Neighbourhood Matters Issue 12

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Neighbourhood Matters Issue 12 MatterNeighbourhoods Issue 12: Spring 2021 Become a Neighbourhood Champion Gardenslooking bloomingmarvellousafter clean-up Newfencing givesstreet freshnew look Garden Competition 2021 launched Cheddar,Axbridge and North Sedgemoor Villages Hello... Burnham-on-Sea, Highbridge, Brean and Berrow Ijoinedthe AssetTeamatHomes in Sedgemoor (HiS)inJuly2019, butamexcited to have now Hamp, North Petherton, South stepped into my newroleofDirectorofAsset Bridgwater Villages and La Ciotat Management andSafety. Some of youmay already know me from my previousrole, butfor Sydenham and the Levels thoseIhaven’t spoken to before,Hello! My role meansIam Youmay be awarethatthe responsiblefor ensuringthat Government wantsall Woolavington, Puriton and homesare safe,warmand propertiestobecarbonneutral Polden and Parrett Villages meetall required legaland by 2050.Thismeans that by statutoryrequirements.Since this date,runningahomewill Bridgwater Central and joining HiS, Ihave beenheavily notgenerateany excess carbon dioxide. This is areally West Bridgwater Villages involvedwithreviewingand developing ourlandlord difcult,but important, target compliance services (which andweare currentlymidway includesre, gasheating, throughanenergysurveyof Corporate News electrical,asbestos, legionella everyhometoestablishwhat andliftservicing).Wehavea measures will be needed.We greatteamwhich worksreally will then putaplantogether, hard to ensurehomes remain linked to theDecentHomes safe foryou,yourfamiliesand Investment Plan,ofhow we othervisitors.Aswithother canachieve this.Weare serviceareas,the pandemic excitedtoshare this plan with has made things abit more youwhenitiscomplete. complicated andIwouldliketo thankeveryonewho has Best wishes worked withustohelpensure that we’vebeenabletodeliver thoseessential safety related Naomi services despite thevarious NaomiMacey, lockdownsand restrictions. Director of Asset We want homesand Management andSafety communities to be thebest they can, so we hold regular surveys to allowusto continuallyimprove what we Don’tforget... do. Please respondtoany If youclaim Universal surveys youget,orfeelfreeto Credit, you’ll need to update getintouch with anyideas for Resource Reg. No. 2110 your rentcosts on your howwecan improve,asthis Journaltoensureyou’re helpsustoshape andtailor gettingthe correctamount ourservices. We arealways of benets. readytolisten. 2 Thegoodlife Corporate News andthe wildlife •BestSmall Garden We’d also like to sayabig thank -gardens under 30ft long youtoall of oursponsors. •BestLarge Garden -gardens over 30ft long •BestImproved Garden -have youtransformed your garden into somethingbeautiful? •BestCommunalGarden -doyou andyourneighbourscreate Callingall green-fingered somethinggreat together? customers… We areexcited This year’s judgingcriteria to have launched thisyear’s includes: Garden Competition. •Companiongardening-What plants go well nexttoeach We allknowhow greatbeing out othertohelpencourage growth in thefresh airisfor ourmental andwildlife? andphysicalhealth. Butgardening Benefitsof is not only good forour souls, •Edible planting -thisdoesn’t it’s also good forour wildlife, have to be afullallotment. gardening ourenvironmentand of course, Vegetables canbeplanted in ourpockets. amongstowering plants in •MentalHealth-gardening smallerareas. canhelptoreducestress by This year,wehaverevisedthe •RuralUrban -whatkindof focusing themindaway categories to make it more from thestresses of theday inclusive, achangewhich was plants do youhaveaccordingto instigated by ourBoard members. your environment? •Physicalbenets -lotsof Youdon’t need to have alarge •Environmental responsibility diggingand planting can outdoorpatch to reap thebenets -plantingfor theenvironment, help burn calories and either.Lotsofgreat gardenscan what plants do youhavethat strengthen your heart be created in containers and attractinsects,doyou •Supportingthe pots, whetheryou areinaator reproduceplantsbyusing their largeplot. environmentand the seeds, useawater butt or your wildlife -plantingcolourful OurGarden Competition2021is owncompost? nectar rich owersisa nowopenfor entries, andthe Everyentry will receive afreegift, havenfor nature and categories are: kindly donatedbyPorter House increase biodiversitywithin •BestContainers/Pots/Balconies Wood Art, andthere areafurther ourtowns -displaysthatare completely £500 worth of prizestobewon •Pockethealth-home made from containers sponsoredbysomeofour grownfood cannot only contractorsand suppliers. •BestBuddingGardener help youtoeat healthier -Under 16s-we’d love to see So,whatare youwaiting for? butcan be alot cheaper ouryounger generation learning Entriesclose on June16, and than buying plastic life skills andbeing creative in judgingwilltakeplace on June23 wrapped fruitand veg thegarden andJune24. Our sponsors: Neighbourhood Matters Issue 12: Spring 2021 3 Bridgwater Central and West Bridgwater Villages 100thBirthdaycard New Cannington Primary School helped us outbyproviding Neighbourhood some fantastichomemade cardsfor oneofour Officer customer’s 100thBirthday! Hello! My name is Lauraand Iamthe new Neighbourhood Officer forWestBridgwater Villages andNewtown, Ialsocover Woolavington andPuriton area. Ihaveworkedfor HiSfor around two-and-a-half years, across two differentdepartments.Someof youmay recognisemefrommy Raising time as aCommunity Enabler with HiSwhere Ialsocovered West Bridgwater Villages. Aspirations Iamreallylooking forward to gettingout andabout and programme meeting youall. Ican be contactedon 0800585 360 or NorthgatePrimary School,in “Theylovedthe funand 01278552 400. Bridgwater,isone of therst interactive games and schools to complete therst resourcesthataccompanied Take care, year of theRaising Aspirations thelessonsand were grateful Laura programme. andinterested to be learning We commissioned Positive aboutthe world of workand Footprints forfourschools in what it entails.” Sedgemoortobenetfromits Raising Aspirationsprogramme. e This careers-ledprogramme has Northgat beenrecognised in Ofsted imary reports andfocusses on personal Pr developmentand resilience for School Didyou know... pupils in years5or6.The programmeisfully resourcedby If youopenaChristmas Savers PositiveFootprintsand delivered AccountwithWestCountry by teachers. Savingsand Loans with 1% interest anddeposit 3times Nicole Priestman, of Northgate before October31, youmight be PrimarySchool, said:“My Year entitled to a£10 bonus, thanks 6class fullyenjoyed theRaising to HiS! Formoreinformation, Aspirations Programmeand it contactyourIncomeOfcer. soonbecametheir favouritepart of theweek. 4 Neighbourhood Matters Issue 12: Spring 2021 Woolavington, Puriton and Woolavington and Polden and Parrett Villages PuritonDream Scheme Woolavington andPuriton DreamSchemehas been providingcommunityopportunities foryoung people forovertwo years, thanks to fundingsupportfrom Villages Together. TheDream Scheme is an opportunityfor youngpeople, aged 8-14,fromWoolavington andPuriton to take part in theirown communityactivitiesduringschoolholidaysand to be rewarded fortheir commitment. Throughout lockdown, acommittee madeupofHiS,SHAL, YouthGroup,Avonand Somerset Police andYoung Somerset,have continuedtosupport activities foryoung people in both villages. During thehalfterminFebruary, themembersreceived some excellent challenges to complete andachieve some well-earned points. TheDream Scheme needsyou!Ifyou wouldliketovolunteer forthisamazingproject, or know ayoung person whowould like to join,get in touch by emailing [email protected]. Formoreinformation,visit WoolavingtonandPuritonDreamscheme. Garden Cheddar,Axbridge and Your North Sedgemoor Villages clean-up NeighbourhoodOfficer Anumberofcustomers’gardens are Hello! My name is Cyan andIam the looking blooming marvellous thanks newNeighbourhoodOfficerfor Cheddar, to thehelpofNeighbourhood Officers, Axbridge,North SedgemoorVillages CommunityEnablersand Link Power. &Parrett Villages. We teamed up withthe voluntary organisation, Ihaveworkedfor HiSfor around seven yearsnow based in Taunton,and worked with customers andIhave worked in severaldepartments within the ndingitdifculttoremove wastefrom organisation.IhavebeenaNeighbourhood Ofcer their gardens. foraroundve yearsout of theseven andIhave worked in many differentareas within Sedgemoor. Onecustomer said:“My garden wasfullofrubbish andold junk.Istruggled to getitremovedand it Youmay recognisemeas wasnot thebesttolookatand it surewasn’tvery Icoveredthe area about safe foreithermychildren or dog. twoyears agoand Iam looking forwardtocoming “After emailingthe team at HiS, Ireceivedavery back.Ican’t wait to getout quickresponsefrom Sharon,[CommunityEnabler] andaboutand meetyou all. with awonderfulvolunteer company, who removedthe rubbishfor me andhave done aquick Ican be contactedon andwonderfuljob. 0800585 360 or 01278552 400. “Overall,weasafamilyare very satised withthe servicefrom both HiSand theguys whoremoved Take care, ourrubbish.Couldn’tthank them enough!” Cyan Neighbourhood Matters Issue 12: Spring 2021 5 Burnham-on-Sea, Highbridge, Brean and Berroww Highbridge Foodbank AlphaHoouussee donation improvements HiScontractor, Deltron,donated afood parcel of groceries worth£50 to theTrussell We are pleased tohave been abletostart workonthe long- TrustinHighbridge. awaitedroofrepairs atAlpha House, Highbridge. Dan, Customer Liaison Ofcer at itself,which enabled us to HiS, whohelpedtoco-ordinate provideitems that arerequired Theroofrepairs,carried out thedeliverytoHighbridge most by thelocal community, by contractor
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