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November 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990

11-7-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1990 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1990 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian SOG .he rn Illinois University ar Carbondale Wednesday, November 7, 1990, Vol. 76, No. 54 , 20 l'ages Edgar beats Hartigan in close race Election totals , 1990 fection Results Democrats down to wire .taekson Cou.,ty Clerk Governor dominate state Robert Harrell Sa.'lIIra Bullar (upn - Republican Jim Daily Egyptian Staff Report narrowly defeated M Democrat Neil Hanigan Tuesday Democratic candidates domin­ in the race to replace 14-year I Secretary of Stat. ated stale races Tuesday with many incumbent Gov. James R. ~untyta surer coming down to the last counted ey ThomJlSOll. precincts. With 95 percent of the vote Shi Jacl"y_a_lCS___ .J In the unexpectedly close counted, Edgar led Hartigan ~ 1 to V1 GTVs anomey general's race, Dcmocrnt 49 perce nt with a 87,OOO-vore JL::J . defeated Republican mwgin. Jackson County Sheriff Comptroller . Edgar runningm31e Bob Ku"lta With 96 pe rcent of the vote Trigger Lindsey said the GOP gubernatorial hoprful Wiiiam counted, Bwris led Ryan 51 to 49 was "ready for victory." -vr Daf~ sueE~ pcn:tJlL "We're doing bClIer in the cit) of I The campaign pitted Burris' Chicago than any Republican has Stat. Hou .. 116 Anom.y Gon.r.1 years of experience iu state 00ne in a long, long time," Kustra government against Ryan's told cheering supporters. "We win BT;:pf Charles Daugheny ROi~i Jiryan counroom experience as a downst3le. We win Illinois. These prtlS'CUklr. YoIers appeared to have are exciting 1TlOITICIlts. We're going been auracted to Ryan's campaign to win this tonight and we're not Stlt. Hou .. 117 Slat.1l'.... L.,-----' ads implying his experience wouJd going to Slay up all night to do iL make him tougher on crime than It's time to pull the life suppon Burris. sysIeIII on Neil Hartigan." I v f Joe l s~ l Ryan, 44, hit hard on the theme Edgar spokesman Gary Mack of combelling drug dealers througb said the Edgar c.amp was 1V1. ~:IBU Stat. SenIot. 118 tollgh Jaw enforcement, rreaunent "cautiously optimistic. " programs and public education. He " The low turnout in Cook: OaT Edward Downey ~r¥1 Lym~ also m~ domestic violencG County is helping us. We knew this Democratic v1 prevention a major plank in his was going to be very close," Mack candidalas on 1eIt. I campaign plalform. said. Republican State SenIote 58 22nd Congnoulon.1 Throughout his campaign , The gubernatorial election was candidalas "" Jim Rea Greg Boren however, Ryan hit just as hard at the first in 14 years without right. G~ Jim~ Democrat Roland Bwris' lack of Thompson on the ballot. The direct pr9~eculo rial ex­ governor said it felt ". little bit Election rasu" [Y[ perience-poihbDg out th3I Burris. SIraIlge," adding be was confident asof2am. ~ J ~ -:---- bas never prosecuted a case See EDGAR, Page 10 See VOlE, Page 10 Simon wins to retain U.S. Senate Seat CHICAGO (UPI) - Despite a candidalCS to concede 319: 15 p.m. propelled him to the presidency. running television. commercials campaign that tr'ed to sully Sen. "Paul is an extraordinarily "That great Republican never until the closing days of the race, 's reputation as " Mr. accomplished politician," Marrin gave up - and tonight neither do an anti-incumbent pilCh CIean .. the Democrat was returned tearfully told campaign work=. I," she said. despite her 10 years in lOe House. to ~ Senate Tuesday by a large " To the voters, I thank you for The use of the Lincoln-Douglas Simon's rating in polls rose in mwgin over Republican challenger your unending patience with me analogy had some irony, since the months leading up to the vote Lynn M4rtin. and everyone else seeking public M"flin tried wilhout success to as ,",veral auacks on his record and Just after 10 p.m .. Simon led offICe." convince Simon to repeal the series his character were thrown at him. Martin by more than 400.000 Manin also spoke of the hislOric of debates held by Lincoln and He was first auacked for missing vOleS: 898, 318 :0453,031. 1858 race between Abraham Douglas. votes in the Senate during his Martin, a l .oves Park Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, in Martin's campaign suffered from unsuccessful presidential bid and Gus says " may be the '9Os congresswoman, u ... led by nearly which Lincoln lost the election but a cash shortage in its closing but a person can stIlI win on 2- I. She became the fir.;t statewide made the fame that eventually weeks, as she was forced to stop See SIMON, Page 10 a bow tie.

Poshard sweeps race5 keeps U.S. House seat By Brian Gross lO Southern Illinois, improving Staff Writer rural heallh care, and making sure "our children have the best quality Voters left no doubt about their education." sati, faction wi th Glenn Poshard's The issue of increasing taxes is rITSt term in Congress. an issue of faimc.;s, Poshard said. Incumbe nt Poshard, D- "Thc American people do not Car.erville. declared victory al 9:30 mind paying for something that is Tuesday night in the 22nd accountable ," he said , citing Congressional Di strict 2ftcr CJt2l1lpies of accoun table programs sweeping in more than 80 percent as education and heal th care. of the vote, with about 20 pcrcerlt Poshard said he does not th ink of returns countly dido't feel good about do feel more comfortable now that more comfortable now that I'm Marvin Kelly home." "We just have to make the his academic situation and about Kelly believes the team will not adjustment." Herrin said. "We his basketball situation." See ALL-AMERICAN, Page 19 SIUC to get its share Sa~uki volleyball team falls of NCAA TV money to EIU in Gate\\fay matchup

ByJeft Bobo anydling until we have it in """ By JulIe Autor tourn:!menL Olden ~ piayc.-,; r'- ~' SIal! Wrtar bands," Han said SIal! Writer in JciUs, hilllllg par<:ntage and digs. Although SIUC will receive Olden gained ber 400th kill on , IGateway ~ I SIU{:: ~ get (DC of the more thaD most of the other For the fIrst :.o rne in six years ber first atltmpl of the night, while MVC said Ibe biggeJfoo,Pieces of the schools. Han it loots like the Saluki voUeyt--...iJ scoring 22 JciJJs in the maICh. Sbe ,..." ConI. Ovenll $1,510~. being disIribuIed to m.giD of diffcmx:e would IlOl learn will not make it into had a .436 billing pcrteIlI8ge, three N.towa 7~ 23-1 the Missouri WIey Confen:na: be more !han a few lhousand Ibe Gateway Conference service aces, 22 digs, 39 attempts SWMo. 6-1 21-6 out of !be NCAA televisioo doIIas. TocmamenL and tt...e bJock assisIs. IIIinoisSL 5-2 19-8 .3 20-8 ' . ·'·9 .oumber of spons a ~ CXJDIraCl, wbicb toraIs Illinois Tuesday night in four spark the Salukis by scoring 11 Wicbioa St. 4-3 16-11 '. ~ 00 / spo~sors is one of ~~..... il1ioo this year. is games IS-II. l5-8. 9-15 andlS-lI. JciJJs in a row. S. _ 3-4 11-15 se ' delrmlining factors on ~ OIl a roIIiDg six-yer The match was critical fo the Fresbman Jodi Miller had a _St. 2-S 6-18 bow much money that school ~"qCragt This means that the Salukis to get into the Confen:na: c. r-higb match with her receives. SIUC and Illinois money is dislributed OIl a bases pbt.yoIfs. co~:ribulions of 13 kills. Slatt each spo~sor 18 sports, ... ~k.-v ~~v, a team did in ID the eight-year hisIory of :he 29 attempts. a .345 hitting ~is ~1 ~~~! I L8radIey_~ __I-_7 __ 8-23 the most in the MVC. ~ play from the Ia.t Iea&ue. the Salukis have failo-· to P'=lItar-, 12 di&s aOO three bJock "I wouJ~ guess that SIUC sif yan. This yer's JllymenlS make a post-season appcar:" "e assists. '---''-----_. / will get beIw=! $190,000 and .... alfeaed by IIlUn!lmenI play only in 1983, Eastern's Diane Kruto had 20 $2OO.OO!I. but ..:>thing -will be dating back to 1985. SIUC is II-IS overall and 3· ' " JciJJs aOO a 385 !lining pert:emage the team's seuer for most of tte final ,,- !#~ the NCAA The NCAA television GaJeway play. Eastern is 15-18 >. to SlOp the Salukis from taking the season. con~n January," SIUC contraCt money is disIribured in 2-5 in the GaJeway. rnalCh. Fonhaber OODllibuted 30 assi.'13 A,III'iIt'.cs I'>irector Jim Hart three Jllyment pools, bastetbaII. Eastern's win over the Saluki, Freshman Wendy Garrett Sl>.!"..u .i1cr ber arrival. but only hil.J67. said. - broad-based. and academic marks the first time Ibe Lady ~ game as the sette! I~~I was Ea;;aem managed to beat SIUC, Hart said he hasn't made eru...cemenL Panthers have beat SIUC since ed off afler the seer.nd . ~ by ~ sai'aldion last that month disrupted the So Novviet. 7government festivities last would year .not fome 'Iv.. 1 Arab military options against Iraq debated CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) - Secneoary of Sial - James Baker continued canvass Ami> leaders about a possible mil i~, . ~ike against 'Baghdad the same day Iraq an=.c

Un~ed Press Intamat;onal Jin's ":B-Qp~ Earthquakes shook sooiIhem 'Iran and' a rcIalively uninhabI ted area of Alaska's Aleutian Island cliain Tuesday. Neither earthquake hos Across from National Super Market resulted in an y reported casualties at this time, sources said. The Alaskan eanhquake's epicenlCC was about 140 miles IVlnhwest of Atu, 1000 W . Main Carbondale Phone:s29-1s02.- about 2, 000 miles wester Anchor" ~Gl La:TY Jameson. Haben and six olller rookies were led to a woodtd area by 12 upperclassmen who urged them 'Il drink an alcoholic concoction called " Rookie Juice" the night of Oct. 18 as pan of a hazing ritual. ~ 12 were am:sted Monday an ~ ~S wi~ h ~ing and unlawful delivery of alcohol 10 a minor. Accuracy Desk

The Dai ly Egyptian has established an accuracy desk. If readers spot an crror.lhey can call 536-331\ , extension 233 or 229.

. Daily Egyptian 11 Ii . ~ So uthern Illi nOIS Unrvefsfty at Carbond<'l1M ' I 1,1 _ E~"' '''"o M;,lIkIn SpeoaI PIges Editx Mart( F. BlrTWCI Assooatc Ed!lOr: Ir.. 0pI0h ...... E_ Hope ....ttw NG-....s EdilOr: JaclU. 5plM&f En.enarrmen! EdilOr. Mefynda Findlay EdJ~ pag.e Edi;cr Usa II1II.... s.>ons r: dfttr.Eric9~ Sludenl Ad Managct: Usa W.. mken AaU"IQ fA3naghg Edlor. Wand. BrwKkIn B:JsInoss Mareoott: cathy Htlgler 0Gp/8y M M.YIap9r SNrr' Allen ClassIfied ~ Ma~ Cindy CoIfet P\o~ M."¥\ag9r: Gary Budllea aAMViYO'rtwICPAano. CoIepltPI'tWAaoci!I'Q') Offa Manager. Key t-rence trrd(Nedp"..~ionNd«II M.-::rocompulor SpodaJ. " K~1y rttom.

0....,. €~ {lISPS '61:2:201 p.b!'cNMI IM'r In h JOI..maJ-.I oII'lCI E;nxlan LlDOIafOfy Umlay rhTOUgtlFrdaydumgIN leguWS«fI!Ir; et .. .t·' ~I!!rg. .¢F~OUt~'IwIU","".eolefTo\br SC/tAham!linaosUrWetu."Cofmu'I,.;:a ., .. &tI",- ~1t.1I. EQ(D'Ia!ard~::!!U'IJ~"CoroTn-"",,:~eu;~ ...".... w"ll PI'Ione(61BtS36- 3311 . WUer B JaeM,).lecallltfQr Stbiall.onI~ar.s,.Sr.o8fy8M or $V' 101', .. ~"wl'Wllt1tll.n"'Sla:IGN1G I I'5pet ~Ot In 100' SoD: 1"Ol:t.... ," 1ot&i1'l(QI1'll_ Pown.~· SP".::o1IICfI""9J$oIill7C!fe\Slo[).\llyEDrtY.Ian, So!I:he""'":ft01(,U~. ~.1t..6l9Ol ~lJ.UsP06IaQ!Jp;t>d"ca'bOlld.lW " J>aily f...... , tJDlI ------Rea retains Senato spot ! Richrnond wins 116ttl sHat ey Eric Reye~ the senatc pO~ llion vacated by G le nn By John PatterSOl1 .. : ha\'c conceded a l 1111 <: tw",e tha i th e and Melynd3 t'lndlay Poshard, D-Caner ':lIe, who took a =t in '(j lUlren Radius victory is nol in my ! f.\SP ; Wll.; h my Staff Write", t U.s. House Repic-=l?tives. of Slaff Wriers opponent a su;:CGSSr uI I!m .. and I ho ~..e he Boren, 'A'hoc:e main ooliticai concern was wit! be able to impnvc ~",") U li lC l ~ Hii nois," Democratic state Sen. Jim Rea of improvin:; &A! economy in Southern illinoIs, Tne Brucc_Ri chmond hcadquarter1 was a Daugheny said. ~ , mSlDJ1her w:1I keep his seal in the 59th blames his loss on a la:k 0( fWlding for his scene of confidence as the 116lh DI~I,~ ; t I feel I ran a good ' '= ::.iii~ign. " it's a great victory for the llIinois Senate." he If he does run again, Boren said he plans voteS to Daugheny's 281), and in Ra; , !, '-nus is the type of job when: you gel f!'Cd said. to raise mooey flrsl He said he receiver. his he tooIc 240 to Daugherty's 85 votr.s every tW,j years &1G have to set hired again," With 71 pen:ent of the vOleS counted. R"" money from his district, while Rea 8''' hi s As the (i rst results were; announce,', Richmood said. led the race over Boren 7.900 to 3.363. morzy fftlll Olicago aM inlereSt grou,>S. Richmond s"f'poner.; let oul a cheer

NIGHT ...... CLUB?, .... ~ TONIGHT Checkers, Southern Illinois' innovator, brought you 5¢ drafts because you wanted and deserved 5¢ drafts. But now you tell us that carrying 10,15,20 drafts to a table is a major hassle. So...... Checkers presents SSC BIG 54 oz. Pit.chers of Bud, Bud Light, Rud Dry, & Miller Lite. Each and Every Wednesday. with fi.J. Sensation tiRo BOLD Piaying the oest mix at SIU! Often imitated, but never duplicated, Checkers! Ilvvcmber 7. 1990 Opi.nion & Commentary

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1920 Women's l"i~ts

Fight for Halloween 1990 Party? shallow, immature . . A FULL MOON WAS SHINING down on the 'I. ~? l Carbondale Strip last week. ~v' r~ In fact, th re many full moons on the Strip last week as s tud e nt~ show~,~ their immaturity by exposing certain body .

IT'S REALLY SAD WHEN THE O NLY "causes" motiv&".ng tlT.e students on campus ar'e drinking and Mace use abused; Stop signs vandalism. . demolished A few weeks ago students gathered to protest the police on ego kick possibility 6f'War in the Persian Gulf. Only 20 students This is a special let to were willing to protest. Since Halloween I have heard the stupid jerks shown on But 2,000 were willin ,: to band toge her to fi t for their several stories about incidents the front page of the Nov. 5 right to riot? involving police officials using Daily Egyptian pulling excessive force, mostly involving down the SlOp sign on South SIl;lJS~nts wer n't, supposedly, t\l~ ones responsible mace. ruinois Avenue. for the oolence that led to the demise of the offici&! street We hear these Idnds of stories You look like you're hav­ party. ltlwas those other people~m er universities thaI every year. nOl knowing 'Whether ing a great lime in your were ruining all the fun for us:' ,. T~ they arc:actua1Iy ;ruepr not. ignorant actions and proba­ This year I witnessed suct. '1/1 bly couldn't give a damn .houlthe poor mOlOrist wI10 I ·QJ.lE THING IS was SIUC incidenl B~)'T FO~E-it As a ew friends and I got off might rail to stop at the studedtl~8T.o.nzing Carbonda Ie on Halloween night. work ~ 2:30 a.m ..~aturday, we ink"rsection shown because AfiAA~:galloween fell on a Wednesday. It's unlikely witneS5Cd police lireaking up a of your selfish, idiotic and that·stu4ents skipped classes and drove all the ":ay fight in front of he Pizza Hat at SJU that's wI1y. Now gel away!" Cl"Jet actions. Would you have beee down to . S6~f:hern Illinois to rip up a few signs and run deiivery SUJre. . If the man deserved '0 be maced, even happier had you been amuck ~treets of Carbondale. that would have been dilTerer,L We went over 10 check it out, as However, he was doing exactly able to see someone nm the SIUC.ltll&lIts get full credit for this year's disaster. did a few 0Iher pass('u-by. as the officer ordered and he got; close. only Pe psi or Beer In smaller numbers than L,ke Champaign. Carbondale $6.~: (wll h proof of age) wllh Halloweens past. the students Jackie could koep people from drinking in Eal-In Orders marched Ihrough the streels of the Slreel and from carrying beer Open for Lunch Delivery Carbondale. damaging properly Spinner bol~es and beer r.ans. $2.00 Pitchers of Beer and creating havoc. UniversilY oOiciais could playa Mon_- Sat. 11 a_m. News Editor or $1.00 Quarts Wednesday Spec: iaJ noc 'laid Wdh any mha" Siudonis who auended Ihe more productivc ro le in the tcrJCl( slbstit1l1ions ceJchrae::-.n when it began in the 1______--' Halloween (..clebration by nOL early !1J70s described a much which it allowed and ultimately schedu ling" fall break near 515 S. BIlnols 529-1344 differenl p.trly Ihan Ihe one I supponed for aboul 20 ycars and Hallowoen. aumded my lreshman year :he last then expeeled the largesl portion of A five-day break Ihal broughl year Carbondale spor. .> red a its consumers and taxpayers to SludenlS back the day of Halloween Halloween celebration. comply. was ncar-sighted. verv very near­ Those who attended the party in sighled indeed. Hurry! The class is filling u p fastl ilS early days called il a fami ly That's unrealistic, especially Students came back refreshed, affair. where sludenls and cilY when a feasible alremative such as homework done. ",,,dy (() pany. residenlS dressed in costumes and the one Champaign offi c ia ls used Maybe Ihe Halloween parlY Do You Care About People? enjoyed the enlertainmer.1 offered to its Halloween pany cxisted. eventually will just die its own. I end on by the cily. Slud enlS and ci lY officials in BUI I don'lthink the ci lY can afford Hallowcen 1988 was no family CarnpuslOwn al the Universi lY of -10 wail and sec. espeeially when a Do You Care About Health? affair. Illinois officially declared tha t safcr, less adversarial alternative More Ihan 20.000 moslly cily's Halloween eeleb"ltion dcao exiSl!' . drur.ken srudenlS from SIUC and this year because of low siudeni As long as the cilY provides a BECOME A other universities around the participation. home 10 a mob of college sludenlS counlry at!Cnded the celebration. Inslead of laking an adversary who believe Halloween s hould hurling beer cans Ihrough the role in caneeling the eelebration. survive. the cilY has 10 lake a lil~e crowd, drinking exces~jvely and Ol3lllpaign and unive... sity o:Jjcials more responsibillly Ihan jusl HEALTH dcslroying properly. reslricled the Halloween parly 10 calling il quilS. the poinllhal slUdenlS lost in!Crest. h 's called biling 'he hand Ihal The 1989 and 1990 Halloween There was no need for U of I feeds you. ADVOCATE : -'::.. parties thai weren'l supposed 10 sludrnts to riot und Lake ovcr Students, for lhcir pan. have to ... n auracled far fewer swdenlS Campustown streets in lhc name of cam a safe Hallowocn celebration . ¥ Receive quality t ra inin g from health ;~f~sSio.,a\s l:. (\ the sanctioned parties and bolding a beer in Champaign. Thai means nOI de s lro ~i n g cilY ¥ Receive valuable practical work experience res:Jlted in fewer arrests and less A restricted. yct sanc ti oned propeny and not hara ~ s m g other ¥ Receive course credi.t for service to otherS-RED 403 dcslruction. Hallowccn in Carbondale would University students. But even those arrests, even that provide students with an outlet in For more l destruction and even the which al l ~2 ... t some cre.grec-Of A little m or~ cooperation from Infot'!ha1. llJ n. uncertainty that an uncontJ'('lllable prc4ictabili!yexists. both sides could give Carbondale a caUloi-e .,,1 mob brings coulll have been' ,.Jjlthe H3u0ween prolestS lasl re5pCCLable dallowccn celebratioo WellncSs " avoided. yea;: 'and mi, yeaf. no1x>dy knew with whiCh bOth ·SludenlS ·and cilY Cencer.11l :.J The cilY abrup~y halled a party whal 10 expeel For police and cilY officiaJs could,til/c. -:. ( 536-444/ -or s lop b'y Kcsnar Hall O$\h Partying not worthwhi.le qause '\ ~I 'fn:n No wonder Carbondalc's was a destructive a nd negativc - .:; iE'e-Hca'IlCCOme J freak show. [h en Ihose who fighl for il are ~,e pany - a pany Ih ol leads 10 Wha l member of the Carbondale fighting for an emply cau",. umnitigaled and irrational violence commun ity can fo rget past As J mentioned. the fall cvent - needs to end. TIle panicrs havc celebrations? hasapurposc - arelcascofSlICSs, proycn to U nive rs ity and ci ty What else would you call an tcnsion, pressure. Yet therc arc officials that they cann OI control ~lr e n 3 whcre someonc bi tes the constructive and destructivc ways thcmSCI·i.,;.S. head off J dc..1d cat. where people LO deal wi th stress. Vioiefl ce without a purpose is , pummel each other with cups, cans Haying a street party can be 3 nevcr cons truc tivc . And it is and e ve n bOllles o f beer. whe re positivc way for students to meet disappointing to rcali7.e thcre are mc n a nd womc n moon othe r and socializc but thc n u m bc~ and tho usands o f con t e mpor :Jri c ~ in p:Jrt ic rs fiO m a second story thc violence exhibited in thc rX1S1 is Carbondale who belie vc pan ying bui lding and where fi ve or 10 unacceptable. on the Strip is a cause worth N-E-i-- W08KS peopl e )lll11p on ~ lrce L signs like Carbondalc 's Hallow e~ n party fi ghting for. Page 6 Daily Egyptian November ? 1990

...-_...,_--_t ...... ,,,. ,. .._-_ __ ... "-.,"' _ ...... " .. ..

' -lB PKG 8UTTERB04lL BUNS ' -lB PICC 24 ·PAK 12-02 CANS SPPITE. LE NGTH SERVE -N -SAV( MEllO YEllO DIET CO KE OR . Sliced ClaSsic Bologna Coke 59 99

16-0 Z. l0AF . ,costWHITESUCEO cutter

13-0 l . BOX FlORn1A TANGERINE<:' KElLOGG"S CEREAL ..:.: "lave!TANGHOSQR Rice Oral1llleS Krispies GO SAL·UKIS " • ~~' l~A~ 1 (SAVE SOC I Vl4SHINGTON STATE 1385 ISAVE s1 O{' PER LB : EXTR A FAi..: e,V REO OR GOLDEN DE LI ~UCl NG " -02 SAG Delicious Chirken Chi Chi les Breast Chips • Novcmocr 7, 1990 Page 7 Religion All 12 pk. Pepsi Products ...... 2 for $6,00 Sirloin Tip Roast...... $2,69I1b Field Deli Ham ...... $4_75I1b .,, Banquet Fried Chicken ...... 2 Ib_ box/$2_99 Newman Center to prepare I' P,.ri. ,,,"" Cottag. Ch~" '. \ . I 112 Miles Soutb of Campus on RI. 51 'i' Thanksgiving meal for 1,000 I.!' OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, 7-10PM . ' . Ir = {;i< :.~~ .,..-...~~·_._ - ~I _ .... _ By Leslie Colp StaflWriter

Preparing a Thanksgiving meal for 1000 people is a lall order to 7 fill. 1I1 Wednesday Y'-i l But Li nda Brayfield, meals coordinator at the Newman G, Catholic Student Center, is going to SPECIAL try. Sho has been involved with the gr annual Thanksgiving meal fo r Pastichio ~ more than 15 years. and It takes more than SO volunteers two months to prepare for the meal. Small Salad "We need every hand we can ,1 1111 get," Brayfield said. ,W 'Mnd i Even though 45 U1rlceys and 150 Medium Drink PO'"Jds of pork wil! be donated and prepared by various businesses in Southern lllinois, countless hours will be spcnl preparing the rest of $4.99 the moal. Volunteers are nccdod to help prepare as well as clean up afterwards, Brayfield said. Graphic by Jay \VI~ What started as a group of 20 (l~~~<~ people gelling togc:hcr to combine 53,000 to provide the meal fOr this having Thanksgiving dinner at the 457-0003 or 0304 ' their resources has blossomed into year's crowd, Brayfield said. Thi. Newman Center, Brayfield said. 516 S, liinois Ave_Carbondale a crowd of hundreds. This year, the is in addition to the 51 ,271 Many interna~!ona l students Newman Center is expecting 300 U ndergraduate Student Govern­ aucnd because they want to know more people than last year for ilS ment has already given the what the American 1l13nksgiving 22nd Annual Thanksgiving Day Newman Center for promotional holiday is all aboul Others at'""d Meal. purposes. because they arc lonely. Some "We expect more people this Only 5160 has been donated families also attend, she added. year because the break is shoner," toward the purchase of food so far, Whatever the reason. the event said Father Ioe Van Leeuwen, a Dorothy Rancilio, fiscal officer for allows people to get ~~e the r and priest a t the Newman Center. the Newman Center, said. share lhe Thanksgivin g :~lj lid ay, "There is nOl as much time to The Newman Center will also Brayfield said. travel and more people will Slay in accept donations of food items. The meal will begin afler the II the area." The hundreds of people who a.m. Mass Nov. 22 at the Center. It will cost betwccn 52,000 and attend have different reasons for Food will be served until 2 p.m.

Group ~ebatest religious -patriarchy -_, ManyTh anks to all the Students By Leslie Colp to examples of patriarchy. She "They ·arv-s<'parate -lJI'tt equal. Staff Writer wa.'ltcd solutions. Men ate U~ power bnJ:ers. and and statf.who worked so hard "Men should take the initiative," women are tile purity bnlcers," she The women 1001: the lead she said. " It is important that men added. for Studei\fCedter Cateiring Monday night at the 24 U, Iewish- l ' and women share equal partnership Power brokers are able to leam Christian Conversation at S t,. in the church. We (women) need to and inlelpn:tjK>ly texts and become Andrew's Episcopal Church. act as if patriarchal . lructur,,,; can rabbis. Purity brokers, she said, are Homecoming, All of you did a , '" Ifill job, This was nOljust a discussion of nOl bind us. We won't let the spirit the key players in the private Thanks Axain, -.­ Iewish and Chric.lian beliefs, this in us he bound." domain. Colleen 8< Mike -=::: was a con lest between meT! and All views, however. did not The nonorth(':!ox tradi tion, 5tuden t Center Dirt1ng Services women. The topic was "Are correspond with Reid's. The Iewish however, a1lows women 10 become Judaism and Christianity incxtri- presentation deal: more with the rabbis, have therr own verSIOns of cably bound to patriarchy? If nOl, history of patriarchy and did nOl traditional male rituals and refer to how can they move beyond it?" focus on wanting changes. God as she or he/sbo. Patriarchy, domination by males, "Authority lies in th o. hands of "Women and men are socialiml is a tradition in Christi2" churches, the more capable," said Janet to be,.v;/lQ

Democratic incumbents for the only $9.99 three Jackson CounlY offices raced 549-6150 ahead by commanding margins wilh all 64 counly precincls Open For Lunch Delivery reported early Wednesday morning. Shirley Dillinger Booker beal Republican Jack Yales by a 10, I J7 10 6,025 margin in the race for county treasurer. Booker caplUred 62.7 percent of the ballots, and Yates had 37.3 percenL In \be county cleric race, Robert Harrell won a commanding 9,326 to 6,652 victory over Republican Sandra Bullar. Harrell had 58.4 percent of \be votes, and Bullar had 41.6percenL County Sheriff William Kilquist STOP was re-elecled, gaining 10,161 votes to Republican opponent PROCRASTINA TING James "Trigger" Lindsey's 6.049 VOles. KilquiSl had 62.7 percenl 10 Change YOUT do-i t-later Lindsey's 37.3 percenL urge into a do-it-now Booker said she fel t good about Shirley Booker, wi nning Incumbent for votes tallied by Brenda Wilmouth Tuesday he r c hances after 32 of Ih e Jackson County Treasurer, watches the attheJackson County Counhouse. habit. Learn how to precincts reponed, and she had a accomplish important large lead. Sbe said \be tally al the "I filed wi th \be State Board of was his fIr>! election auernpt for a Kilquist has served in the goals more efficiently. hal f way poin t was a strong EJections a contract th at said I public office position. sheriff's position since being November indication of \be results. would run a fair and honest Harrell, who was elected counly elected in 1982. Wednesday, 7 Tuesday evening Slill was a scare campaign, and that's whal I've cleric in 1974, said he didn't go inlO In 1969 KilquiSl began wodcing 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. or for Booker bul not because of the done," she said. the campaign expecting 10 win or for SlUe's Saluki Patrol. He 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. election. Booker said her opponent wasn " lose. worlced for \be sheriff's depanment Ohio Room Booker said she wasn't nervous any more competition than any of "I never make a that prediction for ooe yell" as a dispatcher, deputy Student Center about the election as much as she her past opponents, but "every race about a campaign," he said. sheriff and part-time investigalor. was about an in . idem that occurred is a close race." Harrell said he doesn't think of He served nine years on the while she was traveling to the Booker began working in the elections as someone running Carbondale Police Deparuntnt as a Co-sponsLred . "' ... 11 ...... Jackson County Courthouse 10 wait treasurer's office as a cleric in 1960 against him so much as him patrolman, juvenile officer and by (he Career CM\t .., for results. Booker and her motber and was named deputy treasurer in nunning 10 keep his office. crime prevention speciaJisL Devclopmen: Center & struck 3 deer on a rural road en 1970. Before working in the He said he was happy with the He served in \be Jackson County Alpha Lambda Delta route. Booker wlls shaken, but treasurer's office she worked in \be win because his office and staff State's AUOrney's Office for one there were no injuries. chief acrountant's office. wiD be allowed to remain in \beir year as an invesligfJOr. Booker, who has 14 years of Yates, who has lived in-t a;;kson current positions. For more informalion contact experience as Jackson County CounttJ~ 10 years, has owned \be Harrell's opponent, Bullar. had Kilquist's opponent Lindsey has the Well ness Center at 536- said she was pleased with Farm'iif'tesh Milk Store in l! years experience as the village been a pa!rOIman for \be University 4441. Carbondale for nine years. This cleric in DeScIo. Police for \be 1aSl24 years.

Campus FntI>Tt"i'mY'l>n of the Year! Tom Deluca November 28, 1990 Sp.rn. Ballioorn D Student Center $3-studenls $4 non-students

HUMP DAY : Nov, 8 TOON-IN 8 - 10:45 p.m. In the Big Muddy Today Only! Room 11 a.m .. 2 p.m. St. Louis Center Come Anytime! Everyone and Student Center Audi torium Union Station SPCCAMPUS Welcome! $6,00 Free Admission! For more info call EVENTS 5::6-3393 WOULD UKE TO'fHANK EVERYONE WHO HELPED SKIAT . BRECKENRtDGE, COLORADO MAKE JANUARY 5-13, 1991 HOMSCOMINCi Includes Four day pass 1990 Apres ski keg parties AOREAT For more information: ,.0 to SPC Offire, 3rd Floor SUCCESS. 9udent (enler or call S36-3393. Sponsored by q>C Tra,'ti & Rec Committee November 7, 1990 Daily Egyptian Page 9

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LIMIT TWO WITH ADDITIONAL $ 10'" PUR. P.;'O 10 Daily Egyprian November 7,1990

EDGAR, Woolard to hold House seat SIMON, from Page 1- told hiS supportcrs in a vicLOry The program currently provides from Page 1- Challenger Stanski speech. for rural cl:onomic diversification Edgar would emerge .13 his Appointcd twice to a house scat by g iving lax brcaks and low latcr bruiseci for u!\ ing hi S successor. ,nfluence on behalf of a vows to start earlier in Springfield. Woolard said hi s intcrest g ra nts from th ~ Hartigan conceded at 1:30 Lrst e lection to the post was an Departmen t of Commerce and campaign contributor who a. m, By Todd Gardner fell behind on a loan. .. A few mom en ts ago I and Natalie Boehme enjoyable victo ry, part uf a Community Affair" to businesses coordinateJ effort by all wh ich promo i.e tOUlism . Simon thanked a series of hod an opponunity LO place Staff Writer Democratic candidates. Althou gh Woolard was the fam ily members a nd a call," Hartigan said, " I " Everyone pledged support for incumbe nt wi l h two terms of campaign workers in his said at the beginning of the Inc um bent Larr y Woolard, D­ victory speech and reaf­ cvery (democratic) candidate up ~c niorit y 10 !.he Slate House, this cal l. 'G "crnaI Edgar. Cart c r ville, declared a n early fumed earlier comments that congratulations .... victory at 9:30 TlW-suay night over and down the lid.ct," he said. was both his and Stanski's fi rst Woolard's oppone nt Stanski time fCic ing the vote rs for th e.. GOP media consultant Roger Political observers said Republican Joe Luto Stan ski of said he learned a lot from the positi o n of the 117th D istrict Ailes. vOler turnout was a key 7..:ir,ic r. campaign. and next year he plans represenLative, Ailes at onc point c ~ l led facLOr in deciding the race, Woolard made the an nounce­ to stan earlier because an earli cr The 11 7 th Hou se District Simon a "wccnie." he lped Turnout in Chicago - the men t afte r oniy 10 of th e 97 start would have helped to wi n inc ludcs Franklin and Williamson nis re-'!Icction. rnain source of Democratic precinc ts in Williamson and .. I more democrati c votes. ca n no t overlook votes in the stale - was at Frank lin countics showed a lead counties. "I was expecting more help but Woolard was appointed to the the contribution of Roger an aU·Lime low 53 percent. of 2,0 13 to 617 votes for the Ailes," Simon said LO laughs it Just didn't materiali ze," he said. scat in January 1989 to replace Statewide. lurnOUI was 57 reprcsem.auvc. In the weeks lead in g up to the Ji m Rea, D-Christopher, who was and applause. percenL Hi s comma nd ing lead Martin gavc up what was elccti on. Woolard said improving a r"oi nte d sena to r of the 59th Turn out In heavily continued th rough t11 c night and regarticd as safe seat the econo my could be done by District Republican suburban Cook ended wit11 him reccivln g almost representing Rockford and ex panding th e Corridors of Both candidates also stressed Count y was about 50 80 percent of the VOir Northwestern Illinois LO make percent. "100 m proud to serve the people O pportunity program LO aid all laJ

Shryock Auditorium 11~ Celebrity Series ......

Sc uthern illinOIS university . ISO II,s w 'dl~ (U'o,nai al Carbondale mWOOD R[PORTt:R FRI.., 8 PM, NOV, 16 $12/ 14 Vi La/MasterCard accepted 618- 453 --ARTS (2787)

.,, ~,~ ~ " 1", l h TIM[5 (.<111 ('0 Ine BOBS a cross IX!lw('«n I he M ,II~ B'.,) I·u"s "nalJc.>vo Ha w II ul a t"lOl!oS OClwl'f>n I TIlt' Coa,>I", S o1l1d Tan"'fig Head .. 0' fn ... 6..-lg3·,an N"I",n,li WO,"f>ns Cnolu:. arld 11'''' Bea .. llf' Boys _ _ ' ART1FA CT~J On'! 01 :ne n011l~SI Itv(> pnll"';:;·" mE .. ' !lnenome" o . ,~ ot \h., 90.. In,. 1,""'01"'"" .. \ , .tJj}O. "0 ""~" " 1 1" .. tII~ /,nm J(,' "/' The dO Be; .'Jd 111(> ImpOSSIble 10 ... "4.,, LOI.·, ,,,," ,''" 4"1 V ,I1 .. I''' ' 1 1 ""·'t"~"'1I ... ,rn rnf' L lhe e"gaglng aero·da ne£' o t 150 N.ftOM" ("/0"''''''''/ 101 'hI' <\, ;- November 7,1990 Daily Egypriar Page II Possible war in Persian Gulf Male Smokers Wanted We will pay S75 to S200 topic of forum, MAPP 'die... in' for 3 to 8 sessions By Brandl TIpps aga inst wa r at 10:30 T uesday finder Bookstore from St. Louis must be 21-35 years old StaffWrner morning and by 12:30 had acc umu­ and the M ld·America Peace lated more !.han 100 signatwcs. shc Projec t . wh ich staged a " die· in " call Da,,'ll M oms and Cathi Brunken said. adding that the petition would carlizr in thc day. don't wan t the United States 10 go be scnt 10 U.S. Sen . Paul S,mon, D­ Members of MAPP staged their 453-3561 or 453-3573 1 p.m. ·4 p.m. to war. so the twO University Makanda. deaths at the sound of the 10 a.m. students art doing scrnething about M orns and Brunkcn said thc} CIV oi service si!'"cn to protes t the iL also set up a Icucr writing table for " massive military build up of anns Morris 3Jld Brunken led an open peoplc who YJalltcd to ....'Tite to their in the Midd le Ea st." said Amit forum p: olesl agai nst the pos­ congressmcn. Srivasta va. p "Csident of MAPP. INCRE4SE sibility of war in the Mil!dlc E.a! ~ The discussion TueSday was , We fecI O,.t by sending troops r ,lCSday on campus. conducted In Lhc Free Forum Area we arc esc alating the problem: ' YOUR CONFIDENce The duo said they decided some· and " osigned so people who had said Sriva stava. se ni or in math AND SELF·ESTEEM tlling needed 10 be said about the something to say. even passcrbys. from Peoria. situation escalating in the Middle could voicc their opinion. Srivastava sa id they also staged EasL Richard A rcher. assistan t pro· th e " die-in" to show sUpIXJ rt for "Wro,. want to gel people (0 fessor of art and des ign. talk ed Stephanie Atk in so n w ho IS . conlCmplaLC what is going on and about aitcrnativ(,. fucl so urces . Incarcerated at Fon Knox. Ky. for how it alTects them ," said Morris, a because oil sccms to be playing a refusi ng LOjoin her rcsclve unlL sophomore in speech co mmuni· major role in the Gulf cnsis. " We believe her wis.... es to not go cation from Spnngfi eld, Arc her was a member of 10 wa!" for oil should be respected." SELF-ESTEEM FOR HEALTHY Brunken sail1 ~x p c rt s have President Caner's National Alcohol he said. LIVING predicted th ere could be about Fuels commiSSion and a member of 5,000 casualties in the rm;! 10 days the Solar Lobby E.ecutive Board A tri p is being planned by it' war does break out, adding that About 10 to 15 others, ra n gi rt~ ALk mson's mOlher for Fon Knox SESSION VI: the !TOvi' buildup Ita!: sUIpaSSCd in from audience membc!'"S LO organ­ Saturday to show suppan for her three months what it lOOk. three izational l eaders. talkcd at th e daughter, Srivastava sa id . adding LIVING YOLJR FULLEST years 10 build up In Vietnam. forum . that anyone who is interested in POTENTIAL "It seems like nobody is Twel ve. organ izatior.s were going should contact him. questioning what is happening," represented at the protes~ including "Evcn if we go to war and win. It said Brunken , a graduate sludent in the Student Ellvironment.1l Center. won 'l make a difference. There Self· esteem is the foundation for happy higher education from Car1erville. the Southern Illinois Latin Amer­ wou ld just be someone else to hate rela tionships and successful pers onal and Brunken started a peLi tion Ican Solidarity Commitlce. Path- the nex t day:' Brunken said. career goals. Begin the exciting journey toward belie'"rjr,g in yourself and become the Briefs best "YOU" you can be!! Thursday, November 8 Calendar of E,'cnts Saline Ro om, "Lunch Special" Student Center SOtnlf£RN ILU'OOIS Wn.iCERS will have the: mmlhly meetu\i at 7:30 tm~1 at Shoney', This Week (Tues, - Fri, ) 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. RC!Uu",nt. 1160 E. Main. . ... funher womutim can.aa Lc::ig.'l Ann 11 893-4591. Twice Cooked "Spicy" Pork For morc informal ion contact the W el incss Center (Incl udes Egg Roll &. Stir Fried Rice) I\ at 536·4441. SJU AM ATE U~ RADIO Cl

PE,\ C 7. cO,\I.m os of Sowhan tlinou; will '. . ,:;:/ and large soda ~ . ~c vigil for a peacdul solution 10 the l\:rNnOulfcrisil from 11:0::5 un. to I p.m. today \' ,:" $3.69 ulhe cnn.::::r ~r,nnd Ave I:'Id Dl.inoil Ave... 1'01' ---- funhcr inform.'lion conta ct GeortUM 1\ 457· ~81 . W

\\'F.5I.EY FOU:'\!)ATIO;o.; will h... · ·: I Eu:ek. b,·..cncm 1\ ncxm toda)· .1 L"v:. Wolle)' r··•. u·:;.uan. ~ff~ 11 16 S. lUinoi •. For funhcr infonllltic(I conact Rlc:hel .1 536-3311 . aunsion 21~ A t: C IS w.l1'ponl or r colloquium on ''The Corllmuing Thn:al of FIsci5t Rhc:r.orie trI /1,; ~ ~a ~ NOW OPEN! .1 1 tonlghl in Ih .. Student Centel Mi,··,u iPl,i Jlaan. Fur fUMe. inrormation eonun P." !~ 1\ 45}-bS)). PEtOs' PEl'E'S- RAOIO ACTI\-F. wiU meet It 6 ton.;ghl .1 Ihe C;.rununic.tions Ouildin& Rn.'Y't'I ICHi FOf mo~ ::;{onnIl..roon\a(". 3 n:ntat457-6:>62 ~ Nacho, and Che ... GAMMA UTA Pili wJI mc:d" 11Onighl. b\ the II Drowne·Parl,.,nstor: !.uditorimn. F

LAT{]orO AMERI CA.!\.' MASS ".~ I hn'C , mll6ic rc."!eItul , I 1 :30 lQ1ighl al ·.he Newman Cc:ntcl.. FI': c'c:uili conact Joe.1 529·3)11. II PI SIG\tA F.PSII..oN WIll hive an el.eC\lti ve tllmdmt.etinI....nh l n.uonaIf....::I ~tiYe II 5 tortigha 1\ Tra 11ornbn:L For further inform, · lJOn orlllQ SW:v'e 1l4S7·2621 . I~ f l SIC)I A EPSILOS .,...11 m,"Cl .1 7 uIIli&h! ir. LaW5al 221 . "'~bcn: w..uJd WlAl pm(CQion,1 dreu. f-or ·· '"lha'inf(lrmltion~ S(eveII 4S'1- Baked Potatoes 26ll. I!I Briers Policy - The deadline rur 39¢ Special Campos Briers is noon two days -----....;...~. belore pUblication, The briers m~ st be typewritten, and must in dude timr., date, place, sponsor of !he event and :lame £nd phone number 01' the person ';ubmitting the item, Items shr.uld be deliv· -~ ered to the Daily EgHtia n N~wsroom CommuuicMtions lI u i ldin ~. Room 1247, A bd. r will be published Of,ce as space allows. 12 Nov~t1lber7 . i990 Guyon heads ~ ARE YOU MARRIED? ~ commrttee on WE NEED YOU FOR OUR RESEARCH! college funds ~~~~~~!~~ • By Eric Reyes CALL* TIIE SIUC PSYClWLOGY DEPAR~T S'aff Writer 536-2301 (M-F, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) University President John C. Guyon is heading a cornm:ucc tha:. SOON! will organize eight institutions of higher education LO aid eoonomic an1 povezty problems of the loWC< rate:! Mississippi della region. • Army rersooneI wcte only one­ 111: :.even Slates in the lower baiL those o( a comparable tality rale Mississippi della area arc Illinois. civilian population, said Joseph sidttably. But Kenlucky. Tennessee. Mississippi. Rothberg, " mathematician al be alile to'resolve wilbOOlt Louisiana. Arkansas and Missouri. Waller Reed i,1Slilule of lcilting each other," besad Rhonda Vinsun, director of Research in Wasbin;!lOn. The siudy cOncluded people ocona Ie devc!opmcnl at SlUe, T he benefils o( Army life who coosider the Army lifestyle and Charles sek. associate 'lice were especially pronounced for 100 greal an infringement on or ac,tdcmic affa,,, and black male soldi ~-r., who had individual freedoms can use the research joined "' uyon !'lov. I al only aboul one·thi.. d o( Ihe example 10 fi nd 'whal changes Memphis Stale University. where mortalilY rale of comparable , might be made in civilian they mel with representatives from c i"ilian~,~9.thb.'?J g and col- socie,ly - such as su.bslance seven mher colleges and univer­ leagues reponed on the Journal abuse control ' a nd firearm sities from the Mississippi della. of Ihe American ' Medical bring about "II was a reasonably enlhusiastic Association. ' death rates. group." Guyon said. Part o( the mortality differ- the Guyon VOIl" rteercd 10 be chair­ ences belween solrliers and man of a sleering commiu ~ that civilians undoubtcdly """ to do will wrile a working P"P'" :0 de· with the fact thai recruits have 10' velop goals and objeclives for a enough to new association lO pull institutes of Discount s higher education lOgcthcr. Vmson said people auending the LET'S GET ACQUAiNTEd summil and all the chancelkn and presidents of the institutions involved will receive ropies of the Our Services Include: SlCCring pa..,..- (or review. "Everyone j n attendance was Complete Exhaust Service positive aboulthe prospects of an organi23lioo tofunber the work of Complete Brake Service the CXlIIIJIIissioo!Klasek said. ""7hen Q bt.V'c '{been excellent Free Inspecti~ r'I examples oc-.rliji c:oopr.calion can do: KldSek said. . Shock· Struts· Rear Coli Springs Vinson said Ibe group talked C. V. Joints aboul poImtials (or the institutions. "W, "',; Lake advantage of the uptill " o" d downlinks," Vinson $ Ask About Our NaUonwide Lifetime Guarantee $ur-olh...i.Quit -,~ .', ~• ' ~fir:~:f-l workiDg will be a ,wSrookinlf Call SlUe VinSon said an imponance of '" ," '~~ Smoking Cessation $ ~g is !hat another uni..,..­ o ~~~";.~"If Quplify & - ~ ~ ; .... ! Program sily may be able to belp the $ ""i tt1mpktes the V ,453-3573 Or 453-3561 $ soutbenl lliioois region in foelds ~ ~ Program . Mont - Fri. wbm>sruc isn't spcciaIizaI. • - (J p.m. - 4 p.m.) ."\ :;'1 itbl t BIdfcf:&nations $ $ $ $ $ ~ $ $, $ $ surg;tO ·~1 pints ----- at haJ!:~~y point ,Our 20th Anniversary Sale By John P3ti Staff Writer November 7-11

With ihc blood drive nearing the half-way mark., tolals are starting to look bcucr. An unofficial one-day high for the currenl blood drive of 461 pints ,~f.2~¢ ' ~ was collected yesterday. bringing Ii>o lOt2! to %6 pints. "The drive is going bcucr: .aid Vivian Ugenl. Southern Illinois blood drive coordinalor. "It·s Copies building bUI we need more blood alld fastcr." COUPON NECESSARY The blood drive volunr= stafT is L helping process blood ctryr,ors 99¢Colo r Copies during week. ----- the "We have quite a few v(;/\l!!!J "-'"1. What we need is ~ a.a o rs. Of sa id LEADING EDGE 99¢ Oversize Copies Sharrie Voigl. ;; re s i~enl of Ih e Mobifuatior. (,f Volunt= Effort. D/LT386SX Laptop Computer Voigt said between 200 and 300 volunteers are al the drive during $2100 the day. The blood drive is staffed As Advprtised in U,S.A. Todny b;- a! 1= 25 volUJlleCr1i al all times. . ~ kinko's' "We can't function witll less than · S0386SX ••VGA color pori 25 volunteers." Voigt said. 16 MHZ MIcroprocessor . • AC/IX the copy center Although the vol= lUIT10Ul is • 1 Mb Ram - . _~ • External n o ppy good. Voigt said she would like to see more individuals DOl affiliated ~=~~4:~~3.5" ~ "JiI!I . ;~r~bS. with Registered Slude nl Organ· · • 40 Mb fixed disk - ::;;:::::[ izations to come out and help. 549-0788 Jonath::n Sweeney. sophomore • o ne 25- p in Centronics-1ypC parall cl pointer port from Chicago and member o( • one 25- pin RS-232C serial communications ports 715 South University Alpha Tau Omega was volunle"..r· • one mouse port ing in support. of the blood drive. . On Sale From Now 'liI X-mas Carbondale "We are here cOllSLanUy every day. The Red Ooss is an extrmoely On the Island worthy cause," Swoeney said. "The 'i& A blood drive is synonymous "'ith do !f Micro-Mart .:"'~' o::.. The Computer Center - -- 2!f1o priat is fOf bIKk " whitc.8YJ.: 1I.lulofod copies on 20. bond. unto others as they de ~ -to )'00." iii.. 116 E. Moin UriJ<,..,..., IL 45'-4663 """ ' 611· 529-«57,Z41n. He sa;d the GreeJ< '1'''''''' helps I 99I~Z~SI~b~~1:':.~t:~~~36-. with the drive enthusiastically. 1- Novembel 7. 1990 Doi/y£gyptian Page 13

('DALE, SW, 3 bdrt''Il, 2 K bolh ' l WAS HER AND DRYER . FO SALE gaoge. bcnemenl, lenced bod:yard" Daily Egyptian fr.Onl extro ~· S6..t.500. 549·5062.

Classified '86 CODGE CHARGER, ",nroof, 5 'P. am/ 1m cou, Iooh and run, exec. S2SOO 687·2268. VISA 11]536-3311 I I I :e6 SEN:RA. BlUE, oil, omIfm, o.c. corod 52850 $49·7561. 1I======lll ~Ol KS GOlF 130,000 m i'e~ · hi9hwoymii~ . 35 mpg. PC. condition. DIRECTORY Mu\t _, SI9(k' (: ...... 5.9·0875. '8.4 toNlIAC SUNi!.IRO. be. cond . For Sa le: For Ren l: 5.4 ,000 mo . A./C, pI" plb, omIlm, l i~ Auto Apartment w . 529011 453-7022 and 54.9·5 178 . Parts & Services Houses ~8~ /~:r ~il~:Vbi::~~'K~:ri::,' MOlOrcydes Mobile Homes eondilion, SI995. CoII S49·3660. Recreational Vehicles Townhomcs Bicycle<5 Duplexes : ~~~:,~~ ~~f ~~i o7r: : Homes Rooms I 31 ,000 mi. $4450/0"" . S49·366O . Mobile Homes Roommates 85 CHEVEnE, 57,000 miles, runs Real Estate Mobile Hor-; Ie lots good, good eondilion in ond oul. I $ 1800 obo. S0II 9·31 1I . An tiques Business Properly 85 MAZDA 5 Books Wanted to Rent 626 LX , 5pd, air, om/ fm roge J.J. no pets. 549·5596 1·5pm . Open Ralt! ...... S 7.00 per colum n inch, per day Miro imum Ad Size: 1 colum., inch !:pace Reservation DeadlillC: 2p.m., 2 days prj'.)r 10 publication Req uirements: All 1 colum ', dassiried disp:ay advet'liscments Are required 10 \II"" .. 1 poi 11 borcl~. Other borckrs ,ue acceptable on I ~ (:oltAol . widl hs. Q:evcr se ~ , o'! is t..ff1~-nIS are not a.:cept.Z.;.e in c b ~ ). _0 dis,. 'dY, ClASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES

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~dT~ .~ LOWEST ,~ ~ PRICES IN Lr~ REGION ThaI's right! (;ecause al Carbondale Country Fair you Dot only ! get the benefit of our weekl y ad, you are ·.nvlte.! to bring In /' our competitor's cu'rent ad too! Our rriendlv cashiers will match them on ,he spot. Please bring the c.;tlre ad copy dlre-:Uy to the checklaoe for ad maiching. Convenience and Value for your money are just twa of the reasons 10 shop Country Fair. We wa nt to be your Supermarket. Stop hy our Service Center for a copy of Our current ad. November 7, 1990 Daily t.gyprinn Page 17 Prof finds new way to identify old plant remains

By Natalie Boehme men to work with. chromatogram for this maw!"!.,J. where the crop originated and the StaN Writer To make a chromatogram, a strip After this comparing chroma­ ori ginal composition of the plam, ind icating chemical components tograms of different materials at Ugent said. A SIUC botany professor is that helps to date the test subjcct. that si te can be used to get the age, It ca. also be used to understand hoping that ancient trash heaps will Ugent sai ~ he fll'st grinds the plant instead of repeating using carbon diseases which plagued ancient yield troves of tteasures. material and -: ombines it wi th dating, Ugent said. crops. Donald Ugent is using an rubbing alcohol. Ugent said identifying these In tum, th is knowledge coul d identification process called He filters chis substance, places a remains also helps archaeologist help fi ght off tho modem form of chromatography to get the inside drop of extract on the paper and understand human culture and the crop disease. track on the lifestyles of ancient drys it with a blow dryer. growth. "(paper chromatography) was c ultures through their plant Ugent said he then places the This technique could aid widely used in chemistry in the 40s remains. paper in a jar with more rubbing archaeologist not only in identi· and 50s, but it's never been applied Ugent has combined che process alcohol in the boaom. fying vegetables, but also dating to archaeology," Ugent said. of paper chromatography with As the ""Ivent rises through the vegetable mauer found at digs. " Various civi lizations have been rmdings from archaeological digs paper, a process requiring seven to For ~'le botanist., this process is based on the growth of particular to discover and identify different eight hours, the e>tract separates significant because it can show crop plants, Ugent said. kind< of foods sruck to the boaoms into component partS and causes heaps - found at the SilCS in of ancient South coo1cing variously colored SpoIS, Ug""t said. American search of food remains and pottery. Ugent said under ordinary light polS. uThe desert preserves these re­ This information is imporlant in only a few of Ihese chemical SpoIS mains very well since it is a dry identifying different aspects of appear. However. more of tbem climate," Ugent said. "The sa n~ Fall SIAalaEce andent people's every day lives can be seen undO! ultraviolet light .:& also aids in this process." or if the paper is sprayed with a and food aops. This is a large advantage for "It is really a simple technique, dating with the chromatography chemical. mAEO Alm0i5t l:verything l'Iar1perimented with radio-carbon dating, Ugent said. Eastg,lte Mall • Carbondale' 529·1910 combine the two because most paper chromatography as a way to are Ugent said some material that archaeologist not e>perimenterS identify plants because many times has been carbon dated is first and most botanist do not look at he did not have a complele sped· anciem trash heaps, Ugent said. needed, but they can :!"ake a Ugent said hi s interest in this r------,,.;t ' Fall Lube·& stud y first came about when he was in graduate school. : ~.Tune-Up Special! : Ugent said he was traveling through the Andes searching for Be Paid Towino' NowAvail ableDurm gThe Day Tune-Up SjJecial Yes! 4 cylinder '39" I potato samples when he ca me big buckS to quit I across an archaeology site. 8a.m.-4J1.m. 6 cyli.·nder '49" I 'This sparked my interest in the i~ 1 Smoking! * I MOIl. -SaL 8 cylinder '59" hislOry of crops," Ugent said I . Call SLUC Smoking • App(ics 10 m05t'l.'"hic\cs , He then started searching Ii I Stop By or Call Us About Our FREE Cooli"g., l'Ck through middens - ancient trash u.' Cessation Program 600 E . Main · C a rbo ndale ' 5.\ -;/S3 .J " "'or those whO Qualify & complete the program L Of _..--_-.: Comedian 453·3561 453·3573 Mon .. Fn , lI.m . .: p.m. ------plans magic .------.~-.• S.I.U. STUDENT SPECIAL. I $1 . 0fJlCOUPOl' : I for SlUC shaN ~ftttftl}\ Gf\.'RDEfiS World-s,,(ireatest Haircut • • -~ ~ :;,Enioy aI/ you call e'!t Chi,?t:S.. ~ui$i¥ I- By ReMle walker at the most economIcal prl ' In to"! I Reg•• W ' Coupon ! " • Staff Writer 716 Perhaps even morc than a • ONLY · ~'- • comedian, Mac King, tonight's $3.93 tt: I , " performer at the Comedy Cellar, is a stage jester. Although \Ie wears I . . an oversized suit instead of a Dinner $'4.95 ~ !II' moose from OU'r menu I [f • A~~S'~;~ ~~[ $23 _ ,i t colorful costume, this jester does PERM ~ . ~ it more than just juggle or tum I I canwbeels. "At one point, my head Come in and dine with us at I SniP n·CliP MUrphY~f1t~¥ol-tJ".hworm Trick." He uses his imagination when it You Could Be In For comes to useful props, and stays ita. away from what considers traditional magic tricks. He said his J... Shattering Experience act is pnylh" g but "some old guy playing with a pile of cards." ,~~ King says ev"..ry Irick begins as a G lass at '0= 11 IS "ision in his head. When he [mds ANABOLIC STEROIDS: helO ,n p1at.e Wltn the necessary props to carry out the M;.a,ro PR01EK T idea, he acts the trick lY~t in front of A DANGEROUS GAlWB wmdcw. "1m a minor. Wh ether or not his rcneclion Steroids are recelvmg more and more £ , plos,.'e Q1ass makes him laugh, if the idea works ltagment. II ,"" technical ly. King brings lhc idea to national attention a s their abuse has spread to OCCUfS on me "~"I life on stage. epidemic proportions both for performance and ''It'.; a visual sho w. Il.'s like watching a cartoon live," King appeara!lce reasons. Participant s will lea rn During an earthauake. glass breaks In to deadly miSSileS said. ''I'm a bit dorkier than most more about the physical and psychological effects which ily In al l directions. e nda:1g efln~ I! v ~s and pr o~~rty comedians, but I' m not jus' another that make stere>ids dangerous and difficult to give Accordmg to a recent sClenllfl c report . The hazard poten­ dork up there dc,ing magic." up. Iial Irom ea rt hquake-Induced glass breakage IS nearlY King is one o f the two final eliminated when a 4 mil thick polyester film IS bonded to comedians book cd for this semester at the Comedy Cellar and Thursday, the Infler surlace o f wmdow glass Some films Even reduce solar ht;:at gain. lading and glare may also be ooc of the last. 7:00 p.m. ·9:00 p.m. Unless the crr ..ds for these two November S Aulhol!led Madlco Dealer shows arc substantially larger th. n crowds [or other sho ws this Missouri Room Sun Gard of DeSoto semester, the program wi ll b~ Studenr Cenrer 101 Kim Drive, DeSoto, IL 62924 cancoll ed, sa id Re my Bill ups. Call Ste ve Rishe l at (618) 867·2549 of the Comedy Cellar. For m o re info rmal ion contact t h~ W e ll ness Center Watch WSIU Channel 8 on November 6 lor other e2rthquake ?I!pared~ss tips. King wi ll perform at 8 p.m. in 3t 536·444 1. lhe Student Cen ter Auditoriu m. Page 18 {)QjJJ EKJptjIJ" November 7, 1990 ------~------~~~~ Browns' coach has no authority, Carson says

CLEVELAND (UPI) - The Central. Afler the game, Carson I rcaUy never thoughl of resiping. organization. Carson's contract want to criticize manageme nt, coach of !he Browns does not have said he was going to go home and I just wanted to think things over. called for him Ie :am $300,000 lasi saying he wished int

Fighting Irish leary SVI JIIOdd 212 Computer

SAUJKI BO.JSTF.R dub will M~ • luncbcon • 80286 12 MogaMnz of Tennessee trip al noon ~y _Ibe c.bondalc Haliday Inn. • I ~Ram>104Mog 51 Gt..'U1 spc.aken will be Saluk,i "oIJqblU coach • 1..« ""'-Drive SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPf) - leams who have a beuer chancc. • 2s..., 1 ..,l'Game Patti H.pneya-, .1ri:n:mina CDM:h 0.:.. ~ • J Yo« WaTtriy An already difficuillrip to face !he We will learn something aboul diYin&t PiZza in Jackson County Mac King is a real charmer. When he hits the sage and amoul'1C& in a 6Om8What SALUl{IS VS. NORTHERN IOWA Ur'1S1.1'8 voioa, 1-Iowdy, rmMac Kng, - the audience :s laken back.. He begins 10 t'kpla in himself and h;s youthful Friday, November 9, 7:00 Davies Gym -""'" . .. IOday beW1g the day 01 his fnt facial shave ... suC:4'W'if fla'e i;; ::.-: endless s1l8em of shaW1g aea.""'I ~ from tis aer . ...., ICi-Ig can _ Crown aNew Pizza Champion and in five words : "f'tg ~ oom~ L'ld magic .- if y,.... count -a.-.d" ., • 'Mvd. His shuw is toulcally an .... ~ n in g 01 Help Easter Seals. 50¢ from enchan ting. ge"'I18, bot amazi"g magic, lied »get1« with tis extremely engoging, each ticket goes to Easter Seals consistoody amusing stage presence. • Pizza served after match with paid admission Participating Piueri;js include: MAC KING Domino's, Godfather's, COMEDY AND MAGIC La Roma's, Italian Village, Tonight!, 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by II Oavinci's, Little Caesar 's, Student Center Auditorium Gay!a Borgcgnoni and Admission $2 Chez Pizza Sponsored by S tud ent Center S pec;al P rograms November 7, 1990 Daily Egyp/illn Page 19

ALL-AMERICAN, from Page 20 ----- SENIORS, we'rc home." conditioning with the rest of the him, but I feci he is " very positive Herrin has iildic31Cd he will from Page 20- Herrin believes Ke ll y's decISIon team. person. There were never an y release Kelly from his teller of ki icave was JT.ade tOO soon. "He's been a pan of the team ," negative aspects toWard him." intent so he will be ciiziblc to play "I think he should have wailed, Weaver said, ''but he hasn't worked Senior Rick Shipley said bocause at another schv01. bUl it's his decision," Herrin said. with the <..hcmistry ('{ the team yeL Kelly was injured so the learn Athletics Diro<.tor Jim Han said "You 're always disappointed when He spent a lot ~ ftim c adjusting. dido't have a chance to see whaI he Kelly's decision hI leave was done a young man leaves the program, from domi""ting in JltCO to had to offer. in a more appropriate way and was bUI you've gOlto go on." learning how we. r, rate here. We " He hasn 't been practicing with more professionaJ lhID, Harvc)" ~ in Kelly said he plans 10 go to a will never klilJW the impac t he us thai much because he's been that scns< sen ior college in Occ.cmbcr and could have had on the """": injured," S~.ipley said. " He's been " He came in and tumct:! in his intends on playing more basketball The oth er team mcmb('!s. gone for two wcrks and he's been books od faced us in person: rememhcred in th .; history bUI has nOl made a decision as 10 when told of Kelly's withdrawal hurt be{r;;e. \ Vc've ;-cverseen what Hart said. "Hr. went about it ir. a book.s as a 2-9 learn. Ju st where he will go. from school, supported Kelly's he had. W,' ~""'t know what we're more professi(\-nal manner. A a line in il media guide Assistant coach Sam Weaver, decision. missing." decision will be made soon. Rich to some, but those who who recruited Kelly, said people "1lley thought it was admirable Weaver said there is no (Herrin) and 1 will sit down and see saw them sca re the pants f10m Mississippi have very strong for him to do (hat," Wl~ver said. oonaoven.), i,1Volvcd, just a muUJal what to do: off powerhouse Universil) ties to their families lnd KeUy just "He's a good person and he did agla=mcnt oo:wccn the tv:" parties Weaver said Kelly will be O.K. o f Illinois in September wanted to be closer to his family. everything here he was supposed to inv(llvr.d, but cOiuparisons are academically and his education is won ' t forget when they " We knew that when we do. I guess that shows he really alrt1lo,. ~ ,:! :;g made to the more imponant than him playing took the lead over the recn'ited him," Weaver said. "If was an AII·American basketball wi'..hdrawaJ of former Saluki baskClbalI. IIlini 2 1-7. Thoso peak something goes wrong, they just player: s!dndout Tony Harvey. Harvey " Everyone wants a good ball moments were scauered here want to be there. We wanted him Sophomore Ashraf Amaya said withdrew from c1asse~ onc day team but you've got to be a nd there for the 1990 here to play baskctIJall and to go to the team enjoyed having Kelly on before his sophomore year in 1989. concerned about the players," . seniors, moments that thc), schocl, but 'v,: lost out on the the squad. " It's a totally different can 10("1 back and smile baUle." " "" e got along with him vcry silUttlion." Herrin said. "You ~e:t~~r~a~1ii ~~:r~i:c~~:e ~~ aoou L Kellv was hindered by 2n ankle well: Amaya said. "He's a very can'r compare the two situa~ions. thought we were good peopk and From Kevin Kilgallon inju,-y at the beginning of the good ~n on and off the court. You're comparing apples and 00'" we'U help him in any way to to Doug and Dan Reid . season :od hasn't been through We dido't gCl a chance to tour with cranges." gCl his education: from A lltonio Moore to John :-:orc, these players hit the books and the MONEY, from Page 20----- field every day for four LOSS, or morc yC'ars . Thcy The academic enhancement pool offers over 200 grant·in·aids, rerfonnance in tournament play, endured the two-a-day frc -:1 Page 20- is a payment of $25,(0) that gOC'; would receiveS2,6lO for each. but the new plans are intended 10 summer practices' 'snd The Salckis hit much bet· to each Division I school to Schools ,vith ODe to 50 g(30ts reduce a m"s pressure ufWin a1 the pain to do •..... hat·lhey love whilc representing tcr lh.:l .l the Lady Panthers, enhance progrnms designed to help receive S87 each, 51 to 100 get all COS1S by spleading touman,ent SlUe, or lose, it is with the Salukis hilling .24 1 athletes academically. S174 each, 101 to 150 receive :1870 performance over (tiC six:-ycar Win something to respect and and the Lady Panthers hit· One· third of the broad· ea:h, 151 to 200 gain SI,740 each period. ting a mere .200. based pool is designed to reward and school with over 250 grants gCl ··This seems like an equitable admire. The Salukis face league­ schools that sponsor more than S3,480 each. way to distribute funds." fum said. " It's been a privilege for Icadin.:- Northern Iowa 12 sports. Additiocal fu.ds Of the SI,5I0,506 going:u the "We're happy vilh this system us to represent the Fri!!2-/ at home. UN! is 74) are added for every sperl ovor 12 MVC, S560,345 will go into because we'll be getting a ~ood schoc l: Gibson said. " We haven' t always ~ won in Gateway play and leads a school has. For example, a baskct'>all distributicn. share. " school with 13 sports would "' Vie don't know how we're Of the 34 Division 1 conferences, but we feel li"~ the. school the league :" hitting, blocks "!as behind us '~ll(fq '''l/iIbw and ace<. receive 56,825. SlUC which going to diSlribule the basketball the MVC rauks 13th in tOUlI of sponsors 18 spons will receive money yet: Doug Elgin, money to be received with the we did our ~ fer them. Saturdav, SIUC will go 1 hope they remember us against Drake, who is 1~ in $40,950. commissioner of the MVC s'\id. SI,SIO,506. ,]l1e Big Ten will get The other two·thirds of the "We'U have to decide that ovo the tho. most nToney, S7 ,Ill ,980, as a bunch of k.~d s who the Gateway. Drake has played their hearts ()oJt every bmad-based pool allows payments next few months: followed b Y'ihe Atlantic Coast 81 been riagued by injuries to S3lUrday: tW'l starters. to a school for every grant·in·oid PreviO'.lS distribution plans were 56,336,378 and the Big East'a l (scholarship) it offers. SIUC, which linked directly to the school's S5.295,362. " \)\ 'G' b SIU! B_~ MI

You can DolNing Student Center SIUC BLOOD DRIVE Rec Center Frid ay, Nuvember 9, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. Wednesday, November 7, Noon - 6 p.m. Thursday, November e, 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. For appOintment call: 536-7'768 Friday, Novb:T!ber 9, 10:30 a.m . . 4:30 p.m. WALK-INS WELCOME! , Reg ister to win a 1 year su pply of Big Mac Meals ! Refreshments served cor,staniiy' (52 total, 1 per we&k ; <. 8ig Mac, Med. fries, Med. Coke) (Sandwiches, Snacks and beverage s) Evely 10th donor Will receive a $10 gift certificate • HUlt ::;ompliments of Student Center Food Serv ;es from Country Falr l Daily Egyptian + Anlerican i,1,ed Cross