BNA0397020 1 Hdmse00181527 NASA SURFACE Hpourdp'nts OPERATED by ROCKWELL/ ROCKETDYNE
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Rocketdyne Divisio n Rockwell International Corporation 6633 Canoga Avenu e Rockwell Canoga Park California 91304 International Telex : 696478 ROCKETDYN CNP K 4 April 1988 In reply refer to 88RC0358 1 Department of Health Services 107 South Broadway , Room 7011 Los Angeles , California 9001 2 Attention : Mrs . Susan Romero Subject : Surface Impoundment Closure Plans Gentlemen : Per your request , this transmittal is to provide information that will assist in the approval of the surface impoundment closure plans submitted by Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division . The items enclosed are : I (1) The completed Appendix H of the Environmental Information form received from DOHS . (2) Groundwater quality summary tables and well proximity to the impoundment from the 1987 sampling of the Engineering Chemistry Laboratory ( ECL) wells by Rocketdyne ' s consultants , Groundwater Resources Consultants , Inc . (GRC) . (3) Photographs ( 7) taken during your visit to the Santa Susana Field Laboratory on March 15, 1988 , while GRC sampled the Delta and Alfa Bravo Skim Pond ( ABSP) impoundments at places designated by DOHS . As you may remember , the exact locations were identified by a yellow streamer or white glove on a wooden stake so that the photographer could document the activities . The soil samples were then split between Rocketdyne and DOHS so that two sets of laboratory results would be obtained . Very truly yours , ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Rocketdyne Division S S . R . Laf'flam , Manager Environmental Unit Facilities & Plant Operation s SRL/sj-0288 H cc w/o enclosures : Suwan Sonkprasha, DOHS E BNA0397020 1 HDMSe00181527 NASA SURFACE hPOURDP'nTS OPERATED BY ROCKWELL/ ROCKETDYNE IMMIX B vll~r rrAl. fl ATIQQ P E L (To Be Oi pleted By Applicant) Date Filed March 30, 1988 General Information owned/operated by 1 . Name and address of developer or project sponsor .: Rockwell International C orporation, Rocketdyne Division, 6633 Canoga Avenue, Canoga Park, CA 91303 Area 11 at th e 2 . Address of project : Santa Susana Field Laboratory, top of Woolsey Canon Simi Hills, Assessorts Block and Lot Number: 685-0 (07-08- 10 ) CA 3 . Name, address , and telephone number of person to be contacted concerning this project : Steven R. Lafflam, Manager , Environmental Unit (818)700-57 05, Rocketdyne, 6633 Canoga Avenue, Canoga Park, CA 9130 3 4. Indicate number of the permit application for the project to which this I form pertains : Area II= CA1800 090010 I 5. List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required by city. regional, state and federal agencies : No city permits . Approvals required by the Re iona l Water Quality Control Board (L .A .) and Region Unntart =Michael Fernande) . Rnrketdyna hac NPDES,Permit CAD0U130ci fnr the SSEI Sit e All of the SSFL is in the Simi Hills of Ventura County, 6. Existing zoning district : and in the Santa Susana mountains_ it is listed as RASA, Rural Agricultural 5 acres, conditional use permiea 248 from Ventura County . 7. Proposed use of site (Project for which this form is )• Discontinue use . The project is to close five surface impoundments that are NASA-owned and Rockwell/Rocketdyne operated . Project Description 8 . Site size. Please see attached table . 9 . Square footage . Please see attached table . 10. Hamer of floors of construction . Does not apply. il . tiant of off-street parking provided . Does not apply . 12. Attach plans . Please see attached information in the schedule under next item . 13 . Proposed scheduling . Please see attached schedule . 14 . Associated project . Does not apply . 15 . Anticipated incremental development . Does not apply . 16 . If residential , include the number of units, schedule of unit sizes, range of sale prices or rents, and type of household size expected . Does not apply . MHEV BNA0397020 2 HDMSeOOI81528 17. If oaaaercial , indicate the type, whether neighborhood , city or regionally oriented , . square footage of sales arm , and loading facilities . Does not apply. 18 . If industrial , indicate type, estimated employment per shift , and loading facilities . Aerospace operations ; 800 people @ SSFL/shift ; no loading facilities . 19. If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy , loading facilities, and community benefits to be derived from the project. Does not apply . 20. If the project involves a variance , conditional use or rezoning applica- :tion, state this and indicate clearly why the application is required . Variance request has been submitted to the Department of Health Services . Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all items checked yes (attach additional sheets as necessary) : 21 . Change in existing features of any bays , tidelands, beaches, or hills, or substantial alteration of ground contours . 22. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas or public lands or roads. Z3. Change in pattern , scale or character of general area of X project. 24. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. x 25 . C' ge in dust , ash, woke, fees or odors in vicinity. x 26 . Change in ocean, bay, lake , stream or ground water quality or x quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns . 27. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in x the vicinity. 28 . Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent or mare . 29 . Use of disposal of potentially hazardous t ;aterials, such as toxic substances, fla=ables or explosives . 30. Substantial change in denaiid for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage , etc.) . x 31 . Substantially increase fossil fuel coas=ption (electricity, _ oil, natural gas, etc.) . 32 . Relationship to a larger project or series of p rojects . X The larger project to which this is related is the groundwater remediation Environmental getting project for the entire SSFL site . 33 . Describe' the project site as it exists before the project , including infor- mation on topography, soil stability, plants and animals , and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects . Describe any existing structures on the The Hydrogeological Assessment Report describes this section in full . It has hPPn suhmit+.A +r hn+h the DOHS and the RWQCB . MflE E BNA03970203 HDMSe00181529 site, and the use of the structures . Attach photographs of the site . Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted . 34. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural , historical or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use (residential , commercial, etc . ), intensity of land use (one- family, apartment houses , shops, department stores , etc.), and scale of development (height, frontage , set-back , rear yard , etc .) . Attach photographs of the vicinity. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted . Please see attached information . Certif iration I hereby ce rtify that the statements furnished above and in the attached ex- hibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability , and that the facts , statements , and in formation presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief . March 30, 198 8 Date Signature S . R Lafflam, Manager For ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIO N (Note : This is only a suggested form . Public agenciess OEare free Sto devise their own format for initial studies .) E BNA03970204 HDMSe00181530 Items 8 and 9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION NASA SURFACE IMFOUNE[ IS AT SSFL Surfac e Impoundmen t Nacre ( all located Area i n Capacity in in Area I ite Size Sq Ft Gallons ABSP 75' x 295 ' 22,125 295,00 0 SPA-1 50' x 25 ' 1,965 41,300 diameter ( oval ) based on 5' depth SPA-2 20' x 40' 800 18,000 (rectangle) based on 3' depth DELTA 85 ' x 90' 7,650 572,000 based on 10' depth PLF 34' x 20 ' 680 20,000 based on 7' depth NASA-OWNED SURFACE IMPOUNI4EN S : TOTAL AREA IN SQUARE FEET = 33,220 M BNA0397020 5 HDMSe00181531 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Fie ITEMS 12 & 13 ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL, ROCKETDYNE DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL SURFACE IMPOUNDMENTS SSFL FEB 1S T FY '88 WEEKS: :2 :3 :4 :5 6 :7 8 9 :10 : 11 :12 .1314'15 ] 6'1778'19'2 0 .21 .22 .23 .24 :25 :26 : 27 :28-:---29 :30 :31 : A R PREPARATION DRAT AP pROVAL* APTF/STL I V FINAL DESIGN P2 BID AND AWARD P1 P2 CONSTRUCTIO N APt 2 ECL FINAL DESIGN Pt P 2 BID AND AWARD CONSTRUCTION DEFOLIATION DELTA ABSP STL4-2 17 • DIVERSION SYSTEM ABSP/DELTA • LINER REMOVAL SPA 1 & 2 PL F • SOIL REMOVAL (IF REQUIRED) • Advanced Capital Funds Approved July Mileston e ISSUE DATE : 2-22.88 Qi Design Revie w REV DATE : 3-25-88 P1 - P2 Phase 1 & 2 O Meeting DOHS/EPA 88RC03581 Item #34 April 4, 198 8 DESCRIPTION OF THE SSFL ENVIRONMENT1 This section provides basic information conce rning the physical , biological, and cultural environment of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL ) facility . The surface impoundments are situated in the midst of the 2600-acre site which is located in the Simi Hills of southeastern Ventura County . It is about 29 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles . The nearest communities are in the Simi Valley , about 3 miles north of the site, and east of the Sa n Fernando Valley , via Woolsey Canyon Road to the flatlands below . DEMOGRAPH Y Approximately thirty thousand people live within a five -mile radius of the SSFL facility, and the nearest resident lives within a mile . LAND USE The SSFL site is located at the west end of the San Fernando Valley . The Valley has been intensely farmed since the Los Angeles Aqueduct was completed from Big Pine in 1913 . The abundant irrigation water provided by the aqueduct was at first used primarily for citrus orchards and truck farms . According to a vegetation map drawn in 1931 of western Los Angeles County and southeastern Ventura County ( Fig . 2 .4 ), the area at that time consisted of about 31% farm and urban land .