Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), Birmingham, UK, September 2–6, 2019 REAL-TIME BLACK-BOX MODELLING WITH RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORKS Alec Wright, Eero-Pekka Damskägg, and Vesa Välimäki∗ Acoustics Lab, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics Aalto University Espoo, Finland
[email protected] ABSTRACT tube amplifiers and distortion pedals. In [14] it was shown that the WaveNet model of several distortion effects was capable of This paper proposes to use a recurrent neural network for black- running in real time. The resulting deep neural network model, box modelling of nonlinear audio systems, such as tube amplifiers however, was still fairly computationally expensive to run. and distortion pedals. As a recurrent unit structure, we test both Long Short-Term Memory and a Gated Recurrent Unit. We com- In this paper, we propose an alternative black-box model based pare the proposed neural network with a WaveNet-style deep neu- on an RNN. We demonstrate that the trained RNN model is capa- ral network, which has been suggested previously for tube ampli- ble of achieving the accuracy of the WaveNet model, whilst re- fier modelling. The neural networks are trained with several min- quiring considerably less processing power to run. The proposed utes of guitar and bass recordings, which have been passed through neural network, which consists of a single recurrent layer and a the devices to be modelled. A real-time audio plugin implement- fully connected layer, is suitable for real-time emulation of tube ing the proposed networks has been developed in the JUCE frame- amplifiers and distortion pedals.