YB Dato’ Sri Rohani Abdul Karim, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) was invited by the INTAN to deliver a lecture entitled “Pembangunan Masyarakat dan ke Arah Negara Maju Menjelang 2020: Adakah Kita Menghala Ke Situ?”.

Forum held on February 25, 2014 was attended by 220 participants from various ministries / departments / agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) concerned. The forum was held at Dewan Seri Baiduri, INTAN has been running smoothly and saw the unexpected participation due to the topic of interest and current issues related to community development and community.

YB Dato' Sri so excited to be given the honor to meet with the civil servants as well as share their views, the topic is very close to her heart. The Minister hopes that this forum can be used as a platform to get together to exchange ideas on topics that have been set by the INTAN. Look at this as a golden opportunity, because for the first time since her appointment as Minister, she was given the opportunity to join the civil servants who are the backbone of the administration and development of the country. These sessions provide an opportunity for political leaders and implementers of government policy to discuss important topics and current issues for the welfare of the people in a holistic manner.

There are nine strategic challenges of Vision 2020 which has been inspired by former YABhg. Tun Dr. on February 28, 1991, eight of them are closely related to social development and welfare of the people. Touching this vision, YB Dato' Sri remind participants of the forum that Malaysia should become a developed nation with its own benchmark by 2020. In the meantime, YB Dato' Sri also stressed that developed countries are not only fully cover the economic field, but also other fields such as social development, economic and social justice, first class human capital, moral and ethical society, national unity, political, spiritual, conducive environment and psychological.

YB Dato' Sri states that the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development is a leader in the implementation of the Social Transformation Agenda in which it is carried out with a strategic collaboration with government agencies, other non- governmental organizations (NGOs), academia, the corporate sector and members of the public in general.

Also to be addressed are the aspect of volunteerism through platforms such as the 1Malaysia For You (1M4U), PERWANI and Home Help Program, which also uses NBOS. To date, an estimated of 1.2 million young people have already joined 1M4U. YB Dato' Sri hope that more public servants can work together to realize a variety of volunteer programs through the existing platform.

YB Dato’ Sri Rohani eager to deliver her lecture to the audience

One of the participants took the opportunity to ask questions to the minister before she left the ceremony

Participants pay attention to the lecture presented by Minister