Discipliana Vol-12-Nos-1-4-April-1952-January-1953
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Disciples of Christ Historical Society Digital Commons @ Disciples History Discipliana - Archival Issues 1952 Discipliana Vol-12-Nos-1-4-April-1952-January-1953 Claude E. Spencer Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.discipleshistory.org/discipliana Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, History of Religion Commons, Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons, and the United States History Commons VOL. 12 APRIL 1952 NO. i DCHS Moves largest Gift Received To Nashville First Week Miss Cora Harris Makes in April Outstan~Hng Gift By the time our members have re- On January 12, the Society received ceived this issue of Discipliana, the So- a gift of material from Miss Cora Harris, ciety will have moved its library and Macomb, Illinois, that contained more archives to Nashville, Tennessee, and books, periodicals, pamphlets, letters, will have set up the headquarters in the pictures, and museum pieces than any Joint Universities Library Building. The other gift received up to this time. Mr. move is scheduled for April 1. Spencer and Miss Buder brought back When the announcement of our move a car load that day and will return soon was made in the last issue of Discipliana, for additional items. it was thought that we would not move So far, 3,926 pieces have been listed. until late May. However, since the Joint This includes 3,198 single issues of peri- Universities Library could be ready for odicals, 87 books, 458 pamphlets, 47 let- us before that time and a house would ters, 29 pictures, 17 programs, 14 mu- be available for the Curator by April 1, seum pieces, and 76 miscellaneous items. it was decided to move then. Long runs of the Christian-Evangelist, At forst Mr. Spencer, the curator, the Christian Standard, and Missionary will be the only staff member at Nash- Tidings replace files of those periodicals ville. Miss Buder, secretarial assistant, that are in the Robinson Collection which will not leave Canton until June 1 and will be left at Culver-Stockton when we Mr. Harman, national director of the move. There are several hundred letters Campbell Home Campaign until its con- yet to be listed in addition to other ma- clusion later in the year. terials. As this is being written, we are in the Much of the material secured from midst of packing books and periodicals in Miss Harris had been saved by her mo- cardboard cartons ready for the truck ther. A few books were from her father's that will haul our holdings, including library. A lot came from her uncle, A. J. our filing cases, desks, and other equip- Thomson, minister and educator, who ment. Wll,Sa professor at Abingdon, Hiram and All letters should be sent to our new Garfield Colleges. and had charge of address: the Louisville Christian Bible School Disciples of Christ Historical Society (for Negroes) for several years. (There J oint Universities Library. nre catalogs of this school, 1892-1907) Nashville 4, Tennessee. Because he was interested in Negro ed- Personal mail for the curator should pcation, he sllved many issues of the he sent to him at 4706 Elkins Avenue, Gospel Plea. We added 246 numbers to Nashville 9, Tennessee, his residence. our file of that magazine. Bec~.use the curator has been engaged A fine museum piece is a large framed in getting ready for the move to Nash- black bordered memorial to James A. ville, has attended several meetings in Garfield, printed by the Buffalo Express, Indianapolis, and has helped Henry September 20, 1881. A long wanted badge Shaw prepare an index for his forth- of the General Convention, Buffalo, 1906, coming Buckeye Disciples, all during is another museum item. Several books the time allotted· for writing \=opy for I'nd pamphlets unlisted in the Author Discipliana, he has decided to hold this Cat.alog are in the gift. Aylett Rains' issue to 12 pages. Thus, many news items Christ.'s Church Identified, 1859, is one and other material have been left over such item. until the next issue. (see page 12) 2 DISCIPLIANA, APRIL 1952 AGENTS WANTED! A STARTLING PROPOSAL! Since we are moving into full-time op- In 1846 a circlar was distributed, evi- eration with a staff of three people, we dently by some one connected with' the will be in a position to receive and pro- American Christian Bible Society, advo- cess much more material than in the cating that all the :periodicals then be- past. It is impossible for us to visit ~v- ing published by individual Disciples be ery community and every church huntmg discontinued and a weekly and three for all the items needed to make our ar- monthly publications be started to take chieves and library the center for re- the place of the sus·pended papers. The search that we desire it to be. author of the plan proposed to bring the Our members can help us. We want principal editors to Cincinnati where the an agent in every church to .look a~ter new periodicals would be published. our interests. Last fall we CIrcularIzed W. K. Pendleton satirically criticized the ministers of some churches, asking the proposal in the Millenial Harbinger, that the names of historically minded 1846, :p. 265-271. Later, Alexander Camp- people be suggested to us. The response bell, under the heading "Mysterious Cir- was not large but we did secure so.me cular," had this to say: "From an au- agents in that way. Now we are askmg thentic source we learn that at a late our members to volunteer. meeting of the Bible Society at Cincin- Here are some of the things that we nati, the "mysterious circular," noticed in have suggested our representatives can a former ,page, was puhlically disclaimed do-··for the society: by the Society; one of its agents having, .f. Undoubtedly you know indi.viduals without the authority of the Society, tak- historically minded who would hke the en upon himself the responsibility of the opportunity to become members of the project." society. These persons can be approached We need this circular together with by you personally with an invitation to the minutes of the meeting of the Ameri- membership. We want to reach people who are interested in the preservatIon can Christian Bible Society, April 28, 1846. and use of our brotherhood historical materials. 2. As our representative, we want you Buckeye Disciples is the title of a new to see that all printed and mimeographed book, now in press, that will probably materials' from your church are sent to be issued in time for sale at the Inter- 'us. This, of course, includes church pa- national Convention. It is the nearly 500 pers orders of worship, annual and spe- page story of the church in Ohio, its be- ~ cial 'reports, women's and men's felloy.'- ginnings, development and growth, with ship programs, pastoral letters, speCIal special emphasis on the work of the event programs, and printed and manu- Ohio Christian Missionary Society dur- script histories. Post card views and ing the past hundred years. photographs of the church and its vari- Author Henry K. Shaw, minister at ous activities are wanted. Elyria, Ohio, and member of the Ex- 3. Also wanted are newspaper clip- ecutive Committee of the Society, has pings concerning the church and any of s{lent nearly ten years in research for its members. These clippings should be the book. The work will be of interest to plainly marked with the name of the all Disciples (not only in Ohio) because newspaper, and the place and date of of the relationship of Ohio to our move- publication. ment. The Mahoning Association church- es were Ohio churches. The American 4. Perhaps some of the members of Christian Bible Society, The American your church have written books or pam- Christian Missionary Society, and the pl.lets that have been published. Gener- American Christian Publication Society ally, authors are pleased to contribute and the Foreign Christian Missionary a copy of each of their writings, if re- Society were located in Cincinnati, and quested to do so. in their beginnings were largely Ohio in 5. Among the members of our older origin. Brotherhood leaders were Ohio churches there are often families who men. Four of Campbell's debates were have lived many years in the community held in Ohio. and have saved books, periodicals, pic- Read Buckeye Disciples! tures, pamphlets and odds and ends of historical material that may be valuable your church, write us. With the gradual for our work. Those families should be realization of our expansion program, contacted for the society. the Society will be able to give increas- 6. If the society can be of service to ing service to individuals and churches. DISCIPLIANA, APRIL 1952 3 WILLIAM FREDERICK MILTON ARNY by Boyd B. Stutlel Editorial Note: Boyd B. Stutler, managing editor of the American Legion Magazine and an active collector of West Virginia imprints, has long been interested in John Brown and thus indirectly in Arny and Campbell and their relationship to Brown. The ,photograph of Arny reproduced on the next ,page is from Mr. Stutler'!': collection. William Frederil'k Milton Arny was and with Campbell's business affairs. one of the pioneers in the Campbell Fully aired in the Harbinger in 1848 and reform movement and in the organiza- 1849, the charges against Arny were tion of Bethany College. For 18 years reviewed on November 11, 1849, by the he was the one who stood closest to Bethany Church, which had once cleared Alexander Campbell as his clerk, con- him.