Finding NEMO: genetic disorders of NF-κB activation

Jordan S. Orange, Raif S. Geha

J Clin Invest. 2003;112(7):983-985.


The pathways between a receptor and transcriptional activation mediated by NF-κB are complex. The study of human mutations that result in dysregulation of these pathways has provided insight into the functions of individual components of the pathway, their interrelations, and the significance of these systems to the organism .

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Finding NEMO: genetic disorders derived from larger precursors, p105 and p100, respectively). The majority of NF-κB activation of dimers formed by these individual NF-κB members are capable of acti- Jordan S. Orange and Raif S. Geha vating transcription by binding to κB sites in DNA. The dimerization of Division of Immunology, Children’s Hospital and Department of Pediatrics, these molecules occurs through a con- Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA served N-terminal Rel homology domain (RHD). Importantly, the RHD The pathways between a receptor and transcriptional activation medi- also serves as the binding site for one ated by NF-κB are complex. The study of human gene mutations that of several inhibitors of NF-κB (IκBs). result in dysregulation of these pathways has provided insight into the An IκB can physically interfere with functions of individual components of the pathway, their interrelations, NF-κB dimerization or block nuclear and the significance of these systems to the organism (see the related localization sequences within the article beginning on page 1108). NF-κB member. The family of mole- cules possessing these activities con- J. Clin. Invest. 112:983–985 (2003). doi:10.1172/JCI200319960. sists of at least seven members: IκBα, IκBβ, IκBε, IκBγ, Bcl-3, and inhibitory Inducible activation of gene led to the exploration of a complex domains of the p105 and p100 precur- transcription series of events leading to activation- sor . The cytoplasmic associa- NF-κB was recognized as a DNA-bind- induced gene expression, and to the tion of an IκB and a NF-κB member is ing factor that exists in the cytoplasm discovery of factors that prevent the controlled by the phosphorylation of of resting cells and that accumulates transit of NF-κB into the nucleus (2). the IκB, which leads to its ubiquitina- in the nucleus under appropriate con- Receptor-mediated NF-κB activation tion and proteosomal degradation ditions (1). The ability of NF-κB to of gene transcription and its stringent (Figure 1). The release of an NF-κB shuttle between the cytoplasm and control are fundamental to cell devel- from IκB allows it to partici- nucleus in a tightly regulated manner opment, survival, and function. In this pate in dimer formation, translocate issue of the JCI, Courtois and col- to the nucleus, and activate transcrip- leagues report a novel human muta- tion. The phosphorylation of IκB, Address correspondence to: Raif S. Geha, Division of Immunology, Children’s tion in a protein that negatively regu- therefore, is a critical regulatory step in Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, lates NF-κB activation (3). The NF-κB function. Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. resultant mutant dominantly inhibits Phone: (617) 355-7603; Fax: (617) 730-0528; the activation of NF-κB (see below) NF-κB activation E-mail: [email protected]. and gives rise to a clinical syndrome of Phosphorylation of IκB is mediated by Conflict of interest: The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists. ectodermal dysplasia (ED) and suscep- an IκB kinase (IKK), a large, multisub- Nonstandard abbreviations used: ectodermal tibility to infection. unit signaling complex (signalosome) dysplasia (ED); inhibitor of NF-κB (IκB); NF-κB activity is imparted by a pro- capable of binding IκB as well as other κ κ I B kinase (IKK); NF- B essential modulator tein dimer selected from five mam- upstream regulators. The classical IKK (NEMO); TNF superfamily receptor (TNFSR); ectodysplasin-A (EDA); EDA malian homologues: p50, p52, p65 signalosome consists of two catalytic receptor (EDAR); Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4). (RelA), Rel, and RelB (p50 and p52 are subunits, IKKα and IKKβ, and a regu-

The Journal of Clinical Investigation | October 2003 | Volume 112 | Number 7 983 Figure 1 Receptor-induced NF-κB nuclear transloca- tion and inhibition by a dominant negative IκB. A variety of cell surface receptors are capable of inducing associated specific sig- naling complexes that can activate the IKK signalosome to phosphorylate IκB. This phosphorylation of IκB leads to its proteo- somal degradation, thus liberating NF-κB dimers and allowing them to regulate gene transcription in the nucleus. The particular signaling complex activated and utilized by a given cell surface receptor varies and is spe- cific to the receptor family. When a mutant IκB is present, the IKK signalosome is unable to phosphorylate the key serine residues, and NF-κB is retained in the cytoplasm bound to the mutant protein despite appropriate upstream activation. The octagons represent NF-κB family members, and individual dimers are frequently heterogeneous. NKR, NK cell activation receptor; TCR, T cell receptor; BCR, B cell receptor.

latory subunit, IKKγ, also known as the Genetic disorders resulting teeth, and hypohidrosis and has been NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO) from mutations in the NF-κB linked to gene mutations that inter- (4). IKKα is capable of functioning activation pathway fere with the appropriate ligation of independently of the aforementioned Unique insight into the role of NF-κB the TNF superfamily receptor IKK signalosome and has the particu- receptor–mediated function has been (TNFSR) ectodysplasin-A receptor lar capacity to induce processing of gained through the study of congeni- (EDAR) or with appropriate EDAR sig- p100 to yield p52 (5). When appropri- tal diseases that affect NF-κB (Table naling. Mutations can affect the EDAR ately activated by phosphorylation, 1). Investigation of diseases that affect receptor itself (6), its ligand ectodys- IKK serves as a conduit to the nuclear development of the ectoderm have plasin-A (EDA) (7, 8), or its associated translocation of NF-κB and is the bot- provided evidence for an essential role adaptor protein (EDAR-associated tleneck common to many activation for NF-κB in this process. ED is char- death domain) (9). These mutations pathways (Figure 1). acterized by fine, sparse hair, conical result in an inability to activate NF-κB

Table 1 Genetic disorders of NF-κB activation in humans

Protein Gene Inheritance Mutation Pathway affected ED Immunodeficiency EDA ED1 XR Amorphic TNFSR + – EDAR EDAR AR Amorphic TNFSR + – EDAR-associated death domain EDARADD AR Amorphic TNFSR + – Cylindromatosis tumor suppressor CYLD AD Loss of suppressor TNFSR +/–B – IL-1 receptor–associated kinase-4 IRAK4 AR Amorphic TLR – + NEMO IKKBG XR Hypomorphic Common +C – XDA Amorphic Common +D + IκBα IKBA AD Gain of function Common + +

AMale inheritance of amorphic mutation results in embryonic lethality, while female inheritance leads to (19). BResults in uncontrolled outgrowth from eccrine tissues. CThe vast majority of patients have ED, but certain hypomorphic mutations can present with immunodeficiency but without ED (J.S. Orange and R.S. Geha, unpublished observations). DFemale inheritance of a single amorphic mutation results in incontinentia pigmenti, and male inheritance is embryonic lethal. XR, X-linked recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; XD, X-linked dominant.

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The Journal of Clinical Investigation | October 2003 | Volume 112 | Number 7 985