Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990 11-7-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1990 Volume 76, Issue 54 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1990." (Nov 1990). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1990 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1990 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian SOG .he rn Illinois University ar Carbondale Wednesday, November 7, 1990, Vol. 76, No. 54 , 20 l'ages Edgar beats Hartigan in close race Election totals , 1990 fection Results Democrats down to wire .taekson Cou.,ty Clerk Governor dominate state Robert Harrell Sa.'lIIra Bullar CHICAGO (upn - Republican Neil Hartigan Jim Daily Egyptian Staff Report Jim Edgar narrowly defeated M Democrat Neil Hanigan Tuesday Democratic candidates domin­ in the race to replace 14-year I Secretary of Stat. ated stale races Tuesday with many incumbent Gov. James R. ~untyta surer coming down to the last counted ey ThomJlSOll. precincts. With 95 percent of the vote Shi Jacl"y_a_lCS___ .J In the unexpectedly close counted, Edgar led Hartigan ~ 1 to V1 GTVs anomey general's race, Dcmocrnt 49 perce nt with a 87,OOO-vore JL::J Roland Burris. defeated Republican mwgin. Jackson County Sheriff Comptroller Jim Ryan. Edgar runningm31e Bob Ku"lta With 96 pe rcent of the vote Trigger Lindsey said the GOP gubernatorial hoprful Wiiiam counted, Bwris led Ryan 51 to 49 was "ready for victory." -vr Daf~ sueE~ pcn:tJlL "We're doing bClIer in the cit) of I The campaign pitted Burris' Chicago than any Republican has Stat. Hou .. 116 Anom.y Gon.r.1 years of experience iu state 00ne in a long, long time," Kustra government against Ryan's told cheering supporters. "We win BT;:pf Charles Daugheny ROi~i Jiryan counroom experience as a downst3le. We win Illinois. These prtlS'CUklr. YoIers appeared to have are exciting 1TlOITICIlts. We're going been auracted to Ryan's campaign to win this tonight and we're not Stlt. Hou .. 117 Slat.1l'.... L.,-----' ads implying his experience wouJd going to Slay up all night to do iL make him tougher on crime than It's time to pull the life suppon Burris. sysIeIII on Neil Hartigan." I v f Joe l s~ l Ryan, 44, hit hard on the theme Edgar spokesman Gary Mack of combelling drug dealers througb said the Edgar c.amp was 1V1. ~:IBU Stat. SenIot. 118 tollgh Jaw enforcement, rreaunent "cautiously optimistic. " programs and public education. He " The low voc.er turnout in Cook: OaT Edward Downey ~r¥1 Lym~ also m~ domestic violencG County is helping us. We knew this Democratic v1 prevention a major plank in his was going to be very close," Mack candidalas on 1eIt. I campaign plalform. said. Republican State SenIote 58 22nd Congnoulon.1 Throughout his campaign , The gubernatorial election was candidalas "" Jim Rea Greg Boren however, Ryan hit just as hard at the first in 14 years without right. G~ Jim~ Democrat Roland Bwris' lack of Thompson on the ballot. The direct pr9~eculo rial ex­ governor said it felt ". little bit Election rasu" [Y[ perience-poihbDg out th3I Burris. SIraIlge," adding be was confident asof2am. ~ J ~ -:---- bas never prosecuted a case See EDGAR, Page 10 See VOlE, Page 10 Simon wins to retain U.S. Senate Seat CHICAGO (UPI) - Despite a candidalCS to concede 319: 15 p.m. propelled him to the presidency. running television. commercials campaign that tr'ed to sully Sen. "Paul is an extraordinarily "That great Republican never until the closing days of the race, Paul Simon's reputation as " Mr. accomplished politician," Marrin gave up - and tonight neither do maJc.ing an anti-incumbent pilCh CIean .. the Democrat was returned tearfully told campaign work=. I," she said. despite her 10 years in lOe House. to ~ Senate Tuesday by a large " To the voters, I thank you for The use of the Lincoln-Douglas Simon's rating in polls rose in mwgin over Republican challenger your unending patience with me analogy had some irony, since the months leading up to the vote Lynn M4rtin. and everyone else seeking public M"flin tried wilhout success to as ,",veral auacks on his record and Just after 10 p.m .. Simon led offICe." convince Simon to repeal the series his character were thrown at him. Martin by more than 400.000 Manin also spoke of the hislOric of debates held by Lincoln and He was first auacked for missing vOleS: 898, 318 :0453,031. 1858 race between Abraham Douglas. votes in the Senate during his Martin, a l .oves Park Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, in Martin's campaign suffered from unsuccessful presidential bid and Gus says " may be the '9Os congresswoman, u ... led by nearly which Lincoln lost the election but a cash shortage in its closing but a person can stIlI win on 2- I. She became the fir.;t statewide made the fame that eventually weeks, as she was forced to stop See SIMON, Page 10 a bow tie. Poshard sweeps race5 keeps U.S. House seat By Brian Gross lO Southern Illinois, improving Staff Writer rural heallh care, and making sure "our children have the best quality Voters left no doubt about their education." sati, faction wi th Glenn Poshard's The issue of increasing taxes is rITSt term in Congress. an issue of faimc.;s, Poshard said. Incumbe nt Poshard, D- "Thc American people do not Car.erville. declared victory al 9:30 mind paying for something that is Tuesday night in the 22nd accountable ," he said , citing Congressional Di strict 2ftcr CJt2l1lpies of accoun table programs sweeping in more than 80 percent as education and heal th care. of the vote, with about 20 pcrcerlt Poshard said he does not th ink of returns count<d. inCl.mber.ts should be afraid to say Poshard, 45, thanked his '-,mily, "lhis is what w (; need and this is staff ana suppooers and the people what it's going to cost." of Southern Illinois for their Voters respect candidates who confidence in him. deal with them honestly and inform Pos hard alSo thanked hi s them fully on the issues, he said. Sta" opoonenl Jim Wham, and said he Poshard was elected to the U.S. Elected U.S. Rep. Glenn Poshard. o-caneIYIlle, and District respected Wham 's vigor and House in 1988 after serving as a 117th Rep. Larry Woolard, eanervllIe, look over precinct commitLncnt to his i~ . state ser.alor for the 59th district statistics 1\Jesday night at Poshard headquarterw In Herrin. Poshard, an S/UC graduate, said from 1984 to 1988. the both sides of the campaign Poshard has lived all his life in and government at local high Wham graduated from lhc were very positive. Southern Illinois exc. pt for his :;chools. University of lIlinois College of In his second term. Poshard said Army service in Korea from 1962 Wham, 72, has served as a Law in 1946. He ran on the Jim Wham Party he will aniculate the same isrues he '" 1965. claims court judge, special did as a freshman in Congress. He has earned degrees in assistant to the alCJf1ley general and tickel because he e ntered th e Tho s~ iss ues, he said , include administration of higher education delegate to the Rr,publican national electio n 1.00 late to run as a making the Clean Air An more fair from SIUC and has taught hiltory convention four rimes. Republican. Page 20 November 7, 1991 ' - ----------_. - - - Sports JUCO All-American leaves Salukis By Julie Autor don't know if he could have helped But Kelly said his wife did nOl StatfWrrt.r us or noL We felt he could, but you influence his decision lO leave the don't know. We will be afTecLCd in school and team. our lack of depth alld that's "She was not reall y a fac tor," The Salulei men's basketball probably all." Kell y said. "She wasn't homesick. team lost a junior college All· Herrin said Kelly's grandmother we just wanted to be with our American, but the team doesn't was ill and his wife.Sheledia, was family." think the loss will have a great not happy in Southern illinois. Sheledia Kelly said it was not effect OIl tre season. KeUy made the trip to Mississippi her decision to move back lO Junior Marvin Kelly withdrew to see his grandmother during fall Mississippi. from SIUC and quit the basIreIball be ' .' cted at by his wi thdraw,,) break and fell behind in his studies "Marvin decided l( corne home team Monday. Kelly left the team from school. because of the length of 11;, "" Y at because of his family," she said. two weeks ago !o visit his " It probably won't (affect home. "He wanted to be cioser to horne." grandmother, who is ill. Kelly them)," Kelly said. " It wouldn' t "He was a newl ywed in August Sheledia Kelly said She liked returned to SIUC OIl Monday with mauer. Tbey'll be O.K. " and he basically wasn 'l happy this Southern D1inois, but it wasn't the his father ~ drop his classes. SIUC head coach Rich Herrin year," Herrin said. "We It.oughl she same sense of security she felt at "I liked the school," Kelly said. said the effects o f Kelly's (Kelly's wife) was over this home in Mississippi.
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