Curriculum Vitae Professor Dr. Helmut Ernst Remschmidt

Name: Remschmidt, Helmut Ernst Born: 25 April 1938 Family Status: married, two children

Academic and Professional Carrer since 2006 Professor emeritus at the Philipps University of , since 1980 Full Professor for Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, Philipps University Marburg and

Director of the Clinic for Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, Germany

Research- and Visiting-Professor at numerous Universities in Europa, Israel, USA,

Japan, China, Brazil, Korea and Australia

1975 - 1980 Full Professor of Child Psychiatry and Child Neurology at the Freie Universität of

Berlin, Founding-Professor of the respective Department, Germany

1971 Habilitation at the Philipps University of Marburg, Germany

1968 Ph.D. Degree at the University of Tübingen, Germany

1958 - 1965 MD Degree at the University of Erlangen, Germany

1958 - 1965 Study of Medicine, Psychology and Philosophy at the Universities of Erlangen, Vienna

and Tübingen

Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina

1 Project coordination, Membership in collaborative research projects (Selection)

2000 - 2005 WPA Global Program on Child Mental Health in cooperation with the International

Association of Child and Adolescencent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP)

and the WHO. Scientific Director of this worldwide Program with comparative studies

in Alexandria, Nijni Novgorod and Porto Allegre

1994 - 2006 Clinical Research Group of the German Research Foundation “ Genetic Mechanisms

of Weight Regulation with special reference to Eating Disorders and Obesity”, later

“Genetic mechanism in Child Psychiatric Disorders” (Applicant and Coordinator)

1980 - 1985 Model Program Psychiatry of the Federal Government of Germany, supportet by

several federal Ministeries. Projectcoordinator of the only project devoted to Child

and Adolescent Mental Health out of 14 regions since 1972 Coordination of several Collaberative Research Projects, financed by the German

Research Council, Federal Ministeries, Volkswagen Foundation and other Foundation

by the Industry

1972 - 1980 Collaborative Research Centre 122 „Adaptation and Rehabilitation of the German

Research Foundation“, Deputy-Speaker of the Project and Coordinator of the

Longterm-Project on Brain Damage in Children and Adolescents (several Articles and

a Monograph)

1972 - 1980 Projects within the Priority Program of the German Research Foundation „Empirical

Criminology including Criminal Sociology“

- Child Delinquency (Project Leader)

- Follow up studies on Juvenile Murderers (Project Leader)

(Several Publications and a Monograph)

Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina

2 Functions in Scientific Societies and Committees (Selection)

2000 - 2008 Member of the Supervisory Body of the University Hospital in Würzburg, Germany

2000 - 2007 Member of the Neurobiological Committee of the German Research Foundation

2000 - 2005 Scientific Director of the WPA Global Program on Child Mental Health in Cooperation

with the IACAPAP and the WHO

1998 - 2004 President of the International Association for Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry and

Allied Professions (IACAPAP)

1995 - 1999 President of the European Society for Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP)

1995 - 1997 Dean of the Medical Faculty, Philipps University of Marburg, Germany

1989 - 1999 Chairman of the Section of Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry of the World Psychiatric

Association (WPA)

1989 - 1994 Member of the Research Council (Wissenschaftsrat) on the „Reform of Medical


1987 - 1990 Member of the Independent Governmental Commission for the Prevention of

Violence and Chairman of the Psychiatric Subcommittee

1985 - 1993 Member of the Scientific Council of the Criminological Institute Niedersachsen (KFN)

In Hannover, Germany

1984 - 2012 Member of the Scientific Council of the German Medical Association, Member of the

Board since 1995 and Deputy Chairman since 2002

1984 - 1988 Expert (Reviewer) for Psychiatry of the German Research Foundation

1983 - 2000 Member of the Scientific Council of the Central Institut of Mental Health in

Mannheim, Germany

1982 - 1996 Managing Director of Neuroscience-Center at the Philipps University of Marburg,


1982 - 1985 Member of the Subcommittee of the Research Council on „Clinical Research“

Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina

3 1982 - 1983 Chairman of the German Association for Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry

1980 - 1988 Member of the Governmental Advisory Board for the Modelprogramm Psychiatry

1980 - 1981 Chairman of the German Section of the International League against Epilepsy

1976 - 1983 Member of the Expert-Committee for Child Mental Health and Psychosocial

Development of the WHO

1976 - 1980 Managing Director of the Center for Psychiatry and Neurology (Neuroscience-Center)

of the Freie Universität of , Germany

Honours and Awarded Memberships (Selection)

2012 Euricius Cordus Medal of the Medical Faculty, Philipps-University of Marburg,


2006 German Quality of Life-Award

2004 Medal of Honor of the Federal Republic of Germany

2003 Honorary Member of the Romanian Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

2002 Honorary Member of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and

of the Eastern Mediterranean Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

2000 Honorary President of the German Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

and Psychotherapy

2000 Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, UK

1999 Max Planck Award for International Cooperation

1998 Honorary President of the Spanish Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

1998 Niilo Hallman Medal of the Finnish Foundation for Pediatric Research

1996 Ernst von Bergmann-Medal of the German Medical Association

1994 Christina Barz Award of the German Foundation of Science

1993 - 1996 Special Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Birmingham, UK

Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina

4 1992 International Scholar of the American Psychiatric Association

1991 Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

1990 Hermann Simon-Award for oustanding Research in the Field of Social Psychiatry

Major Scientific Interests

My main scientific Activities and Interest are:

Developmental Psychopathology, Forensic Psychiatry, Eating Disorders, Schizophrenia Research, Psychiatric Genetics, Treatment- and Evaluation Research.

I invested plenty of time and energy in measures for the qualification of young researchers and founded together with Martin Schmidt (Mannheim) Research Seminars, that I consecutively transfered to the European and International level. The international Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatriy and Allied Professions (IACAPAP) has named them now as Helmut-Remschmidt-Research-Seminars.

In 2004 I founded the Donald Cohen Fellowship Program for young researchers, a biannual program integrated into the IACAPAP World Congresses.

Another important engagement was devoted to therapeutic training and education of physicians and psychologists working in the field of Child- and Adolescent Mental Health. In 1981 I founded a training seminar for Child- and Family Therapy at the Philipps University Marburg, continued now as the “Institut for Behaviour Therapy and Behavioral Medicine”. Together with my co-workers I carried out several treatment projects and developed quite a number of instruments for treatment evaluation, now widely used in Germany and in Europe.

Finally it was always my intention to internationalize German Child- and Adolescent- Psychiatry. Through my engagement in international Research Societies I was able to organize the Congress of the European Society for Child- and Adolescent-Psychiatry (ESCAP) in Germany ( 1999) as well as the World Congress of the International Association for Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP) (Berlin 2004).


Editor and former Editor of several scientific Journals in the field of Child Mental Health, Psychiatry and Criminology. More than 1000 article in peer reviewed Journals and books. Member of the Editorial Board of more than 30 Journals.

Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina