imagine where we’ll both be tomorrow. UTS Student Centre Find inspiration. In a community of innovators. Level 2 (entry level), Building 10 235 Jones Street, Ultimo NSW 2007 When you choose UTS, you’ll join a community of inspired – and inspiring – students, academics and creative industry UTS partners on our vibrant and re-invented campus. What’s OPEN DAY more, we’re located right in the heart of Sydney’s leading digital and creative precinct, with countless opportunities UTS Open Day right on our doorstep. Saturday 29 August 2020 Start your career. Long before you graduate. UTS Info Week Monday 14 – Friday 18 December 2020 Nothing prepares you for the real world like industry experience. That’s why hands-on, practice-based learning experiences are key to our courses. Open the door to work IMPORTANT DATES placements, community and case-based projects, and real- life simulations – and make yourself highly sought after by Autumn session employers worldwide. Main Calendar Orientation: Monday 8 – Friday 19 February 2021 Play out your ideas here. To thrive out there. Calendar: Monday 22 February – Saturday 19 June 2021 We’re known for being the most industry-focused of all Sydney metro unis,³ and that’s no accident – at UTS, our Calendar C (Health) course content and industry opportunities are a launching Orientation: Monday 8 – Friday 19 February 2021 pad for new ideas. No matter what you study, we’ll support Calendar: Monday 22 February – Saturday 19 June 2021 you to work with creative techniques and innovative solutions that push the boundaries of your future profession. Calendar D (Education) Orientation: Monday 8 – Friday 12 February 2021 1 QS Top 50 Under 50 2020 Calendar: Monday 15 February – Saturday 26 June 2021 2 QS World University Rankings 2020 3 RepTrak Survey 2019 Spring session Main Calendar ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT Orientation: Monday 2 – Friday 13 August 2021 ISLANDER APPLICANTS Calendar: Monday 9 August – Saturday 4 December 2021 The Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Calendar C (Health) Research provides support and access to all Australian Orientation: Monday 26 July – Friday 6 August 2021 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants who would Calendar: Monday 2 August – Saturday 27 November 2021 like to study at UTS via the Jumbunna Pathways Program.

Calendar D (Education) In collaboration with UTS Insearch, a number of tuition-free Monday 19 July – Saturday 27 November 2021 scholarships are available to applicants of the Jumbunna Pathways Program. Upon successful completion of the UTS Insearch diploma program, students will be offered a place in an undergraduate degree at UTS. For further information, visit and select ‘Indigenous Australians’.

146 | SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. You may be eligible for adjustment points across the following categories. Go to for more information.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Complete an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − 10 points for eligible applicants − For details, go to

Location adjustments None

Elite athlete and performer − Submit an Elite Athletes and Performers application directly to UTS adjustments − 5 points for eligible applicants For students whose studies have been − For details, search for ‘admission schemes’ at impacted by representing their school or state at a national level competition/event

Subject adjustments − Max. 5 points / automatically applied For students who perform well in HSC − Min. ATAR (or equivalent) of 69.00 required subjects related to specific UTS course − Excludes courses from the Faculty of Law, and Education courses from the Faculty of Arts and preferences Social Sciences

Women in engineering, information − 10 points / automatically applied technology and construction − For details of specific courses, search for ‘Women in engineering, IT and construction’ at For female applicants to selected UTS engineering, information technology or construction project management courses


Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

Sydney’s most industry-focused university

Recognised by business leaders and government for over a decade

Reptrak Survey 2019 UTS CRICOS 00099F 23334



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Accounting City 601010 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Advanced Science (Environmental Biotechnology) City 607059 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Advanced Science (Pharmaceutical Sciences) City 607061 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Advanced Science (Pre-Medicine) City 607063 CSP 3F 95.15 Y Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609590 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (Primary) City 600037 CSP 4F 70.65 Y Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (Secondary) City 600038 CSP 4F 73.50 Y Bachelor of Biomedical Physics City 607070 CSP 3F 92.65 Y Bachelor of Biomedical Physics Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609600 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Biomedical Science City 607040 CSP 3F/6P 80.25 Y Bachelor of Biotechnology City 607045 CSP 3F/6P 85.50 Y Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Business City 609176 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Business City 601030 CSP 3F 87.00 Y Bachelor of Business City 601035 CSP 6P 91.70 Y Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609130 CSP 5F 87.35 Y Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609530 CSP 4F/8P 87.00 Y Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws City 609010 CSP 5F 96.10 Y

UTS Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science in Information Technology City 603220 CSP 4F 85.20 Y Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) City 600033 CSP 3F 74.10 Y Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Arts in International City 609330 CSP 5F 81.65 Y Studies Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence City 609525 CSP 4F <5 Y and Innovation Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Laws City 609006 CSP 5F <5 Y Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) City 600007 CSP 3F 78.05 Y Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Arts in City 609298 CSP 5F 78.40 Y International Studies Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Creative City 609495 CSP 4F 81.00 Y Intelligence and Innovation Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Laws City 609008 CSP 5F <5 Y Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) City 600013 CSP 3F 80.50 Y Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609300 CSP 5F 80.90 Y Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and City 609505 CSP 4F 87.00 Y Innovation Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Laws City 609001 CSP 5F 96.15 Y Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) City 600018 CSP 3F 86.60 Y Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Arts in City 609310 CSP 5F 86.20 Y International Studies Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Creative City 609510 CSP 4F 86.90 Y Intelligence and Innovation Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws City 609002 CSP 5F 96.05 Y Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) City 600023 CSP 3F 80.40 Y Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Arts in City 609320 CSP 5F 82.85 Y International Studies Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Creative City 609515 CSP 4F 86.25 Y Intelligence and Innovation Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Laws City 609005 CSP 5F <5 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) City 600028 CSP 3F 74.15 Y Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Arts in City 609345 CSP 5F 74.20 Y International Studies Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Creative City 609520 CSP 4F 7 7.55 Y Intelligence and Innovation Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Laws City 609003 CSP 5F 96.35 Y Bachelor of Computing Science (Hons) City 603230 CSP 4F/8P 80.00 Y Bachelor of Construction Project Management City 602025 CSP 4F/6P 90.45 Y Bachelor of Construction Project Management Bachelor of Arts in International City 609195 CSP 6F <5 Y Studies Bachelor of Design in Animation City 602035 CSP 3F/EqP 96.25 Y Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609258 CSP 5F 99.20 Y Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609538 CSP 4F/EqP 97.55 Y Bachelor of Design in Architecture City 602010 CSP 3F/EqP 91.45 Y Bachelor of Design in Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and City 609535 CSP 4F/EqP 91.80 Y Innovation Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles City 602040 CSP 3F/EqP 98.10 Y UTS Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Arts in International City 609260 CSP 5F/EqP 97.65 Y Studies Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and City 609540 CSP 4F/EqP 98.50 Y Innovation Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture City 602060 CSP 3F 85.45 Y Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Arts in International City 609280 CSP 5F 87.70 Y Studies Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and City 609550 CSP 4F 85.90 Y Innovation Bachelor of Design in Product Design City 602050 CSP 3F 91.95 Y Bachelor of Design in Product Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609270 CSP 5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Design in Product Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and City 609545 CSP 4F 92.95 Y Innovation Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication City 602070 CSP 3F 92.25 Y Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Arts in International City 609290 CSP 5F 92.75 Y Studies Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Creative Intelligence City 609555 CSP 4F 93.65 Y and Innovation Bachelor of Economics City 601090 CSP 3F/6P 82.10 Y Bachelor of Economics Bachelor of Laws City 609015 CSP 5F 96.50 Y Bachelor of Education (Primary) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609160 CSP 5F 72.60 Y Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609161 CSP 5F 76.45 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609032 CSP 5F 86.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Bachelor of Business City 609350 CSP 5F/EqP 85.20 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609560 CSP 5F 81.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Bachelor of Medical Science City 609370 CSP 5F/EqP 85.25 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Bachelor of Science City 609360 CSP 5F/EqP 80.55 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Biomedical Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603130 CSP 5F/EqP 85.70 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil (Construction) Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603095 CSP 5F/EqP 85.25 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil (Structures) Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603018 CSP 5F/EqP 87.15 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil and Environmental Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603005 CSP 5F/EqP 85.50 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603015 CSP 5F/EqP 85.30 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Data Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603060 CSP 5F/EqP 81.60 Y



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electrical and Electronic, Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603040 CSP 5F/EqP 82.10 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electrical Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603035 CSP 5F/EqP 81.40 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronic Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603045 CSP 5F/EqP 82.80 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Flexible Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603105 CSP 5F/EqP 80.20 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical and Mechatronic Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603115 CSP 5F/EqP 86.15 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603055 CSP 5F/EqP 83.05 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechatronic Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603120 CSP 5F/EqP 83.05 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Software Dip Prof Eng Prac City 603085 CSP 5F/EqP 83.00 Y Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws City 609050 CSP 5.5F <5 Y Bachelor of Environmental Biology City 607033 CSP 3F/6P 73.40 Y Bachelor of Forensic Science City 607020 CSP 3F/6P 85.35 Y Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609252 CSP 5F 89.95 Y Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609587 CSP 4F/8P 86.60 Y Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Laws City 609068 CSP 5F 96.15 Y Bachelor of Global Studies City 600048 CSP 3F/6P 69.10 Y Bachelor of Health Science City 606050 CSP 3F 73.35 Y Bachelor of Health Science City 606060 CSP 6P <5 N UTS Bachelor of Information Systems City 603215 CSP 3F/6P 82.10 Y Bachelor of Information Systems Bachelor of Business City 603221 CSP 4F/8P 85.65 Y Bachelor of Information Technology City 603210 CSP 3F N/A N Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Hons) City 602020 CSP 4F/EqP 80.00 Y Bachelor of Laws City 604000 CSP 4F 96.10 Y Bachelor of Laws City 604001 CSP 6.5P <5 N Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609070 CSP 5F 96.55 Y Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609575 CSP 4F 97.80 Y Bachelor of Management (Digital Creative Enterprise) City 601065 CSP 3F 81.05 Y Bachelor of Management (Events) City 601068 CSP 3F 80.15 Y Bachelor of Management (Events) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and City 609532 CSP 4F/8P 80.70 Y Innovation Bachelor of Management (Sport Business) City 601070 CSP 3F 80.00 Y Bachelor of Management (Sport Business) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and City 609533 CSP 4F/8P 82.05 Y Innovation Bachelor of Management (Tourism) City 601072 CSP 3F 80.40 Y Bachelor of Management (Tourism) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and City 609534 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Innovation Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609090 CSP 5F 82.20 Y Bachelor of Marine Biology City 607035 CSP 3F/6P 79.90 Y Bachelor of Medical Science City 607050 CSP 3F/6P 87.05 Y Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609255 CSP 5F 92.20 Y Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Business City 609175 CSP 4F/8P 92.30 Y Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws City 609065 CSP 5F 97.10 Y Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry City 607065 CSP 3F/6P 84.70 Y Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609595 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Midwifery City 606010 CSP 3F 98.10 N Bachelor of Midwifery Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609570 CSP 4F <5 N

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Music and Sound Design City 600006 CSP 3F 71.15 Y Bachelor of Music and Sound Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609296 CSP 5F 71.50 Y Bachelor of Nursing City 606000 CSP 3F 82.20 Y Bachelor of Nursing City 606001 CSP 6P <5 Y Bachelor of Nursing (Accelerated Program: Enrolled Nurse 2012 onwards) City 606004 CSP 2F/4P N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing (Accelerated Program: Graduate Entry) City 606005 CSP 2F/4P N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609150 CSP 5F 89.10 Y Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609568 CSP 4F 88.90 Y Bachelor of Property Economics City 602033 CSP 3F/EqP 80.00 Y Bachelor of Property Economics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609200 CSP 5F 80.95 Y Bachelor of Science (Applied Physics) City 607009 CSP 3F/6P 71.50 Y Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology/Biomedical Science/Medical Science) City 607015 CSP 3F/6P 76.25 Y Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) City 607005 CSP 3F/6P 75.00 Y Bachelor of Science (Environmental Sciences) City 607011 CSP 3F/6P 73.45 Y Bachelor of Science (Flexible) City 607001 CSP 3F/6P 75.70 Y

Bachelor of Science (Mathematics/Statistics) City 607003 CSP 3F/6P 7 7.05 Y UTS Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) City 607007 CSP 3F/6P 73.35 Y Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609250 CSP 5F 82.40 Y Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business City 609170 CSP 4F/8P 88.10 Y Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation City 609585 CSP 4F/8P 83.00 Y Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws City 609060 CSP 5F <5 Y Bachelor of Science in Analytics City 607080 CSP 3F/6P 89.70 Y Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies City 609220 CSP 5F <5 Y Bachelor of Science in Games Development City 603225 CSP 3F/6P 83.80 Y Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Dip Information Technology City 603200 CSP 4F/6P 80.40 Y Professional Practice Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Arts in International City 609230 CSP 5F 83.15 Y Studies Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Creative Intelligence City 609565 CSP 4F 80.65 Y and Innovation Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Laws City 609020 CSP 5F <5 Y Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Moore Park 606030 CSP 3F 7 7.15 Y Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of Arts in International City/Moore 609085 CSP 5F 91.15 Y Studies Park Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Moore Park 606020 CSP 3F 81.75 Y Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Therapy) Moore Park 606021 CSP 3F 98.75 Y City/Moore Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies 609080 CSP 5F <5 Y Park Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and City/Moore 609580 CSP 4F 90.00 Y Innovation Park



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Biomedical City 603131 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil City 603016 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil (Construction) City 603096 IFEE only 4F N/A Y

Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil (Structures) City 603019 IFEE only 4F N/A Y

Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil and Environmental City 603006 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Data City 603061 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electrical City 603036 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronic City 603046 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Flexible City 603106 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical City 603056 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical and Mechatronic City 603116 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechatronic City 603121 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Software City 603086 IFEE only 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Science in Information Technology City 603201 IFEE only 3F N/A Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank. UTS

152 | University of Wollongong CRICOS provider number 00102E

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT UOW UOW Future Students Ranked the number 1 university in NSW overall,1 the University of Wollongong University of Wollongong (UOW) not only focuses on Wollongong NSW 2522 teaching you specialist knowledge, but also the skills needed to adapt and solve tomorrow’s challenges. tel: 1300 367 869 (within Australia) +61 2 4221 3218 (International) This approach, which emphasises practical experience and email: [email protected] real-world learning, inspires you to follow your passions, website: stand for purpose and connect with the brightest minds across the globe. Graduating with the tools necessary to

In person solve complex social, environmental or economic challenges, UOW UOW Student Central (Ground Floor, Building 17) you will gain the edge in a competitive job market. In fact, Northfields Avenue, Keiraville NSW 2500 employers are more satisfied with UOW graduates than with graduates of all other NSW universities.2 OPEN DAY University is a time to find yourself and become more independent. With myriad opportunities for development, fun Saturday 8 August 2020 – and self-discovery available at UOW, you will soon find your place and your people. You’ll need a good mix of challenges Spend the day on campus and have all your questions and support to succeed, which is why UOW students rate their answered. Hear about our world-class programs, explore student support and skills development experiences five stars.3 our facilities, and see why UOW is the best choice for your tertiary study. UOW has nine campus locations across NSW, plus a growing reach of international campuses and partner institutions. Campus tours So, wherever you choose to study, you’ll be joining a global Join us for a one-hour tour of our Wollongong campus every community of learning. Friday at 10.30am and 2.30pm (excluding public holidays). These tours are conducted by current UOW students and can Advanced study programs are also available for high include a visit to our accommodation facilities. Tours at other achieving students, offering self-directed study and UOW campuses can be arranged. research opportunities – the kind not usually available to undergraduate students. Many of our Dean’s Scholar degrees Call 1300 367 869 or book online at provide an academic mentor from your area of study and the chance to potentially fast-track your degree.

IMPORTANT DATES Studying with UOW, one of the world’s top 20 modern universities,4 earns you a globally recognised and respected Autumn 2021 degree – your passport to a world of opportunity. Monday 1 March – Thursday 24 June 2021 Orientation 1 Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) 2019 2 QILT Employer Satisfaction Survey 2019 Tuesday 23 February – Thursday 25 February 2021 3 Good Universities Guide 2020 4 QS Top 50 Under 50 2020 Mid-year recess 2021 Monday 28 June – Friday 23 July 2021 ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT Spring 2021 ISLANDER APPLICANTS Monday 26 July – Thursday 18 November 2021 The Woolyungah Indigenous Centre’s Indigenous Admissions Orientation Program offers a pathway for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Monday 19 July 2021 Strait Islander people, over the age of 17, seeking entry into UOW’s undergraduate programs.

For more information, search for ‘Woolyungah’ at


SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. UOW will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 10 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 5 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments School in UOW catchment area or regional NSW For students who attend school in UOW’s − 3 points / automatically applied catchment area or in regional and remote − To check if your school is eligible, search for ‘catchment adjustments’ at areas Applicants for B Pre-Medicine, Science and Health − Applies to students living in regional, rural or remote areas defined by the Australian Statistical Geographical Classification - Remoteness Area (ASGC-RA) ( − 5 points / automatically applied − For more information, search for ‘ATAR-based information’ at

Elite athlete and performer adjustments Currently under review. For the latest information, visit

Subject adjustments − Max. 3 points / automatically applied For students who perform well in HSC − For details, search for ‘subject adjustments’ at subjects related to specific UOW course preferences UOW EARLY OFFER SCHEMES

Early Admission Important dates Applications open: 20 July Applications close: 14 August Invitations to Early Admission Days emailed: Week beginning 14 September Early Admission Days: Week beginning 28 September Conditional offers released: Week beginning 12 October Unconditional offers released: On completion of HSC/IB/equivalent

Assessment criteria − On track for an ATAR, IB or equivalent − Year 11 and 12 results, including trial results − Responses to questions in your application addressing the themes of academic readiness, motivation and passion, planning and persistence, communication and collaboration − Interview and/or registered attendance at an Early Admission Day

How to apply Submit direct application to UOW: search for ‘early admission’ at

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT UOW South Western Bachelor of Applied Analytics * 756525 CSP 3F/EqP N/A y Sydney Bachelor of Arts UOW Batemans Bay 753106 CSP 3F/EqP 70.8 Y Bachelor of Arts UOW Bega 753107 CSP 3F/EqP 70.8 Y UOW Southern Bachelor of Arts 753108 CSP 3F/EqP 70.8 Y Highlands Bachelor of Arts UOW Shoalhaven 753102 CSP 3F/EqP 70.8 Y Bachelor of Arts Wollongong 753101 CSP 3F/EqP 70.8 Y Bachelor of Arts (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 753105 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) Wollongong 753200 CSP 3F/EqP 75.40 Y Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751305 CSP 4.5F/EqP 75.40 Y Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751200 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation Wollongong 753100 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation/Bachelor of Creative Arts Wollongong 751901 CSP 5F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation/Bachelor of International Wollongong 751902 CSP 5F/EqP N/A Y Studies Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751230 CSP 5F/EqP N/A Y UOW Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation/Bachelor of Politics Philosophy Wollongong 751903 CSP 5F/EqP N/A Y and Economics Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751301 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.8 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication and Media Wollongong 751350 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.00 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication and Media (Dean's Wollongong 751360 CSP 4.5F/EqP 93.35 Y Scholar) Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Economics and Finance Wollongong 751306 CSP 4.5F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of International Studies Wollongong 751310 CSP 4.5F/EqP 72.60 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of International Studies (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 751309 CSP 4.5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751201 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y Bachelor of Bionanotechnology (Honours) Wollongong 757604 CSP 4F/EqP 85.35 Y Bachelor of Bionanotechnology (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 757605 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Business UOW Batemans Bay 753662 CSP 3F/EqP 70.05 N Bachelor of Business UOW Bega 753663 CSP 3F/EqP 70.05 Y UOW Southern Bachelor of Business 753665 CSP 3F/EqP 70.05 N Sydney UOW Southern Bachelor of Business 753664 CSP 3F/EqP 70.05 Y Highlands Bachelor of Business UOW Shoalhaven 753661 CSP 3F/EqP 70.05 Y Bachelor of Business Wollongong 753660 CSP 3F/EqP 70.05 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Business 753666 CSP 3F/EqP 70.05 Y Sydney Bachelor of Business Information Systems Wollongong 754500 CSP 3F/EqP 75.65 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Business Information Systems 754505 CSP 3F/EqP 75.65 Y Sydney Bachelor of Business Information Systems (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 754510 CSP 3F/EqP 75.65 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Information Technology Wollongong 751400 CSP 4.5F/EqP 75.65 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws 751220 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y Sydney Bachelor of Commerce UOW Batemans Bay 753604 CSP 3F/EqP 76.25 N Bachelor of Commerce UOW Bega 753605 CSP 3F/EqP 76.25 Y UOW Southern Bachelor of Commerce 753607 CSP 3F/EqP 75.50 Y Sydney



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT UOW Southern Bachelor of Commerce 753606 CSP 3F/EqP 76.25 Y Highlands Bachelor of Commerce UOW Shoalhaven 753603 CSP 3F/EqP 75.50 Y Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 753602 CSP 3F/EqP 75.50 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Commerce 753608 CSP 3F/EqP 75.50 Y Sydney Bachelor of Commerce - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Event Wollongong 753640 CSP 3F/EqP 75.50 N Management Bachelor of Commerce - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Wollongong 753630 CSP 3F/EqP 75.50 N Management Bachelor of Commerce - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel and Wollongong 753650 CSP 3F/EqP 75.50 N Tourism Management Bachelor of Commerce (Dean's Scholar) UOW Batemans Bay 753612 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Commerce (Dean's Scholar) UOW Bega 753613 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N UOW Southern Bachelor of Commerce (Dean's Scholar) 753615 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N Sydney UOW Southern Bachelor of Commerce (Dean's Scholar) 753614 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N Highlands Bachelor of Commerce (Dean's Scholar) UOW Shoalhaven 753611 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N

UOW Bachelor of Commerce (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 753610 CSP 3F/EqP 95.55 Y Bachelor of Commerce Global (Honours) Wollongong 753620 CSP 4F N/A N Bachelor of Commerce Global/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751225 CSP 6F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751202 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws 751221 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y Sydney Bachelor of Communication and Media Wollongong 753110 CSP 3F/EqP 70.15 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Communication and Media 753150 CSP 3F/EqP 70.8 Y Sydney Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 753111 CSP 3F/EqP 93.35 Y Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751351 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.00 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Commerce 751370 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.00 Y Sydney Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Computer Science Wollongong 751357 CSP 4.5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Economics and Wollongong 751355 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.00 Y Finance Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of International Wollongong 751354 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.00 Y Studies Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of International UOW South Western 751380 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.00 Y Studies Sydney Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of International Wollongong 751363 CSP 4.5F/EqP 93.35 Y Studies (Dean's Scholar) Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751210 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Laws 751226 CSP 5F/EqP N/A Y Sydney Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Science Wollongong 751353 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.00 Y Bachelor of Computer Science Wollongong 754100 CSP 3F/EqP 75.65 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Computer Science 754120 CSP 3F/EqP 75.65 Y Sydney Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 754110 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Computer Science Global (Honours) Wollongong 754130 CSP 4F/EqP <5 N Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751203 CSP 6F/EqP 90.8 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Laws 751222 CSP 6F/EqP 90.8 Y Sydney Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Science Wollongong 751402 CSP 4.5F/EqP 75.65 Y Bachelor of Conservation Biology (Honours) Wollongong 757627 CSP 4F/EqP 85.35 Y Bachelor of Conservation Biology (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 757628 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing) Wollongong 754601 CSP 3F/EqP 70.15 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 754610 CSP 3F/EqP 73.85 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts (Music) Wollongong 754603 CSP 3F/EqP 70.15 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts and Design) Wollongong 754607 CSP 3F/EqP 70.15 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts) Wollongong 754605 CSP 3F/EqP 70.15 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Arts Wollongong 751501 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.35 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751502 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.35 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Communication and Media Wollongong 751506 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.35 Y

Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Computer Science Wollongong 751503 CSP 4.5F/EqP <5 Y UOW Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of International Studies Wollongong 751505 CSP 4.5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Journalism Wollongong 751507 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.35 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751204 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Science Wollongong 751504 CSP 4.5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Data Science and Analytics Wollongong 756522 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Economics and Finance UOW Batemans Bay 753672 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Economics and Finance UOW Bega 753673 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N UOW Southern Bachelor of Economics and Finance 753675 CSP 3F/EqP 81.60 N Sydney UOW Southern Bachelor of Economics and Finance 753674 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N Highlands Bachelor of Economics and Finance UOW Shoalhaven 753671 CSP 3F/EqP N/A N Bachelor of Economics and Finance Wollongong 753670 CSP 3F/EqP 81.60 Y Bachelor of Economics and Finance/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751216 CSP 5.5F/EqP 90.00 Y Bachelor of Education - The Early Years Wollongong 755113 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y

You’ve got this

There are knowns and unknowns See where UOW will take you. and some days feel harder than others. But your goals are in sight and there’s /uowfuture a drive in you – a determination. @uow Keep moving. Keep looking deeper. uniofwollongong




Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Education - The Early Years (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 755211 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Education - The Early Years (Flexible) Wollongong 755111 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Architectural) Wollongong 755609 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Biomedical) Wollongong 755610 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) Wollongong 755611 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Computer) Wollongong 755621 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) Wollongong 755622 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental) Wollongong 755612 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Flexible First Year) Wollongong 755624 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Materials) Wollongong 755613 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical or Mechatronic)/ Wollongong 751625 CSP 5.5F/EqP 80.60 Y Bachelor of Exercise Science Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) Wollongong 755614 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic) Wollongong 755616 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining) Wollongong 755615 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) Wollongong 755601 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Telecommunications) Wollongong 755623 CSP 4F/EqP 80.35 Y

UOW Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Arts Wollongong 751302 CSP 5.5F/EqP 80.60 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751601 CSP 5.5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Computer Science Wollongong 751609 CSP 5.5F/EqP 80.60 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751208 CSP 6F/EqP 90.00 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Mathematics Wollongong 751610 CSP 5.5F/EqP 80.60 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science Wollongong 751624 CSP 5.5F/EqP 80.60 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science (Physics) Wollongong 751623 CSP 5.5F/EqP 80.60 Y Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) Wollongong 757612 CSP 4F/EqP 85.35 Y Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 757618 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Exercise Science Wollongong 757642 CSP 3F/EqP 78.60 Y Bachelor of Exercise Science and Rehabilitation Wollongong 757643 CSP 4F/EqP 94.35 Y Bachelor of Geography Wollongong 755250 CSP 3F/EqP 78.70 Y Bachelor of Health and Physical Education Wollongong 755101 CSP 4F/EqP 75.50 Y Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 755201 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Information Technology Wollongong 754300 CSP 3F/EqP 75.65 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Information Technology 754305 CSP 3F/EqP 75.65 Y Sydney Bachelor of Information Technology (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 754310 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751213 CSP 5F/EqP 90.8 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Laws 751223 CSP 5F/EqP 90.8 Y Sydney Bachelor of International Studies Wollongong 753121 CSP 3F/EqP 72.60 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of International Studies 753123 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Sydney Bachelor of International Studies (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 753131 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751311 CSP 4.5F/EqP 72.60 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce 751314 CSP 4.5F/EqP N/A Y Sydney Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Economics and Finance Wollongong 751313 CSP 4.5F/EqP 72.60 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751212 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Laws 751224 CSP 5.5F/EqP 90.8 Y Sydney Bachelor of Journalism Wollongong 754700 CSP 3F/EqP 72.55 Y Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Arts Wollongong 751660 CSP 4.5F/EqP 73.55 Y Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751661 CSP 4.5F/EqP 73.55 Y Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Communication and Media Wollongong 751664 CSP 4.5F/EqP 70.00 Y Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Wollongong 751665 CSP 5.5F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of International Studies Wollongong 751666 CSP 4.5F/EqP 73.55 Y Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751211 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Science Wollongong 751663 CSP 4.5F/EqP 73.55 Y Bachelor of Laws (Direct Entry) Wollongong 756100 CSP 4F/EqP 92.50 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Laws (Direct Entry) 756110 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Sydney Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) Sydney CBD 756120 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) Wollongong 756101 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y UOW UOW South Western Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) 756111 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Sydney Bachelor of Marine Science Wollongong 757622 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Marine Science (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 757623 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Mathematics Wollongong 756511 CSP 3F/EqP 75.50 Y Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced Wollongong 756512 CSP 3F/EqP 75.50 Y Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) Wollongong 756503 CSP 4F/EqP 75.50 Y Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 756520 CSP 4F/EqP 75.50 Y Bachelor of Mathematics Education Wollongong 755102 CSP 4F/EqP 73.30 Y Bachelor of Mathematics Education (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 755202 CSP 4F/EqP 73.30 Y Bachelor of Mathematics/Bachelor of Computer Science Wollongong 751701 CSP 4.5F/EqP 75.50 Y Bachelor of Mathematics/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751206 CSP 5.5F/EqP 90.00 Y Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences Wollongong 757630 CSP 3F/EqP 82.45 Y Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 757631 CSP 4F/EqP 94.25 Y Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics Wollongong 757616 CSP 3F/EqP 80.85 Y Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics Advanced Honours Wollongong 757603 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology (Honours) Wollongong 757611 CSP 4F/EqP 85.35 Y Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 757617 CSP 4F/EqP 95.00 Y Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) Wollongong 757613 CSP 4F/EqP 85.35 Y Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 757619 CSP 4F/EqP 95.00 Y Bachelor of Neuroscience * Wollongong 753240 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing UOW Batemans Bay 757105 CSP 3F 71.5 N Bachelor of Nursing UOW Bega 757102 CSP 3F 70.00 N UOW Southern Bachelor of Nursing 757104 CSP 3F 70.00 N Sydney Bachelor of Nursing UOW Shoalhaven 757103 CSP 3F 70.00 N Bachelor of Nursing Wollongong 757101 CSP 3F 70.00 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Nursing 757106 CSP 3F 70.20 Y Sydney Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) Wollongong 757647 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Nutrition Science Wollongong 757645 CSP 3F/EqP 78.35 Y



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Performance and Theatre (Acting) Wollongong 754820 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Performance and Theatre (Theatre Making) Wollongong 754825 CSP 3F/EqP 72.70 Y Bachelor of Politics Philosophy and Economics/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751217 CSP 5.5F/EqP 90.00 Y Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics Wollongong 753115 CSP 3F/EqP 78.20 Y Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 753116 CSP 3F/EqP 78.20 Y Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health Wollongong 757500 CSP 3F/EqP 94.25 Y Bachelor of Primary Education Wollongong 755112 CSP 4F/EqP 75.25 Y Bachelor of Primary Education (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 755212 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science Wollongong 753220 CSP 3F/EqP 75.35 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science (Pathway to Primary Education) Wollongong 753225 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751750 CSP 4.5F/EqP 75.35 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751215 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Neuroscience* Wollongong 751755 CSP 5F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Social Science Wollongong 751761 CSP 4.5F/EqP 75.35 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Social Science Wollongong 751760 CSP 4.5F/EqP 75.35 Y (Criminology) Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Wollongong 753230 CSP 4F/EqP 89.45 Y

UOW Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751751 CSP 5.5F/EqP 89.45 Y Bachelor of Public Health Wollongong 757650 CSP 3F/EqP 75.95 Y Bachelor of Public Health (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 757653 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Science Wollongong 757621 CSP 3F/EqP 75.55 Y Bachelor of Science (Atmospheric Science) Wollongong 757660 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Science (Biomolecular Physics) Wollongong 757661 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 757601 CSP 4.5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Dean's Scholar) (Human Geography or Wollongong 757700 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Environment and Heritage Management) Bachelor of Science (Human Geography or Environment and Heritage Wollongong 757710 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Management) Bachelor of Science (Nuclear Science and Technology) Wollongong 757638 CSP 3F/EqP 80.85 Y Bachelor of Science (Physics and Mathematics) Wollongong 757662 CSP 3F/EqP 80.85 Y Bachelor of Science (Physics) Wollongong 757637 CSP 3F/EqP 80.85 Y Bachelor of Science (Physics)/Bachelor of Arts Wollongong 751803 CSP 4.5F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Science (Physics)/Bachelor of Mathematics Wollongong 751805 CSP 4.5F/EqP 80.85 Y Bachelor of Science Advanced Honours (Atmospheric Science) Wollongong 757608 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Science Advanced Honours (Biomolecular Physics) Wollongong 757609 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Science Advanced Honours (Physics) Wollongong 757602 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Science Education Wollongong 755103 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Science Education (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 755203 CSP 4F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Wollongong 751801 CSP 4.5F/EqP 75.55 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Commerce Wollongong 751802 CSP 4.5F/EqP 75.55 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws Wollongong 751207 CSP 5F/EqP 90.00 Y UOW South Western Bachelor of Social Change and Advocacy* 755290 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Sydney Bachelor of Social Science UOW Shoalhaven 755301 CSP 3F/EqP 70.00 Y Bachelor of Social Science Wollongong 755300 CSP 3F/EqP 70.00 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Social Science (Dean's Scholar) Wollongong 755320 CSP 3F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Social Science (Pathway to Primary Education) Wollongong 755305 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Social Work UOW Shoalhaven 755341 CSP 4F/EqP <5 Y Bachelor of Social Work Wollongong 755340 CSP 4F/EqP 84.20 Y Bachelor of Sport * Wollongong 755100 CSP 3F/EqP N/A Y Bachelor of Sustainable Communities Wollongong 755255 CSP 3F/EqP 78.70 Y Diploma of Arts Wollongong 759020 DFEE 0.7F/EqP 43.9 N Diploma of Business (2 Session) Wollongong 759030 DFEE 0.7F/EqP 41.50 Y UOW South Western Diploma of Business (2 Session) 759035 DFEE 0.7F/EqP 43.9 Y Sydney Diploma of Engineering (2 session) Wollongong 759050 DFEE 0.7F/EqP N/A Y Diploma of Information Technology (2 Session) Wollongong 759010 DFEE 0.7F/EqP 43.9 Y UOW South Western Diploma of Information Technology (2 Session) 759015 DFEE 0.7F/EqP 43.9 Y Sydney Diploma of Languages Wollongong 753140 CSP 4P <5 Y Diploma of Science (2 Session) Wollongong 759040 DFEE 0.7F/EqP 41.50 N UOW Diploma of Social Science Wollongong 759045 DFEE 0.7F/EqP 41.50 N University Access Program UOW Batemans Bay 759007 DFEE 0.3F/EqP N/A N University Access Program UOW Shoalhaven 759006 DFEE 0.3F/EqP N/A N UOW South Western University Access Program 759005 DFEE 0.3F/EqP 41.45 N Sydney University Entrance Certificate - Stream 1 Wollongong 759001 DFEE 0.7F/EqP <5 N University Entrance Certificate - Stream 2 Wollongong 759002 DFEE 0.7F/EqP N/A N University Entrance Certificate - Stream 3 Wollongong 759003 DFEE 0.7F/EqP N/A N University Entrance Certificate - Stream 4 Wollongong 759004 DFEE 0.7F/EqP N/A N

* Subject to final approval


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GET IN TOUCH Term 3 Monday 13 September – Thursday 9 December 2021 Future Students Office UNSW, Sydney NSW 2052 Study period Tuesday 23 November – Thursday 25 November 2021 tel: 1300 UNI NSW (1300 864 679) or (02) 9385 1844 email: [email protected] STUDYING AT UNSW SYDNEY website: UNSW Sydney is an internationally acclaimed teaching and research powerhouse that provides students with a learning In person experience packed with academic programs, extra-curricular Future Students Office, The Red Centre, East Wing (H13) activities and educational services. UNSW Sydney, Kensington NSW 2033 As one of the world’s top 50 universities, UNSW boasts UNSW academics who are global leaders in their fields, while its OPEN DAYS students enjoy access to world-class facilities, interact with industry leaders and apply the latest research to real-world UNSW Sydney Open Day Saturday 5 September 2020 situations. UNSW Canberra Open Day Saturday 22 August 2020 UNSW students are encouraged to challenge traditional Campus visits thinking, to push boundaries, and innovate. A UNSW campus tour is a great way to see if UNSW is the right place for you. Our campus tours are guided by highly UNSW offers an extensive range of undergraduate, trained and experienced Student Ambassadors who can tell postgraduate and research programs. It attracts talented you the ins and outs of study at UNSW while showing you all students from across Australia and around the world. that the University has to offer. Located just 7km from Sydney’s CBD and close to both With tours held fortnightly on Fridays throughout the year and Coogee and Bondi Beach, UNSW is one of Australia’s most on the first Saturday of each month, we’re ready to welcome cosmopolitan universities — with its 60,000 students coming you to the UNSW Kensington campus when it suits you. from 128 countries. Tours of the UNSW Art & Design campus in Paddington also run on the first Thursday of most months. Visit campustours. UNSW offers students a wealth of opportunities beyond the to register. classroom, enabling its graduates to build their future career. An extensive range of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) units IMPORTANT DATES are available to give students first-hand industry experience and gain credit towards their degree. Term 1 Monday 15 February – Friday 14 May 2021 UNSW’s 3+ academic teaching calendar, made up of three 10-week teaching terms and an optional intensive summer Study period term, offers flexibility and time for students to pursue Wednesday 28 April – Friday 30 April 2021 professional development opportunities in Australia and Term break around the globe. Saturday 15 May – Sunday 30 May 2021 UNSW has a proud tradition of sustained innovation, focusing on areas critical to our future — from climate change and Term 2 renewable energies to lifesaving medical treatments and Monday 31 May – Thursday 26 August 2021 breakthrough technologies. In the social sciences, UNSW Study period research informs policy and expert commentary in key issues Tuesday 10 August – Thursday 12 August 2021 facing society, ranging from human rights and constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians to public health and Term break population ageing. Friday 27 August – Sunday 12 September 2021

162 | AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL AND TORRES UNSW Indigenous Admission Scheme (IAS) STRAIT ISLANDER APPLICANTS IAS is a one-day alternative entry program that involves an application through Nura Gili. You will be invited to visit UNSW offers two alternative entry programs for Indigenous Nura Gili to have a conversation with faculty and Nura Australians. The entry pathway program you apply for Gili staff about your aspirations for university studies and will depend on the degree you want to study. Throughout undertake a written and numeracy task. The scheme is these programs you will be assessed on your commitment, suitable for students wishing to undertake an undergraduate attitude and aptitude towards your studies and your ability to degree in Arts and Social Science (excluding Education participate academically in your selected discipline. and Social Work), Art and Design, Built Environment, Exercise Physiology, Engineering and/or Science. For more UNSW Indigenous Preparatory Programs (Pre-Programs) information, visit The Pre-Program for Business, Education, Law, Medicine, Science and Engineering, and Social Work is a three- Enabling programs for Australian Aboriginal and week residential program that involves participation in Torres Strait Islander People lectures, tutorials, group work, social activities, exams and The Humanities Pathway Program is a one-year program assessments. Selection for the program is based on the that provides a pathway into academic study in Arts, Social submission of an application. For more information, visit Sciences and Law for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who may need to gain further knowledge in their selected discipline or better prepare themselves for university. For more information, visit unswenablingprograms.

SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS UNSW Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. UNSW will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 10 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) / UNSW ACCESS Scheme For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 10 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments UNSW Gateway Entry Scheme For students who have attended schools − Max. 10 points / automatically applied located in low-socioeconomic, regional − Only applicable to courses with guaranteed entry rank of 90.00 or below and remote areas − For details, search for ‘UNSW Gateway’ at

Elite athlete and performer UNSW Elite Athletes, Performers and Leaders (EAPL) Program adjustments − Submit an application direct to UNSW For students who have excelled in areas of − Max. 5 points sport, academia, leadership, and/or music − For details, search for ‘EAPL’ at at an elite level

Subject adjustments HSC Plus For students who perform well in Year 12 − Max. 5 points / automatically applied subjects relevant to specific UNSW course − For details, search for ‘HSC Plus’ at preferences

EARLY OFFER SCHEMES There are no UNSW early offer schemes.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Sydney - Kensington 424300 CSP 3F 97.10 Y Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Co-op) Sydney - Kensington 424620 CSP 4F N/A N Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 429350 CSP 4F 95.10 Y Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Kensington 429370 CSP 5F 97.35 Y Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)/Bachelor of Engineering Sydney - Kensington 429360 CSP 6F 95.00 Y (Honours) Sydney - Kensington/ Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)/Bachelor of Fine Arts 429395 CSP 5F <5 Y Paddington Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)/Bachelor of Science Sydney - Kensington 429361 CSP 5F 96.25 Y (Computer Science) Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)/Bachelor of Social Sydney - Kensington 429390 CSP 5.7F <5 Y Research and Policy Bachelor of Architectural Studies Sydney - Kensington 423000 CSP 3F 95.00 Y Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Kensington 422000 CSP 3F 80.20 Y Bachelor of Arts and Business Sydney - Kensington 422050 CSP 3F 90.10 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Sydney - Kensington 422100 CSP 4F 80.00 Y Bachelor of Aviation (Flying) Sydney - Kensington 429500 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Aviation (Management) Sydney - Kensington 429520 CSP 3F 80.60 Y Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 429400 CSP 4F 85.10 Y UNSW Bachelor of City Planning (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 423600 CSP 4F 80.70 Y Bachelor of Commerce Sydney - Kensington 424000 CSP 3F 95.00 Y Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) Sydney - Kensington 424600 CSP 4F N/A N Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 424601 CSP 4F N/A N Bachelor of Commerce (International) Sydney - Kensington 424050 CSP 4F 97.00 Y Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Sydney - Kensington 422120 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science (Advanced Sydney - Kensington 424200 CSP 5F 95.45 Y Mathematics) (Honours) Bachelor of Computational Design Sydney - Kensington 423100 CSP 3F 82.30 Y Bachelor of Construction Management and Property Sydney - Kensington 423200 CSP 3F 80.00 Y Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice Sydney - Kensington 422350 CSP 3F 82.10 Y Bachelor of Data Science and Decisions Sydney - Kensington 429150 CSP 3F 95.05 Y Bachelor of Design Sydney - Paddington 421100 CSP 3F 80.00 Y Sydney - Paddington/ Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) 422141 CSP 4.7F 80.40 Y Kensington Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Media (Public Relations and Sydney - Paddington/ 421101 CSP 4.7F 84.00 Y Advertising) Kensington Bachelor of Economics Sydney - Kensington 424400 CSP 3F 93.05 Y Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Advanced Mathematics Sydney - Kensington 424460 CSP 5F 96.05 Y (Honours) Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 424470 CSP 5F 97.30 Y Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Sydney - Kensington 422130 CSP 4F 94.10 Y Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) Sydney - Kensington 424480 CSP 4F 93.25 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Aerospace/Mechanical and Sydney - Kensington 425050 CSP 4F 93.40 Y Manufacturing/Mechanical) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Bioinformatics, Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronic, Software Sydney - Kensington 425950 CSP 5F 93.10 Y Telecommunications)/Master of Biomedical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Bioinformatics) Sydney - Kensington 425770 CSP 4F <5 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical/Chemical Product Sydney - Kensington 425550 CSP 4F 93.55 Y Engineering) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil with Architecture) Sydney - Kensington 425450 CSP 4F 95.45 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) including Geotechnical, Sydney - Kensington 425400 CSP 4F 93.00 Y Management, Structural, Transport or Water and Coastal Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil)/Bachelor of Surveying Sydney - Kensington 425402 CSP 5F 93.35 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Computer) Sydney - Kensington 425700 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) or Bachelor of Sydney - Kensington 425100 CSP 4F 93.55 Y Engineering (Honours) (Telecommunications) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical)/Master of Engineering Sydney - Kensington 425150 CSP 5F 96.00 Y (Electrical) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental) Sydney - Kensington 425470 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Flexible First Year) Sydney - Kensington 425000 CSP 4F 93.00 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Materials Science and Sydney - Kensington 429600 CSP 4F 85.55 Y Engineering) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Materials Science and Sydney - Kensington 429610 CSP 5.7F <5 Y Engineering)/Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Materials Science and UNSW Engineering)/Bachelor of Engineering Science (Chemical Sydney - Kensington 429620 CSP 5F 96.05 Y Engineering) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Materials Science and Sydney - Kensington 429630 CSP 5F 93.15 Y Engineering)/Master of Biomedical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic) Sydney - Kensington 425020 CSP 4F 93.00 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining) Sydney - Kensington 425300 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum) Sydney - Kensington 425650 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Photovoltaics and Solar Energy/ Sydney - Kensington 425200 CSP 4F 93.25 Y Renewable Energy) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software) Sydney - Kensington 425750 CSP 4F 93.05 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Surveying) Sydney - Kensington 425500 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce Sydney - Kensington 425900 CSP 5.7F 95.10 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Engineering Science Sydney - Kensington 425401 CSP 5F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science or Bachelor Sydney - Kensington 425850 CSP 5.7F 93.10 Y of Arts or Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

Bring your difference

Everyone brings something unique that inspires all of us to succeed and make a positive impact. It’s your original thinking, diverse perspectives and proud ambitions.

Don’t hide your difference, bring it to UNSW.

Copyright © UNSW Sydney 2020. CRICOS Provider Code 00098G TEQSA PRV 12055 Visit for full legal notice.



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Environmental Management Sydney - Kensington 429540 CSP 3F 80.10 Y Bachelor of Environmental Management/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Kensington 429560 CSP 4.7F 80.00 Y Bachelor of Exercise Physiology Sydney - Kensington 428100 CSP 4F 85.00 Y Bachelor of Fine Arts Sydney - Paddington 421000 CSP 3F 80.10 Y Sydney - Paddington/ Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Arts 421001 CSP 4F 80.30 Y Kensington Sydney - Paddington/ Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) 422140 CSP 4F 81.55 Y Kensington Bachelor of Food Science (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 425600 CSP 4F 93.55 Y Bachelor of Industrial Design Sydney - Kensington 423300 CSP 3F 81.40 Y Bachelor of Information Systems Sydney - Kensington 424500 CSP 3F 90.00 Y Bachelor of Information Systems (Co-op) (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 424640 CSP 4F N/A N Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 423400 CSP 4F 80.05 Y Bachelor of International Public Health Online 428200 CSP 3F/D <5 Y Bachelor of International Studies Sydney - Kensington 422200 CSP 4F 89.05 Y Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Media (Communication Sydney - Kensington 422210 CSP 5F 89.15 Y and Journalism) Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Media (Public Relations Sydney - Kensington 422220 CSP 5F 89.50 Y

UNSW and Advertising) Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Media (Screen and Sydney - Kensington 422230 CSP 5F 90.35 Y Sound Production) Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 423500 CSP 4F 80.40 Y Bachelor of Life Sciences Sydney - Kensington 429050 CSP 3F 80.10 Y Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism) Sydney - Kensington 422700 CSP 3F 85.75 Y Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism)/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Kensington 422701 CSP 4F 84.45 Y Bachelor of Media (Public Relations & Advertising)/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Kensington 422711 CSP 4F 85.30 Y Bachelor of Media (Public Relations and Advertising) Sydney - Kensington 422710 CSP 3F 84.40 Y Bachelor of Media (Screen & Sound Production)/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Kensington 422721 CSP 4F 85.30 Y Bachelor of Media (Screen and Sound Production) Sydney - Kensington 422720 CSP 3F 85.15 Y Bachelor of Media Arts Sydney - Paddington 421200 CSP 3F 80.10 Y Sydney - Paddington/ Bachelor of Media Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) 422142 CSP 4F <5 Y Kensington Bachelor of Medical Science Sydney - Kensington 429700 CSP 3F 91.05 Y Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine/Bachelor Arts Sydney - Kensington 428000 CSP 6-8F N/A Y Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 429720 CSP 4F 90.00 Y Bachelor of Music Sydney - Kensington 422500 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 422531 CSP 6F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Kensington 422501 CSP 5F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Commerce Sydney - Kensington 422510 CSP 5F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Sydney - Kensington 422502 CSP 5F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 422520 CSP 6.7F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Laws Sydney - Kensington 426050 CSP 6F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Media (Communication and Sydney - Kensington 422503 CSP 5F N/A Y Journalism) Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Media (Public Relations and Sydney - Kensington 422504 CSP 5F N/A Y Advertising)

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Media (Screen and Sound Production) Sydney - Kensington 422505 CSP 5F N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Science Sydney - Kensington 422530 CSP 5F N/A Y Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics Sydney - Kensington 422310 CSP 3F 96.40 Y Bachelor of Psychological Science Sydney - Kensington 429800 CSP 3F 87.05 Y Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 429850 CSP 4F 98.05 Y Bachelor of Science Sydney - Kensington 429000 CSP 3F 85.05 Y Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 429300 CSP 4F 95.10 Y Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/Bachelor Sydney - Kensington 429320 CSP 5F <5 Y of Arts Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/Bachelor of Sydney - Kensington 429330 CSP 6F 95.20 Y Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/Bachelor of Sydney - Kensington 429331 CSP 5F 95.70 Y Science (Computer Science) Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) Degrees Sydney - Kensington 425800 CSP 3-4F 93.00 Y Sydney - Kensington/ Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)/Bachelor of Media Arts 425801 CSP 4F 93.25 Y Paddington

Bachelor of Science (International) Sydney - Kensington 429420 CSP 4F 88.70 Y UNSW Bachelor of Science and Business Sydney - Kensington 429100 CSP 3F 90.20 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Kensington 429200 CSP 4F 85.15 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Sydney - Kensington 422110 CSP 4F 85.20 Y Sydney - Kensington/ Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Fine Arts 429230 CSP 4F 85.85 Y Paddington Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Social Research and Policy Sydney - Kensington 429220 CSP 4.7F 85.70 Y Bachelor of Social Research and Policy Sydney - Kensington 422300 CSP 3F 80.35 Y Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Sydney - Kensington 422400 CSP 4F 80.00 Y Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Kensington 422401 CSP 5.7F 84.65 Y Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Criminology and Sydney - Kensington 422403 CSP 5F 82.15 Y Criminal Justice Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Bachelor of Social Research and Sydney - Kensington 422402 CSP 5.7F <5 Y Policy Bachelor of Vision Science Sydney - Kensington 429740 CSP 3F 94.05 Y Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry Sydney - Kensington 429750 CSP 5F 99.50 Y Double Actuarial Studies Sydney - Kensington 424350 CSP 4-5F 97.05 Y Double Commerce Sydney - Kensington 424100 CSP 4-5F 95.00 Y Double Economics Sydney - Kensington 424450 CSP 4-5F 93.00 Y Double Law Sydney - Kensington 426000 CSP 5-6.7F N/A Y University Preparation Program Sydney - Kensington 430200 CSP 1-1.7P <5 N UNSW Preparation Program (Arts and Social Sciences) Sydney - Kensington 430100 CSP 1F N/A N UNSW Preparation Program (Business) Sydney - Kensington 430110 CSP 1F N/A N UNSW Preparation Program (Engineering) Sydney - Kensington 430120 CSP 1.7F N/A N UNSW Preparation Program (Science) Sydney - Kensington 430130 CSP 1F N/A N

UNSW SYDNEY | 167 UNSW Canberra at ADFA CRICOS provider number 00098G

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT UNSW CANBERRA – ADFA UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy PO Box 7916, Canberra BC ACT 2610 (ADFA) is the Canberra-based campus of UNSW Sydney (University of New South Wales). ADFA is a unique tel: (02) 6268 8201 partnership between the Australian Defence Force and email: [email protected] UNSW Canberra, providing training and education for future website: leaders of the Australian Defence Force.

In person UNSW Canberra also provides education to non-Defence applicants pursuing studies in Engineering, and Engineering/ UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy Science double degree programs. Students can apply to Northcott Drive, Campbell ACT 2612 be considered under the Defence Civilian Undergraduate Sponsorship scheme into Engineering, and Computing and Australian Defence Force enquiries Cyber Security degree programs.

UNSW–ADFA tel: 13 19 01 website: International students cannot apply to ADFA.

Defence Civilian Undergraduate Sponsorship ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT (DCUS) information ISLANDER APPLICANTS For details, search for ‘Defence Civilian Undergraduate Sponsorship’ at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants should contact Student Administrative Services on (02) 6268 6000 or email [email protected]. OPEN DAY Saturday 22 August 2020 EARLY OFFER SCHEMES There are no UNSW early offer schemes. IMPORTANT DATES Semester 1 February/March to June/July

Semester 2 July/August to November/December

168 | SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments. UNSW will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 10 points across the following categories.

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) / UNSW ACCESS Scheme For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 10 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments UNSW Gateway Entry Scheme For students who have attended schools − Max. 10 points / automatically applied located in low-socioeconomic, regional − Only applicable to courses with guaranteed entry rank of 90.00 or below and remote areas − For details, search for ‘UNSW Gateway’ at

Elite athlete and performer UNSW Elite Athletes, Performers and Leaders (EAPL) Program adjustments − Submit a direct application to UNSW For students who have excelled in areas of − Max. 5 points sport, academia, leadership, and/or music − For details, search for ‘EAPL’ at at an elite level

Subject adjustments HSC Plus For students who perform well in Year 12 − Max. 5 points / automatically applied subjects relevant to specific UNSW course − For details, search for ‘HSC Plus’ at preferences UNSW–ADFA

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

UNSW CANBERRA AT ADFA International students cannot apply to ADFA.

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR code type attendance Bachelor of Arts Canberra at ADFA 450001 ADF 3F N/A Bachelor of Business Canberra at ADFA 450010 ADF 3F N/A Bachelor of Computing and Cyber Security Canberra at ADFA 450030 ADF 3F N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Aeronautical Engineering) Canberra at ADFA 450040 ADF 4F N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Aeronautical Engineering) Non-defence Canberra at ADFA 451040 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering) Canberra at ADFA 450050 ADF 4F N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering) Non-defence Canberra at ADFA 451050 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical Engineering) Canberra at ADFA 450060 ADF 4F N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical Engineering) Non-defence Canberra at ADFA 451060 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering) Canberra at ADFA 450070 ADF 4F N/A Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering) Non-defence Canberra at ADFA 451070 CSP 4F N/A Bachelor of Science Canberra at ADFA 450020 ADF 3F N/A Bachelor of Technology (Aeronautical Engineering) Canberra at ADFA 450080 ADF 3F N/A Bachelor of Technology (Aviation) Canberra at ADFA 450090 ADF 3F N/A Double Engineering/Science degrees for Non-defence students Canberra at ADFA 451100 CSP 5F N/A

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.

UNSW CANBERRA AT ADFA | 169 Western Sydney University CRICOS provider number 00917K Western Sydney University The College CRICOS provider number 02851G

GET IN TOUCH IMPORTANT DATES All campuses University campuses Contact Service Centre Autumn session Western Sydney University Monday 1 March 2021 – Sunday 27 June 2021 Locked Bag 1797, Penrith NSW 2751 Spring session Domestic Monday 19 July – Sunday 14 November 2021 tel: 1300 897 669 email: [email protected] Sydney City campus website: Session 1 International Monday 8 March – Sunday 13 June 2021

WS tel: +61 2 9852 5499 Session 2 email: [email protected] Monday 5 July – Monday 4 October 2021 website: Session 3 In person Monday 1 November 2021 – Monday 7 February 2022 Campus locations are: Bankstown, Campbelltown, Hawkesbury, Liverpool City, Nirimba (Blacktown), Parramatta, The College Parramatta City, Penrith, Sydney City, Sydney Olympic Park. Term 1 For more information, including campus maps and transport Monday 1 March – Sunday 6 June 2021 options, visit Term 2 Monday 28 June – Sunday 3 October 2021 OPEN DAYS Term 3 Mid-Year Information Day Monday 25 October 2021 – Sunday 6 February 2022 Saturday 16 May 2020 Parramatta City campus Academic calendar Register your interest and find out more: For important dates concerning teaching periods, study breaks and vacation periods check the main University calendar at Parramatta campuses Open Day Sunday 16 August 2020 Parramatta South and Parramatta City campuses Register your interest and find out more: STUDYING AT WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY

Liverpool City campus Open Day Western Sydney University prides itself on challenging the Saturday 19 September 2020 traditional notion of what a university should be. We are Liverpool City campus deeply embedded in the community and the region we serve, Register your interest and find out more: Australia’s fastest growing economy. We are dedicated to ensuring our students enjoy a dynamic learning experience. From our award-winning, tech-infused Exhibitions and interview sessions for vertical campuses in Western Sydney’s growing CBDs, to the international students forward-focused new teaching methodologies, we ensure you The University regularly participates in exhibitions and are well prepared for the future. interview sessions in Australia and many countries around the world. For details, visit According to Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2019–20), Western is in the top 2% of universities View a list of overseas agents/representatives for in the world and #1 globally for gender equality. Western Sydney University at international/agents.

170 | We demonstrate our pledge to students with our unique With more than 180,000 highly respected alumni, the early offer program, HSC True Reward. We recognise that University offers the benefits of a dynamic, culturally rich and you are more than your ATAR so we focus instead on your globally aware graduate community. strongest skills and the subjects in which you excel. At Western we make early offers into a University degree based Find your unlimited with Western Sydney University. on corresponding HSC subject band outcomes.

And we’re not stopping there. We’re working on ways to ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT measure skills such as resilience, time management, the ISLANDER APPLICANTS ability to form networks and cultural capital – recognising the critical life skills needed. In addition to applying through UAC, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants may wish to be considered for For high achievers, The Academy at Western Sydney entry through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander University is a program that challenges our students to think Pathway Program. differently and cultivates leadership skills. We empower our students with professional and personal experiences so they For more information, call the Course Information Centre on can influence global change. 1300 897 669 or visit the Western Sydney University website at and search for ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Program’.

SELECTION RANK ADJUSTMENTS Refer to pages 32–33 for an explanation of selection rank adjustments.

Western Sydney will increase your selection rank by a maximum of 10 points across the following categories. WS

Equity adjustments Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students who have experienced long- − Submit an EAS application via UAC term educational disadvantage − Max. 5 points − For details, go to

Location adjustments − Max. 5 points/automatically applied For students living or studying in the − To check if your postcode is included, search for ‘regional bonus points’ at Western Sydney region

Elite athlete and performer − Submit a direct application to Western: search for ‘Elite Athletes or Performers Scheme’ at adjustments For athletes and performers whose − Max. 5 points commitments have impacted their Year 12 studies

Subject adjustments HSC True Reward For Band 5 or 6 (and small range of − Max. 10 points/automatically applied Band 4) results in any HSC or IB subjects − For details, search for ‘subject bonus points’ at relevant to the degree you want to study

HSC TRUE REWARD Get an offer based on your HSC subject band results, not your ATAR

Find out more at



Schools Recommendation Schemes Apply via UAC. Applications close 20 September.

HSC True Reward Important dates Applications open: August Applications close: 11 December Finalise preferences: 11 December Offers released: 15 December

Assessment criteria Depending on the undergraduate degree you choose, you need to meet a specified HSC band outcome in nominated courses. Some degrees are excluded from this program.

How to apply Apply via the Western Sydney website.

The Academy Global Leaders Important dates Program Applications open: 15 July Applications close: 6 September Finalise preferences: 20 September Offers released: 13 October

Assessment criteria Open to 2020 Year 12 students who are Australian citizens or permanent residents. Applicants must:

WS − demonstrate a high level of academic achievement − provide evidence of leadership qualities and involvement within your school or community. Some degrees are excluded from this program.

How to apply − Apply via the Western Sydney website. − Apply through UAC and list a Western Sydney University course as your first preference by midnight 20 September.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit

Diploma programs are delivered by Western Sydney University The College under arrangement with Western Sydney University.

Courses offered at Western Sydney University Sydney City Campus are delivered on behalf of Western Sydney University by SIBT (CRICOS provider number 01576G).

172 | WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Western Sydney University also offers flexible double degrees: B Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking; B Data Science; B Entrepreneurship. For details, visit

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Accounting Bankstown 721070 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Accounting Campbelltown 721072 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Accounting Parramatta City 721074 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Accounting Sydney City 721077 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 725048 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725050 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of Advanced Medical Science Campbelltown 720233 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Advanced Medical Science Parramatta 720235 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Advanced Science Campbelltown 720252 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Advanced Science Hawkesbury 720253 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Advanced Science Parramatta 720254 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Anthropology Penrith 727604 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Anthropology Liverpool City 727607 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Architectural Design Parramatta 722547 CSP 3F/6P 85.15 Y

Bachelor of Arts Bankstown 720510 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y WS Bachelor of Arts Parramatta 720515 CSP 3F/6P 70.50 Y Bachelor of Arts Penrith 720518 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts (Dean's Scholars) Bankstown 720100 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Arts (Dean's Scholars) Parramatta 720102 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Arts (Dean's Scholars) Penrith 720104 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Parramatta City 720521 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars Parramatta City 720106 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/ Birth-12)/ Bankstown 729017 CSP 4-5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ Parramatta 729018 CSP 4-5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ Penrith 729019 CSP 4-5F/EqP N/A Y Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ Bankstown 729022 CSP 3-4F/EqP N/A Y Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) Diploma pathway Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ Parramatta 729023 CSP 3-4F/EqP N/A Y Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) Diploma pathway Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ Penrith 729024 CSP 3-4F/EqP N/A Y Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) Diploma pathway Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean's Scholars/ Bankstown 720108 CSP 4F/7P <5 Y Master of Teaching (Primary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean's Scholars/ Parramatta 720109 CSP 4F/7P N/A Y Master of Teaching (Primary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean's Scholars/ Penrith 720110 CSP 4F/7P N/A Y Master of Teaching (Primary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)/ Bankstown 729000 CSP 4-4.5F/EqP 75.20 Y Master of Teaching (Primary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)/ Parramatta 729004 CSP 4-4.5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Primary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)/ Penrith 729005 CSP 4-4.5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Primary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Dean's Scholars/ Bankstown 720114 CSP 4F/7P <5 Y Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Dean's Scholars/ Parramatta 720115 CSP 4F/7P <5 Y Master of Teaching (Secondary)



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Dean's Scholars/ Penrith 720116 CSP 4F/7P N/A Y Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ Bankstown 729011 CSP 4-4.5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ Parramatta 729014 CSP 4-4.5F/EqP 80.35 Y Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ Penrith 729016 CSP 4-4.5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business Bankstown 720600 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business Parramatta 720605 CSP 4F/8P 76.05 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Creative Industries Parramatta 720731 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 725011 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725013 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Science Bankstown 720610 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Science Parramatta 720612 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Science Penrith 720614 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Building Design Management Penrith 722514 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Building Design Management Parramatta 722516 CSP 4F/8P 71.45 Y WS Bachelor of Business Bankstown 721005 CSP 3F/6P 70.55 Y Bachelor of Business Campbelltown 721006 CSP 3F/6P 71.65 Y Bachelor of Business Parramatta City 721007 CSP 3F/6P 70.40 Y Bachelor of Business Sydney City 721008 CSP 3F/6P 70.35 Y Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Bankstown 721010 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Campbelltown 721011 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Parramatta City 721012 CSP 3F/6P 70.15 Y Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Sydney City 721013 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Advanced Business Leadership) Parramatta City 720130 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Advanced Business Leadership)/ Parramatta 720135 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Business (Applied Finance) Parramatta City 721016 CSP 3F/6P 71.65 Y Bachelor of Business (Applied Finance) Sydney City 721017 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Economics) Parramatta City 721018 CSP 3F/6P 72.30 Y Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) Parramatta City 721020 CSP 3F/6P 70.50 Y Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) Sydney City 721021 CSP 3F/6P 70.60 Y Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) Bankstown 721024 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) Campbelltown 721025 CSP 3F/6P 71.60 Y Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) Parramatta City 721026 CSP 3F/6P 70.65 Y Bachelor of Business (International Business) Parramatta City 721028 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (International Business) Sydney City 721029 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Management) Bankstown 721035 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Management) Campbelltown 721036 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Management) Parramatta City 721037 CSP 3F/6P 70.25 Y Bachelor of Business (Management) Sydney City 721038 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Sydney City 721039 CSP 3F/6P 74.65 Y Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Bankstown 721040 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Campbelltown 721041 CSP 3F/6P 71.30 Y Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Parramatta City 721042 CSP 3F/6P 70.15 Y Bachelor of Business (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ Bankstown 729050 CSP 4.5-5F/EqP N/A Y Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Business (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ Campbelltown 729051 CSP 4.5-5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Business (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ Parramatta City 729052 CSP 4.5-5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Business (Property) Parramatta City 721045 CSP 3F/6P 70.45 Y Bachelor of Business (Property) Distance 729200 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Y Bachelor of Business (Sport Management) Campbelltown 721050 CSP 3F/6P 74.15 Y Bachelor of Business (Sport Management) Parramatta City 721052 CSP 3F/6P 70.30 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 725015 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725016 CSP 5F/10P 99.95 Y Bachelor of Communication Parramatta 720700 CSP 3F/6P 72.75 Y Bachelor of Communication Penrith 720705 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y

Bachelor of Communication Sydney City 720708 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y WS Bachelor of Communication Online 729210 CSP 3F/6P/D N/A Y Bachelor of Communication (Dean's Scholars) Parramatta 720120 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Communication (Dean's Scholars) Penrith 720122 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Business Parramatta 720711 CSP 4F/8P 74.30 Y Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Creative Industries Parramatta 720732 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of International Studies Parramatta 724525 CSP 5F <5 Y Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725020 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Computer Science Parramatta 723999 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Computer Science Penrith 724000 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) Parramatta 720141 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) Penrith 720142 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) Parramatta 722538 CSP 4F 72.10 Y Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) Penrith 722539 CSP 4F 70.80 Y Bachelor of Construction Management Studies/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 725022 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Construction Management Studies/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725024 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Construction Technology Penrith 722519 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Creative Industries Parramatta 720730 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Creative Industries (Music) Parramatta 720728 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice Liverpool City 727040 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice Penrith 727045 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 725029 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725031 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Social Work Liverpool City 727047 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Criminology Liverpool City 727030 CSP 3F/6P 72.70 Y Bachelor of Criminology Penrith 727033 CSP 3F/6P 72.45 Y Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 725034 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725036 CSP 5F/10P 96.55 Y Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour Parramatta 727052 CSP 3F/6P 80.50 Y Bachelor of Design - Visual Communication (Dean's Scholars) Parramatta 720124 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) Parramatta 720715 CSP 4F/8P 70.70 Y



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Design and Technology Parramatta 722520 CSP 3F/6P 70.35 Y Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Creative Industries Parramatta 720733 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Education (Primary) - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Bankstown 729032 CSP 4F N/A Y Islander Education Bachelor of Education (Primary) Bankstown 729027 CSP 4F/8P new Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Sydney City 722498 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Penrith 722501 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Parramatta 722555 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) Penrith 722503 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) Parramatta 722556 CSP 4F/8P 81.10 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) Sydney City 722576 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Construction) Penrith 722504 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Construction) Parramatta 722557 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) Penrith 722505 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) Parramatta 722558 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) Sydney City 722577 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) Penrith 722507 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y WS Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) Parramatta 722559 CSP 4F/8P 85.80 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) Sydney City 722578 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Robotics and Mechatronics) Penrith 722509 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Robotics and Mechatronics) Parramatta 722560 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business Bankstown 722494 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business Campbelltown 722495 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business Parramatta 722496 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business Penrith 722497 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours) Parramatta 720139 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours) Penrith 720140 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering Science Penrith 722510 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering Science Sydney City 722513 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Engineering Science Parramatta 722550 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Games Design and Simulation) Parramatta 722470 CSP 3F 70.20 Y Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Games Design and Simulation) Penrith 722472 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ Parramatta 729026 CSP 4.5-5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education) Penrith 723504 CSP 3F 70.00 Y Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education) Penrith 729033 CSP 4.5-5F/EqP 76.90 Y Pathway to Teaching (Secondary)/Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Campbelltown 723500 CSP 3F 70.80 Y Management, Therapeutic Recreation or Public Health) Bachelor of Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Sydney City 723514 CSP 3F 70.65 Y Management, Therapeutic Recreation or Public Health) Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine) Campbelltown 723502 CSP 3F 87.15 Y Bachelor of Health Science (Public Health) Online 729212 CSP 3F/D <5 Y Bachelor of Health Science (Sport and Exercise Science) Campbelltown 723506 CSP 3F 75.00 Y Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies Parramatta 727608 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies Penrith 727626 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Industrial Design Parramatta 722530 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours) Parramatta 722535 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology Campbelltown 724012 CSP 3F 70.30 Y Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology Parramatta 724016 CSP 3F 70.30 Y Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology Penrith 724020 CSP 3F 72.30 Y Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology Sydney City 724022 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology Campbelltown 720144 CSP 3F N/A Y (Advanced) Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology Parramatta 720146 CSP 3F N/A Y (Advanced) Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology Penrith 720148 CSP 3F N/A Y (Advanced) Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Health Campbelltown 724025 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Information Management) Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Health Parramatta 724026 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Information Management)

Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Health WS Penrith 724027 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Information Management) Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/ Parramatta 724100 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/ Bankstown 724105 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/ Campbelltown 724110 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/ Parramatta 724115 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/ Campbelltown 724120 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/ Parramatta 724130 CSP 4F N/A Y Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/ Campbelltown 725041 CSP 5F N/A Y Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/ Parramatta 725043 CSP 5F <5 Y Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Information Systems Sydney City 724008 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Information Systems Parramatta 724009 CSP 3F 71.30 Y Bachelor of Information Systems (Advanced) Parramatta 720150 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Information Systems (Advanced)/Bachelor of Business Campbelltown 720151 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Information Systems (Advanced)/Bachelor of Business Parramatta 720152 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Information Systems (Advanced)/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 720155 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of Information Systems (Advanced)/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 720156 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Business Campbelltown 724138 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Business Parramatta 724139 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 725046 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725047 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of International Studies Bankstown 724505 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of International Studies Parramatta 724510 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of International Studies (Dean's Scholars) Bankstown 720160 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of International Studies (Dean's Scholars) Parramatta 720162 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Business Bankstown 724518 CSP 4F N/A Y



Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Business Parramatta 724520 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725045 CSP 5F/10P 96.95 Y Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Social Science Bankstown 724522 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Social Science Parramatta 724523 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Languages and Linguistics Bankstown 720527 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Languages and Linguistics Parramatta 720529 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Laws (Graduate entry) Campbelltown 725000 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Laws (Graduate entry) Parramatta 725001 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Laws (Non-graduate entry) Campbelltown 725005 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Laws (Non-graduate entry) Parramatta 725007 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Medical Science Campbelltown 728145 CSP 3F/6F 70.10 Y Bachelor of Medical Science Parramatta 728147 CSP 3F/6P 70.05 Y Bachelor of Medical Science (Forensic Mortuary Practice) Campbelltown 728011 CSP 3F 72.85 Y Bachelor of Medical Science (Forensic Mortuary Practice) Hawkesbury 728012 CSP 3F <5 Y Doctor of Medicine Campbelltown 725505 CSP 5F N/A Y Bachelor of Midwifery Parramatta 726570 CSP 3F N/A Y

WS Bachelor of Music Penrith 720720 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Music (Dean's Scholars) Penrith 720126 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Creative Industries Penrith 720734 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing Campbelltown 726550 CSP 3F 7 7.15 Y Bachelor of Nursing Hawkesbury 726555 CSP 3F 7 7.50 Y Bachelor of Nursing Parramatta 726560 CSP 3F 81.15 Y Bachelor of Nursing Liverpool City 726568 CSP 3F 81.40 Y Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced) Liverpool City 720168 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced) Campbelltown 720170 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced) Hawkesbury 720172 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced) Parramatta 720174 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse pathway) Campbelltown 726540 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse pathway) Hawkesbury 726542 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse pathway) Parramatta 726544 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse pathway) Liverpool City 726546 CSP 3F N/A Y Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Campbelltown 723555 CSP 4F 85.35 Y Bachelor of Physiotherapy Campbelltown 723560 CSP 4F 90.40 Y Bachelor of Planning/Master of Urban Management and Planning Parramatta 727628 CSP 4F/8P 81.35 Y Bachelor of Planning/Master of Urban Management and Planning Penrith 727630 CSP 4F/8P N/A Y Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine Campbelltown 723565 CSP 4F 80.70 Y Bachelor of Policing Liverpool City 727060 CSP 3F/6P 70.10 Y Bachelor of Policing Penrith 727065 CSP 3F/6P 70.15 Y Bachelor of Policing (Leadership Program) Liverpool City 720191 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Policing (Leadership Program) Penrith 720192 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Bankstown 727501 CSP 4F/8P 90.65 Y Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Parramatta 727502 CSP 4F/8P 91.00 Y Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Penrith 727506 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Bachelor of Science Campbelltown 728167 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Science Hawkesbury 728168 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Science Parramatta 728169 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Science (Environmental Health) Distance 728175 CSP 3F <5 Y Bachelor of Science, Criminology and Psychological Studies Online 729215 CSP 3F/6P/D <5 Y Bachelor of Science - (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary)/ Campbelltown 729058 CSP 4.5-5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Primary) or Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Science - (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary)/ Hawkesbury 729059 CSP 4.5-5F/EqP N/A Y Master of Teaching (Primary) or Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Science - (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary)/ Parramatta 729060 CSP 4.5-5F/EqP <5 Y Master of Teaching (Primary) or Master of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Science (Forensic Science) Hawkesbury 728178 CSP 3F/6P 70.75 Y Bachelor of Science (Zoology)/Bachelor of Natural Science (Animal Hawkesbury 728044 CSP 4F/8P 70.90 Y Science) Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Parramatta 728100 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business Campbelltown 728110 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business Parramatta 728111 CSP 4F <5 Y WS Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of International Studies Parramatta 728115 CSP 4F <5 Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 725060 CSP 5F/10P N/A Y Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725065 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Screen Media (Arts and Production) Parramatta 720718 CSP 3F/6P 79.95 Y Bachelor of Social Science Liverpool City 727610 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Social Science Parramatta 727615 CSP 3F/6P 71.50 Y Bachelor of Social Science Penrith 727620 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Social Science Sydney City 727621 CSP 3F/6P 78.55 Y Bachelor of Social Science (Advanced) Liverpool City 720194 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Social Science (Advanced) Parramatta 720196 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Social Science (Advanced) Penrith 720198 CSP 3F/6P N/A Y Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) Bankstown 727600 CSP 3F/6P 80.25 Y Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) Parramatta 727601 CSP 3F/6P 7 7.00 Y Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) Penrith 727605 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws Campbelltown 725070 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws Parramatta 725075 CSP 5F/10P <5 Y Bachelor of Social Work Liverpool City 727700 CSP 4F/8P <5 Y Bachelor of Social Work Parramatta 727705 CSP 4F/8P 85.50 Y Bachelor of Speech Pathology Campbelltown 723566 CSP 4F 80.10 Y Bachelor of Sport Development Parramatta 723567 CSP 3F/6P 70.85 Y Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Hawkesbury 728028 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Tourism Management Parramatta 727750 CSP 3F/6P <5 Y Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Campbelltown 723570 CSP 4F <5 Y


WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY THE COLLEGE The College is an alternative pathway to Western Sydney University for students who do not qualify for direct entry. The College offers a comprehensive range of integrated diploma/bachelor courses, extended diplomas and University Foundation Studies. Small class sizes enable personal attention from dedicated teaching staff to provide a well supported environment to help students succeed in their tertiary study and realise their potential.

Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Arts - 4 terms Bankstown 729598 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Arts - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729599 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Interpreting and Translation - 4 terms Bankstown 729606 CSP 1.5F new Y Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Interpreting and Translation - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729607 CSP 1.5F new Y Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12 - Bankstown 729604 CSP 1.5F N/A Y 4 terms Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Birth-5Yr/Birth-12Yr Nirimba (Blacktown) 729605 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Primary - 4 terms Bankstown 729600 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Primary - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729601 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Secondary - Bankstown 729602 CSP 1.5F N/A Y 4 terms Diploma in Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Secondary - Nirimba (Blacktown) 729603 CSP 1.5F N/A Y 4 terms Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts Bankstown 729392 CSP 3F 55.65 Y

WS Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts Nirimba (Blacktown) 729400 CSP 3F <5 Y Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Bankstown 729396 CSP 3F <5 Y Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Nirimba (Blacktown) 729404 CSP 3F N/A Y Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/ Bankstown 729395 CSP 3F <5 Y Birth-12) Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5Yr/ Nirimba (Blacktown) 729403 CSP 3F N/A Y Birth-12Yr) Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Bankstown 729393 CSP 3F 56.30 Y Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Nirimba (Blacktown) 729401 CSP 3F <5 Y Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Bankstown 729394 CSP 3F <5 Y Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Nirimba (Blacktown) 729402 CSP 3F <5 Y Diploma in Building Design Management (Extended) - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729615 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Building Design Management/Bachelor of Building Nirimba (Blacktown) 729412 CSP 3F 56.35 Y Design Management Diploma in Business (Extended) - 4 terms Bankstown 729618 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Business (Extended) - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729620 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Business (Standard) - 3 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729500 CSP 1F/2P <5 Y Diploma in Business (Standard) - 3 terms Bankstown 729507 CSP 1F/2P <5 Y Diploma in Business/Bachelor of Business Nirimba (Blacktown) 729416 CSP 3F <5 Y Diploma in Business/Bachelor of Business Bankstown 729417 CSP 3F 60.65 Y Diploma in Communication (Extended) - Communication - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729622 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Communication (Extended) - Creative Industries - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729623 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Communication (Extended) - Screen Media (Arts and Nirimba (Blacktown) 729624 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Production) - 4 terms Diploma in Communication/Bachelor of Communication Nirimba (Blacktown) 729426 CSP 3F <5 Y Diploma in Communication/Bachelor of Creative Industries Nirimba (Blacktown) 729427 CSP 3F N/A Y Diploma in Communication/Bachelor of Screen Media (Arts and Nirimba (Blacktown) 729428 CSP 3F <5 Y Production) Diploma in Construction Management/Bachelor of Construction Nirimba (Blacktown) 729435 CSP 3F 55.95 Y Technology

Refer to page 56 for an explanation of abbreviations and selection rank.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of LSR Avail code type attendance INT Diploma in Construction Technology (Extended) Nirimba (Blacktown) 729630 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Criminal and Community Justice (Extended) - 4 terms Bankstown 729632 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Criminal Bankstown 729439 CSP 3F 56.00 Y and Community Justice Diploma in Design (Extended) - Design (Visual Communication) - Nirimba (Blacktown) 729638 CSP 1.5F N/A Y 4 terms Diploma in Design (Extended) - Graphic Design (Pathway to Nirimba (Blacktown) 729639 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Teaching Secondary) - 4 terms Diploma in Design/Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) Nirimba (Blacktown) 729443 CSP 3F <5 Y Diploma in Design/Bachelor of Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Nirimba (Blacktown) 729444 CSP 3F <5 Y Secondary) Diploma in Engineering (Extended) - 4 terms Penrith 729645 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Engineering/Bachelor of Engineering Studies Penrith 729449 CSP 3F 55.40 Y Diploma in Health Science (Extended) (Health and Physical Nirimba (Blacktown) 729660 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Education) - 4 terms Diploma in Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Management, Therapeutic Recreation or Public Health) (Extended) - Nirimba (Blacktown) 729651 CSP 1.5F N/A Y 4 terms WS Diploma in Health Science/Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Nirimba (Blacktown) 729454 CSP 3F 55.45 Y Physical Education) Diploma in Health Science/Bachelor of Health Science (Health Promotion, Health Services Management, Therapeutic Recreation or Nirimba (Blacktown) 729453 CSP 3F 55.15 Y Public Health) Diploma in ICT/Bachelor of Information and Communications Nirimba (Blacktown) 729458 CSP 3F 55.65 Y Technology Diploma in ICT/Bachelor of Information Systems Nirimba (Blacktown) 729460 CSP 3F <5 Y Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Extended) Nirimba (Blacktown) 729665 CSP 1.5F N/A Y - ICT - 4 terms Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Extended) Nirimba (Blacktown) 729666 CSP 1.5F N/A Y - Information Systems - 4 terms Diploma in Science (Extended) - Medical Science - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729682 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Science (Extended) - Science - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729681 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma of Science/Bachelor of Medical Science Nirimba (Blacktown) 729469 CSP 3F 55.15 Y Diploma in Science/Bachelor of Science Nirimba (Blacktown) 729468 CSP 3F 55.15 Y Diploma in Social Science (Extended) - Humanitarian and Bankstown 729689 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Development Studies - 4 terms Diploma in Social Science (Extended) - Social Science - 4 terms Bankstown 729687 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Social Science (Extended) - Social Science - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729688 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Social Science (Extended) - Tourism Management - Nirimba (Blacktown) 729691 CSP 1.5F N/A Y 4 terms Diploma in Social Science (Policing) (Extended) - 4 terms Bankstown 729694 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Social Science (Policing) (Extended) - 4 terms Nirimba (Blacktown) 729695 CSP 1.5F N/A Y Diploma in Social Science (Policing)/Bachelor of Policing Nirimba (Blacktown) 729479 CSP 3F 58.35 Y Diploma in Social Science (Policing)/Bachelor of Policing Bankstown 729480 CSP 3F 55.35 Y Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Humanitarian and Bankstown 729476 CSP 3F <5 Y Development Studies Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Social Science Bankstown 729475 CSP 3F 56.05 Y Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Social Science Nirimba (Blacktown) 729477 CSP 3F 55.05 Y Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Tourism Management Nirimba (Blacktown) 729481 CSP 3F <5 Y
















The institutions in this section manage their own Course code admissions. UAC does not process applications to these Each course is given a UAC identification code. This code institutions. is for use on UAC’s online course search only. You do not apply for this course through UAC or use this code when Each institution’s entry includes general information and you apply directly to the institution. a list of available courses. Full course descriptions are published on the UAC website. Pattern of attendance 3F = 3 years of full-time study Reading the course lists 6P = 6 years of part-time study 3F/EqP = 3 years of full-time or equivalent Course name part-time study B = Bachelor M = Master Dip = Diploma AdvDip = Advanced Diploma AssocDeg = Associate Degree

Fee type The fee type indicates how much you pay towards the cost of the course. The two main types of courses for domestic students are:

DFEE = domestic fee-paying (not subsidised - you pay the full cost of the course) Most courses offered at apply direct institutions are DFEE. CSP = Commonwealth-supported place (subsidised by the Australian Government)

All international students pay the full cost of their course. PART 3 PART

PART 3: APPLY DIRECT INSTITUTIONS | 185 Academy of Information Technology CRICOS provider number 02155J


Academy of Information Technology Are you ready to unleash your creativity and forge a career PO Box K913 you’ll love in film, animation, games, 3D design, digital design Haymarket NSW 1240 or mobile app development? Come play at AIT, where you’ll be surrounded by like-minded creatives, be encouraged to tel: Sydney: (02) 9211 8399 explore your creativity freely, and be fully supported to realise Melbourne: (03) 9005 2328 your full potential. email: [email protected] website: AIT is deeply connected to industry and places a strong focus on creating opportunities for students to get their work In person recognised as well as to network and learn from some of Sydney the biggest names in the business. We do this through an Level 2, 7 Kelly Street, Ultimo NSW 2007 internship program, master talk presentations with global and local artists, student showcase events and awards Melbourne ceremonies that are heavily attended by industry, as well as Level 13, 120 Spencer Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 partnerships with leading studios, agencies and organisations such as the Australian Production Design Guild, Unity, the OPEN DAYS AND INFO NIGHTS Australian Computer Society and more. AIT hosts regular info nights and open days throughout Our classes and workshops are small, so we can deliver the year providing an opportunity for prospective students customised tuition based on your level of skill and experience. to learn about our courses, explore the campus, meet our Learn how to master the tools of your craft through our hands- teachers, see our student work and meet our graduates. on practical approach to learning. We complement theory with Check for dates and to register your attendance. a strong emphasis on applied and practical learning, so you’re better prepared for the career of your dreams. IMPORTANT DATES Advanced equipment and an inspiring learning culture make our learning experience unlike any other. We are quick We have several intakes per year: to capture and adapt to ever-evolving industry trends to AIT ensure that our students have a competitive advantage with Major intakes the latest knowledge and practical skills that are desired in March industry. July November AIT has a wide range of lecture theatres, computer labs, classrooms, and special purpose venues. Dedicated student Minor intakes libraries and creative makerspace areas give students the January room to collaborate and share ideas. May September What are you waiting for? Come find yourself at AIT.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance

Bachelor of Digital Design Sydney 8140110032 DFEE 3F

Sydney & Bachelor of Information Technology (Games Programming) 8140110022 DFEE 3F Melbourne Sydney & Bachelor of Information Technology (Mobile Applications Development) 8140110122 DFEE 3F Melbourne Sydney & Bachelor of Interactive Media (2D Animation) 8140110092 DFEE 3F Melbourne Sydney & Bachelor of Interactive Media (3D Design) 8140110102 DFEE 3F Melbourne Sydney & Bachelor of Interactive Media (Film and Video) 8140110012 DFEE 3F Melbourne Sydney & Bachelor of Interactive Media (Game Design) 8140110112 DFEE 3F Melbourne

Diploma of Digital Design (Online) Online 8140110062 DFEE 20 mths

Sydney & Diploma of Information Technology 8140110132 DFEE 1F Melbourne

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations.



ACADEMY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | 187 Academy of Interactive Entertainment CRICOS provider number 02406F (Sydney), 02406F (Canberra)

GET IN TOUCH ABOUT THE ACADEMY OF INTERACTIVE Sydney campus ENTERTAINMENT AIE Sydney The Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) is Australia’s Level 4, 33 Mountain Street most awarded 3D animation, game development and visual Ultimo NSW 2007 FX educator. Created as a non-profit organisation to grow the creative digital sector, AIE pioneered the development tel: (02) 8514 8800 or 1300 709 019 of specialist game qualifications and continues to innovate email: [email protected] through industry partnerships and dynamic teaching. website: AIE courses are practical, career-focused and delivered Canberra and Online campus by industry-experienced teachers in a seriously fun and Block E, Canberra Technology Park creatively demanding studio environment. 49 Phillip Avenue AIE offers specialist training in computer game development Watson ACT 2602 (art, design and programming) and visual effects for film, tel: (02) 6162 5131 or 1300 709 019 supporting the Australian digital creative industries, which email: [email protected] or [email protected] continue to grow faster than any other entertainment or content sector. All AIE’s certificate and advanced diploma programs are nationally accredited and recognised through OPEN DAYS the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Open Days (all campuses) AIE graduates can be found working around the world at Saturday 16 May, 10am – 3pm major games, animation and visual effects studios. AIE Sunday 16 August, 10am – 3pm Graduates are working at Animal Logic, Weta Digital, Saturday 21 November, 10am – 3pm Epic Games, Bioware, Ubisoft, Wargaming and Rockstar. AIE Graduates have been credited on blockbuster games Information Evenings including GTA V, Destiny, Gears of War 5 as well as Thursday 18 June, 6pm – 8pm impressive film titles including Avengers: End Game, Peter Thursday 17 September, 6pm – 8pm Rabbit, Mad Max and many more.

AIE For further information about Open Days and other The design, art, programming and production involved in the AIE events, visit development of games and visual effects production mirrors activity in technology-driven industries from engineering, IMPORTANT DATES architecture and urban planning to defence simulation and biotechnology. AIE Graduates are just as likely to be hired 2021 Applications open by a film studio as they are for a software development team Wednesday 1 July 2020 working within Australia’s biggest finance companies.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Art Sydney S2110702AS DFEE 2F and Animation Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Art Melbourne M2110702AS DFEE 2F and Animation Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Art Canberra C2110702AS DFEE 2F and Animation Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Art Adelaide A2110702AS DFEE 2F and Animation Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Art Online O2110702AS DFEE 2F/4P/D and Animation Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Design Sydney S2110702DS DFEE 2F and Production Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Design Melbourne M2110702DS DFEE 2F and Production Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Design Canberra C2110702DS DFEE 2F and Production Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Design Adelaide A2110702DS DFEE 2F and Production Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Design Online O2110702DS DFEE 2F/4P/D and Production Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Programming Sydney S2110702PS DFEE 2F Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Programming Melbourne M2110702PS DFEE 2F Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Programming Canberra C2110702PS DFEE 2F Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Programming Adelaide A2110702PS DFEE 2F Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development - Specialising in Game Programming Online O2110702PS DFEE 2F/4P/D Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects Sydney S21CUA60615 DFEE 2F Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects Melbourne M21CUA60615 DFEE 2F Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects Canberra C21CUA60615 DFEE 2F Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects Adelaide A21CUA60615 DFEE 2F Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects Online O21CUA60615 DFEE 2F/4P/D

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations. AIE


ACADEMY OF INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT | 189 Academy of Music and Performing Arts CRICOS provider number 01108B


Academy of Music and Performing Arts (AMPA) The Academy of Music and Performing Arts (AMPA) is an 136 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 innovative independent institution leading the way in tertiary education for performing arts in Australia. tel: (02) 9310 3111 email: [email protected] With its uniquely personal approach and highly selective website: admission criteria, AMPA commits to providing the highest quality in undergraduate and postgraduate performing arts In person degrees. Focus areas include music (contemporary, jazz Music and classical), dance (contemporary, ballet, jazz and hip hop), 136 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 and music theatre and composition/music production.

Dance The institution’s supportive and collaborative community Unit 4/85–91 O’Riordan Street, Alexandria NSW 2015 environment encourages students to pursue excellence in all aspects of their academic, practical and creative study. AMPA equips talented artists with the skills essential to succeed OPEN DAYS as musicians, dancers, performing artists, composers, AMPA holds open days and information sessions throughout producers, choreographers, directors, teachers and industry each year. For more information, visit or call professionals in Australia and around the world. (02) 9310 3111. Guided tours of AMPA’s campus and facilities are also For detailed information on courses available. To make an appointment, call AMPA on (02) 9310 3111 or email [email protected]. and admission criteria visit IMPORTANT DATES Trimester 1 Monday 25 January 2021 AMPA Trimester 2 Monday 17 May 2021

Trimester 3 Monday 6 September 2021

AMPA holds auditions for each intake throughout the year with flexible audition options for interstate, regional and international applicants.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Bachelor of Music (Performance) Surry Hills 80 DFEE 2F/EqP Bachelor of Dance Surry Hills 52 DFEE 2F/EqP

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations.


ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS | 191 Australian College of Physical Education CRICOS provider number 01822J

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT ACPE Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE) ACPE is Australia’s leading provider of specialist 10 Parkview Drive undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the related Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 disciplines of health science, applied fitness, sports and business, education and dance. As an independent tertiary tel: 1300 302 867 extension 1 institution located in the centre of Sydney’s internationally email: [email protected] renowned Olympic Park precinct, ACPE attracts individuals website: from around Australia and the world who wish to launch or further their careers in the sports sector and its related OPEN DAYS professions. ACPE open days occur throughout the year. The Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE) offers Visit for more details. bachelor degrees and graduate diplomas in sport, fitness, health science, community health, dance and physical education. Established in 1917, our vision is to continue to be IMPORTANT DATES recognised as a leading national provider of innovative career education in sport, physical activity, and health. Semester 1 (on campus and online) starts March 2021 Recognised as an Elite Athlete Friendly University (EAFU) by Sport Australia, ACPE is proud to have supported student Semester 2 (on campus and online) athletes to strive for academic and sporting excellence, starts 3 August 2021 providing the highest level of service to elite athletes.

Online only intakes* You don’t need to be a school leaver (or wait for your results) May and October 2021 to apply to enrol with ACPE. Our courses are direct entry, * Selected courses only. Contact Admissions team meaning that no matter who you are, you can apply to study for more information. immediately with us. For detailed information on ACPE courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Bachelor of Health Science (Exercise) Sydney BHSC(EX) DFEE 3F/6P Bachelor of Dance Education Sydney BDANCEED DFEE 4F/8P Bachelor of Sports Coaching (Strength an Conditioning) Sydney BSC(S&C) DFEE 3F/6P

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations.

Join Australia's Leading provider of Sport and Physical Education Degrees. ACPE

AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION | 193 Endeavour College of Natural Health CRICOS provider number 00231G

GET IN TOUCH Endeavour College of Natural Health offers five bachelor degree programs in Naturopathy, Nutritional and Dietetic Endeavour College of Natural Health Medicine, Acupuncture, Myotherapy and Complementary Level 2, 815-825 George Street Medicine and a Diploma of Remedial Massage. Endeavour Sydney NSW 2000 College is offering several school leaver and indigenous school leaver scholarships to high achievers in 2020. For tel: 1300 462 887 more information, visit and email: [email protected] select ‘Scholarships’. website: Each campus hosts a fully equipped student clinic open to OPEN DAYS the public, providing a variety of affordable, natural healthcare treatments. Students gain significant clinical experience at Endeavour open days occur throughout the year. Visit these clinics under the supervision of qualified practitioners. for details. It is an exciting time to become more involved in the dynamic and booming natural health industry. There’s never been such IMPORTANT DATES high demand in Australia for natural health practitioners and the range of industries employing our professionals continues Semester 1 to grow. From a careers perspective, we believe that more starts March 2020 than half of the job types available to health and wellness Semester 2 professionals of the future are yet to be invented. This means starts August 2020 your wellness career could take exciting turns you could never have predicted. Most semester 1 subjects are available to start online at the beginning of any month. We are committed to advancing the future of natural medicine by ensuring our graduates are equipped with a competitive edge to become leaders in their chosen fields of practice. STUDYING AT ENDEAVOUR At Endeavour College of Natural Health, we are committed to the future and success of natural health both in Australia For detailed information on courses ECNH and internationally. Our purpose is to educate first-rate and admission criteria visit professionals who are perfectly positioned to service the thriving health and wellness sector.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) Sydney ECNH01 DFEE 4F/EqP Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture) Sydney ECNH03 DFEE 4F/EqP Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine) Sydney ECNH05 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Health Science (Myotherapy) Sydney ECNH07 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Complementary Medicine Online ECNH10 DFEE 3F/EqP/D Diploma of Remedial Message - HLT52015 Sydney ECNH11 DFEE 1F/2P

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations.

194 | Legal Profession Admission Board of New South Wales CRICOS provider number not applicable

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING WITH THE LEGAL Legal Profession Admission Board of NSW PROFESSION ADMISSION BOARD Level 4, 37 Bligh Street (cnr Hunter Street) Study law in our flexible and accessible pathway to legal Sydney NSW 2000 practice. Our Diploma in Law course provides a qualification that is equivalent to a law school degree for the purpose of tel: (02) 9338 3500 entry to the legal profession in Australia. email: [email protected] website: It is also the oldest law course in Australia. Delivered in partnership with the University of Sydney, lectures are given OPEN DAYS by leading practitioners and academics at the Camperdown campus in Sydney. Open day and course info day The aim of the course is to provide an affordable legal August and February education. Our program of evening lectures is especially For further information, email [email protected] suited to part-time students, and we also offer intensive weekend school classes designed to make the course accessible to country and interstate residents (note that IMPORTANT DATES study is not available online).

Semester 1 – Summer 2021 Our entry requirements make law study available to a wide Applications close cross–section of the community, while at the same time our Tuesday 1 September 2020 course is academically rigorous. We place an emphasis on performance in the course, rather than on restrictive entry Orientation day requirements. Friday 6 November 2020 The course has a practical and professional orientation, and Semester commences study with us requires independence, perseverance, and LPAB Monday 9 November 2020 a hunger to attain legal knowledge. Coupled with the high academic standards of the course, this approach produces Semester 2 – Winter 2021 confident and work-ready graduates. Generations of judges, Applications close solicitors and barristers have been educated in this way for Sunday 1 March 2021 over 170 years. Orientation day Friday 7 May 2021 For detailed information on courses Semester commences and admission criteria visit Monday 10 May 2021


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Diploma in Law Sydney LPAB01 DFEE 5P

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations.

LEGAL PROFESSION ADMISSION BOARD | 195 National Institute of Dramatic Art CRICOS provider number 00756M

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT NIDA National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) Learn at Australia’s leading dramatic arts education institution UNSW, Kensington campus – and one of the world’s top 5 undergraduate schools for an Sydney NSW 2052 acting degree! The Hollywood Reporter’s 2019 international ranking places NIDA in the top echelons, along with New York’s tel: (02) 9697 7600 Juilliard School and Carnegie Mellon. email: [email protected] website: NIDA is recognised as one of the world’s best dramatic art conservatoires and is the leading school of dramatic In person art in Australia. The NIDA Conservatoire offers Bachelor NIDA, 215 Anzac Parade, Kensington NSW 2033 of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts degrees in acting, costume, cultural leadership, design, directing, props, scenic construction, technical theatre and stage management, OPEN DAYS voice and writing for performance. Through pathways, Saturday 13 June 2020, 9am – 4pm NIDA also offers Vocational Diplomas (RTO 90349) in live Performances, demos, tours, workshops and more. production, make-up, musical theatre and stage and screen performance. Visit for more details. NIDA: A unique learning experience IMPORTANT DATES Industry engagement and collaborative student learning are core ingredients of a NIDA course, with graduates from the Semester 1 past 60 years enjoying highly successful careers in Australia starts February 2021 and around the world.

Semester 2 NIDA’s leading role in conservatoire-style teaching of the starts July 2021 dramatic and performing arts is acknowledged by the Australian Government, with significant funding provided by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. NIDA Our purpose We ignite the creativity of emerging dramatic artists by empowering them through conservatoire learning to become sought-after practitioners and change-makers in a global environment.

Our commitment We bring together inspirational experts to create transformational experiences through the dramatic arts.

Our graduates NIDA graduates have had national and international impact and have made significant contributions to Australia’s theatre, screen and creative industries. Our graduates are recognised, not only for their success on stage and behind the scenes, but also for their dedication to Australia’s cultural fabric. They have played a major role in telling Australian stories since the 1960s.

196 | Acclaimed alumni include Cate Blanchett, Rob Collins, For detailed information on courses Fiona Crombie, Judy Davis, Remy Hii, Baz Luhrmann, Catherine Martin, Deborah Riley, , and admission criteria visit , Sarah Snook, Yael Stone, Hugo Weaving, Kip Williams and Sam Worthington.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting) Kensington NIDA01 DFEE 3F Bachelor of Fine Arts (Costume) Kensington NIDA02 DFEE 3F Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design for Performance) Kensington NIDA03 DFEE 3F Bachelor of Fine Arts (Properties and Objects) Kensington NIDA04 DFEE 3F Bachelor of Fine Arts (Scenic Construction and Technologies) Kensington NIDA05 DFEE 3F Bachelor of Fine Arts (Technical Theatre and Stage Management) Kensington NIDA06 DFEE 3F

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations.

Ranked in NIDA world’s top 5 drama schools by The Hollywood Reporter*

*Abramovitch, Seth. ‘Top 5 Undergraduate Schools for an Acting Degree’. The Hollywood Reporter June 2019. Web. Photo: NIDA © 2019

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DRAMATIC ART | 197 The University of Notre Dame Australia CRICOS provider number 01032F

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT NOTRE DAME The University of Notre Dame Australia At Notre Dame, we’re shaping a new generation of leaders – PO Box 944 the critical thinkers. We’re teaching our students to think in Broadway NSW 2007 new ways and empowering them to make a difference. As an academic community, we welcome open and rigorous tel: (02) 8204 4404 enquiry, debate and discussion. All our students, whether email: [email protected] they are studying nursing, medicine, education, business, law, website: philosophy or the arts, are immersed in a tradition that has inspired the world’s best thinkers for centuries. We encourage In person our students to put their critical thinking skills into practice The University of Notre Dame Australia by integrating some of the most comprehensive practical 140 Broadway experience in Australia into all of our degrees. Chippendale NSW 2008 Since we were founded in 1989 in Western Australia, we have grown to become a national university with 12,000 students OPEN DAYS across three campuses in Sydney, Fremantle and Broome. Our student experience, employment and graduate outcomes Open Day are among the best in New South Wales, Western Australia, Saturday 29 August 2020, 9am – 3pm and Australia.¹ Events are held at the Broadway campus on the corner of Our lecturers are professionals who are deeply engaged with Broadway and Abercrombie Street, Chippendale. their industries, and our small class sizes facilitate face-to-face Visit for up-to-date information. discussion and practical, career-focused learning. We know that each student has their own gifts and talents, and believe higher education should prepare students for a rich, fulfilling, IMPORTANT DATES reflective life, and a career path with purpose.

January round applications close Our campuses in Darlinghurst and Chippendale are located Friday 29 January 2021 centrally in Sydney’s vibrant inner city hubs, which are close to public transport, a wide variety of cafes and restaurants, UNDA Enrolment dates and Sydney’s Central Business District – so our students are Mid January 2021 always at the heart of the action. Orientation week At Notre Dame, we provide our students with an integrative Monday 15 – Friday 19 February 2021* and transformative educational experience that combines Lectures start theoretical knowledge, excellent disciplinary expertise and Monday 22 February 2021* professional skills relevant to their chosen profession.

* Subject to change. 1 The University has received 5-star ratings 13 years in a row for Overall Experience, Teaching Quality and Skills Development (The Good Universities Guide 2020).

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Broadway 3009 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Arts (Politics and Journalism) Sydney - Broadway 3026 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Communications and Media Sydney - Broadway 3363 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Communications and Media/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Broadway 3366 DFEE 4F/EqP Bachelor of Accounting Sydney - Broadway 3503 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations Sydney - Broadway 3435 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Business Administration Sydney - Broadway 3506 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Commerce Sydney - Broadway 3058 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Broadway 3070 DFEE 4F/EqP Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communications and Media Sydney - Broadway 3378 DFEE 4F/EqP Bachelor of Marketing and Public Relations Sydney - Broadway 3213 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Marketing and Public Relations/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Broadway 3329 DFEE 4F/EqP Bachelor of Human Resource Management Sydney - Broadway 3167 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Human Resource Management/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Broadway 3322 DFEE 4F/EqP Bachelor of Primary Education Sydney - Broadway 3476 CSP 4F/EqP Bachelor of Secondary Education Sydney - Broadway 3562 CSP 4F/EqP Bachelor of Laws Sydney - Broadway 3501 DFEE 4F/EqP Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts Sydney - Broadway 3512 DFEE 5F/EqP Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts (Politics and Journalism) Sydney - Broadway 3514 DFEE 5F/EqP Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Commerce Sydney - Broadway 3520 DFEE 5F/EqP Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Communications and Media Sydney - Broadway 3518 DFEE 5F/EqP Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Marketing and Public Relations Sydney - Broadway 3526 DFEE 5F/EqP Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Philosophy Sydney - Broadway 3532 DFEE 5F/EqP Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Theology Sydney - Broadway 3534 DFEE 5F/EqP Bachelor of Nursing Sydney - Darlinghurst 3492 CSP 3F/EqP Bachelor of Philosophy Sydney - Broadway 3311 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Philosophy/Bachelor of Theology Sydney - Broadway 3432 DFEE 5F/EqP UNDA Bachelor of Theology Sydney - Broadway 3248 DFEE 3F/EqP

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations.

Question Everything We’re shaping a new generation of leaders - the critical thinkers. The ones who know how to question theories, value knowledge over information and solve problems with a fresh perspective. It’s why we were rated No.1 for Learner Engagement and Skills Development in NSW*

Natural critical thinkers APPLY DIRECT *2018 Student Experience Survey,

THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME AUSTRALIA | 199 University of Tasmania CRICOS provider number 00586B

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT THE UNIVERSITY tel: 1300 363 864 OF TASMANIA email: [email protected] website: At the University of Tasmania our teaching is supported by world-leading research, so you know you’re getting access to Hobart campus the best expertise when you study with us.¹ University of Tasmania Sandy Bay campus We make sure our students have real experience and real Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay TAS 7005 opportunities while studying, so you can graduate work-ready.

Launceston campus We offer quality, career-focused degrees in NSW and University of Tasmania Tasmania, with a variety of flexible study options available. Newnham campus Newnham drive, Newnham TAS 7250 Study in Sydney Our health training in Sydney offers our unique accredited Cradle Coast campus two-year degrees: the Bachelor of Nursing (Fast Track) or University of Tasmania the Bachelor of Paramedic Practice (Fast Track) at our 16-20 Mooreville road, Burnie TAS 7320 Rozelle campus.

Rozelle campus By fast-tracking your degree, you will take 12 units of study University of Tasmania each year rather than eight (including placements) and can Corner of Church and Glover Streets, Lilyfield NSW 2040 graduate with the same high-quality degree sooner. There is no short cut – we teach the same curriculum over three semesters per year, by adding a third semester over spring/ OPEN DAYS summer. Hobart Our Rozelle campus is located in the Callan Park precinct Sunday 2 August, 10am – 3pm which includes the headquarters of the Ambulance Service of Launceston NSW. Our connections with local health districts and private Saturday 8 August, 10am – 2pm healthcare providers offer you placement opportunities so UTAS you can apply your learning in real environments throughout Burnie Sydney and even in rural settings in NSW. Sunday 9 August, 10am – 2pm Relocate to study in Tasmania Sydney On our beautiful island home Tasmania, we’re the only Sunday 23 August, 10am – 2pm university in the state, which means you will get unparalleled access to industry connections through our institution’s partnerships.

Our University has three specialist institutes that amplify our research and teaching strengths; the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, the Menzies Institute for Medical Research and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies.

As the natural gateway to Antarctica, we have unique study offerings in marine, climate, and Antarctic and ocean science.

Our Australian Maritime College, based in Launceston, is Australia’s national institute for maritime education, training and research. Studying at the AMC gives you the chance to experience hands-on learning with our range of cutting-edge simulators and our fleet of training vessels.

200 | AMC is one of the seven founding members of the International 1 The University has received 5-star ratings 12 years in a row for Association of Maritime Universities, which represents five Overall Experience, Teaching Quality and Skills Development continents. AMC is also the strategic educational provider for (The Good Universities Guide 2019). Australia’s $90bn Naval Shipbuilding Plan.

We’re also passionate about the arts, and Tasmania is now For detailed information on courses known around the world as the centre for contemporary art and the home of Mona. As an art student here, you will be at and admission criteria visit the heart of this creative revolution. Our students showcase their creative work to the community, guided by teachers who are themselves respected and experienced artists. Whatever path you choose to follow, at the University of Tasmania we’ll support you to succeed in your chosen career.


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Bachelor of Paramedic Practice (Sydney) Rozelle 53A CSP 2F/EqP Bachelor of Nursing (Sydney) (Subject to accreditation) Rozelle H3R CSP 2F/EqP Bachelor Pharmacy with Applied Honours Hobart 54A CSP 4F/9P Bachelor of Medical Research Hobart 53E CSP 3F/7P Hobart/Launceston/Cradle Coast Bachelor of Psychological Science 53F CSP 3F/7P (first year only) Bachelor of Exercise & Sports Science Launceston 53J CSP 3F/7P Bachelor of Nutrition Science Launceston 53H CSP 3F/7P Bachelor of Justice Studies Distance/Hobart/Launceston 13Q CSP 3F/7P Bachelor of Education (Primary) Cradle Coast/Launceston/Hobart 43B CSP 4F/9P Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies Launceston/Hobart P3G CSP 3F/7P Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science Launceston/Hobart P3L CSP 3F/7P Bachelor of Business Launceston/Hobart B3A CSP 2A/3F/7P Bachelor of Economics Hobart B3B CSP 3F/7P Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) Launceston 23R CSP 4F/9P* UTAS Bachelor of Applied Science (Nautical Science) Launceston 23Q CSP 4.5F/10P* Bachelor of Global Logistics and Maritime Management Launceston P3E CSP 3F/6P Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) with Honours Launceston P4F1 CSP 4F/8P Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) with Honours Launceston P4G CSP 5F (Co-operative Education)

* Course length does not represent usual academic semesters and start and end dates vary according to the practical components of the course, which include sea-time. Qualifying sea-time is not included in the course length.

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations.

UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA | 201 Wentworth Institute of Higher Education CRICOS provider number 03279M



Wentworth Institute of Higher Education Wentworth Institute of Higher Education is located opposite Level 1, 302–306 Elizabeth Street Central Railway Station and is distinguished by its small Surry Hills NSW 2010 classes and support for the individual student. Wentworth Institute provides high quality in business and interactive tel: (02) 8252 9999 media programs of study at undergraduate and email: [email protected] postgraduate levels. website: Wentworth Institute’s mission is to provide industry-relevant OPEN DAYS and innovative higher education courses to address the learning needs of committed students and, in turn, the future For Open Day and Course Information dates, needs of the businesses and industries in which they will visit contribute their values, skills and knowledge.

IMPORTANT DATES Our higher education degrees are accredited through the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Semester 1 and by the relevant professional bodies. All our courses Orientation week commences have been developed in close collaboration with industry Monday 22 February 2021 so that students can gain relevant and sought-after skills. Semester commences Our courses are designed to lead to successful and fulfilling Monday 1 March 2021 careers in various fields, both in Australia and in the global marketplace. Semester 2 Orientation week commences We are committed to providing a valuable educational Monday 12 July 2021 experience in a friendly atmosphere, with student support for Semester commences academic studies and personal issues so that every student Monday 19 July 2021 has the opportunity to reach their potential.

WIN Semester 3 Orientation week commences For detailed information on courses Monday 8 November 2021 Semester commences and admission criteria visit Monday 15 November 2021


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Bachelor of Interactive Media Surry Hills WI0010 DFEE 3F/EqP Bachelor of Business Surry Hills WI0020 DFEE 3F/EqP

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations.

Students are often lost, confused and unsupported at a university with large numbers in a class.


At WIN Higher Education, you are not a number. WWW.WIN.EDU.AU You are a person and you are special. Email: [email protected] We will support you all the way to get your degree... and beyond Tel: 02 8252 9999 | Fax: 02 8252 9988 WIN

WENTWORTH INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION | 203 William Angliss Institute CRICOS provider number 01505M

GET IN TOUCH STUDYING AT WILLIAM ANGLISS William Angliss Institute INSTITUTE Level 1, 11 Bowden Street Alexandria NSW 2015 Founded in 1940, William Angliss Institute focuses on developing leaders in the ‘experience economy’ – foods, tel: 1300 264 5477 or +61 2 9125 5111 tourism, hospitality and events – where consumers choose email: [email protected] to spend more, share more and find more happiness in website: ‘experiences’ rather than ‘things’. We offer a broad range of training and education programs including accredited traineeships and apprenticeships, certificates, diplomas and OPEN DAYS advanced diplomas, short courses, graduate certificates and bachelor degrees. For more information, visit The Angliss Sydney campus is centrally located in Alexandria, IMPORTANT DATES known for its creative edge and surrounded by cafes, bars and restaurants; this area is the perfect place to learn and For more information, visit launch your career in Australia’s experience industry. We pride ourselves on having passionate and dedicated people, with long standing industry ties, who contribute their knowledge and experience in delivering training of the very highest standard.

Our Sydney campus offers endless experiential opportunities while you gain world-recognised qualifications. Feel at home at our modern campus and state-of-the-art facilities:

− super kitchen training kitchens − bright street front cafe − large training restaurant with balcony dining WAI − full training bar − a dynamic mix of formal and informal learning spaces − relaxed student break-out spaces − close to many restaurants, parks, cafes, bars and events venues.

For detailed information on courses and admission criteria visit


Course name Campus Course Fee Pattern of code type attendance Bachelor of Resort and Hotel Management Sydney CRS1400274 DFEE 3F Bachelor of Resort and Hotel Management (Professional Practice) Sydney CRS1400277 DFEE 4F Associate Degree in Resort and Hotel Management Sydney CRS1400275 DFEE 2F Bachelor of Culinary Management Sydney CRS1201422 DFEE 4F

Refer to page 185 for an explanation of abbreviations. WAI



The Course Finder is a guide to undergraduate courses offered to domestic students in 2021. Not all courses are available to international students: refer to the institution information in Part 2 for details. The Course Finder is in two parts: − ‘Find your topic of interest’ directs you to the fields of study that incorporate your interests. − ‘Find your course’ lists relevant courses under each field of study. Full course descriptions will be published on the UAC website when details are confirmed.





Commerce see Management and Commerce 1. Find a topic that interests you (eg Aboriginal studies). Communications see Creative Arts It will refer you to one or more fields of study (eg see Community education see Education Health and Society and Culture). Community welfare see Society and Culture 2. Turn to ‘Find your course’ and look up the cross- Computer engineering see Engineering referenced field of study (eg Society and Culture). Computer science see Information Technology Browse the courses offered in that field. Conservation studies see Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies Construction economics see Architecture and Building A Construction engineering see Engineering Construction management see Architecture and Building Aboriginal health see Health and Society and Culture Construction technology see Architecture and Building Aboriginal studies see Society and Culture Contemporary studies see Society and Culture Accounting see Management and Commerce Conveyancing see Society and Culture Actuarial studies see Management and Commerce Counselling see Society and Culture Adult education see Education Creative arts see Creative Arts Advertising see Management and Commerce Creative industries see Creative Arts Agribusiness see Management and Commerce Criminology see Society and Culture Agricultural science see Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies D Aircraft operation see Engineering Data Science see Information Technology and Natural and Allied Health see Health Physical Sciences Anatomy see Health Dental prosthetics/science/technology see Health Animal science see Natural and Physical Sciences Design see Architecture and Building and Creative Arts Animation see Creative Arts Design and planning see Architecture and Building Anthropology see Society and Culture Digital business see Management and Commerce Applied science see Natural and Physical Sciences Digital design or Digital media design see Creative Arts Archaeology see Society and Culture Digital media see Creative Arts Architecture see Architecture and Building Diversional therapy see Health Arts see Society and Culture Drama see Creative Arts Asian studies see Society and Culture Astronomy see Natural and Physical Sciences E Audio engineering/production see Creative Arts Early childhood teaching see Education Australian studies see Society and Culture E-business see Management and Commerce Aviation science see Engineering Ecology see Natural and Physical Sciences B Econometrics see Society and Culture Economics see Society and Culture Banking see Management and Commerce Education see Education Behavioural science see Society and Culture Electrical/electronic engineering see Engineering Biological science see Natural and Physical Sciences Electronic commerce see Management and Commerce Biology see Natural and Physical Sciences Electronics see Engineering Biomedical sciences see Health and Natural and Physical Sciences Employment relations see Management and Commerce Biotechnology see Natural and Physical Sciences Enabling courses see Mixed Field Programs Brand management see Management and Commerce and Engineering or Engineering science see Engineering Creative Arts English see Society and Culture Building see Architecture and Building Entrepreneurship see Management and Commerce and Business administration/studies see Management and Commerce Information Technology C Environmental engineering see Engineering Environmental futures see Natural and Physical Sciences Ceramics see Creative Arts Environmental rehabilitation studies see Agriculture, Chemical engineering see Engineering Environmental and Related Studies Chemistry see Natural and Physical Sciences Environmental science see Agriculture, Environmental and Chinese medicine see Health Related Studies and Natural and Physical Sciences Chiropractic see Health Equine science see Natural and Physical Sciences Cinema studies see Society and Culture Event management see Management and Commerce and Civil engineering see Engineering COURSE FINDER Food, Hospitality and Personal Services Climate change see Agriculture, Environmental and Related Exercise physiology see Health Studies and Natural and Physical Sciences Exercise science see Health and Natural and Physical Sciences Clinical science see Health

208 | F L Family studies see Society and Culture Landscape architecture see Architecture and Building and Fashion design see Creative Arts Creative Arts Fashion management see Management and Commerce Languages see Society and Culture Film see Creative Arts Law see Society and Culture Finance see Management and Commerce Law double or combined degrees see Society and Culture Financial advising/planning see Management and Commerce Legal studies see Society and Culture Fine arts see Creative Arts Leisure studies see Food, Hospitality and Personal Services Food science or technology see Natural and Physical Sciences Linguistics see Society and Culture and Engineering Literature see Society and Culture Food sustainability see Agriculture, Environmental and Logistics see Management and Commerce Related Studies Forensic Biology see Natural and Physical Sciences M Forensic Chemistry see Natural and Physical Sciences Management see Management and Commerce Forensics see Natural and Physical Sciences Marine engineering see Engineering Forestry see Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies Marine science see Natural and Physical Sciences and Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies G Marketing see Management and Commerce and Creative Arts Game design/development/programming see Creative Arts and Materials Engineering see Natural and Physical Sciences Information Technology Mathematics see Natural and Physical Sciences Geography (human and physical) see Natural and Physical Mechanical engineering see Engineering Sciences and Society and Culture Mechatronics see Engineering Geology see Natural and Physical Sciences Media studies see Creative Arts Geophysics see Natural and Physical Sciences Media theory and production see Creative Arts Graphic design see Creative Arts Medical engineering see Engineering Medical imaging see Health H Medical laboratory science see Health Health education/promotion see Education Medical radiation science see Health Health science see Health Medicinal chemistry see Health History see Society and Culture Medicine double or combined degrees see Health Horticulture see Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies Medicine/medical sciences see Health and Natural and Hospitality see Food, Hospitality and Personal Services and Physical Sciences Management and Commerce Microbiology see Natural and Physical Sciences Hotel management see Food, Hospitality and Personal Services Midwifery see Health and Management and Commerce Mining see Engineering Humanities see Society and Culture Ministry see Society and Culture Human movement see Health Multimedia see Creative Arts Human resource management see Management and Commerce Music composition see Creative Arts Human services see Society and Culture Music performance see Creative Arts I Music production see Creative Arts Illustration see Creative Arts N Indigenous studies see Society and Culture Nanotechnology see Natural and Physical Sciences Industrial design see Architecture and Building Naturopathy see Health Industrial relations see Management and Commerce Nuclear medicine see Health Information management see Engineering and Management and Nursing see Health Commerce Nutrition and dietetics see Health Information systems see Information Technology Information technology see Information Technology O Innovation see Management and Commerce Occupational therapy see Health Interactive media see Creative Arts Optometry see Health Interactive technologies see Information Technology

Oral health see Health FINDERCOURSE Interior design see Architecture and Building Organisational learning see Education International business see Management and Commerce Orthoptics see Health International studies see Society and Culture Osteopathy see Health J–K Outdoor recreation see Society and Culture Journalism see Creative Arts Justice studies see Society and Culture


P Sports management see Management and Commerce Painting see Creative Arts Sports psychology see Health Paralegal studies see Society and Culture Statistics see Management and Commerce and Natural and Physical Sciences Paramedic see Health Surgery see Health Pedorthics see Health Surveying see Architecture and Building and Engineering Performance see Creative Arts Sustainability see Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies Pharmacy see Health Systems Analysis and Design see Information Technology Philosophy see Society and Culture Photography see Creative Arts T Physical education see Health Teaching see Education Physics see Natural and Physical Sciences Technology see Natural and Physical Sciences and Engineering Physiology see Health Telecommunications engineering see Engineering Physiotherapy see Health Television and radio see Creative Arts Planning see Architecture and Building Theatre studies see Creative Arts Podiatry see Health Theology see Society and Culture Policy studies see Society and Culture Tourism management see Management and Commerce Political science/studies see Society and Culture Translating see Society and Culture Preparation courses see Mixed Field Programs Primary teaching see Education U Printmaking see Creative Arts Urban and regional planning see Architecture and Building Programming see Information Technology Project management see Architecture and Building and V Management and Commerce Veterinary sciences see Health Property see Architecture and Building Video see Creative Arts Property economics see Management and Commerce Visual arts/communication see Creative Arts Property management see Management and Commerce Psychology see Society and Culture and Health and Natural and W Physical Sciences Web design see Creative Arts and Information Technology Public health see Health Welfare work see Society and Culture Public relations see Creative Arts and Society and Culture Women’s studies see Society and Culture Q Writing see Society and Culture and Creative Arts Quantity surveying see Architecture and Building X–Y R Youth work see Society and Culture Radiography see Health Z Real estate and property development see Management and Commerce and Architecture and Building Zoology see Natural and Physical Sciences Recreational management and planning see Management and Commerce and Food, Hospitality and Personal Services and Society and Culture Religious studies see Society and Culture Resource and environmental management see Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies and Management and Commerce Robotics see Engineering S Science see Natural and Physical Sciences Sculpture see Creative Arts Secondary teaching see Education Social ecology see Society and Culture Social sciences see Society and Culture Social work see Society and Culture Sociology see Society and Culture Software engineering see Information Technology Sonography see Health Speech pathology/therapy see Health Sport science see Natural and Physical Sciences COURSE FINDER Sports coaching see Society and Culture Sports journalism see Creative Arts


Full course descriptions will be published on the UAC AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL AND website as details are confirmed. All course descriptions RELATED STUDIES will be published by August 2020. Agriculture, environmental and related studies is the study of the theory and practice of breeding, growing, gathering, reproducing and caring for plants and animals. It includes the All university courses are categorised into fields of study, or study of the interaction between people and the environment disciplines, defined by the Department of Education, Skills and and the application of scientific knowledge to the environment Employment. You’ll find that university faculties and schools are to protect it from deterioration. organised in a similar way, although the actual names vary – one uni might have a Faculty of Engineering while another Topics studied include aquatic resource management; animal uni has a Faculty of Engineering and IT. production and management; crop production; environmental impact and assessment; forestry resources management; soil and water conservation. KEY TO INSTITUTION ABBREVIATIONS Career opportunities include agricultural consultant, ACAP Australian College of Applied Psychology agricultural manager, animal handler, animal nutritionist, ACPE Australian College of Physical Education animal welfare officer, commercial horticulturist, conservation manager, ecologist, farmer, grazier, horticulturist, land manager, ACU Australian Catholic University produce manager, stud manager, veterinarian, veterinary AIE Academy of Interactive Entertainment technician, winemaker, wool-classer, zookeeper. AIT Academy of Information Technology COURSE NAME INST CODE AMPA Academy of Music and Performing Arts AssocDeg in Farm Production CSU 215064 ANU Australian National University B Agricultural Science CSU 214024 CDU Charles Darwin University B Agricultural Sciences LTU 187025 B Agriculture CQU 160721 CQU CQUniversity B Agriculture CSU 215044 CSU Charles Sturt University B Agriculture UNE 393676 B Agriculture UNE 393677 ECNH Endeavour College of Natural Health B Applied Science (Parks Recreation and Heritage) CSU 215350 GU Griffith University B Applied Science (Parks Recreation and Heritage) CSU 215351 ICMS International College of Management, Sydney B Conservation Biology (Honours) UOW 757627 B Conservation Biology (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757628 LPAB Legal Profession Admission Board B Environment MQ 300549 LTU La Trobe University B Environment and Sustainability ANU 138201 MC Macleay College B Environment and Sustainability (Advanced) (Honours) ANU 138202 MIT MIT Sydney B Environmental Management UNSW 429540 MQ Macquarie University B Environmental Management/B Arts UNSW 429560 B Environmental Science CDU 590450 NAS National Art School B Environmental Science CQU 160431 NIDA National Institute of Dramatic Art B Environmental Science GU 283612 SAE SAE Creative Media Institute B Environmental Science UC 368023 B Environmental Science UNE 392687 SCU Southern Cross University B Environmental Science UNE 392690 SIBT Sydney Institute of Business and Technology B Environmental Science (Honours) UOW 757612 B Environmental Science (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757618 TUA Torrens University Australia B Environmental Science (Regenerative Agriculture) SCU 334114 UC University of Canberra B Environmental Science and Management UON 482750 UNDA The University of Notre Dame Australia B Environmental Science and Management UON 482760 B Environmental Science and Management UNE University of New England (Applied Earth Science) CSU 214340

UNSW UNSW Australia (including UNSW Canberra B Environmental Science and Management FINDERCOURSE at ADFA) (Applied Earth Science) CSU 214341 UON University of Newcastle B Environmental Science and Management (Aquatic Ecology) CSU 214340 UOW University of Wollongong B Environmental Science and Management USYD University of Sydney (Aquatic Ecology) CSU 214341 UTAS University of Tasmania UTS University of Technology Sydney WAI William Angliss Institute Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. WI Wentworth Institute Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’. WS Western Sydney University


B Environmental Science and Management B Construction Management and Property UNSW 423200 (Climate & Sustainability) CSU 214340 B Construction Project Management UTS 602025 B Environmental Science and Management B Construction Project Management B Arts in (Climate & Sustainability) CSU 214341 International Studies UTS 609195 B Environmental Science and Management B Construction Technology WS 722519 (Ecology & Conservation) CSU 214340 B Design (Architecture) UON 482500 B Environmental Science and Management B Design in Architecture USYD 513115 (Ecology & Conservation) CSU 214341 B Design in Architecture UTS 602010 B Environmental Science and Management B Design in Architecture (Honours)/ (Parks, Recreation & Heritage) CSU 214340 Master of Architecture USYD 513120 B Environmental Science and Management B Design in Architecture B Creative Intelligence (Parks, Recreation & Heritage) CSU 214341 and Innovation UTS 609535 B Environmental Science and Management/ B Design in Interior Architecture UTS 602060 B Business UON 482770 B Design in Interior Architecture B Arts in B Environmental Science and Management/ International Studies UTS 609280 B Business UON 482780 B Design in Interior Architecture B Creative B Environmental Science SCU 334113 Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609550 B Environmental Science/B Business GU 283613 B Industrial Design UNSW 423300 B Environmental Science/B Data Science GU 283614 B Interior Architecture (Honours) UNSW 423400 B Environmental Science/B Marine Science and B Interior Design (Commercial) TUA 551050 Management SCU 334112 B Interior Design (Residential) TUA 551060 B Forest Science and Management SCU 334102 B Landscape Architecture (Honours) UNSW 423500 B Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies UTAS P3G B Landscape Architecture (Hons) UTS 602020 B Rural Science UNE 393605 B Landscape Design UC 363129 B Rural Science UNE 393606 B Planning MQ 300141 B Science/B Advanced Studies (Agriculture) USYD 513940 B Planning/Master of Urban Management and B Sustainability UNE 391682 Planning WS 727628 B Sustainability UNE 391683 B Planning/Master of Urban Management and B Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security WS 728028 Planning WS 727630 B Project Management USYD 513610 B Surveying (Honours) UON 482705 ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING B Surveying (Honours)/B Business UON 482706 B the Built Environment (Architecture) UC 363004 Architecture and building is the study of the art, science and B the Built Environment (Interior Architecture) UC 363005 techniques involved in designing, constructing, adapting and B Urban and Environmental Planning GU 283405 maintaining public, commercial, industrial and residential B Urban and Environmental Planning/B Science GU 283600 structures and landscapes. It includes the study of the art B Urban and Regional Planning UNE 391647 and science of designing and planning urban and regional B Urban and Regional Planning UNE 391648 environments. Dip Building Design Management (Extended) - 4 terms WS 729615 Dip Building Design Management/B Building Topics studied include aesthetics and space dynamics; Design Management WS 729412 architectural design and drawing; building economics; building Dip Construction Management/B Construction science; building techniques and technologies; construction Technology WS 729435 management; town planning. Dip Construction Technology (Extended) WS 729630 Dip Interior Design and Decoration TUA 551120 Career opportunities include architect, building/property manager, building or land surveyor, construction manager, environmental planner, estimator, exhibition display designer, CREATIVE ARTS industrial designer, interior designer, landscaper, property valuer, town/urban planner. Creative arts is the study of creating and performing works of art, music, dance and drama. It includes the study of clothing COURSE NAME INST CODE design and creation, and communicating through a variety AssocDeg Building Design CQU 160221 of media. AssocDeg Building Surveying CQU 160241 the artistic and technical aspects AssocDeg Interior Design (Commercial) TUA 551331 Topics studied include AssocDeg Interior Design (Residential) TUA 551330 of audio visual communication, art and craft, photographs, B Architectural Design GU 283422 fashion apparel, music, dance and drama; communications and B Architectural Design WS 722547 media; the history, development and theory of the visual and B Architectural Studies UNSW 423000 performing arts. B Architecture and Environments USYD 513100 Career opportunities include advertising account manager/ B Building and Construction Management UC 361124 copy writer; animator, art director, art therapist, artist, arts B Building Design CQU 160231 administrator, cartoonist, composer, editor, fashion designer, B Building Design Management WS 722514 B Building Design Management WS 722516 filmmaker, graphic artist/designer, illustrator, jeweller, journalist, B Building Surveying and Certification (Honours) CQU 160251 marketing manager, media officer, multimedia designer, B City Planning (Honours) UNSW 423600 museum/gallery exhibition officer, music therapist, musician,

COURSE FINDER B Computational Design UNSW 423100 photographer, producer, public relations manager, songwriter, B Construction Management (Building) (Honours) UON 482450 TV/film/theatre set designer, video editor, video game B Construction Management (Building) (Honours) UON 482460 designer, writer. B Construction Management (Honours) CQU 160581 B Construction Management (Honours) GU 283445

212 | COURSE NAME INST CODE B Communication (Digital and Social Media) AdvDip Screen and Media B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609495 - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects AIE A21CUA60615 B Communication (Digital Media Production) CSU 211267 AdvDip Screen and Media B Communication (Journalism and International - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects AIE C21CUA60615 Studies) CSU 211177 AdvDip Screen and Media B Communication (Journalism) CSU 211237 - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects AIE M21CUA60615 B Communication (Journalism) UTS 600013 AdvDip Screen and Media B Communication (Journalism) B Arts in - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects AIE O21CUA60615 International Studies UTS 609300 AdvDip Screen and Media B Communication (Journalism) B Creative - specialising in 3D Animation and Visual Effects AIE S21CUA60615 Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609505 AssocDeg Design (Graphic Design) SAE 630170 B Communication (Media Arts and Production) UTS 600018 AssocDeg Design (Graphic Design) SAE 630175 B Communication (Media Arts and Production) AssocDeg Design (Web Design) SAE 630180 B Arts in International Studies UTS 609310 AssocDeg Animation (3D Modelling) SAE 630120 B Communication (Media Arts and Production) AssocDeg Animation (Character Animation) SAE 630130 B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609510 AssocDeg Animation (Visual Effects) SAE 630140 B Communication (Public Communication) UTS 600023 AssocDeg Audio (Post Production) SAE 630160 B Communication (Public Communication) AssocDeg Audio (Post Production) SAE 630165 B Arts in International Studies UTS 609320 AssocDeg Audio (Studio Production) SAE 630150 B Communication (Public Communication) AssocDeg Audio (Studio Production) SAE 630155 B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609515 AssocDeg Creative Writing SCU 333301 B Communication (Public Relations) CSU 211247 AssocDeg Digital Media CQU 160910 B Communication (Radio) CSU 211227 AssocDeg Digital Media CQU 160911 B Communication (Social and Political Sciences) UTS 600028 AssocDeg Film (Post Production) SAE 630280 B Communication (Social and Political Sciences) AssocDeg Film (Post Production) SAE 630285 B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609520 AssocDeg Film (Production) SAE 630190 B Communication and Journalism GU 283205 AssocDeg Film (Production) SAE 630195 B Communication and Journalism/B Business GU 283202 AssocDeg Branded Fashion Design TUA 551340 B Communication and Media UOW 753110 AssocDeg Communication Design TUA 551300 B Communication and Media UOW 753150 AssocDeg Digital Media (Film and Video Design) TUA 551320 B Communication and Media (Corporate and B Animation (3D Modelling) SAE 630010 Public Communication) UC 362427 B Animation (3D Modelling) SAE 630015 B Communication and Media (Journalism) UC 362428 B Animation (Character Animation) SAE 630020 B Communication and Media (Marketing B Animation (Character Animation) SAE 630025 Communication) UC 362429 B Animation (Visual Effects) SAE 630030 B Communication and Media (Sports Media) UC 362430 B Animation (Visual Effects) SAE 630035 B Communication and Media Studies (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753111 B Art and Design SCU 333110 B Communication and Media/B Commerce UOW 751351 B Arts (Creative Writing) UC 362004 B Communication and Media/B Commerce UOW 751370 B Arts (Digital Media) UC 362006 B Communication and Media/B Computer Science UOW 751357 B Arts (Film Production) UC 362007 B Communication and Media/B Economics and B Arts (Politics and Journalism) UNDA 3026 Finance UOW 751355 B Arts/B Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) USYD 513215 B Communication and Media/B Event and Tourism B Arts/B Communication and Media UC 363286 Management UC 361532 B Arts/B Communication and Media UOW 751350 B Communication and Media/B International Studies UOW 751354 B Arts/B Creative Industries WS 720731 B Communication and Media/B International Studies UOW 751380 B Audio (Post Production) SAE 630040 B Communication and Media/B International Studies B Audio (Post Production) SAE 630045 (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 751363 B Audio (Studio Production) SAE 630050 B Communication and Media/B Science UOW 751353 B Audio (Studio Production) SAE 630055 B Communication Design TUA 551010 B Branded Fashion Design TUA 551030 B Communication/B Creative Industries WS 720732 B Communication CSU 211197 B Communication/B International Studies WS 724525 B Communication UON 482350 B Communications and Media UNDA 3363 B Communication WS 720700 B Contemporary Music SCU 333101 B Communication WS 720705 B Creative and Interactive Media GU 283250 B Communication WS 720708 B Creative and Interactive Media/B Business GU 283251 B Communication WS 729210 B Creative Arts LTU 189915 B Communication (Advertising and Public Relations) CSU 211187 B Creative Arts (Creative Writing) UOW 754601 B Communication (Advertising) CSU 211207 B Creative Arts (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 754610 FINDERCOURSE B Communication (Advertising)/B Business (Marketing) CSU 211217 B Creative Arts (Music) UOW 754603 B Communication (Creative Writing) UTS 600033 B Creative Arts (Visual Arts and Design) UOW 754607 B Communication (Creative Writing) B Arts in B Creative Arts (Visual Arts) UOW 754605 International Studies UTS 609330 B Creative Arts/B Arts UOW 751501 B Communication (Creative Writing) B Creative B Creative Arts/B Commerce UOW 751502 Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609525 B Creative Arts/B Communication and Media UOW 751506 B Communication (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720120 B Communication (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720122 B Communication (Digital and Social Media) UTS 600007 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. B Communication (Digital and Social Media) Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. B Arts in International Studies UTS 609298 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’.


B Creative Arts/B Computer Science UOW 751503 B Film (Post Production) SAE 630090 B Creative Arts/B International Studies UOW 751505 B Film (Post Production) SAE 630095 B Creative Arts/B Journalism UOW 751507 B Film (Production) SAE 630080 B Creative Arts/B Science UOW 751504 B Film (Production) SAE 630085 B Creative Industries GU 283208 B Fine Art NAS 620010 B Creative Industries UON 482480 B Fine Arts UNSW 421000 B Creative Industries WS 720730 B Fine Arts (Acting) NIDA NIDA01 B Creative Industries (Acting and Performance) CSU 211354 B Fine Arts (Costume) NIDA NIDA02 B Creative Industries (Acting and Performance/ B Fine Arts (Design for Performance) NIDA NIDA03 Interdisciplinary Innovation) CSU 211394 B Fine Arts (Properties and Objects) NIDA NIDA04 B Creative Industries (Design and Visual Arts) CSU 211370 B Fine Arts (Scenic Construction and Technologies) NIDA NIDA05 B Creative Industries (Design and Visual Arts) CSU 211374 B Fine Arts (Technical Theatre and Stage Management) NIDA NIDA06 B Creative Industries (Design and Visual Arts/ B Fine Arts/B Arts UNSW 421001 Interdisciplinary Innovation) CSU 211430 B Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ B Creative Industries (Design and Visual Arts/ Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729026 Interdisciplinary Innovation) CSU 211434 B Industrial Design GU 283427 B Creative Industries (Film, Television, Screen and B Industrial Design WS 722530 Media) CSU 211364 B Industrial Design (Honours) WS 722535 B Creative Industries (Film, Television, Screen and B Interactive Media WI WIN101 Media/Interdisciplinary Innovation) CSU 211404 B Interactive Media (2D Animation) AIT 8140110092 B Creative Industries (Interdisciplinary Innovation) CSU 211334 B Interactive Media (3D Design) AIT 8140110102 B Creative Industries (Music) WS 720728 B Interactive Media (Film and Video) AIT 8140110012 B Creative Industries (Visualisation and Interactivity) CSU 211344 B Interactive Media (Game Design) AIT 8140110112 B Creative Industries (Visualisation and Interactivity/ B Journalism MC 560210 Interdisciplinary Innovation) CSU 211384 B Journalism UOW 754700 B Creative Industries/B Innovation and B Journalism/B Arts UOW 751660 Entrepreneurship UON 482485 B Journalism/B Commerce UOW 751661 B Dance AMPA 52 B Journalism/B Communication and Media UOW 751664 B Design ANU 139103 B Journalism/B Engineering (Honours) UOW 751665 B Design GU 283255 B Journalism/B International Studies UOW 751666 B Design UNSW 421100 B Journalism/B Science UOW 751663 B Design - Visual Communication (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720124 B Media (Communication and Journalism) UNSW 422700 B Design (Graphic Design) SAE 630060 B Media (Communication and Journalism)/B Arts UNSW 422701 B Design (Graphic Design) SAE 630065 B Media (Public Relations & Advertising)/B Arts UNSW 422711 B Design (Industrial Design) UC 362107 B Media (Public Relations and Advertising) UNSW 422710 B Design (Interaction Design) UC 362108 B Media (Screen and Sound Production) UNSW 422720 B Design (Visual Communication Design) UC 362109 B Media and Communication LTU 197500 B Design (Visual Communication) WS 720715 B Media and Communications MQ 300154 B Design (Web Design) SAE 630070 B Media and Communications UNE 391640 B Design and Technology WS 722520 B Media and Communications UNE 391641 B Design in Animation UTS 602035 B Media Arts UNSW 421200 B Design in Animation B Arts in International Studies UTS 609258 B Music ANU 139114 B Design in Animation B Creative Intelligence and B Music MQ 300148 Innovation UTS 609538 B Music UNE 401604 B Design in Fashion and Textiles UTS 602040 B Music UNE 401606 B Design in Fashion and Textiles B Arts in B Music UNSW 422500 International Studies UTS 609260 B Music UON 483450 B Design in Fashion and Textiles B Creative B Music USYD 513400 Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609540 B Music WS 720720 B Design in Product Design UTS 602050 B Music (Composition) USYD 513405 B Design in Product Design B Arts in International B Music (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720126 Studies UTS 609270 B Music (Music Education) USYD 513410 B Design in Product Design B Creative Intelligence B Music (Performance) AMPA 80 and Innovation UTS 609545 B Music (Performance) USYD 513415 B Design in Visual Communication UTS 602070 B Music (Specialisation) CQU 160821 B Design in Visual Communication B Arts in B Music/B Advanced Studies (Composition) USYD 513406 International Studies UTS 609290 B Music/B Advanced Studies (Performance) USYD 513416 B Design in Visual Communication B Creative B Music and Sound Design UTS 600006 Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609555 B Music and Sound Design B Arts in International B Design/B Business GU 283256 Studies UTS 609296 B Design/B Communication and Media UC 363205 B Music/B Advanced Science (Honours) UNSW 422531 B Design/B Creative Industries WS 720733 B Music/B Arts UNSW 422501 B Design/B Media (Public Relations and Advertising) UNSW 421101 B Music/B Arts UON 483500 B Digital Design AIT 8140110032 B Music/B Commerce UNSW 422510 B Digital Media CQU 160520 B Music/B Creative Industries WS 720734 B Digital Media CQU 160521 B Music/B Engineering (Honours) UNSW 422520

COURSE FINDER B Digital Media MC 560230 B Music/B Media (Communication and Journalism) UNSW 422503 B Digital Media (3D Design and Animation) TUA 551020 B Music/B Media (Public Relations and Advertising) UNSW 422504 B Digital Media (Film and Video Design) TUA 551022 B Music/B Media (Screen and Sound Production) UNSW 422505 B Digital Media (Interaction Design) TUA 551021 B Music/B Science UNSW 422530 B Digital Media SCU 331111 B Performance and Theatre (Acting) UOW 754820

214 | B Performance and Theatre (Theatre Making) UOW 754825 Dip Branded Fashion Design TUA 551111 B Politics, Philosophy and Economics UNSW 422310 Dip Communication UC 360005 B Professional Communication CQU 160391 Dip Creative Design ANU 139101 B Screen Media (Arts and Production) WS 720718 Dip Design TUA 551150 B Sports Media CSU 213377 Dip Design UC 360035 B Theatre Media CSU 211287 Dip Digital and Social Media Marketing MC 560155 B Visual Arts ANU 139104 Dip Digital Design (Online) AIT 8140110062 B Visual Arts USYD 513290 Dip Digital Media CQU 160810 B Visual Arts and Design ACU 103304 Dip Digital Media CQU 160811 B Visual Arts/B Advanced Studies USYD 513295 Dip Digital Media MC 560145 B Visual Communication Design UON 484650 Dip Digital Media Design TUA 551170 Dip Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Birth-5Yr/ Dip Film SAE 630240 Birth-12Yr WS 729605 Dip Film SAE 630245 Dip Arts/B Arts (Interpreting and Translation) WS 729396 Dip Games Development SAE 630250 Dip Arts/B Arts (Interpreting and Translation) WS 729404 Dip Games Development SAE 630255 Dip Communication (Extended) - Communication - Dip Graphic Design SAE 630260 4 terms WS 729622 Dip Graphic Design SAE 630265 Dip Communication (Extended) - Creative Industries - Dip Graphic Design TUA 551110 4 terms WS 729623 Dip Journalism MC 560140 Dip Communication (Extended) - Screen Media (Arts Dip Media and Communication SIBT 640040 and Production) - 4 terms WS 729624 Dip Music ANU 139110 Dip Communication/B Communication WS 729426 Dip Music CQU 160831 Dip Communication/B Creative Industries WS 729427 Dip Music Production SAE 630270 Dip Communication/B Screen Media (Arts and Dip Music Production SAE 630275 Production) WS 729428 Dip Photo Imaging TUA 551160 Dip Design (Extended) - Design (Visual Dip Screen and Media (Creative Industries) SAE 630300 Communication) - 4 terms WS 729638 Dip Screen and Media (Creative Industries) SAE 630305 Dip Design (Extended) - Graphic Design (Pathway to Dip User Experience Design MC 560170 Teaching Secondary) - 4 terms WS 729639 Dip Design/B Design (Visual Communication) WS 729443 Dip Design/B Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) WS 729444 Dip 3D Animation Production SAE 630220 Dip 3D Animation Production SAE 630225 Dip Advertising and Media MC 560100 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. Dip Arts, Media and Communications MQ 301003 Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. Dip Audio Production SAE 630230 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’. Dip Audio Production SAE 630235



B Business (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ EDUCATION Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729050 B Business (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ Education is the study of the process of learning. It includes the Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729051 theories, methods and techniques of imparting knowledge and B Business (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ skills to others. Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729052 Topics studied include curriculum development; processes of B Commerce and B Education (Secondary) MQ 302446 learning and skill acquisition; teaching methods. B Commerce/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422120 B Design/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422141 Career opportunities include careers adviser, community B Early Childhood and Primary Education UC 364103 educator, corporate trainer, early childhood/primary/ B Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) ACU 101105 secondary teacher. B Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) ACU 101120 B Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) ACU 101121 COURSE NAME INST CODE B Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) ACU 101128 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/ Birth-12)/ B Economics/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422130 Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) WS 729017 B Education GU 283226 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ B Education - The Early Years UOW 755113 Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) WS 729018 B Education - The Early Years (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755211 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ B Education - The Early Years (Flexible) UOW 755111 Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) WS 729019 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) ACU 101113 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) ACU 101114 Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) ACU 101115 Diploma pathway WS 729022 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) ACU 101129 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) CSU 213091 Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) CSU 213094 Diploma pathway WS 729023 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) CSU 213095 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12)/ B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) CSU 213097 Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years) B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) UNE 396753 Diploma pathway WS 729024 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) UNE 396757 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean’s Scholars/ B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) UON 484750 Master of Teaching (Primary) WS 720108 B Education (Early Childhood and Primary) UON 484760 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean’s Scholars/ B Education (Early Childhood) USYD 513240 Master of Teaching (Primary) WS 720109 B Education (Health and Physical Education) USYD 513245 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean’s Scholars/ B Education (K-12 Teaching) UNE 396752 Master of Teaching (Primary) WS 720110 B Education (K-12 Teaching) UNE 396758 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)/ B Education (K-12) CSU 213160 Master of Teaching (Primary) WS 729000 B Education (K-12) CSU 213161 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)/ B Education (K-12) CSU 213164 Master of Teaching (Primary) WS 729004 B Education (K-12) CSU 213167 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary)/ B Education (K-6 Teaching) UNE 396760 Master of Teaching (Primary) WS 729005 B Education (K-6 Teaching) UNE 396763 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Dean’s B Education (Primary and Secondary) ACU 101201 Scholars/Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 720114 B Education (Primary and Secondary) ACU 101202 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Dean’s B Education (Primary and Special Education) ACU 101210 Scholars/Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 720115 B Education (Primary and Special Education) ACU 101211 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Dean’s B Education (Primary and Special Education) ACU 101212 Scholars/Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 720116 B Education (Primary) ACU 101000 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ B Education (Primary) ACU 101100 Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729011 B Education (Primary) ACU 101101 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ B Education (Primary) ACU 101102 Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729014 B Education (Primary) LTU 189985 B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)/ B Education (Primary) UON 484800 Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729016 B Education (Primary) UON 484810 B Arts and B Education (Primary) MQ 302440 B Education (Primary) USYD 513250 B Arts and B Education (Secondary) MQ 302445 B Education (Primary) UTAS 43B B Arts B Education (Primary) UTS 600037 B Education (Primary) WS 729027 B Arts B Education (Secondary) UTS 600038 B Education (Primary) - Aboriginal and Torres Strait B Arts/B Education (Primary) SCU 330110 Islander Education WS 729032 B Arts/B Education (Primary) SCU 330150 B Education (Primary) and B Psychology MQ 302441 B Arts/B Education (Primary) SCU 330160 B Education (Primary) B Arts in International Studies UTS 609160 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Early Childhood) SCU 330111 B Education (Secondary and Special Education) ACU 101221 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Early Childhood) SCU 330151 B Education (Secondary and Special Education) ACU 101222 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Early Childhood) SCU 330161 B Education (Secondary Arts) UNE 396693 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Secondary) SCU 330112 B Education (Secondary Arts) UNE 396694 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Secondary) SCU 330152 B Education (Secondary Mathematics) UNE 396754 B Arts/B Education (Primary/Secondary) SCU 330162 B Education (Secondary Mathematics) UNE 396755 COURSE FINDER B Arts/B Education (Secondary) SCU 330113 B Education (Secondary Music) UNE 406699 B Arts/B Education (Secondary) SCU 330153 B Education (Secondary Music) UNE 406701 B Arts/B Education (Secondary) SCU 330163 B Education (Secondary Science) UNE 396695 B Arts/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422100 B Education (Secondary Science) UNE 396696 B Education (Secondary) ACU 101231

216 | B Education (Secondary) ACU 101232 Dip Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Primary - B Education (Secondary) LTU 189990 4 terms WS 729601 B Education (Secondary) UON 484860 Dip Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Secondary B Education (Secondary) UON 484870 - 4 terms WS 729602 B Education (Secondary) B Arts in International Studies UTS 609161 Dip Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Secondary B Education (Secondary)/B Exercise Science ACU 101240 - 4 terms WS 729603 B Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Dip Arts/B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12) WS 729395 Sciences)/B Arts USYD 513255 Dip Arts/B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) WS 729393 B Education (Secondary: Mathematics)/B Science USYD 513260 Dip Arts/B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) WS 729401 B Education (Secondary: Science)/B Science USYD 513265 Dip Arts/B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) WS 729394 B Education (Technology and Applied Studies) CSU 213204 Dip Arts/B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) WS 729402 B Education in Early Childhood Teaching Dip Educational Studies (Primary Education) CDU 591150 (Birth-12 Years) CDU 590290 Dip Educational Studies (Secondary Education) CDU 591160 B Education Primary CDU 590300 B Education Primary CDU 590304 B Education Secondary CDU 590310 ENGINEERING AND RELATED STUDIES B Education/B Arts (Secondary - Humanities) ACU 101108 B Education/B Arts (Secondary - Mathematics) ACU 101104 Engineering and related studies is the study of the design, B Education/B Arts (Secondary - Technology) ACU 101106 manufacture, installation, maintenance and functioning of B Education/B Arts (Secondary - Visual Arts) ACU 101107 machines, systems and structures; and the composition and B Educational Studies ACU 101124 processing of metals, ceramics, foodstuffs and other materials. B Educational Studies ACU 101125 It includes the measurement and mapping of the earth’s B Educational Studies ACU 101126 surface and its natural and constructed features. B Educational Studies ACU 101127 B Educational Studies LTU 188033 Topics studied include all engineering specialties; B Educational Studies LTU 189993 engineering and manufacturing technology; food technology; B Educational Studies UNE 396751 land information technology and remote sensing; materials B Educational Studies UNE 396759 science; mechatronics; principles of design, drafting, planning B Fine Arts/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422140 and commissioning; plant and machine maintenance. B Health and Physical Education UOW 755101 B Health and Physical Education (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755201 Career opportunities include engineer in one of the following B Health Science (Health and Physical Education) specialties: aeronautical, chemical, civil, communications, Pathway to Teaching (Secondary)/Master of construction, electrical/electronic, environmental, geotechnical, Teaching (Secondary) WS 729033 industrial, manufacturing, marine, materials, mechanical, B Inclusive Education and Disability Studies ACU 101110 medical, metallurgical, mining, petroleum, production, software, B Mathematics Education UOW 755102 structural, systems, telecommunications. B Mathematics Education (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755202 B Media Arts/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422142 COURSE NAME INST CODE B Music/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422502 AssocDeg Aviation (Flight Operations) CQU 160913 B Outdoor Education CSU 213911 AssocDeg Engineering CQU 160301 B Primary Education UC 364003 AssocDeg Engineering (Civil and Structural) CDU 592060 B Primary Education UNDA 3476 AssocDeg Engineering (Electrical and Electronics) CDU 592070 B Primary Education UOW 755112 AssocDeg Engineering (Mechanical) CDU 592080 B Primary Education (Creative Arts) UC 364023 B Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronics)/ B Primary Education (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755212 Master of Engineering CDU 590150 B Primary Education (Health and Physical Education) UC 364033 B Engineering Science (Mechanical)/Master of B Primary Education (STEM) UC 364024 Engineering CDU 590160 B Psychological Science (Pathway to Primary B Aerospace Systems Engineering (Honours) UON 482707 Education) UOW 753225 B Applied Science (Marine Engineering) UTAS 23R B Science and B Education (Secondary) MQ 302448 B Arts and B Engineering (Honours) MQ 302580 B Science Education UOW 755103 B Aviation (Flight Operations) CQU 160914 B Science Education (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755203 B Chemical Engineering (Honours) UON 482600 B Science/B Education (Secondary) UNSW 422110 B Civil Engineering (Honours) LTU 187400 B Secondary Education UNDA 3562 B Civil Engineering (Honours) UON 482610 B Secondary Education (Health and Physical B Commerce and B Engineering (Honours) MQ 302581 Education) UC 364044 B Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) UON 482630 B Secondary Education/B Arts UC 364053 B Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Honours) UON 482640 B Secondary Education/B Science UC 364063 B Engineering (Honours) ANU 135004 B Special and Inclusive Education (Primary) UNE 396761 B Engineering (Honours) CQU 160341 FINDERCOURSE B Special and Inclusive Education (Primary) UNE 396762 B Engineering (Honours) GU 283442 B Sport and Outdoor Education ACU 105525 B Engineering (Honours) UC 365016 B Teaching (Early Childhood Education) MQ 300423 B Engineering (Honours) WS 722498 B Teaching (Early Childhood Education) MQ 300424 B Engineering (Honours) WS 722501 B Technology/B Education (Secondary) SCU 334191 B Engineering (Honours) WS 722555 Diploma Educational Studies (Early Childhood B Engineering (Honours) (Aeronautical Engineering) UNSW 450040 Education and Care) CDU 591120 Dip Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/ Birth-12 - 4 terms WS 729604 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. Dip Arts (Extended) - Pathway to Teaching Primary - Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. 4 terms WS 729600 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’.


B Engineering (Honours) (Aeronautical Engineering) B Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic) UNSW 425020 Non-defence UNSW 451040 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic) UOW 755616 B Engineering (Honours) (Aerospace/ B Engineering (Honours) (Mining) UNSW 425300 Mechanical and Manufacturing/Mechanical) UNSW 425050 B Engineering (Honours) (Mining) UOW 755615 B Engineering (Honours) (Architectural) UOW 755609 B Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum) UNSW 425650 B Engineering (Honours) (Bioinformatics) UNSW 425770 B Engineering (Honours) (Photovoltaics and B Engineering (Honours) (Bioinformatics, Chemical, Solar Energy/Renewable Energy) UNSW 425200 Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronic, B Engineering (Honours) (Robotics and Mechatronics) WS 722509 Software, Telecommunications)/Master of Biomedical B Engineering (Honours) (Robotics and Mechatronics) WS 722560 Engineering UNSW 425950 B Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) UOW 755601 B Engineering (Honours) (Biomedical) UOW 755610 B Engineering (Honours) (Software) UNSW 425750 B Engineering (Honours) (Chemical/Chemical B Engineering (Honours) (Surveying) UNSW 425500 Product Engineering) UNSW 425550 B Engineering (Honours) (Telecommunications) UOW 755623 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil Construction) and B Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in Dip Construction Management CQU 160344 Civil Engineering MQ 300585 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil Design) and B Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in Dip Building Design CQU 160342 Electrical Engineering MQ 300580 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering) UNSW 450050 B Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in B Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering) Electronics Engineering MQ 300581 Non-defence UNSW 451050 B Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in B Engineering (Honours) (Civil with Architecture) UNSW 425450 Mechanical Engineering MQ 300582 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil) UOW 755611 B Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in B Engineering (Honours) (Civil) WS 722503 Mechatronic Engineering MQ 300583 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil) WS 722556 B Engineering (Honours) with a specialisation in B Engineering (Honours) (Civil) WS 722576 Software Engineering MQ 300586 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil), including B Engineering (Honours)/B Arts UOW 751302 Geotechnical, Management, Structural, Transport B Engineering (Honours)/B Business GU 283439 or Water and Coastal UNSW 425400 B Engineering (Honours)/B Business WS 722494 B Engineering (Honours) (Civil)/B Surveying UNSW 425402 B Engineering (Honours)/B Business WS 722495 B Engineering (Honours) (Combined) UON 482620 B Engineering (Honours)/B Business WS 722496 B Engineering (Honours) (Computer) UNSW 425700 B Engineering (Honours)/B Business WS 722497 B Engineering (Honours) (Computer) UOW 755621 B Engineering (Honours)/B Commerce UNSW 425900 B Engineering (Honours) (Construction) WS 722504 B Engineering (Honours)/B Commerce UOW 751601 B Engineering (Honours) (Construction) WS 722557 B Engineering (Honours)/B Computer Science GU 283443 B Engineering (Honours) (Control and B Engineering (Honours)/B Computer Science UOW 751609 Instrumentation) and B Information Technology B Engineering (Honours)/B Data Science GU 283446 (Application Development) CQU 160343 B Engineering (Honours)/B Engineering Science UNSW 425401 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical Engineering) UNSW 450060 B Engineering (Honours)/B Environmental Science GU 283438 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical Engineering) B Engineering (Honours)/B Industrial Design GU 283444 Non-defence UNSW 451060 B Engineering (Honours)/B Information Technology GU 283440 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) UOW 755622 B Engineering (Honours)/B Mathematics UOW 751610 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) WS 722505 B Engineering (Honours)/B Science GU 283441 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) WS 722558 B Engineering (Honours)/B Science UOW 751624 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) WS 722577 B Engineering (Honours)/B Science (Physics) UOW 751623 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) or B Engineering B Engineering (Honours)/B Science or B Arts or (Honours) (Telecommunications) UNSW 425100 B Science (Computer Science) UNSW 425850 B Engineering (Honours) (Electrical)/Master of B Engineering (Hons) B Arts in International Studies UTS 609032 Engineering (Electrical) UNSW 425150 B Engineering (Hons) B Business UTS 609350 B Engineering (Honours) (Environmental) UNSW 425470 B Engineering (Hons) B Creative Intelligence and B Engineering (Honours) (Environmental) UOW 755612 Innovation UTS 609560 B Engineering (Honours) (Flexible First Year) UNSW 425000 B Engineering (Hons) B Medical Science UTS 609370 B Engineering (Honours) (Flexible First Year) UOW 755624 B Engineering (Hons) B Science UTS 609360 B Engineering (Honours) (Materials Science and B Engineering (Hons) Biomedical UTS 603131 Engineering) UNSW 429600 B Engineering (Hons) Biomedical Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603130 B Engineering (Honours) (Materials Science and B Engineering (Hons) Civil UTS 603016 Engineering)/B Commerce UNSW 429610 B Engineering (Hons) Civil (Construction) UTS 603096 B Engineering (Honours) (Materials Science and B Engineering (Hons) Civil (Construction) Engineering)/B Engineering Science (Chemical Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603095 Engineering) UNSW 429620 B Engineering (Hons) Civil (Structures) UTS 603019 B Engineering (Honours) (Materials Science and B Engineering (Hons) Civil (Structures) Engineering)/Master of Biomedical Engineering UNSW 429630 Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603018 B Engineering (Honours) (Materials) UOW 755613 B Engineering (Hons) Civil and Environmental UTS 603006 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering) UNSW 450070 B Engineering (Hons) Civil and Environmental B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering) Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603005 Non-defence UNSW 451070 B Engineering (Hons) Civil Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603015 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical or B Engineering (Hons) Data UTS 603061

COURSE FINDER Mechatronic)/B Exercise Science UOW 751625 B Engineering (Hons) Data Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603060 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) UOW 755614 B Engineering (Hons) Electrical UTS 603036 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) WS 722507 B Engineering (Hons) Electrical and Electronic, B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) WS 722559 Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603040 B Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) WS 722578

218 | B Engineering (Hons) Electrical Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603035 Dip Engineering CDU 591030 B Engineering (Hons) Electronic UTS 603046 Dip Engineering MQ 301008 B Engineering (Hons) Electronic Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603045 Dip Engineering SIBT 640060 B Engineering (Hons) Flexible UTS 603106 Dip Engineering (2 session) UOW 759050 B Engineering (Hons) Flexible Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603105 Double Engineering/Science degrees for B Engineering (Hons) Mechanical UTS 603056 Non-defence students UNSW 451100 B Engineering (Hons) Mechanical and Mechatronic UTS 603116 Flexible Double Engineering and Advanced Computing ANU 135010 B Engineering (Hons) Mechanical and Mechatronic Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603115 B Engineering (Hons) Mechanical Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603055 FOOD, HOSPITALITY AND PERSONAL B Engineering (Hons) Mechatronic UTS 603121 SERVICES B Engineering (Hons) Mechatronic Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603120 B Engineering (Hons) Software UTS 603086 Food, hospitality and personal services is the study of B Engineering (Hons) Software Dip Prof Eng Prac UTS 603085 preparing, displaying and serving food and beverages, B Engineering (Mining) Transfer Program UON 482720 providing hospitality services, caring for the hair and body for B Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours) ANU 135000 grooming and beautification, and other personal services. B Engineering (Specialisation) with Honours UTAS P4F1 B Engineering (Specialisation) with Honours Topics studied include application and use of skin care and (Co-operative Education) UTAS P4G cosmetic products; general beauty care; hair cutting, styling, B Engineering Advanced (Honours) WS 720139 colouring and treatment techniques; housekeeping; hygienic B Engineering Advanced (Honours) WS 720140 work practices in relation to the food and hospitality industry; B Engineering Honours - Flexible First Year Program USYD 513550 preparation, display and service of food and beverages. B Engineering Honours - Space Engineering USYD 513570 B Engineering Honours (Aeronautical) USYD 513525 Career opportunities include catering manager, conference/ B Engineering Honours (Biomedical) USYD 513530 exhibition organiser, event planner, hotel manager, resort B Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular) USYD 513535 manager, restaurant manager, tour operator, tourist information B Engineering Honours (Civil and Structural) CDU 590200 manager, travel consultant. B Engineering Honours (Civil) USYD 513540 B Engineering Honours (Civil)/B Design in Architecture USYD 513585 COURSE NAME INST CODE B Engineering Honours (Dalyell Scholars) USYD 513571 AssocDeg Business (Hospitality Management) TUA 553220 B Engineering Honours (Electrical and Electronics) CDU 590210 AssocDeg Culinary Management TUA 553250 B Engineering Honours (Electrical) USYD 513545 AssocDeg in Resort and Hotel Management WAI CRS1400275 B Engineering Honours (Industrial) LTU 187402 B Business (International Hotel and Resort B Engineering Honours (Mechanical) CDU 590220 Management) TUA 553320 B Engineering Honours (Mechanical) USYD 513555 B Business in Hotel Management SCU 354140 B Engineering Honours (Mechatronic) USYD 513560 B Business in Hotel Management SCU 354146 B Engineering Honours (Software) USYD 513565 B Culinary Management TUA 553050 B Engineering Honours/B Arts USYD 513575 B Culinary Management WAI CRS1201422 B Engineering Honours/B Commerce USYD 513580 B Hospitality Management CQU 160050 B Engineering Honours/B Project Management USYD 513590 B Hospitality Management CQU 160051 B Engineering Honours/B Science USYD 513595 B Hospitality Management ICMS 530041 B Engineering Honours/B Science (Health) USYD 513600 B International Tourism and Hotel Management GU 283126 B Engineering Honours/B Science (Medical Science) USYD 513605 B Resort and Hotel Management WAI CRS1400274 B Engineering in Network and Software Engineering B Resort and Hotel Management (Professional (Honours) UC 366054 Practice) WAI CRS1400277 B Engineering Science WS 722510 Dip Business (Hospitality Management) TUA 553160 B Engineering Science WS 722513 Dip Hospitality Management ICMS 530531 B Engineering Science WS 722550 Dip Hotel Management SCU 354040 B Engineering Science (Civil and Structural) CDU 590320 Dip Hotel Management SCU 354060 B Engineering Science (Civil and Structural)/ Master of Engineering CDU 590140 B Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronics) CDU 590330 B Engineering Science (Mechanical) CDU 590340 B Engineering Systems (Honours) (Civil Engineering) SCU 334115 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. B Engineering Systems (Honours) Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. (Coastal Systems Engineering) SCU 334118 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’. B Engineering Systems (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering) SCU 334119 B Engineering Technology (Specialisation) CQU 160351 FINDERCOURSE B Environment and B Engineering (Honours) MQ 302584 B Environmental Engineering (Honours) UON 482650 B Mechanical Engineering (Honours) UON 482670 B Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) UON 482680 B Medical Engineering (Honours) UON 482690 B Renewable Energy Engineering (Honours) UON 482708 B Software Engineering (Honours) UON 482700 B Software Engineering Honours CDU 590120 B Technology (Civil Systems)/Master of Engineering (Civil Systems) CSU 212817 Dip Engineering (Extended) - 4 terms WS 729645 Dip Engineering/B Engineering Studies WS 729449


B Exercise and Sports Science ACU 105504 HEALTH B Exercise and Sports Science ACU 105529 B Exercise and Sports Science UNE 392609 Health is the study of maintaining and restoring the physical B Exercise and Sports Science UNE 392615 and mental wellbeing of humans and animals. B Exercise and Sports Science/B Nutrition Science ACU 105530 Topics studied include disease processes and mechanisms; B Exercise Physiology UNSW 428100 diagnosis; principles and practices of public health; restoration B Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation UC 365113 and maintenance of health. B Exercise Science GU 283305 B Exercise Science UOW 757642 Career opportunities include audiologist, biochemist, B Exercise Science and Rehabilitation UOW 757643 chiropodist, chiropractor, community health worker, dentist, B Exercise Science/B Business GU 283334 dietitian/nutritionist, doctor, exercise physiologist, fitness/ B Exercise Science/B Business Administration ACU 105516 personal trainer, health administrator, midwife, nurse, B Exercise Science/B Psychological Science GU 283335 occupational therapist, oral health therapist, paramedic, B Health Science ANU 138302 pathologist, pedorthist, pharmacist, physiotherapist, podiatrist, B Health Science CDU 590350 psychologist, psychotherapist, radiographer, radiologist, B Health Science GU 283301 researcher, sonographer, speech therapist, sports scientist/coach. B Health Science UC 365260 B Health Science UTS 606050 COURSE NAME INST CODE B Health Science UTS 606060 B Health Science (Acupuncture) ECNH ECNH03 AssocDeg Occupational Health and Safety CQU 160590 B Health Science (Aesthetics) TUA 552180 AssocDeg Occupational Health and Safety CQU 160591 B Health Science (Clinical Nutrition) TUA 552181 AssocDeg Public Health (Specialisation) CQU 160601 B Health Science (Exercise) ACPE BHSC(EX) AssocDeg Exercise and Sport Science CDU 592020 B Health Science (Health and Physical Education) WS 723504 B Health Science/Master of Nutrition CDU 590180 B Health Science (Health Promotion Health Services B Health Science/Master of Occupational Therapy CDU 590190 Management Therapeutic Recreation or Public Health) WS 723500 B Health Science/Master of Speech and Language B Health Science (Health Promotion Health Services Therapy CDU 590170 Management Therapeutic Recreation or Public Health) WS 723514 B Allied Health CQU 160481 B Health Science (Human Movement) UC 365268 B Applied Public Health TUA 552120 B Health Science (Human Movement)/B Human B Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) USYD 513620 Nutrition UC 365269 B Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) USYD 513625 B Health Science (Myotherapy) ECNH ECNH07 B Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) USYD 513630 B Health Science (Naturopathy) ECNH ECNH01 B Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) USYD 513635 B Health Science (Naturopathy) TUA 552052 B Applied Science (Physiotherapy) USYD 513640 B Health Science (Nutrition Studies) UC 365267 B Applied Science (Speech Pathology) USYD 513645 B Health Science (Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine) ECNH ECNH05 B Applied Science/B Advanced Studies B Health Science (Paramedicine) WS 723502 (Exercise and Sport Science) USYD 513626 B Health Science (Public Health) WS 729212 B Arts (Psychology) UOW 753200 B Health Science (Sport and Exercise Science) WS 723506 B Arts (Psychology)/B Commerce UOW 751305 B Health Science (Western Herbal Medicine) TUA 552060 B Arts and B Medical Sciences MQ 302560 B Health Sciences LTU 187405 B Arts/Doctor of Medicine USYD 513715 B Health Sciences LTU 197405 B Chiropractic Science MQ 300562 B Health Services Management CDU 590360 B Clinical Exercise Physiology GU 283343 B High Performance Sport ACU 105505 B Clinical Exercise Physiology UNE 392610 B High Performance Sport ACU 105528 B Clinical Exercise Physiology UNE 392611 B Human Nutrition UC 365063 B Clinical Science CSU 214238 B Human Sciences and B Cognitive and Brain Sciences MQ 302434 B Clinical Science MQ 300676 B Human Sciences and B Speech and Hearing Sciences MQ 302428 B Clinical Sciences (Osteopathic Studies) SCU 330167 B International Public Health UNSW 428200 B Clinical Sciences (Osteopathic Studies) SCU 335115 B Medical and Health Sciences UOW 757630 B Cognitive and Brain Sciences MQ 300435 B Medical and Health Sciences (Honours) B Cognitive and Brain Sciences and (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757631 B Information Technology MQ 302436 B Medical and Radiation Physics UOW 757616 B Cognitive and Brain Sciences and B Psychology MQ 302438 B Medical and Radiation Physics Advanced Honours UOW 757603 B Combined Studies MQ 302000 B Medical Biotechnology (Honours) UOW 757611 B Complementary Medicine ECNH ECNH10 B Medical Biotechnology (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757617 B Dance Education ACPE BDANCEED B Medical Laboratory Science GU 283322 B Dental Health Science GU 283310 B Medical Radiation Science (Diagnostic Radiography) CSU 214110 B Dental Hygiene GU 283296 B Medical Radiation Science (Diagnostic Radiography) CSU 214114 B Dental Prosthetics GU 283297 B Medical Radiation Science (Honours) B Dental Science CSU 214738 (Diagnostic Radiography) UON 483355 B Dental Technology GU 283312 B Medical Radiation Science (Honours) B Dental Technology/B Dental Prosthetics GU 283299 (Nuclear Medicine) UON 483365 B Echocardiography (Cardiac Physiology)/ B Medical Radiation Science (Honours) GradDip Echocardiography CQU 160610 (Radiation Therapy) UON 483375 B Exercise & Sports Science UTAS 53J B Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging) UC 365273

COURSE FINDER B Exercise and Sport Science CDU 590100 B Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine and B Exercise and Sport Science UON 482800 Molecular Imaging) CSU 214120 B Exercise and Sport Science (with specialisation) CSU 213267 B Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine and B Exercise and Sport Science (with specialisation) CSU 214860 Molecular Imaging) CSU 214124 B Exercise and Sport Sciences CQU 160461 B Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy) CSU 214134

220 | B Medical Radiation Science with specialisations B Nursing (Advanced) WS 720170 (Medical Imaging) (Radiation Therapy) and B Nursing (Advanced) WS 720172 (Nuclear Medicine) CSU 214294 B Nursing (Advanced) WS 720174 B Medical Research UTAS 53E B Nursing (Enrolled Nurse pathway) WS 726540 B Medical Science ANU 138403 B Nursing (Enrolled Nurse pathway) WS 726542 B Medical Science GU 283303 B Nursing (Enrolled Nurse pathway) WS 726544 B Medical Science UC 368083 B Nursing (Enrolled Nurse pathway) WS 726546 B Medical Science UNSW 429700 B Nursing (for Enrolled Nurses - Dip Nursing entry) ACU 105518 B Medical Science UTS 607050 B Nursing (for Enrolled Nurses - Dip Nursing entry) ACU 105519 B Medical Science WS 728145 B Nursing (Pre-registration) LTU 185028 B Medical Science WS 728147 B Nursing (Pre-registration) LTU 189928 B Medical Science (Forensic Mortuary Practice) WS 728011 B Nursing (Sydney) (Subject to accreditation) UTAS H3R B Medical Science (Specialisation) CQU 160491 B Nursing Advanced UC 365102 B Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine B Nursing B Arts in International Studies UTS 609150 (Joint Medical Program) UNE 785000 B Nursing B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609568 B Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine B Nursing/B Business Administration ACU 105509 (Joint Medical Program) UON 785000 B Nursing/B Paramedicine ACU 105510 B Medical Science with specialisation (Pathology) CSU 214554 B Nutrition TUA 552100 B Medical Sciences MQ 300560 B Nutrition and Dietetics GU 283321 B Medical Sciences and B Cognitive and Brain Sciences MQ 302437 B Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) UON 483650 B Medical Sonography/GradDip Medical Sonography CQU 160010 B Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) UOW 757647 B Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine/B Arts UNSW 428000 B Nutrition Science ACU 107016 B Midwifery ACU 105527 B Nutrition Science UOW 757645 B Midwifery CDU 590390 B Nutrition Science/B Business Administration ACU 105707 B Midwifery SCU 335153 B Occupational Health and Safety CQU 160470 B Midwifery SCU 335167 B Occupational Health and Safety CQU 160471 B Midwifery UC 365084 B Occupational Therapy ACU 105513 B Midwifery UON 483400 B Occupational Therapy CSU 214300 B Midwifery UTS 606010 B Occupational Therapy CSU 214301 B Midwifery WS 726570 B Occupational Therapy GU 283328 B Midwifery B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609570 B Occupational Therapy SCU 335150 B Nursing ACU 105501 B Occupational Therapy SCU 335168 B Nursing ACU 105502 B Occupational Therapy UC 365107 B Nursing ACU 105526 B Occupational Therapy WS 723555 B Nursing CDU 590110 B Occupational Therapy (Honours) UON 483700 B Nursing CQU 160511 B Oral Health USYD 513700 B Nursing CSU 214650 B Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene) CSU 214384 B Nursing CSU 214650 B Oral Health Therapy UON 483750 B Nursing CSU 214651 B Paramedic Practice (Sydney) UTAS 53A B Nursing CSU 214654 B Paramedic Practice with Honours LTU 183043 B Nursing CSU 214655 B Paramedic Practice with Honours LTU 193043 B Nursing CSU 214657 B Paramedicine ACU 103713 B Nursing GU 283308 B Paramedicine CSU 214200 B Nursing SCU 335101 B Paramedicine CSU 214207 B Nursing SCU 335151 B Paramedicine GU 283330 B Nursing SCU 335164 B Pedorthics SCU 335065 B Nursing TUA 552200 B Pharmacology and Toxicology GU 283331 B Nursing UC 365101 B Pharmacy CSU 214808 B Nursing UNDA 3492 B Pharmacy GU 283327 B Nursing UNE 396664 B Pharmacy UC 365116 B Nursing UNE 396665 B Pharmacy USYD 513760 B Nursing UON 483600 B Pharmacy (Honours) UON 483800 B Nursing UON 483610 B Pharmacy and Management USYD 513765 B Nursing UOW 757101 B Pharmacy with Honours UNE 392612 B Nursing UOW 757102 B Pharmacy with Honours UNE 392613 B Nursing UOW 757103 B Physical Activity and Health Science ACU 105520 B Nursing UOW 757104 B Physiotherapy ACU 105506 B Nursing UOW 757105 B Physiotherapy CSU 214400 B Nursing UOW 757106 B Physiotherapy CSU 214401 FINDERCOURSE B Nursing UTS 606000 B Physiotherapy CSU 214408 B Nursing UTS 606001 B Physiotherapy GU 283342 B Nursing WS 726550 B Physiotherapy UC 365106 B Nursing WS 726555 B Physiotherapy WS 723560 B Nursing WS 726560 B Physiotherapy (Honours) UON 483850 B Nursing WS 726568 B Podiatric Medicine CSU 214451 B Nursing (Accelerated Program: Enrolled Nurse 2012 onwards) UTS 606004 B Nursing (Accelerated Program: Graduate Entry) UTS 606005 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. B Nursing (Advanced Standing) GU 283345 Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. B Nursing (Advanced Studies) USYD 513735 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’. B Nursing (Advanced) WS 720168


B Podiatric Medicine WS 723565 Dip Health Science/B Health Science (Health and B Podiatry SCU 330169 Physical Education) WS 729454 B Podiatry UON 483900 Dip Health Science/B Health Science (Health Promotion B Podiatry Practice (Honours) CQU 160560 Health Services Management Therapeutic Recreation B Podiatry/B Pedorthics SCU 335162 or Public Health) WS 729453 B Pre-Medicine, Science and Health UOW 757500 Dip Alcohol and Other Drugs CDU 591010 B Psychological Science (3 years) UNE 391678 Dip Beauty and Spa Practice TUA 552170 B Psychological Science (3 years) UNE 391679 Dip Exercise and Sport Science CDU 591040 B Psychology CSU 211804 Dip Health SCU 335051 B Psychology CSU 211807 Dip Health SCU 335072 B Psychology CSU 211810 Dip Health UC 360045 B Psychology USYD 513905 Dip Health and Wellbeing TUA 552130 B Psychology (Honours) ACU 103721 Dip Health Science CDU 591050 B Psychology (Honours) ANU 138130 Dip Nutrition TUA 552110 B Psychology (Honours) GU 283314 Dip Remedial Message - HLT52015 ECNH ECNH11 B Psychology (Honours) LTU 187065 Dip Sport Development TUA 552230 B Psychology (Honours) UNSW 429850 Doctor of Medicine WS 725505 B Psychology (Honours) UOW 753230 Doctor of Medicine (Joint Program in Medicine) CSU 725505 B Psychology (Honours) WS 727501 B Psychology (Honours) WS 727502 B Psychology (Honours) WS 727506 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY B Psychology with Honours (4 years) UNE 391680 B Psychology with Honours (4 years) UNE 391681 Information technology is the study of the processing, B Public and Community Health UON 483860 transmitting and storage of information by computers. B Public Health GU 283315 Topics studied include computation theory; computer B Public Health UOW 757650 programming; data format and coding; management, storage B Public Health (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757653 B Public Health (Specialisation) CQU 160571 and retrieval of information in a computer environment; robotics B Science (Chiropractic) CQU 160181 programming and artificial intelligence; systems analysis. B Science (Health) USYD 513915 Career opportunities include app developer, computer B Science (Health)/Master of Nursing USYD 513750 programmer, computer scientist, cyber security specialist, B Science and B Cognitive and Brain Sciences MQ 302435 data analyst, digital media producer, game designer, graphic B Science in Psychology/B Health Science designer, graphic web designer, filmmaker, illustrator, (Human Movement) UC 365166 information systems manager, intelligence analyst, IT B Science/Doctor of Dental Medicine USYD 513705 B Science/Doctor of Medicine USYD 513720 consultant, network administrator/engineer, photographer, B Science/Master of Nursing USYD 513745 software developer, systems analyst/developer, ui/ux designer, B Science/Master of Nutrition and Dietetics USYD 513965 visual effects artist, web designer/developer. B Speech and Hearing Sciences MQ 300428 B Speech and Hearing Sciences and B Psychology MQ 302419 COURSE NAME INST CODE B Speech and Language Pathology CSU 214501 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Speech Pathology ACU 105514 - Specialising in Game Art and Animation AIE A2110702AS B Speech Pathology SCU 330168 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Speech Pathology WS 723566 - Specialising in Game Art and Animation AIE C2110702AS B Speech Pathology (Honours) UON 484150 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Sport Development GU 283329 - Specialising in Game Art and Animation AIE M2110702AS B Sport Development WS 723567 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Sport and Exercise Science SCU 335100 - Specialising in Game Art and Animation AIE O2110702AS B Sport and Exercise Science SCU 335154 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Sport and Exercise Science SCU 338160 - Specialising in Game Art and Animation AIE S2110702AS B Sport and Exercise Science UC 365191 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Sport and Exercise Science UTS 606020 - Specialising in Game Design and Production AIE A2110702DS B Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Therapy) UTS 606021 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Sport and Exercise Science B Arts in International - Specialising in Game Design and Production AIE C2110702DS Studies UTS 609080 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Sport and Exercise Science B Creative Intelligence - Specialising in Game Design and Production AIE M2110702DS and Innovation UTS 609580 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Sport UOW 755100 - Specialising in Game Design and Production AIE O2110702DS B Sports Coaching (Strength an Conditioning) ACPE BSC(S&C) AdvDip Professional Game Development B Traditional Chinese Medicine WS 723570 - Specialising in Game Design and Production AIE S2110702DS B Veterinary Biology/B Veterinary Science CSU 214964 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Veterinary Biology/Doctor of Veterinary Medicine USYD 513970 - Specialising in Game Programming AIE A2110702PS B Veterinary Technology CSU 214954 AdvDip Professional Game Development B Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry UNSW 429750 - Specialising in Game Programming AIE C2110702PS Bachelor Pharmacy with Applied Honours UTAS 54A AdvDip Professional Game Development Dip Health Science (Extended) (Health and Physical - Specialising in Game Programming AIE M2110702PS

COURSE FINDER Education) - 4 terms WS 729660 AdvDip Professional Game Development Dip Health Science (Health Promotion Health Services - Specialising in Game Programming AIE O2110702PS Management Therapeutic Recreation or AdvDip Professional Game Development Public Health) (Extended) - 4 terms WS 729651 - Specialising in Game Programming AIE S2110702PS

222 | AssocDeg Games Development (Games Design) SAE 630210 B Cyber Security and Master of Information Technology AssocDeg Games Development (Games Programming) SAE 630200 in Cyber Security MQ 303568 AssocDeg Information Technology CQU 160160 B Data Science and Analytics UOW 756522 AssocDeg Information Technology CQU 160161 B Design Computing USYD 513105 AssocDeg Digital Media (3D Design and Animation) TUA 551310 B Design Computing/B Advanced Studies USYD 513110 AssocDeg Digital Media (Interaction Design) TUA 551321 B Digital Enterprise CDU 590281 AssocDeg Game Design and Development TUA 551390 B Entrepreneurship (Games Design and Simulation) WS 722470 AssocDeg Information and Communication Technology CDU 592030 B Entrepreneurship (Games Design and Simulation) WS 722472 AssocDeg Network Engineering CDU 592050 B Game Design and Development MQ 300542 B Advanced Computing USYD 513500 B Game Design and Development TUA 551090 B Advanced Computing (Honours) ANU 135705 B Games Development (Games Design) SAE 630100 B Advanced Computing (Research and Development) B Games Development (Games Design) SAE 630105 (Honours) ANU 135700 B Games Development (Games Programming) SAE 630110 B Advanced Computing/B Commerce USYD 513505 B Information and Communications Technology WS 724012 B Advanced Computing/B Science USYD 513510 B Information and Communications Technology WS 724016 B Advanced Computing/B Science (Health) USYD 513515 B Information and Communications Technology WS 724020 B Advanced Computing/B Science (Medical Science) USYD 513520 B Information and Communications Technology WS 724022 B Advanced Information Technology MQ 300541 B Information and Communications Technology B Applied Analytics UOW 756525 (Advanced) WS 720144 B Business Information Systems UOW 754500 B Information and Communications Technology B Business Information Systems UOW 754505 (Advanced) WS 720146 B Business Information Systems (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 754510 B Information and Communications Technology B Computer Science CDU 590260 (Advanced) WS 720148 B Computer Science GU 283461 B Information and Communications Technology B Computer Science UNE 392620 (Health Information Management) WS 724025 B Computer Science UNE 392624 B Information and Communications Technology B Computer Science UON 482400 (Health Information Management) WS 724026 B Computer Science UOW 754100 B Information and Communications Technology B Computer Science UOW 754120 (Health Information Management) WS 724027 B Computer Science WS 723999 B Information and Communications Technology/B Arts WS 724100 B Computer Science WS 724000 B Information and Communications Technology/ B Computer Science (Advanced) WS 720141 B Business WS 724105 B Computer Science (Advanced) WS 720142 B Information and Communications Technology/ B Computer Science (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 754110 B Business WS 724110 B Computer Science (with specialisation) CSU 212717 B Information and Communications Technology/ B Computer Science Global (Honours) UOW 754130 B Business WS 724115 B Computer Science/B Science UOW 751402 B Computer Science/Master of Information Technology CDU 590130 B Computing and Cyber Security UNSW 450030 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. B Computing Science (Hons) UTS 603230 Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. B Cyber Security MQ 300568 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’. B Cyber Security and Behaviour WS 727052


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B Information and Communications Technology/ Dip Information and Communications Technology B Business (Accounting) WS 724120 (Extended) - ICT - 4 terms WS 729665 B Information and Communications Technology/ Dip Information and Communications Technology B Business (Accounting) WS 724130 (Extended) - Information Systems - 4 terms WS 729666 B Information Systems UNSW 424500 Dip Augmented and Virtual Reality SAE 630290 B Information Systems UTS 603215 Dip Augmented and Virtual Reality SAE 630295 B Information Systems WS 724008 Dip Computing ANU 136060 B Information Systems WS 724009 Dip Digital Enterprise CDU 591141 B Information Systems (Advanced) WS 720150 Dip Information and Communications Technology CQU 160062 B Information Systems (Advanced)/B Business WS 720151 Dip Information and Communications Technology CQU 160063 B Information Systems (Advanced)/B Business WS 720152 Dip Information Technology AIT 8140110132 B Information Systems (Co-op) (Honours) UNSW 424640 Dip Information Technology MQ 301006 B Information Systems B Business UTS 603221 Dip Information Technology SIBT 640050 B Information Systems/B Business WS 724138 Dip Information Technology UC 360010 B Information Systems/B Business WS 724139 Dip Information Technology (2 Session) UOW 759010 B Information Technology ACU 103708 Dip Information Technology (2 Session) UOW 759015 B Information Technology ANU 136063 Dip Network and Software Engineering UC 360024 B Information Technology CDU 590370 Dip Network Engineering CDU 591080 B Information Technology CQU 160060 B Information Technology CQU 160061 B Information Technology GU 283411 MANAGEMENT AND COMMERCE B Information Technology LTU 187410 B Information Technology LTU 196110 Management and commerce is the study of the theory and B Information Technology LTU 197410 practice of planning, directing, organising, motivating and B Information Technology MQ 300540 coordinating the human and material resources of private B Information Technology SCU 332161 and public organisations and institutions. It includes the B Information Technology UC 366043 merchandising and provision of goods and services and B Information Technology UON 483000 personal development. B Information Technology UON 483010 B Information Technology UOW 754300 Topics studied include finance and financial management; B Information Technology UOW 754305 human and material resources management; human behaviour B Information Technology UTS 603210 and time management; management and administration; sales B Information Technology (Co-op) CQU 160170 and marketing. B Information Technology (Co-op) CQU 160171 Career opportunities include accountant, auditor, banker, B Information Technology (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 754310 B Information Technology (Games Programming) AIT 8140110022 brand manager, business adviser, business analyst, business B Information Technology (Mobile Applications consultant, economist, entrepreneur, financial analyst, financial Development) AIT 8140110122 planner, human resources manager, marketing specialist, B Information Technology (with specialisation) CSU 212734 project manager, stockbroker. B Information Technology (with Specialisation) CSU 212737 B Information Technology and B Engineering (Honours) MQ 302583 COURSE NAME INST CODE B Information Technology and Master of Data Science/ AssocDeg Business (Tourism Management) TUA 553240 Master of Information Systems Management MQ 303540 B Accounting ANU 133503 B Information Technology/B Business GU 283462 B Accounting CDU 590251 B Information Technology/B Business UON 483050 B Accounting CQU 160020 B Information Technology/B Business Administration ACU 103712 B Accounting CQU 160021 B Intelligent Digital Technologies GU 283463 B Accounting CSU 212010 B Media and Communications and B Cyber Security MQ 302569 B Accounting CSU 212011 B Networking MIT 570130 B Accounting CSU 212014 B Science (Computer Science)/B Media Arts UNSW 425801 B Accounting CSU 212017 B Science in Games Development UTS 603225 B Accounting LTU 196105 B Science in Information Technology UTS 603201 B Accounting UC 361209 B Science in Information Technology Dip Information B Accounting UNDA 3503 Technology Professional Practice UTS 603200 B Accounting UNE 395664 B Science in Information Technology B Arts in B Accounting UNE 395665 International Studies UTS 609230 B Accounting UTS 601010 B Science in Information Technology B Creative B Accounting WS 721070 Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609565 B Accounting WS 721072 B Science/B Information Technology GU 283620 B Accounting WS 721074 B Security Studies and Master of Cyber Security Analysis/ B Accounting WS 721077 M Counter Terrorism/M Criminology/M Intelligence/ B Accounting and Finance ACU 103710 M Security and Strategic Studies MQ 303101 B Accounting/B Business CQU 160360 B Software Engineering UC 366103 B Accounting/B Business CQU 160361 B Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) TUA 551371 B Actuarial Studies ANU 134403 B Software Engineering (Game Programming) TUA 551370 B Actuarial Studies MQ 300239 B Software Engineering (Honours) ANU 135604 B Actuarial Studies UNSW 424300

COURSE FINDER B Software Engineering/B Business Informatics UC 366123 B Actuarial Studies (Co-op) UNSW 424620 Bachelor Software Engineering (Cloud Computing) TUA 551372 B Actuarial Studies with Professional Practice (Honours) MQ 300238 Dip ICT/B Information and Communications B Advanced Business (Honours) GU 283143 Technology WS 729458 B Advanced Business (Honours) GU 283808 Dip ICT/B Information Systems WS 729460 B Advertising and Media MC 560220

224 | B Advertising and Public Relations UNDA 3435 B Business (Entrepreneurship) TUA 550160 B Agribusiness UNE 395700 B Business (Event Management) TUA 550020 B Agribusiness UNE 395701 B Business (Hospitality Management) TUA 553020 B Agricultural and Resource Economics UNE 395668 B Business (Hospitality Management) WS 721020 B Agricultural and Resource Economics UNE 395669 B Business (Hospitality Management) WS 721021 B Agricultural Business Management CSU 215024 B Business (Human Resource Management) UC 361212 B Agriculture/B Business UNE 393678 B Business (Human Resource Management) WS 721024 B Agriculture/B Business UNE 393679 B Business (Human Resource Management) WS 721025 B Applied Business Management UNE 396800 B Business (Human Resource Management) WS 721026 B Applied Business Management UNE 396801 B Business (International Business) UC 361218 B Applied Data Analytics ANU 135801 B Business (International Business) WS 721028 B Applied Finance MQ 300202 B Business (International Business) WS 721029 B Applied Finance and B Actuarial Studies MQ 302239 B Business (International Event Management) TUA 553310 B Applied Finance and B Professional Accounting MQ 302203 B Business (International Tourism) ICMS 530061 B Applied Financial Advice GU 283805 B Business (Management) UC 361214 B Arts and B Business Administration MQ 302208 B Business (Management) WS 721035 B Arts and B Commerce MQ 302251 B Business (Management) WS 721036 B Arts/B Commerce ACU 103303 B Business (Management) WS 721037 B Arts/B Event and Tourism Management UC 361533 B Business (Management) WS 721038 B Aviation (Management) UNSW 429520 B Business (Marketing) ICMS 530022 B Business CDU 590481 B Business (Marketing) TUA 550030 B Business CQU 160030 B Business (Marketing) UC 361216 B Business CQU 160031 B Business (Marketing) WS 721039 B Business GU 283142 B Business (Marketing) WS 721040 B Business GU 283807 B Business (Marketing) WS 721041 B Business ICMS 530016 B Business (Marketing) WS 721042 B Business ICMS 530017 B Business (Property) WS 721045 B Business LTU 181035 B Business (Property) WS 729200 B Business LTU 189935 B Business (Service Management) UC 361217 B Business LTU 196000 B Business (Sport Management) UC 361535 B Business MC 560200 B Business (Sport Management) WS 721050 B Business MIT 570110 B Business (Sport Management) WS 721052 B Business TUA 550010 B Business (Sports Management) ICMS 530121 B Business UNE 395676 B Business (Sports Management) TUA 550050 B Business UNE 395677 B Business (Tourism Management) TUA 553040 B Business UNSW 450010 B Business (with specialisations) CSU 212210 B Business UON 482200 B Business (with specialisations) CSU 212211 B Business UON 482210 B Business (with specialisations) CSU 212214 B Business UOW 753660 B Business (with specialisations) CSU 212217 B Business UOW 753661 B Business Administration ACU 103706 B Business UOW 753662 B Business Administration ACU 103716 B Business UOW 753663 B Business Administration ANU 133403 B Business UOW 753664 B Business Administration MQ 300203 B Business UOW 753665 B Business Administration UNDA 3506 B Business UOW 753666 B Business Administration and B Professional B Business UTAS B3A Accounting MQ 302210 B Business UTS 601030 B Business Administration and B Psychology MQ 302416 B Business UTS 601035 B Business Administration/B Global Studies ACU 103707 B Business WS 721005 B Business Analytics MQ 300211 B Business WS 721006 B Business Analytics (subject to final approval) UNE 396803 B Business WS 721007 B Business Analytics (subject to final approval) UNE 396804 B Business WS 721008 B Business Analytics and B Applied Finance MQ 302201 B Business WI WIN103 B Business Analytics and B Professional Accounting MQ 302233 B Business Administration and B Psychology (Honours) MQ 302413 B Business and Enterprise SCU 332110 B Business (Accounting) LTU 181030 B Business and Enterprise SCU 332166 B Business (Accounting) LTU 189940 B Business and Enterprise SCU 338152 B Business (Accounting) MC 560240 B Business and Enterprise (Accounting) SCU 332111 B Business (Accounting) WS 721010 B Business and Enterprise (Accounting) SCU 332167 B Business (Accounting) WS 721011 B Business and Enterprise (Accounting) SCU 338153 FINDERCOURSE B Business (Accounting) WS 721012 B Business and Enterprise (Financial Services) SCU 332112 B Business (Accounting) WS 721013 B Business and Enterprise (Financial Services) SCU 332168 B Business (Advanced Business Leadership) WS 720130 B Business and Enterprise (Financial Services) SCU 338154 B Business (Agribusiness) LTU 181040 B Business B Arts in International Studies UTS 609130 B Business (Agribusiness) LTU 187425 B Business B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609530 B Business (Agribusiness) LTU 188025 B Business Informatics UC 366003 B Business (Agribusiness) LTU 189925 B Business (Applied Finance) WS 721016 B Business (Applied Finance) WS 721017 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. B Business (Economics) WS 721018 Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. B Business (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) UC 361211 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’. B Business (Entrepreneurship) ICMS 530018


B Business Information Systems TUA 553011 B Commerce and B Psychology MQ 302417 B Business B Science in Information Technology UTS 603220 B Commerce and B Psychology (Honours) MQ 302412 B Business Management (Accounting) ICMS 530160 B Commerce and B Security Studies MQ 302150 B Business Management (Fashion and Global Brand B Commerce Global (Honours) UOW 753620 Management) ICMS 530170 B Commerce/B Advanced Studies USYD 513305 B Business Studies CSU 212700 B Commerce/B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars) USYD 513310 B Business Studies CSU 212701 B Commerce/B Arts UNDA 3070 B Business Studies CSU 212704 B Commerce/B Business Administration ACU 103709 B Business Studies CSU 212707 B Commerce/B Business Administration ACU 103717 B Business/B Arts LTU 181050 B Commerce/B Communications and Media UNDA 3378 B Business/B Arts LTU 189950 B Commerce/B Global Studies ACU 103703 B Business/B Arts UC 361544 B Commerce/B Information Technology UC 361327 B Business/B Branded Fashion Design TUA 551200 B Commerce/B Innovation and Entrepreneurship UON 483070 B Business/B Business Informatics UC 361515 B Commerce and B Mathematical Sciences MQ 302254 B Business/B Commerce UON 482250 B Commerce/B Science (Adv Mathematics) (Hons) UNSW 424200 B Business/B Commerce UON 482260 B Commerce and B Science MQ 302557 B Business/B Communication and Media UC 361542 B Communication (Public Relations)/B Business Studies CSU 211257 B Business/B Communication Design TUA 551220 B Communication/B Business WS 720711 B Business/B Data Science GU 283140 B Construction Management (Honours) WS 722538 B Business/B Design UC 361543 B Construction Management (Honours) WS 722539 B Business/B Digital Media (3D Design and Animation) TUA 551210 B Economics ANU 134003 B Business/B Digital Media (Film and Video Design) TUA 551240 B Economics MQ 300215 B Business/B Economics UNE 395755 B Economics UNE 395666 B Business/B Economics UNE 395756 B Economics UNE 395667 B Business/B Government and International Relations GU 283131 B Economics UNSW 424400 B Business/B Information Technology UC 361534 B Economics USYD 513225 B Business/B Information Technology UOW 751400 B Economics UTAS B3B B Business/B Innovation and Entrepreneurship UON 483060 B Economics UTS 601090 B Business/B Interior Design (Commercial) TUA 551250 B Economics and B Applied Finance MQ 302202 B Business/B Interior Design (Residential) TUA 551260 B Economics and B Business Analytics MQ 302232 B Business/B Professional Communication CQU 160401 B Economics and Finance UOW 753670 B Business/B Science in Psychology UC 361545 B Economics and Finance UOW 753671 B Commerce ACU 103701 B Economics and Finance UOW 753672 B Commerce ACU 103711 B Economics and Finance UOW 753673 B Commerce ACU 103722 B Economics and Finance UOW 753674 B Commerce ANU 133003 B Economics and Finance UOW 753675 B Commerce LTU 197445 B Economics/B Advanced Studies USYD 513230 B Commerce MQ 300221 B Economics/B Science (Computer Science) UNSW 424480 B Commerce TUA 550060 B Event and Tourism Management UC 361480 B Commerce UNDA 3058 B Event Management ICMS 530021 B Commerce UNSW 424000 B Finance ANU 133203 B Commerce UON 482300 B Finance Economics and Statistics (Honours) ANU 134300 B Commerce UON 482310 B Information Technology and B Actuarial Studies MQ 302241 B Commerce UOW 753602 B International Business ANU 133303 B Commerce UOW 753603 B International Business LTU 196100 B Commerce UOW 753604 B International Tourism and Hotel Management/ B Commerce UOW 753605 B Business GU 283134 B Commerce UOW 753606 B Linguistics and Language Sciences and B Commerce UOW 753607 B Marketing and Media MQ 302226 B Commerce UOW 753608 B Management (Digital Creative Enterprise) UTS 601065 B Commerce USYD 513300 B Management (Events) UTS 601068 B Commerce - TAFE AdvDip Event Management UOW 753640 B Management (Events) B Creative Intelligence and B Commerce - TAFE AdvDip Hospitality Management UOW 753630 Innovation UTS 609532 B Commerce - TAFE AdvDip Travel and B Management (Sport Business) UTS 601070 Tourism Management UOW 753650 B Management (Sport Business) B Creative Intelligence B Commerce (Accounting and Finance) UC 361231 and Innovation UTS 609533 B Commerce (Accounting) UC 361227 B Management (Tourism) UTS 601072 B Commerce (Business Economics) UC 361228 B Management (Tourism) B Creative Intelligence B Commerce (Co-op) UNSW 424600 and Innovation UTS 609534 B Commerce (Co-op) (Honours) UNSW 424601 B Management B Arts in International Studies UTS 609090 B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753610 B Marketing and Media MQ 300226 B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753611 B Mathematics and Finance (Honours) UOW 756503 B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753612 B Mathematics and Finance (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 756520 B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753613 B Professional Accounting MQ 300223 B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753614 B Professional Practice and B Professional Accounting MQ 302222 B Commerce (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753615 B Property CQU 160101

COURSE FINDER B Commerce (Finance and Banking) UC 361229 B Property (Development, Investment and Valuation) ICMS 530080 B Commerce (Financial Planning) UC 361230 B Property Economics UTS 602033 B Commerce (International) UNSW 424050 B Property Economics B Arts in International Studies UTS 609200 B Commerce and B Human Sciences MQ 302255 B Psychological Science/B Business GU 283346 B Commerce and B Information Technology MQ 302253 B Security Studies and B Business Analytics MQ 302231

226 | B Social Sciences (Honours in Actuarial Studies COURSE NAME INST CODE and Economics) ANU 134454 B Accident Forensics CQU 160440 B Sport and Exercise Management UTS 606030 B Accident Forensics CQU 160441 B Sport and Exercise Management B Arts in B Advanced Medical Science WS 720233 International Studies UTS 609085 B Advanced Medical Science WS 720235 B Sport Development/B Business GU 283360 B Advanced Science MQ 300566 B Tourism Management WS 727750 B Advanced Science WS 720252 B Tourism Management SCU 334154 B Advanced Science WS 720253 B Tourism Management SCU 334155 B Advanced Science WS 720254 B Tourism Management SCU 334163 B Advanced Science (Environmental Biotechnology) UTS 607059 Dip Business (Extended) - 4 terms WS 729618 B Advanced Science (Honours) UNSW 429350 Dip Business (Extended) - 4 terms WS 729620 B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Arts UNSW 429370 Dip Business (Standard) - 3 terms WS 729500 B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Engineering (Hons) UNSW 429360 Dip Business (Standard) - 3 terms WS 729507 B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Fine Arts UNSW 429395 Dip Business/B Business WS 729416 B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Science (Computer Dip Business/B Business WS 729417 Science) UNSW 429361 Dip Accounting MC 560160 B Advanced Science (Honours)/B Social Research Dip Business ICMS 530501 and Policy UNSW 429390 Dip Business ICMS 530502 B Advanced Science (Pharmaceutical Sciences) UTS 607061 Dip Business SCU 332061 B Advanced Science (Pre-Medicine) UTS 607063 Dip Business TUA 550103 B Advanced Science B Creative Intelligence and Dip Business UC 360015 Innovation UTS 609590 Dip Business (2 Session) UOW 759030 B Animal and Veterinary Biosciences LTU 187049 Dip Business (2 Session) UOW 759035 B Animal Science CSU 215034 Dip Business (Entrepreneurship) ICMS 530503 B Animal Science UNE 392684 Dip Business (International Tourism) ICMS 530551 B Animal Science UNE 392696 Dip Business (Marketing) ICMS 530592 B Applied Science (Nautical Science) UTAS 23Q Dip Business (Sports Management) ICMS 530541 B Applied Science (Outdoor Recreation and Ecotourism) CSU 215051 Dip Business (Tourism Management) TUA 553150 B Applied Science in Forensic Studies UC 368044 Dip Business Administration SIBT 640020 B Arts and B Mathematical Sciences MQ 302103 Dip Business Information Systems TUA 550104 B Arts and B Science MQ 302554 Dip Business Management ICMS 530590 B Arts and B Science MQ 302555 Dip Business Management ICMS 530591 B Aviation (Flying) UNSW 429500 Dip Business Management MC 560120 B Biodiversity and Conservation MQ 300573 Dip Business Studies CQU 160150 B Biodiversity and Conservation MQ 300574 Dip Business Studies CQU 160151 B Biodiversity and Conservation and Dip Commerce MQ 301004 Master of Conservation Biology MQ 303573 Dip Commerce SIBT 640030 B Biological Sciences LTU 187047 Dip Event Management ICMS 530511 B Biomedical Physics UTS 607070 Dip Event Management TUA 550150 B Biomedical Physics B Creative Intelligence and Dip Marketing MC 560130 Innovation UTS 609600 Dip Marketing TUA 550120 B Biomedical Science ACU 107008 Dip Property Management ICMS 530520 B Biomedical Science GU 283302 Dip Sports Management (High Performance) ICMS 530580 B Biomedical Science LTU 187028 Dip Sports Management (High Performance) ICMS 530581 B Biomedical Science SCU 335165 Double Actuarial Studies UNSW 424350 B Biomedical Science UC 368093 Double Commerce UNSW 424100 B Biomedical Science UNE 392686 Double Economics UNSW 424450 B Biomedical Science UNE 392692 B Biomedical Science UON 482100 B Biomedical Science UTS 607040 NATURAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES B Biomedical Science (Honours) GU 283338 B Biomedical Science (Medical) LTU 187029 Natural and physical sciences is the study of all living B Biomedical Science (Medical) LTU 187429 organisms and inanimate natural objects, through experiment, B Biomedical Science/B Business Administration ACU 107011 observation and deduction. B Bionanotechnology (Honours) UOW 757604 Topics studied include atmospheric sciences; biological B Bionanotechnology (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757605 processes; chemical reactions; geological composition B Biotechnology ANU 138503 B Biotechnology UON 482150 and structures; laboratory methodology; mathematical and FINDERCOURSE statistical techniques; observation and measurement; scientific B Biotechnology UTS 607045 B Biotechnology (Honours) UNSW 429400 method; subatomic particles and quantum mechanics; B Biotechnology B Business UTS 609176 thermodynamics and entropy. B Clinical Sciences CDU 590270 Career opportunities include astronomer, biomedical B Coastal and Marine Science UON 484026 scientist, biotechnologist, chemist, horticulturist, conservationist, B Coastal and Marine Science UON 484036 environmental officer/scientist, fisheries manager, food B Data Science and Decisions UNSW 429150 scientist, forensic officer, forestry worker, geneticist, geologist, immunologist, lab technician, marine scientist, meteorologist, microbiologist, nanoscientist, oceanographer, pharmacist, Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. pilot, psychologist, psychotherapist, researcher, soil scientist, Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’. statistician, wildlife biologist, zookeeper.


B Environment and Master of Environment MQ 303549 B Psychological Science UNSW 429800 B Environmental Biology UTS 607033 B Psychological Science UON 483970 B Equine Science (with specialisation) CSU 215204 B Psychological Science UON 483980 B Exercise Science and Psychological Science SCU 335155 B Psychological Science UOW 753220 B Food Science (Honours) UNSW 425600 B Psychological Science UTAS 53F B Food Science and Human Nutrition UON 482900 B Psychological Science (Advanced) UON 483975 B Food Science and Human Nutrition/B Business UON 482910 B Psychological Science (Advanced) UON 483985 B Forensic Science UTS 607020 B Psychological Science and Counselling ACAP 540220 B Forensic Science B Arts in International Studies UTS 609252 B Psychological Science and Counselling ACAP 540221 B Forensic Science B Creative Intelligence B Psychological Science and Criminology ACAP 540210 and Innovation UTS 609587 B Psychological Science/B Arts ACU 103718 B General Studies (Science) CSU 214001 B Psychological Science/B Commerce ACU 103719 B General Studies (Science) CSU 214004 B Psychological Science/B Exercise and Sports Science ACU 103720 B General Studies (Science) CSU 214007 B Psychological Science/B Neuroscience UOW 751755 B General Studies (Science) CSU 214008 B Public Health CDU 590420 B Genetics ANU 138600 B Science ANU 138003 B Geography UOW 755250 B Science CDU 590430 B GeoScience UNE 392606 B Science CQU 160411 B GeoScience UNE 392618 B Science CSU 215854 B Geospatial Science CSU 215361 B Science GU 283400 B Global Logistics and Maritime Management UTAS P3E B Science MQ 300555 B Human Sciences MQ 300430 B Science MQ 300556 B Life Sciences UNSW 429050 B Science UC 368103 B Marine and Antarctic Science UTAS P3L B Science UNE 392603 B Marine Biology UTS 607035 B Science UNE 392621 B Marine Science GU 283404 B Science UNSW 429000 B Marine Science MQ 300545 B Science UNSW 450020 B Marine Science UOW 757622 B Science UON 484020 B Marine Science (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757623 B Science UON 484030 B Marine Science and Management SCU 334104 B Science UOW 757621 B Marine Science and Management SCU 334153 B Science USYD 513910 B Marine Science and Master of Marine Science B Science WS 728167 and Management MQ 303545 B Science WS 728168 B Mathematical Sciences ANU 138200 B Science WS 728169 B Mathematical Sciences MQ 300571 B Science - (Pathway to Teaching Primary/ B Mathematical Sciences and B Actuarial Studies MQ 302240 Secondary)/Master of Teaching (Primary) B Mathematical Sciences and Master of Applied or Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729059 Statistics MQ 303571 B Science - (Pathway to Teaching Primary/ B Mathematics UON 483200 Secondary)/Master of Teaching (Primary) B Mathematics UOW 756511 or Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729060 B Mathematics (Advanced) UON 483205 B Science - (Pathway to Teaching Primary/ B Mathematics Advanced UOW 756512 Secondary)/Master of Teaching (Primary) B Mathematics/B Computer Science UON 483250 or Master of Teaching (Secondary) WS 729058 B Mathematics/B Computer Science UOW 751701 B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) UNSW 429300 B Mathematics/B Science UON 483310 B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/B Arts UNSW 429320 B Media and Communications and B Science MQ 302556 B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/ B Medical Laboratory Science CDU 590400 B Engineering (Honours) UNSW 429330 B Medical Laboratory Science (Honours) CQU 160915 B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/ B Medical Science (Forensic Mortuary Practice) WS 728012 B Science (Computer Science) UNSW 429331 B Medical Science B Arts in International Studies UTS 609255 B Science (Advanced) UON 484025 B Medical Science B Business UTS 609175 B Science (Advanced) UON 484035 B Medical Sciences and Master of Biotechnology MQ 303560 B Science (Advanced) (Honours) ANU 138004 B Medicinal Chemistry UTS 607065 B Science (Applied Physics) UTS 607009 B Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) UNSW 429720 B Science (Atmospheric Science) UOW 757660 B Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) UOW 757613 B Science (Biomolecular Physics) UOW 757661 B Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757619 B Science (Biotechnology/Biomedical Science/ B Medicinal Chemistry B Creative Intelligence and Medical Science) UTS 607015 Innovation UTS 609595 B Science (Chemistry) UTS 607005 B Neuroscience UOW 753240 B Science (Computer Science) Degrees UNSW 425800 B Nutrition Science UTAS 53H B Science (Criminology and Psychology) CQU 160192 B Philosophy (Honours) - Science ANU 138000 B Science (Environmental Health) WS 728175 B Philosophy (Hons) [ANU]/B Science (Hons) [NUS] ANU 138005 B Science (Environmental Sciences) UTS 607011 B Psychological Science ACAP 540200 B Science (Flexible) UTS 607001 B Psychological Science ACAP 540201 B Science (Forensic Science) WS 728178 B Psychological Science ACU 103313 B Science (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 757601 B Psychological Science CDU 590410 B Science (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) (Human

COURSE FINDER B Psychological Science CQU 160531 Geography or Environment and Heritage B Psychological Science GU 283313 Management) UOW 757700 B Psychological Science LTU 187055 B Science (Human Geography or Environment and B Psychological Science SCU 335062 Heritage Management) UOW 757710 B Psychological Science SCU 335152 B Science (International) UNSW 429420

228 | B Science (Mathematics/Statistics) UTS 607003 B Science (Medical Science) USYD 513925 SOCIETY AND CULTURE B Science (Nanotechnology) UTS 607007 Society and culture is the study of the physical, social and B Science (Nuclear Science and Technology) UOW 757638 cultural organisation of human society and their influence on B Science (Physics and Mathematics) UOW 757662 B Science (Physics) UOW 757637 the individual and groups. B Science (Physics)/B Arts UOW 751803 Topics studied include belief and value systems; cultural B Science (Physics)/B Mathematics UOW 751805 expression; human development and behaviour; human B Science (Psychology) ANU 138123 populations and their environments; law; politics of power; B Science (Psychology) CQU 160191 social organisation and structure; social research methodology. B Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology) LTU 187033 B Science (Zoology)/B Natural Science (Animal Science) WS 728044 Career opportunities include analyst, anthropologist, B Science Advanced Honours (Atmospheric Science) UOW 757608 archaeologist, archivist, barrister, child protection officer, B Science Advanced Honours (Biomolecular Physics) UOW 757609 community/welfare worker, copy writer, diplomat, disability B Science Advanced Honours (Physics) UOW 757602 officer, foreign affairs officer, gallery curator, government B Science and B Engineering (Honours) MQ 302582 policy officer, historian, humanitarian worker, journalist, B Science and B Information Technology MQ 302558 judge/magistrate, interpreter, language specialist, lawyer, B Science and Business UNSW 429100 legal adviser/practitioner, marketing manager, media officer, B Science B Arts in International Studies UTS 609250 paralegal, police officer, politician, producer, researcher, social B Science B Business UTS 609170 researcher, social worker, solicitor, translator, vocational B Science B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609585 guidance counsellor, youth worker. B Science in Analytics UTS 607080 B Science in Analytics B Arts in International Studies UTS 609220 COURSE NAME INST CODE B Science in Psychology UC 365123 B Science, Criminology and Psychological Studies WS 729215 B Ancient History MQ 300103 B Science/B Advanced Studies USYD 513930 B Ancient History MQ 300104 B Science/B Advanced Studies (Advanced) USYD 513935 B Anthropology WS 727604 B Science/B Advanced Studies (Animal and B Anthropology WS 727607 Veterinary Bioscience) USYD 513945 B Applied Social Sciences (Community Services) TUA 552210 B Science/B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars B Applied Social Sciences (Counselling) TUA 552220 including Mathematical Sciences) USYD 513911 B Archaeological Practice ANU 131163 B Science/B Advanced Studies (Food and Agribusiness) USYD 513950 B Archaeology MQ 300128 B Science/B Advanced Studies (Health) USYD 513920 B Art History and Curatorship ANU 131100 B Science/B Advanced Studies (Medical Science) USYD 513960 B Arts ACU 103302 B Science/B Advanced Studies (Taronga Wildlife B Arts ACU 103314 Conservation) USYD 513961 B Arts ANU 131003 B Science/B Arts GU 283623 B Arts CDU 590234 B Science/B Arts UNSW 429200 B Arts CDU 590230 B Science/B Arts UOW 751801 B Arts CQU 160131 B Science/B Arts WS 728100 B Arts CSU 211004 B Science/B Business GU 283621 B Arts CSU 211007 B Science/B Business WS 728110 B Arts GU 283201 B Science/B Business WS 728111 B Arts LTU 183010 B Science/B Commerce UOW 751802 B Arts LTU 189910 B Science/B Data Science GU 283622 B Arts MQ 300101 B Science/B Fine Arts UNSW 429230 B Arts MQ 300102 B Science/B Innovation and Entrepreneurship UON 484040 B Arts SCU 333100 B Science/B International Studies WS 728115 B Arts SCU 333161 B Science/B Social Research and Policy UNSW 429220 B Arts UNDA 3009 B Science/Master of Mathematical Sciences USYD 513962 B Arts UNE 391601 B Scientific Studies UNE 392607 B Arts UNE 391602 B Scientific Studies UNE 392617 B Arts UNSW 422000 B Statistics ANU 134200 B Arts UNSW 450001 B Technology (Aeronautical Engineering) UNSW 450080 B Arts UON 482010 B Technology (Aviation) UNSW 450090 B Arts UON 482020 B Vision Science UC 368073 B Arts UON 482040 B Vision Science UNSW 429740 B Arts UOW 753101 B Zoology UNE 392685 B Arts UOW 753102 B Zoology UNE 392695 B Arts UOW 753106 FINDERCOURSE Dip Science (Extended) - Medical Science - 4 terms WS 729682 B Arts UOW 753107 Dip Science (Extended) - Science - 4 terms WS 729681 B Arts UOW 753108 Dip Science/B Science WS 729468 B Arts USYD 513200 Dip Science ANU 138001 B Arts WS 720510 Dip Science CDU 591110 B Arts WS 720515 Dip Science SCU 334014 B Arts WS 720518 Dip Science UC 360030 Dip Science (2 Session) UOW 759040 Dip Science/B Medical Science WS 729469 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’.


B Arts (Culture and Heritage) UC 362005 B Criminology LTU 187424 B Arts (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753105 B Criminology UNE 391660 B Arts (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720100 B Criminology UNE 391661 B Arts (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720102 B Criminology WS 727030 B Arts (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720104 B Criminology WS 727033 B Arts (Global Studies) UC 362008 B Criminology and Criminal Justice GU 283223 B Arts (Interpreting and Translation) WS 720106 B Criminology and Criminal Justice UNSW 422350 B Arts (Interpreting and Translation) WS 720521 B Criminology and Criminal Justice/B Information B Arts and B Information Technology MQ 302102 Technology GU 283520 B Arts and B Linguistics and Language Sciences MQ 302432 B Development Studies ANU 131143 B Arts and Business UNSW 422050 B Development Studies UON 482550 B Arts in Western Civilisation UOW 753100 B Development Studies/B Business UON 482555 B Arts in Western Civilisation/B Creative Arts UOW 751901 B Development Studies/B Global Indigenous Studies UON 482570 B Arts in Western Civilisation/B International Studies UOW 751902 B Development Studies/B Social Science UON 482560 B Arts in Western Civilisation/B Politics Philosophy B Economics/B Advanced Mathematics (Honours) UNSW 424460 and Economics UOW 751903 B Economics/B Advanced Science (Honours) UNSW 424470 B Arts/B Advanced Studies USYD 513205 B European Studies ANU 131147 B Arts/B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars) USYD 513222 B Global Indigenous Studies UON 482001 B Arts/B Advanced Studies (International and Global B Global Indigenous Studies UON 482002 Studies) USYD 513210 B Global Studies UTS 600048 B Arts/B Advanced Studies (Languages) USYD 513211 B Government & International Relations/ B Arts/B Advanced Studies (Politics and International B Criminology & Criminal Justice GU 283139 Relations) USYD 513220 B Government and International Relations GU 283125 B Arts/B Business GU 283540 B Historical Inquiry and Practice UNE 391610 B Arts/B Business UNE 391753 B Historical Inquiry and Practice UNE 391611 B Arts/B Business UNE 391754 B Human Resource Management UNDA 3167 B Arts/B Business WS 720600 B Human Resource Management/B Arts UNDA 3322 B Arts/B Business WS 720605 B Human Sciences and B Psychology MQ 302418 B Arts/B Commerce UOW 751301 B Human Sciences and B Psychology (Honours) MQ 302414 B Arts/B Communication and Media (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 751360 B Human Services ACU 105523 B Arts and B Cyber Security MQ 302568 B Human Services CSU 211820 B Arts/B Economics and Finance UOW 751306 B Human Services GU 283326 B Arts/B Global Studies ACU 103311 B Human Services GU 283801 B Arts/B Innovation and Entrepreneurship UON 482030 B Human Services/B Criminology and Criminal Justice GU 283340 B Arts/B International Studies UOW 751310 B Human Services/B Criminology and Criminal Justice GU 283804 B Arts/B International Studies (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 751309 B Humanitarian Aid and Development CDU 590460 B Arts/B Science UNE 392759 B Humanitarian and Development Studies WS 727608 B Arts/B Science UNE 392760 B Humanitarian and Development Studies WS 727626 B Arts/B Science UON 482070 B Indigenous Knowledge SCU 337118 B Arts/B Science UON 482080 B International Relations ANU 131153 B Arts/B Science in Psychology UC 362184 B International Security Studies ANU 132105 B Arts/B Social Science WS 720610 B International Studies MQ 300113 B Arts/B Social Science WS 720612 B International Studies UNE 391760 B Arts/B Social Science WS 720614 B International Studies UNE 391761 B Arts/B Social Work USYD 513275 B International Studies UNSW 422200 B Arts/Master of Nursing USYD 513740 B International Studies UOW 753121 B Asian Studies ANU 132005 B International Studies UOW 753123 B Asia-Pacific Affairs ANU 132006 B International Studies WS 724505 B Child, Youth and Family Practice GU 283350 B International Studies WS 724510 B Child, Youth and Family Practice GU 283351 B International Studies (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753131 B Classical Studies ANU 131103 B International Studies (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720160 B Cognitive and Brain Sciences and B Psychology B International Studies (Dean’s Scholars) WS 720162 (Honours) MQ 302439 B International Studies/B Business WS 724518 B Communication (Social and Political Sciences) B International Studies/B Business WS 724520 B Arts in International Studies UTS 609345 B International Studies/B Commerce UOW 751311 B Communication and Journalism/B Government B International Studies/B Commerce UOW 751314 and International Relations GU 283227 B International Studies/B Economics and Finance UOW 751313 B Communication and Journalism/B Science GU 283228 B International Studies/B Media (Communication B Communications and Media/B Arts UNDA 3366 and Journalism) UNSW 422210 B Community Welfare SCU 331159 B International Studies/B Media (Public Relations B Community Welfare SCU 331168 and Advertising) UNSW 422220 B Counselling ACAP 540500 B International Studies/B Media (Screen and B Counselling ACAP 540501 Sound Production) UNSW 422230 B Counselling GU 283341 B International Studies/B Social Science WS 724522 B Criminal and Community Justice WS 727040 B International Studies/B Social Science WS 724523 B Criminal and Community Justice WS 727045 B Justice Studies UC 367035

COURSE FINDER B Criminal and Community Justice/B Social Work WS 727047 B Justice Studies UTAS 13Q B Criminal Justice CSU 211890 B Justice Studies/B Forensic Studies UC 367036 B Criminal Justice CSU 211897 B Languages ANU 131193 B Criminology ANU 131150 B Languages UNE 391676 B Criminology CQU 160082 B Languages UNE 391677

230 | B Languages and International Business UNE 391762 B Psychological Science/B Criminology and B Languages and International Business UNE 391763 Criminal Justice GU 283337 B Languages and Linguistics GU 283224 B Psychological Science/B Social Science UOW 751761 B Languages and Linguistics WS 720527 B Psychological Science/B Social Science B Languages and Linguistics WS 720529 (Criminology) UOW 751760 B Legal and Justice Studies SCU 336110 B Psychological Science/Master of Mental Health B Legal and Justice Studies SCU 336161 Practice GU 283347 B Legal Studies UNE 396787 B Psychological Science/Master of Rehabilitation B Legal Studies UNE 396788 Counselling GU 283348 B Liberal Arts and Science USYD 513900 B Psychology MQ 300416 B Linguistics and Language Sciences MQ 300432 B Psychology (Honours) MQ 300412 B Marketing and Public Relations UNDA 3213 B Psychology (Honours)/B Commerce UOW 751751 B Marketing and Public Relations/B Arts UNDA 3329 B Public Policy ANU 131159 B Media (Screen & Sound Production)/B Arts UNSW 422721 B Public Safety and Security CSU 211930 B Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies ANU 131157 B Security Studies MQ 300150 B Pacific Studies ANU 132333 B Security Studies MQ 300151 B Philosophy UNDA 3311 B Social and Economic Policy (Economic Policy) UC 361522 B Philosophy (Honours) - Asia and the Pacific ANU 132000 B Social and Economic Policy (Sociology) UC 361523 B Philosophy/B Theology UNDA 3432 B Social Change and Advocacy UOW 755290 B Policing WS 727060 B Social Research and Policy UNSW 422300 B Policing WS 727065 B Social Science GU 283270 B Policing (Leadership Program) WS 720191 B Social Science MQ 300110 B Policing (Leadership Program) WS 720192 B Social Science MQ 300111 B Political Science ANU 131162 B Social Science SCU 331101 B Politics and International Relations UC 361663 B Social Science SCU 331161 B Politics and International Relations/B Arts UC 361530 B Social Science UNE 391657 B Politics and International Relations/B Business UC 361528 B Social Science UNE 391659 B Politics and International Relations/ B Social Science UON 484050 B Communication and Media UC 361529 B Social Science UON 484060 B Politics and International Relations/B Design UC 361498 B Social Science UOW 755300 B Politics and International Relations/B Science in Psychology UC 361497 B Politics, Philosophy and Economics ANU 131161 B Politics, Philosophy and Economics UOW 753115 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. B Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 753116 Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. B Psychological Science/B Commerce UOW 751750 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’.



B Social Science UOW 755301 B Theology CSU 211957 B Social Science WS 727610 B Theology UNDA 3248 B Social Science WS 727615 B Theology/B Global Studies ACU 103905 B Social Science WS 727620 B Theology/B Philosophy ACU 107013 B Social Science WS 727621 B Theology/B Philosophy ACU 107015 B Social Science (Advanced) WS 720194 B Public Safety and Security CSU 211937 B Social Science (Advanced) WS 720196 Dip Arts (Extended) - Arts - 4 terms WS 729598 B Social Science (Advanced) WS 720198 Dip Arts (Extended) - Arts - 4 terms WS 729599 B Social Science (Dean’s Scholar) UOW 755320 Dip Arts (Extended) - Interpreting and Translation - B Social Science (Pathway to Primary Education) UOW 755305 4 terms WS 729606 B Social Science (Psychology) CSU 211850 Dip Arts (Extended) - Interpreting and Translation - B Social Science (Psychology) CSU 211854 4 terms WS 729607 B Social Science (Psychology) CSU 211857 Dip Arts/B Arts WS 729392 B Social Science (Psychology) WS 727600 Dip Arts/B Arts WS 729400 B Social Science (Psychology) WS 727601 Dip Arts/B Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5Yr/ B Social Science (Psychology) WS 727605 Birth-12Yr) WS 729403 B Social Work ACAP 540400 Dip Criminal and Community Justice (Extended) - B Social Work ACU 103202 4 terms WS 729632 B Social Work ACU 103203 Dip Criminal and Community Justice/B Criminal and B Social Work CDU 590440 Community Justice WS 729439 B Social Work CQU 160552 Dip Social Science (Extended) - Humanitarian and B Social Work CSU 211900 Development Studies - 4 terms WS 729689 B Social Work CSU 211904 Dip Social Science (Extended) - Social Science - B Social Work CSU 211905 4 terms WS 729687 B Social Work GU 283323 Dip Social Science (Extended) - Social Science - B Social Work GU 283803 4 terms WS 729688 B Social Work UNE 391666 Dip Social Science (Extended) - Tourism Management B Social Work UNE 391667 - 4 terms WS 729691 B Social Work UOW 755340 Dip Social Science (Policing) (Extended) - 4 terms WS 729694 B Social Work UOW 755341 Dip Social Science (Policing) (Extended) - 4 terms WS 729695 B Social Work USYD 513270 Dip Social Science (Policing)/B Policing WS 729479 B Social Work WS 727700 Dip Social Science (Policing)/B Policing WS 729480 B Social Work WS 727705 Dip Social Science/B Humanitarian and Development B Social Work (Honours) UNSW 422400 Studies WS 729476 B Social Work (Honours) UON 484100 Dip Social Science/B Social Science WS 729475 B Social Work (Honours) UON 484110 Dip Social Science/B Social Science WS 729477 B Social Work (Honours)/B Arts UNSW 422401 Dip Social Science/B Tourism Management WS 729481 B Social Work (Honours)/B Criminology and Dip Arts CDU 591130 Criminal Justice UNSW 422403 Dip Arts CQU 160261 B Social Work (Honours)/B Social Research and Policy UNSW 422402 Dip Arts SIBT 640010 B Social Work SCU 331168 Dip Arts UOW 759020 B Speech and Hearing Sciences and B Psychology Dip Community Services (Case Management) ACAP 540404 (Honours) MQ 302415 Dip Community Services (Case Management) ACAP 540405 B Sustainable Communities UOW 755255 Dip Counselling CDU 591020 B Theology ACU 103903 Dip Counselling and Communication Skills TUA 552190 B Theology ACU 103904 Dip Counselling Skills ACAP 540512 B Theology CSU 211955 Dip Counselling Skills ACAP 540513


232 | Dip Indigenous Research CDU 591060 B Computer Science/B Laws UOW 751222 Dip Languages UOW 753140 B Construction Management Studies/B Laws WS 725022 Dip Liberal Studies ANU 131001 B Construction Management Studies/B Laws WS 725024 Dip Psychology CDU 591090 B Creative Arts/B Laws UOW 751204 Dip Social Care CDU 591100 B Criminal and Community Justice/B Laws WS 725029 Dip Social Science UOW 759045 B Criminal and Community Justice/B Laws WS 725031 Flexible Double Arts, Social Sciences, Business and B Criminology/B Laws LTU 187420 Science ANU 130010 B Criminology/B Laws UNE 391662 B Criminology/B Laws UNE 391663 B Criminology/B Laws WS 725034 LAW AND LAW COMBINED B Criminology/B Laws WS 725036 B Cyber Security and B Laws MQ 302174 COURSE NAME INST CODE B Economics and Finance/B Laws UOW 751216 B Economics B Laws UTS 609015 AssocDeg Law (Paralegal Studies) SCU 336300 B Economics/B Laws UNE 395655 AssocDeg Law (Paralegal Studies) SCU 336361 B Economics/B Laws UNE 395656 AssocDeg Legal Studies CDU 592041 B Economics/B Laws USYD 513815 B Accounting/B Laws WS 725048 B Engineering (Honours)/B Laws UOW 751208 B Accounting/B Laws WS 725050 B Engineering Honours/B Laws USYD 513820 B Accounting/Dip Laws CDU 590471 B Engineering Science B Laws UTS 609050 B Advanced Science and B Laws MQ 302173 B Environment and B Laws MQ 302177 B Agriculture/B Laws UNE 392761 B Environmental Science/B Laws UNE 392763 B Agriculture/B Laws UNE 392762 B Environmental Science/B Laws UNE 392764 B Applied Finance and B Laws MQ 302166 B Forensic Science B Laws UTS 609068 B Arts (Psychology)/B Laws UOW 751200 B Forensic Studies/B Laws UC 368046 B Arts and B Laws MQ 302160 B Information and Communications Technology/B Laws WS 725041 B Arts in Western Civilisation/B Laws UOW 751230 B Information and Communications Technology/B Laws WS 725043 B Arts/B Laws ACU 107001 B Information Systems (Advanced)/B Laws WS 720155 B Arts/B Laws SCU 336104 B Information Systems (Advanced)/B Laws WS 720156 B Arts/B Laws SCU 336160 B Information Systems/B Laws WS 725046 B Arts/B Laws UC 362144 B Information Systems/B Laws WS 725047 B Arts/B Laws UNE 391655 B Information Technology and B Laws MQ 302178 B Arts/B Laws UNE 391658 B Information Technology/B Laws UOW 751213 B Arts/B Laws UOW 751201 B Information Technology/B Laws UOW 751223 B Arts/B Laws USYD 513805 B International Studies and B Laws MQ 302161 B Arts/B Laws WS 725011 B International Studies/B Laws UOW 751212 B Arts/B Laws WS 725013 B International Studies/B Laws UOW 751224 B Biomedical Science/B Laws ACU 107010 B International Studies/B Laws WS 725045 B Business (Advanced Business Leadership)/B Laws WS 720135 B Journalism/B Laws UOW 751211 B Business Administration and B Laws MQ 302169 B Laws ACU 107000 B Business Administration/B Laws ACU 107004 B Laws ACU 107017 B Business B Laws UTS 609010 B Laws CDU 590381 B Business/B Laws SCU 336101 B Laws CQU 160081 B Business/B Laws UC 361325 B Laws LTU 187415 B Business/B Laws UNE 395679 B Laws LTU 197415 B Business/B Laws UNE 395680 B Laws MQ 300160 B Business/B Laws UOW 751220 B Laws UC 367004 B Business/B Laws WS 725015 B Laws UNDA 3501 B Business/B Laws WS 725016 B Laws UTS 604000 B Commerce and B Laws MQ 302165 B Laws UTS 604001 B Commerce Global/B Laws UOW 751225 B Laws (3 years) UNE 395469 B Commerce/B Laws ACU 103723 B Laws (3 years) UNE 395470 B Commerce/B Laws ACU 107002 B Laws (3 years)(Graduate entry) UNE 395465 B Commerce/B Laws UC 361324 B Laws (3 years)(Graduate entry) UNE 395468 B Commerce/B Laws UOW 751202 B Laws (4 years) UNE 395698 B Commerce/B Laws UOW 751221 B Laws (4 years) UNE 395699 B Commerce/B Laws USYD 513810 B Laws (Direct Entry) UOW 756100 B Communication (Creative Writing) B Laws UTS 609006 B Laws (Direct Entry) UOW 756110

B Communication (Digital and Social Media) B Laws UTS 609008 FINDERCOURSE B Laws (Graduate Entry) ACU 107007 B Communication (Journalism) B Laws UTS 609001 B Laws (Graduate Entry) SCU 336766 B Communication (Media Arts and Production) B Laws UTS 609002 B Laws (Graduate Entry) UOW 756101 B Communication (Public Communication) B Laws UTS 609005 B Laws (Graduate Entry) UOW 756111 B Communication (Social and Political Sciences) B Laws (Graduate Entry) UOW 756120 B Laws UTS 609003 B Laws (Graduate entry) WS 725000 B Communication and Media/B Laws UC 361326 B Laws (Graduate entry) WS 725001 B Communication and Media/B Laws UOW 751210 B Communication and Media/B Laws UOW 751226 B Communication/B Laws WS 725020 B Computer Science/B Laws UNE 392670 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. B Computer Science/B Laws UNE 392671 Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. B Computer Science/B Laws UOW 751203 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’.


B Laws (Honours) ANU 137004 B Social Science/B Laws WS 725070 B Laws (Honours) GU 283509 B Social Science/B Laws WS 725075 B Laws (Honours) Combined UON 483100 B Sport and Exercise Science/B Laws SCU 336106 B Laws (Honours)/B Arts GU 283510 B Sport and Exercise Science/B Laws SCU 336163 B Laws (Honours)/B Business GU 283512 B Theology/B Laws ACU 107005 B Laws (Honours)/B Criminology and Criminal Justice GU 283511 Dip Law LPAB LPAB01 B Laws (Honours)/B Environmental Science GU 283517 Dip Laws CDU 591071 B Laws (Honours)/B Government and International Double Law UNSW 426000 Relations GU 283514 Flexible Double Law ANU 137010 B Laws (Honours)/B Psychological Science GU 283516 B Laws (Non-graduate Entry) SCU 336000 B Laws (Non-graduate Entry) SCU 336060 MIXED FIELD PROGRAMS B Laws (Non-graduate entry) WS 725005 B Laws (Non-graduate entry) WS 725007 Mixed field programs provide personal development training B Laws and B Business CQU 160124 and general education in a range of subject areas, such as B Laws and B Engineering (Honours) MQ 302176 history, geography, natural science, social science, art B Laws and B Information Technology CQU 160125 and music. B Laws and B Property CQU 160123 B Laws and B Psychology (Honours) MQ 302171 Topics studied include general studies; literacy and B Laws and B Science (Psychology) CQU 160122 numeracy skills; personal, social and workplace relationships. B Laws and Creative Writing SCU 336115 Mixed field programs offer students a pathway to higher B Laws and Creative Writing SCU 336164 education. B Laws B Arts in International Studies UTS 609070 B Laws B Creative Intelligence and Innovation UTS 609575 COURSE NAME INST CODE B Laws/B Accounting CQU 160111 B Laws/B Arts CQU 160121 Dip General Studies CSU 214010 B Laws/B Arts UNDA 3512 Dip General Studies CSU 214011 B Laws/B Arts (Politics and Journalism) UNDA 3514 Dip General Studies CSU 214014 B Laws/B Commerce UNDA 3520 Dip General Studies CSU 214015 B Laws/B Communications and Media UNDA 3518 Dip General Studies CSU 214017 B Laws/B Criminal Justice CSU 211910 Intensive Program MQ 301020 B Laws/B Criminal Justice CSU 211917 Newstep UON 481500 B Laws/B Design UC 367006 Newstep UON 481550 B Laws/B Global Studies ACU 107003 Standard Foundation Program MQ 301021 B Laws/B Marketing and Public Relations UNDA 3526 University Access Program UOW 759005 B Laws/B Philosophy UNDA 3532 University Access Program UOW 759006 B Laws/B Theology UNDA 3534 University Access Program UOW 759007 B Legal and Justice Studies/B Laws SCU 336109 University Entrance Certificate - Stream 1 UOW 759001 B Legal and Justice Studies/B Laws SCU 336169 University Entrance Certificate - Stream 2 UOW 759002 B Linguistics and Language Sciences and B Laws MQ 302172 University Entrance Certificate - Stream 3 UOW 759003 B Mathematical Sciences and B Laws MQ 302179 University Entrance Certificate - Stream 4 UOW 759004 B Mathematics/B Laws UOW 751206 University Preparation Program UNSW 430200 B Media and Communications and B Laws MQ 302164 University Preparation Program - ANU Achieve ANU 130006 B Medical Science B Laws UTS 609065 University Preparation Program - ANU Activate ANU 130008 B Medical Sciences and B Laws MQ 302180 University Preparation Program - ANU Advance ANU 130007 B Music/B Laws UNSW 426050 UNSW Preparation Program (Arts and Social Sciences) UNSW 430100 B Philosophy/B Laws ACU 107006 UNSW Preparation Program (Business) UNSW 430110 B Politics and International Relations/B Laws UC 361495 UNSW Preparation Program (Engineering) UNSW 430120 B Politics Philosophy and Economics/B Laws UOW 751217 UNSW Preparation Program (Science) UNSW 430130 B Professional Accounting and B Laws MQ 302168 B Psychological Science/B Laws ACU 103714 B Psychological Science/B Laws SCU 336105 B Psychological Science/B Laws SCU 336150 B Psychological Science/B Laws SCU 336165 B Psychological Science/B Laws UOW 751215 B Psychology and B Laws MQ 302170 B Science and B Laws MQ 302181 B Science B Laws UTS 609060 B Science in Information Technology B Laws UTS 609020 B Science in Psychology/B Laws UC 365165 B Science/B Laws UC 365164 B Science/B Laws UNE 392669 B Science/B Laws UNE 392672 B Science/B Laws UOW 751207 B Science/B Laws USYD 513825 B Science/B Laws WS 725060

COURSE FINDER B Science/B Laws WS 725065 B Security Studies and B Laws MQ 302162 Combined and double degrees only appear under one field of study. B Social Science and B Laws MQ 302163 Check both areas you are interested in to find these courses. B Social Science/B Laws SCU 336113 Combined Law degrees are listed under ‘Society and Culture’. B Social Science/B Laws SCU 336162

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PARTICIPATING INSTITUTIONS APPLY DIRECT INSTITUTIONS Apply through UAC to the following institutions: The UAC Guide 2020–21 contains course information for direct Australian Catholic University National Art School applications to the following 1300 ASK ACU (1300 275 228) (02) 9339 8651 institutions: Blacktown, Canberra, North Sydney SAE Creative Media Institute and Strathfield campuses Freecall 1800 SAE EDU (1800 723 338) Academy of Information Australian College of Applied Technology SIBT Psychology (02) 9211 8399 (02) 9964 6555 Freecall 1800 039 139 Academy of Interactive Australian National University Southern Cross University Entertainment Coffs Harbour, Gold Coast and Lismore Freecall 1800 620 032 1300 709 019 or (02) 8514 8800 campuses – freecall 1800 626 481 Charles Darwin University The Hotel School Sydney and Brisbane – Academy of Music and Freecall 1800 061 963 freecall 1800 870 816 Performing Arts Charles Sturt University Torrens University Australia (02) 9310 3111 Freecall 1800 275 278 1300 575 803 Australian College of Physical Albury–Wodonga, Bathurst, Canberra, University of Canberra Education Dubbo, Orange, Parramatta, Freecall 1800 UNI CAN (1800 864 226) 1300 302 867 Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga campuses University of New England Endeavour College of Natural Health CQUniversity Freecall 1800 818 865 1300 462 887 13 CQUni (13 27 86) University of Newcastle Legal Profession Admission Board Griffith University 1300 ASK UON (1300 275 866) Newcastle, Newcastle City and of NSW Freecall 1800 677 728 Central Coast (02) 9338 3500 International College of University of Sydney National Institute of Dramatic Art Management, Sydney Freecall 1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) (02) 9697 7600 Freecall 1800 110 490 University of Technology Sydney The University of Notre Dame La Trobe University 1300 ASK UTS (1300 275 887) Australia 1300 135 045 (02) 8204 4404 Albury–Wodonga, Bendigo, Mildura, University of Wollongong Melbourne, Shepparton and Sydney 1300 367 869 University of Tasmania campuses UNSW Sydney 1300 363 864 Macleay College 1300 UNI NSW (1300 864 679) Wentworth Institute of Higher 1300 939 888 Kensington and Paddington campuses Education Macquarie University UNSW Canberra at ADFA (02) 8252 9999 Domestic student enquiries (02) 6268 8201 William Angliss Institute (02) 9850 6767 1300 264 5477 or (02) 9125 5111 International student enquiries Western Sydney University +61 2 9850 7346 1300 897 669 International enquiries +61 2 9852 5499 MIT Sydney Bankstown, Campbelltown, Hawkesbury, (02) 8267 1400, freecall 1800 648 669 Liverpool City, Nirimba (Blacktown), Parramatta, Parramatta City, Penrith, Sydney City and Sydney Olympic Park campuses UAC

Universities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT) Pty Ltd Quad 2, 6 Parkview Drive, Sydney uacinfo Olympic Park NSW Locked Bag 112, Silverwater NSW 2128 uacinfo T 1300 ASK UAC (1300 275 822) uacinfo from mobiles: (02) 9752 0200 from overseas: +61 2 9752 0200 uacinfo ABN 19 070 055 935 ACN 070 055 935