Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man. V. the Measurement in Vivo of the Biochemical Effect of Antineoplastic Agents in Animal and Human Subjects
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PYRIMIDINE METABOLISM IN MAN. V. THE MEASUREMENT IN VIVO OF THE BIOCHEMICAL EFFECT OF ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS IN ANIMAL AND HUMAN SUBJECTS Mitchell T. Rabkin, … , Myron Lotz, Lloyd H. Smith Jr. J Clin Invest. 1962;41(4):871-883. Research Article Find the latest version: Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol. 41, No. 4, 1962 PYRIMIDINE METABOLISM IN MAN. V. THE MEASUREMENT IN VIVO OF THE BIOCHEMICAL EFFECT OF ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS IN ANIMAL AND HUMAN SUBJECTS * By MITCHELL T. RABKIN, ELIZABETH W. FREDERICK, MYRON LOTZ t AND LLOYD H. SMITH, JR. (From the Departments of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.) (Submitted for publication September 25, 1961; accepted October 30, 1961) Many in v'ivo studies have been carried out on facilitated collections. Urine aliquots were counted with purine metabolism in man because of the presence an efficiency of approximately 40 per cent. Orotic acid in the urine was identified by ascending paper chromatog- of a readily available end product, uric acid. In raphy in a propanol: HO: formic acid system (7: 2:1) the absence of a comparable unique end product, through comparison with known standard (Rf approx- no previous over-all measurements of pyrimidine imately 0.40) and also from ultraviolet spectrophotometry metabolism in the intact organism have been re- of acid solutions of the eluted spots (5). ported. Studies have been limited to the excre- In human subjects, after intravenous injection of la- a beled compounds, expired air was collected in meteoro- tion of /8-aminoisobutyric acid, as metabolite of logical balloons. Measured aliquots were passed through thymine (1), the incorporation of pyrimidine pre- 3 N NaOH, which was treated as in the rat assays. cursors into circulating leukocytes (2), the in- Orotic acid-C1' (OA-C4), labeled in either the C-6 or duced urinary excretion of orotic acid and oroti- C-7 (carboxyl) position, was purchased from the New dine (3), and the spontaneous urinary excretion England Nuclear Corporation. D,L-Carbamylaspartic of certain trace pyrimidines (4). In this report acid-C1 (CAA-C"4), labeled in the ureide position, was synthesized as previously described (5). D,L-CAA-C14, a method is described for evaluating pyrimidine labeled in the C-1 position (corresponding to the carboxyl nucleotide synthesis in the intact organism, based carbon of orotic acid), was synthesized by alkaline hy- on the release of carbon dioxide-C14 from car- drolysis of carboxyl-labeled dihydroorotic acid-C1' (5). boxyl-labeled pyrimidine precursors. The useful- Specific activity as utilized was approximately 0.2 /Ac ness of this procedure in defining the onset, per jsmole. Other compounds used in these studies were gifts from degree, and duration of action of certain anti- the following sources: potassium oxonate, Dr. Robert E. metabolites is illustrated by studies in rats, and Handschumacher; 6-azauridine, Dr. Emil Frei, III; 5- in patients with leukemia. fluoroorotic acid and azaserine, Dr. Thomas C. Hall; imidazoleacetic acid hydrochloride, Dr. Howard H. MATERIALS AND METHODS Hiatt; 6-azauracil, Wellcome Research Laboratories; 2-ethylamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole, Lederle Laboratories Divi- Intravenous injections of labeled compounds were given sion of American Cyanamid Co.; Colcemide, Ciba Phar- through indwelling jugular vein catheters to male albino maceutical Products, Inc. 6-Mercaptopurine was pur- rats, weighing 125 to 150 g. For collection of expired chased from Nutritional Biochemicals Corp. C1402, air was flushed through a closed metabolic cham- ber and the carbon dioxide trapped in 3 N NaOH. Acid- RESULTS ification of aliquots of this solution allowed trapping of the carbon dioxide in Hyamine base and counting in a Validation of the method. In the biosynthetic Packard Tri-Carb liquid scintillation spectrometer at an sequence of pyrimidine nucleotide formation, an efficiency of approximately 45 per cent. Indwelling irreversible decarboxylation occurs in the con- cystostomy catheters were operatively placed in rats for version of orotidine-5'-phosphate (05P) to uri- urinary studies. Sedation with perphenazine (Trilafon, dine-5'-phosphate (UMP) (Figure 1). In a normal or saline Schering), and hydration with hypotonic partially purified system of orotidylic pyrophos- * This work was supported by Grant A-4080, National phorylase and orotidylic decarboxylase from Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service. yeast, the release of C1402 from carboxyl-labeled Published in part in abstract form (J. clin. Invest. 1961, orotic acid has been shown to be a reliable meas- 40, 1073). t Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Institute of ure in vitro of pyrimidine nucleotide formation Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases. (6). No evidence has yet been found for specific 871 872 RABKIN, FREDERICK, LOTZ AND SMITH COOH NH COOH - H20 0 0 HCH I I I ,. HIf H2 N-C-O-P-OHi + H2N-CH - O-C HCH COOH ENZ.1 HNh-6H +H20 OH COOH ENZ.2 o CAP L-ASP CAA DHoo ..n +2H \ \ 1 ASPARTATE CARBAMYLTRANSFERASE ENZ. ENZ.3 2 DI HYDROOROTASE ENZ. c ENZ.3 DIHYDROOROTIC DEHYDROGENASE ENZ.4 OROTI DYLI C PYROPHOSPHORYLASE HN/ >CH ENZ.5 OROTIDYLIC DECARBOXYLASE OA | l 05P 0lo \\ /"COOH UMP N 0 0 11 PRPP _/ H zC 11 O /c\-wc m '. HN C HN nr/E NZ. 4 II O ENZ.5 \ C N/ HC HC HCOH I 0 HC OH HC-OHI / P HC 0 HC HC-O- P-OH HC-O-P-OH H I H IH OH FIG. 1. PATHWAY OF URIDINE-5'-PHOSPHATE BIOSYNTHESIS. Abbreviations include: CAP, carbamyl phosphate; L-ASP, L-aspartic acid; CAA, carbamylaspartic acid; DHO, . dihydroorotic acid; OA, orotic acid; PRPP, 5-phosphoribosylpyrophosphate; 05P, orotidine-5'-phosphate (orotidylic acid); UMP, uridine-5'-phosphate.1 decarboxylation of orotidine-5'-phosphate which index of pyrimidine biosynthesis, at least three does not lead to formation of uridine-5'-phos- postulates must be confirmed by experimental phate. Therefore, in the intact organism, the data: 1) C'402 should be released more rapidly recovery of C'402 in the expired air after in- from precursors when the label is in the carbon jection of carboxyl-labeled precursors would be atom destined to become the carboxyl group of expected to reflect in vivo pyrimidine nucleotide 05P than when the isotopic carbon is elsewhere synthesis. To support this hypothesis and to in the molecule; 2) antimetabolites whose action validate the specificity of the procedure as an has been demonstrated in vitro to inhibit UMP synthesis should interfere with the respiratory 1Classification numbers and systematic names of the excretion of C1402 from carboxyl-labeled pre- enzymes are as follows: aspartate carbamyltransferase, cursors given in vivo; 3) antimetabolites whose, carbamoylphosphate:L-aspartate carbamoyl trans- action is not directed toward pyrimidine bio- ferase; dihydroorotase,, 4,5 - L - dihydroorotate amidohydrolase; dihydroorotic dehydrogenase,, synthesis should not "nonspecifically" interfere 4,5-L-dihydroorotate: 02 oxidoreductase; orotidylic py- with the metabolism of the test compounds. rophosphorylase,, orotidine-5'-phosphate: pyro- 1) Degradative enzymatic systems have been phosphate phosphoribosyltransferase; orotidylic decar- described in mammalian preparations which re- boxylase,, orotidine-5'-phosphate carboxy-lyase. lease precursors without (Report of the Commission on Enzymes of the Inter- CO2 from pyrimidine national Union of Biochemistry, New York, Pergamon prior formation of pyrimidine nucleotides (7, 8). Press, 1961.) The release of C1402 by such catabolic pathways IN VIVO STUDIES OF PYRIMIDINE METABOLISM 873 would be comparable from carboxyl- or noncar- OROTIC ACID (RAT) boxyl-labeled precursors. In contrast, a more rapid release of C'40, from a carboxyl-labeled 5C 3- ~~~~~~~~~0 precursor should reflect a pathway of selective de- zC'N HN CH such as that represented by oro- 40 carboxylation, CARBOXYL C tidylic decarboxylase (enzyme 5, Figure 1). In LABELED / * Figure 2, a comparison is presented of the rates 1.3 30 H 0 at which the rat expired C1402 after the intra- 20 venous injection of 1.67 Mmoles per 100 g body .k RING HN CH~ LABELED H.. weight of carboxyl-labeled or C-6-labeled orotic 10 acid (OA-C14). Approximately 50 per cent of ~~H~~~ the isotope administered as carboxyl-labeled OA- 0 10 20 30 440 50 60 C'4 appeared in the expired air in 1 hour; another MINUTES 37 per cent was excreted in the urine. Intra- FIG. 2. CUMULATIVE RECOVERY OF EXPIRED C"02 AFTER venous injection of C-6-labeled OA-C14 resulted INJECTION OF CARBOXYL- OR RING-LABELED OROTIC ACID-C4 in the respiratory recovery of less than 3 per IN THE RAT. 1.67 ,moles per 100 g carboxyl-labeled OA- cent of the administered radioactivity within 1 C" (upper curve, average of 6 experiments) and C-6- labeled OA-C" (lower curve, average of 3 experiments) hour, but the excretion of similar amounts (32 injected intravenously. TABLE I Cumulative recovery of C'4 from orotic acid-C'4 in rats cretion was approximately 47 per cent of the administered isotope. The fraction which repre- Excretory product 20 min 30 min 60 min sented the D-isomer was not determined. in the rat From OA-C'4 In summary, in vivo studies using carboxyl-labeled demon- Expired C'402 Mean 28.8% 35.0% 49.9% selectively labeled pyrimidine precursors N 17 23 6 strated a sharp contrast in the fate of the car- SD i 6.4% i 6.9% contrast Urinary OA-C'4 34.6% 37.2% boxyl- and noncarboxyl-carbons. This supports the assumption that the measured re- From ring (C-6) labeled OA-C'4 lease of C140, from the carboxyl carbon of these Expired C1402 0.5% 1.0% 2.8% Urinary OA-C'4 30.7% 31.9% precursors is a reflection of the formation of UMP, the parent compound of pyrimidine nucleo- tides.