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Complete Dissertation.Pdf VU Research Portal Improving IT Decisions with Enterprise Architecture van den Berg, M.J.B.K. 2019 document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication in VU Research Portal citation for published version (APA) van den Berg, M. J. B. K. (2019). Improving IT Decisions with Enterprise Architecture. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. E-mail address: [email protected] Download date: 04. Oct. 2021 IMPROVING IT DECISIONS WITH ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE IMPROVING Foto: Sjaak Ramakers Foto: IMPROVING IMPROVING IT DECISIONS WITH ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE MARTIN VAN DEN BERG One of the often mentioned applications of enter- Martin van den Berg (1955) was prise architecture (EA) is IT decision-making support. born in Boxmeer, the Netherlands. However, little is known about how EA can improve He studied at Tilburg University, IT decisions. This research reveals the success factors where he obtained an MSc in of how EA can be used to improve IT decisions. Business Economics and an MSc The number one success factor is the enterprise in Logistics Management. In 1984 architect’s ability to anticipate the decision-making he started work at Sogeti where he context. When enterprise architects understand their was responsible for building Sogeti’s decision-making context correctly, they are likely to enterprise architecture (EA) practice. find the right way to collaborate with decision- In 2012 he joined De Nederlandsche makers, to present the right artifacts, and to provide Bank, where he has since worked as the correct insights. The second success factor is to an enterprise architect. In that same develop more actionable and diagnostic EA artifacts year he started his PhD research. and to provide more strategic EA insights. In terms His research interests include EA as of IT investment, the most successful organizations a management instrument. He has use more actionable and diagnostic EA artifacts and co-authored various books on EA and more strategic EA insights in the preparation of IT is one of the founders of the Dynamic investment decisions. Architecture (DYA) approach. MARTIN VAN DEN BERG VAN MARTIN ISBN 978-94-6380-398-4 MARTIN VAN DEN BERG VAN MARTIN IMPROVING IMPROVING IT DECISIONS WITH ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE Improving IT Decisions with Enterprise Architecture Martin van den Berg 2019 SIKS Dissertation Series No. 2019-22 The research reported in this thesis has been carried out under the auspices of SIKS, the Dutch Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems. Promotiecommissie: prof.dr. S. Brinkkemper (Utrecht University) dr. B. van Gils (Strategy Alliance) dr. J. Gordijn (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) prof.dr. P. Johnson (Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm) prof.dr. H. Proper (Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology) ISBN 978-94-6380-398-4 NUR-code 982 Copyright © 2019 Martin van den Berg All rights reserved unless otherwise stated Cover design by Rob Engelke Cover image Vitruvian Man after Leonardo da Vinci Published by ProefschriftMaken, Typeset in LATEX by the author VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT Improving IT Decisions with Enterprise Architecture ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. V. Subramaniam, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie van de Faculteit der B`etawetenschappen op woensdag 11 september 2019 om 11.45 uur in de aula van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105 door Martinus Johannes Baldewinus Karel van den Berg geboren te Boxmeer promotoren: prof.dr. J.C. van Vliet prof.dr. P. Lago copromotor: R.G. Slot MBA Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation . .1 1.2 ResearchQuestions...........................4 1.3 Research Approach . .8 1.4 ResearchMethod............................ 10 1.5 Practical Relevance . 12 1.6 ScientificRelevance........................... 13 1.7 ThesisOutline ............................. 13 2 Enterprise Architects Should Follow the Money 19 2.1 Introduction............................... 19 2.2 ResearchMethod............................ 21 2.2.1 SearchProcess ......................... 21 2.2.2 SearchResults ......................... 22 2.2.3 Data Extraction and Synthesis . 23 2.3 Results.................................. 24 2.3.1 Demographic Data . 24 2.3.2 Kind of Decision . 26 2.3.3 Decision Approach . 26 2.3.4 Decision-makers and Stakeholders . 29 2.3.5 Involvement of EA . 29 2.3.6 Quality of the Results . 30 2.4 Discussion................................ 30 2.4.1 Impacts on Research and Practice . 30 2.4.2 Study Limitations and Threats to Validity . 33 2.5 Conclusion ............................... 34 3 The Decision-making Context Influences the Role of the Enter- prise Architect 37 3.1 Introduction............................... 37 3.2 RelatedWork.............................. 38 3.3 Research Approach . 39 3.3.1 ResearchMethod........................ 39 3.3.2 Case Study Organizations . 40 3.3.3 CaseStudySubject ...................... 40 3.3.4 Data Collection . 41 3.3.5 Data Analysis . 42 3.4 Results.................................. 43 3.4.1 Portal & Collaboration . 43 3.4.2 Digital Workplace . 45 3.4.3 Enterprise App Store . 47 3.5 Discussion................................ 48 3.5.1 Implications for Enterprise Architecture . 48 3.5.2 Study Limitations and Threats to Validity . 52 3.6 Conclusion ............................... 53 4 EnterpriseArchitectsShouldPlayDifferentRoles 55 4.1 Introduction............................... 55 4.2 Theoretical Framework . 56 4.2.1 Linkages between IT Decisions . 56 4.2.2 EnterpriseArchitecture . 57 4.3 Research Approach . 58 4.3.1 ResearchMethod........................ 58 4.3.2 Case Study Organization . 58 4.3.3 CaseStudySubject ...................... 59 4.3.4 Data Collection . 59 4.3.5 Data Analysis . 60 4.4 Results.................................. 61 4.4.1 Sequential Linkages . 61 4.4.2 Precursive Linkages . 64 4.4.3 Lateral Linkages . 66 4.5 Discussion................................ 67 4.5.1 Implications for EA . 67 4.5.2 Study Limitations and Threats to Validity . 74 4.6 Conclusion ............................... 74 5 Empirical Insights into the Evolving Role of Architects in Decision- making in an Agile Context 77 5.1 Introduction............................... 77 5.2 RelatedWork.............................. 79 5.3 Research Approach . 80 5.3.1 ResearchMethod........................ 80 5.3.2 Case Study Organization . 80 5.3.3 Data Collection . 82 5.4 Results.................................. 84 5.4.1 DecisionTypes ......................... 84 5.4.2 Involvement in Decision-making . 85 5.4.3 Perception about Architectural Participation in Decision- making ............................. 88 5.5 Discussion................................ 90 5.5.1 Threats to Validity and Limitations . 92 5.6 Conclusion ............................... 93 6 An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Enter- prise Architecture Maturity and the Quality of IT Investment Decisions 95 6.1 Introduction............................... 95 6.2 Theoretical Background . 97 6.2.1 EnterpriseArchitecture . 97 6.2.2 Quality of IT Investment Decisions . 100 6.3 ResearchDesign ............................ 104 6.3.1 ResearchModel......................... 104 6.3.2 Research Methodology . 107 6.4 Results.................................. 114 6.4.1 DescriptivesandRepresentativeness . 115 6.4.2 EA Maturity and Quality of IT Investment Decisions . 119 6.4.3 Test Hypotheses . 120 6.4.4 Stakeholder Analysis . 125 6.4.5 Validity and Reliability . 125 6.5 Discussion................................ 127 6.5.1 Enterprise Architecture Maturity . 128 6.5.2 Quality of IT Investment Decisions . 129 6.5.3 Hypotheses . 130 6.6 Implications and Limitations . 133 6.6.1 Implications for Researchers . 134 6.6.2 Implications for Practitioners . 134 6.6.3 Limitations . 135 6.7 Conclusion ............................... 136 7 How Enterprise Architecture Improves the Quality of IT Invest- ment Decisions 139 7.1 Introduction............................... 139 7.2 Theoretical Background . 141 7.2.1 Quality of IT Investment Decision Outcomes . 142 7.2.2 Use of EA . 142 7.3 ResearchDesign ............................ 143 7.3.1 Research Questions . 143 7.3.2 Research Methodology . 144 7.3.3 Validity and reliability . 146 7.4 QuartilesandDescriptives. 147 7.4.1 Quartiles ............................ 147 7.4.2 Descriptives........................... 148 7.5 Results.................................. 152 7.5.1 Comparison EA Maturity . 152 7.5.2 Comparison EA Artifacts and Insights . 154 7.6 Towards a Conceptual Model . 157 7.7 Implications and Limitations . 161 7.8 Conclusion ............................... 162 8 Preconditions for the Use of a Checklist by Enterprise
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